HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-11-15, Page 7/1� 0 - , - _7- _____-=-__-1_1 ­ - - -.1 ­ -­ ____ 1- -1 - - - _­­_ - ­ _- - ____ .- - ___ - __ , ; 7 � . � � . .. _ - _ _ -...- _ , , f - - '16.#"r "DOMINION ELECTIONSPM=HOW THE PARTIES STANDI ­ . I I ..., _ 4. - _�:= - 11 __­____­_ ­ . - ! I . . 11 _­_ I—- ---1_..-_____-1__.. � ­'. I � - the- Successful Candidates Indicated , . .,Results, of,'�-t!Le:4!2�11Lng_Last Week. The Names of . ' � `­`* I � I 11 . -' i i bject to Slight Ch . I- '' b��,Capffal Letters. 11ajor t'es Su . angeo. I& . . . . .1 . . _____ _______ ___ � ­ -­'��- ­ -1 1-7- ------I---- �� I . . � ONTAUIO-Nlaety-Tivo Members. I . � . I --11__._____ � ___-11._1__----_ ­_ ; _-_1-_______ I— - ­ __ ­ -.14- . , .. .. 1. ' A., U ba - - a . ( � , hold) at Oil I I 11 .1 . . 1� -ant, S.. OR to 0. I kvillo , 9 , ... X11900, PA— 0. . raCo'. X .. O , .4 - - Ilucos. W 0, OR OR I .1 �, 11 11 oil 11 -0 .. -- I ­ in .. ., all '�nd. I , Stormont. . U4404 .. .. .. ... urham, R., .. .. - .. , 11 0 .. I 111; .. .. a, .. to to . - Mssex, . " to " .. !R, . , O.. .. .. .. : 9 119A .o .. .. 1. :Glengarry OR 0. .. .Grenville, 8, 4. .. .. � I , E ... .. .. .. Groy X. .. .. .. ... S... .. .. - - mand and Monck.. �Irllilyytdoli. . . . . . . _ : 0amilton... . f � I :: I . Gatings, E. . : . . . . otinis, N. .. .. .. .stings, W .. .. .. .. . . . 111 S .. .. .. . . . 111 W. .. .. .. at .. .. .. .. .. . U ton.. .. .. .. .. I bton, W .. '.. .. .. nark, N ... .. .. ... ..... ..... ark, S. .. .. .. ads and Grenville, N. . - O'S ... .. .. .. . LOX— .. .. .. .. . nooln and Niagara . . . Itn.. .. I.. .. .. . esex, . . .. dlesex, N. .. . . . . . lesex, S... .. . - . iddleset, W. .. . . . skokv) and Porr and ipissing (to be haid")O . . rfolk, X. .. .. .. Worfolk Xorthulbe-r-1-agd.,- W.. - . - - - I Northumberland, E ... .. . Ottawa.. ., .. f . ** t Oxford, X. . . .. .. Oxford, S. .. . . .. . . I Peel .. .. .. .. . . 'Perth, N. .. .. .. . , Perth, 8 ... .. .. .. -Peterboro', R. . . .�. . . 'Paterboro", W. .. . . Lpr!scott . . . .. .. . . ::q Wri=6 Edward . . . . .L . genfrew, N. .. .. - - Benfrew, S. .. .. . . oussell . . .. . . .. . Isimcoe, E. .. .. .. isimeoe, N. .. .. . . � . 18imeoe, S. .. .. . . J�'Toronto C... .. .. - - oront�',,E. .. .. .. ., f . , Victoria, N .. .. .. , Motoria, S..' . .. . ., .. . Mterlo., N. . . .. . .. . Waterloo,, S. .. . .. . . Weiland .. .. .. .. lWellington C.... .. .. lWellin&b: N. . . . . Wellington, S. .. .. . . iWentworth and N. Brant ,. Patkx. .. .. .. .. sek, W. . .. .. .. I No , , .. P.Oftn I . � , ravela, _.. .6 . . :, 1� _ 11mar .. .. ... , , ,. iCumberland ..', .. . - � . . IN b - ... .. .. ; I �, . �. ig y - . I . 16 I . , , i 'Haw. .. to - . - f . . . I I . . I . I . . Inverness.. .. - .. '�. . ling's .. .. .. .. - - , ; � , ILunenburg .. .. .. � 1. �11 . . f 1. Michniond.. .. .. .. !Shelburne and Queen's . . . Victoria *� 0 - - ­­__'_'_'_______'_­__ DE"WET'S;'..* FOR * . Eight Cannon *nd All the Ammunition and Wag- ) I gons Captured. . . , . A despatch 1rom. Lo0oul. says;- lalg% Capt. Englabatb, Lieut- W11 - The Wa,r Office has received the fol- jjomji� and g4ht men irilled, and lowillig despatch from Lord Roberts, sevon. ioff�.Wjj and tweUtl4ix mail . "Ool, Legallaio auxpTlaed theBoors wouiada4. . * an the tight ot Novembar 0 tb.x6e "I deeply regrot the Iloso 01 t)100 - IA. Maj. Coil. Ind. Former inumber. Maj. Cou"'31tuency. ' Maj, u0n. . Alaj, Ind. : Former Me � miles south of Bothavillo, and was three officers, as all were most Pro- . Kaxtin _ BELL- , , . 0 ..... to IN10i6i I ... ... I..,*. I B011, COX, .......... ne STIE ..... o It. I.. 1758hapson.. .. ... '.."..'.604'... 1 011ABtle, d The vasing, The loss of Logallais. is a . I'll . pylumb ..: ".::::: *::: Boyce .. 1. I... , ...... : I I' q 0 ..... 35 Taillou ........... V..*. - I -­.,..... le, �1 ...... ...., .... Dyment, Lib . ..... 18-27 IU; � gjO t 0. 41 heavily angaged tow five hours. eu ic ....... - o "' at 11 GORDON k Clancy ......... 1.1.01. 1 ........... _ Clancy, Coil . ...... ,I) 1) , I . GODBOUT 1. 1,200 Bolduc ......... o .99 ... .....0111.1'. GtIll '1�:::::: 427 enemy's strength was 1,000. very serloun one, ap he Wag a most ) - Beaubiwitois ,. - - � Bergeron, con ..... "General Charles Knox followed gallant and eapable,oavaliy leader. . :*:'," :: :::'.: 21OO Henry ............ :::: floyd,Lib .......... � 381 1. " 9. LOYE ....... . 1.182 Bergeron .... %. 1. ...t.. . "... ...... - 0 1 . , 'alley ......... � ')O8 140110114=- - . � to .. TALBOT .......... o- 40 G -.0t., ... I .."t....O.., T0bot,Lib..,.,.., 810 "The fighting was pwatly at close lorb 911ro CULIDERT ..... I I R, 233 :::::::::::::: Comstock,Lib ...... 2 with DoLisla's mounted irtfautrY,'and Q.ug'ILL i ...... .... -) Borthier.. . ., to , AUCHAMBAULT ..... 20 Lamareho..,.-4.,,..,1., - - ... I 1. I 11 1. J.E.AvellambAult, I, Ace. ... ..::.,:. .... OARG -01 .... O'..# , . , O.. Cargill, con'... ". , , 107 1 0AMPBELL, ..:::: .... 114 McNeil . i ....... 9.w"., ......, .... ­ McNeill, Cork ...... 41 Bonaventuro I . 157 Bolangor... # to p I ..... - - - -::::: 11. 1. I Guite, Lib ....... I I 702 Completely defeated the enemy. We qttartoris, 'U' B4,ftevi, Of the Royal TOLMIR .. I .... ..... ,163 (J10e,j),j�g;e ...... ....... Tolmic, Isid, .... ... us Bromo .. .. .. .. FISIXE, R ..... #..,., 70 .. .0.. 1. 1. .....01"Isher, Ub .... 9;.. 833 captured one 12 -pounder, taken at Horse Artillery, being in a0tioin at 4 - . . 0 �bjn . gliciall ... 0 .... . � 150 W, Stubbs .... Stubbs, Ind.. 1. N... 384 , OF FRIOX ......... iz all ........ ... I ... ............. GeQJWOU# Lib. to..# Ace, Coleaso; four Kra guns. one pom- olistanoo iot 400 yards, S6k.::. ....,_, :: ....... I .... .......... Cliallably and Vereberes i. GE ,:: 50 I PP Kll)l),... .. Champlain .. .. .. ROUSSEAU ........... 272 IVIaroottQ .... #vo_'..., ...... * ­ ­ I Morcott, Con ,., - � 7 XoL. Stewart., notigins, Con..._' .209 gers, * o pout . I ...... H ... I.A. .. 00. Snotsinger, Lib .... 692 Charlevoix 'I I .. 1. .. ANGE RS ........... 200 Cimon ....... I ..... 6'.. ...... ? . , and one Maxim, with all the am- ,,Ampng -the woundeA prisoners is 101111soll .............. BRODEA .............. 2a j . .. -� .'. .. ,'R.. - -s - :: Broder, Cott ..... ... 6.) Chateauguaw . - .. .I. BROWN I ... I I ... I.::: - I ... 4.. I ... I OR 700 mu,nitiou and waggons. I I De Villa,tog, who wail, Stoyala seere- � Brown, Lib:::: I . - 'aguenoy .. Savard "' ,rn -:::::: V, �-, . . lo8o "We t -! tary. Among the 4ead ' , . NVARD. � .............. 148 .I., ­ I ..... Craig, con ......... 169 Chicoutimi . ... ......" ..... GZ�wi :::::: 3OO I.... 11 .... I.... aa : .00k 100 prisoners. Twenty gutbe, field Was, , . . * I n POPE ...... I 1. ..." Beith THORNTON ........... 40 ............. �, Beith, Lib . ........ 612 Compton., 1. .. 11 I MORIN .... . 1. . ... 10, ... 4 ....... Pope,. 01, ... o-0000 403 five dead and 30 wounded Boars were , 01 Boer doctor with a B04 CV040 on 111111 Wil..� ": R *,::::::':',: - 1.NGP.A.N1 ............. 103 .............. h1gratio, Con_,... 178 Dorchester . . .. .. .. Ouelletb ....... o. , ,....­..., Morin, Con ....6o.., $30 found an tho fW4. arm and a rifle in his baud, wearing, % . XoGugAa and Casey .... - � ... I ..... .... 1. 1. ... I ROBINSON 41 Casey, Lib ......... 720 fRouleau (Ind. Coll.) :: 11 I . I I I SUTHRRLAND . ...... 5692 473 Drummond & Artbabason, LAVERGNE ' :R R., R , * ACC Toussignitnt .... .... .. .. ............... Laver "SteyA and De WO were With the half�ompi A. Laforce .... McGregor, Lib..... , gne, Lib ...... 1648 � , tied . band:911or." . . . . ,aspo.. .. Beaudry .... .... I ...... .......... ... Lemieux, Lib in great hosts, We. Lord Roberts adds that the, BOMI COWAN.­ .... I ..... ,, ", '� -:::::: .......... G 1. .. .. Lemieux .... ::*.11 , ... 42 force, and left I � � 4.ji,, .......... .1.1 .... ... ... Cowan) Lib ........ 182 , 9. � , Ind ........ Aco. Rochelago, '. .. , 1. MADORE ......... I ... 70 Latilutpullo .... .... .... .. � ........... . Madore, 1A to 0 'P.. 500 pursued the enemy for some miles to fired into the Hodder river OaMP On . I 1. ­ ... 1. ... I 1. I .... CA NIN ..... j ......... 334 1). D6 Rogers. Rogers, * SCHELL .............. O IMIACIOullou -.-.1- . 1. I..... I ...: c 4 Huntingdon o - - - . . XAOLAHUN ............ 20 Welsh ........... ...... I ............. Scriver, Lib.:::::.,. 719 the soath-east, when they broke up. Wednesday. He also dowr�Ued minor , . . I Carruthers . , 0 ......... RE ID .. 30 .. 1. o. - I I.. .., Reid, con ........ O.. jo Jacques Cat -tier ., . . Decarie ............... M .... 9, 49....�...'_.-. Monk, Coll . 113 - � fig-litsin, the qoutjj�easteru pArt of the, 7 I , I . , '.. . . . BAZIND T ...... : : 80 onaud ................ I I ......... 11.1 alol into small pairtlese I . � . N Sproule, Con . ...... 521 Joliette I **"*:: I Oxonge. River Hartman .............. SPRO_ULhJ".".::.::::::':, 200 ......... . ....'. - HORSEY . .. I I ... I ­ 30 Gordon ............... .....,:: - ::: Paterson, Lill ...... 4% Ramourasks .. .. , . CARROLL ..;:.,:::::.. Tashereati ,* ............. . ...... :, ­.... arr 11 110= Casualties were Col. Lo�--al-IIArriam�th,.Zeerwt,,%zid,1)0,am4nutho� � I .� Landorkin ..­ ....... RICHARDSON ...._: * �8 ............... Landerkin, Lib ..... 66 Labelle ., .. .. , BOURASSA ........... 100 Poulin . I ........ .... .. ,­ ... ...... Bourassa, Lib.',,,... 460 _. - ____ , , I THOMPSON .......... 171 Montague . .......... ............. I Ifloutague, Con ...... 713 � . McKinnon ... .... ... HENDERSON.,.'.. o, 150 .............. Henderson, Con .... 84 Laprairie and Naplerville MONET .............. I 1 19 Coupal ...... ........... I ,..,.,.. . ... o. Monet, Lib .......... 276 MET A HERO'S DEATH, ' Wood .__ o: .... : q.. BARKER ......... . M opherson, Lib... 64 L) AOSO on . , . . LAURIER . .. I ... 300 .T41tier... I Gauthier, Lib ...... 119 %_" ­ . . . . .1 .. al . !apli.lo ., .. " T Leonard ... ...... .... o. ' '....",............."Fortin, Lib ....o.,. 92 - . Teetzel ................ BRUCE .............. 787 " . . OR& ...... f Wo .. ........... ON ROM I 11918 Captain Chalmers ofthe Canadian . Hurley .......... o ..... o - NORTHRUP ........... 500, .... o ... Hurley, TdIi......... 2-93 Levis .. to , ... .. DEMERS ............ 400 Dumontier .. .... I ..... .. .1. * :: .... I Demers, Lib ....... Ace. I . . Uarryot ... 1.19 ... o . I - . Q ;.,' $00 ........ : ", *..' Carseallen, Con.. o.. 743 VIelet.. to .. , . .. DECHENE ......... ... 250iCaron ............ .. o'. ...:.: ...... Dechene, Lib .... o. 6 . "" I Mounted Infantry. . . I (JORBY 1. ". I .... I.... , ... .800 I ............ , Corby, 245 Lotbiniero ' .. .. .. FORTIN .............. 1,0()O Stafford ... .. .... ...... ............... Fortier, Lib ........ 170 News Items About O=elvep a A despatch from London, sayso:� _ ..., Macdonald, Lib..., 159 I._ 1570 y � bor4 Roberts, In A. 4e4iji,atob, dated . 7 Dickenson , Maisonpouve .. .. .. PREF ONTAINE ...... . 800 Outlast ...... ' * ............ Prefontaine, Li . ,,an ...... I q ­, .... � ....... o ... , , i�a wi:� 200 MoMillan,,o Lib ...... 305 . . McMillan.,.. . . " , , *::::.'. Maskinonge. ,. . . .. :'.:'.:'­' ....... Logris, Lib ........ %290 Our Neighbors -Som Nov. 5, Xeliorto to tbo . � HOLMES_... ..o..". . 27 McLean ....... i ...... I !­ ...... : ... Holmes, Megantio .. to .. .. TURCOT ............... 100 Froollette.. o........:::: : 1: o:: ......... Turoot, Lib.. o.....' 654 ar Office an follows;�_ I : . STEPHENS ..:­� .... 15OSmith, .,-..,.�,,� ....... . I -1 o'- ..... � Campbell, Lib ....... . 157 Missisqu6i to OR . , MRIGS ................. 60o Comeau ...... ...... .. ,:.: .......... Nifeigs. Lib ........ 210 Interest From EVery Q[10- W I . BRITTON .... � ... ...... ....... I .............. Britton, Lib ....... 152 Montoalm... to .., o. DUGAS ... ...... 