The Blyth Standard, 1908-07-23, Page 8PAGE El;xr--THE BI,I'TH STANDARD ---JULY 23, 1908 Liberal Clubbing Offer. '.Phe Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth Standard one year each, worth 82,00, for only 84,00, This is a geunine bar- gain. Don't miss it., Call and see ' samples at this office and leav0 your sllbscriptlou. BOOMIN LIME WORKS is headquarters for Fresh, rare, No. l Ltmo, Iiigliestrecomnitends given ns to the qunItty of it, ha.; Ing proven Itself No. 1 on (yoveru• moot bui]dnigs. By purchasing from those kilns you patronize home industry. 25c per bushel, delivered Write or Telephone to A. NICHOLSON & SONS BELGRAVE You always pay too much when you pay too little Paradox(cnl but trim. Particularly ocularly when buying Oro. aeries. Nearly every article of eatables can be adulterated, Mon), of them often are, Constant vigilance hi required to )seep undesirable goods hon creep - tug into it grocery stools, One of tan most eersls4ent sinners is Conned Goods. Thousands and tla0asauds of them put up every your. Somebody soils then4. Somebody buys them. Somebody eats them. Phisred entitled t g 0 aF goods is very 1 common. but this stone has never sold a can of it to at ett0tolnet• 111 its life, mild it never will, Our way is firsts or nothing in everything, Always, • OAS$ FOR ALT,KINDS OF .PRODUCE JAMES CUTT CRtiND NRAILWAY 11 -SYS EM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. 0041(44. N 014 048. 6 40 :1 91) Wingham 11150 7435 043 33:3 \Viln:mJet, 11 Ott 7 2 0 52 :1 41 0elgrsve 11 40 7 13 700 3,i0 1315th 1128 700 7 14 4 01 Londosboro 11 20 0 53 7 47 4 23 Ghlitnn 10 15 11 05 0 :30 8 03 4 30 13ruce4eld 0 53 0 10 8 15 4 47 1(ipperl 0 50 0 11 8 22 4 uI Dolman 9 44 fr 0,5 8 35 5 03 Exeter 4 00 5 54 8 40 5 13 Centralia 0 18 5 43 8 59 5 20 Clandoboyo 9 09 5 34 9 05 a 30 14 0311 Crossi1g 0 05 `n 30 9 12 5 37 noutteld 8 55 5 25 9 21 in 40 Itdertnn 8 45 5 15 0 29 5 51 414441 11 8 :13 5 07 9 35 5 59 Ilydo Park g 8 •'it 0Crossing 02 037 000 HydePerhJot, 824 5000 9 45 0 10 London 8 15 4 50 Comneetions aro made et \\'Ingham for all stations ou the Palmerston and 301s- carelne branch, Connections are made at Clinton for all stations on lino I1u14a10 and Goderich branch, and all stattous from Strntferd to Toronto. 000030t/one are made at r,tioen Crossing for all atati0115 west to Sarnia. Connections are made at London for all stations east and west alt the mato line. CANAiIAN ' PACWIC , 44440war` Time Table TO Toi)ON'ro G derioh la. 8.)1)) ' 11.44. Blyth " ago Walton 4141 r „ 8.41 Milverton . ' 9.14 " I tmtla 4.. . 0.31 „ Guelph '-i " 10 }8 • Toronto 1l Ar. 12,10 " Olt TORONTO. Toronto..'.' 1,Iv. 8011a.n1. 4111 p, In, Guelph..., 'tAr, 10.25 " 0.22 " Elmira vtk 10,21 " 04(4 " Milverton 11:03 " 7.22 " Wilton 1.80 " 7.57 " BlytAuburn 51 8.08 ,A " Goderfoh 1 . i 8.18 pan, 8,40 Fall Term 0 i, Sept. 1st Those who know ' t ,. merits of this school• are its stautic h.('I,pporters. ELLIOTT 2.00 p, un. 2,50 0.00 3.11 3.r•3 4.17 4,48 01,35 TORONTO, This college stands rlts$ thoroughness and gonoin$ whereyro will, 3ou will find our g ittes`pushiug to the front. Their sup training enables them to get and bol first-class positions. College open all eu'nmer, Enter any time. write for eatalo408. W,.1, ELLIOTT, Principal, Cots Yonge and Alexander Sts„ Toronto. Minor Locals. Sees Big Crops Second Vico-President \VII) to of the C. P, R. with his party of newspaper and grain sten ranched W(tut !peg Fri• do last how hoose Jaw, in the course of their tour of inspection of western crops, Air, 11'hyte stated that, well advised as his company is kept with' re - geed to the western cl'01) COIld1110415, 110 tette (41reeahl9 surprised et the pros - p004,8, and trout what he had seen of the cotutt031 in the egyrse of his trip he had no hesitation in, estimating this year's crop at 125,000000 bushels, lu the Souris district there writs every in- dication that hafvectilg oporatloas would C0111,00410 111 a f011140108 time, While he believed culling tvould (10 inirly uenerel throughout the west by August 151,1), To Improve I(1 Temper Itelieve the physical suffering of corns, Quickly done by the reliable Putl4tml'8 Corn Extractor. Beware of acid, Resh•eati148 substitutes and iasis1 on Putnaal's ; it's the one sure and tunnies cure, Cannot Use the Mail 'i'he Senate lust Wednesday adopted nut amendment to the hili respecting patent medicines, width forbids the sale of }wepp('mtions coutaiuiug 0pintt 01. its derivatives, 5e4a10r Roy, who moved the amendment, declared 11101 medicines (4ontainlug opium were 1'e.