HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-11-15, Page 8FPI -"W � * 11 a I 19 . I THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD . - � -11-1.11--.1-11I.-.11 ___ ". _ _ - , . .. -, � __ - -, - _ .. __ 1___,_______­�_ __ ____ I I I-— . � � I - � ... �­_-____ .- - ___ , _ ., ___ ; � ,:, = ; I ..'.. .­ I-.-..- - - - ---,-..,-,- � __ - _­ -.-- I-, I --- I- _ ---- �______ ___­­-__-_--­_ Qln 0 1 noyneld 1,61ne. Colborne Towaship. WNST RuItow :WA5T JULTAON HOLMESVILL15. . I � - . __ I I HODGENS BROS.' BIQ DRY GOODS STOU ,-.,,- � I OFFICIAL U11TURNS. OFFICIAL HOTUAN0. Mrs. ; been, , Y VyVVyy_ - I I I - ^_1 --------------- i Mr. NVelSh of SeAforth Model School The heavy snowstorm on Satur Elcoat of Brucefield bal� + , I 04 1 1 The Z"Uratloo haw been engaged as teacber !it H. ,8. evening niade, the farmers &eh fl�% rph. .411.1-m'I ­hl�". .+ 0, urii.l.. +.h. l'o.f. f h A. h+ W. 0 1. I ­ � -.1 - ­ � � I I -Vvv 1. �V_W­ ____ . 1-1-1-1--- I -i . Nov. 116. 1900 , . . .1. wqwwwmwm� � I . . I . ,OF YOOR WINDOW $PADE � I Is either of no conseque . � lice Or It . I I I s of great Importance. You must de- , � . I Q14o that question, It the first is true 1 . . 1. -priced abado you can get I . get the lowest I � ' 'mounted on the most inferior roller. I . 'They will do you for a time, and per. . No. Q for I Mi - Miss len ins of 11111let Was the guest of lice friend, Miss Agnes Cooper ast week. R the 01,11 concession, 1, Nelson Yoe, Robt, Colo anct J'ack Thompson have returned front their tours through the countr packing � a y all look resh and h1e)t't'r1't's'anTdNi,' t ppearto have been well re&ted. Mr. Thos, Uarnwell of Xhicardlue I visited on the Line last Sattivday and anima)s housed for the Winter. A very pleatiant event took place at tire holn e of Mi-. William Qood on Wvilne,id evening of last week when his PIdestItlaughter, Allie, was united In marriage to Mr. John Long of Ben- m iller. Utw. Mr. Shaw of 4 Benrailler Circuit tied the knot. The Con- YBOeunNg I will take up house at tiler, IWO wish them happiness and prosper- ity through life. _ Mr. John Powler purchased a One I v Ruron election give R. Holmes 4 majority0f93. Itw. 25 as - lastweekbut we ha vo not yet learned how It Mau- aged to, grow, The Increase will, how. , ever, prevent a recount which Govern. mental candidates witla aelim majority , Aation donotlook upon As a con8timp . devoutly to be wished for I Ashileld es McLean I I '04'm8 86 Blyth Brussols Grey . . . I . Dickon594.440doliald 82 80 00 130 � I " 04 2 27 W2 a 44 00 4 34 74 5 55 01 OA 51 73 7 44 7?, _2DO "�9_3 n I W .0 VX1 .. -4. ley. . Miss Tomide Tebblitt of Goderich � spenbafew days tinder the parental, roof. , �The W. M. 8, met on Wednesday at f he parsonage -when they packed a b to R a goods to go to one of the rals,ilon 1 fields. � I __'.. __1 ­___ � MM. ! � haps never work just right. But if it . is a cous.14eration of importance to y oil Sunday. Miss Addis Ratliwell, who for some time has been friends in Grey span.of beavy draught colts from Mr. Thomas Fen. an tor the sum ot $05, Mi,. Wre, 2 57 I � 8 00 03 03 . Howick I . 2 8.9 84 53 o I � � how long and bow well your window visiting township, returned home last week. and Maedel of Beamiller were the guests of Mr. ,and Mrs. Sam- it W 6 70 8.2 41 � 3 , 112 05 ,; 58 - Notice, Is horobK given that - I will be in the Clerk's in t town, hall � � � , I . shade works, come ind ,see lie about I It is with deep regret that we -learn - . net Allin on Sabbath. 0 81 23 4 r). 1,10 72 office o ovory aftorimo,, and from 7 to 0 o'clock each evening for the re - � . . , . I I the kind that is ,the cbeape,9t in the . . of the serious condition of Mrs... H. 0. Btacom, who now lies in Clinton Mr. James Hooverof Westfield call, ed on some.1of hie Colborne friends ola 7 77 .90 0 72 09 02 46 era will bear in mind celpt of taxes, Ratepl-Ird before I)ecombor, loth lt-1110011-141Z � N va#, the kind thAt. wont fade out or . . burn out ima, reasonoble length of time. �, hospital in a, � critical condition. Mrs. Beacom had an. operation, performed Monday, . Janies 1111tchell of Cedar Valley -proving - 459 Colborne I 90 - 308 . - W - 875 =`wtaul bo cbarg�d. , JOS, WHRATLEY, I . � , . I Securely f4istene4!on a roller that will . , . her last Saturday from th 0 3e,'t 'bao. d. is MI his buildings with a le%U- Is barn. I 2 88 69 40 Morris 1 43 7� TAX Collector. 011ilton,. Nov. lith. . I I . step where' yQu, N;xut it to sto�pp go up . e of which ,he not rattle to to 11 3 78 74 2 40 68 . � . . when -you want it up and down when : ,� I , We aU sincerely hope to hear of her convalescence.' . Mr. Charles Morris of Goilerich is busily engaged with Mr. Bean siding . 14. 53 80 a .4 46 " 45 48, - __ __.. � . � � yQu'waiat it dowq, The greatest con, I for Mr. S.. McCullough, and daught , Or, Miss Clara, Taylor's Corners Sun. his house orA his new farm, where Mr. Bean in -_ I I I ,205 - 215, 5 01 59 . ' Change of Stand, . sideration is not wha your 1 I , t you pay of I will move to the near future, , , Cliat on 1 09 58 . 