HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-10-18, Page 1�,*-� , 1, . T - 111 . . � 4 7,4.11E 10% V% —.N : I I ....... , I CLI � 11 "I'll, .-I&- , . �w * # . I — . 21st Your ;Z� =7---:�-=!;�, . ... ­ . .1 � I — .--. . . .. --...---.,--�.,�-",--,��--"��.�"--�".-.- - --- —­­-�— I—- � --- .1 THe flows -Record i 1. a =--. 'S DOW 00kDOW101190d to 108d All ThIffin DAWO Tf t 11 . ­­ ­­----­— . Wholo Number 113 . I I VY111 ou ­­.— . — . I . I sent to any Address for tho. balance of MA.- ­—�-- I , I � fl-3@%Oii�e�90%eao@�eeoa----,�-4eepa-0 --- ---..- ---- . ­ ­ . ,1900 for 16 cents Or Until ­ . I a e pa 9a @%&a %�Cea �06N *�eeo .4 .. d)A . , 4.,goo, .ra,,M, . . TA# Appleir Were Rqjaed. I — —'-r---..- I . .the end or next year ,for $1.00 . I ' Lot so'con, 3 in the 1:1, , 1 4XI640Z , , ,­ -,----------------"-.1 . i 1. upon Road nur. The steamer Ottoman, which Baile'd Mrs. . I Shipley �4s been quite III BLYTH. I VARNA. � I . . Vey, Tuckerstalti), was sold by allCtion from Montreal oil Wedriesday of last for several days. I — � GOD4RICH TOWNS"Ip. . P Bicycle . Bargains , * at the Ratteribary House on Monday week, struck a rock twelve miles below Rev. 0. L. Mills WAS'& Blyth vieltor Miss Lott!' Weeks of,theiParr .Line Is m , . 4 . . and realized $0,200. Theraisno dwel. the citY and wits run ashore. Among -Revs- Murcluck and Stewart ex. last week. .. � visiting friends in Seaforth this weak, l"Tal)(10M Wallis returned on Satur. . I sipp OD .. ling on I the Promises and only a small the cargo was a consignment changed pulpits last Sunday. Dr. Cooke and Mr. A. Macdonald Mr. T. Jones of Leadbu,y Sundayed , day from the Americo,ri Soo W . . I barn. 4?ba purchase,, of apples � here, he . was Mr- 000. -from D. Oantelon and- sixty . 9evemi.01inton Liberals will attend were among the many Blyth, visitors at Mr. P. Murray's, had been y1sitilig ill �� I -­ � . head of the Liberal ineating in Stratford- th � 6 sons Fred, and . . . � I.... . . Nott, who owns the OlghtY acres ad" cattle shipped by R..& J. Ransford. evening. is to the Dungannon Vale last Fri Me, J`, Barnwell and wife John. He hit I I I day, . of RIrk. - ,I d a very pleasant time, he. . . 1-. I . I �.. . . . D . joining 16 and nOW has a good-sized The cattle Were brought back to me, oba a nedy has sue I Prof. Tatibe, eye specialist, of Toron. ton drove up to Varn I 837sp and looks. it, . , . �. .. . farm. Mr. NOtb Is s., prosperous farin. Montreal and transhipped bub the ternoon arid eat ' .a on Sunday- af, 11 I I , I � - J It a ceeded to wilt be doing business in and around urned home n0xb day.. Mr. Ban. ,9Vvitz@r has returned to the . .1 I . I er and is well able to add to his acres apples were ruined, Mr- B6rt Potts on the Rattenbur* Blyth Chi � ad a holiday as the I I s without encumbering himself. They �vero Inane- House staff. Y .a week, John It t t 11, I an rustees of I OWJ38 IP 4 to the loth 11 con' where I , .. .. I . I ad,, however, . . . A series Of eva Mr. George Grieves of Seaforth was his school were getting a furnace put to Ow JAB tile fa.rm. owned by his I .. � . I . . I Pharlas wallisi BUYS 4 Residence, $3,660 Paid for Gennollifild. . -ugelistio services will in town on Sunday. Into, the' school. They Walit to keep bron1her .mt Who moved to Goderic I . 14 - I I begin in the Ontario street church next Mr. lack Irons wasunited in fiapp John wfLpnl,l last we' I . h - L, UP,' !Ohn Leslie h4s sold his hand. t -Sunday evening. . Y n the cold weather. ek. I . . . . I I I . I The town council at wedlock to Miss Smith of London in and H Fair attend, . I . . I % I I � Some lesidence on Mary street to. X � A' special meet- Uev.Mr.Androws me . � , - V. Ing held on Mond&7 Me, .T.J. McMath has taken an inter- Clillton last Thursday, . s- David Cantelon, Sr -,spent a few . I Charles Wallis, who is to get possession , ight passed an . ad the funeral of Me, McLeod at Lon days last week with her daughter, Me,, ' , I . account ci I n eat in the long established buqiness of Mr. A. R. Bradwin of the Statidar V , � On November lat. The Place is one of � f $105 of A. Graham, for d desboroonFrida last, Mr-VaIr an; Win- Cooli. Mrs. Oanteion is bright . (cement Which was Used on corporation . the loss of his dog, "Stand. . and active for one of her &dv ' " I � the finest in town and Mr. Wallis is to . P, Rumball, carriage builoler. were- chums when the I . t I a . , " Mr.. McLeod Thechoirof the Rattedbury street "' mourill g former taught school in -that burgh. . &need I be congratulated on securing it. w k For building gratiolithic walk a,d," which got a does of poison on � . 01aAa. � 'be and his esteented famil Alm I ;rr. �rahani has recel ved $3,600. This 'church begins this week to rehearse. On Sunday. . . 1, years I I . .. y 11 . I 8 d Alex. Foster Is Improving his place We'are sop Y' to. report that Mr, -' . . Y 'Pe is only s0venty.flve per cent. of the for s, cantata to be given about Christ. Blyth Fair has come and gone and by Putting up,& stable, W. p. keys Thomas Bell Or pripI / Many happy years there. The �ce f the lat. con. 108b last I ( amount earned, . goes down oil the records. as tb a , larg. I I ,,�,' A SPIendid'Chance to Se ' I In fifteen days be mas, has the contract. eek four valuable calves from some � . cure a Firstclass � paid was $2,000. Mr. Leslie has lived -will receive fifteen per cent. more but In the report of the milk test made eat and best in its history, 0 1 W I . I . Bicycle. I � therefor twenty4hree years,butas the the balance will by D . ver $570 MI'. Anct Mrs, -T- Johns and family unknown ca . be kept top a year as a ,r Shaw, A. Welr' should have was taken in at the gate oil be second have again moved back to,theip . , as a. . . . . . family are now going out from the old I guarantee of good work. � been credited with 3 . .4i butt v fab in, day ' place Potato ra:ising and fall plowing ia � at model, fitted With Duplex tires, pegular $05 now W ash home, only three now remain, a smal- I . . .e and the total receipts amounted to in Varna after spending the summer, the order of the day, I Z & D late. � t . I I . I Cleveland, . . . $6 50 46 40 !, stead of 2.4j. ' � . . .1 . 