HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-09-20, Page 1THE 01),INTON... 21st Year NEWS -RECORD. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SE1PTEMBE1 20, 1900 . • Whole Number 1135 The News- Record will be sent to any address until the end of 1900 for 25 cents. What's your Post Office Address? 0.-.5NpfaiaSeeeliptaCiie*94i0.61,0414,11,961496194:19.39reeldatibii9efeeee 1 i 4tE .s(•$ a) 1 i .it I I 0 , i i [ i ) 1, 1 at Agents & Ail LI co tee . t aney . . Most . fall very NEws-Rnoonn eV of Wools such lusian . Doylies, fully Hair • can • for Fashion „9. e 3t2FE e! uo Amount Colieziste &Minty Sperls. The annual Collegiate Institute sPerte will be held in the Park on Fri- day, Sept 28th, at 10 a.m. and 3 IN al• Besides the annual sports, a football match will, be played between Gode rich and Clinton Collegiate Institute, teams for silver medals The com- mencement exercises will be held on Nov., 16th. pleating Houses Wanted. . One or more of our capitalists, who find it a somewhat difficult matter to place their money locally, ought to build a few dwelling houses for rental at a moderate mate, There is a demand, greater than the supply, for such dwellings at the present so that new, up-to•date, yet cheap domiciles Oughtinvaded to prove profitable to the builder. • * Died in Winnipeg. . By a telegraphic despatch In Mon- day's dailies it was learned here of the death of Douglas A: Macdonald, eldest son of the late Dr, Macdonald, who passed away on Saturday in the hospital at Winnipeg where he, had gone for treatment. The deceased was about forty years of age and was born in Clinton. The remains were interred in one of the Winnipeg cemeteries. • ' The 4eagne Dead, • . • The Huron baseball. league of 1900 is practically dead without the question of supremacy having been decided. XessrsAngus'and Seeate of the Wing- ham club came demi. on Saturday th cpnfer with r epresentatives ' of the other. two. clubs in order th arrive at Some decision is tO the final games. Goderich was not represented and the UT ' men and Dr. Shaw, Dr. Agnew and W. J. Harland could not agree so that matters stand as they were _. PIMA'S Deniebee Drowned. . The schooner John 13. Lyons was lost 'Lake Erie during the furious on storm of last Week. 'There was a crevv. of sixteen, several or whom . were drowned including the commander of the vessel, Captain Senglaes, son in law of Mr, G, , D. Gilchrist-. of town. The Captain's' • body • Was 'recovered on Tuesday' and yesterday the. funeral . took place. . Mrs. Sen.ghes, who.ie the seventh daughter of Mr, Gilcheist, isanained . thus made a widow with two small children. • Miss Minnie Gilchrist left . , • for their home yesterday a. in to be with the bereayed. Ones in • their time . of sorrow and all:ction. - "" -Learning • • September Weddings. - - - . ararnin-COOPER. The home of Mrs Williani_ cooper was the scene of a quiet but ' pretty we ' • h noon yesterday When heratinugghattehr: .Tena, Was joined in matrimony's high holy bonds to Mr. ' Thos. McNeil. . The ceremony was performed . by, Rey. W. G. Howson, of the Rattenbury street church f la' h b th tb t t* t• o av ic .o e con rac ing par ies have been active and consistent hiem- bers. The only guests' from & distance were :-Mrs.lar: G. Sherlock of Winn', o .oei peg, Miss Mamie • Youngf G d r'eh and Mr "eV . C;-111eyers of Brantford . The bonny . bride. was attired in a travelling snit of brown with white .taffeta waist trimmed with chiffon,and carried a boquet of cream roses , The - . bride's sister, .Miss Edna Cooper, who was. roade of honor', was .dressed in white silk organdie. After .congrat- illations, warm and sincere, came the Wedding dinner and by the L. H, & B. train the happy couple left for their • - honeymoon which includes a .visit to Detroit and elsewhere. On their re- turn .they , will take up house . on Orange street in the residence recent" occupied by Mrs, Mugridge. The many friends of the much esteemed young couple will wish them all happi• ;nes and proeperity. • • - MCDTAIR--1317N04114; ' •• . The home ok Mt, and Mrs. . William . ted yes Duncan was beautifully decorated , . terday in honor of the marriage or their eldest daughter, Flora,. to Mr.- - Neil avatar, a stalwart young yeo- man of Crandall. -As the soft strains of the weddine march were bein la - - g P y ed by Miss McNair, sister of the groom,STANLEY the bridal party -entered the parlor. The ceremony was performed at one o'clock by Rev. Alex, Stewart in the . presence of a number of guests. The fair bride wore a dress of whith chiffon and carried a briquet. of roses, The maid of honor was Miss Gertie Chant who was dressed in white and was as slated by .Misses Lettle and Maud Duncan. After the ceremony the happy couple was photographed by . . k a Mr. Ernest Twitchell who also too groop picture of guests and all, There were many presents,among them being a service of silver the gift of Mr. Geo. Mulhollana of BarPer8134Y• Among tbe guests were: -Mr. jarnes Mulholl- and and' Miss Sane IVItilholland, Mr. David McNair eta Miss Etta McNair, Mr, and Mrs McNabb, all of Oran; brook and the Chant family . „.