HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-10-18, Page 3*
---7---- "-----'--'--' ". - but I answoro4 from tho top get out of ply room, or I won't got WOU14 trust my 11to III 40 othot h 40 'w6wimllymmmeawthm 440. , Consequently lead to inju;rles to the ,
I BARRIERS SWEPT AWAY ottatiora' " e" " . u sing a,cow I
"Oh, no, we shouldn't think of in. Camphor sling be -be coudgma. but his own, I re&4 the depths of his t.
� such a thing. We are perfectly safe' ed. Got out, I'm freezing on the brave heart, and know that a mar. 'If a
THE ALPHA AND OMEGA i hero, and we have everything we shall rpof.,, . 0 r1ago bond was knit which neither I.Alo-ricultural ' , til- best plan is to pass the lest �
I No other moment In the eourse of A �!i
00 t hand ever the aulma , sert
need." Then, in addition to having mamma time nor otoratty could sever. ,A's face 4nd to ;
---.,.. - I wamaji's life- Is fralight with such o1g. You will both got '111OX Or 10110- orlppleil with rheuma � a ,y paper And as L ....... __APMWMPRV0A"VWNffiWffi4A I the two first flageragently under the
........ . "
__ _ nifleance, both In anticipation andi 11 tism, and Mrs. I look p from in 1A ............ OSOF'ROTARION. - �
I to seeld some," SAId FrOdi 'pulling .hie cap over Aloore and her servant girl sick with "Why -weren't you ,etc
go aloe b ,re upper jaw just behind the point.
'The Rev. Dr. Talinaqie Oxhorts tile woria retrosr�wtlo% as the one which con- him eyes, and-loolcing at 11141114la- oolds, we know, 11) a few hours, that yoix wore married as you are 40W 7" I I where the lowbir incisors can bd aloe. I
. I � The f armer - who wlsbej* to keep up
� Christ, the RQck Qf Salvatioll- i LaIns all offer of marriage. It IS prob- "No, We are accustomed to living Fred, our rook of help, must go down A twinkle shines In the brown. eyes � . old upon Lt. The head of the animal �
-#I-- _..�__ -, - I 'ibly the basis of civilized Society, It IS I . ortility at )Ila land, should thou be gently elevated, and
certainly the culminating point of aii! alone. you had better come LIP- Into the Valley of the Shadow with as he says -, "Because I had $6 t),loory or Improve the t I
A d a theale of our songs; Christ i stairs, Mumma. 1 urged.#$ pneumonia. Soon after hie ley' bath that people did too touch courting In keep down the weeds and supply his the born or other drenching appli- I
. ,esputdh from Was,Wugtolk BAYS, Christ. ill I stories, and tile points Qr scento 4r- stock with a ,good variety of feett,
. a at - She came, reluctantly, up A step Or Ills fever had risen, and I could bear olleir best clothes. I meant that you , . � Antis introduced Into the mouth. Care
: Itw � A
I -Dr. Talmage Preached from the fol- now, and Clilrist for ever. OU for more vangement anti dramatic effect r c ve. 0. Ills hoarse whisper as I passed In the should marry the worst of me and with the arattliest Possible amount of
lowing text; "I am Atolut anq.1 cousecratloo I much attention from romance writers. Fred came Upon the lower step. ball. What It she should die with my learn the best- afterward. So I dldvklt mallual labor, probably cannot select Sboull be taken not to rise tba head .
. � Christ is the A and the Z in, the I ill, fact T am free to confess that I had I much above the level of the neck, :
Omega -, �-Rovela t loin; I. 8. world,a rescue. When the world broke not reached "IV twentieth birthday I .,I Shall leave my Window opens cruel words yet In his ears I Was, It buy you .With complimento. .and pres- ll better rotation than the three-year and special Cure should be taken to i
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek e only hand awting out , to without having occasionally dreamed Mrs. Burnett. it is not over ten feet on my account that he Jay in danger? tints and ugnsense-and was mittened rotation.of corn. wheat A.ad clover see that the llqqLi which, is being ad- I
. '
. from yours and If you should Want "O, my darlIng I my darling I" I for my pains I It was the flood that
alphabet, and Omega is the lait; so loo6a- th I I He makes once broAkIng the ground,
It wa-4 that -of Jesus, Jesus., of the holli, when Sir Launcelot woulu help, just make a nolse, I oltall hear whispered over and over again, and I helped me . ministered Is given In a ste,ldy Can-
. that Christ in his text, represents him. Catch I oome riding down. I even pictured In - - answer for the three crops. This stunt flow, its when a gulden rush
. Swift as a roe on the mouatains,comes you. Good night." - resolved. that r would see him begorti . -
� self as the 4, And the Z. ! down ever the hills, The shining ones fa g drawifig-room. (not ,,We shan't disturb you, ray dear the worst came. . ECONOMY OF EmUtoy birelailotiag being in the spring, when of liquid is poured Into the mouth a
TlIat is one reason why 4 like the our own) or the romantic glen, when the labor Lii less th:in. in, the fall, By �
. !Standb4okasbesays," 14olloome.11 b9y, we are so much indebted to You "O, Rate, Is my spiendid.boy to be . --"- , portion of It is liable, to pass Into the
Bible; its illustrations ace so easy to Amid the wrathful ourgea He beats it manly voice should repeat nonsense already," said mother In her o,weet tithen from me . ?" cried Mrs. 2/loore, W0100414 Will N11'T Ittin us4 isall Pieiurlug,4. Clipping. the whe4t stubble with* the windpipe and thus. Lkive rise to a die. . � i
� understand. When it represents tile anti plead for the boon of my regard. . . . I
. flist. ,way'out to tile dying world;. and Re should -plead In right good earnest voice. ,,I shall,not try to thank You," putting her motherly arm around me. Almost everything that runs at all ,newer to prevent the rag,weelst and j(r,,11119 rMgb. On the first sign .
. Gospel us a thammer, everybody knoWs " And she took both his hands and look- How could I'tell her the truth, -that I -bearings. The other fall weeds from Seeding the of an at-ternipt to cou,gh the boad -of
while, out in the deop waters, with too, for it was my Privilege to be de� , nowadays runs on .ball I
1. it is to knock someithiIig to Pieces; I , ad Into his face. He blushed like a I had dared to throw away that good, ground and ina,king th.,i young clover
bloody agony He wrestled With it, and ligbtfully cruel once In My lite, Tilt latest piece (it m6chaillsal tO-use this the aa!iaal .9houli be released, And It
I . or as Suit, everybody whio has put It seemed for a little wbile uncertain girl' of the period is much -too easily ,girl, and dropped his eyes. "Good true life, when It was offered to poor � of friotlan�auvlag is a watch ex- have a stocky growth, a clean clover should be allow(til to. stand quietly .
. meat in barrels knows it is, to keep night ; call me it You need help," little me ? Threq agonizing days fol- 9prm , a field can generally be secured, .
things from Spoiling, or as a tie] ve, 'whether it would take Min down or won to ,be valued. My lover shoult, When we were Alone in the Mack- lowed In which his a hibited at the Pairis Exposition by . for it few mlauteN before the renutind-
I fully appreciate the Worth of n�Y con- lite hung by French firm, It 1 , a a great Success, Thire W no better Crop to precede 'er of the dose is administered.
I He would lift, it up those on the lleav- neso of the night, with the. waier thread, and -one night every one else . .
