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The Blyth Standard, 1908-07-09, Page 6
Followed Instructions. "1)0 ('011 1:110(0 said Cony, "1 never (me) played ,1 amu' of golf in my 111'', (By Jw%n 0. 1(owlwnd, in tw :e., bonuay and when 1 asked the old Scotcluuau (Tribune.) what was the first thio for nu' to du 110 I've loot Yost 0 mighty good boy out of mr uftice and L'm R is rho 00(0011 Welled at me just like this and said: wade to Ino some time ego by tho head of .'11001, malt!'" a lousiness capitalized for millions of dol - 'Ilion what did you de?" tars, only that 1 had knowledge of tho mon "I hooted, of course." Side Light on History. 1sre(el Putnam lute shot the wolf. "1 hadn't pla1Osed on the neighbor's millionaire to the extent of his Miro min', cats for wahine," Ire said, looking around, the 101110 10 me, explained from 101011 of ?mbrt, for a pines where tIt cacao about to this way,' he millionaire. "Thio boy had a chum who he co11kl bury 1110 animal, oauoe Into my office with him on the ammo Yet he, didn't forget to apply for a day They were exceptional boys and the bounty on the colt's scalp. COUI.UN"I li1THill, visitor-'ro what n'0 you attribute your Wag life, despite the illness you've had, Broncho Bete -Bad workmanship principal- ly. As to Oklahoma. "Speaking of tornadoes observed the boarder with the high forehead, "if the roue' that visited Oklahoma the other day had happened along a few months sooner there would liiivo,bee1 a provision in the 9tatto constitution abolishing tornadoes. That's about the only thing they over- looked." Not a Professional. rb ; MRS. FRANK STROEBE , HAVE CONFIDENCE iN ' YOUR EMPLOYER. and his point of view the statement won , have seemed incredulous. lief, was a 1114,11 of bas)00`s, with the coat/ of millions of money and thousands of employees, troubl- ed because a youngster barely out of high school writ his office. One young atelia lust out of his teens troubling this white hatred • Wareham Lu1lg-Dif jam attend a hobos' convention? Tnrftold Klatt No, ye blanc foul. Reckon l want to forfeit ane anm1ychure at:[lnliu' by dein' a thing like that? Chicken Broth. (Chicago News) 2listress an invalid) -Jane, I thought. I toll you to make el11010ea broth? N01v Cook 'burr, tin' Oi did, wawa. Mistress AN ell, where is it? New Cook ---0i fed it to th' chicken,, Ma'am. Leap Year Incident, (1"110geude Blotter.) ml bore ost where l I had Saccounting promoted himwithin six mouths. It was thio promotion which lost oto the other bay. In the beginning I had Put them both la my own office, whore I I4, everht took hadthem c usesor to aredo pri mandeith think of them for his work, The boy who to Sane had mostinct 1n m, however, degree e Ito tnt merchant waas ap1110 at and a mixer In the best muse. '"Phe other boy had a genius tor amount- ing. Ile was mono retiring and It was mani- fest that its bout was toward that and of the business . whore ho is no010 work aud that where he is malting good.It an opening offered Itself to the accounting department nibs a few months. I learned of tt and I twist the manager that the 'Young man for the place was 1n my office and that he could have him for the asking. "Within ten days Sim boy who had been loft in my office notified me that he meant to Quit work on the following Saturday. I aasso him why and ho was a Half) 011113.11, I pressed lira for an enswor and ho told me /lushly that his father had found 11 Ira a position an another phaco. 1t came out at last that because of the other boy's anpromotion he story of boy sediscouraged become seeming preferment of the chum had led Ms lather to interfere and seek another opening for hie BOIL who, maaifeetly to him had not boon given a 'fair chance.' That was the end of It nocyasarity: Why? Simply for the ninon that the executive head of an office cannot say apeolticlsIlY to aay onulloyoe that ho to slated for any par- ticular ptomotl0n. "Don't you see how impossible such a thing would be? You would 11a08 to discharge Mut within six months or less, within a week you would have complaints from his department manger because of that young man. lie would bebranded as a 'meddler' by biz manager..He would bo charged with insubordination by his ceder, he wool, nave the enmity et halt his