„ , „ of town. Mr. and Mrs, Mceutir lett by the afternoon train to spend the honeymoon in St Thomas and Both., well and on their return will settle - , down to the stern realities of life on the groom'Erfarm near Cranbrook, CoullIE-WANSON A P ana It. 13 Ker were invit. Mem"' — ' ed guests to the wedding of their niece„ Miss Aggie Watson, daughter of Mr. W. Watson of neer Mount Porest, to Mr, Archie Currie. The happy event took place at the home of the bride on the 11th lust, the ceremony being pettormed by Rev. George Xen- dell of Conn. The bride, who wore a beautiful gni" nt "Ile naghlnern trimmed with lace and jets, tarried a boquet of roses and carnattins and Wail assisted by her sister, Mabel, attired itt white lawn and lace, Mr. Alen, Car, tie, brother of the grooin,was grooms- plan, The large number of presents testified to the popularity of the bride who is very highly esteemed. The hap py man is a resident of Canyon Perry, Montana, rot Willai PlaeO mt. and Mrs, Clurrie left this week to take up theirveside.06thero. 0...tuktiobsi and good wishogo with them, John IlfeConi Meets With al Accident: Mt Sohn McCool, engineer at the foundry, met with a painful accident on Thursday last. He was cleaning a grove for a pattern When it fell off the trusses and on to his foot and as it weighed seventy.ave pounds it caused John to squirm and talk a bit. He bad also to lay off work for a few days. Wheat All Sold. The carload of ICansas wheat impor. ted b t e Me y 13, sore, Fair has all bgn sold and hit'd the firm had stM more they could have found sale for it. Re- sults must now be waited for a,nd if ft proves to be a success from the. grow. ere' as well. as the millers' standpoint a still lar e im ortation ill be mad g r P - w e next year, The enterprise of the Messrs Fair in takin up the matter1-# • g is deserving of Commendation, A Convention inNoventher. . g of the executive of the ' • A meetin * Goderich District • Epworth League WAS held • in Clinton on Tuesday - • • ' Among those present were -Rev ... . . • . . - . . oasper Wilson, Miss Hillier, Goderich , Miss Maud Kin .g, BlYth ; IViiss plait Auburn ; Revs. ,...i or and VV. G. Howson 'and Miss M. S. Washington, • • Clinton. Rev. Mr. one, missionary trom B • . C.., was also present After discussing various matters of interest to the Society it was decided to. call a convention to meet- in Clinton . on -, November lst, League Social Meeting. . . • . ' • • . The Senior League of the Rattan, • . • bury street Methodist chureh held a social on Tuesday evening when the Re Mr Stone of Clo-ose, B. C., V. ' gave & very interesting address.. A good pregrarn was rendered as follows . . , . :-Two selections from a . quartette , . . • , consisting of Mesdames Munch andstock • Chowan and • Measrs. Murch . and Sibley, eel° by Mrs, Chowan, • organ solo Miss Combs, chorus by four jun- bars, Misses Lizzie Reid,Nellie Holmes, Elva Potts, and Pearl Cantelon. Re-• freshmen were served and the reit of the evening, Was spent in social chat • . .. • . ma Dotninion Talka . • • , • • , . . Plainly: The Radgeto.wn Dominion, which talks ver Y forcibly at times,. had 'the following in its issue of last week :- 0 Monday.•merchants.. On morning. and. clerks were kent bus for half an hour - Y - carrying water and scrubbing the to.. •• bacco juice and firth from the grano- lithic' walks infroiat of theirf places.o . . • • .#3.. • business Ever evening• but . y,more particularly on Saturday and Sunday. evenings, gangs of young men sit :on • the steps and window edges and. • etpectorate. tobacco juice • until it forms regular pools of. filth, The whole thing iso shame and &disgrace, and if °there is not one a by-law Should be passed against the filthy habit. Chief Grant . and -Night Constable Mills should be . instructed by• the Council to keep the offenders moving n d to -run them in if n c Th' . n . . e essary. - i ' 8 tobacco Juice habit has become a nuis- . ance that calls loudly for municipal . action.. In writing thie protest and making this demand we are speaking for every ',front street . business mannight,Sept and every cleCent and cleanly person in the community. 