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CLINTON, OCTOBER 25th„ 1900.
Names of Prize -Wieners
at the Dungannon Fair.
Heavy Draught -Brood mare, with
foal by her side, John McDiarmid,James
Chisholm ; 2 year old fillyeehos. Ander-
son; 2 year old gelding, James Forster,
Jae Chisholm; 1 year old filly, John Mc-
Diarmid; 1 year old gelding, Johu Mo-
Diarmid; foal of 1900, John Salkeld rht
Son, John McDiarmid; team in harness,
James Forster.
Agricultural -Brood mare, with foal
by her side, Jae Chisholm, John Salkeld
& Son; 2 year old filly, Glenn Bros; 2
year old gelding, , Jas Chisholm;
1 year old filly, Glenn Bros, Wm Ander.
son; foal of 1900, James Chisholtu,Glenn
Bros; team in harness, JAB Forster.
General Purpose - Brood mare, with
foal by her side, Paul Reed, Wm Stack-
house; 2 year old filly, Barbour, Bros,
Rich Jewell; 1 year old filly, Mex Mc-
Leod, Richard Jewell; foal of 1900, Wm
Stackhouse, Geo Currell; team in har-
ness, weight not to exceed 1250 pounds,
Dominick Reynolds, Chas Taylor.
Judges -P 11 McKenzie, W Tiplady,
Fiud lay.
Road and Carriage -Brood mare, with
foal by her side, Wm Mallough,Kenneth
Farrish; 2 year old filly, Richard Echlin,
Paul Reed; 2 ,year old gelding, Wm Hun-
ter, Joseph Lawson; 1 year old gelding,
Paul Smeltzer, Paul Smeltzsr ; single
horse in harness, Dr McLennan, Dr J B
Whitely; foal of 1900, Wm Mallough,
Paul Reed.
Farmers' trot or pace :
Billy Tomei tum -Charlesworth
Hazel S -,J Stout
John Henry -D McGibbon
Minnie --Frank Allen
Jennie -W Fisher
Satin Slippers -J Martin
Free for all, trot or pace :
Grace M -P McDevitt
Allan Line -G Buxton
Amelia -P McDevitt
Toney -E R Swartz
2:40 trot or pane
5 dr
6 dr
Atnelia-P McDevitt 1 1 1
Sam M --R King 3 2 2
Mabel -,J Smith 2 3 3
Nellie B -G Buxton 4 4 4
Judges -Tho:, Gundry, Goderioh ; D
McCorvie, Clinton ; A Ross, Lucknow.
Durham, thoroughbred -Milch cow,
having raised or with calf in 1900, Johu
Jamieson, Toot Anderson ;2 year old
heifer, Thos Anderson, John Jamieson;
1 year old heifer, John Barr; heifer calf
of 1900, John Jamieson, M H Patterson;
bull calf of 1000, 1st and 2nd, John
Jamieson; aged bulls, 2 years or over,
Thos Anderson; bulls, under 2 years,
John .Jamieson, Wm McAllister; herd of
three females and one male,Jobn Jamie-
son; special by John Jamieson for best
bull calf under 12 months old, John
Jersey, thoroughbred -Milch cow,
having raised calf in 1900, llenry Morris;
2 year old heifer, Ilenry Morris, Thos
Disher; 1 year old heifer,liichard Echlin,
Henry Morris; heifer calf of 1900, 1st
and 2nd, Henry Morris.
Ayrshires, thoroughbred -Milch cow,
having raised calf in 1900, 1st and 2ud,
James Lane; 2 year old heifer, let and s
Leicester -Aged ram Jos Wilson,Geo
Henry; eberling ram, John Barr, Percy
Stewart; pair aged ewes, raising lambs
in 1900, Glenn Bros, Jos Wilson ; pair
sherling ewes, Glenn Bros. Geo henry;
pair ewe lambs, Geo Henry, J 0 Lyons;
ram Iamb, R McAllister, J C Lyons; pen,
to consist of one aged ,ram, pair aged
ewes, pair sherlingewes,pair ewe lambs,
1 ram lamb, J C Lyons.
