HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-07-23, Page 70++++******************0 + SUNDAY SCHOOL ++ LESSON 44444444144444.4 LESSON IV.—JULY 25, 'gag. citizens, 21 A'iiieli should have b n -- Ife e Sand admits his knowledge dge of i ars Saul Rejected by the Lordrl Sam. 15: unuvuuuluocut to telling what h t:11 hove been destroyed. 1.35 Print 1 Sam. 15: 13.28. Ili Saul conicmned and rejected (vs. o»nentnay—I. Saul commanded to 22-35), C 22, As great delight—Nothing can take destroy the Amalelates (vs. 1-0). d[o1v the place of obedience. Greater zeal, can the righteousness of God in ester'• obeying outward ordinances, may pray ntivati)1, the humlekttes be yimlicateil'1 a15, greater generosity -1011e, of thew the great man, but David, the sheplar 1. God gave fife and he has the right to tirin�s will answer. Outward forms nr� ind, slew the giant Goliath (e Sem. 17: derive human beings of life. 2. The Atm nothingif the heart is not moved; Ca nlekites were destroyed because of their wants ur love, our trust, our life. To 23, 33). excessive, willful, habitual and incur- obey 1s Better—For because of disobedi• learned to obey. able wielceduess. 3. God lord pronounced is the very reason why sacrifices are a curse upon thein 400 years before tide required. It is much (better not to take lhinm P.. Rump, time (Exod. xs'if. 8.1)1), and lie had spar- poison nal\1i so have no need of a physi- STAY IN ONTARIO. al Tihe bullet, wldeli entered the Watson's id then in mercy that they might re- elan, than to take the poison and then abdomen and perforated the bowels, pent; but they would not change their be obliged to call on the physician andFARM LABORERS SO ADVISED had not been located last night, al- -conduct. 4, ibelr cup of i1dqufty was take his remedies, 23. Rebellion ....:f,,. '$Y THE OFFICIALS. though physicians at the hospital probed full, 5. God's people could not prosper witehcraft—The meaning is that Saul'sthe wound for two hours. Thomas was while these wild hordes were devastating rebellious opposition to God was as bad locked up in the eighth district station their borders. 0, The Israelites must ler as wdtchc•raft 0nd idolatry, A witch was Men in Permanent Positions Will Not house to await the result of his wife's saved from becoming infected with the liable to be put to death (1 ood 22: 18). be Encouraged to Go West on injuries. The young wife, who is also siva of this wicked nation. 7. It was 99uteberaft was divination by the help Conlin Harvesters' Excursions— 24 years old, in her deposition taken necessary as a warning to the natdon5 of of evil spirits. Teraphim (11. V.)—House. g before she was operated upon, completely - the earth. 8, God's treatment is impar- hold gods. Heti' also rejected thee—A How Some Men Get Out of Work, exonerated her husband front all blame, a tial. For like 01110 the Jews were told anon disobedient to God is unfit to gay- Awakened by Suspicious Noises, that they would be destroyed—and so ern lois people. By disobedience, Saul Toronto ,Tull `L0.—Stich t0 the On- they were in the destruction of Je011 0- tinned himself out of 071100. God would Curio farms is rule advice is now which is located in the rear 0f the Ogden The young couple retired to their 0001)1 le—and for like sins the nations that not subject his people to the rule, of -a ce which now exist will also be destroyed. 1), The nano who rejected God's rule over 'hint. being handed out by the inim191011on eft yesterday n mien 21. 1 have sinned—After this 590000 re• ficial, here to futon laborers who ex- street house, about 1 o'clock yesterdmorning, About half an hour later sus- jud smuts of U d r' 001(8001 • are y iHulce Saul confessed his sins and urgently press 0 desire to go out west on the lar• picious noises were heard coming from '10 the maintenance of His 1 it government visters' excursions, the dates of which the rear of the house The young man 10 ,If the destruction be just it mutter +entreated Samuel to pray for him, 20. are soon to be uutouuced b the rail but little whether they are destroyed The. fact that Samuel would notgJ told his wife that he would investigate, ak' o• pestilence or b' the n11ze Sa»I's confession shows that his ways, After the experience gained last and :trove Ile was leaving the room by cos of earthquake 1 y repentance was not genuine. Saul seemed white' when melt were walking about when she celled to him and said: "Will, me is h Israel.111100In all national suffer with punish- . 