'The tobacco spitting, pavement defiling street and corner loafer must be . suppressed. Goderich Methodist District Meeting. ' -The financial meeting of the Goder-, ich District - of the Methodist church was held in VictoriaStreet churchP Goderloh, on Thursday last. Hey 3m per Wilson, Ni. A.,, occupied the chair Rey. GE.. .4.. Gifford, Ph.D., 'read a scrip- ture lesson and Rev. 3', Greenoffered prayer, The following ministers were present :--I. Wilson, M.A., S.W, Rob- inson, G. W. Howson, G.A.. Gifford, Ph.D., A. L. Russell, R D., J. •Green. W. penhalt, T. It McNair, M. J. Wil- son,' B. A., Z.B, Coupland, J.; G. ,Yel- . , .. , land, 3...keritiedy, G.T.L, E. A. Shave, .'' J. W. Andrews The lay delegates - Who attended were:-Goderich-North . treet, R. W. , Mackenzie, Victoria street, J. H. Mill 'an; Clinton -Batten R tte . 1 . " 11- a 1.1•• bury street, A. T. Cooper, Ontario street, J. Stevens, A Tiplad 3 G y, II CM. - __ . alit, Blyth-R.B. Young ; Dungannon -8. B. Sanderson ; Nile -W. E,Potter •afternoon's P LondesboroLDavid Hu t R ggar ; . Bay field -Peter Cole ; Vern W. Loge s• -. . . , Y Missionary anniversary services andstatement - •.d educationalmeetings were arrange for, most of the pastorsbeingdirected . _ to fix the dates on their respective char A • . • ges. . communication was rea a from -e . - - .. . _ . . .ti. v .ur. sutneriano, missionary secretary, requesting that all mission- ar'meetingsb held dcollections y ean e t e new, year, 1 poss e, made befor h 1 ibl so as to save the inconvenience and expense of borrowing money with which to carry on the missionary workld of the church until the end of the year, This re a b th ' request Was agree to y e meeting q In the afternoon the annual conventiCin was heId in the interest of e evange stic wor o e strict, •,,___ ._. . . . . - di poeveral suojects or intetesu were s. cussed, particular' thsubject y e 0 f . . I I II t d th employing spec a avenge s s an e unanimous verdict of the rdeeting was that the results were 1010143 permanent where special services were held by the t f th h h th th b pas or o e ci tiro ra er an y a / . hi. stranger. ri the evening a pu ic meeting was held and addeesses de. livered. by Rev. T. R. MeNair on "The Service of Revival Power" and by the Rev. Mr, Gifford on "Sacrifice, a Con- • d. dition of Revival." The amounts levie upon each circuit for the Superannua- do tion and 'General con PMtamed Were as followo :- actor General annuation Confer. rand once Fund, Goderich, North St. $71 C3 $10 07 " Victoria St. 42 00 0'35 Ohntell.EattenhUrY St• 14 C3 11 10 " Ontario St 50 08 8 42 Seaforth . 5/ 08 8 38 Holmesville 40 00 0 87 Myth 47 00 7 0 Dungannon ' 47 ea ‚711 ma a ea 8 2)7 genmmer 41 00 0 11 Auburn 52 ,C3 751 The servieea were well attended and judging from the interest shown there in every reason to lope for it year of 1 great prosperity, i.ittie &nests, , ' Messrs James Ford and Peter McNeil have bought the business carried on in Clinton by mr, Case butcher,f Sea , a- forth. The Goderich junior baseball 'team defeated the Clinton juniors in Reerea- itsiotnopirk last Saturday by a score of Mr. Sam. Beatty, formerly of Olin, ton, but who for nearly a year was landlord of the Middaugh House, Dur. barn, has sold out. Pa. 52 No.. 4, Goderich township, is advertisingin Tinx NEws-RuoonD for female teacher, not male and a mate or ..; - # . female as it was inadvertently put '." rough no fault of the worthy seers- t At-- .- ary, r, Henry Murphy. . - the home o r El Death •' . cl.f M . Finch this morning and bore away his second son, William Harold, a bright little fellow, aged . four years. and six months " The funeral takes place Sat. urday afternoon.. The bereaved - par- - ents have the sympathy of the corn- ' rnu , . nity ... _ -. Mt J . r. Sheppard • has bought the house formerly occupied by Mr. James Sheppard into which he moves this . week. J, P. grew weary. of living in es and wanted' one of his rented houses . • h would seem more like own which , . . . . home May he . and his estimable . ' - . •• farad spend many happy days there- . y • • AM. Rey. ille. Howson's Texls. Th pastor of the R ttenbur street e P. a Y church will speak next Sunday morn- in upon The religion'•f Th o Thomas g ... . Carlyle. Ttie evening service will be especially for yoeng men, - when the pastor WA consider the strange ques- ' • •11,'' ' ' tion "Can a man separate himself from '. •- , himself." The service will be bright and new and young Men who do not . • - . 0 usually go to church, . ff. there be any such, in Clinton .are especially invited by the pastor . . itianY V.1 iletles of Cern., . . ,11. and -J. Ransford had tWenty. acre field of corn . which was a pretty sight before the, windstorm of . last • •we week laid it low. It , was planted be tween the Oth and 9th of June and con- sisted of six Varieties, Which presented34.0 ' • • • . . a, distinct appearance, and When, es- ' by, Mr. Raneford on Sept. 8th • . • • . • were classed : by him in the following order, . the -minerals indicating the - • . ' . number of acres :-Bailey 1, Learning Early Compton. 