HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-10-03, Page 60 . . . I . � . I . . I . . V M I -- I DO STIFF HAU 0AUSE BALDNESS ? X=== - - . .. I -­ -I--.--- I .1 - .1 �::!­Z,�­- -====--======== ,� . I ONE TASTE OF TIke VVION NX011illug Aroulmd obti 9qt#AqIo � . I I . . Are you predisposed to baldness? If I Th I . . 30, don't wear a otiffbat. A - I � 'I - QV 410P 1110ml Are Colllprt-m%ed, by Tkesoi� rough Storm and Sunshine .400tor,% MM1MMh==-- 9:===--1--. 1. . I ... I ;;;r� I . . wlgraakeC and a barber have said that 011APTER .t,-CDAtljjued, and Lady ft .Tuvt tanDod, of it often . . 0A stiff hats commonly worn are re. .ALADA S "I'll, 11, 11 �� IT011611O10 for the Increasing blight of 11, need lot have foared, Nurseo in after-yearr*-bat from the very COVLON ORE13N A . baldness, and e1jilarou looked up ourprLsed Urst the Young vlaitor-ovixiodd an al- will captivote the tasto of any Japan The hair, they say, depends for !to Whe'll She entered, looking fie Palo most passionate love for little Ar- tea drinker. I AutritIO111 on I the Wood supply that and otately. She dlimissed the set- 4bur. Ile never wearied of taking .�. flows 14 tba fine vei4a.rulining over 113110, and t4en took tho child Ar. the Child. oat, , ot talking to him, play- , .=­ .� , ;=;=,-----Z=Z= . tile soatp� $Dma of the V,tiias that thUr In �ber arms, . lillig witill him, tolling him tales. He where tho grounds Aciped, ran a supply the hair follicles with food colne "It is all over, my little boy," she would rut -her romp for an hour with broad, clear, deep river, the watex through the Skull, but thos; veins ex. -sabd-"all ovisr." him than do anything also. once womed to, sing as it ran, yet it wa� lending around tile outside of . the She kissed him as, s9me InCti3ers kisa Lady St. just Said to him- . a deep, dangerous stream, with swift, , Skull Ar,e 1100st ii.ApQrtaut. Analog. a dead c1hild In a perfect passion of "13010U 40t IAX FrancU, Harry 110 flowing currents and Whirling od� ously'. it is pointed oitt Oval; if a ,,S., grief; team *11 from bar ey . as on to * "Tesi," be ropiliod; Pbut I like this die% tr0a Were to W bound tightly ar6and his brown curls and upturned little Itttle fellow better -better, tridead, "How bentiltiful thlo rivot loolos this , . the trunk 4. great deal of nutrition face, i . than all the world- If ever I grow morning I" said L,)rd St. J�Asb. "Vi.Y. . W-01,114 be out off from t1w bark, If, "It is all Over, my darIllig," she to be a rJoh -an, I shall leave little ion, we Must h3ve. a now pleasure- . 9 !a addition to this, you were to covor Said. . . . - Arthur all my momy,,, b.oat, I find our P,repont one not only the tree with a great bag add tie the Ite wmdd never be beir of fiance- Husband and wife looked at each leakp$ but 13 ilmiate. Ali, here cionjo . . I . mouth, tightly around the trunk, the wood -this obild for whom She bad otbor, struck with the, words. : The the boys !11 . tree would die. The result of wearing .formed such proud hapes, great affection at the Child for the . BAt there were (mly two of them,, th� stiff bat is similar to this, Every "Memina,,, Said the iittle one m,itb oroiwu boy, and of the boy for tb6 young 0awald and little Arthur, ., time You pull your hat from your head Solemn up,turue,d face, "why do you child, became at last almoot tire- Master Francis having refused with , and it comes loose with, a j,,k you ,,,. cry so, V Am I going to ,dle?,, Sonia; they cQuid Uot be separated.. great dignity to leave his nurse. Laid . . overcoming the pounds of prossureit "NO, my darling," she replied. and It was lovely. Wea'ther, and KL,ngla St, Just stood by laughing heartily- ia exerting on Chia skull. ' . Mien, she tried to comk)ow herself. 'Rest looked Its fairest. The Woods to x the big boy had put -,hims6if .,,In .1 The doctor says it Is not at all im. . $$is (kuY.Cn1a going to dleV' he ask- "to .filled With deep green foliage, barn*ws" and the little one was Probable that the, increase of baldness ad aga44- �� .. the flowers wo,re- their brightest COX_ driving ,him with the greatest glee, . I is due in a greAt measure to the stiff "No, dear child," she a,qswered; and or'%, and Young Oswald was unwont. laughing as The flouriSlidd his little hat. Particularly is tll�at the .case sbo* thIDUght to herself there were edly. happy. One day his heard Lord WINP, . . I Where man Wear Stiff hats Indoors. troubles greater than death� $t- Jlm$t call hie wife by beir Chilstialit "look at My barse, reamma!'? cried . Any Covering which Confines the head � She pirted the soft, �hinlug curls name, and 'u'; looked'up ini wonder. ILttle Arthatr-his, beautiful face was will work havoc with the hair, but the on his forehead. What a lovely face 1. Ivivula,"' he kopeated--lVivioull fluiethed With exercise, his curls were I difference in rigidity between the It WAS, ­90 nable, so fair, 'What' a I Why, 1 hav'd beard that name; it is taRsed by t1je wind.. 1. sweatband Of the stiff hat and that of noble lord and master i�e Would have like the other word, 'LaMewood.11 It He looked so beautiful that Lady the soft . bat would make the latter made for Lancewood I It Was ,11 sladlila to Sound from afar off. 'Viv- St. Jusit Caught him la h,a'.r arms and . Preferable for many reasons. .,OV8r, the lioms. she' had. fought for,', le'a'-1 have 00,11-4 SOMI ,-no by that klosed him. I I I . 0 T,ke old oavaliers ,wore great 0o'ft struggled for, Sinned and suffered I =111A." .He looked with a long earn-, "Do not stop me, mamma -look at . hats, and their hair was always long for, would be tho . Prey of the Spoilers eat look into the faca of 1ady *St. my. bqlrse I" cried the -child. '' .' 1 � . and, luxurignt. Women ,wear Once aga4a, and sibliv. co atiot. "Do- you know," be Continued "Take. care of him; Harry," sa14 . . their I . � . bats high on the crowns of their )leads, it- . . . .� I "that I could fancy that I ha� Vivion; "he is very little--�milid he I . . and tl�ey are seldom bald.` Primitive Tbat same owning, After all their ,called .you VIVIetil- MY Vivien, it ever does not get into mlachiqf. What a man did not 'wear a'hat, His hair lWas' VWtOm had left them, Lord St. Just I bad one, had just such a face." . U61310 bay be isl".She Said, turning to long, and thick. Nature gave it to told' his wife what, he . had decided, "Rely upon one thtljg,'� ouid Lord. her husband.