HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-09-13, Page 8__ __._ _. ,__e- ___ " I 1 4 � - , 1, . - � 91 ' � r4isit Kate Wait of 'Goilerich was it) 00DIRRICK TOWNSHIP. � A. VIIntoll this week. . . , MIS T,ARo11k*oty0f Tbo Union Venle, coupisting of St. frou si,ev to= is the guest of I Potor"o Claim and Sunday Whool of Miss Lizzie Lamb of Seaforth was the Sammorbliltogetlivr with the public I 00ZIT guestoffriendo-ju-town.ou f3unday. school and congreirtion of St. Joba's, " , Saucer Holm.esvillottube eldon, Mri Ueorge I \ . . Mrs.jobu Pridbam, was; the guestof 11111'stlits, promises to be a leading .L - - . her daughter, Mrs. P. 1j. Crews, ,this event ,of -the oes,ijon, The fife and I " week. 104 drum boind will be there. Come one, . . 101101.0ji- Ura. B. 000k was taken seriously III ,come All (with. a baskot at least for a l � ., X AIT'jeen. � on Saturday last but is now daupla COMPAT411- 4 1 1 impro,VO4. . I Xr. -and ra. W. Jenkins of tho I cents Miss Luo�asof Markdaly is the guest al An -con eo on a an . Uri ay a . I this week of her aunt, Ura.3,Xrarke, '"ag, I ill 11, 'a. . Weab floral design I on elob, 0At -at the Rectory� mt.. . 4, a oral spout $Aturd4y . . � Tracluw vw9und top of OU'D and )IRS Nettle M44 40bern leaves to day with friends 11 t a 10t concession. . THE CLINTON NEWS-IRMORD M,__.______ ----,. �. __ - �.,;�.:��­________ ­ -,�:-,::7-,777777�� _ -".�,��_��,_-_��_ 0041orlelk TOWWAlp. f SUMMERHILL. 4ulntftriley of Toledo, Ohio, ,tests of her cojitislaw, Mr. W, I$. , ed�lfr;.A,u� Hr#. Boole of I*aburn Visit. yjeacom on Sunday. I � and the Misses Graham. next Hebert Young of 6"W"ifil , ach b Taylor's Vor. I Mr. and Uri; Carter ot Ht&pleton spout Sunday week with the latter)p � 'ch in 1111V100 wbFie'41% Of Itev. UN ,11. parents bere. mr, an , 41 Mrs# GrAella of st4pleton h U. XlIt7ofDoIbI, accompan. "Pent '&,day recently in the village, . Ir, Adam Foster of Clinton, Ur. And Mrs.Fulford of 011aton. wore Mers at �hq former's uuale!@, 1114M cook, last week, the guowte of the latteesparentq on Sunday, ,ohn Middleton made a Ship. a cat -load of, cattle to the old Mr. James. Wilson, a colored man, lectured in the orange hall here on market on Monday.. week, ktor Tom, while on his rounds, A -r 011t, evening 1"tweele to a large audio once. His subject was "Twomtv-throo IF I � - 111 --.I_-_.. ­­­ pomp"" ..;,W_w�.,;.;�_-­ ­,­.-_-,­_ � Irs, 1, Coates -Coleman , Dermatologlot of Winnipeg Will be in Clinton for a few dog's at the oMee of the 14te Dr. Wort ing- ton where who may 'be Consulted concerning facial blemishes.such aq pimples, blackhea4e, molest warts, suppriluoua hair, freckles, moth patches, etc.t and diseases of the Scalp, falling and gray bair, dan4. ratr, etc, I � I ____..______.__ SE1% 11 11900 ­­.- �. I � ­_ ­ I ... - I - 1.�_­_7- 7_7 - � I ­_­___ .___­ I—— ­­_­ ­ --' ' ----"-'---'- ,-V. HODGENS BROS.-* BIG )DRY GOODS STORE� � i 1__'___,A^A,AA^%A_A_A_1 q A A A A A �4 4 00 0 A AA0*V%M, � . . � - - :1. 0-, . 04, ... . , $fl - . ; , . , I - .1-4 � 4 Ok _% . �- I �/ I', , . . "I I 11 . "I ,� ''I 11 --AW' . * . ,�! � ��� I ; ..... I .0 . , ; :.� . * � ­ �� I I , - i _ . 11 1�1 � - . I . I "I'll, , ; �il I � 11 " -� i , 'N. � . �, . A ��, I �. - T ", ,, , I , " , - !�, I ,�, �, 4: a . . . , . , , 11 ­. 4., . , ,Oxt, Z� . - .... . a . jj %;4%AAU$A ._1 ­ ­� �-,�­ , , . ; I Mr. and ars Ames Grahsm left � I �_. A I,, 11 I ­ . VAM Of a%Ucor, We' have a libeirial for 014mmis to wait upon her sister 'APOP 04 Allot SAW sit 0 maX0 y. ears a slave," Hie address was very -, T - Z- - " � top '4-:f�.". � - I , I Saturday Anorn.log to Attend T4oudort )rt, which was flattering to Mr, ,, -_-"_­,�,,� � . ._��.�_.. , _�: ­�­ CC- , I,Z-'4!1�4�-W ct"Antity oft -46113. And lu three colors. at that place who is III, 03 interesting and instrucit4o, . . Work-Gusmuteed, Clougult3tiouvree I �, " �_;� ­­�_ ­ . . f Fair, Vora whence they went to trgalftel? the teacher, andp) I . 0- ,_��i_ , __ , 1__ . � ,,_AC:*'_-j­�arZ_ . � - �. �. Wbey -ire in every respect _ easing to Mr. D. Barr has been 4pon4ing a few. - ­�.,�_�� � ­. _' -, - '�_ _t i "'. I � , . Mrs. L Proub, who bag been vialtin spend a fortnight with friends in Yale Go district at large, Mr, Naftel, VY0 days with frl ads in Goarich. offlee hours, commencing Friday, I � I � . her slatex In Glammis for Rover, And Detroit. I 'regret to bear, iii,tende resigning his 0 � . I , . I I . , The, I weeks, roturned home to -day. I position in the near future to, so it ig Mr. and Mrs. X� Bullard spent Stju.� 1014 ltiot._11 to 12 A.m. Ana. 4 to 0 P,m, I - _ Mr. Bon. Switzer of the 10th coam. . . � I % � gins Core, wh � so , If it dayatXr. Trowarthalsof Winthrop. '61i YOU got It at 7110 IP414co' IV* a has been quite 111for Rion has sold his farm of eig od, enter another, profea,alort, M . I— - � .. I � I . 3 . good. 0 several Weeks Is not gaining in acres to his brother, Sam, ilty,oix be so all will W10h him success In his The plan !a of St. Peter'$ church a. S. I I.. .1 .04,M�0-1-0,Fq-04-oq,m,�P4,04-0�v - - - - '''''.T. - - - - - - - I r , . I . ��k � - .Mostest strength as much asberfrIendawould lives ilk Clinton and *140 now new undertaklug, to baheld here in Mr, I ­,W10,VV0VqNVS0~VVi" . . � . , I Goo. Hill's grove I . I . ' i3ealro, - a sto who will run It as We are very sorry'to hear that Mrs, . on tit , . . I I . 1. , ck farm. The purchase price was � a river flata. On F ­­ . . � . for the lirlday of this , I . � . Goorge Connell Is so Seriously Ill, but week is. looked forward' to with' : I I Mrs R. $. Gagen, after an extended $4,500 hub Mr. 13en, Switzor reserves �gr"t . I I I . . . - � Leastest visit with hot, daughter, Mrs, M. eigltoacras of what is oknowo as the we hope to bear of her recovery, expectations by all as, P, good time is .