HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-07-09, Page 1VOL. XXI,
50 ee s,gets THE STANDAAB to
the first of% suffer 1909 to new sub-
scribers In denude.
The Famous Pedestrian
"I was a martyr to catarrh of the
head, throat and stomach. I was so bad
the doctors; feared consumption. I
tried many physicians and medicines.
A rfriend suggested Peychine, I tried
it and it was the only thing ever did
roe any good. I am now perfectly well.
It is the greatest remedy the world
has ever known. I do not need It for
my health now but I use it as a
strengthener for my walking matches. I
owe much of my physical endurance to
Port Hope, Ont.
Payehiae le the greatest cure for
catarrh of the head, throat or stomach
in the world. It ie a wonderful tonic
and strengthener of run down system,
acting directly on all the vital organ•,
giving youthful vigor and strength to
the system, At all druggists 50e, and $1,
or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
2•••••••• ••••••••••• •••••
• •
June, July end August leade into •
per fall term without any break. •
Enter any time. New catalogue •
free, Write for It today. •
Central Business College •
• The largest and most reliable of Its •
kind, ' •
j Yonge and Gerrard Ste„ Toronto. .
• W. H. Shaw, Principal. •
IS••••••• N•••••• •••••••••
White Crag Drug Store
Spring Talk
The seasoner the year le here when
everyone turns their attention to clean-
ing up the wrecks of winter and getting
In shape for the busy time. We are
right an the job with a fresh stock of—
Formatdedyde 6570 (Mark's)
Chloride of Lime
Moth Balis
Carbone AIM
Sootoh Sauff
Don't forget that we are sole agente for
Blatobford'e Calf Meal and Empire Poul.
try Duster.
Mr, We, the nejvorganist and choir
leader of the Presbyterian church,
assumed his new duties on Sunday.
The furniture factory closed on Sat-
urday to allow for stock•tnking.
The Seaford' public school closed on
Friday last in order to permit the cou-
tioctors to commence alterations In
the building so that everything will be
completed by school opening time in
the fall.
At the monthly meeting of the di-
rectors of the McKillop Insurance Co,
a large number of claims wore settled
for damage caused by lightning during
the recent thunder storms, The claims
amounted to over 52000,
The Hurons went to Preston last
Monday to play the. return game in the
senior championship seriee. Owing to
a breakdown on the' railway they were
delayed in getting to Preston till the
referee had, according to the rtilee,
awarded the game to Preston. The
circumstances of the delay were ex-
plained but still Preston refused to
play, It is probable that when the
matter is placed before the executive
committee the W. F. A. will require
the game to be played off, ae it was in
no way 'the fault of the Hurons that
they were not on the grounds in time,
Sidney Sanders last week purchased
from the estate of the late John Gould,
the house near the -railway track on
amen street,
The Exeter voters' this year non -
tains the names of 655 voters, an in-
crease of 20 over last year.
Pine canning factory has commenced
the canning of peas, The crop is a
good one. In consequence the pack
will he large.
Hensall bowlers were here on July
1st and played four games with the
Exeter bowlers. The visitors won by
11 points on the day's play, Many of
the homestere were green players and
mixed in the rinks,,.
One of the best games of ball that
have been played on the Exeter dia-
mond for years was played last'I'htn•s.,
day night between Centralia and Exe•
ter teams, resulting in a victory for
the visitors 8 5,
The quoit players are putting in
some good practice with a view of tak-
ing down some of the prizes at the
London tournament to be held shortly.
Burley Beduins, of McGillivray, the
young man who wee up before the
magistrates some weeks ago on a
Stenographers and
trained by our management lost
year, Experience counts, Grade-
ates most sueoeesful. Speoial
mune for teachere, Mail courses.
Send postal for particulars.
Business College
Geo, Spotton, Prlu.
The 1st of June the wholesale houses started cleaning
out their odds and ends and that meant a big cut in prices.
We bought a lot of Worsteds and Tweeds and the goods
have just arrived, so we are now in a position to give you
great value for your money. We can give you an
$18.00 Suit, to your measure, for $14.00
$14,00 it $10.00
Come in and inspect these goods.,
" $12.00
Store closes on Thursdays at Six o'clock
during July and August.
charge of indecent assault, preferred
by a young girl of Stephen, and who
was allowed out on hall to appear for
trial at Goderich, had his hearing he -
fore the)'udge last Tuesday, He was
acquitted, the judge giving him the
benefit of a reasonable doubt,
Mr, Owen, of New York, President
of the Ultimo Knitting CO., was here
and was so meeli•pleased wish the pro-
gress of the factory and the prospects,
that lie decided to very considerably
increase the output and additional
machinery will rlt once be installed for
the purpose.
