HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-06-25, Page 1VOL. XXI.
No, 45.
"Life in Every Dose
"I cannot speak too highly of Pop.
chine, for it is the greatest medicine I
even used. I was just about 'all hi,
when I began the treatment, and in 3
months I was as well as ever. It is a
great tonic for weak and run down peo-
ple. There is new life in every dose,"
Ridgetown, Ont,, Dec. 19, 1906.
It iy a sin not to tell your sick friends
about this wonderful prescription,
Throat, lung and stomach troubles, and
all run down conditions quickly cured
by its use. At all druggists, He and
$1.00, or Dr. T. A, Slocum, Ltd., Toronto,
414000.0.0 0.0••1.0♦•♦ 000!1
• •
• •
• June, July and August leads into ••
• our fall terra without any break. •
♦ Eater any time. New catalogue •
•• free, Write for it to -day. •
• Central Business College •
4 •
• The largest and most reliable of Its 0
t.kind, : •
• Yonge and Gerrard Ste., Toronto, •
• W, 11, Shaw, Principal. •
• •
0••••• ••00••0 0•444040 •
Mite Gita Drug Store
Spring Talk
The season of the year is here when
everyone turns their attention to Olean.
ing up the wrecks of winter and getting
in shape for the busy time, We are
right, ou the job with a fresh stock of--
Formahledydc 01% (Mork',.)
Chloride of Lime
Moth Balls
Carbolic Acid
Sadtoh Snuff
Don't forget that we are sole agents for
Blatchford a Calf Meal and Empire Poul-
try Duster,
Our management trains more young
people than other in Ontario.
P any
There must be a reason ; write for R.
Special Course for Teachers,.
Mall Courses,
Goo, Spotton, Principal,
Andrew Snell left for a trip to the
\Vest for the benefit, of his health.
Ars. W 11, CeOk spentst few days
the guest of her non at Collingwood and
with friends it>'1'010nto,
Mrs. Williams, of Sault Ste, 0J,>Se,
Mich„ formerly of this place, 111110 re-
newing 0rql Si,tanees around Isere the
past week.
,lames and Airs. Nuys, of Yale, Mich„
visited the hater's brother, lames
Stanley, and their voice, AL's, 1), Tudor.
Quite a number of our young people
picnicked at Bayfield on Saturday.
A's. Hu„ill sr. is at present on the
sick liet.
The farmers are at preset busy bee•
ing roots 11 doing statute labor.
A 1)00011111 dub has been organized
hero and practice, now goes on every
Go Tuesday night of last week Rev.
11r. Langford is to give a series of
pictures of Japan and China.
Cause For Alarm
Epidemic Infuenza, Grippe, Catarrhal
Troubles, Pneumonia Increasing
A. marked ineroaso in troubles of the
breathing orea 110 i0 noted in many
localities, If you will only have
Hyomei at hand to use with the first
attach of Cold in the head, Pneumonia,
Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore
Throat, Croup, in foot any respiratory
affection, the trouble will be enickly
005 rc,me,
If 1110 attack is neglected and bo -
comes severe, speedy relief will come
in most eases and a persistent nee of
Hyoulei will cure.
Phe directions for using it vary, but
the principal is always the same, that
of destroying all the germs in the stir
you breathe and having it reach the
air passages with dry medication front
the Pitta and Eucalyptus forests.
Remember that liquids or moisture
is barred from the Bronchial 'Tubes
and Lungs, It's the dry air of
Iiyomei that roaches the spot, .1, Al,
Hamilton guarantees it.
Complete outfit, 91.
