HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-06-25, Page 5,..1 D. A. ;uul Crompton Corsets Su mor C nsets in while and dove colors. A largo assortment ivy( intim I u. Cori, and long hip l)nsets, also the habit lip, just the the, rsoidt R tor I omFOtt AN out Aummar Corners sell at 504. Ina hotter Corset we have rho famous 1) + A. nmannntatured by the Malinke! lioo (:wset (n No,N0,57,5, extra longe i c ; No. 240, withSus- penders, 7,o Noss 01311(1,150, very fancy and serviceable, 91.00 No, 101 the Ceest brand, a snle,l nil Corset with )aced hips taking the plae' of n made-to-order Corset, in all situs from 21) to 20, at 9! 25, CII101 1\ LSTLAKO bahboon watlicf 111.ve a look at out !wiles' Whitcwear. It le surd to 01easc. ql Ing around with it limp having ('e- 1,si sewed a hike from a dog. While Op 5, !90S—TIIE DINT] STANDARD—PAGE F VIT c1i21 Lucre ow vs Blyth on Monday Rji e t en i ng , rDuxforget Blyth Fait Puerility and Wednesday, Sept. 29t11 and 1 30th, t. '1115 illethntlist, Sundae' Sch1lol ,I will hold (heir annual pec -010 en AI July Gth, IN . ON \Vednesdny of this meltmeltlin li Sellars us gnti the Editor a rill hlndi'ui 0r garden eras grown to VA his alden. This in rushing the iAtil "Cason, Q ,i A N051110at in town received 1nv1- t tltions to the da1)011 given by (b0 . Ife m:setum ' Canoe Club at the 1101(1 t p 1 Cloderich on Tuesday eve)ing in rdV 0 Co town. ti' Acclnlxi —0n lnes0at of this Al week 1)11) Kenned•y while working pp lit P. Li ink8120) 0 f lIt0ry received ao bad cut on his forehead Ino was A turning a pulley when 1t flew up1Id r hit him, It ;node a bad wound. rAi ''nr, Luckuow ,Sentinel, which lead has been owmcd and published by b; W; .1. Ilacgi•egor, has 0110nged : hands, the putchaser being J. L. Essex, Macgregor Nt'lur, of 1 1 1 , , I 1 .,.ye,a, IiI.,1`ItI,1r„ri VA retires owing to 111 health, blit will to continue to reside in Luckuow. nj Highestprices paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BL' TH !a`J1!Ai i M}:y;Me C7'1 [:eil as al weighing hogs one pig b•ecanuc un rely" and • E. Watson's dog made it dive between tate chiefs legs to try; catch tiro pig, but missed the animal and caught the chief. t True FINAL (1'1211.-0n Monday the final grime in the first half of OOr- 16 the series ut'the Lakeside League will be played at the .9grIcuhnr11 Pork when Luckonv and 131ithwhen Luckomv and 131y-th cross bots, ''1'1110 will be a good game as Blyth needs the g1(1Ile to keep second place aeon Lueknow needs at win, Don't foil to see this game, 1"ARA11 RS' Ex1717RSION.. The an. nun1 excursion to the Ontario Agri. 0(11011111 College at (110:1 ph, under the auspices of the West Huron Velum' institute will beheld cn Saturday- or this weep on the C. 1'. 0, A special train leaves 131•yth at 9.38 and the !'arc is91.15 for adult and G5e for child 'Pickets are good to return 'Alotainy, lune 29th, Conor01'.1Nfl1Nls WANTED,— We w01101 like to secure 001110 good cor- respnndente from all the,outside post offices. We will sericF station- ery and give '.'91 STANDARD while the correspondence is regularly sent. It anyone wishing tecorres- pond will kindly write to that effect we will. act ac0brflingly. Wo do not digulk(1 the name of correspon. dents;`'Personals, and news c all kinds"that Is of sheerest to the pub. lie 101(89ed ter, but 11otlang oleo, si10' 01' spiteful will be inserted, We wish t0 11111 0 clean, nev1sy, bright pliper, one (hat will be a help as well as a pastime (0(0121( readers. Bright, crisp and newsy cm'respon