. I that is to cure the -olld sores of the enly ObDre trembled and when at last, sent, It would be so long withheld. climbing up the starwaY . and beat- was worn out and I bad to be asked to aad bids fair.' to supersede watches corn than clover. Thia soil bi. made - --- I
heart. The Bible illustrations go not in hie great strength He lifted it in But in my most improbable fancies Ing against the doors, I Could have sit. by blip. How I had longed to do made otn the old plan, at least when mellow by the ,(Ieoa,v of the Clover I NOTES, . . . I
� on stilts, but in a plain wity walk HIS right hand and brought it back, I had nevor imagined the, possibility I I very fine� and durabl I -roots, and tha weeds are fewer tbarl . �
I . cried out in my longings for the out- It. aiiii yet when the worn-out mother . ,a work is de-
� , . straight !eto the understanding, there went up a hosanna from all the that upon a wild'and terrible February ficient presence that had been. our re- left at midnight and I stole into tlie sired. � . . ,. � �. where corn follows wheat. If the By jw1loious feeding the appetite of �
. .
� night, oil the way home from the lec- . . � earn is well oultivatei and there�are a cow can be increased. Never over. .i 'i
When Nye learn Eo call tbln.gs by 'oloud of witnesses. He began the ture of , a Populat, humorist, as ,ve IlRnce for so many years. What dim room. I trembled from -bead to The bicycle has ishown us that axles boating rains after It feed. Study the cow's appetite and . I
. . their plain names, we will be getting work, and He shall complete it, Ring clung together and hobbled over the ,would -life be to mother and me With- fOQt� There was something awful. In and pivots that roll on theiT bearings not too many . I
d Moore ? . the eight of the tall,. fine form -0 'that , 9 .
, bac,10 to the old Bible way of out(, out re al better than thoise simply is laid by, very litth, it any, work Is , radually inereage the ration and the
. � teach� all. the belle of earth and'beui�en to- -ley pavement, Frank Moore all F or floor stood stretched .upon the bed, weak and , . necessary to put the ground in 'fine cow's Capacity for assimilating food J
Ing. Anybody who knows the � a b ol day in hoinour 'of Christ the Alpha remark, in his- usual terse, practical One foot on the part heliple . as, the sufficient hands idly may- lub. It was only natural that watch- . I
un-dexotAnds that the texJ3 the water, two feet, three I .and the : will become greater. I A
. t and Ohrist the Omega I -manner ! � a library was Ing upon the spread. . . makers should seek to profit by - these o0nilitLOh 3 wheat crop. Where *ad corn can ba, p I
means that Christ is the -Beginning 411fve been promoted, Kate, pro piano began to float ; th same advantages In their own in- ground is broken for wheat and a Frost Lit into a silo. I
� Christ is the A una the, Z in heav- has -bumping around the dining -room. The He turned bts head wearily once or drouirht sets In, soon after the ground It it is very dry, sprinkle it pretty
� and the End ,of everything good. an, He is the most � junior partner now, and father . at twice. Then the brown eyes opened dustry, where, more than In any other . 6 I I
I lionottred personage Swift In the stre utely no As plowed, it requires much work� to thoroughly, as it goes In with an ordl-
- I
� I
. . � He -its th2i A and thel Z of the pby� in all that land. He is known as -it given me entire, charge -of .the ware- current had grown I p and looked at me. "Kate V, business, regularity to absDI roe - I secure a fine, solid bed for the nary garden sprialrldr. .. Jt is not bet- I
Sical uaive,rae, By -him were all house. That -means a great deal to ,and all night long. Came cries'for list . .
I Wgrld-Liberator. The first one that . ... I from boatmen who were upset by .the "Your mother has gone to get some cessary, and where the motive to . ', . %
� I I . . wheat. . ter than unfrosted corn, but answers
I . things made that are made. He a sent bntorlug'heavea looks for is me now.." so," I answere I d; intent whirlpool at the corner lamip-Post. rest,$# I explained. I ,whether due to a weight ' or to a . . - very well. . . I .
made Galilee as -well as 'bushed,! t. He Jesus, The gr'eQ't.'Pop4IatI9ns of heav- "I suppose We,could not sleep, but, like,.thou- ','poor mother I" After a Pause- spring, is always relatively feeble, This w.o,sk must W (lone when the . - 0 .. . .
made the fig -tree as*well as blasted it, n * upon balancing myself, ake the sands of others, sat by .the fire and "I � Catle, you" had' better go to bed. I Thus, several yea -re ago, *. Chateau. days are the hottest aAd the flies the I "16
. a seek Him Out, follow Him over the "Yes -hadn't we' better t . ' - . . , -1 WOODMAN SPARE TlIE TREE � I . ;
�. He made the roalif as well as rent it, bills, and sh � out at 'His chariot wheel. . middle of the street here ?-It means &Waitad tile worst all that weary don't need any one here, It Is night, made to-war-olocks, with ball -bearings, thickest I of any time In the Ye. r. . . � . - I
. I .
. No wouder he could restore thd blind 1,�assiag, along those, streets, spirits enoligh for two. I If she Isn't killing Thursday night. � . I isn't .It?" which allowed a consideirable economy While the best wheat is oftew grown . I -PP.- I .:
� ,
. man, for lie first made the o extravagant. I shall go east the first It d1la not take many of those Wait- "Let -me stay. Fred. I want to take of weight. I . on land th�tt I% plowed for wheat, There 1.4 nealth lieurmh the Laitly 114!i -e .. . . . .. �;
. I
P�ic blessedory out to one another, "Looki to go Ing hours to show- that. I had loved care of you a little, I am so Seery fo'r . . � bragr. , . � 11��,,�
,, nerve and the' retina. No wonder ethinks that if the of April. Can you get ready .� ' . A childish you." . . -With the watch, the problem was there are years when the whea It Is a strange fact that not (>tie .. . I
. .
� that he could. give hearing to th' , With me by tbat'itme ?." . Fred Moore all my life "Nevei mi - ad, I'll. be all right In a Wore complex, for. here we have to do in I he .1 Corn is tha bast, . . . I I I . . . . i
I a hosts of beaven go forth. in u -be drown- I . ' " is . s ld gives a � I I
deaf man, far he first* s�t the Artim. some The suddenness of the suggestion terror lest he she Id die or, two." . .m . I only With pivots wbtose diameter . Alnother good point about ,this ro- . I . I
.. other realm to fight, their baLtle,ory and the high wind �took my breath, ad or:go away. 4efore I could see. him day or .. word of warning against the folly of ' - . � I :
� I
of the ear, No wonder he could cure : . "Fred---,' measured by. the toath; of a millime- tatloa� ls� that the ground is always joirt,6 gh, the ax I I
I I I ,11% " Jesus," ,T.esus on the ban 4e%'S- but I -,Yea able to answer with great overcame me. . � t destruction, althou . . � .
. the withered arm, for he made the j�,sug I . I "What Is it ?11 . ter 1450 inch. M. Leon 13ruet has girowing a crop, and is not left bare W square miles ,of ' .
in the gong� At His feet break flignit-Y, ,,No, I *think not.". :� Higher and higher swept tile f1OO.d, . . I I . . L
. bone and strong the muscle. 'He the doxolo . . . . Another foot would reach the parlor "I am sorry foi what I said the a . th , er solved the Problem, and did it so sue- ollrough the whTter, as it is in Some oneA fertile regions into.deaerts. and, I . . i
. gles. Around His M,6iqe . * 4ptilgt.of Miiy,,then ? .1 " . . calling. The trail old house shivered . night." . I I cessfully, that the first 6all-bearing other rotation$. This . point does brui, made one third of the Eastern � . I . .
