HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-09-20, Page 5,< Our Millinery
. DaysOpening
Thursday, sept, 27, man, 28 ana SaturqaU 29.
I We have. handled large quanti-
ties of butter and, eggs •this sea -
OF To the busy man an accurate son. Our trade in those lines
1 watch is a necessity—not a luxu- increased largely which means We have just placed in stock
ryas some seem to think, To that our prices were right. But
utilize every moment of precious we want more butter..and bun- a large assortment of Eastman
O'KEEFE'S time, to meet trains, keep ap- dreda of dozens more of eggs and
pointments, in fact to be always Kodaks,
on time one must have a good solicit your patronage.
EXTRACT watch. Drop in and lot us talk No. 2 A. $12 00
watches to you, we are practical
OF MALT watch reppairers and you can have a 1� o. Z 10 00
the benefit of our 20 years' exper, GROCERIES No. 2 Bullseye10 00
Taken at bedtime ensures ience without charge. If you
have a watch which needs clean- A R .E FRESH No. 2 Bullaeye 8 00
healthful, refreshing sleep. ing, has any part broken or lost, No. 2 Fle:ko 5 00
or one which has been ruined by
incompetent workmen, bring it O; OLSON Brownie Kodak 1 00
Taken before meals itis an to us and we will tell you just Ic ,
excellent tonic. what tt wants and what it will Developing outfits complete
cost you.
81 -- trays, printing frames,
250. PER BOTTLE. watches examined, A SLJMMR 'TONIC in toning solutions, folio paper
+ regulated ands e t to correct tablet forth. 1Viak�s tIC�' and allphotographic su 110s
•—xx -- time FREIa of charge, folks well and kee�Si well pp
folks from being sle Call and see our stock.
Phone 2 Prescription Pharmta.cy, our ` Chemist and Druggist
These Kodaks load in broad daylight.
Jeweler and Optician ■ If it isn't an Eastman, it isn'ta Kodak,
THE Native '
r A_..®
HOT rexore.
r: Fholl hodl�
J'Wood ,
p Herb
2V GreatEngttah RenudY. s ,
WEATHER Sold and !¢commended by at
dmggletA in Canada, only roll, TABLETS WORD
able in0letne discovered filo ,
+ ekapet guaranteed to euro 611
pa old b
Still continues so VI'i' still foYmeO Sexual weakneA9 all effeotsofabn9e ]anon b for 7h dare ad an e f ABOUT
cull your attention to Cllr oresoe88, Mental worry,;3xeesnive UsoofTo• cease.te or box ,dnai.d on !.sips of /`w
bac¢o, Opium or $timnlante, me.11od on receipt ioi a resisters an►ante. 1 .rep
of lice, one solea a El, 91x, $ib. One wiltptcass = °°roe LONZ isef ser S CO-# rink, SHOES H O
aix4gtttCure, amp�tlotA lreotoany'addreds,
Tho ZVood t7omp1kay, Windsor, Ont, X17 St. Pairs 8fN.t, Montreal, causes.
GOODS sold i HovoV and Watts o&sic , drugs Combe, V. Just a word about Boys' Shoes
—9this week, We have cheaper
All fresh and reliable, ones hub .the lines that give
They are appetising and a
_ .._.- __ • - ' = beat satisfaction sell for the
� .
boor] to the weary ))cosi)- �. JACKSON 711VME T/hELE, following prices:• --
wife. Little gents' *11- o
W Youtba' 4.26,
J6 W ■ r,4+ AGENT 0- P- '`R• srr oil ns to rows o at and depart from Clinton ;Bong+ 0.•' 0
�rrr�r ,irmir 111MALe AND GODFIM31 Orvieto% If you buy one pair of these
CLINTON Goll)A EApt n1l).'eoq 7:sA a, m. Shoes you will watit another
NSR 2 u) P, m pair by and by for, they stand
.. ,. Mixed 4:25 in. b
f#oiq West, Mixed 1n 15 a, M. the rough usage of the eye.
'travellers to any part of the „ i xpress 12.55 p, m.
world should consult the ,• 10:27 P. n1. Ordered work will get prom Tct
above in reference to tickets! n DIVISION. attention. I1,e11alrtng quickly and
r fares, ate. squill llxl>re,q 7:4'� a, iu, neatly done.
A. sehool thatia doing tho bent work In business itixea
nlueatlonInCauada. 0111' tllagnifloent eat6• GfoingNorthExpress 10:15 a. in. S.
!�`1 i.�1.r r�"1i
Ia Ito f Itei1 hill infoetitatiotl. W'rito to-d6y bifxed G:Ge 11, n1. (�, \,i, UiJ.vJ L
for one. C30vorrd Callullan vollegen and Starry /�, M
itsr a A11160calt crlioola employ our gliduaten W KS O N A 0. PAT"1180N, F..It, I1ODGI WS . v.A,UN A.
tkochera- This icy oiie rtrong Voiitt all our A �'�^ out. Pewit 1'lekot Ag6nty
tptrbr, k neer Hely it pogsiblo. At f1, i)iCRSON, llfghest easll paid
W, J. )ZLIOTT,PtIfteipale A09NT Cr P Ra Dletrlct 1.a (Ml bee ArlontlToronto, for Lgge
Death of a Pioneer. I "Treylti'.y to 1FhR I �.► �►�w ^�r%+��►. •► w�'fn1► �"�r+�I✓�*w�M ^�41►1r1r�
Death hay been unusually active in Soul O Wit. r McKINNON
this locality, said the Hanover Poet in .�,.,,,,,,,,,�,,,
its lastissuo. At the venerable age of ■
76 years lila. John AfoNally passed away F fit 0 ndsdom. Blood t* Iffo, knpars
at his home here at one o'clock last blood (a ))piny death, Health depends
Thursday afternoon, Ile had been ail• on blood. Aiscasg is dug tc bad A
ing for the past two years, but, was not bl ?'hg blood can be purified.
confined to his bed until about three cey�ng „� Hooas's ,Sarna Amer* IT IS OUR INTEREST
weeks ago. Since then it war: only too pa>"IIla,
apparent to his relativeskin a d very A b f slaty Blood Ajo&r iho isle,
that. ho was steadilyainkfn and ver .L brie story bet K le1G !hg lain,
little hope was entertained for his re- Nervous Weakness -"I srrffirse1
oovery, Ito was an Irishman, born and ''PV'e must give you the be9t of everything in Dry
bred, with all the general impulses from nervous -weakness And loss of appe.
charaoteristio of the race. when he fete. My blood,wits impure, my stomach Goods,Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, Boots and ,Shoes,
had attained the age of twonty years disordered and I could not sleep, _ Ho6Xr. Groceries, et0„ and sell them to you at a right price, Our
he left his native land and •sail ed for Sarsapartllx has cored mo enffrety,'e motive is RelAsh, but you get the benefit, No dealer in
this oounty;,Landing at Now York liSrs. ls. I,oc�:avaod, $cllevUler Ont. the count will show 0 ,
he made his way to the oounty 9fPeter- y you more attractive styles and
boyo, where he bought a farm and lived 12b. we are sure none can oiler you l( - 'el' prices. For rail our
there for a number of years. Ila stocks are .exceptionally complete, better, we think than
came up to these parts when it was , , � l) , a � 1 -
still "the bush" and did many a bard - ever, before In the history of this store. We would a8k
day's work, as all pioneers were com- - special'attention to our stock of New Mantles and Jackets
palled to do, He owned the farm now )flonsalt, which 'we.11ave just opened up, Also our New Drews
the property of Aamuei Taeger, and .�
also the farm on which Mr. Trusslor res Goods in all the latest designs and fabrics. We will be
sides, the briolc residence of which he H. Cantelon's son from Toronto, who `�"
built. About five years ago he moved has been visiting here for some time, pleased to have you call and see them whether you 'are
Into town to spend the remainder of happened gwith a serious accident, prepared to b or not.
quietly. eased twas twice While riding a wheel in the neighbor.
his life c uietl Dea hood of Bsucefield he. accidental)
married. IIis first union was blessed hy col -Ladies' Jackets in black and brown Beaver, high sterna} n � O,
with four children, ;They were Lizzie lided with a sheep!.whieh was on the collar, metal buttons .
(Mrs. Spicer,) Annie, William of bull. road and. was thrown with such violenoe Ladies' Jackets, Vicuna Cloth, box f: oiit, storm collar, 3 75
gannon and Andrew of Blyth. All sur- that his shoulder was dislocated. He metal buttons... "........ ........ . .,
vive their parents and all are married. is very near Bighted, which accounts Smart Beaver Jackets, in black, fawn and brown, velvet
His second marriage was blessed by for the noofdent, collar, mercerized lining ............... . .
three children, Aiaggie (Mrs. A. J, On Monday Mr. Rivers reeeiyed the Very stylish Jackets, trimmed'with satin and sontaeb 0
Crossman,) Charlotte (Mrs. Charles sad intelligence from Rapid City, Man., mercerized lining, fancy buttons. ... , 7.150
Bradwin and Alex, They also _with of the death of his brother Thomas a All^,wool Kersey Jackets, inlaid yelvet collar, carved 10 00
their mother, survive Mr. McNally. It that place. The deceased had been en- pearl buttons, mercerized lining_ ..... , . , .
is a strange coincidence that Air. Tel- gaged in buying grain. "Ile contracted r ` -" _ . _ _ .. _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ • _ _� ��
ford of Walkerton and Mr. McNally typhoid fevor, which caused his death. n
both passed. away on the same day, .as He was 41 years of age and unmarried. M KI N N O N . & CO.� - B L,YT H
they are relatives and both have been Will Moore, who has been in the em
ailing for a long time. A faithful, ear Ploy of I Raunie as salesman
nest Christian, Mr. McNally was a mega- past $ve years, left for Minneapolis,
her of the Presbyterian church for Minn., where be. has secured a good•••••••••••®•••••••••••••••�•••�••••••••••••tt••••�•••
many years. Of the strictest integrity Position with the. Minneapolis • Dry •
and honesty and of the largest charity Goode Company. • •
he had no enemies, while his friends Miss Kate Hodgins, who has been a i
could only be counted by the number very ill for some time, was brought o �U�� h •
with who he became acquainted. In home on Friday from Toronto, where •S-. •V lothl��Blythnshe has resided for some months. V .� •
politics he was aConservative- Ile was s • .
buried by the Orangemen, of which Mrs. bred. Arnold, who has been at- •
Society he was a member forfifty years, tending the millinery openings at Tor -
The funeral took place at 2.30 o'clock onto and Buffalo, also visiting at Nia- 0 •
on Saturday, the remains being inter- gara, has returned home. I N ORDERED CLOTHING
red in the Hanover cemetery, Rev, A. A. Goetz arrived in town after • •
Mr. Craigia officiated at the services at spending about two months in Great • •
house and rave. The funeral was Britain and the continent, •
largely attended. The bereaved rola- Miss Twitohell of Clinton has taken a • •
tives have the symi athy of the com position in John Pope's establishment. •
munity in their loss; as well as the con. �,�, • •
solation that a well fought fight has had The three principal reasons why we excel are :-1—Our stock is o
its righteous reward, Brussels.. • •
• large and well selected 1 2—Our fits are neat and snug 3—Our •
The sidewalk contractor is now build- • •
Luoknow. ing a -walk on Mill street east and with prices are right. All three appeal to the man whe intends buy.
the exception of some private walks this • •.