Oxford and their downs -Aged ram,
Jas A Mallougb, Paul Reed; shearling
ram, 1st and 2nd, Paul Reed;' pair aged
ewes raising lambs in 1900, let and 2nd,
Paul Reed; pair aherling ewes, Glenn
Bros, Paul Reed; pair ewe Iambs, Paul
Reed, John'MoDenald; ram lamb, Paul
Reed, Glenn Bros; pen, to consist of one
aged ram, pair aged ewes, pair sherling
ewes, pair ewe lambs, one ram lamb,
Paul Reed.
Southdown --Aged ram, James Lane;
pair aged ewes, raising lambs in 1900,
1st and 2nd, James Lane; pair aborting
ewes,lst and 2nd, James Lane; pair ewe
lambs, 1st and 2nd, James Lane; ram
lamb, James Lane.
Judges -W A Wilson, J 3 Tasker.
Berkshire- Aged boar, James Alton,P
Gibbons; sow,haviag raised pigs in 1900,
P. Gibbons, Janes Alton; hoar, littered
in 1900, James Alton, P. Gibbons; sow,
littered in 1900, James Alton,P Gibbons;
pen, to consist of one aged boar, one
aged sow, hoar littered in 1900, sow lit-
tered in 1900, James Alton.
Yorkshire - -Aged boar, Ist and 2nd,
James Alton; sow littered in I900,James
Tamworth -Aged boar, R. Kirk. John
McDonald; sow. having raised pigs in
190), John McDonald; bbar littered in
1900, John McDonald; sow, littered in
1900, let and end, John McDona ,I; „en,
to consist of one aged boar, one aged
sow, boar littered in 1900, sow littered
in 1900, John McDonald.
Judges -M Loolchert, Auburn ; John
Walters, Colborne.
Brahma, light, lat and 2nd, W W
Fisher; timbale, dark, J (` Lyons, James
Kirkpatrick; cochin, white, 1st and 2nd,
J C Lyons; cochin, buff,J C Lyona,Jamea
Kirkpatrick ; leghorn, white, Colin
Campbell, Mrs. Howrie; leghorn, brown,
I Howrie, Colin Campbell ; plymouth
rock, 1st and 2nd, .J 0 Lyons; plymouth
rock, white, Mrs Campbell, A Sproul;
elaok spaniel]. Colin Campbell, J C
Lyons; dorkings. 1st and 2nd, Mrs C
Campbell; minorcas, black, Mrs Ilowrie,
Mrs 0 Campbell; red caps, J C Lyons,
Mra C Campbell; houdans, J 0 Lyons;
polands, W W Fisher; hamburgs, pencil-
ed, gold and silver, Mrs C Campbell;
wyandottes, Mrs C Campbell, W W
Fisher; game, W W Fisher; bantams, 3
c Lyons, W W Fisher; barnyard fowl,lst
argil 2nd, W W Fisher; geese, J a Lyons,
W FV Fisher; turkeys. .John Barr, W W
Fisher; guinea fowl. P. Gibbons; pair
ducks, .J a Lyons, P Gibbons.
Judge -Jesse Grummett, Nile.
Fall wheat, white, Samuel Furae,John
Salkeld & Son; wheat, red, Robert Kirk,
.John Salkeld & Son, 5 Furze; six row
barley, .John Salkeld & Son, $ Furze;
oats, white, John McDiarmid, Robert
McAllister; oats, black. 8 Furze; peas,
mall, Jelin McDiarmrd, John Salkeld &
Son; peas, laree, John MCDiarmid,John
alkeld & Son; timothy seed, Albert
Alton, fameik Alton; flax seed, Albert
Alton. James 1ton; grain in the straw,
Samuel Furze.