0 75 ()a . I Shades but what tbe�pay you in value . satisfaction apd,durabi.lity thAt should dayed at Mr., Gabriel Hlliotvs, I (Wended for last IssueJ . . . I I 2 100 . , . 3 05 56 55, . - 818 - 858 , . . ff. N. Walker has opened up In a now stand, the promises lately occupied as a gro=7 by T. .� . be the true :vonsidexatiou. ,We can The regular Quarterly services of the . Bayfield circuit were beld In 0ote's . .ChIselburst. � 4 03, - 55 - Turnberry 1 2 1 70 40, (K go . Beacom & Son. and will make over and repair all- kinds of Upholstering and Parlor Furniture. I � and do cell good sbailos cheap but we I " I will net ,and do not sell.. poor shades at appointment last.Sabbath morning. , Owing to. the. anniversary services Varna � -_ . There will be service held in the Sabbath . 287 . Goderich Tp. 1 83 2PA 108 . . 0 4 03 67 72 03 Mattrasses made over to order. It you want agthinfiln my line drop me a card to P. 0, 2:), an 1.w callonyou. . . . I any priceo . 11, . ,_ . . . )i Tf - *,+. �iw �1 I. . . 04-.0 bi" in Methodist church Sunday evening there was no League in Cole's h 16 " n A +U .- I Methodist church next even- ing at seven o'clock; The pastor, Rev.. M , T. . ­+­ A. 1-1A.- . 'a. ,,f I . 2 34 I I i 31 42 05 87 . . I - 20 - , , 289 I W. X. WA:LKER, Clinton. Nov. Nth. . I . . . * 0 �?k I I The Weekly Story of t:ke Big Store. . � - IWIV I . .. , i � REMARKABLY '' I LOW PDICES for � IRIV � ' I ' TARLF NA PKINS' . . I I 'y � " " 44. . . I I . V ... . . ...V .71. � � - ­ .. � F11 - I . 51 . . . I* 40 wingliam 1 -. 49 87 . 0 . . I . I . . I , 1, xapairs on your Shades see as about it of the opportunity and attended the special services, . 6 51 " 72 4 9 ' 43 40 , . .-- - I � . . I .. ." I at Pairs' Windo services in Varna which were a pro. The proceeds of the anniversary ser. 6 81 $7. , 3: 60 42 1 . I . 1. '1� . . . . w Shade, Infirmary, nounced success, both spiritually and vices and tea -meeting of the Presby- -_ -_ Commencing Saturday next we., are going to sell table % . I ..", I � financially. Several from the Line also terian church, of which we m4de men. 4. 88 74 I , 1 . .. I attended the Varna tea -meeting on tion, of last week, amounted to $127, 219 430 Teacher Wanted. � uaplfins at prices fhat boraer on the sensational. The othor . I I � � .. � . I . , Goderich townl 62 75 W 202 r- I �... . . . Agents Parka?s .D#e Worko. I the following Monday evening. Quite a, number from this vicinity 2 55 80 . Per S. S. No. 10, Goderich towaship. �, -1, day We got a chance to buy, the copaplete set of table napkin, 11'� . Wroxeter 34 60 teacher, holding Ist or 2nd class ce;.t1J,ftc.t1,',1. A fowl so er under the auspices of attended the anniversary services at .. 3 78 55 D les of a lar , - . I I . 4 . I Rigen on Sunday last. Miss Pybuai . 4 71 .48 XA,T ORITIES. . tlit'l. mence Jan. 2nd, 1001. Applica. ge mporting house that have gone out of tb . ; I � � . . ... . . . I . ' 9r1ange Lodge was given � . . 2ro.bcoov'"e will be received up to Peo. 10, TUr,anrcylay evening at the home of of e Methodist, church choir of - this . , O' ...... 1P � 5 51 55 1 f y . business. There were over 475 in the lot and they were . las b linen I . I �. ! . � . Mr. Geo. Cooper. The euppt-r w% place assisted the Kippen choir. 6. 77 60 � Plokenson Macdonald JOHN THOMPSON, Clinton, . . I I . . o . . .:k a sucepas both in point of memb 6 Mr. G. Smallacombe is on the alert Blyth Nov. 12th. offered to us at a liberal discount off the regular selling prices.. � : . he I D. Fair . � . 4t* I L, ,;,, . . I . , I . I and ontortainmentand-a goodly sum for a housekeeper now. . . . 7 49 81 I . .4 . . I . I . of many . , . ` I I .1, I � I was realized, Mr,1ohxiMc S __ __ Brussels . 43 � � There are five Complete sets inthe lot and patterns. :� * . - ,. . oftpn the Ohsavqps, Always the.Ba8t. . . I Millan's friend are sadly . 433, 408 Morris . . . . � 40 1 1 .1 4 or 5 napl;ins alike.' They are perfect in e ith the � . . MliseB Emma Beacom and - Agnes bewailing his defeat at the past 6lec- Wawanosh V 1 76 50 . . . . . . �. very way wi I I . ' . I . . 'Cooper Wert, delegates from the Ep, tion. Of course they say it was a Tor y . 43 exception of three small holes close to the edge on one side �1 I . I - . y I � . 2 77 68 Turnberr . . I I - I . 11 . �.O- . ­ worth League to the Sunday School dodge. .- . . I Wroxeter 26 Black Spaniel Lost. I ­ . . � . . I � . 3 58 41 � . . I I . whioli can be taken u -p with the hem. We never had A. chance I and Epworth League convention held - Some of local n1mrods are scourging ' 4 61 40 Grey . . � . .­ fti�ements. in Clinton. thewobda these days but tieport gamp I I . . There strayed from the' premls6s of the un- to buy as good napidns for so little money before And are not � _.,� 1: New AdVe I . . J. Beacom of Portees'Hill Sundayed rather scarce. - � � -_ - Howick lei 194 dersigned. Clinton, on or about Octo . . . I I I . . I her th, � . . . Fame.vWobir,,anaYar)is-Coopei,'$Booki3tore I with friends on the Line. .. Mrs. T. Ryckman is visiting with her I. 272 199 Wingliam . . a low set Black Spaniel with hoavy on ,l x t,, likely tougain for many a day.' The entire lot goes on sale . -..�, I . 