News has just reached here from' is expeoted to be the last 'of the walks • . „-ing a suit or overcoat ani) explain why our business continues to. •
Spokane, Washington State, of the to .be built this season. There has been • •
death of Air.. Allin Macdonald, who is built this year, not counting private grow. We quote a few prices this week and have many more i
well and favorably known in Lucknow walks, about 28 miles. In. all. 13 oar
and surrounding district; baying been loads of cement were used. Brussels j. like these in, our store :—
engaged for.:many years fn the meroan has now about 5's miles of cement walks • •
the business in this place. But on and in this respect probably leads 'any.
accoun, of declining health he sold out place of its size in the province,. • Black Worsted Suits, with Italian lining •
here and went to California, where, up On Saturday the real estate belong • and double stitched edges, sack or. body •
to 'two years ago, he was engaged in Ing to the late George Baeker was offer. 49' coat, price $14,
orange cultivation, but where hie nealth, ed for sale by auction. The only :lot • •
fah' had for time improved, began • Scotch Tweed Suits, in brown, green and o
which h P , g Bold'was the one at,the river. (here • grey, serge lining, single or double breast- •
again to fail, he disposed of his orange was keen competition for it, the bowling • ed; price $13. •
grove and inade a tour of the peace' al club wanting it for a bowling lawn: It • -•
coast,: settling in Spokane, where on went to Reeve Thomson for, $105. The Fall Overcoats, in Whipcord, and Vene- i
the seyenth of August fief passed into 'store and storehouse were withdrawn, • tians with lining to.match, from $10 to •
rest, not reaching the reserve bid, and the1g
Mrs. Annie Smith, who has been lives : old skating rink lot was bought in for • i
Ing with her daughter, Mrs: Norms," Alf. Baekerat $150. •
Matheson of. this village, passed away Thomas Dennison, who moved . to : NEW FASHION PLATE I#AS JUST ARRIVED. .. i
last Th deoeas• •
on Sunday. morning . e Brussels from McBillopabout two • • i
ed had .Been ailing -for the past two. ago, died on. Thursday after, a lingering • • r
months, but took suddenly . worse on illness, `.lie was a sufferer from con o •
Friday last and kept sinking until 'Sun* sumption and had been unable to work a S. ! u • ■ G I Vn LE.Y, B L■YT H • o
day morning, when she passed away:before moving to Brussels: • •
On Friday last the sad intelligence James Kelly intends to move to the•••••••••••�Osoo�••••••a•�o•o••t•�tr•�••�•••••tr•�o•
that Mr.. H. P. O'Connori the . great West in about a month. Ilia family are
criminal lawyer and one of the most are now.nearly all in Manitoba or the
prominent and popular citizens in Bruce Rat Portage district and Mr, and Mrs.
county, had passed away.at his home in Belly have decided to move too.
Walkerton. Mr. O'Connor, while out
horse=back riding on Sunday'last, bis: - -T
horse stumbled and ,fell upon him,
H A R. D A,, R. E
causing such internal injuries as to re-
in his death on Thursday morning. A rumor was going the rounds : trite
suit q
.. f�
Distressingly too soon one of natures freely. -this week3that A. R.. McDonald,
little gentlemen passed into the Great who formerly kept a flour and feed
Beyond in the person of Mr. Bert Mo, store.here,had been killed in Manitoba. Headquarters for all kinds of
Corvie, at his mother's residence in this . We are .pleased to learn that the,. Mr.
village bn the: morning of the 6th' inst. McDonald who was killed had no con. Hardware Hinges Ti1lpPare
Born and 'reared in this village, it is ne.ction with our A. R. McDonald,
pleasant to record that he. always' was A: quiet wedding took place in Win- Nails Glass LoekS
an honor to a noble mother, ((hod bless nipeg on September 1st, The bride White Lead & Oils' Screed Doors and Windows
and sustain her) a oredit to the'_ com- was'a former Wingham lady, Mrs. John
unity in which he lived and a niver• Gregory, who until recently res idea Daisy Churns Blue Flame i7Pickless Oil Stoves `
sal favorite with everyone with whom with her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Mason of All Kinds Wire Fencing
he name in ooritact. The deceased; town,' The groom was Mr,
;Tompkins, a • '
was a nephew of Mr. D.'. MoCorvie of well-to-do farmer of the 'vicinity of Celebrated Sherwin Williams Mid ecl Paints, .
Clinton. Nesbitt,.
On Tuesday Mr. James McClusky of John McDonogh, of the G, T: R. staff Agents for .the American, Field Fence, jhe. best fence- in the
this village had the misfortune to have here, hada critical operation performed world. It is horse proof, bull pr:)of hog proof, pig anO
his arm dislocated at the elbow by the on Monday last.for the removal of ar '
belt of his engine at the shingle mill large tumor. The surgeons were, Dr, dog tight, extreme cold or heat does not draw it out c,f
breaking and striking him on the arm,' T. Chisholm, Wingham, and Dr. Gunn shape, it stays Where it's put. C ill and see it.
Mr. Kenneth Bunter of this village of Clinton, the physicians for the G, T,
brought to the Sentinel offide. on Mon- R, A few Royal. American Clothes Wringei s'at $2.85, while thea
day last a sunflower stalk, . nine feet Gavin Wilson joking remarked the last.
high and whioh contained over sixty other day that he thought September,
eads of ededs. Who can beat it? 1900, was made specially for rural A few odd shades Ready -Mixed `Paints At a big discount.
_ school teachers, for it has five Saturdays . Lawn Mowers at reduced prices t0 clear 'Out.
five^Sundays, and as°if that were not
whitechuarCh, enough holidays, another holiday, 1 only Fireproof Safe, regular price $35, for $27.00
Labor Day, wag thrown in.
The home of Mr. W. Knew, G. T. Catherine MeTaggartdied at the home
R. agent at Whitechuroh, was the of her . daughter, Mrs. McTa visit, on HARLAND B
scene of a happy event on Wednesday Monday morning, aged '85 years: Do -
of last week, when his second eldest ,eased had resided Hoar Ripley. HEADQUARTERS FOR STONES AND HARDWARE
daughter, Miss Annie, was united in --�--
marriage to Mr. J. E. Skolding of ITCHING PILhS - - -
Shelburne. The ceremony was per,
formed by Rev. Mr. Leach, uncle of Cho Mr. O. P. St. John, Dominion In -
bride, assisted by Rov. A, 1. Brown of Spector of Steamboats, 246 Shaw G
Whitechurch. The bride looked very street, .Toronto, writes :—"I suffered I When in need of Furniture• buy from us and you will be sure to get good
pretty, dressed in white organdle and for nine years with itching. plies. Af- value for your money. We have the reputation of making Goods that are our -
lace, and was assisted by her sister, ter trying many remedies in vain,I b e- passed by none. TRASHY Furniture and SLOP Work is not allowed to enter
Miss May, while the groom was assisted gan to use Dr. Chase's Ointment and our warerooms.
by his brother, Arthur. After the in- it hag entirely enred me." More peopple JUBILEE. RECLINING CHAIR
teresting ceremony the pretty group have been cured of piles by using Dr. This is the very latest thing for a Lawn and one of 'the most comfortable
Was photographed by Mr. Zurbrigg, and Chase's Ointment than by all other Chairs oyer made for that purpose. Ask to see them.
then the guests sat down to a ahoioe treatments eombined. It never fails
repast. Showers of rice. and good wish- to cure piles, + UNDERTAKING
to followed the bride ' and groom on For Over Fifty Years In this department we carry a complete stock of Funeral Supplies. Good
their trip .to Toledo and other cities. Hearses and Outfit. Charges moderate.
On their return they will settle in Shel- Mug -W`
N9LOw'9 8aaralN6 SYnvr has hoes
used by millions of mothers for their children BR O /�/y D FO OT' BOX Q_ 0 O m
borne. The presents were costly and while teething: IE disturbed at night and h ai V
numerous.brolton of your rest by a sick child sufferin
and oryfng with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send at
Avery quiet wedding took place at : once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win9low's sooth• J• Chlaleye Manager
the home of Air, and Mrs. .lames Me- Ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re-
Clenaghan on Wednesday avenin ,Se t. re-
lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Do- Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our
y g P ondupon it mothers, there is no mistake about Funeral Director, J.W. Uhidley King St., opposite Foundry.
5th, whet their daughter,Mary Ann,was Pt, It euros Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach
united in marriage to Robb J. Dobie, and bowels, oures vbin Colic, softens the
our suis) hardware merchant. The coins,redueesinflammation,andglvestoneand _
g onel��yy to the whole systom. MMrs. Winslbw's
ceremony was performed by the Rev. boot}'in Syrue" for ohndren toething is plea -
A. I. Brown, M. A, The happy couple eant to tie taste and is the presorfption of one
of the Oldest and best female physicians and
left next,morning for Niagaral±alis, Tor -nurses is Ilio United States. Price twmityflve
onto and other eastern Cities. Their ccn;sanbottlo. Sold by all druggists through- °
numerous friends wish them a pleasant out the world." ilo euro and ask for "Mrs.
trip and a happy life. til INSLow's 9ooanlNa svlttrn,
The "Winnipeg Independent Labor ,
l�a�rt have unanimously renominated
What You Pay Mr. uttee, M.P. for the Commons.
When you need medicine you should
For Medicineexperienceget the beat that money can buy, and
proves this to be Hoodos
Is no Test of its OurAtiVA Value—Pre+
versus or. chaise'!* Kidney- CLINTOX 11d.ARKET REPORTSl1r0r
w�li s
Dr. Chase's TZidney-Lever Pills a.re tCorrootod scary Nodnoadav atEornoon)
mu •,
just as ch a doctoeg p eserlptlon• a. Wheat ................... 0 05 to 0 60
any formula voUr family physicians
icfau ran
Goosese Vheat..,.,......,
b 05 to 0 CO
give you. Chodifference, iq that Dr.
chase's itidney-Liver Pllli were per- Barley ............. 0 38 to 0 40
tected after the formula had brovan it- pats., . • I .. , .... .. 0 28 to 0 28
colt of lnestimabfo value in scores of Peaa........ ............. 0 57 to 0 00
hundreds of cases. . , 0 40 to P 40
Dr. Chase won almost as much gallti- Itye......................
ability to cure kidney ..... 0 40 to 0 40
Parity from hlir Y potatoes per bushel..
dideage, liver complaint, and backaehe,'
with this formula, as ho did from the
Oubllca•tlon of hit frraat reelpe beak.
The Idea of one treatment roathlna
,the kidneys and livor at tho same elm•
Was ori incl with Dr. OhMe. it ao-
eeyntr for the )success of I)r, Cbaeo'ei
X1 nity-Liver Plus in curing the motet
eomplicwted ailments of the 111t( 111119
organs, and every form of baokache.�
AAt a. fancily medicine Dr, Chase et
9..ldneyy-i iv" Pills are unapproaehed.
`hey knelt lite kidneys liver, and bow-
els healthy, active, and regular, and eo
rovent and our uino-tenths of the
a lift to which hufflanity It subject. Ono
r1,Ill a dote. 25 cenits a box, at all deal -
R11$,1 lgps>aantan, 13atf,ft 0m., o•+
Butter loose in crook .... 0 15 to 0 16
Butter in tub •., •.... 0 "5 to 0 16
,ggs pet, doz.. # ........... 0 11 to 0 12
Hay ...... .......... 5 50, to 5 W
Wool...... .....V..•.,, 0 15 to 0 10
Live Hogs per cwb........ 0 10 to 6 25
Pork per cwt........... 5 00 to 6 00
Vlour per ewt ...... ...... 115 to 2 00
Bran per ton .......... 12 00 to 12 00
Siiorts per toll ......,.... 10 00 to 17 00'
''Wool per lb ............. 15 to 16
Peaches, basket,......... 0 40 to 0 W
ILipo Tomatoes, per bask.. 0 25 to 0 23
Plume, per baxekot........ 0 50 to 0 i:l
Th6 hi�liest!quality axle Freese made. Mice, Axle OMSO coiftitltis f?rotttid
luiea, which forma a coating on the elle, and tslal;es n perfectly atnootii.
