HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-09-06, Page 31� 0
; .- - I I ". �. . _ .1. - _,:�."'.. _,:�__ ------ - . _ . , , , - ... I _ _ - .- i�l � - --.--.-.--.. .- . . I . . . . � - -.-- ._ � ..6.1 � - L... .11 1-1 - - I - � __ - ___ .- __-_ � —1 '--'-- - - -_ _ �_ ��_ . .. - � _ _ _ - -_ , .- _. - - - .
50Tm s, /innumerable owor obase a clean bad tow themselves they , ;"_-�__�,-_,�_� in tWo space. Pads to the horse's
I of iKirdon. 114rkl UoNv thebutilties TH PASSING UF NE I GATE I shoulders in slimmor are about what Prominclit 'Women,
waks are, obliged to 'chum In' with ,some "INT5 FOR q
It % come down on thia side, loud as thun. — jailbird, from -whom they contmot � overshoes would be to our feet—makes """
_,-*�',, LAST GREAT SQUTINY. I God, looking at tho balance, shall FARM LONDON PRISON TO ,Dr. disco, A w !a tto THE FARMER4
. se h b o, n prove tatal." them tender and soft Instead of firm The Marchioness of Anglesey, who
% .
� , antioull", in t-ble presence of luxon and TORNPOWN. TIUDDLUD TOGETUDIt LIKE SUBE,P '-*'"-4 1 and tough. . . was formerly Bliss King of 'Georgia,
. ,---"— _ --- devii,s, and cherubim and archan&J, -- . , I
I I d'er The buildexis of English prisons DIM UDING AND VAUR Or, HORSES. ' '9cloot the style and lenoth of cot- bas been entertaining elaborately at
Rev. Dr, Talmage Discourses on �whllc groaning carthquako, and crack. TIAO 0091114 PAII01to Witek VrOuk 1101PT to tar best adopted to the work to be hex chateau at Vorsailleis. Her rare
1106ost Iter.rill III IN14,011, seem to have had nothina.in their The firat thing of importance is to
� . line Zonflugrabilon, and judgment � .,. Ota but tile olugle Idea of keeping have the riqlIt kind of stock from performed, and whether a. new or old collection of floweirs, especially the
in shall "Old Balley," the moot famons pri- .
VW4 I trum:Vot. and everlasting istor , collar, soak it to ,water over night carnations, has been greatly admired
I .0, � the Subject. rope4b it, "Welghad in Wo balance, Bon in Ungland, and second only to prl4olaors in safe custody. The rooms which to breed, If you, are thinking before fitting it to the horse. When by bar guests. The chateau was
I I and found Wanting V, the Bastile of Paris for blutorio,al au -i calls were %Q, close and stifling of turning your attention to broad- ready to plot It on, mipo off the -sur. built for Dlme. da Maintellop. The din- . �
. "BuW' you oak, "bow, If we repeat signifloanoo, is about to 141) demoli,)b. ,Is to ba. constant 'sources of disease Ing horses, you should inform your -
A despatch from Washington says: him, Thol mercliftlat meaSure May ))a I , plus water from the collar. put it on Ing room has a calling paneled in
I�ut Gows maisure is just bolinigUt and come to God, will we at ed- . . and infootion. All sexes and ages self as thoroughly a,,s possible, con-, and adjust the bante(s at the. top and mirrors, which reflect the flower-
-Aev. Dr. Talmage preached f rout the WI`10119- 1,313b be weighed V" Yes 1 yes I There is The grial sentinel which has stood were huddled together Ind1wrimin- coratng the requirements of the m.ar- .and bottom, so as to bring the collar decked walls. ,The walls are oream- . .
I V91loWing text :_11 Thou art weighed right. spanki of the Ito osciatio from the scrutiny. 111e in the Metropolis its a warning to ately- . . ket upon which you must depend when ,to the neck on4gly its entire wititlil. tinted and festooned with garlands of
in the balance and found wantilig."- -Dat I am not a0w to wicked �W' ve been tested and evildoers for nearly 030 years will * "In three or four rooms," says the you -have anything to sell. This will .
Daniel v. 27. . w1eighing of coffees and sugaraw but driven away In - their wiokad� soloa be seen no more, Many whose authority qutoa Above, 1115D men, differ in different localities. Thereare .and adjust the bames at the top. Dresden porcelain flowers exquisitely .
a - close at the bottom, nor vice versa; tinted, jult as natural flowers. Years
. Babylon was the paradise of arobl. of the welghtlig of principle , of ia aass� Now let, tha.rigliteous get Interest is only autlqwarlan willhear Woman and children were crowded to- ways some sections of the eountry' in hut a close fit to , the sides of the ago these flowers were manufactured
as, the ,dividwil,%, Of ohuroli%5, and of worlds, gother," ou his first visit to Now- which the majority of the horses rals- . ,
tectiare. priven ,ou , on to the *11oalances. 'lob for the 01,11 Bailey nelok, so that the collar will sit firm- in Dresden by special order of Mine.,
I - �i from then ppoe, that $in is impoudex- ,, . ill yon. say, !his with regret,,
. iniost elaborate structures of modern . Ma nY Su let me, off; I cannot stand the test. is aMong tile few remaining bonds m4to, in 1778, "Many young orea� ad are of the, heavy dr9t typef, rang -
r fall, able.; but it is heavy cillaugh.to orush i , ly and not slide from side to side over do Pompadour, to celebrate the birth- .