1 g you had better take your pistol with menti the innocent musk suffer• wtth the chiefly concernev, lest Samuel should the streets of Toronto looking fin. work throw his influence n ainst him, the immigration officers at Union Sta. set." He went to the chiffonier, where guilt}. ec Inddvfy Go who repented g s Samuel in- tion are not note ene0ura *un men who the weapon had been laced after the would n llycloet. by God, No one need igna11 lylTture nedid lewn old �tiau l Bail hold Mill upuu theist to go on theglaarvesters' fourth of July, It was filled with blank be f. Saul lost. „ of rending his mantle. whereupon excursions to the west. The dates of the ru•tridges, and Thomas quickly enlptimI fl. tt d throe ins, 11 1) Shut the chambers and began filling then -committed three glcatt sur: 1, lir di;- the ur0phrt at ()nee made n symbol of excursions for thus year have not bein o " (Algal fur it. '1'lte rent mantle typified 'the king- fixed by the railways, but already there with bullet cartridges. IIe 0105 000104 the in failing to wait nut iib 11sm rent from the heed of Saul. Saul have been 0 number of inquiries at the on the edge of the bed putting the last for conn i1 0 . sine -1tof!'2.er His feria re Sam. snit, 8-14 , `2. itis 1-001) continued pleading with Samuel (v. 30), loch immigration offices as to ileo pro- bullet in place when, in some manner, 6 (1.) tout Samuel changed his purpose and spects for work.and the probable cost the pistol wale discharged. and frog 't vow weopl brought great and tvell•nn•L worshipped with Saul (v. 31), Ile thus of tramspor'tntion. '1'huse \t1105e minds The muzzle of the weapon was within costs the lit'DO the people maintained the honor of the reigning are made up to go west are referred to a few inches of lis. Thomas 101)0(1 the 52 the eke of Jonathan, lure son 11• Icing, iur although San! had forfeited his the railways for information 1e the local cartridge exploded, The hall penetrated Sam, xiv, 24-45).ine goon 011ltne Ato ebe- lmnic. position as Jehovah's chosen represents- offices are only supplying mea to the the lvomm�'s body and the flesh from cute k18 divine judgment ed the �n tive, he must still rule the nation."— 1110010/8 of Ontairio mud with but hew ,x- the explosion set fire to her aught clothes, kites as Jc(00 gi cm)11 Utisdeoso details Cann ]lib. Verses 32-35 tell of the slay- captious to tlwse living neat of C'obourg, 130111 cried for help, and the father•in- of man are giten in tllfs destroy the In of :1 mg and the departure of Samuel. 'Where appears to be a good demand lay. who was sleeping In the adjoining �coeuuautd was to utterly d5i0110 ';tie g p fete good faun laborer in all ports of roan, rushed in in time to 000 '1honuts, Anudekutes and their possessmns; but PRACTICAL, A11'LiCATIONS, the Produce, despite the fact that 2,- in the dine light of the tome, 'Tout to tic groat wealth which they 1! and Thr Results 0f Disobedience. 000 persons have been placed on hums send tt bullet_ into his own brain, Runup was a strong temptation to Saul and his I. 7e12• lorlfica op: "Behold, 501 Januay last twnen the Domini grabbed the pistol and wrested it from army, and the command no doubt a r g ti 70 him, The grief-stricken and man cried out: I place" (v, glo ife; Gel e ectad his 12); fun Government officials tool: over the peered unreasonable to them. 13. Sal1u- anew"s to lorff' God 1 Sam, 7. 