HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-06-04, Page 8A Hair
If you wish a high-class hair
dressing, we are sure Ayer's
Hair Vigor, new improved for-
mula, will greatly please you.
It keeps the hair soft and
smooth, makes It look rich and
luxuriant, prevents splitting at
the ends. And k keeps the
scalp free from dandruff.
Don net change the color al the hair,
AyersYoramIs withewh beide
'now It te your
Ask him about It
WWI du
At the same time the new Ayer's Hair
Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting
the growth of the hair, keeping all the
tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy
condition. The hair stops falling, dan-
druff disappears. A splendid dressing.
b7 tam 1.C. Oar C*,, Laval, Maser-
You always pay
too much when
you pay too little
Paradoxical but tette.
Particularly when buying Gro.
Nearly every article of eatables
can be adulterated,
Many of then often are.
Constant vigilance is required to
keep undesirable goods from creep-
ing into a. grocery stock, .
One of t)q most persistent sinners
is Canned Goods, Thousendeaud
thousauds of them put up every
year. S:meborly sells thorn,
Somebody bye then.
Sotnebody eats then.
This grade of canned goods is very
common, but this store has never
sold a can of it to a customer in ire
life, and it never will.
Our way is firsts or nothing in
everything, always,
%I Table
Cloderioh 1,v, 7,001 sae,
" 7,33
" 7.48 "
" 8.21 "
Elmira,,,.. ' 8,56
Guelph " 9.25 "
'Toronto Ar. 11.10 "
Toronto Lv, 8.00 a.m. 5 50 p, al.
Guelph Ar. 10,00 " 7.50
Elmira .,..,' 10.25 " 8.14
Milverton .," 11.03 " 8.50 "
Walton! " 11.39 " 0,25 '
Blyth " 11 52 " 9.36 "
Auburn " 12,02 " 9.40 "
Goderiob " 12.30 mm. lulu "
4,50 p, 01.
5.22 '
5.35 "
6.09 "
6,45 "
7.12 `
9.15 "
am pin am inn
0 40 3 30 Wioghom 11 50 7 35
0 43 3 33 wingbom Sot, 11 48 7 25
11 52 3 44 Belgrave 11 40 7 13
700 956 Blyth 1128 700
7 14 4 04 Londoslwre 11 20 0 52
7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 11 05 6 36
8 05 4 30 Brucelleld 9 50 6 19
8 15 4 47 Klppon 9 50 0 11
8 22 '4 52 Hensel! 9 44 0 05
8 35 5 115 Exeter 0 30 b 51
8.46 '515 Centralia 9 18 7 43
8 59 5.20 Clandeboye 9 OJ 5 54
0 05 530 Lucite Crooning 9 05 5 30
912",537 Denfleld 855 525
9 21 5 40 lldertnn 8 45 5 15
Il 20'! 6 54 Sttrlek 8 35 5 07
tf 35 '5.68 Hyde Park °rnosiug 8 26 5 02
9 37 0 00 ' Hyde PO4 Jet. 8 21 5 00
0 45 6'10 London 8 15 4 50
Connections aro made at Winghan for
all etatioup on the Palmerston and Jinn-
ourdlne branch.
Connections are made at Clinton for all
stations on the Buffalo and Goderieh
brunch, and all stations from Stratford to
Connections are glade at LueanCrossing
for ail stations west to Samna,
Connections are made at London for all
stations east and west on the mats Rue.
and others during July anti August.
R+mains open tbroughout the summer
and many students enter at this time,
We have a greater attendance this year
then ever before, Graduates readily se-
oure employment. Write today for hand.
sonsantnlogue, It pay's to attend the
best, -
W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Cor; Yonge and Alexander Ste., Toronto
Not a Miracle
But Medical Science
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited,
Toronto, Out.
Gentlemen: -
"Some time ago I began to lose flesh
and failed every day until I had to
quit work. My physicians and all my
friends said 1 had contracted consuutp-
tion. I failed from 165 pounds down
to 119. I was advised to go to the
Rockies or to the coast. I went to both
places under heavy expense. I con-
tinued to fail, and was advised by the
doctors to come home as nothing more
could be done for me. Hope seemed
to have left me.
"I tried Paychine and since starting
its use I have gained from 119 to 141
pounds. I have used $10.00 worth of
nd I
the medicine. I am a well man n
cannot say too much in praise of Pay-
aychine, The strongest recomn endatiou
would he weak in view of the fact that
I believe it has saved my life, It is
without doubt the beat remedy for
run-down conditions and weak lungs.