Autface. After tha outface is formed yon Beed rise only One-half its much
Micil, Axte 'Oteas* to any, other grease. Sold cveeywllefe in couvenicut
sizes. Made by IMII CAIAL OIL CCJ.r LlmI0d
Nowdor the List 3 a s
can buy. Wool.and Union Carpets for ;less
WE open the Fall Millinery Season on the above days with a display of
than Mahels prices. We need the room -for
.�. -
Pattern Hats and Trimmed Goods which we feel confident has nev-
the .display of Millinery, Every piece !!fust
o. Come at once if to in
er been approached for VARIETY, BEAUTY and EXTENT in this.local-
g o11wish share
the saving:—
f g—
ity. Our display has been selected with great care. Paris, New York
and Detroit styles are represented in our showing and we can promise
ors of green, gold and white and red; white and
black, 411 the designs,
you a breadth .of choice among the newest and smartest productions of
iatesc regular $5c quality to
clear at the price of a Union Carpet ............:,... 55�
the season, and an individuality of taste and color combination that can-
Your chnice of all our very beat 2 -ply wool carpet in
Brussels designs, 36
not fail to attract. }
warranted, inches wide, in col-
ors of red and wh.t , -etc , regular value $1, to
Evening Reception in 1V�i11inery, Dress Goods,
go at ............. ............... :........... ........ U
your Choice of 411 our ver best English Linoleums
Silks, Jackets and Furs.
y that
worth today $1.25
E °
THURSDAY Evening our store will.. be open from 8 to 10, when all
are per yard, to go durin g. th e
sale at............ 72c
of our Fall` stock will be on view.'. Not a hurly-burly. of hustle and effort
to sell, but :a genial homelike reception. You are cordially- invited to come
and see, compare and take notes for the plans of future buying. 'If you
will derive as much pleasure in seeing as we will in showing we will con-
sider ourselves amply reps.. d. ,A. firstclass Male Quartette and Orchestra•
has been engaged for the evening anddthe occasion will be purely. social.
Come and enjoy yourself. r
.For the remainino, days of the week you
I We have. handled large quanti-
ties of butter and, eggs •this sea -
OF To the busy man an accurate son. Our trade in those lines
1 watch is a necessity—not a luxu- increased largely which means We have just placed in stock
ryas some seem to think, To that our prices were right. But
utilize every moment of precious we want more butter..and bun- a large assortment of Eastman
O'KEEFE'S time, to meet trains, keep ap- dreda of dozens more of eggs and
pointments, in fact to be always Kodaks,
on time one must have a good solicit your patronage.
EXTRACT watch. Drop in and lot us talk No. 2 A. $12 00
watches to you, we are practical
OF MALT watch reppairers and you can have a 1� o. Z 10 00
the benefit of our 20 years' exper, GROCERIES No. 2 Bullseye10 00
Taken at bedtime ensures ience without charge. If you
have a watch which needs clean- A R .E FRESH No. 2 Bullaeye 8 00
healthful, refreshing sleep. ing, has any part broken or lost, No. 2 Fle:ko 5 00
or one which has been ruined by
incompetent workmen, bring it O; OLSON Brownie Kodak 1 00
Taken before meals itis an to us and we will tell you just Ic ,
excellent tonic. what tt wants and what it will Developing outfits complete
cost you.
81 -- trays, printing frames,
250. PER BOTTLE. watches examined, A SLJMMR 'TONIC in toning solutions, folio paper
+ regulated ands e t to correct tablet forth. 1Viak�s tIC�' and allphotographic su 110s
•—xx -- time FREIa of charge, folks well and kee�Si well pp
folks from being sle Call and see our stock.
Phone 2 Prescription Pharmta.cy, our ` Chemist and Druggist
These Kodaks load in broad daylight.
Jeweler and Optician ■ If it isn't an Eastman, it isn'ta Kodak,
THE Native '
r A_..®
HOT rexore.
r: Fholl hodl�
J'Wood ,
p Herb
2V GreatEngttah RenudY. s ,
WEATHER Sold and !¢commended by at
dmggletA in Canada, only roll, TABLETS WORD
able in0letne discovered filo ,
+ ekapet guaranteed to euro 611
pa old b
Still continues so VI'i' still foYmeO Sexual weakneA9 all effeotsofabn9e ]anon b for 7h dare ad an e f ABOUT
cull your attention to Cllr oresoe88, Mental worry,;3xeesnive UsoofTo• cease.te or box ,dnai.d on !.sips of /`w
bac¢o, Opium or $timnlante, me.11od on receipt ioi a resisters an►ante. 1 .rep
of lice, one solea a El, 91x, $ib. One wiltptcass = °°roe LONZ isef ser S CO-# rink, SHOES H O
aix4gtttCure, amp�tlotA lreotoany'addreds,
Tho ZVood t7omp1kay, Windsor, Ont, X17 St. Pairs 8fN.t, Montreal, causes.
GOODS sold i HovoV and Watts o&sic , drugs Combe, V. Just a word about Boys' Shoes
—9this week, We have cheaper
All fresh and reliable, ones hub .the lines that give
They are appetising and a
_ .._.- __ • - ' = beat satisfaction sell for the
� .
boor] to the weary ))cosi)- �. JACKSON 711VME T/hELE, following prices:• --
wife. Little gents' *11- o
W Youtba' 4.26,
J6 W ■ r,4+ AGENT 0- P- '`R• srr oil ns to rows o at and depart from Clinton ;Bong+ 0.•' 0
�rrr�r ,irmir 111MALe AND GODFIM31 Orvieto% If you buy one pair of these
CLINTON Goll)A EApt n1l).'eoq 7:sA a, m. Shoes you will watit another
NSR 2 u) P, m pair by and by for, they stand
.. ,. Mixed 4:25 in. b
f#oiq West, Mixed 1n 15 a, M. the rough usage of the eye.
'travellers to any part of the „ i xpress 12.55 p, m.
world should consult the ,• 10:27 P. n1. Ordered work will get prom Tct
above in reference to tickets! n DIVISION. attention. I1,e11alrtng quickly and
r fares, ate. squill llxl>re,q 7:4'� a, iu, neatly done.
A. sehool thatia doing tho bent work In business itixea
nlueatlonInCauada. 0111' tllagnifloent eat6• GfoingNorthExpress 10:15 a. in. S.
!�`1 i.�1.r r�"1i
Ia Ito f Itei1 hill infoetitatiotl. W'rito to-d6y bifxed G:Ge 11, n1. (�, \,i, UiJ.vJ L
for one. C30vorrd Callullan vollegen and Starry /�, M
itsr a A11160calt crlioola employ our gliduaten W KS O N A 0. PAT"1180N, F..It, I1ODGI WS . v.A,UN A.
tkochera- This icy oiie rtrong Voiitt all our A �'�^ out. Pewit 1'lekot Ag6nty
tptrbr, k neer Hely it pogsiblo. At f1, i)iCRSON, llfghest easll paid
W, J. )ZLIOTT,PtIfteipale A09NT Cr P Ra Dletrlct 1.a (Ml bee ArlontlToronto, for Lgge
Death of a Pioneer. I "Treylti'.y to 1FhR I �.► �►�w ^�r%+��►. •► w�'fn1► �"�r+�I✓�*w�M ^�41►1r1r�
Death hay been unusually active in Soul O Wit. r McKINNON
this locality, said the Hanover Poet in .�,.,,,,,,,,,�,,,
its lastissuo. At the venerable age of ■
76 years lila. John AfoNally passed away F fit 0 ndsdom. Blood t* Iffo, knpars
at his home here at one o'clock last blood (a ))piny death, Health depends
Thursday afternoon, Ile had been ail• on blood. Aiscasg is dug tc bad A
ing for the past two years, but, was not bl ?'hg blood can be purified.
confined to his bed until about three cey�ng „� Hooas's ,Sarna Amer* IT IS OUR INTEREST
weeks ago. Since then it war: only too pa>"IIla,
apparent to his relativeskin a d very A b f slaty Blood Ajo&r iho isle,
that. ho was steadilyainkfn and ver .L brie story bet K le1G !hg lain,
little hope was entertained for his re- Nervous Weakness -"I srrffirse1
oovery, Ito was an Irishman, born and ''PV'e must give you the be9t of everything in Dry
bred, with all the general impulses from nervous -weakness And loss of appe.
charaoteristio of the race. when he fete. My blood,wits impure, my stomach Goods,Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, Boots and ,Shoes,
had attained the age of twonty years disordered and I could not sleep, _ Ho6Xr. Groceries, et0„ and sell them to you at a right price, Our
he left his native land and •sail ed for Sarsapartllx has cored mo enffrety,'e motive is RelAsh, but you get the benefit, No dealer in
this oounty;,Landing at Now York liSrs. ls. I,oc�:avaod, $cllevUler Ont. the count will show 0 ,
he made his way to the oounty 9fPeter- y you more attractive styles and
boyo, where he bought a farm and lived 12b. we are sure none can oiler you l( - 'el' prices. For rail our
there for a number of years. Ila stocks are .exceptionally complete, better, we think than
came up to these parts when it was , , � l) , a � 1 -
still "the bush" and did many a bard - ever, before In the history of this store. We would a8k
day's work, as all pioneers were com- - special'attention to our stock of New Mantles and Jackets
palled to do, He owned the farm now )flonsalt, which 'we.11ave just opened up, Also our New Drews
the property of Aamuei Taeger, and .�
also the farm on which Mr. Trusslor res Goods in all the latest designs and fabrics. We will be
sides, the briolc residence of which he H. Cantelon's son from Toronto, who `�"
built. About five years ago he moved has been visiting here for some time, pleased to have you call and see them whether you 'are
Into town to spend the remainder of happened gwith a serious accident, prepared to b or not.
quietly. eased twas twice While riding a wheel in the neighbor.
his life c uietl Dea hood of Bsucefield he. accidental)
married. IIis first union was blessed hy col -Ladies' Jackets in black and brown Beaver, high sterna} n � O,
with four children, ;They were Lizzie lided with a sheep!.whieh was on the collar, metal buttons .
(Mrs. Spicer,) Annie, William of bull. road and. was thrown with such violenoe Ladies' Jackets, Vicuna Cloth, box f: oiit, storm collar, 3 75
gannon and Andrew of Blyth. All sur- that his shoulder was dislocated. He metal buttons... "........ ........ . .,
vive their parents and all are married. is very near Bighted, which accounts Smart Beaver Jackets, in black, fawn and brown, velvet
His second marriage was blessed by for the noofdent, collar, mercerized lining ............... . .
three children, Aiaggie (Mrs. A. J, On Monday Mr. Rivers reeeiyed the Very stylish Jackets, trimmed'with satin and sontaeb 0
Crossman,) Charlotte (Mrs. Charles sad intelligence from Rapid City, Man., mercerized lining, fancy buttons. ... , 7.150
Bradwin and Alex, They also _with of the death of his brother Thomas a All^,wool Kersey Jackets, inlaid yelvet collar, carved 10 00
their mother, survive Mr. McNally. It that place. The deceased had been en- pearl buttons, mercerized lining_ ..... , . , .
is a strange coincidence that Air. Tel- gaged in buying grain. "Ile contracted r ` -" _ . _ _ .. _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ • _ _� ��
ford of Walkerton and Mr. McNally typhoid fevor, which caused his death. n
both passed. away on the same day, .as He was 41 years of age and unmarried. M KI N N O N . & CO.� - B L,YT H
they are relatives and both have been Will Moore, who has been in the em
ailing for a long time. A faithful, ear Ploy of I Raunie as salesman
nest Christian, Mr. McNally was a mega- past $ve years, left for Minneapolis,
her of the Presbyterian church for Minn., where be. has secured a good•••••••••••®•••••••••••••••�•••�••••••••••••tt••••�•••
many years. Of the strictest integrity Position with the. Minneapolis • Dry •
and honesty and of the largest charity Goode Company. • •
he had no enemies, while his friends Miss Kate Hodgins, who has been a i
could only be counted by the number very ill for some time, was brought o �U�� h •
with who he became acquainted. In home on Friday from Toronto, where •S-. •V lothl��Blythnshe has resided for some months. V .� •
politics he was aConservative- Ile was s • .
buried by the Orangemen, of which Mrs. bred. Arnold, who has been at- •
Society he was a member forfifty years, tending the millinery openings at Tor -
The funeral took place at 2.30 o'clock onto and Buffalo, also visiting at Nia- 0 •
on Saturday, the remains being inter- gara, has returned home. I N ORDERED CLOTHING
red in the Hanover cemetery, Rev, A. A. Goetz arrived in town after • •
Mr. Craigia officiated at the services at spending about two months in Great • •
house and rave. The funeral was Britain and the continent, •
largely attended. The bereaved rola- Miss Twitohell of Clinton has taken a • •
tives have the symi athy of the com position in John Pope's establishment. •
munity in their loss; as well as the con. �,�, • •
solation that a well fought fight has had The three principal reasons why we excel are :-1—Our stock is o
its righteous reward, Brussels.. • •
• large and well selected 1 2—Our fits are neat and snug 3—Our •
The sidewalk contractor is now build- • •
Luoknow. ing a -walk on Mill street east and with prices are right. All three appeal to the man whe intends buy.
the exception of some private walks this • •.
