HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-10-18, Page 7H
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unions its with, employers. Woalthy A I .
,By THE PAM OF OPTI09- have been tliwough negli a cot I I MILL1014S OF BAU 'THE DATE OF' OREATION I
WHERE UTOPIA is FOUR unions it can fine. Poxiniless unions are, � �. TH SUNDAY SCHOOL Coln ro4led into the dar oor o . , ,a *-4
14 holplegs to fight it. Finally, at Its __ ,tvillirl,11 SiorAkkg—illeroscople Wouders— &"�.' " 'rho Church Is never alt ot a It -, Weird INVorlonve of Explorera In Okla- "�" I
" � . 0. 11ort'red mazes.-I'llato;mkills,; of like
SUCH IR THE LITTLE COLONY OF back' is the mighty force of public PATIENTS EXHARK ON A PR INTERNATIONAL LUSSON$ OCT. 21. out ,blame wflien souls ire los r 1441114-40, x1glif Vimlifloo Nowbo" 'o 0915PUTINQ THk WORLD% AGE BY
E opinion, which !a siok of labor wars TRAOTED SEA TRIP. 1110010, its *holy preoinota. Joy 1 a re- Oas* W111. Me Mr fit file vtolittir of tue .
and determined that the experiment of "� BY far this most InteroBtIng bilild. "P. -K sense of the angels. 11 re Joy of caves. GROWTH OF STALACTITES.
— . tug at END Paris Exposition let that 'rite Lost Sit eep Owl 4110 Lost CoIll Lutio 14, . Not far from the Canadian River, ....0
judleal adjustment shall have q full ,rite cilitiego or tocculiatiou Invidoo. to, o . ts In glory, and the richer joy of
rig 50rikes No VI'AdersellikOK-Tbe, 14olole or Al.a Vilya., Itespores Tin,lip-stravigi, known as the Palace Of Optics. In IN Joy gig gain Isciewpots P
= 2.1-33. Golden Text. 01TIkere I Immense caverns have been found, in I . iner oil tile Age of tho World
A rblIgr.1 $ton— a0;4t,INr04Jk1LW01k$ V040- and fair trial. r Ow Pre,ielkep or 111i, Alluels r Oodi over tbe Savim�r an the throne. Ono Slit- solite NAPO It at 10,9"$090 years
, 1 .4p..'...� . 14311te)"Altionh., I this magaifiecal, building tho visito One slillipt, That stetwitieth.0 1,101te 15.10 nor. It one sinner's. repentance can which live willigus upon willionx of i INhers at ",000$000.
tions. One of the most extraordinary voy, may witness a Score of entertainments bate. The expedition referred to wan i
_1�,%_a arbitration law has boon In con- FIELD FOR EXPLORERS- - ages ever undertaken has just been as original and varied as the mind can PRACTICAL NOTES. attugiv. the harps Of heaven, how mea. led by, Dr. A� U. V4Ln Vieet, who bad , Professor Farrington, of Chicago I
otax completed, the ote-amor Buranian hav- conceive. This enchanted palace Is Verge I- Publioans. Tax-gatborers, surelessly sweet and pervasive and in- .
at use in New Zealand for about O.— often heard of immense mineral de� ?Ualveralty. ban returned from mix ex-
. ,
four years. ,and a lLwf. During those srove tor Toloo0villi Kosell 111olres Ilk 61.1401 . Its onorm- hated as Inst.ruments, of Roman op� exhaustible must 'be the melodi(.)o plormtIon of the famous caves of In-
years there �aas neve , . America. lug been ,ohortered last May to oar- close to the Eiffel Tower , evoked by the cow, taut Activities of posits, strange waters and freakiett I !anal wlAaro be, obtained opeoluiens
- glattival formations, and he and a 14
When, wo recall that the Spaniards ry a. party of lunatics on A trip Ono half dome covered w4b.beatitiful- preoolon, and on account of their own 1:
wbeiv there has not been a diapute around the world. The voyage, aello- IV colored glass gives the building a extortions. They bouailt their offices, the militant church. c cieists determined lot oarbouiferou6 formation, by means
pau4jlas� before Ono or otUer of the crossed south America from sea to sea .was the outcome of ads- conspicuous app Ingles, it fixed the amessmonts at thel I 11 of Which x10 hopes to e4tabiligh a fair IY .
casoful one, , earanoe anti s' ,* I to ascertain how c
Conelliatigix .Boards or the Central more'than three centudes ago and bate between - I . f igureo, and'collected not only for tile , accurate astimite of the carthlig age.
, . that nearly every city on its o0asta- was several experts ou lun- out for Special attrac.tion. g "rumeat, but for their own purses. . was In the ramors of rich pickings The chance of large inaccuracies has
Avlottration, Court, � I Acy as to the efficacy of long Sea voY- Passing in -at the entrance gate, 006 QV0 UNIQUE NAMLS in thla section Of the country, ,
I cannot pay tram memory what the founded in the age of the -Columbian , been admitted by all who have wrest- :
. s in curing hallucinations. Ordin- of the first entortalulacats. is, an else. sinners. People careless of the Mosaic; . I ,
ge I . P-" ThOY found the entrance to some istiou, but Prof, Par -
exact au.m ary ocean tri bad been found to trio storm. Lightning flashes here law, which with Its miuutQ tradltlon� . I
. bar of .disputes finally ad. explorers it seems strauge, that to -day A Itary Leiter of the aubterraneau caverns so low led with the que
. , Ps Sig Fraltec C0141411411lig orolke 1401 i
- justed has been, but, so far, they can- our Southern neighbor is the least . rtngtou, while not making any claims
. -work many oures, and it was reason- and there, followed by distant roars of al regulations ,,became to many an #if like Alliliallet. . that it was with'diff ioulty access was ,
not be less than 00 or 70. Most of known of all the continents, Therearo rk intolerable yoke. Those living thusll-. for his findings, lit advance, io�iieves
t4ese have. been parried, on appeal not so many big white Spaces oil' the Ably certain that little harin couldbe thunder. Both zig-zag and to People who are universally known do gained at all. It was. necessary to that Ills method is the most plausible
, rloa. as on' that of $Oath done lightning are . produced, As one, legally would be, likely Also to live not require elaborate addresses, crawl inside. But once they had pens.
frpm some Co.nollifttion Board, to the map of At , ' shing lightning And Immorally. To hear him. Their sense 1*8 , of all yet 'tried, and, the Most likely
Arbitration Court, and settled tbel.:e, America. It we study the history of Forty Men and women, exclusive of watches the fla an of vileness had at first p Probably. in any civilized country a trated a few feet .their tore re- to give satisfactory results. .
. I .
