HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-09-13, Page 2-- -- ­ -- , 7 - - ­ 1W."', , R"7r— , . ­. �,,�,.qll,ljqfllllp.ILIIIIIpilillilillik��r , . I . ­.­­.­­-­.­­­ ­ - - ­ ­— � I . - - �-- CkINTON111V1841100110 . —­­�.A��'­--­ ` —=!­ : � !!!! r � , ­-­ - 7-=!!!r= ; -I;!-- -, -- ­ - . � , � . T114 U vabllsliod ovogy ThurWu,y at ��! 1 1 -Vtl! i !iii:i , . Ilk. I SU KARKITS OF THE WORM from I 1-2 to s " Per lbfor ,good *"k, &X4 tho `M ­...V . . TheNews-Record Are pre ared from Na. , I'"Re ob".P. am 00 butobers Paid . sltm4tift IV roportod as "*,.,a Powep PrIntinX House 1"M I f�#w R 14 to 3 1.10 pot lb for , $bowbv bXVrOV#=#*t. � . while m,f — - as of aw 'PIP" Rom IN 11110 A I"Alug Bsrlin joorusl a' ,a "s " DOERS SHELL BRIT ture's laxatives, and � I � -geptle are reliable ., P,Vle ,,� "I , I'll, 0400SO, OrAlno ft 000% U1144 were dearer tch.dgy, � Ro # owerto I AL13XItTSTARIM - OUNTON. I and efficient. They tn tho Leang Markets. aud 10014 at frOm 0 0-4 to nearly 4 I-gq , that Xwporor Wallaw, while converv. . I I Tsaus ov $VBS0uIFTIog-4l.00 per year in Gen. Butler's Porces "old a Strong * I #� : W lb, F4,t bogs sold at 140wor Items Abont OunelYss aa4 IUC with A 9rdtlip Of officers lggt 14&t- � � . from #� to urdAY OVO4ins, #414. 'Itfudor ao, cir. , � . lA4vAwlcO,'$I.OMaYbuch;�t,gedituotoopatd TRIA STAP49T X*4XF4T. $6.90 Par 100 lba, weighed off the cam, ()1l i ! Noravordloconthitted, until ait arroara9c.1 Rouse the "VeAw I B1tr4,4,DaJ1VVXS, U. C, . r Nelghbora­oSometlilag of ou"StS110811 0811 We 1070 Up Fekin, j � Position, Toronto, Sept. 110-040 hundred T nob *Von If every ax,my OOT" Us to ,�� � are, Paid. 401008 At tho option ofthopublighor. Cure -Sick Headache, Bil- bushels at white- wheat Whoat-W , . Iowa From ryory Quar- to mobilixed.11 I 1� . The dato to which ovory �ubwrjptloa to paid — war* *old on osterg, mariteta wore all -4 i , — U 40noted on the Into). iou-sness, Sour Stoinacb, -----,— . . . ON Globo., 4 q� A doopatob from Loado4, Says,- volool-ty moulpted. the street, to�day for 690 per buShel-, Welak to -day, agd, local prioealo ter Of � pped . . � ADVERTISING HAT,va.-Trqualcub ,Advertise- Sold cme, boadrod of red at 88 to (Wo, one off In sympathy, White, old. north *-­*"­� I ; I I mo4ts, IQ cents per nonjariciltPQ , fox, Arse '* - tverywhere, 25c. per box I . A,dvke4 from Badfootela of yester. The British for4es occupied a post, � hundred and fifty bushels of barlo 05c, and neir, a I . TO VISIT ENGLAND. I . ' . lusert1Qaa44�$V0A&4 porllvq for each sub -10- ,t0Wv4by0.LUOo4A;Co. day'O data say that Gen on. t1ou In a basin on the -right of the . y and w,r,lt, A 1-20., spring , 04NAI)A. I � I L quantiosoftloil. Small advortisemouts not L rLowe"S^ .oral Butter pass, And wt 43 1-2 tp 44 1-20 per bushol. Two wheat$ east, 651-20; Xagitoba, NO, I The Son 1oft scale ban �Vpagrod la 0, I I , " ­­ . I I i­�o Caged ,tho Boom in the 1AqUgtq' hwadroil tusbals ot now. oats A at h1rd, 91t-, $Sl- ) ToroAto.and WRA, London, On 9 Return From South I . to OXecc(l Ono inch,such as, I'Loot;,11 "Strayed,11 .- 7.1 I .-- I—— LOS nightfall. were unable to retreat at 1 X014 go -t, a4don-Powell t . I . . ' ",ftlen." 0tv" inserted once foroo cents and. 1ffl*(.)Aq4JV0a. OTOPLOOking LydaabuTlt on Sept. 2. The Door guns 90 to 80� and qual load .of, 'Same, up Tbb Canadian Blea a I . . . . !mclt, s.ubsqquQ.ut insertion 15 cents, --.-. 1-1 .. ..... ­­­­­- - . wore ace, �rso, at 68 so 1-20, , Per lake pOrts, 83 1-2. � trio AAacal Lion Is I . I Urlea, � � . I � — , ­ ;;. .� 06110MI Both& Commanded 4rately 1-2-9 1par busiltal. Haj brought Milleed—Soarse. Ton Iota at the I I . . ' AdvOtt"ments without speolito directions will the S"Myt tr4lAO4, a4d were fired coatta . In session At ]KIngston. A, 4RAPAtcla 00M Cape Town, says-, . I I be IRsOrtOd until toI-bld and charged accord UOUSly tQ018,00 Per tog, And one load of Straw will dPor sell as follow's.,-B I . . inglyi. - MCKILLOP MUTUAL F1 WhUli' Wit L1`6 Was throughout this all day, while the British, being un. sold for $11. ran, $12 0. Klotz has left Ottawa to locate -rtba object of General Baidau.pow­ I . . THE I RE day. The Boer 'was ONO Louse theirpoettlon for gun, fire Wheat, white,, tc,, 112.SQ; and 0110140, $14 to 0,14.50, Vancouver, longitudinally. , . . . artitlery fire I , 4511'a VINit $JeXe IS to C!anoult 'With CIrOV, I I 04yforchangoof 4dVertleemouts onpagcsi INSURANCE COMPANY trgilght,#0.00 . f0,69 WOOL, 1. I W. H. B. - Smytbe, a well -k � I I I . and 0 m-ost, bo $n the offloo 66y"s- UPWArd Of two thousand men effectively, advanced their Infantry. Wheat, red. .� , n o,wn eirAo,r kn*r Alfred MlIner regarding the . Cut SatuZ%1ay and Farm and hiolated Town Property . . # 6 . I f6r pages i and s on Monday to -ensure change comwiood the Door force. 'The Brit. r8 I,' 0.69 Com -About Steady, No. 1 Ayaerl. Brockville citimen, - I I '. � . I Only Insured. . Batwec�i the lines, anil hidden In Wheat, goo4s, . . 00.6 , is dead. ariganixa0m of a Military rollc,�A , I , lugimuo.' � , . 0'664-2 Oan, Yellow, 48o, on track here; an,j. �. forfollow OFFICERS . I Wb C4LVS1T7s -with 4hoxas battery, ap- oreOlks and overgrown scrub, were nu., Wheat, spring... . 0.00 jI 0.78 Over 42,000,00has been expended in fll,'­"E,L� far4ohe ueow territories annexed ! ,. CONTRACT RATAS,-The following table 81101N.8 J. B� ,1AqLeanpPrwJdcntfiJCJpppn P. O, ; They, Oats, old, . '- . , 0.82 0,83- Mixed, 47o. . . � � . , Prdathed. to within two miloo of the "roUs Boer sh . , . I buildings in Winnipeg this year. . by G)r?;%t Britala, He will Probably ­ . � Frazer, Vice- resident, rueofteld P. 0 * T N , Upsbooters. General Oats, new, . . . 0,09 0.80 P03-9-111 good der4444, at Arra Mr. lt�bsrt O'Hara, MaAer tn vi'ilt :V'49ht1ad!b0,fQTa turning to Lite I � I . ... Ourral0s for Specified periods and Space I Sooi-Treas., $aitortb P. O.; *70: =OMY!4 position. The .!)Oats thOu Butler ocouplod. an. exposed po t . re I . AX)VERTISING BATES. *13a oot, rispector of Losses, Renfort-h P.O. I .* . . I O -OD � 0.09 1-2 price,%. Now,pe% 4 . I'll Poas, , . . ` Jar". f fired tl st Ion . - A W. ONO. 3 Mo. I No D111ACTORS'. . Area "Long Toms,*11 W,Ujob war s, oar lots, West im- Chaneer' Tran'sVoal. , . . ,a on 4. ridge at the front, The behxvlc or . .0.481-2 0,441-2 In I 1. F Barley. . , . Y at Chatham, ts. dead. I I I I I A oolutnp, ...... �,. ft 00 ,%a 00 $g5 oo� ) W. 0. Broadfoot. Seaforth; John arlevew 1904ted one on either side of p b t ID Odiate ObIpment, 590; and east at Directors of the Hamilton Ait I . � � . 