HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-07-02, Page 8Cure Your
Dwzdru /7
Why? Because itis annoying,
untidy. And mostly, because
it almost invariably leads to
baldness. Cure it, and save
your hair. Get more, too, at
the same time. All easily done
with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new
improved formula, \ Stop this
formation of dandruff !
Does not change the color of the hair.
Formols with each bottle
Show it to your
q tooter
gars dek him about it,
then CIO as be says
The new Ayer's Hair Vigorwill certainly
do this work, because, first of all, it de-
stroys the germs which are the original
cause of dandruff. Having given this aid,
nature completes the cure. The scalp is
restored to a perfectly healthy condition.
---.Mato by the 1, C. dyer Co., Lowell, Mae.
You always pay
too much when
Y pay ay too little
Paradoxical but tette,
Particularly whoa buying Gro-
Nearly every article of eatables
can he adulterated,
Many of thein often are.
Constant vigilance is required to
keep undesirable goods front creep-
ing into a grocery stock.
One of 011, most persistent sinners
is Canned (oods, Thousands and
tbousauds of them put up every
year. Sanotodv sells then[,
Somebody buysthelu.
Somebody eats them,
This grade of canned goods is very
common, lint this store has never
sold It rim of it to a customer 110 its
life, and it never will.
Our wily is firsts or nothing in
everything, always.
80111'II. iNolr1 n.
em pm
040 3301
6 43 :3 33
7 00 :t 56
714 401
803 4 311
8 15 4 47
8 22 4 52
8 35 5 05
846 513
8 59 5 28
905 530
9 12 5 37
'9 21 5 40
9 29 5 54
9 30 5 58
9 37 8 00
945 010
am put
Wingham 1150 7:35
Wingham Jot. ,11 48 7 25
Relgrave `11 40 713
Blyth 11 28 7 00
Londesboro ' .77= 20 0 52
Clinton 10 15 '23 05 0 85
Brucefield 0 58 0 19
Kippen 9 50 6 11
Hensel! 0 44 0 05
}Exeter 9 30 6 54
Centralia 11 18 6 43
Ciandeboye 9 09 5 34
L men Crossing S 05 580
Henfield 8 55 5 25
Ildertoll 8 45 5 15
Ettrick 8 35 5 07
Hyde Park Crossing 8 211 5 02
Hyde Park Jet,. 8 24 5 00
London 8 15 4 50
Connections are made at Wingham for
all stations en the Palmerston and ILin-
ca'dlne branch,
Connections are made at Clinton for all
stations on the Buffalo and Goderieh
branch, end all stations from Stratford to
Connectlone are made at Lunn Crossing
for all etatlons west to Sarnia,
Connections are made at London for all
stations east and west on the main line.
4 Table
Gbdeeloh ]n', 8.00 ane. 2.30 p. te,
Aubuxn .. " 8.20 " 2.50 "
1)lyth 7S,.. ' 8.30 " 3,4111
Walton,': " 0,41 " 3.11
Milvert ; ' 0.14 " 3.43
llmira.a),+. ' 9.53 " 4.17
Guelph +
,.'? P , ' 1018 " 4,43
Toronto Ar, 12.19 0,35
al ilverton
800 a.m.
0.21 "
.21 '
0'3 `
and others during del
4 15
8 18
Rtmainsopen throughout the summer
end molly.. students enter at this time.
We hart a greater attendance this year
than ever before, Graduates readily tae.
cure employment, Write today for hand -
sums catalogue. 1; pays toettrnd the
bes lir. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. I c
pop, Yonge and Alexa n.,et. Sts., Toronto, u
'Mi-o-na Means
Stomach Comfort
It's of Special Valuo to Many
Here in Blyth
A noticeable discovery and one 11,80
appeals especially to many people in
Myth isthe Ali-o-na treatment. This
prt'paraticit works wonders 111 CaOO Of
indigestion or weak stomach,
Itacts directly upon the walls of the
Stomiteh and bowels, strengthening and
stimulating Imuhuin them so that they readily
take care of the food that is eaten
without distress or suffering.
So positive are the good effects fol-
lowing the 1100 of AII-0-110that the
remedy is sold by ,1, A, Hamilton
under an absolute m15151)8010 refund
the looney if it fails to cure, A 60
cent box of It'li-0•na will do the good
the stomach needs which is simply to
make it do its own work.