News has just reached here from' is expeoted to be the last 'of the walks • . „-ing a suit or overcoat ani) explain why our business continues to. •
Spokane, Washington State, of the to .be built this season. There has been • •
death of Air.. Allin Macdonald, who is built this year, not counting private grow. We quote a few prices this week and have many more i
well and favorably known in Lucknow walks, about 28 miles. In. all. 13 oar
and surrounding district; baying been loads of cement were used. Brussels j. like these in, our store :—
engaged for.:many years fn the meroan has now about 5's miles of cement walks • •
the business in this place. But on and in this respect probably leads 'any.
accoun, of declining health he sold out place of its size in the province,. • Black Worsted Suits, with Italian lining •
here and went to California, where, up On Saturday the real estate belong • and double stitched edges, sack or. body •
to 'two years ago, he was engaged in Ing to the late George Baeker was offer. 49' coat, price $14,
orange cultivation, but where hie nealth, ed for sale by auction. The only :lot • •
fah' had for time improved, began • Scotch Tweed Suits, in brown, green and o
which h P , g Bold'was the one at,the river. (here • grey, serge lining, single or double breast- •
again to fail, he disposed of his orange was keen competition for it, the bowling • ed; price $13. •
grove and inade a tour of the peace' al club wanting it for a bowling lawn: It • -•
coast,: settling in Spokane, where on went to Reeve Thomson for, $105. The Fall Overcoats, in Whipcord, and Vene- i
the seyenth of August fief passed into 'store and storehouse were withdrawn, • tians with lining to.match, from $10 to •
rest, not reaching the reserve bid, and the1g
Mrs. Annie Smith, who has been lives : old skating rink lot was bought in for • i
Ing with her daughter, Mrs: Norms," Alf. Baekerat $150. •
Matheson of. this village, passed away Thomas Dennison, who moved . to : NEW FASHION PLATE I#AS JUST ARRIVED. .. i
last Th deoeas• •
on Sunday. morning . e Brussels from McBillopabout two • • i
ed had .Been ailing -for the past two. ago, died on. Thursday after, a lingering • • r
months, but took suddenly . worse on illness, `.lie was a sufferer from con o •
Friday last and kept sinking until 'Sun* sumption and had been unable to work a S. ! u • ■ G I Vn LE.Y, B L■YT H • o
day morning, when she passed away:before moving to Brussels: • •
On Friday last the sad intelligence James Kelly intends to move to the•••••••••••�Osoo�••••••a•�o•o••t•�tr•�••�•••••tr•�o•
that Mr.. H. P. O'Connori the . great West in about a month. Ilia family are
criminal lawyer and one of the most are now.nearly all in Manitoba or the
prominent and popular citizens in Bruce Rat Portage district and Mr, and Mrs.
county, had passed away.at his home in Belly have decided to move too.
Walkerton. Mr. O'Connor, while out
horse=back riding on Sunday'last, bis: - -T
horse stumbled and ,fell upon him,
H A R. D A,, R. E
causing such internal injuries as to re-
in his death on Thursday morning. A rumor was going the rounds : trite
suit q
.. f�
Distressingly too soon one of natures freely. -this week3that A. R.. McDonald,
little gentlemen passed into the Great who formerly kept a flour and feed
Beyond in the person of Mr. Bert Mo, store.here,had been killed in Manitoba. Headquarters for all kinds of
Corvie, at his mother's residence in this . We are .pleased to learn that the,. Mr.
village bn the: morning of the 6th' inst. McDonald who was killed had no con. Hardware Hinges Ti1lpPare
Born and 'reared in this village, it is ne.ction with our A. R. McDonald,
pleasant to record that he. always' was A: quiet wedding took place in Win- Nails Glass LoekS
an honor to a noble mother, ((hod bless nipeg on September 1st, The bride White Lead & Oils' Screed Doors and Windows
and sustain her) a oredit to the'_ com- was'a former Wingham lady, Mrs. John
unity in which he lived and a niver• Gregory, who until recently res idea Daisy Churns Blue Flame i7Pickless Oil Stoves `
sal favorite with everyone with whom with her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Mason of All Kinds Wire Fencing
he name in ooritact. The deceased; town,' The groom was Mr,
;Tompkins, a • '
was a nephew of Mr. D.'. MoCorvie of well-to-do farmer of the 'vicinity of Celebrated Sherwin Williams Mid ecl Paints, .
Clinton. Nesbitt,.
On Tuesday Mr. James McClusky of John McDonogh, of the G, T: R. staff Agents for .the American, Field Fence, jhe. best fence- in the
this village had the misfortune to have here, hada critical operation performed world. It is horse proof, bull pr:)of hog proof, pig anO
his arm dislocated at the elbow by the on Monday last.for the removal of ar '
belt of his engine at the shingle mill large tumor. The surgeons were, Dr, dog tight, extreme cold or heat does not draw it out c,f
breaking and striking him on the arm,' T. Chisholm, Wingham, and Dr. Gunn shape, it stays Where it's put. C ill and see it.
Mr. Kenneth Bunter of this village of Clinton, the physicians for the G, T,
brought to the Sentinel offide. on Mon- R, A few Royal. American Clothes Wringei s'at $2.85, while thea
day last a sunflower stalk, . nine feet Gavin Wilson joking remarked the last.
high and whioh contained over sixty other day that he thought September,
eads of ededs. Who can beat it? 1900, was made specially for rural A few odd shades Ready -Mixed `Paints At a big discount.
_ school teachers, for it has five Saturdays . Lawn Mowers at reduced prices t0 clear 'Out.
five^Sundays, and as°if that were not
whitechuarCh, enough holidays, another holiday, 1 only Fireproof Safe, regular price $35, for $27.00
Labor Day, wag thrown in.
The home of Mr. W. Knew, G. T. Catherine MeTaggartdied at the home
R. agent at Whitechuroh, was the of her . daughter, Mrs. McTa visit, on HARLAND B
scene of a happy event on Wednesday Monday morning, aged '85 years: Do -
of last week, when his second eldest ,eased had resided Hoar Ripley. HEADQUARTERS FOR STONES AND HARDWARE
daughter, Miss Annie, was united in --�--
marriage to Mr. J. E. Skolding of ITCHING PILhS - - -
Shelburne. The ceremony was per,
formed by Rev. Mr. Leach, uncle of Cho Mr. O. P. St. John, Dominion In -
bride, assisted by Rov. A, 1. Brown of Spector of Steamboats, 246 Shaw G
Whitechurch. The bride looked very street, .Toronto, writes :—"I suffered I When in need of Furniture• buy from us and you will be sure to get good
pretty, dressed in white organdle and for nine years with itching. plies. Af- value for your money. We have the reputation of making Goods that are our -
lace, and was assisted by her sister, ter trying many remedies in vain,I b e- passed by none. TRASHY Furniture and SLOP Work is not allowed to enter
Miss May, while the groom was assisted gan to use Dr. Chase's Ointment and our warerooms.
by his brother, Arthur. After the in- it hag entirely enred me." More peopple JUBILEE. RECLINING CHAIR
teresting ceremony the pretty group have been cured of piles by using Dr. This is the very latest thing for a Lawn and one of 'the most comfortable
Was photographed by Mr. Zurbrigg, and Chase's Ointment than by all other Chairs oyer made for that purpose. Ask to see them.
then the guests sat down to a ahoioe treatments eombined. It never fails
repast. Showers of rice. and good wish- to cure piles, + UNDERTAKING
to followed the bride ' and groom on For Over Fifty Years In this department we carry a complete stock of Funeral Supplies. Good
their trip .to Toledo and other cities. Hearses and Outfit. Charges moderate.
On their return they will settle in Shel- Mug -W`
N9LOw'9 8aaralN6 SYnvr has hoes
used by millions of mothers for their children BR O /�/y D FO OT' BOX Q_ 0 O m
borne. The presents were costly and while teething: IE disturbed at night and h ai V
numerous.brolton of your rest by a sick child sufferin
and oryfng with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send at
Avery quiet wedding took place at : once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win9low's sooth• J• Chlaleye Manager
the home of Air, and Mrs. .lames Me- Ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re-
Clenaghan on Wednesday avenin ,Se t. re-
lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Do- Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our
y g P ondupon it mothers, there is no mistake about Funeral Director, J.W. Uhidley King St., opposite Foundry.
5th, whet their daughter,Mary Ann,was Pt, It euros Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach
united in marriage to Robb J. Dobie, and bowels, oures vbin Colic, softens the
our suis) hardware merchant. The coins,redueesinflammation,andglvestoneand _
g onel��yy to the whole systom. MMrs. Winslbw's
ceremony was performed by the Rev. boot}'in Syrue" for ohndren toething is plea -
A. I. Brown, M. A, The happy couple eant to tie taste and is the presorfption of one
of the Oldest and best female physicians and
left next,morning for Niagaral±alis, Tor -nurses is Ilio United States. Price twmityflve
onto and other eastern Cities. Their ccn;sanbottlo. Sold by all druggists through- °
numerous friends wish them a pleasant out the world." ilo euro and ask for "Mrs.
trip and a happy life. til INSLow's 9ooanlNa svlttrn,
The "Winnipeg Independent Labor ,
l�a�rt have unanimously renominated
What You Pay Mr. uttee, M.P. for the Commons.
When you need medicine you should
For Medicineexperienceget the beat that money can buy, and
proves this to be Hoodos
Is no Test of its OurAtiVA Value—Pre+
versus or. chaise'!* Kidney- CLINTOX 11d.ARKET REPORTSl1r0r
w�li s
Dr. Chase's TZidney-Lever Pills a.re tCorrootod scary Nodnoadav atEornoon)
mu •,
just as ch a doctoeg p eserlptlon• a. Wheat ................... 0 05 to 0 60
any formula voUr family physicians
icfau ran
Goosese Vheat..,.,......,
b 05 to 0 CO
give you. Chodifference, iq that Dr.
chase's itidney-Liver Pllli were per- Barley ............. 0 38 to 0 40
tected after the formula had brovan it- pats., . • I .. , .... .. 0 28 to 0 28
colt of lnestimabfo value in scores of Peaa........ ............. 0 57 to 0 00
hundreds of cases. . , 0 40 to P 40
Dr. Chase won almost as much gallti- Itye......................
ability to cure kidney ..... 0 40 to 0 40
Parity from hlir Y potatoes per bushel..
dideage, liver complaint, and backaehe,'
with this formula, as ho did from the
Oubllca•tlon of hit frraat reelpe beak.
The Idea of one treatment roathlna
,the kidneys and livor at tho same elm•
Was ori incl with Dr. OhMe. it ao-
eeyntr for the )success of I)r, Cbaeo'ei
X1 nity-Liver Plus in curing the motet
eomplicwted ailments of the 111t( 111119
organs, and every form of baokache.�
AAt a. fancily medicine Dr, Chase et
9..ldneyy-i iv" Pills are unapproaehed.
`hey knelt lite kidneys liver, and bow-
els healthy, active, and regular, and eo
rovent and our uino-tenths of the
a lift to which hufflanity It subject. Ono
r1,Ill a dote. 25 cenits a box, at all deal -
R11$,1 lgps>aantan, 13atf,ft 0m., o•+
Butter loose in crook .... 0 15 to 0 16
Butter in tub •., •.... 0 "5 to 0 16
,ggs pet, doz.. # ........... 0 11 to 0 12
Hay ...... .......... 5 50, to 5 W
Wool...... .....V..•.,, 0 15 to 0 10
Live Hogs per cwb........ 0 10 to 6 25
Pork per cwt........... 5 00 to 6 00
Vlour per ewt ...... ...... 115 to 2 00
Bran per ton .......... 12 00 to 12 00
Siiorts per toll ......,.... 10 00 to 17 00'
''Wool per lb ............. 15 to 16
Peaches, basket,......... 0 40 to 0 W
ILipo Tomatoes, per bask.. 0 25 to 0 23
Plume, per baxekot........ 0 50 to 0 i:l
Th6 hi�liest!quality axle Freese made. Mice, Axle OMSO coiftitltis f?rotttid
luiea, which forma a coating on the elle, and tslal;es n perfectly atnootii.
