HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-07-23, Page 4JAS. McMURCHIE FINN giutit gttaubtti + J, L. KERR, PUBLISHER. BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BGYT'I[, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes, No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every accommodation con- sistent with safe and conservative baulthur principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real testate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our llet for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A,bt, to 3 e.ml. Dzssness Carols. FHOUD1OOT, HAYS &I BLAIR, Bannisters, Solicitors, Notaries Pobllo, Rte. Ounces -Those fo'uterly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderleh. W. Proudfoot, ].C. ; 11, 0, hays, G. F. Blair. G. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of 'Toronto University. Onioe over James Cutt'e store, Pretoria block, Blvtli. At Auburn every Monday 1) a,m, to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, Ii.D.C.11. Physielan and Surgeon, M.D.C.M., Uni• varsity of 'Trinity College; M.D., Queen'e University; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oor• onor for the County of Huron, Moe, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. ROBERT N. OARNISS nLUEVAI,E - - ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable, Saie.s arranged for at Tile STANDARD offiee, Blyth. 153. SCOTT I11iUSSE3.S, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at the oiilrc of Tor: STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale E'"tables o eootaQoo Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR, O GG GO QW Q FIret-class Horsed and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable, KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT, 1st vont: .'� ratford,Ont. THURSDAY, JULY 03, 1908 PAGE FOUR -THE BLYTH STANDARD—JULY 23, fgo&, People We Know Mr. A. E. Brad win, of Galt, is visiting in town, Miss Lyl Brawn, of Brussels, is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr. C. P. R. station agent Spofford left on Saturday fur a two weeks' viten tion, Miss 'fens. Cowan spent a few days with Goderieh friends during the past week, 1I1. and 13!'s. John 'I'.Gamic, were in town on Sturdny while on their way to Clinton. Air. Ii. L. Robertson, has taken the position of junior fu the Bank of lnmilton here, Mr, C. 11, Beese Blade a business trip to Woodstock, Stratford and St. Marys this week, Mr. John Bartley was shaking hands with old friends itt town Sat- u'dny and Sunday. and Mrs. 1. Brown and longi• ter made an :auto trip to Landon and spent Sunday there. Mrs. G. E. McTaggart, will re• eeive at her home on August 6th and 7th from four to six p. m. IIr. John hlmigh, of 13t•uesels, spent part of last week visiting with relatives and friends in town. Miss Isabel Bisset and Mt'. Jelin Newconthe,of Goderieh, were the guests of Miss Tena Cowan, on Sun- day, Miss Edith Conery, of Guelph, and Hiss Edith 13uc1ley, of Parris, are visiting relatives In Blyth and Mor- ris township. Miss Gladys Kernagban, of Gode- rieb, and Muster Roy Medonnld, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.'0..J. Iluckstep. lfr, and Mrs, Melt, 'Walker and son, Stewart, of Chicago, Ill., were visitors with the fo'oter's parents, 11r, and Mrs, ,Jabez Walker, Mr. and Mrs, A, L. Case, of Den- field, mule a short visit with Mr. and Mrs, 0. E. Ale'I'agga't, while on their way fora vacation in Miuskoka, Mat Ern. Higley, formerly of Blyth, accompanied by his friend, ,iia. Wilson, of Chatham, were holi- day visitors in town on Monday and Tuesda v, Mr. Geo. Bielby, principal of the school at Georgetown, whose home is In Morris township, left Blvth this morning to taste in the Quebec ter- centenary, 11r, and Mfrs. A, Knight and Miss Lizzie Me13rien, of Ripley, were visiting at the home of Mr. told :Iles. Geo, Moore. The visiting ladies are grandchildren. 131r, Jas. Reynolds, of Detroit, formerly clerk in the Commercial hotel is renewing old friendships in town. Mr. Reynolds is now on the police stair in that city. Mr. and Mrs. 1,, Bender, tlrrived home on Monday evening from their honeymoon trip, and will now com- mence housekeeping in the new house erected by Bainton Bros. Mi', Chas, Casemore, of Kansas City, U. S„ whose parents were former residents of the 2nd of Morris was visiting with IG'. and Mrs, 'P. J. lluckstep, Mrs. H«,lkstep is an aunt 01 the visitor. Messrs. Jas, and Fred. Coming, of Whitewood, Sask., formerly of Iful- , lett, are renewing old friendships in this locality. 