15ODugas.'..... .. ........ .. Dugas, Con, �.. �...: - 295 "Smith-Dorrein statea tbat ms,lot , Fraser o ................. SIMMONS ..... � ...... 200 ....... o. ...-., Fraser, Lib ......... o 401 Montmagny... .. .. - MARTINE16 ...::::: 25 Bernier .......... to, ... ,.*.,.7.",.7i7,'.1 Martinean, Lill o... 550 ter of the Globe, ). 9a I . , auders and Captain Chalmers, of the . . I ... I ........... ::: . Johnston, Lib . .... 990 Montmoreno, Corriveau ......... � ..... CASG,RAIN ......... ... 29, ............. Cosgr4in, Con I..... SO . .. . 0 1 1 eanadian Mounted, Rif . lea behaved I ROSAMOND'....; 681 ........... . Rosamond, Con..... 276 Moutreal-Syt. An. ae'-s_.. - - GALLE BY .......... o . - 301 Quinn ........ o ... .. .. n..Con ... I .... 119 OANADA,. i I ­ , I I . 661 ............. Quin I with'. great oallaniry in the action of. . - . I St. Antoine ... Mackay .... I ........ ­ RODDICK ........... .. - ... . ...­, Roddleli, Con ...... i 7.3 . ............ .......... HAGGAnT ....... ::::: 356 -Dr. Preston .. Haggarb, Con .. ..... 379 .;. 0 Pagneulo.....,,.. .i .... "­ I . Post Offices bo-vo been OV* November 2. Saunders i0ae'Ont. iinder - . I St. James. DESMARAIS..., - . .......... Desmarais,. Lib . 1369 9 . . .1 Frost.. . ............ LAVELLE ............. 22i I .............. Frost, Lib. .I., �.­. 9 : 'l'O - 0 -.1 ny, Lib ..... ::: '. ix now . . a n I L I ... L ....... :::: - TAYLOR ............... 4491 ................ Ta, St. ftlwr.n�;.. jaIcKERDIKE .. . .,:: 990 Ekefs .......... ;. .... ............... Pen I . Lewis .. . Wylor, Con ......... 458, , .. . I . ie, Lib .. 71V allied in ontaTio. heavy fire to b.ringla. auhorxedntu�., I � . . 100. - Ilsoll St. Mary's .. TARTE� .............. 1,20 Cliarpentier ......... Dupt . 400 Pelletier, Speaker -.of tba . . I . WILSON ........... L ......... Gibson., . BALL.",.... - I . . L ..... . I Senator . . Coldullho'clied officer'L � I . . . . MURRAY "Saunders was Wounded and his , � .j ............ LANCASTER 1071 " * ". I ...... I , Ub . ....... 422 . . Leduc , ... s ............ ...... . ::: 4r, " .... * ..... " Ledue, Lib ... , .o.. 247 Gibson .. .._:::: . Nicolab . .. .. .1. 1) ...... L ...... I - I.... :*­ , 680 .1. HYMAN ........ ? ..... . 200 Beattie ......... 1. ... � W-, Roadhouse. Beattie, Con . ...... 41 Pontiac .. .. .. .. 75 BrAbazon .............. . I ............. Poupoko, Con ...... Senate, is ill at Halifax' . X -4 � U'. I , . . . N :70O,:.,.'.- ........ Gilmour; Con .... �... 441 - 800 Larue ....... .... .. .... . ....... Joly de Lotbinera, 1, 56 Tlie I � horse was, killed, and Chalmers went to ' , ' ' L %ev, J. - MOT . Gilson .......... � ....... . GILMOUR .. .......... A Portn6uf .. .. .... .. DE LISLE ...... . - I I funemi of. P '�, - . ' 4')l L ateauvert �.. i .. ..... motho ace, at . Centreton, . " . Ritz ........ ........ 9. . SHERRITT ....... .... - L" - Ritz, Lib . ........ 62 Quebec Contra L " . . MALOVIN...., �'.." .'. - .. 531 Ch . ... 0. I.:::.* * , Milouin, Lib i...-.. Ace i dist, 'took PA 1 his assistance, Saunders imploradillin L ' . � . , ri , . I L I I . - -:: , , . MoGugmn, Lib. '. .. .740 a .. .. I . I Ont. L , ' to leave, bat was refusedi and the gal� . . McGUGAN ............ 600 Judd ....... ; ........ ... ::: * ... : * Quebe East. .. LAURIER . ..o.' 2,500 Chapleau.. i ... ........ � ...... ....... Laurier, Lib ....... 219 1 . ::,::: ............. ...... P. J. i;rwiti.. Dobell, . OALVERT .:I I ........ 15ODunlop ...._.. ..._,- ... -�. Calvrert,Lib.- .. ... $41 Quebec W e.8b L. . ' " .. DOBELL ... :., o. . 37I..,. Lib - .... 4 ... 231 1 - lant.0halmorle Was, 'LI grieve to .May, I . . . L I I .1 ' I . I McCormick, Com .. '268 - - . 'L Watson McCormick .... ...... � . I .... . QuebooC FITZPATRICK. � ...... 600 Beaubien ...... ..... �_ ................. Fitzpatrick, Lib....' 924 . OdtOb6T Oustoms returns wore *2i . . se of g2a,941 . . � . . . . b . NICC001:::: * *­ * . ::::::: Klock ....., ......... , .1 ... ­::: ; Klock, Con . ........ 964 Richelieu ' . , . . BRUNRAU ... _ . .. . 500 Vanassii ........... �.,.. . ....... OR. .'.... Brunson, lib ... ... 1$4 483,951, an increa Over killed,4 . v . I . . '. . , � ' L . . I I OR " * - * - . I I , � I . . o . L.. 544 ......... ' - -7 .... ..... . ..... o.... . L . 238 Octobeir lalst year. ' � , . L GAPT. CHALMERS, RECORD, . I . � 1. . �.L .. " DHARtT. :.. I ....... 1"C . ......... .. ..... � .... I . ...... .:: Oharlton,.Lib... Richmond andWolfe. . . TOBIN ........ 1,278 Cropeau , , . .. Stensoti, TO - - , � . - Mkinson ................ TISDXLi . �' L� . . . ' 50 .,:. �.. i ....... Tisdale, Con. ­ ... 273 Rimouski .. .. , _ . . Ross ................. 150 Tache ; ..... ........ ... I Ross, Lib .... :,*::.* Acq.' The o,toTeS L6f son and J. I . mer$ * wa . .. . i... Brodeur, Lib ..... 970 N.W'T , werecole- . ..'.... I ' .. L. . Alex, stin C�tpt. Chal B, agraduato of " L' . � , L KcCOLL ..... i .... : ... 145 Guillot. .. . .::L.. i ........ Ouillet, Ccui� ....' ... 70 .Rouvine .. .. " BRODEUR ............ 1,225 David ...... .. .... ... , L ::.:::, ,::: I , * : - anor, - .' L that Royal Mill , .. ,.� ....... ..... L Hyacinths, ,' .. BERNIER.....'_.. .1,1240arti6r' -* . . 0 at M . . . Denike . COCHRANE .... ...... �60 . Cochrane" Con ...... 397 St , I ....... I ....... ... L ........ V ...... Bernier, Lib .... Ace. , % Hog I , L 't Y. . tary college, lKingiston, .I., . . . I � . . . - 20 Nadeau ..... I ........... I .... *...Torte, Lib.� ..... .. . &ad. istroyed and a veteran of the North-West re- . . ' ' . L st'John's and Iberviii�-:: DEMERS___ .. . 9 . :1, by filra, r00641 ........... .. I � .. 300 .. Oraham� Lib . ...... 17 L . I I I . I it Hitmilton araham: .. "`­ MoLROD .......... � . . 1: . ...::::::::: , I Shefford . PARMELBE ...... :* : 400 Savage.. . ::: , ': Parmalee, Lib.. .., 465 The GoWt.of Revision . . I . .1, ROSS .................. 14 Smith _.. ..... ........ Burnett, Lib ....... 144 ' ' * ' "' . "" " ""' ­ bellion. When the Montreal Garrisoi* 11 . I ... . I . ....'-.-.­-.-,-'%., ' .. 1. . Gould, Lib ........... Ace. . 1), ... 0..... McIntosh, Con . Artillexy laft tor the North-West .in . 3OULD � ............... ' 80ORocbe,.., .:.. L ..... Sherbrooke?. , .. .R .. LeBaron.."....'..:: U.INTO�ii ' ".7 * * * * *.*. . Q ­ ... . ... a 98 aC. duatilOns .Of 020,000, iA*'tbg Se. . c L ­ . L Soulan . ;.. . * log - 11 - . I - BELCOURT ........... 121� BIRKETT ..... e ...... 400 - . .... *L 191 ,to gas ­ - ' " BOURBONNAIS ...... 200 Bissonette ..... .... ' ' * .......... 0, Bbarhomials, Lib .. I I I . . . . I � I . I., ........... f Belcourt, Lib. ..t..d .. L . LAVELLE� ... ........ 150 Moore ...... ... � ...... I . . . end Wford. - ,- I April, 1885, Capt. Chalmers was at- � 1. � Stewart .. L ............. . * Chaml)ggne* ............ . Hutchison, Lib ...... 476 " , .. :.. � . '......... . ......, Moore, Coil ......... 435 , . - . L . I . . I L SUTHF,Iii:i]�D ....,... 9000 Wall . . ..... ........ . . ......... : ...... Sutherland, Lib; .. l8ol Temiscouats ,. R. ..'.., GAUVREAU ............ 450 Grandbois .,..... .. .... ; .... � .... s... Gauvreall, Lib..'.... Ace, There will be telegraphic commu.'n' tacb,sA �o the corps as a I . .1 - . I ' . � . . , . ieutexiani � . . , - . . I - in ...... ...... L.. I DARTWRIGHT ._.... ,679 King .................. M. T. Buchanan Cartwright, Lib. . . 7r,O Terrebonne.'. .`.. . � ; ., PREFONTAINE ...... 320 Oliduvi ................ Chauvin, Con ..A.... � 128 Cotton between Nome and 5t, Michaels to No. 4 Bw,ttary, of which .Lieut.-* . I I,, I I . I . . . I . Panneton ...... W ..... I ....... i.d. . winter. . - . I - : I ............ ­'. - - fe .01, . Com� L, : Fqa,therston ........ w... , BLAIN. . 4Z " Q ­ ........ r abbemt , Lib. .. 406' Threeltivers.4 S.t.Mauride BUREAU 441 - .... Carofi Con I., '269 during the coming iong Arctic Col. Cole, then Capt.,Cole, wai in ' . . . . P . .too 4� . . . 'of Fort . . 1. . - . 160 : . . . .." ......... L f ........ .... ... !R� .. .. ............... . . X young, p.D.�. io FXht L ' Goetz.,_ � ............... I . MOLAREN ...... ".. .. ' ... : .......... MoLoxen, Con ...... 46 .. - - Ethier,'Lib ......... Rev, W. MaXA� � . I ERB ... :. ' 2.8 Pridb,tni ...... .... ! ... 1, L ............... Erb, Lib ... L..... .." ,.218 Two Mduntains . . . , * ETRIER..,... ­ ........ 70 Gfrourkrd * * . ' . ­ ... *."L'17 . . I ........ R ... . ,� 17 , has L accepted an invitation .. , oughout the, whole of the . I I L . . ............... . . L Lib 250ILapointe ... ..... .... . . . . . phUTob 1 S mpaig,u he and Col. Cole shared the .1 I I . . LANG . . ......... P ' L . L ., . , L 61r) V"audrouil .. ,, .. , .., HARWOOD ............ _ Horwood, da . . . � ...... �..'..... : 75 SCXSMjtjLl .... . . . , 'I . gne, Llh.,iO.. 715 -he t. 1. 'Lr . ' 170JUeDougall .... 1. ...: . - �: . ', ,. Obampa Methodist . * ' L I '��'::: . * . . t . , First samo,tent. 'Iellan ............... � K.V ::...:::.. a%ry',il Cc '* � , - . . , CHAMPAG McC ,NDRY ...... ...... 354 .... j-.. .. KC I .:* sio. Wriglit,.. . . .. NE I s18 Yamasha .. .. ,. .;,M10XAULT'... : *::: L: . . on his , aturn he! received .. . . - y - DLORAN.N........_.... 975 Sabourift � ..... ...... 4.. L. Cloran- .... Proulx, Lib ........ I - . . : '. 200'Mondou, ..... ...... .. .............. Migneaul , Llb .... 18 ,Thomas. L . I dtL. . . a L . ­.'. . I . . . . .1 . ' pointilveAt I a . officer in '.tho . . Potteb.... . �73 ............... Pottet, Ind ........... 21,11 1. . L . B111ITISH COLUMBIA -Six Members. - . . . .1. I Henry Ba,ket,:aerestevd. . Montreal,. a" AP . . . . - . . I I . I . . . . . . I . . North-West* Mounted Poitco, with , .' �� ',: ­ , ' ... :.,.::::::: , - 107 White .. ...j.L ... . . . I t Winnipeg L � . . " f . I MACKIE ... . ...... .. Mackie, Lilb ......... 163 ' . . . . I .1 � L I . yesterday . I * 11 I , , , . L . - I .,. , . . I I I . st sentenced 96 , L L which organization ..: a was .00nt. , , , . I . WRIGHT ..... ­:.­.�.. 228 Ferguson ........ t ... *..' ..... t. s ....... ' I Burrard (to be held) .' Maxwell ......... ........ : - . , I : r h I I :' -:�, - - L Ferguson, Coll ....... . 4122 . .. , Garden,. Maxwell, Llh ...... 298- lv� a . I , . . . I .'.. -....�.". 60.3 , , . N . . , * ::,::1R. 1. I 4e6alu". *,,.: '. *. Morrison, Lib....... . 298 to I 1. I . 11 fo� . eight - y!8ajjj;,. , Wbon . L � . , � , I EDWAADS� .... 1. .... .500 Parley ...... ........... I . ... a .... 1. I Eftards, Lib: I W.. . MORRISO. - I .... , lbowdne.y .. ." two years in the Penit � an . tiary - fo L nected I . , I ,.L..... Nolv as - " I , I I Woolley .::-.-:-:?,.. ... " ' � . I , % . . GRP 125 . ... Sloane .... I ............ ...... . .. McInnis, Lib ...... 191. burglary he. ,retired,, and, was appo,inu . � : I" . . ,WL' � . Bennett. L , . : L Bennett, Con. . . , . SMITH...L. 11 I . ­ .......... , o"'. 138 .. � ............... L 11 11 . . L . I . at - . . . I McCaxtby, Ind_.*,­� I S'j V.uXuv"r _` _`� , I .. . .1EARLV, I ... . . Earle ................. 216 gov. F.H. Barr aj 01 ., 4 I k Go . I . . . . I . . .. . . . ... k"C"TAY ........... 500 Cameron ................. I ........ *. I..... . f Drury ... 1. .1.. . I.:.::. 1. : " . *­ ** ...... . . % ' . on, a Lold(dol ­ . L . . . '. I I I 1. . PRIOR ................... .1 .. e.. o .... 190 . in pastor of Reid a . , =ant . surveyor Ior " I � . I .. Whitesides ...... ... ­ ILENNOX .... ; ... L..... 500 . Tyrwhitt (deo?d),Con 400 -_�.ictcri- _ ... . I . Riley. -I... .. . ... . . . . . f Prior. ...... I S.. virn ' ....... � ....... - . . . n Cho C ' ., I Ca - 0 Ili er., - Foley.....; ... Bostook w ........... . boy, has boo L . the Teitritories. %He'w&s busy. build- . I . L Flett ... .......... BROCK ............ Hae . Bertram (deo'd), Lib 950. ,Yale & iiboo(tobeheld. a 1i I.* ........ �. MacNeill ....... ......... L:' $46 . I . , . I liresbyteriaii obUr* Bilti- . . ­ . . ) .. . I I . ., .. 