HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-09-13, Page 44
100i - ------,,--, . .I--- __ - -1 --- 1 -THE CLINTON NEWS,RECO.RD
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Before and Since Liberell Rule I � ' .
. _ HAPPENINGS 06otsx A, SKiminas
I OtOkI Oxpeudituroft 1890, the istit year or aorixervative ruie GODERICH
11&1109'?85 OF A WEEK * * Connosp000mmr
rul for) , ; totoi oxilan(liture in i699, tho Mitt Year of Wboral I .
W111011 complete ftures are to hand,, 41151,1142,0$$; 08ti. I . 11 I
atod exponalturo for tho carroutfiseal Year, $60,812,527. - -_ . I �
1. I I W - -Y-I'm ... _.y"VM%A0AVA*A# yyvv~� ------ �__ -_ - , - -
41" �' A ftA
� - I _�� I I " - - 1-7 1-111111*
,--w;r- �-:7,�
� Mr. and Mrs. Goo . - 11 - -".-.. kirow f
I rgo Groen,'Wolfe Mr. A, J. Biown of Stratford was Mr. Stableker is having his whole 4 .... I 1, ,-. I . _ � , . �
Trn� cONQURRIOU OF GUNBWWAY is AVTBU ZI&TYRINU. t xt, returned recently from their the guest of Mrs. Collinson, Maitland grounds dug up and will another sea. " I IF6;; *75 Z5 1. " CL V .1 1, .
___ 11i" . JL %A� Z5 .
T I .� , .
Souris, Mau., September 7. -At the Conso 0��Kl)eascknb visit to Algoma, Mri House, last week, . (
. wvatlye convention 'held , I son have a lawn to vie with the ,Dow- . I
to the
, admi
4 was
it the Brandon conatituency,composed of about I ti owne sever farms up there. Miss Polley was out on, Saturday col. ling Green. . ' � -
"" "A the country has wonderfully le�ctjng all her dolls, which were being i ' - . I
&t of tile dimtrict, Ilon. Hugh John Macdonald', o%ne!d'.'out. Miss Elwood left last week to attend I
md the nuanituous nomination to contest this It'. George Smith was a, pstsson sent out to the PresbyltOriall Mission to her duties As teacher in the Ladies' , We can only extend to You an invitation to cora
, ger In India. The e
lion elections against the ROD, Clifford Sifton, I on Zho last trip not*th of the -Pittsburg � NO(*! livrmy Mission College at Dallas, Texas. Miss Etwooci I �, I .
Ili the Laurier Government. Premier Mae. for Sault Sta.Marle,building operations -Band Bout 40 prettily dressed dolls and cut her Vacation with , box, mother,, and see these new I)ress Goods beauties.
;olegraph and his reply of acceptance ,was : a lax -go number of toys for tile child- Wrs .T. E Iwood. . � .
boing on the wane here at present, tell. All regret that the late Mrs, , �
3ret of enthuslasm such as never before , Mrs, James Stron left on tile last Watt was not spared to see t1he it -nits Mr. John Robinson left last week for . \
�rovinco. The cheer-lng was load And prolong- I B I . Priaters' ink cannot tell'tbeir story, We will SN,v this, however, if yolt woul(I know thA %
Ch other with delight. I 0 trip of the steamer Jivir Little Current, of her little talk with, MeGlIlliray ' WOO. -n owest, most approved dress g9cids patterns, you must see � T- .
* Manitoulin Island, ftere, her husband Mission Band a couple of months ago. I Miss Robertson, teacher, Wingbapl, 1 . I this,assortIn exit. . .
onald, Q. C., arid Premier Qf Manitoba, Is the and son have spent the season. She Miss Polley way wall be proud of lior 1 and her sister, Kra Herb Fisher of .
(on. Sir John A. Macdouald, Q. 0. B., for many COl . . i
_ I Will remain there for Sk couple of weeks. band. � borne, visited tow; last. week of An , .. 11 I I - i
)ada, by his first wife, Isabella, daughter of We wish her a �Ieasant visit. , . � 9. I . . I I
Scotland, And was born in Kingstont Ont,j Mr, Alfrid V1 oz%u hau returned to, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser And the. Misses' I Mr. and Mrs. Aurelius A. Bowman I I
reatedat Queen's College and at the University ,his home near the Soo. � Lilly and May left on. Sandan 2nd aud Masters Willard And Russel left . I
to the bar in -1812 and practised for some time I Mrs. Smeath spent Labor ,I)a In September, for their home at . etrolb last Tuesday. 4th, Be t., for their borne -zamp-40NE KINDS AND PP*I0E&1_-W4,:;2�1 1 1
ier and the late,gon, ,Tfunes Patton, Q, 0. er, atfera vory pleasant visit At the resi. � at Hartford City, In - . .
, Stratford, the guest of ber daugKt Wiana. . I I
in 18$?. be tkere entered ipto partnership with deuce of Mrs. Fraser's brother, Mr. P. I. 1 Ernest 0016'red Goods . . Our Own "SPeCIA" made of sateen jeal), extra Ion . �
Mrs. Tindall. Miss, Maybird And Master �
a created a Q. 0. by the Earl of Derby In 1800, 1 - Mrs. McOaryou of Clinton a out some McFarlane, of the (4, T. R.§ staff, Mr. Rothwell have gone to theli respective I . I
atered the voluntoor inilitia, and days last week the guest of Fraser never forgets' the old town . w0st, aide a6els, silk Ross And ]age trimmel.
. has been In � Ee schools In Toronto. . I Whip Cord and Serge. Suitings in 5 and 0 yard with five clasps, a ba � �
sions. First, IA1800, asapriva6eiritbel4th r father w�ere holived in his boyhood ,lb the . . rg4in At per pair ........... 75C I
� .
I and aNte'r, Mr.�Aud Miss Wallace, On Sunday eve4ing we attended ,h , o I lik,' _!plie,id ___ ange of Newcombe's balf.dotlar Qorset, made especially for � . I
auriuiVhe Fenian Invasion secondly, in 1$70, Mrs. F. PrIdbam has returned from a matise, hie. father being pastor of orthstreet church to heartbopart- ' I its, Ili drab only, double side steels# steel filled, I
tarlo iflea, formin part oi , , Knox church at that time, . g o- "_'� _� ld� '
I�n ' 0 n 11 w � a "
, � the forosent to N 0 ' 0 di g . t 3,btewna,gl,eys,b1ues,
Volseley, and th2ly, in 1885, as A, captain in leasant visit to Montreal. n a of Rev J'.W McLaughlaij, In 0101 .. 8 a no " 0 8 or' I i t
all a t ., prI, , r, rig � er sl
p l.f.word � t n 0 a a in five cla
. Mr. Charles De Pendry is in Detroit, , Mr. and Mrs. Blake of Rullett and I . or , OV0 8,50 . Sps doublefront, embroidery, trimmed,
*tenop,of tl-,r,qh,eIIiOa in the N. W, T. . . Mrs, Frank McCaugheyof the same, educing him tb r n ...................... ... . .. � . .. per PAIL, 01 - . .
, , ,the con-
. Dr. and Mrs. Murray have returned gregabidn Pastor'Wilson said that he I . I ply ............. 1:.. I I I I 1. ...* .......... 600 .
I . .
naid Was aC " � '�',N ' 4� vice-president of tboDo-. to their borne after a very pleasant place were the quests last week of Mrs, And Mr. McLaughlan we ,' - Ladies' Cloth and Habit Cloth Suiting% 50 to'51 in- MIS - I .
vIS dur s rd- I
. . gether 21 years ago and- never since . . Ingi spring steel (!Iasps,,4 books, lace. trim .
d president of, , , I ' " �,qtoba Rifle Association. ing August with their friends Wnl. Tighe, Britannia Road, . tx�rdained to ches wic . �as' Oorsets,mado of heavy lean, 84 rows of co
in tile House of Cotpiaoua from the general Mr, and Alps, Burrows. , A. RougvIe is i ne -]a, warranted All wool, in some.of the . .
� west fall colorir . d,
guation in October, 189D. Ili' . Shoulder straps, per pair .......
.4pril, 1890, he . bvisit,in gs, made in med.
