HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-10-18, Page 60 - -l. 6 R fto.rp,ga = ,& Urray __ _.- ­ ­ I ­._ � _­.� ­ - ­­: - _- � - . I toll, Tl*,y wg.ut join mo, 1xit I woum ho 'me to a poor on$ P, $4 Id the- father if YOU "aw 111. I ­ ­ - I ­ I 1. I- -1 ,�1--l'..-�l-----"---�",--,—�-�— , . -P—t - I I . 111'even. tell t1tow, HER HUSBAND calmly, 11 Yon must romember that . I .t"4".Y�tl,,Oo,uptlg"on",Ceq,lah-of:tl.o�,wui�tou et".",t"llolir,oymo,l*14%,�r,roog,irv,,&cr"ovtolro, I X"91111till Alliukirisk Irgulid Way Hilitirvill by . The next moment she was alone. and bear with bar and toaoh her the one or IV I 1111*40141"At), . Stunned and bewildered, she turned VAIU0 Of 1140110y. It YOU had boon a -AdWr4l,$Jr M044el QuIlue: Soymour "eiress and Wife. WAS A DRUNKARD , ths naval . commander 1 . 11 Chief At . berta" slowly towar,dthoi house. The I wise young man, y0a would have ollos. . 1�-' storm Aid not abate in Its fary; .night- on a wife who groeded ,no Instruction. Portsmouth, 1?4gland, who retired L -_ , _________ birdlif lapped tbdr winge ,through the A Lady Who Cures Her nosband ot Romance is nothing but a blind, and LUD E L'LA (Volia aotLve service ;,it the end of lost - ___ otorm, overboad; owls shrickei Ila the 0='W�114CXW W3EAAL,. � In L,)ad Piwit*9, 2o, 39, I , I . . saarcely last's the wadding-olotbots -i JAQUtb, Is the subject of many good ws orinkino nabits writes . III :Ml� _1­111111� , I, , ':,.1.-1 4 - rorha one of the bestis of C"A'KNE4 I. burden In his Strong, PQW.Brful arm, distance from tile swaying tree-topls% � , out Ps ,-,;-----. .. #_ , � Yet tha olaild wAlkaol slowly home Where is no ,happiness in a. home, #*%?% stories , pa of Her Struggle to *—*%1ft*%,*-W1P*,W%'W� . _40"W *,W%,�%*Awt", *OWAPW# 'in muslus 0.velatura, wbjob,bofell A warm day Ju the southern part of quickly bore .ill& wife to the beauti. I a , , apartments that bad been pro- Pactiving no fear. In tbe house lights rich or poor. which is governed by an ,&Int your hoalle with proodO him 6004 at ter Ito took over the ilowts- West Virginia was tast drawing to A till $aye per Dome. few A Matter of Prid,q I , , Wave moving to and fro while ser- extravagant wife; and there are few cleallfrosh Inade V11,114 and you mouth command. Sir Michael is a olc�a; the beat during the day bad purod for. her. . vants, with batelil bra.atb and light 0 Women in the world who can ))a taught . .M.".."lls! �# � Will have reason tor'be -Proud Of I ,90ondkI athlete. T411 and ispare, be been alulost Intolerable- Under -the In the ex0tement at the moment footfalls, hurried through the Igug A PATHETIO LETTER, Ito know the worth of money, ex . *ept � ! .- its Rppearance--not only lOr A could even now give many far, young- rays of the plorotag sun, and the night Pluma was qulto forgotten, for ll�n , . axes t � I I I r-.) ... . a a ther's room. by .suffering from the lack of it, A V.- el, short while, but fOr at 90004 JOUIrr or men thilin he a fair start and a was coming on in sailell sultrineso. inlitAut only she glanced Wittorly at, ill .. - while, , , Waiting in a hundred yard sprint. No breath 'of cooling air stirred the the sweet, faIr face resting against so one seemed to notice Plama, In ' I I _% f. used to keep -myself entirely on, � FRESH ! - � -q) ' - .. . I her father's shoulder, framed in a along. by theIr aide, toward bar own twenty-five -hillings A week," sald a . I , Some three yearo'back he was Owing- leafy branches of the trees', Mal still- her dripping robe, creeping slowly happ�, bride, Who bad given up a Gov.. % I - Ing along in front of tile Royal No- Ross was broken only by thei chirping mass Of go4den hair. The child . � . . � I ,_ . little chamber. . AMSATS of the orieketa, and the five -flies 011110had her small hands until she al� Z eirument appointment to become the I - r, I I , . I when 4soutxy stopped him, ,,You twinkled for a moment, and were moor once 4eigning a glance #01 " Now X shall think myself rich indeed . 11 .. , -0.1 1'� 'PAIN I' . 1. ­ vIlle artillery barracks at HalstuiY, cried aloud With tile intense It was quite midnight when bar fa- 0 W wife of a struggling young artist. "o-_1 -I I i t1hor sent for her. Plama suffered � ill ght in the long,, grasses., Valli, never . , .. t TS, t . I %au't go any further, the road lo then lost to s! - . - � . . t bar fatberis face, in that on .him to kiss, her, giving back no ans . . to keep house on the same money, and ; . I - 010fiod to -day," said the man, "Do you On .one of the most prosperous Plan- a , . a, in- . To he n, stunt the evil seeds of a life -time were wortng caress, 4 . without earning it," I : will give you reasonable know Who I autt" qaerledl the aston- t4t!Qns in tbut section Of t COU , "I have brought some one else to Had the daughter of a wealthy inn . Imbed admiral, whio.was not atioustont- txy there was a great stir of exotte- IlOwn strong as life and more bitter . my darling," lie said. "Seeo 11111 . n .. . . ri4a wben you see them on 3rour 11 than death, you � � - left bar father's luxurious home for gouse. trgish in color and style, , �*d to having marine sentries exercise mant; the master, Basil arlhirst, 1* � .. eoononileal 4nd dur-kble AsIc Pluma-a new mammal' And see ,%'4,i At the artist's modest little studio, she . . � authority over him, The man replied Was Momentarily expected home - !Ourniug halittily aside she sprung � � I "V"Is J11411-. would have wept bitter tears over that I , W I . L - your dealer. . w�bo, also ' '- a .,. I -a we., dimpled little sister, �', . . at be 41dalk know and , didn't with his bride. The uegroosi, in their hurriedly down the long corridor, and ke . I .A A!%!, . . 1. . tal � in long Out. Into the darkness and tba, storin, With golden hair li mammals, and I 1k V � 14 paltry twenty-two shillings It woek� � J .! 0. RAIRY & SON, P0101 Bus I ,_ � sure. "Out I am. your commander- ,beat attire were scattered anx great blue eyes, ' Lt-ttle Bvalia is " . � Why, it would be nothing for .her to I . I .. ... � . 10 there, watching never stopping to gain breath until .. N 4 \ . . MONTREAL, Est'd TE42 . 