12 • offices at the union Station. It was "Let nae',ci11 myself, 1 have 5'101 Sophie," ttcl came—The Lerd informed Samuel of g 't ) Snttls' disobedience, and Samuel was Soul "set' el up ave, 'give mon . t pointed out yesterday that ninny mea Ran in Night Garb for Help. ,grievedand Knout the.tvhole night crying to l glorify self, IF (('0 give moue}• to Bust year gave up positions here to go 1pithout walling to dress and in his n build an institution otf00 amid 1)1)1:1 11 intim en the hart eeterls 0(01)1 101.9, and in to (nod, His great soul was stirred to by otic name are 100 not following 10 110 most instances they drifted back here bare feethe he 0011oGrard avenue, shere its profoundest depths. 1. He was ills - footsteps of Saud? he foundpoliceman, ufieet, 11 in Saul. 3. He say the evilwithout money o' ntle and were out an ambulance front mL Joseph's Hospital, effect, 5nu1's set would have on the IL ).rung, `'I ehL d (s 13) the coin- of work most of the winter. Thomas was placed under arrest and saidd"Go and sac Lord" Tek a: God final With the sons of farmers it is tot so. Thoma Wa taken tod the police station, meals ee the people. 3: He $aw that said, "G0 and smite , mime" and utter) The are usually 011011cted to the west fide rejection of Saul new dorernmenresult at destroy all that thea' have" (v: 3). The primarily through a desire to see the where he Btold his ail s story orf us to o tloo house great calamity to t untt . He command was clear, explicit, absolute. country, and these excursions afford the t Bof the woman's ed, awaiting. and no douto the bt, thyk tl e kin0 mi ht be 'there lynx no mistaking ft, 111001 as splendid opportunity, the ex• t j prayed, ° g g 111 Exposure. "What men meth thea eases of the trip being made ly Before operating upon Mrs. Thomas at forgiven and the threatened calamity this bleating?") S I the hospital lingistrnte O'Bried was averted. Blessed be thou—It would seen s (v. I4), Soul's sin had Forking for farmers, When they are enhoep and pool: her deposition, in that Saul was acting the puri of a bold, found puna out (Num, 32, 23), "Dead ready to return they invariably conte which she verified01the story the oc- unlucious hypocrite; vet 110 may have, sheep dont bleat' Do eyouttn say, "I hno0 back and go on their parents' farms whit) a told to the pollee o hth oc yl surrendered? What ting? ( then this In Ontario, Those farm laborers who tried to persuade 0007 luf that because Land, Dr. Nassau tried to locate he.imdgnined a victory he would not be murmuring4). 1>o and disputing? (Phil. 2. 13, now have work in this Province are ad- the bullet, and, Charles Nassau he worked for bfou'ht to u strict taetlUUalt for his act 14). Do you say, "1 have been filled with trisect to 0e15in, being told that they over 0110 boors, ft cough not be worked S too Spirit?" 1: "\P hat n sting tion" this will in all probability be better off in Dons; but successes will not take the 1 (' ft is supposed that it is lodged in the 3110 of obedience; neither will a: puerto' foolish tp.lhhag and Jesting (rph. 5, 4) the long run if they decide to stick to nmsdes of the back, place instead of "speaking one to another his the Ontario farms. Special Officers Spearse and liedzel, obedience answer• sola. and hymns and spiritual s00gs?" "Ontario has n big crop to harvest. pan 14. Samuel' esti—Samuel had a very 1 o 1 g 1 of the Eighth district, who worked u unpleasant dutyto perform, but 'after tel, variance, _0). e haat ions, l then" hgl- and 111en are needed here just ns well the case; confirmed the story that the l P red, s,hr emulations, a d en wrath, 05)970; as in the w•0st," said one offieinl lost shooting wds accidental, Mrs, Thomas' "raying all Malta he ffalwas prepared11004for het. 5,,el.itio11 I1e100)00 and etvyfngs? (Gab night in discussing the form labor mother, firs. Rump, has been seriously 0)100 e cunvieted of falsehood by the 111.21 1. Beloved,let us he careful s10)011un here. ill there house for several been erioul voices of the animals which he hu8Laparn her we say, "I have performed the eom• ere. from