.. dg frionds in had the pleasure of meetin& him until 0 1
.Mrs. ,Burrows has peturned from a Cleveland, Colare us an New York,. his present visit to Goderic , his miss film weight, pricels pet, suit from .... 5400 to 7.00 ............. �e 40 .
! " . �_ - , � : 1! . . I I
ncII;And appointed, Minister of th&4nterlor in -. pleasant visit -to relatives in Ay Mr.B.rydgea is 'arectiog quite a band. a. And Homd, n 54: Inches wide, no. two alike . I I I . �
He stood for Winnipeg lu th , a ensuftlix general , r,BrAub. ion being arnonf the Indian -
, I
. .
at was unseated on petition, Jail. 15, 1597. He Ayr slid w%s the quest of her daughter., his ate much improvement among them S avy weight and a good range � I
, ma� Saitiagl
a �
, ford, Paris and Woodstock. While in some verandah, on the north side of dearly be loves Us charge arid notes .
I � � Lie house. He has aJso added a ,. The ,tp t a extra 1; I I . I . .
ar on July $, 1800� . ern, at.. I I..... I "I .... I ........... 4 .... I 1,25 Newest Outina Hatq I
-1 4-1 11 11 1�1. ri I Mrs. David Cassidy. � new nine fence Rev, gentleman took no text r his
� I � - _�;f T, --" �. q ouservatave lew!prallip . . theme but merely answered 4 number 06 I . . : I . .. I I
I in proili0tsd Mic" The Misses Fannie and May Stevens . I .
1. ,. a in Manitoba. ' . � .1, of Guelph returned to their home on Three weddings are on the tapis for rich Homespun in all the now colorings of ligbb I . I I �
..", �. . The success of'tbut-leadership was -shown in the brilliant vi c, .the in , p - his month so far. I of questions asked him on his arrival and dark grey, navy, brown, etc., Ili plaids and . The millinery advance guard is here. Felt ��
��. . . c P 4 4th Sept. after spend' a ve t .
: I 11 0onservatives won last Decernber. . i .leas exb at 'Victoria church by some of the congregation. The first assor in at
alit vacation Itt * a, Mrs. was, "Is theIndian sub ect to drunken. . �
: , :..; I I w , air A= On Sunday n Mottled effects, A good t Outing Hats� b0autiful, tasteful affairs, which. .
- . - Harry Armstrong and Miss Bissett. Thompson will preach in thef a. in. . . " .750 850
� '. �� �,Jl � famei�b be, Mr. ness?" to which Id. sincerely ans� to choose� from at ............... .. .95c gives a glimpse of on -coming styles. . Some of I . . .
". � . � Miss TeRsio McIntosh, trained nurse and Mr. WillStoddarb it% tile evening. war "No,"' the Indian does.not drink, 40 inch all wool serge (note the width) in all the lat- . the . �
. I . �
..� 11�,�',_ . has Lwn at ft iToseph's Hospital, Londoni. will, Rev. J. W. Rob' ison, pastor, will and will refuse liquor when offered. . eat shades of grey, a splendid material for either newest are T,awton, Jiaden-Powell Con,tin- . k
: . I ., %,, �� to W. A. as soon as ber.mother ree era, leaves P!,eachtlie.-mo.rplulgaird evening see- Anothetr question, whether theBoard. . suite or dresses, at. I ... I ... I.... I I . P . .
.1, I . � gnes Ger ov . . . 6 0e, gent,,408$1 'd, Vestend,,
. I I . � for Scranton, Pa., from which hospital v1c0B at Trowbridge, on the ro-opening and ludust,rial schools benefito . � ... "... 1. 1. I ... an . etc. Be Pure to see A
. .11, ��, I , d the . I . . I
. 0. .i
� . . she will graduate, of thn Mebhodist church there, ' said the . Boarding 40 to 44 inch * 11, cords,granite cloths,repps,, interested. Prices.are $1.00, . . �
A!�',; '' . I , linnan. He serges, them, you'll .be . I
�11 .. �1� "I � . I ... .. . . . . . _.. "I - . . . .. I Miss X. Taylor andlitasters Wlllla�a � Mr. Thompson, Wellington street, is School was of great benefit.,but be . as wMnavy and black, will make ' $1.25� si..50,to $2.50, . . .. . . 1
�: _` '. � - "THEOMAN virHo xnEps His w(jRlp ENTZRFj TIE[ Barton and Harry Lu n- having his cottage painted a dark red, bad not much to say for the Industrial. very stylish . I
� � , -,. . I I I 4 FIELD, don1were guests of MW DRY, all of LO suits or dresses, good value at � I . . . . I
.1 .;. I . . I I . I - 50100 I
:� � � ,� I . -_ . . 4 Lottle Morrow -with, stone -colored foundation. The children were sent to it early and . per yard ...... I., ...... I ..... ..... 1. � ... f ... . . I
: � . "I, .. - Great anxiety is evinced by'the new Lib recently. . " Mr. and'Mrs. Joy left on Sunday for remained until they were 19 and came 1, ; � I . . I i . � �.. _� . . - 11
I . . . orals owing to the fact that fo n 'abd granite bletlis in. light I . ' I I I
, � _ ��.. .. lion. Hugh 3 ohn Macdonald will beat Si Mrs. Charles Ballie of Los. Ange. their home In Washville;, Tans, home and and everything so diff- I now brown, navy,. BI t . .
, :..'.11 ,, the campaign. � r Charles Tupper's side during I lea, Cal., and daughter, Ruth, . I . erent, that it was most disgoutaging. grey, . _. ' '
6 We AM not surprised at the alarm that i�, expresse& I Miss Elwood, who le Dallas, He Saturda * .. . -
- 11 . Hugh Joh'n Is a Liberal -Co aro� at the , it for . (blue grey,).etc., at . ....... a a 450 500, & ,
- liservative Premier; Sir Wilfrid Laurier is a apending� September Texas, last week, He thanked Worth street, congregation '.. - I Y &'Monday, - .. � I
_.____L telegraphed to her . I � . . I . I 1. 11
�. �, -;;,., �,.,,_ new Liberal Premier; and the contrast b residence of Mrs. Baille's father -In. ni,the for sending so many gifts to the Ind. 54 inch HOLD " I. . I
, . etween the Premier who keept, law, Mr. John Baille. � I shades of grey, green and. . . . . 1),
:�� ... , 9kirt
.1:, .-.1. . r, Mrs; J. Elwood; on Monday a. - e8pun. in I I I . -
I � . I. .. .his'word and the Premier who has deceived everybody and will'do i I lans and, in answar to the ques brown mixtures, a good service .
.,�, .. - . I I., . It in. the news of the disaster at Galvele. What can the Ladies'Aid tie"' able material . Black x Vhan I . . . ��
, ., . ak,tin .,Is so Marked that it cannot fall to make a deep. impression upon tile Mrs. W. Barton and Mrs. J. Laney ton. . . � do for the : .for either skirts or suita*,� ...... � . .60c . . . oi� for 2.9t7ys,
I . . . minds 6NI honorable -me , I . I * of London were the guesta,the last week . . .......... .1 I . .
:,: � � ''. I I I � a. . I . . IndianMission where. Avon.- are engaged, . I . .......'. . I I . . . . �
I -1 1. . . � . � , � . .. . . . i
�.,., '' ... . * of I . . . . I . i
I li� . 11 I ,August of their sister, Mrq. George y1ro. Fraser slid Mrs, Ansley of Lou- he would say "Priby f6i. us," that will . -1 - . . — . ength for $3.90 -. .-- . . I . .
. :;. �7, - I . , I ,Hugh J6hp Ma0donaldand Wilf;,Id Laurier both enters' . , 'don have been spending a plet1sant .� $A - Wit L
T. :, . .. .sbrugglea av4%,upoa defin,it . I d into political : Morrow,- . � � va- ;,te2cae;but 'have no unbroken homes . . . 1, . . � . . .. I I
.�: .l -, which they -themselves laid 'down. - I I . �
. 1.� . � I . a lines Rev. Mr. McLachlan, his wife. and OatiOIX with their sister, M , (Rev.) . . .. Ladies! flne black skirt lengths in assorted bmall . .