I . . flung -out of nothing the, first ma- circle the ell,ief glories. Where the � "No, Sir," . ' , . . � I - 1,
terial out of 'which , ille �world was * ean to �as the waves beat against it. At last "That's all right, Katie.. Don't watch figured at the Expwition, at-. not. amount to much on level ground. .� I
� whLte Lamb of heaven goes, there go "Good, bea�yqhs! You .don't in .. . I I � . ' cbritineat an ubfit abode of ,the %in- � . I .
. � . a . a-�v t at you won't have me,.Katie?" the kray, awful dawn *of. that Febru- Worry. I had to speak and you had ter taking a bulletin of the first but where the ground is rolling man species., - : . . .. � . .. . I �_._,.
. I .. . . formed. He set spinning around 'the, 411 tile flocks.. The first tree in � the h I . ary morning revealed the 11a.boraina- to answer. It Is over now -almost." class at tile Obseirvatory, oik Resan- . ' I . I . I I I �
. . first axle, and drove the first Pivot, h�aavenly Aradise Jesus planted. The , Why Couldn't he call me Katherine, that had been .. wooing -would not be oil enough to wash much we should, at- iSpain, in the r ancient I . I I
I . . . Clearly the . I g1bry.of be, � � � I
I - and .Ivung to the throne the first' con- f IJ . as I made every one else do, and-svell tion . of desolation" . . con. .. . ways txy to have u crop growing diir- . I . . . .1 - .
. . Lrat. fountain struck from the . � . . I wrougbi by the angry river. A tur- F red's side. He turned his pale face Woodlands, was the Eden of Southern � I I � � I
I . He � This watch -is a man'S watch of the Ing tha winter and spring months. . I .
I -
I—— stellation, . . � I V . . It with a K? . . . . I low lake lay 'between - 'us - and away with Lt pathetic quIver.of th . a lip Europe, treeless Spain has became a . ; .. . 1. ��, .:,� I .
of . . . . I
rook.,' The first pillar light He . Iift7 ,,You don't nleanto say that you bid. Val . ordinary size. �11 its pivots roll Nay farmer wb:) is -so lazy, that be: . ,
' . ,.
. . The same 'hand ,that put up dils ad. At heaven's beginning- Christ, � . the b]rown tops of t1le hills -a lake and blinking of the eye that wrung . . I gehena. of poverty' and disease., For- . � . . . . . ,�,
� � . thought. I would ?'" . I . . . on balls of one-half and. one-qua-rter wants still 'more Crops .from �once. . 1. I I . .
. ,
1. . univ,erse wilt,pull it down. I thia� the Alpha. Then kravel far on down -why, no, I -well- that was navigated, by a pitiful fleet my �heart. I i sat upon the side of the I I.. eit-shaded Sicily bega:t ,athletes and - - -
. . , .yea, 1. rather . I � I . . I
. I.. � � . s to which some Led and touched' the limp hand be- inillinieter, 1-50 abd.1-100 inch, in dl- breaking the ground can lot thel CIO- 1. . . .. I
. the time w�lll come when the worlds tile years. of eter . .. of lost houses, home . ,, . � . . philo�SoP'herai heroes -'and merchant . . � I
I I mity: and stop at thought that you might." . ter, of hard templerAd Steel, . wall. ver grow for two ciopa. 3 he pas- . . . . I.. . .
.. . will have done, their wark�. and must the and of the re I. qt see Fred a face In the of the inmatLs were yet clinging as side me. The situation wail growing ame I . . ces; Sicily in,ita present suniblis- i :
2 I ' motest age, and see I couldn , I . I . a . truction.' How desp not anticipated th rounded and polished. Only the mov- lures ,the clover the second year, and pr.in I .
, ' - they, swept on to . as . erate. . � I had � Is, * . I . .. . r - ban& I .. . . I
be removed, so that but two worlds .if ,the, scpng� hpas not t Egyptian darkness, the little quiver I to ad conditions, evolves Chiefly . . ..
I akera. up. some , . . me Would be swept , " .1 - . able parts of the escapetagAt, ,whio,h feads hlabogsJa this field it will im- ., . .. ; I I , , . I . I
. � .
will remain;,tbe one a vaist idaserit of . In his voice I did not notice .until I long before our he I . at all.. . . . . I . . . .. itai beggars .And vermin. The ent.1re - . . I
I 11 . . other *burden, and S,onle other. throne ' . . opt down '�But,. Fired, I am sorry I answerqd." - ' . i ' ..
immen � . . ,, . ' . It . . I . I . ' . � - � -if the stock is � ti . ik- ''f * � . I I �
. . suffering, swinging through J � . 1. .. I recalled it afterwards. . We ware...both from I a foundation* and sW .1 receive only an extremely feeble me pr . ove the land; r . cioasi region.o t'he Mediterranean ,. I
. . � looked wlstfullk �"Xo, Kati .. . . , ' I ,. I
I . has not Weems the -centre of heaven a I libi-lum the river ? Mother 0,11 He spoke with short ,ti �the ' o"d is soft and I
.11. eity-the. abode' of the bad, the othm� ' - . . so occupied In keeping our.e'qul I - ails only twelve breath - and' Y .0 ... V, ve impulse. are without them. . an fyff when gr . � has been' "Cleared," witlil the'r'eslalt I I . . . .1 .1
. �, chief attractions' ei�t at the staunch brick W . ponfull . ,,r .
1. . . . But no;, Yoni hear , that neither (!cold analyze, tile in al . . , .in At would be� supiewfItious'to dwell on wet., A still, longer' rotation can be Of:*.10&17rg fOUT-fifths 6r,lt . � .. . I -
' '
� I er a blooming paradiae'-for 'al,i the ' - . . I feet awayi bat twelve*.rniles would not t a. for something, but upon my bon- I I . I . I a. forru-,-r . '. � 4.
. . . . . it thrummed an the harps, and paur. state of the other. We walked on In . . . � . I . . . . ,the skill and.pationes which M. Gruet ha:-d:by. sowing timothy aIgne. , ill . . � � �
. good. For eternal ages,wdl'thk , ,ad to depe . seemed farther then, - � It neyer.occuired to me. . I've me-, I .. . .-� . population - aand at least nine- teni ho .
, . . .� - . . . I I I
. . ) two, ad frai th ' -s, and shouted in� nd h' a.' . . h , I this way more crops can.be made' from . . .
. . . I In a tiuinp6t . Silence, and I was Obll' av . 'must ave devoted to the production . � . I
i owing around in their orbits of,Jight. univ . a I ore: than She. blile.4 herself, about breakfast Tro�pqllzed you, for" a long: time, and .. I ... . �. . . . I of itsfo-riblerpioductiveness. � . .
'� . . real acclaim, Christ,, the Omegal upon Fred's sustaining arm In I . I . ., execution Onc3 -.tlie ground, but .tile. . I . 1. .1
� . and darkness, We Ic w n* . . . . h the calln adaptAblilty of her Ila-. have never given other, fellows, bet- Of -such a -mastaPVP*1ece- The L. . . breaking, . 1. .. . . .The,salne. (n Sou�thorn France, in ' I . . .
. I . no ot (by what NY, gl I -if be had.expqct6d Wit I I . I � . 0 d. ' timothy. - will not - improve the. soil. , . . I . I . . � .. '!