­ -­­ I " ' -- � 4 . .. I Lannan. of Detroit, returned home Bayfleld b b. We undertand he in. Miss Mabel Alexander visited her expeated, � ,!,','.,,, I I .T , . � . " I � ... �:�'�, �', I . � 11raday of Net, Week. tends taki, tip his rosl4ence in Godo� aunt, Mrs. W, Marquis, . �,, ',"': . . ; I I . . I Mr, and urs� McBrieti. spent, Sunday . 'I'. I ,.,�.' �'.,'� �! . . � � I I 310no. . The following is the pupils' standing , .... .. ­ . V , . an Th _ , .. . . r . MISS B, Stevens of the Base Live .has . rich And wil alaybe assist WS sou4, - a An Invitat , ­ -- - ' Ne `�" ­ I I . . i � _. a t Mr. Geo.Tyrierls, . . IN .1 .. -�,�,, I', W I ! . .� I I of S. S. No. 2 top the mouth ending I - , I , ,., I', - . I ' � I I � . I That we have ever had the chance to . gone to Brampton for a week or laws Who 10 engaged in the Implement Aug,81, based on panctua Miss B.1ordau is visiting under the I �-. I �,',­ . . � I � . . 'O : offer yOu In this -department, . Webao tw,Wg vialt, to her Sisters,' Mrs, .J. business. . I . . lity, good 41 toot. - . � . I . +6 � I .. . � d"A . % . , deportment and general proficiency -_ 1, - ant . . 1% I .1 I . . 139t deacri be the, gdoas to C10,1080ce, to Waylor rad Miss Nettie Otevens, Threshing to All the order of the day - .0m, a visit, , I . . . I . IU7.0 1.0%, , I , thenii-without "gushing" about them D Along the West sldo�, - and other sidems , Ist Class -Wesley Monk, Qarfiold Mr- , Mrs. W.. Brown. is b6me A I 11 S I - � I . �. I . P. Medd and mine boat McCormick Well, of the towns" .1 Oullogh, VrAnkle Chambers, Xr. Pt. to friends lu.Bra , mp.ton zinc a- W A ING bought, the . . 1. 1, I . . . I . . . _ There War meeting of L'. , - . � () � - I I which we refrain from 4 , batwe of Daturatmon were in Clinton Tussi pip, , � � . I Toronto, S I . � , � oing Air, Robert 0ololough is, we under.. 2nd -Gordon. White, Wina Walters, , , Pal, I . . 'Willab you to come and see if you con- day. They came down with the I . Pt. 2nd -Myr-, onday evening - In, t * well - Grocery Stock of, .... I I I I veniefitly wherewithal W purchase a stock . . 028 on 191, I 4 as well � I . I I , � stand, on the lookout for a farm for Ruthle Thompson. Or 0. WWO. 4 . . _ pan, And to buy or not to tie Prouse, WhinieJohnsbon. Mary A � " . � . � "I . .1 .. . boy laetitiroly for3roo to Say. Wears horse and y1sited several farmers in 'Will, , Monk. Jr. 2nd-INIcKee Johnston, attended, Business of importance WAS W" 1. I . . .. 1. . _ Mr. George Middleton is able to be Mr. F. Melville at 140 J I . I . looking with 6uriosity for the person this section. � transacted find a large, tkinourit of gen- . . , JuV 515ore" is fu� I .. I . I . � . UpLnow,andwe hope hiscompletere- Irene Rick, Meredith Clark, Or,. 2ad oral business was gone though. with � � . � ery department in our big , I � . I I . . WbQ Can .truthfully any the ever saw Mr, William Mitchell of Exeter was covery will be riwid. His two sons, who -Gertle SturdY, Arthur Willson, Ab after which the breffierv, had the plea. a good 'percentage, we " ­_ fr 11 D - , � . . .1� : . - ,their equal ter the prive. We make a .1n: town on Saturday and came back were also seriously Ill wit Sure of an address frorn a visiting ,. . . � I � . . I 4 the fever, bertMcCallogh, Roy Oliambels, god .1 to over -flowing with choice new a ry 11 11 , profit io,selling them, aertainly,but again'� on Monday accompanied bV ard conyalescing rapidly -Mamie Taill. Irene Clark, Mabel bi other' will'give our customers I I . "I' . Tou mal;oq, bigger one in buying, them , They bad -, 4W -Pearl Willso , Mr. H.MoVittio of North Bay, I _ I �. . I I . . . if you.1inve ,use r , or thOW4 I . . .his father who would pass for his. .a long,, wearisome siege of it.'' Proose. , a Nettie Mr. alid�Mrg Br , ownlee $usnt. . - the berlefit of it. Goods. No stone has heen unturne or I - I . 1. .1 �, , . I . elder brother in ,any company, so Mr� Will, Atwood is laid up wl�jj Sturdy, AliceJolinston. Jun, Leaving . Koo � . . - . . ' . 1, , '! . , I I I I I I . easily does 'lie carry his sixty-two rbermia6isal, -Mattle Xohnstqn, Linda SCUrd.y, day in the villa el Rutledge of 01 ,I.n. . � I We will -hal I trouble spared in s6l va I . I � � ,Agmts Par4-q?s Dye wbrhs� years. .. -Fred, J. Zawreuce, Teacher, % , re 'our .. � . . 1 Xv. and Mrs. . m. ecting the ' - rious .. I . . . ' I . r. I I Those cows of Mr. Edward Rath. The f'ollowingia the r rt of S. S. ton spent Sunday In the village .. . . I . I ' I * . � .: � " M , Robert Moore left Monday for walltS which seemed likely to kick the � ...; - Manitoba. . Mrs. Moore returned a bucket are now No, � for the month of 'Ingust,. based Mr.'and Mrs.. Patterion ot Rullott opening on ,lines and- we never commenced a',,season , . . 'The" ' T,t g'r Fair Al short -time Since from a visit to getting all right again, .011 Punctuality. regularity and general, Sandayed at Mr. N. Bigharals, , I - - I . I . . . . I .:,, -, I 11, I . . � � I r I I ' . . I I I . . ,Mrs, Adam CAntelon was called to proficiency :-Pt. I TO, - Leaving-jew. I . : . better able to s I . 1, " ... L. ..... . I ofizen, M, friends there And was so mueb taken Toronto on Friday last by the serious nle M Mr. Wetberall' o! Hullett, formerly ' - upply your. Dry,Goods' ;. .1 . 01401via"AlwayseA82104. , 8r, . ' - I . , !::. . , I , I � I I r. I I ­ � ��, , . with the Country that Bob b4q row illness of her daughter, Mrs. . Ed. ,l 2thal Rick. Sr. 4th -Char- teacber in the School here, spent $af, ' ,. - .Saturday . . . . "I � - . "I . . . . 1- 11, . . . 11 . 0 to ago h'iiW lie will like it Floody, . I . ,. I lotte, burn, Xr, Uh�;-R""01 Neal, urday and Sunday with friends in'the - r I nts to your adv' tage ,th ' ay, � � �. r . . I . 1,- . I I I . 