, .1 I . * When 111agh J ,11 was Victorious he -proceeded at once to carry into P ra d you will have no unbroken I � �f) - ' ' - I and large designs, hard flnisb, will no . I � . �
,. I I I � . .1- I � . ,
I , Mar k Turnbull, at the Rectory. - . t bold dust,
.,; 1 �*�'11 .* effect the promi2s, he.bad given, . As his father fulfilled his guarantees to daughter left, on Monday a, tn., for Do- homes in heaven. Mr. McLauglihin says Black V Uods ' . . I '
_11 I Canada to inaugarate a national policy and to build the Canadian Pacific tro6 where they will spend a week The funeral of BrIla McLeod, belQv- . . : 1. . our re ular prices we 50 to $5, fust a few .
"� _. � �'. -Ch'ristiarx-offlciaW . .11 I . . . .. . . � re from $4,5 j . �.
" i. thereare many good . I skirts fle t
,. , .� I .... ,; � visiting a cousin after which they ad wife of Captain J Olin Morrison of . I . I .to go, on Saturday or Monday. A-, ..._�_$3.90 - . .
�, , � 111.- �� L, railway,�so Rugh.Toluiregarded. the platform which the people had an- will -take the.C. P. R, the . .. in that region', but many are ?act ftfdr Black Cre.pon dress lengths, no two-allk6, Ili small , - � . I � . , �
�71 � .
I., I., L , dorsed as his contrk for tbeir h6wei, -steamer Simon J. Murphy, run. the position and set the Indiana a ver . designs, - very fine finii3b, will not. hold a not,' ., ' ' � I ... I � .
., . , qt with themo and proceeded ,to work upon tli*p princi frpm Buffalo to Duluth,took place r 25c �-
� ,,� j�,#. I. . les therein laid � , 1- Berens' River. - Uns. McLaughlan says 1119 I - 33o eld Na fo ' I I �
'.1 , . . . dowa.- It is related, of him that in carrying out one of . I bad example. Before. the ,,address, special value at,. � . . . I . � .
- _ I I by the river side and the choir. sang the beautiful ant tn -,, , .. �... ...,. .'... , . 3 ends of fancy plaid dress gdods in M ' . I., .
I , . , I Kis pledgQs he declared that he would do as be h theirbothe is on Thiarsday, 80th August, from her . . ..q '6 50 7A 9,00 &- 12.00 of g ' blue, . I
: �'� . , ad agreed to do or go out, ' when they want to visit any place dis. . peace "Rosanna to the Son of David 11 Mr. , 1, . . : 9 a .. . . reen, red, - etc.',eitra finequality, A I value . .
, .1 1 ,'�` , and thathe would rather go out for doing as. he had pro late residence, Gloucester Te . . , Ixea colors
; I I mised than remain The deceased lady was a strict Chris- Bridges taking the baritone solo' , . d French Skirt lengths, no two .' at 33c, for Saturday and Monday at ..... ... � . . I... . I . . . �
I . !it Office ilol&ting his agreement with thb electorate and offeadinglils Sbe loves the country and the mission. tiall, a inember of Knox,church,.gpd it � I alike, in very n . .
, I _� � tant they have to go by their cange. "-inch Black Figure
. : �,
. � . I—- .. ..A2501 .
. . I
,�V��` I.. . � owilooDacience. His view -is that the people rule, that their desire must Miss Akam sang the beaubiful solo . . . eat designs, hard Mohair finish, I .1 I . . I �
.� .,!, :.. , ' '
, I be law and that this politician- who deceives them is guilty of .work. Miss MdLiughlan is bel6g6du- loying Mother andmife. Her husband "Satiisfi6d" at, . guaran , . . . . I . .
�24,__!,;..�'i" �, . I . I . Victoria street church teed to give Satisfactory wear. Special Grey Flannel ifllo . �, .. .1 . . .
.4".� : . � , . arrived only about one half hour after for,skirt lengths,. ......... I.., .. . . . I . I I
,.I t _,V� 1. able act and is febstrating the great purpose .of re a dishonor- cated in A Winnigeg,college.. Ing, in a most accep4. - . ... I .$ 4.610. 25itich wide . . I
I .. , " 4 . � - presentative govern. - passed, �is � her decease,� har,illness- beiag so .Bhort. on Sunday eveni I .. 1, 3.50 and . I flannel ia light and dark.- grey, Ili . . I � I I
. I �
i . � . . :
I . , ;�_,.,, . ... . aent,., SleWilfrid Laurier, knight that he is, has no such respect for his, :. Alaster Frank aunders the; Col. $he leaves four child able manner. Miss Vida Bell accom. 44-i leb, Black French .. � .twill and Plain, weave, 'very. he& I I .. I � . "
" "... matriculation examination at ran, two boys And Perolai, Ili Silk and M h - � � vy quality, usually -
, .. # pledged'w6rd. Haisof t)i6by eaftfieParislan politicianwhow' I I I o air � .A . . .1,
. ", , , "... .. ill play (ai;,� two,girlb, .the youngest being an in. panied her very;clev(i ly'on the organ. . Figures, �Xtrwfine, ,hard finis , Id lat 15q, to - at ....................... . .........., I . �,
I , . . - I � -
- ".., -�; , I lege. Institute and is now at the Bt , h�l I I b I 90 . � C... 11�zio., . ,
. I to everybody and If successful.Jc.� what.he presumes will pay'the besb,-, . We'bo�e to bear -MI r . .
. � �, - I . I . � ; n6ss College, Galt, Frank is Very fant of' a few . days At. its- mother's , . I , as Akam again at one skirt in eaclijongth. Spdci "' - 6. 6 -to 8.50 'artan, t gg " . . �
�,, - I Mail and Empire, . . . . A . , I I � . . each J ,. , . T . I . . . I . .
p, 1:,.. , � . . . I � . . - I M , . . . . I .. . I ;
,;.: .:, . _� . . � . . . I I I I - 1. clever, , . . . death. Rev.. Dr. Ure-�officiate.4 a�b an early date- . ., . I , . .1 s a 0. I . � . � I . . . .
. . � 11 : . 1. I .: ". I . I 1. v The', casket was , . On Sunday next Rev, r. Xelly��j 454nch Plaiii Coa ack,) , . I ;I . .. I I I .. . � 1.
� %� .. . . - ******"* 10. . ..�� . � . . ., ..
. . , ,
, 1 : " .- ., . - . , . . . . I ..�, � **+***** � � � . Mr. W. Diedkelihas returned fr - .house and grave. , iing Selge,extra rich (Blu6BI, . . . : . . 600 yards of & Tartans, 24 in . , . . . ,
. " ' OM
I .. I I I I 11 fill the pu pit of, North . very hard. finish, . plaids, suitill . .
�:. .. . flne'even, a, Chas wide, in. . *. . 11 � .
- �. . . .1 TaE COXINO MAN OF QAifADI-AN POLITICS, : his position in Detreitand'has obtained . wholly hidddh with. the 'lovely floral An .." 6 ,v guaranteed - ' Is follneZildren's dresses, worth to -day . .'' � :
1�',, - . I . . . . . .., � . I . 'A �pbsition in X. -and Ai ,Dyments' . ati.t"'.rcit"Wroh, Rev. Jas, Wil on going ' 'all Wool, we" a oxcbIlent wear, for skirts 1 - , . . . .
1 �-, " :, . , . . . . . ___.... , , .. . ., . . . tributes, arnon� them-belng:-��Ahanxl� Is � I I . . . , .. 1. , . ,,
I 1,1. 1�. I � 1. I . . . . _. . I I 60 , �?, to go at ....... C ..... I .......... ,�, .... P ............... �,% . I
�t ; ,some pillow .w.1th th6 word. "Mother" . I I . . � dresses. will g .., . . .
, In the.bourse of a fe*wee - Mi� Hukh�Johh, Mapc 6ounting-roorn, Gravenhur6t�. We. con to Auburn, . Specia .. .... � ......... I......0 ........... �r. e , . .
I olo inhv I I . . I .. . . ot . .