'I" I Harl,ford, latest model, . ler�'house, he thinks, will suit them I MIrRa ,it, Hart on the I � 46 . ;.ball Takes a ftrifift .some Where Ill the neighborhood, of 111011thil with Wr � I I . 61 35 69 better. . . ­ The Pall Fair- prize list $1000. Seven thousand people W con. � 5 Mr. Lionel . . . �,. I R'Z, latest model, . is 50 1 .. � . I � which � . Sth A Xaftel has given up I . . 50 4, 85 to . � Rnmball, one'of the pioneer I appears age five is. that of the attendance, .are in Mr. I,oli,ng / ,. - 1. I Wolverine, latest model, � 00 I ." . I . . lea to go, to Tot -onto to attend ` I This is Your opportunity t' . r upon P ' e' McGuire Of Morris is visiting " ,X , i \ � 40 " 25- ll ' APlojigerpreilpfier, . , car iage builders and who in his many r not Blyth as the head. The many friends of M' Jack Joe his aoughter,MISs Libblo McGulre,the Y from Thai esford .�e I r ! � � . � � . . o secure a wheel. r . . �. . � . ye . ars in littainess has Pelg�av- pal r Tay . has takenyhoiring lad n . . � r �. , . I . . . . . A feature of the Program at the I established a I Ing Would indicate, are pleased to see him f * 8 Place for the balatic of ' I . . . . . reputation for sterling tip 4 un 'T I 1111Y recovered. r -POPUlAr teacher. Of the Parr Lino the year. a � . . We 'Cooper & .Co., Ontario street church on Monda ' rightness of . ton, hanksgiving service will Jack Wob a nasty kick from Cho school, and also his brotber-In4a' . I I 0 r . a bron. I r $ � I � I Y - which be. may well, be pr ad, has taken be held in the Ratteubnry street which nearly proved fatal, . � - W, Mr. Mr. :Charles Cook, I . . I � r evening was -s, historical sketch of the James MCOIYmont, this week. . is PUtL*Jng Up r ' Ot the 26d con. . " � . � .==i.�C,&J'NT0N church by Rev, " 04tber" Wade who, Mr- 7-. 1- MeMatb, who his been an church on Thursday at 11 a. in. Rqv, Mr. Howard Adams . and his slate .. T... Warot, is busy gettl a vOrY line resi- . 11 r I ­ Agents for 0. P. Ro Telegraph and - . . . .. . . employee for sortie ye r, . Me 119: Ilia deuce which when . � . . . . . . . as Rev. Dr. Gifford -said, appeared . , I ars,. into Partner- Dr. Gifford will preach.� . , I Miss 81va, of L6ndesbopo visii;.�d miss roots up and safety hotleed r ccimpleted will add I Dominion Express Money Orders. . . � . I � . . . . I Ships The' ( before, wet greatly to the appearance of the'- . . .. r I . likea leaf out Of the Past, Briefly Mr.. bor name of Rumball on vehi- The shipments from Clinton station I A�nnie cQuarrie,on k9unday. - � weather sets in. This is qu Pla a. r . . , . . . -- ­�­ I cJes; they "run* this . . , ite a con. If we oil C In e� I� i eeeeeeeeeeeee eeaqaqG@a@Q�� - I (Zad,,,.,7evt,pver the list of 13. 0. 'past- fir a ners" or "wheelers," -week include . il bt tract as. Mr. Ward grows a large'quan. ly . . I I . ' I . a . had Some of that r �. - oil I lllllllll . , . "t MA , . signiflied good wearing -qualities . lambs by'. Re'd­l Views of thelgouth Afrih- I now that Ca r . . rain . . -- I , . Ila. to Ome'ga... They apples by D. Oantelon, hoRs by. 0. can ar will be'given under the ',I,,., tity of chicory. be me in harvest, time,. when . -- I . were :and we doubt'nob but that this .repu .sides mangaids and I . - I ' 'T" I men. of zeal arid earnestness and their tatl6n - Wallis and organs by. the o. L . PI" Presbyterian­�chupch on' turnips, r I I ,:� . . . . . I . . . . . 4 I will be sustained, ' . . . of the I . . it wasn't 'heeded; tile ground , would I . . . . � I I The I Tuesd ay next.' ­ . . . . I � . ' do follow them. I street Epworth . Most of tile farmers are busy taki . Plow a great- deal easi r I .1 - I . : . . . I -- - 'go - rkr . .� . � . Raftenbury T1 . . 09 and team. -, I a . . Wh . , . .., � rr . . I � Faolier Zola elf was one of ihe Will W41COM6 Webb. r . . . Ila M,v . . up their r ots and potatoes. I . .for both mail I . 11, � I . I y . . � . . - :hints' . . . League will entertain the Leaguers of Ing -Picture entertainment 0 � � . � . I . � . r 'r . . . I I numbe - r. .By the way, Dr. Gif- . n . . ooked .. . I . I , .� o Von � LITTLE - At 6 specl -North street, church, Goderidh, a dot I On Saturday n ght Iliul a very.'s'l' Mr. John Miller of Luckn County Couricillor Connolly I ' * .. want to roast yourse . . I I ford. 1%a�rripdel chairman, Bis 'man- council at meeting of the town Seaforth on Monday night next. . attendance, '. I , .. r . tin On friendsin Varna, last ow called - a little tIfe worse of wear. on MO . . . e ' . .1 . � . , .. . . week, ,Mr. . � . � . meat When the tem- � I �. r I O'e d hearty and lie enters at follovi Ing c I ront of 8 Miss Mabel Bell of C I ,I ent ilday � I i I . _ ?king if . p p " risk a" � .held on Monday night the The grounds in ,f I Millqp has $old his farm tip as the result of. an ace. . I P, �Iatcire ., ommittee was Appointed to , , tavely linkon ti�nd, Miss . d he met .. r BREAKS ce in'to sym, . . . . there and with the Clay r . I . , , . 