associates In the of - b If ten 1.1derly;Atint-I suppose you worrier• Elco, Ha content lean u t doubt ed, dearlittle hums, why 1 left y'ott 00 run 01111104 numh a0'1'14000e thousand 40000 possible can- dtdat ea for suc0'1'14000e(0014 carry abruptly lin the laic. 1 saw a oma, and j the confidence wlhout miering the organ - oh, how I ran. Hans -Did you get hien? hat on. Thor., is a lessee bore ,for the young man of caliber hof the ratan Not l whom 11 re of hove 9 oted- The Lack. a man who lata a standing order through all the departments of bis great business that ILnicker--There lire plenty of books no manager ever shall accept the voluntary telling how 10 save life 0111)0. lwaiting. 1.1r f re•igratlon of an employee without first the (lector. j' 15 hero is a singlet head of chief.the . successful bust - Bon' cr-Yes, What We Beed is one news of any magnitude who has not learned telling the young doctor how to save Inco aha ,oltvt of view of this man in regard to while waiting for the patient." -liar- fldence lu promotions. per. Bazar. His Ambition. "What do you (aped, to be when you come of age. my little Haul?" asked Tile 'visitor. "Twu'ntyon1" ons the little Mean's re- ply ply. -1'110. Herald_nd Presbyter. Why Worry? (1 unaage.) He who nude himself -persistently' out of joint with has surroundings will do well to ponder the language of the Chi- nese philosopher The legs of the stork are long, tum 3, solemn scientifically ascertained feet legs of the duck are .short; you carrot that he is one of tllo worst disseminators make the legs of the stork shot, neitlt- of disease known, far surpassing the cr can you make the legs of the duck mosquito in this respect. Wilson's Fly long. Why worry? Pads will kill many times more flies than any other article, Blessing Free. "And t will you giro us your blessing?" Watering Flower Bods. asked the eloping bride, retnrniug to the If the soil is good, stiff loam and • parental roof. •_°Flecly," replied the 11111 110115. "No you have frequent showers you do not about 'the blessing, hilt board need to supply any water. If your land lodging will be at'regulr sten."- soil is sena! and the weather dry, it is beneficial to mater every day, Couldn't See. Geraniums seldom need watering when growing in good garden soil; Aunty -Tommy; I put three pies in with much water they grow too much lime yesterday, anal not. there i8 only and flower sparsely. Caenas require one. How is that? rich soil and plenty of wnt:r. Coleus Tolnnn'--lie[ e, it was s1 dark, and plants of this character do not Aunty, 1 didn't see that ons! 'b'unch. require much water.- For thein and geraniums we prefer frequent hoeing Poor -'Johnnie . to watering. Mother-Johuflle, f tau s wprise,l that Careful watering in the hardest you dare to dispute tenth your mother. thing to teach an inexperienced hand, 7oh:ury slut you are srodg, ora, both in the greenhouse and on the Aivther-That has nothing to (lo with lawn, If using a hose, sprinkle care it. You may just 4,e well 11 1111, encs for fully, having just enough force o all that when a' 1%0111011 says n thing it water without ,washing the ground. con 1 man an incident, years ago, when 1 lett an employer merely because I wanted to go to another city a thousand miles away. Several years later this old employer looped mo' up to say Haat the position held by my old manager was vacant and he would be glod to have me return and take it. "I. knew Smlh could not last and 1 always meant to give the job to you; it would have been vacant long before this only that you want away. But, of course, 1 couldn't tell you these things then," ho added. Those are condition. The lesson from them le that the young mann confident of himself ehauld have coafidoneo in lie employer as the ono reoulsite, Thereafter IC Is work and watt The New York American of Dec. tech, 1907, says the common house fly is one of the greatest enemies of man. It is '''The United Presbyterian. o, it is so, whether it is or rot, Hold the sprinkler near the ground and see that the water goes where you want it. In this way the ground will The Value. of Experience. become thoroughly soaked. Never Hs it hard to piropose to 0 girl?" stand off and throw water'at a flowver- 1)epends on the girl." bed. Geraniums