Autface. After tha outface is formed yon Beed rise only One-half its much
Micil, Axte 'Oteas* to any, other grease. Sold cveeywllefe in couvenicut
sizes. Made by IMII CAIAL OIL CCJ.r LlmI0d
Nowdor the List 3 a s
can buy. Wool.and Union Carpets for ;less
than Mahels prices. We need the room -for
.�. -
of our C ar er S ale. �
the .display of Millinery, Every piece !!fust
o. Come at once if to in
g o11wish share
the saving:—
f g—
36 inch wide Union Carpet, in •good .qua): ty ' de A 0 �
ors of green, gold and white and red; white and
black, 411 the designs,
signs; sale price.............:
iatesc regular $5c quality to
clear at the price of a Union Carpet ............:,... 55�
36 inch Union Carpets in colors of red, gold and white
mixed, neat design, reyersible pattern, regular45c; q
Your chnice of all our very beat 2 -ply wool carpet in
Brussels designs, 36
sale price ................. I ................I..........
in assorted light dark
warranted, inches wide, in col-
ors of red and wh.t , -etc , regular value $1, to
36 inch wide Union Carpet, and
colors of red, green, gold and white mixed, ext 3 8�
go at ............. ............... :........... ........ U
your Choice of 411 our ver best English Linoleums
heavy quality, our regular 60c carpet; to clear .at. V
y that
worth today $1.25
E °
38 inch wide, all wool, warranted, 2-plyth'read, in col-
are per yard, to go durin g. th e
sale at............ 72c
I We have. handled large quanti-
ties of butter and, eggs •this sea -
OF To the busy man an accurate son. Our trade in those lines
1 watch is a necessity—not a luxu- increased largely which means We have just placed in stock
ryas some seem to think, To that our prices were right. But
utilize every moment of precious we want more butter..and bun- a large assortment of Eastman
O'KEEFE'S time, to meet trains, keep ap- dreda of dozens more of eggs and
pointments, in fact to be always Kodaks,
on time one must have a good solicit your patronage.
EXTRACT watch. Drop in and lot us talk No. 2 A. $12 00
watches to you, we are practical
OF MALT watch reppairers and you can have a 1� o. Z 10 00
the benefit of our 20 years' exper, GROCERIES No. 2 Bullseye10 00
Taken at bedtime ensures ience without charge. If you
have a watch which needs clean- A R .E FRESH No. 2 Bullaeye 8 00
healthful, refreshing sleep. ing, has any part broken or lost, No. 2 Fle:ko 5 00
or one which has been ruined by
incompetent workmen, bring it O; OLSON Brownie Kodak 1 00
Taken before meals itis an to us and we will tell you just Ic ,
excellent tonic. what tt wants and what it will Developing outfits complete
cost you.
81 -- trays, printing frames,
250. PER BOTTLE. watches examined, A SLJMMR 'TONIC in toning solutions, folio paper
+ regulated ands e t to correct tablet forth. 1Viak�s tIC�' and allphotographic su 110s
•—xx -- time FREIa of charge, folks well and kee�Si well pp
folks from being sle Call and see our stock.
Phone 2 Prescription Pharmta.cy, our ` Chemist and Druggist
These Kodaks load in broad daylight.
Jeweler and Optician ■ If it isn't an Eastman, it isn'ta Kodak,
THE Native '
r A_..®
HOT rexore.
r: Fholl hodl�
J'Wood ,
p Herb
2V GreatEngttah RenudY. s ,
WEATHER Sold and !¢commended by at
dmggletA in Canada, only roll, TABLETS WORD
able in0letne discovered filo ,
+ ekapet guaranteed to euro 611
pa old b
Still continues so VI'i' still foYmeO Sexual weakneA9 all effeotsofabn9e ]anon b for 7h dare ad an e f ABOUT
cull your attention to Cllr oresoe88, Mental worry,;3xeesnive UsoofTo• cease.te or box ,dnai.d on !.sips of /`w
bac¢o, Opium or $timnlante, me.11od on receipt ioi a resisters an►ante. 1 .rep
of lice, one solea a El, 91x, $ib. One wiltptcass = °°roe LONZ isef ser S CO-# rink, SHOES H O
aix4gtttCure, amp�tlotA lreotoany'addreds,
Tho ZVood t7omp1kay, Windsor, Ont, X17 St. Pairs 8fN.t, Montreal, causes.
GOODS sold i HovoV and Watts o&sic , drugs Combe, V. Just a word about Boys' Shoes
—9this week, We have cheaper
All fresh and reliable, ones hub .the lines that give
They are appetising and a
_ .._.- __ • - ' = beat satisfaction sell for the
� .
boor] to the weary ))cosi)- �. JACKSON 711VME T/hELE, following prices:• --
wife. Little gents' *11- o
W Youtba' 4.26,
J6 W ■ r,4+ AGENT 0- P- '`R• srr oil ns to rows o at and depart from Clinton ;Bong+ 0.•' 0
�rrr�r ,irmir 111MALe AND GODFIM31 Orvieto% If you buy one pair of these
CLINTON Goll)A EApt n1l).'eoq 7:sA a, m. Shoes you will watit another
NSR 2 u) P, m pair by and by for, they stand
.. ,. Mixed 4:25 in. b
f#oiq West, Mixed 1n 15 a, M. the rough usage of the eye.
'travellers to any part of the „ i xpress 12.55 p, m.
world should consult the ,• 10:27 P. n1. Ordered work will get prom Tct
above in reference to tickets! n DIVISION. attention. I1,e11alrtng quickly and
r fares, ate. squill llxl>re,q 7:4'� a, iu, neatly done.
A. sehool thatia doing tho bent work In business itixea
nlueatlonInCauada. 0111' tllagnifloent eat6• GfoingNorthExpress 10:15 a. in. S.
!�`1 i.�1.r r�"1i
Ia Ito f Itei1 hill infoetitatiotl. W'rito to-d6y bifxed G:Ge 11, n1. (�, \,i, UiJ.vJ L
for one. C30vorrd Callullan vollegen and Starry /�, M
itsr a A11160calt crlioola employ our gliduaten W KS O N A 0. PAT"1180N, F..It, I1ODGI WS . v.A,UN A.
tkochera- This icy oiie rtrong Voiitt all our A �'�^ out. Pewit 1'lekot Ag6nty
tptrbr, k neer Hely it pogsiblo. At f1, i)iCRSON, llfghest easll paid
W, J. )ZLIOTT,PtIfteipale A09NT Cr P Ra Dletrlct 1.a (Ml bee ArlontlToronto, for Lgge
Death of a Pioneer. I "Treylti'.y to 1FhR I �.► �►�w ^�r%+��►. •► w�'fn1► �"�r+�I✓�*w�M ^�41►1r1r�
Death hay been unusually active in Soul O Wit. r McKINNON
this locality, said the Hanover Poet in .�,.,,,,,,,,,�,,,
its lastissuo. At the venerable age of ■
76 years lila. John AfoNally passed away F fit 0 ndsdom. Blood t* Iffo, knpars
at his home here at one o'clock last blood (a ))piny death, Health depends
Thursday afternoon, Ile had been ail• on blood. Aiscasg is dug tc bad A
ing for the past two years, but, was not bl ?'hg blood can be purified.
confined to his bed until about three cey�ng „� Hooas's ,Sarna Amer* IT IS OUR INTEREST
weeks ago. Since then it war: only too pa>"IIla,
apparent to his relativeskin a d very A b f slaty Blood Ajo&r iho isle,
that. ho was steadilyainkfn and ver .L brie story bet K le1G !hg lain,
little hope was entertained for his re- Nervous Weakness -"I srrffirse1
oovery, Ito was an Irishman, born and ''PV'e must give you the be9t of everything in Dry
bred, with all the general impulses from nervous -weakness And loss of appe.
charaoteristio of the race. when he fete. My blood,wits impure, my stomach Goods,Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, Boots and ,Shoes,
had attained the age of twonty years disordered and I could not sleep, _ Ho6Xr. Groceries, et0„ and sell them to you at a right price, Our
he left his native land and •sail ed for Sarsapartllx has cored mo enffrety,'e motive is RelAsh, but you get the benefit, No dealer in
this oounty;,Landing at Now York liSrs. ls. I,oc�:avaod, $cllevUler Ont. the count will show 0 ,
he made his way to the oounty 9fPeter- y you more attractive styles and
boyo, where he bought a farm and lived 12b. we are sure none can oiler you l( - 'el' prices. For rail our
there for a number of years. Ila stocks are .exceptionally complete, better, we think than
came up to these parts when it was , , � l) , a � 1 -
still "the bush" and did many a bard - ever, before In the history of this store. We would a8k
day's work, as all pioneers were com- - special'attention to our stock of New Mantles and Jackets
palled to do, He owned the farm now )flonsalt, which 'we.11ave just opened up, Also our New Drews
the property of Aamuei Taeger, and .�
also the farm on which Mr. Trusslor res Goods in all the latest designs and fabrics. We will be
sides, the briolc residence of which he H. Cantelon's son from Toronto, who `�"
built. About five years ago he moved has been visiting here for some time, pleased to have you call and see them whether you 'are
Into town to spend the remainder of happened gwith a serious accident, prepared to b or not.
quietly. eased twas twice While riding a wheel in the neighbor.
his life c uietl Dea hood of Bsucefield he. accidental)
married. IIis first union was blessed hy col -Ladies' Jackets in black and brown Beaver, high sterna} n � O,
with four children, ;They were Lizzie lided with a sheep!.whieh was on the collar, metal buttons .
(Mrs. Spicer,) Annie, William of bull. road and. was thrown with such violenoe Ladies' Jackets, Vicuna Cloth, box f: oiit, storm collar, 3 75
gannon and Andrew of Blyth. All sur- that his shoulder was dislocated. He metal buttons... "........ ........ . .,
vive their parents and all are married. is very near Bighted, which accounts Smart Beaver Jackets, in black, fawn and brown, velvet
His second marriage was blessed by for the noofdent, collar, mercerized lining ............... . .
three children, Aiaggie (Mrs. A. J, On Monday Mr. Rivers reeeiyed the Very stylish Jackets, trimmed'with satin and sontaeb 0
Crossman,) Charlotte (Mrs. Charles sad intelligence from Rapid City, Man., mercerized lining, fancy buttons. ... , 7.150
Bradwin and Alex, They also _with of the death of his brother Thomas a All^,wool Kersey Jackets, inlaid yelvet collar, carved 10 00
their mother, survive Mr. McNally. It that place. The deceased had been en- pearl buttons, mercerized lining_ ..... , . , .
is a strange coincidence that Air. Tel- gaged in buying grain. "Ile contracted r ` -" _ . _ _ .. _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ • _ _� ��
ford of Walkerton and Mr. McNally typhoid fevor, which caused his death. n
both passed. away on the same day, .as He was 41 years of age and unmarried. M KI N N O N . & CO.� - B L,YT H
they are relatives and both have been Will Moore, who has been in the em
ailing for a long time. A faithful, ear Ploy of I Raunie as salesman
nest Christian, Mr. McNally was a mega- past $ve years, left for Minneapolis,
her of the Presbyterian church for Minn., where be. has secured a good•••••••••••®•••••••••••••••�•••�••••••••••••tt••••�•••
many years. Of the strictest integrity Position with the. Minneapolis • Dry •
and honesty and of the largest charity Goode Company. • •
he had no enemies, while his friends Miss Kate Hodgins, who has been a i
could only be counted by the number very ill for some time, was brought o �U�� h •
with who he became acquainted. In home on Friday from Toronto, where •S-. •V lothl��Blythnshe has resided for some months. V .� •
politics he was aConservative- Ile was s • .
buried by the Orangemen, of which Mrs. bred. Arnold, who has been at- •
Society he was a member forfifty years, tending the millinery openings at Tor -
The funeral took place at 2.30 o'clock onto and Buffalo, also visiting at Nia- 0 •
on Saturday, the remains being inter- gara, has returned home. I N ORDERED CLOTHING
red in the Hanover cemetery, Rev, A. A. Goetz arrived in town after • •
Mr. Craigia officiated at the services at spending about two months in Great • •
house and rave. The funeral was Britain and the continent, •
largely attended. The bereaved rola- Miss Twitohell of Clinton has taken a • •
tives have the symi athy of the com position in John Pope's establishment. •
munity in their loss; as well as the con. �,�, • •
solation that a well fought fight has had The three principal reasons why we excel are :-1—Our stock is o
its righteous reward, Brussels.. • •
• large and well selected 1 2—Our fits are neat and snug 3—Our •
The sidewalk contractor is now build- • •
Luoknow. ing a -walk on Mill street east and with prices are right. All three appeal to the man whe intends buy.
the exception of some private walks this • •.
