HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-11-01, Page 8Nov. 1 1900
Rev. W. S. Doherty of IIeneall was it
Miss Maggie :Gillen ref Goderich spent
this week. with bee mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Jones
visited Ooderich aud vicinity on
of Ileireell visited blonde town on
Illise Lizzie Tsvitchell and Me. Lewis
of Homan spent Suuday at Ur. A.
Ur. and Mrs, Sohn Holmes of the Hur-
on Road spent a' few days recently
with London friends,
Mr. George Bell and Mrs, Alex. Bell of
of Goderich were called to Clinton
on Friday by what proved to be the
'fatal illness of the little eon of Mr.
Miss Age Gibbing has returned from
a lengthy visite to her sister, Mrs,
(Dr.) Kay of Afica Miele and on
Sunday last reeumed her duties as
organiet in the Ontario street church.
The follow, ing of our citizens attended
the noeamations at Gabriela Yester-
day: -S. Pike, N. Robson, j, Shepp-
Kennedy, J. Bell, T. 'Walker and Dr.
Mr. George MeEwan of Heneall was in
. town Monday extending the glad
hand to electors of the South Riding
and intimating that their vote .and
influence would be appreciated on
Wednesday next,
Ur. B. A, Higgins of Varna was in
town on Monday,. He has had a re,
markably sucessful-. season selling
plOughs etc„ and now for a tinie will
- confine his energies more to the in-
door part of his business.
Mr. John Ireland returned to his home
ireSeaforth on Tuesday after having
been engaged vvith the Apple
*Kingfer 'KM time. He will likely
return- again to the milk business
and has in view a couple of the most
prosperots towns in the province,
Wherever he locates we kno* he
Will do well for he is genial apd °blip-
ing and alwaye popular. with his
. The llurat1on guests at Mr. A. T. Cooper's on "Nee.
either of no eoneequence or it
s of great importance, 'You must de.
tirat question. If the first is true
get the loweet•priced. Shade you eau get
mounted on the most inferiorroller.
They will do you for a time and. per.
haps never work just right. Bet if it
is a consideration of iMpOrtance to you
bow long and how well your window
shade works, come and see us about
the kind that is the cheapest in the
end, the kind that wont fade out or
burn out in a reasonablelength of time.
Securely fastened on is, roller that will
stop where you want it to stop, go up
when you want it up and clown when
you want it down. The greatest con-
sideration is not what you pay for your
Shades but what they pay you in wine
satisfaction and durability that should
be the' true consideretion. We can
and do sell good shades cbeap but we
will not and do not sell poor shades at
any price. •
If yet want new rollers or other
iepairs on your Shades see tie aboutit
at Fairs' Window Shade Infirmary.
digente Parker's Dye Irorke,
Often the Moped, Always the Beet,
New Advertisements.
Maple Leaf Rubbers -a. 5'. Clop 1
Our Doll Window -W. Cooper ,1 Co 1
Seasonable Goods -Mrs. R. G.MeLellan 5
A Gun Report -Harland Bros 6
'Watch Lost -Mrs. 5, E. Blaokall 8
Political Meeting -Robert McLean 8
Bargains in Photos -7F. Q, Burgess.. 8
School Inspector Robb is .in town
this week.
Miss Mazie Kennedy is visaing friends
in Goderich.
Mrs. McRae went on a visit to Detroit
friends on Monday. '
Miss Nellie Wright of Seafortia was in
town over Sunday..
Mr. P. J. Lynch, train master at
Stratford, was in town Saturday.
Misses Lizzie Falconer and Higgart of
13ayfield. were in Clinton on Satur-
f day.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris of Farquhar were
callers at Mr. William Jones' last
Miss M, Burrows of near Godericla
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H.
Mr. 0. P. Hervey, district freight agent
town yesterday.
Misses Maizie Carling and Nettie And-
erson spent a day with Blyth friends
friends this week.
Mrs. C. E. Tenney and her daughter,
Miss La,311a, are visiting friends in
Woodstock this week.
Miss Eva Stephenson has...returned
home from a most pleasant visit to
friends in Woodstock,
Mr. and Mrs. Green of Port Huron
are visiting under the parental roof,
of Mr. and 'Ars. William Alexandier.