0_1 . gone I ' , . . ' Harry 'Hkyesj 4thel. Smith, Xpoi� village. ., . .. . I ��. � . WIEt an - an we are to.d ' I � � � � I . himself, , I . I I ­ . I Mrs. Hall of Bellvillo has began. guest jqaip.� Ethel Lovebb, Melvin Hill, . ... September 8 1 n ­ � .1 _. � .. I . I I � - � . . AbOtlit,0 0 0 . . � : Mr.'Tbos FArqubar and bis'daughter, at; Mr. Johri� Halstead's Anci� At' Xr, Goldi. Hill, -Alve Beacom. r Sr. Brid- Mt' and Mrs. Jaa; Miller were the '� ,. 7 11 � . 0 . I . - 11 . '� ' � � I 1, mts , .. � Lobtle $Iaclatri , 0aul � Draperi Edna guests of the'latter's .parentaSunday at , . - . .. . I . . I � . ,Miss Sophia, , drove to town on Satur. Alex. Ostro . . �. ­. * , Good * Dress Goods. Bl.'(',Q' .1 . I � . OOPEX �Icx_ . I -'Mr,� Frank Yeo of Nk 'Forest and Beacoin, P,earl Wrl . .1 � � . and would like to have . . .711acss . I I . I � �� . I I People , * darfrom. 1101skreen and on their , hk Ernest Chal- Winthrov . . I I . . ..z I .1 . ,WH99E THEYME, . return home on Mb.jida�r were accom� Miss Lottle Cant6lon of aensall - were, longer. Jr. 3rd -B tia Hardy, .John ' Mt-, and Mrs. 0. Lovett,and Mr, and . .. Oss Goods are Movmg, onc qyi6kly the$ . . . I , . ' ' I .11, . I . I I .. � I panted by Mrs, Far%ahar, whoii. in guest of gra. Wm,� Cook of 094orleb %n . Mrs. Ball went to London on Tues- as Many ot 6'6 friends Dr e days. - Choice .�., . I : AND'.WHAT: 'O � " I .1 �. t . . Bays.. Leua Jordani Annie , . _ I. : I . , I � � f 4omirtir with he .jrq. WHY, township.jasti week. Ofialleriger, Ida'Dolburn; Sr. 2nd -Ed-. da to take in the Fair. ' . . - � ' - Ind fashidnable materials, dependable, qualid 'b' I . 1. . . rmot or,? y . I . � whom I Waited I I � � . I es, a Ig assoft" ,. I I . had ederi visiting friends in towjj Mrs,"Xilty of Calumet, Mich., And ­ � upou so . I ". I . � . "I I �.�'Tnit.:AREIIJOJNQ - I die Farquhar, 33�114.Ball, Gertie Oakes,: ar-1.4illl sold two horses and Mr. melit and -downright good yalues are,bru'aging -lots of Dress .. , ; I . I WeKjji0W And Goderich. township for a ,week her daughter, Mrs, Thos. Farquhar, of G, Will one horsp to Mr. Arabilia, _ I �. . I ____-Q I r I I � . I JK 2o&-Kentietli Mair, Willie Sin- , Id Of � lonjZ as Wet AF3 .others ' .. . I - . , ,, I ' or so.: , , � .1 Killegreen were visiting At Mr. 004's, Clair$ Murray Drd' .GrAnb .Archbpt I Seatortli, reklizifig good prices. They � - I I . goods business .tQ oUr counters, We are sho�&g- ihe .'best : .." .....': : I . Niss Xelllb'Stciblo is the, quese.of Mrs. � - &jbrothar of Airs, Kilty's.,lagt week, I ' .per, � I I , ��� * . ...... - I Mly, James Steen left, on Tbesdd� for Ellen Beaco .Earl. Mason; Lizzie. bought another on their Ivey. home.' . ' call and' see. our ,stock, - assortment of .the popular HomespunsaixaTweed. suitings. in . � �, . . . . � '� JamesXcM-Ath� � , .,. . . I He took Dn Thursday of last -week Mr. Gil. Johnston. Sr,' Fb; I -Brain, Jordan, Mr. 4olin-Tolinston. of Lou4esboto . . I . , - . I in I , I . . , . .�! �­ , - . Mr. � Be�k Mcil*eo�,ef God , evioh was in . Indiau-11eha, N. W. T, I bprtQatr losb,a line Stallion, which- Asti Mgir, Howard Far4 a . L I I . � . , . - . tow.0 and this Week opened up - sb1pn2ent of handsome , I " 11 I � along what be called bier "wheel qf _ uhar., Howard .Pent Sunday in; the village, I . . a, big ' . ... � "L'- . . b oi� Sqtiaay. I I ar ,it. i ... - . I .� . I , the.Hu . fortune," or in was app. , ently overcome by the be. Hill Mittle Beacom. Jr. Pt. I -Annie M -(the fa ous. 14old W144 I ,, - order words specimens , . r. B, Butt 14 taking iti. the Fair, at 131ack Dress 8ttil . I . I , � 1� 1. 11� 1� I . Miss Liiziei Twitchell'bas'taken a' . of his patented. drill from wbicb be This is the second' loss Mr. Mair. has Ball'.Nottio.sinclair, George John- London, , � 1. , I Our Price$ * ill . ��s I M al" joo&) in suit- ' I ' � - � " . I I . osition in 0ensalL � - - , - . I expects a mudli. He ba" had'LlAtely. . I ton, 13twiley'Olialleoger, Mary Smith, Mr.. John 0olborne is busy I . ing8 qgd fancy :ekhtmaterials. These with'goods Already , � . ,� p 0 a made, we building . B6iieflt -you.. - : 1_ � ' � , � I so onderstana; arrangemerits �yith Tbore wii'iqaitea big turnontof rate.; James Lovett, Ca . - . . . I that you'll . not :,! I "I �, � Miss,wellis of'Brampton Is visiting her' , I Teach 'vin ' Lovet'*-C' A' - . - . I . opened. gives us 9, stocit of Black Dress Goods 1! . : I n a, � � � . . . . �,, " I I . I , " , I " 4rothiovjar, O� witts.': I an Ontario firm for its tvanufachure lobb collar Nr Me�r�%Mticlllpvpeoennspont Suu-� , . find- eq-611ed in toWng Many times the a! e of Clinton. , Thes � '. 1. * . I � I y afternoon .to olls. tt' fall wtat,was all the go. last a , � . Z , . payers and others at the achoaj e " - Mr. D Ra , 4yat Mt , . an.dWs trip. to the prairies is to bl, No. 4 on Taesdii, �, �R ThoQ9s()n,g , I � )WIn - ., . , . e , - , Miss. 3onnie�XcOull6ugh of Se�kortli, MISS the question of repairi ' k aria a Mr 1 9' . I I I . � la in , I . . . � - I . ng or re, We, a great, many areat it Again � W � jt4spby '01 Callforn I . I . " .., ,:', . - , is thoguest of'Mrs.'-slage'.. , ptish. the ' We, ' , ' I � building. After considerable dlscus� . this week. , , Ora OIL a is t , . are. some of.thb popular,litiesi .� ,, � .1 � . I � . 'I ,. _'� ' . I h , Ne 0 Nell ­ . I . ­ ­ . . � . ,11 I , . . . . i : , :", :,:l '7.-I ,� �, Mrs; Sames Ho W'oon has been spen�- Mi. And Mrs. ID, 13, Kennedy were in. oii;ih it WAS decideol.to repair the school If you want the. news of the belgh- , I I . . I . � . I *Allwool ao,mospun saitings, mater- . - 54 Ing.b. Homes Uri I . or suits, or gop,sr- � � I I ....i " Z1. � �.. _. . 1. -ing a few days,,atBelgra�ve. . ,. V,sbortie Saturday, and Sunday as slightly for the present year, and the borhood taee, THR-Nuwa-REc . .. . 