I times are only the evidence Of -118 Gelt ba, Ye ,righitevalal "What with which tie us tQ allciellt Loodon. tures ate and slept with the old and lug in weight froav 1400 to 1800, lbs. the sliciulders, but as nearly immov- day of Louis XV, The birthday was in
� I After the Bite IoV Babylon had been I it WOVI-1. Yea, our earth itself is to till my o4isf" No time to discuss Lila , t Antiquity has owallwed up the hardened, so -me of whom. had been In other sections the coach horse, able as possible sidewise, Whou the midwinter, when the ground had been
. -ill Its aloun-
. selected, two million of man whireem- bo put in so.tlea, with I. . The bell of judgment Is toll. earliest recordie of the old Sessions confined upward of two years. There Weighing from 12UO tp -1400 Ills, will
, , I rahl. t ter. collar is soaked thoroughly it can be porvered with onorw for some weeks.
. ployed for tit a wall taills, and vallhl0, and. BOAS' You Ing. The balances here adjust House. This much is known: In - waft la"lly booya of from 10 to 14 years be most frequently found, while in brou,ght to the sides of the, borsefs On the morbtug of the grand fete, on .
. a constiluct-lon Of th f the woul,l tijink tb�it the Alp's, and Pyr- 04 -got hmomger Of ago I a still different sections, the lighter
. and principal works, The walls 0 . in you must. All your opportunities 1850 John Cambridge, f1s. , some almoot makaid. This wa neck perfectly; hut pning his window overlooking the �
and wag in the debtors, prison; T9 accommo-
Oity were alxLy miles in circumference. a,11oaS, . ITIMulayas, and Uount of being better and doing more good und Chamberlain of London Weights, Bruited to light driving will garden, the King behold the moot ex-
. ch out W a,,sh ii granted the site upon Houa�sdltlob, date this seven some of 1popla there be found to predominate. I mention . .
I .� They were surrounded by a tren ngtons, and all the cities of the7 is dry and stiff this cannot be done I I � . .
�rial oartll, on One side of the, scale, would ard plachid on. onto skle of the scales, with any degree of satisfaction, When quislLa carnations, And other. rare
Of which had been ding the mat I and you get in on the other. you between Ludgate and Nowgato for a were only seven badistea4s, and 90 of this for the reason that I have Always the wet oollar b a f lower I
, No I God will at last see '
. for the construction of the city. Theta Qrtxi,,% tt. Court of Justice. Such may have the unfortunates were siok. Those found it advantageous fo ,as been fitted to the flowers and foliage massed I
brass what oppartunitles the world had, and are too light to budge the balances; in who could not ba crowded Late the any given section to work as nearly horse's neck, 'with tile hame-t-tigs beds, with a background of glistening I
were twenty-five gates of solid ,ties 'It ne,gleoted;and your favour. OR your eilde aro sprend been the foundation of the Old Bailey', drAught at the proper place, neither and freshly_falIon snow, The costly . I
on eniell side otf the sq:kizare city, Be� w,ba I opportaul . its original uses being similar to those miserable pallets provided lay on the as possible along the same lines.: If
I . . tween every two gates a great watch- 110, VVIll Bit 'Iowa on thei( white, throne, All the kind Wards you -ever spoke, . . f lovair I . you are living 174 a, oommatualty Which too. high nor too low, then work the Dresden flowers bad been Ingeniously
' and and all the Chirlottan doeds you ever of, the present Guildhall, on filthy rags. Many were out - horse. in this wet collar at mod- placed thaTe il�ring the early morn- . I I
� . t1ower sprang up into the boavOus- te"80a t1le 01-3 world weighed, , I .
� foring from skin and blood diseases, has a reputation for producing a an. .
I From each of the twenty4Lve gates, will soe, it rise in U14 balance lighter did. Too light yett On ,your side are . SCENE OF IIBAR,NABY RUDGE." And ware covered -with uloersi and parlor uality of heavy draft horses Brute dralught until the collar is dry Ing houm, and were some days later I I
, ' tbalk a .will cry,m.t pu,t all yoitr prayers. all your . * and a perfect fit can be obtained. PIROod Ili pelroldholit poeltion, on the
t straight feathar; and he repent- The arigia4l. structure was destroy- sores. 'Phe'ar touch and breath was dealers who handle"that kind of.stook . I
on either side, a street ran all. your faith. Tea light yett . There is no other way in which it walls of the chateau, .