95 to 100 has been -ranging, from' I . r . . I I pathy with the audience,, make altnecessary Ar* Hall have been Pub -into shape, by Mr. Elva Adams of Logdesboro were visit. was looking at some of ,t4e farms thaib previous,' When I "I degrees in the shade � � I In every home ittle breaks I He ,Cook bcoasidix to eulogize his . . rangements for a Thos. Cottle' so thab.- they. may be r . r . 'r. . . he fell . . . I . � . It 1 I o Which he felt proud. choir, . ors at the F air. I � - . : are. for sale in this section . . . :some distance and bmiped his side arid � " . . '. . are occurring daily. . f . I suitabl reception .for Ban. Webb on - grac6d by flowers, etc., next Among the at hl' - . ,,Ir ' � r r Choirs are 'a rn Mr. 0. Logan is under * 0 �, ,� i r May be Tabl,e r,tu I many' exhibits At our a citiek. TQ . the doctor's � 0 mishap did no . . I verware. - I proverbially hard to get along with .4is from the war, :7 --Mayor I Fair were those of 11fr, WE Far, at present,hTit' we hops to see him however, diminish the genial C. � (),a � . I I . I . . I MAY be Rings,Brooches,Pins ut . �1 J keon nd ' Cap I taifis MeTaggarti I G. Howson cicou. led the' I r ' . ?SleY Walker r . r . r Way be Watches or Cl .1 b ' -not so that of the Ontario street a0N . and Me. Chelle .in his usual health so ' . good nature in'uhe least. - - I � . When . �. ocks. "I . . O �S I M!t(h,v,d71St* Pulpit. * ii P � . w- Mr. Walker had ,In . I . . .11 C in Sand haw. The Contingent is 0 n Londesboro.on . . . W r , , . Ir I . . . re anxious H41,fa r . excellent display of piabbs, o ans arid � ' r . I ,� I . ' I . . Whatever it is we' �� I Church., , The congregation � paue. Ir . . . n Sundaya..m. wit . an Rev. Me, Coup- � Gounb 136yalan, On. April I C - in fodder I � .1 . . rg . ,an r enian, bile lha� . I I you can get 'something in the it shall come -our way. . the Dr's sentiments hetirtily. , .. I expected to arrive in x kbout the furniture and . preacbe(l r in th ... U , Me. y were drawing . � I 'a a d ease . . . I . . . 'he a - .I 0 Methodist C . � I R mir su6h things in a. I r . I 22nd !net, . b P e y ,,pact itrfo , , eserves oved ,hurch on . nd, -.* McGuire's -one ,day '. . I Nailed Goods line a great deal. r . I We ey . . . . . . . and. three 'or four days will - 4 in thd Ratt n6ur' r'the goodthowing he mad . Sunday.evelling t � 1. r " . � I ... I ' . I � I .6 I r I . . . . -large. Congrega- 1196 week, his little son, Matter . . - I more appetizing, .. � * 7 manner, . . C I probably elapse ore Bemreachas homEi. - . 6 for a I 0 a . �, I . . satisfactor . A t7oderich TownshIp A . . 1. hurch. . I . . � . I flom t . . I . � business IU40. 14 Lotle I . ' . I L . I � . . . Our Chap r . . . I L Newcombe' I . . new to tion and' fall ford . Willie, L I I . I 8 . . , L ,r . .r . . . . ,gas are moderate-. Xhe court room iwas crowded. on 1: A h,earty reception awaits bimi. " . .have addeil a number . wn.. Mr. g&ve an Interesting account ­ the load and,had his ar ­ . I L L ' ­ . ' . . . - . . .. . L . tL fop ChelIew as usual. had of .his escape from the Ar ni n I . poked. L I � 'L , in . - . L � I . . I � Whether larg ' r ay. forenocia. last at the i . I : � OfsOats to thefri store equipmen , 8 . L L L . . . . . me a mas. b . I .1 . � " ), . . . q L r 'L i I r ate . , 'r . . I. . . ... M � I * I r' . a or Sala . 11 -it F id �bariag ,.I 1, &,.t1.,9j - . . . ' the comfort of their pittrons. * olinton's - . La rgooCt .display, I � People. from ' � , our services prompt. . I . B 'I."/ . . . . ' ' A 4 ,is,. - . , . r - ink� n t1acre perpetrated by, the Turk The * Severe, . r i . L . . I I . . receives all -the' of. a charge preferred b r . . E` - 0 0 of our old -ti : merchants ' . a.. .1 I . ..,r . Here PO . ... L , .. ..... I attention L QL . Y �­ Elliott of L The lee Lure 0 ,L,M&m r 11 . . I . ' �, it 1,7f,4u a I 'C at'WillgiV6 . a Co , I this to'JvnSIlIp.­ L.'. . L . , L . . . W . L it requires. .. 1 ­ . . . . n r'he .Woth Cavrei, I a -are strictly -to' ,,nnecesmAY, to a aborate.on 'his On .. I ncert in th ,c r It attended the Fall Fair n Dungan. .r L . . . r . r I 1. I � I ; L I P aces of busines lip . xb 0 . . I do hu 0 . held iL L L .r. . I .. .. . I ,r oderich townsbipr 'against " W. ' L,H. - '' L , � . , . ' r , I., L I . non OL r I L , ' L, . .. * ' . . . r' . . , , , . ­ IL . . , . . ry evening", L. I .1.. a " .. . � L, , . I . � . 1. � r 8 :'L . . 1, L . L. Ing money u I L * . . I . . . - I .L I � �'. ,... . .1 . . . I Ursday and Priclai last and, I . . . � . . . . � . � L L . can- .1. L . I . . Mrs. Jdaor gathered ripe raspberries. rather PeOulih , ' L' , r. ... * . . . . . speak 4ults: llig�jy of the *last Show. Of . , L.,L . .. .�r . ' We are 4eader§ - J of Clinton* Was a � I . . Lobli Of obtain* given in the Methodist churcb� by� Rev. date, . . . Y thing which . seemed :On, WeclneWa, .. . A few ndor false P I r . � . . I . . . ., Th Palate Tickler .p. Gjfford� r . . : � - I tied Chicken, Duck, Pi �'7 pretences. . The Case had bee r brilliant . . . . P was thd fact that both � . . . . . gs Feet, I n Made a r , Ready LunchL In Our Hne.' or! ' inal' .r . . . the Aensall. observer. it in her. garden ori SaCUpA .. &* th tl�rnenh . , . � ' - the season. ­ . . I 1, �J I Beef, 'Turkey, . L tn. one and Attorney � Lewis was . . . ay nd .on I ;a . ad,well-tonedgeamo. . ,, AUBURN. � , 1. .. a I . 1. . ' I. . I . L I . L L �. . . 