The Blyth Standard, 1908-07-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT -THE I3LYT}l STANDARD. -JULY 9, 19oS Liberal Clubbing Offer. The Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth Standard one year erten, worth $2.00, for oily 51,60. This is a genuine bar- gain. Don't miss it, Call and see samples at this office and leave you subscription. BODM1N LIME WORKS la headquarters for Fresh, Pure, No. 1 Lime, BIghestreeonnuends given ns to the quality of It, hav- ing proven itself Yo. 1 on Govern- ment buildings. By purchasing front these Mine you patronize home industry. 25c per bushel, delivered Write or Telephone to A, NiCHOLSON & SONS BELORAVE You always pay too much when you pay too little Paradoxical int tree, Particularly when buying Gro- ceries. Nearly every article of eatables can be adulterated, 'Many in theoften ere, o Constant vigilance is required to keep undesirable goods from creep- iug into a grocery 8t0013. One of the most persistent sinters is Canned Goods. Thousands and thousands of them put up every year, S muehocly fells then, Somebody buys then. Somebody eats them. This grade of canned goods is very common, but this store has neve' Bold a can of it to a customer in its life, and it never will. Our way is firsts or nothing in everything, always, CASA FOR ALL BINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT 1f3I. TH GRAND TRUNK SYs EM TIME TABLE. LONDON SOUTH. am pal 6 40 3 30 643 333 652 341 7 06 3 50 7 14 4 01 7 47 4 23 8 05 4 39 815 447 822 452 8 35 5 05 846 515 8 59 5 20 9 05 5 30 9 12 5 37 9 21 5 40 920 554 9 35 5 58 937 000 9 45 6 10 AND WINGHAM BRANCH. SUM. am pm Wingham 1150 7 35 WinghauJot. 11 48 7 25 Midwave 1140 713 ]Myth 1t: 28 7 00 Loudeshot'n 11 20 6 52 Clinton 10 15 11 05 6 35 Brucetleld 9 58 6 19 Klppen 9 50 6 11 Hensalt ' 0 44 6 05 Exeter 9 :30 5 54 Centralia 9 18 5 43 Claudeboye 9 09 5 34 Luean Crossing 9 n5 5 30 DenlIeld 8 65 5 25 liderton 8 45 5 15 ltttrlek 8 35 5 07 Hyde Park Crossing 8 26 5 02 ilyde Park Jot. 8 24 5 00 London 8 15 4 60 Connections are made at Wiughum for all stations on the Palmerston and Kim towline branch, Conneotlons are made at Clinton ter all stations on the Buffalo and Goderlch branch, and all 8181toua from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Lucan Crossing for all stations west to Sainte, Connections are made at London for all etatloue east mut west on the mala line. to/ Time Table TO TORONTO Goderl,oh 1 r 8.)x0 a.m. Au388311 " 8 20 " Myth , 8.30 " Walton ...: . ` SAL " Mt(verton l . ` 9.14 " Dimira.: . ;,� 9.53 " Guelph ..... 1015 " Toronto r. 12.10 " FROM TORONTO. Toronto f;le 8 tx) a.nt. Guelph Ar:`,„0.25 ' Elmira Milverton Mralnen Blyth Auburn Goderlcb...,. yAs Fall Torm Opan' Those who know beat school are Ito staunchest ELLIOTT ;+ ; ab 2.30 p. m. 3,301 ” 3.11 " 3,43 " 4.17 ` 4,4:1 11,3,5 " 415 p. m, 6.22 ' 0.40 ' 7.22 ` 7.37 ` 8.08 ' 8.18 " 8,40 ` Cat. l st merits of this TORONTO, ONT. Tile college stands fleet in papularlty, thoroughness and genuine merit. Go where yov will, you will )lad our grade. ate8 pushing to the front. 'Their superior training enables them to get and hold ftret.elass posltibns, Co lege open' all Hummer. Bata any time. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Co, Yonge and Alex.uuter Sts., Toronto, OUR NATIONAL DANGER Time to Cry a Halt Before Com- plete Wreck Results There are tlm3sauds, both men and women, who do not take time to eat properly, They rush 35 Dough life, and 3013 result we have an age of indiges- tion, nervousness, irritability, ,.loop - less nights and morose disposition. Our national clanger ie stomach weak- ness, due to the strenuous life. Mi-o-na tablets strengthen the walls of the stomach and sttnmleto secretion of the digestive jnihes. They 100,0 the stomach comfortable and cure iudiges- Lion, Sick headaches, palpitation, yellow shin and coated tongue are a few of the many distressing results of indi• gestiot t hat Mi-o-na never fails to cure; J. 0i. Hamilton sells Mi-o•na in 50 cent boxes, turd guarantee to refund the money if it does not give complete sat le:net ion, (Minor Locals. Place a small lump of butter in a tin spool and hold right over the flame of an oil lamp. If it is oleomargorino it will sputter like grease and water ; if pure butter it will boll with little