HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-09-20, Page 611 1;�., I .. 11 11-.1- ­_ ­­­ .1. -1 I 'FLASIlWor FUN. - . ".." Ur-% Brown. moved away because .Oar neighborhood watched everything alis did. Well? And Xrs. Jones moved away because she dtiln't got attention enough. . 00-0 I yes, I have board him sing, I admire him very much. She -Really, you doWt mean Itf W,byo his voice is awful. He -it isn't his i singing la,dialro it's, his nerve. I love the Mau whole always late AltillOugh bet hiskes me have tv wait; yes, though be coots me time aml , pelf, . . HO gives me, grounds to praise ray- - . � self, � Uncle .74bez-O,h, no! evarybody� R!Wt laugltiu,' at Ruben. for buyin' the green goods, He wishes every- body was, Uncle '*11iram- HoWls that?. Uncle Jabez -Well, h. -is wife . aiwt. The Doetor-413.Qvo all 0.4piga, ma- . ' dam, your husband mustn't worry, P�Whaps you'd better not show him MY bill just now. But I did, Doctor, � and Jit didn't malke. ally difference. He said ho know he couldn't payt it any- way. . Isn't it dull out In . the country Timmins Dull.? ' We bad three ' hundred people on, our porches and girounds Sunday' af tornbon, Three hundxed I Yes; two balloons came down in ourba6k yard. I You ought not to be so haxd on Rudolph, papa', said Miss Kittish. He really is a very smart youuig� man. What Is smaxt about him? asked papa. He says that he thoiroughly. undetratands the.ourrency question. I That Chinese studint says he an-! jo,ya the lite of George Waahlngton, Invoirse than any other biographic work, Ye& He just xemarked. to me that 'lle, regarded the story about �a man's not bilug able to -toll a lie as . a I masterpiece of mendacity. . ' I I told him you were as honest As the -day was long'. What di . d he say? � asked Senator Sorghum. He merely remarked t,hat he gaeseed.1 must be . taAking about some of these days they have up arountl the Aret-le'alicle that don't last more than a . minute or t . -.wo. Beaker - Tipplus ha , a a 'peculiar , menictiry. .It. is so -capricious, y I on . know. Hollia-CapriolousT in what . way? Beaker-Well,youse'e;henev- he - fol- lows he boxrows irom, bu,the I . nevi- I Iowa be borrows fkom,bul li6 inevit-,* . ably faila to Toindinber, �to ,Include . . me among those whom. he pdys,.. , ' , There is no denying ,it,. said: the. � � gentle optimist. . Man got better as: . they grow.older. I don!t kAw.vaboat that, anisiwqx�ad...Mr.. Blykini shorily,' But statistics showthiXt M19st of tho� c4riminals captiarp.d. �iire* less than 25 ' y - oars of age. Well, .that don't ne- cleasairily prove that mea.got better,� ' . It may marely demonstrate that they ' get smarter and. are. hot so 'easily' caught. . . . . I . � . o . . . . I .. . . Captain, asked due of. tile Passe . n- . . gers as the excursion stearhar start - ad back fro.m. the, other side of'tho' � . lak&, haven't we.too many people. on board for safety? Madmilij replied the captain, with .a: fine sense ' . of humor, we haven't nbarly as marly as we cam6 oveir., wit.h, thig morning- . . . One hundred of'ou ' t *passengers got married here. Th oing back - . as fifty, And: fra-winked'at the puXser. 1. . . ... :. I � The Best of .,.Advice I ­ 1-1 11.111. I I . . . - - _____ __ ­­ - ­­ __ -1. ­. - -----,-,-. ___'.. �,--��l;;�;;;�_—��,;�l;---.���.--- -"I ­-- . . ` �­ �­ doubt and OUSPIOIOUV Who if' the :S0ftT11lN01QV1TEI WIM- . crib and breakwater, and then turna w1thallto%drinkors ecauseof Its excellent qatility. � 4 1 bey lot - . . on the water at the ordinary rate of APRIME FAVORITE and unequalled purity , . He told you himself, Ailrian," she I I L 14 % flow OX the river under Investigation, : replied. i A strotdh ,ot the. Elbo has just been Through Stom and Sunshiue' " " Rat yon know that story to not � ,$6 completed, and a bemutifully Beat -U D -E L L A . .- - - — true. He is no nephew of poor Dor� . 4 I. I plecoof wo;rk It is, tile cribs all Occult. L ' I 0HAPT44R, XLVIT.-.0oatinued. be no- pattole, no s�oarlty, where there man's, I am quite sure, oif that. Why .. atelY placed mud the hanks held in ,,What =me was that you used, Is a wompi. Good Heavou," lie cried I did he speak so strangely I I shall 11 11 .. 1. . . . . . place with bags of sliVt. When the 04'wx�oxq TIZIA. in Load Packets 20i 3OP 40P 50 6190 600. _. . . . %I01P . aload, ,tat* it ,bad suddenly ocourred,to I never forget his words-" . CM,0N URR!9N THA water is turned (sa Pi . ,o,f. 14;xlgols in. �. —_ -____-___1______. - V W_**� oar. I I lasm where ___� "Lancewood,11 repeated the p him., llho,wi vauch alike, they were, her i It was strange that he should, as it 01AP0 dAvOr 4b J&P"o 00IVkw0r0 4011clOus, dicates with great enthus, A little paint properly. place will "Lauce-wood 11" ,said the boy eagerly, ladyship and young Dorman I Now wore, beat round the secret, yet Bev- . . I . � -, I � '' 1 the bars are being built up where the What Will PaiRtu- Do? make a fine house out of an old one. "Why, I believe that I hAve dreame d I e�oimet ,to think . a won. er. suspect it"th t, w Ile . a felt sure I . � , of jt,.thi3ra Is , a 1% b 01141anal is deepening, where hoollows 9 such a names -I believe 'I hftvo--*r derful likouetsis-tbe self -same curve It concerned both Lancatwood'and the MENDE STUDIE 9 RIVER81 were filled 14 and so on. .Then he � ,; I . It will take away the dingy, tumble. I have hea,rd it Somewhere I Lance- al'Out tho lips; the same beautiful, boy, he sholald never connect the two. — . - and make it, look , . , If, . ,proceeds to indicate where a new crib - -- down appearance, , wood-Laacewood"bow famillar it ethim, and Ibbs xz6a.wag secretary at I do- not understand," she said, 0ERMANY SHOWING THE WORLD might serve to brotierve a deep chan. , - -;I (11 fresh and new, ' sounds J11 . her. fatber'a boom. Ah thas her face. toldly, " why you. should refuse to'ba. HOW 10 un RivErs FLOW. Bel and tit the samv4 time cajoso th I I .. -- 4. - �_.;.-,;-;A . . '* " " I.. -- I ... ... . Heaven keep me from thinking evil- Aeve him. Surely it is no uncommon . � -_ river to deposit Its sand.in shallowfr 1. .. ""'. 11A,res you, the uopliew of that same I wdsh to be at peace with all men, I thing to have a nopli . - 4 Laboraliory 11111114 livell 1111114 for Otte 1111r. � shallows. 11 , U ... RANISAY'S , Mr, Dorman?" asked Lord St. Just. . . ow.11 where the river might well be filled ��l 1. - . . . am glad nothing bVer tempted Me- to " It is ywar conduct which is uucom- pome at- FXperlilkepting, Pear. E.11g(WA ­_ ­.