HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-09-27, Page 2TugGUNTONNEWS-oRECOR0
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The News-Ftecord
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. I I
* _4- � .
Tsume or supsclurTSON-43,00, Per yeaw In -
advance ; $1.50 may be obarged It not 00 paid
No paper discontinued until all Arrear"ges
tire po,iti, unless at the Option Of tI10P4bIIsb0r-
The 44W to whIch ovary vubeorlittlea is P11111
10 4enotod oil the label,
ADVrilTIBING RAT1,s._,,rr%astei)t advertise,
pents, 10 conts per noupar4olline for ilrat
insertion and 3 cent-$ per line for 06011 subso-
quentinseTtloa, small advertisement$ not
to exceed ond Incli,such as "Lo5t," "Stra),4"
,,pjtoIoa,,, ote., in$0ite4 once for 60 Ceuta and
each subsoquent Insertion 15 cents,
Aavel,tigetolento without speolilo dIveetiollS Will
be lliserte4 until forbid and charged accoid
4agiX. I I
Copy for change of advertisomolitt, on pages A
and 6 must be In the otiloo on. Saturday and
for pages 1 and 8 oil Monday to ensure change
for following Issue. . �
CONT4tAVJrRA'r]�S.—'rll()90110WItlgt%blO Shows'
our rates for spool. (led period$ and spiLoe -
It Yr, 6 Mo, a Mo. IMO
I Column ......... $7000 $4000 $25 00 es 50
J Column ......... 4000 go 00 15 00 * 0 00
I Column ........ 2500 . 1500 8 00 250
* Coluilin ........ 1800 10 00. 5.50 200
1 Inch .......... — .600 350 2 00 1 25
ar5pqcial pogitlou from 25 to So per conb extra.
. Editor allO Pr0PrI6t,0P-
. - - I
. -
. SANKS - I :
,==�==_-- __ — ,---.—.---
Incorporated by . .
Act of Parliumont, 1856. -
CAPITAL . . . 82,000 OW
. -s, RIGST � . 'W
,. al'aw, ..
F. WOLVERSTIBN TUO'AIA$, General Manager
Noteadiscounted. Colicationismade. Drafts
issued. Sterling and , American Exchanges
bouvht and sold. Interest allowed oil dopoalt�';,
.111terost allowed oil suins of $1 and up.
FARMERS; . . .
Molloy advanced - to farmers on their own
notes with one or more andomers. No mort-
� gage required as security. I . .
11. 0. BREWER, aftanagar, Clinton
, . .
_. ___._ __ —_ - _... _. — _ — ,
. . �
I .
Hekdache, 4111001108%
Heartburn, �
Indigestion, Dizzlnee$s
TA41catq that your llv!lr
Is out of order. The I .
boat Medicine to rOulls .
,tbo. liver. and curO All
tbalm ills, to taiind In .
Hoodps Pills
. go. asom, 4old by all, modiolint d6al"11,
..!M_ - _.., . ''. !9�w � � . , ,..,—
(NSURAN05 - . .
k:� )
. . ....... ___ ___ . . I
WAR IS AL . Y . 0 1 ST ENDED SPIN f909 101 WE'
- _., ''. �
h �
t is p r -4 in 'Aadon that ""'
S Jjwnda rrd oll"Company 1* `yins to" DESTROYED
Qbtalu colitrol uf the Cheshire salt I .
trade. ! .
. - _____._____.____ ,
Their Guns Flee -o -Only a FeW,
,,," t '
Nowlicy Items About Ourselvell 411d bary
The London residenoe-Qt Lord Salia- � . . � � 1-1
. is watobed by Soottatid yard de -i And Killed Boxers Who Had
1k 11
Boers ]Destroy and
. I .1
(,Nr NeighbOre—SoMetbilIg of tectivea,
A I ,5oo
owing to threats which are *
Marauding Bands Now Oppose the British.'
lateroot -From ZVery Quelf. now
&Md to be the work of a practical r I
I . , S� ,-do"
I Sought )Refuge There.
— -.--,.
ter ol the Globe.
- I
0. .J. Goss, a olork of Parr's Bank, , . ...... .
A desoatob, from London naya:-The "Nothing in left Of OW I r army
Ofiloa has the jollow, but afow marauding bands. One of
awprm- London,
. .
pleaded guilty. to stealing I was completely destroyed. One Oar. I
60,000 from the bank, and wag sen- I A despatch from Pekin, via TvLku,
War received
� "these has taken up a position in the
Ing from Lord Roberts, dated wel-
PoQrnburg, north-east of Wifiburg,
Mrs. Jr. C, Meredith of London, Out., tem"
d . I killed.
to seven yoA,rs' penal Rorvi- and Shanghai, saynt-Two thousand 14an wag
The forces that.4ave returned to Pa. .
spruit, . I and to being watolied by Kelly -Kenny,
,1 out o� 3,000 of the, enetaY Who Te� 'qltundle attacked the enemy on Sep-
is dead. . . tude.
Manitoba has experienced the first
X German troops and Bengal Latioers kin say that t here are many thousand-
� ,
GENERAL. I attacked Liangslislang on the moru� Boxers and Imperial troops at Cho- .
treated toward KomatiPcOrt all we tember 18 from Broukhorstfoutein, and
, .
frost of the season. . �
has diers
The Kaiscr forbade returned sol-, lag of September 11. The- city was Chow, and that they, have exelu4bd . I
t6 talk about. what t gets had � �
entered after the . been �
I advanced from Maobadodorp, 700 have captured one gun an d 80 waggons. '
crowed overtook thb rear guard at
into Portuguese territory. Knox
The X133gatpiu p1striat Fair. �
r success this year, In
been a murke4 .
r of the
. civilians trohT the city. I
China. � I blown up with dynamite. 'There were �
The Americans are planning an ex. I
The Philippine Commission .has up- I sev pace, *i'� +. -.1- 'P.Irt. +. . , .
, .oral thousand Boxers in the, I .1. ..
. .
others have deserwa In various . Klampjosdoorns. Rio only casualty was
rections The balance crossed theKO, one wounded. Hart is moving success-
Thos, inouaffmry, MAD -0 � . propriated
Union Bank, Winnipeg, has resigned
J2,010,000 for improve
. meats
and 500 of them were k I . I
- ,,- . �..q 11
native Christmas, i .. 11
I '
mat! river, are, 000upyluff the Lebom" gully against - gnothlar band near
� N,, son4n-faW in'
$It Alfred Japbson, R.
. ;
the Islands' I
A Japanese official has been ap.,
+ ___
. I
____.,__! i
Farm and isolated Town Property
- b)o ,a 0
bo mountain, south of the rallwaY be Poto f tr om. Hildyard hap arrived
mpbell, Quebec, is
of'Xro Archibald Ca � .
. pointed
to succeed Mr. J. MoLeary �
tween Portuguwe territory and
at Creotvlel, 10 miles s0utU-eallt of
dead .
has the sQbr,d,
the E�nglish financial director, ,
� _1 .
J. B. MeLeau Prehidelit KIPP(.Il P- 0, ; 11108.
F , razor, Vice,ilresident, brucefield P. 0. - 111. N.
bridge. I .
.( A general occurred when
Utrecht, and has taken three prisoners
withomb opposition .
revised ,Brown,
Tile avir'll, . .
ule of tolls for the Victoria Jubilee 'rid
commi8sloher of customs of Corea. I
.� .