- "And how atrange lt. . I Ulm as u'PrOtedtion from the al � � St. 'Jusit tolhis Wife. Aftar that. "if 'we w0ald be Lf, After all, 03�vald left' . AeAntints. uPOW-'. � 1. I . � Lt slied snow and rain and it'kept his "TO begio With'." he. said, -,It Woul ; d 'had not decided on doing full justice. 14neewoW to btal. I.". I . I * head warn'l, Yet it gave ventilation to be advisable,. before taking an . y steps to that boy, bs himselt,in time, . 1100wa, (I . I I . would 1 . must- marry," decided . , the, scalp. , . . I . I . to 11119tall Oswald as beLr of Lance- have demanded it. I am quite certain, J�IT`41 St- Just- "WO have f9rtuna ' It, isat, evidence. to -day. %hose Wood, to otuily Me boy for a time that his memory . Would, gradually ouffloient, for. *our ohildren�wa need . ' . . . peo I . . to we What 44 ls.lum be Ing ve returned." I .. . Plea remaining nearest the primi- . . facts pluo . Ili . . . not �Vant his,." . -, , I � . . . I -They both -remembered the Live Condition give up the%r ,hair the - mtjgDWCe0t -a f0rtune in Ills, .He AWDed him'oue day it the name , .. . words, slOWest. The wigmakers,oi the world hitudw-ilot. 'Chat there sho I uld be any "Oswald" was 00mmon in America They stood watching the boys until 1. 11 . . I . drawl their aupply� ot'llair from . the unneqeasary delay in making him Amid blie,boy turned da' r they disappeared baWind the. trees. . go ly to him. . . . . , . peasan Ij`lMO nitt,ster of Lancewood,.'bllt that- -it I "HOW stmmge,".�W Said, "that you. "Thloy will not .go near the river, . s1w;ws how nature still loois..to the' .1 1,�.'woutld be well to not. shon�14 ask me that questlon,, Lord f hope," said Lady St. Jrust. . . . . . a 11!6 tastes needg of the primitiie man- On. the *and babits, . ao as to . know, baits St,� Just I Xy, limicle and I quarreled "No," replied her husband, ­o,s-' ld ' . . r how . . Wa other hand, tile negroes of the tropics to deal whth!l him What I propose,,, about that very %iiime.11 - - . has more sense." ' I . . .. I I I . . , � � I . . . . need less protection than the natives Continued Lord St, Suet,. Not this. We "Why'Oid yoij, quarrelr' asked 4is , And tildn, with tlie.' auji,shiijing o. I n . ' .. . I .. they'Lila,Ve are going W-. . , of) cold Climates; therefore . I King's1tast; let ua.ask lordAtp- � . I . them, the Song of .the bWs in their . I I . L . . . I . . ' I less hair. I I s . , .1 .� 'him, ae yow visitor, to . "I am.quita .sure that once -1 do 6ar.%. the sweet,p8rfume'.of the flower . . . go with us� . . . ' I . �s TO Preserve Age- bair man. needs to to spend,, we; *111 say. the summer nat kilow when or whord-4 used tcl. round * them,- they . re-entered 4 the . . . . I . I . ,. .. . . . go back to nature. B6 needs- to Use. vAcutdou. DO You agree to,thatt" be called OsWillil," he ropll,d. Ali of- hou-Se. I - . I �, . 1. , � ,. . . . . . . I '.. .1 .� ­.. . . ., ... 1. ten hear :v6lo . . ­ , . bbi hair more than he does. He Should - "Yes," she"answeraO.' ' � ­ as ealllil�g One Oswald � . I � . I I I.. "Then " went . . . ,. . . .. . . FOr,60MO 'hours on . that btl' . I 90 without- a .hat. and partioularly . - % 4an LoTd�,st. just, even L'i MY sileop. I have dreamed (if . . ghksqn�-- . .. without) a stiff.0 :.. I � - . 40 � ewr since I . lit morlAX19. 40 one , ff"Pected auly. . no. .1 I When, b6 is at Kiii-gla Rest, ajjd:-fr,6 that ,have dreamed at all- . , The idea is to give any p�jrt.of tile f* L : ba " ' I . , ching. wrong. - -.� Lord St- ; body, Work to do ii you �vant to 170123, - all , 61066�1` restraint; we can, t .Uncle D&rman, said that it was.. -, . .Juat. zo,le . I I 1! � hery I pro- W�tbj 14mv. we ca I I all notsensa, th�jt I Lmagined Such over the estate -w -be had many ,little a it. Nature iveakens In the n talk. to. him, we . long I oda, . in healthy use. Wo- can, give him SIDole'valuable lessons, thingt% and the, took them to � be . tters tO attend to; T,ady �.St. Jji,�t run all organs not, . . .P . -ters of i tatiop jo, n . d Men uie their hair as.it was . intended w� ca a teach him the respect true. I know,'UoWever, that at sonte. had let I rari se *, Out . and' . . . I � .; . to be used More than do� men. Tlhat is reverends that Is Ada to the name, time O)� -Other I Was called Oswald." . tih(i so . rvanta were. busy. NO on . a -eason Why they are,goldom. bald., of Nestle; and, When lid is'qait . a Ito- . 'Agtiln Lord St. J 4 the two I the i . ."t Jooked'at his thought of the absence Of Mail should follo%v the example of .. . . . . boys . . ... . woul,in in their respect.. * At any rate, bued with ourmbitiments, we oan.tali wife, f,Lud .they agrood. 'that he must I .extrsoj�dinary. .. . I � � - . . p . . I he should 'lot cover his'llead With a him the truth." 1. I . be to.0 all soolL., Evidently memory , Lady $t. Just -w" more thoughtful '. ' I Constricting. band that.. -prevents ven- ,,IJCi%v . much shall you . . . . In *hJ than usualthis Jgorn�ng-1!4 I or, as t � he . y tilation and compreaws the . -tell.. him .?. war, awakening fast wlihi M.. He - . I . veins. of . . . . . entered Clio 40use, her hqaband had. the scalp so that the blood Cannot asked Vivien. . . had lii�eu th�ro so 'we tims, ands botlb i wo�d pleased. With blan. He as .Mad supply the hair roots with nutrition, "AA little as pibesible"P repliod Lord , a told her the time was, wine when. they . I Particularly, he should -not w�aj his St, Just. "I aliall write to- his . . to have outgrown tho.faults of 'his jjj�g,ht Safely itell'the yc.