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The Blyth Standard, 1908-07-02, Page 5
JULY 2, 19o8 ---THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FIVE. 1):q ,1 I�1 • I O *et '0 supply ' (�, ( a , (, your tp; t of 11 Dishes. Over 2000 Cups and Saucers e hint at 00e, 93c and ;1.00 a dozou. Plates, all sizes, from 50c to 01.00 Pitchers from 10c, up. - Salads, Vegetable Dishes Bowls, Platters, etc;, in all the newest patterns 0111 shapes, Have look ,.t our Dinner and Toilet Sets. E. BENDER, BLYTH �s1 i'1, (,(t�,, �.14 1� 110111.11' �I Now Is Your Opportunity Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. ry t tr"St• S? tC: 1• r r� t Ir nr. tf,•rf rte+ v. v. t� r1 v��tnrl : ver r� t� rr ' NEWS AROUND TOWN 1.-A45i ±1 it Jar t • V. tr.r r.nrrrtw rn t 1rrrVv �irtra t a p.r ���s��t�sf=�s=='t=3g;I���I-�t�s���`=� Jnm.v, • OYER 35 tickets were sold at Onit next blow-out will be on the 131ytih for the Model Farm Emir - 1 siuu on Saturday last. GENERAL servant wanted at once. THE partial eclipse of the sun on Apply to Mrs, J. McSiurchie. Sunday attracted many Blythites, WANTED. -50,000 lbs.'. Wool ; who used smoked glass stud obser- highest prices paid. Also any quail- ved the phenomenon to good advan- tity Butter and Egga,-G. L, King, sage Wingha in. A SUCe1888til, garden party was HtTnr excursion of the Huron Old !meld on Wednesday night, under Boys,wilh take place on July 4th the auspices of the Epworth League. .(this Saturday) and all the indica- 'She Citizen's Band of Clinton gave a tions are for a very huge turnout. '!ale musical progroln. MARKET, Rm'oa'r.-Wheat 75-75 ; DoMlxioo DAY was quietly spent Batley 45-45 Oats 45-45 ; Peas in town. Many visitors were here 80-80 ; Bran 221,-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ; while many of par townspeople `Butter 17-18 ; Eggs 15-•10 ; Flour spent the day out of town. The $2.75:-$3,00 baseball boys went to Kincardine A FORMER .h;nIPLOVEE,-Duuean playing a league match. McKenzie, of the '26th Middlesex school teachers, or in their Regt,, who died at Goderich, was a absence secretaries of school boards, former typesetter,fn TUE SrANCAI D are requested to forward the list of office about 4 years ago. pupils promoted at the exam100ti(1(5 A IVoaTur P,re1c,-Tho full term to '1'nt STANDARD for publication of Canada's grcatedt chitin of modern as soon as received by them, high-grade,actual business schools, 13erone taking yours0utmer trips ,�'tloeted in .the towns. of Go'lerteh, call at C. P. 15, town ticket ol)1co Tei' Winghanl, Orangeville, Clinton and regarding rates, "etc. We have through tickets over, all Walkerton, and the city of Peter• railroad and steamship linos. Stinr- bero, open Sept, 1st. The \Vingliss.ur mel' tourist tickets now on sale J. Business College is a worthy link, 11e11urchfo Agent. and the success of 110 graduates has Tut. Lucknow Sentinel of last not been excelled. The advertise- week said : "The sham battle that mens of this school will be found on had been 'planned at the Goderich page 1, and will be changed weekly. (mum has been abandoned," Those WINGUAM DneeATED.-4181, 1'ri• who were fortunate enough to have day evening Blyth baseball Leant the pile, to go to Godericb last stopped the leader's of the Lakesi(30 Thursday can 'boek up this state - League by a sent•e of 11.0. Bad er- (Ilellt, because they did not see it tors in the first and fifth gave anyway -it was a sham all right. Wiugham five runs, while the visit- The officers have decided to give urs were up in a balloon in the the battle next year. second, fourth, seventh and ninth. No GAME.