Elmore Senior was successful in get-
ting in the honor list at the recent
Toronto University exams, for second
year B. A. class,
P. Bowden, of Itidgototvn, formerly
of Exeter, has been selected as one of
the Canadian howling Kean 601)1061
lr eves next week to tour the British
A largo brown horned owl furnished
considerable excitement to the juve-
nile element and utters on Main street
Tuesday, it having been captureil by
Prod liawkshaw 111 the Commercial
Hulse stables. How ilia owIsllip00010
there seems to be a mystery,
Will Knight, who is acting as purser
on one of the lake steamers during the
holidays, 0101'
dt s rot his name the h 1
� t. n
roll one day hest week while the boat
was at Port Staley, TWO of the dee]:
hu.nds woro engaged in pointing the
side of the boat whenonoof them lost
his balance and fell into the water. He
was unable to swill and had gone
down the second tame when \trill jump-
Suxnmer Suits
'Iwo -piece Suits, just the thing for summer outings, $lo
Suits for $6,
Wool and Balbriggan, 25c a garment up.
Fine Straw and Canvas, nice cool Hats for the summer.
Store closes on Thursdays at Six o'clock
during July and August,
S. 1 -• GIDLEY
ed in and held Lim by the slionldor
until lie could be rescued,
-Subscribe for Tun STAN UAIty.
Resist's' Coate liar 16 baby 01111a -
ries 1111d will horn have 1add11101>0 to the.
Alr, 131ackstone has purohnscd is
New York combination electric piano,
It is 61(61 by 11 01111111 1110101' and is the
only instrument of 1hekind > in this
seel100 of Western Ontario,
The Howell I(,udware Co., Limited,
of Godcrich, huts 11.01) organized, and
is capitalized at 110,000. 31r. Nowell
received the charter last t1'eclt,
Cavon Baron, the celebrated
pianist and composer, principal of the
London Conservatory of 1lustc,.Will
examine 1.110 111118111 pupils of the Sisters
of St. Joseph in 00110110h on Jtine 29th.
Donald McGillionddy, of Stratford,
is with the soldiers du camp and many
friends in Gode'ich aro pleased to meet
Ile is Lieutenant with Co. No, 0
of the 28th Perth Regiment, Ile is
accompanied by his wife -who is stay-
ing' in town.
The new road to the waterfront lits
been opened up, the public works com-
mittee havingltad the roadbed grave-
led and /littler walks placed at eneh
side and the road levelled off to a grad-
ual rise. A flight of steps has been
placed leading down the embankment
to the sidewalk, This rood rots past
I', 13. Holmes' coal sheds and is the one
provided by the C. P. R. in lieu of the
road past the Big Mill which was
closed up
Today the 61060 pastor of Knox
church, Rev. .1, R. Al rule, B. A., is
being inducted by ministers of the
Presbytery. Owing to us going to
press the aro only able to give a sketch
of the new pastor, but will be able to
publish a report of the induction ser-
vice next week. Rev, J..15. Marne, B.
A., is the son of Alexander 1186111 and
Elizabeth Thomson, His public school
training was received in Hamilton
township, Northumberland 0011813,
afterwards attending the Cohofirg
Collegiate Institute. Prom tho colle-
giate -01r. Mat.mpassed on toToroufo
Un1tcrsit of Which v be is a ri
t, d
u1 ants with honors in phildsoph,y. llis
theological training was received ut
'Knox College, Toronto, and et Prince,
torn Theological Seminary,. Princeton,
New Jersey, and from ro Latter he
graduated in 1891, having also taken to
post•gradnate course in Princoton Uni-
versity. Immediately upon graduatioy,
0o111 was extended to Mr. Mann by
the Presbyterian church of Ashland,
Pa. He served as pastor of the Ash-
land ehurchfor about three and one
half years, when lie was called to the
pastorate of the Srolchtown church,
New York, beginning his work there
with the first Sunday in January, 1890,
The Seotchtown church was seated 13'
1Ir, 111111 nearly seven yea's when he
110681'111011 to Ontario and wee reneived
I theGeneral
> at its nest•
ing i1>'1.'o'onto in J1,1)0 1902., During
his pastorate of rho Seotchtown church
the congregation celebrated the cen-
tennial of its organization, Air, Aiello
being the fourth pastor. The pastorate
of this church 116, Mann resigned some
months niter the death of Mrs..Alaut
toi'otnrn to his former bonze that he
11>ight be with his two little children
who had been in Ontario for soma
months. In the autumn of 1902 Mr,
Mann supplied the pulpit f '
,Ian >•
supplied p
est. All.
