HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-07-23, Page 5JULY 23, 1908—THE BLYTII STANDARD—PAGE FIVE. 'FAI 1.A THE RIG -HT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WOiiTHY GOODS ON SAYS AT MODoaAT) PRIORS FOR OASII AND FARM PRODUCE, F.4.1 kY, A A DISHES ! DISHES ! DISHES !! Ili new Toilet Pets just arrived. The latest shape in white with gold, blue with gold, green with gold, canary with g.)ld and yellow with gold, all the same pattern at per set $3,05. In all 38 'Toilet Sets to chomp from, ranein t in urine ; 4 piece Beta at $440 and $2 ; 10 piece sets at $2.60, 50.76, $2.75, $;1.86, $5.00, $0.75 and 30. A Targe aeaart- ment of Dinner and Water Sats and Odd Dlseea of all detoriptions always on hand. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTH ale% iia gal ar' (( i iuhi i :( i,iii ds N (i i 11. NEWS AROUND TOWN sin l4} i giitiaYiEkv„i „itigisiitgif;f,=ti s i OPTIMISM breeds success, Be op - thistle. THE small boy with green apples are being seen. Tim bowlers go to Wingham an Friday topaya friendly game, THE baseball team goes to Wing - ham on Friday afternoon to play a league match. (MAT many of our citizens are away these days trying tc secure raspberries. The yield has been this vicinity, vie very small in , MARKET REPORT.—Wheat 75-75 ; Barley 45-45 ; Oats 45-45 ; Peas 80-80 ; Bran 21-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ; Butter 17-18 ; Eggs 15-16 ; ]Flour $2,75.-$3.00 THE Fall Fair Directors have elected Wm. Jackson of town to the position of Secretary -Treasurer. He ought to make a good man for the position. THE VOTERS' LIST.—'rhe voters' list for 1908 was first posted up in the Clerk's office on July lath. The list contains 324 names, Of this number 198 are entitled to vote at both municipal and parliautentlu'\ elections, 99 at municipal elections only and 98 at parliamentary elec- tions only. There are 105 persons eligible to serve as jurors. Every voter should see that his name is on the list. A WESTERN publisher is said to have hit upon a plan to keep sub- scriptions paid up which "takes the cake," Every time 0 delinquent sebscriber is mentioned his name is inverted. For example, "nlloJ sonoJ and his wife are spending a few days in Chicago." Every other subscriber understands what it means and there is a great rush to get "right side up" again. Which wry do you stand? ON Tuesday evening of this week S. A. Poplestone 'installed the new officers of Blyth Lodge I. 0. 0. No. 366, into their respective oilices. Following are the names ;— P. G., A. W, Robinson, N. G., F. A. Anderson, V. G„ Win. Begley. R. S., P. Gardiner. F, S., J. Weymouth, Trees., James Cutt, R. S, N. G„ D. bloody, L. S, N. 0., J. Taman, It, S. V. G., S. Westlake, L, S. V.G,O.White, Conductor, 11. M. McNay. Warden, 11. L. Haines, 0. G, S. A, Poplestone. I. G., A. W, Robinson. It. 8. S., J. Watson. L. S. S., D. Somers, Chap., J, L. Kerr. The lodge meets every Tuesday evening and is in a flourishing con- dition, and anyone wishing to know more about the society eon get the information from the officers of the lodge, who will be only too glad to he able to have any who will ride the goat. Ter• Dominion Government eon - eluded the longest session of its his- tory on Monday, Ltsr week ,1. II. ChelicN placed a he Heintzman piano in the home of (1. E. Me'I'aggart. HUNnnens of baskets offrult have been shipped from the G. T. R. sta- tion daring the past week, TI1ANKSGIVING Day will be ob. served on a Monday this year, in- stead of Thursday as formerly, '1'IILP say that danger lurks in the g lee cream and delightful soda, but cur young ladies are y'ery'courag• Coos. WHEN 0 man is willing to spend his evenings at home its a sign his wire lets him wear an old pair of slippers with the heels off. Ano you alive to the fact that ad- vertising in a newspaper like THE STANDARC that goes into the homes is the best way to bring business your way ? Telephone No. 4. PRIVATE picnics are all the go with the young and elder ladies°01 town on afternoons and evenings, while the men have rt picnic et home trying to find eatables for supper. 