should not have tho 1ill% 1 so?"flower heads watered if you can avoid "If ,1 `'•has been out several s0ason it it, as it spoils them completely. is liar 'tet til." -Philadelphia Inquire•. In the evening after sundown la the best time to supply water, as the RD MIR 0TH1RS. plants have all night to take up tho moisture,, for water is soon evaporated wilier -Tiro are hard tine I haasd of under the combined effects of wind a man the er day who ou'itn 1 raise mono even o • government bonds. and hot summer. -Suburban Life. Stiuiwit-lode (; What was the. reason? • ` Wilier -Well,' t II., see, he didn't have tho Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. bbads. .4, • . • sy. Hard on New England. A Remarkable Recovery. Mrs. Frank Stoebe, B. 1'. 1). 1, Apple- ton, Wis., write "1 began using Porn - nn a few weeks 030, when my health and strength were all gone, and 1 was nothing but a nervous wreck, could not sleep, eat or n0st properly, and felt 110 desire to live. 1'eruna made 100 look at life in a different light, as I began to regni11 my lost strength. "I certainly think 1'eruna fa without a rival as a tonic and strength builder." "Flow could from the girl, "How could y'olt in woman's garb "Hc did1101 diol) planned I lyssus, "e arou nci-\Vnsllingto Five Good Thing According to Lord Avebury , "Where do ,you come from i" important things in the world an -good "New eEngland." air, good water, good food good health "Ne, nlit! That's where re ofexplains and n good eonscielee; and they ;t r they keep the Sabbath and every other costly blamed thing they can lay their hands An UYhnecessary Question.' on." This was nn overemphasized tribute Dot'ls-'-Now, Irving, where 1s the ele- to New England s overemphasized thrift. -Appleton's pima found ? +0 - Irving -Why, iDora, Me is too big to Mina get lost. Mina 'distinguish Achilles A Now England clergyman was taking asked the Greeks, ' breakfast one Sunday morning in a Iso. et he )vasa man.' tel in a little western town. A rough old fellow across the table called over to hief," ex- ! him: "Goin' to the races, stranger?" The ',turned clergyman replied: "I don't expect to." Coin' to the ball gannet" No," "Well, where aro you groin'?" 113t"Irani going to church" s Diphtheria. Her Newspaper Acquaintance. Among the guests at a fashionable New York reception Ives a recently ap- pointed young editor of one of the dail- ies, who thought extremely well of him- self. Ile received an introduction to the thirteen -year-old daughter of his hostess. • "And how do you like newspaper men?" he tasked the little maid in a most condescending tone of voice, "I don't know," she replied artlessly; "the only one I !:now is the one who brings 0110 paper every morning."-Lip- pincott's. The Name of Black Watch On a Tag on a Plug of Black Chewing Tobacco Stands for Qnallty. 2273 What the Telephone Girl Heard. "Ilullol" "Hello!" "Is that you, Henry?" „3130„ "Will it be possible, (lo you think, for you to come home a little earlier than usual this afternoon? "I wish to—" "Say, is Mrs. Ilighmore calling on you?" "Yes. How did you know?" "You're using your company dialect and articulation nn me." •1♦ Making the Best of It. Hubby (while dressing) -That con- founded trial balance was running in my head ell night. \Vifey-John, you must tell the mane. ger and maybe 110 will give you extra pay for working overtime. -Boston Transcript. How to Know a Mad Dog. Hydrophobia is in reality so rare and so terrifying Hutt its symptoms and treatment are little understood. As a matter of fact, the commonly accepted xpression`of madness in a dog is often mitteading, The real mad dog does not shun water, as it is solid. On the con- trary, clad dogs often rush to the water and drink eagerly, 0 they aro able to swallow, The mad dog does not froth at the Mouth. It docs not run amuck, snapping at everything in its path. What, then, are the indications of the wad dog'1'l'o dose familiar with a given dog the surest symptom and the one which should excite closest attention 10 a distinct and unaccountable change hi the slog's disposition --a staid dog be- eenting excitable and a frisky one dull. That condition does 1101 necessarily mean shies, but it 10 suspicious, and if, in ad- dition, the dog has trouble in