HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-11-15, Page 2k M"r-N.- W e-- - --T-.' � .AW,"9W � - - __ ____ _- ___ --- - - -_ ______W, I _,____1_N__ — FT91 _,"W"791r"ll"W'�"o .7 , / � I ­ _V' I I , ,TIF" 11 . t , . I � I .,. IN, I 0 1 1 1 1 1 . 0 11 . . T n . 11 I., I--,---- _1-______-. I I ,-, __ - V 1- ­ - __.z '. _�,,, T _; I ---I-- ­ .1 -_ ­ --- _-_.__._._..11 U80141) " I Another wevvdaut Illitston, In the 11 - _ TNA "! NV2%. NONIA1 Overlyl I I . �� .. . THE HONDIKE AS IT 184 winds oC the ill informed is that the - 'W- -, Those various things are then handled _"41 " . . bunday" ab , �! - "-" climate at the Klondike 14 6=4 as In the following way, At first the THE So So LESSONs THE NEWSIEST PAPER � ThoNews-Record 11 11 � I SOME FACTS BY A RESIDENT OF to make life unendurable. The fact he HoMe Plate should be filled with water, � I Power Printinx Hpuss 11 0. 8 THE MININQ DISTRICT, : is that the wintor from November to Which, however, is iloo.0 tossed oat ."" IN HURON AIAMAT STREET, * . CLINTON. . "" Wktilii Is mbi Piarder than In Ontario I . . 1011119111141111111111 again, the object being o1inply to INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NOV. 18. . ' I I . CIRRIM4 01r Men Who Took Part In the . air Quebec, 6.0 better than the bliz- 19U11STANCES IN THE EYE. have 06 moist sAvlave. The ploture . — . I � is now %oknowledg- TI-came pip SuasouirrigII-41,00 per year in I I � glaullpede for IrealtIA-RO)"utlel ror 14 thou taken up and placed face T100 Tell XeVCr4 CleavRed, LuRe 17. 11-10 - .. ad to be he I . PAVallev; #WQ, May boobargCd it not, 139 Paid mallual x4bar-4,11111ale Itud prollucla. zaTd Stricken states III th - Nolpapordiscontioued until c1l arroaxages Rourg"a , tor Id or$ - d 2`6 a sojourn 'D West, On A natural Instinct ImPelli a ParB00 downward In the oentre of thly plate. Golden TC.Nl'_'0JJc we 1110;ulural, Vol: are pa . Id, nuloos at the option of thopubliouer. biliousness, sick 11 beallaohol 111,1111 After account of the small snowfall, Who fools pain or irritation to rub, the As soon as it IS seeig tbat It adheres 111.15. . CLINTON . 'the dato to which every x0so0ptiqu to paid vanoca, Indigos 09111 etc, the heart of the mining district of While it is true that the thorr4ome- affected spot. Wbansome trifling Ch. to it quite closely that plaster, of parts I PRACTICAL, NOTES. is denoted on the label.. I . valuable to prevent a cold or br k up a Alaskal known as the Klondike, and ter will go as low as forty, degrees jeet gets upoer the eyelid on is which has boon previously been mix. Vexise 11. Ae he went to Jerusalem NEWS-RECORID . 1. APvsLawaiNe UATso.-T . are worthy below zero for fatti or, five days dur- tempted to rub the exterior ago �� , , ransicnO advertise- (ever. U114, gentle, certaln,they having read more or less erroneous the ad witb water until it I!# Smooth And At the, very beginning at bia direct witti its big staff of bright and your confidence, Purely vegettibll .- lug the winter, the weather its url- lid, and thuo unconsciously Imbed the 0 t a t n f t nloutA,s, 10 cents pot, nimpArlellino for first 0. that literature, on the subject, I am can- f he 0 asis e Oy 0 hiek cream, 16 JOUrrAy' to the (east. lie passed reliable corresponde4ts who ' i iusert�Aou %D4,11conts per line for each anb6o. can be, taken by children or delicate women. � Price, 25o. at all medicine dealers or by mall atral4ed to place before the pubtlo f0Xwly 0OwfQr , table enough to allow object in the lunar surf -ace, thus ran- poured in upon it, and Iry a suffloicut tbrougla the midst of Samaria and cover the news field thoroughly. quentinsortlon, $mail advortleements not at Q. 1. Hoop A Co., Ulwell, MAIN, out of the,falness of my experience a outdoor raining operations durill9thO daring its ultimate removal more dif. quantity to fil I No iteme of any Importance to excoqd one Ineb,such as 1%44," "Strayctl," . . It the plate. up to the Galilee., The road leading 11114 30140� � "Stolen," otai,inserteii onoQfor00couts and ___ ___ ---- _ __ ___ ­ .1 ..., detailed account of the life, moolaland entire Winter seeson. The spring, 'floult. Another almo.ist irresistible very top. Here, th%6, the knife Ia times on one side at the border, some- excope them, T4 is largely � each subsequou� insertion 15 cents. summer -a-Ad fall ame distinct, With an owing to their efficient work I I INSURANOIT Political, the - conditions of success , impulse prompts one to, wink, This op. usefi:4 In smoothing it over. At /this tim"' on the other. , 11 ar- ideal OIL - oration is apt to have the same ef- paint, also, a contrivance( is arranged 12. He entered into a, certain villag that The -PeopleloPaper is now Advertisements without specific 41rections will �.______ ,unate; the Summers very tam be inserted until . forbid and obargod accord . and the futtire, of the country as ne parate, with � a. the leader in the Huron Tract, I I . the qdr4utage of no feet, It the lid be promptly turned for hanging up the plaque In Ullwalled town. There met him Ingly. . �q . . ly AcOurato 43 1 OaA foretell it, Says darkness by night. . I . the An to addition to . HE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE a minew ,recently returned from the InsIdA out, though, danger froa both future, The Plop ape with a ton ;ABU that were lepers. The pre - Copy, for change of advertisemonta on Pages A T . . .0 of t , I and A must be In the calico on Saturday .and 'INSURANCE COMPANY Klondike. J Bay grow$ three feet high, berries of theme causes will be avoided, and curtain ring on one end of 'it let press, Valence of leprosy in the Ancient LIVE LOCAL NEWS - . . are plentiful . I for pages A and 8 on Monday to ensure change Farm and Isolated Town Property I . wild ruses and other the, dISOOVerY of the m1s.oh.lef-making for following Issue. . only Insured, . As In every now 00[tutry -Which But- I ed down in the plaster, where It won EAPt was appalling. Even now the of which it makes a specialty, . f era from a national st4mpede, the flowers are in abundance, and farm� 'way be promoted. It is be&, hardens Intio Perm . particle , 44840y, AS Soon as Most. 10011001330 incidentS Of traVol IA TnENEws-REoolm, contains re. CaxTuAoT RATEs.