noise and usually produces an abundance of foam, , Fatal Blood Poisoning Frequently follows the use of cheap corn salves and plasters. The safest is the best, and )hats Put,m's, which has a record of fifty years success, Re - Faso sula'tttmtes for Petnam'0 whioh costs 25c in every drug stere. Three Hurt at earn Raising At a barn raising at John Ireland's on con, 2 of Cuh'oss, near '1'eeswater, one of the timbersslipped, throwing three y ming men to the ground, injur- ing all three, John Inglis fell 80090 s a timber, breaking an arm and leg also injuring him internally. He will pro. teddy die. The other two men, named Kelley and McDonald, were not seri- ously port. Ever Have Cramps'1 Kind of fierce to be tied up in a knot at midnight with cramps, Keep Ner- viline handy. Ten drops quiets cramps instantly. Used occasionally Nervi - line prevents this trouble entirely. Prep Stretford Win. Lee writes: "Nothing 1 know of will give such [melt relief to cramps, colic or pail' in the stomach as Nerviliuo. 1f you feel squeamish mish ar sick just take ten drope of Nerviline in tenter and you're well next minute." 'Think of the protection and comfort contained in a 25e bottle of Nerviline and get it today. A parry of Ontario farmers from Huron Co, purchased 3000 acres of railway land from the C. P. R. east of Gleichen. '1 hey will sow to fell wheat, Prominent Manufacturer Speaks Ia Vankleek Hill eo one is better known than Geo. S, Watson. When he says "Catarrhozoue is a real cure " depend or it being so, "My wile" he writes ''was subject to bad attacks of throat 19ritetiot and bronchitis. 118113 Comedies were tried bot few proved at all useful. Caterrhozoue writs differ- ent. It eeeme)1 to get right at the sore spots and brought relief quickly, We have found Catnrrhozone an absolute cure for bronchitis and catarrh." Nothing cures more quickly 80 get it to day, two sizes, 25o and 91 at all dealers. The G.'1'. lt, have made arrange- ments to handle 20,00) Orangemen on Jany 12 in Ontario. A Question Often Asked Why so awry people leel teor80 after taking pills that b.'fore 1 '('rouble is that drastic pills are used, No ream - dial actio, is obtained, the bowels are irritated and dreadful constipation fol- lows, In using Dr, Hamilton's Pills you are 09)1)'cely conscious of having taken medic) e. Although very mild, Dr. Hamilton's Pills do regulate the howls, stimulate normal action of the glends and create neither lance13, grip- ing or violent action. Positively guar- anteed for biliousn Ss, indigestion, stomach, liver and kidney ills, For a safe family pill rely on Dr. Hamilton's, 25c per box et ell dealers. It is estimated that this good Sanson will pith $950,000,000 more into the pae.ite)0 of the farmers of Ontarin Amon they received last year. That ought to "ease t hinge" a little. Resign From the Worry Club Life is a rash, but we can't all get there together, In consequence we worry—can't help it because nerves are weak, vitality is Intent up and there's no staying rower left, Cut out the worry pert and boi3d'up. Let Fele rezone help you. It'; a mast sttnegt5• ening nutritive tonic. Pills the blond end iron, supplies building material for t('0)')) out Organs, gettere)88 the sort of vitality that makes you went to do things. No medicine more helpful for )nen, 90)n0)) and children who need strength and stating power, Try Fer- rezone, 500 per box at all dealer. East Wawanosh Council. ' Council met in Be;pr n'a ml June 30 pursuant t0 adjournment, tie na Court of Revision and Appeal. Members all present, minutes of lest meeting read and passed ; Court of Revision re- opened, The following app als left over from the first sitting of Court were agent brought up for oon5ide'ation end summarily dealt with—\i. Lockhart, asSe:8meIt confirmed Nathaniel and Gordon .1 uli '.1031, asimesmeut e,onlirtn- ed; Walter Scott sr.;" and Roht 0, Henry, assesppmeutsrr dneed COO and $200 respectitrely., A ligation of R. E. McKenzie, elgrk s3lug that his name he added to the Roll as owner of the Tut is property , granted ; \'1ni. McLear to be added as F. S, and M. F. lot 40, con. 8. There having been 110 other eomplei01or changes asked for it was moved by 11r, Codling, seconded by 41r, Burchill that the roll es now re• vised and corrected he edopt)(3 nod the Court closed for the present year.