drew's ehnrc1, Canadian "Soo," for
dono time while the pastor 6001) 01111,
ie preached in Sturgeon Falls, then
vacant, early in January 19011 and wits
called to become pastor there in Feb-
ruary, which he 8gceptcd a rid hes 00r -
v1111 111060 1111111 the present. Daring
his pastorate at Sturgeon hells tile.
church has been rebuilt and newly
seated at a cost of 12000 ; a new manse
was built With all modern improve-
ments at a cost of 83(100. T11e'e have
been added to the eonlinuniou rolls iu
Sturgeon halls and Cache Bay 100
communicants during the present- pits -
(orate. Thera have also been .many
dismissals ns New Ontario is 0 place of
charges. Sturgeon Falls and Cache
Bay increased in their financial givings
from 01100 to 52000.
In Memory of Mrs. Elson
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Quinn,
who flied at her father's home in East
1Vawanosh, June 21(11,
One of our loved ones has left. ms
This 0116111 NV 110 not rice home,
Though 100,110 loft sod behind her
We bid adieu to the loved one gone.
It Wes sad when it came to parting
With -Ole one we Bell so dear,
And it ,brakes us sad while drinking
We shall meet her no more here,
Bonne and prospect blighted,
But (hod's will must be clone,
It whs only a short time since she was
And two hearts were as one,
Our dear one has gone on before ills,
But take courage my friends, be
Strong ;'
Just trust in the Heavenly Saviour
And we shall moot with the loved
one gone,
Every price gives you an opportunity of saving money, if
you need the goods. Come as soon as you can in order to
choose best, but whenever you come you'll find the values
most appealingly in your favor.
Two Dress Goods Specials
1st assortment --
Comprised of all Wool Tweeds, Panama Cloths,
Serges, Skiggotty Cloths, Cord de Soies, Albatross
and Lustres, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches wide, every
color, worth 6oc, 65c, 15c and 85c a yard. On sale
Saturday at per yard only 35c
2nd assortment.
Fine Silk and Wool Albatross Cloths, Silk Eolienes,
Voiles, Taffeta Cloths and Crepe de Chenes, Col-
ors, different shades, browns, grey, cream, tuscan,.
navy, rosedea and black, 40c, 42 and 44 inches wide
worth 75c, $f.00 and $1.25 per yard, on sale Satur-
day at per yard only 50e
3000 lbs. Standard Granu-
lated Sugar, 20 lbs, for $i.00.
One lot 32 inch wide Heavy
Prints, guaranteed fast colors,
worth 12 1-2c a yard, for loc.
6 pieces of to and 12 1-211
Muslins, light colors, at per
yard 5c.
15c Muslins at per yard loc.
25c Muslins at per yard 20c,
A. A. Appleford, of the Commercial
Printing Co., Hamilton, was lin town
calling 8 n l friends,
e ds
g onoh
James Anderson, the town street
cotnmissiouer, had his hand totter on a
rusty nail on Monday; He was hand-
ling some old planks at the 00116 of the
Town 111111 when the accident occurred.
Mrs, n t 's -
1 AVti, Reidy 6011 taken to Lon-
don Hospital suffering from a broken
thigh. Tho accident occurred some
day's ago at the home of Mrs, Johnston
in Ha'pu'hey. While entering the
latter's home Mrs, Reidy slipped on a
hoard and fell and as a result met with
a very painful accident.
The ninth annual race meet of the
1' 1> f 1 1 t
,.onto t t Club was held on P
e aes-
day std Wednesday of hast week, un-
der perfect weather conditions. As is
usually the case the attendance on the
first day was not very large, but the
.stack wns fast and t e racing good,
the 2.10 pace being one of the closest
and best races every seen on a hall
mile track, On Wednesday the aat-
tendance wee good and again tho rac-
ing was of the very best.
ltobeot Thomson shipped 12,000 doz-
en of eggs to London, It takes to lot
of gathering toseeme such ashipmaut,
J. 14. Cameron has been appointed on
the Examination Board by the Educa-
tion Department and will spend a
couple of weeks at Toronto attei111ing
to his duties as soon es the examine.-
nations are 0601' next month.