Minor Locals,
Danger in Corn Salves
They usually co1umn1 acids and Moro
the flesh, The one site cure to liquid
form is Putmun's Palul085 Cern Ex-
tractor, to', which is purely vegetable,
eause0 no pain and ewres in one day.
Don't forget the name-Poianll'S.
Fall and Winter Assizes
Tho date of the autumn lettings and
winter asdi1WS for she county of Huron
have been unnnnitced. The jury ast
sizes will he held at Godorieb on Sep
tembor 22nd before Justice Anglin, and
the non -jury assizes on' Dec, let before
Justice MacMahon,
Overtaken by Nausea
You don't know whether it's going
to stay dowel or come up. You feel
like thirty cents and loop even worse.
If 0110 thing IS 011icktn' 011011 soothe'
it's N0rvili ae, Ten drops in sweetened
10Iter gives relief' instantly'. Ahnoet
like music is the change you experi-
ence, Tito cause of 111e nausea is re-
moved, every 8ynlptom of vomiting
mid indigestion is cured within tett
minute's, . When Poison's Nerviline is
KO trusty tend economies], a bottle at
home woulde't he 511188, Largo Dues
for a quarter at all dealers,
On July 1st, next the act respecting
the standard weight of bread will come
into force in Ontario. All greed, other
than f0nc,,0 bread, must weigh either
or 3 pounds per loaf. Fancy bread
mist [weigh either 10 or 20 01111068 per
loaf and half affixed to the button; of
the loaf a label showing the name of
the Maker, the weight of the loaf and
that the bread is fancy bread.
Almost Dead of Bronchitis
Po' people have suffered more than
John P. Teylo', of Dyment, Ont, 'to-
day he is well and writes : "I must tell
you how much Caterrhozooe bits been
to ate. I was so bad with bronchitis
sometimes I thought it 5000111 soon be
over with ane. A spell of 0501)1ng
would 00)00 on that left me prostrated
and weak. Since using Cata'rhozone
I have had n0 trouble et all. It
strengthened my throat, stopped the
cough, gave me free breathing and en -
d101,)' cured," Just the usual experi.
once. Catarrhoznpe invariable cures
whether Bronchitis, Asthma or Ca
teeth. r100 sizes, 25e and $1 at al
'there are days of dizziness, spells of
drowsiness, headuche, sideache, back-
Sometimes rheumatic pale after eri-
uary trouble.
You are plainly told that the Kid-
neys 11) a sick.
Booth's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney
Mrs. Thornes Wanless, of Main St„
Rath, says : "1 had suffered with a
number of symptoms of kidney trouble
for the past two years and very often
found difficulty ill getting anything
that would relieve me, My' back was
tender and a heavy dull pain would
mule in my sides and extoudaround
ley body. Headaches end spells of
dizziness were frequent and I could find
no relief, 'nib urine plainly told the
disordered state of thekidne,es and the
kidney secretions were greatly ills•
ordered and frequent. Booth's Kidney
Pills were advertised, and procuring e
box at Mr, Hamilton's I commenced
treatment. They seemed to benefit me
from the first and it WKS a cutnpare•
lively short tune when the pains had
left my back The kidney secretions
108)5 regulated, the twine cleared and
the headaches and spells have not
troubled me since,"
Sold ley defilers. price 50 cents. The
11,'1'. Booth Cu., Ltd,. Fort Erie, 0111.,
sole Canadian agents.
Knighthoods for Canadians.
0:00d0 fixut'eswith 00108promin0nce
in the Ni 10'0 Birthday honors, which
tnrinde Hnighthonds for Chief Justice
1V. G. l'alceuhridge of the king's
Bench, Ontario, and Chief Justice II,
T. 'I'aschereett of the Icing's Bench,
I nehec. B,th are made linight0
echelon. Sir George Fitzpatrick,
Chief Justice e Court of
e of Do ninlon 10 made an me o ber of
the Imperial Privy Council, 1V, 1'.