"I sincerely hope and trust that you
will contiaae your good work of saving
run down people and consumptive frau
the firave. Wishing you and Psyebins
eoutmued success, I remain, one of
Psychtne's beat friends,"
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
Almost every mail brings us lettere
like the above. Paychine will repeat
this record in every case, It is the
greatest medicine known. At all drug-
gista, 50e and $1.00, or Dr, T. A. She
cum, Limited, Tomato.
There are days of dizziness, spells of
drowsiness, headache, sidelohe, back-
Sometimes rheumatic nein after uri•
linty trouble.
You are plainly told that the Kid-
Iteys are sick.
Booth's Kidney Pills cure R11 Kidney
Mrs, Thomas Wanless, of Main St.,
Blyth, says : "I had euffered with a
number of symptoms of kidney trouble
for the pest two yea's and very often
found difficulty in getting anything
that would relieve me. My back was
tender and a heavy dull pain would
cone in my sides and extend around
my body. Headaches and spells of
dizziness were frequent and Icould find
no relief, The urine plainly told the
disordered state of the kidneys and the
kidney secretions were greatly die -
ordered and frequent. Booth's Kidney
Pills were advertised, and procuring a
Mix at Mr. Hamilton's I commenced
treatment. They seemed to benefit me
from the first and it was a compara-
tively short time when the pails had
left my heck, The kidney tocretj000
wee regulated, the nrine cleared and
the headaches and spell» have not
troubled me since."
Sold by dealers. price 50 cents, The
Ti, T, Booth Co„ Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont.,
dole Canadian agents.
Subscribe for 'Pun STANnA1n,
$2.00 "TUN
Returning Monday, June 22
E. 11. AYtin, Excursion Agent.
Chihil'en Meals Baggage
Half Fare 50conts Pae
For Goderieh
Leave iletroit for Goderieh 8.00 a, m,
O,'ave Port Huron 12 noel,).
Friday, June 18th
Goderich Hanoi
For Detroit
Special trains Jon 20th to Gelerdch leave
Blyth at 7.06 and 7.48 a. m,
Return to Ooderloh
Leave Detroit for Gederleh 1.001 p. re.,
,SI inday, June 22nd, Central time. Ar-
rive le Goderiob 9.30 9, m. Special train
on arrival of steamer for Rlyth.
Return to Detroit
Leave Goderloh for Detroit 8.30 R. m.,
Tuesday, June 23rd, Canada time.
A Description of Our Trip to
West China,
(Continued from lest week)
The "house boat" is the only made of
ravel south and west of lcllang. Its
ength is nhout 75 feet, about 12 feet
Wide. draught 8 feet, The boats are
divided by partitions ramming cross -
vise every 8 feet, '1'hesc sections line
all floored over small doors, which fit
closely together, one or all of which
nay be removed nt any time, Beneath
,his floor we stere our supplies, 25 or
'40 feet et the frost of the boat is used
for ire management and is uncovered
dnriug the day. At Might itis cover-
ed by matting suspended 0 it move-
able frame and serves as a bedroom for
30 mel. Emelt ural wraps himself fu n
blanket, and huddled together like pigs
In 0 pen, sleep Hee u king in his palace
until Morning call is soutided, In the
centre of this space 10 the Chinese
stove, upon which the cook between
times prepares food for over 40 men.
Phe chief man on the boat 40 the ti -
gong or pilot, who stands on the vers'
brow old has full control of both the
men end boat. The mast is placed
about 80 from the brow. The next 80
feet is the passengers home, The walls
are about 7 feet at the side aud 8 feet
at the centre. This space is divided
into four rooms, two:bedrooms, dining
room and kitchen, by moveable p0't-
tions. Each room is provided with one
or two sliding windows on eneh side of
the boat, which are protected while in
harbor by sliding board shutters. 'Phis
1000 our abode for nine weeks. Some
df the party, who went t0 Statiotla (lir.
