The Blyth Standard, 1908-07-23, Page 1VOL. XXI.
No. 49.
County and District
interesting Budget or News from the surrounding district 1.4,1
The Standard welcomes nil Items of Interest in
these columns. Telephone No. 4, send
post cord or Bron at The
Standard Office L'1
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R. R. Redmond is home for his holi-
days after sPrVing two and 1t Ini1 veto's
148 teacher ill S. S, No. 60, He has re•
signed his position to take charge of S.
S. No, 1, Culross, eta salary of 8550,
Mrs. D, Itedmond end children, of
Toronto, returned home after spending
a few weeks with friends here.
This section was visited by it heavy
rain storm on Friday last. ,
East W wa ahosh.
Council meets on Tuesday, July 28th.
The land wits wall soaped with the
heavy rain last PI iday.
Send tie the news it is always wel-
Tim Vorslns' Lu'r,-The East Wa.
,Wlanosh Voters' Lit will be posted lip
on Juiy 25th, Following is thentamber
of voters in each polling division
Division Pt, 1 Pt. 2 Pt, 3
No, 1 116 20 12
2 140 26. 9
8 100 25 3
8 101 16 2
457 92 26-575
There are 289 persons eligible to serve
as jurors, Every person should make
it a point to see that his name is on the
list, and if it is not thee, or has been
wrongly inserted he should apply to
have the error rectified.
The Goderich Bowlers will hold their
annual tournament, commencing 'Tues-
day., August 18th.
M, 0, Johnston, the late townclerk,
is the new town councillor in place of
H. W. Thomson, who has removed to
The voters' list for the township of
Gode'ich was posted on Friday last..
Part one contains 621 voters,' port two
182, and part three 31, `Where are 445
A party of pleasure -seeker's left Code -
rich' on Monday morning fon' n fort-
night's fishing at Johnston's Harbor
and Pike Bny, The party went up on
the Bruce, a gasoline boat owned by
John Bruce, The party consists of
John '''aft, Arthur McLean, Charles
Cbaric s Vid au and Montague
Colborne and the owner of the boat,
John Bruce.
On Saturday afternoon the girls of
the Jackson Bros,' clothing manufact-
ory and a jolly time at Point farm.
There were seventeen damsels in the
party had they put in a good time
playing o'oquetand other gam s, They
hai their supper on the lawn of the
Point 1 al'nl Hotel in picnic style and
returned) to town about 10 o'clock,
The girls intended going to Barfield,
but found that the storm 0161)01310000s
days had caused a couple of washouts
on the road,
Rev. A. H. Brown. B. A., 13, D. is at-
tending the Missionary Normal Train-
ing School, under the auspices of the
Eoudon Confereno Epworth Leagues,
now being held at Alma College, St.
The onion gr010008 of Hensall held a
pic-tic at Grand Bend Inst Thnradny
Three cat' loads in addition td'sevo'al
single rigs left Hensall for the summer
resort. A similar picnic was held at
the Bend last summer and those who
were present pronounced it to be one of
the finest outings which they had ever
attended. The growers voted thele to
mike it an annual affair,
Engineer Rogers hes been in Hensel!
for sometime past drawing out plans
a11(1 specifications f01' two nett' -sewers
which the council propose to lay alp
south Richmond street, and Welling-
ton and Mill streets 'respectively, sub-
ject to the approval of the ratepayers
receiving benefit iron the drains, A
meeting of said ratenayers was called
when the plans wore laid before them.
No conclusion was reached, it being
probable that the clans will hove to he
somewhat changed and modified before
they will he accepted. The estimated
cost of the 6)10;sewers is a little over
Oto or two of oar residents are talk-
ing of pnrchnsing an auto each,
W. J. Palmer's team is hauling
gravel for the corporation by the day.
John Wright is snreading fr.