Km)„Chief Dominion 0ot'nnorne•, is
made n (1. M. G. 0, N. Rabbit, New
Brunswick ; inhh Fraser, Auditor
Cadent!, 1)1d A 1 1)::'1os'lon Journals
Clerk, have been 1¢tttnitted for the
Imperial Service 0, d1/4
Sir Wm. 0, I"atcnn ge was born
t Drnnlm0nd villa, h ;io, and WAS
ailed to the bar ie r In 1885 he
'00 elected a ll4e + the law so -
Permanent Results
"I had been eufreeing for over two
months with an obstinate cough, as had
also my little girl. We tried several
remedies common to any drug store
without obtaining any apparent relief,
in fact wo were growing worse, 1 got a
bottle of Coltefoote Expectorant from
my druggist and inside of two days the
cough was stopped, and the results so
permanent and rapid that wo decided
to keep it in our hone continually.
C. A. R. Station, Ottawa,
Coltsfoote Expectorant is recognized
the world ever as the beet preect'iptiott
ever used by the medical profession for
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis and
Tightness of the Chest, Children like
it. To introduce it into every home we
will send a free sample to every person
sending their name and address to Dr,
T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Sold
by all up-to-date druggists at 25e.
Send for Free Sample Today,
cie y and was appointed a judge ill
1007, Her herr ming Chief ,Tnstice
Si' Henri T. Tuscho'eau is a grade
a to of Laval University and 0008 called
to the ha' in 1853. He served in the
1)unni n ion Parliament as Liberal nietn-
her for Monona guy. resiening in 1878
to accept a seat on the bench,
Growing Old Before Your Time
Broken in spirit, weak in body, tier -
volts and dise0ureged. Something is
wrong, and each day sues you 0)11109'
away, Jost one thing to do -Build np
'Po do this, use F0rroz0ne, What a
tonic 11 is 1 Appetite, why it mites
yon eat telneud01101y. Digest, indeed
you will, Rich red blood will carry
nourishment to every corner of tie
body, tired organs take on new life,
color, spirit and ambition are restored
Per(eet manhood and abounding health
is the unfailing product of Fm•rozone-
u'y it, 500 per box everywhere,
On neconnt of the bowling lawn
grass being in poor condition, the
bowlers are now using the rectory
lawn in order that the .regular green
any get a rest.
Last Thursday afternoon 5000 ob-
served as D8co1'etioo Day, The differ.
mit lodges marched to the cemetery
end decorated the graves of departed
brethren and friends,
$4,75 was tete amount of fine imposed
on several young met) Monday morn-
ing by the magistrates for distal bing
the peace by singing sone old favorites
1150nt 8 or 4 o'clock Sunday morning,
A. movement is being 08110 by the
business 11181 and Others t0 se0uro a
half holiday eaeli week, Thursday 3s
the most Suitable day, end it is hoped
arrangements call bo Horde. Should a
petition he presented toyoube ready
to sign it at 01)00.
At the nomnleleement exercises of
the I,sdies' College, Whitby, held dur-
ing the post weep Miss Hazel Brown-
ing, of Exeter, sunned the diploma
nett else the Senate' Cox gold 01800.1
for the highest standing in the M. E.
L. course,
'1Vltile preying lawn tennis with
some of his playmates the other day
Mester Erie HoEdon and the misfor-
tune to run W rusty wire in his foot,
fie lwea ceal'Cll Mg 5)110tng some sltl'tlb-
he•y for the ball and in some Manner
struck It piece of old ileitis wire,
which penetrated the foot near the
ankle. To avoid blood poisoning set-
ting in a physician was called and
dressed the wound.
Breathe Hyomoi and Be Cured
of Catarrh, Bronchitis,
Nature has a remedy for catarrh,
epidemic colds and bronchitis that is
far bettr than dosing the stomach
with medicine and drugs,
It is Om healing oils and balsams of
Hyomei which medicate the air you
broaelle, reaching the most remote air
cells ;fn the nose, throat and lungs,
killing all catarrhal germs and rester -
in g health to the mucous membrane,
Hyomei acts like a curative internal
air bath, and has the same healing and
antiseptic effect as the air where the
Pine and Eucalyptic forests give off
their fragrant and healing balsams.
