HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-10-03, Page 4I,,, , - , . It . - . , 4 . I ­ � ­ I -111 'I ­_­­�_V­ ' GUT U4 'r - Olt T1111 I 'P'11 A'J T 311, I C 0. , 0 f 0 11 e A I election flam not 'yef, been ail - "a" , , " o "' ge r I I I1101111ced it is not far distant. The L:kurier cmudidates halve selected carnpalga quarters and :TWO now bubtling, About the :country tit a break -neck speed. Ae they have'llo, doubt,llad a, tilp Ias to the date, or thol.eabouts, It behoves tho Conservatives to, clear the decks for action forth- Iwith, There, is tie reason. why they should be caught unawares. NO IXV1�STIGA,TIQX- . The Commisgion promisecl by the Lauder Government to jn� vestigate the ballot outrages in West Huron and Eight is not yet in sight, and, at course, will not lintin ah appearance until the elections ate over, if th6n, Thus anoLher, pledge Te nado by the Government liar, been via- , lated, To till intents and put, - M9they malze pledges to 1ek, notto fulfil. Since the Commission call not investigate it would be its "ell to ask (.be Liberal candidates for an explan- ation of the irregalari ties which took place at certain polling divi. sions. I - + . ANOTHER REWARDItD. . — George Casey, M. P. for East Elgin, hets retired into the peace- ful and well-pald quiet of office . notwithstanding, that lie too wasone of the framers a that, great Liberal Platfoi,-m upon which-, at the thue of its con- structiop. no offlce-se.oker could . stand, How man), bavi e1wrl. berad on since the 'opportunit pre,sented itself I .anq a stITI I greater Ll,rong is malang haste for the sarne rendezvous. . For the ' M. P., Who bas'wasted his substp nee in politics and after twenty or thirty years in Parlla- ment finds himself %v'Lth less of this world's goods 0 -an when lie . began,to acrept of sn office we see little wrong, -though many appointees have been guilty of _. Ihypocrisy in accepting it post after having so vigorously de- # noianced the system. But there . * is an objection,ap(l a stvoiig ori% . : to wealthy metabers, such as Sit- # Richard 0artivrighb,foicingtheir # sours upon the Civil Service. Sir . Richard should be ;above 'that I Fort of thing. . If he were. -a trifle :more consistent and less selfish he would sta-ad higher in the : esulmation of his folluiv country-., men. . . . .. . In the meantime the rush for 1, I office continues. . .. . . . . I . I .. . . � � I I . + - . . I.. . I . . I I RU , GH XORN A T)aOlt I E. . — I .1 I Ron. Hugh John Mabdonald . `0 intends to at once'resiga the, * Premiership of Manitoba,'and . # throw himself int6 the Dominion # fight. In doing so he affordaw a. 0 # marked contritst to Ron. Oliver # Mowat who hung on to tile sub- stance until something. still bet- .. .. ter n3itterialized. -., .. 11 �� .. The fight in the West will be. + one of the most spectacular of` the whole campaign. It will be !itigh John ,is opposed to Sifton- ism, the Canadian.evulvalent of the Tammany methods practised # in New York city, and.mearthig * eVerything that is tricJ�y an'd un- # scrupulous in politics.. # . .1 # "The man who keeps his word" 4 !k will I defcat Siftonislia.... I . # I . -1 # * I * � �,._. � LAURIER GOVERNMENT UNFRIENDLY TO IRISH .. CANADIANS, , � I— . � I . . . The Laurier - Government does `11 I not appear tp be friend.13F to. the I Irish Oanaolir.n%: tit" All events 4 ,,hat it does notg1ve them j6stice in the matter of appoil is the contention. of, ti I # Canadian .and other Catholm I . organs which are beroging the J weak-kneed. Premier tg took_4 sharply. . .. I .I I The result of the nomination in . East York is the latest instance. Mr.Petee Ryan was there snokeh of as the candidate- and !md'a'. strong followinp, hub "I William Mulock" exerted himself to the contrary and Mr. Ryan was tilrned down, though a most theless and influentitil worke"r. Ifor the Liberal party. . His friends resent Mulock's Werfer- ence and are now .askin the selves what they they cxgp,.,tllili on the very evd of an election I # one of their leaders is thus so - I shabbily ueated.: . . ; 1W # J4 SUMMING UP. Aprominentjournalist,who ac. companied the Conservativelea. ders on tbeit- tour and had every opportunity of estimating, the results thereof, has made a all . in. ' 'ell the following 'umg up otwhl are the tivo, final paiagrai,)II6 .— After all electinns are swung to one aide, or another' by the great mass of indepondont-mind- ed men, who have no distinct ,party affillations, or"who b&vd strength enough of purpose to throw over their party wlien itig in the wrong. Tile strong party 0 nienprepo),e the caaesbut this class decides the verdict. In many cases they gato the polls quieti,v and vote without an one knowing wbich way they Flave voted I but in others tfiey do- clare themselves beforehand by =speech or by takin art or in to tAke part f'n'gtRe Con. test. in 18'j I saw abundant evidence that the Conservative arty was about to stiffer from his class, . in Montreal Island At east, , and the syu* items must iave changed if in Slantroal in, he MaViffine Provinces Ana in, Ontario they are not cleatly manifesting themselves now , with respect to tile Liberal pftrty, One bears of disgruntled Liber. als in many towns, and othera in whorn the leaders eart arouse no , enthusiasm, Libeyals of ,all shades and cornglexion have -,it. tended Sir 0 Arles Tunoo�,',s , longo of the speakers to tiame one pledge which tile Govern. merit has reileemed has never I son acceptedi, Ono wA9 in Col - I (TO replied "Yes, they ve given us prohibition" and ere its it point to his ansiver, 0. . The Libet,41-0onservative spea, kers have clearly put the Issue nomewliftt d5 fbIlows %— "The Liberals have not redeemed the pledges the� made to,you, tile , 1. electors. Then turn them Out, If we do not fulfil our pledgda when we come t6 power, turn Ila out also." rn effect, that Is What hits been said to the elled. torn in every VIA00 during the prewilt tout, And In ovelly place one could aeo that It Made an improoMon on tho people. Tile chaltengo -is a bold one and atrikel AD �61NOVV& a.? tile one OrWaf.d Ow, VA A, I f li� I, J� I t step, t oil 0 it a 'fe ,,,, Eetter 0onal '114 t1lep 6 1)VC 04ti4da dur .set, 'Calu. paign. . TIM CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, CTT. 3 1900 I __ I..,..�..�—�-��-�-1--�------.�--.