Judge -Wm Burrows, Godericb,
10 lbs butter in rolls, Mrs WD Wilson,
Mrs .1 C Lyons; 5 lbs table butter, IV/re
W 'D Nilson, D. Prousei 20 lbs packed
butter, to be salted to keep, Mrs Thos
Anderson, Mrs Hugh Girvin; cheese ,fac-
ers, made. Rol, •rt Nfoflwain, bars W D
VViison; cheese, home-made, Mise Svin-
ngton; 2 loaves home-made bread. John
eDiarm�1, D Prouee; jar of honey,
ndrew 3$reany, T E Durnin; maple
yrup, W McCracken, James Alton;
aple sugar, James Alton, Albert Alton;
oma -made preserves, 6 varieties, W El
2nd, .tames Lane; I year old heifer, 1st
and 2nd, James Lane.
Judge --John L Aitken.
Grade Cattle -Milch cow, having raise
ed or with calf in 19.111, John Barr, M 11
Harrison; 2 year old heifer, M H Harri-
son, John Barr; 1 year old heifer, 1st
and 2nd, .John Barr; steer calf of 1900,
John Barr, Daniel Scott; heifer calf of
1900, M H Harrison, John Barr; fatted
oow or heifer, John Barr, W E Durain;
2 year old steer, M II Harrison, John
Barr; 1 year old steer, Daniel Scott,
John Barr; special by Hon J T Garrow, . t
M P I', for beat herd of grade cattle; 2
milch cows, 1 two year old heifer, 1 one i
year old heifer, 1 two year old steer, 1 M
one year old a' ear, 1 hei•er calf, I steer G A
calf, John Barr, M 11 Harrison. j s
.Judges -,Joseph Bell.Colborne; James m
Snell, Clinton; John TGrifn. h
McCracken, D Arouse; home-made bak
ing, J 0 Lyons, Mra T Hamilton,
Judge-Mra B J Orawford,Dungannon
White elephant potatoes, John Mc
Diarmid, Wm Mallough ; any other ver
iety, Samuel Furze, David Prouee r cab-
bage, John Salkeld & Son, Mrs Howrie
blood beets, David Prouee, J McDiar-
mid ; sugar beets, W $ McCracken
John Salkeld & Son ; naangold wurtzels
W 11 McCracken, John Salkeld & Son ;
golden tankard., wurtzels V. I1 Mc-
Cracken, Wm Bailie ; wnrtzels, mam-
moth yellow intermediate, W H Mc-
Cracken, John Salkeld & Son ; swede
turnips, John McDiarmid, W 11 Mc-
Cracken ; greystone turnips, David
Prouse, Robert McAllister ; long orange
carrots, Geo Currel, David Proust,
white belgian carrots, W El McCracken,
David Prous • ; carrots, intermediate.
white, Jas Kirkpatrick, W Ii McCrack-
en ; 6 early Born carrots, John MoDiar-
mid, Mrs '1' Hamilton ; peck onions, lat
and 2nd, W H Mn
cOraoken ; peck tons -toes,
toes, John Salkeld & Son, Geo Curren
6 ears corn, John Salkeld & Son, D
Prouse ; pumpkin, J Salkeld & Son ;
winter squash, W 1T McCracken, John
MoDiarmid ; mammoth green .squash,
John Howrie, 11 Morris ; summer.
squash, W H McCracken, Jas Alton ;
watermelons, Jas Alton, Miss Svining-
ton ; 6 heads celery, W 11 McCracken,
T W Little ; 5 heads cauliflower, W II
McCracken ; 4 citrons, W H McCrack-
en ; collection garden vegetables, .W
H McCracken ; special, 5 varieties pota-
toes, S Furze, J McDiarmid..
Crochet in wool, Mrs C Campbel
. ET McCracken ; •crochet in cotton,
Symington, Mies May Doyle ; crime,
• silk, Mra C Campbell ; merman d
• work, Miss Symington ; queen
darning, Mies Symington, Mrs C. 0
; bell ladies' fancy wool mita,. Mise
ington,•Mi-a T Hamilton ; ladies' I.