­.. � "Will you wait, girl one, )nomeatll . aW and add to tile USofalneos of the "I' . i'metical 1'rsoi wook allmlimirts jitiver , ­­..­.. U, � 01not ' 'A 4"4<,."..t- I If Marts are bells of inemory, you have [ get married. I b4vo a shore properties. In each case ...... PJA I N TS . ,Ix Wom, that this mon," replied Lord St. Ju, at, the where �,-,-.-,-.-'1.­ , I I - I ApeakIng of the development of the, I �­,-�:�t'.:; . . ag, and their s ind Will end queerly," I fact of poor Dorman having a ne- 7 I a change seemed desirable Prof. En- 44... �� 1.�-.. I ' get mine all chitaL d scientific spirit'lu Germany, an 14ag- � ... I 10:� .S, -Gerald , I AVill acid to the value of the yo Is Ilke, 'Lanoewoodi Why, sit, on mused the doctor while Lord and phow. It Jae be, as he says, lish wit said, recently: " Why, on. gels experiments with piers and cribs % C . . ''' know the very word brings a picture I Lady St. -Twt drove home together- Dorlan's nephew,, why have you nev- to see which will bei the.most effec- / � I I house and to the pleasure of living , , drove through sunlit streets, while I at mentioned hina to. me? Why have tlemon, even the winds of the fathor� I '. , I. I - ' there. They are pure paints and , . I tive. In this way, [he will be able, , -1 " I to 1330.1- the isott surn-er alt floated round you kept his very existence it mys- land blow scientifically." If. he bad froni act)ual experiments, to make t/ r I "What picture?" he asked, wonder- them, seated aide by side, but for the tery from me? Wb ' gone to saild, " Evert the waters of the dather� � I . I will wear 'longer than any other, I Ingly'. - 0 I , , y have you practical saggestions for river im- ( __ first time estranged. see him Under a false name I Why land flow. scientifically," his Joke. ­ . � . I . I .� "A picture of a broad stone ter , I prolvehients. ,The trouble has always . I'_ Ask your dealer. � . race, With roses and pas'sion flowers Ile was thinking of the hour when 49es the fact ol his existence prey would have beei * i'as effective, and at been that engineers said that a crib ; I . I e . olimbing the, balustrades, and a dark he saw bar first, weeping passionate upon yolu like.a aeorat'ourse? You this same tluts� curious as it may seem, here or a breakwater there ,%vM)d ao- . A. RAMSAY& SON, le -*'d 1342, .� . I wood in the fa.r distance. I have teaws in the ruins by the Rhine. ' He think." he continued passionately, "it he wolald have had the honor of an- compliah cart I ain results, but when the . . . . : MONTREALI Paint Makers. dreamed . it -1 have each s,t,,,g, thought of heir refusal to marry him is chance that '�as led Ino to see and nounc,in,f the, first news of an im- L crib wag built at I arge expense it f re- , . . R � I . . . . . . dreams. I cannot tell you if my Whole w-hile. Lancewood was a prey to the to notice all these things, I tell You, port4nt aclentitio departure. For Gear- quently iIapPened .that the irrospon- - I . . � . over lived at Lancewood-I never spollom-of list refusal afterwards, Vivian, it is the finger of heaven. An- man science has been -grappling with sible river did something quit:6'unex- W,T � 11 I�NIVLS . i . . SWISS HOTELS. . � . I the problem of making the rivers of . � — . I hea,rd.him, opeiih of England at all." even wbea L%ncewood was bar own- swat me one thing-y6u., my Wife, you pected, thereby discounting the offec- 1.*l,41R1.r%9gt.1% pall,li, . I Inproport:i,on to Its size, Swit;!Prland � , of bar sudden relenting in his favor. whom 'I believed 'one of the purest, the empire flow -according to rule, and ' . I !14(1 lltl!,(% IPCN71)11�4 111141 ; ha -s more hotels than any other coun- Lotrd St. Just, his wife, and ,'Harry . I tivertess Of man's handiw*rk, But by . 1 .4 Ted I 1101, Lives. . .! � It came home to 'him then -a, certain With this in view an extensive ex- I � Dorman!' stood look -ink at each other. . - . best, and noblest ,of women, answer testing these enginee" ' � try In the woTId. No fewer, tb!-.n Ij700 V. ring schemes be- ' L -6 -ding their shrimp nets.,. ho -.telries .are on .the list, -sad the re - strong con ictiou tbat� there was me one thing. If that boy Is Gerald perimental stotion, called the Ftuss-, . While v�tt . . . . ' . . . The bay's desoription. e a mystery in Ids Wife's life, which she lJorman's nep] Q' . . � . forehand in his miniature river, Prof. off Califoirvia City, nvmtly, All Lee I oo;pts of the hotel keepers amount . to and -,wood at Lancowood -had aetotind� new, how come . s he t bWu Laboratorlum, river building lab- . - I . , � � . ,had always kept ffo,m him; and .now, ha . oratory, has been set, . up at Dresden Engelsbotpe$ to do .away with uncerw Quong With and ,11m. Sing, Chinese, , . eld his llsteuetrs� . An in6rruPtictu, ve your face ? I repeat it -your face . I tsJnty and loss -a . I- $215,000 000 a year. . ,nd the government fiihormen, were att,faiked by an looto- i . ' � — , doot What It would, he would know it. ba Saxony in connVoti-on .with. the . � . . . L . e n ud pe1l at the curve of yolux. lips, the shape of . has so, inluch confidence In his scheme . pus, whlah battle.,,l fleircely until . He spoke nic word to her � during your fcatirr�es�hotw came he famoias technical school lof that city, . I I . MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY.- — . tha, dooir-b 11, . I by those?" that it is supporting it. � -een - I "That is .5 the . dootox", said the boy. that h6mewaird drive, while she oc- He. stopped abruptly, f9r the .pale, It is directly .ander the montrol and � oveir 15 feet of his tontaolwA had 11 . i Tito 11,111almoral,"I Free Bus '%m-plsn- I , . . cupied heirself in, revolving that she belrutiful woman had slipped from )lie support. of the - government and' its The keynote of the whole work is, hacked to pi2oaa by tb3 fishermons $1.6ok up ­ I ­ _-__y____- I ..., 'It Is his ring, Shall I totch.111m in- . � . il . work has lioNt'advanced sufficiently' as Pro(f. Engels expresses it, to make knivt,si When the fish L*Vl'd1sap_ I AVENUE HOUSE Mcall-001leg.d.tAve"u" beire? He will . tell you directly who would rather suffer death rather arms and fallen like one dead to the . I . rattail, HZI .. 