111c(s o Cattle, Cheese, Graln4 &a
Another Big Capture of LOCOMO, �
Boo Seaforth P, O.;
f I.Irreas., I
HBINY.la oat, nopector of Losses, Senforth .0?'
the enemy realized the hGpelesoness of
"Two Brktish offt to who were ORP-
ce .
bridge. rest,
A Swiss named Walter undbr at-
at San Sebastian, directions for
in the Le,adin.g I)Iar.teto.
tives i,eported- I
their cause. Long Toma and severall
tured at Cypherg t recently were re-
, ,
Liabilities Of the MO atreal Cold
President Loubet, of
. I � �
. . I
A deVatch from London, says: -The .
w, 0. Broadfoot. �,IOFLtorth; John 01-16ve,
Winthrop - George vale, Seatorth-, John Watt,
field .guns, including. W)MO captured
. ' .
leased 01 September 11, and reached
to $550,000,
stora , I
ge Campany.aluoull.t . France,
having been found upon him.
. . . .
War-, Office bias received the fol -lowing ,. , , J
L �
ffarlook.'Johnilennewici, Bradh ajar. ;James
Beechwood; James Counle y, Clinton
from the British, were. destroyed,
, I
In'on the: lfth.'? . ,, �
Bloomfonte .
,f� whk,h 4390,00o is seouxed, .
The Japanese at 116kin h!ive arre3-t-
. . . .
despatch, frotm Lord Roberts:-
John MoLean, !Ctppon �.
____ — _____
. - - - .
_____ ____ -.-,--- .
The steamew Lawrence, given up for
� ea
the assassin. of Baron Von Ket-
Toronto, Sept. 2S. -Following Were
. .
the I.
-,C w and Henry's Mounted
Pole are "I
� ., AGENTS:
RobtSuAth,Ha,rlook;Rober MeMillall, Sea
. I
, joh. has. been teler,
loot at St. jog8pbs X 'to D etroit.
the late German Minister to
the sales and prices of gr%Ln on
street to,�Iay;-Thres huudr -
- I
Infantry arrived at Katipilnuiden yes �
terday'luorning, The Guards follow. !
forth* James Cummings, F,gmondv1IIQ , J. W
ow of his jmpo(rtan�t discove,ries Was
- I
sigh.tea. she is an route
. . -
Chkwa, and handed him over to the
), 80, Aolmosville P, 0.
PtLytieSdoBiroustoeffoctinFiuranco or trfkn,4
� �
. . '.� .
. . �
. thomas MeCitifery, tot Man y
. Mr.
* .
Germans, He - has 0011fesa6d his
els of White Wheat at 71a per boahol;
ed In the afternoon. Pqle-Carsw re.-
. . �
sact other business will be promptly attended
Chinese Clubbed or . Shot,
years Managsr of Cho Union Bank in
100 bushels of goose at 69opar bushel;
poll-ts that the ,,eountry is practically I
to oil ap ) ally ot We above otticere
eNlIcation t(
to their respective postOffic0s-
. Death,' - '.
. .
his co neeilon
Winnipeg, has severed A
guilt. � 1.
, . - -
. -
100 bushels of rye. at 54a per bushel;
without roads. The troopp had to cat
� . �
� . � ......... 7-
. —_
. �
� .
. —
N0( 111401111%4' All WO 11 tile" Sit' AV-
with that institution. .
400 bushels of barley at from 401-2
to 47 1-2o 100 bushels Of
their way through jungles, intersected
At railway station J
Tit%, rence Negotinfors-LI-SillikX-t Sonny mud
One -A
Hamilton had another diastruc
pat .bushel;
by ravines. ithe . I
� —-V
I-rivice Chlux Allave 11cell i -t-00 us
pounis or 4% Frialsirul stild 11 r1liki-osim
fulast night. , .
wind stor �
� . . . �
. —
nowbate at29c pe
I . rbudhel; Ton loads
there �wcre nineteen engines, of which' I . .
- .
Exteerliticials fit France to i-rovent 11111111'
h 11114the ory., . � .
, L t'rilike. . . . .
Fire at London yesterday damage d
of bay were sold at. from f12,50 to
. I
eleven were damaged grid eight burn- . .
I I � .
0,41roils., .
. London says;-
A despatch from
A despatch from London says:-
.1 .
the Columbia handle factor.vo
. .
$13.50 per Aop. I . .. .
88 trucks of tiour, 27 of coal, I of .
od'! , .
made in France
An effort is being -
The Graphic leaina, probably froma a
"Authentic accounts have been re-
I I .
estimate their
Niagara - ' men .
. I __" .
Wheat, wht., stralght.0070 $071
Wheat, red 0 69 1-2 0 70 1-2
ooffee,4ofmachrinexy, and got sta- I
to dissipate hall storms by firing can -
GovaLmonental source, that the Pon-
celved here," says .the Moscow corres-
y, gals at 01.000,000-
loss by Tuesda a
Tiva lit'l-41, skyoll Wounded _011let.r.411,41re
.... ......... ...
Wheat, goose ..... ; ..... ... 000 069. ,
tionery. Altogether there .were 114 � �
non at the olouds. Fifty-two Can-
, pairLexis between the ,powers regardIng
pondent of Me Standard, " of a hot-
Albert. ' McConnell Was drowned �
4,401kiluitill, W,)rkSlsg- Allilpt-g Ito Titeir.
: . ...... 0 70' 0,71
Wheat, spring.. ...
trucks, 'Ok great deal of flour' and . ;
. .
� .
non, manned by 104 cannoneers and
the prallunimariss of the, peace negotia-
rible massacre , at Blagovestobeask,
. . . on aA Ottawa river
while at work
11t),1jeo ,1VIatta Aiiavhed by Strikerm..
Oats, new ...... ...... ...... 0'29 0291-2
coffee liud been destroyed. The . �
I . .
their ch-lefs, have b6on* distributed
ti,ow wltli� China have in noWme suf
which was undoubtedly carried out
� . . .
dredge. .
A despate -h from Shenandoah, Pa.,
Barley ....... � ...... ...... ..... ; 0 46 1-2 0 47 1-2
'0'53 0531-9
K - I r bridge Ims been destroyed, ' . �
1 aa,p rive
over an area of 9,500 acres of rich vine
fe" for� the difference r0speotitrig
under direct orders from the Rtiosian
. .
. His I . four physicians. report that
1%4ys;-4A sherLff's posse fired on a
Rye.* .. ...... ......... I ... 1.11.
Peas ...... ... .... �, ... ...... .000 054
but it. can easily be xeglaced. ' 'Tibia : , 1. I
, _ I
land. For the expense of the. 6X-
the evaouati kin, The cordial-
* b6n. of Pa
apthorities, and which then let loose
4ebee, is im-
Premier Marchand, of.Q. .
crowd of r,joto* men ,near bere *
Hay, per ton ... ......... ;:*. im '1350,
I 9 - .11
othen damage to the r4ll�vay is bein .1
I � . .
n , th overnment a
perime t, a 9
Ry 'of the oonoeft has not been dig -
the I& of slaughter through Amoor,
I . .
afternoon, killing t,,%v,o .Ioer�sons 'and
Straw, per ton ...... I .... ;. 0 OD. 1100
gradq�lly, -repaired, I Nope that Polar. '. '
� .
. .
ated 8386,- the departkent council'
. I I
turbed. The following iloints have
' � .
" Tile entire Chinese population of
. . ..
provkrig. . ., . .
Capt. Hewitt,, R.A.,- will be the new
.. . I
wounding seven QLhera. ` I
.. . .
Dresped, hogs ...... ....... ... 7 50 775 ,
Butter, in lb. rolls ... ... .0.22 -0 23
. � �
Idarow, will reachl Re.0tor 'Sprult 07 :
. . . 1
0289, the National F ren ch M#iCultur.
. been agreed upon;- . � I
5,000 soulot w as escorted out of town
� . .
professor of artillery at the King-
Sheriff Toole, awl Deputies O'Don-
IgIg lew.1ald ............... 015 - *0 16
in o rr9w. law 13,ami]tQn is one Inarok, i
. , . . . I.. I I .
al Society and a number oU wealthy
. . �
- 3plist-LI-Hung-Chang will be go-
to. a. spot five miles,up the Amoor, and
. .