2, White Cap :.3, 6, Butler 2. • ' • .f; A Breezy Time" Coming. , , • ' ,. the . The London .Free Press :-. London Opera House was crowded to the doors last . evening. when "A • ,, . . . Breezy Time Was. presented bst Fitz and Webster Corripany. The piece afforded plenty Of amusement by the. • variety of .Comic character, romantic c.Pm t dialo ue and in- plications, wit y g , ., 'ers ersed musical numbers Some t P • clever fun -makers are in the cast who f • h d . • - . ! . . arm! q an evening or music ana merriment " The above company and • • .• play complete in every detail will ' be given at the town hall, Clinton, next Tuesday, . , .towards 25 th This is a treat of amusement and 'music and IS espeeially adapted tor. the patronage of ladies and Children. .Seats now on sale at Jackson Bros., store . . . . Mission Band Maim '. , . 'The' annual picnic of the Willis" chureh. Mission Band was .. held on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 15th in Mr. Ferran' ' th banksf th s grove on e o e River Bayfield. The ' weather was particularly fine and through the kind- nese of a good sarmaritan,who provid_ ed conveyances " for the Occasion, all enjoyed," drive to the grounds. Thanks to the amusement committee, who provi ded balls, bath,football, etc., all manner of games Were soon habil- ge in an e c i ren a so c i r n d ' d th b•Icl ( 1 h'Id e of a larger. growth)" thoroughly enjoy- ed the afternoon. Another good Sanaa- ritan kindly provided several prizes and these with a good supply of candy • were eagerly contested for . in races, tug of war, etc The supper was most bounteous,enough and to spare,and all wenthome well satisfied with their outing - ". Thanksgiving Services. A member of the Salvation Army writes Tax Ngwe-REOORD as follows.:The -The Salvation Army authorities have chosen as the dates for the cele- bration of their annual harvest thanks. giving festival, Saturday, Sunday ' ' Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 29th to October 2nd. There will be a time tionored custom of 'meeting together to publicly offer praise to God for the ' ' * th year Th 0 bountiful . blessing Of e ye .,„ salvationists will receive as a token of gratitude to God, gifts in kind as well as cash. Anything in possession of the merchant, the farmer, the grocer or the druggist will be thankfully re. ceived and be turned to good account in the interests arid support of the many beneficient and deserving agen. • ems of this organization, the members of which work sovigorously and con- tinually for the amelioration of sin, shame and sorrow, and for the moral and spiritual uplifting of the forlorn, the fallen and the outcast. VV'e are terrained to "Ian° grass gro under de * - Iv our feet" until the anticipated success of harvest festival is assured, We are busy collecting contributions of flow. em, fruits, vegetables and in fact any . . ,,, , Mole o produce and. are Saleable article 1 • aiming to raiee $52 as the result'. The hernias will be tastefully decorated for the *eclat services. ------ ' AUBURN. HAYFIELD. 10.M.T.1 SUIVIIKERHILL. d . •oo s an • d . i .__, • ate ria , Art IVI on ...... ' • ladies do a certain amount of Fancy Work during the and winter months, and although we have not said. much about our stock in this line through TELE columns we have alwaye kept a large vari- of Fancy Goods and Art Materials. Our import 'steck is now on sale and comprises all the leading lines as Berlin Z 4 and 8 fold, Crewel, Ice, Saxony, .Anda, - and Fingering Yarns, Cushion Tops Center Pieces, Tray Cloths and other Stamped Linens are aso assorted. • Our Pompadour Combs, Side Combs,. Back Combs and Pins are tlie latest on the market. Belts Belt Buckles and various novelties in Fancy Pins also be had from our large stock. • . • . .. .Cooper & Co., NV • .........._CLINTON. Butterick's Patterns and Journals - , isafE -4,c9j eee,@ecetee r:1 . is „o elli (.., C) k, • Liii on Lt.2 • The Template Lodge elosed dnr-- bag the hot weather, but one night last week a good old time meeting was held and adeere elected and installed for the current terra, The Installation Was Performed. by Mr, G. L, Sturdy, (Zo_urt Deputy, The officers ate as • Chief Tearniar, FL Erratt Vice Chief, Miss Della O'Neil Financial Secretary, Miss Mary Sturdy . 1. Recording Secretary, 0. Asquith Assistant Miss Ruby Young . . I Chaplain, W. Milker, jr. Marshall, Alvin Munro Deputy, Miss Mille Erratt Guard, Miss Annie Sturdy , „ Sentinel, James Y•ourig, .. Mr, John Hoare and his niece, Moe Ella TYndall, attended the tin wedding, elf the former's sister, Mrs, Kellum& of Clinton one evening last week. Mt John Beetle and Miss .