�� . thrOugh to the gate oil the other side, to Ills . messengers who oarry the. OnOO, I ad in 1773 and a courthouse Bract-. infection and death, yet the young, will know where you are, and when . . .
I � 5 each torch, "Born that world. Weighed, Come and geit On this side -Paul, old On tb6 ol your heavy horses are ready for mar� can be done perfectly, antl-we should .It Is rumored In London that Lady
so that there were fifty street, , d wanting." . Tiathex, Baxter, Payson, and Dod- troya . to. This was also' des- pare and healthy, Often the innocent, I . hav � never be satisfied'with anything short Staffard, formerly Mrs Colgate, -!a to .
. fliftegn miles long, which gave to the .and foall . it In the "No Popery"; .rlots of whose only.Qffanie had boon luaNuty ket yola will a notrouble to find f an absolute* fit of the collar to milxr'y for the tl-jrd tinite. Her suitor
: . ,j every day estimating diridge-aad help the Christian 1780 as readers of "Burnaby Rudge" t . I �
. City an appearance Of wanderf-al To- God i I 0 meet some debt, incurred up often a purchaser. On the other hand, If 0 .
. beer down.thle scale.. Too ligh t ; in such a community both sides 6T the -neck and the form Is the distinguished Ambassador, M. .
' �
I gularity, The housesdid not join each churches. . He puts a grait church yetl , will ix-membar, Tile place was re-,. its not daring sickness, were crowded . you have alight .
. . � . �
- MIOX H6, puts the minis. Get on thL% side, all ye invotyrs whO built and ,ealarged ja U90 by, the ad weight roadster to sell you must do- of the shoulders. ' � Camboin., - . � .
other on the gro(qud, and betweell into Cho 6- i - in hara to languish and did, helpless, I " Aunt Fellic 11 Miss Felicitso Brun -
I � teir, and the choir, and the grand went ffirough flr-6 and flood -Wick- dition of the site, of the old Surgeons' hopoless,' the pltiqbla victims of a pend upon disposing of him; to your � 0 1 � . 1. � I . . :
. .
. them were gardens and sh-rabbery. cost handreds o4 cliffe, Ridley and Latiniew. Too light Hall, . . y, as London- practioe, the most senseless and bar- local liveryman or someone also of . I .nor who died recently in the village ..
I From house -top to 1110use-top bridges 9braCture, that . So the old Balle ,. . . 1. of 11antlachuhsainn, Germany, is �,
. ' f4hpia,muds .of doltirrs, on the same 7etl- Vome, angels of Ood, and get on ors k,n;o,w it, Is nearl s O Christian nation ever your own, community. . . BORN ON A BATTLESHIP. I I I
� swung, over wivich the inhabitants - of ti�Q scales the scales, tLild see if ye cannot turn Age ounnot compoansate* for tl . Another thing is your own individ- __ I mourned by thousands of studeiits at , I
,� were accustomed to pass. A branch 9116, Oil blis othar side ,is fact dlsplayed.-, . I I Heidelberg. She wus for several de- . ..
. . s went throlugh. the. 1115 Puts the Wea of spiritual life that the balancles in. favoax of the saints;. that it is oue of the .mpst desolate, . URI taste. All other things being -Nary Aikii sidilialk ftiv the LIXI&I W4ierc. I
. .
. I I of the Jupphrate r,,I- tho, Church pugh I t to Qos . sess, . or for the �udgmciirt is ending, and, let loukipig buildings in London. Perhaps Woman. prisoners for debt often in- equal, the � stockman will always suc- "Ifittet-1411) 11as Foughl. cades'a. f Ostar mother to the passing . .
I � . , . I
. city, over which a bridge Of ma . oltidled1adles of rank and refinement was born students, and many who have made . I
I . aus structure was thrown, and un- b"Utill6rly lo,�a, or faith, or syrap6,Lthy nk thii xight;bous, be banished with itservea its purpose, and, according' 11111 , . dad - in with t " laead best with' the kind of. stock he Mrs. Mary Ann Sullivan I . . .
. I . I aa the, grand the wickoil." Too light yetl Place I � prevented eS8 , were crow. lie . . . blooming in the their Mark trace their start to. the
10C L -11-D poor. Up go . . to a familiar saying, hit., likes best, and as most farmers who as tha.canuou were, I I .
. der whIoll a wallet ran. Tju kth.ep the . . . . . S�amelesa viotinis of lust' and pro- . on battle of Waterloo, only a few ro.do generosity of this kindly woman, By . I �
. . . y in' meating7houise, with its minister andl On this side all -the sceptres of light,. more: crime than any other moral raise horses to sell must depend I �
I river from overflowing the cit ' fligaoy, and obligled to pass their , hWay frIctm one I Wbi,b the, consent of bar heirs her numer- I
. a t a 0harch is of and all the palm-braiieheis at triumph, .agency in the world. - . . doing raluch of their farm work with -of-1he batteries . . I
,� .. I Urampf freshet a great lake wa . at- oboir. Goid stays tha . I I I Unia, in immediate cluntact with them. . I reminiscences and. keepsakes -in. ' .