1�n chief," expostu,latod the admirril, groups hers and jour sister, dear, . Pill= must love 11 I bad for a long time been thinkir.rc (. spend that and more on the Purchase i . A.) . eagerly for the first approach of able bad quite reached the huge pop- hk � I ftAP%1W,%,,l1iti,,%," ,ft -4,1%,%%"***,%%A%A&4%q*,%e%,Iqi,l&I%A&# Vor a minute the man stared at him, ir now manima awl Wiliter for-patitt'o trying the Tasteless 15amarial Prosorlp4oii of a single bat 1. How, then, oould'gho _ . . * bite derous gate that shut in the garden I - out on my husband for his drip k- kaitp . I then turnod away, jerking his thumb 'their master's carriage on the w . sake." . . . treatin � . house for a whole week on the � 4 everhusaboulder, and exclaiming In I I Ing habits, but I was afraid he would diQ . , . . . . saircoetio tones, "Chuck it I Chuck pebbled . road� ' from the dense thielrot that skirted The dark frown on the childla face cover that IE was giving blin medicine. Price of a hatf . . I -"-,'�­ . . . 11 I . it V And Sir Michael might have The curtains of Whitestone Hall till's IoOuLboxn portion of the planta- never relaxed., and, witih"all impati- and the thought Unnerved me. I hesita Again, the I) hos- had P' 11 � - ----- . . I . had to tarn baold in di400mfiture had were looped back,. and a cheerful t1on, 84M laughed a hard, mocking ent gesture, her father ordered her led for nearly a week, but owe day whet . .u#lnesz�girl F "I... � &lit an officer who saw the 000mrre flood of light shone out on the waving laugill that sounded unnatural from . lie came home vM inch Intoxicated an( tua corners kn6oked off her, She � . ties . taken at once from the room. his week's salary nearly all spent, I throAl doesn't expect to be 4 Inn � . I ' some to his aid. The sentry's too cotton'fields that stretched oat As childish Jipis, and she saw a white Su,ddenl)r t1he great bells ,of White- offall, fear and determined tomake at I . , in de ch of R 7, R 0111111 :N I rigid performance of 'his duty result- f ar as the eye could reach, Ilke 0: field hand hurriedly loop back the silken offort to gave our home from the rul IsaN and fussed liftei., In fact, she would 1. oil in his baing m%robed off to the . stone Hall coased pooling for the coining, at all hazards. I sent f n 11) 1. think this rather boring than other- E � I E .11 �. of gilow. The, last touches. had(been Cluxtains !of her father'; window, and joyous , ption, a I Ili I gua,rd-rebm-rat3i6r hard upon a man . birth of Basil Harlhurst's Tasteless Samaria Frescri wise. She would rather be treated 0 - . I , -the Villars of ro as that fill, saw bfill bend tenderly over the gold" daughter, and bUter cries of strong It in his coffee as d d L.� , . who dould. not bet expected to assool- given to 3 for t a ... n, . m E . &to the tweed -'clad ,gentleman ,before ad overy avallable n000k and corner, en-hairsed figure in the arm,ohair. � ft anilwatchod and prayed ul; with ordinary deference and as a ra- I t, . . . " bim with the awful majesty of the Suddenly` that sound of her own na man in mortal anguish rent the'air. At noon I gave him more and also at su. tional being .tbau be called 411 the I I ' . 11 port admiral. making the summor air redolent with - . . me No one I bad notAced how or whe,u the per, He never suspected a thing and - ' most ebilearing names -in the world. ' ,� � 11 I . . , I . thsix adorous perfumes. . Mrs. Cor- fell Upon her ear. then boldll kept right on giving it rogt We h wo jai I t Intilishe I a Jyi ra,.1fil'oll I), rtr itt of the QuQen, i I � . [Ili ep" _. . sweet, golden -haired young wife,had larly, as 1 04 discovered. isometbing tha .Thus unlike the spoilt home -bird, in- ,,, I � ;(,46"l (C), cit s R It cize 12.x 9, ro igy for fr.pnin4r. As eye i y pergon HAS DEPARTMENT "Plania'" wbi'aperad a low, cau� a smile on bar lips, she stea*d' of -fretting for tbe.lo'ver's caress- 11 of owi,� or i6ollicont works of art. wo would Mrs I 61BERIA . 16s, who had maintained the position -died. With set every nerve In my my body tinalin: I 11 I I i . . of bousekeepar for a xcorB of years tious voice, and In the quick flushes -a with It and happiness, and I could se . . � routorepres"alas. Wo give yonyocr aholco of . , ; . . STORES. . 0 l� d at this window twimt- Of lightning she saw a white, hag. was As A, with bet tiay little darling a bri 1.1rifuture spread out before Ine­ as in the husband she � is per4eetly con- - . 36 VA.14UABLV, PRLOATIJIM.4 I . � or- mor , sto 11h, . 11111 i pressed. close to -her pulseless heart. peace ill, haypy home a share in the to Slanaof which are illustraWd aboo for selling 6 lit, more, of the I ­ 1314gaveatchensk, In Siberia, is a city tag a 0 ' her gard %�oman's face things of 11.4e, an atientive, lol-Ing Tia: tent With'a steady affection. . Queen Portraits at. 1Q cow, write, ct once im Iwo will,eend - of about 40,000 inhabitants. It the telegram, .she held in Pressed close Bat sorrow even,ais pitiful, as death build, comforts and overytbiug else den I ". � I . . .1 . . tiastivilly., Also oat fall wistrated sho,�tot vontlu;ns, Soll 1148 hand wit), ill-vooneealed Impatience. agaimst the grating, and two white but rarely travels Wingly, Dear toawoman's AeArt, formyllusbandlitiv I .0- . . � 'ibo.i,oi,tjiLiti��eiiirs)ibeu)oneyauiwo.�s-,Ilmeris tharize6ou I . . , . , . . . selectfree. 7'111',ItOYA,I,A(JADF,,)IYPUIII,l�3 ING 0. Jitiany fine buildings, including four or hando were steadily for h told me that whiskey'was vile stuff &lid It . . : Doi) .rta ent 161, Toronto, Oat, . ' The anfiouneement of this home-com- oing the rusty Heaven! bow could they 'tell -the brok- I . . I � five Greek churobleA, one Of -which is Ing .bad ,been as.unexpeoted as .the look. There was no fear La The fiery, , was. taking a dislike to It'. Itwasonl- SIBERIAN ROAD BLOCKE0. . __ * I an,bearted man, who weVt in such too traq, for before I hal given him t11: � , �_ . I . I - I I I I . . . a cathedral, and'one in in process -of news of him marriage bad been"quite rebellious beart of the dauntless agony beside the wife lie 'had loved im. full course he had stopred drinking alt. . ; . . , . . . I I . . � LONDON ANARCHISTS. OFF WITH THE CASH. I a a.1 rge tile art- a year -before. * � 'Id., . � . I No Frel4dif FJ.vix,pt War.31aterfal l(aillrd an - . . I olonstruction. Besid.e . Q. . P . Oba . well, of another mighty sorrow til . at gether, but I t .61V n him I a ni 6 . I . Mie'LliK0. . ' . . 1. The headquarters of anarchy, I After all, appearances don't amount, . wout store of a German firm, there "Let - there' be, no guests assembled !