Miss Clara Scott returned from
Toi onto to attend the wedding of
her sister which took place yester-
Mr. and Mrs. (Dr.) Lindsay of Wheat-
ly are visiting under the parental
roof in town and Goderich town-
Mr. and Mrs. G. Stewart lialr0 been in
.Listowel this past week attending
the .golden wedding of le. and Mrs.
has been upon the bed of affliction
the past week and unable to attend
to business.
Mr. S. IVIcBride and son of near Blake
were in town on Monday on their
way home from 13lyth where they
had been visiting the Daer
Mrs. Henry Halliday of Two Harbor,
Mich., who has been visiting Dun
gannon friends called on Mrs, D.
Cook. Jr„alonday on ber way home.
The numerous friends of Mr. Ed.
Rowed will be pleased to learn that
he has so far recovered as to be able
to return to his:duties at the G. T.' R.
station again.
Mr. H. W. Erwin of Hayfield was in
town Saturday, heating driven oVer
to meet Mrs. Lilrwin who came down
Kincardine where she visited her we -
ter for three weeks, •
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gatess-the
knot was tied on Wednesday evening
or last week -have taken tip house-
keeping in town. Mr, Gates hallo
from Heiman while hie laide ' was a
native of Zurich. May happiness,
Mr. F. R. Hodgerre, towit ticket agent
of the G. T. R., bcroked the follow -
Cole and John Johnson to Pogama-
sing ; Dr. E. Holmes, Prank Fair
anti E. J. Cantelon to Call/ander and
Mrs. W. Coats to Custhrie, Ohio,
Mrs. Sage came up • from Lakelleld,
near Peterboro last wee_ ,k and will
remain with 'her son, Mr. George
Sage, for some time. She has
reached the venerable age of ninety-
two year% but is remarkably active.
for that age and made the journey
Montreal, vvho with his two sons had
been gunstri at Mr. John Ilohnes' of
the HUt011 Hoed, left for home Mon-
day after having had a very enjoy-
able vveek's outing. Mr. Egg
brought his phonograph along with
hith. It Was an excellent instruinent
and afforded much amusement to a
party of gueste invited in. by Mrs,
Mr. Adam Cantelon arrived in town
Monday from Indian Head, Assa,
where he spent the summer, having
gone West in the early spring, The
Terrritories, he says, fared better
than Manitoba the past season but
e.ven there a good balf crop is all
that ts chatted. Speaking of poli-
ties, Mr, Cantelon says a keen luter-
est has been aroused and that the
result eeerne to be eomewhat
doubt though it le believed the
Coneervativee will earry most of the
ocinetittieneee front Winnipeg to the
Rocklee. But Brandon is the atom&
centre and the contest there is being
&Maid is putting up a &Alt that
says that the liquor trade has corn.
bleed to crush him at whatever cost
and that money for that purpose is
pourine froM all OARS of the
Dominion) but tor all that Mr, Can.
telon thinks he Will win, the prolti.
bitionists tite prairies being some.
what more eonsistent titan thoso of
the GA1110 kidney In this province,
mr, Oantelon looks well and has
almost recovered from the lameness
Vadat tretibled hint ISA winter.
Illeligion Township.
Miss Willis of Port Albert has been
on a pleasant visit to her cousins, the
Misses Dundee.
Miss Violet Sinapson 'has been en-
gaged to teach in section No. 8, Mc-
Killop, for the coming year.
The framework of the immeose barn
on the farm of Mr. Win. Scott, on the
northern Gravel Road, has been raised.
When completed this will be one of
the finest barns in this part of the
A young man named McLaughlin
had the misfortune to get one of his
feet crushed by a hay press the other
And se erfcEwan and McMillan are
in the 'field for South Huron and
many people think it will bp nip and
tuck between the two olcl (stagers on
election day. The prospects of the
Conservative party around and about
us are excellent. Pridham is a sure
winner in South Perth, Sheirit is sure
to come out on top in North Middle-
sex, McLaren is as good as elected in
North Perth. London and East Middle-
sex will be almost sure to elect Conser-
vatives and the Man of pills will be
left at home in Hist Huron.