. ' only as it - saves . and. -all the Lhroaeo of glory. TOO .The noble building will It is to take ' the yolung animals that are not yet wrought 8tich,h%voo in the disciplined one . �. �
'Ill worth . 0 ay down at night , e',.L�, cluding.a great collection ,of photti� I . .
,: I ranged to catch the surplus in -which nine ' . . I . . * Wilion the prisoners 1, . . .
1. voir sonis ; and if, With -all Your light Yett . But .at. this point Jesus, the -place of the demolished Sessions I . sufficiently developed. to place upon ranks of Napoleon' * A stoutest-li it b, . I .
.� . the water was kept as in a reser . . , . I they ''were obliged -to follow the ill- � thei'market -it is especially tin p'ortant . gxap 4 of former students -has been . I . . .
' I aid fighters. : she is now nearly 85 . I
1- . . t machinery, you,'Aavo the Son of God, steps up to the bal- House wL1I make a noteworthy.midi- - . . . .
. 'ficion , � , .. . . -of sl3eping, invente . $ . - .
. � . until Vales of drought, when it was �magm , I . I gonlous mode . � d by .of age,, and living quietly. in transf erred to the Museum of Art anti I � .
� but, 1%. handful of men wh1an you might ances. He puts -one scarred fooit on ti6n to the architectural features of - that. .their own tastes are satisfied as years �. . I . I ..
".. sent streaming down over the th,lrsty . . . Yankee slave traders, so narrow and - Mich., where she expects to Ar�haeology of the city. . . . I I . I
I � out the Christihin's.. side. of. the scales, L�adon, ,..Bat those wbosa.d IS !l - ' I nearly as the character of the mar- Detroit, . Miss Mary Watson, a young E;ug. . . I I
. I .
:. , � , . land. A palate stood at.a4oh end of, save a malt"ile, ho will spow Y�ol ut as W I limited were the quarters. This con-, . Never remAij until shn. dies, She Is Xt moth- I .. .
. _� . ' * th. found and. they. triemble.and quiver from 'lead them inside the new Ourts are . ket they depend oil will permit. - - . � . . . .
. �. . der," as -citurried.off the gold medal - .
. . . Weighed, and . b,, liah woman, .
.11 the Mupbrates bridge; one Palace a Of )"is mou. . I . top to bott' I He puts, both feet- on, destined to .reap the more substail- sigtod in lying ")lead to shout Orly I . . . I
. I ass' Wanting I . I � Qla 'In other ,Words, you raise stoolz from either sire or dam 400king old'lady, on whom. t �. cent. I poster exhibit at Or I ystal . . . .
o mile and three quarters in pomp , , . . . I I . . it was called. - 'that 1� unsound, Unless'as is sometime hand of- time has laid fti�v wrinkles. at a ire . - . I
,. � a half Bab I Want to, beco�me MOTO . po and down go.the scales on'tha Chris- tial bellefit. Desigiied after the ar- , I. I . Palace. .. . I . ..
. - T_ , � . I orolwded as close to your nolghbor, TOW$. The -poster presented a quaint . ', - , - .
I., aind the other palace seven and . . h t' n's aide with a stroke that sets all raugement of the Four Courts at . the base, the unsoundness results f Tom and few'sor Her filrure is sear- . . . . .�
abiles in eirciamferenoe. 'Ube wife of aitinal. ersons say that 'a ,. . .. . I . . I why.lay with �Is head to. yours, as .accident and therefore not.constitu- chili bant from weight of years and Q6akarcss, with just the sweetest faeo - .1 1. I �
. I . . ...
I": ''I NOIAXdhadnezzar, having been brought ministers ought to deal With things in the Bells.of heaven a�chlming! This, Dublin, the courts Of the how 'Old s � . her eye is .as' 'Lear and brig . bt; I as a Imagkna4le,. tre I med in t . he whito'cap, . . I . ..
. 'pois iblo, tuid il� ]lave room put your tional. In solecti r' c , . . � . I
il b up among the mountains of Media, the abstract, and not be peraqual, Took of Ages is beaviar than.' any #ailey will opm On to a -spacious con- . .. ng your brood ma as . , � I � . . . - .
1. I I I . . . . . �. head right up to his .shoulder, he do'. . . * . WOr;U by the maidens Of : the order7 . . I
� . I
. I
, " . odald not stand it in this flat country What, . isilocess would a Ifunter have if other WeIgbt. , .. . t1ral hall, . . .. I in . the same by you. The legs.of the see first of all that they are sound, .school 941's- . . .. * . � Hex plain. gown,'with w I hite kerchief - .