�,,. 16nald, the Premier .. I . I . .. . � ,� 11 . .. I 5 bil .. . ,, I 110 . . 1 ..
�., 11,�. . - . . � .. I' �� . ..
1. . . drple, the Offering of her children . . .. I . � . . I I .-
. , I . . . of Manitoba the coming man :of Cafiadiaft'�,,Oliticsi, Will visit'. the city of . gratulate the Messrs. Dymen6 on�bhei , I MissAchasoll and sister Lauri' -inch Black Figured. MAak, fl.ne Silk fluish, will , - Waists. at 0,95. 1 . �. .
: � . I a a 4� 1
� .. I / , Quebec. 'Ali those who ta" An 14terest'in anadian political' affairs .selection 6f"A cletou, fo ndsome large Wreath from the A: 1. who I . . . . � . . .� . ., I .
I .
_L'. . , . , or hold dust, large � arid small designs; only silk shirt Waists In stripes of rnauve,green, I . � . 11 .. ..
%,�'. I ". I . . � . T g an. - Paris, are among -the., passengers . . I . -;.* ...... �i *1'2'0'0 and white, sizes ,32,, 84, 36, regular v . .
;Z... I �. . . I -will r W�.Dekd.rlch, .is were accompanied by Mrsi Re ,: � .
� ".:, . do well to follow the xripvementg anc .astarlingyoun in 0. U. W. ; lovely shower boquets, Mrs. to . ynolds 5
�, , I u 6terances of this remarkable man. . werycli$lpeeial at ................ * ...
I � Of recent years Hugh John,, as be is familiarly known In the West, has . he Boston baseball nifte bad,Aeir: Capt. A. M. Sheppard and li�r 'aaugh- this trip of the Oofinthiiii - � .. I . . , % � , Able , . .
" �i; � � shown that hepossewe�'in a ver I y Marked degree the characteristics -of his own private car, which stood dh the tar Marion ; a lovely boqubt of chrisall- . . 111 , . .... . . � clear at ............... �..... . . . $5.00, to I .
;'' �� * Mrs. Rberts and dauklitor, Josie have . . . I . . . . . . . I ........ �........ "..'. j........ u.$a.915 I . I . . � . I I
, distinguished father, and particularly. the ability to win thoAastingiriend- .8 � � -
-'� � � track all Saturday and Sunday.:, The� tbemums, ..the Misses 'Hislop of. Dow . .
t " .�,. ; , � . , 'Ili the piov ; . to geran. returned to tbeir-Hotel at Ch tham,the . . A1205k, ty I!- co . . , . I . . . ' r $1,50 .. . .. ... I..., . . �. � 1. . � I �..
. " , ship and devotion of those with4h6in hels associated. t Olt r a lovely wreath of whi .. .
�� " I . I . .r.,w inpe, came here from Wingliarn .and lefh'on I r . Ga;rner lions . . . . AM. . rsets � ., R 26 Bobbinette Cartaini fg '. I .
I . - . Monday &,in, for I Ailsa Craig, procee& ""In", asparagus, fern arid wax plant . . I . I .. . . . ; . I I .1 I
,% I . of Manitoba his great persorial,popularity bro'u'ght about the'6ver.whellh- . I . . . . . . I I . I I . . . ; I
I � . . ,. . . ' .
, '�:;.-, . . . I � . . .1 I I . 2 pairs 661y � .of B nettd Ruffled Curtains, � ,'. . . '.. . . . .
'1�i,il , 'ba;ve take I That a 'O Comfort in,, ebb! ' . .. 11. 1. % . I . . .
:, - Ing defe4 of. the strongesti- goveMinent th . . . ing on to )Detroit. There -were only blossoms, Mrs. James'Buchanan Ji, � Dr. and I Lzrs. ��H'Dt6 * 4
L ' % ,j, '. a province had ever known. -Mrs. Uncott: and . : r I n . ..,* .1. . de of fine quality Brussels net and lace, regulai� �; I I . . . . . I . .
- I 11 � Since he took office, Mr. Macdonald has established :for himself a'reptita- a lovely cross from , their artistic new r61- , .� - .., value were, $3.25, on account Of th6ir being slightl . � . . ,� I
.�� , . I seveD young lhdies,tbe othei two being � possession, of . r.
11_.�'.. � I I tion for,aincerity and honisty of ,purpose, that is tile strong . young.men. The fair grounds were I numberless boquets from othor kind dence. . . � . .. . .. . .. . � . . . . � - r.. �. I I I 1. . I .1
I .: �: . I I oat -possible I I I . . I I I I . I - Givi . soiled wd offer them 7 * I
I commendation any public closed in with canvas and seats erected and lovibg friends, The pall -bearers � - r. John Pr&udfoot, insurance . . . ... .. . I 114090 .. I . . . I. .on Saturday and Monday, At.'
.;, , . man can possess. Of one thing the elector I .M . . .. I . I I asliso - ,� �46'i - .
� were i I . . . .. I . ...
:4adles'Hea flestsat256 - . . I I . .
�. -�L '.. . . May posittvelv be assured And that is tha't whab. Hugh Jofin� MacdonsIdS L therein. The Boston'team' Worb Orlin. .:-Mayor James. Wilson and. agent, Atlanta,'. Georgia; evidently Those 'of ' i . I I . I .
.. ,�. I �;,. . : '. promises to do he will do.' No highly -colored flights of orator son blouses, blootri0sand soft felt -bats. Mesbrs� Warnock, James Buchanan, signed TOr tile breezes of Old Huron , Col , . you . who are VY . . I - . . .
I I . are;us0d. I I . .. ,, I . . I. I . . .
L. I , . I by him to eonceal,-a, double meanink and thus to hambuF " The . .Some had. long curls and 'some had '19r,, D. Stoddart, Robt. Henderson is family.. . I . -ft- Ladies' extra b6avyqu Ii . .1 � . � . . �
�� . : , , the pullic. . and took a holiday to visit h . . . looking for, Con.fo. 9'V'ng front, long sibeves, ni a ity union vests, opeit �. I I
, .
. ,. . admiration which.the Conservative leader, Sir Charles Tu�per, braids, all tied with crimson ribbon.. and James Shaw. Mr. and MKs, McL He looks wonderfully well. . . . . cely Made and trimmed,*usu.. . .
�,7 .,.I I., possesses . ., I Corsets need not necessarily � . . I
� . Leod; the, parents of deceased- and � . . . ally sold ab 30c to 35 . .
. I ..
� I
� I , , I , . I for the -son of his old ebleftin: has induced him ta prevail oil him to join Their playin� with bat and hall' was ,then- two sons And daughter of Ripley, - 11 . sa6riflce sty'lishn6ss. Co:mp . . . I I .- . .��10
. .xterous. he pitcher captivated all, his uncle, Mr, Alfred Videari, to his ., . . ,.
� .� :, . in his tours and those -who know the'Premier of Manitoba best are most 148 Mr. Burton- MoSween Accompanied . c our price is only 0a ' ch..v .......... 25c: � .
. !,- . V a 1. . - I . .1 I .. .�
� � " � , willing to-zoncede thub the honor Is she tvas so supple,and too swif C for th andAfr§. 11, G. Blenma'll of.Detro't, home at Bay Mills, Mich. . s "Weavy-, W001 Hose ..a .1
.. . . vell merited and1hat-Sir Charles I . Boy t 2,50 � . ... I . .1 I � I
:�:.; i . - I.. . -1 i bi , d their best, and I . . � . :. . .. .. I �
., � - ., Tupper s acting iviselyin assonia ing with himself men � home team, who playe a sister of Captain Morrison. attended .1 I . i to this Corset section and be I - � . . . I '. . .- . I
. . ..of theblght�,pe the f I - Mr. -Lindsay 'Will . . . . . � . Boys'extrAbeavy wool h ' ' *
., ; I .1 . of Hugh John Macdona hronicle. '; - ',: ; , . their worst, .13 to 2 being .the 'score. uneral. Many.friend6 Attend& . iams is atteridin - -'Cors I ose,nadde of good qu .. �
1. ,. . � . . . - . � I . . fitted," .a B & () 41- - ;, o " :
I _ . . I I . . 1 .1 . 1. � . .B the'funeral cortege, which wa,,Very Me Model.Sch6ol this term H' , . �� in et. ity yarn, in sizes %, 1), ft Just .1 . I .. I.,
,,: , . I . . �. #++##**+*+++"# . . - I etween 300 or 400 people -attended the large, . ai . id* ' ided its way . bh4� join the Jarg a a wiff I '� .. � .1 ... � - the - thing. for bdysI.- I I ....,.:,.:. - 1. : ."