Breathe' healing Hyomei and see
how quickly you twill get relief front
catarrh and head oolds. If it does not
belp you there will not be a penny's
expense, as J. M. Hamilton agrees to
refund the money. The complete
Hyomei outfit costs only 51.00,
The Little Boy Who Didn't Pass
A sad faced little fellow sits alone hl
deep disgrace,
There's a lump arising in his throat
and tears stre8ulingdown his face ;
He wandered from his playmates. tot
ho doesn't watt to hear
Tru it shouts of merry laughter since
the world has lost its cheer';
He has sipped the cup of sorrow, he
has drained the hitter glass,
And his heart is fairly breaking; herr
the boy who didn't prase.
In the apple tree the robin sings 11
cheery little song,
But he doesn't seem to hear it, show-
ing plainly sonethiUg'e wrong ;
Cones his faithful little spaniel for a
romp and bit of play,
But the troubled little fellow sternly
bids him go away.
All alone he sits in sorrow, with his
hair a tangled mass,
And his eyes are red with weeping
he's the boy who didn't pees,
How Ile hates himself fee fail ng, he
0011 hear his playmates jeer,
For they've left him with the dullards
-gone ahead a half a year;t; '
And he tried se hard to conquer, 0,
he tried to do his hest,
But navy Ito knows he's weaker, yes,
11)111 duller then the rest,
He's 1151)8111ed to tell his mother, for
he thinks she'll hate hitt, too -
The little boy who didn't pass, who
failed of getting through,
011, you can boast a 1009511)g son aid
speck of him as bright,
And you who love a little girl who
comes to you to'lnighlt
With smiling eyes and dancing feet
with honors from her school,
'.turn to that lonely little boy who
thinks he is a fool,
And rake hint kindly by the hand, the
dullest In the class,
He is Ole one who most needs love ;
the boy who didn't pass.
Doctors Deport
RIanu Gases
Say that Spring Fever is Pre-
valent, Patients Feel Drowsy,
Dull, Dead .Tired
How provoking to sleep well, but
1011811 yon awaken to find none of the
exhilaration than rest and sleep should
bring. You ought to feel alert, bub-
bling Over with vim, but instead of this
there's diabetes, !engem. and 0)0]11•
clhlatiol to do things,
Three causes for this sort of feeling --
a lazy liver, levy kidneys and 0 lazy
stomseh, the last doing its work very
poorly' and compelling the other o' -
gluts to perform a task they aro uu-
equal to,
Note the consequence -blood is filled
with waste matter-poisoeoue sub-
stances weighing down the 11010018
sy010I11-rebuildine processes absolute-
ly impossible,
Take 10)000 ne and note the riipid
change. Your appetite improves and
veer digestion soon is as good es ever.
Tour skill 1108 1015 natural 0010r, the
,else of languor and unsteadiness, if
not entirely [;one, c011108 back only
occasionally ' and 1e t l n disappears.
You see Ferroznne restores all the
powers of the body to normal activity.
The reason you feel better is because
Ferrozoue ie driving out all the poison-
J110lvastes from the body,
1'erl'nzone imparts to the blond that
element that is necessary to render the
air you breathe vitally active and
strength -giving. It the old 00001 lou
it simply acted o1 the Surface. Now
it enters deeply into all the activities
of the body.
Now you know that Fo'rozonestimu-
1a1eet appetite and makes rich, red
b1r od,
Now you feel thttt F errozono gives
strengths, endurance, vim.
Ferrozone clarifies the brain, imparts
tone and vigr to it, gives clearness and
Your will power is as strong as ever,
and your enjoyment of life has a new
zest because so vigorously renewed,
Asa bracing, uplifting tonic for men,
women end children -as it medicine for
anaemia, weekness or nervous troubles
nothing excels Ferroeone.
Tr',y It, 50c a box or six for 52 50, at
all dealers.
It is said that Robert Holmes, of the
Clinton Now Era, ex-M. P. for West
Huron is all applicant for the position
King's,Printer at Ottawa, which
wit become vacant shortly o1 the re•
tirentent of Mr. Dawson.
During the last fifty years 8,260,000
Canadines have glue to the United
Sts es. 'Pie United States teas.)s ' f
woo shows 1,191,265 frim Canada.
How times hate changed, Canadians
ire no longer seeping employment in
t e Ul f ed States, elide last year neer
100,000 citizens of the United Stater
moved into Canada.