. ,� of Babylon, and so, to please her, Ne� . , out to shoot ,deer lin the � Dat, ch ClIxistilan; you may not get At the same time more thought will . 19 I . and to this 1 would add of good - She. employs no . artif icial- aids to . . .
I-_ lic went I he' n off so O,asily. 'I.pla ' On the opposite be taken for the-aajosty of the law, .priso-ners �*were similarly interlaced, disposition. Too size Minot be govera- hex vision, and.can sea to . Toad thS and cuffs,. . ,were in perfect keeping . I
!, il,6$6ralct JRo -puts the butt of t gu ce � � I . . and. by this neiA devioe�. four rows of ' . with the thought of the piot=6. .She . . .
"* - 11achadnezzar had a mountain, four sit; lays his eye aloingthie scale all the sins that you ever com- The.Judg�o-. including the Recorder . . . ad by t40 purpose for Which. the Stock finest printed, pages. HOT hair is I . .
� h,andred feet bigh,.built in the inidst to his bre . � I . people lay Ln.4 ro�m only 14 feet Wide. - I . . -1 L . s esented in the act of serving ' . 11- . I
- . . I 0, . ,
L � barrel, takes sure ainw,'- dra,Ws thilo trig- mitted, and all 'the envies, and hates, and Common Seotgeant, will. no long-*. . . raised: is intended. Select animals of far from be U, white, nly . . . . I I I
I . .. . . � .. . . I , ' . 4 cup of tea; and the home atin It
e., . of the city. This mountain was sur- .. . 4 They Tested at intervals . Of three * 'Ills :heaviest � gra.y - To ,it thei.terapleA, I - osp ere - . I . . .
I . � no0iisistencies of a lifertime, but .exhave to thread their waysathroug) � , I .good form and style. . . I , . vealluk itself I r I
� r, 4ad 6 A and i � . . . .. L hqars� and stroteh,- so orarap3d was the � . . . triking in. i6A slat- , .. . � . I
� . I crash go the anti is o .' the . I of the poster Was sL
. .
." rounded by terraues, for th.es,upport ge -he . 1. I . I draft horse; even, will. soil vdr� . attach ovei Nsrhich .it is combed flat an'd 11 1. . �.
, , ,� . . - If a ,physician called into. altogether they - d'o' not budge � :the t common. passages, a nuisance ... ttor if lie ba, , L ' . . � � I . . � . .. . I .
i of wbiL,oll great arches werij lifted. On rocket What � .1 .� I I , yNkrs 4 Il ity. . I
I . i . -
. �. . . yotit house, should breat your allments states. Mtiist, on pou-i'sihio,'has !set-' about - � h 'Loadon jawyars b' p6sitioa. * For, 28. NawgatO was be lood style add dc� arwo th. 14he walks With elastic step, P to ,. . . I . I . .� .. I .
. 4 . whio . . lave . 6 1 * ' . . _. .1 I . Rosa Borthear's works. sold in Paris - . . I I
. � the bop of these arches flat stones . I I . I �.. : so'6roNvIded that thts.moda of sleeping , I b, . anift when Weather! is: fair it is not . � .. . � I I
'.. I . ia tile a6ot, : before tled the balances for Over. Ther4. is complained for years. . I t.tqn. Select animals�wit.b, roulif bdy,' .1 1. . I I
. � ract? Ilow, long. . � I . . i . . I . . I I I . � Lin the sale wbioli'lasted several days . . I .
. were lRid; then a layer of reeds. and ' ' � � . . � I was,. ui%d,: In- all 7the Wards., and so il�ep chest, short back, strong Iola' utco'lamon 'for . her to take a consti- . . . . 1. � I I
i�. . . the- inflammation w,ould -heal, or the no oolidemnati-oh to. th in that are in - . � B-UMT � B � �. . . . . �.. produced .the grand total of §236,1.76. - - � " . I
hituallen; then two rows ,of bricks, � � I . � . .. IQ � .. I Y � DICK - WHITTINGTON.- - great: wes tho, ftaniloar of . prLsonera high ' � . I . �
� . . . , . . withers.. utolledneck, small head, tutlowl e;xten.clLu,.��.th.reo',m.li,e.s away � � . . .
I . , Go,freel go free! Sins . . . _" . I �.. . . Mine. Wd, Wif a of. the Chinese Min-� . . .. I . _.
,6. �� . . I . pain � be ilasuagod? WhatIf olly to. talk Christ. Jesus. . I . has ' . sloilder.sud inedlum-sized ear., prom- from hei aks -with a .
, � . closely cemented; then thick shoots . . . . � . . I Old �Pailey �. been described. as during ona. of .his 'Visits th;tt each . 'I , . . .
I a in- tile abstract, -:when YOU all..paidoned, '. shackka all brokan,, 3ka � I . .. ... I , . .1 . � ..home, Shespe. . - - I I a , L ' , -
. . -
i about ai , . 11 �. I .. - ..only'. allowe. - a�breadtli � Id 'ece t, , and istei, a t Was)iiilgton, has remaiae . � ..