`GO,,Rw4Y, Y�Ou miserable beggar. It ad 01 I I a one, and t all sent for at �. �. . I .n I . I fallen upon him? Who I was .0 0, I It o hand if he shoultit ' ' . � Lon -don are in the byways around to much. I � is qL Rusaiiia department isitore which * my reassona will be made, apparent WOrnall," she cried, "or I shall set the L a o d done from promises]) . Recent lett�crs from Moscow, print- . � I : . would hold.. its Own, i " Broadway or 0 a , 1=046 On you .,� t1hare that could break the new . k a never has; and I am writing yc ad in 'the European papers, are� full Goodge'atxeet, Tottandiam.Coard Rd., That's riglit. It's the disappear-.. I)a to you later on," so read the t legr In . a. t once Do you bear infant . I bixth avenue In point of, size and. Which puzzled the h me, I say?'. I . . . him T The , tiny, fair-haired this letter to tell you how thonkful.1 aii - Of details concerning the inability of streets where you canobtain a five- ances that count most ; for: instance, � .. ' . . ousekeeper more .1 . . bad, been 'stolen from their midst. I .honestly believe It will cure the -or; course dinner for a shrilling, w! a in- the disappearaned of a trusted am- . . . n . equipment. .The building -Aa of white than she oared to admit io the in- "Who are. you I" questioned the wo- Th;,y would have tbank . . aseg.'s - 19 the Sib&au Railroad' to meet .the 6lu-tled and as I I . . stone and stands on one sido of the quisitive viald, - who stood near' her, man, in tale, same. low -guarded' voice. ad God if it ,. o ALL:-A'sample p­ivu strain imposed upon 1 . t.by the Clein- . � . . much broad. as you ploya ft9quoutly amounts to -thoup- -. . . I . . . . I , . bad .been i�iug cold. in Aeath upon" of -Tasteless Samaria Prescription gladl -use, an,d Where you-boax slx.la"u- ands. . I . . . . I ' . SENT FnFm With full partimlars in' 1111 ese campaign. Boyond-thit Urals it . PIP I . . . . . I . i __ '7- . 4rge market square, Where daily the ouriously watiah1mg her tboughtful The* child threiw her head , Is bosom. , 11 letters coUll�or is almost entirely otioupiet . I by the as . .. - '' . . �, . . Ill I its mother " age when.waliking 20 yards, Marty, — , ­ . -h their face. I I � % . PrOlidly, bar voice visin, ly va � , a . . ,. . . sountry people congregate wit .. . �br t ,wal,eill o '010 years ago Karl Marx, tba philosop or . - the wild . Slowly th;lroalrbou, the long night- 0,0 iy;.n Address The. f 4ranspor.tation of �VOR OVER FIFTY-YRA110 tresh supplies of milk, egg' to . Warring, of till I to aa- . . mari, al 11' . .1 .troops and military . . h - a and, but- . �"'P.ears to - me. It will rain a re r�h��relllll!t.. I... le Alght that was'never to a 1133 JordAn oxv of. econoinle socialism,,stary . wmarlovii"s soo,,VMNG SYRUP bist bm I � * ' ' � ..1. . that terrib . I Toronto Can a . � as. No goods are accepted fro)g .,ad near lit ter. The p�ricea miy be a little beav- they got have, �- Hagar," shi,Baid,'n6r- she answered; ' . . . a . . .. stor � . _y mothers for their children toothing. It soethe . . . I be forgottela7�thp solemn bells Pealed � I... __ ' . � bore in a top garret, whAe he wrote Naftalis, the gum, sillare pain, dam wind .1 . . ... A only oceas,� ... ma hithe bod remedY for dissrhiss. 25o.s boW& isr and the vairlaty A stock -not me. vously, and, as itt iA confirmation. of , "Know, thou, I am Plum* a ', the hdir- fo,,th from the turrets O*f WhitesIque ; . . -1 ­ I pirivate consignors an . . oil dmgq ;isthraut2out the world. lie am I I .lAs monumontitl book oneapli.tai; and. MM c * * large its tu. the haunto 'a our Amer!-' her �vords, a few rain -drops splashed efifs of WbItegttoue. �Hall.-, I . , . . . nd n ional trains are xaa for the cOnven-; I. . . fe,"JILM � owto ootmm syruw* - - . . I . . . - .1 Haiti, eeho�rtg in their a , 11 S -G111 and : .. ever sittee funatioal refoms av I . . I son shbppeTo, but one cannot, hol against the w1ndoW-pano' I I .. I -The 6h.Ud formed a. straiage.,vic�- , ou ;. -v - . The Busi, es . . The Lence of passengors, and it' is' OfLe� . I . — � . .. P : � tur 11 . . happy is: the bride the mini falls, on.." . .� .. � - pla .' . had a constant , kinduass'.'for.. the . THE ARTIST AND THE POET. I I � % �, . . . . tooling auTprimad pit what- can ' be Both stood. gazing'. intently out in- , er-lier dark, w.U4 facii,.so, stra,"Age-1 I . Holne-Bird.. � - . .. difficult. to -find a ca even'. upon � . I . . . � . ­ � 1. I I 1. � . Ws t - troly -had been the fulfillment . . I '. one of' t-he'se. Tho�e io much di � ff i I- .Place., As you walk down ,Good.98 , )Pought In' this faraway part of. the, to the Aarlioness. - The storm bad now ly like the ' tori�uls W0jbdj ,g,own, . � . . .1 AFt�gilt,Wbat,a fine world, It Would �. .11 1. I . I . I . rays . n. .. of the feo�ifai prophooyt . The stak�-at-home girl. whosei-par� . . stireet, or go oil tbrough,tileimaze of be. if th�ar . 1. - world. including a laxg,e lection of commanded In, eurndst,: The great. St4liding .Vividly � . � I oulty in warki the road,: and. men I . . e wasn't auy.znoney� .. :, . out, Against the . ... , ug I I... . . , . I � � I . � , . ' a rk , Morciful. Godl" oried.Mrs. COrlil5s.: eats are bumbered among thi Well- I -rom ail'the lines hitokways to Old'Com,pton'st, ' . 1. I I I toys, oamerits. and ipbotooleraph gap- tirees beilli to and fr6 Kke raids be-- crimson lightning flashei. ,her il 1112 . - . . . .. I I have been drafted 4 . , , rest you Poet -Is tbeirs.1 � . . . . . . .� .. . ow shall T. break the news �1,0 LAY.. to-do, has far more, opportunities, . . I inny see gom�'of �the most f I . . I �.., — . . .. plises. - . � I .1 I ,, � of bi En I among re- I %. . . i I . . � I , fore this inind; the lightning flashed, anvIs bloWil about her.gypsy-like fa . ropean Russia, it 4oloule w4Lrell . . , ..., 1. . I I . � _"_______-O�� , I . , , I ' as, master ? The 'sweet little la be is meeting possible ouitorts and marry- and, a -daily. bonus, to work , volatioril'its., ,in Itallan,wiliose name* . I I . I . .. .. I.. � - � 1. .. . . . . . end the terrific, . crash Of, ro'aring A00 red ILTS.-OUXIIng, scornfully, bar, , go a I., I . . .. . . - o1i the 81- - . .