=g ,%It 10s. . motheri . . I I . stiff but in the h-0118- . The whole teffing her thA her bz�y ha.v been re childhood, he wa;s, no'longer insincere, . Wald hia,hiatory. She was thinking question centers upon the necessity . -1 . but - giving tbe scalp a chance of ratbe*r blijutand fra deeply of all 'that would, arise from to main, Stbred to its by'. t4b People who stole . I . n -k; Wk. tem, I tain ftself. . .. I ild'ej- J shall send ai St4t0mallf 'to all per though not perfeat, was good. it, ­or 40: migut have found time to . , the - leadlaig mew4paperts: that the V00ep, r4aild. ade now.that UL9 faults inquire if t4a b y d . a in. . , ­­��­- , . . a a 43L Cow. child WU � at . *Ion, not drowned, and MR11ted, rather, from trajolieg than ., Tbe first V.8iAon who suspeoted any-' . that .be 2, . � � W 'restored to his rela - t 41-4 imag . . was one of- tha, ja . TARVATION, , .5 no - I friolin alwthing else. He worulA no t W, rden- . .. * . . . . � - I . . . .. : tivie& 'file affair will excite eom I - after.all make ,so, bad a maeter for OXN WhO, P-104114 by thBriver,,saw a — .. , . . .. . Lan"wood. Her husli,ind agreed Ple4k1re- ' boat floating slowly up� THE CONDITION I OF THOSE AV. n2elit, n(X doubt; but it will only be a w � ith bar. I � . I .. . . 4de down, , dared to himself � mine days? woinder� -and Man it will I . . ,go Won I . FLICTED WITH INIJIGESTIOP. -die away.lf . I I . . "He i4 ,a bigb-,spirited * 40,j.'! Said. als.10 what it Meant, and then went I -� '. '' , . .. I . . ,,, I risitulener, I I Lord St. Justo "be k3 bra" and cogr­ to the boat�Aoui�e and found both . Sock Aleaduche'. offellai've "But, V I 'alerlo :Will Wa,ut to kinow . , 5 . - 1kreath alill gpijelat, *i,,.-irr)1uA,Il1jy,, ,More, $I , . . . . . ". I I agews; be. does t know f"r; be,js boat'dal oara word ji�Issia'. - .:, C 0i . . I L n,ot . 40 . . 9 . I: 111141 &L Feeling of 11 eight 4011 41A4.1, r over-obedlent, and glories in ap, - . . . h . $Auln- �:. "I .shall refuse. to � tell be . , , (To . Be. 0ontinved) � athAre ANH0119 fht��Synlli � lools. �, - ..I me're- 1 40 UOt.thiuk She will ,are-, a6t Cd daxlng-b4t to, Wal be 0"1iy �­ - - ... � . I . 19 , . . � ­ .. . I . I r. V I . Dyspepsia, .or indigestion, As: it is Mlich 0 her interest. in LI-n6ewood T0140 his affe,otions, and . . . . . ' ' I . I alsor frequently, called, I . a one of. the haa died; she is the C I oratesse (is aal- that is why, before tel '' - . .. 2p!59J FJW11 A S MIONI). � . . . ma . llaged th I . lbag. bini.thd . I . � . � 'I t ekAS t ' I I 64IL6 havne ail�Vays been - rifled . With. Most ,serious ailm, hat afflicts 1OQX- .Indoed ,I be)' tmth, I wan,ted him to. love Us, NOW . I � . I I. Love she will be so f n1aAkind. When tile stomach loses pleased to come back again. that she he is so devoted to.you, Vivian, and.to ,gruove into wblo4 the: lead laight ex- v . . . .. . I . . 11 . � . Will ask few 11 I; � P: its craving for food, and the power questlo,as. . � :, me, Ubat .We 51ldlIbe,alite, to Lufluence � pand undex the prea,wre Of the'po , w - I . to digest it, the Porsonso afflicted is "But the world—'the world!" sigh- him-I'lle 'Will not lover his ow.n mother der and thUs work �ts way �9-qt. of.,iho r * i both mentally I and physically An . a ad Lady St. Suat. "I fear We shall SO, inuall, and � we can prevent her barrel, �. $oiw an in I bi not . ventor ha,s pro� t condition of- wretchedness, I The, eescape, oIaji4er.,,. .. . . from,gaining an evil ascendancy OV6r dug I 13 � I . . - ed a Weap>n i n . . . , . I I Symptoms Of'tho disorder are mard- "The world will . . . . -him, I am quite sure, for Instance I . . .1 , , . -Y little �aboutt the Princ�,Pje. , , 0 told, and among the'ril May be noted, maCter, managed as I sha tibit we *%n make Mill Sao the need The gun Is rifled* wit4 a r�dgo which " a feeling Of Weigh 11 ""go for a 1"; lately refu6ing to allow her S$n4w Into, tj I . ai -t in'the region of it, There will he a little wonder . - t . 44 Nott jAcket of the Qr- . Lt " the stomach, Sick headache, offensive a 111t fle. talk, and than all wi.I.', be for' tollve at Lancewood, and, I shall std� dinary mi.iltiry. btillot, d,omprq&4ng ft breath, heart -burn, . a disagreeable g0ftm Of one thing you. -may rest rise him to travel -4o, da'aa�thlnj, so closely as. to require 9,000 pouibds -at CIL I taste in the mouth, . irritability of asvused, Vivien—tbe wo, I in fact, rather than sailivilt to her energy �C, force it da � I . rid ivill nev- I . � I oat of the barrel. temper, disturbed Sleep, e,ta. Tile Can. er aftributo to YOU ally s6are in guli'dawm." : I 1 This ariaugtan�e t givai a to-tary V the I . I n '' d&tion is In taot on$' at slow starva- Obdu6tl�'ya­; tile fast that the rmtora- " That will be wlsa.": said Vivien,� jao,tjoa of �,Qao revofixt!Qns aSecoad q, ' . tion at the blood, nerves and body, tlOn Of Young Sir Oswald . The thought of Valerie, reigning at . ' deprives omr I � to this ballatt'a sezed. of nearly 2j500 t� and on the first,symptoms treatments 610,11 Of th'a estate wtil'6zonerate you 'the Ab"Oey ),ia,d almost driven hot mad, feet a second tbxotlgh the - aic, * .axid 411 . . through the uso of Dr. Williams, pink evan. in thq jolo,is of the most sue- ,"I forewe better day's for .L.anc-o- the rapid revolation, Sends . t4e bal ' I � it . I Pills should be soughL Mr. William PWM&" ' . I . . wood, Vivian," A%id Lord St. Just. true to tha mark, witlidilt th.0 jaa,C: in Birt, a well known blacksmithl at She turned to him an' . 4 placed. her " Oswald will develop into &.good waver oir defleotion.. The ponetrat. in Pisquid; P. a. I., is one wUo suffered hands 04 W 41jo,Wder. . . mall.; I Sin qu,Lto sure 6f.it� We must Ing power is alw %phenomenal. ' ". ti? for years, and relates J�ls 'experience "Our OWTX Mo." She said, "our lit- advise1lut to marry yoktug;.a.nd if be. The new gun is aliio fi - tted with an dc for thO benefit of similar sufferers. fle Arthur—what oliall we Say to him inirr" Well said w in ,isejy, there wil ' I arrange ant by, 'whiah the reooit I� i'a Mr. 13irt SILYS:—"Por Many Srears I if be a-9kS YOU in the fa . Lure about be good times for tile Ab�sy, depend overcome, and the gua is practically ve ' . was a victim of indigestion, &a . tillia?" . I I Upon Lt... .. . . . I . self-controllable.'By .this device the Parlied by nervousness,. palpitation of- N� "My dear Vivian. there ist a qua � stion 'like looked up With a brighter 444le gum, d;se�bargoa at tho- rate of ,750 , coin . I the heart and other distressing syMp- Of greater importance still, What On her faoa than he had seen there for ;�IiA* a.minute. . .14 � ports consider . Loma. My aPwtite was irregular, 64-111 WO -MY ft* tlie Great Ju4go if go= Ilmd" L . the taWnig I up of tile rewil a's the oll . and w1at I ate felt like a weight in we permit this