I . �
ston college. -
nell and 'Bren nemall were called to.
jc�.,.., , _ .
. pair ..... 0,50 0.70
behind, the Q%ards, , - - , I . : , - � I
. �
I �%
. .
wine growers added $2,316, -and turn-
�oapted as It negotiator by all the Pow-
� '
than,. being led in batches of -a few
. . I .
Ito at Morden,. Manitoba, has de-
Shenandoah to�day to suppress sthe
. ... Q 11 . 013
Turkeys, per Ilb ..... �
. , I
Pdle-Carew 9
,aptured five w4ggonp
. I . . �
. l .� The
labed fourteen raore cannon .
.. .
. am. .It is probable that Prin Do Ching
hundreds to the river bank, Was order-
g I . .1
, Be Of 13,
troye4 the large warehou
mobs t ' vine-worIkers.
ha�(, threatened rc .
, each ............... .1... Q 60 .076 . ,
Dupk,s �
Potatoes, per bus4. .., Q 40 � 045
loaded with ,rifles and giniqualiti a, I. . . .
1. I . . Q � ;
.1 .. �
minister of'war. supplied powe o
. - I
will also be acreepted, but the accePtr
. .
ed to cross over to the Chinese side.
. Fraser. . . � I . I
I. .
" . .
and colli -At qutttlag
.... I G40 I 1'00- *
Apples, psi, * bbl. . .... . ..
'f4elly-Kenqy rpj$wts tl*t tile , . ; . .
' . . .
two and tbree-fourthe cents per
. .
;tuW axe conAltional -upon the produc-
Noboats were provided, and the river
, .
James doldwell, of Port Rowan. is
. .
t- the throe .sheriffs and a small
�me' ,
B�of, hind. quarters ... 7QO 9 00
Boer donee at D .
,qQr lipik is .
11 .14 . !
� pound.. . . I . .
I ,
- thm of adequate eiredentiala by both,
is a mile wide. The Chinese were flung
dead fro m polsou, arid an inquest is
herliff I)a ed
imsa,e �Vhom-*tJW a ' -d summpnw
- Beef, fore ... - 4QO . 560
. qqariep ..... .
. broken. 'Therp is, now nq orgai',zed . !
. .
I . .)I
.. � . . 1. ,
A Wghpoint -in thb vine land to be
. . � .
Sao . ond-A central Government
alive into the stream,'and were Atttb-
I_. -S, ,A . 4 1
I .
on tWe groind we4t to the Indian
P..... 5 5.Q 575 .
Beef, caro4se. ....... . 0 n
. .. 9 4 . a �
appopitiqui in tbt -a uthern par 91 to. I
. . � . MIS. U . . . . I . .. . . I Mutton ......... ....... . I ... u t?U . * . . I
I . I . . covered by tillo experiments was se- satisfactory to the powers inust be bad or shot -at the :least resistance, the salmon paok'on the Pacific ffij�ge colliery of Che Reading 1pom.� . ib .QO8. 0;9. Orange River PolqW, . � . . . �
� ' . � . . . . . Lamb, spring, per . .
. . - . . � lected as It -he central post of obsorva- . . I . , 0 "Lieut. N overely, ,. , �
. I established, � while Russian. volunteers, who lined , pany to esle � . .. . ,, P. Clarke was a ' .
I . ' coast in a thousand cases less this '6rt the w.QAking man to Veal, oarease ...... ...... ..... 800 . go. . . � , . .
A General Banking Burinest Trani;4vted- don. and at signal code adopted. When Tb�rd-The fullest retribution is to the bank, clubbed. or shot any who . . . .. a Jowl taid - - . I , . wounded at' Watervall6n4er Wllil�. .
. .. I .. I . ' ' year'thau. last. , I & their hoquos. The oollilary i . I � I)AIRYMARgETS. , . . . .
, I .. I 1.
. .
'Drafts - . . . a Act is heard from the ceutral post be exacted for th . attempted * to land., No one 836apad- ad the Nova I I . making itie,iounds, throug4 not 4ear- .
Notes Discountell. I Issued,, . . . . . : . . Lielut.-Gov. Jones Open a .short distauoB east .of Shenandpall. Rutter -plenty coming in tomcat - I., I . . . .
� . � " ' ' he �e � Ing a sentry,. or the sentry pot hear- .
. all .- tW epLnnon are fli3O, � at first *Legations. and the massacre of. far- al . ive, -The, rivbr bank for miles was Scotia'. Provincial. r-W)ibilti011 at Rali' . The Wdrldro,an left.for . in shortly fill .demands . , and, Values remain un- I . . . . . I . . . . I
I " ' . . . I I .. I .
. I . .
Interetit Allowed on. Deposits.. . .tWl'oo�per min,tite; more - sio.Wiy�af ter eiguers. on thli latter ]�oolnt. Russia strewn -with corpses." , . - - �. : is . . . I - Th ` . I � ing.his reol,v.`., - .. . . . . I
. . . . . . � . . . .. ey Nyalked UP It'he phanged. - Go 'Ooice* dairy is not I The'A'�ar`oruice has also. receivad . l4a. 1 1 � . I
- - .., I . . I . - � . ,. . . � I a earnest as ,;. . � I . x yesterdayi I L , tried at* at ter � 6101o6k I . od. I I
, the first.tan, shots.' � - MASSACRES. . Jacob. Mandall is, Win . I .
I wn herself to be. a 1, . � - A . .. �
, � I .� , I . ..has abo . I I I . MORE. x . � , g. . middle . of F at Cantie street and poll to ... ' I .. .1 . .
. . . . . I I . ... . I ., ,. I .. . . I plentiful. CoInmission houses . .
� . . i . . . � I . aping a - . I . I following d x1i frqxq Lord.' R9 I � ! .
ALer4aT STREICT . . I CLINTON. .. :The -farmj6rs of benioe werearoused Great Britaill. . . I . . I . � I . Hamilton on, a obarge.of �� reached 'th LebL94 Valley railroad . e"L . . lb. � �.
. . . . . . . I A-despaich - from. London,:. says- � . . .8 . I -,.. a trade as-follo*s;�J�alry, Cuba and . I . .. ..
. . I . . .th. '. . ,
I at 1,3 .,0,01ock r on this, nigh I t I of June I . 2 . . I . arge . . 8, L 18 to Igo,' . , . . . . . .. I 1.
__ I __ .- - .- -:,... ---,- 0 . I .. � I The question 'Of where 'the I 690tia- : I , . - and sepond ,ert.q.
. I . . . . . - - gaming hoittse.- ... atation; Here Vad kat4ereA a:1 .. � . . .. I
. LEGAL 1 e The ted is now be- The -Moscow - correspondent . - of, the . . L * � .1 pallsp dhoio I . . I . .1 ' prisoners repor. . � .
- . �' -"Released. British - I t I I
L I .5-6. The storm was very sever - lions are to be-Loondud . 'aid -w - seriously crow of, . I .. I I . " . .. L .. .
. . . I . . ' '
. . . L � .1 . . . Stdiadard says -that' massacres likeL Cmductoir Oldfi 48' � Poles, 'Slays, and Hungae q 41L,ty t 14, to. iOc; ,dairy prints, .
.w '... I .. . . . . .1.. erists,. f rem ,. -to .fifty ,ag discuss . 1. . . . . I . . L - w4o .0 . t 4 , . . . Chat 1�alaToy, 4aS iltipri$ . -* - .