11 I . . . . Memorial 1 .... .. - , , 1, Anderson , I ............ I . KEMP ................. 1190 A. Mori ai�ren. , Robertson, Ind.. '" 161(P. ... . . . ­ L .L . . . .. I I ing a koad froin Edmonton to, 'the , ' ­ , � . . I , . . . . . � . . L. L I . . Allen ... * .......... ­:'. - CLARREi .............. 2355 . Clarke, Con .......... 413, 1 . . . .NEW BRUNDSWICK-Y ourteen Members. . I . I more, Mo. . I I . � 1. . . L . n 1. I . . - . .1 . - . � . . . . . Peace� tri�ver, when the Cana'diax ' . * . ' 636 . L . L I .. ,, I . - , .. hn.r bile drove f - . . .. ,� . . .... . - . . .. Weldon'. � *11111.�...O: , So over the side o, ­ . . Burns ............ . . LOSLER I ......... .. : .... 1816 H. Sto"ve so'! f Osler,- Con ...... * Albert..' .. '.. . I LEWIS.. I . .... .. I ... . ....... : I., - - - i ..... 4 - - Lewis, 242 . . ,lij � I Were ftlaell.'. . He . McKay ................. . ' .. 1�., oll ... : 251 1 arleton L. " , .. .... , � .....".,L� ,200i f ::.... ... . . I .. ' I nea 'Ing, . 0 . nt.* He � fall . Mounted L Rif as � I I . . . I HUGHES ..' .... .... 1. 21 .......... � , 114le, 004 .... e..:'i . a ditchl YOM - McHugh ............... L L C , .6 Carvell ..... ;. .-.....�� . HALE, ,.:�..... .... * I rW 1 62 . � I O .vio unteeired, abd wasApPolmt6d an of, - . I I ... MoHugh,,Lib.:P. I ..' * nistrong .......... ; - - ........ .. 5, 0 .... L ...... ­Ganong)'Com .i. . for*iLrd withIlls neck.acrOss the dasb- . . . * . � . . I Con.,.. L 3 - R.. .. Ar )OlBlanchard ........ . 0 . UAW 4- j . L . I � . . - I . VROOMAN .:... , ..... .225 .,_.....'. I I ' . I 65 - GANONG.*., , , * " . . ficer; He i I ' . - Seajr&K . . 09 Charlotte. k,. . : 407� 1 was anative.of Anth - ........ i ... ...... �, .:..-. . SEAGRA'M .............. Ace ..... - _ . Cloucestu. '., '.. .. TURGEOT . - . �..�. !� ....... t ... i Blanchard, Con ...... $01 . . . . erst- , - Shantz..-.... .­ ...... . 0 CLARE � I.... .....'.... .1501 ..... :.�.: ": , , LMngstou, Lib..'_.. - 89 C.L ............... L .. L. boo,rd, aAd* Was straugled' so . Am ju , L ' , . '. . I OMCCleary.....L. ...'_ ,... , 'Mc-Oleary, Con. i... . 169 Kent.' ;....'..., �.' .. - .. LEBAN L .I.I........ 5001melp-orn �.� ... 1��--,..".; ...... McInerney, Coll.... . I . . baxg,� Ont., ind was Aimariied. 1. . . GF'RMAN-­ " ' " L ....... I do . ::..,.. � , , , , . L ..L . I 2 . . - 527 found. - I .t . . � . . .. . : .. I . I � : '- FOWLEF;'.L. .. .. - � ....... .100"..L ......... MoGOWAX ,, ...::! ,�,O iple, fib ........ 621 K. ' .. Doulville ............... 6. .. Doniville, Lib ...... 515 L I UNITED STATE. S'. .­ L ' L . , ---qb.-- . I . .. I IL Semple . �__t'...'_ , ,­, . 0 ............. 17 San . In ey ... L...'. ' .: ROBINSON . ....... - Robinson, Con. .... 507 . . . . . . . I . :. . . . MeMallon L , .. - I . I *N6AN'umberla'm*d .. - .. Morriss ... 4351'..., ......... ,:� ' 'L ' . I .1 I I 1. . . . L . .. � . : I � . - I . .. - ._�...., L �. � 1. . ,at among the :."..;,,..L.'.; . I . .­::::, 75 McAlister....' ....., .......... !,.. 1. McAlister, Con 6...... 44 . . . . . TOLTON....'N � ......., I M "Mullen, Llb.,_'. 162 - I I . ... . .. ... .......... . - 40 ........... ; 11 ( . 'Re, ' ,,he * * RDID........, . . . . .'smallpox has brokou C . . DARING POLICE EXPLOU. GUTHRIE Kloopfer ................ % . . : , .joepfer, Con ...... 138 ' * * ' ' . , . .. ' ..1.. I SgTervilte, Lib.. ­s 1121 St "Igou 01 .1 , 722 Indiana -of Idaltoo.: I . . . . . . _113 -..;�,.... '... . Y . . ter ..... I ..... ­... .... Ellis, Lib ..... . - . � . . I . . , . 'y . .... ..... 671 .... '77: ":,' . * L . . PATERSON ... . 1 .. * ... : , - - I oh . .. BLAIR........ * ........ 1037 Pos . Okilihoma andWash L . . I . . I .... 11. . , - , I I... '.-. ... '. Tuckei, Lill..' : * . 191 . . . . . . - . .. L Seale ....... .... .... .. . SMITH .. ....." 200 ...: * : *::.. Biln, Lib... ..,... 187 unty TUCKE R ... ­ . "' I ... . 1. '. ingtone , . � Raided and Captured'a ToWii Held ' ' - ­­­ *** , St. X Olin CitY4 �h C� . .. - .. � S T I . .. ..... I ........ . WILMOT ........ I ... 79 - .'.,: ......... Blair, Lib�.'o........- 624 . Row.T­.*::.....,.,;. 715 .. ". ._,y an, . L , , 'I. . ­ . . . I -'iN W b ..a.. White .. The British Museum has sent 21000 q 1. � ....... MACLL , � ....... Maclean, Con,.:::,. 3 0'tuicr.joud . . . . 1. I—— . . . ::.. 1. . . . . , :.. .. .. Powell, con ..... .. 109 � , L . 1. . NIULOOK . ..... ; ., EMIuER90N .......... 900 Powell ...... .... .. : * 1 . ::.. 60 Curry .... . I ...,w ....... L Victoria L , - - ' - Richards ... �.... : � - ...... Costigan TAb OR, 646 skins of rare birds t Wmeaton'Unj-. by the, Enemy.,. 1. .. I I . . * ' - - I .. . .... :..'*"** 10 . 'L . ' ,'4-pboll ...... ...'. WALLAo5h-';'.:: ": "' ; *:'�.'600 ' . " ............ Wallace, Con.. ....: 4068 . . ... ... � .. COSTIGAN,... � ...., . Acc L , �. . I A despatch from All al N . or . . I ­ I , . - - . 6 ., -- 10�2 varsity. . . . 1.W . . ....:: I 1 . Oil - .. . _. York'. - . �' .. .., .. GIBSON ...... : ....... 85 McLeod...... ... W. 1. 1. I .r . ........... 4:.Poster, on.::: 4 , L, . L . tl:6 . . 1 * I . . . . I � . i . . I . . '.�_ L '. " ' . . . .. . . : . . Drk, ot sstys;-Lioutetomt Aldridge, accouii� ; 1. . . ' . . . . . . I L . . . . I . . I .. . I . . . Nor ve mbers. L � I I 1. A11.11. W Y, . � I.., ., , . I � . . i-ity ,, E DWARD iSLANJD­M ' Me .. !, .. .L. I MoGragor" of -Na * , " .NOVA SCO-TIA-TAventy Nembers.:. , . .. . ­ . I.... . . . � . . . . I I I ! �, , . . . .., . I . L . . 11 I L' 3ompany, panied':by Viney and ton police, le'ro , - . , �, .1 , � I I . . . I , , , ­ ,., .. � - � - .. ,.. VGH ._.... . .. 100 Macdonald L. .. ' L : Macdonald, Con.,-... -.1 5L dirok - . the. atandard'Oil . 4 I , I . I . . I for of I . . . . .. It I . . . . - - . . ­ . 11 ''I . .1 . . . I . . .. I I In 'a - . S--.--1-1� . , I.: - - I I . . . . � . . . ouxville Xed'outly for Zastron. They: .! ; , '- � L . . . � :. . Bell ........ __.. 1"... s. . Bell, Lib ...... . L . 1. I . , . - WADE ...... ..? . 197 n9e, . . I . : ­:'..., * * ...... 45 . . I . . ...... 104 Mills ................. I ...." ... ".. 41 Mills, Con . ......... � ii:- I � . ILEFURGY:: * " '* `d.. � .... ­ , L' . r ialdead_ . o the went round by. Mayfiews farina, - ap. . , KcISAAO .,... I... . ... I . . . . Gerrioi ..... .*. : ......... . . .11 ........ ��.­. Mcls000, . 1 ince, W . ...... %. MeLELLAN.'.. .. i5011fackett ....... ...... I*'. I . . .... :.:.. McLellan� Lib.... .' STO Four men - blow. . ... . . , ­ . . . ....-., I I . per, Con.; ...... . 816 - . . .. M.KINWOI,T,:. . :::** I 80iMartin ................. . .4 :. - artin, Coll, ....:. 354 yachit Al. - York, -bave rew proacrhibg Z,astron from :the Bastito- I . .. 450 Sir 0. Tapper . .._ . ( uews, E .. . . . M .' I.. M , aria, at Ne . land side, and gallopink ovei'thehill . . . . . 0 'I rt I I 1. lo I I I I I If - Pri BI ?r I M . ......... 1 � . M L * : ...... &34 :tarned safely. owl .. cDou all . . " L ' McDougall, Con..,.. 617 ueea% W, . . . .. r. , 60 , : to.. N . . .. f Tup . . , ( .o DAVIES__ r;,::.. .: I ,Stewart ... ............ 1--*: * ., * : .... .... Davies, Lib_ L York from I IT 1). . . . I � . . . .. . . .. -1 - I � right into the town,- which they,.im- . * . �,j�:: " ' ­.'­­ Meblure._� ......... _., , . GOURg . ... i..... . . p ? 200j.., 1 1 ...... :... Mcolure,*Lib.....­ . *6 . I . . . . .. I , .., 1� -1 � I . . . , . .11 . , I � � . . - , mediately hem up, I . L . . . I LOGAN ....... 4,... � ... 400 Cobalt 105 .1 . S : . . I . J . amaida. . � I I . . I . I I . ' .1 -, - . . Ten Botrs, . . . "... � ....... . 4 ....... :: Logan, Lib- 1. ­.. . I I I . � NORTI-IWEST TERRITORIE -Four Members,* . sebe- .. . . . I ..... - - - , . . I . 1. I I . I . . . I . . TM p including. the landdrost, . COPP... 10 Jones .......... � ....... ­­­.�;,..'. Copp,.Lib.,........., 40' ' . I ,r6posad.' Philippine traffic . . . � � I p -- - I � -200 tt ..,. .­ ....... ...... Oliver, Llb .......... 04 , a captured, .and 17. horses wore,. . r, RAsEK*.'.'.*.' . ." . ' " " . . '. 250 Gregory .... �..., ........ ..... I ....... I . I . Fraser, Lib ........ 1 18 Alberta . ULI'�FER (Ind.) L " ..:L.. I .. .�.A aula is i : iiidy to, be submitted to the wer . I I . * . BORDEN...... . .1. , . L L 688, Assiniboial, * , * , , . Dbu6as . . . " � . .� ......... Dbuglaso Pat ...... 1 1054 . . . . . I w,wg. seized. Two.. British prisoners I were I , ' . L . . I - Roche .............. . .­ I �... �!. 4 'I . .. 1. . Borden,. Con,— .9 - 381 'Assiniboin, EV: ....... '. . 0.-.L.::::::::., *70j.'.,.- . . .11 . . 1�1 ......... �.,...., '9� ...... ... RnssCll,_Lib.,.­. .. SC6TT,;..;*:::.:::.: 20�� .::::.::.* , I Rgj;;;i;: �:. Davin, Con .......... I War Department,' says % Wi released from gaol. The - party raw . I Wallace. � ... ­**­ ... L, . KENM- , . L I. ,. . ­ . . . I . I RUSSE I I ' Saskatchewan - .. , .. DAVIS ............. ::. loo Spence ............. I.. J. a . . livie, . . TAK I - _'. ..,...:, 148 'ton, despatchl. . - . I turned to Roakville the same evaulag . .. . _ . .1 . L :. 35 1 .11 I . I . . , , 'I. I 1,1 ...... � ....... I 12 Putnam....,._�... q-., .............. Haley, Lib..... of . . , . . . , - . . 1. . . I . .1 I , found guilty . with their a I '. . MCLENNAN ............. 200 Cameron ............... I.. " .......... � McLennan; Lib.::.... 144 . . . 11 . I . I . .. . I , MANII'OBA-Seven Members. ., '' �. . . . . .. . .1. I yto�sljn H. . Fewrall, � . . . pol . .. . I .1 . I I I I I I I . . . . . - . . . I 1, . # -ri.-go -f. Messenger . . . . ZVrwjni4 ............... 100 Webster ......... � ...... ............... Borden,Lib ........ %il McLean .......­.. -.,.,... . ,I XAULBACH .... .... ... ".100' .....'.._ .... Katillitich, Con. . .. � , 85 McDonald ............ . SIR IL TUPPElt ...... 14,-); , Tuppor, Con. . �..,., 228 McGregor ......... jL. ­ BF,LT . ........ I ......... I Olt I I I Bell, Con ......... u, 1154 H 76 Gillies ........ -::.:.1.: . ..�..�::-.-:::-,:.� Gillies, Con.. . 22 FIELDING'...� ... 500 Rifellie ........ . . . . .. . , I ' : :*** 00. , . , . 2,5010orning ................. ........... '!I.'(I'.g' �lili.:.:: .' is FLINT.. � ....... :,:::, : ::,:, Flit.t, Li .� 'ROSS ......... I . l4O1.Nfc(7a4dll I . I tf, lmol.,b .. ..... I 172 I . - KC16� ..: - - .. '! , " SU"j:VX. . . .'­ "..,. �.. 250 Maddonald:.'� ......... ,i6jA,,LW6, : 2, on, ' L C . . � I.. ... . ­ .1 . ­­ ... .. . . ­ ' , *i Lisgar .. .. .. ,t. . .: I. I I 1. .. . - . � ,:, -ill . . Winkler. � - ­ , ii6liAiiL96 00 ich dsonjud. I .. -...o.... BOYD ...... i .R.... 20O.... .. .. ......... . ut Macdonald.. . .. .,-, Rutherfo4:, * * " * ­ ­ I .ut 0, . 9 Lib .... 536 L Marquette '.. ... .. L Thompson ............. :: ROCHE - � .......... 140. . . I . . I a a, on.'........, 61L provelichor.... ... ,. - .. Bertrand ............. LA RMERE . �. . ..*.. Soo .:::::::, * * - ­a.­e­ , LaRiviore, Con..... 666 . . Selkirk ... I . jyjcCREARY`� ... _.... 14 Ilaslam..... I . �.,4. � q ..... :.... .. Afacdonell, U6. ..,. : I UTTBE ............ � 12001 ............ � o. . .... Martin, (Ind.) ... - . -Puttee, In Winnipog... - ., IP I . I . . ld.....j..�,. 7 uma bluxuu. 0 . L, . ____--f . . . LaInal -�ailed in an. attempt to smother . - - . I I . OSTILL SNIPING.- - . I . hims"U i , n the jan. at Marysville, Ohlo,. . . I . I . . , ... . . .. . L . . t.fa,rin L L' . . . , ­ . L _ I � L Foa-", . . .. I . . . . . 4 pough&eepeie, N.Y., distr4lo, � � . L. ' ' er, invented a setheine td guard 410 Outposts Near BloeinfolaWn_ Fired i . . . . L .: . . . . I . John MItchell, -his . � On. ' . . 1. vhiicken�-OooP, . . . . . . I I ' . - ,j A H had a wife 'A desnatch f in London says: -A .. .. .. .. .... .. ... ..... ......... I—' ...... . I I I - . I . I OOROWA_ neighboar, - ea . . I L . P . . --.-------- ___ ----.--- L .. I - , � _* ......... _­_­­­ ­­_­­ --.-.-. ­ ­­­­ . ' - _­.