91, H. Moore. V. S„ luta been some-
what used up by his right arm being
affected by blood poisoning. He is got-
ting'alOng all right,
The contract; of painting and deenr-
sting the interior of the Methodist
rhnreh hes been let to W. C. Smith, ,of
Brussels, at about 8100,
B)'nssels civic, holiday fs 00 for
Tuesday, August 46.1, '''here will be
an excursion to the lakeside at Kin-
cardine by special trei8,
Mrs. 'Phos, Dnnfnrd. en old resident
77 years of age, died on Thm'a(lay even-
ing.and wits buried here Sunday (1(68l•-
11000. Mr. Dunfod passed away 25
ye4)'s ago,
Last week W, E Young, teller of the
Metrnpolitnn Bnnk. was promoted to
Toronto, 1, Davidson, who has been
on the staff here for some time, hes
been nut in to handle the cash and does
it well
The school hoard was taken by our-
nriso solnewhet at receiving from
Lurkn040 the resignation of Miss Helen
D. Ford. who WAS the painstaking and
well auslitied first assists 4)1 in the high
school work. She has Accented an All.
o'agomont with the Norwood Collegiate
Institute: The hoard is now advertis-
ing for a teacher.
Mid -summer
!Wen's Box Calf Blucher, Goodyear %volt, regular 89.50 and 94.00, clearing
at $2,95.
diet's Tan Calf Blucher, 1'ey.tnler selling at 99 50, oh wing Mat 92.85,
Men's Dongola Blucher, regi lar selling at 82 10 and 83.00, clearing at 92,00,
Men's Heavy Farm Shoe, regular selling at 52,40, clearing at 92.00.
Also cheaper lines at reduced prices,
A few Snits left of Men's, Youth's and Toys' Ready'lo•tvenr Clothes to
clear at below cost.
Store closes on Thursdays at Six o'clock
during July and August.
'W. W. Tame wa0 01 Niagara Palls
as delegate front the Exeter Masonic
Lodge to the annual meeting of that
Mr. Campbell, who was principal of
Exeter Iliglt School for a few weeks
prior to vacation, has acee)4st0(1 the
principalship of Chesley High 8011001
at a salary 01'91 100
The nolttroctors 0160 ore laying the
cement walk me -1) front Station street
are doing rousuiv, able exitswork by
putting in cement walks to the various
houses (lone the street.
The conning kidney is eompellod to
work overt hn4 in order to keep up with
the supple of pees 0 (ming in. The
two vipers sure kept busy anti thepncic-
ers me ked ell tight 'Tuesday, The
average pack per day is (10,000 00110,
Tbo (11
I110tournament nnuneut in Laudon
will be hold nu Monde V. TI))'Adity and
1Ved esday, August 60d,9th and 511,,
E 1, Treble, Ono, Anderson, UIifL
Spanlnnon tad probably others of 60104)
will tnk0 part. The boys ore getting
in considerable practice end from the
showing they are making a piece of
the Ino110y ought to he theirs,
Friday, July 3rd, a horn 7800 feet
was raised on the form of 117n, Elston,
21111 line, Unfortnootely Guam mon
were inured, Wm. Ishistor, jr„ fell
l0 feet dislocating one elbow and dam-
aging his side, Joe Sellers hid ono
foot crushed and John 5lnstard had
his toe hurt. We hope till concerned
will soon he all right again.
Lost week Win, and Mrs. 'Parlor. 9611
line, Arrived home from a most enjoy-
able visit of two months in tho West.
The mot ninny old friends as they vis•
fted at Winnipeg, Calgary. Regina,
MM,dieine Bat, Edmonton and ninny
other points, Crops are looking fine
Mr Taylor save and in Alberta ho
pleasured when[ 29 inches long near)),
3weeks ago. 11 1016)61)94)60)544144110)11)
the harvest it will be a grand one and
do much to restore the good tii110s
which had n set back lost year.
Janne° and Mfrs Laidlaw, of S,rern•
mento, Cal., are here on a visit. The
former is a half brother to Mrs. Gem•go
Jackson. Mr, Toddle w, who used to
live'in Tuokorsmith, hos been in Cali-
fornia for the past 17 yam's and likes
the country, HA 1100 been in the
wblo)Paale and retail produce business.
Prospects 4)'n good and they hove
done well, His brother, Robert, who
also resides in S06'anento, [nay visit
here, accompanied by his family. Ho
is haggagemnp for one of the railw'nys.