— Carried. Council resumed and ordinal y huffiness proceeded with. Engineer Bolton tend Eoghwer Puce's reports on the 3ohn40)) tied Hallahan Deities re- spectively were read by the Clerk and run opportunity elven the interested parties in 6801) C80010 add to or with- draw from the petition, 00 n0 changes were made the 003)0)ta in each mise were adopted and the Clerk inatrncted to prepare the necessary By-laws le 00))' 1007300 with both repo is. Moved by 1L•. Burchill, seconded by Mr. Cuminu th81 die Reeve, end Couucillo' Scott be appointed to attend to prepare plans and specifications and oall for tenders for rehuildlug bridge on Con. 9, at Bel - grave and also make arrangements to larva the said bridge rebuilt forthwith. --Carried. By-Iaw No. 8, 1908. know)) as theGra8by Drain Bylaw ami Bv- Lnw No. 9, 1008, empowering the reesurer to borrow $1000 to Mee) eta. rent,xpenditarea sod for school pur- poses both duly rend and passed. The Clerk was instructed to notify 1Vm. Johnson, London, metier of Lot 85, col, It, now unoccupied that, unless he at- tended to the destruction of ell manner of noxious tweeds on his property at once, the Council would take the nece5• stay steps to eradicate the same, Debentures were issued for payment of the following amounts :— Alex Porterfield rent of road aldal- lowance, con, y,,,. $ 2 00 John L. Stewart, repairs to road grader 2 20 David McGill, jr., assistance in surveying Hallahan drain..,, 5 00 David Chimney, 72 yards of gra- vel, daunngee, etc 8 04 Mrs. Bradnock, 90 yds. grut•el(i 72 Hector McKey, 50 yds. gravel.. 8 50 Alex, Porterfield, 14 yds, gravel, 98 Alex, Patterson, 2 men shovel- ling gravel 2 50 Thos, Bradnock, drawing gravel and repairing road con. 1 5 50 John Doerr, jr,, furnishing and putting in tile con. 1 ,,, 7 80 James Young, putting in and re- pairing culverts, eons. 11.12.18 37 75 Jas, Sutherland, cuttiug hill at river con. 12 23 00 Wm. Sutherland, inspecting con- tract at hill at rive con, 12..., 9.00 Geo, Simmons, building railing on bridge, sideline 30-31, coot! 8 80 Geo. 5lowhray, putting in sewer and tile at Whitechurch 12 87 J. G. Gillespie, part, payment op- erating road grader 1958 100 00 The Council then adjourned to meet again on '1'ueeday. July 2835 next, Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health Saving Explained by a Blyth Citizen Who Knows From Experience Many Blyth people take their lives in their bends by 0euleeting 1110 Itid11538 when they know these o'gais need help. Sick kidneys aro responsible for a great an:00111 of suffering and ill health, Tile reason so many nee Bootle's Kidney Pill8 is their quick relief for all kidney weakness. Here is what a Myth 0103200 8eys :— Alfred Carr, of Main St„ Blyth,Ont,, says: "Aly beck had been ve'yteuder and severe pants would catch mea0'oss the smell of it and in the region of the kidney%, The urine would very often be highly conned ail the kidney se- cretious world be frequent and irregu- lar, I would be scarcely able to treighten myself up after stooping or lifting aid although I had tr ed differ- ent prescriptions I could find little or no relief. I learned of Booth's Kidney Pills through- an advertisement and procuring them et 1110. Hamilton's pInt'mncy 1 commenced treatment, The one box of Booth's Kidney Pills curd me entirely. I have not, bad a backache since and the 0911)0ry dis- orders were quickly and permanently regnlated, I will gladly recommend 800111'5 Kidney Pills as all ideal kid- ney remedy," Sold by dealers, price 50 re'Its, The R. T. Booth Co,, Ltd„ Fort Erie, Ont„ sole Canadian agents, Morris. A nulvert has broken down on the 5th line mid will be rebuilt front ma- terial taken from the Som,nerville bridge. In the meantime the little creek is forded. Morris end Grey townships are joint - 17 having a 0 foot cement, arch hull) a+ the gravel toad Il tulles north of Wal- ton as the old one was done. Its loca- tion is chsngeda little southward to where the drain conies from the ens), John Stewart, of Blyth, has the cote tract at $185. The excavating for the arch and filling in the old culvert Was let to Alcock Bros. for 9130. The new culvert will have an 8.foot hose, 1'he Connell reappointed 'Fax Col• lentor Praetor at their meeting best Monday at the same salary 08 last year. Over 917,000 leas