$100. Rewards ,$ !00. . . � . I � ­ . . n : . . ink well than �he gicl Whose time Is boxi,n &-vision. One .of tle� great turns faces poLla. in many' oLii readers of this Toper . will b . a pleito6d to I . . � as, is a The L � . 0 thunder mingled with the torrent*of .dark eYes-.gIeam:mj. . . ­ 1. ' . . . . i�a d � k For answer Hagarbont quickly over almost entir.ely taken up in,the strug-., ttroub, I � common fig,ure. So far " the Ital- fearu that there Is at east,one dreaded disease ­ . luabl o . kitin that:boat farlously� against' the * "Plu ,". calls th�a wo, . . . I elf i's the lack Lof proper an- . I . . . . � maul soft' 'her and.lorliathed . � . that nolerioe has been able, to cure in 'Lill Ito . . . . .1 . , .� I I . I a few words in bar , gle for. self -maintenance. 'The f ormer ... Ian . anarchis(s,' in London have & 'stages and that to *Catarrh, . I — ­ . . casement, It seemed ,its if this very, ly, "come here.,, .. �. . ' . . .. � gmes;. , -Break-downs are frequent, I . Hall's Catarrh . I . . � I .1 . . ­ I . I . I I � . . "Ho . .1- I ear -that eaused-her to cry oat In has littleialse to do but, attend to- xalus are 19"abject to leAd1er',*,ZAriCD. Malatesta is iba,man cure to the Only PoRitive'rura now known to � � I . I � .. and even troop L � . . . . . . . . . fraternity. 0itarrh being a conq, �gates of heaven. were flung,open , - ,W. (larP you, a begiar-Womano horror and amaze. , . her .dress, help In. the domestic ar- ,constant �oud . . -4 dark-oompl�xloued - and misery- Otiltional.dl�ease, requires a, convitational ., . � THE STORY OF M RJ& AGNES FORAN flo?, � . � the medical . L . ' .. ., or t., . . I .. . � . -delays .1 . -AX. , Wide Q� this_)iaaulbo�able night of the � call me V W he child, furiouslp . , ... prqlouged . - AJ . treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak a inter, , . � . I 6F HALir I I . I I . . . 1. . I I . "No one will ever inow." whispered. iaugginionts, and make herselfAttrac- - . . igare,"ho b�an from head to . I I . . . . I . . . . . i . . I I st.ricken f tially. acting directly i1pon the Vood and � . � ­ . indster',is return. - . . .. "PlUma, 'as I I along'the road the. leas of piovLsiolls I I .. 1. I I . � .1 . i--Oome-116re-1 . tantlyll, I Hagar; "it is the wiliest course. The tive and agreeablo;.thie latter spends . Pr I foo�_ the. stamp of .poverty, H! . a . � . 'Ebel irtath Ii burled ' - I bitve� is an fo. famine pt�lties, aw. ", I . . � I mutiou8surfac68-of the'systent, thereby des, . i , - ' - . rall.0wilt.. In llaut nam 14tis .o.7 tilkeLungpi a Se- . �'Xt is a fearful alght.' Ab I happy Tibere was a subtle, something in ' ' - In traveligg, workingbard . . . I tro'y,luk the fouridatloa of the disea,;o, and ..., ' � - I ' . , I I . . . W,111 a in bur.Jawd all bar time L + btiard, )r the patient strength by, building . ' 'I Me- , - � . -d worth almost t -, - U 3 111 vert cought Set lit a id Her DocAtir. said is Qja bpido upon ,Wh6se ho coming stiranger's ' Voice - that I - an . oats . are oa often -see, is- of toany days' gtv nf . ... . bbed - (ill do:$,,. retu ruing home tired in the Id. . . g,ro I 7 work... The propriato a have go, I . Her Ca*se Was Illopelau D willifims, hearts, and dle with'us.' ,- - ` L .' - � wth his olothe;5 ar eas a6d a. not I ution and as .igtlag naturo in doing . I . Ire thi .0. , W . ,so weiwh.t in go .. The inhabitants. much faith in . MAU PJ11A UaveJ1b-iIoR;e4I lirer neallia. ,swilight falls," muttors,4 Mrs. tfllroug�h the chUd,s pulse like lsap-w .0 .0. 0 * I evening. Mar vdinploxion. is not� *<.)rn,. -his f oieboad . is Kr9rowed, and its curative powers, that tboy offer �Xka. Hun- . . , . . . . .. . the difforient towns on the line 4 6 theite is rigOoNyl above his d6op.Sst dred Dollars for any cassi that it fails to cure. . . I . Coriliss under her breath, . "I .:, '. I%g fire -a litrange, mysterious in- Swweeks from the 'light' bisf 9014` f . , , " . 0 From the Recorder, Halifax, N. S. . Nagar. had caught . the low -spoken fluence . t1hat bound art and .. reali Lis her .butterfly sister's; her oom; I , Uls I. I . ipe led . to provide food, chiefly eyes. Sometimes yon Will see La Simd for list of test) moniai-. . I . . .. . I . , her, he . sn,bairoA Wife had died Basil Hurl- dresses, ar plainer and'quieter; yet, . . .. Michel, Perhaps on her way to 'the Address. F. J. CHICN . . L L . I � a . BY &CM* Toledo. 0. , Mrs, -Agnes Foran, ivito resideb at wordej slid lift a. voice that � sounded Soul,' like 'thle. mesmOtic influence W, I rusks made out. Of the ordinary black meat ma . : Sold bidr1upists, 75c, - - I'- , . � I . . 1 , burst awoke - to consciousness frorn whren it comois to the question of I . 1 rk,at In Titchfield street for Hall's &Ta Y Pills are. the best � 31 Agricola street, *Halifax, Ni S., StTdulge apd.weird like a Warning, serpent .exerts over a fascinated dove.'. the ravages of brai-n-fover-avoke. I . . . � I I biread of the, country, for the-18OLlie,r1si bar supper. : Louise. Michel. mll *1 � . . . . . . . . , � . I to mai riage, ous. has ofily to look rou fid - I . . y 'be, toile a wonderful- vt6ry' of ber..Oonl­� phq, answered ', . - . . � I I ­.. . Slowly, basitatinglyt this child, whos�i ' 'see w , 1_ who areLou their, way �,tv. the Chinese' and no doubt it,. the most violent of I I . . . . , , , � I. life 'not worth the living. Quickly to ,bichvf tho.two would make I . . . WILLS. , . I . . .. � . Plate rostoriiioii to health, after a 'Yes,. and unhappy is the bride upon fkry will b4d never bowed before har. a I . r, was- the best Wife. - - . . . . P,ron.flor. lu ,somia places the 'value demagogues -in. speecir, but -1-doubt if MoSigger-Jigsby ,turned over a � � .1 . . I . � I . I I : . . Mrs. -Corliss, 'the � housekeepe I . I * I I I I I � to -day she coulJ find it Ili her heart * . Wotiacted and. distressing 'period of Whose holmo�coming rain7dropl, feill,l, Inan. power, came i timidly' f orward ,% of this Commodity lias,riieiri. to ten .or ,i now leaf - He sa�s hereafter he% go� I - . . . seut for, Who moon entered tbe:r'00133, ''The staynat-home jlr� is" the girl - . . . to .hurt a fly.- . This poor, balf-ciazed, ' " extireme illness, and she, attribates ' How, little they . know, as they step �J step, close to thw #on gato I .1 . . : . .