- _ - _:.:_ -...- - - - - 7" artill ' I . forty . I . . . I ad, WO ... c . L . injiwed in an accident 10 C4 Mas'. men, wor . 21. oined 441l7. . . J
— , '.. ' ommunicat.lons re- .. . a T., a. & 4eni-. and ,6hildren, phoice, IQ. to -2ft oroarniety, boxes, '
. at- Bla:govestchensk � aro on- - . . I
J. SCOTT . . , I . L ... I . ptrong,fired � their. guns and stolJoped'- ga,rding inderanitles. have yet PaL,SedLf thut . . I . � I ,iton. *L ,, ' " . , - , .. L .. 'L . 4 street" . A � . 14iedg ,of -13ders .1y4a refuqe4 to break - I . . . �
' i
. . . . � . . . . I I � I I . . L L .anotber form the order of :the day B.. tunnel at HarAl I . t to: �Laed bot:4 obdes of, ,t a to 2;6,,'apd pounds, 22 .to 23c. . I . � L . .. . . �. . L '.' . . . L :
. In the . . L I ,, .. . .. I
.L the thunder, and lightning, . . . . . L . , - f allegiance , arld fig4t._: L.
I 11, SOLVI P . I . I . . I I . . . - u , I their,o6at4s 0. L . � I
. .
BARRISTL lITO I ; . . . . between the TiOwe)rs� I '' Vho : Three trolley oars rpolli4od 1' shot. ran but from a saloon. This I ', L ' I . I . ". � .
I . _-411— - � . . I . ' 'g L tones. Qf tboge inL . I :1
. L . . with the' Russian . troops . . I . a : . . cheosgil?ull creamery, , July and
. . � . . . I.. . ne�ig,hboring oommunes, the PeQPIS sav� ; . I � � . . . 1. . . torddy, injuring, two� passen ,. I . , again. the field the great,71 . L. ;.
Motley to Loan, etc. . � , � . I . . la. 012. yes the L ' ' wal,5 followed by L. I . August malrbs, sell at il 44 "to, 12. . . .
. . . . . . , L ' 10ME are . overrunning .Manobur 0 - I . . . - lit. : - i
. I columns of flames rise..300 feet above amaging - . - I . . .iqp .
I L S COMING LA"A *I - ' from , ger . . ara . orov6d had picked iip - HO . er patt are fighting andeF, Col �;
oitl7iolc-liluott Block , CLINTON . ' were CANADIAN . I These .order area a an4'd . . 'Many of t.he' . . I I SSED. 108�A.Nl) PROVISIONS. - - 1 . �
1. � . the cannon ! when the ..shots . I - I I I I . . a. nate ' i DRE. . ... - . . . . . I slon. Boer, wopgen plamoured for the �
. . . : - --.( . A 115 Confederate 1411 was passed .th ,8 L' I
- I . . 0 . . - I . . : d gber : I . stipks and ptones mud vrer6 � actIng .in . tL , �
. I 1, I . � I I . . . I . 0 Ing � a I n .1!
. . .
- . . - � . fired.' At. several places women re- - . . Gan, � Gr6 kf�v, who must have b! Methodist harvest. rcla . nuer, �. . . !* , . T4e lig4t'delivery. of.,dresse.4 hop 8110 of . ,g]4 priso' or , 11
., . , I . .. . . 500 .of . the 'First ,Von Ingent" Will upon a lady at a a threwben& . L. I � . . . 4r' -ti 11 , - , I
Bay -DONE 0 . 119 . . . � I : , .
I 6 - ' . . .. . 'The I
. . . . 't id I authority, correspondent .adds .. . . ort qupply oflong clear ai: I I 1
W. . .. . . rharged, the car r g s., � . I I home: at St. Tbomag YeStard4ty, I , Rl�i , IR141, . ' - I and. the B4 I I .1 _. : I �. ... .
I . .1 . .. I
I ' do . Olt'DE D, TO r !W ." I
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. . L 'WiAe L I . . Take. Their - Dlsbharge�� - thlat: the Czar . . I . .. . �. I � .
.1 The Were are organizin L . . is ubtless ignorant of . . . I I . . . .. � I 1� . .q I
. . . grO .K . . . . . . .1 L . I James. McAllister, formerly of TO- - 0 6in market h .1 I , I 11 . . , .
. .as cauqed prices tojur4p .
. I � U) ' I I
. . . .
. ... . . 'rms in many. of I W ' Ou�- i says; the 'orders tbat�have been isso . - . . .. 1.109 this. tb& sheriff, -wh ;had - not46r fraction :to-dqy, 4n4 a I . . L I
Notary Public, ke �, to attack hail,sto -the A despmtob f rohn Otta_ a L., . I � . ad He . I . , See . . it I .
. CLINTON' ' ' Wi' hundxe�d, of the Rayal. Can than . I . ronto, . was Seriously injured. by -the . previously caqtlonea his men tc? k,cep 11-P 4 .. I . . .. HOLLANWS, INSOL LWCE .
oiryioE�Beavor Block, * - . . . ,great ne-giowing -, regions of -F ive .a . further says ,that his informant has .1 . . L I . . . . . hip; at yalues ar6 looked4or. pt4or . . . ..L T ., 'IS-
. I .. S . outh I explosion Of- a b0ilir 4t Vancouver, . � . I . . , . .. I - . . . . .. .. . I
. . ry now in .. . . pool an�d not ,to use t4eirfirearmA, .. I , .. - I . I
I . ,Regiment of Iniant . 6 u, . 11 I . L , . I= .of pork prodi4ets -4re �s Fong. I . _-_m . . I
- I __ France.: The two experiments thug ee a series of. telegrams f rona the of - � t .. .
. . . .. I oming home. They have I B; C. . . . . , ora.0' . tibem, to lfl,ro. ' The order was I ... 1. . , . .. �CQrnment on Her Offer to S044 4
, . . . red . .. . . 5 the. . . , . . . .
. � 1, L _ I . I
CONVEYANCINQ far reported, are, pronounced success- Africa are '10 I ficer commanding in Manchuria, every . Archdea6bn kills, biahop-eieot . of s. Th, Pressed 4ogs, §7.7 . to §8, on . .. . : I
_... . . . . . � ' ' igain , and hivo one of Whloh conta,,nL tho.words, "IL . . .. . obeyed. wiit4, terrible result� . . . . I W4rsh; R to Kril e I .. .
' 1 6 bad eao�*hLof campa . g I . .. . .. .9 Ft � �
__ __= ful.. A. writper in one, of the win . I I I g . �treet. . : . . � . I . .� .
. . to, will be 000neecrated in St. . . I
L .. � , . -t� - theix - . beseecb! t1o'be allowed bo , , Onta-e . . ., provM purs4ed the allertEff. an4- his . .. . te# from JAnd oa�s:"T4o
j OHN.RIDOUT' . . ' . growers' oxgius says; . elected to .ke diseharge - at .. . . I . , Quotations'for.pfovisions are.aq fol- ,A dpqA PP 1 iof , - , .. . 1
- . I
. . . . . Is cathedral,.Kingston, on Nov . - ipson #ouse, Where . . P .
. of the year of set-; I . George . F ' 44' -4.104 is a. late i4l:
CONVEYANCER, COM N,ER, ETC. ,The 'restalts. .obtained from. these. the OxPixiticn . . I .1 able. cittzens." The'correspondenteon� .. . I . . I . posse to 1;he . erg I toW, so -Dry salted sho"tilderq, 4o; long Stand , . If
kissio, . . . . . be lit.. . .. .. . . . ,. . I . L . '� I . I
'. I experiments are. such. that organiza- vice. . . L . . trasts the actions of'the Russians , in en r L ' . . t1hey took refuge. . z 9 1-46-. ton lots, orgqa, djaclaFes t .
Cal Estate, I . . . I -, o1eqr I*oop, par.lot , .. , . . .4at*t4o ktati9p of, T101 -
Fire Insurance . Fruit krowers in. the Niagara dis L. . � I .
t� R . L I L ., r oQle s4ortly at torward 'Of
Monoy Lead.. : . tions will be established at onb6.in ,The Militia. D.epartmsnt�to-day re- Manchuria With the noted humanity of $be iff .T - I As 9 1-2e- illart' out Und �n offerhig f #
. . I . . . 1. the damage 9 1 20'. 94se 11 , I - P � . I 114B3499 04 Q116 0
at� that hdve heret a cablegram, f rem Lieut.-Ool. Admiral Alekieff,.wUo is acting, i Con- triet. say that . done I by L I-elelpilloned -to Harrisburg, and" aslond eor� �sa, f 17.- warships to Pjaiidppt Kruger is ap,- .