1V1 a ' L . tf� . . __ L ' , . � . .1 . - . r I . . . I wits a' mas6erpiece.of Word, painting on ay - Mrsi Cooper df Princess I (�e "I In., 111111� .,departments. X r, Mi. Edgar R* , Mr, Wilson, tha:favoirite . .. .1 . . Tongue, Soaced Ma Is Lob. ' ' , " presenfilon behalf of this C of gS7 L. - , . I . S C' ers 'L . - r rown. �­ Mr. L phoue , I I sters, Car6bus, am �ar. � . . I combined with quaint hit' streeC picked a r CUP ft�ll , * . ill"v, L . owed of the G. T. R'L f ­ . ... propounder . . I I . . . dines, etc. . hriMP . I.. . . r P. Ba che Holb-appeAred for Mr. Ldbb.' Tile . Mor. L For . of the same h 6 pwldotibb by reason- of staff, *Clinton is able' to be around Q. conundrums and. :cOmic singer � , lo . * ,� ... . ... r , I . -WS case r . - . I .. . . I 0 � . .. . � . .. � . arose out of the proseduti about ad hour and a quarter the lee- -fruit from her bushes. I . . ,. I rig considers -I 1, . ,Still ill our midst , 'He Meets I ' . : " L . . . -vr6ler , . I I I . .. I is cingstandi reputation. .. � Je 1. . I . on several . L . q . . � A again.. arid 9, visiting his ., eV body � .. .� r . . ­ . Y led his audience through. Aff'MEric X)wws-RRoORI5 must go* to o o .. I . ory � . . L . . I nl�olfths ago of seve . ra I Young men ,f � tuter mentall . 1. I i a �trade, Mr. s. Caldwell .- - . . '. .Uncle, With a Sibile'. , '� r. - .. . I L.. . . . . , -Ripei t Watch , that he has � , - I ­ 11 . r. L . . L. ... I � . � - - ' '. r. . . ' I -or I . or thl ;, . �. . . . - . . . . � . . I I . 1 . �:. . . Appairiar a . I.d 0 miles of the .Intricacies arly this W64k,on.aecouin� i L I played quite fre7 � MIBP Ell& Tyndal U I L er',Of our 13 ' -a ' . . . . I L L � . dian; . ralsing I Pf thew6ndiir�: press a day a a communItY, ''' I .. .. . L I pti . ., . . r . , r . . Quite a numb . . . .. � . . . . . ­ . a distuban'ce ait the kettiodisb jul-,viork of nature : pio a ai . ret tried home Sop] .are suf. . f 0, . For . : . . . . .. . church near L Porter's ! and his vivid. ,.. :of Thkriltsoiving, falli I quently a his, :.'favorite ri flI doot lat ' faring from Colds - I . . I I . ng upon Thu . t day mot an. . a . L �" r I ., ���� Hill' - over' Cure Of - the effecti 6f light oil . care Wyou, never,, - -other at the result. of the a' . . . I �. . . 1. . .; .r L . . -- L 4rd f Sling was -Stal' .... . rs . Non,, from -visiting her u cle in Some for .. . I 'L , ' * . ­ . I . y budgets which ap. Walker on � * . 'L I L rl Sand , . L, . which. c' I I I the � day, several news come back." Up.: Me,. C� care of * 'P' . r . onsiderable h e . . . Clinton.. I udden Aan, r . 'L L r actite and stalagmite form tons of riy�d late ha o had to be held . a gez ,bLo�5, � L . . . e, , r I : ,� . .. I � . . L fit .. . V.. I I r It ad was rather rA large itumber from here attended] i in the atiosp I ; I .Lr I I nicer than Do' I over. , L wicbes *there is nothlbe , , , , ­ . aroused.. It has-been An unfortunate . 0 the othe , I L . . � . - .- - - I on The last meeting of. the It tteribury an' . I. is business welfare the, Blyth Fair last.week And also the A specia!lm. -L O- ", No. . ... . I - I . . . : . ­ . affair all the way thrr)Ugh,L but 'tis a i . . ,a . 3()6. 11 6 _ g o - * . . � - . ,villed Hard. , - the domes, and roofs left an impr6esi m reanxibusf6rh 6eti . L L . �.;_;, . . . . L . not , ,to r, .1 - not soon to be forgotten. . L" ' L . d his gramoplione o ally .� . . , ,�V,l the 29th L '' , ... . L.. r � I . . . . . Pity it was , wed , to - die, early , ,� . i . street League was.given. over to Mis- a ocaslon, .. peal- Dungannon Fail'. I . . r . aid on Monday, I . . . . ��rL . .. . L , T,ry I 0 Smoked.' 'The lyeddett In S1. ftul. � I . . r ' d fortli very* sauctimonibusly the did Mr., 0. �Baer left"On lilonclak for I trial. A fall attendance is rue . . . r . L . . . . 'L, 'r, 'a new .0 L ;. L . and the pipe of peaq sions. Mr. Tyndall led arid the follow. L strain 0hellew,shall I." I � Your . W cluffs I � .case. was not- concluded on Friday, Miss Kathleen, th third idaughter,of Ing program .was given ;�Rocltatlonl � . Stratford, where h' . andid as are expected that - - -.- � A � . . . . I . . . L a intends attending r � Miss *Paterson , e"I L r � . � . I � I'' L L' . . . 11 . . I . , but adjourriedr Until L Wednesday when Rev. S.L. Smith, a Sadie �golmes ; Song, - Wilbur , po -0f Lucknow carr'e'd­ college . ' � . . I night,. Arrangements will also . . L . I I I L . . . I .. I . 'L . formerly of Baylleld .rd . .. . � ., . L. ­ . r . $ 'drlver�� Mrs. 011here* ' Made for toper celebration of Nov. . I Dessert is easily 'made if you : English Ki 4 was dismissed d � r I off first prize as best lady . be: . , . . . . P Boobs, -band- , b Ma rea, Ing, ,Nona Miller. . . L . ... . � . I ". . I . . L , P . I . �. ' L, r lie Instantaneous Tapioca or r , " . r � Y .''yor J'ackiorl I . ith- of Oil - . Plummer folio service,held in . u. . _ a ' . and a atbp of R6*. R. B Sin* I ' -W, will be it union . � I . L .. . - I . . � �- Hasty'Jellycore,lin 0 different ' L ' Madd,"aIso for fall a r nd . win- and. Magi itrate .,SLeep .by whom' It ton)L"WaS U Conservative . Committee Roolns . r wed closely With second, tile Methodist.,,churcit. on `Tbursday Sbh.­�Geo. 4 Cooper, 4asker;.-Toh, ,: ' _ �Warrled-last week to , Mr. Mason has'invested I - I r 11 L ' . � I I . IM A ­ . . L . r � . 10)04-- flavors, at The Cash , ­ _r . an a hearing. . L ' ' Mr. have been Diperied oilb:in th ' . r . . , morning, Thanksgiving Da . TI'Ot;nPsOn, Secretary.. � L L I . . gramophone. 