:her up the river, were on for almost
12 weeks. On our bout, The Alberta,
wa0 11y sister, 5300. Earle, her husband
end little son, Delmer. Behind our
part of the boat is the steersman, who
stand)) high enough to look over the
roof and get the pilot signals, Ill the
very hinder part of the boat f0 the cap•
rain's quarters, where he and his (nm•
ily live, The boat, is propelled in three
different waye--Balling, rowing and
towing by trackers, The first fo'most
agreeable to all, but the winds aro yory
)tteertu11, 'Phe almost equnro cotton
sail ie interwoven with small bamboo
poles placed 15 or 20 inches apart above
each other, It is hoisted by means of
a rope and pulley and is almost, babied
the roast, instead of in front HS in our
country, The rowing differs from any-
thing we ever saw before and is dntii•
cult to describe. They use two long
oars on each side of the boat, which
are are about 80 feet long and curved a
little, and work on a pivot near the
centre. Itis rolled back and forth on
this and in some mysterious way the
Moat is propelled forward at a fairly
good rote, About 8 teen work on each
oar. all keeping time with a kind of
song, which is not altogether pleasant
to listen to till you get use 1 to it, The
majority aro bare above the waist, ex -
Copt for the ever present cotton rag
whfeh f0 wound around the head, either
to keep the shaven part warm or to
Hold the queue out of the way. Below
td10 waist are found the universally
large trousers, extending half way to
the similes, '011ey weal' elle strew san-
dals, but many of them have 'hot 00e5
01IE'rnAu it ls,
When the shore permits the than ate
nut on the hand to pull and are called
"trackers." Each has it sash to throw
over the head and one alroulner, To
the se sh is tied a small Popo six or
seven feet long and the other end of it
is attached to the long rope which ex-
tends to the ship. This rope is attach-
ed to the bottom of the most and is
shortened and lengthened at will. It
is made of bamboo and 4s most durable
and strong. Wo saw miry places
where there rues) grooves cut 4u the
rook inches deep by the rope. beim;
pulled over thein. Sometimes the
trackers are 1200 or 1500 feet from the
boat, They keep time 00 they march
along by singing or yelling in a way
peculiar to them and which sennet be
described. 'rimy are cotveyedback and
forth to the boat by a 0lmtllboat whioh
carries the rope. The houseboats all
have a sweep or peddle about 80 feel
long directly over the square bow and
is used to es0i0t the rudder, Without
this these boats could not be controlled
especially in the treacherous rapids
and whirlpools, It requires six or
seven 11101) to control it.
The week before Xmas we went to
work with a will, mak11g plans for out
Xmas tree and dinner. We decided to
have our Xmas treo on the Dospatchon
Xmas eve and our dinner 011 the Inter•
Iatio el, the largest boat of the fleet,
each one providing some part of the
menu, On the morning of the 24th of
December two small evergreens were
procured and sent to the Despatch fol-
lowed by presents from all the other
boats, Mr, Bonn eras umufnlously
chosen as Banta Chats, We ell gatll•
)rei at 7 o'eloclr to 000 what old Saute
would bring us (each one bought some
gift for every one else fu the party
tvhlle is 8lamghas) We were all talk.
lag when presently the gentle tinkling
of bells 1)111 us that Santa 1005 near,
All kept very still while the b'lls came
nearer till old Santa 0ar1dealy bounced
into elm room looking very much like
11e 08ei1 40 fn Canada, in his fur robes,
white whiskers, toque of red end bells.
He wee given a hearty reception by
the 18 Inds end lasses who were 4vnit-
inulanxiouslt' 10005 101)10003403' would
receive, The tree was beautifully
trimtned and the limbs w'e'e fairly
bending, Mr, Hartwell was preselled
with a silver war eh chain and fob,
with his monogram anti the Chinese
charmmers for good 10403108 on it, from
the party of 1907, Alter the pr0s5nta-
tions had been made we sang some of
the, old XIS hems rand 0nnrg0, moo of
1011401) was "Jingle Bells," eneh one
trying '0hear the 0)110 aid 000 01)040
in imoginntion, After' short addressee
by Revs, Bond, Hartwell and .Rudd,
we exchanged X1100 40401)10 and re.
turned home feeling that the true
Chrfduna0 spirit had (o0nri u0 even
though w) were ler separated from
home and loved sues, At 2 p. 111, oil
Xmas day we reached Kwol Ku and as
440011 a» the bonus anchored w'0 gather-
ed together for our Xrnts dinner Al.