Grit politicians ate loud in their cry
of prosperity with wheat at 64 cents a
bushel, oats 28c, barley 35a and hay
five to six dollars a ton, Apples. are
50c a barrel or barelye the cost of hand,"
ling, and potatoes drng on the mar-
ket at loc a bustler • And not 'only this
but the plough which is used on the
land is dearer than what it was four
years ago. The harrows required nre
higher in price and the cost of the drill
used in sowing the seed is more than
what it was when the Grits crone into
power. The binder used in cutting
the grain hes gone up in price and the
twine required to bind the sheaves
was., through the bungling and inca•
paeity at the Government, nearly
twice as high this year as what it was
four years ago. Anyone who would
say tbat these things are conducive to
prosperity is more partisan than
truthful. Mr. Editor Ibave lived on a
farm all my life and 'know whereof I
• Mr Money, an old-time resident
of Mci op but now of Manitoba, is
visitieg at her btother's, Mr. E. Dris-
Mr, John Jones had the misfortune
ta fall while taking off a lead of straw
and broke two of his ribs, Under Dr.
Arrostrong'i care he is doing as well
as 0M2 be expected.
Mr. Thos. Beatty him returned from
Dakota and reports the times not very
bright. Tom thinks McKillop is good.
enough for him. tiefore another week
one of Constance's 'fairest daughters
will have changed her name and corae
to live in our village.
' Mr. W. Hudie is visiting his datagh-
ter, Mre. Mace Sterling, Mr, Sterling
has been very sick but his many
friends will be glad to hear of his
speedy reeovery,
Bev. Mr. Dever will iareach a sermon
to the Orengemen of L. 0, L. No, 813
on Sunday, November 4th, at pan,
Mr. and Mrs. D. McLaughlin enter-
tained a number of their Mende at ft
hop On Friday nighti This being the
first of the season ell'seemed to enjoy
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of 111ilyerton
were visiting for a few days last vveek
at' their uncle's, Mr. Henry Hamilton's.
Mr. bliVer Keyes of Varna visited
Mr, McTaggart, sr. who a short
time ago fell from ladder vvhile pick-
ing apples and gob hurt, is able to be
around again.
Mr. jaixtes Horton of the Bounders,
Line gold a fine two-yearold colt to
Mr. Ab. Robertson of Stanley, Ab.
Mr. Grant Rykman of the Boundary
Line had a new floor pub In his.kitcben
last week. Mr. James Workman of
Stanley °Agitated him.
Mr. and Mrs. joseph FOSter of
Stanley paid a flying visit to Mr. and
Mrs. F. X4es one day last week,
Mr, roster was delivering fruit trees
for Brown Bros, it this vicinity.
Mr. M. McTaiggart, jr.,. has a large
contraet of drawing sand to Hensel'.
Herten J3ros, have also been drawing,
large quantities of sand.
Quarterly raeeting eta vice Was held
on f3unday lasein the Methodist church.
There was a good attendance, quite
a number being present !tom Kippea.
Pastor Long gave an able and impres.
Holtriee le billed to epeak here tO-
night Or at least a meeting is to he
held in hie intereetea tielgtave is not
as strong for Lauder and Tarte ,as
formerlY. We presume both least and
West ITuron Will be close'and till poll -
The pulpit of Eno* ohne& was oe-
euele4 'by a student last Sabbath Mira -
The Tories Were again victorious at,
baseball with the Gelts; OA itecount
of the day beteg .cold the score was
tar e.
arles Bell has returned front
yeer's reeklence in the 'far North -Week
lookhig well.
being dry,
Potter's His
_Miss Jennie Henderson, ,and'Mre.
Betties spent Sunday in Goderich,
Mr. Wm. Lobb moved to his farm
on the Maitland tee. On MOnday• On
Seturday evening numbee of the
friends Assembled at hie hoftle and
presented him with a handsome Sofa.
astir: "dm Weston. is able to 6r01111d
We are sorry to report that Mr. &t ,
Miller of flue village ie seriously ill..
While visiting Mende last Tuesday in
Hensel! he took sick On the Wedntee
day following Drs. Ferguson, Gunn
anti Armstrong perforined an' opera -
time He fellow in a critical condition.
Hopes, however, etre entertained of his
A few Clays ago Mre.Noblo of Fergus
was visiting her sistor,Mre.Tolton,and
other relatives in this place, Oa re-
turning home eho was shocked to
learn that her husband,ML. Noble, had
been suddenly called away by apo•
ii7.r, John B3alfour, merchant of this
place, has returned from bis business
adventures in Assinaboia. The clim-
ate of the North-West must be saln-
ltriuus as Mr, Balfour looks hale and
Rev. J. S. Henderson conducted
divine service in St, Andrew's church
last Sabbath. The house Was well fill-
ed and the entire service very inter-
esting and edifying. The Sabbath
School also received a friendly visit
from Mr. Henderson and Mr. Wm.