485( the ass of IS ro ps Under heavy ahell fire aye. � , , . , 0.01 '9431-2 OVATION TO "B, -P." . . r . I I I Winthrop -George Dole. 8onforth; John Watt. anti age at & distance, to the Tight. was , Hay, old, pot ton. ... coo. . �4 I ' Column - " t - - - " 10 09 �s 00 1500 G 00 ff,rl,,k; John Bonnewies, limdha an; James . exoollant, His ou!Nualties are not 1810() , 18.50 School have engaged Principal Ireland Town I � I . I 001410n ........ 2600 1500., $00 '2 M, V, vans 11coebwood ; Jaynes Coonlelly, Clinton Tbey Also had an . . Ray, now, pot ton. : 11.00 12-50 Ba,-"l6Y:-PrIces are firmer, NO, s is for three years. . gaden,Powoll arrived at Cape . . � Tolm. Ydo,Loau, lCippen . . , Straw, per tim . . 0.w. � 11.00 on satjurday'. In spite of the early I . � I .. i CQI4nnJ-,­-.­-­ ION' -i6 0o ' ;4 s#. 2 W J , other .gun of high Stated . V , . ' . LGENTS I - I -------- �-- . - I . 1. Dr 7 quoted at 88c, and No, 2 at 400; feed ,George Irving, for many years pay- . — - — . e4sed bogs, - - . -.50 7.75 . . -11---a r r�ch. .,. ." ­,­. � %OQ a OD, 200 116 ' *�W,ith;,ff, - I ---­�— boar of his arrival a great public ova- . � , -8 iolt ' I � � ,, , , wSpeola), �Osi�lqn hoya 25 to TO per contaxtrMa trlock; Rober McMillan, Ser& . . . Butter, in IN rolls, .. 0.20 � 1 0.21 barleyt o.uteide, 850. I master Of the G. 7% R., is dead at t1om was givort him. The eirowd car� ­ . � . , - forth, James Cammings,Egutoodvillo; J. W A BRILLIANT CHARGE. . I � I .. ..,. - I I �- . W, J. XITORE I.Sroo, 1101meavillo P.1 O. ROBERTS' PROCLAXXTION, Bggs, new laid, . . 0.13 0,14 Rye -Quiet, No * mont'Teal, aged 70, 1 . ' . .1 i .1 I ", Pitrtlead6sicoupto',WOOtinAUranoo or tram — . . Chickens, per pair. , 0. � I "ff rye, 48c West; riad him on their o4q4ders from the- . . : , E4kor And Proprietor. sact other business will be promptly attended � . so . ,. 0.80 and 4bo cast, � The condition of Ron. XT, MaroiL, r . � � I I I Turkeys, per 1b. . , 4.11 0.11 . . . --- - to on aglication to an$'of t,ho above officers on. Took. the Boer His Warnin' I . 040 . I . . 0 po house, a distance of halt a ;n1le. . . . : - , . � addrosg H6W Billier'S X . AIIWAY station to the Goverament ; � : .il �. . I � � to their respeb�.Lve post oflicoo. . - . , . 9 to Inhabitants of the Duakis, each. .'* . . 0.ao I Oats -Now white oats, west, sell at and, Protolor of QAebe , Is re rted . . . �, � - . � . � . Position, � � - . 25c, and east at 2ft. . . . . , I . I � RANK$ --- . . I I Orange lisiver Colony. Potatoes, per bush, . 0,25 0.80 . . much Imp[roved. — I I ­ ." I-- - A Aapp,�teh . , ,Beef, bi�dquarters. . 7000 9.00 . -----*-- . I !1. ­ I � I ­ I =1=1= MRIXONZOLOTTI'my. from Belfast � says:- A despatch from PratOri � FJOUL`SteadY, Holders'ask 6-2.80 There may be a daily line of at , I A, I I . .. . M& . � . Beef, forequartor% . 4.00 5,50 I eam- I . : , . I I . I " ­ . . I 1. A matTIMMial lottory t4kes place Tbeift hae been desperate fIghtingOn Lord 1�oberts has issued a proolama- Beef, carcass, . . 5.50 .' .'7.50 for 00 Par COAL. patents, in buyers, Or$ between Ottawa And Kingston NEW IMPERIAL EDICT. . � � , I L. �.,�_, ".� . 1HE MOLSO the left of iho Boer Position, about t year. . . I I t � ­ �� �� bags, middleo Mrielghts; and'exporters. Bey ' � , - � ­ . tion to the Inhabitants, of the Ora Mut(00. , - . - 5.00 , 7,00 -"r� . . �� .. . I .1 1. . I nOorp four timea a year in Snipleask, Russia, six Milo west of X4ohad4d"P. RI, I I I nge Lamb; spring, par lb. . � 0.12 0.121-2 bid 02-70; -,�PeeAai brands $all locally Vascoe Tw,)Ie, bartender, has disap- Admits Emperor the � Cause of Al- * - I I . � , � , AeJ ,aiden 'is raltled for; Boo War 0019ILY, in which he says. that In . . . .f._.,=by A. young In . I.. ­ . . t4865. G"Onal S�.. Uedvera Butter Made the . DAIRY UAWKETS. from 10 to 10e � above. biteso . pwred from Kingston, leaving, a wife i lowing Mattters to-DrIft. � I I ­­'. :I- , .. 10 I . t1okets being. issued 4,t one touble I Consequence of ann.'axa'fio�, they are . . figures, , . I . � . I . 1�.IPITAL 000,0W attaok, and throughout the engage- In, and good, A ,, � i- . I 8V ".650,00D ., Butter.-Uarket is fir ' Minneapolis, Sept. ll,-W4eat c. o's- 4nd a baby a weelr .014.: . ,L, : - . I . I . � . I egoll, The money is gkion tQ the girl relow spbjects of the Queen, with. tbla , I I . .. I .4, devate;h"frow Tjohdou, aays.:--�Tbe, I ; , . A � . 4ct4vo deinand. bairY stook -ii still ed,-SePtembeir, 72 8-4c; On Deoe-mbel� I US,rchants, Daily TOlegraph- priuW V, despatch � . I I I I . .1 . . 'HEAD OrFIC41 1. MONTREAL. as her dowry, a.ud the -biqldor of the roft'he had some'thIng like fofty. exception of those who were attached a December, a t th a � I i . �. 1.� . .. � - BMW in a0tion. soaree, in the choice IIII66, Z&O tot, 74o, on . I . . , to commandoes prior t , Oroamory brao)k, Noj,I hard, 7r,. Bank of Halifax wilt ama-me Its, new frOw.0110tOV, & ted. Sept 11 MACPaEASON, - President lucky t,�aket marries the girl, soma� , O the issuance I , , 6, Saying tbAt i I . I � . MONO EN TROXAS, Qanaral Manager timets, foir a con . st,deration, . bb assigns . The Boeorst war , Unchanged. Dealers were selling to 1-2c; No. I NortbanL, 72 1-2c; No. 2 name, the Aoyal Bank Of Canada. ' � . . I " � 11 I ". . F . V It ,N�I I mayed'atthe f O!not in the least dIs- of the annexation proclamation, *and . : t4er 000!09'ViCAXIO�V Of ,TPI,WW -roceivad I I � I I NoteSftcou"'Od. Collootionsmade. Drafts .bar to another Man� In case she de� ormidable- character of who have'sinoo been continuously 1 . U retaliers to -day us follows :-I)Airy, -7 . I . �, � I r , . ; 1 $no, . _fw'them 721-4c. ,. Flou'r and bran- The Department of, Agriculture. has 'an ImperriAl .,edio� din Wodnea.day, in , ­ f-nd American Rxolmn , t0s, 17 toi lor 1-20 for choice; 14 to U41o4anged � . . . I � 1. . .to 190 . 'th6 � WNiOh- bhe Z4&rOr acoWsea Itimself of . . Oavhi a Storll"� rogtidlowed. on dopo-C! Clines to, MaTrY the Man who has won . . . arms and atta-chad to . I . . I L .4 sold the onslaught, but (ought with the Ut- . I , . .�% I ­ I 'I$ . to. . I � I . I . I 10o for' second quality �.small dairy, Milwaukee, Sept. il.-Wh a .a stock. , , bovit - . �� ! ,� w , I . I .91AVINGSIBANK. .L ost bmavery, . � commandoes. . decided to iw" a diveotory of f ­ her, ths, Money aqua . lly I divided it . These, when capt=4 will be treated lb. -printa, 19 to 2 ' * . oat -Low- Canadian breeder , of liv .g been tV4, c4iMe . Of AlIqWing I :��, . L I � Intereat0lowed on sums of'OL and up, - : between them. . I have bad opportuni Ie6 of Seeing as prisoners of,war,,Tboas.who hav 0O.' Creamery, tubs e�r- No. 1 Northor`4 75 1-8c, No. 8 . Winnipeg ,had two -destructive fires InAtt0m to , Tea-dh- Ytbis - 'pre. 11 . . . . . . . �' - I . . I , . FARMERS. . ., � ­ . them inake Several firm stands, andl t- . � a had, boxes, 21 toi 32o; lbs .22 to 24o.