-a South. American exploration we find. medical attendants, were taken on hears the peals of thunder, one a . letter simply addressed to " The Pope,, vealed wonder after wonder. yet no
In about two cases Out,of Seven th liza that it is a mock show, away- Thboe who would nave sinners Who specimen Whioll f urnialles a key
. bDar4, These patients were not "lun- hardly Tea would rcaell Ito destination, roof was visible, go vast was the migh-
Clonolla don Boards have been able suo- some surprising f acts. Ons is that up Accepted so realistic !is the whole scene. Indeed, must be able to feel for them. to t4e computation was taken from
ornment in that atica.." in the ordinarily with at most the addition at the word ty inelosure. At times the course of ,
easefully to arrange the disputes. Even to 1875 not a Single 90V ill often shriek and children '2, Pharlsees and Scribes. Even in the 'Wyanilotte cave, A, Stalactite .
y no continent had sent out any expeditions inioarling of the word, but every one WOMBA W Rome. Similarly. 11 The Queen, Lon a cavern would be followed for miles which; was brqlcea off in 1850 has in .
where they have not done sio it b , I ation. cry, so vivid and real does the Storm . Porea there were ortlaodox Jews who
the un� was the victim of some hallucia . .1 dQn,,, or, 11 Tile President, Washing- along the crack, with large and small
meAW follows that their labors have or spent any money to explore . that their ultimate, appear. The lightning, at course, is looked with conteimpt on the half.- the fifty yearA mines then enla.rged .
l5con useless, Very often the appeal known partis jot their territories. Until and they all know ton," would be quite intelligible, openings here and there, -by Means
0 0 ly depended on the obtained by Me aid of electricity,. And heathen rabble about Jesus. Murmur- . I I thriae-fifths of an inch in length and
tothe Arbitration Court is merely on within the past few years nearly all Too very n t on they the LbunCwr 6 p Wins ad, They. g, sought not the loot," and though it the letter had to pass of which they Were enabled to obtain the Size of a gooso quill. This cor-
. .
a or two points out of many involv- the exploration of this century in that voyage, but largely on the efforts � eodnoed, .by ra , through, lands using . different lan- glimpses, of the beauty within, As' . to. .
on ut forth themselves. thunder Shasta. could not understand the One who . we of the words the depth Of these c responds well' -with the Australian
� verns, That -re- .
ed, and t4o advice of the Conciliation continent, exec . b ,a atalactitc, that enlarged tbrae�quar-
,pting in Argentina and p guages or scripts so a .
. Chili, has been the result of private on. Of late years there is no mental dis, Another remarkable "Show" is the did, Receiveth Sinners. That w ich we. might have to be duplicated in trans- 'mains as Yet, undetermined, for every t
Board is acoopted on the others. Of ton, tion demonstration of - Crookes electric . I ere of an inch, in thirty-five years.
to 'a dispute terprise. A few exploreril from North e4se, which has moupled the attela . our Lord's greatest glory these men lation. In 1889 the French journal Le time they would venture inside,.their . I
� o, most of ,the partles to America and many more f brain specialists more than hallu- tubes, whioli the lecturer 'tells you thought shameful. But it Christ did ,By having this ratio 'of deposit Prof
Tom Europe of , SoIr called attention to the fact that to -robes would disturli vast' f looks of, � "
- have been ready to gpeept a board's I ohieve "wili be the light of the future," Curl- not- receive, any �Inaers, how could , 8 , Farrington will apply it in dotermin. .
f irm have made most of tllis contarylq addi. oinations. The competition to a . Ome names,are found in Franceeon- bats, and these creatures regent ' d th(, .
saggestions, but, it Igas needed the men ously enough, the light Will be cold. there be any saints T Hateth with 6 an.. Lng how long it has taken the "Pillar
am I'th every evidence of , .
hand of the Arbitration Court )ring tlons,.tQ oar gepgraphical knowledge of Success, especially .among public - . ' ting of Ono letter only. At the r6- intrusion wi I :of the Constitution," to form. The pil.
, to I . . a Cj Indeed, any visitor can feel thelong them. Puts himself on their level. ' . ay. Great swarms
1. South &merioa, except, in the Southern Is a(> fierce that mental disorder � gistration of the birth of a child' [it ger and dism (if lar is -an accumulation of. St. Louis
one or two stubborn men to aoquies- part of the Continent, . I the most distressing kindunknown in littletubes which give out a bright Their very to-liall, might defile allhar-, Ga.gney, near Varis, it transpired that the uncanny things would swoop down . -
Panes. . Thus it happens that none of the the lost century are rapidly.on the In- light. The brightness of the light, of f4sev A strict Jew beoam'e'oeremonial- I limestonei 25 feet high and 70 feet in . �
the motherlis name wan Rose B. not.as .upon them from the roof and outu� �
This Vxocess may be tedious, but it -is Cordilleran States from Venezuela to crease. Not that persons so afflicted course, in controlled by the current- ly defiled by eating with Qe,atilaa or an initial,'but as bar full surname. In the way passages into which the light circumference, found in the WyiLn- .. .
not costly. Lawyers are not employed Passing into the next room there is -negleetera of the law, Gal. 2. 12; but dotte cave, With this, accomplished 1, .
. Ohilk has as yet lognerped friom the are madi People subject to halluoin- I Belgium there are Several families of penetrated for the first , time per-. the Chicago scientist believes that be ,
. ,
as counsel before either.the. boards or stage of rough, pioneer exploration. A ations 8,re simply victims of certain 4 'Plano, the notes of which connect Christ dealt with men as men, and the name Of 0, one, Therese 0 having baps since the creation of the world, .
. I
the Court unless all parties to the so- , , is a belief with bundrods of small electric lights was independent, of the trallitions. kept a shop I Brussels some years and madly. dash, at the lioads of will have a -fairly accurate Idea of � ..
I collsiolerablepart of their territory, as fals perceptions engenderh n . .
-, . � 0 1 _ I t1lo how many years it took the whole
tion agree thereto, and th�ay very in the southeastern part of Colombia, in something which has no existence WhIch light the room. When a key Emphatically, Jesus came "not to call ago. Further, there is a parish of Y explorers and somethnes extinguish .li
sal,doin do agree. ,A firm of employers Is Still almost wholly unknown. . is dop,Feased,a oiroait is formed, which the rigIltoolia . . . � . . i.mestone atratum, to accumulats. . I
. L Some outside tile ,senses. . Christ came to break hood of Peronne. By no the flaines of the: torches, The .men .
i in the neighbor � The work was attended with C'on-.
may appear by a manager or accredit- . . . produces a lighL. The more keys that down 'the artificial barriers of diass, therefore, . tho,re wexeco 9 . I
. I . I .. I are depressed, therefore, * the grea nd to make all men a - . - mpelled to fl* -ht their winged. a an .
ad representiative, a trade. union is ta]APt Whatever,. except in . . wbJo6e ad- antagonists and ,we're compelled to ba t t' difficulties and much ,danger. �
. . of them, like Bolivia, have made no at- 6HYNESS SOON WORE OFF, t- R a s
usually represented by it's Secretary or , small dis- Theshyness whiolt characterized the er -this number. of lights. When the might exist a gentIpman I - ThoWyandotte being the oldest and I .