a' 500000 attack of pneumonia, suffering ff, and ed contrary to God's epi ata d, g ing heeut of the Lord," lest some bb0nt• AGNES LAUT'S ADMIRER, it is Feared that the. excitement will This eagerness to declare hie obedience ing sheep betray us. We are not apt tb retard her recovery, was evidently an effort to cover his sin. court the things Ire do not dove. If we Has Been Persecuted by a Mexican otatualley have brought—After distinctly real( do not love tide world, "what ENGINEERING A MERGER, stating that he had performed the coon nn'nneth then this bleating of sheep?" for Years, muud1110 ' of the Lord he now proceeds IP, Blaming others. "They have Poughkeepsie, N. Y, Jtuy 20.—"tl1eet 1 to mance 'three excuses for not having 11ouglt....the people spared" (c. 15), tate at the stone•etuslter" and "\Visit Leslie M. Shaws Project $till In Nebo Co t}''s 000801etee began to trouble 51nnn. 110Inc. 2. Only L The peoplebe were to i;od 8005 "Saul and the n I0 spared for one at the frog pond" ape some ulous Stage. Early 71 June he wrote to Ger. Haul}' 110 Inc. '.. Oobe the fort had been spared. Agog find than best of the s} ee p" (v; 0), of the unpoeuo requests ;that Miss New. York, July 20.—Leslie 11. Shan, of Indiana, telling hint of the efrcum- 9, "they y disobeyed for the Lord's sake. l Said led the people, the people din a Agnes Christian Laut, the welbkuawn former Secretary of the T`. S. 'i'roasurt•, stances of his eeeape from the state and s ti 1:1 eking like only intensified his "span- A land him, One lie leads to another. ('n0 Canadian authoress, who lives at \\us- of his intention to return and serve out stoup keg lake Saul was finally reap m• sin breeds mum sale, lluehess county', has been re. Dud until Inst spring president 0f the lois sentence. sibi0, and he knew it '(r. 'L4). He was s "Come ahead," (11 ole Gov. Hanly in \, False excuses. "Spared,... to sue, ceiving front a mysterious and unwe(. Carnegie 'frust Company, was '1 his following iu the footsteps of Adam and pifice" v. 15 . Na excuse en 1lstifv i come Mexican admirer who signs hila: offices to -day after a trip to ilouhenh rept}', 'Tour broken parole will menu n A:u'ou (ilea, 3, 1.2, P :out -3•l, 22), '.['lea obedience. ( ) n I - d s self "(Sorrow."which Wail street heard was for the settece of fourteen yews, but you is n once, Sanl's excuse was false. Tint, lie had been commanded to "utterly de- is no mention of sao17)00 in Go Su fast have the ]00 letters been 111 Purpose of funning a 740,000,000 merger bar code 100 0 promise,Now 11111111 it„ sia'oy' them and all dint, they had, aunt o, is re- 11101 and 80 thoroughly saturated arc. of Canadian public 011111aes, T11er teas nn word of 1 passible par- don wire the lest was the height of Ws - VI.of the event (vs, 71110 \1i. Slav said that' the projected \'f. P,ebulce. "When thou wag little they with sentimefc that \bac Lant date of mitt rated sentence, obedience, while to disobey in order to last thou not tnnrle the bend?„ (v• fears for her safety, and yesterday she merger remitting di1 1101 rare toadiscass 'Within a fen weeks McCarty had _� provide sacrifices to atom for risen ells- 17). "Before honor is humility" (Par. appealed to Sh0)111 "Bob" Chanterto stage," andearned enough to pay £m the long trip Prayer, obedirn0e Wats an impious absurdity, 16. 15:43• 1_uke 14:11• Job 2• • save her from further ann101110e, his trop to l[mtlreal, fie 11011511nI to 311011gmi City mud lost \V(400)4a}' hr Stay—Stop these vain and false pre- ,c' 00 t). The \\'hen tie officers sort niter the merger lvns find talked of about a year to Biel, He reached. Chte'Wo nestedoo ,Our God and Father, by wb 1ur•1r- J I first beatitude is, "Blessed aro the poo ago, when \h. Shaw too]: np the con• leg wisdom all our life has beetfforeseen tenses. The Lord hilt said—Samuel had in s pmt' 1\latt. 5:3), The cross is the-weeenn amerce, they found Ise had 1000111119, lad a long toll: 111th CoL uu'c cove to set forth his own opinions, 1 r of traced up lis leatui¢r breeches sou{ talc, solidnt)00 plan while president of the. French, territorial seort1ry of the ,Sal- and planned, we know t1101 n1 Thy ptovi- Indde t0 the et to i trust coons pony, Lt urns then proposed deuce some tribulation antt,t cuter ante cut to bring God's message to Saul, phi. Pe•sietence in evil. "Yea, I have en flight on a Harlem train after too.