-'I'he league match he. Umpire Edwards, of Goderich, was 1(yee 1 Lucknow and Blyth just went chosen by Winghain to net, but his two innings when the gauze With work did not please them. The rues called cif owing to the stesdv home team play cd better bail this The game did not 001»(1101(011 tit game than in the Iast two games, after (i, expecting that the rain Following i the lineup :- would let-up, L1 the first innings Blyth- 11, C Somers and McMillen struck out, D. Somers, r t 5 when with clean hitting Watson P. McMillan of „ 0 e W. Watson, rf o 4 and Bell reached the bases while J, Bell, 2h 1 4 Taman anti Sims with their hits put 15. Sims, 131 1 a them across home base, Begley Ni, Begley, If 3 2 struck out. 110!' Lucltnow R. John - 0. 'Panna, 81) R 1 elan struck oat 1311rton went out on S. Buchatn, ss.... }3 ' B. 1loArte•, p 1 2 a hunt third strike, McCoy made a It 27 safe hit for first base but 1�'indlater WAS thrown out, In the second Me. Wingh'h=o- Is 0 Aster struck out, Buchanan made at Hem mond, ab 2 2 Britton, lb 0 4 hit and with a hit by 80111018 scored, Moore, 2i3.... 2 8 McMillan was caught out by Find. Yaekie, If,.. 13 Inter in cehtl'e field, while WatsonBarratt, c Alpe, ss struckue out, In Lknow's half - • 11 9 Cruickshank. cf 1 4 Lowman was fielded out, Robinson Waltman, rf 0 }i and Habbick both etude (tits for Dunlop, p .......... (I 8 bases, but W. Johnston was thrown 13 27 out and Thompson struck out. Blyth.... . . .... 0 2 0 3, 0 4 0 2-11 Batteries ; Lucknow, W. Johnston Witighatn 11 0 0 0 2 1 000- 0 and ideCoy ; Blyth, McArter and Struck out by Dunlop -Sims, Borba- Somers. Strtiek out; by 9lcArter- van, AlcMillan; Bell. Begley ; by Ale- It. Johnston, Thompson : by John• Arter-Br(ttou (3). Moore, Algae, 01,en-Souaero, McMillan, Begley, Workman (2), Dunlop (2). 'Phree-base Watson, McArter, Left on bases, hit, Britton Left on heses-rige•t11 7, \V,iegbame: lJrnpir.e-Bdwards,0ode. Blyth 3, Lucknow 1. E. Moore, rich. Wingham, umpire, CouNCIt, meeting on Monday evening. 'l'nr only change in the running of the trains on this lisle of the O. T. 11 is that the freight trains run through to liineardtt e 110 W instead of \A/Ingham. ON Dominion Day Airs. Joseph Coombs of Grey township, and mouser of Nits. James Cat ut town, passed away after being uncon- scious for seven weeks following a paralytic stroke, The funeral is on I?riday afternoon to Brussels 08(1(0' 1(1(3', DIA IIUI0D.-011 1)0101111011 1)71y at very pretty wedding was held at ahs bride's home in Mel5illop when Miss Annie Al., daughter of 111r. and Mrs. Jas. Mann, was united its the n01y bands of matrimony to Fred Anderson, w'el!.kn(we to the resi- dents of Blyth and vie!eity. Rev. J. L. Small, B. A., tr. vl'ormed the ceremony, Dain, -111 Myth on 31„relay =corm iug ilrs A. 11. (-'err passed away from this (moth to her 111,110 iu heaven after 11 3.1,5 soul trying sickness. Her 85, wag 511 )ears, (1100 (110(111(0 and nine, drys. 11e• sides her husimiel she les n'1 s 01(0 Bou, h'ranlc, f 'I'„rootn, lout three daughters, Mrs, AVight0»u1, Alberni and Lily, all of 131,yth. The funeral took place on Wednesdny and inter• inert u s trade in the W'estfeld cemetery. A large number of friends and mourners attended the service at the house and grave, Rev. S. d ederson conducing the services. Ox 'Tuesday of this week two rind:: of bowler's visited Blyth from Exeter and had a friendly game ((1 howls. following are the names of the players and the score Exeter- BIyr.h- Mh•. Hurdon l'. 11cP',erson \]r. Brodsriek T, H, Chellew Win, !Ratchford Dr, Charlesworth Itev, Collins ak 18 'P. W. Scott, sk 20 Exeter ...... ..,,130110020210020011-18 61,yt11 .... 0010044080021109000--20 join in wishing the couple Many happy years. 