-T,-,--,-.- ---�---,-�—�11---.,��----.�---�---�'--.---."�, � . ______� _­ . I _,_______ - , _ _ - __ ___ , _______.__.___ ,____­­­­� _�__Rp I —_ I RON. 4- X ROSS DE14D. � #VVVWYVYYYVY--- 0A"^0VVVWyWVyVVVW,0V_VWV . / - -- " ��,,;_Z .1- �!­—__-Ifflpowft I . . ____ ___ __ 0 , ­ vvwyyyv.�. ". - I I Toronto, Stilit. 1.10­11up, Alexa.litle, � I 1, I . - k'� f,� - M. Hoss, Ulorl� of, tile York County RAPPIMN , - '. I,7 " . . I Vourtand fornierly member at tile . V I_Tplsu A. SitimiNpa .t, I � 11 I � . 11 jlrill�, " ­ I . lature for West Huron and Pr( I - 11� I 1.11, ). (Is GOD-ERICH rl�l ., vio`C�I�ll Treasurer, died this afternoon OF A WEEK Or * QoRn-vappipmoor - I I 6is N . - 4 1 1 � . In Grace hospital. Mr. Ross had been . I I I - � . .111 111-110"Ith for several mouths past ill, . " ----- . - ­.. "o ., . . I � ;Ind returned front Muskota ithoilt - ,AAA~ *t,#AW-^N*~^W**^A^O~W4A*AAAAAOV%A*OoOYVWoVy~ - , W10VV~.V_AA4 . , four weeks ago. About two weeks . " 1W z � 1. , 11 . � lie Was reilloyed to the hospital, 3laAner John Be0ford Is, we learn, Any Otto who %'ould like to buy P, Mrs. Captain McKap Miss Lfflio I V11 I __ F, , 1�.O_Wal oil lie upadually sanic. Deceased � 'A V I a1g,11* And ba Avl�k�q I "I'll, wit . -a been for some time, ruder the spintiftlf wheel that has seen good MaoVicarAnd Mrs. Ne! Campbell are I'll, -­ I/Kawl — , .� , * . . was born in littudas Scotland, April Lreatalent of An ocullet in 13tifTalo, service n tht$ last century cau call at all At Toronto where they way remain ... .. i � 4�_ I , me Hamilton stre,Dt Curiosity �;hop. I 1W - � _,i�; 1 2,1820, and came to this country with Jur. John Proadtoot seems to prefer for some time. . (.,I I '. I ,_ I I I . I his parents in lkiUU, And settled in keeping Ilia family in 0aaada, for tie is JLC we had the pen of TI, Dickens we I . I I , 4 � - might weave some fine stories otat of Mrs, Cantelon and Bliss lentile wJ)1 11 AW", I . 11 _4� 1 1 1 Goderich. In IS50, was appointed back !it hist old position in tile �. oroac. I return from their vory pleasant trip to .1'r , , � i, ttreasurerafIluron. .county. lie hold rich organ factory.. that Baltic "Old Ourlosity Shop." Kamloops And other parts next weak. . I � - . %* tills position for:45 years, resigning in The. evaporator Is booming. Apples The remains of Richard D'Long ar. Mr%Swansoa,mather of Mrs,Qtntolon, ..., __ - I I I . I W* I . I . 1 !T---- , -_ . 1&32' on his appointed as Provincial Are so cheap that H%mbo rived. At the G. T. R. station on tile A. 1 7 - I . k. has bald wlil,also return with them afterhay. . N. I A-/', ,, , I Ki in, train on Th I �P� , %�� � !, I Treasurer. At the time of the Trent thong .ride of bushels Already. He III ,ursday Just, The de, Ing spent one year with her son, Bar- I ­ ii: , f . I I .1 11 I - � I affair, in 1891-02, he organized an 82, hands employed last week, Back caused gentleman belongea to g.jngs. rister Swanson, Kamloops. e ,7 . .. artillery corn any at Gaderiell ant] And 0010bbOrpe At SaItford Are doing bridge where his juneral. tool; place, Mr. Hollitudhad big firm broken.at C O" . I I . 11 . .A I e 1A . . I 11VA. 9 captain of the same, a rnshing busiaees ard aciveetise Too He died in Ohio. . . - 11 ...I., - J . the G. T. R. station on Friday. Ile � I , I III 1$00, during tile Fenian raid lie more hands. Word was received on Saturday of was allovalling grain into the cars and � . 0,14y � , , 1W , , - his company on fro't 1 the Epworth Leagve at, the death of COL A. M, Ross thar, divy slipped on some that lay at his teet. ,; , ... was with a ler We attendei ;,1_1 . . . . . service and during the year was North street qUirch on Toosdity even. ,At his bome in .fore"to. .Everyone H'i swooned Away and was taken home I . . - appointed lieut.rcolonel, fie was IrAg at w1lich Rev. Jaspar Wilson. pro� knew that Mrs. Ross was invalided. with a sprained.mr-0 or arm, oeiies* 09000040#91010000849060900 first elected to the Provincial Logis. aided and introdticed to To . I I the Teague. -I ' ,I$ a surpri.se to learn of the Alex, Melvor is making money at . nroll in 1875 And 'theltay. Will. J', Stone, Before �he d= of liar sbAnd wbo Always . the Wiarton spoeting contests, Ist � . . . I . on Nov. 1, IC93, was Admitted to the lecturen solo wits sweetly and c'early seemed to enjoy good health. prize for Otto mile was $8, 5 mile race 0 . * . � � I I Goverument its Provincial Treasurer. pendereil by Bliss 11,0and. The lee, Mrs. Stablukey had just left bottle $10 and, 10 mile race $12, thirty dollars ..t.c, I Several -years ago he resigned tills tare given by Air. Stone was the sa,ne on bar bicycle And when she reached it! ,,,ne day, ' QoOd for Alex, And Gode� 6 ition. to accept the clerkship of our M11111ilel .. TW in effect as that lie gave on the proced. tile solitaro in the I F Openin ork. He leaves a wife, tout, song ing e'vening, only tilat in e0me partQ Hall,6 shoo store richlity of. P. T. rich. And now W. Warnock, the . -.& _, - . and, two daughters. The remains _ she came in con. §quash Klug,has won a prize away Out .. .1 . he spoke more f"lly, He also amuse(I tact with a borseand phileton driven it) Indiana for the biggest squasbi viz, I I . I Mae taken to Goderich for Intel,- his hearers by sitying that the .ma', by two ladlesi kiss Elliott of Detroit Ono ton of bone black fertilizer. 'That , of last week wa' I ment on I Tuesday, . . "' ye custOm WAsmOr0 like having A and liar mother. Alrs. Stablekey Paul will surely increase the WLIghb of his , , s a caiccess far beyond our ex- btlf(e altho', he says, at the -weddings she could not get out of t;le' . ' ------7-- � . or tile whites mail ` I ir way -squashes next season., 80,t)oo peoplal , � . . . Y 1).'eselits Are given for she feels certain they never saiv saw Mr. Warnock's prize squash at the .. pectations, Never before have we had so ma '"Y � Sauble ],�lne—St.tnley, . We bride, Bab the wooing, he sm;l. nor -heard bet- for she called out to Iudlana Fair, � . . . I n de- . . . ingly raid, Was wholly diffes-ent. The them. She was , ft b 1 . 