though it husked real turkey, yet the
tender roast chicken With a eery good
811110131000, We had real Cauadisu
303)405 0)1410 ond pudding and probable
no Xmas repast. in the homeland wait
more enjoyed than ours on the Yang
I'se, We all went fora walk in the
nftern000 niid gathered together ngaiu
In the evening when Mr. Bond gave nit
a real Mena talk, which mine 0f lie who
listened will ever forget, Ho with his
huger cxperieuce and added yea's
spoke word0 of strength end wisdom
which will remelt) With us, and we
001100, he a help to 118 in the years of
labor before us in this Land (D, V,)
We ere all thankful that it was our
privilege to have 111 r. Bond's company
our trip to West China, We reach-
ed Wan llsein a hoot 2 o'clock on the
hest day of the old yea'. We mode
call at the post office in the hope of get-
ting honor letters, but the most of us
were dfseppoieted. The mails come up
to Wen l{s4en by boat, the letters are
sent over land from there, bat the pap.
048 are sept on by the enter to Chung-
king, We also visited the C. I, leis-
sious in the evening some of our party
went 00 to cauunuufom service. The
first Suudoy of the new year will loug
he remembered by all of us, livery
Senility while we were on the river we
had our own Euglsh service, as well
50 the service for Chinese. But on this
Sunday Mr, Bond took charge of the
service and adminiol eyed the suers hent
of the Lord's Supper, after we bad all
joined in the covenant service, It had
always impressed sobs being a boauti=
fel service, but this seeped to have u
nets significance for us on the first
Sabbath of the new year in a foreign
Med. We reached Chungkilia on the
1811 of January. We were met there
by 1110 missionaries and were billeted to
the different homes and enjoyed their
warm hospitality for a week, while
our boats were being put through cus-
toms, On the second of February was
Chinese New Year, which 4s the most
important day in the year to n China-
man. we stopped for a day end a belt
to let the boatmen enjoy It, Ill higher
circles the celebrations are kept up for
5 0I' six weeks, '1 hey feast a good part
of the day among the lower classes,
put on their beet clothes (if they have
any) and go to extend their best wishes
to their friends and often their is an
exchange of gifts,
After this there was very little of
special interest in our trip, except for
the wreck of the Snorter, cargo boot,
This wag Hither interesting for while,
especially when ,you easy cases of sugar
dissolving in the Ysyng 'iso le n vein
effort to 0weet011 its muddy waters,
The scenery was maguicient during
the whole trip, Often the balks ere
hundreds of feet high, almost vertical,
Petits aro cut out in the solid rock mea
in places scores of stops are hewn otlt.
At other times we marvel at the in-
genuity that has terraced the )till sides.
Although it wits winter time WO passed
by orchards of ripe oranges, peanuts
and all or very litany kinds of vege-
tables a11110st matured.
We passed great multitudes of people
and creat cities whose population we
could only guess. Sometimes tl e
people followed us in crowds as we
walked along the shore or through the
villages, brit there tyaS 110 sign of hoe-
tihty at any tin e.
On Feb, 811 we reached Luchow,
where we Merited that we were sta-
tionedYuin Hsfen for the year, mai
that we would leave the rest of the
party here and go up a small river in
small boars, We spent about three
days O'aneforring our goods, then we
bade adieu to the rest of the party here
except Dr. and Mrs, Sheridan w'l.o
were going with its, A C. I. 11, min.