� . I
. -riots around their chief towns,. to patients soon wore off., and before I . 3. 4. He spake. He does not deny the �dresa should -consist of three letters satisfied with the ground ths -ood ' . : .
other official. During the hearing, of . � I pianor is played the scene in decidedly r I . 1 ,..,V. . y at most lutereating'of the Indiana eaves .
so a' carry out official surveys. They have. they had been at sea a week, All were 'barge they make, .but justifies his nly-Mr. O., Y. . . , on,.for it they attempted to proceed. more time was spent there and more , . I
tuse, the fadtorl a concerned remain .foAhank foreign eiploreri for most of, their ease chatting abDu'I;. their novel. . It a big Swell is produced the course. - This ' parable.. No inore c . . they would disturb and awaken new . . . -
. . a very light, but if only ovel or . HOW TO TAKE, MEDICINE. , thorough investigitions *ads. The'
operr and work goes on as usual. that they themselves know of their I ndor. A room 1 . stAtement could have taught as much � . I hordes of the . . . . in . I
� . sy hng ea bate, and these inturn 'the large coves, -
E'mployersl Are seaurcd, not only own, countries. - ' more varied aaacri . two notes are brought into requisition as the three parables that follow, *quinlae should be taken. half an .. U-iirengo, another of .
. tinant .of delusions ' . would make a -hem ana. the Shiloh andthp Cohn -olives were
against a -dead stop of business, bat the room is fairly dark. . . � . n,.What hour before meals; Iron, oils and acids . upon t . , �
. . ,!the. same 'condition of affairs is to . I two Of which are in'this lease � their lights. Each onslau' . .
.. it would have been impossible to, have I . . � slit Seemed also visited. -It Was necessary.f or the .
, .
against the meaner kinds of competi- . . ad In another room the wonders of the man of, y ter eating, that they may be di- . I
. . 1. � .be observed among the Atlantic States. got together. Those who fell no . Ou. . . ".to -be more .!Ietermined and made I � . .
. .
tion of undercutting rivals. , In, the as far South as Uruguay, T as, . their miPrOS0cff8` are shown, 'A'photograph the Para � ble up' ith. the food. Iodide of Pat- . . . . . . by nate the Wyandotte' . � � ., I
he Oulan . an the murmurers �by gosted NY At ter meals; increased numbers of these ..bird- .. '
, . . � - . I .
except for a narrow strio alon,g tile ot�lueions soon recovered. . ASULam is always . given. i . . - cave for . .
. scope at sea f Or the exercise of . two miles and then drawl
. .
organized %trades all. this Shops of a , . . . I I of a dropof water magnified many showing that wbat they woula do for * beasts. -Some of the 1part7 h1ad-thei-i - . . - - I , .
district have to keep the sania'hours coasts' are still -old of the thousands 'of times is thrown onto a a sheop'he was doing for - a soul. Hay.� it is Said than to ba, less liable to sixty fact: through a passage only six I
and pay this same wageSi No man . 0. . on the. thresh One of the quickest recoveries Was 'The Water is filled with,wrig- . I , torches completely Snuffed out bythe teen inches wide. , As this explorer , is I a I . .
. bogiumllgS� Of exploration. Brazil - with, . that of a a I took br6kk, whose f ortunes .5oreen. . tag a hundred sheep. - The owner -of disorder the, digeatiofi- When a medl� wins I s of the furrry enemy and were . I
I �
-may, filch trade from a neighbor -by . . a, some of them. engaged I I . ma man: of good proportions, be found it ' .
. L a terTitory nearly as .large';� our so rose and'611 during the.Afri,,, sling monster. . . I t718 f lo Qk, not a hireling, B very, 11 etas is ordered -to be given "three 00133polled. to grope� their way to the I . . L I
Sweating his own people. The f air- . i io lively battle.' Tho- water is taken . . . . r. should be � a tight squeeze. -To. turn was out 04 . .
� . own, lias not a single establishmant' crisis that be PVesentiy'developed Q. . belongs to Christ, stace,he has bought times a day," the dpoto . I . . L
hers he . . , . . . . . L i light as best.they bopld.' and were -Is . .. I
minded employer now knowsw to inake'a careful geographical study from the Seine. Next come magnified a ood L Lose one of asked.. whether it im. to be tak6n before - . . the question. Thirough this litt .
am' many' . belief. that� any street jn�wliioh he , -a with his own bI , � �tbus deterred from making- the head- . im I ..
is, and is freed fr i anxieties. of any part of its vast domain. All the ' views of the microbes of tuberculosis, them., '� The natural type of the sin- or after mealsi -in cases of severe III_ . . . . passage he removed his Speci ens, I I . I
, . . I . I . was walking, divided as he .passed I . meagis once in eight way desired, As they . feared to go The Wyand I Otte cave proved.of great I I
For six years tillers has . virtually official explorations'that' have been one �presenting diplitheria and. other . diseases, opme- 'is be . � . '
.. L along I' tier , t lost;sheep, �"oAt'po*er ness,this direction .. .
been neither strike . dor loek� -in two halves a what grej4sonie,'Icut interesting. I . . I . . t are, alike ahead last,th6y be compelled to floun- interest because of the many indioa-.
. 1. made in any part- of Brazil are the I toil t1i at hours,. for day And ni,gh I . I der about," with no means to ' guide ti.60,3 that it was once. inhabited by . - r
. . a steep pocent, the other steep dem ' .In a ,dark:cornsr.theke, is 4 cp,lleo- to, rehirn to'the � d and wi o then to nurse, �and patient, An OPL- . .
. . I . I
I . . . .
Out in New Zealand..' All -them, work of some,of the indiVid ' herall. ,'loehooise , mea against the. foe. � I . . I
exceptZ the f irst, I I have I been Scard . ual States, scent. - He � used, go . y� . . tion of bottles filledwith Water wh.io no of ,defense. . , . . wit-hout.the them back to'aafety:, . - - Indidn6w There ,were parts Of part- ,, , I
. 4 . .
I . dly a travellerbas crossiadany 6i the iscentl.'and to the amusement of . I 1. On�y tn. Christ is therp. Sat Sty lar .the ateshould never be given . . 11 I � . " . I
. ed I o I mor. umin'oas'-b shaking, , and . , sible. for I -AT NIGHT, �. 1 stru� '' ' - 11
years of remarkable and increasing the noribeas � . b I Iam�. "a lost dootorls, order. .It is* impos I . CAME FORTH I . ly burped torches, portions of ii I
I I tern States froln Mara -. s . y . soul . Thqugh but ,one I - , The . " . . . . I
. . . n the - spectat6is, -toil along ,the level ; . . � . . tire party wqs .greatly �in� y I '�* '. I
prosperity. During the time Of depres- hie ,to Pernambuco, and -much of the I . . I . V�sitors may pqy.these phosphorescent - ' t, I. Id, -an unprofessional poison to.tellwban . . ' ihente partl completed and to Fxoti I . .
� . . . , . thioroaghfare as if he were going up 1. � . . from Clirts is fOld, the gliepherd.wou . .t. ad at the demonstration of these Farr* . . . I , - '� . I . . �
. . I .
. .
Sion which came before thesia, wages interior, except along this 5, I � candles so spavenirs. The peraptenop. L may do harm. lvhidn it sedative of Pre'" .1 ington it seemed that thaIndiana ' . . . .
. I river course b , t at.sea I.. . I �. miss tt, John 10, 14, Leave, the niae-. . . Winged aninials"mill! 1 1 .
had fallen. With -improving, times lg,�Still,qaito . ' I hill. .There. ,ah.29 �ao stree a .' of images trilrrored in the eye is A wall , - . ... . , I On$ of theni-7� bad worked the "Pillar of tbe*Conatl� , . . 11 : � . ...