11 I � - lighted ladies visi . � s thrown o er b cy. The regular m the Goderich t our store, a -,--d never befo . young Indian deep not. rqn afi;er the cle and was taken into P. ,T. HAll's Division of the'We I . . re have , - W. G. Johnsion has sold his share of . eating of lob No. 11 to big brother, 1 girls. its at I- boys do, bt--t:leav(,,s, the oboe store, where - rostorat as were Associat at Huron Teachers' , . . . -1. H, Johns. iv ion will be held in the Central we heard so ' I I ton,who will be a big land:owner now whole matrimonial affmir to his par- Administered and she soon recovered. School on . . many e�zpressions of delight as we I Things are lookintprosperoos Wi ante and to the. pereati Of the. youu�; Saturday At 2 p. m. The . � � I .xe .. . Mr. Henry Hort6n was the only rogram -Will be as follows :—miss passed upon our first display of"nifflinery, "Nothing ' - now around Maple rove, girl he chooses, The Father tal-al's a passenger on the Sb, Andrews from Vusk, impressions ofthe Public Mr. Dave Dewar is b,asily engaged Pre.sellb with him to the girl's father Schools I I . - . I and'if that is not thrown back 'at Min G,derieb, during liar last trip in the Territories ; Xiss like it outside . of the cities" was - often 11 - . drawing his grain to Brucetteld, . . f Din our part, And 'he -may fliftlik literature III Reader; Miss Trudgeon, . . . � � . ab. WeatIalke had some very then trZter several presents tire given r McLennan, I I . . eard. , . I Mr. 14 tile voung girl is given the bash"al Providence that he had le�b the drawing According to the now drawing , . I bigthreshings- done last w0ek. Mr. vessel . before The large number of o�ders taken during our' Robert Orr says he can feed per yout'� as his wife, she made the fatal books; Miss Ooutts, Old Virginix an . I trip from Jack bligil Bay as be could the people ; Mr. Tom, the British Conr opening days - - I I with tiny other 'inan on the line ox- The -opera bovse was well filed oil never have saved big life in the Way , stitut,ion. . . was to us I . ' I c b George Campbell. Wednesday evdning of last week to in which 'the- er , w dikl, one sallor . I � . good proof of how our efforts were appreciated I by ^ -the � . I V. G. Job,- ton has moved on to t" hear and see "A Bree,-.'? Time." The e Two beautifully clissicstas'ned ghiss . # thefarm .be. has rented froin'9�4* performance was Appreciated, , swirnmingwith a linein big hand,which. windows have been presented to St, ladies of Clinton and v7cinity, I . I I . . � � ... . . .. . WAS followed by a clible, On which the George's church as memorial offerings . . . . � I . . . I . . � . .� W�stlake. . . Bliss Donogh's millinery opening was men swing thernselves Along to safetyr � . I � . . . . � . 4 . - I Xr.J. Wanrley* was over to -Clin-. well attended on Thursotay last shgw- before.the boat sank. by the fam ily of the late Mr, And Mrs. Those who'could 6 not v . . I . . is dential life-saving .feat. . . . . . : , .. . � ton last Monday with a load of wheat ing.the. interest the general public 16 Was a'PV0V1' Attrill of Ridgewood. Both windows - isit'our millinery parlor duri - , . . . q ng open for JamesSpackmon. Mr. Spackinan taking in her. since she I are in the transept. The Tine, I n, ing, days are invited -o call th--;s week. No need to buy now if , - .. . opened outfir Theresidence of Mrs. Ross of the loving memory of Hear Yarwood . I -1 says John is the best man. he has ever herself. Miss Donogb allowed us some 13th concession was the scene of a- Attrill, born Sept, 161 , 11 . � . had. - I pretty Panne velvet ;h U'2 died San - . � . . . , which is now a I& I . I . . . I happy event on Wednesday. of.last 21st. 1802," It, le a, fine deNeation oi you are not ready. - I . I � I . ., .. . . Mr, Jambs Johnston was over to mode and anotbol, PreLty dream in Tel- week when her daughter Maggie was St. Peter in A blue costume with gold- I . I . . . . . . . . � � I . . I . Clinton last Monday amliging with -vot called crinkled -valours, The hats united in marriage to Mr."Wai, Kelly, en. broldery fit the bottom and goildein 9069099000poseto I ., I . .1 .1 .. . . his apple man, Mr.H. Cook. Mr. .John- aro mostly in the -toque style With rich late Of V,IIs towIlship but who for som"e �olored inantle, holding in oa6 hand I . . . . ston . has the contract of buying and - silk jaun tily arraor,eil upon, intiny and 'men the hits been - engaged in lumber an.intiptand in, which is a quill pen, .. . . I I . . � . I 0 . 6000000000086 % , I . . I I . . . acking as many l­.­rela of apples aa two bi, ds ilegtlirig in solue of tbe folds, state n0eiations tit Wisner in -the while the other hand is h6ld Tip as it in. I / _ I . I . .. ge can get. Hia long experience An- Miss Dollogh, has some lovely grebe ofLoolsania. There were mallyguests addressing, his peo le, "In loving - , . 1 129 b1c], Wide Wrapperette, in colors of red, mauve, � I 1. . I . : ables-him, to handle busille .So 01 this effects, , I . � .� . Mr. McLean memory to Helen orreater Attrill, Co M-Tortable - - 6 1, .blue, purple, great,,' etc extra, hard finish, � .. . , Smith Bros. ratitin the Tam O'Sban- of Blyt.b had pronovincedthe cand'Jittes born Dec. ObIli 182 -4-1 . heavy quality, "Vill 91W excel lent wear, all . 7 kind s4tistaetbrily. * , present arid after Rev. W, I . I 0 Air.- Charles Parker was' in the Hu 6� died Feb. 22nd, 41 . Warranted filet c(�16rs2 regular 15c. valtio, - .. . 0 last Monday on.busiriess. . . I .. b. ter crowns. Miss Gillry, sho\ved us man And wife there was A season of X -V, hits a very fine delineation of St. . . . Ub Per ....... I., to go ,a . - many hats with chip0hilla And grebe cOn 'ratu � . .. I - alorb, laCions and good wtshes,, after . John . yard I . of Mr. John Nicholson had the mis. g . . with flowing locks and fair face, , _. . . . I .. . � .­ ....... � ................... 122 ,, 16rt. n,o.f.o loose one K '13 .w h i6 me the wedding sup-,)er and In dark crimson, with wantle of peail . i 71, . I Nt . I . One.pretty hat had min. ta, ch CA I . � � Inc. wi a. it 8 loth, in C0101's of cardinal . -, * I oth'spigs out -or . at intervals tuek,ed into tile velvet all t ell hours of Tnet,ryftma:; for c0lor, lined with. c6rise. In his hand �. a , �. - . *tit white mr 'i the wagon on the road to. Clinton at their ' A, � �1 Wl I", P to it! d stt the other day. - - - - � 1. :trimminga And banging down the assembled. company� T111leg fair lie bears a chalice. There are mAny - What is nicer for home - -S pes, � also gal. -not and own, sweet will. flow . ei-s )) seems to I ',; I - . white, ,Ind I tie fit white, sort firAis , at I i . . rdeen t . .