The form of ballot used in the recent
Provincial elections is the same ee that
adopted by the Dominion gove'nmen'
and is about all that could be desired
to ensure secrecy and an honest election.
We notice some objection is taken la
he paper used se being thin art to allow.
the marking to show through. This
could he prevented by laving a hard,
smooth turface to lay the ballot on
'viten marking, mewed of soft 51011 p:
p ape' es was used in the recent a action,
Cite ballot might also be ma, e large`
'n allow of double or triple folding. A
triple fold would absolutely prevent
atter inside ov outoido 0110lting sail u,
'5110t t0 be Seen 1f done in this wise: -
First fold from outside end to first
perforation 1 second aid third folds
,06 third of ballot from top to bottom
old hot tont to top, enclosing one fold
side the other. This would leave the
,otlnter-foil in a shape to be easily r -
coved and give plenty of room fee
•eturding officer's e ai and other 011601t -
1)g on heck of ballot its folded,-
DtrtetNo the past weep John
+0111,,h moved his family and house-
hold abets into the vacant building
north ('1'J. liuoltbtep's barber shop
THE members of the fife and
from of the 131yth L. 0, L. hays
ecnimeneeh practising for the 1213),
* ***********4********** 1
4 Furniture Bargains ;
Still Continue
Having held the attention of the purchasing
public during the past year, by popular prices, we
have slated new goods to begin the second year,
and the prices will at once suggest the advantages
in dealing here
Lot 1 -Iron ,Beds
40 Redo In the lot, ranging, in m'Icee ns follows : $3, $4,
$4,50, $4.75, $5, 55.75, 50, $7, $8, 59.25, $11, $13, 514,50, $15.
* Lot 2 -Mattresses
Other Specials
* Sdr1inzo, any sir $', $2.25,$2.50 and $3.00, Om' apeoial
Is'$3.00, Witten Guaira, $300, $4.00, $4 50 and $000.
* Dressers and Stands, ranging in price from $11.00, 510,50,
* $12.0(1, $12.75 and up to $50.011. Our special is 512,75.
Sewing Mschlees, We are special representatives for
the Standard. Prices range from $20.00 to 545.00.
*L House Furnishings
Guaranteed purely eaniterv, $3, 53 50, $4 ecd 55, :3'21n
the lot, Our sereolal at $4.00.
Lot 3 -Couches
23 In the lot, 5011101 m0anq siidnn. Ptleeqwill iotereat
you, 54 50, $5, 59, $7, $8, $11, $12.50, $14, $15 and $20.
Our emote) this epriug is tee $13,50 and $8,00.
Phis department has special attractions through the
house-cleaning season. A few remnants In Llnoleums at
special prices, also oil Clothe. Regular 00d Linoleum for
50o per square yard.
Furniture Dealers & Undertakers. - - Clinton
*, Your Expenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28
Catch the Ants
Maty at this Beason of the year are
troubled by 01)10 that invade the pantry
and kitchen, especially the former in
n"est of 0500018. A good way to get
lid of them is to saturate aspolge with
sweet liquid end place it where the
ants are making trouble, They be-
come entangled in the fibres of the
sponge, and when itis (tall of them
they call be destroyed by dipping the
epouge in het water. The dead bodies
of the at t+ can then be washed out,
Atm you interested in good print-
ing ? If you are, an order sent to
our job department will convince
you that We excell in the "art pre-
servative." The certain tact ut 1110
arrangement of the type, so marked
in our worst, is a sign of art, Let,
us fit you out with business.M'inging
printing. Call at THE STANDARD
office told get our figures.
Twenty-five years ago it was difficult to
sell spring wheat flour for pastry at any price.
People didn't want it -they were using
soft, winter wheat flour, and saw no reason
for changing.
But hard wheat flour was persistently
pushed and prejudice has been overcome.
The women tried it, succeeded with it and
appreciated it.--To-day hard wheat flour is
the favorite for pastry as well as for bread.
The flour that is doing the most for
the reputation of hard wheat flour is the
brand known as
Ogilvie's Royal Household
g y
It is hard wheat flour at its best -milled
by modern methods, retaining all of the
good of the wheat and none of the bad --
it is without an equal for every kind of
baking in which flour is used.
Talk to your grocer about it -if he
isn't enthusiastic it's only because he isn't
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., totted,