-The following table shows OFFICERS . Ing . gur, rates for speclacd periods and space : J. B. MoLoax. President,KippLn P. O. ; Thus. success of name of the pioneers has is opening with success. Flow- ter to have sorae one, else do tholl - 'i , out- it is found that the plaster is siif� Palestine are due to the persistent liable Market Reports, ktrtioles a APVBRTXSINQ RAT98. Frazor, Vice1presIdent, ruceficIll 11, 0 - T. E beer greatly exaggerat ars, fruits, and vegeta:blca, are for lug, but if a looking glass Is at hand floieutly hard, the knife, can be slip- beggarT .of these sufferers; Euro. on- 'topical pertaining to the . '*. * , L L , Hays. Seel-Treas., Senforth, P. 0,; G. sale throngliout the season, and, as perhaps the victim can see well enough Ped around the edges of the plate to peon methods of sanitation would DR . I Vt. ago. 3 Mg. I Me Broadfoot, nspeotoratbosses, Seaforth P.O. hardship and failure of s Farm, Garden and try, .the I column ......... 47000 *40 00 02500 $860 . DIRECTORS: reflected upon. the entire country inckroase. the an the with the oth , Sunday School Lesson, Till wage , n 2400 1600 000 W, G, Broa � dfuot cattle and aboop grazing is I or eye to find the ob­ facilitate the whole turning oat well, soon do away with the abominable dis- Sermon, aneatertainiDg8oriel * colum ......... 40 Qa ,, Somforth; John Grieve, Prices of com . , I . Winthropj George Dale, Scaforth, John watt, rather. than upon the individuals . modities ject in question. I . . When this in accomplished the picture ease, btit Tuikish authority goes no and News of the Day'something . , I i Column...::-:. 25 00 .1000 I 800 260 Harlook, ohn Jionnewies, Bradba'iao; James will continue to decline. . L I Column,., .. 1900 1,000 660 200 , themselves -Ir. ninety-nine i%a' Gently hold the eye Evans Beechwood ; James Connie y, Clinton , sea oat opeii with the will appear as though it had been fortl�or than to compel the tainted for everybody. . 11"ch ............ 600 30 2 00 1 25 John WLean, Kip�on . . of a b4adred the true authors of their A Prevalent fallacy is that the fingers and thumb of one handi while painted upon, the Pare whilte surf -ace to live together in settlements, and I � Tina Nuwa-11noolu? contains . L AWSpecial positlon from 24 to 50. per cent extra. . AGENTS: . an Sea mistOwt1121104. It is .natural to aupl- Klondike region does not contain gold with the other hand dAsh light.hand- of the paste. Should, by apyi Means, tile result is frequent marriages and . more reading matter each. week . . Robt Smith, Harlock; Bober MeMill , in, paying quAntities. I will say that fuls of water in �and across it, so as the .1 than any paper published in W. X MITCHELI�, , fo;-th-JitmesCumuiinge,,Uigmondyllle; J, W POGO that when on any portio' plaster have slipped under the the perpetuation . a of the . I of a leprous race, as . the county find in addition will . � Editor and Pxoprletor. Yea, 11ohnesville P. 0. 'With the Small portion of the region to Produce: a current of wAter flow- plotare,'it can be readily wiped off Vile a give a I - Parties desirous to 6ffect inmrance or traw globe, however ramotew gold has been . nd PitiableL in morala and man. . , J 2_�__ I L . .. sact other business will be promptly attendee d I isoovered, the disgruntled mining that has baen Prospected about forty Ing over all the surfaces of the eye while it Is Still fresh. � ThafgIlt.paint ners as� in body. Lepers were made . . SANXS . to on application to any ot the above officers - , 1 .� million dollars, worth of gold has been and the ' HANOSOME� . I I I . addressed to their respective PQst.officos. population of. not only tUTt hemmi- under side of the lids. The Is used to make a border about the ceremonially unclean by the Jewish . . I � . I :::::::;::::::- taken out -of the district, and that effect of this almost Invariably !a to plaqu . I . .:::::::=_ . . I I phare, but cd the whole globe, makes . 0. it appears well, either an law. They grouped themselves to- PREMIUM - . . I I THE MUM$ BANK - ' MORE 81-ONSE THAN UgUA4- a grand rush for the new Eldorado; thorc is at least two hundred and push. the intruding object from the a stiff band or when it Is'stippled a g -ether, and 2 Rings 7. 3 gives a sin- . . ,. . I I fifty millionq more in Bight, even with eye. I little. I to all paid-in-advan a subsorl- , Incorporated by . � At a political meeting fit a small an . d . as has been moved over and over the crude system of raining and the The eye should not be.rubbed or ore In the making of gular example of a tiny Protective as- here in Tile CANADiAox ANNUAL, � . . L . Act'of Parliament, 1864. . township prior to the last General again, on Fraser River, Cariboo and these Plaques sociation,'a sort of "trades union," a large -magazine containing . I CAPITAL I .L $2.WO,000 � EleptAou, a well-known M.P., was just Cadalar L countries of British Colum- "P'e Of labor, at $1 to 81.50 per lid drawn over the other, or a silk much of their enoceas depends upon formed by leprous men. Isolated as mumb entertaining reading and .. , REST . 4 � ' I 11 a _- . 42,050,090 poine- bia, in the Rand in South Africa, in hour, to say nothing of the Scarcity handkexchief drawn across the af� the choice of the picture. , By far they were, the lepers of our Story had � D � MONTREAL. ' wa, of subscription to Tum News. I I ' onoludiag his remarks, when . illustrated matter. The price HEA OFFICEq Australla And elsewhere, those Stain- a& ter to wo�k the wide stretches fected part, but the eye should be the prettiest one that ban so far been heard of Jesus. Stood afar off. They . WN. MOLSON MAOPR9R8ON, us ,-,v&q sit behind him wh - � f, . President 0 . I . ispered that do� not now pay .to work save kept from Wimki as, much'as pos- seen . RpoonD I . . I I . F. WoLrEusTips TuoxAs, General Manager 1XIp 'am a little Latin, general: pedera are a the iea:st lasting good . ng was. of ' a. young girl's head, were compelled to remain a. presorlb- I 14 I I . . 