- company, vati0n Army in Chicago, rend tion nvr11t 17, Wast little—Saul would the more obeyed....brought....utterl destroy- in from the Intel register the pa,c to merge the Montreal Power Company every hmnan lot. Wellness Thee that on to Michigan City, reauUl}' see his present sinful condition el" (v, 20). fter• his exposure Said which held the mysterious word, "Cur- and the Montreal Street Railway C'ou- for every sorrow Th:qhs hest provided remembering his modest and handl- 1 "leu it devclo ped Haat omc of Pany, The scheme was dropped after Downfall Caused by Liquor. consolation, and that4c can Laing our by ou 6 Y persisted do his declaration of faithf l- row." 1 I the preliminary negotiations des lad been "Booze did the work for me," he told wounded hearts au111L11 our lnnruis11 to it,V at the beginning of his relent. 18. Ou mess, His "stuhliorn»ess," his persist- "kiss Lout's friends met the enamored started and has been resting until Mr. Col, French, "1 was drunk when [coin a journey -1110 l0 work which (011 Goci assigned eat rejection of "the word of the Lord" "Mexican loiteeine near the stone• g One 10ho is able tctelie d Ile thank Ther to Saul, would have been more like at was his ruin (v, 23; I Sam, 13;11:13). crusher," a favorite wall: of the author- Shaw's recent trip to Canada. nutted larceny and 1 was drank when I for the ussuu0110)0 Lhy care, (iur axe, prosperous journey than a war, load he (:anon \Vilborforce, walkin an the Isle ess, aund warned him that the officers of • broke my parole. NOW', 1 11111.0 not taken are precious m jay sight, and nu calnnr gone in the s'0 0101 1 of the LOrd, God of Skye, saw' amagnificentggolden eagle the law were on hie trail. lir, jMexicaan FOUGHT DUEL AT LISBON. 50111111nfort eight 1onths,nrItco0 monthc1 are can ions in that is not known ela t0 :Thee audwlue(t;l'hu❑ cutch not overrule would have so abundantly supplied his snaring upwards. He h01104 and watch teen made a hasty exit hod it is worth something 011 to know that to our hi host"and most Iastfn Brood, needs, tint there 111 111 have leen no rail 0,1 its flight, Soon he observed 50m0- 31uss La tt satys that several tee's Portuguese Politicians Had a Violent! to spare any of the enemies' spoil. The thing was wren Presently it began to ago she received a teeter from C:11 Quarrel. there mac be something else in life for We titanic Tice also for the certain Logo sh e:15-11e'c we see the teal emotion why son lay (lend at lis feet. Eager ow" pinking, one of her stories re me but n drunkard's position and an of immortal ,end fol the expectation Poll, and o ea , I y (10)11s111) sneaking f•0m the fulfillment of the hed< h 1111111^son^ 1(11 1 Jesus the Auua]ckit¢s were to be destroyed. 1J, to know the reason of its dent, hr, ex- intfye to the�settlenent of the Ilia. Lisbon, Jul 20:—'L'herc was n via- rs ar- lent scene in the douse of Peers to- of the lar, )f they w'fsla to press my waffy tori' y�fnur ail itis non, l:li;ht• But dudst fly-1Vith greet, greediness, as opined it and found no trace of gun- halt' pi Valley, After that tette da duringrife the -consideration of the ad• u helme�' bird or bease Noon its prey, shat wound; but saw in its talons a rived from the same source from time y sentence L will go to the workshop glad• cued by) moth, strengthened by the y an vances of money to the members of the ly land iho not ma they here i e o o I ire ,r +ytrdl 1, o tenth the nary relates llidsC evil—Disobedience is the great aim small weasel, which in its flight, drawn o, time, tang Mies Last says she royal [mouse ,which finally resulted in