News has just reached here from' is expeoted to be the last 'of the walks • . „-ing a suit or overcoat ani) explain why our business continues to. •
Spokane, Washington State, of the to .be built this season. There has been • •
death of Air.. Allin Macdonald, who is built this year, not counting private grow. We quote a few prices this week and have many more i
well and favorably known in Lucknow walks, about 28 miles. In. all. 13 oar
and surrounding district; baying been loads of cement were used. Brussels j. like these in, our store :—
engaged for.:many years fn the meroan has now about 5's miles of cement walks • •
the business in this place. But on and in this respect probably leads 'any.
accoun, of declining health he sold out place of its size in the province,. • Black Worsted Suits, with Italian lining •
here and went to California, where, up On Saturday the real estate belong • and double stitched edges, sack or. body •
to 'two years ago, he was engaged in Ing to the late George Baeker was offer. 49' coat, price $14,
orange cultivation, but where hie nealth, ed for sale by auction. The only :lot • •
fah' had for time improved, began • Scotch Tweed Suits, in brown, green and o
which h P , g Bold'was the one at,the river. (here • grey, serge lining, single or double breast- •
again to fail, he disposed of his orange was keen competition for it, the bowling • ed; price $13. •
grove and inade a tour of the peace' al club wanting it for a bowling lawn: It • -•
coast,: settling in Spokane, where on went to Reeve Thomson for, $105. The Fall Overcoats, in Whipcord, and Vene- i
the seyenth of August fief passed into 'store and storehouse were withdrawn, • tians with lining to.match, from $10 to •
rest, not reaching the reserve bid, and the1g
Mrs. Annie Smith, who has been lives : old skating rink lot was bought in for • i
Ing with her daughter, Mrs: Norms," Alf. Baekerat $150. •
Matheson of. this village, passed away Thomas Dennison, who moved . to : NEW FASHION PLATE I#AS JUST ARRIVED. .. i
last Th deoeas• •
on Sunday. morning . e Brussels from McBillopabout two • • i
ed had .Been ailing -for the past two. ago, died on. Thursday after, a lingering • • r
months, but took suddenly . worse on illness, `.lie was a sufferer from con o •
Friday last and kept sinking until 'Sun* sumption and had been unable to work a S. ! u • ■ G I Vn LE.Y, B L■YT H • o
day morning, when she passed away:before moving to Brussels: • •
On Friday last the sad intelligence James Kelly intends to move to the•••••••••••�Osoo�••••••a•�o•o••t•�tr•�••�•••••tr•�o•
that Mr.. H. P. O'Connori the . great West in about a month. Ilia family are
criminal lawyer and one of the most are now.nearly all in Manitoba or the
prominent and popular citizens in Bruce Rat Portage district and Mr, and Mrs.
county, had passed away.at his home in Belly have decided to move too.
Walkerton. Mr. O'Connor, while out
horse=back riding on Sunday'last, bis: - -T
horse stumbled and ,fell upon him,
H A R. D A,, R. E
causing such internal injuries as to re-
in his death on Thursday morning. A rumor was going the rounds : trite
suit q
.. f�
Distressingly too soon one of natures freely. -this week3that A. R.. McDonald,
little gentlemen passed into the Great who formerly kept a flour and feed
Beyond in the person of Mr. Bert Mo, store.here,had been killed in Manitoba. Headquarters for all kinds of
Corvie, at his mother's residence in this . We are .pleased to learn that the,. Mr.
village bn the: morning of the 6th' inst. McDonald who was killed had no con. Hardware Hinges Ti1lpPare
Born and 'reared in this village, it is ne.ction with our A. R. McDonald,
pleasant to record that he. always' was A: quiet wedding took place in Win- Nails Glass LoekS
an honor to a noble mother, ((hod bless nipeg on September 1st, The bride White Lead & Oils' Screed Doors and Windows
and sustain her) a oredit to the'_ com- was'a former Wingham lady, Mrs. John
unity in which he lived and a niver• Gregory, who until recently res idea Daisy Churns Blue Flame i7Pickless Oil Stoves `
sal favorite with everyone with whom with her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Mason of All Kinds Wire Fencing
he name in ooritact. The deceased; town,' The groom was Mr,
;Tompkins, a • '
was a nephew of Mr. D.'. MoCorvie of well-to-do farmer of the 'vicinity of Celebrated Sherwin Williams Mid ecl Paints, .
Clinton. Nesbitt,.
On Tuesday Mr. James McClusky of John McDonogh, of the G, T: R. staff Agents for .the American, Field Fence, jhe. best fence- in the
this village had the misfortune to have here, hada critical operation performed world. It is horse proof, bull pr:)of hog proof, pig anO
his arm dislocated at the elbow by the on Monday last.for the removal of ar '
belt of his engine at the shingle mill large tumor. The surgeons were, Dr, dog tight, extreme cold or heat does not draw it out c,f
breaking and striking him on the arm,' T. Chisholm, Wingham, and Dr. Gunn shape, it stays Where it's put. C ill and see it.
Mr. Kenneth Bunter of this village of Clinton, the physicians for the G, T,
brought to the Sentinel offide. on Mon- R, A few Royal. American Clothes Wringei s'at $2.85, while thea
day last a sunflower stalk, . nine feet Gavin Wilson joking remarked the last.
high and whioh contained over sixty other day that he thought September,
eads of ededs. Who can beat it? 1900, was made specially for rural A few odd shades Ready -Mixed `Paints At a big discount.
_ school teachers, for it has five Saturdays . Lawn Mowers at reduced prices t0 clear 'Out.
five^Sundays, and as°if that were not
whitechuarCh, enough holidays, another holiday, 1 only Fireproof Safe, regular price $35, for $27.00
Labor Day, wag thrown in.
The home of Mr. W. Knew, G. T. Catherine MeTaggartdied at the home
R. agent at Whitechuroh, was the of her . daughter, Mrs. McTa visit, on HARLAND B
scene of a happy event on Wednesday Monday morning, aged '85 years: Do -
of last week, when his second eldest ,eased had resided Hoar Ripley. HEADQUARTERS FOR STONES AND HARDWARE
daughter, Miss Annie, was united in --�--
marriage to Mr. J. E. Skolding of ITCHING PILhS - - -
Shelburne. The ceremony was per,
formed by Rev. Mr. Leach, uncle of Cho Mr. O. P. St. John, Dominion In -
bride, assisted by Rov. A, 1. Brown of Spector of Steamboats, 246 Shaw G
Whitechurch. The bride looked very street, .Toronto, writes :—"I suffered I When in need of Furniture• buy from us and you will be sure to get good
pretty, dressed in white organdle and for nine years with itching. plies. Af- value for your money. We have the reputation of making Goods that are our -
lace, and was assisted by her sister, ter trying many remedies in vain,I b e- passed by none. TRASHY Furniture and SLOP Work is not allowed to enter
Miss May, while the groom was assisted gan to use Dr. Chase's Ointment and our warerooms.
by his brother, Arthur. After the in- it hag entirely enred me." More peopple JUBILEE. RECLINING CHAIR
teresting ceremony the pretty group have been cured of piles by using Dr. This is the very latest thing for a Lawn and one of 'the most comfortable
Was photographed by Mr. Zurbrigg, and Chase's Ointment than by all other Chairs oyer made for that purpose. Ask to see them.
then the guests sat down to a ahoioe treatments eombined. It never fails
repast. Showers of rice. and good wish- to cure piles, + UNDERTAKING
to followed the bride ' and groom on For Over Fifty Years In this department we carry a complete stock of Funeral Supplies. Good
their trip .to Toledo and other cities. Hearses and Outfit. Charges moderate.
On their return they will settle in Shel- Mug -W`
N9LOw'9 8aaralN6 SYnvr has hoes
used by millions of mothers for their children BR O /�/y D FO OT' BOX Q_ 0 O m
borne. The presents were costly and while teething: IE disturbed at night and h ai V
numerous.brolton of your rest by a sick child sufferin
and oryfng with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send at
Avery quiet wedding took place at : once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win9low's sooth• J• Chlaleye Manager
the home of Air, and Mrs. .lames Me- Ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re-
Clenaghan on Wednesday avenin ,Se t. re-
lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Do- Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our
y g P ondupon it mothers, there is no mistake about Funeral Director, J.W. Uhidley King St., opposite Foundry.
5th, whet their daughter,Mary Ann,was Pt, It euros Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach
united in marriage to Robb J. Dobie, and bowels, oures vbin Colic, softens the
our suis) hardware merchant. The coins,redueesinflammation,andglvestoneand _
g onel��yy to the whole systom. MMrs. Winslbw's
ceremony was performed by the Rev. boot}'in Syrue" for ohndren toething is plea -
A. I. Brown, M. A, The happy couple eant to tie taste and is the presorfption of one
of the Oldest and best female physicians and
left next,morning for Niagaral±alis, Tor -nurses is Ilio United States. Price twmityflve
onto and other eastern Cities. Their ccn;sanbottlo. Sold by all druggists through- °
numerous friends wish them a pleasant out the world." ilo euro and ask for "Mrs.
trip and a happy life. til INSLow's 9ooanlNa svlttrn,
The "Winnipeg Independent Labor ,
l�a�rt have unanimously renominated
What You Pay Mr. uttee, M.P. for the Commons.
When you need medicine you should
For Medicineexperienceget the beat that money can buy, and
proves this to be Hoodos
Is no Test of its OurAtiVA Value—Pre+
versus or. chaise'!* Kidney- CLINTOX 11d.ARKET REPORTSl1r0r
w�li s
Dr. Chase's TZidney-Lever Pills a.re tCorrootod scary Nodnoadav atEornoon)
mu •,
just as ch a doctoeg p eserlptlon• a. Wheat ................... 0 05 to 0 60
any formula voUr family physicians
icfau ran
Goosese Vheat..,.,......,
b 05 to 0 CO
give you. Chodifference, iq that Dr.
chase's itidney-Liver Pllli were per- Barley ............. 0 38 to 0 40
tected after the formula had brovan it- pats., . • I .. , .... .. 0 28 to 0 28
colt of lnestimabfo value in scores of Peaa........ ............. 0 57 to 0 00
hundreds of cases. . , 0 40 to P 40
Dr. Chase won almost as much gallti- Itye......................
ability to cure kidney ..... 0 40 to 0 40
Parity from hlir Y potatoes per bushel..
dideage, liver complaint, and backaehe,'
with this formula, as ho did from the
Oubllca•tlon of hit frraat reelpe beak.
The Idea of one treatment roathlna
,the kidneys and livor at tho same elm•
Was ori incl with Dr. OhMe. it ao-
eeyntr for the )success of I)r, Cbaeo'ei
X1 nity-Liver Plus in curing the motet
eomplicwted ailments of the 111t( 111119
organs, and every form of baokache.�
AAt a. fancily medicine Dr, Chase et
9..ldneyy-i iv" Pills are unapproaehed.
`hey knelt lite kidneys liver, and bow-
els healthy, active, and regular, and eo
rovent and our uino-tenths of the
a lift to which hufflanity It subject. Ono
r1,Ill a dote. 25 cenits a box, at all deal -
R11$,1 lgps>aantan, 13atf,ft 0m., o•+
Butter loose in crook .... 0 15 to 0 16
Butter in tub •., •.... 0 "5 to 0 16
,ggs pet, doz.. # ........... 0 11 to 0 12
Hay ...... .......... 5 50, to 5 W
Wool...... .....V..•.,, 0 15 to 0 10
Live Hogs per cwb........ 0 10 to 6 25
Pork per cwt........... 5 00 to 6 00
Vlour per ewt ...... ...... 115 to 2 00
Bran per ton .......... 12 00 to 12 00
Siiorts per toll ......,.... 10 00 to 17 00'
''Wool per lb ............. 15 to 16
Peaches, basket,......... 0 40 to 0 W
ILipo Tomatoes, per bask.. 0 25 to 0 23
Plume, per baxekot........ 0 50 to 0 i:l
Th6 hi�liest!quality axle Freese made. Mice, Axle OMSO coiftitltis f?rotttid
luiea, which forma a coating on the elle, and tslal;es n perfectly atnootii.