* Northern, 731-2 to 740. Itya-Low- of &UPPOSed Incendiary origin. Polloe '' 'it e, tO r1sis, �e order . � 1, �; , , . , Money advanced to farmers on their own . I I alron the outb of submission, and who � . .. .. . se 41 al*ra ,C, 11 a . . .. , I " , ­,Nr� 10— am ooeir�noed that their, tenacity .in have broken it, will be Punished with Choese--Dealers here qUoting new a I e1r; No. - 1 Mo. . Barley -Firm, No. 2, believe they have. the firebug. , . the Viceiroyo ',and Governors .. � , L - . . .. � , I , I I "'I, . notes with oneornior eudoj%ors, No wort- p CONVINCING EVIl)EXC1,1,, .1 . . . . , . I : .. 11 " , - ­ irAge recinlrod as seour?ty� � . - this I 11 to 11 1-2o. - I . 51o; sample, 41 to 506. 1 . Thomas . Lizatte - a youth of Moose - to midutaku ipeaft everywhere, to. Pon. - . . . I . ; I . I ..i . . . . . elioOluntor was not erAtialled even death, imprisonment, or fine. Build� . . I I I � . .11 . I I ­ - ' Well, yer wurship. the prisoner was in Natal betore the relief Of Zady� . . . . I � 11.0, BREWER, ManAger,.Clinton. . -Inga harboluring the onsm. , � I . LIVE STOCK. . I Duluth, Sept. 11, -Wheat closed,- Crack, Out.; was run Overby a train h5h, the, Wirbulent, And to protect fo � . �, , " �') , ­ -47-- — -1— -- --- �11. causing a disturbance - outside'o'- Smith, I I . .1 . y are lia�ble . . .. I _X. . I . . . . , t 1. � . , � , . . . . to' be kaxed. A farm or farmh in the !Xoronto, .Sopt, IL --A total of 45 NO,, 1 ho4rld, 'cash, 771-2o -Pt=ber at COTOWAII. Xleg' had to be ampu- 0191ters and MTistiim oonverts at all 11 .. i I � L I * T .- I. and I told ,him Our ly,ddite Shells bu'rat. beautiful, L;, Se . . risks. . L L L . I I , . . . , 11 . ". I D. A,,�IAGGAR - "yan's Public house � .. 1 7771-9c; DacOmbeT,- .771-8c; ,Xo­ I tated. � . L * I . 11 . . ... I . , C I . . tq desist, . vicinity of which the railway is dam- loads of live stock was received At the . L . I I L . . . . . . . . . . L . . . , L . .� " I . . I .1 . . . . . . ly and MuSt have Inflioted heavy low- - Northern:, cash Fire caused $2,000 damage to the The des.Patoh ado that the,Brapewar , .r", . . � .. . i . aged ,,011'be liable t,6.be fined half 4 western. cattle yards, this Morning, , 751-2e; September, . , I . I ; I , I L I . I Yellow patches 01% - I . luding 800 cattle, 700 hogs, 750 , C, has notified LI -Hung -Chang, as, the ' . . I . '.., . . L And did hal asked the Z. P. I an on'the enemy, 751-2c, DfteMb0iT,: `705 -ft. No� 9 hor"' of." D.' , Chamberlain, account- . .�.. �. � �, . , . I I No, yer wursbip, he Ldid not:; but the dark. baokgr, . crown perL Morgan. The inhabitants LoO � I . . ' I - � . . . ' . Northern 7i we e'$t ftrVJA0tL of . , . I :- ., — immediate � ly� - furned a and . otand &cross wbiob. are warn"ed to � acquaint the L British lambq and sheep, and a few Calves and . I . ; No. 3 spring,L 68 1-2c. ant Of the- House 6t Commons. at Ot- old the, Manch-uria dy- ''I . . . . - n L . .� ­ . rOU11AL , the Boom retired- were, tlea , . L . 001 . . I. . I . I � =184, to negotiate for Peace With . the. .: L ..� I , rly 132, forces. Og the preScrytr . . ' 'L: , . A. General L I � ,a of th milch cows. I rn-39 1-4o, Oat,�-22 to 221,4c.. , ta wa, . " . Banking BdAinew Tranmotod,' -�-Iiftl.ng the bandiige-he ga . L a enem 1. . . I . '. , ., - . . Va me a ftated. '. � -L I I 74 (Xhero was little brusin 0 doing, aji� Baffalo, SepC.Il,---�SPdng Wit . TL . . I . 1 . . I , .1 .�, . - � . . I lb . . . otherwise they a a... . as - oat- A demonstration was -given L at powers. .� . I .. . 1. . . �� : , I b!A* . 011 w.bIO -01 MW PXodu", , The fire of the naval gun4was ter- abetting. them, j��d will ba'trbited as qa�vtatllons all round ' tactically No. I hawd, . 9a ,IL04 . I -­ . ---.* . - . � . . L I L Notes Discounted, Drafts' Iss'tted- . -----",W— I . . . . were P r1pads, 841-4o;. No. 1 ,Uaml, . '. . 11 I . . .. I . . . . . rifle, I . . . . . . . . .. . . .1 r I . 1;0�%ZM OaVICkds,L 81 ,-go. reclOntly of. Mr. Frasch'o .. - L ' . . t . , WITH W114TE . I I . , SSoNs. the feAtnrQ6 Of L rebels. . . I . . I I . *R KITS* L . . . : : I I lnterG0 Allowed pit .D NATURAL HISTORY 3�r . I . . Unchanged. Winter vtAthod of refining copper and nickel . , . I .11 . . oposits, . 11 . . . But _ the battle was . . i I Sh.., wheat -Red .Offexed at 75 14o, No. JLZ ora$. I I ­ . ., I . . � �, .L� " . � . � . '" . I 0 0. .� I Ther.8 wq% no demand. at all f.or tp- .. . . . I I 11 , 'L. I . . . 1; I , . I . ; , Nan -I ivas jusi th;rti' I .-1 to L, .. , . . I . L I . . _flay - � . . I . I I � � . .- - Ing- wlint a the magg�fkeot Work Lof the R'fle . . I . . '. . width,. 141-2e; mixed I . I I I I . . I " , � . I ­ .. . I L . ­ I ping cattle . 1. L . v 74o. own- L . . . %, .. . . queer. thing -Nawre is NOW"L Qf - . . I lKajor-General O'Grady-Haly 1n-. .Russia . - .1 ,. I � ALBERT STREET . . . Whitt ftivade, assisted by Lthe Inniskin 'LI'S - PROMI h Sttr�ug; No. � 2. yellow, 4.50; No.: a �I­ - - - , . .Preparing for &,Loinj Man- . . . . L . . I , * L . ., ; . . . CLINTON. , . I L L .S2 TO ROSSIAs . In bhto'er' cattie we bad scarcely . y spe6ted. the Montreal Field' Batter' - '­- chiirla Campaign I I . - . . � . . , — L use -is that tail 'to tho cow in winter hogs And the DeVogfi'L ., ! . 1. . . . .1 , L . 1: , L a, Stuff I -Ow" " 0-40; No. 2 dornit 44 1-2c; No., 3 . y . . I L :��'­ " Z�­ e� -1 . I . . L . . I ; I , , — . I . ­ L�. — .. . AnYtrade, a few lots 'of �ho .. I 1 *7 time, when there %are no hiss abo,ut ? . . s to , ­ : . . erda I . . . I ,L 12 0 A I . 7 . . yest Y, and left, irt: the eveninj for , A .de�pat�,I, fro . . - I . . . I �, , I L' : iv r ­ ­ . - ,. ­ .. . . ­. .. I '. � - It, -fell to thenz to take the.'Boer All blanchl:tria.for the Bear for. Fa- ohanged.%andsat from -3.8-1 to 4,1.4,' -ooruo 441-40- OatOr-NO.' 2'wh&-te,. 26 Qveb,,.. . : .1 . .. . r m London, sayp:-TjIa . . . . ­' . L L __;:_ - - ---... I ­­ ­­ Pan -It' May be *of no� # ., 6 ' I . � . I 3-4o.. ta,'L g4 to 24 1-20; No , I . .. I Daily Graphic% MOSCOW oorrespondeab . . . .4�1 -L1 . . . . ;.:%��­ . . I r. .. �use t6'tbe - poilftion, an ideal one mark d,by hugo. . ., VorAble. Peace Terms. per p*nd. but top an - - I NO' 3 �VX . 4� . F ­ . . L . I . . . . . , � I L � : ,ythiAg else a de ' . . .. . I � L. . . ­ ' Uarlos Xaakenzia�, - ex-M.P.P.j GaYs*��"Tba L Iu n L War office ... g%- � SCOTT . �. . . . t�, � bcw�. bat ,Who t. would'we do for. 0 Lt Wers and n - . . Says L . . Whi* 2311.20;., No. L. 2, Mr. 0, Ssia IL, . . . . :� I . . I � 1. .1 L . . x, ai] bou, Ubserous trees, wbiob - Sh'anghai 'L .