h1jiL-stice ta, go an p, "Adrian," Ad said, "If that .should most rem,jr,kable fea ' t e my stOMAM131; this Was accompanied � "You are always, right, Adrian,') 6=18 to P3M-4f 1 Should 9ALU peads bls,tOty,of gun invenii6n, Tile '0'- � , by a feeling Of Stupor Or Sleepiness, She Sald,, bar ban& falling listlessly of mInd, -Mi "� of s64, and see bright- ventor, Dr. MoCle'an, Will lay one of A andt yet I rarely . enjoyed'a night's by her side, .. . . or days dawn for liancemood-1 shall his gum aer, . ms the palm at his hand ow I I I sound 0`188P- - Wilda r would rotire a Us kL"ed her fair face; it seemed be happy," Imit , t to herself she and Will tire It With hardly aquiver fill creepingi eenBation Would come over strar4re even to himself, but .this 1'hooffbt "I a14 ew4p�rjg ihe punlih- I 'seen fn tl�e we'aliOn. Another St! sin 'I I Wag me, with Pains and fluttering around of ]AS Wila'a made him love bar More. mant of my I 4n.11 . . gum would jump off tille floor or dls� tih( the heart, and then when I arose in dearly tha,n ever; there was ame� � --- , . I Cho I pge its shDit into tile calling, . It t,h( . the motulug, I would feet fie tired What Of PltYs mingled,now, with his 00 APTD R T4L is L c)LAAl*-A that tl�e same principle oan fie' . and fatrkuod as I did before I wont to ageotim I Lord and Lady St. Just wore oi4t be applied to overooniing the repoils, arc ' bed. It is awdless; to may that I WAS - 8D it Wits Settled that they should in the pleasant grounds of King's I Olt tbe beayy gutp, on iyar yoswjs, we c0ntitetuallY taking anedicind, and learetandon during the weakfollow- Rest walking umAer the shadie of a I I . fee bli6d. . I tllnk, 41,11inost everything Ing and go to Kingla Reg. Lord St. grove of ohestuttt-treas; the day was 1. 0 fap 37fto(Mmeaded. as acute for the trou. Jr%WA arrIlAged that they, ,should go w4rin and beautiful, Cite Wcy blue and i . A ShIOVS MATTER, . Ma ble' Ooda'stuatillY I got tetnati0rary together to Hanixetaram!th. talid, Willi cloudless, tho'birds. were singing gay- I Teo—A Sootclin�,aa can't see ajoka, iu� relief, but the trouble always came Dr� Lester% -- , ba-ek, usually In a stl . consent, invite the bay ly v " ate wato filled with, the sweet they say, and yet he originated golf.. tihO It wore aggra- to P-ISs his 'Summer vacation with breath of flowers. tn Cho, ditAittice, Patt—Well, golf is no Joke, bra vated farm. All this, of eaur�w, cost them, , I I ---- - I I �, ----------�" da -E a L=mt deal of njoney, and tia.the "I Shall not give Dr. Lester the eXPeadillure rllv or (I , seemed useless 1, Was fainteat Ldea, of the tMth at present," awl very much discouraged One da he SAM. "When, the time come* for , Constipated, Bowels thel . Je 40me Of MY negghbans, w�() had Al a Making Young, Sir 0,9w%dd known, � . of I' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills With Much 1`1011t Ishrill give hbu an datline of C1119 8180 tO 09111181111114 and Other Bodily Dorallgoments-Ors ChaeWo the benefit. dAviged =a to try them, and the Story, Ania bind him to seoreoy. IkIdnay-Liver Pillit are UnIqUe as ft Only Traittrnotit . ca tj I debided to do so, thinking never. We cunnOt Prevent bbil from knowing . ad th'aless, that it Would, be but an- Something of it, but he is a gentle- Wh1oh Parmanontly Cum 00"otloation. Cha 4n`tll0,r 11OP81639 exPeriment. '.to my Man, and W111 novar batray�us,,, . . Sul, groat gratilioation, however, I had They did 4--4 Lord St. just sugg,?.st- Constipation, Or Inactivity of the stAtes- *rn ths tall of 1805 1 used throa stal 'cialy b"'ad UsIng th'a PLIIS -t few Weeks ad' 110UrY Darman" was doUght- bowels' Is probably'tho Cause of more or fo�vr boxes of Dp. Chaha,s . when I felt ilatress And suffering than any other uoy-Liver ,Pills for Kid- dot( dwiAodly better, *And ed beY04A maotsttre at the Invitation. Constipation deal I itganto derangement, Oncerthisbowels and Stomach Ttottbiea and� flever . WAS thlogs began to look brighter, I Can- "Will Y4YIL lot M� rida?" ha.as;ked Are constipated the kidneys became, found anything to domparo with fror finned taking the pills for several L004 St. X,asit, 1,�,Jy uncle Caught me bTogged, dia liver torpid and the ate. them, I had suff6red from these com- months, with the result that An WhOn I W" In Amorka.lf* . timoh and Whole digestive system plaints for many years and tsLkejl gry y MrOAtelw In+A.4.o.A i.44W the GAMES WE OWE TO CHINA. --'-'- - ��'----­ 11111TIO.. , BPI ARURING FOR TREASURE ,,1A,y.0.uJ,h4v* at 'icy timp sitperlen"d any 410101MIky la getting a Wo it At au%% yQuir '0101' 1114yif 311t. 4YOVYway. Youmayoveroo�tiothitiato4cobyuoluff '1144 UkeCraipilpi lrprovo t140 V—. Chinese 11% r1'11";', ulteR, 11"1011111"xISAID TO BEHIDDENIN A CARTHA- * ToP4 141141Y14 ow It, 4'. . AGINTAU TEXPJ,L�, 111,stva,d Of blebfops and knights I — "I'lLue'30 Chess lu'AR a general. soore. A Uois I.,x1roorillo1mv, sollog Cokupooy - I t1wrleo clepbaiats, .b ­ U D E L LA orses, chariots, � I�Orly vt-or* ,Iga it NO Ave or 11 04,0V00 g -Wx�oxw 'm I '� AJW.4eJ4,qI 4 4 . 0 .10.494.. 148 111911, quality which novervarles, has become ginibiect - I 00,10110, and ooldkirs. There ia also a mtootlojA by IH!�ca, nbla 't NJ I . , Noddrally IT'raltily. � -III: " columont-ame,lig its regular 004quir.ors, Inkoattriloksts 126#30,40s".andfloo, V-1-i- rivvx between the I appoLging forces, To Tunis belongs the honor of being . — - ­ -- , � , ,. , '' � ",.I ...... = F - , 11 --i-- � s%utilaort'heirwi" the gutino Is very the headquarters of ille. most ex- .. to to, its distant a ad-acoar ding traotilluary stock company in the . How long - . That's one question you should Chinese ideAs-degonera*to (Is- world, the obiedt of which IS to tjo. . srosudant played by ourselves.- ,.LN.bere will it ask when you buy paint, it will. , are 44ty-four squiare;s on Oe board earth tile treasures of amythical or . . pay to buy good pa . I'nt-paint . I 41114 'sIxtcQ4 Pieces on each ,side. Chose Senli-mythical Carthaginlan deity, look fresh ? I � owligial4ted in China B,C., 14-)o. Which, according to. tradition, have . . that has been tested for years. . for ages been buried baile4th the � . -1 . Rilte's In China, tire generally waters at a little die , tance, from . I sqU31r4 41400d. They �ro the uu� Tunis. This Panic deity was Esh- I I.. M "E"'A YIS . ,, R 010% 10 veirisal aniuwment'of all '4,gee 44 " � ;41- nd 111011111, who was known to the Romans - C � olaaads. Owr klite flyers 11111glit take under tin) ,name at Saturn. ilia trw , C:- C C I P-dAINTS . 