7:Notes discounted, . I � lout it.' to the district t with approved' hydraulic machinery. sible, While prompt action is being tak- - . . Collections made. Drafts They w,on't be content witl ,. .r u I , . ctrowAed with a wreath of flaming ed distance from all healthy folk. ONLY $1 TO THE ' I . I . ienleil. Sterling and American Exchanges . I with mo :Since the disco"ries on Bonanza an to cause a current of water to. pass Popptes. - All else that was parti- . I 1. boulelit and sold.. Interest allowed on deposits The .general instantly thought of 4 11 . ie. precipitance than prud- , 18. They lifted up their , v6ices. The . . . - .. . . I I END OF. 190h, - . I . SAVINGS BANK. . I 'but hari I -ng no � ence. . . . � Creek, in the Klondike, all the outly- over the Surface of the hall, oularly noticeable about her was her voice of the leper is. b . I . .. . . few Phrases he know, . . Ing. distriota have been nearly aban- This method is a copy from nature, filmy green draperies. I .usky and hol- if the reader Is already a sub- I I . I a . '.to further lo,w-an awful .travesty on t - Interest allowed ou-sums of 01 sad up, � conrect4on whatev with the oub- Thai'' r61011! th0l, most� part M Pre- " . he na .1. I � il I I . . - i h , or, . , or � ... � doned, and LbAre is less mospeeting for when very fIA& 4u a the Offset its beauty, the plaque -was tural voice Of mankind. These men . scriberi send it to a member of ' � . � .. . pared I I ,at enter . I FARMIQRS� act upon whic he was speaking, . Ia any sense at the word.for. - - I Money advanced to farmers,on. their* .own . 11 a perilous and exploration now than there ever eye nature seeks to relieve it, by, means hiing' upon-asago green " I I I . your family who iiay be away . notes with one or more ondomers. No mort- any manner of meaning When Str ag the arduouja vicissitudes of I I L background. were compelled . to ift ,up 11 'their from the old hotne. - It willbe I . . gage required as security. . . search in a new rag . were, notwithstanding the inrush of of the fluids which moisten and lilb- � I .. I . . . their weakness a . a. appreciated as ,much as . .. together. I. . . . I . - lon�-the nomads ' .1 , I . . I . . . voices because. of - H. 0. BREWER, Manager, Clinton I . . of the mining camp, with no desire to hundreds .at thousands of people. Monte the' eye: and whIn larger ob-� W-ionew, the only woman drama- well ' ' , I t'a , . 11 However, nuthig - daunted, he i ' . $ as beeause,of their en'forded dis- letterfrom home." . I . . I . . . � - . . � . in a voice of thander, e I x- settle down' and, systematically da- The fact that there islian Area. of two jecto enter, alad.pling mbre tenacious- Oat of'Ohina, is in America and�one Canoe. Jesus,. Master. " Prophbt, Teach.! Wn— . ; . . . wound up I . . . . thOW-nd fin Jxxindied miles square ly, the Irrita"il(m -causes a copious dii- of her plays has been rodtioed in San' ' . . . I . I * —, . C. D. MCTAGGART '. daiming; . . . Velop the natural resourc of this I . p ar." They made,no' appeal to the "Son manifested how very much the.,pre- , . . I . ' � . . � . �. . . . country, but a . t h:e Of minexal bearing lands -to be ex -m charge. of, tears, so'that the eye over- Francisco. t3he is under 30 years of of David.�� . I .... . . . Epturibus unumi sine qua non, ne re ;ittracted by ­ . ,: They knew little .or noth- vaja�� tone of fooling is now altered. . . . 'BANKER' . I � I . I . .. glamour -of the gold bBIVInerely, as a Plowed by energetic prospectors flows, as nature tries by flushing it age and bas already written nevor"al Ing of the publio,talk concerning Jesus For' formerly a-mixacle performed . on . . ,A . . plus ultra, multurd in parvo, nil dw ,1 ' . . . . 1� .. ­ � . . . . . . � . . . mbl should be I , Oaf that theS.614resources. to propel along and.float away with -plays. .. I .. . :as thoMeesiah. It is astonishing how . . . I I . peranduril .. � go e; .And having ,Scratched the. .?w . . . . � � I . . . � . . ,a* anianated.many hundred tongues . . . 11 - . I . .. are very. little, -realized. the current the cause Of the, irrita- . . . . . The effect, was. tremeddous. The .Surface -of things,: with. varying sac, . . . � .. . I I 0. little theological knowledge is neces- t,o.blo ' * .. I � I . - I I � . . . . . .. . I praise; now, on the other band, �� I e I , � I cons, perhaps, they.pass on to the A(year Or two Ind.the Xlouillke has tiall. .. ' I ; . . sexy to saving faith; how. little A General Banking BuslnesE t ,TrAns'noted, shouts could be �heard for miles. . . .. - . � _ � . . . MOSQVITOESAND MALARIA. a the he"a of ten unhappy -ones does . . . . I . 9. I . . . .� .6 I . - next ,pt4mpede, . I 11 been as much as ten,years in Califor- - . . . — t � . . � . I man nepdq, to kn" if only he will, oat e . ven etWit � Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. . follo�n ' . . . .. . . . .. . — L - . . ,from' the, majorlt3� of . I . �.­ -1 .. . STEEL IN SHIP -BUILDING. � B these comes a iober, nia in the fifties, soi far as immove-.� SUGGESTIONS.' . . - Due trust with all his'heatt in God. Have the healed, sthik,less from the IUAP,1)1� . . . . trions . I . . ,eve .. . . I .. X well equipped class of- U�ta are concerned, Dogs � Ila . llan� i.eck to VrOVPQT1wt tiler wl, . . . � . . . I Interest .Allowed oil Deposits. . � and dog - I Marcy on us. Orientals would address tants� of the 'village, ,' ' ,� . . I . . . Attention was. -called at a. ,recent men, who, really make the backbone of slods a . when waiting upon the table"the I to tile, rl�ulf I oar Pest. . . even . a L single, - I . I . re now becoming o4solete, rail- ' such words to any king, or powerful '. . _ _ . meeting, AlLitacto in Lon- - L I . I . . . waitress. should hand the- plates. oil Italian. physicians have recently been I . . word of thanks. He has this time, . I . I . ,9f naval. ar . . . . I I . . I . . I I any country, now or old;,Rnd to these ra4ds and commodious st.ja era are . . . ALBERT STREET . . %r,T,X. don , to tile extremely .rapid iperpaa.o , . , . In the left side and'remove them -On the 'performing experiments to prove the mAn- � . � m .rather eoncea,lo& than made conspicu- I . � I . , . . . _ 6 i1ok . � . I . . .. , . . 1. . . � ... in the use Of. th � I Je goddess of ,fortune offers suparseding . the pack trail tifid the - . �. 7 . I . I . ' � ,� - _ =� I , , steel in. place of iron � �. � . . . . ..right. , . - .1. I . . .. truth of the theory f6rmuiateaby Dr. 14. When he saw them. When he out the briffia,rt, character of the . 1. 11 ___ — I . I . her richest bOnaties in return for candej just -as hydraulic mining is I . . - . . . I . . L_ I I I . I . for ship -Wilding, It -Was 'remarked .At a dinner party 't.he'llost .should Patrick, Manson, that malaria is dis- gerceived therm; saw their -condition, miracle by its form, .but he experl . ­ , . . ' .. ' I qL Patient and untllring� labor on hard, ouparseding. the band rocker and gold be , L . I L . I , L too L ' ' . . . __ - - __ _.._­� that while'In 1818 "-Lloyd's Register" . .. . posted' with bis face to the.' en�-. seminated by mosqui X. ' The place henT(I'thaix a at the L . . I cry, and,.p.proeivvA their ends a same. time how tile Door . , , . �, I I .. I I Van .' 