I . . . I .0 - i, " ?e - , . game, half of whom were seated in the to o,staffef Cana fail t Ii * It;vnll feel vs easy a§ .the wear, wall worth 05 ,, S . �
I �� , � �. .. . . I I . . . + I � won I * eac - . . � . c . aturday or Monday; .... ....... ase I
, . I I � . � � . � I I I , � . . ,. . . I
I . � . � - . I ' � ere at an early datei We wish .� RU � . � . .. .. . I � �. . + I . 1. -
. � I.. . � ., . �, .+A WARNING.FROM THE FARM. . I . .1 . reserved seats, ..The wite-of the Inaba- beautiful Maitland cemetery. .* .. .": say success. I I Lindo �. . 1. . I .. proverbial old sho ,.' d at� 38c Cash' e Hose, at ,9 1 ,P, I :- , *' . . � � .. ., .� 1. � 1-
� 1. � . . . �__ � . I . . .. . . ertookin the gate-induey. Quite& - 1. . . . . .1 . . : X&I � I . . I -q, -ail _ . � . . n? re - _1 I I .
,;. � . . .. +****+*+"* . I + 0 , . ` th ., pair jut 500 1 . . ,. �
r- 1.�,�,:".. � -4- , . I � I .
. I flot of visitors wore drawn here by the **+"**"***#* Miss,Le Touzel 'spent last week in , . � . It style ' Ladies' fine black cashmere he . .
I . I , . . , ,
.. � A somewhat sensatiovalincident occurred at Norwich on the occasion .. +1 I . e same time impart , . I I I
I , . - so, made of two. . r I
.z , -4, ,Of Sir Richard Cartwright?e nomination for South Oxford on, the 30th ult. coining of the Boston baseball team : - ToroAto,-the guest of Mrs. i. Naftel, ,and codifbri. Your' new dress Will fit�j thregi yarn, extra heavy gole, sizes 8j, 0, 01, regular . I ..W�-14&: ,
"'i , ,.. I .. . � �
. . .
�.,. ,. � The race ts at.. the gate were abou; , I X1138 Constance Le . I . . Ituch rl . .
�.�.l . . It was a forgone conclusion. that Sir Richard would be nominated Inthat DOW . Touzel It , P ce is 38cl api�cial for Saturday or 1 1 .
. .
. .. . . .. . 1 : . . I
. ,., and the grandstand between - I � I . I . . 11. ast, re,- 'better over 0116 *of Ahese. .. . .. . . a I
11 I .. . $85 or $2 .t , , I .. 14ond y at 2, pa t�,Zdo . ,
". � .1 ". 1. Liberal stronghol4t but biorder to vary the proceedings, alittle several �. . I.. . � . .... � .turned to her school ab Hens.a . I . . . . . . . . ... ' ' �_ .. . . I ..
.i. - : local celebrities were nominated. One of.these wmaMr. Ficht,;,afarmer -. $20 and $25, Th6� were quite -satisfied, � � . I. .. . . , . I ... . I., . . . �
;� d �� �.. . � I . I . �. ".. I . I .
, . . Mrs. Thomas Lawrence of Luck Big Bargain in Men`� t1fidiess6d Shirts , . I
. � .
I. �� I who'has a loug,re Ord as &-consistent Liberal. '.,, He'finpi-oved'his G yet they Bald Winglikm did. much, bet, . now lie. 172 B &.0, made of French cotille, all Rllbd with I I . . � .
� . I ' . .
. � I
'': , I I . ' 139 A ver pleasant -feathe6ono and sido steels,nicely trimmedwith ' Men's undressed'sbirts, With doubl . .1
I ,� . I � ppqr- . . has' been havi
, - . - , ' ' ., .. . ,a linen front, I .. � � ; ,
I 1. ' ' . 1. I,
1. , , . . : PoliOdma I .1 . . . � 11, , . _ ' 0 '.,,, laiceand ribbon. will give, A I wear;, w I 'th .
I I., , �' taniby to tell SIMichard- And tbroUgh him the, Government -someplain. .:Car. ,. F4. �:ei : US'' . - , visit with bee'sister, Mrs g Iwall, and . sizes 14 to 161, beat shirt it, to � ;
truths that wore Dot altoltetber palatable. ' He complained with- emphasis , : I �
" I..,..,.. . gistrate Seager's new -house' - I I � � I nleb(ii Mrs. Frasqr. . . � � vael,anted . 'ab ............. , Own 'or k% Mone � . 1. , I
i . �.. idn fulfilled, thatthe farmers in.' - . . . I . . I .. . , r - I 70
" ; I . . perfect fltbing,'6ar special, price . . ......... ,
. . . I . . . I . .
�1. I -flectibli promises hail not. be number 0 '' . - .. . . I Mr. and Airs, John OeIsner intend * . I . _ � _ . . I I . �.. �. .., . I
. : I., I tliat, the pre 1* ,on Elkin avenue will be qui . : : I . . . I ,,0 0 .special Va L16 ; ... Zoe'. . .,
, � tton to the to an addi I . . . I I I . . .perp . . I . . . . p,
',...., I terests were'entirely I tiered ; and concluded by saying that If half, the f fine re Idences . * . A number of our sub- leaving town for Florence, Ken. No- 490.Vlexi-Girdle Corset, made of a28s97_J=WM(=WXa=CD I . I . �
.. I I gooil quality , I . . I C="CZa:N�(rVftM . ''.
. .
I I . . Liberal farmers were *Ories the, present Government - would la 'It 18' : scribers have, sent us. the. tucky,. their southern homa, ,lot ' sateen, all filled with featherbone, extra I I , " .
'. '.. . pay. greater . . . , .
. . 1, - 1 '.,
. � � attention to their -wishos. . '. I � . . I . - a fine two-etbre building, - amount of their account I on 11 ' ' " ,
.:, . . �� I
14 . I I I - . - I .1 ,� . .
. .1
I . ManY other pare . ly agri. - . ad his ..sister . .. 1. which in each ease was .. � - . 0 , � . � .... I I I 1, a - 8ailom I at: 850 , I . � I I
I ,. . I. . . . Mr� JAmeis extty. a O^tober., ' . .. I - ,waist, perfect fitting, per � pair .......... ,-._ Ong A0 elt .. , .
� If this feelinkisi getieral-and reports from' 91, I I . , Ill on I - I . I . . I .. I I L' die , s' F . ., . . 1. . . . .
t f, 0 u I k4D busi ' ' ' ' all . .
. . . I e at small but the total was 11 Of Our we' ' wn ness Ladies' Comfort Corset Waists, made of I 0 dozen ladie$� fb1t S
: ,!: � - cultnril constituencies are'Lothat adect-the prospects of �tbe, re�turn Of Miss MO.Kay,roturned to' cheir'liom ' * Am lea :
I - . ar I 1
4 DA 0 Oxc a * ' While 'a Par'! I
ower ora 0 0 h hpoprd I "
Mr. M c'O 'd -'i-- - - �e�!��I�
de ad
i U ' a ' � 0 land And
4 Lia 4 8 am V b batch Eng the 14
8 O' ' ry a
YMP ae ' I I a in be of a 0 of
lop p
bw - r 0 . , .
M lea Mae led , �rsb, "1870 , to I an Kin , dau ! to' of , to
u , T ro to w I .
ay 0 n lie d , 1 1 , con
t Lie d �l � in 1893 A
C., of Xoront,
b b a n � 4 �de .
, U 0 Aug r Ott a lat, , � A - On I at Q
d , d te k h
. . 8 * X , V n * 9 �
" �
I . I
# -
I ,
., .Conservatives to power ate bright. Awattack of this kind must beef Toronto OIL Labor Day,much benefited � - of , �s a . to be sol . I - good qual-. 'I � ors in. col of. ro
, the 11 add n _ ,a , or$ . : I �
� .: matevial assistance to - - ity French cotille, high bust, long waist, la,ced, . .