1. . L r . I r r . . . . . . .1 . L . ... . L I L . L Victor Corbett of: the Rep3rter� staff, building formerly occupied -a . Mr. Edgar Lawson intends to go -to October bids fair to ma . - - _ , termea�. his ,Rubber Sole was 9'v . . . .a Shop rd y. . . . L , I . � I . .. . pe, 1. L 11, � L , I . �L and Reeled Boots.' * We r Anniversary.jerylods. .1 �� . . .Minot, North. Dakota. Tile ceremony. cery.by y3sac . L . 8 & grri� . � Mr. S. -R. MacKintion,whole ' * . r . . . . . . I I , All Conser- chin 6. . I r sale mer'� Wingliard to. learn ke h6r exit ill . I I . L I * . . . - . . . SaY and know the 'are the Tile anniversary . services in connec- was performed by Rev. Dr. - C. L, om & Son. , r Of Tor . onto,r . the. baking, We balmy Outfit. Some ­p6o . . ... , . I . Y vatives are cordially I brother of our res- ,wish Ilia) success . ' . i .Ple really . , .. . r invited -to attend . 1. thinkwearegoing to have jusb'two . I . . . I . . Grocery, * ' I bes . L tion, with.the Ontario street church Andrews in Christ Cline' . . I pbeted citizen, Mr. MacKin non,. is 610 . Miss M, eL. r L . . I :. wee a a Sig Ing .. - I 11 . I � . I L 0 . .. � . I .t ,A. full. line Of all 11D I Ohl '9t' Paul- andmako themselves quite at hold . Fluk ri - thbLdress. k I I b- . r I I . M n., on Wednesday, Oct. 10 1 . .. e . . a learning I thl . I � L kinds, and prices are ri t. *ereLbeld ort Sunday and Monday and I . tho at 2 I . I I.Liberal candidate in 1161ton. . . . s-yeir, the Sadle as, � L . . L ' L ' . . . I . I � � . . Jim M L . . - Making With X , . . . 'Try them. . . . I I om, every point of . I p A, ' . vs. R. Robertoni - . last ivinter. . I . I gh *ere successful fj O'clock- Tholigh the. wedding Was of . There were eritertai enis galore in . pohie Graham. the g I L L. . . . I . . . L 'L . - . rabolithic Miss ' I � I I I a quiet witur the town halliast week, win'dingnp on . . Maggie Pollobk 'of Goderich is The Colborne correspondent spoke - r .' ' I L r . ... .. . 11 . 11 . view.. The c.hUr011 had been tas;tefully 0. many. friends . ,lk Contractor h vilig completed his neat of Miss C. this Week., & COuPI0 of Weeks. ago Of L a t rk�y. , . r. I . . . I Friday night with the concert given L . WensalL . . OaLB COOPER. & .CO. , `% I . gleaned I Wit , L L ., a .the rg '. . . .. .. I rr IL ffl) . . decorated with. palIna,. .choice flowers the truth and sent to Miss Smith at by work, in this town Was. here on Monday L . ­ . . L r . . I U . . L . - Corner store-Searles'iblock. Phone I . : . . the Seftforth brass band which put. on L - Mr.. and ,Mrs. O. Hoare of Clintoli whioll laid less than on6 hundred . ' . L r 23. , ,. . AM. a and sheavei, of L grain. Rev. Dr. her home ift.Forest. many.,, beatitiful I . . and got Paid up, less the percentage. L eggs - ' � . . . L . Cash for Butter and Diggs. � r L ii, � C1 .GIf- andCosti7okift ap 0 rthy of a crowded' were -the guests of the fopmep's broth. in one season and a k ad where wits . . - I I � . . .1 1. I .. . . .1 . I . . * I , ford' occupied the' Pulpit ddr . L a- AlbboughaLlodgway] house. Our tax collector, J. W. Bell I r 8 the. " L. r ' . -- .. . . .. 1. . -6hn, one day last week. I . L I ­ 11 . . . .r. is On or, J 11 . bird that had bee I - . I . . - Sanday' from her bat, ,r�1,9i,ra,!ptW9;on should be proud of .its is arib I , 11 illore industrious: . � ; � ,: , . , and at the xnorhin�-sefvico . a�olbgiged . .ivo country. her' ­ 9" I Ill ual rounds. . �, I . ' , . . I . - ­ .. .present bar. , - . I ... . .. . w - d L to It' r . . I . , ta 'Mi I . . 0 ' I . - . . .. 1. .1 . L. . . . Mr, J1. Medd inten a ava Ilia it. - William Cook has it. . . I . . . . - I L aesday morning' the wife of , . PL . L . I I . L. I for nof having L � home wilt be, c6inparaUvely, . USA I * . On. T' is now f Va Y. The turkey . . IH . . . . fe 0 . . . I secured -'soM0 Man of r to b1aSt next. . 1. . . L � � . . : . . . I , . . . L While working in the field on Satur. UP 01-1 shop. running � In fail I are old and in one season .r I . I . I I . . I note from a distance to �re . her brother Perci , who has settled in . r respected townsman,'bir. Martin Ca'Ode, week. 1. 1 4 1 r r . I I . . I . sell the L . L , r. . . . . ­ I . r I Carberry, Maultob daYMr.E.Rodaway pleton k4eled 11 V Wiled �r to r, . . . . : r. - . . . . of Sta laid 110 Le'998, If Colborne can . . I . . I I I . .anniversary services. . Re did not tell MaL . Aa Miss Smith had departed thislife after'n; short ill eat, r 'ge" N . D. this . . r I .1 L ... I the *Congregation, as he Might h1%ve n'y friends. in Clinton and this over And remained unconsclous: fop The remains n went to Toren ., we want to hear about I . t. �­ .. .. . . . . . � I clone, that the offiCers ,of. itte church L neivhborbooa who will be pleased to � -several minutes. Hehas beenyinde�Dr. L. � were deposited in .the last 89turday, . � � Miss . Sadie Watki of HoldieqViller, L " . r I A $3.00 Reducti L .' � . L . . i ­ . on , preferre .. . hear of the happy ev I orapgort?s care since and has almost Union cemetery on Thursday,' The ,changed pulpits Was the guest of A, a . . . .1 . *41111411 I . . Th � I of r Rev. Mr. Kennedy- 13 Lizzle Lowery .� - L - ' I . I d, Chat; he take .the services ebb add we join . . bereaved ones have the sympathy with the Belgrave. minister last 8 this weak. . iss . . . L I � I . . . I ­��� . himselii In his sermon "the -Dr, said . Usual Stat of. the dorilm I . .. I . . .1 � I � them in wishing the happy couple fully recovered . his a . L . 1111', . L I .. r . . I I ­ . . .r L L � . . . L .. 