'L '' Beie'lltific Principles. For this class pan, and�steam tbawin�. daphines the tr . . . . . .. I ,near Ostia, 'L the Roman I need. He said unto, them of at once. forgottel, . L - .1 . J IlVOTT . . � L classed only so stool ships. as ' L . . .. once of the dining room. selected was on. inner the miracles IA . . . L �. I IMOS't Lthe adopted region is. more'of a home hre formerly built. in't]LeL shafts ,to .� . L 1. L' 1. . � I I . L L . . . 'against. 435 iron:oues, in 1890 a I '' - Remove freoli,toa and coffee stains Campagua, 4%. pla�e'tbut has -iso evil. a -Shouting across iho,iliandred Paces, . and ' while he ion his part, even in, this � . . I L .. I . BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR ' . . - and less at a gainbling joint; place loosen.uP the, ground . . Toleg I for malaria that to Lfileep. . _ . . . I . I I,. . .. I L ,� :,: 09.pei.eent of the total -output ofthe . L hL a . 1, I . r4h by holding the tabl#�otoilf over �ttub reptitatiod I that . par tod them, ,- Go show,yovf- last parlod .displays his respect for , - . etc. L , . , I � I . .. . . Imbere honest Wdi* brings . . I L . . ;. . . .... � L" , ' . ., Money to Loan, � I . Onest re- lines keep tbq Interior cities and ham 'a re 1. .1 . . � British shipyards :'consisted -,of Steel tu�ro I I . . . . . ; .'and pour: boiling watei�. through the ther6la eqnsiderid byAhe inhabitants SolveSL 'Unto t146 L piriesti. This ,was' the law'.'an.d the priesthoodi � he , _. . . . . . . . not A field. for Illicit forage', letisIn. 00114mitillo0low with- the greii I � . I . .1 entiT�_. I . I . - . Orrics-EIllott Block . . ! CLINTO I . . L Stains. A m aria � will remove iodine OrRome a's certaiu, to be followed by an ,lL new�way ,of 4 L L. I . , � . . I I y salinir �Nyith warded therefor -with a mean slight*.. � L 4 and but little more than ore. per cent, debau'ahery and barico. . world.. There are churchoB of all de- � L . . . . I __ L . . . � - . I � .. . . st4ini when 11 SMre.attack of fever. The three 'lopera.. -While�.tbo disease iv'as popu- Th-�. pbse viltion of this fact goes -to - � , ,' � � I of. iron,iromeig. . ... I .. ." t , . I I freab..,Soak the article . � I I er a I . . . . . . . .. . TOO many man had' been possessed nominations in Dawson. City; 'hotels, . . . . enters lived. there for months. laxly said to, � . . ' I . for: an hour in warm water strongly experim . . be, Incurable, there*.were. the. Sav'lour's 'heart; and as he had - . V — 41 .. of on that ndike hospitals, I - . BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. . I I . . .1 I . the couridti the Rio schools and other comforts ,Impregnated *ith the, ammonia. , . They exposed themselves to every local occasionally. cases of recovery from. just Shown hims6lf-,tha compaSSiOU7. . . . , ' . . I . ' . I .. I NOT FAU OUT.. I . is either natupes own, eleemosynary pf the aviorage Amoricain town,' 8 TAM I * re . ' o longs . r folded I can LOU it is no . t- iml&obable that at . a high Priests, be.repls"himself now I Notary Public, &Q., I I . . . . . . ,wbil, a napkins a dit' '.excepting :01e, mosquitoes. it, ,mid I'll . . . . i i .. I - . The , claas'waa having lessons ih na. institUtiou or a thrilling arena where the prices of the ,necessaries Of life . I . . n . . are usually They ,took no quin . lue. The onli . - e. grouJped.un­...tho. deeply .coneemped Alessiah. Yet . . I 1� Oprion-B ' ' I . .. . . . . . in fancy, shapes - tlley� - I I .. Y means aevexe akin.diseases wer cover Block, . - � CLINTON 't -, Ine'n are pitted against one, a '_ 0 . are lowering as the soeial, political . 0 1 1 - . . , . . . . 1 41 . — I . I . . oral history, and the teacher. asked. I . noth r . . . I . I folded a are of protection they, adopted was to make deir the general terml osy. At all tiLe.complaint to whi-th his Sadness . . I I I , o*, is there any boy here can telline and make a' brillian.t. . career on t .qu . and.laid either between � . epr � . I . . N . heir and financial. well'being is on tho iu� � their. hat absol-tital proofi agaiiat ev"ts; the Levitical law fwbished 9' ,ves;, utterance is ,it. the * ame't - Lin . e . . �. , . . OONVEYANOI)VG - , � � . I ' � . . . .. � I the knife' and fork or to the.right. . I � I. Y , , � ' 1 a I . ' � . � L , � what a zabra Is. f . . I 1. ; wits, at the expense of .the gaveirn- crease. .�. I . . I . mosquitoes (by means of wiro ganze. ine.thods ,by which a leper when cured a- ' � , L . . �. . _______.7_ Towitay: Yes, sli.1 can. I I ment and their own del!aded: fellow ri bir the ' I . .1 � . At dinner the dinner rolls or pieces L eulogy fox the" one thankful anao' I . I - JOHN RIDOUT � . : right kind of R man there As these insects only attack in - th� boiild be wintroduced into society. He, who appeared- before him; and with- ' - , .. . Teacher: Well, Tommy, what In. a men.* . As sOon es -they', dis I I I of bread �Are generally laid bbtw en . . . . � � - I cover that is much room still in the great Klon- ' .S! night, the experimenters have moved . I I I . . CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. - zebra I ' ' ..' '. .'.. . I it is nei6ar, bu I I I � f n( . xt possessed of large the. folds. If a . bread and, but " ter about th was ' to appear b6fore'a priest-, and )?a .. tha -,vor,ds ,Rfs' p I . I , , I . t, a place where no dike,'even I . aeonintry in the day, but they - . e; 4., go, thy, way, thy: . , . � Tommy; Please, air, a zebrals a � plate is us�d- the -napkin -and roll are [offiPially oxamimed accordinir to:cer- faith hath saved thee," the baaefitJa . I . . . Fire Insurance, Real Estate, : man succeeds by sudden stroke of for- means. For the wiong kind of a . . have Always .been indoors an'hour . I . � Money to Land. donkey with'afootball'suit oul sometimes placed upon it. . .. I . . tain proesoriptions. When the priest fox this ono .heightened, confirmed, . . .. . � I . . _ _ .- - -.,. � �n I 0-0 tune, by �Objeap.IIO(toriety, often mis- man --of which we have bad thousands � . � . . before sunset, and thiqy have never - the disease was � sanctified.— an Oostorzeai , ' .. - I . - . . � � When rice is to be served. as a vege� . . was. satisfied that . . V. . 