. . of lead, upon which the soil was plac- � � .. � .. sel. , dark and solemn*.atrotlag slapper. was 1.11 ,� Lnedt eye ol lirown cvl6r.and W a ledioate,. _� musical Iri,�h In . a . I .
I and I �have In-- our - a Is' 'A '7# alady . prison doors all opethed. Go'irael go ve . . I . � . . `� I I
I I.. . I . I .. -Tourists of, *18. Inch to his. langth. 'Ltyi � . . I � . - falthf tit tothe Oriental dross, Oil state- ....
� ad. The earth here deposited'was so I ' � - . . I . the eye, and holding it. as lug .110stril. The legs should lie strong the bally, defeet.,of an otherwise nor- - . . ' I . . . .
. ' 4D it,will,kil) us, greel Warighed 'in the balance and. . ... - . . I . . - , �.. , � . EL It . .. ... . i
1. I I -that must be ' uted. !or . . � . � . � f Lid" slim.�-, -ft I . and well. prop0'rti6hOd, 10as( as � mal body .and .att'iibUtas Is a slight coeahtions she we ra a brillia t patti�- � � . I
, ", deep that the largest trees had room . I I I .� , . 11 from all Ian" Placed the famous place. la_tho a oaro overraft. atilar I . .
�, , . .miserably �Lnd for. ever.. . I noth-1-11g. wantingl , ..".. I .. . . . ' . � . . .. I � . I. . , emt of red or 61tio, just short enough : � .. .
.. to anchor their roots. All the glory . I . I . . on'their lisitof sights while visiting with vorailli, the viiatitation so poor. th'y approach.thu body, and bony iLnd deafiless. .Whon asked to tell some- . � . - � .
I . � . I . . I I. 1. . . . �. . , .. . . 11 I
.. I . I ... . , : . ' -efring frooln a , io flat fro, trace to,p9stern. ,Avoid a thing about I and . h am- * " . . � .
.%. of the flowery tropics was spread 4) � ut God lif ta the Valances. t6-n4lit. The . . . - I � the matipp,01s. A stiangetz. in � the . that those eutf . A-thm.l.: a . herself, . to show box1lay feet, and hadvtly,
. I .. . . I .., . . I I . . ,ill . or personal . . .
,� . Ming, . Every ,day . . . ' . bwoidered in - gold. Over' this she : . .
-day is 00 'IE'.' .1 .. . . . I I
I at that tremendous height, tintil:it �Judgmaat` � - ! HERE AND' THEIR city would , f IX on itatz glance, for;it afflictions. often died. gasping, for. flat, foot. The bottom of ,the fo6t jilgto,ry s�la -re I' 'a ' I ..
�, I " ' I judgment.. We ayo this '. .. . . I . I � , . . . I . I . T1, to .. , . , .1 . weatrs a tuale of blao I I .
1, �. m4st have seemed to one beiOW"* av Is d, -day o ; 1. . . . I . . . — _ . .; was,one.,of the half.dOzau buildings breatb,,. many ,, oontiatited diseases ,should be ,well Arched and .provided ., . .... .k. arld purple;. I I . I
� .. . I moinhi tit. being lo�nvaoftd�- inspected, , i . . . I I I � . - �f ' 'which thoy never �recbv I '. . Thexe, � !oil It - much ,to fell you. I also riebly timbroidered. The.large . I . I
� I . -1 01 though the clouds we're all Ili blossom . . . . jen,4 or Interest vrom 101ITereist Parts of' in that wilderness .of brioli and mor ,TOM erad -evan . . . I was . I . I - . I . I
. , . .. I , . I . ' . I . with -a large frog. ' :' bwn,- I suppose you hav , .. � . �
I *V ixid the very sky leaned , welulleA. . .Bub ,do .not let us all get , . tilt, 4.14slot.. tar - w,bich, had' a. character. . Of all when - released; and In some cases Went, I ; I - I. . . � I gold eagle,pn her bi�east signifies that 1� � I
.:. . , -on the shoui- . I I . 1 'take ' I � . . . . . . * . . - . .. .. � . . — . . . on the .battlefield of Waterloo. My she stands in equal rank witti. her I . . I .. I
;�. e l' cla.,..We wil iThe only bwo great ' V,uropean the Lointilca'-prisons, except the Tow- mad with .the- horror of. iti, - . . � . I I .. . .. � . � I . ... . . 1. . . .
, der -of the cedar. At the top an engine I . . mtolthOr told me tbat-ou the morn- I . I
, . � I olleat-athao. *Wliowiliget.on'firatf oapitale that never have baelVoccu-PlOd ex, it had tile most Imposing aspect. , . IJ � Iak.t. . N .. I To PAE)rENT BEES FROM ROBBING I husband, and can enter or leave a. .. ' .