- aponsible for more deaths among chit - arm) than tiny (liaeese, Amothel auteu(1441emt forbidding 41,atributim4 of samples of the drugs trough mails WKS adopted. You May Be Sick To•Night 1Vithont a moments wavelet; pain springs 44(,011 us. At the outset it is instantly cured by Nerviline. Sur- i icing what 15 drops of 41118 mar yet - fella 111ed1ettle tat do, It's external action is m0 less ce0nut than 118 W011- d0r(ul effect when token i4Neruaily. 01 course Nerviline is powerful or it eould44', he so penetrating. But not irritating or caustic. There tie mbar panni Ientedies, ant whet) yon use .Net'- viliue you see the difference, That (11110renre fs 41110-0 4 110.4'0 relieve, but Nervil(ie, does cure sprains, strains swellings, earache. toothache, neural g(a, lamb g0, in Snot all muscui444 pains, Large bottles t50 at all deniers Railway Subsidy Among the railway subsidy proposals submitted to Perlis meet was cue tot the St, Marys and tVes4eru Ontario Railway Co, fora late a( railway from Woodstock to Exeter, not exceeding 45 448(108. The Trenthleof Old Age With the advauceof years the vital fenction.i of the body Stan' down, Its 001100gne1100 the organs of secretim suffer, the action of the bowels ere less erred and there is no lodge' healthy o(tculhuMe. The ht4t(n is congested with blood, giddiness, trembling 04(14 cold ext'emilics aro 04.4nnro4 No a8a(8ta4we its so patent 110 Dr, Hamil- ton's Pills, By their direct action on, the stomach, liter toad kidneys they cause an immediate 4(14an;;e. :\11!14. free front gripe, strengthening and cleansing the 41110)0 system, no 444rd(• 0(no is so valuable ie old age as Dr, Ilhmi(too's Pills of Mandrake and But. 1m0.411, Try these pills, 25c per box at all dealers, Salary Increases In the anppieutenrary estimates just brought duan to ) (1ln meat some of l the Civil Serb nuts get comfortable in- creases to their salaries• It, Ii, Eat. row (son of T, Farrow, postmaster at Brussel,), alio is Comtei,esiouer of Cos - 40u15, gets a raise ir040 8'3011i) to $8000 ; Prof. W. It. !crock (sea of the bite Rey. 1'. Hroet , forta"tty of Clinton), goes up from 80100 to 92800, Invaluable for Nursing Mothers With 4(144'$!4148 comes 4(44 ` 111104a5itle strain on the mother's vitality. The blood -(s weakened. Nerves are irrit- able thrcu1h loss of sleep, Anxiety a 4d enre lir 10(1 duwu even tar) strong. 0s1. ',Aperienc0 teaches that nothing (s 1110ee 41,1p((11 then Vern.z one. What all appetite it ht•iu485! No blood-ior- Not a Miracle But Medical Science Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Out. Gentlemen:-- ' `Soule lima ago I began to lose flesh and failed every day until I had to quit work. My physicians and all my friends said i bad eontraeted consump- tion. [ failed from 105 pounds down to 119• I was advised to go to the lioek(es or to the coast. I went to both places under heavy expense. I con- tinued to fail, and was advised by the doctors to conte hone as nothing more cou10 1111 done for u4e, Ilope seemed to have left me. ".44 tried Psychfne and since starting its use 1 have gained from 110 to 341 pounds, I have used $10,00 worth of the medicine. I ant a well man and I cahoot say too much 344 praise of Pay - chine, The strongest recommendation would be weak in view of the fact that I believe it has saved any life. It is without doubt the best remedy for run-down conditions and weak lungs. "I sincerely hope and trust that yon will continue your good work of saving rttn down people and consumptive from the grave., wishing you and Paychine continued success, I remain, cue of `k'¢ygltine's best Meads." ALEX. McRAC, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. (4t'every mail bungs us letters like t$e aboc^4, Paychtne wilt o.pcat this record in.evey_rt' ease. It is the greatest nted1c4445 known. At all drug- gists, 50e and $i.00, off. Dr, T. A. SJo• cum, Limited Toren . 