. . . . No I�Jbat .is this oAous On�, to ever.. I wondered I hard to, think that she ter oneal,perhaps, a'chane . . I . - . .1 . P�rtugal, �A.sia Mino1r, Mesopotamia, �, . -
: : process ,any of the worlds 11`1 be You, my" hearer?.-A;ilve ydu�fieen , .Kiai ? me,to.*be go, xiou to t ket a "trip" ture. Ii � was. . . I. I . . ..a Jo know Of the balls;hlone c. n I stit . lite a con�, . . .
- . w an s I a h . I I chan' -irregularity Some writers think the, weak int in . � . . �
I I ba,ken . down, save one' . � that will go . .. .1 � Im . . that I' could doe t hlg� had,-evor Cooked upon Anything but you, e o, were -wild ii3m, where ,the toast* . , ,. Plot I Armenia, Pemia 'And Hindustan. . . � I I � �.�
. * . . Have you heard His voice?- Have you with b . . . a. 0 . . I . . . in- t,JiLs rot.atla,n is that clover .is grown I . . � I .. .
. . . � y grate, or used.a 'larger table about . y:oli, Aoo. And Vin, not Just might tlestioy,.al� the advantage$ I
I by fire. All the univer" wilt ..know . I . .. mantic, proposition.. 4110NV a snlok . . . .. I I I 1. L �:- . . . . . it might indeed be questioned if,all I �.
. 1. . .1 I walked this ea,r,tb and never seen in loviiiless,. unro uld ,tail I -h . I I m, that than. the' toilet stand: that' she . spread the sort of a. man you .would care for.: hereiit in theix - iiae-,' - � - � .. . . too . often,' and .that in a Short time I . . L I I I
. I . I hat. I cO . . . . I . � , , - . �
. . - he bent graes where. .His feet' had ,1' � Wished t . . . . . 'I sqb -now. Of course, we all . kuow , all. to catch.. , 'It may. be this human f6llies and,. crimes tAken, to- . - . 1.
. who set .on fire the one wortd,'and t ' � ahother's, but- it Wasn't, with A towel. ,- . . enerul advaniages� re -.0 *WlII'f . - I . .
who shattered the others, fo I r . . I my hearf wits I . - . , � ,. . - Besides. the g . I . - I I i ,f. gether 'have caused as much,perman- . , , . I ;�, � , � ,
. . Chri�r, have said n I Suddenly she ga Y ll.�5 ease, but by.itbe .use o . . .1 ... 11
. just Of .ail the ,Stars in -the -that you,.'could , mar - an bod. 'froin'the.use of ball I . I .. . . ; I . P..
. been? . p,nd he� knew. it. I might . . I . . ve, a cri of alarm, . . 17_ Y .. suiting directly . 1. . - will bi t . 16chi &tr,ue-
. .
. . I 5 � . sweetest I . 'there aiii 6thkefs more s'pe ,s,�4ble m4liture An -3 fertilizers I . .. ,� . . . .
my Lord, w -ill stand allaid the roari midn4ht heavens, has not bne.point.� calm kindness that We should AWAY '9vVe'forgot the breAd,'dear." . You're the prettiest and . - I think eat 'n I � I - . .1 . .1.
. � . I . . � I . . . . bearings, . .. - . . . _ I . "I
k_ I and craakle, and thunder, anti I crash I past, but he gave llldali6'pancakes, thell. I broughCup .girl' in ,C&ntreport,. and :1, had no I . . . tion of natutreis ,safeguards. ag#iinst I . . . . -
I .. ad you to where He -lay.? Trudging on be friends as In the . . . 1. I � I legg 1inporfr Possibly it would be -many yea ri be-
. I of that final.undoing, proclaiming, I .t . �_ . I , . is only further ' iralil eial ones . which aXe p9t. . . y . ' , . ii . f�-bligbting,drouglhte. A- land. . with- ' -, , . 1. :1 : 1.
I I I .. her me h6 Cj)portUn1ly. H . flour," I suggested, In my misL a business, of. taking possei son of you
ess his desert with thy,burden of' ., . at . ant. - It Ila" � asserted With reason that fore., ii; would bs,-necessary.ta ma4ke . . . � -
� . am the Omega I . , I . ' . 9 Idleness, as I Curled up my hair. � , . wii:�hout finding out how you 1 1
. . . - th�'jv - - ,a r6tatbon that � ,
.1 sing, " aik being., "What a thunderin iked me. .. - . . is i L . ''.. .
� have -you ever made the 6amels. rem I b . . the thinness; of . I ots is an im a change' by. Atsing . . out trees in as. -sad it.opjight as a I . . . I .
I ,04rist is. the A aad'Z of the Bibl . . night ill a strMing figurative one, Y ;Ilbld�You think of baking i)owder?" litit If. you'll forgive-' . - � . .. flayed an! inal. ', The New World's - I .. I . . . . I
. . .1 . . I I . . .. . I portant factor of precision and Con- will g'row clover bat:onoe id five or, . . . . � . .. I
I .
I a, kneel? IS this one, tho First rind the I : . . ..No. � nor soda.!' ,, , . � .."Don't say that,J -,X. dealt want any- I . . . I is t�he,cbief guar- . , I I
, Here is a long lane,, Overshadowed .1 . . the way. - . .1 . . � . . . ' �' � . . wealth of w)bdlanda . . . .. I I
. - . .. . . �. . . I
. . Last of beayeil nothing to thee? Poor ja vow, In the depth of -w dol" � 1. . . I body'else. I JoVeYou.: ' Dear Fred, I siderably, leti5eas the-absorption.ofen-, six, years. , - . . . I . .
. by fine trees, leading up' And, I vo ",What shall a . . � � I antee of- Us 'pTospgrity. . , � . . .% . � I
.1 'to : a wanderer, without Christ,.wh'dt* of thy ray injured fancy, that before a voice. I ran -to � the y u all my life,. truly. I airgy, which, must be ourefully. look- Ifthe� Wheat crop has been a failure , - � . . I . : .. 11
. . I I mansion. What is the use *of the do . I 99,1(f "Hello," cried' I have loved 10 . . - Forests of-ihady leaf -trees mit .. .. I L
� ath hour?, what of the';judgment i$Yes" to'Fred i%oore that easy�golng wllido*�, . � . .. - . .igate, � I.
I . . . i . . hakve,. and if you will only.get well-" ad out for in a watch. The result, is, ciused by unftivorable winters and Climatic extremes, and there is not . ' � .
I ' I
!. lane if there -were no mansionat the (lay � what ,of eternity? if it shall be young gen�leman should literally go "How- are you this fine morning ? "Katle.11 in a tone of quiet incredu- that' at tile .bass of the ordinary ,Oy- .the Hessian Ily, sow rye instead of . , I I . . I . . . . I I .
, , � .. . . . . . . I., the slightest doubt that they.at- ' ' - . . .
. end I There is no use in the Old Testa- . 'hie knees In the most Vp� Got plenty. to eat 7 " called Fred from' lity that sent the hot blood up to the . . ..
found at the last that, thou bast re- down upon � . .. lindrical pivot, which is touch Weaker wheat untit the'fly d1sappeaks. While . . . I
- �: - ��__ ment except as a grand avenue tolead . I �r 'and tell .me that lie . ., �, . I I . ... . 0 . � 'tract rain. showers., A -few hundred' . . . I 1� 1.
� I
. I . .
.1 I I I Jected this th�y only hope, in what dark proved marine # iiis Window.' , . roots of my hair, "I am. afraid that than the axle whose' end it forms, rye is not a very profitable or p to square miles of. wooded. delta in the, . I
. ... . us, Lip to the Gospel Dispensation, All . . Pad the ground I Walked upon. " 0, V, red, we haven't any baking your isympathy has made you say some- ' . . I . � . . . 1. . SLI_ i.