a , # anal. .Aero, is b'ud's sight. ;Such a disposition will near its Jody, had sucked CIO iifc-blood swered tient, thinking the man might ducat Alfonso Cost, the Republican No, T°m not married. Thele is sto one lead •))y�fi ry1 -' e include all forms of site 20. I have obey'• from the eagle's breast. Such is the dependent on me and nothing t0 ter b 6e n student of that period. Then leader, charged it was impossible to tont ant clearing my conscience t ; itst As Men Do, ed Saul `ill 0onicnd1, for his upright- eel of hint wino persistently clings to the missives began to take on an of•robe these scuudels to the bottom so _ eta' ' w nese, r had gone against the Antsier sin, Sooner or later it saps els life- the ate leae, and were coming in P way," yir #'ti,^ ceppnac you thiol: no woman kites and -•t far he obeyed, that lie will blood and like Saul he fails down, Post,tong as certain Jlinistrrs, who had Tpen "You acre watt n fella u t p uses to reflect r t y 9 011011.,number that the postman eomprnnai8ed in the past, were sitting as in smelt is spiritie seatxi' i1 7 118d -.\\veil. I frequently dee then not ,1,10 the charge offered ageing lost last! to call for help. The letters followed ,T1111 05 He mimed Count dentia Carr *" • hili, Have brought Aga —God bade him VIII. Rejection of the good. "Thou Europe, 'and 001)011 she returned Agnew', as he told ,of s wash ,11 pausing to be reflected whop they 10155 kill all,and act he acts in amongst the hast rejected the word of the Lord"' (om 'her to )11 coining. cis ns such nn sect st During the afourith the. Salvation Arm Lend unites. "Pon y I3• . 9 a mirror, you 5)ew.-i'hiladelphiaPublic t,hry wore stchallenge full g world tial he tens going to get mar.. Ledger. instances of his disobedience, that he had 23)1 Jesus Christ is the word of God .oa— -- hoot of the duel, which wee fought '01 ♦ was as Agn5 alive, which he thought to ,us. Those who reject him cannot The'rivar having the m{se rapt, tld ter adjournment, the Count was wound- T10t1' _.-o+r -- "Miss Smart is suffering from kl'P- was as good as if he had killed him Ada; reign with him. Those who obey tmpll• ;flow of all the streams of 11 v :eh ed in the arm. hot, hes injury is not seri- You cen''yrhe a elan good advice till tomanin !" "Is she taking anything teas probably an official title like "Phan, duly every written word will never re- lis the descent of British Indla, 0 int oust There has been no reconciliation rte in the face, but g10e him for it?" "Cory; tint's the trouble!" ooh" among the Egyptians and like lett the living word. So let us not hos a descent of 12,000 feet in 130 you are,. "President" among the United States hoist tint we have obeyed an'y precept, nniles, between the too \neat a goo5f 000 and you 01111 net result:. Chips. bet be careful to do whatsoever he •SHOT HIS BRIDE. snth (John 0); to esteem all his pre. "pts concerning all things to be right o lise. 119:128) For Jtsus said, "Ye are WIFE OF LESS THAN A MONTH myfriende if ye do whatsoever Leon- IS DYING IN HOSPTAL, nand you" (John 15:14). "If ye love me ye will keep my commandments" i.hho 14:15 >i 1. V.). Act Crazed Hushanr—When He I\ Rejection by God He hath also r f eted thee front being kung" (v. 23). Tried to !<111 Hi'r•ar:nf. S: ul's "refuge of lies" were swept ;may (Isa. 28117), Ile, had covered his —. ;in; lie could not prosper (Prov. 2813). Philadelphia, July 20.