11101' ornerve tonic more potent, no me3(a(no known that so steadily brines hack the health, vigor and spirit that mothers require, It's because Fere°. zone 4(0urisbes, beonso it 91441)11)es the matt/tints for 10bullding that it does such permanent good, aide pe0 box at all dealers, Western Fair, London. The program of attractions for this year's eXhibit(o14 is ono (hat will for. 14(514 instruction and amusement for everybody, hemp's IVild Best Show end Hippodrome performance is the largest eon/patty of people aver ton, Nested to 1\es414044 Fair Visitors -118 people, 115 Indians, Cowboy Band, tai, horses, bromchos, 14414100, etc., chariot races, some coach capture, eco, Sate - fon ''1Cing.o) the div'' the Hicloott fatally, \V hi to & Lemur, lironoman faros„ the fumy people; Pauatis0n Sisters, Doike Sisters end many others. Fireworks each evening, eonol li4148 with the "Railway Disaster" and the "Destruction of N01.1110Pelee,(4 Every• one should come to London for at lenut ono day this yen 0, Programs and/ all information given 014 'application to the Secretary, A. Al. Hunt, Loudon, This is Best Time far Spring Medicine Taken Now the Blood is Renewed, Disease Germs 31;e Destroyed, Good Health Assured. That peculiar weakness so common in the spring is demoralizing to body sod mind aline. Stupid, absent-min(Ied and dull, yet feel the need of a at/minting tonic, '1'o impart quiekuess and Brent vital (ty, to the entire system noticing acts like Ferroz0ne. In 14 shoot time it makes you feet fit and line, creates a feeling of yo4it11 cud strength that's sln'prising. ferrozoio revives and braces the sickly because it nourishes and builds up tate organs that ore weak. As a sprung tonic, appetizer 4tin1 blood streug4heuer it is unequltlled, A well 1440040 resident of Utopia, 44. H,o i l P s n, Writes 1 "From t0nq experi- ence I am convinced that everyone re- quires medicine in the sprlug. As 8 rule the blood is thin and impute end the whole system is congested with poisons that should be carried off. I use L'errosoue because it cleats up the S).stem, u(ves you an appetite and mikes you (50! «rail, Otte winter 1 had serious palpitation of the hear:, nervous headaches and' an extreme tired feeling, Sleep 14va8 nut restful nail by :prang I teas in bad shape, 1 took six boxes of Perrozone and was made the income of health." 1'el'r01)44a snakes permanent cores. Absolutely safe beeaose it is purely vegetable and 0011tains no alcohol, Concentrated mire in tablet form - 'dines Ferro'/.one, 50c per box 04' Six boxes for $2 50 at all dealers, tawa ; W. 0, MOPbetson, of Toronto ; and John Hnodless, of Hamilton, Hoodless headed the poll. The following five members were ap- pointed to the hoard by the grand 44)149• ter :-W. Geo. Eakins, Toronto, Fred, Harcourt, Toronto ; W. Ren, Ottawa; 3, Cornell, of Sarnia ; P. W. D. J3ro- der(ck, Landon. It. 1V, Bro. Auhroy White, of Tor- onto, is vice-president of the board of general purposes, DAYS OF DIZZINESS COME TO MANY SIXTH PEOPLE There are days of di'Lzlee4s, spells of drowsiness, headache, stdeaelte, bath - eche, Sometimes rheumatic paha after uri- oary trouble. ills.Ion are p1Ainly told that the Kid- neys are sick. Booth's Kidney Palls cure all Kidney Airs, Thomas Wanless, of blain St„ Blyth. says: "I had suffered with n number of synlptontsof kidney trouble for the past two years and very often found difficulty in gett(i48 anything that would relieve ale. Aly beck was tender and n heavy dull pain would come !n toy sides nod extend ((round my body, Headachos nod spells of dizziness wore frequent and I could find no relief. The urine plainly told the disordered state of the kidneys and the kidney secretions were greatly dis- ordered end frequent, Booth's Kidney Pills were advertised, gad procuring a box at Air, Finntilto4('5 I commenced treatment. They seemed to benefit me front the first, anti it was a compare - I lively short time when the pains had left my back, '1'lle kidney searet1ons - were regulated, the twine cleared end the headaches sod spells have not (40040ed ale since," Sold by dealers, price 