swallow- ing -as though it seemed to have a bone in its throat -beware! That dog should be instantly tied up, because if it be rabies it takes but a day or two for ferocious instincts to develop. The un- mistakable evidence, however, of 0 dog with rabies is the sticky, wht111811 saliva which covers the teeth and shows on the drawn lips. The eyes glare and are red; the dog has paroxysms of running fury, during which it barks hoarsely, with al. termite periods of tempo•nry exhaustion. -From Caspar Whitney'st'\ mw -Point," in the Outing Magazine for July. This woman says Lydia Pi Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured her. lioad her letter. Mrs. J. A. Laliberte, of 84 Artillerie St., Quebec, writes to Mrs. Pinkham : " For nix yearn I have been doctoring for female weakness, heart and nerves, liver and kidney trouble, but in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I can safely say I have found a cure. "1 was continually bothered with the most distressing backaches, headaches, and bearing -down pains, and I kept growing more and more nervous. " Lydia), Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound relieved me of all these distress- ing symptoms and made me a well woman. I would advise all suffering women, young or old, to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured tho wands o4 women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irre ilarities, periodic pains, backache, at bear - lug -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion,dizzlness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkbam invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. GRAY IHAiR A DISEASE COIORA'IOR is the only preparation that really restores (BRAY or FADED H1001 to its original color. All drug- gists, 31. Confidential advice given. Ad- dress the Color dor Corporation, '.170 King street west, Toronto. Ventilating the Bedroom, Dr, Woods Hutchinson, in the Amer- ican Jlogazine, gives the following ad- vice about the bed and bedroom: The bedroom should be well ventilated. , All windows should be open from the top at least one, and better two or three feet, so that a g311011' current of air eau be felt blowing 0c1008 the face, "Night air," as Florence Nightingale pithily re- marked, "is all the air there is to breathe at night" It is just as pure and as wholesome to breathe as day air. The temperature of the room should be about ri degrees to 00 degrees Fah- renheit, if possible. The clothing should be as light as It consistent with warmth, the mattress elastic but firm, the pillow as high as the breadth of the shoulder, so ars to keep the neck and head hori- zontal, ur slightly above, when lying on the side. Digby, N. S. Minard's Liniment Co, Limited: Gentlemen, -Lost August my horse was badly, cut in eleven places by a barb- ed [vire fence. Three of the cuts (small ones), healed soon, but the others be. came foul and rotten, and though I tried many kinds of medicine they had no beneficial result. At last 0 doctor ad- vised me to use MINA11D'S LINIMENT, and in foto' weeks' time every sore was healed and the stair has grown out over each one in fine condition. The Lini- ment is certainly wonderful in its work. nage JOHN R. HOLDEN. Witness, I'erry Braker. One Paint in His Favor. A witty priest, was.uco visiting a "self-made" millionaire, who took him to see his seldom used library, "There," said the millionaire, pointing to a table covered with books, "there are my best friends." "All," replied the wit, as he glanced at the leaves, "1'm glad you don't cut them," -Pick .tic Up. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, Fortunes Given Away by Britons. a lien's recent i t !.ofd Mount 6t p t gPs of £23,738 to the Royal Infirmary, Aber- deen, and of securities producing £7,000 a year to Bing Edward's Hospital fund are the latest proof, if proof were need- ed, that the American millionaire has no monopoly of regal munificence- Lord Strathcona's philanthropic gifts include £500,000 for the Royal Victoria Hospi- tal and £200,000 for a Woman's Inset• tote in Montreal; Sir Donald Currie not long ago gave' £150,000 for university education in London and Edinburgh; and Lord lveagh a quarter of a million for the foundation of the Guinness Trust. Ry gifts and bequests Mr, Geo. Herring enriched the ]hospital Sunday fund by £000,000; Mr. II. 0. Wills re- cently promised £100,000 toward the endowment of a university for Bristol and the west of England; the, late Lord Inverclyde bequeathed £300,000 for sea- men, and Lord Ashton gave £100,000 to Lancaster. -Westminster Gazette. ♦-• A Plaint. 