. . . I holti of the -universe wilt thou worship . I is a n , , . � . I .
. lay thy- , ,point of da� gor and -this often raise, 'Lt" is.prAforrol to oats until� . I I
. I .
I �. I I eaa, And.we#ra huligry." . . - Vailey ofA1161tio do Sat Pedro, Peru, . 1.� . .
. . I
. I
the statements, parables, oriitiona,.and and -that big only hope 'Of life Wits 11 powder, nor br � � thing that,you wili regret some day,." 'vot * ,
.1 oalf dkAvn to soffer and guas t be -should do ". . . . determiaes,thw_fraet%ire of the.pl - wheat eah.biii grown Again. � I . . -
.. . .. , . . .. . . . . I . ,enjoy, an anunal ave went,y� - %, �. , I . . �
miracles of the Old Testament were to h thy ray'smile. I meant the, . You shall. have sovie of.our. biscuits, and. Ile iooked,'At. me eaqeOyla the. d'im 1 . I `Cylindrical . . 1. . . rage; at t � I
. .
I eth . and bO*I. for eV46'rT You' urust . . � Won, I .. . . I van . - light. . . .. I . . . With ball -bear . ings, the a , r.here are.sov,ert4 draw-backv to us- inches of. - I I . I � 1.
merely -preparatory, .and when all was - I it, too. If 1. was not too lightly then' we bave a, store," 4rid he * .. rain, while in the adjoining, I
� � . . I . . I .
. . hav Christ at di aced Ing oats In Place Of whaat,in a three- . .
. 6 a. But one laddei out ' was I to be lightly dropped. lshe�, reapoearing with 'a lempting . 110, you are Cruel to - make me say form may be raPI . with thi6 con!- � . � . I
I ready in'the.time of :Christ there t t I he. pit I But* One life - - neither . . . � now that I have loved oil. This shape eriables.us to place rotation. . The gro . ' desert of'Atacama droughts have been. . . . . I
boat from the I -I left 'me '-dook With a q . ulat ' ... � so.much. You k . � year . ulLa .Ls left '. . � �
I " ' 'forth the. o . a . at my � I plateful of hot rolls. I . - . � . � . kn (affa to' continue ior*isix years. Iblra_ .
. _�, . . Dment Ithout circular rows of,balls with diameter. ha' ' . I .
. . A0111P drs A*atorio of the Mas. w,lick I � Get in 'it, Lay hold of . the "Good -night, Kat "Now, . . . . .
L , . . tali'. and a 1n, I catch them or starve,". he you always. . I couldn't live W . I. . . . -re all %vInter after the corn crop im � v ,a i�
; siall-all nations jpining in the' I-1alle- -ind pull, if, later I heard the great hall -door of the . . I . . . I . � I . I asbit!s tree'plantation . , uppe.r - I - I .
I . . . oats with both -hands, . called, as .One, by. one he fired. them you." . . I ae ,small us deal -red, and avWLd.s com- Le,f'removed, the clover is less certiiin I . I �
. . .. I
I lujabl chorus. . . . � . . with much I hid my burning face 11; L my.hauds, . 'of breakage at' th'e ' thfin . Egypt Increased the .yearly rainfall . . . . . .
. I . . I "
t . .J
.. . Moore manslon . slpn� I into my hands with the accuracy �of, pletely all danger t,D'ma,kte a good catch w-ItWoa". -trom nine, to fifteein I . � .
, . I I
Moses, in his accon, I tit of the creati need be,: until the blood Starts, The 6 "" , and then the . well-known . . but he took them in his And looked at I . I - . . . I nehas; In Italy . I I
. I I. - . . .
. �.. OPP wbirld isafter You- The devil.48 aft - nergy I a, baseball pitcher. I base of ilia Plvot.- . . . . with .rye or ,wheat,. and the cr�p'is -L . .
� � , - er la.: . 1. .. . I
shows the platform on light appeared In his own roe" . . . "Shall 'call. for You to taice,-a walit ,me steadily, although I could feel the r has' decreased ,one hdIf; in, i;omlii I I I
- , . I .
. . which Christ you. Tlie' liveliger 6f blood is after- .1 I . ' . . . . X Gruet believes that, the balls 46%vn In ths�spring -When the farmer , die ' tr - lets . . : of. . Africa., th I e . . . . I
I I .1 I. I Mother looks I V I - this, m I I . , .Northern � I . I
'd , il"up.'aa 1. entered and orning; don,t forget 'your, rub- quivering .of his fingers. . . . I . . I
was to act. Prophets an apoiitles took . I mall. as possible. He has h re than 'In the fall. I . . i
. I . . , yitiu. But, rdore than All, dlatls( .is. at- Asked " 'red come 113111"' .. i .1 110,my love, Is that. true 7 My bless- should be as a . as less ttine to�spu I ' or, nsta'nee, at leatit. , I . . . I . i
I .. subordinate .*parts in, -the trage 'The . I ,. Why -didn't V ' bore, It Is dallip." This was an: Oex-, I . .1 I . . .. White t . be, fly I may mak I a growing ancient Ilumidia, f . I , , .. . .:� - �
- . dy.. . ter you, And HIS cry !,a, 110 Israel I thou ..I* Afdrilt ask him,'. I X returned I e.w, -ad L' .. takew. lireat pains to make balla of I a . . � .
first, got was . . . � . . . I ampleof the execrable Jokes ,that fl , little girl at last'V; . _.. I .. : I . . .1 four*,' fifth&..., Forests, isbeher ill ect-de, .
. . I L ' I
1, . . a Munger ,and bast dest-,royed thyself, but in nit- is ah . . I . He -closed his ,eyes for a moalen�, .the unifoPrin, size of . one-quarter mil� wheat tinprofkablei .for a-fe* ,years I . he tie . I . . I .
a babe I the last a -:-e I . . I . .. I . ortly. ,. back aud.forth during the ,day; but . � . I � I) . . a� ' � ktr6ylng birds. and- prevent. t . s- � . . .. ..., .
ross, and -t - ' 1. . _ r tIlYon't YOU think � you', treat Prod, . ' u said, -as he aid . my � bands ,limeter; -1-1001:ffich, in diameter and - 1. � I
.. . 1 0 vl�c- thy help Ill � �: . � , . I '. . 1. . I they'lla(I A4 ,. e. .should 9,nd the . I .. . . I � . t Lt IS possible that som*'dis . ease or an t' ructive affecia.6f inundations ii -y ab- - . . '..-
. I
�_ . I . .. . .jather-Well�ehil mission, foi lv -he expense may be con- . I I. I - � .. . ..
tim. The Sothlehem,.6tar in the first , . - �. dishly -for 41'91171�Of i forehead 11-0�ould You mind he hopes. that t .
I � I I 6 . . . '. . I have died 'of pure misery It we hadn't IiPoft his .. . I . I . unfavorable -season may reduce their aorbing rain Showers that would pour � . �
I . I
I � I
I scenery, shifted for. the Crimson up- '_ % FOOD i TAI§LETS A YA I D I . .. your age I You are not ohlidten Any joked. .A Slow join fail most of .the kissing me, dear, just for once ?" . s I itleiably redu I ced: It ,will probably be in rs, the old :rotation maybe � I I I . � . . I
. . . I . I � . . . nu, ))a ; -4
1 holstery .of a Crucifixion. Earth, and . I . And. quairal as . . a � , I. . down. from treeless slopes as from a .1 I . . ,� Ji
. . . . . � . I more, and yet you tilt . When he . after, I with thase miniaLure-balls as it he* . . . .. I I
11� � day, and the river rose several Inches , fell .asleep,. soon . . - thut time graw.rye .1 . . � . .