60 colts. The R,'I', Booth Co„ Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont„ sole Canadian agents. Canadian News. GRAND LODGE A, F.. Sc 'A. M. Spitodi) progress teas nthda n,t the 44)50(4'.4804414( Grand Lodge of Collado A, F. .4, A. Al., which was held at tvhtgnrt4 Fails. The various sports presented wore received and adopted, and14444(14)01 8)001(044 of '(lol ('4(4144114)4444' 4841,448) masters proceeded with, The complete list of deputies elected were :- Erie -E, Moody, St. Clair -J. 11. Livingstone, Pt. Ed - Wit rd. London -J. W, 1lethera41), Louden 1{140011--11. S. Cooper, Seafort14, W. Huron --A, J, foster, L(stewel, lisou linbt. Daunt, Paris, WolliuR(o'-8. Houdnl(, Guelph. Hamilton --l.. Printf', Georgetown. G'm'e(uu-Dr Campbell, Shelburne, Niagara -J. D. Wolf, Nil4gara•on- lake. Toronto W -A, A, Hayward, Toon• to, Toronto E -Jas. <. Love),Toronto. Ontario -A, White, Whitby. Prince Edward -A. Newton, 13011e- ville, 1'(outenac-A. P, Carscalleu, Enter- prise, qt. Llwreoce--W. T, Hoods, Perth. Ottawa -Dr, Devine, Ottawa. Aboutln-51r, Sines, ft, William. Nlpissiug-4. 0, Rornbeck, North LMuskoka-Jas. A. Metcalfe, Elms - '.Jule. 0tonobeo-A, H. 0. Long, Pt, Hope. Eastern -Bev. G. 0. Carson, Woks, Neatly 900 lnembele of the grand lodge were present when the assembly was apexed by Grand blaster Freed. The gavel used was the 8844(0 gavel Oat slid service on the 0(101(04044 of rho nidation of John Graves Siloam,, 14'5, governor of Tipper ()made, into L'uiou Lodge, Exeter, (44 1774, Loudon was chosen as the next place of meeting, The vote wits : London 751. and Toronto 197. The ausounce• 4(4ent was received with loud apnlaose. Tihe report of tie scretineers de• clawed Grand Master A, T. Freed and 400plity Grand Master D. P. Man Watt, with Gaud 'Treasurer E. T.:falone, duly elected by acclamation. E. Fraser, Niagara falls, wa0 ilecte) 481and senior warden 014 the .econd ballot, 3, C. Bertram, Ottawa, was elected grand junior warden on 58,1 votes, L. H. Lake, of 'Toronto, the \text 11180, uoi](n48 308, G. W. Clenden, West 'Toronto, 4100)44'1444 81, 'Rev, franit Harper, Barrie, WAR elected grand chapleh4 on the second ballot. R. L. Gunn, of Hamilton, was elected grand secretary, D. Rutherford, of Owen Sound, was elected grand registrar. The following were oleo ed member( of the board of genera) purposes ..- .Venice, of North Bay ; Lute, of -01• The new city directory gives Mont - yeah/ population ns 434,000, H. Allison has retired a0 sen14' train despatcher of the Canadian Pad. fro ltailwoy, -•- Premier Whitney. while in Quebec, will be the guest of Premier Gonia. Iris reported at Sault Ste, Marie that the C. P. Py., may bey the Algona Cen- tral Seven prisoners escaped front Toron- to jail and have not been recaptured. -.- It was stated at the mewing or the Sovereign Bank thatthe ahnreh,lders \044111 not be called upon for their double liability. Inunigretion officials are advising tarns laborers not to go west, but to stick to Ontario fames, A reorganization of the Provincial constabulary is being ermsirlered by the Attorney'Qeneral'sdep404404et, -.- 'Phe Intornitiot,sl Harvesting Co, of. Hamilton reeoived an order for 77. eau•• loads of machinery for the West, -.- There were 2007 spoiled haunts in Toronto in the e Inst Provincial election. -.- An iutnortant discovery of iron within at short distance of Montreal is reported. A Minister Who Knows Rev. Mr, Blanch Lid, of Clairmount, knows what he says (n stating the only surd cure for Hary Fever is Catarrh, - bozeuo, "1'o• two months of the year (or telt .Years I suffered. Cntarrhozoto 0(44041 meso net reedy that the disease has not returie , Others in 4ny par sh I. k41ow have been pernmuen1lr rune by Catarrhozoue, Fever, Asthma to d Bronchitis. $$1.00 at druggists. When you plant your meals you never think of bread, yet you always have it, and ifit is left off the table it is the forst thing that is missed. You can live without bread, but you can live without any other food with less hardship -think along these lines and the absolute necessity of bread comes home to you. And because it is a necessity, its quality should be the best --quality in bread depends largely upon the flour. Royal Household ' Hour has convinced the women of Canada that it is the best for pastry as well as for bread. Try Ogilvie's Royal Household. Your grocer recommends it, because it gives such good results. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. 154 Molarui. • Furniture Bargains Having held the attention of the , pw-chasing public during the past year, by popular prices, we • have slated new goods to begin the second year, and the prices will at once suggest the advantages • in dealing here Lot 1 -iron ,Beds Still Continue 40 Reda In the lot, ranglna 144 edeas as follows : $3, $4, Attw 54.50, $4.75, $5, 50.75, 50, $7, $8, $5,25, $11, $13, $14.10, $445, *wr Lot 2 --Mattresses 7Cj Guaranteed purely sanitary, $3, $3.50, $4 and $5, 32 in the lot. Our special at $4,00, • Lot 3 -Couches 23 in the let, whleh moans skidoo, Prices will interest * you. $4.50, $5, $(i, $7, $8, $11, $,1250, $14, 51n and $20, Our special this spring is the $13,50 and PA, * Other Specials Springs, any size, $2, $2,25, $2.550 and $3,00. Our special *y� is $8,(0b Rattan Cnairs, $3,00, $4.00, $4 50 and $1300. Dressers and Stands, ranging In prloe from $0.00, $143,50, 1', $12.130, $12,75 and up to $50,00. Our special is $12,75, Sewing Machines. We are special representatives for the Standard. Prices range from $211,00 to $45.00. * House Furnishings This department has special attractions through the house-cleaning season. A few remnants to T.Inoloums at special prices, also 01) Cloths. Regular00c Linoleum for 500 per square yard. 000DS DELIVERED FREE WALKER & ROSS Furniture Dealers & Undertakers, - Your Expenses paid both ways, 'Phone 28 1 Clinton On common fences the continuous wire stays are surd to bend and the locks totems their grip under continual pate - auto of your horses or cattle. And once they do, the top wire, aeon followed by those below, will sag and destroy the eflcienoy of your fence. Nothing like that can happen to our Dillon Htnge•00ay Fence, The short, stiff hard steel wire in our binge-staya cannot bond when the lateral wires are weighted down, owing to their being so short and jointed at eaoh strand wire• Pressure of a horse on the top wire brings the "hinges" in the stays into action and prevents them from bending, and when pressure le relieved the fence swinge bads into place again. The lateral wires are High -Carbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide tor expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and aro also crimped at the intorsoctlon of the stays and strands to prevent rho staystrom slipping sideways -therefore no locks are needed, Buy the Dillon Binge -Stay Fenoe. It's "twice as strong," Twice as good an investment, Catalogue tree, The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co:, Limited, Owon Sound, Ont. ILLONh7X/&CE Imaimmetimilimiwomammisima Did You Ever Stop to Think ? That a well.printed piece of Office Stationery -Letter, Note or Billhead, Statement of 4teeount, or a Business an'd-gives your business a look of quality, as much so as a well-tuadc suit adds to your personal appear4tuoe 2 It' you have not thought of this matter, do so, and call on us, WE CAN HELP YOU We also print Wedding In- vitations, Announcements, Calling Cards, Catalogues etc -and in com- position, makeup, and presswork our output will compare favorably with that of any printing establish- ment In Huron. So if you have anything in this line let us 1na15 you an estimate. You don't have to send to the city to have good work clone ; we can do it for you and keep the Money at home. ADVERTISING THAT PAYS Is the kind you get in The Standard, If you doubt it, come to us and 15,43 can convince you. A414 advertisement is ne nee es5a4'y to troilie an 0004"gron'144g business ars the 14)g)) over your door front, If' you want help In preptu'. ing your ads. we can help, sag• gest etc, If you want to Sell, Ilny, Rent or exchange anything stake the filet known in the BI.YT StANDARD Don't Cost Much, Either To have the best class of work done, and our prices are as reasonable as are consistent with good work- manship and first-class material. Call or write The Blyth Standard