2al that will glvd. excelliant wear. A I late skirts, . "I., I I , � . - , ­� "' , " ,, vr's, R411 of Belio�lile is tiie" guest of guests of ,Mr, John Glen of that trusteeswere authorized tobaye plano. Which takes thd lead, Subscrib; � . I .. : 1. I obf 0 1 nice peleetio4or the popular fall. , gark dol6rS, . beather I . . I , ,;,� . , . - I I her rilece, Mrs. Joshua, Cook. . , , . . . y -and Mr. and's ecifleatioue to present at:the Grits �ucl Tories aliko way have it . I � � .. � coloritigs ............. I . , -I..... 50C : rdlxtur�a irt grey,,bloo:%nd bro�vn ..11� , 11 I Fancy silk and wool plaid I . ..., . � - I . . . , . . . . . � � � - - iss'j3rook of Listowl wag.'tb' t , Cariboo in British Colunibbi, during I iodsfiy spent. Tuesday dollar. ' � � , 00me, col,= combi"tions, in blue I I �, ,. � , , � , I . Glen roughed I* t* , one year for, the I , -;- ' . . . x t together along the s,nnU41M.00 in I 11 � I * , I DID I ;: hand Per Skirt $1.75, suilt.....: 4.25 ,�:, .� . X 0 gues h 'paltry surri� of, one . I , ombe last week. I . . I . I . . 2 1 I . . . , � � : � I � i , . ' . theigold excitipent ,it! thb early six- _ . . . �... 1. , 7�19rol ''NO , . I � I . . 11 '' r.- , township. Mr..�Kenned for I of - We kisspe 0 . . - . tuM X on - Very fine Homespun daititiga, no ;.�%, I , With friends on the Base Line. � .. . I . . . � . I I � . . I � I . ; . . green,, red" ard brown Shades , suit.; , . . � :: :�- : , I Nf. Will'Cantelon him' returned from , ties. FVorn 411 accounts the 0 I � . .� I .: � . �. .1 .1 I . . I , . . � . �7 � . " . , 'oe ,�,:. � . ` - I . i ariboo We understand Mj�. C. A. Ttibutb, ,,, . I ==�__' .. 1. . '. - I ­ " .,�l . " � : . able for waists � ... ­ - 1. 1. %.. .. .5 � . two,guits' &like, 611 pure v1poi, . . . .. �. � I I : , Tor to for a welr.earngd holiday. crize riged as furiou6I . � I 13B RELID,07, '. . . feMno, greys, blues, brQwrisi green 1 1� ''. .on . . . I foy,a;6that of teacherofS.S.Wo.4, has seritoln his I .. ., 1. �"!: I :.. WILL I . . Romesphn suitings, 54inches wide, ,' I I � � . � q � . V�,. Frank Olatwortby, Collingwood, the Zloadjko nearly rty ars Imt, resignatioifto'the trastoes., It, is in- 061born6 ToWnship. - , ; I . , . �.. . . .� ... 1. I �, . .. . � I ., I . colient and.black, will make very Stylish . . . , , . � I . . . . . ,.,r :, . I : . er. I . I - .. 1. . _ -� . . . 1. . . .. . . good. weight, will, giye ex . . �' " I . visited,friend6iti. towathio week. . . ... �'. . �:, f '' .111. ... � . deed with feelings.of r,egrot that the . I .11. _ . . ., �., .. � . 1001001h, n"'M 10�. ... 1 . . - ... � � grey and . broiwn� coistumeK $5.00.4 $6.50 ethU.,04 '. . ". " I �, .-;,, ­ I � as re, I I 1. � , ­ ­ t - rustoest'.,h� .61 corporate body, part : Tb6laWn social, held ab Bethel .1 . - 2� I - .:1 ,� Very sl7wial value, per Suit length 3.00 - - - I � 1. . 1. J_ turniod.to Mr. John odf6rd.-retu6ed home :on . on. 111:::�k.j - , I . . . . 1. 1. . . I . % Pas; Ethel Doherty h, T � - � I . � . . I I I , . . . - � . Rgv6igall Ladiesl� College Toronto.., . ThOrsdaknighi lait from 'Kanitobs with the services of Mr.� Tobbutt, as Thursday evening was a grand Success � I .. . 1: . . . .. 11 . I I I Ladies cloth Bultiiig,- (lull 1(0�ld Biedal!'� Serge All'poiro) W ' I .., . , ' . . I . or bright . I ,001, .. I j. . I . �, , � _­ , .�. . . * na firm III hot hold I .. � '. . I 1. . miss. Man, w*ho , I wag home � for the . after an absence of,,three w0eko. his work dpne. here is the strongest anol-a, good program had been prep�r- . ' - . � . _Ox_� - . . . �, . 1. .. �� finish, good weight a cloga, ., hi%rd worsted fuiisb, w, . . . I-- . . I . I . . . I � .. :16lid9yis has eturnoil to Detroit. I . His,abaeried led to thiei'-report. t -fiat tribute that coulil be -paid to4his untip- ed for the occasion, , , .. � . I � . .. . . I I., . .. ­ .. I � . 11 ,. .., I � . . �� ... . . shades �of biue,. grey, fiwn and dust.. reat goda v&lue,_.black or , . , !, I . .. � I I T .. . inallhiis&ooldutioR. ' " Mr, Alberb Allin Addressed Bethel Tu -' . d 9 . bro,�i),. par suit ­.$3,75 a I - ns .-­­ ............. t,. ��......, 1,4' 1 I - I .., , - o I , lie bad decided upon going:West ing ofrorts IN " ' I 01 , , . . 1, I �nd 4.30] ity, . I i . ., 500'. � I .. . " . I . I . . I . . . I . 11 . . . for Some% tin), as . urned home. . � . i eptemb r - . . , -.1 . I I I I . . I I ,� � I Ca . P", cook"whii bag been in Toronto. a Mr. Tag.,t(r L�ague on ' Tu6sda,y elp,eni � esday and . ,N3, -8 * 'ala . I , I a, b 1 �et. trip to, England. y on his e I I .L4 , . I . I . � , . 0 -was not'the .case, ea visit to relatives itt theBoo, - silv ' nesd6y, . . . - � . . 11 11 , . 1. . 1. . '. Mrs. Duncan -Stephenson has return. 'however, the visit being undertaken � XtAlnd Urs.0hArles XAftel bave're- er .� . � �. I � 1. .­ . I . . � � I . I I I � I . I : � I I .. .1 . � in . � . q:=:ZZ0 . � �� . I catiou., Such . � ro ng Wed . 1 ..,.-9 . � ­. � 'I en � h Fid'', n nd tbig txlp'wa�W to. decide iipou �a �Ilio� stArted,on'w extend, g am was� . collection , . �, I . - - - . oid hom6from. ,A visit tp Iriendi given. and a Zte:4 up . I - -*_ I . . Z .... I I Aurnedfroin their v1sit to Perth, �ad at the clohd� . .. I ............. , - ::, I . I . . I . r 1 . - . to visit Ilia son, Bert, who, has been 11 . 11 F '.. I 1. 4 . 15�� Z:;;:;:Y� . .. . . . � I , �, I , . .. . . , . . . C . , I �� . . . I Georgetow'ji.7 . ,' . 1'� . � ,� larjuing thin past season and h4s.de. report a good timek, � I . .1 Miss Switzer from, Niagara , ), alls. is .­ . . . . 1.� . I . . I 1. . . . .. . � ... el.s, . � _ . . .. � . .1 � . , Mr. . Xpank -Eastman hus returned . aided upon taking 11V land himsbif. Will Elliott and Sisters Spent a pleas- visiting in this locality at present. I .1 . � . . 11 .. I , . . ' ' : . . . � ..� I I . . A I. � . . . I : . I . . � I . :. : . ..