Moir of Iiensall, These gentlemen also
perforrahed a similar service for thePresbyterian congregation of Hills -
Mr. Hayes' many friends are pleased,
to learn that lus . sister, Mrs, Voting,
who has been seriously ill of the ty-
phoid fever in the Stratford hospital,
is now in the way of recovery.
We are glad also to report that Mrs.
R, Bell, who at one time was a mem-
ber of the church here, is now cotton,
lescent, Mrs. Bell was also 111 of fever
at her home in Seaforth,.
Mr. Wm, Doigis out on the war-
path rolling it oin the interest of Mr.
Geo. McVwan of Hensel!, candidate
for the Commons,
Mrs. D. Clark of Hensall is visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Miss L. Johnston of Hensel' is visit-
ing at Mr, Levi Stack's.
Mr. Robt.Parsons now wears abroad
smile. It's a son.
Mr. Levi Stelck shot two geey squir-
rels on Saturday. These annuals are
becoming rare.
Mr. Geo. Pringle is we hear thinking
of starting a shoe store.
. R. Elgie visited at Mr, Ohas.
Stelok's Sunday.
Mr. John Turner drove to Seaforth
to hear Guy Bros. Minstrel Show last
week. He reports it to be first-class.
Rev. Mr. Henderson of Hensall
. preached a very able sermon on Sab-
bath afternoon.
• Mr.' Lin Workinan,who was engaged
'near Seaforth, is home'.
MN Wm. Reichert bad the misfor-
tune to have his wheel stolen Saturday
evening, but since then we learn he
has found it.
Miss Blackford of Hensel). spent
Sunday with Miss A. Hudson.
• Mr. McNaughton of Tuckersmith
spent Sunday at J. Turner's.
Mr.Mannel Reichert is engaged with
Mr. Emote Colernam
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hedson, of Hen -
sail were the guests, of Mr. Joseph.
Hudson Sunday.'
A little (Laughter arrived last week
to gladden the hearts of Mr. and Mrs,
Bien Herrington. It's the first.
Mr. Joseph Churchill, who has lived
on the 10th concession the past four
years, has rented 0, 150 -acre favm in the
township of Turnberry, about two
miles from Wingliem. He takes
possession in the spring, '
Mr. James Webster and, Misses Okra
and Millie Webster,Luckuow, who had
been visiting in Grey, spent a day at
Mr. David Beacomri • on their way
down to Stanley township where they
called upon many friends.
Councillor Ferris and his esteemed
better -half spent a day recently at Mr.
James Laithwaite's of Goderich town-.
Domini° Hamilton of the Harlock
school has resigned end will take hie
departure at the end of the year.
"Happy Jack" Wells has been pack-
.ing apples for Annie King Oantelon.
Mr. Patrick Ryan wee in Cranbrook
last week attending the marriage of
his cousin.
Miss Bessie Watt of Clinton has been
spending a few days vvith Mrs, James
Toe sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be dispensed iu the
Presbyterian church next Sabbath.
Service will be held in the
morning at 10.80 o'clock and In the
evening at 7,
The monthly meeting of the 'Harris
Mission Band will be held on. Saturday
Mr. j. Salkeld and his sister, Mary,
of Goderiett visited. on Sunday at
Misses Millere.
Mies Anderson, sister of the Bev.
Mr. Anderson of Wroxeter, Is renew -
in acquaintances in the village.
lama rt next Wednesday. Are you
oing to vote for Tupper or Laurier,
or less taxes or more, for the flag of
13riten or France, for a government
true to promise or one riot Remora.
ber your own votes may decide which
we have. Ponder all well before
The farniers are basy at their fall
plowing now AO they have not been
able to plough for some time on ac.
count of the dry weather and many
have been euifering badly for the want
et water as many wells have gone dry,
We are glad. to know that Mr. Thos.
Hornby ia improving. He has been
laid up with a broken leg.
Mr. Willie and Miss Wreetiry Stev-
ens and Miss Fanny Allin were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Curry of
Nile on Sebbath.
A hot supper Was given in the Lee,
burn church on Tuesday evening last
and a good program was given. Quite
a nntaber of the young people from
around here took it in and report a
good time,
Mr. Aridrew Halliday sold one of
ins working horses to Mr. Wilson
Brownlee at a good figure,
Mr. William Feagan had a sale of
Ins farra stack and implements on
Monday hist and eyerything sold well
as Mr. Feagan is giving up farming
and will move to Oncierich to live.'