defies will heli, very» luuoh, Kind- ly let us know ;if you wish to 11e1p Ins. THE Kincardine Review makes the following remarks t-:`1'he. 13111. morals journed•to Blyth on Fridaty last anddefeated tie s„ nineof til it town by a score of 18 to 10.E Neitis er side scored till the third innings hon 111y1,11 tallied one. IfioOnI. er dine had .0 m 0 y go -runnel 111 the 81st littlt of the fourth 12 men hail, thug and oro=sing the plate, but 131yth cane hack strong in.the last half and scored four. Kincardine ,cored livein the fifth and Blyth one ; 111yt,11 got two in the sixth and ono eaielf in the seventio'i,latal ninth, while the 13nlumn'nls got tivo in the ninth, Both pitchers were hit herd, Kincardine getting 12 hits while lily'th succeeded in getting 7. Immo pitched the first two innings for B1yIi1 slid did well for 9nuilg•- ster. Mr, Bethnal, of Gocle icll, was tunpire and officiated to the satis- faction of both teams, to NEWS AROUND TOWN r.3 lJ: siS S.i1J' i ill ti t'll'3 t rai3;C:jra1 t•C':l'a'''t ra Z.,e. CY`p t, l n a' : Ci r,3 Wisoioont vs. 13319th on Friday of this weep, News items always welcome at Thu. STANDARD, 13Lv111 Lodge L, O. L. will cele brace in Godorich this yen r, GENERAL servant wanted at once. Apply to M. vs. ,L.AieMurelde, WANTED, -50,000 (lis, Wool. ; highest prides paid, Also any gnan- tity Butter and Eggs,—G. E. King, Wiogham. Maturer REPORT.- Wheat 713-73 ; .Bayley 45-45 • Oats 45-45 ;"feces 80-80 ; Bran 22-;-23 ; Shorts 24-21. ; Butter 17-18 ; iag'gs 15-16 ; 1+'lour 92,75.-93,00 AFTER leaning on the arta of her yoc.ug man for at greater or less period, 1.1110 is the 0100111 when the young lady "enters the roost lean. in; on the arm oi' her father," EXCURSION GUELPH—JUNE 27 good returning Monday, 2919, $1,15, Dominion Day—Single Fare. going Junin 30 and July 1st return limit July 2nd. 'Pickets at 0,-P. R, town office, J. McMnrohie, agent, Orr Bowers should be unpacked and put 111 water to which a pinch of salt has boon added. It id also very important that the ends of the stems be snipped oft' with a knife or a pair o1' scissors, Tru) Wingham Advance of last ew'' r 'e to soy rvr,ek has the following u R y 111 their church news :-13ev. W. lI Hartley, of Blyth, preached two in- teresting sermons in St. foul's church on Sunday last and adall110 tered the sacrament to a 181-1)'e num- ber of commtlnieanis. liIr. Ihu'tloy's ninny friends here were pleased to have the opportunity of listening to Ids instructive di:coul'ees. To lIu120N PI err 111tow Env,—'Che next provincial exhihitien will be held nt'1'oronto early in. November, East year 1110 county made at grant of 925 for prizes tag county exhibit- ors and 951) for expenses in making the exhibit, The County of Iluroin exhibit occupied a table 4 feet by favorably ve' 130 feet a was i and Y commented on by - many lending newspapers and frust growers. A 1'ttl1 report of the exhibit was made to the County Council showing the disbursements of the money, and the mimes of some 150 parties from different parts of the county, who contributed fruit for the exhibit. The council were so plcas'd with the result lost year that a similar grant is made this year. If' fruit growers in this county take an in- terest in this exhibition the fruit production of this county can he shown to be second to that in no part of the province, Otttsidc trio county exhibit we should eotiipete in the provincial classes. Anyone can sectors prize lists and informa. tion respectiing the county exhibit by writing