- Mary Youngblut have taken each . other for better or for worse The care mony was performed, in London on nes ay o . as wee an on urs a . T cl f 1 t k d Tla cl y the happy couple returned the Yill-• age and have taken up house here. . We all wish them much joy and hapPi- .. . _ , ness. - • • • The annual Thanksgiving service in connection With St Marks, church was • held on Wednesday of last week. The church had been decorated for the oc- • , ca,sion and looked. never better. The . ion was preached by Rev. Mr. Jen- "ern - - ' n ngs of Bayfi.eld, who was assisted b. i 3' Rector McQuillan of Blyth. The choir ' d d d "th Mee Annae ran ere goo service wi . i i Sturdy as organist , . . , . 'Rev . ' The evaporator started to take in ' . - . last week and is now running full blast Apples , are plentiful and cheap this year, altogether too cheap ' the owners say. Messrs. Munro and Tunglaut turn out about one hundred 13ushels a day. Mr. A.. 0. Jackson is foreinan, •• . Mr.. Harry. Youngblut and Miss .Clara Lawson accompanied the bridal spoke of above to: London party. and saw the knot firmly tied. Mr.. ' ungblut is a brother of the bride.' • .. Mr. Ed. Mole leayes this we,ek for. • Brussels Where he till again assist in • • e;" ' ' the electric light. w dont that . plac e. He has been. home for a. couple of months and as had a Very jolly time ' , . h of it. . - • Mr. David Pell of . Clinton has been • • • • • wanting Itherniterrorof the Methodist . church .which now looks spic and span . Miss o tie i ney, who has . been L t ' Wh't hoine for a fortnight with her mother, t Torontothis k - returns o is wee . , • . M familyr, and .e MrsiaAClintonlexRoonb i i Saturdayasonand n . • ' last • . . . ' Mr ' John Nicolson's shop is near- " ' ing completion. Me. j. D. Melville is . - it busy painting - ' - • • Mr. John Mole is 'cleaning. feathers again this fall, lie does good work so canvesing for it is comparatively easy,. The Nnws-ItEcono gives the neWs of Auburnf •11 dcomplete• a an . . MSS Woodyard of Colborne was the guest Of Miss J. Hunkin last Sunday. Quite a number took. in the enter- tainntent at Donnybrooks last Monday night. • . " - ' ' Mr; Hilderof Kineardineas the guest ' of his, daughter, Mrs. R. J. Askwith. Miss ' Alice Hunkin was the guest of her mother last Sunday. ' • • Mr. W. Wallace of Londesboto-ie busy painting the interior of Mr. W. T, Riddell's store. . Quite a nuraber took in London Fair last week and some of them got a good soaking coming home in the rain. . Rev. Mr. Genzinere is away attend- ing Conference at present Mr. a A.• Howson -returned borne .last week from Wiarton where he has , . been looking after his mill. Mr.' Campbell of Londesbero wa 1 ' Was in the village last Monday. , • ' Mt A. Mackenzie of Hensall was the guest of Mr, Jas. Young last week. Mr. Chester Armstrong of Brussels was the guest of Mr. N. Searles last week. . . Mr. Richard MeL0001 sold ids beg driVer to Mr. Win. Dixon on Monday last Ur, Sohn Tippet spent a day or two in London last week. Rev. E. C. Jennings was in Goderich last Thursday. Mt Townsend Is assisting Mr, Westlake for a few days. • On Sunda next special an s • - y ath k giv Mg service will be held in Bayfield, Goshen and Varna .Anglican churches at the 'usual hours for service. - , Miss Maude Pollock spent a few days among friends o the Sa le Lin . nub e last week. ' ' Mt. Westlake of . maple syrup fame is busy already in improving and re- riewing yarioue sections of his .estab- . . lislinient He sage when he gets it cora- pleted it is a rift that will be hard to beat:. Miss Macdonald of Brussels has re- turned ' to her home after spending two weeks at Mrs Cowie's. - . Miss McCowan of Brucefield spent a day in town last week having wheel- • • , ed in, • • • . Miss Lizzie F 0 erguso Ferguson wheeled to Brumfield last • week and visited . n friends . Master Charlie Whiddon of Ripley • •'•friends• is visiting in town. • . Rev. R Gardiner, Who •spent his holidays here visiting his mother' and friends, has returned to his charge invisited Michigan. - ' . . • . . • mrs. Adam Thorapson, and Mrs. Thompson, sr.,. of ' Goderith • visited Mrs. Cowie last Satiirday; . • Mrs.,Dayman, who has been visiting . . ,o her hours in Mrs Holinan returned t h h ' Hensel' last Tuesday, . , • . ' Messrs. O. Gerainharcit J. Sowett and 0. Ferguson wheeled to London Fair, doing the trick in 2 hours and 40 minutes, or at the 'rate of -20"..miles an hour. • . . . . Dr. Pallister was. in London this. • week on business. ' - aIrs, (Dr.) Stanbury has returned at- . ter a pleasant visit With her brother, • Rev Mr Stewar - • , t of London. . ;• 'Ms. T. D. King . has returned, from London, where she spent a few days . . Ur, Jarnes Macdonald has decided tO close his house through . the death of ' ' his wife, and has gone to live- tempor. arily with his daughter al John' T • daughter,Mrs rs. or- ranee of Ha ' . - 37. . - ' - Rev. Mr. Campbell is • supplying. the Presbyterian pulpit- at present . and preached last Sabbath two very bl ry a e• and appropriate $ermons. ' . 