—A bride of less ufeel crald neither bless hint (1 Som. than a month, who was happy in her 28 :1 p), nor make him a blessing. Though he was higher than any of tete people new sphere of life, Sophia Thomas, lies from his shoulders and upward, neither dying of a bullet fired accidentally by his grand physical presence nor his gi• her husband, William A. Thomas, In gantic stature availed to help Israel, the net of loading his revolver to go in "for when the Philistine" came out to search of burglars whom lie thought ware loft' the nrmy, saying, "Give me n man trying to break into the house, Thomas, that we may fight together," both king who is only 24 years old, early yesto• and people "were dismayed and greatly ,lay morning accidentally sent the bullet aft•aid" (1 Sam, 17:15, 17), Not Saud into his wife's body at their home, 1,0211 Ogden street. The young man was so crazed with grief when he discovered We cannot rule until we have what ho had done that he tried to blow his brains out, and was only prevented /from doing so by his father-in-law, A CONVICT CONVERTED. fiealieed the A f'tl Accident He Had Escaped From Prison and Vol - A Brimful Faith. Ih' the Rev, 1e, DeWitt Talmage, D. 1),)- nntari y Returns. "And they filled them 111) to the brim.." —John u , Travels Fr Pacific Coast at His It thus is 01) 70010090 in the Bible � which teaches ns to expect big things wn Expense. front God, it is the sentence which I have chosen for my text. When Jesus 0001- niandcd the servants at the wedding of Got Religion From the Salvation Cana of Galilee to fill up tlw wa.tor•pots, they did not go gruipbling around say- Army ayArmy People. ing, "011, what is the 100? What the guests need is twine, not water, Ilesides, • C'licngu, Jul 2u. A1'illiam A\cruet Jesus 15 not asking us to fillonewater- y y pot, but six 'of them! \Vii ', those six is going back to the Indiana State Pen- water -pots will bold one hundred and ulentiury at Michigan City, Unlrsa his fhirt,yfive gallons. Think of the long sentence is commuted by legislative :e- distance we 10111 have to travel down to tion or a pardon fourteen years"will puss the well to get that water! Think of •all the fact and the music and the songs before lie is again a free man. Yet r.o we will+lose while we are gone" No, office of the law accompanied him on young men spoke not thus. They his trip :cross the State line yeste1110, obeyed orders. If they had known what and the railroad ticket "11 which be 1005 about to occur, they would have , canoe from North Yakima, \Cash„ 10 said: "If Christ can change the water serve out his sentence was bought 0111 into wine, then the more wuter,we have, of his own cut rings. the more wine 000 511th have," So they • Late in the atcrnomn, just Mote he took their buckets Ind started off for { •c the well, The the hent width was to t"h Y kept emptying the water stepped on 1 n him to Michigan City, Mee 11 thy laugh- into the w'atepots until the water ran ed quietly—a 1011911 of pure satisfaction over the tops of the watorpots. "Anal —and shook hands with Col. George they filled them up to the Brim" They french of the Salvation Army, the only did big things for God, and they got big man on whom he called luring his few things, May we today learn to have "0 hours' stay in Chicago, brimful faith." May we expect God to "1 neve' was so buppv as I am just bless ns mightily in every department of now," he said. `'I mean it, I broke act life, end in our youth and middle age parole and it's up to me to go back. and old age. The punishment. will be such as I de- Let pts, in the first p1010, leave a brim - serve, but when I leave my cell 1 can fel faith in reference to our prayers, Lot do it with head erect and with the us learn that prayer to God is not to ear- Owkuowledge that 1 sun at least honest. ledge of reek upon the side of a mighty precipice where we must stand Isn't. that worth while?" JfcCa013' has never heard of Jean Val• trembling and pleading for eternal life. je010. He do's not on 1,0010 of 1V'fl• or else our foot will slip, and we will \tallv January, the Kansas City man who tmnble into the bottomless pit. But escaped from the federal prison at Lea- prayer is the broad invitation God gives ! to His children to come aud talk with venworth and was sunt back while 1 tt Bus 00d nsk what they with and IIe will petition with 37,250 signatures went to grant their requests, if it is best for Washington asking for hie pardon' theta to be granted, Prayer is n promise HisReturn is Voluntary. sore note that God puts into our hands, He