1 . . ... L unity. I day. I . . ­ �. . . . . r 'L . . . I . . I . I . . . . . . .1 . in& L rks Many. years Of happiness and pros- - health. . r � Everybody SaYSL . . . quite a number L attended D'ung& I r I .. r anniver6ary services Were land " ' ro I . r , L . net L parity, . Ahat the Blyth Mr. and 1v1isS Hunter of Sunshine a' tin.; . . I rL . . ..While in Toronto last week I :maae a; purchase, of I of thechurell to -day in a like man - I r . . Mr. Frederick Hamilton, war cor. Show for lQoo was the best arid larg- were tb � a guests nf the guest .of Mr. 0, n. Fair', on -Friday lasC, among others . . I .. . . L � I . a ap respondent.of . being MessrsilJones it id A-McCatittipy , . I I .. I . eCial line of ., as in the olded time when land marks The PrIesils Resideves Will he Ig C110jon. I the Toronto Globe, .will 'eat attended of any in the county. D. Beratt last Sunday, . . .' I . L ' � . L I L . I I . L . I. L I . I . , giira his celebrated lecture and stereo p . I— .andWilland 0. Telibutt. All.reporb I . . . I . r. . L . r. . I . L were evected on special occasions, For some time Past are -arrangement ticon views in th , L P- . M - Will Sbane yeturned home -oil ,Mr. Louis ­ I r . . .. I . . . . L EP I . L , , notably the twelve stones placed by a town hall this even. Saturday from Wettlatifer of Rostock -has a pleasant tim e. "L . . I . L , :J,O§ a two weeks' visit been the gu ' . ' L, , L ' . (R411 WORS .7, .has on- the rivep bank asa memorl of the Catholic parishes of Huron.has ini, It ,having to be Postponed front among friends in Michigan. . I eat of his brother-in-law U P. and Mrs,I. -Tones were the guests L I r . L . . I . . . . ,.at to the people of Israel, . The, Church mation � devoutly wished by many. and nob -commence tlil.Uo. '.L . I I .. DL LiV_ 'Mr. Goo. Lemp. . r, r . I . . . 0 "I . . I L . r . : SUITINas . been talked about. - 'T.vas a cousum- Saturday;' evening, - The lecture will . Our pushing townsman,.Mr .1 Of Miss MoMath on Sunday, I . I 0 0 0 . I . .. � L . � . .. . . . . . Wad,well filled in the morning arid - ibgstone, had the new electric' Mr- ,Nelson Armstrong has . roturne4 . Whitt might; have Proved ar very I .. . . .. . r . . r planb !it home to Parry 'Sound after visitin I . I r . . � . . isnow.tobe. Tho-Olinton-chilxchis.to Next Sunday this pastor of Rattga. running order on Saturday night �r serious accident 'happened to Mr. Geo,. I . L L . . Which usually sell at $is, r . . . again in the afternoon when an open be detached from Goderich and . bury streeb church ' for L:relatives in this vicinl0r. Mr.; Alb rb McCartney on rMo . L . I .00 but which we session of the Sunday School -with will occupy his own - the first time, 11 0 nolay of last week..' . . r .� . I I . ­ . I was held I . w, !all . puts & bright Armabrorig also leaves this Week for . . . r I I Pulpit, morning and 0�enWg. Subject . He was engaged picking I L can makeup for $15 00, Bly�h will form a Parish. This ar. � . appearance on the streets. . Parry 8ound. - . L . apples when . . . � .. r I. add -addresses delivered by ' that rangement; Will take effect a at 114, Ila., "Indications from nature r r . L . r .. I . r .. r . - veteran S , , S. r worker, Mr. D. , . It J&nuary I . -Me, Aclarn - Wettlaufor, �,. � L A' limb oil which' , he Was Standing I . . . . L Tipladyt lat when Rev. Father MoMenimen, and revelation as . . . brickmaker, . L. I r ' . I I . I vo U Sa- Ve $Q3000 . Li . f Rev. Alex. Stawartand I to man's higliesb has two of his children on the sick list. ,, ' . 1�05T TUCKERWIITH, : L broke and precipitated him to the r . . . I � Mr. W.RDbb . . . . I I . . . � . . . Dr. Gifford. Choice. music was f nelligh. now of St. Auguatine,will take charge. calling." Subject; at 7 P. in., "An jm� We hope SOOA io beat' of their - . ground Some.�tenor twelve feet, Tile . I . . I . ad by the Sunday School orchestra In He is said by portant message to the fathers &not recovery. Speedy - gave . . . . . . those'who know him to be 0ount Boyajan, an Armenian, result Was a Couple Of fractured ribs . I I ---..—A- -J- HOLLOWAX an able man and an eloqueo' mothEis of Clinton." I an int4rosting loot and other in dries which Will lay him I . I I I full knusber, while the singing was led 6 speaker. . On Tuesday morning the r ' are on his native j . . .. . r Ordains of ' - . ,.to a fair sized Off for a time, We hop, soon to sea � . . . i I I .................. I ............ I .... 1�— . by the S' S, quartette under the leadej_ A residencq for the priest is to be built Constable Gundry came down fjoin Miss jane Williams of Netv Yo) k land ell Friday evening I r . . 0 ifford. I � .were audience. . I him as well as ever, . Gar ff . . ship f Me, Percy Gi Miss Lena south of the church, a Piece of land Goderich on Monday 'with 6overil taken off the 10, 40 t �atn and conveyed professor Wilson and family treated I I L . I L . . . I . at T I . rad L . . Doherty presided a6 the pipe organ. baying been razors which 'were foun : e r I ____=!, h . . r purchased from Mrs. * I d among the to the residence of her brotherl Me 'Young and old to a pleasant evening in - ­� . .1 L - ice 1, r In' L.0 ' . L . I . I I L The hour forthe evening servi found Butter for that purpose. 