� mixed 23 1.2 . . . . L . has . I . I I . . . I I - L .� 'L . a Or of gon. Alex. Mackenzie, , immense porcAnses of ja' . . . . � - , L � . L., . L I .11 . . � , . , No- 3 mixed, 230.'. Barley-Weateril I . . ra to he - . " . . r(lITOA. . :14" s up , " :. '' . L . C " " brcith made' ., li . . : A deq�atoh from . Maud scarcely (3x!ated,:. and,prices were . 1. L ., I �-� : I . . I BARRWTURi SOL Q .? I I . I DFOV14ad !admirable ahaltort . ''. . I , I L . I 11 . I . . . I .. L:,L . I � I . .1. � .� ; .. There is.gio recent.-neNva from Pekin. mere y nomIna4 . , . . , . , I .L . .1, . . . 1. . .., . . I. . . . I � . - ��� . .. 4. � ... Our . I . . . I died at, tbo, family residence Spring- sent to, the - .1. . . 1 �, .Money to Loan, etc. '' L '; I . �guva. pounded away-, at ibis TUe postial a2id telaIVAPh GeTvieei are Mu h of the cattle w 9 Unsold, And malting, 47 to 41kasked, Rye-�-Noi 1, I . . .., axwy clothing department . , . 1. �. .. . . I . - ' . .0 . .. .S. . . I I -11 . ­ I 11 . . 1. I I I . . I . . . .1 .. . . . . � ' � A STJUMB.It I=TURM I kopJe, far tw* hot.Irs and 4-.h4lf,:bjt. tn. hopeless confusiou. k � bank Sarnia. .. . I .. . . � which is,,burijedly: I I I . .; .r� I �: OPPICr-411(ott Blook . . I i � I I I . . *.The �A,hieticixo it to toibe hoped the IfU72L.-Will be light On trao , 55 1-1-20.� , .Flour -Quiet, , . . . .. 1. I . I P119'Parl"'g. to pro- L . . ' . ' ' I � . . . . I . , � . . . Lion'— ' ; L I .. steady. :' I I I arMy uria w . . I I . I . CLINTON - The fields are all, allvg,, 'the - Boars In, . ohirgd Of a Pont I There l9a.dispute betwOon. mainbbra VIAO the- ' in Manoli ' I I . ': � . . I -Pom Aissocia At - a maoting: julld here L�Hn6rrow, PrId .. - .. . ... . L I I . . .. ter kit L. . ith win- . ­ I I .*. - I" I . . . ". . . ... i . . . . I . . ay. I , . . ­ a syndleate at Harallf 'S� '. . .1 . ' , . . , . Toledo of.t4 on which * a L, .. I I I . . BRYDONE . . L� I 4. . . There's a. buzzin, around the hive- nevetr fllnobed,. ,..,. . . - 11 abiatV. is easlari but not quo-- Sept- 11--Wh�at-Spot aild .. I 'ShO Ing Wat� 'I oxiensiva'', ' �" . � " . 11 . W . . I . . � L ' �: bo -day, .decided to teleg.raph- fp- Wash. i "Sma I . * L owng -the yaobt Myrtle. : . The Iff winter -&paigA is expected." - . .L . , I . I . - kor t16'Nes. fire M'tghty busy Inakin! Finally.. this oiirde1r!w�s 'given for 'th ' ' . . . .. � BePtonibex, 7614o, October, 7 -2c; baiH . - I � . .,S6I;10ITOP , . . .. .. I I 13ARRISTEP . ' L' )iOney , . . . I L I .� . , O ingbDo. pToLeSting against'.1he With. t0ly changed. . . . , .61 he ,yacht' L '' ; . . . I .. . I L . I I I I . . L . . . I .. I . I . . . . - . - an toy to fix ba . Decembex. 785-W. - C!Or��No. 2, cash 'bas. Seized 'It' I . ., -----*— * . . '', I . . - . I . .. . 1. . W I � . yoneta and Charge... dTawal of thbAnLericam tro,�r;s. from .: In. Other linas wo'bad no obA %. .. . . . � . - I . I VOt4ry. Public, &c.,. , . I . . 'L I . . . . . and Septorabotr,,411A!C;�De . Employee of the Hamilton quarry . A POWERFUL EX � � L . .1 . . I . . The maple leave:s Are blinkin), . Itmas a mAgnul, ' ' - , in thio�0901 ng . a 4 L ; . . . . � ., I omt rush, that they. Pekin; . , I L ." � : . The cAbile Coming Morn! Camber, 34 _Use tbo,new time I PLOSIVE. . I ' . I * 2. - . . L 01prion Beaver B166k And the Water IIIi . � I . 1-4. Oat.g;:-No, 2, basib, 22o Mve strack­ bea L - . I . . . - . �, .- - ' CUNTODT Los drinki; -' mw4e. The Boars conteatid ' t inieTior kind. . ;.Septo,m­ - . , .1 : '', , " . . . p I . . n, every inob,, It, is 6usp",tad here t1A - LI -Bung. . whs. usually L Of . . .. . *Ipsaver. is.'not a member of tha� Civick Lyddue Vali Re Firell fr6,112, L f. . . I I . L I 111� . . — , ., . ­ . . -they. at I . .1 . . I ­ . I . . .. '' , . a most,� i - - . bex, . . 22 . . - . 4c, , n . . I I , * , - ­ -1 L . --- Till agg6r where the -river rip. of the 9XIOund. but the Infantry presse- Chang -has I Hogs are steailyarid u*Ach�Lnigdd I a;, December, 24.8- . � yew- 1, .. . I 11 'U" T, 1 la t L . n /A(Q L'' . . . VXOntisad at .of Manchuria , .. �. , I . L 11 ­ ,.. 1. � . L .. I . 001VV,6YAN0 r r pids S dnn I � . . � . . ad on, and took tbp 'position. . . to Russia in o�,Oheknga� for f4vourable , For &1me hogs waling from 160 I to No`� 2. cash, 511-2o,.. 'Clo Sao& ' r . : � ': *, � " , . , ft 11 -lit" Carried Abiotti. I . . % �l, . L . . � I y . . .Ver and P"Mployes' Union' - . . 11 . L � "I : � .% r I . '. . . ., L . I . I . I I . . The Charge of attempted Murder I 1. . :� . .. . . . I .. I - . .................... � ., . . Tha Boar lo�s from the obirge was berms of peace. It ha understood that 901) lbs,,. tlLa top price is Go- thick fat I . nqhangad. , , ' L. . . r . . .. : N0O,rIY'cVerY notion nowadays has - . . . , . , . . . OHN RIDOUT . .' : I � I r I .. L I . '. . L . I t. r I I . . . . . I .s . � I L : . � �, . pref6rredagaiust John. Mann, of Ste. '.Its favorite higit-exploSive or fUIMin_ , r L . . I i I TRtLTTH` AND PORT Y, L .. - ' SaVere. I wuntbd,ten dead bodies in. the .D - hogs, 51-4o ,W lb; and,corn . - .---*.— . . . . . '44 1. .� L . ' . . . . 1. It I I I L'Owagar EmPre".. is - lavishing L and light . . L r - . L ' I - -- . , I . VAN'ZyL,S CHEF - I de Lima, by his wife, has been ating force, intended fa the obarg. . , . 'Lina _ -edt I .. . . r 1- . . r . '1,4 r . CONVEYANCER. COMMISSXONER, ETC . . ., at ,r ons -heap, and -tho k1opie, w,ao Strewn.' m0hey witbl:a Similar object. � .,hogs, 64-80 per lb. _K. I I %� " - ... ... . . .., Here Iies ,the iden donip) e r . . . r .. .� . r I . . 1 r, . . . . . .1 1� 1; - n L , . I . . 'y . for.; . . f III 1. Qua . in .Of Shells, the COMR.Wition ot Which . .. . . Fire Insur,A as, - Real-mtatc, .. � . r . I . . � with, thirty-tive wounded, whom. tbe� MORE ANTI-FORBIGNOUT- I Folk ,4' is Wife range P quota. , ., r ;. .1 . r dismissed at HiA .. . . � . .io]c L , 9 , L . r r . I Mono . L . lorn, r' .. L. I . r . . I ­�y . I . —1 . . I . . I - . . y td Lend. . . . . VightiAng caused the destruct of Is supposed tD b6 a a' ` t, - . . r r I I - I . ,1 , . * .. ... . I � W.Up Inarried the BOOM LIU thbir flight hh4 left .behind. - - �:. ' L oft=XS. I . tic,I�S:- , , . . .. . . . . Hls:.Insolent Protest Against *the r , . ­ L' ecre . The ob I . i . I .1 Orrron- . aven Th. Boar- killed indlUdedr-tba , . ­ ; I .1 . I -three barna,wwlth season's crops an� JeCt is to Obtain an , . . . I I.., . � 11URPN� STI..tRET, ' - OLINTON ' and shorn, . . .. 001111- , " .1 . ­ L. O"tio. r . ri '. : . Buiming ofFarms, � L, . I .explosive wbie'll . � I :. - - !