knows simply that he was "con- and we are encouraged to fill it out ills vetted" recently at 0 Salvation 401117' ,'rutty. P11ye0 is the (told we have on meeting in North Yakiiva, 11000100 000• tl4 power that 15 capable of recreating v11ced that it was ipfs duty to return omseh'es, andrecreating our dear 01110, to the prison from 0111101) he had escaped and lowering ithe bar's so that arc can when on parole, and set to work earn- enter into great fields of uecfulness. ing moue7' for his pass03e . Prayer is the most vital spiritual power And thereby be goessleai) V'nljei' nuJ we have of earth. With it we can catch William January one better, for !iis :10- the ear of the Tend and Almighty, and tim1. 0(00001ng to his friends. fs entire- Ile will list0n to our petitions and grant l colun1:)00, them, if it 14 best for us and for those In the records of the Salvation Army 1 for whom we pray, What sot's the headquarters at 300 State street the I Bible' 11 thee any Ifmitati:»s to tha ease of McCarty was entered as one o: petitions we to to 1110 1.0. 16 God? Nay. the most rennrkable in all the history All Genes will be granted for our best of the organization. Several years ago welfare if these petitions are node in the tho young man—he 10 40 year; old now spirit of Jesus Christ "Ask, and it shall —gambled away -his money one evening be given to you, seek, and ye shall find; in Montpelier, fed. Thea he got drum:, knock, 1um1 it shall be opened unto you. broke into n store with his "pal," and But though this sweeping invitetio0 is 1 stole 75110 (000th of sntgical 1)151.11- given to make our prayers as big as hes- meats, which he sold Inter fur10.50, col itself, some of the most miserable He 1008 caught 11110 sentenced to from ami contemptible and insignificant things one to fifteen yeurs' he'd labor in the in 1lie 1ro'111 are those we ask in the cir- lpdbut:a State Penitentiary• emE001bed and limited petitions which After 5etie:g two }ears he was parol- we 114110 to God through the 91110000y ed given a ,lob on an ice 111agnu. For of prayer, week, he dirt his work well. Then he instead of starting with a great sweep got leant; again and hit a mnu over the of imly desires to benefit all mankind 110,10 et a steal fight.'01110. 1,0 was told, through prayer, instead of filling up eix w•ou111 end his pm•0le, nod he fled the great twaterpots with petitions for God's state honor and glory, we conte to God with n Chan ed b' Salvation Army. little thimble filled with our selfish de- g 1 sires, and we call that prayer. Thee Months 0thews rd, a fter serving half some of ns go on year in and year out, a dozen 1011( se"1e11000 ami 1101119 Ilke 0 making a lot of miserable little selfish tromp, he drifted into North Yakima petitions, and call those petitions prayer. and beganiattending Salvation ArmyNot for years have we broadened themc01104i;. 'Pic straulgo, enn01i011(11 0011378 scope of our spiritual horizon. Not far and impassioned preaching "took hold," years have we made one prayer big and after a time he ,joined the army, enough to obliterate self and take in ('index Chinni\!!, 00110'100d ' of man- God's glory and honor, The way someslaughter, and Joe Planney, n murderer, of us make poor, puny, silly, selfish went to the meeting» ovitla him, but af• prayers I5 enough to make the angels in ter he j0fued they drifted away and lie heaven Laugh, were it not for Ole f};1�. lost uncle of then,. that those players are ge tragic, Soon after his "conversion," Me- Shall we 00001 grow bigger 11100' 0,114 Are we living and praying for felt own Penciled ends? 'Thank God, all men •pro Dot livipg for themselves. There are thousands and tens of thousand's, sone of them far poorer than we, w110 are living and praying fon' others. Amplify your prayers, Slake team big„ enough to take ie the necessities of the whole Inman race. But do more than that. After you have prayed thus, go forth with the confidence that God will answer your prayers.0pon a big settle.