I � . . � I . ,. ptuned. Until . � slate roof. � I .. I . I . . .
. in. - ' � �
. * botove nightfall, . been with �the tiny screws used L' ..s . I I
I . applauding in the galler* but Surely replacing .ordinary ' food. 'Is the most dikge � I < ' A, oats, in plao . atof wbeat. . . Forest d6truction may. be respon- . I .
I heaven, and bell the spectators Ang ale ,,Arltificial ,food Products .are slowly . . . . We Slept that night from a] . I watched for � watches. .These Can now be bought ., . I . I 1,
. , I you did tali years ago." the dawn In 9, reaction of
tes.;. devils his. "Fred Moore het:r'ex- I happiness as great as the.gorrow of
. . sing in the pit � I. . . . �. : Xot�'alone has -this been.folt in the able young ,nian In town., He , Is ik, . I g look- I the past few days -had' been. Every . I I .. I . L siiile for. malaria, in many of Ito forms, ' I � I . . . . I I
,! . . . . . lia-astion, and the next. mornin I I at 10 centimes, two. cents, a dozen,. t � . . . . . . . . .
Christ is the Beginiling awd the and . kite I hen,, but ex�erlmenta have been in- perfect, bear and . I detest him," 14 I ad � upon th . a , � terrible flood that, had care ,seemed, to roll from my. heart, - - � - . ; . DAIRY .WIqDOJiL . . - Owing: to the dilavium carried . down . � . - I .
. I
. of the Bible. . I I . atituted by-Ahe various armled of the exclaimed, unlitIttonini'my boots With wrought sug.b. havOL1. . . I . I .� And I knew � that while Fred 11 . ved they with diameter 6f one�qiaarter inillime . . .1 ., by the- mountain torrents to form Pas- .. I . . . 11 . I
. . I . ' �. . ter, -microscopic pitch, and regularly, Tho calves wilt -do much better ,kept I . I I 1�
� . . world. , Germany is. experimenting ,a vigor that sent the buttons flying Our own hastily-ga'thered, supplies could never return. . . . tilential, maxelles. Among the SAM- -
In Genesis, whio was Isaac, bbund across the room. . I . . began to falli and we hailed the news When Mrs. Moore came In the early made. heAd -with, Slit: in the middle. In the stablelidth the Nvindowsshaded, . g� , L -l; , . I
. � with 0sislecated un(L artificial. foods, . tary.equipments of a model dwellin
. amid the faggots 9' -Typt of Christi the A I "Katherine !" cried mamma, ,I you that the Government boat was on its morning, I � tried to . slip , away, but Ih closing it ,may be noted that and fed it little mil.k. and meal and. . . . I .
. n. attempt was made to demonstrate , ' I . . t� ' . . house sbade-tlreei. 'should rank with - . I
. Alpha. 11i Revelation,'. what was'the . I are abusing your most faithful friend. Way up the river, and� tho sufferers Fred Caught my - drps and then my . jewels " of sapphl-re Or othler pree- Ijay, than to ran in. the. pastare,.11 . I w .
. that a.small knapaai;k or kit of -con. . . . I I . the best plauiber'n contrivance,,%, and I . . I
I water of life I ChxLst, thO Omega. 'In tie a(!, extracted �nd desiccated f s n her to you for would be fed. We had not yet cOnr' hand. . . . ious .stones have no,moxq reason for you .(to not wish to kive there. hay, . . �. . I . .
. . . us Dod, . I . . . . a house. in a grove is -worth twice; ' .
. Genesis, -.v,hat was I . . : years. ,You owe him too much to say . -a. s,mother, Katie, will -take care of tie existanee, as they present ft(P advan- 'them . gross out in � the fence I * I . .
.the ladderi over from which the' water. and fibrous any such thing." . I � sidered ourselves sufferei Looking give . the rent of a house on a naked hill- - : � . I .
. . . . . auses. I . . . . . .. .. � . . . .
J ace big ,pit to w .1 Christ, the Alpha, . . p. I out at a sound, Nve saw.Frdd shove now. You have done your part." tages.over tampered steel, The result corners - and around, the pre . - I . .
� � I Re4latiOn, who was the Can I I n ma�ter had been extrabted-Lbus rd- 1AI know 'he has teased and worded a long. plank from his bay -window to "But, my dear bay. It will not be. . ," - reduction in the necessary labor They Will makia double the growth side. I � . . . . I .
. . .
querar On ducing . the w tight froja ,several and ocolded me tie devotedly as the . "I I know it, and You. I can I send for u$ a' . ' . . ..Thobco is a.thaoiry that suashiae is I
. the white boreal Christ, the .0 . I our verandah roof and walk acXO29s I . of manufacture .and in.the Price. t1reated in thIS.Way. I I I
. ' inega. pounds to a few ounces,--couid be most horrid 'brother would have upon:It. Tapping' at ill& Window lie thii minister as soon a$ you like. I . I a microbe killot, nature's chief apeci- �
. In Exodus, what was the. smitten . .11 . - To num.i4p, the ball-bearing watch ,.. P J they feel . . . I
I I readily carried and allowed for many done.." I . . entered, sayink: ' , guess you won't object then to her slt� . . . Phrir skilils. tire thin, ,,in. fie for the Cure of gerni iliseases; but I .
. rook? Christ, the Alpha. Ill Rev.#Iakions days, ratta=; but a , -Ong 50 me . n plao- "Katherine, you shall not go to that ,.Mrs. Burnett'l-all his communion- - ting by me " . . I has mado.ita trial trip. Theory and the boat of,tlie sun$ and., it take4 balt - .. . �
. I
I � I � . .. . . in sparsely wooded Hindustan, Sun ,
I Who was the Lamb before the throne,? skating rink another night. It makes practice agree that it is an advance the fool to Support the flies. There � * *
I ad solely upon, thin diet during cnfoa-c� . ' tiolis Walla Addressed to marnma. now ilwell, well, Vve always expected It, . . . 1. I rays have not prevented the spread of
I Christ, the Omega, Take Christ out ad marches a you nervous And cross all the time, I -,,father toloviloned up from the of- but It does seem a little sudden. Why over its predecessors. and doubtless As nothing that will stunt calves mOrd frightful epidemics., They do - not,
. I .
I .pl 1. nd ol;Nlr rigid army dis- know yoij couldn't Stand it." ' . . noes that the relief ooat Is making didnii you sattle it all before this flood the public will confirm this . judgi tilian hat, sun. And flies. I
. of ibis book, and there are other books elpline some 40 colld�med withineight I - . . . I check the development of malaria
I would rather have than the Bible, days. Chemistsbav4 now discovered ' I vouclisafaa no reply, but stretched Such Waves that all the'lower hausas and we could have had a reception and went. . . . I . The stables should be kept clean germs in the fen& of the A:Ariatie,
f .
Take HIM out, and i . nan is . a failure' out my sliPpered' feet to the fire and are carried 1. from their 'foundations everything else -but' now-ille parlor . I . .- - and dry� and this is vary e o yphoid germs in the slums of I
an4 the World a eareassl and etc nit , that Same of the bY-Produots in the' meditated. We bat In Silence ter we are afraid that yours IS not quite paper is rubled-and, ob. dear. I can't, TO THE. REIS-011154. . I . .