W. Lane, Secy. Gode- rich Horticultural Society, See '110111 1(11(10 are plentiful .now, '('1115 Is great coal -saving weather, 13s 11101011111 with your horse these warm dnys, '31st entrance pupils are writing at the Public School this week, ''lir garden parry and plc -sic season is 110w en in earnest. ONLY four went from here on the Greyhound excursion to Detroit. LONnox Conservatory of Music examinations tale pla'se in Clinton on June 29111, Tim benvy rain on Monday night has brightened up the trolls and gardens again. Two rinks of Brussels bowlers will play I31yth on the green on Fri (b3' of this week at 3 p. In, OWING to the first of July moiling We on a ilmetday THE STANDAR)) MD Mat he published till Thursday. OWING to the Military Review tin 'Ph ursday (to -110y) the baseball match between Wing bum and Blyth will be played on Friday of this week, ' Las'r Thursday evening Rov. T. 11. Langt'd, who is campa)g1ing the Ooderich District in the 1nteress of missions, especially among the Epworth Leagues, gave his Illus- trated lecture upon China in the Methodist church, Over one hue" dyed views were shown. Confetti 11 1171512,—Last 11'riday 11(111'moen) Cloder1111 baseball team came down and succeeded in de. fasting the home team by a score of 13.3 and 011 innings to spare. Un1- pire Johnston, of Luck how, along with the errors the home team made, gave the visitors the grime without a struggle. To mope it hart worse the visitn's put' in two of the players to do the pitching 3vllile 'Fait, theh' regular pitcher played 3rd base, Frani this out the Blyth boys trill have to act better teal» wol'ic or they will' be lending the list at the bottom, instead of up at the top. 1111th this gime Dodo - rich is a t,ie with Blyth now for ween place. Followingis the line -r 1:..-•rjtri _ ,r ]t 0 D. Somers, c 0 8 E, 11I011illen cf 'IV, \y'at:000, rf .......... 0 1 C. Tamen. p and 39,.,, 1. 4 L. Kerr, If .. 1 2 11, McArler, 311 and p;.., 2 0 11. Sims, lb 2 2 - Coombs, ss 0 8 S. Buchanan, 29..,. 0 5 8 27 Oololinh— It 0' \VI- ens, 2b and p 1 4 Prost, rd 1 3 Doan, p and 29 2'2 1';Iliot.t, c. 2 Devine, ss d 2 McLean, 1f 2 2 Iles, of 0 5 Nicholson, 1b 2 1 'Pali, 3h 1 2 13 24 (1oderiolt,,,,,,, (30042200.x0-13 Blyth,.,, . , 12 0 0 1 8 1 1 01-8 011.01)1'001 (0G ti REPORT, The following Is the result of the pronation examinations held in Blyth Public School :--- From Jr. 3111 to Sr, 4th—iferle Penney, Rhoda Phlllips, 1?Ina Conk, Rena Barr, Henry Johnston, Willie White, May Robertson, Wiliie An - demon, Emma Alex. But- ler,. John 'Cowan, Mary Potter, Lena Burling. From Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd—Patience Scott, Carrie Sims, Relies Anderson, Amos Andrew, Mary Mcllnrclile, Mabel Hill, Pearl Hamm, Prod Mason, Harold Blow', Daisy Mason, Charlie Potter; From Pt, 2nd to Jr. 2nd—Sara Milne, Emily Howard, Iona Stoth- m's, :Susie Fawcett, Stewart Cowan, Arc(le McKenzie, Nilson Rath, Gtact Lauudy, Chronic Coughs Cured Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Dromoro, says: "I took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychine, and a cough I hood continually for nine months disappeared. It is the best remedy for chronic coughs that I over used.'' Thousands of living witnesses pro- nounce Psyclline the greatest medicine in the world 11 is not a patent mai. eine, but a proscription of a great phy- sician. Put it to the teat in any case of throat, lung or stomach trouble or any run down or weak condition. At all druggists, 500 and ;1.00, or Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, 'Toronto. McIMILLAN & CO. WANTED Any quantity of Eggs •and Butter at the highest cash 1)11000. Standard flutter Boxes for sale. 1'IcJ1 rlr_I_A N- CO. Farni for Sale That very valuable faun belonging to ills undersigned, situated three tulles Win Auburn station, six miles from myth, 200 10( s, seheol at corner of lot, 20 acres of bard -wood bush, 2 acres of orchard, first cl0ss buildings, well twined, welt watered, In a high state of eultiva (ion and excellent sell, 0110 of the best farms in the 05)1001. Perms easy. Ap- ply 91105 BROWN, Blyth. Acciaients at God©rich. The driwning or one Haut, at broken bl )oil vessel which proved fatal to another, and a member of the artillery in the camp hospital with a broken leg, is the, gist of Sun. day's accidents at the camp grounds, Harry Porter, 18 years . of age 11, private in No, 4 company, Thirty - Third Regiment, whose home is in Clinton. was drowned here Sunday everting, Duncan McKenzie 20 year's of age an orderly of the'( wenty-Sixth1(egi- (tient whose house is in Glencoe, was practicing jumping with some other members of his regiment preparatory to the field day'on Saturday, when suddenly he complained of pain in the, region of his heart. Ile laid down in his tent but as the pain did not cease he was taken to the hos- pital, where he gradually Became worse and died early Sunday ms's- ing. Edward Powell, orderly for 510j,n' Mills, Sixth Field Battery, Was riding horse into town Sunday night when the horse stumbled and fell, Powell's right leg was pinned under the animal, fracturing 11; just below the knee, C11171)011 NOTES,. Rev. J. L. Smal1 will preach an' niversu•y SC11110715 31,1iicksou (Strat• fora presbytery) on Sunday, Rev. S. 111, \1'11 iley, of Hickson, will con- duct services in St, Andrew's Church at 11 a, in, tinct 7 p. The St. Andrew's Sabbutli School will hold a ".PatrioticServiC0" co Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'citielt, O)'8 feeing will go to heli Iherlvorlp'cifr Social and Moral Reform, P,ireit and ad1llts-invited, 1 , Bev. J. R. (Mann 13. A,, will preach his first sermons on Sunday as min- ister of Auburn and Smith's Rill. Roll, Anderson on Sunday evening next will deliver his farewell set'. 11(011. w The Sabbath School Flower day in the Methodist church last Sunday was a grand success. The church Wattbeantlltilly decn'ated with ferns and flowers and the children enjoy- ed the day, In the morning Rev. Anderson gays a helpful and profit able talk to the children, while in the evening for the benefit of the young people his sermon was based on the wards "Be ye a soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ." i). S. (fluff, late travelling salesman rat. 1 Ile .Mortis Piano Co,, of Listowel, has been engaged as general (manager for the i)ohel•t,y Organ 1014 P10110 Co., ,old will enter 011 Inds duti00 at once, dr, Chuff Is an old Clio]ouian, buying heap nl, mho time 011 employee of the f.e.tory and Inns hod at wide and varied ey,ericnce, Ho is It thoroughly cont-. lletl'11 twin for the position, mid it is expected that he will push the business with its old-thno energy. 50 GENTS gets 'ire, STANna::D till the end of the year for all new sub- scrihers In Canada. 11 you want cheap r81911)g look at our clubbing c c_ cam, t >` >. cco 01 NOTICE---Storecloses on Thursday evenings at yci 6 o'clock during July and August. MP 0 n) G) C"1;CJ O'DaY• v?