'Pau it mother dnicods going back to the west with theta in about three weeks, Mr. and ifrs.IInrry R. Marcuse and son, David, of Buffalo, N.13'., have returned home :after a pro- longed visit at the home of ile. and. Mrs. 1ferry James. Hiss Jessie Pe. connpanied them beck for a visit until school opens, On Tuesday morning of this week Miss .1, McGowan trod Miss Annie Stuart, I :11 for Cupar, Sask., to visit with Dr. and Mrs. Stuart ; while firs. David Cowan left for Willow Range, Man,, to visit her brother. The three were ticketed by Mr. J. bfellurcide, C. P. R. up -town agent. 'Ole'I'oronto Globe of 'Thursday last had the following item in their social column which refers to foraner Blyth ladles :—Mrs. (Dr.) iViliiaun Sloarj, Mrs. W, W, Sloan of Toronto, Ill's 3 Cr ,Iless. et 1110.1 10, N. Y,, and hits;Toa Waddell, 'Winnipeg, lett yestetjay tfteruoon for New I o Ic and sail tri ora six weeks' trip to the 111 it 1 and the con- tinent. The er yon complete a course in this se ' lithe sooner you Tully expect to hold a nog tlpnof trait. Our Cour e+ are thorough nud praerical. Our students al rayseucceedi;Woassist graduates to positions We, rave three department•- eommerdol, eh8ythand and telegraphic. We employ experienced instructors, C, talogue free. A, ELLIOTT & bfcL LAN, Principals, Chronic Coughs Cured Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Dromore, says: "1 took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychine, and a cough I bed continually for nine months disappeared. It is the best remedy for chronic coughs that I ever used," 4housands of living witnesses pro. nounee Psychlne the greatest medicine in the world, It is not a patent medi- cine, but a prescription of a great phy- sician. hyaician. Put it to the' test in any case of throat, lung or stomach trouble er any run down er weak condition, At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr, T, A, Slocum, Limited, Toronto, McMILLAN & CO. WANTED Any quantity of Eggs and Butter at the highest cash prices. Standard Butter Boxes for sale. McMILLAN & CO, CANADIAN," PACIFIC Grand Ter -Centenary Celebration, July 20 -Aug. I Return Tickets From Blyth to Quebec at Single Fare Good going July 18 to 25 i(Idusive. Return limit August 3rd. SPLENDID TRAIN SERVICE Northwest Excursions by the Canadian through -car line, leave 1 uty 21, Aug. 4 and 18, Sept. 1, 15 and 29, 00 -day return tickets at exceptionally low rates. For full information see .1. McMURCH1E, Town Agent. BLYTH or write C. B. Foster, 0. 1', A., 'Toronto. DONT FORCET Metcalf's Retiring Sale There are Bargains for EveruIion All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Gaines, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc,, 25 per cent off. Watches 15 per cent off. Many odd lines 35 to 5o per Celt off. Everything must go. Come and see. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. CHEAP READING The Standard . 81 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tise' ' 165 The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness 1 60 The Standard end Weekly Globe 1 05 The Standard and Family Herald sod Weekly Star 1 70 Tice Standard and Weekly Bail and Empire 1 35 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times 1 80 The Standard and Weekly lice . Press 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly 81111 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton `l'wice-a-week Spectator. .,,..•. 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 50 The Standard and Toronto Daily News . 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate.....,..,,. .,,, 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The Standard and Evening Free Press 2 75 The Standard and To'outo Daily World ..... ............... , S 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening hail and Empire 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Etnpire 4 0,0 The Standard and Daily Globe.,4 50 Send all subscriptions dlreet.to THE STANDARD, football championship game in the BLYTH, UNP former town by a scure of 4-0.3 Hardware and Tinware CHURCH NOTES, 111., Clarence Johnston, of Clinton, will enoduct this services In Trinity church next Sabbath, morning and eveuiag, Miss Maggie bloody will take charge of the Methodist church choir owing to Miss Moser resigning, * N * The linaneial report of the Metlho. dist church is in the hands of the printer end will be issued shortly, * Poe the next two Sabbaths Rev. Dr, McLean, the former pastor of St. Andrew's church, will conduct the services while Rev. Small is away on his vacation. k k Lost Sabbath Rev, B. 1L Spence, of Toronto, Secretary of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Temperance Alliance, gave three good addresses on Local option in the Presbyterian church morning and afternoon and in the Methodist church in the even- ing. 