�: b t 11 - Abe be the inilliners'- motto his FLutanin, ladies in our towns'ilp as wits evidene.; tr wear than a good Wrapper ? � , " for dreesing,1 - '.Mr. Wilson Eagleson of "No bride i6 one of the most. popular young designs upon each window including la)e . South Dakota,le visitinghis sister, Mrs. "Autombijile" was h P'.1jew,est ees, etc., and are truly. creditable to . - :- - �, � 69,1 9 . to .an wrappers, price I 1 80� .� . Johnston,just now. , . , : ,. a color. ,ad by the larve number of valuable. Mc0ausland ofToronto arid a gone,. :Our ��� t . . . . : ... I .. � . . 1. .. . pe I , . . ,� . .1 � I I � . I and useful presents received; The' one and much - approc 10 . t -A, . . . I '* I . � . �. . . Inbothhousesbutnt orange and cas- latect -gift from Wrappers com:bine .. . V; I .- .1 . � .; . . _.. , . , . . . . .1 . . tot. seemed to be viery ropular.. Child. groom, tob, is well known and held ,in- the family at Itid 3wood -for Thanks. 6 m.fort and style,, they - � J) , " (1, " I .. : :.. . . - . , , . I , . � . CV110 .. b � ". , �. . .. . .. _. . I , , . . . , I . . .. �� . 11 . I —_ . �, 11V � .. . . . .. I. I . ' ( . . � . I I . . We Wiilcome.back ,to. our tawn the: up and lodged* I wrapperette in -Abe. newest . ' ' '6 � �'11.- - h. . . I . . . . , � " 'I We all wish the happy giving Sunday at . uality � I f � :. CoOorae T wlisltip. : , : ran's bonnets were a 'Ovely specla. I moch.respect. %t. George's, made of thp ,best. q //1 . 1_1 . I . . 9 ; Tbe'sallor.hal seems to be falling %� pair ninch joy and -prosperity.. . I The tiv - I . I I "VY, . . . . "I ,Ind t 0 little boys who'were taken ., ` I Our -'s Y. is I I . I . he niffliners' bVIs sailing in. , _t 19 I Mr, And Mrs.- Treble'of G;dekic'i � it jail for housebreak. I ) 0 , 11� . . .� � . � 0 . The -grocers an west aide of Mcssrs.' McGillivti I J, , �). I I I . . . .. . . 1. I ,three I ., �Ij . . - � .. . � . 1. I . � . ..., I I I , spent'.Sableath with friends in this I au� of Lfstowel iird� ing a short time'4go, are at 'liberty oil fall style, and no..matter..if. ,. �� ". .� . : . . � squa.Oe' nuplit t6 form it, tritrivi'vate r7e,would nob.ba I pri . 11 .I . ­ � i!, . 0 D , I � . . ..." . * , � locality. , : * . � I . wn a . . sed to. fl d tl at suspended sentence. Everyone feels YOU chOosebrie -at $1.25 or 11 "I ' '; Z " �. ) (I., - , , % . � I , . . * , I I � . � . . . go .Mr. and Miss Million And Miss. Hel- kno a We three S's 'Stewart,Sm,th theY may come here. to settle down feels certain that'there were ol'' i � ' ... I Ix ". � , -, :.. I � , . J I � . 11 I ­.. . . 11., tridSturdy,-a sLurdy.'trjo certainiy.. andbelpmakeour town a city., I - .. � . .. I .. s , . ack't 1. w yar were the guests of Mr 'arid Ali . 1. ... . heads tit woes, but oneof t1lose litc",,eje $2.60 Y'ou- 'Will -get yoluTir'. I , 0 1 ". , . ,. ­ . ­ -7 ­ . .. . I -a. Lbn � : - - boys confessed to his I a. v . Z �..: �* .. . I. .1 � � � .. .. . 1. . I . I. . . ' . . I . m I � . . . Cluffon Sabbath. of..Goderich town- , g may they sbine. . . Th4ftnal bad better- read NEWS- and �OmraeYs Money!s ,. worth, even '' tha�- ' , , I . I ... I \ � reated a, Wide'stiread ;, - ship. I I . . . A. E, 31. Thomson,' late- of Clinton,- r-Roopm paragraphs before contradict- pight's work, hence their inearoeratim - . . � .. - I � have c ' - . . I I - I . Miss Karr -of Goderich has.been )oft for Toronto� last week to attend 'ing them4 - In the NEWS-RUCORD note in jail... ., . . lower -p id4goods must.have qL alityi. We do I.. .. interest We have had admir. .. I � . . visiting friends : , in this neighbor- �Vlct()I-ht UWVNISI.tt. � Hiti sister, Miss 6f Sept. .'�Qth there is no mention. Of We presume Oui American visitcr r ., I I , i . . .. . Hattie Thoulson, ,lecoulparlied. him. -� � ' , a . -not believe in cheap goods. -Ou-, way Of doitig - ' s, .. e,'8: aiid bu . hood the past week. . . � I Mr. R. R. Smith going any Particular . %If �ebanrrlee rtfo their homes. . I yers from several o,' . . b ' � 'Mrs, Gordon will gpeild. this season E "a only out of town, and it was R, ,, - . e best goods . * 11 �...., 06 larger. to ns Beauty At� I � 4 . We are sorry to. allounce the., death � ,�As,� Avz roar d a amIlY left some .business, enables us to give you tb .. . .w ,. .. . I � I . . . ., . of Mr. Edward Millian's, third oldest. the gki0st o2 hei! 4aughteri Urs. Charlie ith himself who made that ob. day's agolo� St. Louis, '. , . I � . . . . � 11) � . . . I . . � I nild s I I . got),. Who passed -away on' Mond4 . * - . . a . I t �. � . I . 1, at prices many dsk foi- the poorer kinds,. .. .. -, have.made. thii .y Newton.'' �� �I ' , ervation to us. . l . Mr. -James Graharne, tourist, is n6w � If I . Ick"ll, i . . s jacket , . . I . . ,... I . I . . _ , I as of Mr. C1 - late. ;tb the Park ,,in Ldndon, England, on busineas, . I I . - Wi�, per I morning after a few, day.- illne hat'es Andrews,.who,for years, Aliss J.ennie Ross, . . . you, wish to make, your own ap . . I c, Of ours known for miIeg I I . . . . diplitheria. All medical aid could do has 'been manni House, i5 spen . . . VV - . I -fl - -lid. . - bett ' . . , I . .;br'of R. 13. Swith's ding a couple of .�veeks �Trior to big return the -West Indies We can supply YOUL' ey-ery. need. , e sli6w I'll Z . . N'o � vvasdbne,�vas done to restore life bab estat-,, bqs now �pened ill) business -in with friends at Wtroib .And Will latLr where he has spent several winters. % I . . . . Cr I. time * -to " I ., . . all was in-- valn. The funeral took, the sa -we store for hidiself and.on Sat.; visit. her parentsAt Clinton. . Ve tire sorry to learn that Mrs. . m nearly one hundred different, designs and. - Col- I I . (..,,��ose your jacket ,tban - no,W - - ­ I . . . Lee on Tuesde�y afternoon , to Col- urday night emplLyed the Mhrine Managerl-ewittoftbe knittingfActory W, Logan of Montreal, late- 'organist Orsi . Just a few . . . . 9111'�Irio cemetery where" the reravins 11 � . . prices a.nd descriptions of what I . While assortments are not . I . . were, Interred to their last resting Bqnd *to play f6r I n hour Eir so bil Cie is tea7ing Maple abreet to taLo up his of Knox cbx7 rcb,. has been obliged to I w & .,— . I . . . I . : . 