'Many b"'Ats In khte flyiu,g from Chin- sure, it is said, consists of gold coin, ,��.5 1 ese 'boJV0- The, I-119bt silk stxlng and gold b4re, jewelled vessels and e ,- I I rk < retain their glossy newness. and . the Meet t0 witad It ,on are much ahead quisite, statues, I x- I �. � 11 "I., I at our rough cord Pulled in by band, not less thun ..0and it is valued at , I look fresh and, bright, longer Kbte flying oolm,�4 bei" ,000,000f, There are I than any otb6rs, because they . to as a spring njany Popular legends about it, and arautiament , scust-Cm apparently'. the people Of SYTIa are convinced that are made right, They are pure ftect from China, Where . ally* one they are based on. truth, paints. They are the best, � . � flying a khte at anothat, season would . . m *( I , be laughed of.' ' People talked about this'wonderful I , Pegtoo seboodbuya owe to qb�nese treasure as far back as Empetor 11 . q9 A. RAMSAY A& SON, r.t'd 1842, 1 Norti's time. Suatonius, in his life . . . . illiventors. But Chinese 4DYS, always. , . of � � . . Nero, and Taoltus, in the sixteenth � MONTREAL, � PAI"t Makerip . . I . Play top in winter OIL frozen ground book of his annals, say that . . . ­ -1 --- . Oft , On Ice, Many tops are beautLfull Nero sent . -1. ., -, --- -1 - ­ 1-1 . - , ­ � - ;­­ , I I . I .fi y a fleet to Carthage in tb6 hope of re.- I ---- I tilloled and cairved. HumalLng. taps . W IV awe known as "thunder cOV8171119 this treasure,'aboat wbich . ' IV$' " 'Xhe lie had heard surprising. Stories from � eldigin of th,e Ch-In-eeo toll) dates back . EN GLI SH ' ' a Carthaginian knight named Cesel- E14% P11%,w -a to the myth6aal peiriod Of Chinese his- lius Cass! ' The fleet, howeveri tor� 3000 to 500() B.C. . . us- 19"11 C*A`X.,7W1RAL - NO' e-aulls has 01rossed to its from the searched. in valn ,and as a result Ce- TEU-o I 11ING %-:) if KUP raw East less. alteired I . 801lius committed suicide. At a later i , than backgami- period a now 169and arose, accord. Man, Chinese backgammon ,_ ldmA% . ultmost -identical ly before the destruction of thoiroity, � It U boolds and dice are on" Ing: to which the Carthaginians, short- Comforts CrVing C . Z-.11 ' hild n w6th those used .by Oturselves. The I . . dbluese *oanje for backgammon . , I . carried off their -costliest treasures , , L -"W wr 11 Uer- . ,�r,eStscde- in Me World. ally branslated, is battle 0(tiess. and buried them In a subterranean � -�. Nwo- . neoropolis beside thosa of the' god. !---&--�25'� --Z, �& 6--,yW,Ae,re,,-�, Why tho,Chtnese should call'dorai- , - - - Does "fareign tablets" i,s This necropolis is said to be under the ­ � ----- - -- ­--­... . I - -1 ---- � -.- -- i , I , . . . . -.­-, .. T.- -- ­­�-- - a mays tery, hill known as Sidl�blt-Has'san and to Seems convinced that most . . � . weilng that they and the Coreaus have be connected . with Carthage by means treasu � res will be found so valuable AN APPROPRIATE ANSW'P-,R . . , . played 'gasneis With dominoes I . oner or -later It was in'tho restaurant. � . Of twelve centuries past. 14 'numer of a tunnel. It, is a fact .that -,�heti and so hopeful is R mbarek that boIjas What Will Mary, have? asked ' the . - I . . als the lid . xboLr of Tunis was 'being con- ,refused to s�ll, ' , the ordering, ' . . �, . . . I oven at a high figure man whe was doing . . I — -­ I— ­--!--�� structed the engineers ' .A little lamb, replied Mar . � . � � . ' .found trades his claim to a portion of. the treasures, * She was. a girl� O' y- . . . of a tunnel, Which, .led' toward this 'As the Pioneer I I n this ontsrpri ' * wh .did not believe . . I SHE PATIENTLY hill. - . I . I . . -40, be in shattering the old traditions. � ' .. . - I ­ . I . - is naturally- entitled..to a goodly I .. ..-- . , : I . . . . ' Forty - . years ago a no tive' oi Maroc-' Portion of whatever wealth 'may . . � - . . . � ' . . a attention I Ov be I . I'OR OVER PIPTY VSARb . 1. . . . BORE 018GRACL in Tunis reo' ered. ' * Mm. WINSLOW'S soorHING � , , , � � . . � . I . . 0'aft wil"I" I . . ! owing to the fact that from a condl- �. I . � -----0-- . , d , .. . � . — . � . - . T" . tion. of extreme Povetty he su4d6nly, .01DAR ANI) DyspEpSIA, . 4" �'Ii �. . . 'I 1"� . I a. lath. Troma ta' attai7ae4 apo$ition Of great I .. 1% .1 1, 11 d . I k Sad letter . . dy Whose I -wealth., 'The JuIca ' ..d .. M" . , . " I . .1 . . . . ,. . , D ily he squandered large sums at Oi'tlld apple as a bove.r. I � — , � . . Husband Was DISSIPated.. . "' ,, � and ago has at times. be looked upon VALTJI� OF MAIL DELIVElly. . . . ­ I . . I ­ . . ... � money . there Seemed no. lim.it to. wit Bus 'Ion on . . . 1. . . . . — . ll 10 . 1. . . . . his riches. Ile explai.nd I I � P1 - Those who abstain it Is estimated that free rural niail . I A th."t'he b"d- through foar. delivery is increasing the v.tlue Of - I . I d Hiw With a Secre) Suddenly discovered *hoaps of gold in re4ssiired by fhe results of the .In- land in Colorado, where it is in oppea-, . I 10W She Core froin taking it 'may be � . ., . . . -the bowels of - th . . . ­ I I -' . � . I I 0 parth, .and he at*- 10 French Anedi- � tion, P5. all . . . Remedy, I . . I vestigati ns of two . acre. . , , . , . . I . . - � I . . . . . --- . I � I " I � . I , ... . � .. . . . . � . . . .. �ributed .his good fuj�tqne'to awanc!7­ Cal Man; 1VL M. Carrion - and. Can triz, . I AVROPos, 61t, m . ' * . . I � : . I en t: man uscr!Pt,. Which,. lie �claiijied, W 0, reier, ' , ri, N. � . . . I . I 11 ring. to � ... . I .. . I had. poiated:out to hini. a secret . I . it among otbef: Alloo-Ardn't men f4'riny ? - . I . � . � . . �, � . . way gasepwa.boverages, Which they r6com- - . I .. 1. . . IeAdI g. to. 1he Chamber in wbieli have . .. .. y are; puppose a lot . �n ,� 1. . . 1. I. I � --' . I . I . I- 111 . Laura­:Tes, the . . I .. ­ .. . been Stor0d for Centuries the troa- . - ----.