1 43 spot on breast, answers to the name o . pigs-Ogic Cooper& Cc . ...................... . Turkey buyers are rife in our midst. daughter, Mrs. Robt. Parsons of Bills- Wawano�h W 1 57 65 . . I I return to the owner orany Infiorma on (_ Saturday morning at prices lower than they sold for whole- 11 4 - - 1i . I � . sensational Bilk Sale- Newcombe%, The turkeys Are bound to go .either green, at the present. time. . - ' . -, 2 41 72 .. '10 3W"O' ing to its recovery will be suitably r a C �] . - --i , I I . . . , ,Our Rubber Stock is Complete -0, B.-ii'D . . . - SEALIR, It � I enig 6 dead or alive for those who do not , . . � - . . I �. � � 3 30 , 59. 1 1 *140 . Nov. 12th, I SAME S, G. at.* B, it .. sale. If you want to replenish your napkin stock for less 1,� f . . � 87 Total majority for Macdonald . .. .. � 11f Teacher Wanted-Jamei Th6mpgon .......... 5 wish to have to answer for the lives of . . I . I I � . . 1 78 1 1 I - 11 I I . . m6ney. than ,you are likelyto-be abletofor a lonm time, to - - . . ,� black Spaniel Lost-4%mcg Q. Soule - 6 harmless birds have the chance .1 . . . . .. � � . .5 , 52 - 20 .. . I . 1. . 1. , * ­ . ­ . k"i . , .. . .'St, Augustine, I - . � , come Saturda - special Fur loxhibit-MoRtunou 4 OW,* ­,­­ 6 'ofag','King them kilive, . . . . . - � .- . I . . . . . 2% 7�2 - , , .A4b,J9Ar.*08,*S;@11t,,,6 .. . . . I I. . : . I . y or as early next week'as you can. Then YOU . The Shoe Store that Sets the Pace -4401[80118' 8 . I I ! . . � SA%oeAt��eAqb,eAt�,,,4e�Q;Alt,eApt�,e W . I . Low Prices for Table Napkins-Hodgens Bros A ... . I "Mrs;. A. Robinson'was visiting at her � , MAJORITIES. � . 0 - I . . I � . �. ... I I I I ill be able to buyi ' . , �� . � 1. I . . . . I .... � . . . . Take Notice -Joseph: Wheatley ..... ....... a I , 11 .nephe,wls, Mr.Willia Robinson. -one - ' . Holmes McLean . . . I 0 - - . . � . Change of Stand -W. N. Walker, - - - - 's Sauble Line -'s aul.ley. * . in . I . .. I ' . I liable napkins small - Table napkins good . . . . I . � . � I . . I I ' I . . o . . I I . � . . . I I .. __ . . � .Xiss Alice Tisdale,. who- is learning Colborne � � . .. . .1 50. :� .. I I . . . 1. and' medium sizes - size and quality., . . I � .. .. �, , - . ' t a ' . - Asbfield : - 91 . . I , I '' ; - f' - - *the *rega. , . � I I ........ . day I at week. ;, I . . ; '' , , T ---.-- . , Artesian wells are the .order of the the dress -making in Wingliani, visit- Clinton I 63 - - OB . Photographs-* I . sell in. sell in the rega- . � . . l . _WssR99=S a' . . . . I I * . - 5 . - . .� .. I I . I . . . lar way at 17o .to . lar way for $1,50' I - - . . . God4rich tovrn - 2 . ­ . . - . . _ I I . About o o o day. there being seyea within two ed tinder the parental roof on Sunday. I I 0 1 - - . . � I 0 . . . I . . y% miles of Mr. D. Dewar's on the' north Miss Afinie.Redwond is visiting her W. Wawanosh . 2 0 , . . .1 . . , 10o, Saturday . per dozen, Satur. - . . ' . . I . . C* . . . . . each . I . day each � , . . : side. Mr. Dewar has been the most friend, Miss May Brennan. . E., -Waw.anosh .73, . � 11 .. . I I I. '. . . '. .. , . , 00000000monew . . . . I . � 1. I :� I - People successful one as the water dame with- Mr. David Tisdale is building . a hog Goderich township .211 - O' ' 0 � I , . . 1. I � I -C , I I I I WHERE THEY. ARE . , . inthree feet of the surface. Mr. R. pem for Mr.,;Wm., Armstrong this . .. 1. I. � . �­ __. ; ' . .. 3 . . 5C � . �.8c � I , . I .1 � I It AND WHAT 0 . . Dewar intends putting a windmill on week. - . . . . � 804 . 1 211 . I . 'O - - . . . . . �. . . 11 . .. . � . . I . .1 his well in.the near future. Uri Pet- Mr. Win Sillib attended'th6 funeral .Total m4j6tity for Holmes 03 . 0 Great Bargainsat . I . a ' I . � I . � . . �1.1 � . . 0 Table napkina,med7 Table napkins, niea. . 1. . Table na a, ver � �� I I THEY ARE DOJN erson has drilled four of tb ese this sek. of bisbrother's wife� in Goderi.ch. on ' I _________ . . 0 . . . � !" . ..........2' We KUO'W � � . . . . � ium and large Ilion' and large Table naphins,extra - ne aall ies, pelt I . �i ,; � .1 son and three were drilled . before. Sunday, . � . . .1 , 4) - . .11 I . I . . I . I a 1. . I . I.. . . I ... . . I . � .0 a eiz sell in the good qualities,sell I I - Jodeirich The well owners are Messrs. R. Dewar I Mr. Jas. Robinson has -bought *the ffit, Kelen4. , I . . . . .. I -, n",& sizes, sell in the . in there'ular a . I . . � . 1 � , I . I Mr. James McGuire was in , C I I ­ � . � 0 . 1. . .. .. I . � . I . r ul , Way for � regular way for I in �be regular way.. for 3.25 an . . . . . D. Dewar, :Geo. Dewar and, W. K fifty acre farm formerly owned Py 0 1 . I ) 1, � (3 an §2.50. per - � 62,50 per dozen fol $3 per dozen 450 per dozen, � I yesterday. Sti I Tison. - . � : . I . Mr. John Higginbotham. ice, The English church pulpit was cc. , � T) , : $2 a I . 11 I I . . . I The pr . cupie4 on Sunday last by Rev., Mr. . dozen Saturday Saturday each - Saturday each - ,., Saturday each , i - Miss Ross of Goderich -spent Spriday . - . .. .. I '. . I . .. I The snow And frost give the fartners paid was $1000 cash. . � - , 0 � . . � � .. . . . 11 .. . . .1 . I ­. .. �. � 1. . :. . ` 'Mr. R.