11 . . . � I I I , . � . . . ' , . place. Mr. and Mrs. Millian have L eq untie, A'treat wb ich Was enjoyed very residence !it the prftty brick bov.se op- go to to the hospital for treatment in � e can a '. .; . . . , . . I broke .. $2,50 1h 3 .5.0 tie much by the ptomenad �rs., The mll- posite the factory which -,will be mosb Mobtreal. I I . � . . . . . I i 1� . W �.. I I � I . . . . . I I . %mptilyofthe -whole'dbinmunity ill linary openin was par consequence Inviting for him when the winter Thanksgiving Day at I St. .. 'George's � LadiW'Wapper . a, made of good quall . by wi,al3per- ' . * , I "".. , . $5.009 $64:50, arez some of . � t ist.beirstAbereavenTiBrit, , . cluiteabrightfleature of the.evening, winds do blow. The building wrs late- . _ 11 . .. Our prices f0r.coatS. C611le and. , � - .. We are glal to kno%;v that Mr. � was well attended, The chrrdh look. . Otto,, in colors of rnAtive, black and wlii(6, brow -a . 1, . . I . . John Wo had nil introduction. to Miss D0f- ly the residChIce of Mrs, E � 0. SteelZ 'ad well. prenared f . .1 yo.'r sele tie . I . .. . . I � I . Stevens of theMaitlaild"concisssion -'a fog Who is ruakiDg her.debut, here Ps a and owned by Mr. (4eor , or the service , The - g6ld andwlilte, rn ixeoV, etc.,, extrit value at..._ I a,U mhko C , n. . ,. . I In I pr I ov m . - rapli . .geAcheson.'.. - ladles.had.oeen very busy decorating �-, . : . . I � . . . - . � .. . I I .1 . � I .. I � Ing Idly. He has b6en flratclmsartis�. Miss Dur7asisshow- * . . � . . . . , under the doctor's eare. ior. 'the. past P_ W.xachen7le has pinebased, -we 'the church: with appropriate as .. I � .. � I I . I - . . . . I � - . . �, ingberfine Italla�uhand- The�millha, � A i"'118. Ladies' WrAppers,-. in assorte I . I . . - t 7. . ''. *. ._. . . .. . - . . . I I.— -7------------�_ . . .. ., I . week. , I . . . � . learn, the fine residence on St, Vin- Between the. choir loft an the rl�r.% d colored wrappere te, . I . . . * . . � 11 � I I ary line ish-ge, vari6d and high- cent street lately occupied by Inlan& rideand the -reading- desk pillars were . skirt 3 YaMs wide, extrii fine back' - t Irn (lowt - : Mr. And Mrs. Richard Ryan of the priced. One hat had a Wealthof real, formed of the graju, After the kernal, - collar, point6d belb, A . I I value At . .'... I .,........11.3,5 reoch latin I - . I . . .� . .. . I . e s, . . I I . I I mi'nk along with the to have was taken' oub And :tied ab intervals .. - . . . . � . I .N,le,weretheguestootl1r. and Mrs.' lace and a whole Rqvenue Officer. Ep,ener. We er-nect F ' '" , John Feagan -on Sabbath.. � rest of the triultiiiup_s� One.lovely .qufte a number of new famil. I . I I . � Reviva6ervic6s. will be held in the bonnet of reseda glean Silk ies: in town the- coming season, so iv#b ribbons. ' A IRttice Work at the Ladies' Wrappers,made ofb'estqtialitku,i-,-t,t I SO M U0h in demand for %ists, j)m " . . . J. . , . � oulbroiderY 'many good houses Are being sold. top kept the pillars ill ..Place sud'wer( , in assorted,colors, also bNek antl Nvliir,2,! '40 S'- - . � Nile church by Rev,. AT. 3'. Wilson was lovely with b�rldsoilja wide silk. ) , . * me . . ing Jackets , thl Week., . � � . . � Mrs.AddisonlIpseoldher r Tf decorated. fancifully With clusters of velvet trimmed, others bvimnitol wifli . ete-,�- in a, fine range o pa? terns and — �r , .ties, Amongthe n9velti %vas a hat �,qidence . . I � P . I . f - : Mr, William. Maed,61 has'returned I les on BritanniaRoad to W. White marygolds, asterb, etc., and sprays of : self ple.atingi to forth revere, prices..... 1 27 5 200 1 �Ts, � , I . . - . ­ I . 1 ow . . the crown of which was formed liken. ly' myt,de. The readini:r desk . ,. . � I CIO . . . I . I . home from the North-West' and - looks wheel 'of bows. of black satin ribbon Goderich towfiihip, and wil We till- I and 'pulpit I 0606 Goo& , . . . I . � ­ I . ­ .� 1. . I ..� . I ., I . j . . . j I as,;Z the ebuntry has a read with.hfm but� the daintle9t creation was a hat of dievstand, spend the winter wl'ith Miss were..also well decorated, bun6es of . � 00009.o.1 14 so -90- @**eo**00*0V*** , . � . . I :" � We understand that MI.* Maedel, wili wbIt6 silk chiffon Nvil It narrow� rows * Addison At Toronto, who,re her* son, . grain and flowers being fastened - . I . . . I .. � . . I . . � .. . . 06906.0660 I j , on I � I . . - of . . I . t . I . j I . - . I .. . .1 I . I . . . . . . � . �. . j y a collec. I . . . TOUR DIONP,Y DA01t, . � - . .. . � . I . .. . . I .11 I � 'to lly� to Sarnim black chenille, [)lack floprey- feathers . . tion of foliage, Is ' .. . . � . move his wl , and'f4ml F,,ank* resides. . . . each panel. In the-sanctuar . . 7. (Ifitendod for last isne.) . and 46h black trimullbgs. All the - � Mr. Wallis of Bayfield is about nuil- I j PalmR, lilllf� eiki,m4de . I � . . TF T . 01U 'WANT ILT . %:.. . I I . � 1. . .. . I I w .. 1 . 1. . ..� � 1. ... . ­ . I. .. .. '.... . . . ' . hats are ined w th tucked white. sill'-. logdo'.1 tile' brick building on 4ast bandsonier than ever, - In the centrai a I . .. I ... j .j 11 . I . . I � - .. . . I � Mr Johns is out agaiii buying -apples I I a round parterre and the fount, looked ' , . j . 1. I . . . . . . for iir. Robert Elliott, . As the prices - Mrs. Cooper's 6bebing . was very. . streat a% ned by him an(I et,ec.ting two jardinlerii rested with long sprays � j I . . . � . I � . . I I . . . I I . . . � . j I � .. . . . are so I&W it hardly phys. the fiimers stylish. Shebad-onelovolyarlillsonor . 'fine brick hons�s, one to be built'on thrown out around of a i1ne fern. � . I � . .- j . j I . , j. .1 I . .. . . � , to pick them. . . 1, n6tornobile c6lored hat covered with a the present s4e. , . .1 I � . . Scarlet geraniums were placed arou . j I . I 11, . I I . I . . . . . . 4) � . . � . I . � . . . . . ire, Mrs. DoPet dry liss removed feom the 3ardiiiiere. In the decoratiolis we . I . .. j . . � Mr. John Mole of Auburn, called on wealth. of bla-ek silk lace. No robes r , qd I . � some of. Colborne friends on Monday. to be seen but, battenberg lace And her late residence, Beitantila *Road, -to also noticed some beets with their rich I . � - � I .11, . . . . I . Air. $&ride of SaItford has sold h:s feathers With Chl Mbilla, for tVimm;ng t1le house on East street, Owned and - foliag I (8 I � . . . . a and dahlias and- astees were . � . . . .11 j . farift to Mr. John McClean of SaItford instead, Mrs,Coopet-'smillitierIsMiss; lately occupied by Mr. James, Me- seen in profusi I r .. . 