16 cannot, stock of the Supposed burglar arrested, John Williams 4 Met W& . I . I . We have h ad a big sale of Rats this pa . I . r . the church crowded, Dr,rGifford filled however, be elected until next season . by him out in allot last week. The The funeral took VI Waddell . ..school NO. 4 on Thursday evening PORTER'S HILL . r - r I I want stylish Hats ged and in the meantime a suitable resid- the remains being taken to the'Etig. good UPS. Shrione, who ape I . . Sh 86 Season. Those who the pulpit acceptably, while the choir . razors were identified -by David & ace on WcdnOsd&Y, The concert consistecr of some being of those stolen from . at a, few clays I � t The congregan lish. Church coulote eastheguestor her friend, ,p Orally Como to US, It's the same wa,st pandered choice to. .The collectio as ence will be rented, Rowland as old Southern Song%etc.o alld WiiS Much Lat &Aesid I with ts, Ties, etc, Our stock is Justwha We represent 16 mus their store several months ago; . L . . rY for interment. appreciated byra, full house. . . to be, and . . � � 11 for the day AMOUnto4 to oixty-five tIOII Of Sb, J*Osepb's Are much pleased I . Mrs, McPhail, .returned to her home in I . dollars. , After the evening service a over. the prospect of having & rest- ' Bringing on the* elections in the 14 falls to our duty this week to Godericlion Wednesday, . , . . OgffP Prices fire Alftht. I � i special meeting of the Epworth League dent Priest and on Sunday after mass first week in November Will make it .. HOMESVILLO , I Chronicle the death of one of the aid. I— . . ' . I I I Subscribed $1600 towards the build- tea Minnie Me -- Ost'pioneers of this township, On tile merly Postmaster hope, was renewing . I I Was held at which Miss Turnbull read awkw4rd for the EIPOVtsmen. who were Mr. Ames Hendry of Glammis, for. . a carefully prepared report of the con. Ing fund, while $800 additional preparing for their annual visit to tbg .M Cartney of Detroit is farm Where for over half a century old acquaintances IttsC w 0 . I -- visiting her father, Mr. i a k - . ftq--. — A. Z Morrish nd mooge, in the ohn McCart- site has resided Mrs, R. Johns passed Mrs. Thos. Battles is on the sick list. . . . . ­ . � . vention recently hold in Guelph. on has been raised towards furnishing the north. The ditto Is bound to ney. I ­ 1-1. . . Mondayevening the tea -meeting was house. Rev. Fathers West -and Me- lessen the . peacefully away'. Born in Devon, Pat, MoLelland is Air. McPhail's pre. . . . @9-----Za6iWQ4--, , . held, Dinner was served in the$.$. Menimen have been In town this week number of those who make this yplwly Miss Emma Keys of Brockway, England, nearly 02 years ago she senb hired man. . . W 11grimage. It will be a case of wish- sin, Mis room . hp Pi Mich.,Wap the guest of here 1 oil 5 married Robert J'ohns, who pre-daceas. Mrs. Sterling gave An "At -Holneig on . I . . re the tables 'were loaded *1 business relating thereto and ap, Ing the other charmer was away, Alice Stanley# I ad her twenty years ago. They Sail' Thursday evening. I I with good1hings and ,I large staff of � peared to be Well pleased with the pro- . Miss Levina Tebbutt left on Monday , A Time Slaver � for Farmers' young ladies And gentlemen kept busy gross that has already been made, ­—­ — grated to this Country in the thirties tip. Bone has engaged with .Mr. 13. I L . . I Ling Upo, � I . .fortondon' where she inten and hewed for theingelves'A home. Churchill of Haliett for the winter. I . . wal n the many guests foe a , I . ­� . 8RUCRF111LI). . I . , . . couple of hours. After the dinner an I L ' . main for some time, Ragged and'strong, sickness was now . Miss COp& I . � L The Standard Truck Scale is one'of the most usaful*bovelties adjournment,wag made to the auditorl- SUMMERHILL. The nominitticinfor the selection of a . A' series Of evangelistic meetings to hOr up to a week before her deaths Newton of Witight,ra 14 on the Canadian market for farmers. It saves time and hard - Li are being hold in the Methodist church In life she Wits ft, consistent member of visiting at the home. of bait uncle, Mr. I , Ual when Dr. Gifford took the chat L beral candidate to contest the riding O.Newton, -1 % Ork, both of I Which mean money, It can. be used rig a and the following program I*v V Mr. W. M. Lowery left on Monda,y, for the House of Commons was held this Week, L . the Methodist church., L.C,4130 WAS laid � . I L . Hamilton of Gooloriall was at the same time, I I as rell.' forTorouto to attend the'Voterinary herellast, Thursday, The trustees of the Methodist church to rest oil Saburilay afternoon in Tue. in this viciniti last Week. . wheelbarrow and scale . derail :- . 0ollege. I After balloting Presented the organist, Miss. Vida Tab- nerlacemetery, Alargenumbero Mr. Jas I I L Anthem-"ASong of Thanksgiving,, I twice Mr. Sohn McIfillan was mad f old Miss Sane Marshall hag I The K.1,09.mroo Plow I choir. I Me- Geo. McCartney, while employ. the unanimous choice of Obe.convene. butt, Prior to her departure to London friends gathered to pay their last; re. front Goderlell. returned I . Address -."A sketch of the early his. ad at Up John Tebbates, fell from tin tion, . . withapuraeof gold, accompanied b; spects. Peace to the dead pioneer Mr. Reld Toirrarice has & new wheel narket. We have sold 55 , tory of the Ontario street church,,, I Is stay- dieect, from Toronto, Is the Moab Popular, Plow On th� r - apple tr�e and broke two libs which Dr. JameErBalrolof Montralt the f011olvingladdress :- Miss Davis Of ClInton,sporib par� of this season Which Is a testimony in its favor. Rev. Mr. Wade. will IaY him ofl! work for some time, Ing At his home here at present. . To Miss Vina, Tebbutt,- I the Past week the guest of Mrs. P. W� . , I haye tried It recommend it to othekEi. , Those who $Olo-I'Down