. � � ' .. I
, a wil- :, . � w.; any kindle, given tits room must be I *
� e uoknown, . The wid - al�e. - , Not red. for�.ho . . � I iind after a parlay it: Was determined er the 'rints -of . I I
�Xnplo ' eon 4iaed by. . . . .. t which had.00n- . kuo%vjw fact - in .solonoa, and is Wan- . ty 'and. unca. . The. suffer- � tution.". There w a . p , -.1
,yers wouid.have *b the weakened nerves . .. . . . .
1. - dernaoses bet I . .. I .� ever, is always darkened And k . I � I � . . I . -
. . ween the large tribu- tio nerve, - . un4ok-sbephards we . . ekf quiet.. . I . I I : "immediate vicinity . , . I
- '
.1 of the Amazo * are completely veyed the iinpreoaLon to the OP - tratad in: Ella ]P%1%ob of Optics by' . . , or should. lie on thle4 right side and . t0 c,nog=.p.: In-'tbe . . � I moccasins . in tbe sand, ,'and.holjowed .. I . . .
. . . I , . . I .1 .
resolute demands from -trade unions taries , . I I , .
.1 - '12, 1, � and on reacfii ' employed. The baekgxoana . .of. this. . . itaA Study the .10hano a * I �
' siurn to 'former higher I o, lng throwilij lanterA views On a . . mena.at clog out placies in -', � . , �
for I a r . , . . .. a terra Incognita I � . . . rapidly - tr to sl must take . the %valls. which evident . - %
r I altes of pay, and biad there, been -no 1 1 . . Bombay he return6d to England over- I . I story .. ,wa a much mqro familiar. to Y cap, The nurse range. They f6und �0141; as .1 �1 . . . has been � , - - - ' I
revolving strip'.of wood. Althoug I . er- h - arewarm and the . 01161 A8 ly served �as.seats'. Tile -cave
. . .
. I . atia- �f 'emulation Jesus's lie - care.tbat t a feet " .
. ., . I 1. I'd Argentina, fidwavei, .very- - a a red.. The ,spirit. P ' arers thaim to us. Wild S k1kylight there 'was no- sign known to hit 'e'18X� and must
arbitratidn sysfem in wpirking orde f ,-at,, ogress has -been' inade in� ex- I nd .ou . the wood What t4rea inch" wide the . . . ir wa 6ine �.
. . . . . y Pr .- ... .. . - , .1 i Uncultivated, gr - bad coverings obinfortably. a,rranged. . W lea � . � .. I
a series of v6ry bitter conflicts must hich this speedy. recovery gave birth, eye Else$ a complete assy plains. . 1. . . I .. . of life in, the, hid4en depthe at* this �d 'be . a Indians long . �
. I . 1�. . . . plaration - in the past quarter of 6 Can- W I . - plettAip, tbres, Gi 13ass' d. less . he. � When there are noises in the street, . � . . . . I ve an famillar to th . . . ..
* . I. . adid cures through the . � . I . Qq if ter. If � he. hadlove . .. I .- - the flame of A bafor6 thaL .The entr' - first used .
4ave, ensued. This, has been avoided, . A, I four test Square, . . � . .goirge, Put.wh6n. Anse I � . . .
. ,. I I . ., tury4. . It wis in 1882 thht tba first to worked spla' . � . . . . . brist's PT in the, house, that c4niaOt. be eon-, I I . .
. I . . mig live 'sent a servant. C I . . I. ' . . . . ; � .
Workmen -and workwomen havegain- will 13614i :invoked. . � . I . ]a t 11, I . .. . . torch Was, flashed into tbo,oave� there �
I In. a . ther chamber the. wonders of -1 . . !,a- yet a: mystery, an opening having. ..
I . . . collected results of this bovernment's � �o . , . winlAii to earth was a going after- trolled,- a place of ,cotton, wool - or I � . .
' . ,. . . . . . I . I .
�h nolta,ble Advances of pay, and Also "I know MY husband. js',not' sit Ling. tile. X-rays are demonstrated. T . 1. - - Will Ob_ .Wexe unmistakable ev"Idences of ani- joesn. made by' drill'ng. .. . I :. . t I . � ....
. ! .. . ., .4 � aotMty in this dii,ectiom were seen in i . . ,'he � g, all his.miulstxy this wacte p.r'es§pd' into"eaich eaLr . I � � . . � ' I I I I .
impro ad c nolitigns, ,as'to air,".� lovely You-1ig widow ,,a the loAti'and in . .. . -he sun bad deoli ' An experience. in the'061in cave WAS. .
.V .9 I -40"8 Of -the large atlas of 'the country - red in that..eh I oturer stands . babind -a ocreen, bat , - matiah. ,, When't Aed . , . .
I I . PrIepa, . . bi:-S', - almo, to seek and save the 'ViAto the,difficulty AS far..as th6lit. . . .� . 1. � I . . I .
labor and otherwise. , . Would say_" but. I find it so difficult - ' 'vag' . was ,, _ . . I A .. . . and a i L�darkness,euveloped the earth. accompanied by no little peril. The . I
.. I 1. . I . � I . . I ander the direction qf the ge.egrapher . . . it , that the sight can see only. a aely Out- lost.,,,' Those who .would' save souls. Valid is, 6oncerned, and insure.tho ne-. 'am. . I . I I b , . . . I � .
� . . � lined skeleton. Shooting ele6tric sparka � 1. . .
43ut this 'has come ,about gradually, Seelstrang.. Argentina has the adviin- to. peersuade myae , .. , tent with sending tessaxy ; stillness. A graduated glass the canyon. manifested signs Of life; explorer .Was lowered forty feet .y. I
, . . .. . . . I ' what. I ainai nt -must ,not be con I � . � . . . . I ..
�i4d an ' deceive, me. When I approach . is a foaturp of another eutert a � I arkness means of
. ly at ter careful an d painstaking tage of geological and -meteor4logical . - . . I . he lost, bat must 99 to measure' fliAds should always be 'with',tho first'shadqwi ot -d . a'kope into A. cavity. about , I
. . . I . . ' I
lqi the ael4ands of establishments and I f Or& a . acieni think is -my husband$ iby hand so -ex, 11 Others After .t . I . I r err
inqqiry. ,':Kaqy .. . . . in the next room. The only objectio would come solitary -bats, like neouts the size of' a wall. n a d to get . , ,. .
. � . .9 I tif�c . I . . I .. at import- . .. . . . I . I . �
. .
iabqr #ave boon pef u4se . pects to rest itself an the dear one's . I . Lh6mselves, - .As -With Christ, SO with ased,..as exactness is of.gra . .. �
d; Many more men I . . line ena raise to this performance is * . . in advance of the army. ,Wheeling, i.n the desired specimens Sonic blasting � . I . . .
. , , . in the service. of the State and tho . . prevent � it . Churchi the missionary work ig anee. . Th6 size of spoons differs so . I . . I . . '
I I �
. aniver hould6r tbat� I ca ` I the i and as no one could - . .