* H. Owens' brother who has:. been - a rate. I 0 1 . I S's � , . . :10 I . .. � 1� atherbome in town. jotir -St . do es6 ' . i . . Anderson left about a I 1- I . . , � , ., I . I .1. I :, " , g st. a, quick roove as the plowing is. later . s! for some time. I .. . .: - - .: I - - . �,�. .1 . I . . .. I. . . . . . .. A I Miss Walker of Petrolia is th ue , . week agno for Muskoka for a deer. hurib. onary 0 , I I .. . I . . - . , I : . . .1 I . . I . . C'. I ..''. .. .. .. I _ I I � I ... I 11 - . .. I . . , - 15C.'. � I w. C . . 1. . � , . than usual., � M�r. To Craig I - eft laostTivursday for There will be a meeting held here I .. � . . - .. . I � I . . . 0 10C _ I � . . . I of Mrs. W. H. Newcombe. Mr. Ed. Talbot Is hustling the grays n Thur�day..evening in the interests - 10 . I ­ . . . , a �: � . . 13C I q � 18. ' . , 0 . . . . . .. , � � . I I , .the same pait, and on thb same errand. . I . ,. 11 . I 0 . . . . . . ;11� of Seaforth called .on 'a igbt , . . ' . . . . I . . . . . I . . . I . . : , �_ .. I .. . . . . . .. . I .1 � . � Mrs. Ellison .1 rid Matthew claims he has'the r ofthe ,Sabbath :Dayo Alliance whep T . . 0 , , I . . 1. . . 1. . .. I .. � . I . ., : Clinton friends lastweek. . ,. man in the right place. . ' . Rumor says Mrs. Baker .10 .giving . 0 .. Raving purchased. the largest'studio' in the. Uty. : a 11 . . . 1. avebo-en hold it) and, intends moving Rev.Mr.Owensand J,. G. Murdock, - w . - . . we said be.for0A chanc& like this does not come. 6fteii .. I �� � . . a. J, P. Ti,sdall. . I I t tin . .. � � � I .. .. of the Lucku6w Bray.ch, ,will ., -innipeg spose'of my busine§a'.. in. 0 - I - . I .. , �.. . . . ,. . I � . -f ^11evivaLmeetings h � Up storekeeping , - .� . preWdent . . As � . . - � . � her sister, Mr . " I . . . I , � . y% - . i �� Miss Hoare of Strathroy is the guest 0 to -Owen So d . 0 of * Ivrish'to di I � . . the North sebool, house a. mos .every, .. I ). a0d.peopl' wito 11 do well to come. earl I , I ntoul is through threshing g addresses. ,, We persurneit is .with 40 ( 0 � . want best. choice. wi . I., - night for two 4 three weeks,' - _ . Mr. 0. Re 17e 0 � � : � ... , .. . . � - . . . .. . . � . . I Miss Hattie Leslie hasrettirn -d from and is busy chopping,for some of the the .intention of orge,nizitig a' branch 0 Clinton. befoi4the 1st of'Januar�, arid. to clear off - � . . . ,. . . I . , : 1, P . . . . . � . . ... � ... _ . Miss H. S. Ball (if Hanover is visit- - here. I . . . . I I I I ... . her week's visit in Se&forth. I farmers in. this vicinity, *1 : .' I .. . . 0 . the. large. stock of - Pho,to Oirds on band I will . 1 (3 . so I I . I I � I ., ing -with her sister at Maple Grove. I . - . . . . . . I . . :, � . . , . Mr. David Cantelon of Herisall .spent . . .­.._-;-_ . I as been placed in' 0 . . ' I .. 'Rellable. Fur.Mantles 11 .. I I - .TvIr. W. M. Johnston and 'wife -spent .. 1 - - _ . Another organ b . . o. . . .. . Sunday at his home in town. . � . .- � the ]Presbyterian church on triaP by. you ater.bArnins than.you ever got. be. . . . last Week at Maple Grove where Wal- . . . . - . . I � I Mbssrs. Andrews and Webster, . 0 . give, gre . I - - . ,.. . .: . .. . . . . (3 . I I .. ' .. . . . . . 1 I . . .. I - I � . . . I I � Miss Marian Hartwell Iefb on Friday lace *as.engaged plowing wibb his four i Welstftld.'l . . . . . .Mr. III. Bond has - inoved his family 0. . - . fore. 1* . . I . . 11 . ... . . .. � . . .0 . If there is one thing .above Another that we are particular , ': � . . . I � .. I . . . I . .. - . .. . . I I . . .. . . I I last for. Birmingham England. I * . horses " . .. ... . . I . I . I . - - . . into the' bonse on Mi. McR6berts? 0 �. . - ' . : G ' � .. . ' . - . �. . "- H1 g'ln-. farm and will -Work ith , . - ad -from Mr'F gter's-neg..,, - about, it isAhe qualities of &e, fur in 11.1 . Mrs. Watson, and.daughter of Seaforth SAUBLE LINE NORTH -STANLEY I John Bentlett'and. Georgf. J w Messrs. # . . I I Re orders can be h . . 0 - .0 I . . . I � antles we Sell'.. �:Ever I ' . . . . , . , . -y � I . I � �� . . . . . I . are guests at Mr.. John Leslie's..' . . 'bo.tham . of -Blytb are cutting It PhIll ps4iii]. Durnin. . . . . , ..; .(3. Ma S ected� Skins and t ur r .1 . � . i Mr. Valentine'Wilds aeliVere'd his s raw . I . . I . I. . 0 . - Atives, also nice Enlarged'Photo.s frooi ,any neg.a,w :�. garment is de'from. choice 01 ' , 00 � Orde - .. - . . . . Werich last and choppin . . . I . .1. _ - . . e most houses in Canada. We d ( � Miss Mazie Kennedy has returned bogs 66'Mr. Andrews of. C I . g in: this section: at ,pres- , , :' by Mr. Foster -or myself; at prices -that . ) not .buy . friends in Go'derich., * . � . . - I . ent. . . . ­. . . 1. - . ' 0 , . tive made. . I by th � � . reliable, fur I " I . from visiting . 1. Friday.' 'Oonner's gang from - Eden Grove 4 ... - .011181tteen, . . . . 0 .� . I . I .� . 0 ... I , . -Cook spent A couple. .of Mrs. James Spackman was* visiting . I re I . . .. 0 will su r rize -you. . . I . . . .. .0 poor. garments at Any price and Fur Mantles coming from fais - . Mrs. T. H. , . making square time about here. - - . . .- � . I I p . . . . I.. . 