� , for. me," says the unthinking youtu. twelve times the�ordanary rMte; and 'Wholly -in " ' EAk to work with a will, .. . .1 � . I eaning upon Hagar�g arm,� . I lAtif ul wom. is tragedy in- . . har Present happy ,condition, undo . r stood there, -of. the terrible tragedy agaius.t Which the iwoma'a's face wwasl I I I . not say "' She is prettier, more girlish, and t1i4i scarelty of provisiolig is � ould to carnate. ' To hour her 'speak to Thingaca . -he has to, : lie .1 I . I . I . , my Wif 0, Is-" He Could � . ' . . " I ' S left =tym rich, ugalela. . � . , . PrOviden". to thi marvellous- quall-. m-�ha cruelest, ever sna§ted-those Piressed., She stretched out. her 'hand, I - * I be, causing ran exodus.trom, central carch.the pDignaut ruisery of ba� ev-- w, I I . . . . . 1. � I . more. .' - I . . . .. futore domostioatell.1w- . - . . . ___ , . When Xrg-'Foran wars c gr4u, ellent Wallis 'of � Whitestone and it rested for a! -moment in t I Siberia toward European Russia'. in- ,cry to realize the unhappi- � . . ------- . . ,alled, upoo by . beneath yonder wit- This may be.. She would be a. pretty . I nesslono, is fe., face, - - . MONTIRSAL 1110T1111. 0111111 * � ' . I he' "Buried air. . ., .. . -.1 . .,.her H gorbloodless . .. . . . - . — � : . . . ' L . I , . -little houselcooper,,no, doubts ke,bp the 'he on 1_ , AL revresent�stivG,of the Acadian Re� Hall were soon - to'Witness. -in child's dark 'curls. . s to 't actual e A' -ooping, miserablja figure, tell of 'T.119 0111'BalMoraillil Free Bus " ' I � . . . 101W..k . � . _. . I . . . I . . �her st � . corder, who statod'hin ml�ssion, she mont of the strange prophecy. = "Pluma; .the gate is looked," Ae - , And. the ba.bap, he cried, eagerl .' � pla4e no4t. and spotless, an k tion of affairs is guarded jealouslyby this sudilest of all anarch4sts. . . � .1 .1 I . . I . .. — ­ - . y . Ay,,6 . I . sof tly, aln ' the ` autborltiels,� . I � . . I � 'the tnaIA, had .soaicoly'ceased ipeiak- said- "Do you kittow, wbaxe the keys� "Dead." an'swered ; H�gar, ­ . � . I O' I . . . . � I Tcoo thei . . A--- 6 �SE_4VKO'�Inm7ij_a�l !t_ ' VIENUE 0 At- 26S loordilally. welcomed blin. to lier pleas . . . - . d ' tiest, little dinners in the world. . �alod. it is .thought I I - -4ftetil'. U.,4 -ret. $,.o . aut ballia, 4bors, 4.6'the presence. of � Ing ere, tale, .door was flung violently are fl, . � . � I I I I . ontent that mlttt6l�g are much morisdrious * . .1. . . . �Vv a". . I , � ' Both are-buried:in'ona grave," But would the average man be c I . May lievar 86rious. This year. . . . ' , , hor mother and i6te , ly open' and a child of.-monale five sural , � :".No," ithawlsio4 the..obilld. . . . . . . � 11 ­ . . * I � � Id - . ' .. . . .. I . �­.� . . '.. I . r, she freely told . I : - 0 * �Uasl).Hurlhurst turned his face to With that? ,Does. he '-marry because .In Eastorn Siberla,than any ons�wou Hay Fo a pears to,l) AV , . . . . the 'story Of her alakness..anil recoil . ­ * . "' � . from . -j ,ALL THAT STOPPED Hl". . . . . . . .Mrs,rulshedjuto the room, bar fade 11hey. Used to �fiang behind the . I . AupaXio.r gather -tha'afflicial bulleti;fs. , . 'Mrs. Farnier-Do you k . flow how to � . , I . I . . I � - I ­ . the `Wuili- with 'u bitter groan. . .ko Wants a cook or akind.of . . . Of a very viruletat type. developinj . . . I � I ary.. She said.. "A flow yearg'ago i livid witb,passiou, and her dark, Pantry door -a. 9 ' reat bunch of ill r em., . Heaven forg'I've thein-thia seeds of .111,011sokeeper f . Let. us. have a . bo#or' , . . , � - � � . I . . . . 1, :.1. '.1iflawmation.of ill . a Ittilgd, E�.i I . � , I . . . � . . dent-; hansli, I ,. . . suffered a severe attack of inflamma- 91611milig eyes* ishining 'like. banefut Don't, they- babig. there,now 11, �: I �, . ' �. . do � . . in many Instances into congestio land a an ax f I . . . . I . '4 ....e,.11. the.bittlarest of tragedies were irjc� opinion of him,than that. He marries . * "I r . . . . . � ' I . Weary.Wraggs-If I ldid, lady,, . � . . . Ye I . % � � y Hay Fove'r should rifled ,I . . . I use he'wauts a' wUs and a oom-� ' : ,ortuniate, Ai3c I.. tion of the lungs, and ,was attended stars, before which the two: wGineu, I . no,t be, t .. . . I .. . � vdcably sown. . beca TURF FIBERS. . . .� . with. 'A most Wouldn't do -it Ving to d&t bi i ulti by 6 . ' I , . � I . . � � . ,. � I . . overy , . I I ISO . . ne of the beat Physicians in the, involuntarily quailed. . . "I toxingbt so," muttvrett the Wo- . (To 8a, Coutiotio.) .. I pauion, and as long as-t1kings are fair, I � '' , . to. thig class 01 sufferers is that' ' - . I , . . . . sitY, I pulled t -yougb'.but was left "What is�thls Ibearl, sbo�criod, man, triumpbantly. ,,Now, listens , . I I � I I � Are Ntily 11"1119 1�hedl 131 Ill." .31;11ill 414:16v marvelloun -microilx killer, 'vvhIj-h . . I L: W P V 1045 - ' III . . . ly comfortable, he is not Particular I I .1 L tW . ... . 1. . a complete wreoft with , wild. energy, glancing ,fteredly Pluraot; I Wdrut You to do exactly as. I . I --01111- I . . I . . . 1. or Pliller., -1 (luring the, past I !!ftn��!!.!___ __ __ - _! , . I so that I could, . I I as to the condition of big home -in to years line been . � __. . . . ' `11019!� r . ' I � . � . . . I , .* not do any ,work, suff' ing..all the -from the one to the other. 1116 it U4 YOU. � I ,Want you to go,quickl I 1. . a .AceordLng to the business columns found so absolutely ce.rttl.d in. 'all - or I . y 1. FOR OtJRXS AND BRUISES, facts he Objects to Aussiness, an vages of Hay Faver� Asthma, Brow . .CALVER 1 V 1 . r . . . r is and quietly, and 'bring, me the long�' I 1. I of it Relohenberg. newspaper, an chitis, Catarr& It is I r Carb#11ar . thrad from Palpitatiour of the heart. true what they tell me-ra fathe grumbles at having tu. ch , 6141ftfootiantio. 440 a. ClInt, . y . . range his very strange 12141"*WrTsoth Powderiiii, oito6ap been nervous prostration � and a ringlnk bringing home his bridel" est and thinnest sp,ne. Mou ire not toi - Q!116 VaOst important Point in tile boots or clear up, his Papers. A prot- Aust-ralliton manufactur'er, in his how people will persist in it I . � . � ,, r sing snailf� AWAVdid 100 medals and diplomas' 1111 or Bound In My head, I also had, a dis- "Plumai- my qhtld.", . remonstrated IXsathe one word./ot tftis to.any liv- treatment of burns is to at once ex- search'for a cheap ra material for oint-wenti; and Washes which are not 02"U= Their regular rent factil. . , � ty wife does not satisfy a man now- . � . but al.q Use egg. on* d a= I 4)ftsming I 3fxs. 0orlims,14ebly, '11r-­�11 . Ing gout. Do you undieffitand, Plunut. elude the air. "to" Wool maturated I � . paper making, has -successfully ax- only disgusting to Us,_ I to Ask your as er sib n a I . . cough and for months . � %days. He wants,to- be outertained a otipply. Malled frame a It tion. . !ill tart., It, is alleged - c , arried by dirf a! most . F, So GALVERT & 00.9 never know what it wan to have a "Don't Plains. Met'.' retorted the -1 command you'r(to dd it.11 with sweet Oil is a safe and effective peplimented, w Catarrhozome Is very- P!eas nt-it. is . .,Yes.