� I . A "J*tch from, Paris, . L' I . . Vr I r, I - . . . says: -Ad. 25 L d number of cattle, - proper of W� most de,a4lyaff ots� L�ut . 7-------�— mandant. of bhk� Xo�ann I Shippers, per oWb'* r� 4 $500 . A despaLch froln, Rrugetsdorp, says: p - � . Who .earned fiot a "dou from e6buirs'Pollcej vieO, from. M . ' b *'a - t a ill L . . the day 11 . . ,Unking state that be. . .44 � I 1. .1 I I 'V � . . I L ,,, be,-ILZdle 11 — I I ' .L . ffared sit -rem I 25 Clomimanda-uti. Van,ZYIL nent'Inessagei ,. I I �, L . .1 . - . ,L d .witholut danger of I I., I - r MED10AL . ' ' . Who O Choice do. r ­ . 401) .4 R. Sbs*art, near Sarnia. .. . I , he was born, , ' ' . . . I . . L ious opposition to ealm of -the pm.enrle of tba Anpress In ""wr' ,inedi., to 9604, 325 , 350 I . '�lowing up �the ,PeP916 who use it' and * v �- . 11 . I * ==� ; � . I I . ..L . ., the AAvance. .. - - ' 13L Lacroix, them Montebello -murderer, . 1 7 . . the h . I .., I '. WiX6 arid Of the Bbxers�­ig the a tch-r' Tots I$ . I . .1 I .1 . I . . I r r ,A nd lived L in - . , r OUSP that.,his 'Fa . I neigh. 8 L'O'bar infarlar.� . - . 270 -:` � ,8 15 with a''White' flag to P At aga Let � the prtillo�y, In WhiCh it is .dS . r . �, � I bULIt, . I ' r' . I Per owt. .: bas been: removed from Aylmer to the . . I W r DR. W. G'TNNr ' '� . . . I . , We, took - thirty prisonats and 'a b6nring r Sjiansl� k,,;; . 275 - 800 the burning of farms and the bring4 . . .. r .11 . :,. VOM,PoUe�. . . 1. . ­ . 1. . .1 I . V1114ges,,. the anti. I . . I .1 . .. . 'Such an explostivoLwaS taken b 'L49 . I I .1, - , R. C. P. and L. A.. C. S -i Edinburgh, . , ' , ' ' -­w�. " ., r I I .. . . I .r Bxpart blulls. per OWL. .. 3.00� , 4.0() Ing of Womin And ChU&aa LoL tb Motitrtarl jall. He bus threatened sui- I . . y -, - . i � � ., I . . . foreign oubbreakS - Are . . In r , L . � I -1 -- I . . spreading in ShloOD a.gd . MoMbs. . �' L . Americans in a lim- . . I , I � VA . I Oum low in killed was -put at eleven. Szohaan Pr1DVIn68 I a I Ida.: He ratt.rdered his wife and. an ited qitantity:. td L . ' I Night calls at frontdoor ofresidence6n1tatton '. MIL I Y� . AVI�RAQES.. - . L ' ; I . pliaco as against tho customs of aivilis. r I .r ... to'. be Used ,n� the ,'So L � ' r _ I I bury street, OV-00sitO Presbyterian church., , - of. ' - -It i.9 a. . Substantial vlotofr , and the authorities- `S�eev par -owb. . . 6 825. w a 75 ed warfaxe. AS - Van ZyI -is one of the �r L r Cuba, - I a4fle, - Lr . . .. L L The average number children per I- .... L - . Aged man, .. . . d - . .. . I ' 4 ! ' ' � L � WM L. L " - .r y` Cheap- fear. they will be -unable lonjer. to 4con' . sprinj lamba, each. . L . 300 � . 400 � "dynamite gUns,.11 � 'The" , guns - wara. ,'� � r I I OPPICB-ONTAR16 STkEET, CLINTON., family in XU 6 is , L . .. . . . . 'r thieIg.7, ., L , " I a OWb. L . , 80 Men.W.40 t1OQk-tbe-6ath of neatrallti, . r GRP . . . . � I '. r ... .,AT BAIT,&IN. L ­ . � . I ­ . . . Lropean countrie r low- ­�­ . I ­ I twol . . Bucks, per . . ,2.W.� .. -" ­.�- . . 4' ' I ' I .. . . I I . . I i . I I . . I ..., Ll. I ­ .. L I . ., aiad all the far1no r Which ba , been rL Tj�ej'a : a.rO now b3 bubonic p Planned to.thXOw abolla. 'L con taining - . 1''. . M - eat in a , * . . 10 i W - ­ � .. I I . . . r . . . . . 4 h j '' -�� . , . I 1: L I . . " � , Fv too, with 3.08; Switzerland . 1. . I . r r ' L -----*I— . . Milkero atud Oa',ves. , I Va . ,. . . lag a ig, . explOsives, bu exbloaivos. . q . I I I . . , r I �.. . . . r, r. . * , , , burned ara th.cA4L of Men Who. after A jeja in'L I . L, the . . . r . . r . .. CoWs, eao,h,. � . cases under obSery t Glasgow, . I .. 'r . r . . I. . , .. . . . (Succl s Olt To DR. Tu j3u.tr,) 7 � -0 r WS, O' LD * - ­ SENT TO .�,YLON. I .. Calves, 040 . . . I I . DR` - GRAHAM ..., 1. I .. . � . L 8.9C Austria and B.algium, 4.05; Eng. . . .. Ing Lth;6 ' atk . .. I *ore not , dynal4ite they had a gregier * ... 7!�. . . ess . RX land, 4. 8,, Q�erwany,. 4.10; H.Ilan I LI ORO, ' .0 ,$ . CF 'JU . . �.. ,.L200 10,00 tak .0 , rejoined their ocon. aiid �be dise*" l4as made its appear- � . . .. LL . L d, 4. . "... . - . :­:­ ­ ... I . - . i .. .4 1 1 . I . lflb$s. - '. , . . .. eXPIOSfV6 fore than dy�;I . I .1 1, � . .. :, . . . .. - , , I I Licentiate of the, 110�41 Collagoog Phy- I 4.22;.S* tlau�d,'436;1t' � L . ., , — I ­ '' r . �L ante a . I 00 alyo� 4.56, Spa' . "'r . . . .L I . . . . m1andded, AO'auaiwodr was returned t sin Goran,ta,aahtrrh cf'tb& city'. .. Mite, ',and . 11 . 11 . sideins, L9ndoit,Hpg, � in, , iffig toL . . the Substance Used in the= Was eag-ei , . . 11 . I I . : I r . lie Is Itisul n CIL01ce hogai per awb., , , 5 7E'L '6j* tU6 insolent message. Ther two Mao Gea; Greville, resident British N . � I . � . - . -th . * . lie .1 Oland Is. . . ... . . 1P L ;' , , ' ., ­ ­,.. I I la ba 11896, . In- I I . r .. . . OFFICE AND RESIDENM-PorrIa's Block, lately � 0WOrS. ­ w r OWL., t.'L. ' fi 00 ' 525 who brought ths, fla I istor at Bangkok sin I to handle, than OrdInary,'gunpowder. . 4-6�r; .Boa , sia, �'-4�83;. ..whi * Baeked by Russia, A other Bateh of 130ep Commanders Lightt hogs, p,e , . r higilast., WI an average of 5.20 Chil .Other r .1 . . !.hip ed. - , Had . -, 50o g Were r informed W I r . -has been This SubSta L I , . OcCuPiOdbY Dr. Turnbull, CLINTON. , - . . . .. . , P ScnV7 Alogs, Par OWL . 6 21; . . I . 1. L � nee was Said, to be . L . I . I I .. . &on in'each i 'I ' ' ,r .1 A: deep, r .&r deapatah"&OM that Gen.. Barton,' appo I I L prac-. �', ,�.. ­ . aML Y. . atch from Shangba 1: says -.-a J?rotorld r, ' , . . .: . . ", . . 30 32 declined to � lisider r r inted,British.M-n bte� io Mexico, . . . . . . says.- 5 r . Do . .. L tn_ r --- . . . ­ 00' 2L25 coMmunicablons. - g Rg, H6 4acceeds Sir Henry Daring, ro- tioally the san4e aA,:the explosive L R. SY . � r r , . . .. . . ,. � : I D JAI � . I . I . .. — - I . Reports reodive& here from the treaty A lai-ge nUM1mr of' und6qira I Sta&' . ' L * .':. . '. 2 1 of ibia � Sort fr,61 . - . . . ad ity r L,a :I�ra . . " . . I ..r. . . . Oprion � . . . . . rLL A.F.PNOTED HER DIGNITY. . � I . . . I. . - I sonages and prisoners of ' a "a'- DRUSSEP -HOGS AND,.PROVJsIoNS,. outlaw and a m*u . dently. appointed British Minister at titodull noll - army,-' and " . . i . . . L . . ports Show that the opbosition to the L . . .r W* bad broken , . 04,110d Ritlinike, bfroN the, naote of the I � . . . � . I I .. . I . . ,� . . 'A firm- mark04 WIL# local. dealarn J1%S,ftt4 '.. RIO,Xanairct. I I , . ., . ONTARIO STREET, Opposite .English altiIiah, Ac(iUaiAtanoe­116w did ;you enjoy, bei3ig departed daily.. The batch to� . 11 r . I . . . L . . r . . -1 I . .