Autface. After tha outface is formed yon Beed rise only One-half its much
Micil, Axte 'Oteas* to any, other grease. Sold cveeywllefe in couvenicut
sizes. Made by IMII CAIAL OIL CCJ.r LlmI0d
I We have. handled large quanti-
ties of butter and, eggs •this sea -
OF To the busy man an accurate son. Our trade in those lines
1 watch is a necessity—not a luxu- increased largely which means We have just placed in stock
ryas some seem to think, To that our prices were right. But
utilize every moment of precious we want more butter..and bun- a large assortment of Eastman
O'KEEFE'S time, to meet trains, keep ap- dreda of dozens more of eggs and
pointments, in fact to be always Kodaks,
on time one must have a good solicit your patronage.
EXTRACT watch. Drop in and lot us talk No. 2 A. $12 00
watches to you, we are practical
OF MALT watch reppairers and you can have a 1� o. Z 10 00
the benefit of our 20 years' exper, GROCERIES No. 2 Bullseye10 00
Taken at bedtime ensures ience without charge. If you
have a watch which needs clean- A R .E FRESH No. 2 Bullaeye 8 00
healthful, refreshing sleep. ing, has any part broken or lost, No. 2 Fle:ko 5 00
or one which has been ruined by
incompetent workmen, bring it O; OLSON Brownie Kodak 1 00
Taken before meals itis an to us and we will tell you just Ic ,
excellent tonic. what tt wants and what it will Developing outfits complete
cost you.
81 -- trays, printing frames,
250. PER BOTTLE. watches examined, A SLJMMR 'TONIC in toning solutions, folio paper
+ regulated ands e t to correct tablet forth. 1Viak�s tIC�' and allphotographic su 110s
•—xx -- time FREIa of charge, folks well and kee�Si well pp
folks from being sle Call and see our stock.
Phone 2 Prescription Pharmta.cy, our ` Chemist and Druggist
These Kodaks load in broad daylight.
Jeweler and Optician ■ If it isn't an Eastman, it isn'ta Kodak,
THE Native '
r A_..®
HOT rexore.
r: Fholl hodl�
J'Wood ,
p Herb
2V GreatEngttah RenudY. s ,
WEATHER Sold and !¢commended by at
dmggletA in Canada, only roll, TABLETS WORD
able in0letne discovered filo ,
+ ekapet guaranteed to euro 611
pa old b
Still continues so VI'i' still foYmeO Sexual weakneA9 all effeotsofabn9e ]anon b for 7h dare ad an e f ABOUT
cull your attention to Cllr oresoe88, Mental worry,;3xeesnive UsoofTo• cease.te or box ,dnai.d on !.sips of /`w
bac¢o, Opium or $timnlante, me.11od on receipt ioi a resisters an►ante. 1 .rep
of lice, one solea a El, 91x, $ib. One wiltptcass = °°roe LONZ isef ser S CO-# rink, SHOES H O
aix4gtttCure, amp�tlotA lreotoany'addreds,
Tho ZVood t7omp1kay, Windsor, Ont, X17 St. Pairs 8fN.t, Montreal, causes.
GOODS sold i HovoV and Watts o&sic , drugs Combe, V. Just a word about Boys' Shoes
—9this week, We have cheaper
All fresh and reliable, ones hub .the lines that give
They are appetising and a
_ .._.- __ • - ' = beat satisfaction sell for the
� .
boor] to the weary ))cosi)- �. JACKSON 711VME T/hELE, following prices:• --
wife. Little gents' *11- o
W Youtba' 4.26,
J6 W ■ r,4+ AGENT 0- P- '`R• srr oil ns to rows o at and depart from Clinton ;Bong+ 0.•' 0
�rrr�r ,irmir 111MALe AND GODFIM31 Orvieto% If you buy one pair of these
CLINTON Goll)A EApt n1l).'eoq 7:sA a, m. Shoes you will watit another
NSR 2 u) P, m pair by and by for, they stand
.. ,. Mixed 4:25 in. b
f#oiq West, Mixed 1n 15 a, M. the rough usage of the eye.
'travellers to any part of the „ i xpress 12.55 p, m.
world should consult the ,• 10:27 P. n1. Ordered work will get prom Tct
above in reference to tickets! n DIVISION. attention. I1,e11alrtng quickly and
r fares, ate. squill llxl>re,q 7:4'� a, iu, neatly done.
A. sehool thatia doing tho bent work In business itixea
nlueatlonInCauada. 0111' tllagnifloent eat6• GfoingNorthExpress 10:15 a. in. S.
!�`1 i.�1.r r�"1i
Ia Ito f Itei1 hill infoetitatiotl. W'rito to-d6y bifxed G:Ge 11, n1. (�, \,i, UiJ.vJ L
for one. C30vorrd Callullan vollegen and Starry /�, M
itsr a A11160calt crlioola employ our gliduaten W KS O N A 0. PAT"1180N, F..It, I1ODGI WS . v.A,UN A.
tkochera- This icy oiie rtrong Voiitt all our A �'�^ out. Pewit 1'lekot Ag6nty
tptrbr, k neer Hely it pogsiblo. At f1, i)iCRSON, llfghest easll paid
W, J. )ZLIOTT,PtIfteipale A09NT Cr P Ra Dletrlct 1.a (Ml bee ArlontlToronto, for Lgge
Death of a Pioneer. I "Treylti'.y to 1FhR I �.► �►�w ^�r%+��►. •► w�'fn1► �"�r+�I✓�*w�M ^�41►1r1r�
Death hay been unusually active in Soul O Wit. r McKINNON
this locality, said the Hanover Poet in .�,.,,,,,,,,,�,,,
its lastissuo. At the venerable age of ■
76 years lila. John AfoNally passed away F fit 0 ndsdom. Blood t* Iffo, knpars
at his home here at one o'clock last blood (a ))piny death, Health depends
Thursday afternoon, Ile had been ail• on blood. Aiscasg is dug tc bad A
ing for the past two years, but, was not bl ?'hg blood can be purified.
confined to his bed until about three cey�ng „� Hooas's ,Sarna Amer* IT IS OUR INTEREST
weeks ago. Since then it war: only too pa>"IIla,
apparent to his relativeskin a d very A b f slaty Blood Ajo&r iho isle,
that. ho was steadilyainkfn and ver .L brie story bet K le1G !hg lain,
little hope was entertained for his re- Nervous Weakness -"I srrffirse1
oovery, Ito was an Irishman, born and ''PV'e must give you the be9t of everything in Dry
bred, with all the general impulses from nervous -weakness And loss of appe.
charaoteristio of the race. when he fete. My blood,wits impure, my stomach Goods,Millinery, Mantles, Clothing, Boots and ,Shoes,
had attained the age of twonty years disordered and I could not sleep, _ Ho6Xr. Groceries, et0„ and sell them to you at a right price, Our
he left his native land and •sail ed for Sarsapartllx has cored mo enffrety,'e motive is RelAsh, but you get the benefit, No dealer in
this oounty;,Landing at Now York liSrs. ls. I,oc�:avaod, $cllevUler Ont. the count will show 0 ,
he made his way to the oounty 9fPeter- y you more attractive styles and
boyo, where he bought a farm and lived 12b. we are sure none can oiler you l( - 'el' prices. For rail our
there for a number of years. Ila stocks are .exceptionally complete, better, we think than
came up to these parts when it was , , � l) , a � 1 -
still "the bush" and did many a bard - ever, before In the history of this store. We would a8k
day's work, as all pioneers were com- - special'attention to our stock of New Mantles and Jackets
palled to do, He owned the farm now )flonsalt, which 'we.11ave just opened up, Also our New Drews
the property of Aamuei Taeger, and .�
also the farm on which Mr. Trusslor res Goods in all the latest designs and fabrics. We will be
sides, the briolc residence of which he H. Cantelon's son from Toronto, who `�"
built. About five years ago he moved has been visiting here for some time, pleased to have you call and see them whether you 'are
Into town to spend the remainder of happened gwith a serious accident, prepared to b or not.
quietly. eased twas twice While riding a wheel in the neighbor.
his life c uietl Dea hood of Bsucefield he. accidental)
married. IIis first union was blessed hy col -Ladies' Jackets in black and brown Beaver, high sterna} n � O,
with four children, ;They were Lizzie lided with a sheep!.whieh was on the collar, metal buttons .
(Mrs. Spicer,) Annie, William of bull. road and. was thrown with such violenoe Ladies' Jackets, Vicuna Cloth, box f: oiit, storm collar, 3 75
gannon and Andrew of Blyth. All sur- that his shoulder was dislocated. He metal buttons... "........ ........ . .,
vive their parents and all are married. is very near Bighted, which accounts Smart Beaver Jackets, in black, fawn and brown, velvet
His second marriage was blessed by for the noofdent, collar, mercerized lining ............... . .
three children, Aiaggie (Mrs. A. J, On Monday Mr. Rivers reeeiyed the Very stylish Jackets, trimmed'with satin and sontaeb 0
Crossman,) Charlotte (Mrs. Charles sad intelligence from Rapid City, Man., mercerized lining, fancy buttons. ... , 7.150
Bradwin and Alex, They also _with of the death of his brother Thomas a All^,wool Kersey Jackets, inlaid yelvet collar, carved 10 00
their mother, survive Mr. McNally. It that place. The deceased had been en- pearl buttons, mercerized lining_ ..... , . , .
is a strange coincidence that Air. Tel- gaged in buying grain. "Ile contracted r ` -" _ . _ _ .. _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ • _ _� ��
ford of Walkerton and Mr. McNally typhoid fevor, which caused his death. n
both passed. away on the same day, .as He was 41 years of age and unmarried. M KI N N O N . & CO.� - B L,YT H
they are relatives and both have been Will Moore, who has been in the em
ailing for a long time. A faithful, ear Ploy of I Raunie as salesman
nest Christian, Mr. McNally was a mega- past $ve years, left for Minneapolis,
her of the Presbyterian church for Minn., where be. has secured a good•••••••••••®•••••••••••••••�•••�••••••••••••tt••••�•••
many years. Of the strictest integrity Position with the. Minneapolis • Dry •
and honesty and of the largest charity Goode Company. • •
he had no enemies, while his friends Miss Kate Hodgins, who has been a i
could only be counted by the number very ill for some time, was brought o �U�� h •
with who he became acquainted. In home on Friday from Toronto, where •S-. •V lothl��Blythnshe has resided for some months. V .� •
politics he was aConservative- Ile was s • .
buried by the Orangemen, of which Mrs. bred. Arnold, who has been at- •
Society he was a member forfifty years, tending the millinery openings at Tor -
The funeral took place at 2.30 o'clock onto and Buffalo, also visiting at Nia- 0 •
on Saturday, the remains being inter- gara, has returned home. I N ORDERED CLOTHING
red in the Hanover cemetery, Rev, A. A. Goetz arrived in town after • •
Mr. Craigia officiated at the services at spending about two months in Great • •
house and rave. The funeral was Britain and the continent, •
largely attended. The bereaved rola- Miss Twitohell of Clinton has taken a • •
tives have the symi athy of the com position in John Pope's establishment. •
munity in their loss; as well as the con. �,�, • •
solation that a well fought fight has had The three principal reasons why we excel are :-1—Our stock is o
its righteous reward, Brussels.. • •
• large and well selected 1 2—Our fits are neat and snug 3—Our •
The sidewalk contractor is now build- • •
Luoknow. ing a -walk on Mill street east and with prices are right. All three appeal to the man whe intends buy.
the exception of some private walks this • •.