'Mr. T. J. Marks has been improving , his store property by putting in new. dile and making other changes VVe would suggest cast iron doors to "bar out, the occasional unwelcome visits of . the clothes thieves. . he Methodist Sabbath school ic- T , p . ' nicked JoweWs grove lag Friday . afterncion. The day 'Was rather . cold and unpleasant but the Youngsters had .. • a good time at the tabl& • - Mrs. Harry Weston of. Goderich township met with a serious accident last Saturday evening returning from shopplog, in Bayfield. . In going dciwn the hill part of the harness gave way and the. horse ran away, throwingn Mre. Weston, out and inflicting very serious' bodily injuries, necessitating • niedical assistance. , . The. Varna District TeachersAs iodation will meet in the school house, Varna, on Saturday; Sept. 29th, at 1.80 , P• rcia w the following excellent program will be carried out s-Oom- Positron, 4th class, 11. Fair ; HisterY, 3rd class, W. Baird,'Class Discipline, . 3. 0. DelgatY ; Analysis, 5th class, G. Howard ; Literature, 1st classes, Miss, Turner.- . Every teacher in Stanley and Goderich township, south of the Cut' Line, should • be in attendance. These meetings- are of great value to - 5:, • , teachers besidescultivatinga friendly spirit among them. , Don't forget Bayfield Fair on Oct 2nd and 8rd. See the large posters and ' o • Bayfield, for enquire f H.. W. Erwin, . lisVery liberal prizes are a prize, t. p being offered this year and every ar- rangement completed for a goodShow, Some evilly -disposed individuals are busy publishing broadcast • the at there will e noShow th11 b h this but h ' is th . ere s year,such is no e case .goo d h t t t 11 d with- an such s a emen aaresi y at out foundation. The management had a handsome balance to their 'med.- it last, year and this goes to awe' , 1 the liberal prize list Whatever Fans may th II t d b • go to e wall or cease o o business .. for want of patronage, Bayfield is not f th • 0along• th 8 d. one o era. Come on e r of October arid you will find the Bay- Show a good live reality, It may come late in the year and the last of the season but it is al ways the , best. Everybody comes to it ; follow the lead. .1.1.......m. • Mr, William Hardy of the .135.E Line has bought Mr. Thomas Mo ore farm of fifty-five acres situated on ti London Road a little over a mile soul of Clinton. The lot is not large but in a splendid state of cultivation ai hoe good buildings The house, whir was erected about Eleven years ag was built of lumber that had been el and. stored away over twenty-fii years ago, * Miss Rose Wright of Ifullett visit( friends up the Base Line last week. Mr. David Lansing was on the rib list this week but we hope to hear , his speedy, recovery. Mr.A.E,Wetherabourformer pedag -gue, attended the picnic here la Friday. • Mr. David Barr was a visitor at N 7 school, Rullett, on Friday last. . The Summerhill and Auburn foe ball teanas contested for supreme( here on Saturday night last and we. so evenly matched that the game r suited 113 a tie. This is the second dra match these teams have played th season . NiTilliam johnston e, 1 our team, had the muscles o one f one 1 his arms in aired and has been cart ir I Y the member in a sling. Harry Beacom now sports' a blue! He bought it last week and is no getting all the fun out of it he can. Mt John Bullard and his better ha his•father in Seaforth on Su day, . • . . . • IVIt Ike Carter, wife and family , Stapleton. visited at Mt John Joh stone's on. Sunday, - ' -, aft E. E. Hilton of Clinton toc Mr Smith's work on Sunday az • • gave us &practical sermon and One 4 enjoyed: .. ' Mi. Joshua Hill filled his silo la week,. Mt • Hill is one •of our mo - progressive tanners and Always up -t . date . • . , . The wind sthim of last week did col ' siderable damage by : breaking .dow trees arid knocking down the fruit . . We are pleased to hear . that Mt I ' ' ' • Butt won third prize at London for la twcayear-old roadster colt, bred 13 Sago. The youngster is a.. prOmisin • one and wa- expeg Mr. Butt to liVi more honors it our county shows. . Mr, Jetties Cornish built at new. ell last week. It is ' d ' ' d • ' . goo -size one an t put up by Mr Henry Watkins. • The Women's Auxiliary meets i Mrs Noble Lovett's On Thursday p, ir • Mr. - William Nesbitt et .tbe.