.. 4ave been i4qdified. 11) 4P rase hall 4 . nnot the tremendous noise produced, by the hils t list .,�O their flight toward op ofthe gorge was necessary, ? . .
. - , . si Iles, whqps labqra have largely. 8 . I I . � I . L .. , '. " greatly it is not safe to r - . I . I
. . dropping wilen be -re.' flying a of' ffie fLrst Importance, . . . sw1jtI its f 6und who would undertake the job,
an industry been thxottlOd or crippled. enhanced the villas of 411 offieIqJs,o- . it.firldo-nothing t . psrks a.4'they strike apiece of. � I . .. . y in nicagure- -among, the,rocks, and f hen y . I � . .
, .SI , I --iron. . . . � , ' '5, 6. Lmyetlil it oa .his shoulders. As' such varying . quantit I . . did it,himself. At- .
Not gnly Can. we olaim ti,lat no faptory graphical work, T4e's tomatle AtadY 40,w4a.m4de to vv'alk through the sheeL I . . down again. they 3vould lr�ep on - go.�. Prof - Farrington I .
ys . I � . .. . th inedicine.is IV " I . .
. . I . . meat. When � 9L on in . . '
abatr wheneVdr 1, , as of tb� . the 1�ast. are Often, seen . . I I .L. a . a' it -Uncertain what: .direction. ter. being lowered, lie lit the ,fuse and , ,
4as been PlOsed for a !single day 'in which( both Argentina 4nd Chili have pbantom� figi;re And I .-corridors there is a Shepherds in ops a dropper is usaf al. to . semra Los a , . . . I . .
' ' � thc� 4ppea'red, -with no result. At last, maze, in which the. average person Parrying sheep too weak to wAlli. He �' - . to as yet a - facilities- .- -
� . .
Now Zo4land by I for. some years g n . . . .1 " is 'some- they wollid lead the. hos n retreated is rapidly As poor 1. . .11 .
. , . al�oolr wa:r, � bqt. we ' ive . to the ranges' Y . . I . I soothes aniformity -in the. doses. It . . 'Be ..
gan claim t4lat thiope4ca thus obtained a our it was disoove;T-e h ried a b mps lip'against mirrors at every ,does not scold nor Punish, but orofiSed. � it L P601
. . .., I I ,. their comi4on . frontier bave , . a . - I . .1 . .. .. i. I . . I
. uld t t �. times difficult 'tO, got the drops.to . Seen. Others 160ald come as the sha- ,Would permit. - a ., I .
I �
3,npt bee' Q � n . . . rea re , fall . ., regularly � over the .edge'. of the dows ,, decipened, I . . .. ,. th by, . means of '
. a bp made this the best-known. part appens to know the . and. join the first. nine `feet in dep
.ught st the deqx, price - . f the portrait of - bar l4ta busba, d, This turn . unless he h and, helps. Christians sho
. . .
i�n � was d6nfigo4t�A, and the act fF-'gn- trio� of -looking at the. floor, where lie turning sinners.with irifinite.tehiler-t jilers,and odo4 the air in the -gorge, plank',that he had taken down . with . ... �. I
of iiamperod, Industry aild discoqraged South Asporican Cqrdilleras. , � 1. . . .1 , I gives 'us 'a bQttle, too much . of the contents do . . I . . I I
enterprise, . I I I . .. I do, Ing indisposition BUB was persuaded to can see -the Oraek at the bottom of the ness. - Rejoicing. 'This � . . � . I ouldbeall�e,withthsm. Tlfeyiwore him, then crawled through a. hole. thht. . - I .�
. . Just is pportir4an travel thollsin . . � 11 � . I a if w I . . . . . I . . I
.a arbitration aot.came into nf miles to reao take hisplace till she recovered. Die- . . scarcely dinitted big body And'elimb- .
When (tb , 4 the, his g4lue of . I all,Vered glassi,, and thus avoid the wonderful gibijipse of th;6 inXinite love comes out at. once, and is West d is always,on the wing-would'alight -no- 4. �
I - . . as' what She wanted, 'and 'the , . be.ing dr6ppad into Water. 'Th I . . ' ' . I
operation the number of bands, return-, d' Mancl;aria, traction w inares of. lab rIntfi. 13p�oud is of God. The salvation'Of Souls is not It is . . I er -Finally, whorl fullL darkness 04 a`f.iftY foOt'svall before he felt rea-, I I
central. Aft!04, India 'an , I Y . d 0 , . . . 1.
0 'ople suppliedheir -with ' room f mirrors, where the visitor to.Cbxist a barden but a pleasure; ean be avoide -by m istenin-d the Wb a. .,
ocU as employed in Etas registarod.fac- .5o explorers WRI turn, inthe next 6611� cooking for 5 pe . a O., . .1 . . � . cam;% the entire army of countless, S6nab1Y:9566ure-' In,.tbis cave therels. � .
' ' . I . . �
. I . �
torios was about 26,0ft It,is now, not- tury to tlte.lArget ailtr4versed ar4a.p of mor I e, than sufficient., *In a fortnight sees s0rea of�reflectlouj of himself, just as the mother rejoice$ Over her edge f irst, or by holding th,6 cork so I .
. � ' thpusailds, of these creatures would a ,beautiful pool; the sides of -which,. I .
. . s I . . I I I I . disease has the drops will f all from it. 'NVben a . . . . 1.
` : if, he waves his- hot Above his head ajoic child w.hen the tide of , . . . 1. 'L I
Cur short of 50,000; A percentage' of 4buth � America, as the best fields the she was .Well. � � ' . 1. I I . i sally� forth from the caves from% ev. are Ilned with crystals of, calcite. that .. : . I
I . I .
I I . I I . � . .
. I
this striking increase May be due to World has now' to of . e ginal, . Another case was that of a locomo- hie may easily ima ihe himself a Whole turned, SILliongly she has nights Of person is very ill the"covered spooni , , .. , , . d oning of the place. gleam like diamonds,, I . I
I I . . I 9 . . . . ,ry erevies an op � . - . ., .. ' .
igore, th I . . are before crowd, but careful investigation, will weary witching still before her. His Sold for the purpose are conveniolit a e . Clouds The professor says that lie found
, I . , I
. . tive engine driver who Val . I it - can be p,�t T Y . �
, arough registration Far 'the pioneer research in 'the 'Way of see . . b - .would literally mvarm in . *which dis- . I
. . . ' ighbors. Whadon. ra� for giving medioine; � ' Ldenceal in the Shiloh ra,ve
largest part of it represents .an actual graphical disooveg. had run over 4 man who bad strayed show, that the myriad reflections are friends And ne � . � the tbicke.37 and thicker eaeli.moment. until ev I - I I I .
� . � '
. I � I
. . . . . � .0 . - 'Stently bad he due -to the fact t hat the mirrored *allii gards these as syniliolizing "his fellow in the 'mouth .Without raising I I . this * . I I
increase of industry. I . I . on the line. So persi . . . *little am- it Seemed to the Watchers Of , eird prove the ol& theory that. caves are , I , I
. . . I
Daxing, these years tift imports and . dw6lt on this mishap that at last be form a triangular chamber, whose but under . shepherds, the � pastors of' head from the pillow.' A . bt Re tlibugh every inch of 'space f orpaed 'by earthquakes He says:lt is *
. . SCHOOLS � OF $AR.DINZS. . I . I I . . I . Every monia, or alcohol, will cleanse- & glass Sig . . I ' . .
exports of the colony have grown I . I . A.10'to. believe that the same soci- sides reflect images back and forth in-, his flock," Rejoice with me . . . the canyon was.tak�n up. by these brought aboat t,y water running over.
