HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-07-09, Page 5JULY 9, 1908 -THE BLYTH STANDAW-PAGE FAT,
That we always carry a complete line of Wash Goode. Our Muellne,
Persian Lawes, Ginghams, Batistes, Clematis Cords, Organdie Plot-
elles, etc„ which we soil at 120 per yard, are the best ever shown in
this vicinity. Have a look and be convinced.
Highest prioes paid for Farm Produoe.
Sa u . mea. u
THE Blytit Lodge L. 0. L. will
celebrate in Ooderich this year,
SEND in any items of news. Our
readers, who live away from town,
will enjoy them,
ONE company from the 33rd Hur-
on Regiment will go to Quebec to
the tercentenary celebration.
A. LITTLE local advertisement in
THE STANDARD will save lots of
trouble when you want to buy or
sell something.
SOME stores were robbed in Luck -
now early Sunday morning and a
warrant has been issued for a local
resident of one of our neighboring
DunINo the past week John Stew-
, art and workmen have been putting
in a cement culvert on the Morris
and Grey boundary, a mile and a
quarter north of Walton.
THE baseball match on Saturday
evening played between the Wing -
Iain Juniors and Blyth Japs ended
at the end of the 6th innings with
the score 5.3 in favor of the home
team, The heavy thunder shower
stopped the game.
Orange Celebrations, July 13th
C. P. R.-GODEIIOR ; Special train
leaves Blyth at 9,40 a. In„ return-
ing leaves Goderich at 7.30 p. m. ;
fares, adult 60e, child 30c, LIsto-
WEL: Regular veins going ; special
leaves Listowel Monday at 6.20 p.
m., conneoting at Linwood for
Blyth ; fares, adult $1.35, child 70c.
Tickets above rates good going p.
tn. trains Saturday, good to return
Tuesday. <Purchase tickets at C. P.
R. Tows Office, J. McMur'chie, Ag't,
MATRIMONIAL. -We COpy the fol-
lowing lnteresting note from the
Deloraine (Man.) Tithes which refers
to a wedding of interest to our
readers as many of the party lived
nett' Blyth :-A very pretty wed-
ding was solemnized et the home of
Mrs, R. Anderson when her daugh-
ter, Annie Mae, and R. H. Shaw
were united it the bonds of matri-
mony, Rev, J. J. Pryde officiating,
Mrs. Pryde played the wedding
march as the bride entered, leaning
on the arta of B. Quinn, of Napinka,
The bride was beautifully attired in
white embroidered silk trimmed
with Duchess satin and valelciennes
lace and carried a boquet of carna-
tions. Miss Edith Corbett acted as
bridesmaid and Ed. Anderson, broth-
er of the bride, supported the groom,
After the ceremony the guests sat
down to a dainty supper, and toasts
and speeches were in order. The
groom's gll't to the bride was a
pretty gold watch. The happy
couple who are highly esteemed by
a targe circle of friends, were the
recipients of many beautiful and
useful presents. Among the invited
.guests were 13. anti Airs. Quinn, J.
and Mrs. Scott, It and Mrs. Coombs,
formerly of Blyth, and J. and Mrs.
Pepper, formerly of Brussels,
THE wild raspberry 18 ripe and
is reported to be very plentiful.
DON'T forget to see advt, asking
for a new Secretary -Treasurer for
Blyth's Big Fair.
Now get busy everybody and let
us make the Blyth Fair a red hot
hummer this year,
LAST Thursday was the first even-
ing of early closing for the stores of
Popiestone & Gardiner and S. H.
Gidley, Don't forget, buyers, that
these stores close every Thursday
evening during July and August,.
Ow Dominion Day R. H. Knox and
his household had a feast of new po-
tatoes, beans and peas for dinner,
This is certainly rushing the season,
past week Jos. Stothers purchased
the old STANDARD office from A. E.
Brad win, of Galt, and also the lot to
the west of the building from Wm.
Reil of town, Both lots aro good
pieces of property.