- I . . .1 I . I . allied forces evacuating Pekin before talking higher prilcex� , r r . . L . I . . I � . . ­ . . i14V6nt01r- 0ut the 110,95sh have M'da � . . ,� 1. L �. . .. yolur � . 1. day, I Was Major Prasmus, Field I . L I 1UNITED STATg, S, . the 14ost, aucceaqful Vent r a yet, ' ��� I .. . CLINTON. . trip oil t.110 lakef , .. I I . Inc Lard Short and . . —�-� r. , . . I � I � . I . . I I . MrS. JVpjObn, Who ,bad bee L . a final settlemont _with the Chinese porget - MClt X,.r,,i,s, �add ZI,u ,strong. Smoked Meats in.'light duppli, , . . . .1 . ur ra- � . r �,, L I n violent- ­ t. Dressed r. .hogS Stead r ForesO fires in California , . I :_ ' ' . . 'Va Orl- th . ! . . . . . . NO REGIME POP, 'C ten 14 L L cooded in is fidd .-with their lyddito . �,!ap R. 0. W. THOMPSON . . .1 it is Such an is, arrived at is ugiversal a d intense DutOlts WhO aTTIVed 'in .*Pro y. ,At fa mars, . r HINA. UW". I . . . I . r I . . . . . .. A . . . Will bring $1,iio to ' . . ready covered aqqare . --a powder w.hieh has. ainotmoust _ . I ," ,'� D . � L undignified wit to travel. L I . . . I . . � ocanao Cordua torla in waggons. :"e6 , . � I I Ov cx r L ; �,,, , ,-�, POYSICIAN AND SUI �he. 'foreigners. . . Lt= with the . ""' . .. "-t - , . Or 30,0,00Q. -parsons saw t.4* 6 ' ,. I'J� I - L � RG20S. . ly . I r * among t The commer- � Plr' 87,75. according ,, to, quality, ,far Russia Dofl,les - . L ralid- plosiva.forte, ,and' ca be fired from I � I OPPIOE AND I . . : I _ ,�, � * ' I acy.. It is believed that these Or . Her PQ$1tIon:, ;rmy- e=Xnp]46nb naval 'yeterans .9 � . . � - i I r rtxsj=NCF- . . " . . I . I HEIR BEIMA, I RZ.' r . otai and.missionarsr bodies are cabling all being sent' to Ceylon, - a butobeor,� am. - ' I . Fully, I ,M0116 A, 0, 64b, which is Paisily carried about. . . . . 1. L . . . � Parade at Chicago. . .1 . r its gam L frOM � .. I . - , . . Next to M0l8OA'8,.Dank I . protests to theirLGOverninents. . I 861ornon Quiotations $or provIalonS Are 'AS -X despufth from S t,,' p,e t . Lyddl,1:6 does not take a . . � . I �. I . . Husband­�Dldu'(­-�-ou tell thilf couk dipld= The Gollingham, the notoriow .L . . aburg, Sa ,'Prar,clado has 4 populat-104 of .4 'Mo . . . I RATTkNJUTYRY SVIUCET, CLINTON. - L . 11tIO . and millary officers, ex. hunt W I concession 10,11OW15.1-D salted abbulders, 7.t � . or n . I n Is sometimes supposed, I . .. .1 I I . . . L I won * . . er; I .1 . ri o,7 wys:�-T* ,TO'Ur4al &, St. Petersburg, ,112 A AS . r I. '. . 1 . ., . , I Led my bxeakfailt, right on tbO g, fT , the tAfrongst tho" sent away 1.2o','Iong clear bacon,r . I ,762, Arid Boston 51�4809t I I ­ einutor . . I cept the ft�sslana, shars�, this fea)tu .Cm, r car.lote, $ fin a seani-off' . _according but frox4r an ancient town near* the I . � . I bavrlsrRy. I . . . � . . own tO-day. ,., L . 1-90', lCialL..artinte, says � that to t4e recent U., S. rensu . . St of, gegt�L , . . . 4 . . : . .., 1.,: I Wife -I did. L . . I Lt Hung Obaug, since .his under-, I r � . ' ton lota',$840; L lots'.90; oblort yoillta.ry aC L . I I .S.... .. . Coa in Znglatd-tbe town . . .. ;4 I . . . . . . TAXVS 330ERS TO =YLON. but 'ti , on b ond that tak#n r'tt :KA" Ett� 4orna ., . I I . moo BY 4 r� wit4 ag, qjgconT thare� is d� g r, L ' r 'I . I . . . . . � . 'atandirxg ,With RUS$Ia'L had Changod , . . _ oi Lydd where _ . L. , ' hoAVy V�Doft'L$16'W T"OkIn . 4V�Ould ba lik('.Iy to Isa(I 6veknme.UJL , - I . And What did sho'say? pork, #18.W. to * $19, * I . �!, It. AONEW, L I 81W said that we all have oux Adwpatob fToLto� I � I I tq trollable. craving for mpsta,rd, died, artllle� I . . �L I . I � . . Rx to . . . I � . �. D I . disOp- front towards the represeutatives-of . ant wd says: - to 117, . , .. y range. .. I . ppittmenfi'Ll, � . . . I , .. . gresh, compueations. - 1t would' not at Flo�a, Ifid., after eating a ,pI . . L ... L . r , L DENTIST, . . . . . . Word haa.WeA r' . . I . Int of L 1-1 . I . . I I . . other Pbwers', and has been Insolent . eo6ivod in -the city Smoked meats-1][6ma, heavy, .Igo. lend to paoi Icatl0q, 111�6 wl * . . I . . . .Here the , ! I I . . . ..,b�-- I---- I 7 1 thht 'Papt 0. M, Xalles will be Sent . t thdrawal . . . testS were made. which re. . . I r . CROWN AND BLUIDGE WORK, . , . I ..N.wft- and ulgidst insulting in his interviews inedium, 100; fighl; 18. 1-2o; breakfas� rip.: . . . . SUItO in t*e Preparation Of . . . . 11 . t Of the enVoya of the Powers to.Tio - -aliaii un rc)l . . thii ex L:, L I r � .1 front Z�th Africa to 0aylan, in bacon, 12 I.9to Jae; plogio hams, I � . ,n , %e. It R _iSt Gad&. was de-. ploeive; and'rthe name 13L ' L r . � " I OVFIOa­AdJ — . . I . . . .. I , . a th peaceful, . L .-. - Oltllng POSLOr's Photo Gallery, I . . c1hamg L 6 of 5,000 Boer prIg9Aej& Ton 0o; Tfii1n WO144 be ia9zLrdtad by -China as ported. y#storday�-frora Now r , .. with them' Mended . . . I )Cork' Kentish Village is now heralded all L � . ' .1 roll bacon, 10 1-2 to 110; Smak*d backs 'Showing that the'PO"ye,re rama,in true lie , 1. . � CMTOX, 0241" L Aft Ll 11,ung Chaox has rea0m r . . � , I . . . . the Dowaget ]ImprosSLtara tXansportT are requited, and three , 1S0. A.11 meato ant of Vickie ,,, r , was in We Plot to kill President over . . f =====�--- 1. pialat the . .. . � I .r .: t4d world in c9anectioxi w1tha I . - . ============t-- watzhipa will a Iox$ to the spirit Of their original bro. McKinley. .. . . . � . t#. g1ram, . I VaraRnVARY .. I Hat;'ki* n, g two southern Vicaroys who made the , , coomipany them. . thall PTIOW quoted for smoked mea gia, HOWO S4b0f-1LI)0a .which has dealt deatIl tor' 1. � .. I L � ver great the just in.; Ight, . - Wong& bun e . , , � . � . . r , N 1, �Ard-Tlgrcw, pe.. h1bS, 0 14o, Pr. JVri is dead from her' . . . .,d.r 4s Of *Bpers'and Su4anese, It I L ;, � �. ======== -. agreement with the Congulo, to Ueel) , " � -----.O— . pails. ftnation, which events lit China h . . . 11 . ,.( ; t t ". B LACXALL & BALL . . ..There is nd'eh- ! . order InL the . ir.territor as. 1. . 0 1-20. . I I I . � . as At, Watseka, 111, 4'r!Ot followed 4101' ,has Ot4 1141ttlas baqidoa Its I I . .il 11, 11 and the BO .. PWoVO`k*d in Olt civiliXed 6011A tries, -tha 'attempted arros . or odious q I . L L 1� &- BR AUDACITY IN NATA L t fAr nlai�raotipe at explo$jva Jar" ' ' I ! . VETERINARY SURGEON .. Ing so bad for a president of the Toung-li-Yamen, as ft . . .PRODUCE. . . I . . , since its 1'"es are " . .L, 8, GOV-, ­ ., B`Uwlau GOVOM34ent adhers ftlialter- 01134-411, ill. . ­ so I ... . I ON"- . , I . ERNMINNT VETERINARY INSPECTORS ' . .. 