-;,� : , * I �, . , � ��­ � . . .1 I . . ..,.. � � " "', .1 , I I . I � . :, � . 11 ., _ :,� I - Miss Relyap spent Monday and Tues. - . . I I - - I . ... I . ' ' ' ' 1. . ' .. , homb froija A monthlovisit to fri ads . In,search of a suitab e lobatibri Mr. ant evening4ast Wednesday. at Wood- day at London, accompanied- be I . . . .- I . I I . �, ,�.�-.; . 1­1��. I `� , 6 I , , , - . , Prize List Aggregates $2,000 6. . I French. Flan�els 'pr&aise , to" be anj I . .. 1. �1� , , st6cl;', . , 1. I. I I isevera row . mother. Her brother Roy'toolc r 0 e . -". " - I � � Miss XcBwan,w.h6,ba.o;* beein 0 I points. He went to i#leyburnet, Wee sma'hours. I 1. . . . . 1, -at they will botUb hummerS. fashfou.%. ,favoxite' fabt4cs 'for fall and 1 .. . �Peal;Wojiid . , Tedford 'visited, I fidag laud's,and didn't xistura hoYne, till the llp . . . nly two days. "I , . .� . I I . ­. . ,b. � ,. I I uestof I of No. 8 school in hex' absence. � .. I . . . I . Wh - k . 11 P_ i d 11�7 - I I , I t rth I � , P-1 to her - Where he found Ur.. John McMurrak The ,farmers in this locality . : �� .� � � � .­ I . . '. - i . '. I I � .. ' � i , 1, I - '� Mrs, H. Andrew§,hhs.retutae. , . I, a are - Mr. Albeit Vanstoneof Chicago is .. I . No. waste time � 1 ... waistg. Dressy,, serviceable. comfdtfable, the !� I . � � I " , � � . home 113L Ailsa Coa*g . formerly of . Clinton, doing we . bout'thr6agb sowing -their fall wbeat, . I � I 11 . . , " . I., y: . . �: - , � I - . I , , , , , , ` � Mr. McMurray,' who was fortunate Mr. Win. Sterling [a home on a visit' visiting at his mother's a;b present., Mr. . I . are sure, to. be' y I pre '1� , , , and dirighter Grace ba,ve q I I . . Everything .begins at 1 o'clock 6n Tuesda' . I exiy alar. "A sdnt.our , �:, �­ 'naturally' much underthe parent4l roof and brought t � five or six . � . . � . . I " , �Mrs_- �6461`14 . , in locating, ,was, Vatistone, intends spendingi . �. - . IT t� . I .,* I , I ji, " assortment is very, I POP' I 1. I . . ­ . . ,� .., I . I . . ' . n an . : �� I � . � � gge. I . .. 11 .1 .11. �, � , - - f-roia,a7mo6t pleasant 'th a it I' a $- . 'd see � �- "I. retur, , Pleased to meet wi . ii. old fe1W.W With hiia.a you 'k gentleman friend 11, I visiting friends in .this 16c lit ,* . Yon are invited to come .. . , 1. . . visit C101111141,or'411s, in X,ucka6w. . . , . ­ I .� - Miss Carrie Morrish returned hbnye - � . . . I . . .. .1 I .�. �. I I . . . I I . . . . ­­­. ­ _ :. . . � Mlss� Plakett, ' � I townsman. After lookiag.over much Dutingtheexcessively.hot wtiather' from Brazil IT.� 8, A.'Wlier6 shod�had The lending, county 'fair of Weitern The best a itto French planbels, it wool-,uavy .. I Very' fine ,vr ... . . � � . . geding program offered in . I efich V`laniiele, haud� ,4 - - , , - un46i, the paroptal roof, is at pre . I . � of . 11 I � 1. ,� . . light blue, green and black ground I 1. soma designs ind colore,.vhe new, , � .1 � I - - % isetit section iiear Minn i was imi-struck, Which will rerid r ar(I fo the past year: ,: . 1. . . th Asso d eit I I . I be in oun y . , "'. who bag been Visiting 'grounA Xr. Tedford &elected a. half of Wt week one of Mr. .R.Jennings' hOr eu stopping with her brother Rich. Ontari held i - the healthiest and the wl ited obripea or or ts of �, , . ,, . . . . � I edosa,,* which, he .SOS e f . . 1. I I . . viglting� Won& iu.j?arkhill, . . 'bought from., the I Tayjq Bros,, i%lga t * , I prettiest town. In Canada. T-VEsDA.Y-The.0 at Farmers' Trot or witite or �if­ C­t- f.- IM10 I P � .. . anc 1� 1. I , . he n.�nj**,�i I us.litv.p," ft fg,';, a . %Wrnii we cart bay I extra I !; .1 ' -Misses Etta'arill Lbittle Cook and their . . � ' formerli of 0111 . I I - fuest I Miss Lottie Morrow, visited bbia _ising rothers, pir them,�arealmost ,p 11 . rIehdp4w$aaforth week. � , I - . , I � .. Miss L Sturdy and Ml$oes� Newton of dosa and are e . . �. I Gode�icfi township werethe-ggests � I of 31roi f$,. Fike the past week, - . ..lines of busines Smiled inion. their ... . I, - miss iviinvio Fordtin of Godorloh town, , in the'West. -A tance met in thal � I �shipbadbeen`thegueStof Mrsi Thes, ,. . � .. Rearne. of St&plt�L.0 for a fortilght.'. . I Mr. P.. J. Evans, to .h. I w,ns IP a coupil � . . . . Mrsi Sam I)eem. �bd daughter Myrtle . did Very well lit 1. ­ Toronto have beOiljor the 'pasb crop, like tbatof � - .of � week,visiting fit Mrs. Jos. Allensou"s. I I � I . the light side thij . . . . M a a or .of Xlac' it -dine, who has , iboel'i'ste and family are I I guest of Mis&'Selkry. has , new home. Tb 1. I . I rettirtied. to her'honje in 93ticardine. from Minneiloom . . . .. . Zr. Fowler and assistant W. M. Low- ford and they wil I . �� I. . . a,, . "O' ,,=called rtb Dan fay 901AX1011 ' �. on - Wednes f, . y day of asb bors, as, neikhbc the Weati The I I I week, * 11 I 1 I I fiosa 41stricb. is , - . � � . . ' - Cooper And . 1 Mrs. Win ber -daughters, , I On Mr. Tedford'i I clent tirriber to, I Mrs. �, I ralstrong and Mir's Eva . visited friends in Goderjeh, this past' yea&s.'' Bert will the work of prep -1 . I , week.. L I . . . . I 'goes Maude A d K1 I A re a and Lizzi e wboak He will - ; br6aking fifty -act ' . . .1 . . Gardner bow , U11 oin Toronto - next fall to have, 11 t., . . at -tat se'Veral months residence in ready. From V I I . � - I the Cltyi . . . � . . � Could learn by ol : . ,� Miss ltenaoy,, wh& has been spending quiry he is of th, . I . I tho� Summer in Goderich, WAS tb&.