______-. ­-­_ L . . . . . I . . ­ - � . ... - - . ­­ __ ­­­­ ­_ - 1. - ..--- ­..__.____­ - .. . . . I . . . � . . and three ch-Rdron. . L despatch from Woemfoutain says � ,,� . . smoke , 13 to 15OL;j p.a.-Steady and une4anged; are N Gj,jj3 ena at trminloaM of .Boers and, Germans who . . I . . I . . I I I 13 tor 150 I L ETH '�' the com- have boon deported from the Trans- . �, . .. d ' GE .. FRENCH'S ANVOY .ployedja a silk mill -2c east, ,a�ad 58 . . . MARKETS OF THEWORLD 's`mqjpad1 h"at"i" ; ; lard, palls, ; quoted at 57 to 57 1 L OR -4 I I . naziatals, Pa., are on strike., . . L L L I . i . � . . I . I . a vaml are passing " filjough 0 . . I . to 590 West. UEN k'"' GOOD W* �RK - . 10 1-2c ; bull tube, 9 1-2 to. 10c. . Seven. Hundred Waggons Brought M . ,_ 01 0 pony having refused to discharge there a . Frices O'Cattle, ChB939 GPM% ,%' Mowonto, Nov. 12�At the western i Rye -Is unchanged, and selling I at . - I . . � . . . . . . I . . forelady whose fatha4 a minor. work- their way south. . .. I ­ . in the Leading Lriets. . -he receipts 1 45 j_r, to 400 West. .... I I . Through in. Safety. . I. . ... ... -,:_- -.. 7-7­7-�­7 . .. 1. L . L . . . The British outposts near nloemfon�� L .. I � cattle yards yesterday 1, . j )War. A despmtch from'Pgetoria: says - '' I . � . . ' i . ad during the coal strike. , . '­ The - were'Only s2 IoMdg.of live stock, in-:, Milwaukee, No�v, 1.2._Wh6at--L( I . scouts,who .,Details of - . essful En e 'ts at Zeerust, . THE STREET MARKET. I . . I FrenWa .; His * ' Succ gagem v Mrs.. Anna L.'.Adamson, a ,*oil- tein warelsitiped at on Sunday L , . 74c, Ryam�Firm; Ono ot General .. I 1. . kdp,: three ' L I eluding $00 cattle, 500. sheep .and No. 1, 7w; No. 2, 73 tar. . 5 elberg, . and . .�. I . I . I . k gh . at.% held Le6ulw . r 'L . I I � Toronto, Nov. 12. -Business ,was - was, captured ,bear Held- , . L nown edbtor, dau. ter of the 'late 116' L I � I miles quiet on the street to -day, not much lambs, 500 hogs and a foW calyes and No. 1,,61c. Barley -Higher; No.2. 600; � . . I . and Neighbourhood. .. . . � . E. J..Aulihg, L editor and. publisher of 0outh.;east L Of jajoomfouteln� On Mon. , . .. . . . L . . � . . , . I . . . 'sample"44 to 680, - .L . . *.Ile was, at first treated badly by the . . . I . . . . . . I.. � a . . ­ . . I in in, and prices are unchanged. miloh Oqfwg- L I L . . . I - . . . . . . .1 1. . I L . aratoga. .Sentinel,. ..Wag found d - , . . � . I " . , I . I � . � . . . . .1 . .. . . I 11 . L gra the There is nothing. doing in shipping I Minneapolis, Nov- 12,Wheat-Cash, Bo�xs, who threatened'to shoot him, . I . . the S . .. I L I ay . � .i, . I .. I I . . . The weather is unfavorable, and , was Afterwards released and taken A aespiLtokfrom; N0afeking, says;- �explbded, causing several casualties. ead h igiter's home bit Chicago I I i ­ . . I I . .. 11 . I . ; May 77 l4w. 11 I . I I . . L roads are bad. Red and whU,4 wheat oattle. ' . 1 75 1-8c; December, 74 1-86. 1 to Gen. French's head . The enemy t(Vk shelter, in fayin- :racently, suffocated I)Y'gas, I Butcher ,trade is, easy Good stuff � on track, No. I hard, 77 1-80, No- I .with dispatch . - On Saturday. last, the day of. Lord.. . Lieut . JL 33, M61,6a,lj, of Wool- GEN. BULLER AROVE.5 I I is quoted at 68 to 68 1-2c; goose at 66 ' quarters. go states that Gen, Hans ' I housfs, which Weta, afterwards found .-001 - I . I . . I to 07c; tbarley, at 40c; and oats at sells readily enough at steady and . Northern,,75 1-8c; No. 2Xorthern, 711-8 laothMLiS ill Gob=an4 of the. BOOrg, Ketiluen's; arrivaLl at lZearust, a.re- Crowded with, Woman and childr . on, Wtbh, tag., and Miss Anna Perkina . . - . and for good to choice cattle there.' in . 28 to Soo. Hay is scarce; straw steady I 'to 73 1.j!�, Flour and bran -' tTn- . appea.rs to be little wanted. I I -IS and has with him the Bethel, Caro,- eonnaissance Was .made by a force niol D. Slade, Oreeted by Lord Wolsely and . . I Tjll�ty Boors took refuge in one farm, Slade, daughter of Do I . � and unchanged. changed�. I . L hard lina, Ermelo, and, Middleburg Com- composed of f our cG;npanies of the but o*�ng to the presence of, ivomon Ware married in Boston recently, Tille . . Immense Assernblage. L . I I . WIlext, white, stgt. gogg $0681-2 Feeders,: stockers, and balls were all , Duluth, Nov. 12.-Whett-NN J I L Y )a n ' A dospatchfrom. Soruthampton says;. . 1 . WheTt, red ...... y easy daniand at quotab- ', Cash, 78c; to arrive, 18c; November, 780. mandoes. The scout says be x0cog- Nortliwixborlands, supported by- eo- aind chil to our ,gans Wore nat per- bride wore What Was 0=6 the court ..... � ... 0681-2 069 In exUarael. . f - SI d .a 11 , on the veg I . 67 nized a number of British prisoners Maury, Australians, Bushmen, and mitt,ed to fire, on t4em, �niping was dTegg Of the Queen Regent of Portu r, 164v ra Da or litt an . Wheat, goose ...... ...... 066 0 ly unchanged prices. . I IDecomber, 75.1-2e; May, 81 1-40; No. I . . Castle, from Cape town, x%pornted at L . . ...... '... 01181-2 069 I in the Mager. They were, captured artillery. '.the column moved Out located'from A, building in whiolt bons gal. . . , . I L Wheat, spring 060 Good milch cows ain-d choice V13,11 1 Northern, cash, 70e; to arrive, 7001j Nov-� � . . . 4ere found, __._6_.�, Southampton Friday evening at 8ogo. , I . . . . . 14NERA � � I . Peas ...... ... .............. :1 ...... 000 I . French's first advance. three miles to the north of Zeerust, but women and Children I Gr L. . I . . Barley ...... ...... .... 0401-2 045 . . - December, 75 1-4c; May, 70 during Gen- . I . . ... calves are wanted. . 1 ember, 16o, I -oro . _. in t.ha Berga distict, Spain, 800 He was greeted by Lord Wolsoley and . spring, They Will be released and furnished wh , tho onebay were found in force but it could n6t boascartained whe I . I I Rye ...... ... ......... ...... 052 053 . I "Small stuff" is f irmir, while tat i 1-4c; NO,,9 Northern, Ile; No, 3 . 1. . the official who on'ib,e side of Bothills farm Gen. that wome I n or'luou were the snipers. , . his'staff, as Well as jan immense . ad. I ' oats ...... ...... ...... ...... 028 030 quotably higher. . I 1610,Cotn_37 1_16. OrLtB_g8 1-4 to 230, with passtA as soot, as . I . � rebel 6arlists are in arm6- sombly Of towbapeople. At bo'clock . Hay ... ... ......... ...... ... 1300 1500 Lambs &re.worth' from 3 1-2 to 4e 1 Buffalo, . NOV. 12, -Spring wheat- issues passes aftivag fromMiddleburg. Douglas bad already started shell ,With, the objectof removing am i'm Bristol willask Parliament tobuild . 0 Be .je. . . I he Sat down to the litayorialty . 1200 ,oult also states that the Boers Ing tho an from a small bop Vression prevalent among'the Doers I . Straw ......... ...... ......... 1100 per pound, and for choice a little more Steady; No. I Northern, old, carloads, , Th . I 'emy I . . . a dry�dook at Avonmouth. I . k.�inqaot,_ the first of a series of ban. . Dressed hogs ......... ...... 650 700 1 1 1 L . A an - will suf6r death or I I I � 81 3,40; No. I N thorn, no" .1-2c. are short ,of supplies, and are living Lord M�athuen at once deliveie that bnrihers Irish pe�t is in demand at Liver - Butter, lb. rolls ... --i 018 021 d . , or w, 80 oloatz. to be given in his honour, . . I 34ggs, new laid ...... ... 010 022 'Mealies; and meal, and axe using Etttack with artillery and rifle fire, banishment on surrender, Cho fellow- pool, Wh6re coal is very ftat'L . . L I . . I . I Chickens, per pair ... ... 030 055 There Is also a steady eaquiry for I Winter wheat -Miller$ offering 77c for on � coffee. The I which Wis. ,sustained for about four ing instructions h L ame beon received laing twelve man, . ------- ONO- . I choice $hoop at tram 3 1-1 to 3 1-2c I No. � red, and 75o,f or No. I white' , No. burnt mealle's to make . I TWO boats, 0011tal Turkeys, per Ill ....... ... 008 010 . No. been lost at the mouth of the Geese, per lb ...... ...... ... 006 009 pew pound. . I a rod offered at 74c. Corn - Steady, supply of meal, however, is ablindant. hours. He eventually succeeded in from Lord Roberts ,and Circulated in have . . NO STAIR CLIMBING. I 010 * NO icha,age has occurred in hogs. ,,, yellow, �oldj a 34c;,No, 8 do,, 43 I-02c's I The Boars Were Very much disap- dislodging the enemy from their Pool- Western Transvaal ,by Lilid, LMeth- Elba. I Tto name exedlotor given to amo* Ducks, per pair ...... ... 040 4 . a tialtias were four ikill- u0n:_ I . Buddhists wilu into Ing stairway is from the French worA I Dooks, live, Imr pair 025 050 - The best price for prime hogs is 4 3-40: ' No. 3 yellow, 410; No, scorn, 400, pointed because they were unable to, Hot, 'Our c 8 Tjiie Japan 90 - I now', I Potatoes, par bag ...... 0 SON 040 per lb, and light and heavy, 4 1-4o per'Oats-Weak; ,No. 2 white, 27 1-4o; No. 3 capture nay of General French's Con- ad and. ton wounded, Baighers surrendering voluntarll�, attive mIssionary work all over the "Oxoaller4" a flight of stairs. - ) 075 100 . Is the object of thoir con- Cilptj Gordon Wood, a the ShrOP- who hav4anever takoh tlicoath of nou- .Who machinery that operates. the I . Ak.plan, fall, per bbl... i � L � world, Aipples, choice ......... ... 100 I r,o �oumd. I whlte,. % 1-4o; Xa, 2 mixed, 24 1-2 to 24, VoY, which W . Beef, hind quarters.... 700 50 Hogs to fetch the top prices must Barley i tillued attacksq The convoy con- sbiro Yeomanry, was being carried off trallty, will not be sent,out of ' ' 8 , 34o; No. 3 mixed, 23 3-4 to 24o. the( fjold W on 'Ile Wa6 Shot L So L South There -have boon serioud anti -tax stairway is extrembly simple and very . . Beef, fore quarters ... 400 600 be of prime quality, and scale not 1 �Weitern, choice to best, 60 to 63e; '41af-7 �Gf seven hundred wag9bus- The ' h . dead On. Africa, No promi regarding future rlotg 'In tha,,Sera-t district Of Roll- strftg. Each otep in fastened by . Beef, careases ......... ... 560 750 below 100,nor above 200 lbs. . toL good, 56 to 5BO; common, 53, to Mers mitted that they had lost the str6tolier. Tke, bearers escaped treatment can be given I to burgh�ra . L tabans of heavy iron bolts to an and- . I Calves, each ...... ...... ... $00 Soo I fair, ad y the morning dftOr uutou0bed. L who litive, been taken priaonori% an the btania, uart BI . igh,gaventh Is" iron Chain. aia4 'under taoh step I ....... r BREADSTURFS, ETC, 11r",,C,C.I.f. 'Rye.- Dull; No..1,56o; No.9, heavily, OsPooiall . . Edward 'try St . Mutton ......... ......... jon L 600 : The, enemy had ounuingly concealed battl0field, . lip .. Lambs, spring per Ili 000 008 ,I%Oronto, Nov. 12. -Business in wheat 'Blic, vlaxseed--4)aluth, cash, W.77 Gen. French left Bethel. On that 606a" . . . gatl Darnley, 11,% dead at Loodoijil.agod aft rollers wbl6h At the bottom of I L I I . sion the Boors, W,ho thought: all the Nvire entanglements among, the grow- Burghers surrenAerifig voluntarily, 49 years, I tbb otairway. run along, for a few feet I . . I , DAIRY MARKETS. ls better to -day. Spring is quoted I r, lour-Qtilet. . 0 . Nov. 12,_Wheat aobed close to Ing or ps in front of their position. and who have either never ta e Mine. yvotte Gullbert is about to apob a h6rixontal plant,,, at this point. *, � � Butter -Creamery is selling -well at about steady at 65o, and Goo east; I Detroit, _ NO,, I British had gone, appro 10 OA1110 to oifh or have taken the oatb, and have undergo an operation on her threat therefore, there'!