*)FIrICE-HURON STREUT.�. CLII;Tozj� all the #1 as I I . I . . . . 0 the rpzeut storm has been grec ' ' ., §19.50 to, §2Q; heavy 144 . . I `ob . roght very I . I
. 1. I . . . . . . , elleville, Who It ' L . I . LOY eX- . � deAtio4ment Df troQP3 be sent P I .. I .. . .�, . .. 1. I -
- I � - __�,.__ been ravaged by buji. I Biggar, formerly bf B , cerL With L tlie :Vowsr,q , and suggests .1 I tho� a .. . . I . 5 to 418. � . . L'. .11 aqU of Intervention wJ*
- ,. . I . .1 - .
' I
__ . . ., - � ,' I am told tb.&t the �mctiica of.sho6t. now deputy assistant adjutant.-gon- I . i a . asia is V.1d . ying a double game, L 8`990rated. . . I . . bejoi :It was. lettraelcl, lbat A(ljut4nt-..'. Q �. I . 2 prb"il be resontell by t*a sigalq#
ME010AL I . . . -will here- " L . . Smoked Meats-Raips, heavy� I C; Y, �
. I . ' .I that R tern. track 9 in PlilladslObiw . 'IQ I I �
. . I .. 1. . * i . issuing different ordeirs in Pechili and , . Gbneral Stewart ,%vA f on; it is di ted. It e4yo that It - 1.
----. - . . ,. 'ing. � at the clouds. was known In oral. JA South' Africa. . . L I Tba Great.ww , . . . _go; L breakfast w# . .r" �
__::==Z:1 . . . . � . after. ran under the brantgord I& him. there. medIUM,L 140; light, . ' . L
_ � - L d '. His message was dated Cape I . I and a telegram. Was sent I L 6; plo,41p, bal4s, 10o; JOfferson Davis had escaped to Mexico
. . I . . . . I
.:, Frarice over ahuddred years.ago, an Town' i Manchuria. . - = 61i. ,12 1,2 ta'13
R. W. GUNN . . . L I Goderich track at Brautford Instead T bao . .
11 ' . .. - is to terabor l8bb!, ,and states thflt.firvO - . �: . I .. . 1<ILLBD.AXD WOUNDRO- . on, lie; smoked backs, 13o. after �Ue war of tW rebellion find E, ago 1. L 11
D - L . that it orliginated in. Italy. It Sep I L L' . . - .. 0 . . .. I . . roll ba,p . . . I . I . . i
R. C. P. &rid L. R. C, S,,Edin4urgh., . be , itonsiVo�ly L i 7 A . of Over it. � � . L of killp,d and L Fraaoe 9 411* * I
. more e . carried on this' IlUbdred of to first contm9a t will fare
__ . . " Followl.bg is a list . L 4.11 mea.tg� oat Of pldkI0 10 less than.. lafid Or Mad of 4. t br.
Night calls at froutdoor of residenceon Ratteu % to, . Panq.dq� �mmtedlately, the BURNED:'OUT HIS EYES A number of conviets, working -on I .. . . L 111M to PttropeL on arbillp. t1lb", 01�1* I
bury street, opoos to Proab�terlan church Tear t re. . - , , retu . . I I woundg-d ;- ,: .1 : % aw .
, ,rn . I L .
. �'. .. L ban .ever ))ago ' . I . I blietr'farin at l)ordbe�ter,,X.,B.','hgv0 . prio& quoto4 for � SM0484 Mstl,t I .
� .I � ' ' , I . . . 1-1:, .. - . . . I . remainder hALving elepted to stlkY in . I I I .R-4 - � . . I Killeid-Mhke Yuokavage, shot' in -go;- tubs Federal Gaver would. surety I I
L : . . . � ,� . . , L , I . . . - lbroei, 9 1.4 to 9 I I , �imeskt
. .. W 1. . '' I on poisoned by eating nut$ they Lard. IV I
OliOICH-mONTARIO STREUT, 'CLINTON4 . I . ,. , I the .epd .94 the Vex, T U9 . �at� � the eye;wa liftle, girl, name unkiioirn, 1-2 to' 9 3.4o; palls, 9 8-4, to 100. .,� � have regarded suclif action 411 an .in. ,
. . . .- .. I � Samth, Afrioat till . I ., Then Drove.a Bed Hot Staff hro h be , .. .. ' 9 .
� - _��_ _�_2. , . -, . I .. . . foumd, but only One, Rlohaixl � . . . I ',, 'alt'. It addothat excepi on the In. * ' .
I . . . I
- I 1 SOO BOER RL-r-UGEES. - Tbits'Sneans that abquit 350 9f the. 4 L 'His Backo . . . . theo,neck. . a I . .
I . . L I . . . . . I . .L . . sibat, in �the iback of - ; . " . . L..
R. WM. GRAHAM ' ' ' . . , . . . . ' . . . . R0DVCA 1,
I L I 1. . . .
D . . . I . — . Qtnadian Infantry will be left. beb�nd- . � died.. I . Wounded, so f r as can be learn-. � I L F I
.. . , " . . . . f ted h from L . a . . I . L the' credible supposition. tbktt - the consent .
SYCOESSOR To Dn. TURtIuULL.) , .. . . . . . . i! dpVat..� Washingt?n, says: Capt. St. Bernier, at Quebec from - and of Grea:t 039itain .was first obtained; ' , '
. (S - I . I � Flee It- ii likely lt.]Nlat they will ba dra . cd�Edward Coylet'l,ged about 50, bul- E.gg&7-Good. :steady run
BUrghers . Follow 'Kruger ina . l . . L �-�*n � of lei I cox�na�unf�atioin, coming . . R L I ' . I � . .
I . f 4 .. , I Ne;wfoutadland.. seeks a grant of . v ..,
Licentiate of the 36yal Collegoof.phy- . . . . L . Into Some F.jagilph _Xoginjent for the near the h� et., a was market fairly jotlie and firm Choice 'th;ei -action ,of - Holland ts , both - .
. sicians, London,En I. . I the Country. . tWouj4 .diplOmatic opan�elsj 4vas -t Govern', let woun'd - -2o; seconds at , , , , . . I
. � . . . . . � . . L - sUlin h a .t it - fres.131 .3 . . a L and insolent. . It h1an . �
No RiSMENOE-4evrin's-Block, lately . I q 'I iod of service. broug�l W t , , 4boiltign -*9 $20,090 frotin he' J)Dmi.ni,on . on his stoop;, IvRe a I 8a n old at 14. to.14 I ovoo"tiva L
OFFICE.K I A despatah from Lorenzo Mar remainde Pa ... f the ment for his propotied polar expeAi-t' I .9 flto 106L I . I Pr . I . I
occupied by Dr. Turnbull, CLINTON. . uen The mounted.troops fr6m Canada - � I � _ . . Ian, shot in.the arl000; Anthony, �qkar� . . . I I not oven the meirit of c4airrage, since . . I
. sayg;�-Fivp bundred Boor refugees. . L I State. J�-,Vartpt.Len;t 0744Y, gIvIqg Ila- . . . . I . . I .
uth Africauntil . tion. .. . .. . . I I �
. . 4 continue inso I L . . .. . L. nazies, -shot in let L Wrist by, 22:ca libre 1 - Potatow-Plelity coming in 'and .there is little probabilit3� that any of- , I
evening.. Twenty, ;Vill formaa6il: as tq,t4e, C(?adi4fiQno intb' .. I
DIR. SHAW . I . I � arrived hero this I L , be � In . � Mrs. Mary Vert, of , Hamilton, has let,, Jabn Wusdidkey, agorl 48 n Dealers ate f.,i,al resembnout of *a klfid'llkely to ' .. .1
Orplca:�. , I are wounded. . . . �. : th6ix year ,is up, which will Ywn -tsPvXiaqg 'vglley and also gi Trusts bul . I .. . I
* .L I . 1. . . . . January or February, by which time 9 f qLIly i L uAthionjiCat v- sued . the Toronto General . years, I I . d, married;- buying cat lots,ma track here, at 30 to ,ca. Will be sho . I I � .