#, . . - and amased. TO be happy, he L�ust to tjhe� ,L atchiag �he deep orlinivin pas-. : � answered tho child, djubi. L application., Do not remove the dress ,Wife, r that from the cleaned and bleached I-eln,ntg agr cells r through tJI3 r Zmd 111ght's -re4to For two years shild,i 01 . . I 11 I I . . have a sinart a livelk wife'and lungs, it 11141ANCHES,rxis . . ENGLAND. ' I my life Wan, a. Perfect milsory to me .sion roses from a vaso at bar side, OUSIY- I I . . . . Ing until the.LirTitation. Ila$ subsided. a wife with V�Iant of tan as wall as turt fibres he produces a remarkably quickly destroys the germs, and.oures . - ____� I I , and u . and . tramVing them ruthlessly beneath "StRy' I" she oalled,,-ax the child was In thlaL country mothers often cover . . 'y durable paper . substance, Tbis mo- 3inaply lickcause there is nfoLhiiig )�ft sausawa tiaeffilrei-No* -froportatleas dead. ftglisil rider the doctor's. orders I took XAMOX186](186. For , that he has to r r . , r (,O excite disease, It is to'be had front Sheep* stod A lban rellableLsoodi as I a girls who have 4.176 been., patan P L - fit PARK, Xw k CO., wwftw 6=11161 till', I win nauseated to turn fr her. ,Why is* their eltUdrows buirne with flour. In co 'd A r Lon with War foot. "Answer tale at once, I abOu * t 0111 . , . I . seek further tban'tb thod is said to I druggists, ,Or the originators, N. C. ,,--_,!,,' mer Jrlmtv . . I . ' the OIGML of r it, bit all to no' Pair, ma7-has he dared do it ill : . the house lighted up to -night ?" serious easels a mixture,or sweet oil Lived a batteirfly existence at home. in varlous eiviUzed CountrJeS and to 1?.olaou & Co., Xfg ,CJJC�ml. ... . 9tS, 1, ,!ng_ bouglas Bro Wfia L " t rot the . . - sead, It to any adi ERS 12'4 Adelaide Sti . . Oft& My life 'deSpaiTdd of P-1-il-m-a V' Mrs, Oorliso advances Again the reckless apirl .and molasses is f avodred. V"elinis will ,,When I marry,,, said a young mail be meoung with, gratif METAL ROOF 5,1 by . forth. I L I � sufficient. If the . ying success, � Ston, Out., will . Iress all iny frionda who, "re $Insured toward her, bat the"ohild turns bar child flashed. r . . sometimes be air Lh .a L Paper of various' kinds pasteboard 112 Canada -or Vnited -States, post and I 'PRONTO; oi�i:l . by . . . � . a other, dayi Pit will be girl who ' duty paid, for $1.00.' , the doctor thifit My Oaae W" beyond darkly bottutif'Ul; Willful faeOL to_ "X,v father Ims ,brought home hia is kept away nature will generally re- b I ,I 'and paper bologr are, now made out 1. 1.11 , RENCH CLE ' . . Ward bar With an itupericus ,,,,,,,,.r bvidet" She Said. " never been farther than the vi - . - � . the reach of burnan akill. r Was vis, I "Don't ypun see him store the tilisua without other assist- of turf and are declared to be of good ' . AN11NQ*- L . Igo in which she lives --4. sweat, o0un- I I HOW A JAPANX -M HERO Din, n. I Par . I Vith quality and to have great VoWor of . . de UP 06048 Suits In CIO 11, velvet, Bilk .. Ited bir the clergy of my church and "Do not come a stop n61tror.,, cried bonding ovor,her, toward the. third ance.. . . Fri, lng&nd6livAluit�lehoukonabgtllgA,Ilothlllg . . . � try girl, unhardened.by' contact � resistance. . . A lieutenant of engi weun � . Lthe abitd, bitterly, ,yor Iaball fling window yonder Ill I . . Table 0 or fresh butter ,x abbed im- I I . . I I neers at Tied quallbifillenebythe , , I I , gliftists of, Charity, Who were very from the WIudOW dowl OA..to The Woman'S O$ea .t . the world lit � . I Tsill, With three.sappers, crept up in .. L 111111711111H A"111114AN DYKIN4 00,, Monfrgat, I I I ,.- --.---- kind And sympathetic and looked up. 1317861f n . LUiokly followed medlat6ly on a slight bruise Will Pro- "Then you would make the biggest ' ____ ­­_�__ the dark an dplaced a char a of gun. - . I ' L , L ton me ad one whosto earthly raw was Me rook below. I shall never ' wel- In We direction Indicated. - vent -swelling or diefiguroment. Bat mistake you ever'made in your life Ill . I . I 19 I . � 11 . . . . I about ran. I exper'Luentod. with till come my father's wito,hera �, and mai* Was it a curse the woman! mutter- if the birulso !a severe of course a1ittle ,You Would . cotton at the, fiago gate. There was . . -t I I . I I I . I said a practical friend. ' I awd a charge. of Oun - ­ I I �be darkand ph - ._ I . JW Sorts of reluediles for liny coughs but Me, botft of you, I hate her I" she. ad as she watched the fair, golden- raw beeffs teak Is better. A slight bruise got tired of her in a month. Take ray . 99 cotton, but Lt dailed somehow,* and, as � I _L. I Without avail. My druggist at laat criedi vehemently. "She shall rile haired young &J_wlfa,s headi resting way often bo'best treated by scom- advice, and when you do marry, choose BACK . .." I .. . 11 H,arlhurst's breast, his press wet with witoh hasol. . . . da light was dawaing already', the . advised Me to.try, nr. Willi,nitst pink the dAY' that she WaS borill" AgAiwt BrIgil 7 I t % � I a wife, Whose ch"m lies, in her four Japanese falti that their x . .0 . - *rs. Corlita knew but too wel� the ,:lrms. eials . lovingly about 1herl Tho first thing to do with amprain and bar. developed I Pills. Being fairly diesooluildged, never ,paid self-holpfulness ver was in dangir, of failing, so one ., I'll, . I - . illelebil IWAs perallraded to make the child w,ould keep her worA. So pow- ."Go, Plum& Ill she, commanded, bil;­; is to apply watser aa 4pt its can be mind, Select a wife for everything AC H E of them f iied the charge *11h a . .. I k" / I - trial. when to the sa;Prise and joy or, "Va Godo could stay the turbulent teXly." z ' . - 'borne, and repeat Until the pain is but her Ignorance, and you will not match, blowing hinigelf to death and , 0, , ­ . I of Inymelf, family and fritiad,J biag,u current of the ungovernable, self- Quickly. and cautiously tb6 A�bild gone. The hot water mai be showered � go far wroaff.11 , glory, and giving entry to the allied . I to, imt better, and by the time I bad Will Which Would drag her oul to her sped on hiar fatal errand tbirought-the on the sprain or wet clothis way be uMd And there Is a great deal of truth army. HL4 comrades rushed in and I tAkeA seven ot eight boxon I w,,,, ,, dOOM- No hunlan .1mlAg could hold- storal and the darkness. Ai moultint I it frequently renewed., The foot or In this. A vilau takes a, faudy to it ? I ", . 