61.64 . , , I . . . . I . . to warrant. some description of the- the river regulate itself, to put down piame,il beneath ''thi water it was . . . . . POr stay. . I . L am." : . � . I than. betray her. seoret-ratber than ground. I � I . ad . __. . . I . � I I . cribs and other river building d6vlce,Q foulld that Quang With h, suithin- I I . y1old up Lancewood. . . . it . just experiments; Recently were taken a . . ' I ,#No," raplied Lord St. Just. quick- I At any other time Lord F. . In .such a way that the river will ligop ed a fracture of.ldi arm and iseve'ral 1-iTATISTICS . OF NEWSPSPI.-MS. . ' i . I , .. . I __ - I ly, Let the myotory-the seeret-be ,. .. , . . would"have been terribly alarmed, now n,u1mber of phf;tograpbs of. the mini- hannal Ibi . I . . The total njumber of copies of news- � ,. . . CHAPTER XLVIIL his fears were lost in anxious won- ature River Elbe .so it h d been its. own o .clear, and deep - on. cirushetd,r La the result of the fight. . I . , , X laid . . . .. I . what it ml�gbt, he would havat up, ex- - I . Ougli- for navigation purposes, there- whila his oompan,ions had no more papers printed throughoutAhe world ' , . . . . pose; he � would .shield his wife With . "Vivism," said Lord St. just, when der. . . � . out in the ex,porimentat tank. The 1 , . his latest breath even. "No, it is . 'a this secret that she pef. Elbe is only I one of u number . of _ by saving dred,gingi and at the same seriou� as nd Iti one -year , I . . ble, and his wife had reiialled home, "I What we Ger� injurl. th-6 painful cuts -a is 1$.000,000,000. To print' I I . I � . I . . � � - toins 0 er; . . will come to our boudoir. 1 wish to ' rivers which are now under dis-- time fill such spaces as the engineer brul4es. While the men wers ar.�, tb3se requires. 791,240 t pap . ' . � I � not needtal " he continued. ' "I call -I . . . . sisted in withbolding.? What could it man I . I wishes filled. He believes that a . m0re ran.61ifig nets a loa,r( carlitig arm came of 1,749,977,000. pounds, while H would' - ad tol see t�o doctor ,a,& to 11111ke thle� speak to you." I ' eiplino and the rea,ults oobta,ned can . . . I . I � be? Had. Gerald Dorman contracted a , I thorough knowledge of rivers and a over the -ado and,selz3d th3 - body of take the fastest presses 333 years -Lo, , . "Not now,", she replied- quickly. private. marriage' not fail to hive the deepest import- . . . � . lady howle, I will come agaiii-it I$ . . . , and loft his child . careful series u� experiments with ac- Wall.. Grasping the thwarts.o.f the. pr:nt a single year's �edition, which- I . t'.. I . . "Yes, now, if you R1404188,' INVI)l fOl- to the care oV Lady St. Just? -There Race and significance in America . I I I I . gro,wing la . I I . . ­ . � ,� . . I I tual'ilver courses will enable man to boat lia, vainly , ttempted to loos- would prodace'a stack of -papers near- . -me again," said the I low You." - I . . .. I was -neither sense now roasom in sup- where theta are so ma.ny! havigable . . . I � . a . . : "Will you, cc . I . . � I . ,do.almost what he wills with rivers, on wit grusp, I . . . . . , I . . of tha monster. Ilia ly 50 miles high. . I boy appealing -to Vivian. . . SbW went to.; her. rodin-the .pretty Osing such a thing -that would not civets. . . . � . . . . � . . . . . - . I � and do it much more cheaply th n be- 00111pan!'611A, p&xalyzod with horror, . - - - � ' . I I � . �. "Yes," she replied, faintly, "I will little; ,roo-m prepared for 'bet with such . . - It is the ingraLnell waywardness of . ' .. A- TENDER CORN ... . . . . explain the 2nystqry df the resemb ., � �. . . rling. . . I � S, . . . . I.. I lavisth . I and d6 it mAicii more cheaply .than wam helpless to all him, Un.Ul on I I . . always be your friend. I shall come I .. geneiroalty. * 'She throw *off: lanco betweien this boy and Vivian. a river to do,'very inuch asit pleases * I . I serpentine Soft,corns, of all kinds removed With ' ' I . . � the dark cloak and vall which had act " Who would have thought," as i 1 I ever before. Thw ,work, as he says, is Over the - baat another - *. , agaba." . . I . .1 I . . id gouging out an embankment hereand - glided toward them. Dravv* � oub pain or sore opots . by Putmen's. . little served her purpose. The " I . . . . . only just beginning; bat he and othm- fIrm I. .lng Painleas Corn Extractor. Thousands Lord St.. Just saw the boy hold up mass , the unhappy nobleman, " that I should filling -in Flobannel there, somitimes. I . .. I . I I . . . I . � at distinguished wiginsers and scion- tibetir kinives, thby sl,tshoa desperate- twiLIfY th-at-it is certain, painless; and . his faces, as though, Vivian wexe in the a dairk-'MAning halt- !ANII Iti pictures- 'ever.have sueh*a sorrow as this? Only undermining a, tower and often break- ' -h . . -umpt,. Do not be imposed uponr by ' I . . ,.: I . . . . . tisto who, are interested in the work ly at thot tentacle t at lad wrapped pi babit of embracing him. quo d6ofrder over bee stately figure. a few short weeks since. I considered. ing daris and piers placed in its way believe . . . . . I I � I I I I . � ere* I . s'a great �uttire itmlf ar'ouad, one. of the seats an( ,, . ,Be could ,, . I . that th r isubst-itatea'offered for Able genuine . I . What am.I to, do," she, ariad, ivith , . . a - work, T , . rmeat%lela. to Oap(498 th3 WELL . In rubnain�sll Mftraiotor, * Shia, saf,o, . . opt toll why, bat admiething In the � myself one off the happiest ,of men, ,t.-6 keep it in order. ' , Vast Aulms of . I � I � a . ..and trembling Ps- and now—" . I � . -all I . . I Ins . I I : . . . ., . . * his ve* clenched h nds ii for .ih , hey sea the timc wlien th � hilt rriflass. ' . ­ I aetion. me& the blood in I . . .. . money -have been spent by all. the .rivers Vill be regulated by th&.ad- ;. ",, few OiolaeAts the sharp ,�ntves I -1. 0 ,- , . . � I . .. 1. , ' . . a, . . I . __., .1 � . . boil.. Tben� be said- �.. . �... .1 what can I.OoV I Will dlo:rathar . He reslsad'th8 pale; lovely woman in. gres't nations, and spent injudicious-., . r! er-buildi . ng experts who have 4 . id d,Ane the w,-.T,k and- tit& arm of - ­ . .. . I I I.. . 1. ... .- "Arc� read . I .. ' than. yield." . .. .. . , I .. I � . . - .. I vice of . V. . I 1. � - I . .... 1. I I STEELPENS. . . . y . . � . t. . 1. q - . � .ou y to go, - Vivion, T Our . his arms,. and. laid her on the couch; .1y, as the Gernvans believe, in.dred-g- . -opras squirmed, helple ly in . � . .. .. . .1. . . _ . . . ,3be d-rew her stately. figure io: it I . laboratories, such as the Flussbau lab , t4s , act I is , . I I . . � carriage lis� at the door-wie can Ais- . I 4 a he. bathed bar face with fragrant wa-t bag.ohanhels and in ii�pteoting the .. I . . � . � I . More steel is used. in the, maiaufac. �. . - � . . I . the bottom of the bo:Lk, aill th6 fish � � . . ��,,; �,.: . I oratorlu;*Ja Which tests and,experl- . I hire :pens than in -411 the swordand . - . .. . . . . full: hetillt' as. ha.r husband. entered., fers, and'4'ened the windowasti that banks of rivers: In Ger�many, the ques- � . .of'. . mispA the cab." . . 