All the wards of the hospital ore full
of patients.
Mowat Chowell, who has been em-
ployed oil the line of the Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway, elmo+t eat of civili-
zation for 00veral months, is home
Miss Lucy Stevens will attend the
first Missionary Normal School to be
held at St, Thorium from July 9th to
16th as tihe representative of the On-
tario street league.
The first issue of the New Era made
its appearance on July atlh, 1865, and
it it therefore 49 years old lust week ;
its present editor helped to get out the
first issue, and the great majority of
those since.
Mr, Fleming, Secretary for the Y.
ttf, C. A., who will have his office in
Clinton, is being introduced to the
people here by. Mr, Cullen, County Or.
ganizer, Mr. Fleming will move his
family as soon as he gets a h000e.
Balloons In Nuron County.
Nino balloons started from Chicago
late on Saturday afternoon on a race
from that city to the ocean, and of the
nine five came into Cnada, The win-
ner wee the Fielding -Stat Antoine,
which landed at West Shepard, Quo„
at 5 o'clock Sunday evening, 625 miles
from the starting point. It won both
the distance and the time prize. Among
the contestants was a balloon called
the King Edward entered by the Aero
glob of Canada, which, however, did
not seek its native air but landed three
miles north of Pert Huron after a
thrilling experience over Lake Huron,
One balloon, the Illinois, dropped into
the Bay of Quitlte, it few miles from
Pioton, and the occupants were rescued
by two Pieter) men.
The Columbia dropped on the Bay-
field road, about a mile from Clinton,
at 8.15 a, to. Sunday, In landing the
basket struck o wire fence and the
occupants, Capt. Peters and Mr,
Leichliter, were severely cut about
the hands, but not otherwise 1111ured.
The balloon Chicago, atter being
sighted at Sextortit, landed safely at
Atwood, Perth Co,
The United States landed in Bruce
Co. near Pinkerton village, At Bervie
three cards from the airship were
picked up, hearing messages for Chi -
0000, one of them containing .tine start-
ling information that the Cenedian
Balloon, the King Edward, was floet-
ingin the water between Chicago and
Joe, end asking that help be dispatch-
Catarrh Now Curable
But Never by Medicines Swallowed,
Snuffs, Sprays or Douches
Catarrh is not a blood disease and
that is why it cannot be cured by any
medicine taken into the stomach. Ca-
tarrh is a germ trouble contracted from
the germ -laden air you breathe inward.
These gerine fasten themselves in the
tissue and air cells of the breathiig
organs, multiply by millions, cause
sneezing, coughing, raising of raucous,
discharge from the nose, difficulty in
breathing, hoarseness, dryness and
stoppage of the Bose,) tickling in the
throat end other symptoms that can
only be reached by the dry air princi-
pal of Hyomel.
It medicates the air you breathe wit h
the curative properties of the Austra-
lian Eucalyptus forests where catarrh
is unknown,
The reason you get relief in it minute
or two from Hyomei is because it de
stroys every catarrhal germ in the air
you breathe, and its dry penetrating
aroma will reach the innermost recess-
es of the air passages, killing millions
of germs a. minute, 'Their destruction
moans freedom for oppressed respira-
tory organsr44J, M. Hamilton sells
Byrne' udder a guarantee of satisfac-
tion or money back, Price, $1,00.
John Wright, Brussels, hoe one of
Nature's curiosities in his Baden in
the shape of a peartree blooming for
the second time this season with the
second crop of fruit apparent. Last
year there were three different appear-
ances of blossom followed by three re-
turns of fruit.
The house and lot of Samuel Craw-
ford, Williatn street, has been sold to
Robert Dark of town who will get pos-
session in August, the price being $700.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, who have
been old and respected residents of
Brussels, will remove to Duluth where
their son Wm. is residing, Mies Clara
wi11 accompany her parents,
Subscribe for Tlrp STANDARD
The annual decoration of the graves
of deceased Odd Fellows took place
last Sunday afternoon in ,Brussels
cemetery, There was a fairly good
turnout, of the brethren in the marsh
from the longe room. IV, Griffith was
mershell, The service was taken by
W. H. McCracken'anti 11. Leatherdele,
The following officers of St. ,lobo's
Lodge, 281, A. F. & A, \l., were in-
stalled Wednesday evening :—P. 3,
Bishop, I. P. M. ; I. C. Richards, W.
ll, ; S. H, Jackson, 8. W, ; 1-i. DIM -
can, J. W. ; W. C. Duncan, Chep. ;
i. Fox, Treae. ; J, Wright, See. ; R.
Crone, S, D, ; A. Rnyman, ,l. D. ; 1\r;
Wilton, 8. S, ; '!'hos, W, Rohe, .I. 8, ,
W, W. Harris, I. G, ; J. Y. S, Kirk.
