HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-10-25, Page 6' r, SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEWS -RECORD CLINTON, OCTOBER 25th, 1900. Naives of Prize -Winners at the Bllyth Fair Horses -- Heavy draught - Team mares or geldings, J F' Dale, G Steph- enson ; brood mare having raised foal in 1900, S Reid, J Knox ; ware foal, J Reid, J Knox ; horse foal, J F Dale, T Coulter ; 2 year old gelding, J Van- Egmond ; 2 year old filly, J F 1)ale ; year old gelding, J F Dale ; best four colts foaled in 1900 by any registered heavy draught horse, A Menzies. Ag- ricultural -Team mares or geldings, G Stepenson, J F Dale ; brood mate hav- ing raised foal in 1900, J Salkeld & Son, J VanEgmond ; mare foal, J VanEg- mond, J & W Gray ; horse foal, J Sal- keld & Son, 0 E Erratt ; 2 year old gelding, W F Pollard, R Ferris; 2 year old filly, J VanEgmond, Glenn Bros ; 3 ear old gelding, W F Pollard ; year old filly, Glenn Bros, W Anderson. General purpose -Team stares or geld- ings, J Coming, D Reynolds ; hrood mare having raised foal in 1000, J Jack- son, J A Moore ; mare foal, W Stack- house ; horse foal, W Stackhouse, J A Moore ; 2 year old gelding, J Leip- er ; 2 year old filly, J Leiper ; year old gelding, G T Robinson ; year old filly, J F Dale, J A Moore. Carriage -Team mares or geldings, R Graham, D Lan- sing. Roadsters --Brood mare having raised foal in 1900, J Melville. Scott & Warwick ; horse foal, `W Robb ; mare foal, J Parrott, J Melville ; 2 year old gelding, Scott & Warwick, J Parrott ; 2year old filly, Scott & Warwick, T Coulter ; year old gelding, J J Mc- Laughlin, R Corley : year old filly, Scott & Warwick,] Shobbrook & Son ; single driver in buggy, J B Whitely, .1 C Currie ; saddle horse, H Davis, J J McLaughlin ; sweepstakes, best mare or gelding, any class, J Forrester. CATTLE-Thoroughred Durhams-- Milch cow having raised calf in 1900, J Snell. 1 and 2 ; 2 year old heifer. J Snell, 1 and 2 ; year old heifer, R Cor- ley, 1 and 2 ; heifer calf, J Snell, D Cook ; aged hull. R Corley ; bull, 2 years and tinder, R Corley ; hull calf, W Snell, R Corley. Any other regis- tered breed -Best mileh cow, A 11 Jacobs, J Denholm ; 2 year old heifer, M H Hammond ; year old heifer, M H Hammond ; heifer calf, J Denholm, Grade -Milch cow haying raised rail' in 111(10, I Barr, M H Harrison : 2 year old heifer, M 1-1 Harrison, 1 and 2 ; year old heifer, .1 Barr, 1 and 2 ; heifer calf, D Cook, J Barr ; steer calf. J Barr, D Scott Sc Son ; 2 year old steer, J Barr, T Ross; year old steer, I) Scott & Son. 1 and 2 ; fat steer, T Rocs, 1 and 2 ; fat cow or heifer, J Snell, J Barr ; herd of cat Cie, J Barr. su REP —Cotswold -Aged ram, J Pot- ter ; shearling ram, 1 rind 2. J Potter ; ram lamb, J Potter, 1 and 2. Leicester ---Aged ram, J Snell. 0 Henry : shearling ram, N ('.uming, J Snell ; ram Iamb, J Snell, N Corning ; pair shearling ewes, J Snell, N Cuming; pair ewes having raised Iambs in 1900, 1 Snell, ;N (Coming ; pair ewe larnhs, N Corning, J Snell Shropshiredowns -Aged ram, A Duncan ; shearling ram. 0 II Smith, 1 and 2 ; ram lamb, A Duncan. 