6 commission to: treat with the powers, Dynanlit . . sa"COAting an gdngetinlos t ' . ' . . I - 0 , , o dxive , I OFF1, . . . Ing. e Carried Oir Noar New. Ikgs-110t W109their Id'oklming a ably to the principal forming the basis �,Wai How� 4, 041'ba% girl' who ORMO even the �rn,Vest ajid mosit obedient I . � 09, ISAAC STAPUT k REsm-UNCE;1 ,AozaT I I It tears the.. Li starts from Tlen-TBIn in a week I . . .1 L heaVler lass than over in the egg,s ar. 'Of hOrPOH10Y, namelY, the malAtonanco all the way from Canton. to -M . . . . I . 1. I STREET! dxiilorox, . castle. . .. I ,,try_ sVJdI6ra froigqpir tren, : I I ;. I . . . � I I I I.... — tenderMembrano on a Chinese KA119. There are very few re I fgnoy OiLpeace between all The powers. )Ior lover, now mourns his ��tk At I,y4d thc&etcra 'bes. . . . I �. . . . -- — ­ L . of the throsi nd ship' tonvoyed by ' 'T40- A dfttleh from' NOtOrMarltzburg, , vonking In. P4041A hOl . d a About . � . . . tor L 11 I . AUCTIONgE . 'LL t lot . ailesla wars&p. - - 9901 I . L San Francisco, . 0]4area the 1.4 -. I . . . . I A '. - ." I I "Y0.1 -The Boer raiders In noVLUrn steady, at 12 to 13o for chol"; 110, .01L - I . national 110tolri46ty which attaches to � . . . I . I " . , I I . L . I L. I . lullgs) and 'the 16. W. W. 116okbill, the tIA' : ted X11141 are becoming inoreamingly da * eg L L The United States tra."PDrt Callf-t- the name of Dutnduin-t4at or . I . - . I I wounds t h a s Stated O6 IN COLD BLOOD. peaceful Vill , In distant Bengal, . . . . . HOS. BROWN MM18*10ger' f1tartff for 12okin Ing'and at r' 2 ho't wekthar 'O oth I . T . . 1 .4 causing unreAb, - . I gS Bog at 7 1 106. SHOT nia, "rrying 8,600 to= Of stores for . . . . . I made attract the mursda L . I Real famy selected eggs will.'bring . L . I 11 11, L LICENSED AXTOTIONEUR, gerins Of con- . Y, , . . 9L party of thg a � I ".*- , I the army la the Philippines, is report. where age I . . . . � "-, � I I . Sales conducted tn Olt parts of the counties . . I 1,,:,,4rty t "'my 14a, Dealers here are buying alloloo Theron's Deliberate ad long ova)rdue. . I . are Manufactured Mo expand- ". �.. . of sumption, stop . . via a C,'lltery near lil .ag%A& and Murder of a . . . Huron alld Perth, Orders left at TUZ NEWj3 I I eggs at 110, d6ilvered. IIIS buil`td Which Great Britain has . � .: . COO= 0 co Clinton, oroAdroagod to Sea YOUr cough by ,14%rriod off a handrad poaucis of dy . British Irritift Crow. I The new battleship Alabama, built demqndad, and retained the right to I I I . . 11i U, I fovt 61 -1 - wl r cclv0 prompt attention. Sat. LADY13kAND SIEGE , E"),. 1:� na- POLA -The deliveries are free, A despatch from Zondoii says -­De� by the CrAmPdi at Philadelphia laex. U610 494igSt "barbarians.15. I I I I . . ,,,for toes $fad UAV It odor no,onarges. rourpeLt. UsIfIg the family . tut . 4Y easily be and A tot of the stock coming in is off - ' � 1, on os 01. , . . � '. I � tL rZj�at purpose In 1 ", ) . .. 6 — . , 11, . ,,,, , 1 . teMedy that ligs d In quallty,' lleale:Ta are buying here talls 09 the successful raldr of �hor. pected to make'17 knotA. or bott#r on TbO ly"tO PrOJO19tt, Used by the . 1. I ". been curing Brave Little darrison Withstood the 1, ne general of WMmunicAtions has 011116 SOqhtS At KlIp's river have roach. '" ,rla,. , British naval bti d, . It forty. I I 'U.a . I I MISCH4LAN600,q I Repeated Onslaught 6f the 130e(ps, ImU a WwAing to the call at about 20 to 256 Per bag, and sell ad protoWia, A St, Louis car and . �-�� - — ­­­­­ feries only 1. . , . ths and colds It appears that attar the foundry c0bi. five POUUdA,,and is firB4 from agun . � .�: . Obt of storo, at about So to 85a Par derailing by the Boars of the train or with a oadibre ot fear 'A . . awarded a Contract f � �, co I A dospatob. from cave Town, says ,. to atord Aaftioloht explosive jpny haa been I . Of 6 Y klnU for L 9 for thair bag . I , WHILL � Imra6diate requirements, L I Aches and - aeven. Z.. ; 'J1 . I CEO, TOO . OV40 s t tars, YOU -Tho, Wage of Ladybrand has. beet 001dVeying A company of the West 00'asiructIng 08 Passenger COaChes for tenths I . The weight of the . j, 11ORSE Shblillt AND caln't ... to beL With. X419edf L after several desperate at. 10"g4he Is sovoll kalles 86uth'at BO41201-01lbiice' haild-picked* beans Itiding Itegiment the ,British train the GOVergment Of Now Zealand, Projbotllo LUcludea . � I . I I (;SN4RAI,BLACXSNUTJ1, but it. I 11 tompt6 to captlife the town. And its Nowwoblo. . I are worth front $1," to #1,75, crow' ourrendered and were 'shot OlaudiO and Clyde Wilson, bWlIW, girl Pounds, the, five and a half I , !.1 , I . Wboflfttkirdnod aftitfiraWlasa material and Aff little garriSon, . H000--�.Zlichaliged. Dealers are .down attar they. bad thrown up tboll and t of cordite, another iowerfuI . . 4V 1 1 bQy, aged. four I�on . W P 4e- . of 150 British troops. . --milib— . bM , are dead explool I . I , 0�11 1. , , lIkuttr&ntead. Yarm Implomonts and mit, Paying 6 to,. 70 ", 'Alhit;h is required, to throw � I I., . . L " rebuilt and repaired. I I I Th6 11o,&1% who attAck�ad Ladybrand Out'std6- DeA16" hands. tgWo of t,hom wore killed in at, Bowling Green, Ohio, They d(,d it. The we,ight Of the lyddito In the I �- . . o4; , ..' � JOBBING A. SPECIALTY. I DE WET'S SONS KILLED.I./ Quota from 8 to Oo. Per lb for 6, 10 or this MaAner, The, engine was bloWn from Like same 0,40ft at W6 sa%, time, he 1. I I I . . -- ,NL4�7 -4 8,116 o6tiMatod to have nwribered or6k . 00,41) tbS, 0=11 honey ftlIs here At U Ad 01 the projec,Qob is ten 1) I OUndA_ . . �� p with dy.oamite but the driver, who , ORNMAL. quite enough to bir . . . A094T 8,PAZE,r, x'4onnr, CLtNTONr. 21600 MOIL Tho British wore BUM- beelares ko will Fight til Ho #1.60 to 01475 per d"ea 0ections' had, hidden in, t �o ii L Harr Boalloll, the German battle 10to . I . I � I . - � ­ I . ---11 ­. . . - ­­­.-­..­ MOZOd t0 ji4rrander Soptember 2, r4sbft. Somehow . eak the pvojOetile r , ., & X60tS Death tn Dattled.1-1r, Baled hay -316. I tizatlLy will bring esoape4 hah I Vainter� ,has gone to China. fruglueate and hurl them V�ktlx I I JOHN T .I W.- StuWay, but refused� And froIn that L I ,lift A body of Marshall,jo ,eary R. Butlor, Viscout-i frightful form �, . "I i I I - MERTON I'll, � time ". were aobjwtod to continual A 41OVatch foom, London, Says.- $8.15 to 09, COUW4. 3144rse iVitsued. the raiders, killgluip n Atount. ' 1. I TAR LEADING BARB.Sn, dannca agid rif TJ20 mpe Town correspondent of the Baled Abraw-Car lots are quoted ixt 1616VOU gopXs, . r, 1,116 whole Projectile looke like a ... . L I A196AA,duffor .. 16 fire. The bugh. Xanowatex Guardian attttau $5 to $6.50 CA traok . L, I - . I gar e�tt, is dead at :London, OuVWX196 for a 400.vting rifle-InAny I . . I that 1 - I ,nThbre is still a good rainfall in . . . - STANDAUlYMPH XNSURANoj� C()1Al?ANy I . 