THE W, 0, T. U. will hold their
regular meeting on Wednesday
evening, July 15th, in the Metho-
dist church instead of this Wednes-
day, on account of the Sunday
School Institute being held in the
Presbyterian church.
TRE proper place for children
after dark is at hotne and In bed,
Daylight affords them ample time
fur out -door recreation and confronts
thein with as many temptations as
their weak little natures are able to
withstand, hard it is to understand
father or mother sitting contentedly
in their homes while a boy or girl of
15, 12 and sometimes 10 yeare is
parading the streets at night. The
father and mother expect the child,
who at an early age 18 needlessly
subjected to grave dangers that lurk
in late hours, to grow up to noble
manhood or pure womanhood,
Shocked they would be if the veil of
the future were lifted and they
could see their darling boy or girl a
moral wreck or social outcast.
ORITUAnY.-The Stratford Beacon
of Friday lust made reference to the
death of Mrs. T. F. Quirk, who was
formerly Helen Coloton and was a
resident of Blyth in her younger
days. Deceased was a sister of
Mrs, J. B. Kelly, of Guderieh, The
Berson says: -Mrs. Quirk, wife of
'I'. F. Quirk, a prominent liquor
merchant of this city, died Thursday
afternoon after several weeks' ill-
ness from acute gastritis. A family
of live small children, besides Ole
hnaband, survive. The funeral took
place from her late residence on
Saturday morning at 8.30. A large
number accompanied the remains to
St. Joseph's church, where the usual
rites were observed previous to in-
terring the rennins in Avondale
cemetery. Rev, Dean McGee eon.
ducted the services. The pall.
hearers were Messrs. John Way, P.
J. Kelly, J. J. C u.hiin, Wm. Daly,
J. A. Duggan and M, Kelly,
Any quantity of Eggs and
Butter at the highest cash
Standard Butter Boxes for Bale.
GENERAL Servant Wanted at once.
Apply to M•s. J. McMnrchie,
MARKET REPORT.- Wheat 75-75 ;
Barley 95-45 ; Oats 45-45 ; Peas
80-80 ; Bran 22i-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ;
Butter 17-18 ; Eggs 15-16 ; Flour
SPacwAt, 'fuAly. - On July 13tH 8
special C. P. 11, Hain will leave
Guelph, arriviog in lilvih lit 9.90
a. in., to carry tali those. willing to
celebrate at the Orange demu(stra•
tion in (J derfch that, tiny, 'rhe
fare from 131vth is GOe. The train
leaves Go derieb in the evening at
7.30 p, m.
THE 11 i n Sunday
Schools will tun their popular an-
nual excursion from :Mitchell to
Kincardine on Wingham's Civic
Holiday, 'Thursday, July 301h. The
G. '1', It. will run two special trains
on that dace, calling at all internie-
dlete stations. For time, fares and
all particulars see large posters,
TUESDAY evening, June 30211, the
ladies of Blyth Methodist church
met at the parsonage to say fare-
well to their pastor's wife, Before
leaving the following aridress was
read : 'Dear Mrs. Anderson, -We
have often met in your home to en-
joy your open-handed hospitality
and the cheerful company of your
interesting farnhly. Tonight we
come with a somewhat different
intent -to express our regret that
you are removing from us and to
spew in some slight way our affec-
tion for you and appreesation of
your work while with us. Though
having many household cares you
could always spare some time to
help in missionary and other church
enterprises. Your presence has
been like a ray of sunshine among
us and your unselfish devotion to
God's cause an inspiration, As a
memento of the happy association of
the past we ask you to accept this
chair with the earnest wish that
yor. may be spared many yeareof
usefulness in your home. to society
and to the church, Your lady
friends of the Methodist congrega-
tion," Aire, Anderson, though com-
pletely taken by surprise, fittingly
replied. The company then sang
"Blest be the tie that binds," and
Thomas Roberton is on the mend.
Mrs. George Thompson is improv.