& � . . . . I Ing detaRed and ,ad shot in thv,� ban Shot L in . . d to hostilities wn. The
ONTAftIO STRENT, OPPOSUO English church, L . .- . I It Is expeet4d that the country will instances of atracition i4 t�e Prp . vinod Company, administratong of - -the es- Pelel- qL11IM00OV-10h, 98 Yedrs. 33c per bag, and roll, otitof store, I at papai contends that there is nothing L . .
I . I
. . CORNERING THE SNAKF, JKARK)@ ' . I � late of her husba;nd, to recover $4,_ - r bag, . . . I . it., the relations of. the I English � and .
.. CLIXTOX. , . .. . .1 .T. have been pacified. , . - of, Hunan against Ckristiai; I 1, _Id - 40 to 450 Pa .
. . I I 4issjorim bioh she claims her husba;�,, he kih� sboulder, me the Utdk' ,.Xiket ��;Ixl * .
____________-7_ I. Fro= Philadelphia comes the very . I . .. .CHARGE. ties.. The AbcotInt is giv 300" W I . .� .. t�eka, ehat in th3 lettL shoulUr, An- Field produce etc. -Lots Of SAO* Dtttclh to justify ibis manifestation, of , . I .
1� � . . .. I pU4 LLETIW IN . � .a an by pne Of. in trust foT he)r.. I . . � . . 1. dt* W
R. 0. W. THOMPSON I Isteat story of comiravircial enterpriso. . � - Chr tian . . I . : A xalava,ge, shot in left aid,, coming in, market though is. ateot - -will. *It coacludes by saying that . .
D I . . . I � of th.at city, has . The officials of the Militia. Depart L is Inissionaries who t4oaped, . filiony I
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Uri. Jaeollum H6pe,: . I ment were engaged to -day in perfect- an4 Who. makes the r ' The pAglsbmto and the sheri,ff at serious, a 32-oallbre bullet rzmovot 1. 111r4lo �Sell, out of store, at 26 to 11% if bibe butch rank themigeLves among. . �_
cornered the snake market,, ' and L I . oport througli 11 , .per bag; onions.sell, oat Of Store, at' . .
. I . . I . . .. I L . . I 'Kingston disagree, a d the Inspector -Ainiong those, who were injurvi by I the envinlies ,of Great Bri.tain, they. �
. . I . . I .
OFFICE. AXD RUBIDEN014- lotors, lug the arrangeme for the des- the official.s of the Gbvar of Prisons ,Will 46906 lyhet4or the . . 113 per lb.; apoles, per bbl., sell, but of -
pytboug, anacondai, .boa coristri _ I nts , . . nment now ters.w� , - -Geo, L
Next to Molsoll's.13ank n contingent for ingL it to Washi[ngton. ' Qie, rid �r4 the following; I . muist take .the consequences. They
. . . I . I . I
. . C44 dia ward L . o .46 it day aw� ex- I .. L � , storeo at 50c to $I.. . - . . L . , I
. 'ribbon snakes, adders - all. are coming patoh'L Of *1the a L . ah,�rlif 19 e4ti0h,d t , I I' . are no 16ng6r fri Sids of.Unikland afid '
RATTENBURY STIMPT, CLINTON, . L - Col. Otter and in on(t ease it is stated a mission- 40. I;- Tier Iding, , of , Ringtowfl, ug Y ga4b on . .a
. . �Sito ,his not.' W 'buys ,tbem, from South A0104 . . penses for. taking to 0e, M44 -c Boans-Now'boans are looked for on
. ,
. __.____,____, ____ _ . , in South ary had his eyes burned out, then sea n r f end, eaused by a briak; , ' haw' klo, f U'rether. 61.1ian upon, RrUiAh'
... nab by this snake but - by Major Buchan wall ren�&11� . a dustTial, School two, boy4 to.ced ight" oreb ' i ' th� market. soon.:Chbloe ban4-ploked . . .: I I . � I
DENIrISTRY I . I . . . . I ' R,ob�Brt Edwards, wed of Years, in- I . I regard, .
* . '.
. . : t-h�6 foot or the yard. 96 will supply -Africa with the balance Of the i9flin- p6rtion.of his body 1,y -as cat off, and jbeTe. L' . � .1 I . 1. I . I . . I . beans nib quoted at"'01.6510 41.00. . .., I . . I
I . --- � zoological ghroons -and shows all try, , while the Wen who ate DOM- finally� a'red-ho,t staff was driven I , accountant. h � as� been Jure'd aerip4sly by being lilt with ' ijonej-p6iilets .%'aOtd fi-om gto'lloo . . L �p 1 . I I I
R. AGNEW �.. Ing, home *111 he ij,�der UAS bomqla*4 tbrp' . J, N. Fulton stones; Charles RAWIand,,Ftge�d 351, in- . I .. . ..,. , d"', I .
. ,
I . .
D I - over the world, And igy,41 lie cannot . ugA Pis back. In, another case fou,nd guilty at Montreal of the theft per lli,,'for 5,10, or.69-14's ins. 0096 I I
. . I
DENTIST, __ 'L I . .1vajor Pelletier, of Qn$bAOo the bu- jured an'tbe ineaft and h,md by stones. Wag , sollil 4t §2. tQ 4g.25 per d9zen - " �
..Imawmmuwmmmm� . I og giyeq 44 4a - report, it missionary of $12,000 from Mrs. James Coxistine, . . . . y . TH)i GERMAN 19TH9 �
CAOWN A14D Blill)GE Wonx�. I . I& tastjor of the regiment. The coutin- w4s wrapped in ��'ttoq, C�` god. . TROOPS OALLRD OUT.. sectionmi � L I I . . . . .
I Cape town Qil, a94 the `L Cotton whow b4a6egg 'affairs he monil 91 Pa .. . ""K � �
OPrICH-Adjoining Foatees Photo 'Gallery, I gent will Sionle,direot from was goaked,L;4 , , n?ass set The wits ;f X)r. W, A. IL. Hutton A - despatch from Harrbliur J13aled hay -Steady. No. I timothyt LeAdOrS of Attacks on Fojelghers
CtIhorox, ONT. . . . . . to Quebec. The met! who will remain in On fire, Tbe Missjojy4ry WaA burried ' . �o,ays;_,r,b,e.'4th, Stli. and 12th. R�gi- I lots, on track here, $9.75 tio 010; � . IdUst, Be Delivered Up,i -
I __ South At ties wbile the war Islate willit I I 1Wot and killed herself at her home . car
� . ' I the Gov&nOr's troops, and , W
VatER11VAR .. . .1 S KI r, return home yliEngland, to demb, I � . .ati, Fort Rouge, near Wilinipego and Vnents, ' out, with ,,, o4on lotai delivered, still gt $10.50. A, despatch from Berlin aays -Tho
y I . . howeve L *.--..- 11 Nr throat Battery "10' waie ealled Baled straw�-Car lots of .good oat text of the telegraphic note from
. - . . . I . and be reviewed by the Queen. . . grs. paul W, Ligolte cat Go I
. .