% it smAll level, imov4. I oba. firmer, I .ash 70 a farlu near which the carbineors were Here soverlit of otir men .. ,�, trbm 20 tb 25.c for rolls, an4l &A24 goosev, at 03c west;, Mault . white, cash, 7e) 1-4e; No. 2 red, c R1 . posted,. and lost fifty in.killed and grIef,. but owing to tbbv bad shooting beeii forced to, break it, will be per- In Berlin. � .. I . . Ing -platform,. which Passedgers stop I . to 15o for prints; choice dairy tub sells and scare,3 at 01 1-2 to 02e for No. I 1346; December, 17 3-4o; May, 81 U 0. (1, oat of a Jotoo of two bun- of the cliamy they did not Buffer so initt.ea to retu . . at frcm� 19 to g&; largo rolls are hard, Toronto and wast; and 05e for - St. Louis, Nov. 12. -Wheat ,ash ,woonde . ru to their farms at VeSto.rdly' the Pope gave the bone- 106A if they Wiah to be darried up. No. 2, V-1.1'. i 7,.' , dred. heavily as otherwise might hove the conclusion of hostilities, . diction to 1p.000 Irish pilgrionif vigit- stairs. As s(on ae; tht rollers strike worth from 171-2 to 18 1-2o per pound; No. I hard, and Ole for and. November, 71c; December, I- O; Thei Iloers expressed ,the bittereSt boon the Case. . . The atook belonging to those who Ing ltomw, I I . th6 inallned. plane* however, the ateps . &nd pound rolls, 19 to 2oc. 'Supplies Are White wheat iq quoted at 63 1-20;'May, 7je 1.80. 1 feelings aboat the burning of farms by on the (lay before 6n,tering1cerust, surrojild6v voluntarily Will, if taken . _. rl" one above the other, and become. gniple, and th6gaft6ral demand fair, wid,"d at 64o, middle freights. � Toledo, (Nov. 12. -Wheat .r. 40ash and the Dritiall. It is explained that the Lo.rd Uethuan,o, Column wo,s sov6rely dutigg the campiagn, after the date ------ AR- graded like itin ordinary stairway. At toggs_.J?Xioo� for fresh are from; 18 Vlobx-Very dull;, cars of 90 per � November, 76 6-8c; December, 77 1-8c; only farms burned wore those whose shelled by Boers along the road, Ono of this notioe, be paid, for either in the top the rollers again run oilong to 230; picked are WOrtli from 16 1-2 Cant, patents axe report6a at $2.05 to May, 81 5-80. Corn -Cash and Novem- Owners. ,had done something desovving Of. the sholls, otjru,ok,a, tree, and then, '4aah ,or, by cheque. - ]AIRGHERS JatING MISLED. 0 botiXontal plane, and the, 'steps to lea; and 6ulla froon 8 to 100, $2.10, west; Manitoba flour Is- Un- ber, 87 14a; December, 30,44o. oats punisbinent. � , . 1. . . . L _._______ ___ 0�11 I - phease.-Rathex st jiglit trade at AtuagoA it.04.60; strong bakers, $1.30 ChBill and November, 22 14o; Deeembor, I 16 - __ I . . L Kruger's Trip to Europe to) SeaUpa agAin become a 1OV61 Platforxa froi* . 1231 1-1) I "'Woll the 1*600066rs stop Off. Th6 . 10" olu 11 to 190 per pound. L It bags. 1 _40. R.ye_M 1-2c.0oversooll-CaAh, STEYN STILL AT IT. CANADIANS HAVE SAILZ - tar, and am men all totd, Major weeks L intervention, � . I it . Woots, 19=91 ET01 . 0arn-Pri"s are weak but un -',1809, prime, 46.20; December, $0.60; . *� . RR -04 4 . I 'hag fovet and remains behind at . - stairwAy runs at a Steady apt6d Oop . I Current tiubtit olows: chaingea at 4oa tot chilaawt yellow, : March, $7.61 1-2. Now It fr. Germany Who Will I*. Capt, Weeks RoMains Ill Afrida On Xrotbstad, 'but bit conaltion is not 1k.d"Patob from London' oolays' s6vouty fast a minute. 4,44. Will as* I I I terfore, . A00OUnt Of Favor. dangerous. Capt. Ogilvie RIAO romallas Lord Roberts Cables the War Office - ry stp 18�000 pda"agox! an uu,r. i �-,gfdes, 90, I uroetv 7 1_2 to se ; No. M041 050 for teW, West .. 11_111_11­140.1_11.0� ­ A despatch from pratoriA, ,Says;- A despa,tell fresh Ott&WA, Out. X08' I behind for staff dutr. that 6:1-Pregident Stoyn, of the orange ' _-*­�, � J� ,d to", I -Sell at 25e for No. I white, Proo State, Is making ispoeolies to the ANSTIAL , *greeii gt6forj, g td g j.Z6 ;No. 9, green, ' OatS 23o, middle n ma Col. Otter adds that tho fibld mar. Inwwovok 00 av* . 1.2 to, 16., No, 8 igreen, s I.a to5 8.4e; east; NO. 2whlte�"at DE WET WOUNDED, sartonderedburghers dasbrt that'Mr. -Tht following 0,110OUMCM6 t *18 do I ahal oommanditig has complimented barghors;'And doing his utmost to all- BER, .1 # 9. 1.4c. CAlfsking--No. freights; and 23 1-2e, north and west, WOR." Steyll, aftex a c,ounell of war with by the Militia, D6paXt1u6At t6-daY.*- Courage them. r9a IB misleading them it has b66A 6itro-d, RI -Q, . ", t, Particularly, for its *or. bAtimated that t�6*0- 1, go; go 9 a. Jbimbskhrig-800. TAI- 110MAY Prices Shot in Log In Fight With General G6% Botha; and Gen, Dolarey, addreg- I ,,I have Just xec6lved A, e4blegraiii his regimen '09 that Gen DO Wiat h" Aolgod Y. ; _T,j;tjje doling, aild ' - . es at raoirolob6rg., byetati Proximate total. production of fuji.. I jo,w-u am , �5 to 5 8'.4,0.1 Wool- axe uotholuged, No. I is worth 430, a Knox. sed the burghorn with groat passift I from Col. Otter, dated Cape Town " the, bridge Ovot the Orange XiVelt at bbt oo,ila,utllly ls 51,600 tons, of " I I utglmg them to Continue the war. no 17th November, stating that big 60m: (Slgpod) "N. X AYLUP11t, Norval's Pont, that 5,00 Datchnift ftoboa.ftt, 21,OOOL toba tip �1111 -General com. 'Mo s,,jA 110;L UbW48hod, fl000do 0 east*1 No' % it quoted at 81 to 400' Pretoria, un(Wed, by rail toi 110olontl, for Major Are tak6n by tba - 3 is I Chal,leston Charleston, Natal, Aays;- told them he was going south an4 inaild is IO&VIng to-doty by the 11awAr- JAwnding Canadian militle.11 have been sent back to Cape Colony to 'United Rind"al; 21,000 by the Unit. . - 14 to, I* ,; pullea, Isupbr, 18 to 190; middla treights; atd extra No r . . quot6d at 816. west. 1) - renew the. fighting th6re. Mid that tit. ed States and Canada; tind 15,600 br skmd Pulled, iixtrd, 00 to 226, at -Quoted at 46e east, Gen. De .;O� hag been wounAca in the hoped to xelurn with 6,000 iion,' sts- den Castle for 804thamll"Ofto coil*, �, . '61, � - I the ro6t of 19urdilo, Tht Ama*Ou oll . 4- � . j);:08SpD IJOGS XND P11OVISIONS. DUCkwho- I leg in OL tight With the troops ofyGm. suribg them that he, knew that Got- slolting of, besides himself, Majors Bu- PreaReat Xroigtri, of the Tranavaill, txkt Produfto 25,060 toas, and Nast T,j;jjj,t 'IreAL66d hOgg'jiro Wofth from Wnd 410 West' $12.40 toL $% f Knox of, Ronsburg drift. According M1107 had aeuv , area an uitimatuin to oba-A end vistt, Captains 33ur4tal akid : Th# VtueXuelan Go4l6rn1hent *111 41&8 6OU6 to Har*P6 to 1100,4ve iutjjrVtjj. and West Afrka 24,000 tons, p4rto- I - ,",t.4 b�",#y $5,U to MillfooA-EM5Y It O, to xatlV6ft#O,Vt3, tilt 1306r 00MIZAAft Grab BVIW14 doman4ing the T41tro. I ulkedonbll,tud Lituts. L&WI$$,if Usbono , Voty Int#r"t on All d4bt# *A& Iftn* Ition, Ulling wh1oh thi VAUV441 ,wm of south imokt ituor 404 us WS td ", obt, r 11 awut, W490i 240914 W 00M, bow X&aubv. . I , 4MM44 OANA04 000 t" 00. .100 #jW �Wv, "V* %t .0 j41 sh#.ftt, ArpA #11,%o w*ttj for eiiltlosdg, uvtawly 0"W $40twik 6w" 19 tht UVOW, bA 441A to tu highomt Wag$ t I , I I . I I . 1. . //r�,y , I I F . 1k . ,� . L . . 0 � / I I . . . . . * I - I � i 4� _ 4e%. 1 1� - - -1 � I - - I ..'.....­­ ... ­ "I"...--- 1.11.1--_'. ".....��-.-....-�...�1.1�,�...-�...�- -1 .. ... � -- ------- -- l-,�---.,.----�-.��..----,...-�..�,�-.�.-.,���..,-.��-,.-.-.,� .... ��.--�-�-.--,��,.�-�-----�1-1-�l---�..-----"-.-,-,. i ­­­------------­ L ' ­ . - ­.. .. _.....__.__ ZVrwjni4 ............... 100 Webster ......... � ...... ............... Borden,Lib ........ %il McLean .......­.. -.,.,... . ,I XAULBACH .... .... ... ".100' .....'.._ .... Katillitich, Con. . .. � , 85 McDonald ............ . SIR IL TUPPElt ...... 14,-); , Tuppor, Con. . �..,., 228 McGregor ......... jL. ­ BF,LT . ........ I ......... I Olt I I I Bell, Con ......... u, 1154 H 76 Gillies ........ -::.:.1.: . ..�..�::-.-:::-,:.� Gillies, Con.. . 22 FIELDING'...� ... 500 Rifellie ........ . . . . .. . , I ' : :*** 00. , . , . 2,5010orning ................. ........... '!I.'(I'.g' �lili.:.:: .' is FLINT.. � ....... :,:::, : ::,:, Flit.t, Li .� 'ROSS ......... I . l4O1.Nfc(7a4dll I . I tf, lmol.,b .. ..... I 172 I . - KC16� ..: - - .. '! , " SU"j:VX. . . .'­ "..,. �.. 250 Maddonald:.'� ......... ,i6jA,,LW6, : 2, on, ' L C . . � I.. ... . ­ .1 . ­­ ... .. . . ­ ' , *i Lisgar .. .. .. ,t. . .: I. I I 1. .. . - . � ,:, -ill . . Winkler. � - ­ , ii6liAiiL96 00 ich dsonjud. I .. -...o.... BOYD ...... i .R.... 20O.... .. .. ......... . ut Macdonald.. . .. .,-, Rutherfo4:, * * " * ­ ­ I .ut 0, . 9 Lib .... 536 L Marquette '.. ... .. L Thompson ............. :: ROCHE - � .......... 140. . . I . . I a a, on.'........, 61L provelichor.... ... ,. - .. Bertrand ............. LA RMERE . �. . ..*.. Soo .:::::::, * * - ­a.­e­ , LaRiviore, Con..... 666 . . Selkirk ... I . jyjcCREARY`� ... _.... 14 Ilaslam..... I . �.,4. � q ..... :.... .. Afacdonell, U6. ..,. : I UTTBE ............ � 12001 ............ � o. . .... Martin, (Ind.) ... - . -Puttee, In Winnipog... - ., IP I . I . . ld.....j..�,. 7 uma bluxuu. 0 . L, . ____--f . . . LaInal -�ailed in an. attempt to smother . - - . I I . OSTILL SNIPING.- - . I . hims"U i , n the jan. at Marysville, Ohlo,. . . I . I . . , ... . . .. . L . . t.fa,rin L L' . . . , ­ . L _ I � L Foa-", . . .. I . . . . . 4 pough&eepeie, N.Y., distr4lo, � � . L. ' ' er, invented a setheine td guard 410 Outposts Near BloeinfolaWn_ Fired i . . . . L .: . . . . I . John MItchell, -his . � On. ' . . 1. vhiicken�-OooP, . . . . . . I I ' . - ,j A H had a wife 'A desnatch f in London says: -A .. .. .. .. .... .. ... ..... ......... I—' ...... . I I I - . I . I OOROWA_ neighboar, - ea . . I L . P . . --.-------- ___ ----.--- L .. I - , � _* ......... _­_­­­ ­­_­­ --.-.-. ­ ­­­­ . ' - _­.______-. ­-­_ L . . . . . I . . ­ - � . ... - - . ­­ __ ­­­­ ­_ - 1. - ..--- ­..__.____­ - .. . . . I . . . � . . and three ch-Rdron. . L despatch from Woemfoutain says � ,,� . . smoke , 13 to 15OL;j p.a.-Steady and une4anged; are N Gj,jj3 ena at trminloaM of .Boers and, Germans who . . I . . I . . I I I 13 tor 150 I L ETH '�' the com- have boon deported from the Trans- . �, . .. d ' GE .. FRENCH'S ANVOY .ployedja a silk mill -2c east, ,a�ad 58 . . . MARKETS OF THEWORLD 's`mqjpad1 h"at"i" ; ; lard, palls, ; quoted at 57 to 57 1 L OR -4 I I . naziatals, Pa., are on strike., . . L L L I . i . � . . I . I . a vaml are passing " filjough 0 . . I . to 590 West. UEN k'"' GOOD W* �RK - . 10 1-2c ; bull tube, 9 1-2 to. 10c. . Seven. Hundred Waggons Brought M . ,_ 01 0 pony having refused to discharge there a . Frices O'Cattle, ChB939 GPM% ,%' Mowonto, Nov. 12�At the western i Rye -Is unchanged, and selling I at . - I . . � . . . . . . I . . forelady whose fatha4 a minor. work- their way south. . .. I ­ . in the Leading Lriets. . -he receipts 1 45 j_r, to 400 West. .... I I . Through in. Safety. . I. . ... ... -,:_- -.. 7-7­7-�­7 . .. 1. L . L . . . The British outposts near nloemfon�� L .. I � cattle yards yesterday 1, . j )War. A despmtch from'Pgetoria: says - '' I . � . . ' i . ad during the coal strike. , . '­ The - were'Only s2 IoMdg.of live stock, in-:, Milwaukee, No�v, 1.2._Wh6at--L( I . scouts,who .,Details of - . essful En e 'ts at Zeerust, . THE STREET MARKET. I . . I FrenWa .; His * ' Succ gagem v Mrs.. Anna L.'.Adamson, a ,*oil- tein warelsitiped at on Sunday L , . 74c, Ryam�Firm; Ono ot General .. I 1. . kdp,: three ' L I eluding $00 cattle, 500. sheep .and No. 1, 7w; No. 2, 73 tar. . 5 elberg, . and . .�. I . I . I . k gh . at.% held Le6ulw . r 'L . I I � Toronto, Nov. 12. -Business ,was - was, captured ,bear Held- , . L nown edbtor, dau. ter of the 'late 116' L I � I miles quiet on the street to -day, not much lambs, 500 hogs and a foW calyes and No. 1,,61c. Barley -Higher; No.2. 600; � . . I . and Neighbourhood. .. . . � . E. J..Aulihg, L editor and. publisher of 0outh.;east L Of jajoomfouteln� On Mon. , . .. . . . L . . � . . , . I . . . 'sample"44 to 680, - .L . . *.Ile was, at first treated badly by the . . . I . . . . . . I.. � a . . ­ . . I in in, and prices are unchanged. miloh Oqfwg- L I L . . . I - . . . . . . .1 1. . I L . aratoga. .Sentinel,. ..Wag found d - , . . � . I " . , I . I � . � . . . . .1 . .. . . I 11 . L gra the There is nothing. doing in shipping I Minneapolis, Nov- 12,Wheat-Cash, Bo�xs, who threatened'to shoot him, . I . . the S . .. I L I ay . � .i, . I .. I I . . . The weather is unfavorable, and , was Afterwards released and taken A aespiLtokfrom; N0afeking, says;- �explbded, causing several casualties. ead h igiter's home bit Chicago I I i ­ . . I I . .. 