Quarterly service will be held in 'the
Benreiner church on Sabbatb next at
'whir, Milton Tyndall left for Philadel-
phia on Wednesday of last week
where he intends studying tlao law
Auction Sale Register,
At Coleman's vvareroonas, Seaforth,
extensive sale of uew and second-hand
inapleneents, including grain crushers,
,straw.cutters, land rollers, seufflers,
aurnip sowers aud plows, without
etors ; Thos, Brown, Auctioneer.
lot 25th, con. 4, Stanley, sale of farm
stock and implement, -A. Whitting-
ioneer. •
11, Con, 12, McKillop, extensive sale of
a choice farra, farm stock and imple-
ments. Joseph Stenzel, Proprietor ;
Thomas Brovvn, Auctioneer.
On Friday, Nov. 9th, at 1 p. m. -
On lot 14, con. 1, Stanley, of farm
stock and impleraents, the property
of the Iate R. M. Ross. William
Murdock, Executor ; Thos.1, Brown,
On bat 14., con, 4, McKillop, of farm
stock, without reserve. -John Melon%
Executor ; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer.
Tuesday, Nov. 13th, at 1 p, m. -At
lot 17, con. 7, IrIcKillop, sale of farm
stock and implements. -Robert Camp-
bell, Proprietor ; Thos. Brown, A.uct-
Wednesday, Nov. 14th, at 1 p,
At lot 8, con. 5, McKillop,sale of choice
farm, farm stock and implements. --
Mrs. Michael Murphy, Proprietress
Thos. Brown, Auctioneer.
Thursday, Nov. lfith, at 1 p. ru.-At
lot 1, con, 2, Tuckersinith, sale of
farm stock and implements. -William
McGeo, Proprietor ; Thos Brown,
On lot 12, con. 3, McKiliorr of farm
stock. -Joseph Matthew% Proprietor ;
Thos. .Brown, Auctioneer.
TORREY-SOOTT-On October 31st,
}it the residence of the bride's
ether by the Rev. W, G. Howson
aseisted by the father of the
groom, (Dr.) John Torrey of An -
Bertha, A. Scotc, daughter of Mr.
Simeon L. Scott of Clinton.
Barley 0 88 to 0 40
0 23 to 0 R3
0 57 to 0 00
Rye 0 40 to 0 40
Butter loose in crock 0 15 to 0 10
Egge per dos 0 18 to 0 11
5 50 to 5 50 }fell°
Pork per owt 5 00 to 0 00
Flour per cwt.-. 1 90 to 2 15 1 arah
Wool per . 15 to 18
Onions per bush • 0 70 to 0 75
House and Lot for Sale UOD(ENS BROS.' MG DRY GOADS STOI
Thgrutf o Cott ri titango o ..V. occuPlcd dVlflh v I1iNy1�V1 dVlllfyl k -f `-'
by Cho undors9aned 1s oilort �i foh sale on res•
honoble terms, Tho lot is 5 of an CO.rrwith
hard and soft water stable. good fruit and
vegetable garden. �Pihe ileum cont+wine hall.
room, summer, hitehoon,. cellar uul woodshed,,
is centrally located, possesolon given any timmo
tasait Parellaeor.
Ladies' Gold Watch with several Bobs lost
in /Minton last week. The finder will be suit-
ably rewarded by returning lt
A public rneeting_in the inter -
este of MR. ROM'. MaLEAN•
the Liberal -Conservative Oan-
didate for West Huron, will be
held in the
Town. Hall, Clinton
on the Evening of
Saturday., Nov, 3
.A.daresses will be delivered by
- Ur. McLean and speakers from
Front seats will be reserved for ladles
Hello.. Is that you Eliza
Say, where can I see you
to -night ?
Why, down at the Hub
0, you are going there ?
Why yes, everbody go0;
§ay, Sarah, did you see
. those. Matches yet.?
• Well,look here,, they have
boxes ' with 1000
Matches in each box
for 6c, and O'Neil
says, if you don't be-
lieve it you may
count them yourself.
Well, did you ever,
W O'Neil
, .
Peat Bargainsa,
BuFgess' Studio g
The Weekly Story of the Big Store.
MO 00
We have the greatest collection of
Mantles at these popular prices that we
have ever shown. Every one an 1900
Igarment and styles correct in every detail.