. .We know of HORSES POR AFRICA. PIRATES RAID MANY VILLAGES. at Vm6pQt . W4 , - . SY'6 0�nigfrom Pertli. I .a. L G.obin in commatid, ar� quoted at #5 to, 86.5%, on. track, Giarmany to -the powers aa follows'
. nothing better L . "" . . lulvvm. STA.TJ1.5. I I .� . I - . . . . flopa-11aw, 1900 crop, is liaw quoted " The Coverriments of the Vinporor . � �
1_-_.-----____ I— than 'CoUghing A .311ontreal despat9h says:. - The 9#veval ('10piese 19minlets Have Itecis ben A. IMe b.Iq#VAyMqn �94oj � pur� I itr Is to 150, old7abil at 13 tolugor " 'Emperor � �
ERXMENT 'VETERINARY INSPECTORS steamship tile Cape, nailed to- froyed. . . . 0 y + . The Governor of the � �
. . to tear the fin- 11 , lingtoA aleeper 1p j�ebras*a re pntf FITTED WITH NEW STOCKS Canada, 199os, for choice. '
I Orplolt, day wltlt it cargo of horses . I . . � I . .. . . --�. . I I LIVH STOCK MARKETS, hold as preliminary to entering upon . I I
ISAAO STREET - RnsiDEXCH, ALstant I . . .. - L diplomatic relation with the Chinese �
I i
C% At
,(Ova a
I L STIMET, 61NT014. ing Of yotir for Cape Towti. The, horns A despatch from Paris says; -The and gat 11,000, %I . , UPPIY Of Toronto, Sept. 25, -The receipts to- 3 I
%1121.1 throat and . � French Consul 'at Canton telegraphs . it is belle"d that 14 persdat WORt HOW the. poerp Got a S Government that those persons must .
I AUCTIONWR - I it ngs.. It is platied on board number 706, and are that disorders have broken out at doL Wa with thi steam-er John B.1youll, . . Rillps. . . day were 45 carloads of live stock, lu� be'dellvated AV Whb have proved to
. destined, for aid to thS British army. . L - A despitob frop4 Lon4oll sayp;-A eluding 1,o6o liogs, loo cattle, Maheep " I I I aiih rhal IllstiditOiii
BRO-WX . better then Wet The Canning expects to walgo the trip San -Tai, near Canton. Several vil-. foundered off Girard..Pa. , ' be t� I
1108. Ingest -have been destroyed, and oth- Drunken negroes have caused it curious incident, showing th%i thP a'a df�i4l�is, qhd' a few pa 1. .a origina
' '0 "tfao'ks djaiq f0fe,14 I
. * ' ve4 qt t4 4 . . . 11
T . fact to cause to the. Cape In 96 daye, This it the I �14�1 practically , . �i - 1 pki .
LICENSED AUCTIONEER. bronchids and (11 tire besLaged. Tha missionaries reigni of terror at H�'uron, near Brad. Boers are getting short of arnt% 00� .Rusipaps W4q quiet, I . . WW04 �avpe ptocuT.r04 4 re414. T4P i
vessel's f If th oonneoutIV6 trio to Soatb ourred at Warm Baths, where Mug unabanged, 49 far ap prices Were Pon- I I �
Sales conducted In all parts of the Counties of pneumonia: . . gAoceede4d in escaping. The first ford, Ind. Six indrders, reported, . pun1ber Of those Who Were ul,erely Ili-
Hurou and Perth. Ordors left at Tur Nzwtj, At rics. - _' The carried, and very little dqlng, . . . i
11ist vaa 11 . -4. 1, 4,16. 17.� � Mien Afabol MbXinlr?, niece of Pro- of Do Wet's men were oapture4. . t. 4. 1 ; � in ptt� the out� . i
RECORD 611160 Clinton, or dressed to Sea J F
forth P.O. Will receive prompt attention. Sat-
sfaction guaranteed or no Charges. Your pat- .
onage solicited, L will succeed In
MISOELLA I — red4r,jog your
------ _�,yq!�_,!!:�__ - welghtp, losing
CEO, TROWHILL I . ur petite,
. ringing cili a
HORSESHOER AND I 810 fever, and
. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, . aking ever I
Woodwork ironed and flrst�class matortal and .
guaranteed. Farritimplonlents and ma I thing e.xgct y
work ry
chines, rebuilt and repaired. . I � rig t for the
JOBBING 1014CIALTY. gerimfis consumption. .
A1,132UT STRIMT. NORTH, CIIINTOM * Bett . kill your c6ugh
— . I before kills you.
..... - . .. _.__,t.��_=_ 9
JOHN T. MERTON . 1P 1) 0
Also Agentfor .
Head Oilloo for Canada, Montreal. .
litAurance In force, . , . $110.(WIM . 4? .
Juvestm6ntsin Canada, . . . r%ow,000
Established 182.1)4 The old roliabld and faVortle.
()pl.,Icp-griilWsbIeLL,.oppogite Postoill I
. . e I
I , 6,; .. I 1118 CoUghs Of pery
�, so
� �raXPWHENCM kind, A 25 Cent bottle
Is just right for an 61rdl-
I I A I "I 'nory cough-, for the
I ht
I ILL — chitis you Will nted 9 90
MEMORK _1t_..1-__ cent bottle; sladjor the
- � ...-M-4- cought of consumption
'00foy*14104 &01 the one dollgr slio. is
JV' it sketeli aftd duetigift "AV
palft's, I mir offirtirm freg w etber, an most 640"Oullool,
l I'll lit'dor ro JI)IF, P mun m. $I
I .vjtlfi�lgt , 111�tl . AlWAt % 4.1" _... ---I—
.- ',�(Iop I 9tooffikkodoodmejoamere
I "I 0 ' .
The Field MarAhal's RePort on the
Johannesburg Plot,
A, despatch from LOnAon pays ;-'The
War 01066 has isgued Lt lengthy re-
port from 14rd, Pt,obopts on the stdijebt
of the SohannasbUrg plot to over-
throw the garrison and mvrdeir the
British officers, and of the deporta-
t1on o , f foreigners. After relterat-
Ing the known fadta of the plot, the
British commander-In-ohlef In South
Agrica, says,
"Consuls of Ameriba, Germany,
France, and Sweden, subjects of Which
nations were arrested, Met and fully
discussed �bhc oase wltb tho British
. off Wals. The interviow wag most
nathfactory. The COusula entirely
60fidurred. with the British action, and
promid6d every AisgistAnce-11
Lord Roberts adds that he forth-
with ordered the d6pottatiOn Of &11
joreignors ,krrested in connection with
06 plot for whoba behomidur their
rmpeotiv6 Cootialfis cou14 not voutih,
Othorwi" Very to* for6tgntvs W06
deported, oxcel>t employes of' the
Nbith6rIands rallrbo,d, who refus64 to
. work for the British, sifid &60#61Y
pArtielpated In tho wall.
- � -
11 The (106for . says Yon Ought to t4ke
lito ,ejmkey-to enjoy yourtiolf more."
41 A.11 ,pif4t , ;11l 49 tak6 a trio on this
zorAy Woh, X 40 410 W jio PAY
an ibis bill."' ,
0 0 Z qvk� 80 J or ,y
proved powerless to subdue the dig-
sident MoiCinley, was married to Dr,
prisoners w ere found to be in pog-
of rifles to which now, rougb-
'We had scarcely any moventent Iff
shipping cattlo,. and prices were weak.
- +'--4--f '* P "*.1,7 n .
rages I* tQQ great- W40104416 exopq-
order, and the foreign Consuls made
a most reqUest for the dt-
Hermanual, L. Baer at SornerSet, Pa.
Brigadler-GaIlerat James Ir Wilson,
ly�made stocks had been fitted, These
The best shipping cattle Is quoted
tions would bo oorltrilry to the Civil- .
ited conscience, find the olroumst4noex I
spatch of a larger body of soldiers.