131,v'1'll defeated Kincardine in the Psychine Missionaries A friend of Dr. Slocum Remedies writes: "Send a bottle of Psychine to Mrs. W... They have a daughter in decline, and I believe it would help her. 1 have mentioned your remedies to the family, and also cited sonic of the miraculous taros accom- plished inside the last 18 years, of which I have knowledge." T, O. IRWIN, Little Britain, Ont. Run down conditions from lung, stom- ach or other constitutional trouble cur- ed by Psychine. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. '1, A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto McMILLAN & CO. WANTED Any quantity of Eggs and Butter at the highest cash prices. Standard Butter 13oxoa for sale. McMILLAN & CO. Farm for Sale 'Past very valuable farm belonging to the undersigned, situated three miles from Aehurn station, six miles from Blyth, Mures, school at corner of lot, 20 acres of hard -wood bush, 2 acres 01 orchard, first-elaaa buildings, well fenced, well watered, in a high state of cultiva- tion and excellent soli, one of the best farms in the nonntrv. Perms easy. Ap- ply THOS. BROW 5,Bly th. B},v'rfi was well represented at Goderich last Thursday. DURING the past week Chief' Westlake was ofd' work. George White was conmu0utder-in-ehief or the town and succeeded in first-class style. , THE many friends of Kiss Agnes Gosinaul were surprised to horn' last week that she had been m1111d to W..L. Davis, who is now working in Glen hiller. Her many friends .1 1) Campbell F. Everett .1. Taylor 4, Stalker Rev, Martin Dr, Atilos latter town on Dominion Day by a W.\V,Taman sic P.( Dr, Loos sk Ll score of 0.3 in an exciting game. 81 9( !"ol !ow Ing is the line-up ;- Exoter .,,.00(010110e3t010100-13 Blyth- R 0 Kincardine- R 0 1315th ,,., ,.., 110201004100102010-14 Somers o 1 4 Sinclair, 231...0 5 0m'ruAuv,-0n D0111101011 D1(3 McMillan of..,(. 8 McIntyre, ct.0 4 the residents of Blyth were sorry ' to Watson rft i Komph 111)...,0 4 Belf2b 1 4 Vanhattan 16.1' 0 bear that Miss Susie Wilson had died Sins Ib 1 2 Sinclair of;.:.0 '2 after' a year's illness. Deceased Begley If 1 2 McGregor c..0 4 had abaft 7 years ago attended 1`8101111 91r...,0'2 McKenzie ss..l 8 Buchanan ss0 8 Bretz if 1 2 8011001 a1 Stratford and atter 50ssi05 NlcArtet• p 0 4 Allaidorf p...0 8 secured a position in Toronto as --- -- stenographer where she was em- . (3 27 3 27 ployed till last May when she crone Kincardine .,•0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-0 home owing to hav1ng a bed cold 1315Th 0 2'0 0 1 1(3 2 0-0 From that on she has been unwell Struck out : by Allatdorf-Somers, and at last was unable to leave her \feNlilluu, Bell (2), Begley, McArter (2); by. McArter-Sinclair (2), mein_ bed, She leaves to mourn her loss, tyre(2), Ito0511, Sinclair (2), McGregor her mother, a brother, James of (2), Allender( (2), Left 08 Mises- East Wawanosh, and three sisters, Blyth 9, Kincardine 8. W• Johnston, Mrs. Robert Vint, of Morris, Mrs. ,I, Lnchnow, umpire. A. therm., of Shakespeare, ani BLYTII BOWLERS WON. -Last Fri - Martha at borne. Deceased was a day ufterno011 three rinks of Rrus- member of the Presbyterian ehu'alh sols bowlers played a friendly 58106 rind was a bright and good living with our bowlers and were defeated young woman. The funeral ser- my 14 shots. Following are the vices on Friday afternoon will be names and score by ends of the conducted by her pastor, Rev, J. L. three rink8 ;- Small. Brussels- Tms, Watford Guide -Advocate of A, Baekor June 20th contains the following reference to as cousin of Mrs, Geo, Powell, of Blyth :-Deoth cause with terrible suddenness to James A. 