Miss ChidleY was the guest of
Miss Barr last week.
Miss L, Young, of Brantford, is
home for her vacation.
The young people enjoyed them-
selves at Bayfield on the 1st,
Alfred Lawrence, of Welland, le
the guest of M. Braithwaite at pres-
The annual socials held in this
place last week were a decided suc-
Air. and Airs, John Manning, of
Woodstock, aro visiting relatives
Rev, Mr. Curry has gave on a
short holiday during which tune
Rev. Air. Leckie will take charge of
his duties here,
Blyth Council.
The regular meeting of Blyth
Council was held in Industry Hall
on Monday evening, The Reeve
was in the chair and Councillors
Bainton, Carter, Chellew and Hill
were present.
The minutes of last regular meet-
ing and third sitting of the Court of
Revision were read by Clerk Elder,
and it was moved by J. I -h Chellew,
seconded by A. Mikan, that the
same be confirmed, -Carried.
On motion of J. H. Chellew, sec-
onded by A. Bainton, the following
accounts were ordered to be paid :-
'rile STANDARD, account $ 1 28
0. H. Beesc, pumping water28 50
W. J. Andrew, gravel.,,..... 42 50
David Cowan, salary as asses-
sor, etc, , 41 25
A. Tunnel', work on atreero 96
.1. E. Taman, work on streets.., 3 20
7. Vincent, salary as engineer. , fit 00
Isaac Brown, tile account 411 20
S. Westlake, salary 40 50
John Wilford, coal for fire hall23 04
Proudtoot, Heys & Blair, legal., it 00'
Children Enjoy It
"I have used Ooltsfeete Expectorant
with the greatest satisfaction with my
children. It is a wonderful cure ror
colds and Bore throat. 1 believe it ea,'
ed the life of my little son, who was
very sick from a protracted cold on his
Orangeville, March 15, 1807.
"I am greatly pleased with the good
results we got from Ooltsfoote Expec-
torant, I get great comfort with it for
my children."
.171 Argyle St., Toronto.
Coltsfoote Expectorant is the great.
est home prescription for all throat and
chest troubles in the world, No home
should be one hour without it, You
can have free sample by sending name
to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. All
good druggists keep it. Price, 25c.
Send for Free sample To -day.
Secretary -Treasurer Wanted
for Blyth's Big Fair
Applications, stating salary for induce
of ear, will be received u toIn. or
Y P 7 p.
Tuesday, July 141b, at which tinea meet-
ing of Directors will he held. Apply to
)frank Metcalf, Blyth.
Tne business stand of the late John W.
Bell, Barnessmake', being part lot 5, Mc-
Donald's survey, Blyth. Offers will be
received by the undersigned until August
nth, 1908.
The estate Is being wound up and thie
desirable property must be sold.
Full particulars on application to
P. Matadi', 1'Administrators.
A. Elder,
Farm for Sale
That very valuable farm belonging to
the undersigned, situated three miles
from Auburn station, six miles from
Blyth, 200 aures, school at corner of lot,
20 acres of hard -wood hush, 2 acres of
orchard, first-class buildings, well fenced,
well watered, in a high state of oultiva'
tion and excellent sell, one of the best
farms in the country Terms easy. Ap-
ply THOS. BROWN, Blyth.
Dominion Express Co.,.........1 00
8290 27
Moved by L. 11111, seconded by J,
Curter, that clause with regard to
rale track be struck out with regard
to repair and that tato Clerk com-
plete tine lease with the Fair Asso.,
and pay the 820 on completion of
said lease. -Carried.
Moved by J. Carter, seconded by
L. Hill, that the Clerk get 25 bilis
printed calling for tenders for 300
cu, yards, more or less, of gravel to
be delivered in Blyth, subject to the
inspection of the Chairman of Streets.
Said tenders to be In the Clerk's
hands by July 20111, all gravel to be
delivered by 1st of Sept., 1908, -
Moved by .5. Carter, seconded by
L. Hill, that this Council purchase
Seager& Criminal Code Manuel at
$3, -Carried.