Mrs. James Laidlaw never SAW a 8110W
Tlile4V1A \WFRN CAuwo1'..-Chief of
Polis George Caldhicit, of Cobalt, com-
bined business and recreation on his
holiday trip to bis home in Morris.
The officer WAS riding on the Grand
Trunk train, and became suspicious of
two sh011161s who were "entertaining"
a prosperous but bibulous former in
the smoking compartment, Nearing
Georgetown his suspicions were con,
brined. The two (len, having succeed-
ed in getting the farmer intoxicated,
proceeded rapidly to rifle his pockets,
As soon as the first bills had been
trausfe'rPd to 160 pocketsof the thieves
Air. Caldbick made his dl'oieoti0 ep-
pea'auce in the smoker, .rolled a holt
and placed the noir under arrest. A
sharp tussle ensued but 1110 11.l'0041.
WWI the 0o-operat ion of the train offi-
cials, was accomplished, '1910 teen
P h 4)a
gore the men 01Geoe
g Crone al c
15ohe't Ferris nal thr;y were lodged in
the jail at Milton, The °farmer lvn. )a
Mr, Co usgrave, of Mono Mills, The
thieves had taken seven in small hills.
but had not reached his 1 ink book
with other currency and showing n
recent depos't of 92200, Ctfof Coll-
bicic was at the Parliament Buildings
on Friday morning and reported the
case to 1110 Attorney -General's Depart-
The Directors of Turn berry Agrfcul-
tural900i)ty are pow 118y 11)00 llging
for the Wingham Fall fair to be held
on Sept. 24th and 2516).
Wiugli)un husto"fes are closed 01
present for stock -making. It is prob-
able Glut the ('Bair factory (or better
known as the Button-1'esslult factory)
will not, reopen again,
Mrs. J. R. Brown, Provincial Gov-
ernment Hen lth inspector, was in
town last week. She 'is looking after
factories, stores, etc„ where female
help is employed, Sim is reporting on
rho condition of outbuildings, lanes,
beck yards, etc,
Hartley Patterson, son of Arch,
Patterson!, has again 1100)1 successful
in winning a 8203 scholarship at the
Columbia University in New Yorl',
11t', Patterson's many friends here will
be pleased to Bear of his continued
We are informed that sone gentle-
men were 11n town Inst week from Ber-
lin looping over the chair factory with
n view to a purchase, if possible. Some
change is needed for 111e benefit of the
working 111411 of town. At present the
factory is idle and there does not nppea'
to be much prospects of its 0080)0ing
The engagement is announced in the
British Weekly of Mrs, Leonidas Hub -
lard and Harold Thornton Ellis, only
surviving son of the Right Hon, John
Edward Ellis, M. P. for the Rusieliffe
Division of Nott,iughunshire, I11r.s.
Hubbard has nanny friends here, as
besides lecturing here some time ago
she frequently ueitIV via't.
s her sister, Mils'
W. If, Cruickshank.
At the hast meeting of 1l)11(iaud
Lodge, No. 110, I. 0..0.1x'., District
Deputy )McCracken, of Brussels, in-
stalled the following officers :-
N. 11, Jos. Guest,
V. G., N. Fry.
Car, Sec., J. 1'. Groves.
Fin. Sec., 'P, J. Elliott.
Treas., H. 13. Elliott,
15. S. N. G i. Lamont.
L, S. N, G., S. A. Alagnir0.
It. 5. V. G., J. McGillivray.
L. 8; N. G, 51. Hfnsu{illc.
'Warden, It. Gniickshn, Its.
Co01uctoe J. W. MoKibbon.
R. 9, S„W. Britton,
L, 8. S., George Hanna,
I, G,, ,1 W. Dodd.
0, 0„.1. Lennox,
(;hap„ 11', 1. Haines,,
After the meeting the Noble Grand
took those present to Moore's restaur-
Morris Council.
The Council met according to ad-
journment 011 July 1115 ; members all
present, the ]reeve in the chair,
The Minutes of last meeting were
read and passed.
Tho Court of Revision on the Granby
Drain Bylaw resumed business accord-
ing to adjournment. 11r. Sinclair, of
Brussels, was heard on behalf of the C.