. a vast horror. Ir � manufacture of dye-stufft call b.4 used nearly half an hour. At the end of I You must come over right think of It 'till. But y,)u fire sick, and I I . . . by cleaning every day. Xii,st a f0w Sout6on seaport towns. .� . I . . . .
. � I � � I safe, . . . M utes regularly gi ant In eleanin
;. � . AS food and thatAbe a11)ilriljnoi,.I ma. .that time there was it ring at the a MY. Gather up -what you can carry sick folks must be humored.'� , Tlie .room was on fire, and at tho MAL P, 9 Not would it be easy on that. I liaory
, Christ is the A, Mad the Z of the torial is A good substitute for ineat. door -bell, And when I opened the door w A cash. window stood a fair and lovely crea- 'the stable will never be h0tic8i, and' to explain the longe'vLty. a four, Wok- :
� and I will come back for.more. Be my trousseau consisted of � I. I I I
. . Christian ministry., A sermon that ilag. 'The Public Would do well to.' Insist .there stood Fred Moore. . � - a .quIck." . . rnere,w,rapper that I Wore And a white .Lure: Frantic with horror, he push- it Will never b.3 it burden. It is the woodsman, or of the G&nian forest .
. be Christ in it is a dead failure, The A flash of tilumph came over ine. � St practice to Allow cows tostan,"I wardens', who via In surrounding their . I
- I Upon unadulterated food. That Vve made no reslstancew this time, apron; but ri red said we would be ad throuqh the people and Called upon vile
. , which .
. minister who devotes his pItIpit to in the.mO He had come agaiti, I -'knew he but went, Inamma first, and I the select and we Shouldn't have over a the firemen to gave her. In an Accumulation of manure while cottages with overarching leafy trees. . i
� . , n -is Obeallie4t� is pooresi. This . . I
I anything but Christ is an. impostor, is. true . would. Now he should make love In day .*a many farmers do . .
I . Of vd second trip, trembling over the, plank, lundred. At about noon that "', land. back I" roared a P01:08ma,, being milked. T ,Not a sun, ray reaches their houses, .
- . I
getables fruit and meat. the most approved manner, and he p from I w, They are not moving f1rom May to in win- .
Whatever great themes ,W,e may dis. �the spoiled )>sing sold che;,�,,,�.% and * clinging to the strong arm of our Mr. Moore. and Bob paddled u h� man, forcing him. hick into the this, even no November; but .
4 cuss, Christ must be the beginning and the good would, for he looked so, grave and rescuer. How good the Moores had the "Alarehouge whoriii they had Wato with the procession and will soon ter, Wheo'4 Sunshine Is really a hie$$- � p I ...
. I . costing more. 'There ca:1 be resolute. He stepped Into the hall, always been to us. When Fred put ad their goods, and the clergyman chrowd a4gaiW . tall behind and be out of the radai ing, the screen opens, Or holds Its own
. I Christ the end. From His hand we no holdfast kules. If there ae any oaylog, III came over to give the w.arn- at having already Arrived In a boat. the "Stand baek!" shoutett the man; I . . I
geti Our commisaloij at first, and tp to W advanced, thoy should io for Ing. Rob has just teleph his arm around me to help me in for sueaess, If they do not braos up, I just enough to.mitigate the Waste of
. that Santa hand we at last surrender he oned up to the window I Wanted to tell him how liftle Party gathered round the bed as r "and sea a lively Creature parish be- Rip an CIA biran Sack opan length- the north wind. . . .
it. 4sar althy. pure food, and flavor .o arti- get ready for a flood. The river to sorry and ashamed I was for my sat upon the edge and* was pronounced (ore my eyes 11, . I . I I �
. . man devqted to metaphysics ficial and cheap foods. on a tear and Is rising fast It will speech of Thursday night, but he a Wife# while the river played a� wed- To big ,disgust, the Crowd �a.oad on wiso and throw It overithe Cows when I I i
. - i
. in a ktock Of dry corn -stalks after the . be as bad as It was last year, and per- you are miLking. .They will stand . :
corni has been rippod . - I be a worse. 00 helped me down and hurried back for dIng march outside. in apathy. � . . .
Out with the 0 some, of. our treasures. The house I cannot tell the joy'of ministering "Wretohml" he' aheleked, pointing twice -as still as when ndt so Cover- . NO MZRI3 PROBABILITY,
. .husking -peg. 4 serm6a given up, to firuvin. s,v Aft -AIN WA,S AN IDIOT � ... But It won't come up to Third Was rocking plainly now -It ,.swayed to my husban4lo. comfort, as UO -a the poor Iddy at tht% w1ndow,, "are ed. The relief to the Cow will have, Merin called out th6 anxious mic.
I santiniantal'and klowpjy ,tpocali Is as 'S, street," I said. � . with every wave. . watched me with such loving eye$. 1.
a * ' . I po e n, Whb is mil'k- ther at' the family, the Claude look
a 11tv%g&y flung,to a 6owning sailor, , In a German 63yehologioal journal It is over Second now, And rising. "Olif Fred, Fred, come back, It is "Ali. Katie Ill he whispered. "I have you blind f1l a mail rush he had dash. 'Ing her, terribly threatening. I'm afraid, we �
Al SOMMO111 devOt Prof, Van Walsall gives a short do. Front and First are six feet under. lie came to the dreamed of this day for twelve years." And wtLh I
. . od to, moral assay is a It is coming fast, Pull,up your car- not safe," I called. 041 up hile stairs and seized tile lady Try .to have your stable rather are going to -have 6 tornado. Yould
baSkOt 'Cd Chips to MIP on, the, great . scription of the heaviest brain on re� window in answer to my call. "And we were only engaged twelve . . dark In fly time. The cows will not I better go and wake your father.
I . burning.. . . WhIat the wo I 1. ThO Possessor of this ponder- pets, there's no time to lose. I will - "Dear ol,I home," moaned mamme, hours." round the waist, And had borne ber to be traittiled nearly so badly by the I'd rather not, arkswered,the oldest . I .
I I irld wanto .ear( get hell) for the piano and heavy What a fairy castle we built during the Cuter Pit in a few seconds.
s us Christ,who on$ Organ was An opileptle 'diet, who things if I can, but there's such 9, "I was niarrIed there. and my child. his convalescence, as thei river went ' Tlis agitation and the heat caused 'fill's its they othorwilso would. , daughter. 'If I eall,him as early as I
cooftsto savid Men from eternal dam. died at the age Of 21. He began to panic, .1 laay� not be able 'to, . ran were born avid died there, and t .From now on, the water Supply In t.his there'll be it tornado without
I nation, .10hrist, the Light, 0hrist the walk at 4 years Of a I get noyel.t,ttend� 11111.1-Y I usband lay In that very room,,, and down and left us in a see, of mud, $I him to. newrly faint, but ba had jus tures will need careful watch- any sort of doubt. . - .
now," and he vanished Into the dark- I thick on the very floors. and I 4
ed(sollool and was ,received into the noes. she waved her hand In a piteous fare- foot enough strength to place h4r -in the the pas
Snorifide,, Christ the P4oek, Christ the ,h6ut, Ing. Sometimes the springs will get P-_ �
. wall. I am afraid my own feelings our windows trained sulth a scene AN ,
I Star, Ch�rlst the Balm, Christ the Institution at INfeerenberg at his 14tb We tired to think of the meat Im- , Wavered between sentiment ail � d re. Noah must have, recognized could he arm of it policeman aratd, the stopped er HOW HE XNEW,
Guide. If a minister should live one year, He was an Idlot of low Intel. portant things to do, but found our. my new return to look. �
� . . gret for iny paintings and Bat, good grao1oust What was causes quite suddenly, Milk Is large -
thousand years, and preach ten geable but good- selVes With trembling, uncertain black silk, just home from, the dress- The more dreadful the eltuatlon out- ly water, Tho COW has no way of' Jack -1 made two balls this after-
I Ser'nIons 0a0h daY, . those subjects humored disposition, The senses haste, doing the least necessary. Pr d 'malcor0s. . side became as the mud frho And that T Did his ears deceive him I In- iiaon, And I must have left my um- .