to be gathered in 1003 and as Sir, Pronto' has always collected the whole amount of his roll and made his complete returns by the fleet meeting of the new Council he must have it happy style of getting along with the ratepayers es that is a great record for F years. The Council should not fail to recognize his ability in this line by au adequate recompense. Morris Council. last meeting were read end confirmed, James Parish ores entered owned of NI; tut 27. con, 8 ; Jetties Nether), en- tered owner of N Et lot '2, con,0' Robert 'Foyle!. entered owner N pt. Si - lot 13, con. 9, 011 116)10, of Messrs, Campbell and Taylor, the Court of Revision was then closed mid the roll established es the Assessuteut Roll for the current year, L'ouncil business was then proceeded wfth, 1'hueugiueet'e report on the Jainism' and McDonald drains were presented turd accepted. eluved by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr, 'Taylor, tint the report, un the Johnston drohi be read at 2 o'clock p. n1. nut the report, on the McDonald drain at 8 o'clock p, m, 00 Saturday, July 11th next,—Carried, On )notion of Messrs, Campbell and SlcOutche0)),the Clerk was instrec18d to ask for tenders for the construction of tine Mason and Density drains up to July lith at 3 o'clock p, in. The Gras - by drain may be tendered for it) two 3)8rcels, The Court of Revision on the 0rasby drain Was opened at 2 o'clock as per novice. An appeal was Horde by the G. T. It. Go. against their 908es59tett on said drain, Mr. Sinclair, DI Brus- sels, was present on behalf of the Co, Sir. River net being present, it was moved by Mr.'raylor, seconded by \Ir, Shue, t hat the Court of Revision be adjourned until Saturday, July lith, at 10 o'clock a. nn.—Carried. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows :— James Hawthorne, shovelling gravel 8285 ,(antes Kelly, plow broken on road 0000. 3 00 Lanes Mussell, horse hire 'grader 5 00 Chas. Proctor, drawing gravel., 0 00 Wm,'1'huell, operating grader,., 9 00 Wm, Thuell, blacksmith acct, on grittier .,.....,.•5 40 Bates &'Taylor, work on west boundary 1 50 John Casemo'0, repairing 3p - preach 3.0 bridge 2 00 James Kelly, wood std engine hire on grader 9 25 Wm, Bird, wood and engine hire on grade' , ,9 00 W. Bernard, underbrushing and digging drain ,. 10 50 R. McMurray, damages haullug gravel,,,, ,.,, 2 00 Gary & Walker, cement 99 90 Thos. Miller, making tile..., 51 08 W. H. Herr, (lraoby drain by- laws 25 00 111, L1011108101), t'ook elm plank,,10 05 Janes Nichol, for gravel.....,0 18 Jas. " 318 7 77 Phos. Healey D 70 r6 22 5 25 1 88 3 76 312 6 53 15 11 Jae, Peacock Agar E. Ward .f, Nicholson Jas, Kearney Wm, Little 8, Irvine Thos. 111nCall H. Kirkby Wm. Knox By-Iaw No, 7 authorizing the Reeve and Treasure' to borrow mquey to meet the necessary expenditure was duly recd and passed, On 'notion of a\lessro, 1feCutcheon and Campbell, 11, Procter was appoint- ed cellecto•fo' the current year at a salary of $85, on furnishing 0ati8fnc• tory security kr the clue performance of the 310)33. Ott motion of 'Messrs, Campbell end MoCntoheon, the Council then ad- journed to meetagain on July 11th next at 10 o'cloclt a, m, W. Clark, Clerk, Walton. The Welton Orangemen will cele- brate the 12)33 in (4ode'ieh, - Peter t.ardine'hes returned from a short trip to the west. Ile was very tench take1 up with what lie team and says tint the prospects are of the. best, A flag pole has been pieced or the school house from which the new flag will float., The reed grader hoe been doing some go, d n•ork on the road north of this village. Mrs. \lrilcon rind her two daughters, Mrs. Scott and MISS Ethel, who have been visiting friends in this neighbor- hood, have returned to their home in Detroit. The work of laying the cement walks !wants in our village is progressing rapidly and the contractor seems to be good job of it. These walks will give our bright little village quite a city appearance. The Ladles' Aid gave a social on the manse grounds on Tuesday evening. 000103'05 getsTHP, STANDARD ill the end of the year for all new sub- scribers in Canada. 