'Pimm new 'phones have been placed in town at J. H. Door's res. tauran1, McPherson Bros.' hardware store and L, Hill's house, The numbers will be announced later. WHAT'S the matter with haying Civic holiday ou Tuesday, Aug. 4111, to allow the citizens to take in 0 day at Guelph's celebration. An East. ern League baseball ,match at 2 p. In, is billed between Jersey City and Toronto, which would he worth the excursion fare. Somebody snake a 111000, NEW STAMPS HAVE Goon SALE.— The new issue ot'stamps is probably the most beautiful special set of pos- tage stamps ever issued in the Do- minium. The designs are truly uatianal in 00arac.et. and the colors, 11) addition to being pleasing, also harmonize with another, a point which will appeal to stamp collectors at least, There are eight stamps in the tercentenary set, ranging in value from one-half to 20 emits. Four of the stamps bear portraits and four hear scenes in connee,tlon with Quebec's history. The one- half cent (drab) hos the portraits of the Prince and Princess of Wales, the one -cent (green) shows Cattier and Champlain, the two -cent (cu'. urine) bears the King and Queen, and the seven -cent (olive) repro. Bents the two heroes of Canada, Wolfe and Montealn. The five -cent stamp (blue) bras a picture oflt typi- cal French house of the old days, the ten -cent variety (violet) repre- sents Quebec in 1700, the fifteen. Cent (light brown) represents the departure of an exploring party from Quebec for the West, and the twentycent stamp (dark brown) show's the arrival of Cartier at Que. bee in 1635. Valuable Samples Free "I have used your Coltsfoote Expec- torant and find it satisfactory in cases of croup, colds or coughs. I have used itever ev ,r since I got a trial bottle, and have recommended it to everyone in need o1~ it, You may use my mune and address for testimonials if you wish. Hoping it will benefit others as it has done my children, I remain, MRS, AGNES COMBER," 1009 Frances St., London, Ont, Coltsfoote Expectorant is the great- est cough and throat euro in Ole world, It is the prescription of a renowned specialist, In order that every family may prove its unparalleled merits we will send a sample bottle free to every- one who sends us their name and ad- dress and mentions this paper. Can be had at all druggists at 25e, Send your name to -day to Dr, 1, A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. Send for Free sample To -day, 111r. Don. MrLe lt, ,4'Uialerlch, waas renewing old fri,•iadohips in town. T wo bill post, rs were hi 110)1 00 Tuesday, one doing the London Old Boy' re -ilio! and Western Fan., and the other one I'm' (Si 1ph Old lloys. ON Monday .4' ;his week .4 Mc- llurehie had 108 new sale placed in the vault in the bank, and the one that was used since the burglars de• stoye1 the old one was shipped away, AuM BUOKEN,—Last Wednesday 'Phos. Corbett had the tnisl'ortune to ('1111 off n load of hay at Frank tittle's pines in Ilullett and broke his lett arm. Ile will now have en- forced holidays for a time, A NUMBER of the lot owners in the Union cemetery are fixing up the graves of the loved ones. If all those wlio have friends buried there would fix up their lots it would he a decided improvement. ALICX. McCunrc)1'r, jr., has tauten over the chopping mill from his father and will commence as soon as possible. His family has moved to the frame house next C. P, 1t, track, owned by llahiton Bros, Tilk Trinity Church A. Y. P. A, will hold their annual garden party on Wednesday, August 120h, on the church grounds, They have se- cured the Wingliant Citizens' hand for the evening. Full particulars later. • COURT of APPEAL.