. I . . ---t . oil I . . I rinks delight to Christ, that has oiontabaed'oil.. The utensils In . I . I I I I .
space. The revenue ,Terceived from . . . do t daily befell him. The railway, definitely, like a; giant kalaiddsoope., saved soul . b . d dissolving the limestone.
. AL fla-&U,FlitcheA From Two to 9Ix Thon- n maidlolne, should. be uncAnny . creatures. ,. The surveying an .
customs, from the income ,tax, from I I hearts of his used in giving. . . � . . it Fitimates of the time required for ,
I Anikil a Day. . company took no notice at this,, but' Close by are two long rows of looking. and should gladden the .I . ty regarded this exodus art a bran. _
. . I I the Lrain glasses, that distort the human figure Charch, I I . . � carefully Nv4dhed and dried 4f ter each par . , 'It .
the staraps and the railways has risen. The sardine fishing season Cash- when - it came tat ,stopping . I . � . L I . .. . for the plains in Order to obtain food, the form tion � of, the earth have been
� . -
. -
in each case rapidly. Employment from monees early in May and losts until for nonexis"ent obstacles his friends Into many grotesque, shapes. It is 7. 1 say anto you. There I is- a wa-. doso� . but, strinFely enough, the countless compile'd from variolia data, Among .
t, I I
being scarce has Owl' 'Plentiful- late in the autwun, When tho(Ash axe obtained him tw t 4 Is' e. in at amusing. to watch, a soore-of Poo. j . 't o(I 1. I I - . . Shed in which are the following:. I. Time 11
gr .elve man h av of 0 esty in this calm, simple "I., P , . mass did -not sea'
. . m to be ,dimini
. .
Bailding has been brisk in -all centers plentiful in the nets ,qua titles case. ple.pass'down the corridor and laugh � . lob has elapsed since theseparation .
. . -_ n - of absenoo.. This Was a difflodIt ' . . � � . Who. came from heaven, tell you what . I . .. the least. Still they camO Out Of the wh
of Topulation. The marriage rate. has goales, appear upon the surface of the The nerve tissues Wa,ft so weakened and Phaff at the ridiculous .figures Most, pleases heaven." Joy shall be in . BURIAL WEDDINGS. . ' Colist ' t of the earth and moon, 50,060,000 years,
. � . .1 openinku in' the oliff -in. a aim . '
.gone up. In a wprd, New ZealAild water. The nets are then lifted, and that loeomotives on mea, being impos- they represent. .' I I . I . heaven. t Saints. watch . I I .. . . .minimum estimate by Prof, G. H. Dar-
. . I � and angels tri- T40 Karetis. of VPPe . r . Ba . Tins, . not stream. 611 the wbAlei wheeling upo. . . I
shows 'all the signs which we milnect that contents %to dumped by the fish- sible, he got to believe that they were The Crowning glory of the varied an- with .eager delight the earthly. � . till they can. wards, but stiff coming, as ,thought win. I Sin.oe the eonsintentier stra. I
. i 0 Inne that .only delay their weddings . ' yearo,'by
wiht a highly prosperous country. ermen into their boats, The fish Make, constantly trunning ' down small ,tertainments 'of the Palace f Optics amphs, of the Gbsp6l, One si r I once, but they Were . - passing and repassing tue, 20 million to 40 million
� . O' a r a Y Tty at I .
It would'be too much to,claim, that ,a little squeak when taken ftom the boats. Curiously enough, he hifeeted is the great telescope and: vlows of the V,pentath.. Repentance is h to not c lab at twOnt or th' Lord Kelvin, . 3. Since Elie condenaam -
on Servo f their through some subterranean passage, .
EMS is chloify due to the workings .of . I ded, im- 'moon. PhOtOgfaPhA of, that orb, merely sorrow overasins ,but ,sinoore make the same occas ,or. or an endless ch'in. There Was no a ins, 80,000,000 to 90, -
water and die almost instantly.- An one of the crew, a weak -min . .. � I a Lion of the oc a
the arbitration act. It Is Perfectly ordinary catch, of sardines gives to pressionglole sort of fellow, -who One taken thiough the largest ta.lescopc in turning ftOM it ta ,God. The ' hour funerals as well. - . . . . . . Way todompute the numbers, even ap- 000,000 . years, maximum estimate bY I
fair, hoever, to claim that the arbitra. . the world, are thrbwn on to An im� hen a man dies his body is ere- prox;lmately; this they. tried, to do . oly L6rd Xalvinla 6stim- . � ".
each boat anywhere from 9,W0 to, 0,000 day warned. the crew that the sun , � when the sinner's will is won to Christ W the ashes are k t until the SaVs,ral Holes during the half. hour's Prof - X. 1, 3 . I I
tion act and th,� im OVed condition -on, Ton views of the moon is the hour when heaven rejoices over mated and .ep'.. -
Pr fish, the price of which is about $1.25 Would fall on the vessel if they made mange acre . . . time they were .watching them, but &to, -which lie would make nearer I
. .
. ,
of labor and of cent idence which it has per 11000, according to the quantity ol� the least noise when passing the me- were -,shown. 'Some Of these Photo' him. The most important Moment time for the formal funeral. it was given up as utterly impossible twenty milliens, than forty eillions, � . . .
brought about, have had some share f lob ridian. No'nianual work I and plenty grapho must have 0 t when it When a bad harvest Or a prolonged to ,,,an make'a good guess. -But all - -111-t .
that are being caught. been from 'f ty t of A soul's history its the, . I 6 e is founded on the assumption t I
in leading litp to this hhppy state of feet in diameter. . casts itself on Christ. 3 l , Season, Ooogsiona the need Of A agreed there were million of th M. .
. . . Arriving at the packing house the ot. arithmetic brought the weak-iftind. sixty . . .. 1. RETURN AT. since ille, period of the consistentler
things. eletined. Is . I . . sons, which need no repentance. There little excitement, and some enthusiast DAYLIGHT. . . P
. fish' are carefully Th ed seaman and the engine driver to as a burial! -wedding, the. ashen Who,% the fizst'streak of dawn at) stratum the earth hag cooled Sim IY
It is f requontly asked hc,W'� could you operation over, they are sorted accord- their sonsa�. I . . . . — live onono Such;. but many. Wore, and arrang
� . I � ged along a low, narrow peered, in the East the counties; as a solid body. the transferrenoo of
possibly enforce at award of the Arbim Ing to size and carried into another . OF A. DUKE, . I GLEAMS OV HUMOR. � many still art, self -righteous, and Over . of � black -winged mysteries would the heat. from Within outward being. . I
� I. AFRAID I I I I form, ,while the Mon. Stand On one horde . .. I
tratiotY Court -upon an employer or a, paxt of the establishment, where they �&- young.lady, who froin'too much .. . I audit neither the Good I Shepherd - nor Plat he women on, the other. There return to their hiding place, being accomplished solely by conductioxi. I
union stubbornly de'termined t go to ' r. the "angels of God" can rejoice. side, t preceded a little time, by the ever-falth- 'Prof.. Joly !grgueo that. the oceaiw .