11 . . But it... wag ad proud,aligry man she - - I . . . ­ , � Wents.dan'be .made. Verily .a' -6ew� disappeared, This is the second. time., gun factories in ths.woild. A to i of I ' . I . . .. . .- the fresh a �.r yver tiom is even more iml�ortant than it - .. ' ' * I . . . I n . . .,Did yo4i follow me heTe l"'sho asked ,.sweet air might pl. : , . . . PrOfeSS1011 is bOrn-tiver building. fishermen hive been . attacke,1 by� . � . . I . bad ,to. maet-his. face was - paI6. and . . � .- . . � -oel - prod oes ,dbout 10,000 gross of � . I �aud be, had:never heard bar voice � . . I . . . I her,; yet even ashe tendered Lir these. Is irk America,. f(7i the reason that .the . -_ . -7: 1 � - .. .... I A .9 I I I .- . . . � I I . . I . I I . . .: . . , . . I - .. I I . devil fish -in this lo,ly� . I., . . . . . . . � ­ . I . .�. I sad, . .. .1 . I I. . I I ,� ... : � , . : , . I so pitilessl.k 4te-M � , , , " . . - . . ;1 . .services his heart'did. not "v_`i.rm . to country is more densely peopled, thd . 41� . . I . . I . ". . � I . . : - I pens. I . . , .:. . . . . _ .� . . . . I . � ' I . . .. I I . . . . ., � . : � I ­ 0 —1 , . . :. . . . : � . ow " He. -Went up.to her and took both. hen . I . 1. � . I . I . . .. ,.� q . . ' I . .. , . -_ �. * .�. I . .1 . I "Yes�and I would foll you. ahy- I � . - . I . 4and is more.vaWi.ble and'ellangiesin] . .. � COT40URS '- PROM: COAL TAR. , .1 . . . I . . . where, Vivian, eveti too the . oads of . Ahe her hands. in his. - - ' - * �­ * Ho �Iovea her nonit the less; lidt, it . . . or 1AAKING PARIS STREETS SAFE. - . .1 � . . I . . FOR' OVER FIFTY VEARb . . I 1. . � . I � I . . I . . the course of flow in a river are th a- . I �, � 1. .. 1. I .: 'goine 150 different colours are'laow idus. WtXgtjOW`S SOOT11ING SYtt . , .1 earth, if I coul,d b3 oi u a. to you," - ., an.'ria " A' t .. — , UP has been � , .4 " Vivian,. my. beloied," be.said, "this was no't lk hM Cato to iorget ror� more 'deattactive'. an .. cos ly, . , . � , I . . . . . Ased by inothem for their childfan teething. Itsoothe . . ' is the first *load. that has become be, 'fi I Vlllltr�)'. 0 41 Drnis ar4i IturrNi sinti nic obtained from 6oal-tar,'and these havo the child, softens the guess, allays Palo, oures Wiest . He -placaid' heir in: ther carriage, -the - ,be had ioried her With all his -aiiiest Moreover, the rivers 'of -Germany. are .11111( Vart, v it�t mitts o.5ilxvu�.: ,. , �. al . mo, . . Ay supplanted vagetablet sells, andisthettest, reniedy fordiarrhoess. 250.%,batila, . . I . tween us�-ilIo first eitrangement that heart. - go had- devoted himself to 4er, . ' . . ., st, entirL . pold'by all druggists throUg,iihit the world. Be suits , . . . belovied wife of whom lie, had been � . . . not, generally speaking,, so .swift and : . -.1 . I . ­ .. I., . ' - . . has.arisen, Darling, it nitiot-nat-Qon" lie-had-lived'for her, I and her alone -,*1 ., I . 'It'will nb,t -he tile falult of 14 . L a' and animal dyes. In facti only I Wo Odsakfor"Wra.Winslove.a ooWnrSymp." . , , . I . so-- pro d - he iookea. at her with un7 I � . . I I . . . U, , .. . . � . loitg a's they.. at", in America'. Iiind it , I 1. 1 7 � . . �. :. — .. I � ... . I . . Spbakable. anijahli I . n his fare. Then tinue--we.mlast end. It'." .' . .1 . . I and now he had ioulud-Ahitt she -was. is needful to'k I eep them at tho'beight pine the..mos.t energetic iina 'to I sourca� of. t he vogetabl6 r,lass,* indigo and log" ' ­* ' . I ­,.:. ­ . I .., � , . , I he th , , , something - " I am quite willing," he, said, touch.m.. kee ng a ir o . or . et from laim-tha t, while' . , , . ful of, prefeots of police,, if our c a' Pit -: wood, are still of atty considera.ble:im.' '' . � , CANADXS AREA. -1 . - ought-"Thore' is * . � 0i . . activenesi: as to. navigability. ' I I I . . I 1. .� . . . I � . I : . of - eff . I portanc.6.. ,Coal yleelds a large aniount - Canada ,only -jacis 67 �quare'mil�s�-. . . by his tenderne a.. � , , lit h self soul . .1 . I I a& I . 9 "' , - he thoug; im of her soul, , . taJ does not cease to deseive its repu- L . . . I wrong --not. - with Lancewood, as I , .. .... It .was with'the- idea, of,bringing � . . . I I , * s I I . . I 1. Cation for being one of the most dan- �. magenta ob- .to. be 'as large aq.th6 whoje con ment . .. . . � I . fancied, but with her." I. Ile must - 'It .would be easier for f lqwe�rs to live he hwd�nevar evenknown her tbPailit , . I at- colouring matter, the. t, . � . . . . . .. . , scientific Wethads.:tio bear on these . ' being im � without' son shine end dew, than to t gorclus in Ru:rapo to move-dbout in. teLned from. a Con sufficient to of Europe.. , It is nearly 180. t, as. as - ,! shield her. . Even.this little - scene � . . I � r �that, one part, of. her mind and hear ., I ' . . . ' . . . 14 ... . .. . problems that .the Fllmssb�u Labors- It ,is L dye 500 ydg.* of flannel ; the marine, 120 large as Great Britain and Ireland, - , . nalght cause. remarks -11, U me to liva'at variance with my wife," was barred from .�tllm. It.. was .not torium'waa-established. about three beyond ,the power of M. Loping . . . � . � � . . a in at save he remarked gravely. - ' ' � pleas' i ' _g . no, , I . I . I to mak ' y'ds,; thei. verm 11i on-scarlet,'2,590 yds.-, and is 300,000 square miles liirg�erthan , , -. . heir from. them. . I - � - . I I I I .� . ' . , ant; no man livin mutter years agor. 'Prof. Engels began his . o� even thlerable ivhips of Par- . . I . the United States. - . I . ..:. . I . . . . .. " Then we will not. be at variance." ho' isian drivers or W date the n I . . . . - � � "I &.1me, to tie doctor GIL b, matter . . w I itruch he might trust -and love - .. . I at've and thb aligayine, 255 yds. , . . ", � I . . ' . I I . I work in -the typical.G6rman way, that . - � . � . I I I . ­ . . . ___ . ... I **- " SALt,,,MA busineas, Vivian," ho said. , " id. I . � I .__m­_­�'!