'allnibod the internal gate and burst AR E YOU WEAW). - Wall ad' you seat me now," arld she In subjection the fierce, untained will later she had returned with' the key ankle 'can be conveniently . immersed Are you SuMering from neryous - . which was to unlock a World ob jimis. I girl he hall seen but three or four the inner gate ,open. The Chinese, k1drey, liver or stomult coagIdluts, la tiful, youthful .tyrant. I in tile hot water. The next thing is I tism, lame back. pain* or at es in ;;.k UghinglY added, vl I think you Will of the beau ti.ines-perbaps on the tennis-eourt, T youh%va BAckiachd you bAve I h L .0.: -.1 . admit that , X doWt look very tau There had. been strange rummris of cry to so many lives - . Milney Disease, If you neglect. always cowards at close quarters, f atir bod any part . Dr? Do you &01 ycurseff growl 4 all "Promise ,me, PT�ma, heiress of tio, keep the injured part thoroughly or at a friend's bouso. She 1.1 pretty . made no resistance, bat flod into the 4r)e e D d too soon w,,n the unhappiness of Basil Harlburst's Whitistone Y.40,11, never tb tell wba,t warm, This � by Winding it Backicho it Will d,ovelop lilt* ?' Ifyouareatuatt tg like a sick woman.,, Her mothe'r. who is done .and girlish, and woJI-dressed, and by .somethin worisa--Bright's DI&- town, where promptly ensus.l. brisk tile weakutss that results from abusing the lilws ' til nature, I tau guilta"t6e You a care in three � had baeu listening to the tale of bar former marriage, No one remember- YOU.' have done or seen at board to, -j I with wadding or f ]anmel. The less and by the two become engaged. it eAse of filabetes. Thera Is no streat fighting for awlille, but by the ths, 116th WY wonderful alectrie Joelt . "190911ter'd I lOng- illness, added: " it ad having seen her bitt once, quite five nlght.. You must never idare bre*tbal a sprained Raab is u�ed, -the quElator he is fortunate, he finds out his Wis., use rubbing and doctoring your thus the sun was fairly up the city moll Just saints like a dream to as all iba year4 before. A beautAftil. woulan It while you live. ,Say Ton will never . back. Cure the kidne S, Thom was taken, THREE MONTH$' TRIAL. . t I . -_ I � Any honest tritin can uoli tell. -plumA." It Is kept, the xalar4 likely it W to take,before it Is too, late. Even Is only one kidney mecrichia but Itiontlis, mind pay ,,, mY'APPIlancetliree ad at . ol)J When cured, , .. " get well quickly'. . he sometimes sacrific'es him future � It curels Backacho ovety e1m6w. 'Green Ceylon and India Tea which llet"Itiful illustrated book wb ch tells of ray, . We Ance despaired of her life, when With a, babe bad suddenly appear � ll$o' I driedi th,d ohid. -LI shall nev,at I � T. . 'We now $oo her thriss pink of hoidth.io Whitelstone, Hall, announcing herself ,ill I I I Ift 1, I � . . I . . happiness by h�nourably carrying out is now being introduced into Canada, '1'e'Atliod of trolimetit alla giv011 hutdreds 6t . t!_*ftfttl fe.ra from ray rateful patients, sent cl()Aejy Mrs- VOrAn Said that When oil , as Basil Hutllrarstsa wife. Thera fivA I , If, .his contract. The girl he has mar- in the well known packagm of the scethdt firco. 41 ro4 'VWt to England ' about a year ago been a fierce, 'stormy Interview# ried Is vain, simple, and loarrow-mind- . "Salada " Tea Company, bas got one 130 Vongo lllt-$ Toronto. sh-6, contracted a. heavy cold and was and on that very night .Basil Iturl. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION lid. Stile bas but feW ideas 1wher heads' Dodde'S great advantage over J'apan Ten; and .. .. . . .. . . ­_.�. .__­­_.__. ­­ . il,breatened with a return If her huxot t4ok his wife and abild; abroad; . . I . Blinks. flons"oo, Oro, and those he knows by heart. Ito - Cathollo Prayer olflx^ 8640witro, 0 that to, white it Is of the same flavor IOUs Pictures. Statuary, sud Church orasin6sto, tough, but 6hic at Moe got ,some of those who bad once neon the datk,p VVith Its Dangers, Pain and ftpense Wid ThOr, not imagine how he could,. possIbly ' I and the aame, light coloring� liquor. it 1311.11ational Wait Mail orders r"To prompt M" 11,10116 *41. "10111.111111111lill 80,, Mont"". I X ' d a v to very z4uoh stronger and absolutely ,. - — t'41 Pills and bY the time Slid bad glor'ong# Scornful beauty Of the Wo- have been attracted by 6uoh a very 12 of rsiaiih6d New York she was as Wen luen's fA66 1116"A forgot it, TWO oughly Curad of Torturing Itching Miss by . uallIter0atilug WOMAD, Yet she Is as . free from adulteration, whieb.prac. . . A301dr-agall), Sberelatadanumt,or year" later t46 marAttr had returned pretty and as Well-dressod ai when he . 0 1 tically uo, Xgpan tea is. Ceylon Green MILLS, MILL6.4 HALE$, , Or, 0hase's 01n, stmen, t. . I ustriftine'etc. first taw hor. ; Ag6v6d of 1116t1trileam Ill which sha ,had ,dvig. 010146 WItU the little child, heavily Pill Tea is sold in the sealed Lead Packets LAW o4sWegl6yTitilldhige, ad Porboina suffering from chronic drali'Od In W1010"Viler'd Wffisdfl- Is Lt InY Wofiid6t that physicians Ono box oared me, so that the ludips Thus the girl who spends the best Alks" S� I , '.