- partial failure of I . . . I ,,, of Mrs, It. Ransford on Satur. no small measure .guest � . . . ,day last, . ' In Conclusion, Xr, . , Mr, nobt, Johnstone who ha� been impressed'hy the Abo, guest Of X J- Cluff ottown And John Oluff,06derldb township,leaves for his home in Boston to -morrow. Judge Do�le, - who presided ovep a sea, Sion of the -Division Court held in the I Rub on Saturday, was accom amed � to town , by Mrs, Doyle any XISS Doyle. , On hisvial6 to Walkerville last week Mr.34mas Fair was accompanied by his -daughter, Miles Helen, Who was � the, guest of her aunt,Mvh. Campbell, of Detroit. � I Chief Wheatley and, Messrs, 0, Wallis and Grainger attended Court in Godetiph this week aswituepsesin the oult, of W. Asoulth vs, 0. T, It. John . Bellanct Thos,lohnson were in attend. ancei " jurymen. . Ut, and -Mrs. Malcolm, Mconail; of ,Charlestown, . West Virginlai Are . tests at Mr. D. Xcouaig's and with Ca. D, XcCuaig, Mrk Tom and Miss Nettie drove up to Jjttrristov to visit relatives there, - Xr. and Xtig. George B&tea of Mill. bank -Parm, Stanley, sponb Sund ab Airs, Joe. Allonson'g, the guest ayf ra. am earn. t'. Rd to."' a � n4don. of the aron Ron. wereagoguesto At the, same time, . ' Mr. Williata Hale of Chicago has been the guest of his sister. Mrs, .9. Rana. ford. Ris brother,. Mrxharles.uale, gave 4 party in big honor Uet Vriaa I night, Mr. Hale bag also been speng. ing 4 10W d4 a at the Hale0dout, damp at the 1361'esidd. ,These - enter . m are three ,of . fe Of xipue- I Ili .various 080ority - hag a or years ago. , Ile at season' but ow matly others'. is on 7xiar, wooctea. here is, stiffi. m, for Several atonce upon the land tot, ,e contract ot d expects by ) that amount, Hr. Tedtord tion and on - lion that the )ps is duo In but Ctnitraiit fattorably Its early -day with t11090 Of this province and it the comparison there comes back b his recollection that peried in. th , history Of his 116tive township 0 Osprey, Grey county, when after v ba.al Of t1vent-V milen the highes pri0o oats Would 40matand In Ool Lingwood was ten cents pet, bushel, I . � � ��� . . . . . I . (10DEPticli TOWN'Slilp. . . . - . Mt. Otter Willson is building a largo kitchen to his house which will great 17 Improvetho place, I . . �Mr. Tom Burrows Of Godelich visit ec! at Ar, Otter Wilsoial§ blilar week, . Mr. And Mrs. Harry Bible of .Harris ton have been visibing at Mr. Gaorgl CAnteforits, this township. Miss Uadp Murphy is in Clinton Al present. , 31r. William LDbb of Porteea Hit le-angaged in ploughing, and sowl 'fallwhostoll the ropetby Which IM has rented from 31r, ins, taithwalt( onthe,Maitlaud concession, We un. . diakatand Mr. Lobb takes possesslor Some ti ?,tie in ljovorriber. . - A number df the Maitland eopik Attendedthasodial in Bethel c9urch, Colborne, -on Thursdty nVanilig last andkeport, an excellent time. 'Mr. Willlam:' Crooks visited old friendis In Listowel last week, . The township council met pu"ruant to adjournment triAM111AM all t1*-A1Uh"+-- � . � Rev. T. Jr. Murduck and U ra. Afurduck � feturned Monday from & forthightfir # Minutes Of last Meet col. 31oved by Thoa,, . � visit to frionda in Torouto, The rev. i . erPud Kentlelvap is well and favoritb� ed. by J0111i, Riddlote be paid the sum, of $ � � . Ir known itv*the city And ilia 6er. � - . vfcoa WOM ftiled into requimb on , , Sandgr Ift the ellitig.gravel, he b, Was ' 011111chill, -Alf and' Woods Nay,$, - � , � . A, W- 10 the Ist; AV- chuee urth and in the evoinlog In y V John Middleton "n I PArNment Street, church,, o Willittwo, That I I . Mr. B, A. 1-tiggais Of VirM W0 In 'town strUcted to answer 6 Communlogticin in re . thc' f0rePaVt, Of the ,week and Ib tonVotqatioft with the, Xpuwa,Ux. . oil WAtep between,th ,rich and the towhe , 1001ir),fb InVidChtfl,11Y tAtflb AbOtIt tbga . ho'bashadaverr tosperott,81"ason and the Moved by Ja& John, J AU. Woods - That i numlinroRN pgrona ha# 4 I Intteasm, Mr. Iligging IN, rk cdutifOr be P414--11 Shovelling ravel ., h, . I sht"d 11100 Of butnAn nRtuf* 1 1 which is iliwitts§6 requisite of it *ue. cedar 1 A Varyon $ OAtuteli%bor I;. Irro . I te"fill agont. XK and Mrs. Jos, rostet, at th# Pam Zinkstatilp ed on StAtnt*'4 J.. R twlil a U werw guoists *f Mrs. � (40or-1 14hrykilly Or, Xond*y- omd - I sadl,411 EW, : fth rl"keirix lti*tm � I TjO "e w&y bmn* I � r�r6 %WbOo on .1 adoc� Vrh*ft thier ft *oWs THAC to M^t4vae ��2111 X WgUIN Urd X A I;" thtir fwwft of -I*W HOF (% . I ., rotu'r. - Mr. P(*4w was VM 4harw. t* ca M W=ft Atie'A.M 1. . I *oUldn't Afte" A rr" ffMftf#&4 i"A, I brinarml, Aero Mrm amni "S' I . 11 .1 compellad, to live ul r* R M 1 . 6b I r""� ,,,'Joir, ",er1t"bd't0t'h,Mr X" $a . . fr6m ehemcotlw t W LA t 40a " 4 0 M6 to thk A". , � , � 1� . I t .1 - ­ ,.,I,'�. ing react, aria pass. Charehill, second. n, Thab 11. Elford, 0 to pay for abov. , ling pablimamtor " Idleton, Johnston V-1111ama. Moved I secondea by 01 the clerk IA In. arrow & Garrow's ;ardito thel,ldlsput� a town o? Godoi. hip of Goiletleh Mot, aecorided b; he followin Ac- - Riford ,W. f0t VKwarts $18 for k overebarw on *or $4, overchar .A. 11ift Tottim #90tot ik on School; W. ,4r (", Aed to AZWII: . mcaud" to to. publi'a hlablvity. ittold 5 por ftvic = or lWon QW I �, �L 11 I � ig:AWIrz be *# Oop - ": , , , 4 , a I 1. ,�.y.t_'.�:e.�;.,^. ,4 I . . . I -T . Wits a, nuftiber of. theNtlepeople at- . . I I .. '4C , * PrjZeS $Sct $20,.$151 alld. $10.� 1 ."a 6 0019t,- I good -, _ Mlsa.rernalo Marquis of Ann Arboro tended sex vice at Zion on Sabbatho 16 has the finestfrultdisplayin Ontario 4 _I a . .1 . I . I quAIIty..*- - ..­,­ '..,­.... Ove " .. I . . I . I . . . I � 11 . - _% N11 "W L, ' . 0 L . . .. I ,W. . . L , , , , .. . , - I do 91, . WEDxnDAY-2.20 race and 2.16 Trot, . r Q W4 _ r I .1 . I , , . , . , .1L Michlgan,-who has been visiting her Zion choir had a small �ttendan No other. County faw. has so good a . .. .. � L . -Prizes $175.00 1 le i� I ' � .je - - brother, Mr, Wesley Marquis,' for the Sabbath but, did romarkabl* Well as, I track, or Such well itrranged. And com 2.80 Pace And 2.26, Trot, - ' L . N I .11 . - I I . 