�r�_ I � ;of I will shb. sal 1, . ... . his wife, wotild care to look upon'lier . - i Jellu of his,homicidal instincts, but -1 - ­­ -, - '... — � . . . I � . . I ­ return for . ,' , a few minutes. if you ":Y I e, � t ray darling, " . . , I . I . it, by investigating his subject tbor- . I . I . � . I � . . - There is more Catarrh lot taws section or. tbt . . by wise regulation of' the traffio the _____ . country than all other, diseases pub togethar,. �just . . , .1 rau t say willat. fade.,aud know that she was keeping a at � and until thelastfew years was supposed tobs I . . �. . . . I ,. .., . . �ffldy in the weight of scionce'be- . I . .. ,, � . . . . . I .; . . . I . � : . � . do not mind walting." %! - I . . .I think. Ali. Vivian, thbre has always secret -from him. I . . � , prefect. is (ioing all he ,can to lessen . I . Incurable. For asgreat many years doctor . . � . . . �. I I . tore attompting to offer practical . ­ .1 . � I I . . 1. I . 1. I I . "You will notilimuss willat hasjuat, been ,a Isealed corner. in' Your- hoitit, *,T , 46id St. driust beat down and kissed ' .. � I I . 1. the risks to which pedestrains are ex- . . ... I . nouncedit a local ditaxse. and prescribe= . , . � . I I I � � . � I . .. I �a Bee - . suggestions. A large room La. set aside . � .. . I . r .; I dieso and by constantly falling to curewith All'. sbe said In :a low, hoarse . tat kept.from me I I can trace his wife,s p - � - . � po,sod� He has also taken in hand the � = treatmenl� pronounced it Incurable. Bet- � ,passe , � ale, face. , . . Ill the basementof the Dresden tech- . �. I aped has proven catarrh to be tt constitutional , . � , - . . voice that he. hardly reeognizad . as it. through your life. It was that . "Vivian, my darling," he murmured . , cleansing of the bafalevatils of tbo dis- aiseame, and therefore requires eonstitutionix . I beirs . , � - , , . I. . . I . I nical School, and liters, elevated some, reputable I and d . angerous characters 1, treatment, Hall'ar,atarrh Cure manufaeCtrV, � � .1 � . . . . which, pkeying on your mind, ,has late- " wbat,is this dark horror between. four feet from the floor. Prof'. Engels byl�.4.Cheno &40y.i.Toledo,.Z)hfo,A4,�hoonly'-Oa.(.. , I . . I - . ­ ­ __­ I—— __�­­_ -1 __ " , ". , I ._....1. I I 11iffnihnffn I ..y .- � . I � L -L I i I TO THOSE WHO FELL SICK, WEAK , . ... . . 11.1 - . I . . . . . I . ,trusted him., - .. I .. . 1. . He� weat.,back to the house. and Is* Of that secret you whisper in your . . . -sloop, and over which- you brood'con- � . .-_ - --' -'---' _' - - - ­ - - - � �_ - . . list dark -eyes opened -slowly. He - i was shooked Lat the pain. and despair OR DEORESSED. . . .. � . ... I . " asked to me the 'doctor. . He was � . I ttn,ilalIY4Ry6uV Waking hours. Vivian, . . . I, th . . . .� . ­ . .,. . I... em. �. I . � . . — . � . .111�silefle Cohnonooki3Omie irorlu�ntillio N.&; Tells I I . warmly welcomed. . Ho.meationed first the. business *hi6h had, brought., the, time has come when I minst know . what it means -what it js�,' . .. I � I . - .4 Do yo)% �lr . � ,.eally loie, me,,'Adrlant' I I . . . enough. she � asked. ",Do. 11oly 81ke Iteg-dited Illeallia 'Ilia Advises 01herm to vallow Rer ­ I I , � . , . . hatin.iihare" and thon,,� t1lingtoi , SpeaLk, I . . ' .She knew now that fur that dIsguiso . . . I I pa-love.nio , I I '. , , . . ciire'to keepme .alive 11, . . . 1--kample. . . . I . .. . . la'a caroless,.,off-liand mannar,_ba I I ' was useless. He had observed har t4o' . 1. .to . , "M -y. dearest, - V.ivien, . most certainly. . . From the. Acadian .WolfvIlle, 'N.S. . .. sdid- . . . . .. ..i_ , . I keenly, to be mistaken. . lk.w'ollia 4bo, . � . . . W),tst do 1, 0 ,for in . Ill . 6 except ate . I At White Rock Mills 'within sound. � "I find you.am quite right, d& -tor folly to, deny that she had ii� secret. . I . , I : ., . yourself ?". . , 1. ., I � . . . � I . of the noisy swiab of the Gasperoax -Lady St. Just has.a protege here She �raistd .her white face to.blis .. � I I I .. . ., . "� Then, if you,, love m6,, cease to ask . I river, is a pretty little, cottage. . . _Young Henry Dormani , His'unisle � . . '! I do not deny that there,is'a soo- .., . . . . . .. . . me �amy moria questions. The . secret . In this cottage - there dwells � With .-Lady St. Just, did not want her tat," she said, ." but, Adrian, it does . . is.no;t all min I a; you.have;n'o shdre in her parents, I Miss � Belle . Cohoon, a var � y family, and sho.know the boy's moth- I . not conosrn'iou, You have no'share I it; to I cannot'* tell it to you -1 I will bright and .attract ve young lady who I . I or." . I . . ., . Yes,' I thought . so." replied the in it, and I dooline'to tell it to y6u." . o ycu� Mus' a replied, t", b sternly. - . . . I I .1. Aot reveal it, -,,If you love.me, cease - I . . . - takes a lively - Interest . in all the . chfurch find: soolety'work of the little doctor. . . . I .. ' . Loid St. Just continued- . I "This Is ,4*r first disaireehiefit, VI- from speaking of.R." � ' .- ' �. . _Xo�" said Lord St. Just. " I am ' -T... . ' ' village. A short time -ago an Acadian . . � I'�L, dy Ft .Just did nolt want her vjerl�-our first struggle for. suprem- I soy. You, owe me at least wifely sub- I . . certain o( one'thing-Act.-wife has a . representative callL A .upon Miss Oo� hoon for the jiurpose of as:oertainin'g . name to, be known-7�sha did not want . . . . mission -you have 'neve . . right to, keep socb,a -secret from bar. .. . I husband; moreover I am 'quite sure . . her opinion of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I 0, -fuss ox c, . DY arsinodiy-so she called � herself Mrs. Smith. I It ave. been . you,natuat not refuse it now-yqu must . . . . . . ' ' * that the haud (A Piovidence has led a -which remedy he had been.iniormed . I . lau,ghing about it -Lady St. Just has.. tell me "ut-sooret.11 I refgae absolutdly�ll she''said. "'I . . me so far, and will lead me still furm shelled been using. He was very OOr- gu�h a drea:d',of � earemony." . . � . . ,,'I I " � tell yolu again that it does not con - that, even if ,you reftse to tell me. , - dially received and foa I . ... J In all good fd,'.h t1le'doctor appear- . . corn yola-yon bayo.no share in it -no I Now .1 shall ODTISIder,it my duty ' to 0ohbon and her mother most an.thus- . . ,,d:. to accept the explanation; 'A . right to ask to know . it. . 11 fi#d�.� out. What'you .have. chosen . to 1. . lastict and ardbut friends of the great reality lie said.. Co''himse'lf that it was . . I I I . Nevertheless, I do'aak. I'ean see conceal. In all sincerity, in all sor- . I . Canadian remedy which is now so un- a strange, affair; Lord. St. Just S orne little way into it, but not far. row,.1sa y still more -there can nov-I iversally used throughout the world. We belo�v, in her went, on I I . Your secret. concerns Lancewood. and 'or be pi�a6e between us until you have give essentially own #&As my wife was com'lag here this I . 