T. R, 0o. in the matter of their appeal,
after lrhich Engineer Roger gave his
reasons for 'making the assessment
on the company's lends. Mored by
Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mfr. Shaw,
that the assessment made by the I ngi•
11001' ml said railway lands he confirm-
ed, and that the Court. of Revision on
said drainage by -haw be now closed,
On itt061on of Messrs. MloCutcheon
and Taylor, By-law No, 4, known as
the Mason Drain By-law, was finally
A request from 1i1e Village of Walton
was presented stating that a complete
system of concrete sidewalks was being
constructed in the village and asking
for the payment of their accrued sta-
tute labor tax amounting to 8102. also
for a grant of 8100 towards the work,
Moved by Mr. MrCutcheon, Seconded
by Mr, Campbell, that 6100 he granted,
also that the [amount of their accrued
statute Iaho' tax be paid towards
the work. -Carried.
Reports on the Johnson and McDon-
ald drains were read according to
notice and the Clerk WAS instracted to
prepare by-laws for the sante,
'''enders worn 00)'0iv0(1 for the con-
struction of the Mason mrd Crosby
'drains and on motion of :Messrs. Tay-
lor and Campbell, the tender of Wm.
Connelly for the Granby drain and that
of John Curtin for the Mason drain,
being 81.107 and 6694 respectively were
accepted. heing the lowest,
Council adjourned to sleet again or
August 10th next.
W. Clark, Clerk.
Sirs. J. H, Pyper, of Hamilton, is
visiting relatives in town.
Mrs. John A. Wilson is spending au
extended holiday with friends and r. le•
tirAsr Washington,
h ash n oa,
i r 's
Mr. Keys, organizer are' i0 C. 0, F., ).
M 11 g
here in the interests of the order. Mir.
Keys' genial disposition fits hint well
for his duties,
Rev. Neil and Mrs. McPherson. of
Indianapolis, are spending it short
holiday -with the latter's mother at her
home in Harpurhey,
'aro'. Bros. D..T. McCallum and 19.
E. Coope•, M. 1)„ were at Niagara at-
tending the grand lodge, A. I'. a5 A,
M1., which met in that city.
Ti e choir of the First Preshyterinn
church enjoyed n picnic at Boyffeld
Inst wcetc. Two carryalls conveyed
the hnppv crowd to the lake shore.
M'ss Belie Bollaltyne, of Witte•Ir0
Pnhlic School Staff, is spending the -
0atfcn with her lnu'00t0, 1120, and
Airs. B',6)nntyne. Go(lerich street.
The Robert Bell Engine lW 'Thresher
Co. have pul•chosed the buildings 611''
10419111' 10 Ibe Coleman salt block tied
are tali ,g them down with a 010)1' 10
enlarging their plant to meet the tie-
mnn,ls of t1 growing burliness.
Mr Smith, who is on employee of
the Robert Bell Engine aid 'Thr, -her
Cn ,had the thumb of nee 1(1(111 ter,y
hedly injured'Phuoodny, The inianp
tuns n very painful one, end Air. 8111411
will h0 laid 4)p for some time.
The Palace Rin': Co. ore busy put.
Lino in a cinder bottom in tine rine: in
order to get the ice sooner and also to
hold the ice heue' when once inane,'.
The company have shown commend-
able trlterpriso 111 making the rink give
the hootof anifsfoctiou to the pot 1'0118,
District Pepnty Grand Master Miro,
Stalh1ry. of Exeter. W011'01.0 i151011-
ine the of3icors in Fidelity Lorlge, I. 0,
0. F. In addition to a number of of her
visitors fr(ln' Exeter and other neigh.
boring lodges, thew w110 n large turn-
out of the hlwtliven and a very pro0r-
0b)e'evening. was spent, After the
work of the ei'enfng,wits finished all
r(00.11edtoBro. 'Aherhnrr's rest utime
where refresliineuts'were served.
The sporting conlmit)00 of the, Sons
of Scotland ere already preparing for
heir monster eelebrntion'aud C, A. A.