—On Friday morning last Judge Doyle held court in Industry Hall to deal with the appeal of the G. N. W. Tele - ,graph Co. against their assessment. in East Wawanosh. His Lordship reserved his decision, 1'HE Wingham Union Sunday Schools will run their popular an- nual excursion from Mitchell to Kincardine on Winghrtm's Civic Holiday, Thursday, July 30th. The G. T, 1e. will run two special trains on that date, calling at all intorme. (Late stations, For time, fares and all particulars see large posters, IT was ever thus;—"'rhe papers are afraid to say anything," sneered the first citizen, "Some people don't feel that way about it," replied the other. "Ever run for office?" "No, but I wrote a letter roasting some fellows who Deeded roasting, and the paper didn't print a flee," "Did you sign your name?" "Cer- tainly not, D'ye think Pm a chump?" IT is too bad that early closing cannot be made operative in Blyth as in other towns Until the public at largeconsent to take a broader view 01 the matter it would appear that the only thing to do is to plug along in the old rut and gradually wean tint to it, No reform can be suddenly sprung upon a noinnim1ity with success, and this is where Blyth has failed in more ways than 0110. IMPROVEMENTS.—firs. J. U. Tray- lor has had the front fence of his residence removed which adds greatly to the appearance of the home.—Hobert Slater is painting his blool: this week and malting outer improvements.—Cti Tuesday there was 0 stranger in town placing white enamelled letters on the win- dows for James Cutt, McPherson Bros , ,1. M. Hamilton and Joseph Stutters and Mrs, Carter. The signs stake at neat appeuranee. PortLAR Exeuusion,—The pope• lair I. 0, 0. F. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit trill' be held on Satur- day, August 8th, ']'rain leaves 13lyth at 7 u8 0. m., return fare to Sarnia is 81.00 ; return fare on the magnificent steamer, Tashnloo, from Sarnia to Detroit is 75 cents. Boat tickets are good to return on any boat in time to catch special train leaving Sarnia at 10 p. m. on Mon- day, August 10th, running through to Kincardine. Arrange to spend an few days in the beautiful city of Detroit, PRESENTATION. — The following from the Palmerston Spectator refers to a former Blyth boy and it son of John hn" ' n'— laumu ,I. It: Taman, who has conducted a tailoring 11)1(1 gents' furnishing smut in town for ninny year:, is giving up business here and leaves for Chesley, where Le has talion it position 118 cutter He hits taco aw itideintigaihle worker to Odtlfclluw circles l'or the past 11 years and has filled almost every office in Gordo!' Lodge and Palmer- ston Encampment iii various times as well as having recently been Dis- trict Deputy, He has been an ar. dent and efficient worker on the de- (reerteun of both the subordinate lodge and encampment, and leaves a vacancy Sat will be no easy task to 1111. On Tuesday eye)i0g the 011015llow5 gathered in their lodge room for a somal evening and to say good-bye to Bro, Taman. Bre, It. N. Jennings,who 1'e' the past year has e11) lyed the distiuetion of tieing the highest officer in the. Grand Encampment o1Ontario and Quebec, viz, Grand Patriarch, was culled to the chair and an itnprnntptu program given. Bro. A. 8. Green. wood read a beautifully inscribed address while Bro. A. 11. Baird guide the presentation cf two hand- some oak chairs in the mission style with detachable real leather 005 bions, one for fro. Taman and the other for Mrs. Taman. The address reads as follows ; Dear Sir and Brother, —It is with the deepest feelings of sorrow and regret that we your fellow 00001lows, learned that you have decided to remove from our midst, We regret this de- cision not only from the sta11dpoi)11 of Oddfellowship but as citizens as well. You have proved yourself to be It loyal and exemplary citizen, and the town can 111 1111010 to lose you.' It is in the field of Oddfollow- ship where you have been especially active and we are free to acknow- ledge that few igen have so .high a conception of the duties and oblige• tions which it enjoins. You have spared noieffort, in time er personal inconvenience, in advancing the good of the order, and we feel that this was all done with the most un- selfish motives, which is a reward in Itself; and