. �
V1. as construeted, whiell draw the -wa- . . I . 8 AND OLD BAILEY. . . I ' . 11 L . lig Of J�aae 18.$ 1815,.- she whis With " - . 1. .1 � . .
I . W . Here is a volunteer. ,.Re is a m�oralist by a foreign -foe are London: and St. ' ' � . . . I I . .. ''� . eqiidutly do grea, , . . by side with him, . �
'.. I . ter from the -E;uphtates, far below I The 6iriglital structure � Bees IT t. damage to . . � rooira, side instead.
� I . � . Old Bailoy'will always ba familiar I � -Whillingtom's army',.being one of the . . .
as uprighb a man as ,!there is in .Petersburg. . I I . . 1. by Heary I, q4 a miserable dunm ' 0emselv7es and other colonies by -rob- '. . � . of dr,opping a a,% .. I I I
and made -it spout up naxid'this '** - , . . 'it " I . . I -little: behind, .would
� gar- . . . . to those. who have read Dickens, ,as- I . six . woman -who decomplaniod their . I . . I .
�� ...
�'_ Amexicit. Get in,'brolther, What is In 'the QueeWs isilloort -eakriage, geon, me,rely a tow calls over one, of . bing. The worst- casea ol'this genar- . W required, if her' rank � was lower .
- don of the skies. All this to please his it,that.yoa' Wave rwith you in that WIbilln easy roach� of the bed, , Is. a . . . � -gocially the lovors ,of "Barnaby .. - husbands throughout.the eampaign. thah.hl�. �Ho:r halt is banded with,. .1
1. Ille gates (if the eity, .lwhiell soon , ally iicc r the close,of.the . . . .
�,� wife. I think she must have boon bundle T. I Rudge", "Little. Durrit,ll. "Great Bi- I . � " " . blue . k s'atin, . and shows a rare jewel . .. 1
* : I I
. . . f1ght,01 .. - �,
.. . . . He attyst 11U is Vay xaputation handle Da the. floor, by palling tit) beyond it and laft.tha, honoy f lb w -in spri ag. Bees selaoin at * 19 NZED OF A. I RACE R. .
. I pleased, I . . . I for ,:MO I talit . I J graw � . I I . peotations" and "Oliver Twist," .The ' . � . . . . . I I � �
". . .�, . hi ad Uprightness? . and Which .Her Majesty cau`apPly; the. standing in the beart of +bp city.. . 1. .. �. tempt to..p�lfer and steal dUrIng a . at the front, with artificial flowers
. . - - � "On athe -ho . I
: in thiA midst of this city stood, als . great novelist . made. a stildy. Of . Eng- . that morning my f, .r� i% .
� � .0 integrity," -Loave - "t,hat bohina,-It'is 'brakes to the whole trafii at tiny m-bm-. Dick Whittington . knol-,vn to every 11 . . . honey flow,' but., when they becollie I.Vas it inembar Of tile Tw6nty-tbUrA foialing a pleturesq1tty group back of I
. . I
. . I . .
the temple at lialuis. Ono of rits"tow6rs . I . � . � -, . . I I .1 . - - 11 . . � .1 I ffib. prison life,, as 13 did of Englisli 11. I I . . .
. , nob,faLl: thati you carry a - bundle ant., : I . . I I .English speaking schoolboy the worlil . . I � . We they are almost certain to find Yusdiier.s, to.ld my ' ther togo, down each ea.r, Mine. Wtt's jewoo, are said .
W I -built, . � � � . I . . . .I.; ' . . in() . , . �, . . I . �
I., __/"� Ilk-, as one eighth of a mile high, �nhl. iwibbj yod� We jqst ,want, to measo ',Ab Que n Victoiria''s "t schools. "Nicholas . Nickelby" awoke, any colony that is not in condition t to be almost priceleiss.
1� . To 6 able an'old 6v&, to the,prison, an -dor: an act . . 4, a, I
on the top of it an observatory,wbich you. - Have yog.slanderod ypur neiglil. custom, which origin' the English -pub,liojo the harrors of Ghirinitn'sutterls. -to get.him a
. . . . ated at the time granted by Henry, VI,, and called It . to defend i.ts atoitia, and. will carry ri . . . Mrs,.Dr., Liflas- 11.amjIton',. of Lou-
... . I I each. _1sk 6f. bready. ,'We're .going to
. gave. the astronomers great advan- bouts? You say, "Never have th<Ir common - "Little . i .
. . . ,'I Bla.nA- - of, George II.,. is preserved. 149 Newgiltd, with.that striklog,want of I I . sphool-i system, off all the honey that the- hive.con--, rtilit. 'to�,Ny,' lie said,,'and we silifill don, h0t,tha distinoilorr .of being .the
. I
I tage, as, being, at so great aheigbt, la,�Oit bh,a " U ad have YOU dish is placed upoin the . . th .. . Do,trlt" -rdised j�uoh a st&m of !a-'' tal I ns. . There is' not only danger of li,�e,d so-melbing t . o ser � e�y up our grit.- . � -in wh'6 Over do I utored , the - . .