0 axe ipat into pickle. novel reading, had'got to b6lieve that What an indifferent air young Ma . ars, no mournersi for thd dead "I ful $cents. Next Would circle in sight
all lengtha rather thall obey it I in The qength of time required by this she was the heroine of CL 110vel[Ottdr -ma,dako Gibbs hasl Yes. Pity he's so 8, Either what woman. The preceding have been forgotten during the 6OA- the vanguard, mill'olbse behind It the consisted first of f realt Witter, and that .
the first place, for nearly five years operation varl" according to ' the and to provent being abducted by A rich; he would make a good street car parable dwelt upon . Gddl� love, this . Venksit interval, and the dresses oils- entirs. army, and all would fly into its mltiaess is due 'to the dissolved .
I the law has been in constant ties with. sizu of the fish, Aftw" this the fish wealilly Duke had beea.wont to .hide conduetor. dwells upon God!a thoroughness in gest only the pledsanter side'Of the the cave to be ri(I of the light that matter that is being. carried. into it I I
out a single exhibition of this degper. .are washed and placed with care upon in coal cellars, garreto of . houses and Lives ot'abino'nien oft remind us endeavoring to Save- sinners. Some I . . I I is welcomed by nearly every other liv- constantly by the, rivers. By deter -
ate resistance, That alone should,be wire nets called "grills," on' which other queer placed. imagined that the if we liad bat half their gall, - hold that the woman represents the double function- . Ing thing Save. a bat. When full day- .
evidence of some weight that such a they QX6 Proeeadings are cOM14,0110ed by a sort light was on And thoatin had begun to mining how much salt the rivers bring . I .
To""' Duke would probably becomodisheart- We could loaf, too, and behind its churobs the bride of Christ, tho of poetic Competition between the Mail peep above the horizon tiotbiiig broke down each yedr Into this sea a caloul- .
dual is not likelyi where they are dried by means of sued, if he saw hor cleaning out the, I . ,cave not any tracks at all. Shepherd. ,Pieces of silver. Little �d the fairest maid. If the letter is the' stillness of ,this canyon full of ation was then made, by this experl-
It is suggested that the decision large fans or ventilators run by PO(W- cabins daily And waiting At dinner. So that old miser uncle of yours is coins,lwIth the imagobf an owl or a an I life, and Still it remained until the ter as to the numbev of years it .
itself might be ruilious* There need � . Ighteen cents not Satisfied with thl� compliments darkness ca&n again and the Van men .
. be no fear of that. Ex erfal Machinery. When dry and while 0 - ,IT. (lead? Well, Isuppos6 you, foot better tortoise, worth about of paid her, She Avoids the embarrass- Vloat ,party In the meantime would' required to ,supply the sea with all
perlence has, still upon the grills the fish are cooked EVOLUTION OP THE I?OCxL now that he isn't here to scandalize apip-ce, but with much greater purm this the ,Salt that it w o t .
. fnent of a direct refusal by bidding catch tbenloe][Veg *ondering if .A 110 0 U &!no �
shown that if arbitrators err at all it byplanging them into tanks contain' The ancient wore a Single poach at yoar family by his niggardly Way of Chasing power in those days, Women r Salto come for her "before he is tromandous akmy of winged creatures, 'tio,their estimate was on the .%a- �
Is almost invariably in the direction of Ing olive oil. . his bait; the modern hqs-bow many living. No, confound him I go didn't wore them thou I as a, sort of metal lit r I ease he consoles him_ With its scouts and vanguard, and its sumptioil that the total maximum , I
awake.!' 10 this attack upon the torches had not all
overeautton. They MAY Show too After this cook1bg the mardinestatill V*akelia In an ordinary 0oatuma for leave anything behind to Show that 'fringe upon their foreheads, Wei are . thickness of stratified rock is 265,00,
� i self with. a pipe, and, at ter a, short In- bee, a wi . . I If no mUldted at the rate of one .
great a desire to "Aplit this difference;" upon, the grills, are left to cool, and butido6rs ? Let us count th-sm. In he was'a miser at ter all. God's coins. Lose one piece. A, seri. tarval,. transfers* his addresses to .. . - cu . I
.they aro; not in, the least Jilrely to Ing. When cold the work of ,placing them the trousers five, tn the Waistcoat I Apoliftect-Welva settled' about the ous loss, for U was the wages of a Seine leall exacting ls'JY- . - - 1) . . footift a century more tban.26,000,000 -
Pose intolerable coilditions either Upon .in cans filled with olive oil is begun, fj", in the jao,k)at five, in the overcoat design for the drawing-raoin. Now, its day's work. Tbe coin, lost in the I I HOW. CAMP116tt rs PRE PARE years must have clapsod during the
Waster or mon. I ASISConan the young people are .
Thid done, the tins tire , sealed with five, making twenty in all -it fall to the Study; how, do you want that dust, yet oven t1loVs bearing the ' A off, thoL lamphor is obtained by 6toanling formation. . . I . I
ikit employer who has the Solder, and ere ready to lie 'Out in cases score of little, pokes or baggo and at- finishedf Nurox-I seen in a' naive- stamp of tiho king, is an admirable 11- equally 1palraC elders compote ( I rwool obttis'lft roughly built .— *- , , . . 11 I
for the wore valuable Portion of thei, campho OHXN1,1$E- PINL-10Z CAPTURED BY
choice between accepting a h6lding 100 cans for the market. ra-iiged So conveniently that they tire paper once about s- study in black and Justration of man In his ruined 000- deA& men's property. 'Sewtfls or weali. Mlrn,40 , eS 9,8t up in the hill districts. LOOTBAWS.
legal decision arrived at at t. � . 0 scarce n*tieod. Truly th119 Is an ova- white that Was very artiatio. Suppose (litiou, unconscious of ths, royalty, and b ate set swinging by a string while A vapor arlses from the steaming
ter painstaking. inquiry, and being � I lation I HOW long MAY It. b3 before to the World, Yet well worth no .
. taken Into Court and fined,, will almost we have pooketa in our batbanda- you gimme one 01 Win. I UseleS3 the Claimants page in single file, The. wood and condenses in cooled wooden Peiking should be an interesting .