While this week we emphasise particular-
ly our unrivalled assortment at these prices
we would not have you forget the many
lines at in-between prices the values q
which are just as good.
Flaying purchased the largest Studio in the City
of Wintilpeg wish to dispose of my busineSe in
Clinton before the 1st of January, and to clear off
the large stock of Photo .Cards on band I will
give you greater bargains than you ever got be.
Re -orders can be had from Mr. Foster's neg-
atives, also nice Enlarged Photos from 'any nega-
tive made by Mr. Foster or myself, at prices that
will surprize you. •
Call early as I may dispose of my business
any day.
PA All orders must be cash.
Blaok niggerhead mantles, pearl buttons, silk lining, tura clown
' collar newest baok, also beaver, mantles, good quality °f 5 00
olothAbis coat in black or assorted shades of fawn, sacti
Fine Beaver Mantles, extra good quality, will give excellent
wear, newest/ back, pearl buttons, open front, turn• down ey
collar, silk or mercerised lining, a very stylish coat, bleak or auk,
Extra fine quality beaver and kersey mantles, some of the
leading styles and of Canadian German makers, tailor '
made goods, silk and fine mercerised sateen linings
Burgess ;
f clothing The ' Clothing
ilti $
I \ A anything shown by ordinary dealers When
Department 11
ourselves in a:manner totally different from.
nade goods but a line in an ti factured by
nary machine
'which we sell is
f - you buy here you get Clothing cut ttnd
made right up-to-date. Clothing that has
a ayie and shape and Clothing t hat will
g,ive p4fec t satisfaction in wear, Then
again yen aro buying direct from the manu-
facturer and saving the middleman's profit.
- q, Shrewd buyers should make A note of this.
"Royal Oak" Serge Suits at $10 have had
wonderful sale because
there is,nothing to equal thein.at the priee, We were
told the other day by a man who bad done the county
lookinw for something extra that this suit could not be
equalie% at the price, -Single or double breasted,a11 sizes.
$5 Suits There is always a. class of peope .
who want a. cheap knockabout sult,.-
and at the above figure we show a suit hard to equal -
well out, well made, well trimmed, in medium colors
and patterns.
Bianti of Boys' Giotfting
We are free to confess that we have
had a hard time to keep up our stock
of Boys' Clothing in this celebrated
brand. During the whiter we made
up a big stock but the Sale ha's been
4,, A so large that W0 were often short in
Boy's COitt and Pants in in ediutit sizes made from all
c,..k wool Ilttlifax tweed and scrges, eat, made and trimmed
by ourselves, No middleman's profit to payt, without
s"*" ,exception the eheapest goods in Canada.
Rain Coo ita worth $8.50 now being sold
fbr $2.50t just the article for a
V wind coat, pays for itself ill a short time by saving your
clothing. All sizei in Boys' and lYfetes.
Our Sensational
Shoe Sale
our great sale has been
a big sbccess and day after
day we are selling. Shoes at
NV 011 derful reductions from
ordinary figures. We have
been told time and time again that no shoe sale ever
offered baruaitis to equal our great list, The sale still
goes on, and ou Saturday next we will have some extra
woods to offer in Lot 30, which gives] you a wonderful
collection at $1,95, worth from $3 to 84 per pair.
The "Special
King quality') Rab-
a demand from the KA iw ',MUT
ber is the result of EN cf,,, I A -
people of Canada for
Rubber Shoes that are made from Rubber -that will
wear as they did before manufacturers learned how to
adulterate ruober, and the compound in the "Special
Ring Quality° Rubbers is 25 per cent. purer than is used
in the manufacture of any line of Rubbers of the present
day. A long standing defect in the wear of Rubbers has
been their breaking open lengthwise along the edge of
the cloth stay running around the shoe near the sole.
This cloth stay, called Piping, is a rubber.coated fabric
and is applied between the lining and the rubber upper
of the shoe,extending down under thelsole to give streng-
th and protection against the severe wear given at that
point. This Piping was most serviceable for these pur-
poses but had a tendency to cause the upper of the ehoe
to crack along the edge of the Piping thus rendering the
shoe worthless, Since then it has been a problem to find
a stay which would give the neeessary wear at this point.