07VICIC-HURON STREET, . CLINTON . _­_ . taken.- fox n nd thous'ands in the last three yearo, gone out until an hour after -sunrise. . � '. . � * - - . table it should be,' earofully picked . gone the man was pronounced dlean. 18., This strangw. . The Samaritan . . . � � . , . IT'S.10OR NERVES'. questionable in 'the light -of business and who, in throwing Mario upon the I ­ . . � In this way t�hey .have escaped 2uOSq I . . . . I . I ME010AI­ ' ' . .' . . I . .1 . � I � . . ) t oroughly -washed and.. then . . .lu' Every. one ofthase lepers had, doubt m om the sym- :: I . . . I I I . . . . I . . . I � 1 ___ - � honor, birt only by'thQ Sweat of the 1couatTy that shmild fall upon them- over h I td bites, and, while the wbol� of the . 11 - . . � into briskl� . boiling salted. wa- . . . I. less hoped that the happy day. would Ii � . , I i � . .­ . brow, as anywhere � I thrown . . � . , pat5i" of the ortbodo:F,,1ew tha - . . Itle the oondition' of'your nerves, . � also on the-broid eisTVos alone have 'sown broadcast I an . d � . oountry-�Side is lever7s.tricken, they daw, w n ho oould thus . visit Ahe� 6 * I . . I .­ . . I _ I I . . .. I ter �kept boiling for 25 minutes, I . . b)B ven the'.0entile. ' , I . I . R. W. GUNN . 1. I � . . . globe,, Offering.. Perhaps, the. best re- many. errors-ther . is no � wor . e op- I I have remained in.perfect health.. . . . . . .. . I . . . I . �. . . T D that either inakbe your life , P. � ­ then diaired through 4 colander and . I I . 1. .priest and _bs reinstated in normal - , . . � . . . I � 41_­��'. . . . . .. I P. C. P. and L. R: -C. S., Edinburgh. .. . . turn fio�r that labor of :an)r country powtumity in the KlohdLke 'than, there � . , The other aide of thek ex , , t , . � � i . .1 � . a round of plaasure , . set in the oven for perimen human life; but none of them could .,' - ,-, I . .1 . I .:. . I ' ' . . — . , . . I a Useless 0(f the he I . a few minutes, un- . .. . . . I � . I . . �; Night calls at frontdoor ofreiddencoon Ration , . mlisphore, thd'undesitable is anywhere. else. I consisted in exposing a healthy man have expected to be cared after . this , . I I - . - or urden. - - . . . . �. , . ' � I til thoroughly dry, w,heu it may be . � . . . I I '. . . I . . i btrry. street, o9oosite Presbyterian churp4- - - . b . class va-nishes and the -real workers . . - I wha.had never suffered f FUSE. . . I .. . I . . . .0 . . 1, . I . 1. .sent to the' table � in . an uncovered rom malaria abr.upt fashion.. Jesus does not.Say, . F UBL FROM RE I . . I . . L . - OpricE-OnTAnic, STakisT, CLINTON. .. — . . APP e. . . . .. 1% . . � . I '. . .. to the bftes ,� of mosquitoes im cited ' - . I . . . Ba .. . . .. � . " will; be thou clean." .116 does not - Most, large� cities yearly throW - . I . - . I . . � - . . - I I. - . . I — , I I - To many women life is' one round of . Thousandsi too,,haro . VESSELS CANNOT SINK. dish. It Ia. v0y nutritious when � P . I . oi- 119. . I l . beed�lunder fbel . . . from!. Italy. The subject of this' ex- I d* , . � . . . . say., "According to your faith, be it away tons of vai, bi fuel, see I ... I ua , . lELWM. GRAHAM. � . .. . . 8104ness, weaknega and ill health, To illusion that wjtho� � I . I P� �. � . . .. served with most or. poultry, And peiinieut. WAS in � perfeet health . 8 Ila, I D . . . . I . I . III; ,any especial . I 1. . , , I . I I P (SUCCESSOR To DR. Tv attempt even the ,lightest household tfraini " I . Caleluni.Clarbtile Usteal 14) 10ej?�Tfierklvli ,Much raore, digestible, than -the po- . I I .1 anto you.,.' He makeEkno, promise tliAt to the ,showing recentli made, )�*_, ... � I . I .. RXBVIL'.� I . - . I ng, either.. in mind oi body, All . . . � , I . and was not exposed to. any malaria] when they reach their homes they will don. - which. has brought. about the , I . . elutios fatigues them Many of the . like JvAler'.� sUrfacro . - 1. , . . - I in due course, after be . I . I . Licentiate of the Royal College of Phy- . . I . that was necessary was to arrive in I . I tato. . I . I . . influonoe,but - . � I sipians, London,Eng.. . symptoms accompanying. this, state of' . . . . I 'A t�anoh engineer, ; M. W Henri . I find themselves well. But just as 9.X�utlug. od a. license by thecity for .. . I ... deell the Kloirldikia and gold was to be turn- I . . Make out your menu a day or two ingi bitten, by. tbose* mosquitoes,, he th,�y are, with all their repulsive Soros . , . no are .:-a feeling Of tiredness on , I . I 194riolle, claims to bave. invented.a., ' .1 I . , the Wanufactuxe of. fuel from waste I �, OFFIen AND RESIDENCE-Porrin's Block, lattly 'wak.ln� . ; Ym` before y,oqr dinner party ard. discuss contracted 'in' . . ­. 1. occupied by Dr. Turnbull, CLINTON. * Of faintness, dizziness, sitlking ,ad up anywhere with'the too of the tem.by which the oinking of ships " . . . . I alarlal fever, with . the they are told to go to the priest to be mAsrial. � . .. �. . . . . . I . . . . . .1 I 11 . . can it ,with youir cook.., No matter bow noutil. symptoms, including a tempera- -1 I . . . �� I .. 0 lealing, palpitation of the boait, short. 'boat. The b , enee wa !that.dur- beprevenied, Though4tremair8t0be good a cook may L . I I . pronounced well. Here was the ex" ,It is fou.nd that atteetirefase, saw- ___ .. _. . 0 :j4 04sqqu . a . . R. SHAW . . I I neas of breath, loss.of, appetite,. colt] 1 ug the first year of my so be she has -her limit- ture 'of 104 degrees. Great -care 11 ,. . . . . . . D I .. I . h4odsand . feet, headache dark circles journ I prove& whether it will be practicable atLons . . � . was . tremost.demand of faith that oui Lord. ago and mud .from, rivers can be . I OFFICH: . I heard a many. gold seekers starvingv to app, . I , and it is never well to .test. takenj however, to select' mosquitoes � . . � - under the eyes,- pain in the back and � . y: the -same on a large scale, the th, ' . I . I I . .1 ever made.' As they went, they, wer6 ahimically. treated so as to become I chu while I personally knew other.men - .�ae limitations on ore's guests -See, whoSe bites resulted in, the. tortian I .1 . , 11 . ce . ONTARIO STREET, opposite .English. roh, side And all tile other accompaniments idea in its details is, indeado In.geii.ious. that y,,IV cook understands your at. form of malaria the parasite of which I ans - ed.. The rest of thoatofy shows combustible. .. This product when t . CLIxTO7q. : . . ... 