, apron, Mies Symineton, Mrs C C:
, bell ; e dozen table mate, embroid,
Mrs J Howrie, W EI McCracken ;1
ton lace. ----•', etre C Campbell ;
lace, Miss May Doyle, Mrs 0 Carupl
roman . embroidery on linen, Mi
Campbell, Miss. Symington) glove ;•
Mrs .J Howrie, Miss Symington ;.
broidery on muslin, J C Lyons, N
Howrie; crochet table mats in 00'
Miss Symington, Mra C Campbell ; t.
scarf,. Mrs 0 Campbell, Mies Sy ming.
crazy quilt,, .Miss Symington, Mr
Campbell t• patch work 'quilt in co'
T Hamilton, amilton, 'Miss Symingi
patchwork quilt in wool, Miss Syr,
ton, Mrs '1' Hamilton ;patch work ,
in silk, Miss Symington ; two ;
woollen sooks,hand'made, i coarse it,
fine, Mrs T Hamilton, W, H Methen, two pairs woollen stockings; 1 .
made, 1 coarse andl fine, W .1J •
(;racken ; two. pairs woollen mita, 1
made, 1 coarse and 1 fine, W IJ
Cracken,Mrs T Hamilton ; embroicd
in silk on. cotton, Mies May Doyle,
J Ilowrie; embroidery in silk ou lir
Miss May Doyle, J. C Lyons ; tea c•
Miss May Doyle, Mrs J Howrie ; sh .•
crochet, Mrs C Campbell, Miss Svni
ton; fancy pin Cushion, Mir,S Syming :';
Miss May Doyle ;,table cover, Mi
Campbell 5 o'clock tea, ; cloth, P•.
May Doyle. Mra J; Howrie ;.log err
quilt, W H AMeCracken; Mrs 0 Ca,..
bell ;. handkerchief .sachet, Mie .1 'l1
rie, Mrs C Campbell ; netting, fee
Mre•C Campbell, Mrs J Howrie; bre
ing in silk, Mise Symington ; woo!.
ban sot.. Mra C Campbell.; Miss.S
ington ; toilet set, Mrs J Howrie,
0 Campbell ; sofa pillow, Miss Syne
ton,. Mrs J Ilowrie ; linen shirt, 'natter.
made, Mrs ''P Elamil on ;. linen athand made, Mrs '1' Hamilton ; wi.
holder, Miss Symington, W H Moth;;
en ; pillow Shams, Miss Symington, :•.
a oampbell ; lace }handkerchief, le-.
campbell, Miss May Doyle ; batter!..
lace, table cover, Mrs a campbell, il: • •
May Doyle ;, laundry bag, Mrs J now
Miss Symington lamp shade, pal
Mrs. J I{owns ; berlin wool work, fl
Miss Symington, Mrs a campbell ; fa'
knitted lace, hand made, Miss Sym'•
ton ; embroidery on felt, Miss le
Doyle, Miss Symington-; mould w,.:
Mrs o campbell, Miss Symington rl,. ,
broidered linen picture frame, Mu-.
Howrie, Miss Symington ; embroirl,
on satin, Miss May Doyle, Miss Syne r• -
ton; fancy headrest, .Miss Syminge
Mra,). Howrie ; gerrtleman'a collar
cuff li -x Jll s Symington:; ribbon w• .
Miss Symington, Mrs oeampbell ; cr.,
et slippers, W H lelcoracken,.. Mr.
Ilowrie ' rag' mat, Mies Symington ;'
cy tidy, Miss Symington, Mrs 0 os«•..
bell ; Japanese yarn mat, Miss Symi
ton ;crochet quilt, Mrs)). Howrie, el •.