11 (a .. j at a good figure. I * Thorripson of Halifax. . . . � MA6. � I . j j. . M. A oil. Rev.J.O.Farthingi . 1=6- 1. . . I. � . 0 I . - . %� I � j . -, of.'.Voodstock officiated both . . j � I I Mr. .and Mrs, Brindley. were the Vri Tom. McLean, son-in4aw of mr, W,ien in 'town Rev, 1, W. Stone, Morning and even' . His discon-* ' - j . j j I . � . I - I . .. . . � . . d the eloquent till - . — , CLINTON I ' guests oZ Mr' and Mrs. Edward Million A. Sands, Colborne, has pu-chase inissionary ab C16-ose,. was the *guest were i ant practical -asneds _000%wmmwwo� . ' .on Sabbath, '. � . farm, lately put, up at Auction, which of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Elgin -ay. made a Mast pleasing Intpres. � .. . . I . .. . I I j . . � 1. 1. I . . . . . � . .1 . I -Rumor says tbab.Mr.Genrge Currie was owned by Mr. Sands. ' enue. ' . afort upon the - congregation. ' . The � . __ . ___ - - :1=_____...- 1. ­­ ­ . . .. . __71 . � . . � . 11 j . . 11 . .' ­ �___. __ ���-- . . . has beat the reizor& of threshing this Alr6 Archie Miller,- eldest son' of Weoirkel, our collf-,ratulations to Mr Anthem, PsAlm exxii W413 174cely sting 4 . %00, NOWVW 4 0 __��­ . in part, . 7'__�_w � I � . year, .as it iayg Mr. .George Currie Engineer Miller of Elfe.G. T. R., has and.Mrs. WelterSillibson the bappy 8 bY the choir, Mr, Carrie taking . . . . . . , . . . . I � . . I I - , . and his greenhorn pu� t1brough (,.j. apprenticed himself- to Alt, D. K. event which took place P,t the horse of the baritone solo... � , . I I . j . . bush. ofgrain in four hours but Air. Straclian, machinist, We wis:iArchle Mr. Robert Elliott, Goderich to wmbip; Organist Cuff spent Monday in Dun. Ck e. 0 we, . . : 1. .� . . ., .. 11 Westlake has hat that record its lie good fortane'lil his new lhib.. . on Vie8day cvening of'lasb week. gannon. , . j . ­ I Sedsolaabl To it ar Ij � . I put through CD Tashi in one hour and Mr -Wm- McDonald of the Ore, - The bi ide wig dressed In A bandsome Sunday was Children,s. Day at An I ation, , ", . ; . j . � � . . . it half. I I s . . si a . . � . .. . . . I f . � . ' . , . j. . cenb is recoyerin,v rapidly fw-oin. a very gown of gi-ey with triminings bf cerise Knox chumb, "Rally DAY.,, The - ' 1. . . , j I . . Mr, Rellington - and Miss Helyar severe Attack' . of illttes�. Miss Tessie . . I I , . . . . W, I and white hice. The bridestrittid, Bliss lovely' September. flowers. formed -a . . .., - , .eas Ppices . b Sabbath ,th friends at the McIntosh was engaged As trained "3usit"'t Elliott; sister of the brid . a, huge bank In- front 'of the. reading . I � . . 1. at .. . j 011013. . I . wits beautifully dressed in blue. X I �1. R , . onable � . nurse, I r. desk, upon' bha platform. In the . . .+ � I . .. .. j j . We Are very sor afternoon addresses were : - ..I . . � . . �, .. . I Georeo 9111ibs acted P,s--groont sman ", j . . coupled ' � I , , , Shawls r. on the. . absence taking for his text Matthew of Mr. aolin Walker, who bad been'jn end. and by the pastor. . . AVING bought the 11th chapter and .1,I)th Verse, "Cottle delicate health for some time . an hour or t I . at. the Old. Reliable,, I I 'unto me Till ye that labour and are The greatest; event, gineo'Mr wo very enjoyally AtNorthstreet Methodist church the 0- "_ Grocery Stock of I'' - . .. . 1. � j I , . I .eva� W. Robinson. After ps,rta.L_ 1,0th Oentury anit its requirements . . . serious illness of A. jag WAlker,daugliter r led I,y the Sunday School by 14 Tom Mro She pard of the Nile o to learn of the very The ceremony was perforti Oven the Zion pulpet on Sabbath in Mr T, ' in . "o of the wedding supper and sp In I wi . Hillies I IT music, Sorg And wit. All retu; tied 46 0.1 . . I I . . fienvyladon and I will give you rest.5 purchased Bellcview took place there to their homes. Mr. Walter Sillihs -song service of Sunday evening was Mr. F. Melville at j . - very fine, alike creditable to t I . � M:t�Q__0041t�= - . Air, Wilson Brownlee hits a ttiolze7 On Wedilesdav evening, Uth Sept., had 1, ff Code . I . I n Rev. J. �N 7. Robinson solemnly �9,anist, W� Glen Campbell, and his I � that has laid 03 eggs this peasoll. i � f who rich to enrn his frwtvne a in he . it good percen'taple, W(,, . I I I ,ad in the `7orta.*VVe,qt lilit the attraction W 9 workers, The Anthem AdHos. 0 . � . I . . . I I � . j � . j any Poultry raisers have a bird thatcan the marriNra, Of Mr. Hillier'a two our to�u held for 'hill! cbp,rnied him . daughters, Miss. Hillier (Emily Anna I . I . . . e lives in Dunlop but solo�,by W. Bryages, was very g I ear's business beat this recoed We Would like to hear ) and back again. J1 to tile Son of Dayld�" baritone Will give our customers From the redord of tile past y ' . ood, � I'Ve lythe public with the . � from, them, , Sadie, to two of our Young townsillevi his business is in town,* j Mr. 0, R. Rumber's baritone solo, the benefit of it, . Are lbab.our e2orts to sup � . . W. 1 11toutledge and Fred Hunt row gh- � . ve a max.cet have been . I of Chicago. Miqa Hillier wore a hand optionally Sal . i -Y best values In b � I M=�—_�=�� Miss Margnerite Jean Devioe, dau "Come untome," was axe entinentlysuccessful, I � somebridal 4vessof mduve'lientletia, tet-rofB'rrs,Xobn Hart,, wasmarAQ fine,thesoftness in We tones being . . , f . I I � . - $Sfieft NOW111op Township, on 7th August At Detroit to Yr. Rich. noticeable. The anthem, Our . T � lie steady inbroa-e of our trade betokens, - . . . . — . cloth, prettily trimmed with lace and "The voice -1 would like to have . � chiffon, bi ard Mugford of Wallarf-bu­g. The of many Allgels,"was sweetly rendered . I � 0118.tolners growing confidence And appreciation of UP .. Mr. John Scarlott afterlded the Can- -idal voil And wivath of bride had been living in Wallaceburg,' in the solo p&rt by Roburah Brown. .. orange blosso.ns, cAl rying a booluet of for some years . .%.I%tJsfied Lo Date Goods And Methods. - . . � I servative gathering at Stratford on . . Other sacred mnsic was sung but we as niany of tbo friends . . I � Saturday last. white. roses.and still1w.-. Tile 11rides.' I r I 4, -or the I f . r j . tura, F areow, wor: 6 oegali* Birs. John lt,�rr wishes Tur, Xmvg have only space to note "The n,ce r The Messrs. Kelly, who ,,VerI6 to the 1111111d, Misa L, RV . 5 to S. 0 , g 0 t 6� whom waited upon so '14 . . I You will flnd our stock qn.