11 . I . ; May 77 l4w. 11 I . I I . . L roads are bad. Red and whU,4 wheat oattle. ' . 1 75 1-8c; December, 74 1-86. 1 to Gen. French's head . The enemy t(Vk shelter, in fayin- :racently, suffocated I)Y'gas, I Butcher ,trade is, easy Good stuff � on track, No. I hard, 77 1-80, No- I .with dispatch . - On Saturday. last, the day of. Lord.. . Lieut . JL 33, M61,6a,lj, of Wool- GEN. BULLER AROVE.5 I I is quoted at 68 to 68 1-2c; goose at 66 ' quarters. go states that Gen, Hans ' I housfs, which Weta, afterwards found .-001 - I . I . . I to 07c; tbarley, at 40c; and oats at sells readily enough at steady and . Northern,,75 1-8c; No. 2Xorthern, 711-8 laothMLiS ill Gob=an4 of the. BOOrg, Ketiluen's; arrivaLl at lZearust, a.re- Crowded with, Woman and childr . on, Wtbh, tag., and Miss Anna Perkina . . - . and for good to choice cattle there.' in . 28 to Soo. Hay is scarce; straw steady I 'to 73 1.j!�, Flour and bran -' tTn- . appea.rs to be little wanted. I I -IS and has with him the Bethel, Caro,- eonnaissance Was .made by a force niol D. Slade, Oreeted by Lord Wolsely and . . I Tjll�ty Boors took refuge in one farm, Slade, daughter of Do I . � and unchanged. changed�. I . L hard lina, Ermelo, and, Middleburg Com- composed of f our cG;npanies of the but o*�ng to the presence of, ivomon Ware married in Boston recently, Tille . . Immense Assernblage. L . I I . WIlext, white, stgt. gogg $0681-2 Feeders,: stockers, and balls were all , Duluth, Nov. 12.-Whett-NN J I L Y )a n ' A dospatchfrom. Soruthampton says;. . 1 . WheTt, red ...... y easy daniand at quotab- ', Cash, 78c; to arrive, 18c; November, 780. mandoes. The scout says be x0cog- Nortliwixborlands, supported by- eo- aind chil to our ,gans Wore nat per- bride wore What Was 0=6 the court ..... � ... 0681-2 069 In exUarael. . f - SI d .a 11 , on the veg I . 67 nized a number of British prisoners Maury, Australians, Bushmen, and mitt,ed to fire, on t4em, �niping was dTegg Of the Queen Regent of Portu r, 164v ra Da or litt an . Wheat, goose ...... ...... 066 0 ly unchanged prices. . I IDecomber, 75.1-2e; May, 81 1-40; No. I . . Castle, from Cape town, x%pornted at L . . ...... '... 01181-2 069 I in the Mager. They were, captured artillery. '.the column moved Out located'from A, building in whiolt bons gal. . . , . I L Wheat, spring 060 Good milch cows ain-d choice V13,11 1 Northern, cash, 70e; to arrive, 7001j Nov-� � . . . 4ere found, __._6_.�, Southampton Friday evening at 8ogo. , I . . . . . 14NERA � � I . Peas ...... ... .............. :1 ...... 000 I . French's first advance. three miles to the north of Zeerust, but women and Children I Gr L. . I . . Barley ...... ...... .... 0401-2 045 . . - December, 75 1-4c; May, 70 during Gen- . I . . ... calves are wanted. . 1 ember, 16o, I -oro . _. in t.ha Berga distict, Spain, 800 He was greeted by Lord Wolsoley and . spring, They Will be released and furnished wh , tho onebay were found in force but it could n6t boascartained whe I . I I Rye ...... ... ......... ...... 052 053 . I "Small stuff" is f irmir, while tat i 1-4c; NO,,9 Northern, Ile; No, 3 . 1. . the official who on'ib,e side of Bothills farm Gen. that wome I n or'luou were the snipers. , . his'staff, as Well as jan immense . ad. I ' oats ...... ...... ...... ...... 028 030 quotably higher. . I 1610,Cotn_37 1_16. OrLtB_g8 1-4 to 230, with passtA as soot, as . I . � rebel 6arlists are in arm6- sombly Of towbapeople. At bo'clock . Hay ... ... ......... ...... ... 1300 1500 Lambs &re.worth' from 3 1-2 to 4e 1 Buffalo, . NOV. 12, -Spring wheat- issues passes aftivag fromMiddleburg. Douglas bad already started shell ,With, the objectof removing am i'm Bristol willask Parliament tobuild . 0 Be .je. . . I he Sat down to the litayorialty . 1200 ,oult also states that the Boers Ing tho an from a small bop Vression prevalent among'the Doers I . Straw ......... ...... ......... 1100 per pound, and for choice a little more Steady; No. I Northern, old, carloads, , Th . I 'emy I . . . a dry�dook at Avonmouth. I . k.�inqaot,_ the first of a series of ban. . Dressed hogs ......... ...... 650 700 1 1 1 L . A an - will suf6r death or I I I � 81 3,40; No. I N thorn, no" .1-2c. are short ,of supplies, and are living Lord M�athuen at once deliveie that bnrihers Irish pe�t is in demand at Liver - Butter, lb. rolls ... --i 018 021 d . , or w, 80 oloatz. to be given in his honour, . . I 34ggs, new laid ...... ... 010 022 'Mealies; and meal, and axe using Etttack with artillery and rifle fire, banishment on surrender, Cho fellow- pool, Wh6re coal is very ftat'L . . L I . . I . I Chickens, per pair ... ... 030 055 There Is also a steady eaquiry for I Winter wheat -Miller$ offering 77c for on � coffee. The I which Wis. ,sustained for about four ing instructions h L ame beon received laing twelve man, . ------- ONO- . I choice $hoop at tram 3 1-1 to 3 1-2c I No. � red, and 75o,f or No. I white' , No. burnt mealle's to make . I TWO boats, 0011tal Turkeys, per Ill ....... ... 008 010 . No. been lost at the mouth of the Geese, per lb ...... ...... ... 006 009 pew pound. . I a rod offered at 74c. Corn - Steady, supply of meal, however, is ablindant. hours. He eventually succeeded in from Lord Roberts ,and Circulated in have . . NO STAIR CLIMBING. I 010 * NO icha,age has occurred in hogs. ,,, yellow, �oldj a 34c;,No, 8 do,, 43 I-02c's I The Boars Were Very much disap- dislodging the enemy from their Pool- Western Transvaal ,by Lilid, LMeth- Elba. I Tto name exedlotor given to amo* Ducks, per pair ...... ... 040 4 . a tialtias were four ikill- u0n:_ I . Buddhists wilu into Ing stairway is from the French worA I Dooks, live, Imr pair 025 050 - The best price for prime hogs is 4 3-40: ' No. 3 yellow, 410; No, scorn, 400, pointed because they were unable to, Hot, 'Our c 8 Tjiie Japan 90 - I now', I Potatoes, par bag ...... 0 SON 040 per lb, and light and heavy, 4 1-4o per'Oats-Weak; ,No. 2 white, 27 1-4o; No. 3 capture nay of General French's Con- ad and. ton wounded, Baighers surrendering voluntarll�, attive mIssionary work all over the "Oxoaller4" a flight of stairs. - ) 075 100 . Is the object of thoir con- Cilptj Gordon Wood, a the ShrOP- who hav4anever takoh tlicoath of nou- .Who machinery that operates. the I . Ak.plan, fall, per bbl... i � L � world, Aipples, choice ......... ... 100 I r,o �oumd. I whlte,. % 1-4o; Xa, 2 mixed, 24 1-2 to 24, VoY, which W . Beef, hind quarters.... 700 50 Hogs to fetch the top prices must Barley i tillued attacksq The convoy con- sbiro Yeomanry, was being carried off trallty, will not be sent,out of ' ' 8 , 34o; No. 3 mixed, 23 3-4 to 24o. the( fjold W on 'Ile Wa6 Shot L So L South There -have boon serioud anti -tax stairway is extrembly simple and very . . Beef, fore quarters ... 400 600 be of prime quality, and scale not 1 �Weitern, choice to best, 60 to 63e; '41af-7 �Gf seven hundred wag9bus- The ' h . dead On. Africa, No promi regarding future rlotg 'In tha,,Sera-t district Of Roll- strftg. Each otep in fastened by . Beef, careases ......... ... 560 750 below 100,nor above 200 lbs. . toL good, 56 to 5BO; common, 53, to Mers mitted that they had lost the str6tolier. Tke, bearers escaped treatment can be given I to burgh�ra . L tabans of heavy iron bolts to an and- . I Calves, each ...... ...... ... $00 Soo I fair, ad y the morning dftOr uutou0bed. L who litive, been taken priaonori% an the btania, uart BI . igh,gaventh Is" iron Chain. aia4 'under taoh step I ....... r BREADSTURFS, ETC, 11r",,C,C.I.f. 'Rye.- Dull; No..1,56o; No.9, heavily, OsPooiall . . Edward 'try St . Mutton ......... ......... jon L 600 : The, enemy had ounuingly concealed battl0field, . lip .. Lambs, spring per Ili 000 008 ,I%Oronto, Nov. 12. -Business in wheat 'Blic, vlaxseed--4)aluth, cash, W.77 Gen. French left Bethel. On that 606a" . . . gatl Darnley, 11,% dead at Loodoijil.agod aft rollers wbl6h At the bottom of I L I I . sion the Boors, W,ho thought: all the Nvire entanglements among, the grow- Burghers surrenAerifig voluntarily, 49 years, I tbb otairway. run along, for a few feet I . . I , DAIRY MARKETS. ls better to -day. Spring is quoted I r, lour-Qtilet. . 0 . Nov. 12,_Wheat aobed close to Ing or ps in front of their position. and who have either never ta e Mine. yvotte Gullbert is about to apob a h6rixontal plant,,, at this point. *, � � Butter -Creamery is selling -well at about steady at 65o, and Goo east; I Detroit, _ NO,, I British had gone, appro 10 OA1110 to oifh or have taken the oatb, and have undergo an operation on her threat therefore, there'!% it smAll level, imov4. I oba. firmer, I .ash 70 a farlu near which the carbineors were Here soverlit of otir men .. ,�, trbm 20 tb 25.c for rolls, an4l &A24 goosev, at 03c west;, Mault . white, cash, 7e) 1-4e; No. 2 red, c R1 . posted,. and lost fifty in.killed and grIef,. but owing to tbbv bad shooting beeii forced to, break it, will be per- In Berlin. � .. I . . Ing -platform,. which Passedgers stop I . to 15o for prints; choice dairy tub sells and scare,3 at 01 1-2 to 02e for No. I 1346; December, 17 3-4o; May, 81 U 0. (1, oat of a Jotoo of two bun- of the cliamy they did not Buffer so initt.ea to retu . . at frcm� 19 to g&; largo rolls are hard, Toronto and wast; and 05e for - St. Louis, Nov. 12. -Wheat ,ash ,woonde . ru to their farms at VeSto.rdly' the Pope gave the bone- 106A if they Wiah to be darried up. No. 2, V-1.1'. i 7,.' , dred. heavily as otherwise might hove the conclusion of hostilities, . diction to 1p.000 Irish pilgrionif vigit- stairs. As s(on ae; tht rollers strike worth from 171-2 to 18 1-2o per pound; No. I hard, and Ole for and. November, 71c; December, I- O; Thei Iloers expressed ,the bittereSt boon the Case. . . The atook belonging to those who Ing ltomw, I I . th6 inallned. plane* however, the ateps . &nd pound rolls, 19 to 2oc. 'Supplies Are White wheat iq quoted at 63 1-20;'May, 7je 1.80. 1 feelings aboat the burning of farms by on the (lay before 6n,tering1cerust, surrojild6v voluntarily Will, if taken . _. rl" one above the other, and become. gniple, and th6gaft6ral demand fair, wid,"d at 64o, middle freights. � Toledo, (Nov. 12. -Wheat .r. 40ash and the Dritiall. It is explained that the Lo.rd Uethuan,o, Column wo,s sov6rely dutigg the campiagn, after the date ------ AR- graded like itin ordinary stairway. At toggs_.J?Xioo� for fresh are from; 18 Vlobx-Very dull;, cars of 90 per � November, 76 6-8c; December, 77 1-8c; only farms burned wore those whose shelled by Boers along the road, Ono of this notioe, be paid, for either in the top the rollers again run oilong to 230; picked are WOrtli from 16 1-2 Cant, patents axe report6a at $2.05 to May, 81 5-80. Corn -Cash and Novem- Owners. ,had done something desovving Of. the sholls, otjru,ok,a, tree, and then, '4aah ,or, by cheque. - ]AIRGHERS JatING MISLED. 0 botiXontal plane, and the, 'steps to lea; and 6ulla froon 8 to 100, $2.10, west; Manitoba flour Is- Un- ber, 87 14a; December, 30,44o. oats punisbinent. � , . 1. . . . L _._______ ___ 0�11 I - phease.-Rathex st jiglit trade at AtuagoA it.04.60; strong bakers, $1.30 ChBill and November, 22 14o; Deeembor, I 16 - __ I . . L Kruger's Trip to Europe to) SeaUpa agAin become a 1OV61 Platforxa froi* . 1231 1-1) I "'Woll the 1*600066rs stop Off. Th6 . 10" olu 11 to 190 per pound. L It bags. 1 _40. R.ye_M 1-2c.0oversooll-CaAh, STEYN STILL AT IT. CANADIANS HAVE SAILZ - tar, and am men all totd, Major weeks L intervention, � . I it . Woots, 19=91 ET01 . 