6ra twice' tried to rush, the British D Wet h40 Infortned friends tb Iropa-Unobanged. Sell at about IS � d , tiftes WASIlifW, of oftrae, Twenty� 11 I . . . ROVA Cisco for cfabada, Atontroal. loosens the gr Sk$PofyoUr P0dt10A4 Vrob4bly tho approach of 6 at he . COST OF SEIZURES. I I&, bnt Cholera Stijl prjDV,4iIsr. in nine ttna �n4�.half pmnda of metal are .1 ol- . I . L , Insuranoo In fortc, . !, - . $1111^,ft : COUgh. The congestion A rall4f, forot #Av6d the little SAM. W1111 tight t6thoond. His Wws have to 140 for Canada, 1991a. � -, Inany distriat& . . hurtgd about by the exploSiOn of the I k. .. . Investhel3fits In Canada, - - . 13,6(X),OW - I . hOOA IdIled In tbo war, and his Wife , THE C.1131-USH MAUKSTS, A Pt6tOTIA despatch sayg�-Gegaral ly"It"e whi0h 41AO CaStA abroad siek. ' ' ,XAbablfsheitigU'l Thooldrolfableandfavortio, . of the throatand lungs iS. ' sOn' . 'L bad dW of a brokon, heart. XWgstota, oat., Sept. 11. ­At 4 the What Britain Pays fol. Holding W&II-POW,611 ,stUtIod F . . . Ilk---*— ' W Meeting of MO Choose Board to-do. for Cape- Town ,eU618 rU%ob# Suggesting the VIAIL Of' ill. �,� 4 00W OP-81filth'ablock, opposibo Post uM roMOVed; all Inflamma.. , . Official trotuivs to Sept, 1 sho 'German Vessels. Oft 84t0d I . I i , y ar. . I IL I ­ — d011 IS SUbdUed& and tho , FIGHT NEAR MAPEKINGd, that thb I"ra have captured durilig thdx,d Were Bog 661011rod And S,061 A dwpatch frk)o� Ilarlin'L sa.vs.-The Th , ISM011ing liquid wbim uf*,a to wall I 150 YgARSO Cough drops awoa dftw0g, Of thO A"1910-Germ%n 00m* agboire Off Cape 11 r tS4001"bill, offeA6i'" AdJutke"t Of the Op"ations of . . eXPE"JeNce I ..- ' rd whom, 2Z offloom and 6,190 Mon AYH�ft, box * boys. the' MAW$ WRAtTy. ' I � I Three, size$t t9a, 00a war 981 6fftd6r,% And 7 1 ed, and -484 sold 4t a Prittsh ,tt�ajho '14, oft goers'Repu'lsed by the aswrlaon at 'AA" Oftd"a or boon release . mf�wou r"PWting the, I * . . d ,d. ]to. ndemnifles 1104tetl,wlthout serious 4,%Mage, I I I 01141' $120 Is the ohegp. , Kranipall. One offioer and eighty-five Inish die,, MM06AL Sept. 1I.-Thore wiars to be Xid to the OwnerI4 Of (4e.r=n, T)IC 13OUth Afrbealk U06ro have in � 11 . "t tO keOP Oil 111911dis in oa*ivlt,Y. Tho nunib&r of 11rItish I,KbOut 400 hoa4a of bate-h6ral cat- Veft*lx 461261 by British ' A supposed Accomplice of Luchgol their ,reports, ridle,nied th6 effects of .. . . I lq I the $00. size. &r 00tighs A deeatoh iron Vrybarg, "Ya... "WftWM9 iA thO� handsof the, noors, I t1e, 80 oalres, alld 600 xbgap #,.,a ,4D'ath Afrima, Warships In, In the assals1kinatlon of ;th6 Empress LILA lyddite, declaring that the 11riti,sh I YOU'h*v* had for soine 1 Y64LOrday th# g"tw*'a at Xf4stv" 'S' 14052- tambe offer6d for sale at Lber 6ast 0104 For wated'e' 18 All f4lIO1V1q - of Austris, Iff undbr arrelit &t jaudapegt. 4pag,&to W e to � y lIttl I I Attsoked k Uftr ftfp*t jon A01ft hill# L *-""-**­ 1`10 &tbutift Of the Dande5rath 01 ablA do vve a � flme$* the 260, $126 for 11in the vicinity, a,ad dro," thiem ,off ANOTHER INDIAN DRIGAbB,11 t A 10gs ftetas-Atlantle gtolkmor ilt. damage with, it, HOWOVer, there t4o ' I . . . TRAOt MARKS .411 Oidingry oold, Abd Lott to'Aky, Th6t*' wilft f4rr "Kl tb6 Vl"6ral Aild Herx0g, the M- reported to liar# nitrrawly W,kPM be no doubt tilat it belped to rendelf ... � ­ . otaloNs . I . I with a to" of oomm kukd� 0.04 18;SIA 1 i few otttld off" to -day that could rkan line, 2"ei'ved z2o'(w, and 45,000 b6ing wrecked in tb,6 fog In the Strait# th�6 position of � 06ov*10"ta &a, . 16 V6r 18 YO"V I WA 4 t"� w WftAd*d. 1%ra wos no to" On tho Britain Intends to g&Vo plenty of be 641164 A.gd thiWe odd *tfro% will be paid to th6 o.1 r 06wal GIronjis llflten.-Ajo� , lv� � A MIS If t"diAt ft Alf0te'll fthd 4 aiy . TI&# doat6njutalb 1 4, ItM(, I ,ftflun t)jjr J)PI"10ft IrmtUm t, 4 :=ybotl _ 0 %r wt a 111 , . I -2 t. Vr1r Par 1h; pretty awd Thet AWA6r of thtv � hd W*A Murouaded; and'it -441, fthL .. a , A 1 4 5 Z Va" of th� goods� Of B6116 1816, near tba wene ig tb,S L Jkbk aft6r Invont, IV to-prob � th""bleA. I tr a Brit", 44, W4 ow,urod Glatit hot.imo. Troops on fland, blrque "'in's ;S^tsm&n diliftat6r. . tift!p ,,-"a . TA % raton" C I I bmats soW from $ Il.g to 4 Wagnor will I M,U*t be ag imV6,,ttafit aid in belfaguor. . gd% � - lift receivfi 44,487, And the,, V, . ofl tin epatents. C 0 .#, I 00AM14"I SkIrAU60 bKMn to A despatdh 000 London st,ya;-The YO 11611610# 00"raor of Shkngbil, 110A !US OW01W. V4 & TL "" "At Of thO 1*11WAY b#t'W##A Usro 641166119ti(ift Of thO ot4sr W14109 baok from 2 I.g fat to tho throne, NAkIng --w---4--� 11 I L ­ 00 -WN � wit a I I I W I 1.40; and thA ommoll stook at Owy*tft of tb& btrqu* WAxi# 4126, "ht A 06mor I., ALP A . W*T4 for AKTIng. 4 , k : wm. 6, r.w, It ". *&" "%gtlJ,L& Oft Jft4V1t4d t* SEI!? -A L 'RD� TI,Vh, Ily R'0, * I o I I r. ; it M X I M109, AAd It OW 0XVft 09 the ffttth Indian britailk 'I to * 1-4o p6r lb, Tr*&- Both I 00'retur"ntt agre6 to gNeaept tot * re , I'ELMg. k I 'I ) 11 I , I. I I I i I I I '1' I I - I I . Mt % WWM&I% *VA #, #A** IMPfttJkA , .41 ,Pw I. I 'a "94rd- WAS flLtrlY b6lk, 4nd $WWA W#r* tb*40,0AkM -01, WA4 A mu ,- , MU I pr#Nwn6 JV6U 'Urry, a itl6mbntsy Of . . " rv"" t- It 61IOWA that. what-, ,,bout thg ktwx " O& Rftd4y94 Mar. I 40M fill"OrmAd I �"WAA At#' EL kr jwv* b"n wftAw. ayw the Attow for bKvInt 4ft*rw&t4ft kill*d tj%w, , � '� k0*014 3116ft Irr"IVAn 14 dotAr. . , 47A 1 .1% AM tUrty-tiv* WIWS ofttk far* the BrItlorh 0;&WnXa11t ig ratt Offialal roturAlg for t SOMO klAd in MO Jockat of Tauril r ""'.1 A&Z L46 0i th6 Ituselau Vol, 1--om— for*lrnett uudet WS protootior, am : 'A 0%04044 R ket, but doAd6illy bsttar tbAu on Only one Q4q1A=&I4 A$kg b"ft I - � I ,� , mforw . - 1 1 - - - - - - �*f f4k(tW 6" MIA44 t* A00 110001*14 tftft h4 W46k 6nd- PrO611*1Y, It ig a look of my ,hu*� I R ­ !4L r! ­ A. - 611 01 , " - - I , *,*A k, Uoftomb)o ma _ 0,ogith,q IftfAt W00k'# 110WO- CAl"N Wd lxrly ord*in*d & Minidt*r *1 tk* Oct.:,; 1919 Awgust 0 show rA&rly 8,W dfAthX baft4,M, bl,jr, , NUN 01 — Oft x0at pAsax4ly to protmt aiitigh in. from W V ft.'WOMM(M. JR). �1 a O;dl- -4Z !t!!! � !! i , , , - I-06 of *6 VrAt Saw% of the, MO. Utad& 1 49 tO $10 ft6h, of from, I P61- 914 "MO 14 :Alft 4% h0d k# IIM f9WA ObOtak In Indlit. Tkis was & dA. 80 ,yoUr buithg1kd is ,Still a,live. . _ - I I .. S 1-2 t& 4 I-% 1mr IN -� ghiftoft paid I la Jkn lt4as&seo. of"$* ompkftd WJth tka prowl"I Y64, bgt hjA halt 14 *11 Sox#. I I - 1i I ­­­. -.1 -1-1 ­ -1., ­, � I ,,, ­ �L, , P ­ ­ ....- ­ '-L---'--"----"'---"�-"�"--'-"'---'--'-'---'--�--'-'�"�'-'-----