Woman Murdered in Chicago Came
From Wingham.
A special despatch to the Globe from
Wingham gives the following per-
ticulare :—
Willghahn was the native place anti
for many years the home of Fanny
Gilmore, who was found strangled to
death in Chicago a week ago. She leas
the youngest girl in a family of live
sisters and three brothers. Her father,
the late Robe 't Gilmore, died many
years ago. He was a somewhat ec-
centric character, who had swell 601'•
vice in the British army in both East
and 'Nest Indies, For a time the fam-
ily lived in the Village of Blyth, 12
miles south of here. After removing
to Wingham the old pensioner kept a
small market garden and a couple of
1201'0, and often sent Fatlny to carry
milk to his customers among the
Not long after the old man's death
his widow married again and the fam-
ily soon became scattered. The eldest
son joined the Northwest Mounted Po-
lice. and afterwards settled at Mac-
leod, Alberta. Lily, the eldest girl,
joined a circus troupe and met her
death In some mysterious way in
Texas. Another sister married' in
Canada, hut was afterwards divorced
ar,d went on the stege in New York,
Still another went to Colorado where
she and her husband run lin opera
hous), Fanny oscillated for a time
between Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal
and Detroit, but afterwards went to
Chicago Where her life Was s0 suddenly
and tragically ended,
Mrs. Gilmore soon eeparated from
her second husband anti a few years
later died deserter( and alone in her
little frame house on the outskirts of
the town. Harold, who was the 'bird
and. youngest sol of. the family, worked
for a time as a telegraph operator here,
and n fterwards at Lucknow, Torotr. o
and Chicago.
An advertisement in THE STANDARD
Good Advertising Brings Dollars,
There was once a man,
0 Mork 921113111 tells us, who Q`
yj>< wouldn't shingle his roof
S.[ when the sun shone because
>) 11 wasn't necessary, and when Q
Y• ,
it rained he couldn't. So lie Sj^�'l
never got anywhere, �J
`I here are some business
folks who won't advertise
when business is good because
they say they don't need it ; 0;
and when business is poor
they decide they 124101 5501(1
it. And they never got any- iJi;
Your business, like your-
self, should be well dressed
always, whether seeking new
bu0in00s or declining it, for
your O'nu•acter and individu-
ality should be maintained at
all points of fortune's coo- �•
pass, Let nssubnlitestimates rA
0• and contract for a space in
this paper.
•••• ••••••••••• ••• •••••••
• Tell it to the
•••••••••••••••• ••••••••e
While the Public le Invited to make
use of this column for the expression of
personal views on public matters and
public men, personalities are debarred and
In all cases the suitability of the eom-
muuloatIou for publication Is a matter to
be decided by the Editor.
Without differences of opinion there
would, of course, be no correspondence,
and for the opinion of our correspondents
and their differences with our own THE
STANDARD (oust dhclgim responsibility.
The Fall Fairs.
Toronto Aug, 29 -Sept. 1.4
Loudon Sept. 11.•19
Listowel Sept. 16.17
Elmira ,,,.Sept.22-29
Winglham Sept. 24-25
Blyth .Sept. 2B-30
Ripley,,.. , Sept, 29.21
Brussels Oct. I-2,
Fordwieh.... ,,,,Oct, !t
'l'eeswater Oct, 6 7
Dhnlgaunon ................:Oct, 7 8
This brand—on a bag or barrel—is the mark
of a I3LENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall
Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled
by the best millers in Ontario.
Ask your grocer for a Blended Four—and
look for the above brand wherever you buy.
"Made in Ontario"
On common fences the continuous
wire stays are sure to bend and the locks
toles• their grip under continual pre••
sure of your horses or cattle. And once
they do, the top wird, soon followed by
those bolow, will sag, and. destroy the
efficiency of your fence.
Nothing like that can happen to our
Dillon ninge-8tay Fence. Tho short,
stiff hard steel wire in our hinge -stays
cannot bend when the lateral wires are
weighted down, owing to their being so
short and jointed at each strand wire.
Press ire of a horse on the top wire brings the "hinges" in the stays into action
and prevents them from betiding, and when pressure is relieved the fence springs back
into place again, -
The lateral wires aro nigh -Carbon Pard Stool and soiled to provide for
expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and are also orlmped at the intersection
of the stays and strands to prevent tho stays from slipping sideways -therefore no locks
aro needed.
Buy the Dillon Pingo.Stay Fence. It's "twice as strong." Twice as good an
investment. Catalogue tree.
The Owen Sound Wfre Fence Co:, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont.
is the best investment for
idle funds. It offers
absolute safety, and
pays interest four
times a year.
"2> 1)I,YT1-I •