1. it has *also something to do with this N trusted ins fully and entirely. We words, Miss Cohoon's story: . "Three years ago this spring my moamiag, I thought 1.*ould take the dppo.xtunity of seeing -you about those boy whom you have been visiting." - may sit tit the same table, live under , the same roof, flat we siptill be almost health was very much run down. I tolescoves,-tben I could dri'vo her She started, And then controlled her- . self, It seemed to her that her whole as strangers until you hav6 told me I had not been feeling well for some time and when spring opened up. and homals'.00 I . I The dootor's doubts and suspicions life depended now on her self -posses- all." . . I I . I I I T� 136 Continued. � the weather became warmer my con- elmoot died. before- the matter -of- sion, on her selimeontrol. I . 11 If y* refuse to tell me your sec- . . . . . . . . . , . " . dition became worse. The least ex- ertion exhausted me and was follow- fact, bo6imoaplaee. explanation. if h*ekr husband knew she was coming, ret, it you roEuse to give m . a your con- 16 � I . . .. .1 ' now )KNIGHT$ AR1,1' MADEL ad by an awtul feeling of weakness kihew� that she called herself- Mrs. fidence, yo)i cannot surely rotaso to tell me who that boy is Ill �' � . ceregnonRes alt the -creation of and a rapid palpitation of the heart. Smith, and was ready t6 drive her 11 I CIO refuse." she answered. .tThe a knight have been varloias,, the prin- I seemed to 108o my ambition, and a feeling of la I ngour and sluggishness home, there could -.b3 no secret, no 1. . He drew her nearer to him. cipal were a 'bobc- on thef ear, and a ' took its. place. My appetite failed mystery. , "Lady St. Just is � in thoo carriage, 11 Abs beloved," lia said, " 40 not be so cruel, soh,ird_�_do not be unjust I stroke with a sword on the shoulder. The blow with the naked fist was in into and my sleep at night was dis- turbed and restless. in fact I in doctor. Would you Woe, to see her f " "Ve,ry We are husband and wlfe� We have use amoing the ancient Normans, It I was a mry oorry, condition. I suffered in much," said tit, Lester-, and, following Lord St. Just, he saw ji - a, one but on's heart, one soul, one lov was afterward changed into a blow the the this way for some time, Then I be- beautiful woman, pale ad a lify-leaf, interest between us. I would tell you with the flat .df awtord, on gau tbO "a Of Di- Williabi4p Pink fleiv hugbaal introduced the'dootor in I the dearest secret olf my soul. Why shoulderr of the knight, and this cere, P1119 and t bey 900112 began to( work a I . few words, She bowed to htnv most do you shut me otut Int the chill of I � I moiny is still In trae. __ - 11 � ' Ohftngo for the better. My strength . graciously. . . I I - . I .... I I � . and apirits ImPmved wonderfully, and the old fieling of tiredness began "Your riam-6 And fame ii;w both ' I I . I A MINISTER'S EXPERIENCE �! o M ee returned known to me, Dr. Lester," she said, with tha emrteous grace that , , . , . I. . : I and my weight increased steadily. characterized her. "I shall be very I . ! By I he time I had used less than, half Pleased to welcome you at Harley Wiffered Te"ibly With a V61118fit FOM of Rolling, Protruding Plies— a dozen boxes I felt istronger thin I ffousieo-you ate I -have been masque- I EeoapOd a Dangerous and Painful Operation# and Was had dome foir y6am, Since that time rading somewhat at yours." . . � i whenever I feel the need of a madi- Dr. Lester laughed, simply because . ThorolighlY Curad by . cina a prompt uW of Dr, Williams, he did noit know whit to say. . . .. Pink PIM has always brought me "I kinew. th3 mother of young Dor- I ; i Dr. .Chase's Ointmento I spL,,edy rellef, will iii futpro w1hell all- man vary wioll,,, site oantinue,d, "and . Ing I g�hall never um avaytlxing but b)Vo uncle was a Villp,l friend of My . ,Wbllg secee$.Of thousands at 1160018 .fftIt-h to It,. an I had t;vie.a vavtous to - these pills., and stronaly .advise others fatihar'a- I have been several times in oil Wallis of lite are, being oulr6a of medlea beforo And to no putPoas. to follow my OrAmple." to am him -but: he knomi mr..� only as I "Now, IB1119106 blow greAb and Jo, the inigeries and disoomforte of Itching .yous was ray surprise to find ChAt just the Dr. Williams, Pink PlII,q create now blo,&d, build, up thes mrves, and thus Mrs. Smith. I did -not Call him ray ftamo-I dialike all fuss'and ceremony. plies by using Dr. Chase's Olatiftntit one box our" mig, so talimt Clo lumpet comparatively few are do Considerate disappeared "d also t"o &Xter-Boa- Jrrivc dijqease from the system. Ila I thought p6rhaps the boys might of the welfare Of others as to help to swelling. I feel like & Jifforelut man hund.mils, of 6 -isles they have Cured at- tloa6e him" � to -day and hhye kwt this least doubt make known this wonderful PrOPI!kra' I that Dr. Chnae's Olutmient saved me teir all Othex modivin" hav(� failed, , Theno *%ith well-bred grace that dis- tiost. The following letter from It Moth' from a very dAng6tculs ,and VaWal thug, establishing the claim thmt they guls6d all his anguish of heart, Lord I oalat minister, who is hold fix Wgh es- _OVOMC�6ft e,nd Many year's of suffor- t"m in Central Ontario, where he 10 Ing, Ibis airc a r4stvol 4010119 the triumphs of . St. J1181; jAned in ths ocaveraition, with thA gr0% test P164sura Wall kliowtk, tOPD0613*15 the 6XPOrlen" Wid with A thankful heart that I modern medital sciatica. Tha genuine and aftcr a few minutes the dootor OJ Very ,Many ministers and Othdril give this testimonial, knOwing that ,pink IN11-4 a,rc ai)ld only in boxes, btAwed his adiou, aud the carriage roll- who reocxftIX6 in Dr. Chase's Ointment Dr. ChAft'A Oittimel%t haa -do'" bomiring the fall trad6 mat*, "Dr, &11 AVMY. the only &oCUe,1 care for pilm alld itch- 06 =uch lor Me. Yotil, &rob At willidow Pink 11,1118 for pale Peopbs", All had beert calm, well-bred, easy, log sklit 419"a6s. o&rlbot liberty to uft thia testimmial U6'V- & A- DaOftlft, M6thWW MiA_ Otis y6d *N fit for Hit benefit of "bers pro,tect yourcelf from Imposition, bi graodul, as though no tragedy lurked . Ist6r], omwed,111 Prince FAWArd Court- slmWly affitated.11 mf"Ita any pill Chit dowl not boar 06111mth- 