- - - -­ - . Of women ShOiild r! . . . � � .1 . . . �. I I — . .1 1! - 9 upin. fantastic. * .. . I. .1 . sures Of the Carthaginian's and of -. Costumes . and Parade.. : s' . � . . 1�. .. I , . � . I .. . ,. ': One of the roost danger. . . . '--- .. I . 1. - . I . lk� * - ,:", \* -,� I their god Eshmoum: A friend, he'said I . . . � � I I.... I . I . I . . . . hadhelped him lZil ilia search for gola� . aus and repulsive -forms of I . I I MONTREAL HOTEL PIREOTORT.- . . I . W) . � .. Soon afterward he and tjiis friend � 1: — - -- 1J13ea$Q is , , The 11 BalmorA1,11 Frog. Am. Nab- I . I . . . . � 0 1 �. . . I r .. ­ ­ . Blu's SlAft up I . , I � . . left Tunis, and fitted 'y . R.O.P --iT � . n ears Liter the -­O1i111=01,-K9. Ai. ii' . . . .S. y J . AVEAUE H0@Lf,%r , 8: It I.. , .. , iormar returned and &ads * . " . � i: . W 111by. - 01 . rates $1.50 1, - ! at- .. � . I 1. . .. .� . . �. . I . .. . � � � I .1 . . I I I . .. tempt to.'Seeur6 a fr 'Y of .. *, - I . rp. ` * an 11 I . . ash S.pol 11 i - : .1 0, .1 . � . I gold. Xl'inding that' he . . . . . OLD r-Z7aiI0 I � . ' - . . .. ..; .. . , could�niot sue- . , * I NR.D,. . I . I . . � . . . �.. - 40� * aced with-ou L help, - he entered into . . . � . 11 . . Md3igier-1 Sao Barnpaws, the cir� . .. . -, . 4W . . Partne,rship'Witli a.man named Bill- L I for which'Dodd's Kidney . the * other day .. I ft . cus man, was married . � � * , . I . I . . . 10 " e, , . . well as'wi�h several otbdj�a, . Thal- was something of ii; come . down, I I . . . . . . . . ... ,*'Z . . I � cure. In Dropsy the Kid- . � I � . I ­ . � I..... and the �esuif � was thaL h . - for him, . . I '. .. . . .. I . N' . , a managed neys are actually'dainmed I . . . . I I . . . . I , , . � � I I I., to get as far as tile. door of theau,b- � , I . . L . . u0i at�d the water, which . . Thingumbob-NVIly so f . . � . I . . . . . . . . . . I . . . I . ;. . . . Lorranean temple in ,which the trea- I should be' expelled In the *1 ., Mc.11ggar-TUe wadding was nothing � I . . I 1, '. I . I I bareki as . Pills are the otily .cartain I ­ - sures were � 0011dealad. At this-poin . t, � form of urine, flows back . . Iyat a one ri . . . . $41hadlopybarspatien I bopne-thedis. I andlodgesin the -cells of � . . ing performance, .. '- I .. . . % . � "- .. � . Z00, sufferin i ver, a,(Iuar . I I . . � .1�, Mise.rf an grivationo due howe rel, arose as to wbiell , : ­ the flesh and puffs out the . � - . . I.. . .� . I m h Sba d In -Ing ablis- kPAV should be ilia first to a I . skiti.- Remove the filth, - ' There 18 more OdtiLrrb In tale section of tAll g1f y�uur Imparvellus remedy forthe cure . uter the sacred rious fight . country than all other diseases put to,ol,her, . rikennege, which X'bould gi' pre6ints, and ginally � which pl th d i .- be a fu wain, mad until the last few years Was autpose to . . VP MY U a , i% . isband searetly, X deciddd �to tq� Ip. I . .1 . � Restore tv, lidoeys to Incurable. For af rdat many years doctors pro, I � ,ocured a package and mixed it i4 his 'qnsued, .which, ended In the death'of , � , health. There is only one . : rounded It a lee& disease and, ascribed local . � . atl the native of. Alurocoo and one of.,hig Kidney M4dicina . ,. . platidles, 1, - . ad and doffed, iind, as.the remedy W. . . � .. , nd by co.risti0y fia tki; to Ours with. I . � I coal treatineutZ pronounced it incurable. Sol. I ' ' . �orless -and tasteless, he did not know companions, ,The -others, - teiritl6d tit I I I. * , , ' . � , 01106 has Proven clitarrb to be a constituttonal �. . bat It was' thatr So quickly relieved hU ' � . . . . lsease, an therefore requires constitutional �- - . avingfrrliquor. He soon begaljto�piok' the tragedy, left the.place hastily antl .. .1 I eatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured-, �,� �, I P -tics ., his appetite for solid food return - having bound'leach 'othel, to secrecyl I D, . .. . � V11 F� J. Chaney & Cy, Toledo, Z)hl% in the only. -40 , lid, stuck'to his work rag I � . .1 . I . � . ; constitutional cure on tbb inarket, Ili is tak a � � . - � Z19W have a ha ularly, hm(l. , fled from, the- city.. _ ' . I I � Internally in doses from 10 drops to a taaetol.6.1. � . . . . in home. After he Ali thIS sounds rather Myth . ical and, "* tul. It RON directly on the blood and mucous' � . . . - a LS completely cure told him.whisit I . .1 . .. . - I aurfaces of the system. - They offer one hum d. I . .� ddona,Whon lie acknowledged that it, nebulous, �blj I , I � 10 N EY I I 'red do:l^rs for tiny case it, tails to cure. Bond . d been his saving.. as he had not the I I t now we 'come to stj�id ' , , role circulars and testimonials, . . . � ..... : I ' iobUlon to breAk off Of Ilia oWn jLccorii. E1108, - .Two years -ago Unjbirek, who � ddr F NHY&C0#,ToIodo,0 - I '. III g .. . � �� I �s 6 g vd your romidy a ttlal,,, . . ed -to . I 4 mu thp beat; I . -7:A sample p Tuills and look iL * * I �. .1 Leart advise'all wbindn' afflicted as I � 'EXTFURE To ALL. , bad fled to M6roeco,' return I - P LS . I . ,.If, I' D � ackago � . ad f or those who bad � . --­ * .. --- , . . .. Tasteless Samaria Prescription sgx,z ace I om . panic . d, him . ' . . I .. I I .­­ . WELL RECO ' . . I I .. I I . on the previ4 I., . . . � . . . . MMENDEM', � . Its withfun articulars in plain sealed � I . . I : . .. I I , 9'elope. All letters cousidered'sacied- Pedition, his intention ' being to -e ! mend for certain peculiarities ,of -..di- Mi0bress; You .gay' ' I 1. -. . n. i . � I I I .. . you. are Well re. ,. 1, � cofifidential. Address The Saraarlw deavor ance,11nore to ob , . , ge'stion, sl�aalc most bli-Illy of oider. o0tomended? . . .. .. .. I . . .. Tordan streets Torontai, . . 4ain access to . . . '. . I ­ . . . . I medy Co., 98 . . Ile .. ' I I I 11 . nadv. ' I � I subterranean temple. : Ua�d- , � . I .Us found ' In some forms of dYspapsia/th d' I , Indeed, , �dla,am, . I 'have. , . . . I ey 8. I . . , . -----,.-- I tw4'Of his formal- coin elftre it to ba very d,estrable, espe j� LIAIrLy-mind: a int . --- -- , I . Panions, 'and �. . a � . x0elle referencear, . . d size Chinese dominoes arteimilar one night be and'they went to look: ally Wbon ,the process of digestion is Mistress; And hiow.long have yo�j I � � I j&r,tbe entra 4 ra � . � . . i those used In Varope and Amorl- . acei to *tile tunnel Which 1 tot) p,fd and for the gouty itis re. b0ou Ili domestic Service? . I . . I , Iffewen6e Is th, �, leads towara the:LeMp1a, I s JeoMmanded as- a correctivo of, the uric, *.