0 a eatt of A great oh r , f ,or him, A supplyingit. W61nqstidoit�farher. brella at the last place I called, 1
WO1114' ndt be OXhAUSt0d, DO You find seemed good and the muselar system returned very Soon with two or three Fred Stepped out upon the roof plaster and ehlmneYs fall, the bright- t ee r great
' . -ture. jirmendaus roar of laughte, - tf we do not, We must suffer the Con- Tom -How do you know but what
wou tempted I ,,roll them of Christ well developed, lie suffered from . strong meno and under his quick, with Ills arms full of goods, and be.� Or grow our picture for the fu . sequences. . :,
. thcf shield, , Or troubled,Y Tell them of epilepsy, during. o;n attack of which busineso-like, directions, preparatlOns fore lip could put hie foot upon the Far those days brought a, noW Fred, 6d tlhe�heralo actl _,.� you left it at the first plaoe f �
\ i � Chirisf,' the Comfort, or guiltyl Tell he 'died. The brain Weighed 2.850' were made like, magic. The Piano Was plank'tho house gave a lunge anti a lacking the brusqueness of the old, . 110 glanced, At, the lady 46 had ires. HOW TO DRUNCIR Al COW. Jaek-1360ause that's where I got .
V. th011a Of Christ the i'or&rk. Or dying f gratilas and seemed to be a hoisted Into wooden chairs, the library groan, and, careentne upon the side, and with such a kindness in his tone, Cued from A fiery fate, and the rea- Lt .
l Tali thein, -of Christ the Vre, elalargoment. . taken apart ,And packed upon the din- swopt out toward the street, I shut and such love .in hie eyes, that I gonL of their mirth WAS at once alli- Cows lon4 themselves much more * - .
�0 I I -OL I Ing -table, the Carpets were piled Upon my eyes and screamed, while Mrs, hardly know him. When the spring- parent, and amid the laughter of,the satisfactorily to drenching Avlth I AN AWFUL A001DUNT.
Scores of mituakers, yieldin e theseo and the parlor furniture WAS Moore dropped Upon her knees In ail time Came we built 'the home we had tjl6t.la Crowd he fleA. mediolno, U)4n either horses, tiheeP A small girl of 0 years suddenly
14 I 110 bkqd r4sotiett the milliner's dum- � or pigs. Drenching a horse is rt burst out crying At the dinner table.
demands of the age for elegant the- THE WRONG WAY R()UNI). carried upstairs, Mamma And I bus- Agony of Drayer. planned, upon the site of tile IOSt uligym,I)a
torte. and .Soft ispeeolt, and flattering � led ourselves In carrying provisions Surely, no experlentle In after life one, and motha was rpeonelloilp Mid I aoinowhat risky operatl6n# because of ,,Why, Btllel,ll said her mother, .
I . I . Here Is a western merehant., 'said ,,and Cooking utensils UP to MY tooffl, can equal the Anguish of the next thought the dainty Queen Ann eat- my. ......... .. I .....0---- � , . he 'ad-
o, A r,4pb,6 have surrendered their the man wild was reading nowava. - which had a grate, the otherg being half hour, And When We oaw- HOW tagO almost A9 MOO ail tile WcathOr- . I the liability to choking, an,a t "WhAt 18 the raltttkrl" I
134% to the dovil, "horse, foot, and per, who Ministration Of modloln6 to horses Is ,V
wt% I makes a very I a Ob", Whined Ethel, Ovity -teeth *top-
lbOral And belitod by regloterfi. In twenty mill- convienlont to be 111111ted by facts I boaton gables of the old house. DOING WX 14L.
dragoon," It those city . exqUisitoa UtIlquo offer In 'his Advertisement, Ito utell the Cozy sitting -room looked llkt I douid describe a very girpefut scene, Already two summers haVa flown itk the forox of A ball ratbort that% As . .
. won�t tilka the old-fashioned says hl will give a mirriago'lleense tile debris of A, hurricane, Than a as mY lover, borne In With drlD- since the flood, but the water marks C�omlbng in on a train tho other day & draught of, dreinoll. There aro, "d *a my tontw.il . . . .
I GOVel, thca' 10t them 90 On the dOw.111- wfib eve,ry rangA or got of furniture thin Atream of Water came under the Ding looks And pallid face, It left to MY can Yet V6 tra,lilld All Oyer ther V&Ila- was it family with a little, tiorvous howevor, some diseases In whiob, It A SPUR TO UNUM01, �
I . front ball -door, for our house Was low ther and a floAk of children, As
. ward road W1180 th0JP Witbt to, go, and he sells, and old-fashioned. Vired turhf"d to fancy, But to rjay that lie ))ad- Will they lallt Walla the happiness min are.3 Toronto, the mother I*. fi fotiud mor6 effective, to give the ,
. wet will givo, OuT time to thw great Of wurat, W'd bungle, it, answer- mother on tile Atairs, saying. l%oth. d1fid up to t1lo Window alotle, Ill Mi'. they brought us lives 7 wio ne niedloino In A liquid than lift a solid W611i summer rest m1k6A a Man
masses Who Want to heat thO folain ad Mr. 13tyking witli, 0bftra(v,(erISti6 et Is Anxiolts to hAV6 YOU Coma ovof Murray's water -trough, and wag SO When it was my turn to go down � Ran to qlltstl(In if everything wa6 all form. In drenching a Cow there 18 feel indtlOttlOus-
and stay with us until the danger Is oomplotoly encased In coating of mud Into the Valley of thd alladoWi. It WAS Tight, I .
Gosol, Atid Who Am dying by the gloom, wh.,I�., ought, to be done In over. Silo does not consider it so,fo no better M)PIlailoo than an 014110th, That's so; I always get On a 9004
mlillonsi %daw tboy & Wt hloa.r it, opipr to that he was unrecognizable, geemed Frod's atronAri, tender arm that held 11ave yolt got all the umbirellas, whou I come h%ok and find
0 show praotLaal &neroviity Ify for YOU to stay b6r6 Alone, eg- back. lt wou his bieloved volea . this Is mobt bett6r than a bottl6i as h11606
ritt the burden of our edlally, As you are via delleate, Mrs. so ludicrous that our sobs of joy tau- 1116 I
talk; to give P. raligo and a sot of furnj� t 110"'ll
I Do, ft arnat", aot bo undfiratood. Ile d0dalned our I that gave mo courage, and In tho I saulli my I had. T had four when U* latt6,r Li liable to got br6k6d tkat my. bank abeollilt hw% taueh6d .
ofirfat tho 11116pitittloA '04 our pray,6rg; fare with ovary Marriage licanat, Mother Was 06ilt 1:0 Aft0tthO IAVI- open arms and growl6d, "You women ' soltilin midnight V19116, V?hon Ila I started, and, now 11% got als I Shoulil tho anthrat prove excitable, and bottom .
. I .
1, �