0arn-Pri"s are weak but un -',1809, prime, 46.20; December, $0.60; . *� . RR -04 4 . I 'hag fovet and remains behind at . - stairwAy runs at a Steady apt6d Oop . I Current tiubtit olows: chaingea at 4oa tot chilaawt yellow, : March, $7.61 1-2. Now It fr. Germany Who Will I*. Capt, Weeks RoMains Ill Afrida On Xrotbstad, 'but bit conaltion is not 1k.d"Patob from London' oolays' s6vouty fast a minute. 4,44. Will as* I I I terfore, . A00OUnt Of Favor. dangerous. Capt. Ogilvie RIAO romallas Lord Roberts Cables the War Office - ry stp 18�000 pda"agox! an uu,r. i �-,gfdes, 90, I uroetv 7 1_2 to se ; No. M041 050 for teW, West .. 11_111_11­140.1_11.0� ­ A despatch from pratoriA, ,Says;- A despa,tell fresh Ott&WA, Out. X08' I behind for staff dutr. that 6:1-Pregident Stoyn, of the orange ' _-*­�, � J� ,d to", I -Sell at 25e for No. I white, Proo State, Is making ispoeolies to the ANSTIAL , *greeii gt6forj, g td g j.Z6 ;No. 9, green, ' OatS 23o, middle n ma Col. Otter adds that tho fibld mar. Inwwovok 00 av* . 1.2 to, 16., No, 8 igreen, s I.a to5 8.4e; east; NO. 2whlte�"at DE WET WOUNDED, sartonderedburghers dasbrt that'Mr. -Tht following 0,110OUMCM6 t *18 do I ahal oommanditig has complimented barghors;'And doing his utmost to all- BER, .1 # 9. 1.4c. CAlfsking--No. freights; and 23 1-2e, north and west, WOR." Steyll, aftex a c,ounell of war with by the Militia, D6paXt1u6At t6-daY.*- Courage them. r9a IB misleading them it has b66A 6itro-d, RI -Q, . ", t, Particularly, for its *or. bAtimated that t�6*0- 1, go; go 9 a. Jbimbskhrig-800. TAI- 110MAY Prices Shot in Log In Fight With General G6% Botha; and Gen, Dolarey, addreg- I ,,I have Just xec6lved A, e4blegraiii his regimen '09 that Gen DO Wiat h" Aolgod Y. ; _T,j;tjje doling, aild ' - . es at raoirolob6rg., byetati Proximate total. production of fuji.. I jo,w-u am , �5 to 5 8'.4,0.1 Wool- axe uotholuged, No. I is worth 430, a Knox. sed the burghorn with groat passift I from Col. Otter, dated Cape Town " the, bridge Ovot the Orange XiVelt at bbt oo,ila,utllly ls 51,600 tons, of " I I utglmg them to Continue the war. no 17th November, stating that big 60m: (Slgpod) "N. X AYLUP11t, Norval's Pont, that 5,00 Datchnift ftoboa.ftt, 21,OOOL toba tip �1111 -General com. 'Mo s,,jA 110;L UbW48hod, fl000do 0 east*1 No' % it quoted at 81 to 400' Pretoria, un(Wed, by rail toi 110olontl, for Major Are tak6n by tba - 3 is I Chal,leston Charleston, Natal, Aays;- told them he was going south an4 inaild is IO&VIng to-doty by the 11awAr- JAwnding Canadian militle.11 have been sent back to Cape Colony to 'United Rind"al; 21,000 by the Unit. . - 14 to, I* ,; pullea, Isupbr, 18 to 190; middla treights; atd extra No r . . quot6d at 816. west. 1) - renew the. fighting th6re. Mid that tit. ed States and Canada; tind 15,600 br skmd Pulled, iixtrd, 00 to 226, at -Quoted at 46e east, Gen. De .;O� hag been wounAca in the hoped to xelurn with 6,000 iion,' sts- den Castle for 804thamll"Ofto coil*, �, . '61, � - I the ro6t of 19urdilo, Tht Ama*Ou oll . 4- � . j);:08SpD IJOGS XND P11OVISIONS. DUCkwho- I leg in OL tight With the troops ofyGm. suribg them that he, knew that Got- slolting of, besides himself, Majors Bu- PreaReat Xroigtri, of the Tranavaill, txkt Produfto 25,060 toas, and Nast T,j;jjj,t 'IreAL66d hOgg'jiro Wofth from Wnd 410 West' $12.40 toL $% f Knox of, Ronsburg drift. According M1107 had aeuv , area an uitimatuin to oba-A end vistt, Captains 33ur4tal akid : Th# VtueXuelan Go4l6rn1hent *111 41&8 6OU6 to Har*P6 to 1100,4ve iutjjrVtjj. and West Afrka 24,000 tons, p4rto- I - ,",t.4 b�",#y $5,U to MillfooA-EM5Y It O, to xatlV6ft#O,Vt3, tilt 1306r 00MIZAAft Grab BVIW14 doman4ing the T41tro. I ulkedonbll,tud Lituts. L&WI$$,if Usbono , Voty Int#r"t on All d4bt# *A& Iftn* Ition, Ulling wh1oh thi VAUV441 ,wm of south imokt ituor 404 us WS td ", obt, r 11 awut, W490i 240914 W 00M, bow X&aubv. . I , 4MM44 OANA04 000 t" 00. .100 #jW �Wv, "V* %t .0 j41 sh#.ftt, ArpA #11,%o w*ttj for eiiltlosdg, uvtawly 0"W $40twik 6w" 19 tht UVOW, bA 441A to tu highomt Wag$ t I , I I . I I . 1. . //r�,y , I I F . 1k . ,� . L . . 0 � / I I . . . . . * I - I � i 4� _ 4e%. 1 1� - - -1 � I - - I ..'.....­­ ... ­ "I"...--- 1.11.1--_'. ".....��-.-....-�...�1.1�,�...-�...�- -1 .. ... � -- ------- -- l-,�---.,.----�-.��..----,...-�..�,�-.�.-.,���..,-.��-,.-.-.,� .... ��.--�-�-.--,��,.�-�-----�1-1-�l---�..-----"-.-,-,. i ­­­------------­ L ' ­ . - ­.. .. _.....__.__ uma bluxuu. 0 . L, . ____--f . . . LaInal -�ailed in an. attempt to smother . - - . I I . OSTILL SNIPING.- - . I . hims"U i , n the jan. at Marysville, Ohlo,. . . I . I . . , ... . . .. . L . . t.fa,rin L L' . . . , ­ . L _ I � L Foa-", . . .. I . . . . . 4 pough&eepeie, N.Y., distr4lo, � � . L. ' ' er, invented a setheine td guard 410 Outposts Near BloeinfolaWn_ Fired i . . . . L .: . . . . I . John MItchell, -his . � On. ' . . 1. vhiicken�-OooP, . . . . . . I I ' . - ,j A H had a wife 'A desnatch f in London says: -A .. .. .. .. .... .. ... ..... ......... I—' ...... . I I I - . I . I OOROWA_ neighboar, - ea . . I L . P . . --.-------- ___ ----.--- L .. I - , � _* ......... _­_­­­ ­­_­­ --.-.-. ­ ­­­­ . ' - _­.______-. ­-­_ L . . . . . I . . ­ - � . ... - - . ­­ __ ­­­­ ­_ - 1. - ..--- ­..__.____­ - .. . . . I . . . � . . and three ch-Rdron. . L despatch from Woemfoutain says � ,,� . . smoke , 13 to 15OL;j p.a.-Steady and une4anged; are N Gj,jj3 ena at trminloaM of .Boers and, Germans who . . I . . I . . I I I 13 tor 150 I L ETH '�' the com- have boon deported from the Trans- . �, . .. d ' GE .. FRENCH'S ANVOY .ployedja a silk mill -2c east, ,a�ad 58 . . . MARKETS OF THEWORLD 's`mqjpad1 h"at"i" ; ; lard, palls, ; quoted at 57 to 57 1 L OR -4 I I . naziatals, Pa., are on strike., . . L L L I . i . � . . I . I . a vaml are passing " filjough 0 . . I . to 590 West. UEN k'"' GOOD W* �RK - . 10 1-2c ; bull tube, 9 1-2 to. 10c. . Seven. Hundred Waggons Brought M . ,_ 01 0 pony having refused to discharge there a . Frices O'Cattle, ChB939 GPM% ,%' Mowonto, Nov. 12�At the western i Rye -Is unchanged, and selling I at . - I . . � . . . . . . I . . forelady whose fatha4 a minor. work- their way south. . .. I ­ . in the Leading Lriets. . -he receipts 1 45 j_r, to 400 West. .... I I . Through in. Safety. . I. . ... ... -,:_- -.. 7-7­7-�­7 . .. 1. L . L . . . The British outposts near nloemfon�� L .. I � cattle yards yesterday 1, . j )War. A despmtch from'Pgetoria: says - '' I . � . . ' i . ad during the coal strike. , . '­ The - were'Only s2 IoMdg.of live stock, in-:, Milwaukee, No�v, 1.2._Wh6at--L( I . scouts,who .,Details of - . essful En e 'ts at Zeerust, . THE STREET MARKET. I . . I FrenWa .; His * ' Succ gagem v Mrs.. Anna L.'.Adamson, a ,*oil- tein warelsitiped at on Sunday L , . 74c, Ryam�Firm; Ono ot General .. I 1. . kdp,: three ' L I eluding $00 cattle, 500. sheep .and No. 1, 7w; No. 2, 73 tar. . 5 elberg, . and . .�. I . I . I . k gh . at.% held Le6ulw . r 'L . I I � Toronto, Nov. 12. -Business ,was - was, captured ,bear Held- , . L nown edbtor, dau. ter of the 'late 116' L I � I miles quiet on the street to -day, not much lambs, 500 hogs and a foW calyes and No. 1,,61c. Barley -Higher; No.2. 600; � . . I . and Neighbourhood. .. . . � . E. J..Aulihg, L editor and. publisher of 0outh.;east L Of jajoomfouteln� On Mon. , . .. . . . L . . � . . , . I . . . 'sample"44 to 680, - .L . . *.Ile was, at first treated badly by the . . . I . . . . . . I.. � a . . ­ . . I in in, and prices are unchanged. miloh Oqfwg- L I L . . . I - . . . . . . .1 1. . I L . aratoga. .Sentinel,. ..Wag found d - , . . � . I " . , I . I � . � . . . . .1 . .. . . I 11 . L gra the There is nothing. doing in shipping I Minneapolis, Nov- 12,Wheat-Cash, Bo�xs, who threatened'to shoot him, . I . . the S . .. I L I ay . � .i, . I .. I I . . . The weather is unfavorable, and , was Afterwards released and taken A aespiLtokfrom; N0afeking, says;- �explbded, causing several casualties. ead h igiter's home bit Chicago I I i ­ . . I I . .. 11 . I . ; May 77 l4w. 11 I . I I . . L roads are bad. Red and whU,4 wheat oattle. ' . 1 75 1-8c; December, 74 1-86. 1 to Gen. French's head . The enemy t(Vk shelter, in fayin- :racently, suffocated I)Y'gas, I Butcher ,trade is, easy Good stuff � on track, No. I hard, 77 1-80, No- I .with dispatch . - On Saturday. last, the day of. Lord.. . Lieut . JL 33, M61,6a,lj, of Wool- GEN. BULLER AROVE.5 I I is quoted at 68 to 68 1-2c; goose at 66 ' quarters. go states that Gen, Hans ' I housfs, which Weta, afterwards found .-001 - I . I . . I to 07c; tbarley, at 40c; and oats at sells readily enough at steady and . Northern,,75 1-8c; No. 2Xorthern, 711-8 laothMLiS ill Gob=an4 of the. BOOrg, Ketiluen's; arrivaLl at lZearust, a.re- Crowded with, Woman and childr . on, Wtbh, tag., and Miss Anna Perkina . . - . and for good to choice cattle there.' in . 28 to Soo. Hay is scarce; straw steady I 'to 73 1.j!�, Flour and bran -' tTn- . appea.rs to be little wanted. I I -IS and has with him the Bethel, Caro,- eonnaissance Was .made by a force niol D. Slade, Oreeted by Lord Wolsely and . . I Tjll�ty Boors took refuge in one farm, Slade, daughter of Do I . � and unchanged. changed�. I . L hard lina, Ermelo, and, Middleburg Com- composed of f our cG;npanies of the but o*�ng to the presence of, ivomon Ware married in Boston recently, Tille . . Immense Assernblage. L . I I . WIlext, white, stgt. gogg $0681-2 Feeders,: stockers, and balls were all , Duluth, Nov. 12.-Whett-NN J I L Y )a n ' A dospatchfrom. Soruthampton says;. . 1 . WheTt, red ...... y easy daniand at quotab- ', Cash, 78c; to arrive, 18c; November, 780. mandoes. The scout says be x0cog- Nortliwixborlands, supported by- eo- aind chil to our ,gans Wore nat per- bride wore What Was 0=6 the court ..... � ... 0681-2 069 In exUarael. . f - SI d .a 11 , on the veg I . 67 nized a number of British prisoners Maury, Australians, Bushmen, and mitt,ed to fire, on t4em, �niping was dTegg Of the Queen Regent of Portu r, 164v ra Da or litt an . Wheat, goose ...... ...... 066 0 ly unchanged prices. . I IDecomber, 75.1-2e; May, 81 1-40; No. I . . Castle, from Cape town, x%pornted at L . . ...... '... 01181-2 069 I in the Mager. They were, captured artillery. '.the column moved Out located'from A, building in whiolt bons gal. . . , . I L Wheat, spring 060 Good milch cows ain-d choice V13,11 1 Northern, cash, 70e; to arrive, 7001j Nov-� � . . . 4ere found, __._6_.�, Southampton Friday evening at 8ogo. , I . . . . . 14NERA � � I . Peas ...... ... .............. :1 ...... 000 I . French's first advance. three miles to the north of Zeerust, but women and Children I Gr L. . I . . Barley ...... ...... .... 0401-2 045 . . - December, 75 1-4c; May, 70 during Gen- . I . . ... calves are wanted. . 1 ember, 16o, I -oro . _. in t.ha Berga distict, Spain, 800 He was greeted by Lord Wolsoley and . spring, They Will be released and furnished wh , tho onebay were found in force but it could n6t boascartained whe I . I I Rye ...... ... ......... ...... 052 053 . I "Small stuff" is f irmir, while tat i 1-4c; NO,,9 Northern, Ile; No, 3 . 1. . the official who on'ib,e side of Bothills farm Gen. that wome I n or'luou were the snipers. , . his'staff, as Well as jan immense . ad. I ' oats ...... ...... ...... ...... 028 030 quotably higher. . I 1610,Cotn_37 1_16. OrLtB_g8 1-4 to 230, with passtA as soot, as . I . � rebel 6arlists are in arm6- sombly Of towbapeople. At bo'clock . Hay ... ... ......... ...... ... 1300 1500 Lambs &re.worth' from 3 1-2 to 4e 1 Buffalo, . NOV. 12, -Spring wheat- issues passes aftivag fromMiddleburg. Douglas bad already started shell ,With, the objectof removing am i'm Bristol willask Parliament tobuild . 0 Be .je. . . I he Sat down to the litayorialty . 1200 ,oult also states that the Boers Ing tho an from a small bop Vression prevalent among'the Doers I . Straw ......... ...... ......... 1100 per pound, and for choice a little more Steady; No. I Northern, old, carloads, , Th . I 'emy I . . . a dry�dook at Avonmouth. I . k.