U. S. V., has arrived at Pekin with
to Major-
rifles turned oat to be some Of 200
found by General Baden-Powell after
at 05 per owt., but th6 beat price, paid
here to�day was $4.90. Only it few
of such a grotlip ot'loadero cannot ' be .
the chancellor of the French Con-
sulate and the French gunboat- Ava.
lostrolotions, to report
deneral CNaffeeo oommauding thaAm-
having been buried by the Boers, and
small deals wore effected.
.completely ascertained$ but a few �
whose gallt is notorious should ,
lancha Will accompany the force,
. I
,Grioan forces there, .
Fire at Port Enron de.
pointed 6ut by Zatfirs sonic, time ago.
. .
When they fell into the hands of the
Only Igood to a of butollor battle
appoars to be wanted, and this will
be deli and Punish-
the �
I l 0
stroyed tht plant of. the XeMorrAn
Milling 0014vurisr at aloss of $926,000,
British lbey were taken to the top
of a kopje and their ,stooks burned
sell at from f4 to $4.50, per owt. Trade
in medium and interior cattle is dull,
ed. . The ropre86ntAtIvG& Of
powers at Pekin are In a position to � J
give or bring forward conviuding avi.
I 1 091.4 .1 �
The Part Uuron & Narthweatern ole-
but they appear to have been found
and values show a downward tend.
dence. Us$ Importance attadhed to .
Glivelt I,) Plotite Fitinotift People by Thoir
.10tial Frif"414. I
vator also welat down,
Peter Austin, in jail at Voogh-
again by the Boers and mado'servite-
able by �olrig fitted with, new stocks.
, ..
, enay. ..
Stbokers &nil feeiltra both In light
isbad than to their
the number pun . The Gov-
oharaoter 'as, chief leaders
Sle Isaa0b Newton was commonly
fteepple, N.Y., confessed that he killed
.-..-op-- - .
supply with a demand ; pricen
ernment believes It can count on the I
kAmv,n as the Pre6ldent," this name
being given him by reasm of the fact
bbarles Brower fourtoon years
, 0 in
Brower's g)raleton ,hlas bee fqu
ty "e,
� TIP . . .
unchanged' �
Gidod mllo)IS cows are wanted. Not h_
I ,
*nets In regard i
unanimity of alltb;a Cabot I
Into lwotnuoh as Ifldifteftn8g . !
to this,pol
.that he NfAs tht first President of
4 well On 4 fitin 0 0 upie,4
' "
Great Losses RQP6344 Qq B,q�b
t�pe 4,6alied Aind a
"I W" '.. -t I : :1 V
A, 01
to the 1461i of Jagt Atonement Would !
- �
the� Royal SoeAety, Robewt Stophew.
son, thq engineer. was "Itooket," in
by Austin, I
The XatLoftal Fraternal Ciongrom
Sides, � �
I A despatob from Berlin. pays;_Tbe
I tiLere is 4 gajr donjand for bull$,
. . .
tor,iho b,yfod,
6& 644whimat, wlhdsf(breifb� -to a WL
-4 ; . , : ;� . I , I
. titioul of tlie orfm& The btivirnmqpt i
1. .
I" - t I
I " 1. .. , t
locomotive turn,
mem)wy of the -
cd cut by him, which was thug nAmod,
hap. dowluded its annual
conference at Boaton. Detroit next
or's Sha ghai p6r)res-
LOW Anzeig n .
both for s4tppil)'9 4'a Sit
4 . . I ..
ste4dy, �'pt unaa god price
� 11 � s,
* "
prop ,q ,�
og", t)Mrefqrp, that the plibill'Pt
. I I - ,
ked tM11 1, 4011! to'# - ,
a,r,vl Galvan&, the, renowned cleotrl-
Ye4r- Dr. Oroullyatekba Is" -
POAdeut Oa allies to -
bles that the
day Slaptured t1be Poltaog
6beep 4Ad lanihs, are itie�4 at t1le
, . *
601110011 . - 11
gottattva; al"reiiij 6 inal'i4fo two �
' *
dian, *.is "Proggle," the term being
applied to him. owing to the fact that
A oar occupied by the Duncan Clark
Tul forts, with great losses.
prims qpofed below. The an4ulry
. ..
glood. .
, -
fvqm W4040
104djag C41noso porsougges , )
In IpAlgating br- pOr 0
ow of his jmpo(rtan�t discove,ries Was
Vemq,lo Minstrel Troups 4ag wroak6d
Th6 Tien -Tsin 0orrespond'o"t of
Daily M&il, referring to the attook on
Ifoga are ste4dy and une4anged,
. . _Peftholbg .�
ontragoij 411 doqbt IS 0101064- I
mado through experimenting With-
at WqUd0, lllq,, and of sixteov oftd-
pant.% nin,6 were killed and sI:K otli6ra
the 'L�ejtarig and Lu -Tal forts, already
't ''Mo I- .
(Sig4od 1JVPX xynow!" %, .
.) i
,� � .
aro Aerlowly Injured.
daptured by the allies, after bosv$1
to advides redelvdil
. . - - , 11 - .
* I
Wie oro-ladeti. bi.r.ge John H, LY00
001IqrA46d a f6W InUell W69f Of Gir(Ir(l
10008, 4000rdiAN
At "Orlin' Asty'"
,,Tb6 of t)t6 forts was do-
Lorenzo Marques AuthOfoltfil$ T410
nuGER 4imirwA, �
Wall tiat*r dom u0b Mug, gild yet
Lake B Me and m,nk In 80 feet 6f
watel,. of her crow of giltteda, par..
mAnd6a with th6 throat of immediatis
Action. .
Will do to, F0110d oft & DOM I
t* Wrifati, whoft touslutso It Is to
Mons olov6ri were, Arowned and fiVe,
e,ftok by the Germans aad WASIA1101,
A dwPaleb, from Loro,Slzo Marques,
wanhip Pttssag6 Fres,
P"te It up la 441led it P116"T 11011ver.
I- *_ h *Ara
,;uclud.lng the Woman took, wore O&V-
in t,h# Si"at of ratuffal. 0,
"� A .�
saya.-Tho PortuRueft authOritlelf
t1t &.�
A dcapa,teli train Tho 11aguo, A.,% I
0 i
LVA Ire"Ov" nl.aww, "A � ed, I
.* introduction Of VMII poor0i Arra.tf GIU!"11T DRITAIN.
� town in VX*W,0, WaA famous for its
apMtr[M, OA116d "arriM." T1*60 W61T6 For the fi-rdt 003 in mAnr yaftrk
*6a #A WAII "6tingS, ktkd th6 Mtn the,Ve W401 liot A IW61916 fVAnA&dti1M
N�o W#rA 411*100d to put thoW 4p in the iron markot at 010tagow Y05061! -
W, 0 .414d .day.
, �,*480A# ,
�. 1, 1. " I., �., '. , - ,__.-_4 L- I.. I J �- - I 1� -11— � 11-1 *, I I —, -
- -
TIM i%6W;s tAst, bir Auuto U U
fildog I*MOV#,l from Nkin to Woklo
wit arrang6d ItAt April is comment-
ed u0n. by som undon vap6rg do
ifidiaittlr4 that tba, HoM6 hUthoritI69
w6r6 MmKtibfled with his toadtict of
artalm �
IXOMS ft1)pVInL0U A vvanlu eu . .
reeeivc and f6ed r6fugem from tho
TranAwaal, Th6y hav6 notiflod this
I foregf, Coinault 1140r6 that they will
I be ospeotod, to Wk aft6r tho itib,
j6ota Of thoir 06V6rftW6*t1V.
-Tho Gove"T440.11t of tho Nethorl4rola
han beom notitiod of Mr. gruserla ao-
e,cPt'JA6e of HA ofter to plafe a war -
'ship at h6l ,diAlooftl to eoftvey hift
fXOM LOtt'1120 A(4V4Ut4 to H01IM14-