1 and 2 ; pair of ewes hav- ing raised lambs in 1900, A Duncan, 1 and 2 ; pair shearling ewes, A Duncan, Glenn Bros ; pair ewe lambs, 0 1-1 Smith, A Duncan. Any other breed not. named -Aged ram, (3 Laithwaite, P Reid ; shearling ram, P Reid. 1 and 2 ; ram Iamb, P Reid.' and 2; pair of aged Pores having raised lambs in 1900, P Reid, 0 Laithwaite ; pair ahearling ewes, P Reid, 0 Laithwaite ; pair ewe Iambs, P Reid, G Laithwaite ; fat sheep, ewe or wether, P Reid, J Snell. PIGS—Yorkshire—Aged boar, J Al- ton, R Nichol ; Mood sow having lit- tered in 1900, R Nichol, 1 and 2 ; hoar littered in 1900, R Nichol ; sow littered in 1900, J Watt, R Nichol, Tani - worth -Aged boar, W H McCutcheon ; hrood sow having littered in 1900, W H McCutcheon, 0 E Erratt ; boar lit- tered in 1900, W H McOntcheon, 1 and 2 ; sow littered in 1900, W H McCutch- eon, 1 and 2. Any large breed -Aged boar, 0 T Robinson ; brood sow hav- ing littered in 1900, J Barr. Irnproved Berkshire -Aged boar, G T Robinson, Mc(:towan, G Fothergill ; pewaukee, G J Alton ; hrood sow having littered in Fothergill, J Jackson ; wealthy, 5 1900, G T Robinson, J Alton ; hoar lit- Furze, G Fothergill ; Canada red ; R tered in 1900, 0 T Robinson, 1 and 2 ; G McGowan, A B Carr ; colvert, G sow littered in 1900, G T Robinson, J Fothergill, J K Wise ; alexander, J Alton ; pen of pigs, W H McCutcheon, Sherritt, A W Sloan ; 20 oz pippin, G P Reid ; special by Watson & Ernigb Fothergill, J Evans ; any other named for best five singers, M Lockhart, 0 E variety, A H Jacobs, 5 Furze ; collec- Erratt, J Potter. tion of winter apples, J Evans, A B GRAINS—Red fall wheat, E Morris, J Carr ; winter pears, Mrs Hele, Miss McCallum ; white fall wheat ; 5 Furze, Symington ; fall pears, A Tyreman, S Furze ; plums, any variety, F Met- calf ; collection of plums, F Metcalf ; tomatoes, F Metcalf, J Allinson • col- lection of grapes, A H Jacobs, J Al- ton ; crab apples, J E Taman, Miss Symington ; peaches, F Metcalf, J E Fella ; collection of fruit, obtained from any source, A W Sloan, J Alton. POULTRY—Bronze turkey, G W Ir- win, J Barr ; turkeys any -other kind, C•►rter ; geese large breed, E Hag gift, Mrs Fisher ; geese small breed, G W Irwin ; rouen ducks, G W Irwin, A '1'y! valan ; ducks any other kind, G W Irwin 1 and 2 ; leghorus any variety, W T.tyIor•, J Gray ; houdans. W Car- ter 1 arid 2; brahrna t any variety, G t•V Irwin, Wilson Bros; black Spanish, C Cain obeli, G W Irwin ; tninarcas, C Campbell, Mrs Howrie ; barn burgs, W Carter 1 and 2; langshans, W Taylor, J Gray ; dorkings, G W Irwin, 0 Camp- bell ; wyandottes any variety, H Davis W Carter andalusians, H Davis ; black breasted rod game, H Davis, J Gray; huff cochins, 0 %V Irwin 1 acid 2; partridge aochins, G W Irwin, Wil- son Broa ; ',elands, 0 Campbell, Ji. Gray : red caps, W Carter 1 and 2 plyntonth rocks any variety, C Camp- bell, W Carter ; collection of pigeons, A Baeker, H Davis ; guinea fowl, s (latter, Wilson Bros ; collection of fowl, A Raeket-, H