1. ... . � 11 ' . - ' . . . days with Seaforth friends last week, atMrs JalresDewar,`sonThursday., . A largeoumber from this -,ricinity' . I � . . . . I . ' - I I Wr Charles Parker is busy cuttipg. The revtVal4ervIces-began by Rev. attended the anniversary oervic' . . . . , ... I . . � I I 1. . o store will be found thoroughly depeiiaable and worthy -in . . e at . I � . . . .. I I I I I � , , ' � Rev. W, G. Howson preached in As- Mr. Kennedy some times till continue. Rio . ; . I I . 0 , ,ypry: way) quality. for. quality, you Will not . discount i` , kin street chureb,London, on Sunday, and tbreshing at Mr. Thomas Stinsoh's Much lood is being done., _pen on -Sunday. . . ' Call'eafly'as I ma dispose of my - business . �f e I .. on the Line, Charlie has the rig to I . . Mr. Levi Stelck is. again engaged 0 I Ily I � . . . . . . . . I . � I 1. . I these . . I I I Of the Nile Tile Ildians who have bee.n.campitif . any llay'. .. 1. . , . 0 prices anywhere4 , .. 1. � I . . I . . . . . . .; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R suit the farmers. . .. - I with A. McBeath. I . 0 ". I. . . . i . I I - . .. . . .11, . � . , . were guests at Mr. lan� Uook's Sun- Messrs. ,Xobn Warnaley and James on -the islaifdfor-the ppt mont- . Miss Mary A. - Troyer, spent last ID ' ... . I . I . . . . . . .. ,. . . . 0 Ladies' Astrac '4oketo, bright - adies'Astraolia: .. - ; I re. -visiting friends in Chiselhurst, , . I . ban ' curl 1, a Jackets, quilted . I I -" ,�, . . . Spackmnn'are digging a well for Air, .Week, : , - I . . � I .. , . .1 .continub basket makinkthe i . 1. . . � . , Ight - : , " � , . 11 day. returned JamesDew - boug] Mr.Wesley Stackhouse was a: visitor .0 . I I I ­� . I I .glossy skins, even igb col- . Italian lining, bri even aurt, .1, I. . I Miss Mabel Houston has I ,ar o.a the place.he I ht . Lin Workman Is again Working. � in ID , . I G - lar,- patent ...Ii. i.terliningi . . 1 86 inches lo "" ' 11 el .. I . on Sunday at Mr. J 'Wightman's. ' . . .. . . I off the '� '. . g home from a visit.to friends in Mea- let - , , : .: . . , Hensall, .. . I � . � 0, ess �. .which takes the., Btralb; ,. . . n ., a well made ' ­ ... yo � . . :. ., . , ,.- Mr.. James Match offered his thresh- .W` �CAryle hap retu. Ined '0 I I . F 0 Bukg . Strodgwid serviceable coat ..... , 30 ford. . . ,� . . . I . . .1 .1 . - : - Mr.. ilson I � I t 0 � . .1 I .1 � 1. . I 1. I 0 skihs, mohair sleeve lining, mer.. . I . . ' . , . � . - - . I , Jng outfit for sale, James Johnstone.. I . I , . . � .� . .. �. . .. - 1. . I , . I . -Ladies, Aitracho'd Jackets, soft , , . � . .. I .1 , I I .. .froin Michigan. - I ' . '"' ' 1. �. I .1 I . I 1. I I . - �''. 0 oerized, -lining 26 Inches longi skins, rich, glosay'and even curl - . Miss Jean -Bell of Wingham, has beert . accepted but - reconsidered!. and . Arna Stelck spent Sunda ift Tuck. 0 . I . . : . � . ; ' ' . y . � . . I . . - . . I . . . the ear, of Miss Mabel Bell this . . KIPPEN.. I - � . . extra value at �.....: ............. 95.00 � . . weegu I . ., .: .. � � I I ., . backed down as on second thought ersmith with friends. I . 1. 0 All orders mu'st be cash. . I . . . . 0, . - . 1. . .. I : patent, muslin . interlining, mo- ,. I I . .1 I � � . .. .. . . .be decided'. there was too. I good k : The farmers of this:*, vicinity - are � . � . .- 11 . . . . I . �- Extra qualfty, Astrachan' Sackets - . . hair sleeve lining, satin finin � Mrs.Edward Pollock of Ripley, came, � Anniversary services,: last Sabbath thing'In it-fdr. himself, � � I I . , " ' � . . . . I . I , .. I . � . I nearly all through plowing. . iD"�%Wolqk�.wlqboslla.lo-lqwolqb�G),9k�QD,Qmw4o,qk�oAqb�.(D,,zaoo,qk�g;-4�a.,qt�,O,qt�.,a . very soft skins, bright and even - . a gadd boat at a medium prio 91 down on Monday to visit her sister, mud Monday were red letter days for , . 1. I . . . . . I . I I I . � . . . . .. � . I 1. . I . 11, . .. . eStlong . - o... , '100 , . . ­ � I i I - - - . I . � I .1 � curl,mohair sleeve liningi a 961nob A.S. . - I � . ' L .... I.....'.8 . . - - - - - , . . . . . Mrs. Henry Beacom, who is criti- th6 Methodist church heri, being their . . - . I . I w : . . I . � 11 � 1� . . . I - [uilt.dsatin lining, coats loho.t . Ladies' Electric Seal Jackets, - 24 A . ' I . . first anniversary since entering Ioto . . I . . 1. I � I . I . � .. . . I .1 � I � I . I I - I . � . . . I I . 1. . 1.� . I . . . . ' 0 cally ill. . their new vhurcli. The pa9tor, Re � I . . . I . I I � . . I � I . , .1 . . will give - ­.. leiA wear, newest . inches long,:rich far*satin lining $5. 0 . . I Messrs. Harry Bell, 0. Campbell arid ..,., 2E.1d 80 inches long . I . . . I - tllfrlllfillpl.litillpliffiff P11"IrMlIff V141IM"boss- ,-:� ,---Wwawwrf.illiltlftll 1111111111 I at*". . I . No.,I*quality Astrachan Jackets. � , , . - Morton of Wh4gha.m were guests ,V.Lr. Long, 61dbahged pulpits 0ithReve . .� I .1 I . . . 1. � . , .,� . .- I . I . 11 . I 1. . . . . .,� �. $35' and 40.00 1 . ' I 1 . � at the assembly held in Stavely hall R. Hobbs of Wingliam, who, conduct. = - � � , , I .. � . I . I I . . . ., . . .. . . . � . .." - . SO of choicest selected skins ,. . . 