11 ' *' . " .. - i past three weeks, bag returned .to her they, had anew hand at thi be ows. � modiobs groundq and buildings. . L . . � . . , 1� � I .� , I position, I n that place. L . I e1sL sweet voice in . " . Prizes $I,V.00 1 %, , L . L I . 1. ­ . , � a s ­_:(� I Georg , ade the - church . I . . pper I - . The busy hum of', the rini . I Music each day by the famous 0oderl , ; 2.46 Pace and 2.42 Tiot,`­ - . � - 'i ,, '. . . . I I., I threshing I ­ L . � . . I �. .16h . . . I ` � � .. I .i I 1 I . . � . I ... ' .;,., Sh . � i . ... . � . ��� , Marine Band. - I . . I Prizes S100'00 � L:1 ., . � a . I - .. . .. . . I. I. machine. can be distinctly heard. . The ardholofera of the Bind V . ading), olosei'Sept. 16tti. " Drop 6, bard for a, prize list. 7. 1, I ! 1; 1. . . I . I . Mr. "I . Entries (except fo� Spe . . * * . James Wetister and Mr. At Ham- Twine CompAny in Walkerton be]4. a . . I I . I . . . I 11 . L WeL opened tbia,'week - flannolette.. t �iltdn of Ashfield vieftedAhe forniees meetiti-ff on Monday evening at oari6w .1 I ­ . � . .I , . , . . . � ­ I I � . L some UeW .1 -, , brother,'Mr. Thus, Webster.. . to straighten! up W&101or: the season. �:, �­.'­. .*� I . ., . . . Jam,es'Xitchel4SOcretary :' ... L� ... . �, WrAppers, They are -made in the latest faU styles I I I 1. I L ­ I I 1. . L , ­% � 10 , I . - - I . I . ­ .;t.�� � - ' '3 ahA the patterns are. Ill ,ue* ` . . I . � I I � . . � - . . . . I . . I.. ­ .. , 1. . :.... I I I . .L .. L . .. L . . - , �: . � . - - . I . I . .. ... 1. w atere '­ ; . . . . 1, . . I . I "I I . I I L '�� � 111 be �j L 'o 'Ia'is . 'I M goo ' I . I I � .Ind up to! . . . I IL . . I . I ,. I I . . I .1 ­ I ,jffate. rapp,.er.bi I I I I , . . I I . I I . . , 4yeb; st-, : 1.� I . 1111,11 111?11 I 1111" ,L4, ed i 11 � N, U gom -1 I I , . � . I : - - , � 4 . . . . . . I ., . � I : _OW"20 � 1"1"1111111111.1111111111"ttrllfll! I I ig . . . . I . . �;.. 51111111111illillI .. I I I I . it. 1. L . .1 1F- . I A .1. L 12MI�Wpo" . . I I ­ 1. . . I . ,�,��, L * I � . .. L I I I I - 1. L . I . . � . . I � I . I . . . ' ' = � I . . . I . . . . . � L. -a 1'� ' . 11 . L . L .4-0 W, I . . ... 1. . . . . . - � . . L � X BArA qtmlity, Wrappoirg, made of Ankidean W.rapp 1b.- I L . ' : I . . , 11-00 ,.q . I er6tte, __ - I == _* . I SIO�l:ge&ssortmeAtothe%vpiitter�tdekrkcolorwgs�$:1,1$0.,,....11.75, ;, I . - . . I I Mt— L L 'OL 9 -400 . �) . . L, I . -�dor . 1 . Caa .L . .. � . .. = . -110. . Ladies Wrappers,roade of' fine At WrappOrotte dark colors .=."a 'good weigbt taid nowesk styles, sizes 82 to,49 ,*,.'­�,� ... . � - . . . . ...a . I L . . - ... " ­ . 0.15. . � I . . . . . ..M . . � . I . . I . I L . I . .. I I . . I . . . . . -'" The New Millinery . I . r= I A1C, K'S I N.-., - 8-R O.T I . L � L . V - -1 I 11 � . I 11 I � ERS I ..10 . 1. . I .. . L.I. L L I . I 1-1.1 ....... .... -1-00 1 . .1, .,4 I .... . IL I L' . cl . * � . . I L . . ., . � . I I . . -ft I . Our 411inera are b-asy Preparn , 9= , . ., = . M I 1- . . . I I . I I I . .� I L .. . ., : I 19 for th016rM41 opening 11 r= , . L . . ' ' ' . �St. L � . '' L I I -1 = the exact date of -Which we will - atknOunCie - Ae:i� week, liut not ' '", . . . . L . . . I I BE � . .. , I., p , r o' r : - . I .. . . 51 too busy' to 4tteud. to orders Wanted befoke oi�eaing fte,,' . If �� 0- 0. ,De a fim--enta e, 0 1 .. . L 9-1. . . . . I .. :1 I L j I . 11 1 L I .­� I I . . = you want your MillinOryearly they,W111 be glad-to.shov� YOU . - . L . I :. ­ 1. L . . I -.0 ivhat are UeW66t styles for fall. AS in forraer SOISOnsr VOU , ""' L . . . � � . . . . .1L . . . . _-W I 'L I I " wo , � I . . I L -dw Im L . ' . - . dk44blei ee(D e6. W . r- . . I . . - . . . I I.. . . . . . . ­ --a U faid Us light to the front with Xillmory that. is c , . I , L 11 I .. . ... .1 0 .. .. . I I . L ... I . L -.110K orreet I � 1�_ * . � . ' inOyOryparti6ular. i�7,e,w'st,ylei'ai�theY,appeat,wfllbefoma ... P, . o � t" . , tL , . a I .. . . . . . 0 , -.9m I I U4 0 . . 1�_ , �_ a,. . . 61 Shoe . -Depart en , _�= fil our showroom and ,What voil JW I I I I . . I . %WW4416 --- .. I " hoWing, you may I � 11 . � . .. I . . � . 11. . L . . I 11 . .�... I . Es depend 'us - being absolutel�. right. � .. I f) - . . , . erelsting I:. ­ I I - .1 1. 1, . I a . 1L. I I I . �� � I I - 11 I I . I I 11, . I . -.1 I 11 I . . . . 0 . ... . Our L nen Sale . ' I , - I .1 . 11 � L I 0 . 0 . L. . a I These, remitiders of � th 11 EE - . s I I I .OL There io: fto fairat offer than that of a 4 0 Money savitig, chmtes 0-ar .,., . I .. L � . . Ea 11nelft sale aftords. ., - . . . 1. r=. A . I I rN I i . . I I I . . ; . the Xing Qusdity.Shoe for $3, We I . I . . L ; ... ES 131eached and Unbleached Table Damasks I L . I 6 .1 . have squeezed Into.. this shoe actttaUy :2 As ,noh 115 I . .. .. . . If bleached Table Damask - 80 luch bleacheol double Damask I I I I I ; I ,�' I 00ro than $3 wortla of style, duTao -a sk go elo %ry day use will . gbod welghb, florAl pattbra ,�jth . w0ax?d I . .10thing '0611�h fot evo V C . . I L ;4 rt or asie ot Brook'fleia a 11- I 0 bfty mid cue. Xowhere else that _2 linens .... '.. I 1.4­1�1 206 '. roraer, � 75a cloth, lFor sala. oij r� L - L V , ;:= Brookfield linens. �. -Lt...,. �..... 500 ,,, . . I � I.. . . V, a kAdw of elm you bUY-the Same amo=t of. shoa .4 50 Itch half Wobed table DamaDh, 60 Xtich btea0bed double Damask, . 1E .. . , I . I � 0 1 1 I I d. lit good psttarns, with 1100Y weight and fine quitlity, one . . L . ' . . � . I .. I . . . . 0 1 "Usfactiolu for $3, L .1 I he"T 90V 1110 of BrI011fitila Of the b6at linen tailues we have . I I I botiler! � L . I L � 11 , . .. . .1 � . $I Tott Arb & jttdg6__eVWy *4WA je_$o P10"* coin* � Ifuexlo....�...,O�....*, ... "..... . 