%Ilpd by few and . ,COnD to express her tbaill. Southern Stutes Jae,, (lie with lice bodice, car--ying it baguet � $1 nail sun a b.%;Ta Ifully by Miss . A�,proachftjjv excelled by none, We are Practical Shoo- : spring, halve Nordbeimer,German Consul At Toronto Ausebrook that she has Won_ Jolden W1 and Winter makers and have made Quality a flrsbcon. ! returned. Theirlicalth Wasverypoer of red ioses, Mr. Routledge, the fo-, his kindness in Makin- over, the .T. Vnions (hereby. The Rew as er long as. Well as others . I Neason . sideration as you musthave good shoes for . while there. WPOOrnsman, Was assisted by MPI Herr ,sLate Wilds, obta'enlAg Xerefrom � ilsoli delivered a shorb but T: St t. . . � tile cold And sloppy weather. 4 Mr. Henry Bennevies is having one ,Msln Treleaven, The groom's pif -in annunity� to pa"I call N . th ) t . he the present fill address. I and see our stock. _� ride was a sable ruff and L6 ille heir, he . of his wells drilled find Ptleposes con. bridesmaid a pretty Luroin p busband. I , 'Wo want your patronage And tile Inducement we offer is tile besb tinuin On until he gets water, Oise ring. Captain McIver of the Govbi goods in tile mavicet, at very Close Prices for Cash. It will pay you to see Mr. $11-' McIntosh was Away filling Sadie, the �-oungesb bride, was; chs�rtri Mr.q. W. McDonald I% recovering TrudeRu Is at 0011;ngwood where ttll; I Out, stock and get our prices. . silos lat.t week, ingly Attired in white silk organ rapidly fMrn a serious Muess, I are dredging out the basin. I . I .. die, Our Prices will 11 'a teollb]. � , Alt.. James 11. Bell was so llnforttlr,. beautifully trimme Ice, Mrs. Ma.for Frank Sor&,in, has re y (� e to show goods, Goolic; tvell. bought are halt sold, V ull d and lace bodi .� Mr. Prank Elliott la now enjo isl',� NJ, ate as to lose a considerable suni of I with brid&s VPII and 01111,11go blossoms, turned after it Vary enjoyable visit better health than for a long tilne . I stock of Granby and Canadian Rubb, -, . money in Sen,fort), one day last week, carrying it boqueb of white roses and with tolsffl'veg and friends in Winnipeg and is able to be About town, Beneftt� you. I � . to Air. 11. McArdle has rented bi smildr., Par sister, Bliss Bholie of and Montreal. . Mrs. W. A. Rhynai has find it pr ­ I . his brother, Michael, for A, 9 f4l'm Toronto a-Aed as bridesmaid Paid Was , Miss, Jessie Strait6 _e I 11, daughter of i)ortico added to the front of her buhl I WM. TAYLOR & SONO years. term Of dressea 'liKe, the imae Jh white silk StIttion Hiptor Stralton, in . ell .ckwell of northern Michl. organdle Andearried a boqueb of red bi bet- duties at Rochester city has. as of green reseda and Nile, With I . I . . I Mr. S. Ile has rewmad ,,F which has been, pAint,)d in two Wo 0 1 N1 FOO I ad Iry fAn, who has been visiting his parents POsesi - Silo Al 00 wore a, Pearl crescent pitAl, of term cott.%, . .1111 . , � I lero Pr the past mouth, intends going the gift Of tile bridegroom, Mr. Hunt, ir oof ------ ��_�_­____-_ Cash and One PAce. k_l . F ggs taken as 0,ash 6 back to the States next week The gifts tn both brides were numl)e�-. William I'Lutgon returned �"vom a , The Aliases Helen and Grace Polley COLDS THAT XIANG OIL% INSURANCI.V or, r iG. 4' AT THE STORE . A number, Of promineilb Grits in Including a handsome. 0eque PlIA'Asn-A Visit tit Johnstrin's Harbot Spent it moqt enjoyable time lately q I AAOITTW,N� vww vV~ W~ 0k0VWA0V* . ,0T,T%^,,. 1 111%, a I ,was Accompanied by his �rlend. with friends in London, Pneum*oni& is the result. of neglected , I � I � South Huron would like to have br. P, f1ro th011' fAthet, Mr. Hillier, Ainwig P, who Will t 1V%*~%0k I tagged onto their names but lb Jane the outside relatlyeg were those front Alt, Peter Movieft guceb ospend chest colds, colds, that hang on and .."I., ! � i. .- 1� . I ._1 � use. John Milian, we hear, wabjq tile Who afte family. lal, tub- I I � I I 33vussele and Bliss 110"toll from Clin ton Afewd"'Vowith 1-im- a f the V Orb William Sept 21st.—The steam. inflame and irritate tile branch' !! - _! �, 4 -99 notti'llation Again and that puta an end .nded the WeddiV9 And Dr,wiil the - or St. .4ndrew is a total wreck forty .9 . miles from here. The crew are Ali L and lungs. To promptly And . to all the other follows, aspirations, Mrs. 11tivers of Orediton wore among WO met Mli;14 Acheson After. her enfo, She was on her way tar thig thoroughly onto chest co!dp, tightness AUCTION, SALE AUCTION SALE '' I . !n!t.__ .the many friends fre,in I outlide who reltirty from England and France, port froin Jack Fish DAY, light. The in the chest anil .%]I coldn in the throat I I Wore inviOd. After the eon(!Jusjdtl of Sholooked voly well After 11'r trip St. Andrew, formerly the W. B, 11all, and bronchial tubm Dr. Cllaqels or VAUNI 131rocr, ANDINTIlLnUrNTRI Itatilock. I the 1XIMPriAge, service all paitook at And the, sigbb seeing, Mfs,q AAeson 01,1VATW STOCIZ, AV1!T VNII'LBAU',STS. 9.30 P. M. of ,a very pumptuang and party 6penb one inonth In Lon was owned by PIRYfair and Co., Mid. Syrup of Linseed And Turpentine has Alletlol, r . j ,alo of . j proted Itself the rnoAt effectual rom- i111)Jv111(!I1tq at In AProl)(1 f0m, farin nfook.lintl ad his silo filled Supper the ta,bles being rich in I me 404�3 edyexbomb. 1bgs,joisr5imply, p Tho 11100YAlaned hq.q been InAtruated by, Air, Mr.John Watt h . foil. England and Admired the city (1011, land, orit" had a capacity of t Iti, Tien. 1. MIA NV 11%valla-111 with corn la6t, Week age and flowers. Music Awl �Am6s *than Pai-ia. re ITushels And. was commanded b ."Orjyi� -A i01111119 010 vAlAgM of Atiburn, oil Thttrgd�ar. '161111 W. 10110t to offhe for Rale 1�r Public itue. Y 'Oeti 19. KA, nq followa.:- A triftre 8 yc�;uw old n, tioll At lot 60, 14sylleld UneMotler (41 town,oil . Messroo Gardi. were kept 11 Captain Veatherstonellaugh, Otto. Ply cent§ a bottle. F imily, size r 0 �11. who w 0cento, � -fo,,Ilor�nl,(IoftlioNlillopiniareGreargol(litt oty rplaity, (yetoper 5til, collini(q,01 its f: not And Shortreed did the work. ) until' 3 A.M.on Thursday, It' Mgineer Millee purchaso(I the resid. . I In %ing Cc,111111t, I home Oyeftrilold I rilving "i art owner. The steamer will be a O'Cloalt pilarl) tile followhifr, --h0V�v,1-'11%xt1a1T when both Cridal T)ftrtleq drove with ence latol* oupled bv 1*1 r, tilt I tfte!