40 1 1 . . . � .r ; �� . . � .1 I - . . . . ,�, . . I I . % . . � . .. I - Ladies, Electric SeaI JaoketsjNo. . , I close, even and glossy curl lined . . . . . . . ed the: services morning, . afternoon N.- � . I - �. . . 1. 11 ' . . P - I . . -w . . . . I I . - -,10 1 qua�lityi close, thick . 11 tin and �!Zir . I 4� . . I . � .. . I . I I I I.m . for, rich with beat, as . Mr. John Lovett left on Friday last well attended especially the '_ �. : - � finiab, the best of linings high sleeve linings, extra choice gar. : - . 11 . for London township where ho will' � afternoon wii� � . W� 0, ., q : and.overiling services bn* Sab 880-- I I r collar, with. or without. isvere. 45 , 00 , ment, 26 inch $40, Winch .... 45.0 � � , spe d severalmeeks the guest of his bath When a- . . �.. . I I , .. . I . . to .the edifice was crowded, Rev. Mr. ,. .. -.va . � . on- .1W 1. We buy our Fue m I . �� sta e . . � - e. a e s -the .4� ace � arilles from make Monday evening. . and evening. The services Were all ' ' ' I .. . . P, Mrs. F. J. Scott. . .. �� -,Stor th 't' S� - I � I in rs who'refuse ,to Mak' 001ifto , The" . * . t' . I I . . � . ... � . . .-icp � . Hobbs is, a very earnest and eloquent. .-. � . . I . . . 1. . . I . . .1 . I I r . .." low grade garments,. Tberef rewe can gaurantee th 01. 0 � � � I �L � I . .1 I . . I I I Mr. Israel Taylor is expected speaker and gave his hearers fi . I .. ... 1. . I . '. .: . . . . . 0 p - from ne goa- a- . . .... I . I .. . . . .. . I . --a . I . e u . .. I . . . . I . I . I % .. � . .. I. 1. . . 1. .1 . . . . . . I - I _.n I . I � . I .. . . Brampton to spend next Sunaity in pel sermons Which were. much appte. a- � � . . . . � , . � . .. I.NZI _! . � . . . . 1. .1 but recently rekurned I � I . .. I I I . . . . . . - 1!1" . I � � I . . I . ,; town. He ciated. On the Mond�y eveuing a fowl a- . I I * -4v . I . � I . . . I � I . .�� from jA, busirlegs trip to Vancouver. a.- When 'we quit pnlq'hin our business! the sun willeease to shine. _3 I . . . I Good . . . .190si . - I. supper was served in the basement. 0- . . ,9 - . . I . . I � I . . � ery and .. Z= . . I ­ ­ .1 . . . . I a �g-",) I I . I . . 11 . .- : Miss Hattie Davis, who has been.visit. After �aupper the auditorium was a- . 1 �7 . . ­" � j�, . rooffor the again crowded and excellent and atirr- - Truth lainly told is all the advertising that worthy goods demand. ' = r_-..' 131ankets I iwear Ing under the parental . G� P I . I � I I . I . . -, - Unde ' past few weeks, retfirned to Detroit Ing addresses were given by Revs. - . I 11 . . . I I e � . . I 11 01- . . ' .1 " . . . . . - . . - , , . . . Jewett, Hobbs arid Acheson. The - . .. . I � 11. . . . 11 I . . .. f I - a Hosiery this week accompanied by her sister . The swin he.crowd cobies this way more an(!. more. ­= , Now that . Bertha. . a'- , .. � I I . I . . . I . � gof�- , � . , . .. . 1:2 ? - .11 And . ­- �. . I patter presided, Enchanting musle 4'- � . I . I colder weather , ' . so- . . � � I . I , I Mrs. Robert Sellery of Kiricardine was was rendered by' the choir, Mr. A. ap,,! . I i - I . . . . I . . . . . . � I _." /,,, � Underwear Sell - I I -0 . � . . . . - I � �. I . . I I � . . . � . 71, . III, - come we I .,s A, .r. Jones of London sang a number of 600-- I . . . 71 I has � " in I the guest of her daughter, M OF- � . I I . . � -0 , b g has been, . � . -M ,..,� � . . Cooper, on Saturday while on her , . ....0 , Are L d B�'. � �.r We Are,prepared for the coming winter'frade � , ,..,� . , -ure to be . solos which were highly appreciate ; - . ,g way 1-.t)me from a six -weeks' visiVin . e anniversary was a, . great , succes ur . . . . . . -10 .T� , . I . since ,the .. . . . -W I 0. . I I . with the most corl�plet asso tul'6lit. of Fur I U11. .. I . -0 I . I I . Chien- theMethodist people, are 'to' - = -a ous Me Depattiant ...M 11 " COld and be I e r 0 U*I:F M I selling lots of blankets. Our , weather . " I . .-� . . ' ' . . I congratulated. Proceeds amounted, = Coats coatsto..be seen in Western Ontario. . Last blankets : lily re- . . Mr. A. T. Cooper .was in Exeter Tues- . to $125, � .. I . I . I = . � _10 are thoroug - .11 set in. ' The . I I . day evening and delivered a Mission- . � 1: I . .. , gar was the most Successful. season we 'ever- had in Fur Are you interested. During ibe* past , ' � � , " _'_ liable in every case. In the I - . . summer when busi. ' I perfect fit and - ary address at a meeting of the Ep- � = ' a . .1 . wortli League of Main street ' ' I., . ' 6� oats, every one -of our large stock being completely - CL ' ..M ' Wool es of the . I- . . SUMM911HILL. = , . . � . � _." . n ! church in that town. . I I . o-, 11 Long Boots ness was quiet �we -.M Mod pure wool; the part I I I __ . � � .- cleared out. . We are noted for carrying reliable Coats and I -.40 the all cotton we have got the hosier any 110derwear we . buy . ers, w.'