'fanner, a well known and re- apeesed farmer residing on the sec- ond Ilne, 8, E. 15, Worwiok, AL', 'fanner was driving into Watford on Friday afternoon end when nearly opposite James McManus' residence on 12 sideroad the electrical storm came on, A. Welsh, it neighbor, noticed the team running without at driver and ('811 eta and caught them. Cn going basic the road a short distance he found Me.. Tan- ner's body. He had been struck in the head with lighting and death (vas instantaneous, Nu coat' marks on the body were visible. When struck he fell out of bis seat on to the road. .The coroner and under- ttker were sunimo110d and the body removed to the )home, of deceased, 1L•. Tannerwas in his 5211d year and a lifelong resident of War- wick. The deepest sympathy is ex- pressed for the bereaved family in their sudden affliction. The funeral 011 'Monday afternoon was largely attended, The service was con- ducted by Rev. F, G, Newton, of Parkhill, assisted by Revs, II. A. Thomas, of \Var')sville, and Smith, of Warwick, Deceased was a prominent member of St, Mary's church, \Vaorwielc. The pallbearers were A. Cox, R. McKenzie, C. Hawkins, 1i'. Smith, 15. Smith, J. McNally, Deceased is survived by his widow, one son and two daugh- ters, 0I .�%i,�-Il>°' '.• >\:/�!>�lt ®a\JA�Ji��-t�• q 0)01/ Q) MSC! ",!.'dS\l' F, f0 NOTICE -Store closes on Thursday evenings at ok 6 o'clock during July and August. 9, • •j p b Y/• �%/.! S�Y.S_/.i x+/ UlY'I`.+(• •Y01 •� •Y •t • �'t:/'O•�Y• • • • Ot, lo' �o� Cut Prices on White Waists o O $1,25 Embroidered White Waist now $i.00. • 1.20. 1.75 „ 1,40•RA O 2,00 " I,5o, ��� 8 2,25 I.75 0 0, `These goods are specially priced and cannot be punched on tickets. ▪ • p Fancy Colored and Black Parasols �Q A beautiful and full range of Parasols at 75c, c0 $1.00, $1,25, $1.50, $1,75 and$2,o0. ©` 114 , 50c Boys' Blouses now 35c' • A small quantity of Boys' Blouses, worth 6oc • 41 and 5oc, to clear at 35c, O) p Hydegrade Heatherbloom Manufactured by A. G. Hyde & Son, New 00 York. The best goods for skirts, waists and gen- 0,�)) eral wear. We guarantee the goods to give wear 0 at $oc. ?0� RA �O Men's Summer Underpants at 25c A lot of Men's Underdrawers, in medium and 0� light weights, to sell at 25c, (!)! �Q SQ O M y quality, Union Sox 2 pairs for 25c en's Grey‘ Union Socks, splendid ( r0 seamless, full sizes and good wearers, at 2 pairs for 25c. 0 ©� 5 0 t 1W e 13I -s"1"30 II �• Always top price. -� (Q Y,ring ns your eggs. AlwatS s of } t 0 0' QOO.'•OHO'O�Q<>OO.OrO��00u01Q',0�';OtizC��Q`�Q�� >4 • �.':; O O (O Oj POPLESTONE & CARDINER GROCERIES a full line kept Cared Meats and Breakfast Foods for the hot weather, Wooden ware --Potato Mashers, Butter Bowls and Ladels, 'Towel, Clothes and Hat hacks, Crocks and Flower Pots of all kinds. Coal 011 -the best. neer-Manitoba, Five Star, Choice Family, and I now handle the Exeter. Goods delivered to acv part of town. Gash for I3utter and Eggs, Blytli-Jos. Coombs A. TAYLOR - Surer - BLYTH it,'Phompson Dr, N1111(0 W. Emigh Jos. Stalker ft, Downing Dr, Tong been years o[ blessing 111111 spiritual Sixth Council. skip 18 s5i5 17I e'rowth, especially in the missionary --- Downing........000140200036001010-18 department in which you have taken a Long 121001018100200101-17 deep interest. The members of our James Moss J. Eutig;a society have been taught by your A. K. 7,atpfe A. 1103(011a1. example that not r1'baC we qct but Dr, Field E. J. Mason example 010 give (0)13108 US truly groat, A. H. Monteith A. W. Sloan Being good and doing good, the lesson )kip 12 skip 21 we 30810 from the life of our Great, Monteith 020201010021200100-12 Example, J000'( Christ, has always Slotua ,,.. ,104140101200028081-21 been your teaching amongst us, Our