NOT 80 SLOW. . Mrs. Meddergrass-I tell YOU, they .Seeking. Light a caslaic. In the one who is nearest when the pondultim receptacles, fotldng a snowilk-t de- sight when. the. fashionable men wlio
always accept this deelsibif. In a very where the Irishman carries his pipe, just ought to send the Sheriff after East houses have tow windows, and stop$ swinging. neoures Whatever is posit of camphor', containing, how. Itave f1d;d from the Elaropean,troops
few Cases hie way Tun, the risk I of There is nO,qUesti011 but that 101111 the ,Iodbar ),is toothbrush, And, Inter- that man Andres who is going,to the are, dark oven in the day -time; hence, attached to It. When each has thus O"V, some quaht1ty of oil. After re- return Again to their houses, There
I 1
Peing. fined once, but Re will not Jay Chinaman keeps pretty well posted on nally, the pettifogger his legal Paver.g. Northl Pole in a b1loon. UtS. XexdOre to search thoroughly the oandle Must sedurad a Memento Of the day, the rest moving tha Camphor from the eon- will doubtless be many lamentatiOn.5 I
himself Open to a second penalty. That the political affairs Of the country. � the pape,ra ,that, big predecessors _Why, what's wrong with him 7. Mrs. be "lighiod. go the Sinner cannot be . anded over to the children to be demoor it is allo,,vod to drain In tubs when they learn the worat and find .
.. .
to the Now Zealand experietic6, One diY not long since a chinamah thrust Into the typical "green bagt" Mo4l&rgrass-Paw read in the Clarion found unless sought by thd light of 141 b alld (IV with all the Crockery of Until a considerable Portion Of t1e: inOSt of t.hAr cherished babiliments. , . .
On the Other hands it has b6onflatly was driving alaundry wagon out in How long before there may bepookets that they had found the fourth boy 'divine truth, the word Of God. "Pati- I BMA a run off. The ornae danlPhOr missing,' The allied officers are said
. the d0do366d, And buried with their oil bA . .
4eelared that the Court cannot coerce North Seattle,, when he mot two Sol- in our gloves -for there are, I believe, he had dropped from that b1loola sence once ,and diligence and Minute ob- owe neighboring hilh is then pl.,lood in large Iran retorts to have pu�vohagcd all the most gor- �
trade unions. Wvid VIONTO have been dims coming in from ' the army post. . p4tents eovering this' invention- ho Started. servatlou" are as greatly needed in ashes on 6 - 41 . I and after the openings in the latter geow fara and fashionable embrold- I
� 04into4 of the tragio absurdity oton. Hallo, John, said Ono of them. and in our shoes t The cane also, -----#— the salvation of SOUIg As Are the more m. the looters at a auction
. d6av6rilng to collect fines from trade Me belly well, wao the lac-OniO re, With its s6rew toly, begins to be a 1- 3. U 10 CA— ."Ara&A re. YOUTHFUL PUR'ST'S CORRUCTION have bee" closed and sealed' air 'a orles fro �
& & 4.." fu. 6vann tion sale held for the bonef it of the troO ,!
%..". 10 unlontatel by diettainitig an the goods
useful receptacle. TVM centruies
aggres.3 a .. - 0
Vival. Swoop the house. This May
Mammal J110111niml 'she Orled.
. 0 �
L,0,r,0,, It"earya"talize,g; &a flowers of cam. and dolibtless, they, will solid them
of poor workmeii whoec, uition' IN with.
John, remarked one of them evident,
txom now, so the man with a long
I go that the servoint-girl questiou
- indicate the general upturning and
Tognmy's making fieeft At 106- .
phor, The camPhOv Is now roadY for home. They will than grace LI'UTO- . I
not faudditrid who 6re' themselveh pen.
ly in a sportive frame of mind, you're
forresight ran clearly see, the main
. -
hits been made the subject of a contle-
a routling ,whioll oft,bn accompanies
Ain't doing anything of the MA ,
F�resolj-ug. This Is accomplished by pmn honw3 and, curio establishments
I ", I ; TU6 ailkwior td'tbiat 16 that
� V
a box6r,
Ideautdorlying tliewearing,of clothes
opera in London, said Camso.
tho seeking of ,the sinner. ReVITAIII
� t6t ortell the bo,y.
first �"baping the camphor into the and the Chinese dude will have to got
PAY-Serick641,611oni, a4gnposod
. OX01111mad thd excited 00-
Y*' *Ijo I
Willhave entlreiy ohanged. Theehlof
' I That'A all wrong; ropliod- Cawk6r,
and tho ingath6ring of souls are often
. Why, Towwry 00,tttotod tho. indul.
. form of a blodlc,by the use of Wooden another supply or else Modify Ills
. OW1646 W'ditkors, ai� ohli 6'�'ihiani.'
14tiW1, Me to box6r. Vou talkoo too
pwpMe of garmento will no longer,
The norvant-girl problem Is no laugh-
attended with a certain exeitomont
p6git PATent- I saw you myself.
� . t4sto for the splendid and costly orna.
tn? to ace6pt the 466,8100 Of 11 ttate
'Much, Alto do,rA66 slyan.
be oonsWered to Protect the body,
Ing matter-
and apparent Confusion,
W% you d1dWt, persisted the boy,
__-_6____.1._ � ments whith delighted reiking. I .
I tribunal,
They calmot strim against apow6r.
, 13driln boasts that 4inter aon TAin.
hey %vi -11 be regarded, first 04 all, as
T .
teXtille, foulidations for innumerable
. ..... ��__-_
0, 10. Her fritrida and h45r 116gh-
born. No apeow elass of. beitwA is
t mudn't mak6 a file* It I Wanted to.
All t did W#A to Aortw up., the ready.
I .*--�-
Mr. Pitt, DO YOU know wh� we 90 In Ungland and Waica there are ;
ful wuployq ,, tiguoh 16not ditiv they hope
dez)9 is filw broadest strdet In any
2IN foot wide, The
pookets. . .
NO 11PIL11-111? .
Now that th.6 boat of summor 0.
bore typified, but the gmerai joy
maito o" x,Y6 set. I
.to tho ""bore lor,a few wisoko in the 1,371 JiAbing boats and 40,000 11.4her- I .
summer f Mr. Pftb' TO rtst, Of Course- men engaged tn the NOL fisbOvY, LAst
. Ed atittva out a, Matt of Atbitration.
. Ita doolhlon may not altogtthor plibage,
great pity. it is
4-Mingstram6" in VIA-lIft is 188 feet;
some ona sayn that a woman never
when Bite it doing up her hair.
pmrA to be ov6r, the heat U Elie
ot the 0 ure4 over the salvittion of
WeA 13 I'llf strixted, I had Iomt. Per.
Ills ability to bay 'Inw, at the right
,a. Tlion Wei ra. year tb6y e,aught 6,A30,000 hundred-
NO; We go to be nalto
of fish, inoludifig ,2.250.00", .
. I tbom, b.'at It Id till tb,6y ate likoily
t6 the PAVIA "Grand Dmlovardsll 12i feet
p,erhapg it is bftausp her' mouth is
cill ripaign will begin. Another oA�o ol
from Elie frsin� Into. tho
hap$ through his, own rarblibilsfieSs thb
tim 6 1A 01 Mor� U86 to a man than
tarnhome to be amoke,d, After that, weight
keep until tM belt SOR110A. 1hundredweight of borring. I
got, TW Atbitration Court, th6r6-
a,Ad thol "Andrafty SMNAO' at Had-
fall of h1drPIM at tsat btag6 of the
getting . , M4
sheoplild wandered away, bat it may
his ability to quote Latin,
. we .
�fttie,, fa'aii pottub to d"T witli frA44
I . .
: apeet i56 J64i wLd6,
tat"& I . . . I I
. .1 i .