1. ofa run-down and weakened constitu.. who were scou''ring'Dawson City for M. Mar I -to . I � . 0 . I I I that immediately, when they began- to compressed resembles. blocks of dull , I . I � . � . � I . folle proposes to attach the ders, that she hus everything thai she could be killed by quinine. . . � ti6n. laborers willifig' to saw wood for. $1.56. sides of thevessels a large number'o . I . needs to carry them out,, and. then I 11 .0 '. I . . g6) the healing processes . o readily, leaving Only � I I R. C. W. THOMPSON -. � I All these symptoms and conditions an Irdur, Anil were finally compelled bags, Each Of these bags Ia to have a tru, � her. Bat -do not try her with . I � themselves, . I . about twenty-five per cent, of firm ' D I � are simply the result of a poor quality toi,saw it themselves. I . . . � .. . . . I WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. . I I . . * . PHYSICIAN AND 9URGICON. . and detective circulation of the blood, S,uc capacity of 15,OW litres, and will be � If any man could do withiout what ,ash. Street sweepings mixed with.a ' . .� ith a wasting away of the nerve forces.. , h -was the ,natural aversion to covered by sever , things, she does not understand, and An Interisting utilization of' wireless we in ' . I OFFTOE AND RESIDENCE— *1 . . .. al, coats, made of a . modern life call -charch rul6slo Small percentage at cheap chemicals, . . By feeding the system with any sort of manual labor that is oh' do not 'expect her to turn outan elib- � I or- mixture of Wool, cotton and India rub- telegraphy is recorded in connection cartainly,the Lord,Jesus could. Yet, pressed into blacks and sterilized.by , ,, I , . . Mixt. to Molson's Bank . orate dinner without giving her all with the ke-breakin stea' . . � I . � I , . acteriatio of the guerilla minor. He bar the latter pre�onderatiug. These tha � mer "Ermak". as he had Said to John . __.I.- � .1 .. t�'o 0 t she needs. to.4*11: with. . . the Bapt' t, so being aubjeoted to a great heat, wake - . . , IS RATTENBuRy STRrwr,'CLINTON. . . . . � � . I.. ­ . . . � will sit for days about � stooe. Of - . during last wl I . .. . . ... . . I - - I I 1. . I I .1 ,bags Are to be placed all I . r � � I .nter. TheRassianiron. acted Us life through: "it becometh moot, excellent fuel, . ­ . . II)r.* Ward's � iho saloons and oatoh the whisper of ships, a trifle above the W%t * I . . � . . I . . I DkNrisrpy � I � . � . S . or line, . THING.% TO LEARN. I clad "Generale AmIral d'Amaxina!' as to fulfill all xighteousnaas�ll And So with Sewage; it can be manufac- . I ' r _­­­ ..— ­_ r— � ' BLUOD AND - he ontlying districts,' and can, whien I I . ran on the rocks fringing the coastrro'f wbile,he k%(,w that the priestgrapre. tured I . nto fuel very much Uii the R. AGNEW . � NERVE PILLS I news from I` . empty, be placed in Learn to laugh'. A go6d laugh is Ilie,'islaDd of Hohland, in th 'Gulf of sentedr. an effete and dyin I g 'system, best coal, and can be, made for. about — I ready to be off At a second's notice, holes in , the ship'& sides. A. strong better than medicine. - ' .0 I . . � . �'­'_­­­ _­­__� --- ' . I . ' r . D perhaps in the severest weather, to iron sheet then shuts up the holes cOr­ Learn ho;"V to tell a story. A ,well- Finland. it wat necessary to save. the while he knew that they wereperson- $2 A t014 . . . . I I .. . DENTIST. � ' - You strike at the roor, of the disease and join the stampede, rarely to big . auc� taining the bags. .Vxom the lower told story is as welcome as ar sunbeam vessel, and to accomplish this it was allybis malicious enemies, Jesus show. r I . . - ­ I . CROWN AND BRIDOZ WORE. . lay a, solid fou'ridation on which to build. cess, and often to his Sick -desired to wtabUsh communication by ed his respectfor the sacred law by . r Soon the weight increases, Aho sunken . I . I neas and part of the bags a. tube loan down in a sick room. . r .. r � . . � . I I I QPpiell-Adjoining Faster's Photo Gallery, � ft_ ,,,,, r death. I I . Inain. insistingi On his "patfents,' oboyin I . . r . . heeks and a ed busts fill out the . - I almosti to the surface df the ,water, some means or other with the I . g its . . r I CLINTON, 01'r. � . Knowing the stampeding tendency el . . Learn to keep your own troubles to A h moot minatio requirements. Be said I . � ,. eyes got bright end the tbrill oftelnew, osed up at tha bottom by a little yourself. The world is too busy to land and with, the "Vrmak", I igh " AD411111110 ' � G. EARNEST HOLMES ed health and strength yibrates through oif the minor, many cIerbr men Live valve Which opens inward; in each bag care for your ills and sorrows. mast supporting a ivire was erected Priests," because one of these Mon I successor to I)r. Bruce, Clinton. the System. . . upon a high point on the island of llob� was acdamaritan a heretic with whom I � DR' I taken advantage & it and oftentimes there is a certain quantity of calcium Learn'to stop ,croAkIng.. if you� Van- . no; respectable Jaw� ,Would . Specialist, In Crown and Btidgo Work. — . � inamost ludiexous manner. For in- clirbids. In case a land, andtherequired transmitterand consort; D.D,8.-GraduateofR6yalCvl1c9O of I)e,t,l aceident, and sit cons of Ontario. � 60 cents per box at till drugglsta� o . r Stance, one man built and stoeiked a whan the ship beginf Oil not see tiny g(y)d in this, world, keep coherer installed$ while asimi though the degrading influence ofthe RE) I Ia. D. fT, First- class honortraduAto of Dental � roadhouse at Some distance 3 to oink, it cannot � the bad to yourself. lar plant blotted out , all You ain cough � Department of Toronto n1vormity. 1919 ecial Dr. Ward Cb., Toron&, Out. from dive more than to one-thiril of its size, was Stationed on -, another island ag disease bad I attor.tion paid to preservation of chil roll's . . I . Dawson City, and then delibexatoly for the water rising around th Learn to attend strictly to your own Miles away, tbe instrumenta.'i, both. distinction between Samaritan , YOursolf it1to C� tooth, . !" .