Symington ; tray cloth, Mrs J I{owe
knit slippers, Mrs ,J. nowrie ; knil r•••
quilt, Miss Symington ; foot stool, k ,.
a campbell i fancy panel, Mies Sym s -
ten, Mrs a oampbull ; table centre pi-
Mrs J Irowrie ; washstand splasher, r ,.
en, Miss Symington, Mrs J xowrie; i •
brequin malitel, Mrs a Campbell,
Symington ; best collectionof lad.
work, etre. J Howrie Mrs a aaaopbell
Judges --Mrs J 31 O'connor, Mr- i•
Beck, itiss'relen D'irutchiaon,
Collection of oil paintings, Miss Met'.
wain ; pencil drawing, Mrs c campbee
crayon drawing, Mrs c campbell, ' •
Prouse.; collection of pen and i ..• ;
sketches, Mrs, o campbell';, speoimat, ,.
penmanship by boy or girl under f::
years, Samuel Furze ; colleotion of it • •v
ars painted on glass, Mrs Mollwarir
collection metallic luatre painting, 11'Is-
Sy mington;eolleotion autumn leaves,at,. •
Symington, painting on moleskin, lire-
Mcl:lwain, hire o campbell, shell wog•',
highly recommended, Mrs Willis B
drawing room screen Miss .Symtngto.u.
Judge -Mark Turnbull, Goderioh.
Judges -Wm. Warnock, Goderich ;
Geo Harris, Dungannon. ,
Winter apples, 5 of each --Spies, Sam-
uel Furze, Thos Disher ; baldwins,. Misfit
Symington, W [i McCracken ; king of
tompkins county, Joseph A Mallough,
R Mcllwain •, ribston pippins, 'Lis Alton,
Samuel Furze ; canada red, Albert Al-
ton, Jas Alton ; ontario, .Samuel Furze,
Richard Jewell , golden russet,. Samuel
Furze, Miss Symington ; spitzenhurg,
Jas Alton ; wn&ner, Jae Alton, John
Salkeld & Son ; russet, Samuel Furze,.
Jas Alton ; rbode island greening, .las
Alton, Samuel Furze ; cranberry pip-
pin Richard Jewell ; phoenix, VV'I{ Mc-
Cracken, Allert Alton ; mann apple,
Jas Mallough, Samuel Furze ;. f3 named
varieties, 5 of each, Jas Alton, Richard
Jewell ; 4 named varieties, 5 of each,
Jas Mallougb, Wen Bailie.
Pall apples, 5 of each.--Duohese of
oldenburg, Samuel Furze, Jaa. Alton ;
20 ounce pippin, Jas A Mallough,.. Wm.
Mallough ;. wealthy, .Samuel Furze, Jae
Alton; .snow apples, Mrs J Howrie, S
Furze ; blenheim pippin, Miss Syming-
ton, R McAllister ;, crab apples ; Miss
Symington, Albert .Alton ; 4 named var-
ieties, 5 of each, Albert Alton, Richard
PAW'S, etc --3 named varieties of
pears, 5 of each, Samael Furze, Jas
Kirkpatrick ; 1 named •variety of pears,
5 specimens, S Fu, z? ; 1 tamed' variety
of plums, 2nd W el McCracken ; col-
lection of grapes, T. W -Little, Miss Sy me
ington ; plate peaches, Miss Symington,
Jas Alton ; plate quinces, R Mcllwain,
1'i,.,.. Disher.; .colleotirin house plants,
T W Little ; collection garden flowers;
out, Mrs. , ho. Anderson.
Judges-1Vm Warnock, Goderioh ;'
Geo Harris, Dungannon:
10 yards all wool flannel, AIbert Al-
ton, Jae Alton ; 10 yards union flannel,
Albert Alton ; pair woollen blankets,
Jae Alton, Mrs 'I' Hamilton ; pair horse
blankets, home-made, Albert Alton, Jae
AIton ; collection of cabinetware, A and
W Sprawl ; collection of boots,'1'. W
Little ;pair pants, 1st and 2nd, Temple
Clark ; collection of wood work; . Made
by exhibitor, Wiu MoArthur ; display of
towels, blankets, yarns, ate, from Myth
woollen mills highly recommendeda
collection of ;
hardware from A McD
A Ian, (4oderioh, highly roenmmended.
Single buggy, with top, St.tnd 2nd J.
E Brydges ; wood axle farm wagon, las
and 2nd, Jai Ross ; wagon rack, Jae
Ross ; collection of pumps, 1st and 2nd,
Henry D,idd,
Judge -Stephen Stothers.