Moved by L. 1I111, seconded by J.
U. Chellew, that this Council accept
the offer of Blyth Bowling Club of
$3 per year for use of water piping
on Mill street. -Carried.
Moved by A. 1311fnton, seconded
by L. Bill, that By-law No. 9, 1898,
and 13y.law No, 9, 1900, be amend•
ed to read after the word huge in A.
the 16tH line of By-law No. 9, 1898,
0 NOTICE -Store closes on Thursday evenings at
•) 6 o'clock during July and August.
! 000./0x0
Cut Prices on White Waists
$1.25 Embroidered White Waist now $l.00.
1.5o „ „ 1.2o.
1.75 " I.40.
2,00 " 1.50.
2,25 1.75.
These goods are specially priced and cannot be
punched on tickets,
Fancy Colored and Black Parasols
A beautiful and full range of Parasols at 750,
$1,00, $1.25, $t.5o, $1.75 and$2,00.
50c Boys' Blouses now 35c
A small quantity of Boys' Blouses, worth 6oc
and 50c, to clear at 35c,
Hydegrade Heatherbloom
Manufactured by A. G. I-Iyde & Son, New
York. The best goods for skirts, waists and gen-
eral wear. We guarantee the goods to give wear
at 5oc.
Men's Summer Underpants at 25c
A lot of Men's Underdrawers, in medium and
light weights, to sell at 250.
Union Sox 2 pairs for 25c
Men's Grey Union Socks, splendid duality,
seamless, full sizes and good wearers, at 2 pairs
for 25c.
'• Bring us your 05g
er 0000000000,0 000',0'0970/0100,00
Always top price.
GROCERIES a full line kept
Cared Masts and Breakfast Pools for the hot weather.
Wooden ware --Potato Mashers, nutter howls and l,adels, Towel, clothes and
Hat hacks.
Crooks and Flower I'ots of ail kinds.
Coal 011 --the best.
flour-Alanitoba, hive Star, Choice Family, and I now handle the Exeter.
Goods delivered to any part of town.
Cash for Butter and Eggs.
"and that all cows and horses are
prohibited front being tied or teth-
ered for grazing purposes on any
street within this corporation. --
Moved by J. H. Chellew, seconded
by J. Carte', that this Council do
now adjourn. -Carried,.
Lowest Rates
North = West
by any route are those on C. P. 11. Home -
seeker.' Excursions, which are now run
via new Muskoka line. Hours saved en
old schedule. 60 -day return tickets to all
N rth-West points, at ranging from
Winnipeg return En
to Edmonton return $ 2t60
JULY 7, 21. AUG. 4, 18. SEPT. 1, 15, 29
Comfortnhle berths In tourist sleeping
oars at small extra cost. Apply early for
A Trip to Dluskoka
To Parry Sound or to any of the delight-
ful Georgian Illy resorts is most e. mfort-
ably and quickly made by taking the C.
P. R. Past traits over new direct line -
service, tine and tqulpment without
rq nal. For any information see
or write C. B. Foster, I), P. A„ 'Toronto.
IMPROVED machinery
will not, or itself, pro-
duce good flour.
You may be an excellent
cook, but you cannot pro-
duce light, wholesome
baking unless the flour you
use be the kind that permits
such results.
So in the milling; machin-
ery alone cannot produce
Royal Household Flour
out of the wrong kind of wheat any more than you
can make the right kind of bread or pastry out of
the wrong kind of flour.
Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour is made from
hard spring wheat -a wheat that is rich in nutriment,
that grinds fine and white, and produces; bread and
pastry that are wholesome and nourishing as well as
light and crisp -it's a flour that begins;-fo'be good in
the wheat fields, not in the mills
Your gtOr prefers to
sell ygtt' gilvie's Royal
11pusehold Flour because
h":knows the value of a
04 pleased customer.
Ogilvie Flour Minis Ci., Ltd.