. I the nature of 4 -thand I . their visit to their old home, Aufr. : emaizedtwo Ion h 0 yal, fawn, brown I . . I I . r . 11
. zbo I . I this Wn I I lio, I . , black,, with ilk�- band . I . ,
� I
f:1 1. . orbolt to bho Ministerg for. if there.. N a revolt in,, . cKay's visit was a business . one as . �. us. , But there are many . * ' hips, buttoneddown front, special at., .... 0 ... si
I . . ( . - I
� � I �1:1 I I South Oxford, what can lie expected of Lennox and other .-tilose coDstibu4 well. he bein"g one of the directors -of , .: still in arrears and it is 11 Visi Madara has 'returned from a . I - . . � I � I.. I made of extra quality felt, .9 � � I . i
.11 I 11 encles ? The adcumulating'evidencts'of di8aath�action with the Laurier . �. . . . to those , we ar , a now very' pleft6ant � visit to Roanoke* Vie,, :�thletia Corset,made of best sateen, fiffed with , - , 1. I regular value I . - . . I
,nlsters -Oran the organ factory. . � I featheiboue,nicely trimmed andfinished wa's $1.25 each, a fortunate . . I . o I
. Government ore not comforting to the M geSentinel . . . . . speaking.. Please don't where she was the guest of her sister, . A very . 0 e I-' . . .
.� 1- I.. - . . . .. . . Miss Habeelack who spent her vaoa-� I ' Airs. Glasgow. . . I q . comfortable corset, pet, pair ......... .. ... � . .. L I I I � . ... I
, . . � . . . . . , . purchas4'
; . . . .1 . I � I � forgetusbut, help Dal I . . itX1 . I
I I . . **+*"*+*+#*+*## .. .. . I. � blon at,the beautiful residence of bar * to ,,, n . I ...'.. I 00 ,a ables us t6 sell them.on Saturday or Moil-' � 11
. I I
11 I : .. . . . . I .... I I � � r . I . . our endeavors ke. Mr. "Aunt 'of '-'Chicago has:- bee .. . I I � : . .
,.,:� 11 . sister, Mrs. James Clark of 1,Tbo n Child's Waist, made of flne qualify'lein, butt6ne(I at -each 85c. � . . 1 . I
, li : .. I I � . . Cresent�llham returned to hop schoci in I .a an . .. . .
. I WILL -PTINISaTHE PROMISE 4nnAKERS., 11 T12o People's Paper still di the past two weeks at . froati'nicely cord6d, will givegood.wear,opqcial . . f
. T . . I I . I , . � � , .. bright? I'll . . , , , '. . I I � .
, . . I ir and better, � and tEe r0siffence of his parents.. : . . 25-. 0 4"y � . "
";- . ___ I . I . Buffalo. Miss Haborlack. thoroughly � Ouw, . 1� I � � . . . (EXII�ma:�l�a3escl>cxmKm(r,*qscn I -
"; .
"; . ; Manv electors whohavealwa dAf T:U I 1� I V I gron,fly oblig .1 . . cma=rr3swe_f� I i
! electionswill V , . .7 .. arm candidates in past enjoyedour beautiful, drives. . . 1. I . . W. Aurg.zpenceana three pretty little 1- .1 I .. . -_ ,� . - I .1 I — .1.1 . . ...
I . � . . I . � I . I . :
OtS against theta in the coming election' aIt4pIy to punish . Mrsi Colin Campbell returned last . I .. . . daughters, left for their borne at' Bar- . . . . � I I.. .. . .1 . . I I -- . .
them for breakin . . . . . lin on Saturday after a m6st deligbb" - . I . I . I . � I � I � Votat MONEY RACK . . .. . . . . I
.g their'promises. The views of this class,6f electors are Thursday' in August - from her te- The—*------ . . � . . I
: well expressed ,by. the Eastern Out&rio.RovIe*,a . I . -tbebome Of Mr. William . . . . .i, " I.. . . I . 1
. . . I . ., .
Liberalnewspaper, which mark4bly,. enjoyable, trip to Banfl! and . � �, . ful visit at . � I XFVOU NVANT 1W ... .� I . I . . � .
I still stands on the old Liberal platform. It says .- 11 The Liberals were re. , surrounding, points. of interest. She I . . I � � Marlton, Mrs. Spence's brother, . . I I . .. I . . , : I . , I . . . I . . . I I �. I � . i . . . , , .. . ;
I �
I turned with a very large majority. ,. T4e.r promised the electors they ex0atiates'upon tire beauties of ,'The Misses Martha and Annie Wells ... . . , . . . . I I . i
I I , . the News - c . � I % . . . . . .
.would tax theinjess, th6, wodld wipe'out millions . of their debb, they Rookies and. no doubt will charm as I . Re ord I . I I � I � . . . . .11, �
. . . I. . . . . I
would not give the peopl�ls money to private riallwa. and other corpora- 'With Borne' original paintings taken *###++++#++###*+" left on Sunday for Toledo. I . . .11 . I . . � I .. 11 .
tions, they would purify the elections,, they woull give,as a tarifffor while travelling, at no late date. To . . "*"* Mrs. Brown has _. removed to the . I � I . . 19 .. . . I I I � ..
* I
I . . .
,revenue onlyg, and BcO!7bs of slaular Promises. They have not done what hear her describe -bar experience � one I Captain Solin Morrison and eldesb houselately occupied by Dr. JRUnteL. . . �
they promised, and laugh in derisloh At the electors who hones .b C I b_ - . Mrs. W, Logani Air r, Is .. � I . . . I I . I . � I ... . .. I
. Lo lef 6 for their hoMe in 'Buffalo .
ad them to do as they had promised. Our idea is that if an tly expe would call that region, ."'The Switzer- son, Albert, left for Buffalo on Tues ttie, d bar daughta � I (9 .
. . .
. . I y par y or land of Canada." We welcome list, day week, � . I . . . . .
Men make definite promises- and dbtain certain privileges as a result of back tG dub V , I . I Thursday inoning. I . . . . .
those promises they sliguld at least makb'an efforb to carry out their . . The Misses Annie and Catharine � � I - I . . I
#romises. Mrs. Rei'yof Clinton, wh6 accorn. Murray of Detroit are the g Me Ed Tilt returned on-Ist Sept, to % . . I . . . . I
Thib the Liberal party leaders did not .try to do'and they can partied her sister -in -14,w, Mrs, -Colin tbeir-alster, Mrs..Tames Macd ueste of Medi'll C;Ilage, Montreal, to finish his .. . � . -1 . . . I
9 onald. . I ,4-00 — ILINTON
ive no valid excuse for neglecting to do so. If we wan 6 and ex o0b to got Campbell to Banff, also returned, hub Mra. W. Johnston of' Kin course as mining engineer and electri- I I � . . C � �
honest government in this country we have to give party g4rf, near I - - . , . , - . I . I . . ;.
' I Pr M ther, I - 4 : �_.;.T� I .0 . ENIIIII 11 I I I 11 - I _ . � . . .1 I . I i
. ..
. . I . .
olate their promises w1bboub good and, from the baths. I Mrs, � , Macdonald, . Ate. Avehie Dickson left this week Sentorth. �v VVV-WVV*VV40~ 1 .
distinctly understand that if they vi Tleaders to did not seem to gain blvell sbtbngth Riplaro is the guest, of, It 0 clan. I - I
.The snow fell in B&Dff on 25th ana , , I . - - -
sufficienbroasons and then laugh At the alectotite for expecting theta to The sad nvwA of the awful storm at fop McGill College, Montr0alito pursue , __ � AAAAfA A A 4 0~ %0�_. . .
mlain thdir Actions, that cut they', go and other men be given a chanae, 20th Auk. -When it fell on the 25bh . his medical studies. . . ,. , I -
, I I . . . -
If eaders who disregard their promises are "Read" by the electors at the Galveston, Texas, prostrated one of I . . Mrs, S.Somorsbas reowyed ilia follow- . * I
- (Saturday) the ladles anow;balled. eacY 'the Goderich visito a h keb ageab in 'We offer our Ing letter O( thanks from Mr. X -a I . . I .
first O obhor r , w ose husband, ougtakilation to W. , Ingrol .