while the society has prospered through your efforts you too have benefited through its agency, We cannot allow this op- portunity to pass without recogfdz. jug in a small way our appreciation of your sterling worth, both as a man and as an Oddfellow. We beg you to accept these two chairs as a small token of our appreciation, We trust that yourself', your wile and family, will long be spored to enjoy the ease and comfort which they afford, and that prosperity and happiness may attend you wherever your lot in life may be cast. Signed on behalf of the members of Gordon Lodge, No. 247 ; '1', Geo, Nelson, N. G. ; if. E. Young, V. (1. ; aurd,Pal- merson Encampment 84: 1.', C. Iiie Master, S. 1'. ; II. A. Hess, S. 11', Bro, Taman made a feeling reply in which he expressed gratitude to the brothers but modestly claimed to have done nothing more than his duty. Eulogistic speeches were then given by almost every member in the room, all expressing regret at Bro. Tannin's departure and appre- efxtion of his services so willingly giver in the past, Gordon Lodge No. 247 and Palmerston Encamp- ment No, 84 will deeply miss the presence of Bro. Taman at their fu- ture meetings, for no tnGre enthusi- astic 0ddfellow is numbered on their membership rolls, As the Grand Patriarch said in ,his speech, however, ;;either will go hack, but the' members will he inspired to work harder ;Did attain the good record made by 13re. 'Taman. Light refreshments were served and the balance of the evening spent in social intercourse and smoking, the menthe -8 singing with hearty go,. (I will "Pei' ile's a Jolly Good Fellow," and before patting joining hands and singing with much feeling "Auld Lang Syne." It Is understand here that Luch- now refuses to play the unfinished game in Blyth. The President will have to decide the gauze, Owing to the rain on Friday Inst Go(1ericl1 raid Whigh= did not platy their scheduled match. --(- Kincardine plays at Luck now on Friday. The Fall Fairs. ~ Toronto Aug, en -Sept. 14 Sept. 11.10 ....Sept. 28.30 London. . . 00$00000000000000000000060 o ($ NO-I'ICE—Store closes on Thursday evenings at Q • 6 o'clock during July and August. Ir0r0>O,O 0',Q e? 0'O O (J'Oi'CQ s, rs,d11',"Q,�4J 91,Q>O>0• t•v 0)`` o o o o o r o >, • • o Remnants of Dress Goods o4, Muslins & Prints Flannelettes o All Kinds r ZCome right away and buy our mill ends of Blue Derry at far below cost. lU (0) Splendidly trimmed White Underskirts at (0) $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50. toLadies' \.\White Cambric ight Gowns at 75c, 01 $r.00. $1.,25; $t,5o and $i.75.b Ladies' White Chemise at 50c, 75c, 95c, $I.00 • 0 • •) 4. Remnant Sale 0111111•••••1110•11111•1 AIN Black Underskirt worth $1.35 for t.00 This Black Undershirt is the best value we bare had in years, in lengths of 88, 40 and 42 i(Ich and at $1.00. lG) rl rri a0' rrQS �Ol 0) (Q1 TQl lq; X0,1 �0•i • White Waists at Reduced Prices 72 $L.00 for 85c ; 31 05 for 51.00 ; 60,f or $1..20 ; 52.OG for SI .KO ; 32.2f, for 31.75 ; 32.50 for 52,00 ; 811 00 for 32.5(1 ; 82.75 for u?.25 ; �▪ i • 33 50 for 33.00. �Q _ SW POPLESTONE CARDINER T 3E-1 vv..! O 0 0000000 oo'O0000',010. `00$0 3 O Brink us your eggs. Always top price. GROCERIES a full line kept Oared Banta and Breakfast "oods for the hot weather. VVoodenware-Potato Slashers, Butter Bowls and 1adels, Towel, Clothes and lint ]lacks. Crocks and Flower'Pots of all kinds. Coal Oil -the best. Hour Alanitoba, Plve Star, Choice 'Family, and I now handle the Exeter. Goods delivered to any part of town. Cash for Butter and Eggs, A. TAYLOR Corner Store BLYTH Every order left at ty 1C 3I3to ltliV h 4i�fifil C, whether large or smalj is turned ouO,iu first-class 4r• style. We have the plant, we havAit e workmen, three very ce with the and we have the experience, an important factors enable 110 1.0 times. 'Ijxtttl he i.' t i5 lie 1'l die most progressive newspapers in 'J 'Iron County and we Would like to have your 11011130 on our subscription list if it is not already there.