25C ever cold, regplar$1.06clotli rot - . I * 0 60 Inch halfbIettahad table, Damuk, Sale of 11rdekliela lineng...:.,.. Sao , . I L " . ,�Z 11 �,., J.. 944 judge tot YoUtgal ' ' . . .. I very this qnslity, handoomo, list. , 64 Inch half blealobed Damask,bilght , I . , 'I" I I ,or 6610 finish; firm aldth,,the kind you pay ., L . - items ter regular. 503 clotb. V . , . '\ I .,. - L I We Aro Acit "4 to U" %� �� 30e, 600, for in Most Stereo. Foj! s&I6 " ,,% I 1 11114Z of roakfield litiona .�... 4 ....... ,-., - , "i . .1'. . .­�/ � # I I 1, I I Of BrOOkAtila linens . ............ 40e; . ­ - � �� . . . . . .,. I I I 0 "it do so� � � I Xtipkins at gotkey Savlao. prIces . I . . . O'L I I .. . - . L .11 I 0 Rom L L I .. ilk ,a r. ... -1 M.A90 Double DAniask, full bleachod table I Oloths ROadY Made -j- IdL*411 a I oloths, handtiome putorris, botdor I L , . I � . fill 'troand, good Weight and fine 10 3)6zon Damask Haviiing, 18X%8 I I ur Celebra-ued.994 0 ­.. , - - ., . Inches, good patterft, quodity Wit I L i L'' J� ... -'.*,:',$��,�,;�.,,',,.'.',;,,Wlk..I . finish e 201 yards, tognlar $3. Pot . I . . ....411, , ­ � �311. " " N ''-,-. � 0 I Ll a& of rookfiejaun6as ......... * 2#15 will give good trost, rognIfir $1,15 Bueksk n Pan TJS , 'L �, - " , -,'�?`� - b) I 9' . L I ,­:,.',' �k",." who Shinn quality only9sa y1trag, to $1,25, rOt 0410 of. Broitikileld . I I , te tdAe 0.50. Voi 8416 -of Br6ok. linens, .'.. �;.. L'83e I i . I I .. . I *.. a . "I I . . Are having a big sale atid thbre is a good' � . . L I - . . I - ineas.. .04.. .... ... V4.1.r4k,.2160 -'-.4.---.-#' i reasori fnr it If yon compare them ith ordl. I . . � 0 Domn *,.1&pkInmr,.2$x23 inchiN VgO4 � . I 10 DOZ611, Dainask Napkins 17917 ;V.jaul &-A .. r 0 1 nary maolline-made goods you I will And the out Inch I w4w ug quaj�j,yj davy . I es, full blovikolidar Amu, weight, wtighti good flettIls, re(f- � I"" -6 totally dillerant-the make muoh superior, the . trimming better and' no widdleman's profit, to I 0 pay. This line of goods is not equalled hy aily se � ; - ­ Citir Menla Tweod Pautq ure, also made by i 11 otirsel vieff and there,is a nx�ke and fit about thbm that is not soon in other goods, Our $1.60 'f . I and $2.00 linog are excWtional value, Our ; Boys' KV00L Pallta If '5000 - and 760 Atill , 100 , by the hundred, ; sell andwhile we are continually 18 Inth linen gtass eloth"ted check, I making them we sometimes find it diffieult to I.,Ill keep up amos, Ottr Royal Oak 8erge Snitor At $10 �has been to, keen buyers, They ' a surprise v1dria. vor W6 of Brookilold, lindn"Will givo extell6vi West, Voir 5C are Lmade froin & celebrated Serge warrantail to nm givo natisfaction-,-well cut, voll made and well trimmed, Many a man hm, I)Sid L$14 for suits no , I better. Roon bftvon should ime t hom, Ask Your 1"priend , 1�1 aboft Zing Quility Shoes. . Ten to oni ahell say 41there 0�6 novio uttor." Thoy 14TO favoritts vith gooddroiseth, becauso they J%%*. toMfortabjaL jkl%d yet lityllsho-otyllsh and yet eco'. 116mirild, I I � � I \,jj I lilt, , ,, Aak a* 6xpert their prie6j, atLd U11 , '. " x�y,,$511-held be wrong -for While 1. L thoy Stra Worth it', OUr priCe J& $3. ThAdit , -- MARIK That's oj* sacrot of their sucee" Ask to see Xing Quoility Shobs.11 IbG QUALly I I � . .� . L 16'" A%**A'1�-W*'##*0-1&*AW* L' ' Good Smart son Wanted to be Trained as SalealAvIn. I . L. I I . I :, kson - - BrOkAw thers , 10 Dep 1*4' I I . I __ 1. .."",'I', � . � I I ", '_,--�­�._­`.. L - . � �� W10910 � � . An Extra Sar alfto',t, L We Were, fortUnato 9 . onoUgILI, to got t1jo j3ro0kfl0j(j . L Sp.,Il_ Iiing 004 xal)ftpje,% of blem-hed und unbleaellod table- damaskit which wo are seillfug At a fraotion, of their value. 1, Is Samples tinbileftobed " � 76 sampleir lifft6hod aamoiAn. �116111&11k, sivel$127fadho-4 'A vea, And qualifi4s, sird 194 mod, #boy mhk* �V 411,t., ,ot Ine po, henim6d, they wske 01,1 tie for RlAftbr 6 na"at W ospital Ubta uspitin foo, opm- autwor *n otAlmafy towiiilihij wn use, bboles of lot* Itior led 1*0 or *lit" timemoveit, ohoi*$ so I I .I-.--- ­_ � I - -11-1 a 'i a , .1 , - i'-' * M*6 I 41 - I � 0 � 11 1'-'L- __0 -0 I 'I , L , � 01 , �'. 111. , I �, - �� 11 .1 - Inch I w4w ug quaj�j,yj davy . I es, full blovikolidar Amu, weight, wtighti good flettIls, re(f- � I"" -6 .. - regular $1-00. Vor DA16 of Brook- I ular $9.5a, . vorga"Wo'01111*66kilola 11.61d iiii0ho., ,._*1.t,*1.4,*-#.r­.1, doe 1 lia"N ........ 1*15 � I L . I I 114*., ..41...*00*40 � . . I I cis . . w 1 and Towo-fings , Hook towols, halt blombed, do:ored / botdoe 900d welAt, a capititl boa. � Linen nuok WOW619§ extra WAS size ' I L T6001 4owel, mikilly to doll, at 25o 6 22x43 inahem, rM border,% opltudid likir, got Asia. of Drookfiold linen L towal foe general fAmily age, Nell Nell a litult,if qa,,n,ll, I ftf ularly X1 18 tio� god each# For I'll, A **V 250 41 , 16 of Brookfield linen 2 for, 18 Inth linen gtass eloth"ted check, I I.,Ill beavy fselght,tegulav 10a sind good UoKvy' OrKoh Tovroling, &11 Pure v1dria. vor W6 of Brookilold, lindn"Will givo extell6vi West, Voir 5C nm 11110111N. I ... ............... . 84160fBtookileld 11ne1t....v..i,.4 ,- . . � _ - ,-.11_*:! � - - . . . Tiie I � � . An Extra Sar alfto',t, L We Were, fortUnato 9 . onoUgILI, to got t1jo j3ro0kfl0j(j . L Sp.,Il_ Iiing 004 xal)ftpje,% of blem-hed und unbleaellod table- damaskit which wo are seillfug At a fraotion, of their value. 1, Is Samples tinbileftobed " � 76 sampleir lifft6hod aamoiAn. �116111&11k, sivel$127fadho-4 'A vea, And qualifi4s, sird 194 mod, #boy mhk* �V 411,t., ,ot Ine po, henim6d, they wske 01,1 tie for RlAftbr 6 na"at W ospital Ubta uspitin foo, opm- autwor *n otAlmafy towiiilihij wn use, bboles of lot* Itior led 1*0 or *lit" timemoveit, ohoi*$ so I I .I-.--- ­_ � I - -11-1 a 'i a , .1 , - i'-' * M*6 I 41 - I � 0 � 11 1'-'L- __0 -0 I 'I , L , � 01 , �'. 111. , I �, - �� 11 .1 -