- �__._... _. __ I I . _____��­ a V'Sacl business. Very importai3t point, I . lid Jew, bronchifls,plit4_ Will be at the River Irotel, Ilayflold, ovary in ome of his opens,by ' I I cases lbei lied from the warship 11 and the leper$ . � lqondav from 10a. in, to.0i). rd. � I I I ii 0 1 1 I ionds ILA .1 means of pressure, the valves Learn. to hide your Aches and pairs lag SUPP. had huddled together. XaAv they Monk, and coa. . �- - l I Z . fr d discovered gold in that of the Rho which-' was equipped with the appara- . . . - V4 111I.' I ve-described tubes, pone- under a pleasant snailo. Xoone cares tos, The Vertical el togo to their Priests-tha,.lews SUMPtion. ' D. R. J. FREEMAN ,3 - V , .region. He led a stampede in mid- Lratas the bags, wets the calcium car- .'ad 157 w re . Successor to Dr. Vowlor. �TIME TA - - winter, straight to his roundhouse, bidej anda quick development of whether you have earache, headache, feet in height, and thweigreaarkustilrom. the tO JeWuSalem, the, Sama . BAnd9ging VETERINARY SURGEOx. , I or rheumatism. I . ritan to .. I A member of'tba Veterinary Medical A880010, and there cleared several thousand acetylene gas takes place, Whereby the induction coils iv ong. The 31bunt Gowizim; and probably they at and bundling 0 Trains will arrive at and depart fro I -are 14 inches 1, tiona ofLondon arid Edinburgh and Graduate Station in Clinton dollars from his vietima before tl Learn to greet your friondsr with installation worko 01105 Pa I . �� of the, Ortaria Veterinary College. I as followa:- . � . toy bags are inflated, thus removing the . ad without the Slight. rted company. your throat �. NUPPALO AND OODERI(,111 DIVISION. discomored that their leader a smile. They ,earry too many est hitch over this great distance, On 15, 16. Wh,ift he* saw that he w! '' will do no I Offite opoosito the Commercial Hotel, Clinton' -had dap- sheet iron cover. This process is per- . 8 � . Ooln,,KE ast ExTween 7-38 It m- ed them. On another occasion a formed within 0, fe frowns in their own hands to be both- one, Occasion it WAS successful in this healed. It must have been with I good. . ' . � . . _ 2:55 p. Ill. . w seconds. An all ered � . VET&RINARY � 44 " Mixed , 4:2-5 p. M, Young man shot a fine moose In a bags work simultaneously, the vessel is with yours. . rescue of 97 fishermen who were car. Strange, sensations that they extend- You must give -----.--- __ GOIn 0:15 a nil . ,.9 West Mixed , valley Some miles 4istant, but hadno considerably lightened and kept above � ried aA,ay an an ice floe. The perilous ied their wholesome, *limbs on the hi h 1. :: Express . 2:55 ' .9 . your throatand B L40XALL & BALL , 10:27 p' mm: way O� bringing it to market through Water. TBNDBNCIES IPTIRNISHING. positloff of the fishermen was trans. road, and 611; their nerves again lungs rest and I VETERINARY SURGEONS. GOV' LONDON, IIUUOX AND ARCell DIVISION, the deep snow. BY toturnin . 9 to . Mari � olle litta oalouiatea that a � big The tendency I in -house furnishing mitte4 from one atation to the other, tinglo ,with health. With a loud allow the cougah -, SpECTOR, ,j 14,1" ,�g 11,th V%pre,8 7:47 a. In I � 9RWAIENT VETERINAUY 114 mixed 4:26 ly. In: Dawson City and merely whispering ooeajv ateRmoi can in this manner be is toward more artistio and harmon. thence to, the "E'rmak," from which voiO3, gloxified God, and fell down on wounds to heill. . OVIPICE, ISAAC STREET', ItEsionNom, Atunav Goill.9 N�rth Express 10-15 a- DU "Itosebud Greek" he started a stam, Saved from sinking if it is provided taus designs, This Is evidenced In tlko vessel a boat pat off and so "affected his fane, ,at his foot, giving 'in There is noth. STEtnt, OuNtox. . . Mixed 6:05 p. ni, * .�, I : __ - A. 0. PATTISON, F. R. 1401)GnV8 Pede in that direetiom and was enabled withl 150 of those bags, 6aoh cent,,,. Increasing number of house furnish- the timely rescue of the unfortunate thanks. His voicc, like his Nor body, ing so bad for a . & a 't t 11 . . ,f,ont, Town TicQ29ont. to breing in his mOose over the well Ing 50 kilogram' Ing experts who Supply plans' and fishermen. The apparatus was in had been restore(l t be, I h. Ile 0ough as cough. - At.110"IrldNEER . A I 0 DAMSON, g of calcium toarbl", ­ .—,-.- . District Pasgongel- Age.nt..Toronto. trodden trail which the ntampoders which would fill them In case of an Be- 68timatea for those contemplating operation for 84 days, and was only thanks God and thanks his bu,man Ing. StOP It by I T`04' BROWN .. .1 I '$=-!..____ -_-'-11_-_ I _­ 1. won0l bad made oil their fool's errand, Oldent with 202W,000 111tres of acetylene fu�rnlshing a now house or refornlah� Suspended on two oocasions, owing to 116aleT, as lxci flings himself At his using . Scarcely leas desirable than theme' 9910. I I lug all old one. The change, is in severe onow storms. In all, 440 offl- feet with oriental demonstrative- . . I . . � I I LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Wo JACKSON adventurers have been the great I warkmanshilpi the quality of rittterial cial Messages were dispatched be- ness. as a am ,!I lie 1. I . . Sales coniluoted Ina arts Of tho,CountlCA Of . . . He IV & a, tan. T 1 19 1 1 11 I harden of inexperienced and pbysi., . - and the liniting of detail in one har- tween the two stations, with complete Jews went on to their priests, and , . "I uronand Perth. argen left at TuE NNWS; AGENT Q, P- R- RELATIVE ARMAMENTS, monious whold. So far as Woods are Suceeft Curiously onought the dpw Probably txpressed gratitude both to . , RHoorm oftlee, Wilton, or addressed to Sea I I eally unfit fortane Rockers who have I I forthP.O. will receive prompt attention. Sat- � er siaetfini guaratitted or 'no charges. Your pat- been bitien bjr the gold fever and The naval strength of the great concerned, there is an increasing de- Pliratus Was found to work better'dar- God and to Jesus when they returned .. onage solicited. ---.= CLINTON have left homes mortgaged in the P6warg of Europe, the United States mand for ,those which are intrinst- Ing, the prevalence of %storms than in to their homes, But the Samaritan . A41,90ELL.ANSOUS Travellers to any part of the Fast, with barely enough money to and Xhlpan,- as far as artillery Is can- eally beautiful, such as quartered bak calm weather. . . cannot Walt to b4N formally pronoune- . 0- ----. .. _____________ . world should consulb the reach . . above in reference to tickets, their destination, and With cerned, in given by a reliable German and mahogany. I I M whole until he falls in ecstasy at I , CEO, TROWHILL 0 ' . fares, ete. reitbe,rL meana nor the knowledge of autharity, as follows, Great Britain, The Increased number Of flats and - ------ *_ . thet feet of his benefactor. . I Q # . . HORSASUO101t AND .