Davis ; guinea fowl, W Carter, Wilson Bros, IMPLEMENTS -- Lumber wagon, J Brunsdon & Son : hob sleighs, Slater & Situs ; single covered buggy, J Bruns - don & San 1 and 2 ; covered double buggy or jump seat, Si iter & Sims ; meter, A McNally 1 and 2; home shoes, Slater & Sims,C J Reading ; farts gate, R W Spindler, H Edwards. MANUFACTURES — Hume -made all wool fianoel, Miss Wise, Miss Nott ; union flannel, Miss Wise, J K Wise ; home made all wool blankets, Miss Wise ; union blankets, Miss Wise, Mrs Stewart ; home spun horse blankets, J McCallum, Mrs Stewart ; home spun coverlet, Miss Wise, J K Wise; rag mat, Mrs Hele, W H McCracken ; yarn mat, Miss Symington, Miss Wise ; rag carpet. Miss Wise, J Shortreed ; homespun stocking yarn, Mrs Hamiltn, W H McCracken ; hand made coarse hoots, J Sher•rit t ; hand made gent's hoots, J Sherritt ; double harness, J T Carter, T F Sanders ; single harness, T F Sanders 1 and 2. LAIDIES' WORE -Gent's flannel shirt, Mrs McKenzie Mrs Hamilton ; gent's white shirt, Mrs Hamilton Mrs Holo; gent's mitts, Mr, McKenzie, Miss Symington; pillow shams, Miss Symington, Mrs Holo; patch quilt in cot- ton, obton, Mrs McKenzie. Miss Nott ; patch quilt in cloth, Miss Nott. J Allinson; silk quilt, Mia northern spy, A Tyretnan, 8 Furze ; Rhode Island greening, G Fothergill, A W Sloan ; ribston pippin. R G Mc- Gowan, S Furze ; russett, golden, G Fothergill, J Sterling ; ruasett Rox- boro, A Tyrernan, A B Carr ; seek -no - further, G Fothergill, A B Carr ; wag. ner, J Alton, 0 Fothergill; Ben Davis, J Alton, F Toll ; vandervere, A W Sloan, A Tvreman,; spitzenhurg, G Fothergill, A W Sloan ; tolman sweet, A H Jacobs, G Fothergill ; mann, W Jackson, J Cartright ; maiden's blush, G Fothergill, J Alton ; snow, Mrs Howrie, H Edwards ; Ontario, R G M H Harrison ; red spring wheat, J Salkeld & Son, J McCallum; white fite spring wheat. R G McGowan ; 6 rowed barley, J Salkeld & Son, S Furze ; white oats, H Edwards, A. Elliott - black oats, S Furze, H Edwards :small peas, J Salkeld & Son, 8 Furze ; tim- othy seed, J Alton, A Elliott. ROOTS—Early Potatoes, F Metcalf, S Eurze, E Haggett ; late potatoes, S Furze, W Moon, E Haggitt ; collection of potatoes, E Haggitt, F Metcalf, 5 Furze : field carrots, J Sterling, W H McCracken; red carrots, 5 Furze, E Haggett; Swede turnips, J Jackson, J Allinson ; any other variety, J Barr, W 1-1 McCracken ; collection garden produce, J Allinson, W H McCracken; beets, W Taylor, H Lowe ; sugar beets, J B Tierney, W Fenwick ; mangold wurtzels, long, W H McCracken. E Haggitt ; mangold globe, W H Mc- ('racken, J Salkeld',& Son ; pumpkin, W H McCracken, J Salkeld & Son ; squash, W H McCracken, Miss Wise ; red onions, W 11 McCracken, J Salkeld & Sun ; yellow onions, W H McCrack- en, W Taylor ; silver pickling onions, I Allinson, W Taylor ; potato Onions, W Taylor, W H McCracken ; white field beans, J K Wise, W H McCrack- en ; field corn J Salkeld & Son. .1 Cart - right ; table corn, F Metcalf, J Allin- son ; citrons, J Evans. R Sellers ; wa- termelons, J Alton, W H