's ty, ftt., otato";_­r was tr6ublod with, No phyEloion Or dragglat would -thiN iegb4m,d trade turk around tho � "Now 1 womor", said Dr, T#aater to 106hijW elig bteodisg Viled. fw years think f4W it in6hWat of recommending , . b&x. �­ --4$_.4- 1111n.901f 40 h4 sat Ill, hho studio, "it tIvA"Is roilly all 45 tight as I II Ilea'" . "tvA tb6y tiltb*t6lruttaifted to a very any aLbeir 6 1*4*04tim than Dr. a *61,eat f0ftu. rAro lumpsi or aboot- cheim'd oibtm"t Ad It 01W for pil". , ' g1l:4.,3ING VNXNOWN IN JAPAN, to be,1 Hor ladYSIAP laughed, and anthol W1116h kA11 1;;j fo,rfted, W tbi4t it,ft$ With great. It &S the only 0 6 y Aiffloulty atA owisid*Mblo Imlift th&t nevor y6t been Itnown to fall tot our* , Ximing Is, almost unknown In Ja. bb lonkhm JMt6d, bixt -she wdis V0'Y P"IN and hii hand,,; shook. Thank 11 Was iW to MOOL AA th" lb"V6 p" bit 1101 WMIli 00 10644 it bot, at �w%k it W"boA * box Of Dr. Chass's. dftl,wo W saftAn#44 Bat" 406.6 #In, A mothtr nevep klases her child, 0, lover he%r WLAA68 1118 swootheart. . 1164"r, I 26Y6r WArtlod I There CAU , PWA401 w X IoA Utth ot a* lgrm* . I .. I J _J�k___:_ I nas nact coustrluoueti an iron �ruugn; . . ... . 1. . . .. . rnaliytn(losoorromiodropatomwaapocu.' , . or tank abbilt oevien . feet lit � width. .'� The now traffic regulations form .a ,LOU Ill U USU, . W It mots directly on the bloo t and mucous . i ' , . .� . � . . . ourfacog of the system. The - . ' ' and twot fost'deept rea:ehing the Xull Most volurniflons, decree, e0fitaining . I I �i offer one hand . I . . I . . . . I red do Istre for any ease It fo Is to our*. Bond L I � 1. I forciroularoan4 t"timohislo. - I ., -length of the room. At the upper end several.,. hundred clauses. The maji>r� is Rheumailsm,ofthe back. I I . .address, F.J,CHlWEY&C0., Toledo, Q . I of this trough a let it , I . I The. ca�se is. Vric Acid . _ Druggista.15% . .�.. . .. . . , go, river. tank I& .y.'relate oLf co.Arse, to prosor ipt ions. � � . . Sold by . . . . .. placed with ap I pliances .. for permitting that have long been in force but'there . in the blood, If the kid- . Hall'sFaniltyPills arethe best,; - - .1 ' . . . . . I I . I . � neys did their woi-lc there --- . . o . . I . . 1. . the water which it ,contains to flow ore h number of important and ex� . . . would be no Uric Acid and . , . . i . into -the trOugh- in -any required vol, cell"n't - I . nli0vations.. -That' execrable s ,.. no Lumbakm Nlake the I . GONDOLAS; � . 1. . . . . . . . . . . � � . . i . - , . . . 1. kidneys do thair work. The Venoti'm goudolas.are . q , , an(I in Sidelh. a way thdflt w.1111 Vehicle, the haquat, for example, is I I I..,. - * . ., , .Ilo,Nv' driven . . $ore,, ' ' Rive ,iand only , . _ . ,. 11% time . I I . I post 1 by elf.'etrid 'miotoxis. . .... � 'exactly, imitate the even flow of a no� longer to be tolerated !it Paris. . Cure for Lumbago is 4 . . � . I . I I I I L . , . . . .The haquet Is a species.of dray that, . . . I . I , . I river. The experimental trough is fill- . . .. I . . . I 1. .1 � . I � I .. . W A" C 1041 . , . . . . I I ; . � 6 ' is popularly supposed to ha a been � _­_—��­_­,,.�. __", ad to some depth with S�and,'and the . v i I , , , - ­ , I . course of a river is laid Out, . svngling invented. by Pascal, but in'any cas 9 i � I . . I . ... I . � . . 11 down the trolitgh' throlugh the sand. is the Most aboininable-contrivalim! Dodd S !, OALVERT'S ' � 'tat over ran on two wheels. . I : , Carbolic, -Dial nfectan to. *caps, 01rit 1. It is at -first a even depth tbrOugh- . .1 Prepogt.er- I I . . I � rrient, Tooth Powd I . . I . ere, etc., hara been � ant, a I nd the banks are protected. by ously long, fitted on one, side with a � . . awarded 100 medals and diplobam for superior sort of capstan for. �ordih � excellence. Their regular use proventi infeatt . � � small bags 4 shot.. Into this mini- of ea.kg,L I ous digeaseR. Ask your dealer to obtain 4, 1 .. . ature river the water is allo1wed to nlost awk I.. -aey I ; . . and g its ad Kidri suplily. ..Listomioltdfreoona%iplioatfon, , ward to drive, i I I I . ' f I low at .a given speed, and . Prof. En- the L haqUetS Wato a perpetual " I ; F. . 0. CALVERT & CO., . . of accidents, and th . air disappejotouree pill L ! L MANdNESTIER - . ENGLAND. .. . . gels studies closely all t e . rame: I I I I . I will be hailed with exultatiom Other ! I I L . . __: .., I . . where the sandy bottom is washed f I S - - sousage Onsings -New, iniportatlono dneo English. . . out n, wh' of ,the worst terrors of Parisian, . , where it is filled I ore the . Rhe,,p at -d A,­rfoon Ting orsinks-relfabloloodsal I I r li� 1,dew. P.&I'll" TILACKWELl_t co,, I artinto. . streets are the butchers' carts and i�. I a banks have a tendency to cave aWa . I I . L i — , . . ly � . � I . and whe�te new banks are building up. Milk carts. Thoughamong the largest, . - I . I , L OR RALF-CHOICE FARms, nnuom . . . I I 10 . ODURIP. . . As the water flows it naturally oar- and heaviest of two wheeled veldcles,. (' I T1111Y Nh1VJ,'R DRINK. I , V Ont Writ* for Pisrilcularm, James Jr4 otswaM . L . I . . I I Incardiab, ORL . . . they are almost invariably -well horsed I 1, . I . . � . -_ - . � . ties much sand entirely olut of the I — L , . irotugh. All this, is oalug4t aild. Pre and it is ths'oustonV of their drivers 1 There are hundreds Of horses an , a I I . MILLS, mILLS & HALES, . . tor career through the town at break-:: thousands Of' cattle in the 11a,walla, : 1i narriAttip,eto. - ' L served in. a amost ingeniolus manner. , . einoved to Wegle.v flullillage, ' o'ugh I it is neck speed. .It* is so eomm4n for.the Islands which never take a drink of LAW As the water leaves the tr . I . . ItI61=0 id Hl, IV., Toronto. - I L to run over pl3oplo that they are Pop- water throughaut� the whole eoutse of I Books, Rosaries, arm I carried over tin ribs behind which the ularly kn ushers." ,their lives, On all the islan'da the up- � Nttholio Prayer 01fixest, sckpulsra� sand is diepooited,'ffiYally Calling, own as " the or : Itallglous flotcres. Status . 11 L an-, . . ri are Pat altitudes of the mountains are 8 no ry, and Church. ornaratow tirely clear Ott a soil; into slarge Henceforth, these Juggernaut ca . : ,lon, (stional Works., 31all orders receive prouipt atton, tank at the lower end of the trough. to'bo compelled to carry a large ntum- gIv6n up,to cattle ranges; ' The cattle ; _ _ _ . 1, O.