� , I N — of the " Saladall Tea Company find - - . ­ fohm ft W., Tornatim I 6d Ptroonil; suffering The magtar of Whitestone Hall was and 4toggista iirio unanimous In ve- dirsapptarled and " the external W to POULTAY MORI 1008i APPLESe from C.hronjo of her 106 Ill a city office has 41WAym fresh find fragrant as 011'AS AM 0*41 P2( DUOR. it* 0101mia beet roka,114 OW194- 14 003211116VAlli Dr. 0haaes Olattatint as swelling. I feel like adiff6rant main Part NEMT MASON. P1,041APS. 11 6olinplidtits to take Dr. Williame young; those who know his storywore thie only aditual oura for pued t Its IL to a and avie not the least doo far botter proApeota of married hap. healthf ul, I . . I The Dawailiq CoMM!ssifin 06., Uiii !?Ink Pillil AnA OlwaYk ivith the il,aj not giiuprlsad thiat he elhould marry- ,flay woudlt,r tha6ml-blestetti,and Vtow- th'at r. It Ointment sAved me � l3rooes, reading newspaper -I'd like . , IWO Pluses, The strain of daily travelling to murder somobcay l. I --- . dim woot-markst A 061home tt.0 irtwoof's, . V"Ultil, She mentioned particularly Ito couia.u6t go tb�ough life alono.f. %dent btwsloss *V4 prof6asiolial men f rO a a r ,dangerous and pai .and *lose work may have stolen the NOT A HARD CREDITOR. __.. -1 11. I , , � ---.--.. � a Woos of hers living in Boaton who still they felt a Inkulelom Vity for the iWillingly testify to' the merits of a. - V suffer- Wife, anxiously�-What is the mat- To 96fid foe 6uo t, is lth'at"h'4',Vgyr'ee'a'rt'qsmto'pleasare bloom frrom bar choiek; she I D6 world owes m6 a livin" said 40thplate, ditfsi-4 ##eparatkou Which really caret piloo Ing may ter, idearest I folt"o, of sheet was run down and In a Wretched Soling Wife wV6 Was to W brought to ,s,W puta an end to, to* ttwturlag. 01. and t ankful boart that I 'igive wake b1doodis failures In bar flr*t at. Joiles, savagely-Heoro, that fresh MeanAlexing Mike. Music MUsla apid Book , oo-Vidition of health, but Wulf now 4 the bl)MA In Which dW61t ther child of (AsporoAlog Robingli Operatioltei this ttatilaofilal, knowing that Dr. tempts at owk6ty; but she hag fiv. young .reportov, in hit$ account of the Dat's Wh'tt,you're altva", sayin, anv, Of ditisount. - ': h414161 YOU'dir WOMMU Who OWed the )IL'i former Wife, Wifill the a060MOAnylifig risks expenses challea Ointment has done no Much tot, cry advantage of keeping a man's at. Blank *ffatr, has my now ithirt wiclat swereid Plodding pot�e. But I don't - 'And Data trd inor Idifigigr nooeaftrr. I)r. bit, Y61t art at I*rtftt liberty to Wsa down as a pink-and-soarl6t; crpa- fie's yon gettla, much, of it. I TeacheS w)th so"'A" ral" .. itit to thd U46 Of the Pills When ; Theta WOUM be bitter war to the Chag6pa Oin+jumut po"ItIvAly Ourels thin tmtimouml as son aft fit.for th# footion. She caft hold her own with fion V&3n it, should W pluk-and-Aky- AM, Weil, I MlWaYa Was Ono o'- deso WHALEY, the r0ortar was taking his leflv,a ,and botwoen tbom. go * otio I leted," of it I I 0a8y_,ROJft,, good.natuvo - � �ould ev6rY form of P1108, Whether Itehug, �baswfit 4fotharoi aimilarly aftl him,for she has had almost as much biZ And, Just to, think _d poople, I*d Mrsi. roran, mid; "I am ,vary glad to tl�ll 04 which 616 the NOALlos Of mordy �bleedlug or 1potruMA8. . __ Rol. 1. A, MIdwinj Haptiat miatitoro Worldly experience And ,she know$ gave him a quaTtor olgar to got it rat,her lto;t do world keep ftg old II,V. 1841 yo"Noi at, ' Atkon's, Ont., wtit6sto- Wanted 40yet"o,­` hil,to tbd opportunity to testily whittl and ItiatlAo wuld bt balitia ed. A.,Daprfias Vathodut MIAIA- , 1W over t wi�nty years 1 W44 a just how far money will go. vbttlumh kight I 0-h I . c ; Rov� 8, I .t , In'- dan be forever duanin, It. Totailto. 0"t, )WO 04us"on, I'Xidde Bdvmrd 0oulittv wiwii6 !t!1�-_----_--W_^ —. Dr. Williams' Pink Vills IIaV6 done , At that instant, through the ras.f. Ott0 ftiff6"t from itching And Mo- and Apito-woullila's greatest pitfalls . . ­­ ­ ._­__­_ __­ - -.--. --__!!!��.� I , :Ont., etoAos, ,-Ill was troubled with trading pilea, I natad IntitAy Volin4ales /** A for 016 k0d ,V611 0114 34.1i thAt I shall Lifig Of 06, fl,Orft 616MAtit, tho 60AIAd ittobing and blooding 1$166 t4r Yeats. *04 jUnd6twent thrm Vary painful -,64or long6r away Aer. ger life has 1i � '. # , %W�ALI FORNIA 10AV0 et&86 60 66und th6it PtAised, Of bIrttag6 w1seols Mmot6 upon their ;snd tl*y AdtilmAtely, attalutd to & surgical operatiollso All with4ut Obtalfk4 Improv6d. Mill mind, If not bat kip. � ' ,V&ty *Ioll5at f6rft TAt96 l=V6 Or Inir, any permanent banlisfit. When pearance. . I 401V 00 r, 4fid 1 Ums tb6 good Lord. that th6y vhk ,� /)& 4", 4 'el" 'tu ftilt t6 knb* att about tbWootidep- fAtfi, AS thO Vabklo daillied lto'Wlf up -tbeftfta formool so that it Was VrIthl � � 0 till 6 trial Read out XV11tv Book of rbliable ithout to gift uo W,de* w" told , A01 'Cination About the iL111mate, Xtiturlit Re. wilrb, Placed Ill my way Itt lk time the long &VOli" of 41$6 Porch; ,wh' PiLlf t 00 I -e Ile, ,�,#rdAt ,dittloalty and banaldev*bI6 "There (a no rossoning with- my 0 41ouftew 80,91i4wandeta.11"'ItIMS ftliustriod ­ I _�,� ­ , -, tv)?91 r� , I. I 1�tl '� - rrr ( i i 7—, ,�J I I I J� I 1�, I R I Astor, i" At &114 did wittily sgild itmuch worried man to his , 4 . . � ukadi, 5PQ1leti of thp holl, eittik tholl itutifil wh4ln I had "t the hope that I I'd another inst4ht, tha Young ff t6 111M W. ftsm's 'Olutthout 4 - .. &A that I WA* 016 to Stool. 116, 9111ding Mitt 0 tiftot. t Wd tbT66 1 4 4",, ,0.� 4 a, "ti ,� I I I I a IrfifteaAMPAtmo,ofave t6fthlyltiCaltilot- "Olmilt Ii -yo -11, half earrying thoslight, delieft.t6 iihil! #AV6r4 orlAk I 04rabAs6a I bof bot,big, and *14 iklmogt entirely o4wa, fitther-104AW, fit Ilia amlooked his ' el. fill 1Z rup's --�­A�_- - - OX Mr.. ILM13610 XAMMYOUT.0 Mt I lilt-ff. �2'L * L r 4# W:u I I (19ftd tOAt OW119 tilittlilly to lif '"" lHU10 OT 40 '(#Atlil in Iti as I hVil tried Tht Itching IN all gone, I hAVA, itdll" li(,usokoepiag, billet. "Sht' knows ex- I I _.e I .� Ilk OAR " r C JN# At natsig, bo I--,. �. hwrl#,dly entered the spdolous pAr,4 ;V$&jbtW rof&adjos Qoto. %lid t OthArs to itIm It, belkwing It *604 � � � 4- 1 it r, 40 11irket . . . . . . . . . I!f0intic'", cat. (11MA119 MORTIERS. I .0 b6 dua tb4m as It h0A A*lvs betly What Joy lucona& Is, audyat6be . 4r) 1 I/ . - I The coloa llt* of thd obluede 6mo,ir4$ lot. Thlar6 Was a bhort racinsultittlon 10MIX" Dr. obm"14 oilitmont, 00, cetifli & b6t, is for ever VMtoring 04 to buy I - . with th4 baWokoft*r, t%ftd, flaidl Our)- OX6% Im,sitla* bbw grot *#A J4 * 0" 6X066d# g,OW IIII164 and tht Iiiind iron _yo#AJAt All d4#11,011 4t X(111110411101ik VA44 & things I Odn't AtfOrdl" . L - _,______ I I I #WV U 4400 in,%#. hurAti, for&rly AMA# tb# blight 0" **Y 60tWi0s to tiod OW J"t th* 0-s Tomte. -You took ha Own. a luxatious. . _.