McCracken ; cabbage, J Salkeld & Son, J Allinson : red pickling cabbage, J Allinson, W H McCracken ; celery. W Taylor, Mts Hele ; cucumhers, Mrs Stewart, Mrs tide. I)AIRV AND PROVISIONS --Tub but- ter, Mrs Hamilton, A B Carr, J McCal- lum • crock butter, Airs Hamilton, W Plunkett, Mrs Wilson ; butter in rolls, W Plunkett, J McCallum, A B Carr ; hotter in prince, J McCallum, W Plun- kett, Miss Nott ; factory cheese, Mrs 1Vilson, W A McKay ; dairy cheese, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Wilson ; extracted honey, W Clark, W Hartry ; honey in comer, W Hartry ; •loaf home-made bread, A Elliott, W Plunkett ; plain tea biscuits, J Jackson, J Shortreed ; maple syrup, G Quinn, Miss Nott ; col- lection canned or preserved fruit, .1 K Wise, W H McCracken ; grapewine,Mrs Hele, Miss Wise ; tomato catsup, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Hamilton ; mixed pickles, W Taylor, Mrs Hamilton ; pickles, any other kind, J Jackson, W H McCrack- en. FRUIT—Apples—Winter apples, G Fothergill, J Evans ; fall apples, G Fothergill, J Sterling; baldwm, J Ster- ling, W H McCracken ; king of Tomp- kins county, J Sterling, G Fothergill ; Hele,Miss Symington; crochet quilt, Mise Sym- ington, W H MoUraokon ; knitted quilt, Mrs Stewart Miss Nott; woolen socks or stockings, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Stewart • ariscene work, C Campbell Miss Nott; embroidery on bolting ' cloth, W H McCracken, MISS Symington; em- broadery on silk or satin, C Doyle, Miss Syming- ton ; Kensington embroidery, C Campbell, Bertha Carder; Roman embroidery, C Camp- bell, W H McCrackenparlor screen, C Camp- bell; sofa cushion, W Hartry, Miss Symington.; fancy panel. 0 Campbell, Miss Symington piano or table scarf. Mrs Hole, Miss' Syming•. ton; drawn work,W Hartry, Mrs Hele; honiton or point lace, Ir Livingston C Doyle: best novelty In fancy work, W Hartry. Mrs Hele; orochet work in silk, Mrs Hole. Mrs Stewart; crochet work in cotton, Miss Symington, Mrs Hele• hand made bedroom slippers, w Ib Mc- Cracken, Mrs Howrie; fancy toilet sot, Mrs Howrie, Miss Nott ; footstool, Mrs Stewart, C Campbell; applique work, Miss Symington, Miss Nott; fancy pin cushion, W HMcCracken, Edith Finoemore• fancy. handkerchief case,. Mrs Howrie, Miss Nott; mould work, Miss Symington, Miss Nott • ladies' underwear, Mrs Hamilton, Miss Nott • knitted lace In. cotton, Mrs Stewart, Miss Nott knitted or crochet fancy wool shawl, Mrs Stewart, C Campbell ; set crochet table mats. Berta Carder, W Hartry; doylies, W H McCracken. Berta .Carder ; battonbury lace, Mrs Helo, C Camp- bell ; fancy glove case. C Campbell, Berta Carder ; tatting,W Hartry, Mrs Hele ; fancy netting, W Harry, Mrs Howrie; Queen Ann darning, J M Hamiltpn, C Campbell ; gent's collar and cuff case, Miss Symington, Mrs Howrie ; fancy Afghan, Miss Symington, C Campbell : table centre piece. Miss Nott; Mrs }fele ;embroidered table cover, W Bell, Mrs Howrie ; tray cloth, W Hartry, Mrs Howrio : tea coley, Miss Nott, Miss Syming- ton ; picture throw Miss Nott, C Doyle lamp screen, Miss Symington ; laundry bag,..Mrs Howrie, Miss Symington ; shopping bag, Mrs Hele. C Campbell • otdhing on any material. Miss Nott..1 E Fells ; knotted bed spread, J E Fells, W Hartry ; mantel drape. C Campbell. Miss Symington • collection of ladies' work, Mrs Hale, Berta Carder. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT—Work by children under 13 years of age. ,V Bell 1 and 2 ; hemmed handkorchief, Mrs Howrie ; darning on socks or stockings, W Hartry ; crochet work-in wool, Mrs Howrie, Tames Barr ; orochet work in cot- ton. J Kelly, W Hartry • pencil drawing, W W Henry, S Furze ; dressed doll, Jaynes Barr; plain or ornamentawork, J Kelly, Mrs Horie ; plain sowing by child under 8 years of age Jam- es Barr, w Hartry. FINE ARTS -Collection of oil paintings, 0 Campbell: collection of water color paintings, 0 Campbell ; figure painting in oil, Berta Car- der, Mrs Hele ; figure painting in water color. Berta Carder, o Campbell • animals grouped or single in oil, C Doyle, C Campbell • animals grouped or single in watercolor, C Campbell ; landscape in oil. C Campbell. C Doyle ; land nape in water color, Mrs Kele, C Campbell crayon drawing, Berta Carder Mrs Holo pencil drawing,Mrs Hole. Berta Carder, ; pas - toile, C Campbll. Mrs Hgels ; collection. of con and ink sketches, T McGill, Cam boll ; speci- men china painting, Mrs Howrie, C Doyle hand painting on silk, satin or plush, W H Mc- Cracken, Mrs Hale ; painting on glass in oil, C Campbell Berta Carder ; collection of photo- graphs, ib R Brewer. PLANTS AND FLOWERS—Collodion of fo(iago 0 Doyle. Berta Carder ; geraniums in bloom, W Robertson ; hanging basket, W Robertson dis day of plants In flower, J G Moser, W Robertson. CUT FLOWERS—Table boquet, J Anderson, J (i Moser ; hand boquet. J Evans, F Metcalf collection of dahlias, Mrs Hele, J Shobbrook & Son ; collection of pansies, Mrs Hele, W Tay lor. SPECIAL PRIZES—Lady driver,Miss Nott,Mrs Plummer ; open to farmers':sons only -to har- ness horse and hitch to single rig and- drive once aroundthe ring, 0 Nott, W Dale. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S comer TION -Under 16 years, Emolia Sundercock, Bella Furso; under 13 years, Emma Clark, Mary Elliott ; under 10 years, Verna Bennett, Evva Stdthers, JUDGES- Heavy horsos-A Innis, Stanley light horses -0 Graham, Goderich • cattle, J Webster, Fordyce; grade cattle -J Cox,Porter's Hill ; sheep -W Clark, Porter's 11111.W Penhall, Exeter • pigs -L Trick, Brussels ; singers -R Caldwell, Stratford ; grains -W H Finsemore, Blyth ; roots -R Medd. Anburn, A W Sloan, Blyth • dairy produce -0 Powell, Blyth, Mita Pipe. Brussels. Mrs Kelly, Blyth ; poultry -J C, Lyons, Lucknow • implements- F Adams manufactures -P Purves, Teeswator ; ladiest work -Miss Harris. Bslyrave, Miss Marks, Bruceflold ;abildren'a and flno arts -Miss Gra- ham, Clinton, Miss Eby, Brussels ; plants, fruit and flowers -T H Race, Mitchell; spcdlals o Graham, tSodorioh ; starters in the speeding contests -Dr Blackall and .1 Johnston, Clinton and C Kneohtol, Wtngham.