&J.13ADLIERACO.,01ontroal. , I I Hore a pUlmp is constantly at work bar, clearly painted In black on' A'run wild it ' ora the time they are born POULTRYl BUT I TERt EGGS, APPLESI . r Choy are sent to the slaughter - .white ground, on both their sides and' until sad other P1t0DUONj to ensure beat resulit conalgh U . driving the water Which thug ,comes, oa, their back. In thi . g way it will be house,. Eiaepf possibly two. or three I Th� Dawson CommiSsion. Co., tirqited, . through the "'river" back to the. up- poosible to identify them and to bring .months in the rainy Beason there tire COP. West -Market A Colborub St., Toronto, . . .....". ...- —_ . . - � ' per tank, thlas using it.over and over the drivers to justicei wherea ms or pools of water in any , � and enabling the river to flow on I without interruption for weeks. past, after making a victim, they al- part where the cattle range, but ev- i . most I vqiably got away,' .Another OkYwhcre there grows a recumbent, Prof. Engels has sirtrids of various Ln .colors which he uses for, showing the' clause of ,the decree provides that af� jointed grass known by ,the -native BrAss oand exact position of deposit of sand wash ter next October no adv'eitiseinent name ott maninla, This is both food Instruments, Drumso Uniformlit, litg'. Lft his rivers. A red sand foods slow- Carts are to be allowed in the streets. and drink, Horses and cattle grazing EVery ToWn oan have a naw . - mlottith,' of the river. M. Lepine has been equally well. sit- on it neither requirowater nor drink , L,,,,a,t . ly into the tr toprilect ever Tted, MUG astalitirtia no IN" . a , shows in bars and banks half way vised in 'turning his attentlofi to the it when offered, . , ationt led free. rite oil for saythlog (q I I . Muslo or Muoloal Instruments, I down or more, indicating exactly scandaloUs state of things that have � 0 1� . . Whaley Royao Al Go., Toronwtojail t 11 - -4 where the river was, at mlly given been allowed too long to prevail at. It You are Subject to Granip) -11 I ­ - - . I I . I I I I -64i 11111% I . . � � time, adding land, A little laterf blue night On. the boulaVards, X,ondou ban You know how important it is to have P .. sand used in'the same way might shOw its Piccadilly, but Paris has its Boole- a prompt, remedy on hand, Nerviline- 1 the formation of* still other bars, and vard Moutemartre, and if .one is 'It nerve -pain care -has a wonderfal and � the removal ot the red sand bars pr6v- little wowso than t1a other it is' immediate influtnoo upon this malady, I I'll, I . un- It relieves in one minute and cures in I—— . . fously produced. Controlling the. wa- doubtedly the latter, awar=A,ng as it five, Pleasaab tt) the taste, and the 1. . . - Let as 'he does, Prof. Engels -oan have has been wont to do not only with bestlrom6dy in the world f�r pain, Dyeing I 0 ean ng I . . a fresliat, at any time hQ sees fito uOt- woman of bad character, bjit. with ruf- I ___ For,the very boot sand your worlk to 0 GXi1RXANY18 RICHEST TOWNS. I' BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING C0,11 . I I Lack for agent In your town, or send dirso. Ing its egook on -his river, orhe can Cam a the most dangerous and in. Imitate the stuggish flow of dry au- famcfas type. Twice in the course, of The richest town in Germany, ac- Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, tumn. It his river is exceedingly crook- the Past few nights the police have cording to the estimates of the . . ed he can proftee a now channel Rtti- raided this thoroughfare and also the party Tax Cominiaqion for 1800, is not _ _ - "P.�"-1. .5 PACKARD'S ,,­5­___�__ fiolally as It might be produced by a portion of the b0levard in the im- Berlin, the capital of the Empire, but V7 . - . , . * ...... M Shoo Dresellig I I I : I 0 0 . . , I ! _. 77- .1� , , I , I , , I -N 4�11 Z ,� . I ­ - 6W�! - 71�1� ­ , ;? N't N_� M�.",4 ; wi-� "��110 sudden -great rushing of water, and mediate neighbourbood of the opera, the aneient capital of the Empire, I , 3041AWNi, ii " , he can htuld. dams, breakwaters, piers On Oac)i occasion they made a rich Frniihfort, .7on-the. -Sliain. Frankfort ;,; �� AV M . . , ,bl. 1.1.� " , I " . . � .. so on, and n6to litkul and it they repeat the Opera. still standg far ithead of Berlin in the t%­­�J , �� .1 I docks, bridges, and ", , "' 1, OrTni-N . I ­P;Z, X , in dacli case. the exact effect which. tion with sufficient krequerloy it may wealth of, ti%o Inbabitant , The second 1: "N,��'11�i� H I X t � `,4;4-17- ­` these prod�aoo an the river, whether becomo.possible to traverse the center richest town is B`sson, the third Is t, ,,,,.J.'�Ji'J.7;fk1 "i��'4����,%�,.,I,..."�".".4,, H 0 na ( , 11 - .1.11-4*', - I , I ..V, " , they tend ko deepen or to Obstruct o� Paris after midnight without the C harlot ton burg, and Berlin holds the 0-1 I - .K. � . . , V. '. I *� 21 11 �, I , . 4. , I , �'. — ; �� .11 � the channel, the influence opt each an certainty Of bt�fng molested and the fourth place, Next In order to Ilerlin I 'V I , v �;;�; I .. .. I , �'jt'j C ALL COLORS . , rogaran the tormation of bars and risk of being robbed and knifed, �%�,, N4 . � -�, , �,,� 1. -, 1,10h .eoyne Wiesbaden,. Aaohonv and Bonn, , i .0, bankq and so, olti, and how deep pil- . ..- � � ­__ .1 I . i ! I ALL LEATHERS, I -_ � 11, . %, I .11� ,,, — ing wfirit be driven to aseap under- . I ­' . For 11,06 bf all flr,t. *41, , , , ... � ...... f; 6-6 t,l 't 1. . A, washing by a narrowing river -all ov I . \ . ." �. T -110L )LA,rlafl, " ... .'111 "" V. . � "\ ,�. � .1 I 0 &,&* 0 / 0 .. "I L, fl. Pao%l facts of the utmost Importance to on. 4 11 I AV -, 0, . '1440 .4 I M . I I , It 0 N T h -' I_ . . t I!. 11 I _ _ _ ­__ . _ ­ gincorg. �* 16� 44 1 11 , , ­ . I I I UtIny of thg . rivers a Germany i4 �. . ,is I * , � I - ­ � . 11 -11. I 'd. _A IF I . I I I . _­_ .%, A"-60�-�� ,.,I!!!" . * have been plottoil with great accuracy is . ENGLISH not oftly as to their sharfs lines, but 4�, . lio� � . with regard to the tontour , lelo" 14 k I ,- -,.,.- � -, _ 1, - "-- I—, Of their, . I * . . . . channel beds, With theno maps and , of-� - #I * . I I . I I . . . , TEETHING SYRUP I . oontoUrs ln.band, Prof. UngelS IS now r 444* 44 e4qlb I I W-1 ,rrr � � engaged in laying.opt to alft isadt *A*_w"00-000 #4 . .1 .1. 1. I � Feale varims soctiaus( , . I I 4 �b, Sale . I the ftwr6 lm� I I r ­­ . . . . . portant German rivera. He duplicatem 9F - =_ � - � - , __ .. _- , I Wl. _w"islosts'al". ­ .., IN THM WOALD�. I � 1. exactly e,r6ry curve, Iftilds In 6tary 11 .­­­ ­­ M00011111111111