0101110034 01111)0 With 118 es guide. On
the 6th clay we reached rash 11011 where
we left the boats and finished our jour-
nal by chairs, We Unloaded 0111
goody anal arranged to have them car-
ried ove'hnhd, The next day five of
us 0tnrted for Dzf Liu Tsi arriving
there at 1114110411) to find that the tithe
8301100y had not yet returned from con-
ference, We were able to get in and
took possession until R. 0. Jolliffe, an
old Alberta friend, arrived hone the
next night. We remained there a few
days more land then tools chairs for
our own 01811011 which wits only 40
miles distant, loavieg Dr. and Mrs,
Sheridan there, We arrived glome et
dusk i011d were glee/1 it very hearty 00-
copti011 by the 111IbsiOilal'fee, Dr, and
Mrs, Smith, Rev, end Mrs. Mell,m-
mond and Rev, and Mrs, Jolliffe, As
eve pissed along the street we were
00118101) tb,, 01,3)) ted with "pin gen mull
se and 51)03," which being interpreted
00)4)8 "pence to thee, pastor and
wife," Wo are very cotnfo'tabl,y 00'
1)1 bhisl)l'd in our new hone, a mud -
01 14)0d house,
So now 1 will close, ]loping to re-
ceive lettere from sone of not old Hur-
on friends, With best wishes to all
and taking an interest in your prayers
as we enter on the trials lied joys of
mfssfoua'0 life. Mr, end Mrs. Earle
are etatton0d at 13enshow, two dey0'
jo)rnej' by chair flee' bele,
Owladdr0ss 4s Ynin I10ien, West
Chinn ;vin Chungking),
Your friend f0 West China,
Marion Auld Longley
[Note -Letter postage to West Chinn
5c, postais 2c ]
Many Children Sick
Get theft' feet wet, catch cold o
camps, and give theft' mothers an am
xf0ue time. With the first shiver or
sneeze rub the little one's r,hest with
Nerviline, gargle the throat und give
ten drops 4n lint water at bedtime,
Next morning all is well, 110 cold, no
time lost at school, If Poison's Nov.ei
line 1on't in your home get it tlore at
once, Desler8 sell it in large She bo•
Furniture Bargains
Still Continue *
Having held the attention of the purchasing
public during the past year, by popular prices, we
have slated new goods to begin the second year,
and the prices will at once suggest the advantages
in dealing here 1
Lot 1-Iro'n Beds
40 Beds In the lot, ranging In prises nit fellows : $3, $4,
4 5
450 0 5 1 '
7 ( 7 0 Y5 °1 5
�, ,2 ,in,$ 8 1 19 14.50 1.
,$,4,2,2 ,b ,$ ,2 ,�
Lot 2 -Mattresses
Guaranteed purely oanite'v, $3, $350, $4 sad $5. 32 In
the lel, Our apeolal at $4,00,
Lot 3 --Couches
23 In the lot, whioh meons skidoo, Priees will interest
you. 24.50, $5, $0, $7, $8, $11, $12.50, $14, $15 and $20.
Our spcolol this spring to the 513.50 and 58.00.
• Other Speoia]s
* House Furnishings
This department bas special attractions through the
bou0e-olenning season. A few remnants In Llnoloums at
special prises, also Oil Cloths. Regular 60c Linoleum for
500 per square yard.
• Furniture Dealers & Undertakers, - - Clinton
a Your Expenses paid both ways. 'Phone 28
Springs, any size, 52, 52.25, 52.50 and 53.00, Our special
to $3.00, Rattan Oaatnn, 23.110, 54.00, $4.50 and $0 00.
Dressers' and Stands, ranging in price from 20,00, 210.50'
512.00, $12.75 and up to .50.00, Our special is 202.75,
Sewing Machines, We are special representatives for
the Standard, Prices range from 520,00 to 545,451.
Good Corn Sheller for 26c.
A marvel of efficacy and promptees0,
a remedy that does cure corns aid
warts, Its name i0 Putnam's Con
Exirooror. Contains no acids, never
pains, g)ve0 lasting satisfaction, in-
sist on Putnam's only. It's the best.
A dish of charcoal placed 4n a lade'
will keep 6110 articles Meet and whole-
some almost es well as ice. Charcoal
48 a great disinfectant. Change it
about one in ten days in warm weather.
It Actually Destroys the Cause
That's why catarrh is invariably
cured by inhaling Cata'rhozooe. The
healing vapor spreads to every part of
the breathing organs. Gems infect-
ing the tissues of the nos0, 4Iu'nnt and
lungs are ]tilled. Nothing is left to
canoe inflaminetiou. Spots that are
sore are healed. Diseha'ge is cleared
away end catarrh boeontos 8omethfug
of the pest, Use Cara'rhozome end
your recovery is guaranteed Two
sizes, 25c aid $1.00 at all deniers.
The only nourishment that bread affords
is that which the flour contains.
Bread baking is merely putting flour in
appetising form.
Flour making is merely putting the nu-
tritious part of wheat in shape for bread
Good milling is the kind that takes from
the wheat all that is nutritious, nothing else.
Royal Household Flour
is made from carefully selected Manitoba
Hard spring wheat.
Every pound is almost a pound of food;
Clean, white, pure and nutritious.
It goes farther, does better baking and
is more satisfactory in every way than any
other flour.
Your grocer knows he cannot keep store
so well without Ogilvie's Royal Household.
Ogilvie Flour Mitis Co., Limned,