I 8, Scott has disposed of the two
acres on the corner of John Grninept',
farm. Q011011 street, to Air, Grai
for 9209. It finishes out the 100 11
end snakes a big improvement to 1
A rwo-storey red brick block will
6111111 by Ewan & Co., Brussels, on th
coi'ueradjoining the present 6811)ng
factory, 8; S. Cole, of 10hel, has lb
contract and the work will he conn
plotod before the summer is over it i0
John Galbraith has sold his livery
barn and business here to John Oliver.
0th c0u„ Grey, taking Air. Oliver's 100
acre farm in the deal, with crop. The
price of farm is said to be 85000, Pos-
session giver and taken on July Ist.
1V. H. 3lc0rarkart, W, Matin, J, 0.
Tones and W, 0, Smith attender) the
District Lodge of the .l, 0. 0, F, at
\Vin„ham on Wednesday of lost
Will Amens has pnrc rinsed the
spe,,,16 gray .Kaplan driver from San -
net Wilton. of 101V11 pn3'ing 00220 for
how. She is a fine mare and should suit
hoe purchaser 0. k.
Arrangements are Leine made for the
painting 1(11(1 dec0rotiog of the ill 1erinr
of the 1Methodist church and varnish-
ing the seats, etc, The outside wood-
work will also receive o dress of paint,
Se�6'ie0 will be held in the Sahbath
School room while the work is being
'1'hr STANDARD job printing pov-
erfuilyy pleases pafticn1ur people.
It' you are not already a customer of
I,ur j nb pri(tipa. depirlmellt we so,
licit aetri-1 order, -
Base Bali Match
Fria Eyeq'g, dune 26
vs. Blyth
Subscribe for T1110 STANDARD,
tGood Advertising Brtugs Dollars, i
0 ei
0 'lie way to Will 10 to be -0.
Gae called at 0 p. 111. 011111'p. '0i ggin;S0
Admission, adu110 lilc.m.�
Ladies and children, 10c, 'OA( Common sense is uncom- Ca
• ,1•` monly good advertising, 0�
Don't Fail to See This 'Game r
- t - 11'lieri the rest are strain- ���
:44.O♦•0®0.00.0 4.0.0••0•• i �� illy; to outshoot each other- (�
1 i0 Just try a little quiet explain- �01
Mg Irovu•couut,
on of 6 account,' ell ft to the •• tp� y
) • • O However important your �ya;J!
• l��l��L� �6ll 4 rO ad, may appear to you, re- S05
• m .n her its only one in tel
• r� r
0101 o
00000000®x.04000 ♦10♦0.000 10 thousand to rho cursory k��
While the 1'116,111 is invited to make �0 reader, Don't 0'111110 resist• �Ci
use of tilts celuum for e expressionr♦of { t anus.
blip teen, personalltlesaredebarrcd and. 0 Let us not worry 'Mont P
persona 6lews on public matters a0
all cases the suitability of the cum -.•4 being over -shadowed. 11 we S
munication for publication is a matter to our selve0,- aro big onongh, iw
bo decided by the Editor,
110 the other fellow's bigness
Without differences of opinion therewill only make him cenl>att-
would, of course, be no correspondence, (0 testable. �0
and for the opinion of our correspondents r♦
t 1 1�
STANDARDand 1eir differene,es 0stdisola nlth our own 1111
1iQ,� t,:l °(0,!l.?�� . �i.Q�•vi
o? QJ SQ���QiO o
Bank of Hamilton
Capital - - - $2,500,000
Reserve - - - '?,500,000
(' '1 1 v''
Deposits of 91.00 and upwards received.