1 cannot spell -I wish I coeds The dictionary is no gould To aid a boy in spelling write, And mother is too busy quight; She never can take time to sogh Whether a horse shotild "icy" m "nay." Whether to pen: "The pretty flhour Carne up an withered ht an ow'r," Or not, and anyhow I trig!' It's not correct to even ny. I'd like to be a sabagc, thein I'd never need to spell 'igen! -The Bohemian Magazine for July, - Shy. I courted Death upon the field of bat- tle. "What! right before everybody?" gig- gled Death, and shrank away. I was mortified, but net too proud to take the hint. Accordingly, 3 purchased an absolute- ly safe hammerless shotgun, and repair. ed with it to the woods, alone. -Detroit Journal. HUSBAND AND SON CURED A Mother's Praise of Zam•Buk Oakwood, Victoria. 1)ear Sirs, -I have greet pleasure in stating that 7,11111-1)1110 cued my husband of harbor's rash with twice rubbing, It also cured nay little boy of 0 dreadfully lad arm after vaccination. I know of several other cures it has affected and 1 cannot speak too highly of it. I am sure if people once. try It they will always use 1). •Yours truly, R. SAVILLE. Gant -Bok is healing, soothing and anti- septic, It quickly (teals wounds and skin troubles. Cetrtain cure for piles. Sold by all druggists and stores, 5011, a box, 3 for $1.23, The "Soo" is an Ancient Place. The summer visitor who sails up the Greet Lakes in a magnificent passenger steamer which joins ,tbe procession of vessels that crowds through -the locks of 1110 "Son." era hardly realize that this lnode'u-looking town is so closelyasso- ciated with the traditions of frontier life. The shores of the river and the low- er end of Lake Superior are largely peo- pled with Indians and half-breeds who cling to their tribal customs. They bring their canoe loaded with willow ware and other souvenirs for sale, and during the summer are a picturesque feature of street life at the "Soo," The visitor who sees a group of these na- tives, and then runs across perhaps two or three dog teams hitched to little bug- gies and wagons, waiting -outside the stores while their owners are shopping, is impressed with the curious mixture of the mist and present which is to be found in this Michigan town. -From The Outing Magazine for June. A Toilet Luxury Mira Skin Soap is a delight to every woman who values a soft, beautiful skin, Mira Skin Soap takes away all skin irritations -cures skin troubles -and keeps the skin clear and smooth, Elegantly perfused - refreshing - unsurpassed for toilet and bath. aye a cake -at druggists or sent on receipt of prlce. The Chem isle' Co. of Canada, r,lmlted, Hamilton, TRADE NARA 8E005010ED. SKIN SOAP 22 Study Them: Don't Kilts If, instead of shooting the birds, scotching the snake, smashing the beetle and pinching the tiny life out of the butterfly, we were to watch any one of these creatures on a summer day, the dry would pass like an hour, so packed with exeitnhg. experionee it would seem, Through what mysterious coverts of the woodland, into what haunted under- world of tunneled bank, and hidden ditches and secret passages the snake would show us the way; and we should have strange hearts if, as we thus watched it through its mysterious day, we did not find our dislike of the clever little creature dynh4t`n1Gwey, and even changing into a deep tenderness toward the 8111011, self-reliant life,, so lonely a speck of existence in so volt a world. -Success. 