• 161 built a fine new silo recently and ha it filled lest • week. As Mr. Nesbil .. reeds considerable stock during • Ili - year is will enable him to do so wit - greater success for it is now acknov ledged that silos are a necessar adjunct upon everyfarm. • • , On Sunday night lag while . th • - church. Sereice was hi progress som . _ . . . - • person or persons entered .. alta Mt r .B *d house and •stole five ein at's c milk g 3 r , fruit. While there is . -a big size suspicion as • to . the identity of th th• *W. h ieves np s ps ave y . , et been take' securing their fit and prope punishment - The miscreants must no imagine from this leniency that the; will be allowed to do it again and g unpunished. .. The combined Sunday school 'aril day school picnic held in Hill's grov on Friday afternoon last w.as a epler success. The attendance was up't the. mark and . the afternoon was ex . in soma chili -c atsw nE joyably spent • • I'h i ing, games, etc. A series of races wer held for each class and a first, eecou and third prize awarded the conte tants The popular Rector and the n less indefatigable Mrs Smith - wet present and helped the company erijo themselves, , Among those wh assisted in . the preparations was Mi David Barr who. is almost foremost. i helping t , ' h functions o • make sue ' success. 3 e te c ,w5gweeisogemipeog(99,atece Nvhy • Do you Want to roast yourself cooking meat when the tern- perature has been ranging from 95 to 100 degrees. in the shade , When , .you can get soniething in the Canned Goods line's great deal more appetizing .. . . • 9 Here:.... A few Palate Tieklers :•Cai3.- ned Chicken, Duck; Pigs Feet; . Ready 'Lunch Beef,. Turkey, Tongue, Souced Mack erab.Lob- stets, Carabus, . Shrimps, Sar- dines, etc. . For * Sandwiches there is .nothing nicer than Deyilled Ham. Your • .:- . . veseert le e.asily roadelf you• use Instantaneous Tapioca or Hasty Jellycore; in 0 differeet flavors, at The. Oath. Grocery. . . .' ocizg COOPER & CO. . Corner store -Searles' block. Phone23. Clash for Butter and Eggs . —110 . . • • ' LITTLE . • Lip) . / LREAKS . In every home little breaks ire occurring. daily. . May be Table Silverware. May be Rings,Broothes,Pins May bp Watches or Clocks. . we're anxious ' Whatever it is • »it shall come' our way.. - We Repair such things in a satisfactory manner... ; . Our char' . , charges are moderate- • our services PrOmpt. - .• Whether large or small it . receives all the attention . • it requires. . 11 ".e- are Le .ders . in 0 r line, . . , va, .e) . , e.. lip Crews Jeweler Expert watch 7 Repairer and Optician.: - . ..... ' . . • . For It o s9 1 OotS • .. MUFF has the reputation k ' th best t ith t eeping eno. w s ati .pastor nag that others claim. to • have thein. I get and sell the. best that can be .had and at lo*- down prices, like thie • • . Ladies' Cloth Slippers • for 14c • • • . • R, of cloy 0 0 . Of a. .- • ... • . - • - . i r7, THE TWO' A,XS. . A $3.00 Reduction..r.... .when • of We A y ca. 0 ----- II II ii II I II fl fobo o You &live , . . . While in Toronto last week I made a. purchase . a special line of iily Pi . II GOY WO •STED SUITIMIS . , . .0 0 I- Which usually sell at 4518,00 but which can make up for $115-00, . • $30.00 • „,,,,,,, . . ..=......--,_ A. J. •HOLLOw VA12NA. . , A very severe electric storm passe over this part of the country early ol _ Sunday morning, last and the lighl ning struck and burned to the groun the barn on the place known as th -. .. riewes farm on the 5th concessior ,,,,_ .. place was rented by Mr, J. Johr of Bannockb.urn and the barn wa of rain and about thirty tons c g hay. His binder Was also insid, - . - There was a sligbt insurance on th arn ut Mr, Johnston had no insur b b • (ince and his loss will be about $700. The brick work of 13eatty Bros'. no store is completed.- T. Walker is noi r in the cellar. putting a cement Roo . Miss Bella Robertson is wader tb doctors'care at present with.'an. attac - of pleurisy'. ASS eppar o in pn !pen in X' Sh d 'f Or t t S day at the parsonage. • The Presbyterian congregations 8 Verna and Blake ha,ye given a call t Rev, Mr. . Davidson We hear distant rumbling of elei Hon around us but all is quiet here ye' We expect San MeMillan will go be I'011114 to laud, the doings of Tail and Laurier, . Stanley council met on Monde,: Sept. I7th 'with all the members pr. f . t Complaint was made by Wn sen , Amu% against the action of W. NA Ferran in fatting the street in X)in ley. Terracetaid the clerk was instrue ed to notify Mr. Peron to have h ,fenee removed forthwith, Mr. VV ley's bonds were aceel:tted and his a) pointment confirmed by by-law. TI . . following billo *ere paid .:-D. Carel bell, $12.15, for bridrte bolts and spike • S e A. Mustard, fot tan' y portion of c ment tireh and timber for Londe Road. Next meeting of council c Monday, Oct, 2001.