The problem has been solved and ean be obtained by
using the Zig-Zag Piping controlled in "Special King
Quality" Rubbers, The Zig-Zag edge being cut in a
saw.tooth pattern and on the bias diAtributes the strain.
over a variety of projections in which no straight line
toreiteenkro: thus rendering it impossible for the rubber to a
There has just been Opened up some very
handsome Golf Capes. They -come in plain
fawns, blues and with. plaid hoods and lining
also plaid both sides anil are cut in the latest
Golf Capes, in new dark or bright Mottled Cloth, in brown vvith plaid
. groat, extra good value Ce.U1/ Efxrtornat,gnoeowdesgtusatylilbey, 0
Golf Catie, plain fawn with pl id plain outside, plaid inside, plaid '
plaids, all wool, hood, fringe down w A A back, plaid also in hood and down ,,,, AA
stylish garment for ladies Wear. . -"`•
styles. There is no more comfortable or
olf O. itee.010‘..0";
movwkwhowiA"wowwww.bocd and bank, very etyllsh a 7.00 hood and front, very etylish....
14 Mantles at $1,00..
We have 14 mantles that were canied over from last
season, and have neither the will nor the desire to hold
these left ovexs any lont,wer. We would rather ha4..ithe
$14 than the mantles when, Saturday night comes so On
Saturday you can take your choice for one dollar each.
14 Ladies Mantles, beaver and niggerhead; all about two to fonr
inches longer than are worn this season, the elteveri are la rger '
also, nearly all black, sizes 32 to 30,some are lined, could easily
be made over into girls school coats, choice of the lot Saturday
For the Little Ones
. When buying we were not. miminclful of
the little folks and are showing some flatly
garments in reefers andsmall childrens eider-
down coats,
Children's eiderdown coats,- in red, white and assorted
filmy patterns, filmy collar% trimmed with fur,
lined with good sateen $2.60 and elan;
Children's Reefer Coats, navy bite niggerhead, plaid
lining, brass buttons ... g.50
Children's fancy Tweed Reefers,large sailor collar, trim-
med with braid and broadeloth, very stylish looking 4.00
Ladies° Fur Mantles
If there is one thing above another that we are particular
about, it is the quality of the fur mantles we sell. 'Every gar-
ment is made from choice selected skins 4c1made to our .
order by the most reliable fur houses in Canada. We do
not buy poor garments at any price and Fur Mantles coming
from this store will be found thoroughly dependable and
worthy in.every way.
Ladies' astrachan jackets, bright,
glossy skin% even curl, high
collar, patent muslin interlin-
ing, which takes the strain off
the skin, mohair sleeve lining,
mercerized lining, 26 itches Airk
tong extra value at Xi/4W
Ladies' Astrachan Sarkets, quilt-
ed, Italian lining, bright, even
curl, 36 inches long, a well
made strong, and eerviceable oh AA
Ladies' Astrachan jackets, soft
skins, rich, glossy and even
curl, patent muslin interlining,
mohair sleeve lining, satin lin-
ing, a good coat at a medium 33 00.
Ladies' Electric Seal jackets,
21inches long rich fur, satin 0.. AA •
Extra quaiity Astrachan Jack.
ets, 'very soft skin% bright mut
even euri, mohair sleeve lining,
good. quilted satin lining, coatS
that will give excellent wear,
newest style% 20 and 80 a
inches Jong.. $35 and 40.90
No, I quality. Astrachan jacks
ets, nettle of choicest selected
skins, close, eyen and glossy
eurl, lined with best satin arid
mohair eleeve linings eXtra
choice garment, 26 inell'$400
Ladies' lelectrie Heal Jackets, No. ' Sable Tails.'
quality close, thick fur, rich
finish, best of linings,high Large and ,bushy Sable Tails for
collar, with • or without r.3- 45.00. trimmings nissorted sizes..., • ri
Our big Purchase
of 1Vien's Underwear
we told you tho week before of onr big purehaee of alcalla's
fleece hued under -Wear and how cheap it was. The other (ley
We showed it to ono of the leadieg underwear Manufactures
Who was trying to eoll tut Bonne After e2anaining it lie odd
ie wile the biggest kind of 4 snap at the price we wore milling
it for, In case yoa have forgotten whet it like We Will tell
you about it again.
Over 000mens shirts and drawere ebout half wool fleeced, the
balanee fleeced with cotton, doubled ribbed ends and anklee
overlooked memo, pearl and linen button% them goods WOM
made to eell at lee end $1,00 but hoc:mute) of wino slight lire,
perfection 60 will in nowiee efteot the weer we get them et
25c mid