4-♦ Ten is more susceplihle to foreign in- fluences than even butter. This is why it should never be' liyiosed to the air or sold in bulk form. The sealed, lead packets of "Saluda" Tea ,preserve the tea in all its native goodness. Insist upon "Saluda." POLITE AT'TENTION. Waiter -(presenting plate before old man £real country) -For the music air, Old Man --(gathering the coins up off the plate). -Thank you. The music was pretty bad. •-• One packet of Wilson Fiy Pad's had actually killed a bushel of flies. •- A Useless Discovery. Columbus had ,just discovered Ameri- ca. "But," urged his wire, "it's no use, the hired girl objects, to the country." Crushed, he perceived the failure of his. mission. -New York Sun - ISSUE NO. 28, 19(»3 Her Sublime Admiration "011, deos', will 300 look at it again?" sighed ldro Howard Newcuno in an ees tasy of bliss, "Isn't it magnificent? Turn this way 110(0. A side glance brings out the traditional beauty, I have never seen anything so perfectly exquisite, Dear, do conte over here and look at it from this view. Ono world never believe that such a lovely thing existed in the world. The perspective is simply grand. How inspiring and noble, Hero is an. other view from the right. Doesn't it show off even to better advantage? I am simply entranced with adprhmtion." What is ldrs. Newcombe looking at? Some masterpiece 111 0 ptetnro gal- lery? No;indeed, It is a1 old kitchen chair site purohasqd at second -bald store, which she thinks is tf "genuine antique" -Frons the Jane Bohemian, PIAS CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION 1 N METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send mo your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for t'ial,,with references from your own locality, if requested. Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs, M, Summers; Box P. 8, Windeor, Ont. Choice of Trees by Lig;.laing. Now that the season of thunder storms is here, this long debated sub- ject assumes fresh interest. It has been rediscussed by Dr. A. W. Borthwick' lin "Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden e3 Edinburgh," who concludes that no tree is immune, and vnat lightning will strike one species quite as readily as an- other. In opposition to the popular be- lief that " it is quite safe under a beech, while the danger tinder a resinous tree or an oak is, respectively, 15 to 50 times as great," Dr. Borthwick says 'that the beech is struck quite as frequently as any other tree. Apparently the taller trees in any neighborhood are the ones most liable liable to be struck. No dead flies lying about when Wil- son's Fly Pads aro uoed as directed. From a Southern Sage. Charity can't never lover all de sinners what's hollering' fer clone, . It's bad ter fall by de wayside, but it's Muss than bad' ter lay dar au' hol- ler. Ef you don't keep Yellin' wid'tie west' you'll soon wake up ter de face'dat do wort' kin roll on without you. -Atlanta Constitution, All Druggists, Grocers and general etores sell Wilson's Fly Pada, Nature's Mat. Effie, on her first visit to "the coun- try, saw a number of chickens from the front porch of a farm house. The child watched the fowls for some time as they industriously scratched around. Finally she turned and ran to her mother. "Oh, mother," she cried, excitedly,' "tomo out on the poreband see the chickens wiping their feet on the grass." -Harper's Weekly, •-• Minard'e Liniment Cures Distemper. •- He Seldom. The head mistress of a certain pro- vincial school was one day examining a few of her select pupils in grammar. "Stand up, Juan, and make me a sentence containing the word 'sel- dom.' " she said, pointing to a small urchin. Juan paused as if in thought; then, with a flush of triumph on his face, replied: "Last week father had five horses, but yesterday he seldom 1" - Philippines Gossip. Miserable All The Time? Dull headaches -back aches -low spirited -hate the sight of food -don't sleep well -all tired out in the morning -no heart for work? GIN PILLS will matKe you well Your kidneys are affected -either through over- work, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that arc making you feel so wretched. Gin Pills cure sick kidneys -make you well and strong -give you all your old time energy and vitality. Cheer up -and take Gin Pills, 5oc, a box -6 for $2.50. Sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them, HOLE ©NUG CO. WINNIPEG, MAN. N ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE IN CANADA, ASK FOR EDDY'S MATCHES Eddy's Matches have Hailed from Hull since 1851—and Ithese 67 years of Constant Betterment have resulted iu Eddy's Matches reaching a Height of Perfection attained byNo Others. Sold and used everywhere in Canada, VagliMak