in the deep blue sea,, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lowery visited T. 0. Delgaty, returned from the Oil Dear Sister --On behalf of the 1101mea, Orloh. Mr- T- A- Macdonald, conteaetop, is L . Mr. I?erey Gifford. At Mr. Wra. Bawden�s on .Sunday last, country a week ago. ville'Truatea Board of the Methodist Mrs, LL G, UrIch hag returned home (101119WOrk for Mr, S. MrkodoilgaIt by . . . A large number from this vicinity The a r church Wo hf-vo been requested to ad- 60"I a visit, to her old -home in L VS. Way Of raising and remodelling the . Address-110pportunitleg ofthe young WAS ad ae amen t of the Lord's Supper dress You. As you. are to remove from bOrde- . Ball B " Pulpe,rs took In the BlythiPgLir on Wednesday Ministered in Cho Presbyterian for L house. . . . . efirilag I men of to.day,n itev,'W, Gifford. Unter left, on Monday$ Chicago W. I Run easy Add work Well. Of last Week and report a good time. chur Out, Midats. at lea6b a time, we wish Mr. Robert 11 Some of the fo lowera Of Dolvey of � , I We guarantee thern to do both. quartette-I'Abide with Me," Mrs. ch last SubdAY. Sovoral new to express to you Our Sincere appreein. Sth, ilist,, for 0ollingwood where he doug,tilys 11, hold Meetings in Mae. . Miss Dinabl' Watkins is visiting members were added to the role, . *1 � Gibbings, Miss Couch, Messts-11089 friends on the loth con, & tion of the set took tile boat to his new home on . . . Ad In the, We are sorry, to pe6opt that Mr f -denying and gratuitous 1hall on the eVedinga of Oct. Single P10 W No. I - '' and Vailberton. . village ab present. I RoberbRoss Is at ppeae,ab Vepy I services Which'YOu have pandered our St. -Toleples Island. The beat wishes of 24h, and Ztll. I Theta is no better Plow than thisi We guarantee Address -"A look Into the future Of Miss Mabel Bingham fian gone to but alight hope Ill Add him �t a are entertained church as organist during tile past four his many friends Accompany I J`011n Shaw, After 9pending Gov. for Spat Weeko in Toronto, being -"it attend. ,lXk' right. . It to be pastors And people,,, pev, W. G. 01111ton talearn dreds-making, his recovery. Mr, Geo. Hill Is also yeara. We regret the faeb of Mr. Gordon Waldron of TO;,OdtOL t V' . Howson. your . . Mi', Joao Carter arid sons talle(I on Severely ill, leaving and It Po ere long to IdiVe YOU spent a few days under tile parental a 10,60tho Vale, returned oil Satur. Not-110ourb your blessings,,,, Dr, friends in tile village on Saturday last. 'Taking up potatoes is back amonsr o day by way of tile wheel, taking in a , Hamess Giffol-4 Add Perey Gifford. L tile order of us Again -, in the mean- too I . Mr- J- 11. Lowery had it very suoovs,p : the day and an Abundant crop they time We ask your Acceptance of this Ur, Will, GrAnb hAs iMproVed the b(Ift1bol? of towns of Ilia format no. MA10 Qualltetto-Mesgrb. 11ondpilveyEr, in, bee ode, day last week, , Al'o* Slight, Acknowledgement, of Oar in. APPeapAilddof Ills Stanley house by tho � aArness lot the beat, stock and 14"Mmerton, Xerr and McRae. Miss Maud Tyner is learning dress. Mr. Charles Wilson has g - debtednessr, $20 in gold, And We pray application of it coat of Wil ito 13mint oldod whare lie will Pitch big tent for We h&Ve A, 109e stock Of I . quaintance, Mr, ,9haw, hits not yet dow , I I workmanship. When you Want A set Inspect our stock and The program throughout was VerY making in Clinton at present, , Ob nicely the Winter. . . learn our prices., heartily enjoyed Add the a gettleil, downda tile American Hotel thab upon you May r0ab God,s richest Mrs- (Or-) -Howill.09 Trenton, Mi�h,p I . I Udlence Mt- (40, And Miss St. Hanna, of and Is prapAred to attend to either blessing And thAt' YOU nlivy be usoa '0019 tile 911446 of hor sistori Mrs. : A 801311011 W49 PtftChed In Botbel oil I Signified Its approyal by, W&rm ,%lid Wintill-OPAP0116 Sunday at Mr. Sohn InAft 'Or beast, and do It well, More and more fop 11isr glopy. Wise, the Put week. I Sunday Morning to tile Chose,, , ------------- - --------- I L-, L — � I ii , I i I I I - � , I I I I I I 'I '06,9011dtfi Sh-06 60011,r trade, . 0 1 Colithlut-d apPl4usa. The 1)roeeeda puller's in the village. tir- OvAl"Ret IIAS builtitAtable on the :. Oteene, Pastor. � lff-,R01mes Of Olint011 BPOIIt flundAy 141111lends. . I I � *f the evoll"19 0"nounted to $125 And Quite a number went froln hope to lot Chat, lie 1,�,dently bought, W- Stanley, Treaeurot, last tile guesb of Ills cousin, Miss M.. I I with SUdday"g C011eCLIOUS tile not the Vale 4b I)odiggl1non On ri pid, I at, Holum. y ay 6, Instructive Meetinge were held in. ­- -­­­­­­­­-­ . I be -sent to B06 A IHMOINSP 40 will total $170, Inaking the The OrAugedied of L 0. L No, 028 tile lltesbyt Iftd church all last week. All', 11111IOtt Of Whigham visited at AlliTs",a,d,�l�t-.�tc",qwa"t,""(,�(1111) wl'i -- 1, . '14A na holding an a Or A' V0010111, Mass Was eelebrabe(l I St. Mt Intil the end of thN yertf, I r.e.�,e,0,,v,,,,p,, finatlelally, tho Moab late Wguppop on Cho Ministers J M. to 11 -1 DVA � ­ ­A.A t- 'IL ­ c O.. - - � - - - .. . L YA -- fvOm ItedgAll, MOIC11101) and oseph's church Monday, A. - W- 0- VlOwes'the Past week. I for fifteen cents or Until January Ist aharth.-Ath-afsovim r ...... a I ther 01AC00 took pArt, lato Mrs. T, Qnlgle 11 tile 'Ifiss 11"dith Wrtlorm 13PcIlding -'his [ IW4 f6r one dollar, The Peoples, ­­­­­ ­­­­ I 0 'L I - ­ ­­ J1 ­ ... ... L ­Y�or HU1160, ­­'- L- week the goest of WIDSh#A Irl#nail. I 1"Aper 18 now the owknowk4god 10mlept � 0 ­­ ­ .