A. Strachan Jos. Cater earnest prayer is that your life may be It: Leatbandale S. Oidley long spared in the Methodist nsitiistry f. Leallier P. A. Anderson and that your labors in the vineyard Habit of the Lord may he increasingly bless) 1). C. 11°885)111,McMureh(0 ed. Toe and your devoted Christie TI ship 12 skip 18 wife and futeresting fanitly have weir, The third sitting of the Court of Ttevisiou was held on Friday even- ing of last week, the Reeve in the elude and all members present. The minutes of the seeu11d meet - leg of the Court of Revision was read and on motion of J. Carter, seconded 1151 A. Buiutoi=, were con- firmed. . Moved hyL. 11311, seconded by A. Rainton, that the following be stuck ` off tate assessment roll :-N, '11, Ro.ss,.,..,.. ,,,.200200110180020000-12 a warm phaco in the hearts of 0111 and Vett ' ditch, Downs, John Poune Melloarohie...,.0120110ot00h102221-18 ono in our church here soil we ask 1 y 5' g ins tenant 8, 9, 12, 13,K.elly's Sy., Totals -Brussels 42, Blyth 50, you to accept this small gift as a slight Total up --14 shots, token of our love and esteem, and our Ed. KI'aohlhtg Thomas A1.eCreight prayer is that vvim, ' the Chic[ Shop- and JamesM,Creight ; and that the ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. -At herd shall appeu' you and -ours may following 1)C added t, the tell :-- the Lcaguc service on Tuesday receive a Crown of Life t1Rrt fadeth Robert Howard James e i'oIlte evening that Society presented Rev. 1101 sway. Signed byE. Boodor,Pres, ; , p, Anderson with a leather suit case. A, Vincent, 1st Vice ; S. Bentley, 2nd John Penney on lot 27, 33000mtld's Vire ; I,, Carr, lard Vice ; A. Carr, 4th s1,., Boy Stackhouse as M. 1'„ Peter tet' The address was read by D. 1). \r1co ; 0, IT. Wambold, See. ; P. Die- Butcher as M. 1P., John Greening as Crittenden and the presentation Pherson, Treas. ; 11, W'ettlaifer and 11, 1''„ Isaac Marwood owner and Al. made by A. Wilford. The pastor M. Ca=ter, Pianists, e. _- T'. -Carried. Altar. Moved by J. Carter, seconded by iug is Ilse Address : Anderson -11ann,-In McKil replied in suitable words. Follow- The lop, ne .T, 11, Chellew,. that Rev, S. Ander- Rev, Mr. Anderson, Dear Sir and Brother : We the (nem- July 1st, by Rev. J. I,. Small, •se 11 be struck off roll and that Rov, hers of the Blyth 1 1 8)81•th League of B. A., Mr. Tarred Anderson to AV, 11. Cooper be added, with income Christian Endeavor, your friends and Hiss Astute M,, daughter of tax to be' deducted from Rev. An- ew -evades of the Cross of our Led and Plc. ;tad firs, James Mahn, of 110118011 and placed to lieu. Cooper, Saviour, Jesus Christ, (desire to express AlcKillo 1. $ iOQ-501'ried. our appreciation in promoting of your efforts in nue I halo;!! in prn6hoting the interests of our Moved by .T. 11. Chellew, seconded society daring the three years, in the The Tomb. by A. Ihtinton, that John RI'adnock providence of God, we have been per -1 C,t811.-In Blyth, en M0nd05-, June and l:d. Tiaggitt, jr., be struck otl' matted to spend together in this mint, of his vineyard. \\'e have always foam[ 29t.h, Jane, beloved wife of Mr, roil, and that Fred Lewis, owner in you a Kind and faithful l'risud, and A. B. Carr, aged 50 years, 9 and M. F. and Miss Janet McGowan wise and tree counsellor. We look Months find 9 Plays. as tenant be added. -Carried. hack to•nieht upon the evenings spent WILSON. -In Blyth, on July 1st., Moved by J. Carter, seconded by iuUhristian fellowship :is some or the 100'1 o1S1lserd and profitable in our 1908, Sus,nln 1 Bell Wilson, aged L. Hill, than Court of Revision for expa•ience, 'Phe past Bate yeaas Have 27 y ors, 1908 be linanlly' closed. -Carried,