°C a0'0 • t a 1 '0 o1yoJ • .C•}„r° • ?O White and Colored Parasols ) Wo have a rood assortment of White% Colored and Black a~^i I p a'as0)0 miring from 91,00 to 82,00, Ladies' White Waists 0A big ar0r)1)01345(.10i es' White Waists at splendid values, rang - 0 ingfrow$l.00 fej P„, 8 ) 0 (rPgS 944 t > 0 0 00 • 0 0 O) o Lace Curtains No doubtthe best seleelion and cheapest for the price yet ex- hibited by ns, from Mc to 80.00 a pair. Low Shoes Tn Children's and Ladies' Low Shoes we have the largest stock ever ken) by 11s, in tan, white and black, and at popular prices, Men's Top Shirts We keep theeelebrote+l Monarch Shirts. one of the hest lnann- (aetured in <) soft and stiff bosoms. light end dark colois, at 50c, 75e, $1.00 t 10 $1,25, Men's Linen Collars Several new styles for summer, 10 four -ply goods, made by W. G. 1t., Green d, Stir mann facturors, 15c, 2 for 25c, , Men's Sumner Underwear In Balbriggan, Merino and Light Wools, sizes 32 to 94, prices 10 each garment 25c to ?5c. 0 0 0 IPOPIESTONE & CARDINER yon `eC Q YaY 7L' I -I 0Ct 0e 0P,ring its your eggs, Always top price. 0l 4 lQl 0-v 0 E•3'C Yt70$0404'JO`Of & iose;000 `<O,D1, 1 o•j f rbi l GROCERIES a full line kept Cared 11cats and Breakfast hoods for the hot weather. ly oodenwarc--Potato Mashers, Butter Bowls and ',Weis, Towel, Clothes and Ilett Hacks. Crooks and Plower Pots of all kinds, Goal 011 the best. Naar- Manitoba, Five Stag, Choice Family, and I now handle the Exeter. (lords delivered to any part'gf town. Cash for Butter and Eggs, Al TAYLOR - r'' Corner Store BLYTH FARMERS' EXCURSION - TO Ontario Rgricultural Collaga GUELPH The annual Excursion to the Ontario Apr1Cult ran College at Guelph, tinder 1 ee auspices of the West Damn Farmers' Institute, will be held on Satur,, June lith The excursion this year will be over the new:luelph It (Foderieh Branch of the C 1', R., the best roadbed in Gauntlet .S,pc'1111 train for the accommodation of exourrionists as follows :- Leave Adult Child (iw1r,leb at Odin a. m., $1.25 05e McGuire 9,15 1.211 011e Auburn 9,27 1.512 0110 Idyll 9'0. 1.15 00e Walton 9,50 110 55a AfoNaught 10,110 1.00 50e Mor Mon 10.111 .95 500 Milverton 1(1.2(1 .81) 40e Millbank. 10.40 .80 40c Linwood 10.50 .(15 35a Arriving In Guelph 11,20 n. nl. Iteturningwill leave Guelph at 7,50p. m., arriving In Godcrlch at 10.10 p. m, 'Cickots good to return Monday, June 20th, R. Af, 10f7NG-i Ident. Cy 1lBAi1.10. Secretary. 'NDAAA t0P es THE S A 50 cents gets the first otlanutu'y 1909 to new sole• scribers in Canada, CHEAP READING The Standard • 81 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser ... 1 115 The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness 1 00 The Standard and 'Weekly Globe 1 35 The Standard and Family Herald, and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 85 The Standard and fIrtmilton Semi- weekly Tu11100 1 80 The Standard and Weekly 1'1'05 Press 1 80 The Standard and T'orouto Week- ly Sun 1 80 'Che Standard awl Hamilton '1'w i ce-a-week Sponger._ , , , 1 80 The Standard 011d'Itor0uto Daily Star • 2 25 The Standard and 510120nto Daily News .. 2 25 The Standard and l xm'mer's Advo- cate 2 30 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 60 The Standard and Evening Pres Press 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press R 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 00. '1110 Standard and Evening flail and Empire 8 50 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4'511' The Standard and Daily Globe, , 4 5tr Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, $LYTH, ONr,