�inqaot,_ the first of a series of ban. . Dressed hogs ......... ...... 650 700 1 1 1 L . A an - will suf6r death or I I I � 81 3,40; No. I N thorn, no" .1-2c. are short ,of supplies, and are living Lord M�athuen at once deliveie that bnrihers Irish pe�t is in demand at Liver - Butter, lb. rolls ... --i 018 021 d . , or w, 80 oloatz. to be given in his honour, . . I 34ggs, new laid ...... ... 010 022 'Mealies; and meal, and axe using Etttack with artillery and rifle fire, banishment on surrender, Cho fellow- pool, Wh6re coal is very ftat'L . . L I . . I . I Chickens, per pair ... ... 030 055 There Is also a steady eaquiry for I Winter wheat -Miller$ offering 77c for on � coffee. The I which Wis. ,sustained for about four ing instructions h L ame beon received laing twelve man, . ------- ONO- . I choice $hoop at tram 3 1-1 to 3 1-2c I No. � red, and 75o,f or No. I white' , No. burnt mealle's to make . I TWO boats, 0011tal Turkeys, per Ill ....... ... 008 010 . No. been lost at the mouth of the Geese, per lb ...... ...... ... 006 009 pew pound. . I a rod offered at 74c. Corn - Steady, supply of meal, however, is ablindant. hours. He eventually succeeded in from Lord Roberts ,and Circulated in have . . NO STAIR CLIMBING. I 010 * NO icha,age has occurred in hogs. ,,, yellow, �oldj a 34c;,No, 8 do,, 43 I-02c's I The Boars Were Very much disap- dislodging the enemy from their Pool- Western Transvaal ,by Lilid, LMeth- Elba. I Tto name exedlotor given to amo* Ducks, per pair ...... ... 040 4 . a tialtias were four ikill- u0n:_ I . Buddhists wilu into Ing stairway is from the French worA I Dooks, live, Imr pair 025 050 - The best price for prime hogs is 4 3-40: ' No. 3 yellow, 410; No, scorn, 400, pointed because they were unable to, Hot, 'Our c 8 Tjiie Japan 90 - I now', I Potatoes, par bag ...... 0 SON 040 per lb, and light and heavy, 4 1-4o per'Oats-Weak; ,No. 2 white, 27 1-4o; No. 3 capture nay of General French's Con- ad and. ton wounded, Baighers surrendering voluntarll�, attive mIssionary work all over the "Oxoaller4" a flight of stairs. - ) 075 100 . Is the object of thoir con- Cilptj Gordon Wood, a the ShrOP- who hav4anever takoh tlicoath of nou- .Who machinery that operates. the I . Ak.plan, fall, per bbl... i � L � world, Aipples, choice ......... ... 100 I r,o �oumd. I whlte,. % 1-4o; Xa, 2 mixed, 24 1-2 to 24, VoY, which W . Beef, hind quarters.... 700 50 Hogs to fetch the top prices must Barley i tillued attacksq The convoy con- sbiro Yeomanry, was being carried off trallty, will not be sent,out of ' ' 8 , 34o; No. 3 mixed, 23 3-4 to 24o. the( fjold W on 'Ile Wa6 Shot L So L South There -have boon serioud anti -tax stairway is extrembly simple and very . . Beef, fore quarters ... 400 600 be of prime quality, and scale not 1 �Weitern, choice to best, 60 to 63e; '41af-7 �Gf seven hundred wag9bus- The ' h . dead On. Africa, No promi regarding future rlotg 'In tha,,Sera-t district Of Roll- strftg. Each otep in fastened by . Beef, careases ......... ... 560 750 below 100,nor above 200 lbs. . toL good, 56 to 5BO; common, 53, to Mers mitted that they had lost the str6tolier. Tke, bearers escaped treatment can be given I to burgh�ra . L tabans of heavy iron bolts to an and- . I Calves, each ...... ...... ... $00 Soo I fair, ad y the morning dftOr uutou0bed. L who litive, been taken priaonori% an the btania, uart BI . igh,gaventh Is" iron Chain. aia4 'under taoh step I ....... r BREADSTURFS, ETC, 11r",,C,C.I.f. 'Rye.- Dull; No..1,56o; No.9, heavily, OsPooiall . . Edward 'try St . Mutton ......... ......... jon L 600 : The, enemy had ounuingly concealed battl0field, . lip .. Lambs, spring per Ili 000 008 ,I%Oronto, Nov. 12. -Business in wheat 'Blic, vlaxseed--4)aluth, cash, W.77 Gen. French left Bethel. On that 606a" . . . gatl Darnley, 11,% dead at Loodoijil.agod aft rollers wbl6h At the bottom of I L I I . sion the Boors, W,ho thought: all the Nvire entanglements among, the grow- Burghers surrenAerifig voluntarily, 49 years, I tbb otairway. run along, for a few feet I . . I , DAIRY MARKETS. ls better to -day. Spring is quoted I r, lour-Qtilet. . 0 . Nov. 12,_Wheat aobed close to Ing or ps in front of their position. and who have either never ta e Mine. yvotte Gullbert is about to apob a h6rixontal plant,,, at this point. *, � � Butter -Creamery is selling -well at about steady at 65o, and Goo east; I Detroit, _ NO,, I British had gone, appro 10 OA1110 to oifh or have taken the oatb, and have undergo an operation on her threat therefore, there'!% it smAll level, imov4. I oba. firmer, I .ash 70 a farlu near which the carbineors were Here soverlit of otir men .. ,�, trbm 20 tb 25.c for rolls, an4l &A24 goosev, at 03c west;, Mault . white, cash, 7e) 1-4e; No. 2 red, c R1 . posted,. and lost fifty in.killed and grIef,. but owing to tbbv bad shooting beeii forced to, break it, will be per- In Berlin. � .. I . . Ing -platform,. which Passedgers stop I . to 15o for prints; choice dairy tub sells and scare,3 at 01 1-2 to 02e for No. I 1346; December, 17 3-4o; May, 81 U 0. (1, oat of a Jotoo of two bun- of the cliamy they did not Buffer so initt.ea to retu . . at frcm� 19 to g&; largo rolls are hard, Toronto and wast; and 05e for - St. Louis, Nov. 12. -Wheat ,ash ,woonde . ru to their farms at VeSto.rdly' the Pope gave the bone- 106A if they Wiah to be darried up. No. 2, V-1.1'. i 7,.' , dred. heavily as otherwise might hove the conclusion of hostilities, . diction to 1p.000 Irish pilgrionif vigit- stairs. As s(on ae; tht rollers strike worth from 171-2 to 18 1-2o per pound; No. I hard, and Ole for and. November, 71c; December, I- O; Thei Iloers expressed ,the bittereSt boon the Case. . . The atook belonging to those who Ing ltomw, I I . th6 inallned. plane* however, the ateps . &nd pound rolls, 19 to 2oc. 'Supplies Are White wheat iq quoted at 63 1-20;'May, 7je 1.80. 1 feelings aboat the burning of farms by on the (lay before 6n,tering1cerust, surrojild6v voluntarily Will, if taken . _. rl" one above the other, and become. gniple, and th6gaft6ral demand fair, wid,"d at 64o, middle freights. � Toledo, (Nov. 12. -Wheat .r. 40ash and the Dritiall. It is explained that the Lo.rd Uethuan,o, Column wo,s sov6rely dutigg the campiagn, after the date ------ AR- graded like itin ordinary stairway. At toggs_.J?Xioo� for fresh are from; 18 Vlobx-Very dull;, cars of 90 per � November, 76 6-8c; December, 77 1-8c; only farms burned wore those whose shelled by Boers along the road, Ono of this notioe, be paid, for either in the top the rollers again run oilong to 230; picked are WOrtli from 16 1-2 Cant, patents axe report6a at $2.05 to May, 81 5-80. Corn -Cash and Novem- Owners. ,had done something desovving Of. the sholls, otjru,ok,a, tree, and then, '4aah ,or, by cheque. - ]AIRGHERS JatING MISLED. 0 botiXontal plane, and the, 'steps to lea; and 6ulla froon 8 to 100, $2.10, west; Manitoba flour Is- Un- ber, 87 14a; December, 30,44o. oats punisbinent. � , . 1. . . . L _._______ ___ 0�11 I - phease.-Rathex st jiglit trade at AtuagoA it.04.60; strong bakers, $1.30 ChBill and November, 22 14o; Deeembor, I 16 - __ I . . L Kruger's Trip to Europe to) SeaUpa agAin become a 1OV61 Platforxa froi* . 1231 1-1) I "'Woll the 1*600066rs stop Off. Th6 . 10" olu 11 to 190 per pound. L It bags. 1 _40. R.ye_M 1-2c.0oversooll-CaAh, STEYN STILL AT IT. CANADIANS HAVE SAILZ - tar, and am men all totd, Major weeks L intervention, � . I it . Woots, 19=91 ET01 . 0arn-Pri"s are weak but un -',1809, prime, 46.20; December, $0.60; . *� . RR -04 4 . I 'hag fovet and remains behind at . - stairwAy runs at a Steady apt6d Oop . I Current tiubtit olows: chaingea at 4oa tot chilaawt yellow, : March, $7.61 1-2. Now It fr. Germany Who Will I*. Capt, Weeks RoMains Ill Afrida On Xrotbstad, 'but bit conaltion is not 1k.d"Patob from London' oolays' s6vouty fast a minute. 4,44. Will as* I I I terfore, . A00OUnt Of Favor. dangerous. Capt. Ogilvie RIAO romallas Lord Roberts Cables the War Office - ry stp 18�000 pda"agox! an uu,r. i �-,gfdes, 90, I uroetv 7 1_2 to se ; No. M041 050 for teW, West .. 11_111_11­140.1_11.0� ­ A despatch from pratoriA, ,Says;- A despa,tell fresh Ott&WA, Out. X08' I behind for staff dutr. that 6:1-Pregident Stoyn, of the orange ' _-*­�, � J� ,d to", I -Sell at 25e for No. I white, Proo State, Is making ispoeolies to the ANSTIAL , *greeii gt6forj, g td g j.Z6 ;No. 9, green, ' OatS 23o, middle n ma Col. Otter adds that tho fibld mar. Inwwovok 00 av* . 1.2 to, 16., No, 8 igreen, s I.a to5 8.4e; east; NO. 2whlte�"at DE WET WOUNDED, sartonderedburghers dasbrt that'Mr. -Tht following 0,110OUMCM6 t *18 do I ahal oommanditig has complimented barghors;'And doing his utmost to all- BER, .1 # 9. 1.4c. CAlfsking--No. freights; and 23 1-2e, north and west, WOR." Steyll, aftex a c,ounell of war with by the Militia, D6paXt1u6At t6-daY.*- Courage them. r9a IB misleading them it has b66A 6itro-d, RI -Q, . ", t, Particularly, for its *or. bAtimated that t�6*0- 1, go; go 9 a. Jbimbskhrig-800. TAI- 110MAY Prices Shot in Log In Fight With General G6% Botha; and Gen, Dolarey, addreg- I ,,I have Just xec6lved A, e4blegraiii his regimen '09 that Gen DO Wiat h" Aolgod Y. ; _T,j;tjje doling, aild ' - . es at raoirolob6rg., byetati Proximate total. production of fuji.. I jo,w-u am , �5 to 5 8'.4,0.1 Wool- axe uotholuged, No. I is worth 430, a Knox. sed the burghorn with groat passift I from Col. Otter, dated Cape Town " the, bridge Ovot the Orange XiVelt at bbt oo,ila,utllly ls 51,600 tons, of " I I utglmg them to Continue the war. no 17th November, stating that big 60m: (Slgpod) "N. X AYLUP11t, Norval's Pont, that 5,00 Datchnift ftoboa.ftt, 21,OOOL toba tip �1111 -General com. 'Mo s,,jA 110;L UbW48hod, fl000do 0 east*1 No' % it quoted at 81 to 400' Pretoria, un(Wed, by rail toi 110olontl, for Major Are tak6n by tba - 3 is I Chal,leston Charleston, Natal, Aays;- told them he was going south an4 inaild is IO&VIng to-doty by the 11awAr- JAwnding Canadian militle.11 have been sent back to Cape Colony to 'United Rind"al; 21,000 by the Unit. . - 14 to, I* ,; pullea, Isupbr, 18 to 190; middla treights; atd extra No r . . quot6d at 816. west. 1) - renew the. fighting th6re. Mid that tit. ed States and Canada; tind 15,600 br skmd Pulled, iixtrd, 00 to 226, at -Quoted at 46e east, Gen. De .;O� hag been wounAca in the hoped to xelurn with 6,000 iion,' sts- den Castle for 804thamll"Ofto coil*, �, . '61, � - I the ro6t of 19urdilo, Tht Ama*Ou oll . 4- � . j);:08SpD IJOGS XND P11OVISIONS. DUCkwho- I leg in OL tight With the troops ofyGm. suribg them that he, knew that Got- slolting of, besides himself, Majors Bu- PreaReat Xroigtri, of the Tranavaill, txkt Produfto 25,060 toas, and Nast T,j;jjj,t 'IreAL66d hOgg'jiro Wofth from Wnd 410 West' $12.40 toL $% f Knox of, Ronsburg drift. According M1107 had aeuv , area an uitimatuin to oba-A end vistt, Captains 33ur4tal akid : Th# VtueXuelan Go4l6rn1hent *111 41&8 6OU6 to Har*P6 to 1100,4ve iutjjrVtjj. and West Afrka 24,000 tons, p4rto- I - ,",t.4 b�",#y $5,U to MillfooA-EM5Y It O, to xatlV6ft#O,Vt3, tilt 1306r 00MIZAAft Grab BVIW14 doman4ing the T41tro. I ulkedonbll,tud Lituts. L&WI$$,if Usbono , Voty Int#r"t on All d4bt# *A& Iftn* Ition, Ulling wh1oh thi VAUV441 ,wm of south imokt ituor 404 us WS td ", obt, r 11 awut, W490i 240914 W 00M, bow X&aubv. . I , 4MM44 OANA04 000 t" 00. .100 #jW �Wv, "V* %t .0 j41 sh#.ftt, ArpA #11,%o w*ttj for eiiltlosdg, uvtawly 0"W $40twik 6w" 19 tht UVOW, bA 441A to tu highomt Wag$ t I , I I . I I . 1. . //r�,y , I I F . 1k . ,� . L . . 0 � / I I . . . . . * I - I � i 4� _ 4e%. 1 1� - - -1 � I - - I ..'.....­­ ... ­ "I"...--- 1.11.1--_'. ".....��-.-....-�...�1.1�,�...-�...�- -1 .. ... � -- ------- -- l-,�---.,.----�-.��..----,...-�..�,�-.�.-.,���..,-.��-,.-.-.,� .... ��.--�-�-.--,��,.�-�-----�1-1-�l---�..-----"-.-,-,. i ­­­------------­ L ' ­ . - ­.. .. _.....__.__