.o are . spending a good d p 'Wen's Long Boots; the kind that is .' . Mr. Ed. Saville left on Saturday oil A Mr. and Mrs. .John Scarlett of Lead. ' escent sum, a made up 50 airs of 3 I . --I 1� visit t o his sister, who lives in Hunts- barl.were the guests of Mr. hould Couie - best we could find and can sell not help but bring nd 0. Lovett = . . . .. � mi- sually made to order for $5. On account of the saving ::�-, . ville,Muskoka,and who has bden 111for on � ar. 1, = and investigate our claims. We think that our Coats at F _-." lieartily recommend ever pair busi as this vay. We sell � some time. As it is his first visit for Mr. and M . in the cost of manufacture we can sell them at $4 and -1 I y . rs. Barker of Dorchester --- $20 and $25 cannot be e4uslled in the trade, -1-1 . I years be may remain about a month, were visitors at Mr. Bullard's last = . . cm we have in stock. These prices good hosiery and good under- � . � I ..W � I - . $4 60, anP we have no. hesitation in snying that they are - . Mrs. Joshua Cook left on Friday last week. - . aii-` * - to give you an idea of how we wear, not a poor kind or an n her husband,in Toronto where ' Mr. and . . a- . I I . .1 I .the best value ever offered. They ar;. all hand -made �n I . . I to .ioi Mrs. Tyner and Mr. and I BOYS. With ulster collars are all the rage. and The leatheri is the finest Fj ench Kip And the Way they sell, them. . . inferior quality if We kno it : the will remain forthe winter. Mr, Mr N . 0 . . Lovett spen p Sunday. with fri. � we� ty of them, . . w I and any comin w . 0 Yk is engaged in re -packing apples ends near Portees Hill. I are selling a great. quanti I in cold storage, at which. he is an ex. , Johnston has returned � selling shows they are being appreciated. .Heavy Cotton Blankets, d ' cable, I 9 from this � pert. I Mr. Robb, . efe ow yon a big assortment and Are . . I . I dream, grey or fawn, fancy color- I store can be depeAded on in - I , from Algoma where he was employed, I 1. ffi- I . od borderso large qr arniall 0iz64,,1 25 ever r, I . I . 'd At rich accompanied by Master A E 01 for . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Can telon of Gode. Messrs D Barr R Miller, 0. Low i our prices run fiom $9, to 1$5. X11 the taken Spe "al in Rubbers . I 85c, 05C aki aspect. These to re- rtie . . . . ' Al cry and ii, gullarA p�ld Sharon L. 0: to them on sight. and 'a ereasonable take it is too. they - 11 . . .. H( mini Vight . . Xcan and his sister, Ruble,t drove L. No. 189 a fraternal visit on Monday , , ... )avy Union Vankets, � large size, I you of our (low . down to Tuckersmith last week . . 1- can play and romp as they like without being enetimbere'4 Saturday next . soft; ang fluffy finish, will give ex- good values. I . where th of Mr evening and report OrAngaism. flourish I . ,var, one of the beat selling . I .tellont ". I . were the guests � I ing in that district. I . . Men's . Rubbero, I to 10, special price 600 1 in atook 2.65 . and Mrs.eirthur Oantelon. . . . MV, Bert Mellveen . I with a long coat. . . . � I . . $ 44 I . It . . anketa we have everbad . Ladies ribbed union vests, good, 11 Mr. J. T. Woods of Westfield was in 0 son of Mr, F, Ladies 8 to -71 40 1 wool Blanketaffirmly woven =�&SbDlet fiftlaho button front, a I McIlVeeti of the Base Line, is, we are ' . 9 Fine at I town yesterday, having came down leased to see, almost wholly recovered .9 Boys' Is � I to 5) it I 0 made from thoroughly soottrei , .and serviceable gar I the intervening Ftixteen talleg with I BOVA We have a few long Overcoats -left 46 , and clean yarlid, all weights, fancy ment, drawers to match ........ From his Pacent serious illness. � ,- ly - . I It cc .: 250 - I his annual winter's supply of butter from last season and as long as they Miasee 11 to 24 . 360 I borders, Viankets that will be sat-. Ribbed wool hose, suitable !or boys, for a citizen. Mr. Wood's: dairy Messrs. Neil MeXeil, W, X Kinney Overcoats laatwe will sell them at Half Price. ti 4re isfaotory in every way W, heavy weight, seamless feet , and Wna. Combes of Winthrop were Youths' 11 to 18, 40c 3, ftso 5,00 we' . turns out a sweet and golden,hued, ic . 1 $317 smail and large sizes .. 20co and 25C article which is always in demand, guests 46 Mr. John Bullar&s on Sun. This is one of the biggest snaps ever offered and they will ' Children's 44 6 to 101 25c 1 1 1 lqr. B.A. Rig day. . I I 21 . 'IF 0 ff . I rgins of Varna was in. Miss 13 be picked up quick. . If this is not a bargaia then a -bargain was never of- F I . town yester ayi lie did not; enter eatom of North Carolina has . . . 111he ains I any complaint about the wintry been VisiOng at Mi,. R. Miller's, I . . � ry . I am.. . $5 Overcoats $2.50 , . . . f6red, "Departm�ent furnishes these bttrg.ai'ns *for weather hub as he has a barn iindee � The Women's Auxiliary met at Mrs, = . . I =9 ,The Alilliury � - -_ _____ --- - -_ way be would rather it bad continu- Bingham's on Thursday afternoon, oft- $4 Overcoats $2,00 . fS On Saturday xt 'Ung . I .."D edim,remoderateforaWeek or so I The members of St, Peter's church = I "o I . . 100 pairs Men 4* Saturd".1yS selling. 'They are odd ones and twoo of lem -4 � longer. There are many more in the that lab Frldfw and repaired the ' I . $3.50 Overcoats $1.75 1 $10 . (!an get your choice of = outilic, kapes and have been priced at these lowfigures to - . s - = - I . ' --"ff �� same frame of mind, . I church and sheds for the Winter. Mi- � Shoes at 00 Menlo Shoes in a variety . - clearl lem, outquiclily. - Ready Saturday morning, I . 