News has just reached here from' is expeoted to be the last 'of the walks • . „-ing a suit or overcoat ani) explain why our business continues to. •
Spokane, Washington State, of the to .be built this season. There has been • •
death of Air.. Allin Macdonald, who is built this year, not counting private grow. We quote a few prices this week and have many more i
well and favorably known in Lucknow walks, about 28 miles. In. all. 13 oar
and surrounding district; baying been loads of cement were used. Brussels j. like these in, our store :—
engaged for.:many years fn the meroan has now about 5's miles of cement walks • •
the business in this place. But on and in this respect probably leads 'any.
accoun, of declining health he sold out place of its size in the province,. • Black Worsted Suits, with Italian lining •
here and went to California, where, up On Saturday the real estate belong • and double stitched edges, sack or. body •
to 'two years ago, he was engaged in Ing to the late George Baeker was offer. 49' coat, price $14,
orange cultivation, but where hie nealth, ed for sale by auction. The only :lot • •
fah' had for time improved, began • Scotch Tweed Suits, in brown, green and o
which h P , g Bold'was the one at,the river. (here • grey, serge lining, single or double breast- •
again to fail, he disposed of his orange was keen competition for it, the bowling • ed; price $13. •
grove and inade a tour of the peace' al club wanting it for a bowling lawn: It • -•
coast,: settling in Spokane, where on went to Reeve Thomson for, $105. The Fall Overcoats, in Whipcord, and Vene- i
the seyenth of August fief passed into 'store and storehouse were withdrawn, • tians with lining to.match, from $10 to •
rest, not reaching the reserve bid, and the1g
Mrs. Annie Smith, who has been lives : old skating rink lot was bought in for • i
Ing with her daughter, Mrs: Norms," Alf. Baekerat $150. •
Matheson of. this village, passed away Thomas Dennison, who moved . to : NEW FASHION PLATE I#AS JUST ARRIVED. .. i
last Th deoeas• •
on Sunday. morning . e Brussels from McBillopabout two • • i
ed had .Been ailing -for the past two. ago, died on. Thursday after, a lingering • • r
months, but took suddenly . worse on illness, `.lie was a sufferer from con o •
Friday last and kept sinking until 'Sun* sumption and had been unable to work a S. ! u • ■ G I Vn LE.Y, B L■YT H • o
day morning, when she passed away:before moving to Brussels: • •
On Friday last the sad intelligence James Kelly intends to move to the•••••••••••�Osoo�••••••a•�o•o••t•�tr•�••�•••••tr•�o•
that Mr.. H. P. O'Connori the . great West in about a month. Ilia family are
criminal lawyer and one of the most are now.nearly all in Manitoba or the
prominent and popular citizens in Bruce Rat Portage district and Mr, and Mrs.
county, had passed away.at his home in Belly have decided to move too.
Walkerton. Mr. O'Connor, while out
horse=back riding on Sunday'last, bis: - -T
horse stumbled and ,fell upon him,
H A R. D A,, R. E
causing such internal injuries as to re-
in his death on Thursday morning. A rumor was going the rounds : trite
suit q
.. f�
Distressingly too soon one of natures freely. -this week3that A. R.. McDonald,
little gentlemen passed into the Great who formerly kept a flour and feed
Beyond in the person of Mr. Bert Mo, store.here,had been killed in Manitoba. Headquarters for all kinds of
Corvie, at his mother's residence in this . We are .pleased to learn that the,. Mr.
village bn the: morning of the 6th' inst. McDonald who was killed had no con. Hardware Hinges Ti1lpPare
Born and 'reared in this village, it is ne.ction with our A. R. McDonald,
pleasant to record that he. always' was A: quiet wedding took place in Win- Nails Glass LoekS
an honor to a noble mother, ((hod bless nipeg on September 1st, The bride White Lead & Oils' Screed Doors and Windows
and sustain her) a oredit to the'_ com- was'a former Wingham lady, Mrs. John
unity in which he lived and a niver• Gregory, who until recently res idea Daisy Churns Blue Flame i7Pickless Oil Stoves `
sal favorite with everyone with whom with her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Mason of All Kinds Wire Fencing
he name in ooritact. The deceased; town,' The groom was Mr,
;Tompkins, a • '
was a nephew of Mr. D.'. MoCorvie of well-to-do farmer of the 'vicinity of Celebrated Sherwin Williams Mid ecl Paints, .
Clinton. Nesbitt,.
On Tuesday Mr. James McClusky of John McDonogh, of the G, T: R. staff Agents for .the American, Field Fence, jhe. best fence- in the
this village had the misfortune to have here, hada critical operation performed world. It is horse proof, bull pr:)of hog proof, pig anO
his arm dislocated at the elbow by the on Monday last.for the removal of ar '
belt of his engine at the shingle mill large tumor. The surgeons were, Dr, dog tight, extreme cold or heat does not draw it out c,f
breaking and striking him on the arm,' T. Chisholm, Wingham, and Dr. Gunn shape, it stays Where it's put. C ill and see it.
Mr. Kenneth Bunter of this village of Clinton, the physicians for the G, T,
brought to the Sentinel offide. on Mon- R, A few Royal. American Clothes Wringei s'at $2.85, while thea
day last a sunflower stalk, . nine feet Gavin Wilson joking remarked the last.
high and whioh contained over sixty other day that he thought September,
eads of ededs. Who can beat it? 1900, was made specially for rural A few odd shades Ready -Mixed `Paints At a big discount.
_ school teachers, for it has five Saturdays . Lawn Mowers at reduced prices t0 clear 'Out.
five^Sundays, and as°if that were not
whitechuarCh, enough holidays, another holiday, 1 only Fireproof Safe, regular price $35, for $27.00
Labor Day, wag thrown in.
The home of Mr. W. Knew, G. T. Catherine MeTaggartdied at the home
R. agent at Whitechuroh, was the of her . daughter, Mrs. McTa visit, on HARLAND B
scene of a happy event on Wednesday Monday morning, aged '85 years: Do -
of last week, when his second eldest ,eased had resided Hoar Ripley. HEADQUARTERS FOR STONES AND HARDWARE
daughter, Miss Annie, was united in --�--
marriage to Mr. J. E. Skolding of ITCHING PILhS - - -
Shelburne. The ceremony was per,
formed by Rev. Mr. Leach, uncle of Cho Mr. O. P. St. John, Dominion In -
bride, assisted by Rov. A, 1. Brown of Spector of Steamboats, 246 Shaw G
Whitechurch. The bride looked very street, .Toronto, writes :—"I suffered I When in need of Furniture• buy from us and you will be sure to get good
pretty, dressed in white organdle and for nine years with itching. plies. Af- value for your money. We have the reputation of making Goods that are our -
lace, and was assisted by her sister, ter trying many remedies in vain,I b e- passed by none. TRASHY Furniture and SLOP Work is not allowed to enter
Miss May, while the groom was assisted gan to use Dr. Chase's Ointment and our warerooms.
by his brother, Arthur. After the in- it hag entirely enred me." More peopple JUBILEE. RECLINING CHAIR
teresting ceremony the pretty group have been cured of piles by using Dr. This is the very latest thing for a Lawn and one of 'the most comfortable
Was photographed by Mr. Zurbrigg, and Chase's Ointment than by all other Chairs oyer made for that purpose. Ask to see them.
then the guests sat down to a ahoioe treatments eombined. It never fails
repast. Showers of rice. and good wish- to cure piles, + UNDERTAKING
to followed the bride ' and groom on For Over Fifty Years In this department we carry a complete stock of Funeral Supplies. Good
their trip .to Toledo and other cities. Hearses and Outfit. Charges moderate.
On their return they will settle in Shel- Mug -W`
N9LOw'9 8aaralN6 SYnvr has hoes
used by millions of mothers for their children BR O /�/y D FO OT' BOX Q_ 0 O m
borne. The presents were costly and while teething: IE disturbed at night and h ai V
numerous.brolton of your rest by a sick child sufferin
and oryfng with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send at
Avery quiet wedding took place at : once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win9low's sooth• J• Chlaleye Manager
the home of Air, and Mrs. .lames Me- Ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re-
Clenaghan on Wednesday avenin ,Se t. re-
lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Do- Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our
y g P ondupon it mothers, there is no mistake about Funeral Director, J.W. Uhidley King St., opposite Foundry.
5th, whet their daughter,Mary Ann,was Pt, It euros Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach
united in marriage to Robb J. Dobie, and bowels, oures vbin Colic, softens the
our suis) hardware merchant. The coins,redueesinflammation,andglvestoneand _
g onel��yy to the whole systom. MMrs. Winslbw's
ceremony was performed by the Rev. boot}'in Syrue" for ohndren toething is plea -
A. I. Brown, M. A, The happy couple eant to tie taste and is the presorfption of one
of the Oldest and best female physicians and
left next,morning for Niagaral±alis, Tor -nurses is Ilio United States. Price twmityflve
onto and other eastern Cities. Their ccn;sanbottlo. Sold by all druggists through- °
numerous friends wish them a pleasant out the world." ilo euro and ask for "Mrs.
trip and a happy life. til INSLow's 9ooanlNa svlttrn,
The "Winnipeg Independent Labor ,
l�a�rt have unanimously renominated
What You Pay Mr. uttee, M.P. for the Commons.
When you need medicine you should
For Medicineexperienceget the beat that money can buy, and
proves this to be Hoodos
Is no Test of its OurAtiVA Value—Pre+
versus or. chaise'!* Kidney- CLINTOX 11d.ARKET REPORTSl1r0r
w�li s
Dr. Chase's TZidney-Lever Pills a.re tCorrootod scary Nodnoadav atEornoon)
mu •,
just as ch a doctoeg p eserlptlon• a. Wheat ................... 0 05 to 0 60
any formula voUr family physicians
icfau ran
Goosese Vheat..,.,......,
b 05 to 0 CO
give you. Chodifference, iq that Dr.
chase's itidney-Liver Pllli were per- Barley ............. 0 38 to 0 40
tected after the formula had brovan it- pats., . • I .. , .... .. 0 28 to 0 28
colt of lnestimabfo value in scores of Peaa........ ............. 0 57 to 0 00
hundreds of cases. . , 0 40 to P 40
Dr. Chase won almost as much gallti- Itye......................
ability to cure kidney ..... 0 40 to 0 40
Parity from hlir Y potatoes per bushel..
dideage, liver complaint, and backaehe,'
with this formula, as ho did from the
Oubllca•tlon of hit frraat reelpe beak.
The Idea of one treatment roathlna
,the kidneys and livor at tho same elm•
Was ori incl with Dr. OhMe. it ao-
eeyntr for the )success of I)r, Cbaeo'ei
X1 nity-Liver Plus in curing the motet
eomplicwted ailments of the 111t( 111119
organs, and every form of baokache.�
AAt a. fancily medicine Dr, Chase et
9..ldneyy-i iv" Pills are unapproaehed.
`hey knelt lite kidneys liver, and bow-
els healthy, active, and regular, and eo
rovent and our uino-tenths of the
a lift to which hufflanity It subject. Ono
r1,Ill a dote. 25 cenits a box, at all deal -
R11$,1 lgps>aantan, 13atf,ft 0m., o•+
Butter loose in crook .... 0 15 to 0 16
Butter in tub •., •.... 0 "5 to 0 16
,ggs pet, doz.. # ........... 0 11 to 0 12
Hay ...... .......... 5 50, to 5 W
Wool...... .....V..•.,, 0 15 to 0 10
Live Hogs per cwb........ 0 10 to 6 25
Pork per cwt........... 5 00 to 6 00
Vlour per ewt ...... ...... 115 to 2 00
Bran per ton .......... 12 00 to 12 00
Siiorts per toll ......,.... 10 00 to 17 00'
''Wool per lb ............. 15 to 16
Peaches, basket,......... 0 40 to 0 W
ILipo Tomatoes, per bask.. 0 25 to 0 23
Plume, per baxekot........ 0 50 to 0 i:l
Th6 hi�liest!quality axle Freese made. Mice, Axle OMSO coiftitltis f?rotttid
luiea, which forma a coating on the elle, and tslal;es n perfectly atnootii.
Autface. After tha outface is formed yon Beed rise only One-half its much
Micil, Axte 'Oteas* to any, other grease. Sold cveeywllefe in couvenicut
sizes. Made by IMII CAIAL OIL CCJ.r LlmI0d