U, meet. 'Their program, which is in
preparation, includes almost till the
amateur events in racing, juulping,
vaulting, etc. Highland dancing and
piping will also be an attraction, The
48th iii �lilanders Band of 'Toronto is
to be present, and the Canadian en-
trants its the 0)9)1(pic laces are expect-
ed to make [hair first appearance here
after returning frau England. Hand-
some prizes are being offered and to
Most sueces',(ni day is expected.
A rat her dangerous nc,adelit occurred
shout two miles south of here in Tuck
msmith Two. at the home of '1'm.
Carnochan on Wednesday mo'.ning.
ML', Carnocha0 was putting purls green
on it patch of potatoes, when two lift o
grandchildren lchildrtu
901 hold Of 1110 i5
and, before they were noticed, each had
swallov, d )t considerable quantity. So
far os. Air, Car000llou could tell only
000Itad taken lulu of the poison and he
drove to town with ail speed, bringing
the child with him, The doctors, fear-
ing that the other child might also
have swallowed some, they sent for her
and their suspicions proved correct,
Every means is being used to save the
lives of the children. They are two
and three years old respectively. ')'he
one is a 801411 child from Toronto. t110
other is Luella Cameron, 01'110 lives
with her grandmother, 13y latest re-
ports both are no well as could be ex-
€ Reading for, Stylists,
(61 0 For clearness rend 11(40440)17
For logic, lead Burke and
X• Bacon.
� For taint, rend Monier and
t,,r-� Scott.
l o nc,iseness, read Bacon
09Forsublimity of conception
rend Milton.
0 For Vivacity, read Steven -
son and Kipling.
For simplicity, read Bunyan
1''or interest in com)n011
things, read Jane A ustio,
Alar,y Wilicins, Freeman,
Kato Wiggins and Sarah
Orme Jewett.
For utter, read AI ark
For the study of human na-
ture, rend Skakespea 0 and
George Eliot.
For ch0u.e of iudividwnl
words teat Tennyson, Emer-
son and Keats.
Pot• patient observation of
y4) nature. rend Thoreau Walton
V and penicin
The rail Mill of the Lake Superior
Corporation at Sault Ste, 'Mario is
closed again.
Sit' Wilfrid Laurier anneurced in
th5 Commons that Tianllsgiving Day
would b, held on ll ncintS in thet future.
Miss Alny Proctor, of London, acci-
dentally set fire to her dress and is in as
critical condition.
"Life in Every Dose"
"I cannot speak toe highly of Psy
chine, for it is the greatest medicine I
ever used. I was just about 'all in'
when :C began the treatment, and in 3.
months I was as well as ever. It is a
groat tonic for weak and run down peo-
ple. There is new life in every dose,"
Ridgetown, Ont., Dec. 19, 1008.
It is a sin not to tell your sick friends
about this wonderful , prescription.
Throat, lung and stomach troubles, and
all run down conditions quickly cured
by its use. At all druggists, 50e and
$1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd Toronto
Stenographers and
trained by our management last
year.. Txperience counts, Gradu-
ates most suceess101. Special
course for teachers. Mall courses,
Send postal for particulars,
Business College
(ton, Spotton, Prin,
The're are fashions even in
Soaps, and styles change.
But one tihlgueyerchan1es
and that in that whatever
the colo', odor or shape a
cape of soap may be, It must
be pure.
We take pride in selling
pure Soaps, properly pet -
fumed, put up in pretty
packages. We can supply
all toilet requisites. per-
fumes, etc., at the lowest
prices polo -Able for highest
,anality wares.
White Dttg Drug Store
•1101••04 1.0•••,••00 ••000
June, July and :lugast leads into •'
our fait term without any break. •.
Eater any tine. New catalogue 4 -
free. Write for it to -day. •
Central Business College *-
The largest and most reliable of its �.
kind `
Yonge and Gerund Sts., Toronto. A
W, 11. Shaw Principal.
• •
0.444.44 •1.104.4 0404.4,40•
Every Treasurer of Church, Lodge
or Association Funds should at once
open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT for these
Trust Funds.
We specially invite this class of
Accounts and pay highest current