1f you want cheap reading look at our clubbing list, EYES EXAMINED SCIENTIFICALLY WITHOUT DROPS All the errors of refraction are revealed to us by our wonderful methods. Come to London. Take advantage of our free consultation. We are the only eyesight specialists inCanada who take the entire responsibility of your eyes irom the examination to the making of the glasses complete on the premises. The Court of Revision met, ace, ,rd. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS ing to edjorrnrnent, on dune 27th, 8$7 Daadss Street • • • •' Loads', Oat, Menibers were ell prevent, Minutes o' Furniture Bargains Still Continue 1 attention of the purchasing Having held the tt tentiI ulchas lg public during the past year, by popular prices, we have slated new goods to begin the second year, and the prices will at once suggest the advantages in dealing here Lot 1—Iron .Beds 40 Reds in the lot, ranging In prl00e tip follows : 83, 94, 94.50, $4,75, $5, 95.75, 96, $7, 98, $9,25, $11, 913, 914.50, 915, Lot 2—Mattresses F • Other Specials WALKER & ROSS WW y� y� W y� yy yy * * * * ** * * * ******** ******* ** Guaranteed purely aanitnry, 93, 93.50, $4 sod $5. 32 in the lot. Our epeeist at 94.00. Lot 3—Couches 2:1 in the lot, whinh means skidoo. Prim will Interest you. $4.50, 95, $6, 97, 98, 911, 912,50, 914, 915 and 920, Our special this epring Is the 913,50 and 98.00. Spring., any Size, $2, 92.25, 92.50 and 93.00, Our epactal Is 93,00. Rattan Chairs, 91.96, 94,00, $4 50 and $0 00. Dreesere and Stands, ranging In Price from $9.00, 910,50, 912.00, $12.75 and up to 950.00. Our special is 912,75, Sewing Meohinee, We are epeolnl representatives for the Standard. Prices range from $20.00 to $45.00. • House Furnishings * Furniture • Your This department has special attractions through the housecleaning season. A few remnants in Ltnofeums at 'medal pricee, also 011 Clothe. Regular 600 Linoleum for Asper square yard. 000DS DELIVERED FREE Dealers & Undertakers, - - Clinton Expenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value. it has received thousands of . testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy- sicians withthe most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. h only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so little)) BUY IT NOW. —Subscribe for THE STANDARD, Spent Eighteen Dollars "Gentlemen, ---I have ' pleasure in stating that I gave used $18.00 worth of Psychine, and as a result was cured of very serious throat and lung trouble. My ease was a moat difficult one, and the doctors had practically said that I could not get well. I tried Payohine, and it did me eo much good that I eon. tinued its use until I had taken 918.00 worth, with the result that I am now n new man physically. I have gained thirty-five pounds. "It is with the greatest confidence that I recommend Peychiue to all who are afflicted with throat or lung trouble, Youre truly, C. A. PINKHAM. Seotatown, Que., Sept,, '07, This man speaks from experience. rsychine cures all throat, chest, lung and stomach troubles and gives renewed strength and vitality to run-down peo- ple. At all druggists, 50e and $1,00, or Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Did You Ever Stop to Think ? That a well printed piece of Office Stationery—Letter, Nute or Billheatl, Statement of account, or a Business card—gives ytur business a look of quality, 00 much so as a well•made suit adds to your personal appettl'ant.e ? If you have not thought of this matter, do so, and call on us, WE CAN HELP YOU 1'Ve also print Wedding In- vitations, Announcements, Calling Cards, Catalogues etc—and In com- position, makeup, and presswork our output will compare favorably with that of any printing establish- ment in Iluron. So if you have anything in this line let us make you an estimate, You don;) have to send to the city to have good 1 ADVERTISING THAT PAYS Is the kind 71,11 get in The Standard. 1f you doubt it, cope to us std w'e can convince you, An advertisement is as nes 89sn1'y to create an ever-growing business as the sign over your door front. [(you want help in prepar- ing your ads, we can help, sag. gest etc, 11 you want to Sell, Buy, Rent or exchange anything make the fact known in the work done ; we stn do it far you BLYTH StANDARD and keep the stoney at home. milimmine Don't Cost Much, Either To have the best class of work done, and our prices are as reasonable as are consistent with good work- manship and first-class material. Call or write The Blyth Standard 4ssas •■s•