'There were good congregations at all services, To Whom It May Concern : We are now nearing the end of another year in busiutss and it is our wish to square off all our accounts and commence with au clean sheet„just as we started nearly two years ago. But to do this we will need all the money that Is due us for subscriptions, job work and ad- vertisements. Our subscription list has a lot of names of people who are owing for a ,year, some two years, and some more than that. It may only be one dollar or two dollars and the sunt 311.100 small, counts up into the hundreds with us, when over one hundred people are owing us a dullitr atpiece. Look up the label on your paper, 1311 doesn't read Jan. 09, 0 means that you are owing the Ed i tor. Our job wont book has some ,accounts on it, which shows that the people owing us are reliable, but have overlooked paying forthe work when it is done. By receiving payment when our job work is finished, it is the means of us mak- ing a 313111g in this town. We would earnest y tisk all those who have not settled for any job work to come in and do so. In our advertisement book, we have small accounts for locals, small ads, which amount to a dollar or so, but which have not been paid. We render our accounts monthly, but some have failed to make a pay- ment with us, To anyone whom any of the above itetua lt, will YOU kindly call and settle or send an express order or postoffiee order to the Editor and help hint along in his business, We don't like to keep harping about money all the tilne, but to all appearances, some of our subscribers must think we are run- ning a flee paper. We only wish they would pay our paper bilis for a couple of months, and then they would wonder where the profits come in. hoping to heat' from our sub- scribers and those who are oWing us during the next few weeks. We remain, P1I1'1 EDITO1I, 111111111111111•11111111./..1111111111111111111, 1ti iu Intl goovii r O tt- W4tt gporto The sounding of the Lakeside League so flu' is :— Club Won Lost to play 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 IVinghain 5 131yt1) 4 Goderieh 3 Kincardine 2 Lucknow 1 Owen Sound won the foot hall championship ol'the W. F. A. on the round by a score of 4-3. Berlin on the home grounds defeated Owen Sound by a score of 3-0 on Monday night but were unable to overcome the lead, 10 -0- At Mitchell on Friday last the the home team defeated the Seltforth juniors in a C. L. A. game by a score of 5-1. -0- On Friday last, Owen Sound de tented Berlin in the intermediate Some Deep Price -Cuts in Ready -to -Wear Hats and Trimmed Hats Come in and have a look at the bargains in our Millinery Department, Ask to see our stock of Heatherbloorn the new material for Linings and Drop Skirts in black and colors. Our price for it is 25e per yard. J. A. ANDERSON BLYTf3C Farm for Sale That very valuable farm belonging to the undersigned, situated three utiles from Auburn station, six miles from Rlytb, 200 acres, school at corner of lot, 20 sores of hard -wood busk, 2 acres of orchard, llrst.olass buildings, well fended, well watered, In a high state of cultiva- tion and excellent soil, one of the beet farms 3n the'oountry, Terms easy. Ap- ply THOS. BROWN, Blyth. FOR SALE The business stand of the late John W. 13e11, Harneesmaker, being pert lot 5, 111c- I3onald's eutvey, Blyth. Offers will be received by the undersigned until August 15'1, 1908. The estate Is being wound up and this desirable property must he sold. Full pdrtdmdarson application to F. Mehoalf, l Administrators. A. Rider, ) Western Fair Greatest Live Stock Exhibition of Western Ontario Pull Program of Attractions twice daily, including hemp's Wild (Vest Show, Best of Music, Fireworks each evening. ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY, SEPT. 14 Come and enjoy yourself at London's Popular Fair, Reduced Rates on all Railroads Prize Lists, Entry Forms, Programs and all information given on application to W. J, 11.10, President, A, 1l. HUNT, Secretary. London, Sept. 11.19 Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Those wishing to get a good, relleble Instrument cannot do better then call at this store. We handle the celebrated llelnizman Pianos, Bell and Dominien Oa. gene. In buying any of these Instruments you take no rink as you get the best that money will buy, NEW RAYMOND and NRW WILLIAMS Sewing Machines at low prices and easy terms. J. H. CHELLEW, .BLYTH HARVEST SUPPLIES RC* Pure Manilla, British Manilla, Sicle all sizes Hay Fork Pulleys and Hooks. Hay Forks, Scythes, Snathes and Rakes BINDER TWINE We are handling Massey -Harris Plow Points and Soles for all makes, McPHERSON BROS. • • BLYTH