—. � oboutry or of mining to keep them 10,240 guns-, Prance, 5.052 -guns; Rua- of small houses has influenced furni_ MZX MIRE. I 1 17- Jesus answering said, What -) . GZNBRA1,BLAOKSMITH I from the dirMt Want. Up -and down sia, 8,667 guns; Germany, 12,864 guns; lure and. will undoubtedly Influence It jig Stated thAt a physician. in the k man says when her is praised is apt SVOA thO COUgll Of Only L v Italy, 2,508 guus,� United States, 2'. it titill more. The rapright plarioltbo 'Tranavaid, knowing -that milk absorb$ consumodo Woodwork Ironed andfitst-elms material andW, JAWSON the *boatou traoks thea6 poor deluded t6 reveal much of his character. Our A ig CUred, wotkituaraliteed. Parmimplementaand MA4 1 AGF.NT G, Flo, ft. men have wandered it great lines, 324 guns-, Japan, 1,592 guns. It must Wall bed, the narrow chair and the poisonous germs that ate exposed to Lord never told thoso who praised him And, later On) When the allinea rebuilt and v6pairod. . . — . 11 I # with Padkd a bedding and provisions bo, martionul that in the figures of extension table, soam ko be types of it, conceived the idea of applying milk that he did'not merit their praise, as . diseAse is flfiWy fted, TODDING A SPECIALTY. . . On their lift6ka, often a hundred tI%0 ,British' Artillery thorO Are yet in. the furniture of the, future, externally topeople, afflicted with for. Is often the fashion with us, Here he You can bring rest and AlazaT STANXT, NORT11, CLINTON. EXPEF I 11PENCE P"1149 in Weight, trusting in blind oludcd 810 musolt-loadarg with which, 4 1 or and skin diseases. Tile patient is Makes no remark to the healed leper, comfort In every case. , . � .1, __��M_, 11 -** .__ � I . .. 0hatoo to direct th6m to some on. Of course, Only the, Older V68809 Of the INGE, NIOUS PLAGUE 91 wrapped in a Sheet that has been Bat. but turns to his disciples to Inquire, A 25 cont bottle v1111 I .. JOHN T. EMMERT' ON .. I A ahanted castle, t reserve fleet tire arraod. A bUrst of frig6nulty, scoms tot hAVe Urat6a With milk, and thog & hot Word thero not ten dleausedt NO Ourp new oclughs And ' T119 LEADINO IIARI191t .11 , A 1 k Thl� fact that fifty thousand peo. 1061UPArIng the artillery Of OxOat centered itstlf Ift 4 Us* plaster 'Of blanket IS p t ou d th perso d doubt Mot v,ery morning God ia ask 0614a, the. ISO can tat I k I U AV n 6 il'an - I a A186AROAtf6t I I ple, biave flO*ed into tho Klondike Britain with the eombin6d strength pArL, plaqui& It has COMA1 as'ik wet' kept for ttn hour, Thou 'the clothing Ing, Were there not many t6a in the better for seaded -A. jlTAXD)LJtD MIPE INSURANCE COMPANY �� , within the last tow Mrs, and a Of Augglit and 1, raw,o, we arrive at - 06me way of "orving tomb Of 66 lig re I 0 rone Idd *I .. ft weak I I Timm MARK16 . hundred. thousiana mard in other diA. 10,240 guns ngttinat 8 669 guns. AS eXqVJ&teL ,moved, and the Patient is Spong. 'Domtn&DA, In Our Provilite, In 11 HeadOJ%o#tOtC&udda, Montr6al, ocalama ' oolorad - heads and floral od with warm water In a room as hot Our tOwm or villiage, in Our lungs; t 6 61116 do) ar size Insurance In force, - . - $116ftow COPYRIGHTO &0- tri6ts (1,10119 Olt Yukon, and� that no4 far 4N tOtPMO t homol Whore are the u1not Whyl Inveatmolitsin Canada, - - - WAKOW AnTlOfte Affiding a sketob and desert uboN are 6*ne6rndd1 PlOt"M W111611 WS Yearly have Sent sig car, be borne. A case of smallpox Is ore too 0 I I I I ekif AlPertilln A"r Opinion ffto W ether however, the British fli5et is Inferior to in on calendars, 0 roftle ,,,,In r"'.Al Of )Ntabllshedlilm, Thooldrollableandf4vortle. f.1111611t(dft Iq Prob Abily 01 "'IV yet a thousand squaro milks of the A little ,good thilis, treated had m6st .of tho poison ar,0 the majority Un,grat6ful, or, If le.811 Coll tJVt# ,ommhal "" I , ()r.Vt0E_8mItIl1AblO0k. oppoqlta P a i4t. tio"ll , ddft . Atidb6dit On PAt ' IMM611" torritory of Cans,da 4nd the tO thc, nuthbOr Of 19 tubes, Groat Bri- taste and conwerable nimblenom Of takm out of the skin, and the pa. therO is any gratitude, why I� It on- gumption. Iltlaw,812"e, L ,_ptablp, V it, 1W ffft Mg 'I A 19 THROAT ft' I L . , . . ---­� . � - -_ �___ -_ J�T:t �:e] I , I. . . . I A.wN,f4 r.!3 Fl440" k eiew?0IM91 t a 0 d (01' I "ht . 014eft A= fog,oftring I _�=-�---,4-- PAtftf* t0ikeA It Afil 1111ft g;,(r4'ft6n41t-V4 MUM Stated ha" been mospettisd, tain "eases 1,534., Itussia and Jilpande fingors It all that to mquired, In addl, tibnt Was plao,64 on the road to Vt. 0""886df "W61I acquainted with Youtbouldkeeponifftd, i . I , opscwmllw, withoit Oh I tL Provoili th'At the majorlty og the Ar. 1,51553 torpedo-lana6rs. tion to an agatoward pieplatel Sows eoy,&r 11 All tatallies ough . AIT 1MANSWUNWIMMLAR. i !!2% a y within 24 hours. Tille, remody 016 Iftfift W -Mob had already Mork WAtOThfors t to b,b on th6 ; I tldddh attacks of croup 1,1--daiftlt ftboo'X sha woofted, ,,how I -, Alapgffoableq. Xvf ft. I I . Sdaftfiftlerka"o TiVIAlm at I)xwsoA City wastad tboir The abov6 0,01hDaffs0fiff, have, ,of plaator of part.4 and water, it knife, &eta no quil5kly that Its suedeastul Op. fOrW in :ude-a for his dfttruotion Orkdllt Cott : 11 is tf 174 ZbOa4m fift thil land XbOU 4 k0i, You e0ir cam6, to 101# m#.O' 6116rgy O'na m1botA000 g6ttliag tmre, cmrS6, but & mfthAnlcil value, as "pt a bit of tAV6 and & dlartliln ring, With � Old Saviour y6t Ote6 dggin makm th C rtypeetOft! 06nottutly oil hang 1,0, Aration in thi taso of &Mrs will r6. ,I, .. o6h, wet W6 hat, � boundoxy tract of oaljW t,L6 t4Pt6Vld6a*X,1hAt&ft6ffif9 AV'# I .66 liantly x6marked, and nt tbitboa vAdGr tho mIgt&k46l% only th4b numb6r of guner, but, porh&pg, . pretty 6Olor64 VidtliV6 whinh oomm"d its U466 In (A,"# of Isaddoin 6, 0,,* $0.1,3* lot'i, &44 ,,,,,,, theater .i#,A6y111 � rhosit it ,Xpte tottat to wiliva lb**644106 that rfoboft wore to be kid to 4 W4b4r dOW0, th6ir 44411tr logy# J)"la %jiKtly out aut froft tt# ba6k. lltt&*'L 't.t a. wittis, 0 , I I . Milk 14 W#lI #Atlitlid to r*# I ., 0 , '� �Wlfmd lie - �f ikauiw WAUW 0140"0401 *Aob tot go 4100* I 64 W*%4 #* 1* bsAW, . , ago fto 1-1- - .khi. .Mil, oil# * %p . .*#, te it# WAt, I Wp *I# 4W&Ap,4 I lwli�lw� , , � V . OMMI I %4* , , 400 *A"* to ,bb hatm it is I - , I I . 0 4 Qz*; - . - I , - - " I , .-NO-4411 t 1. I I — ­_�­ —1 .1 — - - � __ ----'--" L---'--"— .Al'', I -11 � -1 L - L . . ­­ ­_ I L. ---d:,L .— .. - I L L � . I—— ­_O�__.­�. I I L ­­___­.___._______ — � 1. 1--.1-- . ­­­-­­