- Maid; -Two, years� njapam,- . rhe only ,J: at the ' - As Variou . I -S :axe a Uttle differently arrang- blianges;Iiad�b0on,,made, in that ,)art f a6l diatheals.. . . . . .. . I � . .11 . . . I . . . . . I 1. . I -- . . � . -o- . I . , � and the number of ,;,sees is not of the city within-A'he last few years, f. . I . . . I . (COPY off a letter which appeared to I .1 I to the Same. A set c6asists of they ware unable to find it, and after I May, Favek- Vary PrevAlont . the Ceylon Observo.0 , I 1. I . . I I DntY-ano, p'Deces, eleven of wihictj inuoll consultation they decided -to ap� !' , I "CORRESPONDENCE." . � . I . � I Th6umands.now suffox .from .Ilay . .: I I duPlIcated, makfieg thirt5-1.1tV6 in Ply tO" advice to. ballor 'ltedin' r) I rev , oil. Science now knows that it is - . Ca - lombo, Aug. 15, 1900., . � ocimPlele set., The Cljf � have archaeologist . who has adquir-l' ;' . a germ disease-4ostroy the g-arin 'To the Editor oX the " Ceylon Observ. . mesa . ad ai It , I ­ I . * to dombno games "than ourselves, Wide' rUputatiori. through 'his ; itild you destroy the dizeage, Olht­ I * - er. I I . � ... . I � I wiirku 1 wents eanotit do this, . neither - can I odar Siri-I have Carefully' examin. , . . � lludLng a cuirlous one called "Tort In th,,r,tn, Of.ftoolent Carthage.' 'i douches or Powders Snuffed up, There ,.Oil and tasted t1ho Small simpie of Tea ie." 'There seems 11,Ltlo doubt that I He Was amazed when'he heard t9eir : is just one remedy that wili.cur, Hay. arked " SALADAII Parie Uncolored . . . I I auln0eis Came to as from' the . East story, and hd advised I them to 1 Fe.ver and cure it quickly. It is Car., Clon Green'Tsa,,! you sent.-mov last . . I. . I into their confideno . take , ried'by the air Lo, the remotest air'llight and find it is set stated, I . . I tend of being, as claimed, the, in- . a Baron Atisalmo; Passages of the nasal' passage's and I The tea has exceptional leaf fra.g. . 11011 Of two .Vremdh ,monks. do Xingays, a member of tile prench It is a germ killer -it is a rAZICO and draws a chlolft fl. vaury, . . � . .-- I Aeademy.and an enthusiastic aroba. =9 9clat. It' Cures Hay Faver,i0owslip water, somewhat resdifibling . eologisto, who was then in Tit Asthma, a '.a beat graide Japin. . nis, .Em. Pronehitis, and Catairlit, I' AS a specimen at. Wba t Green Ta . THEY CAJUOT STAND RAIN. Catarrhozone is a guarantee, to curd; . a - . .. . . .. ­ Wrek told the Baron the marvellous Your money back It you are )act Ophould be in thei Onto It would be al,w . , I . Iftilleft tho. 'Worla ovei, :,riti,41. Igo.ing story Of.the subterranean temple and benefited, Druggists, hell, it, every. lAost Imponniblib to Improve , ja it. ." ;Og tile . I oylon plant a Ill � � Val Countless treasures h*idden in, where, We will send. aregular 25 1 . I on) be odre. I IS a !J01t tit a-81, no. its I chambers, and h . is . tale w I bent trial size to any address I to I I it to his stan. - . I ne -Of the'Pecullaritle of the � . . us ap, Q. 4 In Can- d rd' ei 11 nee, C captar� of the � � * aced to ' pu'refully ijv�jd being. ParelltlY so cite u Anstantial and so true, 0 or 'U.S., on' red6ipt'ot 10,eants, . . . , Can an Canadian ar is 1A I � � I � I � or the tall treatment, post paid, for I 'that the Baron decided to join in the $ 4 FPht in the rdin. "khe chief rea,;on - .1 � �1,00. N.C. polwol'&Cd., Mfg.,chom_ - tain and a red, . .. . 11 . .. I ward -or gold, The first step was' 1".Xlll�ntqn, Ont. .4 1 � . this is' that thily 4a ", ph f ra fa it,h f u I ly, I I a a super- . .. . . V ' ' . sligned. I . . $ I ET. � 10 , . �ojj that drops bf rain fall1iig on to `btaiii t6 neodesary pontiession � I I . I I . I . . . . I . .1 . --- � 11 hair breed vermin, which, �Wljh froip, the government, and this he * . fX HER 110NOR. � , . I . I . , . � I . . r very long'hair, It is very dif- Succeeded indoing through the offi- Many know how ,gqod a lecturer Not. f SI�AT�L V4QL0AX0RS � . It for them to got rid of, They cials$ Messrs. Millet and Gauckler, Miss Mary Kingsley was and her lea- of lit. or from Lay tonville, Oal.1 a crop. however, . : The government thereby granted tUres were Illustrated bir lantern ' tie volcanoes has appeared, There . eqqa.11y ,careful not to . . t4eir test. .' T4eir car . a I of thal . r blin and his associated parrot Stan to slides. One slide' showed magnificent are 25 of thbm, each with the charac, . . " ' 8 ' is not aftogether � . ,make at their Own expeilft �6 neees- figures * teriStiol crater, and from each crater I , . I ' as of' due to thd. sary excavations in tile .. place, desig , of some of the 'Worst insect gushes mud and Watol vapor. V%ph . Lha.t the Sol their Shoes 'or' - Posts of the �Ountrjr- She had pro. t-volcano",Is about five foot high. . . I a � I I - 0 Of ptLstoWard 4nd liable to ba nated, and in return for. this privilege ."jited natural lusbory specimens to . .. . eed by soal;ing, bs4t also .. .. tile Baron and his - colleague.4 a . greed t4o savants 41; SoIA6 �:dljgillgton,'Who . . I W 11 C 1043 . .40eauso 1. " ' ­ I . I I I . a ll hand over t i4e gover" to ad some of the insects now a It are 0, nn�ent one-half ;t -11 .. . � nd in- ""'­�.� . 11 ­ I ... . , in . I creating. Spenki 9 of her repepition , .ght about, by getting them of aU the treasures they might f' d by� LWS, golltl6m a in order to avoid ally possible misun- on 4isa. Kingsley Al %-a P. , CALVERn""� ,19 fear of �the Chtnesa at rain derstanding a 0OMMItteo - was up. i said: "They word very civil and said ftlaiarb"ti b18111"OtAnt0t 8"Pet Oint 610, Tooth PoWddra ot9i h%ye I,Un� � us has ha -d a peculiar offset ejI pointed to� decide as to the value of ,many kind things; andlla.qiolnting. Loa . aftrdm 100 Medals find Qhomas,f�r sup I Riot . 8266116aft Their regular useprevelko to tati. I , moba and armies, At the time any such recovered troas feroolous-Itloking creature - "I sup. out dlotiaaes, Ask Yout dealer to obtain j, The eXeavAtIons were "re'A S. 4 compliment; Is MASSa6re, of 1870 at Tion Thin the begun pow they i4eant lt,a stAPPIT. J6I8t4MA(Itdfr6eou&ppIiO&ttou, I mob, after it' ha,z he but did not prove as successful as was ItIWSr have named that boast after Fa 0,, CALVERT A 00.0 . Aral and convent, had destroy. 