TPOrbuft!67 it will not take them very long to learn the lesson that after coming oat of the sulphur Mr. Talbot, was city .tic P ranklin Hartencstein for a copy, of his al y T On . . .
8 . of Port Perry - - 0 o . r . . I
Cana a'wants and is determined to have honest government, A few Galveston, Vp -to no li new March and two stop dedicated to . eotp '', t , I . .. .
tele 0 To Mrs. S. Somers, R. S. Princess . . . . . I
lans have gob control of the Liberal party to -da I Miss Coutbg had the honor of writ. answer to her the groat PAIX�Anlcrican V xposltiorr bf . I I
small provincial Politiol . baths, . .
And unless they are returned to t air school house politics ib party 7 grams, but we hope �
going to be seriously Injured." I I . . 0 is Ihg her name at Mr. 'Vernon, 36ffer. bar husband and borne are safe, 1901. "The Exposition March,, is bpighb Alice L, T. B, Lodge No. 21� Win. I , Great, . . I
. . I . . . � . I . . I son's birthplace and last resting place, Mr. MeCraeken is having a new and inspiritingi and written in a very throp . . . . ., . . I
, . �111,
� ,
I .
. . ith the pen ( Dear Sisiar,-Your eateemod Favor to 'I I . . .1 . I i .
. #*+#++*#++*##+++ w ,Tuill) that greabstatee. atone foundation put under his real, Pleasing bt le, which will capt1wato Are, . I a 0
LAVRIM31 IJAS DISAppo . 1 I . man used W lie signing the great . dence. . all loyers ormusic. The band in Potts, hand, containing the sum of seven . . I .1 0 0 . . . I � � 'r * .
ution of Indepand6rice. Mr. and Mrs, John Young and fam- 0 1 1 . � I %OWJ16 .
. INTJWD TEIR OLD LIBERALS, Declar town, N.Y., the old home of ti d Ilara In aid of the, Loya True . Slue � Cie, nrinL - .
� . _ Among those who visited the title flY Of Walkerton Are visitillS Mr. and coWposert lays tile 1-;XP0sItfOneA1afrtaehd 01haUS96 sib Pioton) libing amount -*, ' s- .
* * But Willie Sir Wilfrid Laurier *Ill havoAll thig new support will he I Saunders Mrs. Robert Young. already, he. swinjing style of t to col cabdd by the wombers, of Princess . .
be able *to retain at Toronto Were Mossrs at �, I i I .
thos`0 Who formed his victorious army four synars ago P R. R- Sallows, Dr. Holmes, J`6b;# Mies Akam returned to her home Invited S ale
He had then no contracts to let or patronage to dig - bass in the trio is ovely. We wish Alice L. Tv B, Lodge No. 21 ab the .1
earnest And enthusiastic support Tense hub -he had the Acheson and daughter, J. H. Colborne, Clinton this week. She intends to re- the composer all. lionor� . Orango celebration hold in ilia town of I .
of thousands o man who, Without Frank Shannon, James A., McIntosh, turn in October, . I I
Gecrge Porte�j ' Miss Thompsont or Aniab at Victoria Saidorth on the 12th of July last. on F----, . .. �� '.. I
thought, of office or hope of personal reward, had labored many Years for QtL . and Misses Josis, Clinton Is to have a grand musicale. street 11 f__O
-,the triumph of Liberal principles &T. .1. U ,I . ,Vxr. a church, Is v sifin � frien,a. i. bet�&isqif tho no_,i nr Xlrd�. .�.�,-' T .
� I U a E'llo So Ott of thousands M" WAA4 am red Juall, Ries, 0, A. We trust, they,ray have a fine - ev Is . / � � i ��,
an- Toronto, and during her a&ence MISs, extend to the sisters 61 Princess Alice I 1;
of indepelidebt electors mant of whom then cast their rob yote for the and Mies XAlm, Miss Le Touzol and Ing for Goderic visitors to enjoy the �Vlda Doll presides at the organ. Lodgo our do6p gratitud6 for .their kind ,
.9. Alarme -by the excessive OX Mrs, Dr. Taylor.who was Accompanied. drive. I L41$ A
EibeiraFeaudidat, , 21
Perditore and the steady 1300TS AND S H 0 E 01 . - .
Increase of the debt those voters determined to put in OMOO men pledged by her only son, Mastot Harold. , . . Now that Chinese news Ig so ,gtitt.t. 1knd genarous Maistanoo, I am pleased I .4, . t, i
Mr. Knight Baker Is progressive. were glad to he I i
it, -�---) .
to the stricWab econom in public affairs, We had a pleasant call from Miss Ile has just returned front a visit to . , �
attitude of the Liberal TC They heartily supported the At* that; the pup. to InforiA you tho at present there aro .
elimiflate the prib bee. vacation - its. F air and was uled friend, - Rev. nineteen little onos in the Homo undor P, , 8 . I
Coutts, teacher, Dunlop, Who Sphent Toronto and I'D
eaders on the tariff and accepted their pledge to t1afroof out eatee
V01 1�,10 Of Protection" and to. move toward free trade as I brothers. In Virginil with or chartued by a visit to the City 'life Donald McGillivray And Mips Linle, Iality in out store. Our sto�ck i'a . I
it IS in England. Weld Laurier's statement that We should keep free I 19all d out coa. Again thanking you, * There is 6 doubting qt
'&biOnS Of the Old World and move forward on Can di XatupaI Drid 0, which to her s a ful marble, onAug, 3rd., at 8haligha. We wish .
-from the cOmPIIc a An M as COutts visited I the ilia front of which is builb with beauti- Augusta BoveY Were dul IT� sololunize I am youth fraternally, * f vom th best manufacturers and our prices are unequalled
lines Won him the Support of many of tho independent element in the greater wo2pr than the Falls of Mr. and Mrs, Evans with their little the -Rev. Donald And his wife a long � x1anow's xxanAvy , - I
'electorate, 'Many farmers: of the V'V6st, groaning under the u Niagara, and the I lywhere- You cannot jadge of the great values Nre are .
tie eakable . e0at Cave of Vie. daughter Marguerite, have end prosperous voyage.though life, Grand Secretary, al I
t Vnt& and the W91te House I returned to . . I I I - � offering unless you come and see. for. yourself
k t at pub. on the their home In Kansas, Mrs. Byans . - - - 11 I I 10-A_ � - ----,- - . We �Vere
9AY Of 010 9teat Republic I 'Zorlell.. . I -very busy all last Saturday. Were �
luot upon vo 1enb,Xr.KoXIhley, tincla and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. . N the afternoon we
I ntion. The Presic an con, hftd&mOst Onjoy-able visit with her 111MOX'S GRINAM PAIR.' — . kept
!ends it Is Att'vived ,0& short time after and Miss Smith. - . could not wait on thO Crowds withl)UL some delay Come .
Ir Wilfrid , Coutts knowing that Cuban beach. Ate. abd Mrs. So� of Nashville Tenn. ' Miss Xapplief who wits vighlog with
. I era were being given it reception bave been visiting. tile Mes8re.' Haw.1 The biggest fall show of 1000 for MrSYinkbeiner for the past tow wo6ka, early in 00 Morningandavoid the,great rush for Up.to. I I I
.at, the White House ob�ervcd to kills' families of Port Albert, Mrs, this section will be the G, N, W- Elt' has returned to hot, home 0 Hamilton. date t00W0ar,, at the old reliable cheap cash store.