11 _4 Rev. .7. S. Henderson of Itensall was ... 1. I . � ­ = A * __= d . I � `14 � , expected up on Tuesday to attend a - . Ez ,%In Our Mud and Rain Coat at $9 50 has Butpri§' of styles at the above wonderful price. We guarantee = GIrIn or-lored felthats,stitched itown 11 I . r meeting of the Huron Presbyto�y ackillop Township. ed good buyers and they are selling fit a that no Shoe man it this county can aford to sell theni = latest Now york, ahape,vety nobby About two dozen felt outing Is . '�,� �­, but had to forego. that PIOAsure in . . -in" colora of red, fawnt blae and grey, and waliting hats now and order to tie & knot matrimonial for. COatS great rate. They are just the coat a man less then $1 25 to $1.60. We . him no expense In Our ZZ a few only left to sell, regular 85a stylish abapes, oad ones of -1 a youi couple who would hame no -.M . Mr. Joseph Stanzel bad an auction wants to save his clotbes and the price is so low that every Shoe DepArtMOnt and a commission is all we want. - ' to clear, choice ................... 0 25C of ,our imat expensiye tines, ay but the 13th, �On Thurs. Tuesday I � other I sale of faim and chattles an V I . I := Babies wool boaneta, and childrenla caiiele halt and pIaln felt, some I day Aft. Henderson attends a big of last week, The farm which con. - man who does any driving Should have one. Our $3.60 Shrewd buyers will be suriDrised at the snap, � fancy bato, not 9, grcat niany id 1� trimmed with plain beind others 1, ta., -W -6 rallynt the Michigan Endeavorera tie fifty acres was knocked down to = Men"s Itain Coats is what you usually pay $5 for, but our = . 6� thia lot, the laot of n6me 80 and with falitiv silk, sold at $1.25 to be held in Port Huron. Ludwig Hoegy for $2,700, Me, Thom. = f are manufactured. from specitit -1-0 . 400 Haag .................... 1. 15(! sim and $3,76, choice to clear 50101 $is Brown, the pofoular auctioneer, wits opportunities for buying enables us to pick up many a snap. Stub Proo ...M � I Mr, Fred. W. Thompson Was called salesman and overything brought a V . . I I R a Canvas and Pure Para Gum =0 . h figure, I 0 1 home from Chatham on Saturday jq . -w � �:2 I upon .told - W . h in S. S. No. 8 and Alias 5. cLood . that �_' Best'in M � because of the serious illness of bin [as Simpson bits been engaled to � seller RUbbers anoT thm, is no Rubber on the v L= mother, Mrs, Henry Beacom, tea '5 Our .$1.00 0 still the greatest , whoman operation was performed has been ro-engaged In 8, S. No. 0. . .we have ever made up. market to equal them. Of course you will be = andes - In Gunn's hospital that day .A. I I � 8 . . � rs wl f Glen tl lea I ew rled C nto � I 9 I I I I , I , I' .1 : y can ne I I , I by Dr. Ate. Thomas Olffarrv, � b�lft Buckskin Pan there are Rubbers just as good, but if you want the pro. .."M I.^. T_ P,,s 0 ._-.0 Gunn, assf�qtcd 1) Dra, Scott, and ca TJS Our, out, moike and finish . esteemed resident of McXIIIo . .." This stores mantle stock is ea ' Sh'tw, Woods of 7V is so total to per article yon will re. . 911y the aYfleld and Turn. Ile waif a genial and honest, man and ly different from ordina y maelline-made goods _-Is 1, . bull of Godorieb, Mrp, Tbompnon 1% successful farmer. Mr. O'Hara, "its r= that this is no eompari8on. No miadienian's profit to pay W 0 joined her husband on Monday. All Repairs ott Boots and Shoes promptly e.tt,,,,,I,,d a best anywhere' near here. F r great(3st I Mr. Look Xonnedy ban ace a member of the Roman oathoiia r here. We are also Making the same goods lined at $1,25, 0 - epted a h to, Bring your repairs to uo., variety, . newest style' "'*' . onsolid- e "tell' . A � s and best valueR � 1v pooltion as travolier for the 0 The red squirrels bavb come Arontid . � 11 --111-1 --- I . -_ ated Palp and Paper Co. of Toronto the barns in lap e numbers and the 1E -___ ,- . -91 =1 .1.1- . which wits fortnerly tile PoolePublistio fittle rascals areteeoming quite tame. $I-- ­ = come here direct and SaVe time and,baunor .. Ing U0, buti Was flecent'l rcOV941119ed. The farmers have ot t to tulni ...-I 111 - ,,, - ­ I 1. I 1. .- I � 1. � I . I � .I �. I *Ww"No"...""MM.-Wil. Stock to the amount orneVeral then. pthored In and the p1l r! 11 v I := ,oughing near y I '0*%'. .4 .�A! .All& S 9 ..." r,��,L, 11�'Ii, , , L , sand tiollars is held. by cittoons of completed. -140 ,� ,K,I"l . "a 1�.� � .;,T,�,,'�, � , ... �,�, "i, . I i " , �­­ �., . olinb�q. ThoOomp%nylamillisloeat- .." 1, I �"' ______ .., 'm I � ,� � , ed in E astern Ontario - . Jackson, Brothe'r :r.x 11 � . We under. I , � I � Ac� . I I � ; , I AL."',__t�; I - I stand Mr. Xentiedyonly takeshia 811MIS. :4 I ) , 1131,116 'pooltioll fewporatfly And . - .- ... e - .. I N?V--A 1, 0001 . 10 .0 F �1 ' '�m - � , pl, 'oe In Toronto. .1DAM-In Mullott on Nov., Gth, th4N I , tj , 10, will enter the ofil 11 nio brother,104% Mr. Afaekayo Is ', wifo of Me, George 11. %1l of t% E" z�:,...Dwepartmental Stor , F R 111i HE . zlecretttry. d.. I I � I.- : ", . 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