-j. T. Cairn Mork , Jarmo elite his ho Mr. T. johns a g ir and getting new aills put under I a as t e "o To , UN NV, r. Hey h h 3 b. ni I liege in having things in good shap , .. ..... . TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Richard Wilson and family ' who had been visiting at the Elliott homestead on the Baby ion Line for several weeks, returned to .her homefull n a ur ay- in or uron o 8 t cl ' p t H Mr Willetin Sharp cif the Ba. bylon • • Line has purchased a, fine driver from M R b b I, t f B f• Id v. o er amon o ay le . ineant Quite a nuraber from this y it, attended London Fair last wee . ; II' m inner ho has been visit- '99 ---. 4 , w . h i t mi s thaey has •ietoro. * ersser s i , '4 0 ed to her in ClintonClinton. Mr. R. Webster and wife o f Look. now visited friends in this vicinity recently. Miss Charlotte Bates of Sertforth spent a few days visiting her relatiVes on Bayfield Road recently... Miss I 3 ed is spending a short " time at Mrs. S. Nelson's of Iiruceilela _, Wearepleased to report th t lUr Hai .e e: I Jo nstone, who has een 1 r Covering' Mr. John MeKinley had his barn struck by lightning duriog the storm last Saturday evening. The stone wall was badly shattered. but hieko the building WaS not flred. Sorry to report the serious illness of Mr.Alex.Sparks of the Emotion Line. Slight hopes of his recovery are ent•at. Sparks i s a One 0 te Xr f h - ' - S pioneers' of this township, having helped to hew the forest, We hope , that he may be restored to his usual health again. . Ur. Thos. Sanderson IS wearing a nioo stollo on his fox° thoie, days. whr p Bemuse his hetovheif prea ent. all with a nice little girl a few evenings ago, Mr. Sohn Hathwell and Mrs. H. and Mt IT. Dowson. and Mrs. DOWSOn were the guests of Mrs. Sohn Itathw ell of Hayfield lad Friday evening. . Miss Charlotte Bates of Hamill visited at her brother George's a,t laillbank llarin last week. Mr„ blo .Tohnatono Waa 111 01111011 On Monday last on busbies& . . • 7En. j. • Ogir la ,:li r Trlicle------5. . We have had a big sale of Hats this past season. Those who want stylish Hats generally come to us. It's the same way With Shirts, Ties, etc. Our stock is just what we represent it to be and Our Prices are Right. • ' Mo ,14. 0. ,e&, #n - A .1 11 ii ,ila .............. . " . The Kal,,,;- Is this Single . Ball.Bearing The Standard Di as HarilessmWe We haVe Colts, 4 Working ' we SOilCis a . , To the Farmers' tiold 42 RAO and It is and dock -,/ t, VARNA. roo Plow • .. the po'pular plow with those who have tried it. 1 haye season, and every buyer recommends it. Plow No. I There to to better plow than this. We guarantee be right. Pulpers Are * guaranteed to d their work well are easy of draft. Truck Scale ' one of the most useful novelties on the Canadian market, portable as a wheelbarrow and a Moe and labor saver. have a large stock of harness of the best stock workmanship. When you want a tot inapeet. our 'tend learn our prices the following- Horsee for sale :-.2 ltoadater Sucking 1 yearling Vi11y4 twelear,old Colt, 1 threelear-old Colt, Horses, sham of your trade- ' -,-t it A. illacuNs, V.,rti,.. - • Miss Ida Peart of the Murray Honse hag returned fronalensell, where'. she was waiting on her mother, who was very ill. Albert Robertson and Ed. MeAsh a.re busy putting up silos. This will be six in the immediate vicinity of Varna, • Mr. P. IL Murray spent three days . of lash week in Goderich attending the . assizes. He was called as it witness on a robbery case from Brussels where rale arty acetified another of stealing' a sum of money from him. Mr. . Murray was visiting at Leaubury and . , the accused happened. to peso throtigh • and v' anted to buy a horse from Mr. The would -be -bit e4 had Murray. y i considerabii3 money at the time, henee Mr. Murray was ealled Ira &Witt:Wes. Mr. Sohn Makin*. has returned home after spending the summer working near the Red TaVern. Mr. Walter Stewart has diSpOSed Of his fifty.aera farm on the Parr Lino . to Mr. William Colelough of Goderich townabip for the aum of $2400, Mr, Coldough does not get possession until Mar& next. We understand Mr. Stewart win cow to Varna to live, • . Porter's 10111t. Mr. L. Wigel, traveller for a large hardware (etore in Galt, paid a flying visit to freinds in this vicinity.. Mr. Win, *McDonald is in Oliathititn packing apples for Mr. Geo, Turnbull of MeHillop, We all knore that rtobt. Beacom must have 'a fine horse when it took second prize in London, and no . doubt, if, fair play bad been shown, „ Black Joe would have gained the red ticket. We wish him bettor luck pent time, „. . The Itidoutpeole-liale camp ttt V lakeside expect to break up this we after spending a pleasant summer 1 the farm of Mr, 0, Nat tel. ii e. If • 0. it it ill • ri • It 0 • fl