� +4"#"++*+#+#*+ Me, Mexinley that he mi[Illit Allow Ilia Joy's old home. They ape hibiblon ab Goderich, Tuesday and Ulm Mahal Vinkbeinar adoompaxied I
mi Canad an teachers, tkfi�e With tholt, ieceg here, tho Misses
'WnS LIPARAZO AU19 ST03PPY14 a Wan VOTERS, LrSTS, agnanimity to n rit'also some' Wednesday of next wpok. The ptho bar As toil: As 1:60don, Our InOtto for F riday and Saturday : �
I *1 _ . MiAs Coutta attended the reception. Donogh.- list It, several hundred dollars lift ad. �
WinuiVieg, Mail,, September 5,-Tha Witiniteg Tole * Two of the papils of Mlsd Coutts at Miss Annie FeDonala ietb Ott Labor, vanee of last year, and the speed tests, Was X61;1;16� Well raponfly left for Lou- 11,verY custOlner satisfied With genuille bargains. il
liti vidence a Already strong to hand that the grarn says - Dunlop, miss 113tta, Young and 110berb Day f0v Strat Ord where she will take four in rumbevo 'promise to develop don and Toronto t6k the millin6ty I
Laur Or Government wil Cummings,reecived the unior leaving -
litick at. nothing to carry. constitueneleft At the conlibi i a, course ab the Stratford Business hitrg,s of the millinery deparb.
, * lots of fall for lovers of good horses. opishings. She will returned to Roalloy '
, election 6 of 6ortifleste, And Miss Bar or and Oollege, The track Is fit No.1 condition and th6 to t26 a , �k
the VOtOrs' lists for MaultObA cOnAtitug"cles have P. ready ar'tivedo from Williams, entritneA certificates, W, V. Poldham dom nob think 'grand stand, rebuilt this summt)r, will the fall 000AOU of mistle & (10. . Wma'TAYL00"' & �,A_
Otu%wA And an exaridinatibil of them allows that they have been frauda. in6at for . K SON*
lently docked,, The efforts trinde fly the conmorvativeal organimittion, MISS Couttg feels quite 140agod with much of the now shirt waist for men "LlooluniodAtean Immense crowd, The
her eftttq at D11111OP pub le school. in Toronto. ne thinkil 10a a waste of P0111trY list is 80c0nd OnI3. to the coun. Cash and One Price. by, I lb".
when the llso were being compiled by the arp(.,nWa . r J,X, Xamer r4cantly. purohmed a I �
vanted to a gro itont the crooked work the Libi�raf GOVOrnmont, pre. - Mr. Jolltl RobJ11801i 1144 returned material. We -resume It Is a bad a tY winter f4how, and the "chicken no ooriage And. horag, froux John W �rTgs taken an Cash.
Again from the city of Buffalo. lack of wealth. riat leg wear Monig sty 0 ,,ranks" b Zurich Itoads, for the sam of .1
'ate Machine at mpted til 11 will -boon In full force. The INSURANOn .
in tholp compilation. The provinelal lists As they oxiab nre evidently not Is true to the old town. 0 , promise to 116, , Ita Is ,% four yao.vold, by got- OPPWR AT WIN STOlibl,
crooked enough, Thorotofe Infrinting bbow fop 1JOIninion collar, Vook and ties$ why not racippo, ftuib and Mot (It ruake a # Mr. 0110 -A 'A A 4 .kk0VVV1k0140V1040V I
V Tito Ladles' Aid of Victorix Atreeb Cho, displa, unoseell7in tho history of the burns and Is Ono of tho fiftesil over � 1. I 00 -A -A -A -A -A0 A-A—AAA A A NOW A I ,
Government, an 1�ndertAken to uggle them to make them tn6)Pra6rF4%0vSoerSAt1h)le -0hurch are making stroullonA effortA Mr. and Mr6. Jamb Huber and Mrs. fair. Ris popular Marine Bancl will � Wsed hore, .,
to Its eorrug degighs, 33Y' this Iliptula, SUPPIellionted by, the f . . q !Ml!'!
randulent 01 eloar tile, debt frorn, the pru'sonAge. 81ppel of watorloo wore the guests furnish niusle each tiny itnd even*knfo, Miss Anggle Itasit of ChloAga and Xio# Your best friend eotn Ri" you Ito .,
wathodg w 1111 WetO uacd in 016 West Huron and 13roekville eltActions. it Tile lady who eomineuped Making and last week of Mr. and Uts. Kuntz, Rnd Aftlong the attractions - 4- 1
ighoped to- offact MILO disstffisfilct'011 which oxists In the Wof. AA 6 Aldlogy of utb Band tAv* rtturnad to t*tter adytee thAn this I ,,Pop firlptre
Allibb Sif. A611luf rIOU10-11111(10 cAudlem 104 amistsmd StrAtfOrd. N'dison's oving Pictures, including th sit rd4P64jlV# holiks# Afi*r a onih,s 1), ookol Num r4ot dopmw - - ,� . .
I W ood, had stonlitch fthd wer4k nerves ��� I
0111 mfid tosecure tho, election of !Govermucob eandidates.11 bV A AdY who makes and Aella letnon Mossrg;' HarrX Zoller and -PoEor ; o th Afrle&n bitttle seenea and other I' . It ft00ftft1l7A0r moftibly
rW,1� LOC 11. 1AA1 k ,
, 4T"
. 0
Vim, ThAy'll go, the dobb paid. Atalzen, who whiln here, vrorp the � views just novr of i,peolal Intoremb. A ,V $4012 ourd T 1501 I :
,'The-.116ta for tho electoral dif3triets of Provoncher, Ungar and Selkirk S 0 i Yfait in 110wr4 take HoeA's Harsaparlus.6 O."OlAfto.
" ,
Avfj all been, tgmpercd vrith, ItePOrtS from Xgrquetto, Maeddnald and IfArrY RUtflon is sporting In Detroit, gae44 of Mr. and Mrs, T. $. Videall, vialt & 'Goderich A62t; week will be WAS US W011 fttornod fmm P, trip 114 e�et!��__!!!!!�m-__!!,_—! mv ro 9 ! ! koliod ermilimixturei.P111SAiLd �
- -
randon, Ar6 0 the $&w# 'Offeeb", I IIA to & iharp Ahnotor. "turric4l to their homes tif, Uhig4go doubly enjoyAble, . : WcobookjXlapm PWU raidTayf *wk. I �_ . llkgo�j 1%re,datiormot, PrVX0, I �400! , �
#'The -folio ingis ati ilIdAtrAtiOnof some of the fraudaleftb ormrs in . i -_ - - .. - Almhgo,r. P-444
MIAM FlOrenfO BitIl h" 4 lovely time on th6 firAt Sunday in Hoptpmber. .... .. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ndA11:r1P1A*6f="#4dt**S
. .
Con"Won t1i t o lists of the three 1frAt -AoLmed eoftoutuencles 1. it *111 during vacation vimiting irl"nail In The prettr littio white yaeht —_ - fib -11 M1,44
huprmn is taken out of Proitneher jLn e I I — f'"41 %%* O"L a r Ind0r. ih
be fttl0ft thitt E 4 Ineed in Lisgar, X(intreAl and Toronto. 118amoa,"wh elt It.7 In (406trith harbot I Mr. Couum, howul of the Oonnort T&ke Uxativa Bromn, *&
0 lififfie Tovb. WPOUNU=18 2t='6"*
while Willy parts of HjAkirk and higar ir6 intioded In 1provenellor" WrA. McDonald, who hu boon con. for oomiN dxym, left, oil Labor Day fok. . It, Wilt PJ 6U tA reOAX the ad'vertiae- SyndivAte, In In Alontrftl and promf*- MIA. Alldruggloot rttruitther mo e, .
#W#0++"#++"##$*#*"#610*$66#$ 6- fined tO b Or rmln f0t' W)ffte time, fit rm ftrnlx� the yAchtomen bailing YROM MentAl Ili go Nowe-Record, � es to go M with b" 64Q;r 10011cliap If it fAills to en". W. 1). W. Grov"a Xq,1AAe(x(h1 d tn Clinton bxwAtm &to
" �100#4049_9149_ � I 1 Cmnbn .
PM101V very f6l,orably. th*,t mt. bristle with bi%r9&lft6or � forthwith, . #19"Mure Is on 0110h bm. gmirey.x A=nd J*ARM, -
I 0 . I I 1, I � . . .
I . I . o-!,,, 1- ... -- - I
I � . - " ��- "', .1�___ __ ___.._.__
--- ---- _ - - ___._.1_____.1._,_.- I . . I . . . I. , ., � __ _______."