�_­ .11,111.111, 3 goort 1111101 eolv�; Q11I)T10:40d to ITO in <�alf lie orll;1075yel � liloilvy(lr�iftiii,.tpori,4111[�, ttestqto town, Mr, and Mrs. Lewitt on mapl I St, 0 1099, for, Aftel- Pounding her b___ Ail', Ge-Irge Knox is Wearing a broad tbeit g .,� ce Inlile6lnee his wife presented him Raut[edp ()in out she Alid Out into deep water. Ild. 91)"1119 tifklvoq� brond row and 11tterol ig-1 1rh figeoltrWilirsvear'l I deft(tgettliligtisinor . 'Atoth 0 - the ekate or tile -401',; 1`19111f: 2 Yeara old A lieffera r1witigi3yeG a icara I leavy 611A Team I'lAing 8 years I 1 1)1,%'-4 ;I 11101ltll�; el(l� bindor lumver 4teol ifty N YONPA: cattle- I I(r,4t-Clftq wi tit & bouncing girl, eirlionsa in town Ind !sL,,e Mr. Au4 Mrs. Ilobneb Wdsoll. Tile crew did not. even save their OLD IN ONE DAY * � . q Mr. and t to big fath Align Mat arob R,nglish is vig.iting rafte Ills,(" llariwtv.q I , . . ej)%V,A ill (%lf to Ohio 'inity protty, buildhig oil Dritaullia. I " clothes, A InArl"or he're said tile 401w jurn plow arah, drill fforobredl)ull gAtprowcowa 40v,%xrl0lIlPr.T norsebuyerswere In this; vin We. Frod.11un TO CURE A C last, week And offered a fane ,he, I herr*,tor, 0a. JVen,, alfilton,—Lon. ndvo�v had Could Take-LAxativo Broinc, Quinine Tab- 1pon llarrolvq favill ur ivill Welber Wilgoll bob Yc:-tg antenravighw2yeim lhoifewl+41nnt VPAS offeVes wheto they remained OR glIcAt land . wheolaillOn file St. A , ling plilleyq etc. ye'ra arholed jainilrealve.q., Allenp-40'atw. Priem, Mr. Jolla (4ro,qby a until do" Nown, �Jpirh,4 harne.q,4 hay forlt q 4 �V . I > I I I 1 1 , : 4 1 1 Saturday it- In. When they Mr. Tuft, after tort r George r '1"vo 111111tritliq qaere:40 tavetua Itlot ela'.4cl young nwo_q - plqa-1 le,fto I)Tood gow , lever control hep in a storm. letg, All de 1'efund tile Itionef %JIM411, I(I rtern,z, (tit in godo(j eult vatioll. e I dord pf-'ali it- �- thil Old . V10111- trY­,3 heliq W41,111(lina IT, itunil - of ltoelts atif -11 for their future lionle, frotil typholtl` fever rises from Ilia nick' When second Mate of the 86. Andrew, 8 'Pe"T.T11"Ovelling lio*qo Vq.,v' ), Wity? �'.4 4,2� awy i Ganiqi,., intiThinient i Ix land ra,it,,r t Apea jill Nr I for one but refused less than a $10 tile CrA took ) 0111 t1love for it, %veelts' U111003 Dube, well And fAvorAbly known heire If It falls to Zgrgill.111_1q. D. W, Grove"i; 14)!127i�etiq. A) o thofti,ill lot 24, pt)ll, 1, 11,nq IV(t. about to litter a 'Ir Mr. Nat Sundereock dolivol,eil two Chie,1190. Both brides, wele grortt bed to find bin Wife ftlid her (lauglItpl, I a 19tiftture is oil each box. Ix ot d I �ogds of lambs nil Alonday to WAtA n W01'140M for lortetoria street churell, Arieken with the saine di,ge.0,ne. pf'Ssed Ilia PsMillin4tioll, At Toroi to fraille Nita " o"'160tr'lle ntxhleq Ifildo.r."i (toreqoi I I Piet 111aniontl harrowa I hrq rat'it I Ica Xud Ellilgh ofIllyth. 0 Atra"Holifiledge boingorga,1114 Whell last In Canadmand received his �, P, charil 2 never faffilitr k4pehig W6119 pollplay flaw I not, w0dall nealea capApfty 12M 1 P , Sunday WO tldt# with IlIftell Wea,,41111A the 1), 10AIII 074) aereq kindol. jvasg A Arre;S fall W110A I )11 ?. %010 , Nehool teacher alld UpWorth League or woddirift of Ada. only dan tit t of , alle6ps as first n1,1tO,. Ile is now In , aa � gfvy I set, liellit 1% 11 I r got 40%lbld ljapll(��- I AlastOPOOrd011 IZOSS of London Is g R el Mrg I Filicago. " 11MOVI 'Cotton 900t compo �401ilo to), P1010111,0 Iloilo" nond it"It'11%. IT1101 I U,agort I ctl ter I hl lip. pitilm, Aiqo t 11.t1wct �Iqltitifr Ilia ReAnd-plother tills week, . anizer at difroeent tiftIOR, and We Of- (IftiltRin I&XMV to C 3harlon Auga,titus 611,10,11911111'rldsoc tAohtlll$lb ovot �qrnl iq oli M leall tin pravel road. I ill 0 froal fj)rl�q pilltep ftil(I otilep artit,leq . . teo "aillerolIq t.(V - Mis.q KAY And Mra, obillin;W110.4pent TAdIeR. SOO, offe.atll&l. lad on a9k fl, I . . 11 for our Aincero coillratulatiotia and PlAckoft of Spokane, washillgioll, � Aiihiirn,111 .11 5 1)1110�4. (111111t %n atid 041leplolk to 11lonvoll " faddep-8 torin elloietv, cltwol, hay 9 IoAlbn Oreer,who Atone fil"a WaGA re , L , 46 11111(,:,�, Th f4 ina%crydt"Arillill) 111(it, L , loadq f4reen fe(d ill alleaf rk (JIVIIAlty OP ill'ttil. 1, Si* heartv W1,4110a for t le proqperiGy of Tho cetein ny took place ab tile real, It A Winter At Viotida, Will e , I I oar dral IT z of tills .neiklibqrbood but in 11 , 0 j r ma 11 In OVV� t 008t tot Cook,# NO '111- op WiVite lall(l. Till yintd, , ...V_ 1. - OW %­1o%1r'.I,1­9 ,&'I.-- ?a n1dnR.TflfI?­i1­�,1i­ Ill , , j- . - 1. - ­ - low Al'AlkAt), IA. .&All �9.� I 1) ." 41 to � tv; ill U169 MA"P Phr-sons haA returned b6til All eXtellded vleit to Miesouri. All', alld tire- Dayid Beacom 11AV6 returned ft-Olift their vlRit to tileip son, Dr. ado. neaToom of Justriston. , I � II U V new haloes. I r, All., rInArong. writea Very : r1levf(Ill froill Ilia nt,ttlon at silow. I tilt e a se it to 11fig fallilly'llArwk 'Pei 4 ,big 448611 With IlitunAW Illen hoto �f I 41A tten 11 9 III fktollt of it, Ile I 100 0 atton well, . Once of Orank Dc, alt now a d IVIV IM ftq "Out"I'lell T'llis Winter. I 1111., A! P kpl.�, ;)to, I X V I It le (1, AIL Will IMIR06114hr6aingerous. Pimp 6. T C4 1) "I ,4 Va,,�,,. to Said witholl, p-qevvo M I ITO propt IANP haLl 1111IN040 lodegreefimormk,e I 1 litilopi ce-toll-111,11 1. a 1) W] 1100, V - relatud Inu Farm Torn, rertir,or veara. irelitua !!!��______ I iii 2; thation ion remptot rio, , , t ,,I)r In'loto 1% i � 11 111111 , al t .4"ISIMIJOrINO Mil(ilill(lor,,P.,tqlk.ovt"ftli,%tan- - '(�;,:!+i,(",e,1, 1). ITT. - I R - " ; 11 , 13 It I S 1. . I A WAO UOOX 061NIPROk )d . ,e 11, V P nr 14 1110111AW effilic On apllrdvod Johl Do Foil Mid what,veople say about Xuelw I Ind 2 Aoidyinq Heo Thar. Ill Itiltl To , V . 11 ppr e 2tilgentilit of It per epilt. per allnuill rolillle)"X�114 lloodl� 1,4,eltR,qpArlJJa� It iq et!rIng ,%1l I twouldbloPmg8lost Ja ussitiM jwli Ito (!�l 11 11 J." in Oil elVdit 40161140 ill lialt 6f nott-i, foring 0 � f diseme e4used or promot,, NO- 1 411d NO,$ 001d Ill Clintollbv W4ft,;T& (,Io,l clma� ItAvit"10 � V. notoy, It. It. Volnbn And 8, Jaek�oll, V. i' . VA.C"!1.11w. T1100, TMONVIV, J()IIX W, 1,,,tI,1OTT, ed by ilnpme blood, "Dituggists. A&UCtIOU0011, M_ Proln"'Otor, 11 Altetionca" 111,0D1,145tol, I . I