17118PSOLO(J, AlthQUA, ViAlbarok and Imel", . . . A4Aft0Hx*Tx* . . AINGLAIV0. he orphanage of the Sisters of his Companions pointed oat the very I . -- � �---- � . I 1 �-5 �L -�`A " 0 - < 0 1 1 L I - � 11. Ill �-' 1, �� - I � �- 44 I ; 7---r--N —V&.r a I I I " - I I I . K .. . P r . f I t I ` I � I , Ity and had murdered the oon- had I offixt $"P,l,.. L spot at which, they said, they I I Cathollo Prayer ""raft's, ol- /�v 8116006 rlotu"4 statuar" tea oku Or"mis" access to the ttional a few JAUCAU6061 Works- Mail orde" f",te OrGM04 &%ON, _ ill tho sisters and several priests, gttlAPd I ld PF . 1111ft D. a a. "DUM & ANt., M"""L I I I.., I.. - ed toward the Other Settlement, Years ago, Ito trade of the tonnal lAtis I oAe-ee"�, 'Mined to -put -all foreigners to yet*beon found, On Cho other hand, 9 IS It on eve it of the 46oulfto I 1, The cathedral Whind them various earthen vessels, Carthaginian I i .. o. Illuitte Tali, LU flames and the mob, fresh lamps and relies of skeletons have I � the torture of nuns, was hun- b . UM04Y thAt ' a cold im 03W doW Bras$' ,Band . for blood, They started do,4,n on unearthed and a few small gal- I -- L Pakli .road with fre zi leries have been discover.it U- 4-U.. . , Initfug"thtso Dhims. unitormis, 40. bealth was as good and my digestion "Y03,.You sh.tJI h%vti. a hor,ge of r-, Many kinds of medicine, blat It rep. - . . �� M . Wie head oollem, th6io is dlt*lness, mained for Dr, ChastAls Xidn6y-Liver and tho'beating of drums and gorign, reason Baron' tie Xinsayo expressed A TOTAL 1,089. Every town oan have a sand I L - On my i th. t6wol 00 4106t wit(L ft# oatalosad SM 130 . 0 when atuldea4 it began to rain. his determination to continue the I think I'll be married b r tratIOVISMAJIM60. HIAUtatkuptblolta better than It had ever boon, one Your own," r,iPlkd t,43 poor, kindly, p6akness -find dimness of vision" I�Alns Pills to cure Ine. am nw 'Well it d That was tha and of the massaore, work, and, as the necessary funds be- ot the most flattering restilta of, the "a'Ald m6ft th"ll that, Harry.11 in the back, sitim and limbsi tM ad. strong,, but continuo to biak6 one nor !,he crowd covered the tiny, said Afisq Tontincy, A110814 or muslost tristiromititt. frdAtMOnt W09 my increase in Weight P01h,103, th�� lid was more surpriAed putaillAH" of wind and gad an tho tw,o Pills a 'Weak to 4ounteraot �hd seattered. -Ir heads and came lacking recently, he decided to t Lat ft'llng biq (on of t L form a Stock company, the shares at '�V]10,t I exclaimed A1184 Frocks, hold. Whh!O,V 110,1106 A "t lom'o "'t Ig from 125 pounda to 155 pounds, I . friend "Xr.q. Smith" p0tot'"k C:lus And fulla"s Ill the ft- uric staid Condition III the blood and ii�sftli4, WAO ,stomach aba t1ftv"alon, to keep the bowels ­­*-M-*� Which ate to bt!t3old at 100f, each, �L Ing UP her handa in con.sternatio -- -- -- ----- in more than -a year now since I dis. TiAd'v St. 3491t, tImn, at an thtog. Ito f 41(t 1160 Utley of Opiritil, ll)6rf6otly regular." _ n, -- --�-- 'I, y POAC L SOME, AUT11ORS, Rvery one connected with the work lid low one entire set of presontyl.14 960096 O0k§t13*0­1t8* few look -eel up Into h* face with, a frank, 00116UP41on can not be owed by L SsHr- :&Mes Oardlftr, Jlath, Ont.# L katk tontinued the 1156 09 the pills and in yd:",,X ,- - , ... , - A , Iellw . Wag a 'The Most cheerful Luthor-Samuel ­ ---.. .­­ to��� � � 0 I � �-*W"!!!!!!!�-��w 4-w-e.w111111 qqqqqqq ..... Slidep %u4 Ainorletsit It " ,M" L , I that time I have not had the Slight. tn"I'lly la"ll. tht Us of Nalts AM awlat W"k6A- Aufforef for forty - �.... '- ­­­' raht,PW64, JIAT�1% ]DUPROhna I I pg Smile. � 4N,qt riattirIt al Che tronble, We' al. "I UeYtr tho,ught you lookol like JCM1k9 644 d6b4itttlIA9 Iyarastiv6s. Dr. , Years from IlAdItedtic'11*11d 6608t - IIR5�'. "his XMneyoLlver Pills Aot only tion. At times I would go two we&4 The Noisiest Mithor-Howells, . wayg k".p the pills In the house 4 Mrs, $Mitb," he hdtd, "I�at I did WA Oatft, tbb rAtoral a6tion of the bow. WithoUt & moilon in 14Y bov,614, suf. The Tatleqt Authtlr-Longfollo% L' I L MILL## MILL# & RAL% tbfuk YOU, Were Lady St. i It I els latt so tittefttttil a*j J#ylgorgt .. P&MAtAro'em .0 flaw. 0 to W010"Y' Holltlillt* now, and my family have uwd them list. . toroi Violently from h4tatiaollo.s. I I The Most Vlowory Author- � ' , L . , LAW abefflid td r6guiarly a. *mall fottmm to I%mhdt�igi thorne, ' I Pff 4" �w . tit *Nrb-1116A I tla;&% as; to 4ftabu thotti Att1he only t6medy that gave Me "M The Ifolliont Author -PON. I ,L _ 0 1 1 L I U -IT6"�AC for other allmolita with tb6 some 11,14 have beell, I - I ng results " afrall of you." �Tftrm tholt tu"thma without tba Tt I &tw r TRYo RUTT99t ,9400A, Atioust gratifyii - P* jVJA of Madjollies, TOIAOYLaho &at latl RA10149. 1, &V POUL Theft'pills may be had from any JW was I)r, MWIs Kidney Li,rbr P11 The ATO -11t Amusing Autbor-Thodi'as 4­1"L­11­�-­. M. .1 I'll A.;--- ---9-r"4 cAaA, Dr. Lest,er bade him farewell, and, , ", Mmr UA bldneyt. *ad ** *h,tIt&I. t would not b6 w '. TICkAll. I 1 4 '— — — ., 04halt PRODW1.100, to tywt6 bwtwoik 666*6 N tioAler Ili Medicine, or will be, Sent full ot dellght ttt the pn)�$J)dot Of a t1libma . Ithoat .1 11; J7 * Th# DAW464 ,Commission 66.0 LI(q1tod, ,tot the whot4 4*6r6fhr.* O*t6ft and The ItapPloat Author-0ay 0, 'L 0 0W.WOUM401MA poAf paid at i'm coatA a boy or aix I , The Most Mory Alithor -0, 1,21.11 a.,iWy I 6; r ""of" at" to"40, 1g)%eq, for $460, by addrmAing, the &44" holiday, the boy w#yjt dow Ormanontly Atwa, t* mott sorlotu Vr. ChAA61S Vid"r-LIVOC pit I I ..� 11 .. ­�­��­ - --- a � t6A Of 40nitUftf4on, bIlWaso"t st The M,,t T,IV,ti,,-,,t,,u,-,,,t. 04AA1 - a., Urnek. with thom, to KJA*1s. llt6t, j- Ad ,pill s doa,% 25 oofttA i bo*, 10a �% A;tllol" I I 11 br. Willinill-4, AUdiolno Cr . P- r dftlers, 09 %dl0A40oj ­ I teiton. I A" �IVIIOIVV 001111 I A �-, , . It WAO A 044,1114f thlog-and " . �4. 44t" .4k, � , I 1111 Most Distressed Aufhor-Xken� ' of . �� .. Villa, Oat, . L�rd iA T, 90140 -&*4 04*0446.1 * Z-Xq4--Abh dde, 1"I sm ,