, all. .. Wbhit o trag � , table the, name . , .only wom, I I . .
i one could easily talk with the stars. committ � ed dgainst society? *You say, Of . the (cook Who: prepared it , Is originality wi , .which -the majority dignation. that priscn classification,. I I . �. . .1 : . I .. . o. I
I .
. I . I I of London streets and-bultdiago havo ' . .the loss of..tho*oolholly. being robbed, L i - Amea,r of.Afghanistap. . .* .' . . .
. This temple was full of cups, and: sta, . . .. � .� . � , � . .. . I 0 tea . 4 - . . bused in' JJ lol ,Queen -WiLholmin:a.of Holland haw a .
- ,,Nene.s- So faIr so good. 'Have your Announced. , * . t1i g' tOk, noeht of', the time, wit. . my mother -� starto(I for. the. .:, .
'. . .1 . . � . . . . I been namAd. The famous' Mayor,. . . . I .. I but .the bees beconxe so .ant. . lar's. On 1he way she . had.to
. I
. tues, and censers, alloig9ld. One.ip tboughbi �ll ways been Tight V yolz a lu- 'Vi I - . t .soon .introduced. ''As Squeors disap- .. 4 I . .. . Re- I -
. . . . . Rabies, when (in are, frow five to Who owed 61A his prosperity to a as , i . . the 4usluess that 'they are liab L I _ miniature frame,,the produce of which - .
� I .. I . 10 O' -* little ..'elevation; When . I
�. age weighed a thousand. Babilonish 'IN,,?$ Ai4- 11 . . . . t peared � before. the stinging pan of f ,,'on any '01 . . can,X it � I I .% It a - . , ,
- ) 1'�.-pub - ,down one inark ten'timas.mo-re 'ValUablo, than J I . lot t all - rty.for benevolow I . . .1 �. . . . . a e . Ony and either overpow- ' goes to the poor or the,huspit, s., 111 * . � , , ,
� � ' a , Wer . . I I A four- .. . . his propm Dickens, so Dennis, the hang . . . . .1 got to the top, thaire, before her, was ul . Or - .
� .
at to f if ty- g4i , ight. . . I I . ;man� and el. it ufficlantly to secure its honey . � .1 Swiss oha. 0
l ., talents which would be equ. a nist, yo mi % , *, Ilave you iserv-6d G!od include of the same we . and among other spe6ifl- . ,. a' 0 a ,body of' mounted -men..- In the let is stocked w Lh.,the toys , .
* . . . . I purposes, . . . - . . . I
I .. .
two million dollars.. -But why enlarge? , Aidotbor mark carat; I cations pr a'tand for indijont, Old Bqiley beodme'things,oi the past -i - r produce ,pi.l midst of them was I Wellil � gton,a . strid . a cod, and here she has . I 11 .
. 46,you, 94g.410 "NO." , ruby.may be worth from 41,400' ovided I .1. I I I 01 ch.. a: fight - that lRrge* - � - .of. beif childh I
This city is besieged and doomed, lonroa, u I . .e ,
I -
I agAknAb you., 11ave' you loved tb.18. .Lord to zell,006, - A t* rhit w by recently' Dris.1-010, the interest on which was 'and t6milak NewgaL' is a, model pri, . . are killed. . �. leained to " keep house " in the ost,
. . . . Though provisioned for twenty year I . . . . � . I I I .1 numberg . I . , hii boxiso, intently ticannipg the field . I . 1, . .. in.
� . . at Jestie O)%rIsb Withal! your solil? ".Nb", sold for 41000. � , used for semoral.hundied-'.years. Dick soil. � The; old. building, now to ba do- . It we are particular to have hvery be . � Idle - apip,roved Dutch style. . I .. I I
. . ' , . . ' - ' . . fore. him. He t arned in the ow , . . I I . .
. . .
I it shall fall to -night. See the gold and - or xnark,itgalnet you An organisb..,wbo, dirail ill .Sweden. I I I , the coal- modtshed,'was. mailt) as :comfortable . . . - ve so . me - .Queen Vio.toria. . gave a1landsomely . .
. * , Anoth . - Come, no8ir,. ' Whittihgton's Newgate. was d 'I . obiony ,in proper condition .. We wi.11 and, espiing my mo,ther; ga . .
. .
sAabla. 'tion. of cholrina4er. -or the.Coun . healthful as -the .limited sPace. . .
silver plate flash on the king' be f rank. Xj;ava you 11 b b, in tell - tUGivL ltad held the. IYOOL . oif Middlesex. ',In' � I . ,vn
. , 11 . I I . man, ja it I ty I never be troubled with robbers, f or it kind of an ardor to one, of his staff. trained (ingra ,I 9 . to the Children's
Pour out the rich wille, from the tank7 sand , comB short of yo r. duty I and organist, in one church, for I . . � . I . � ,
. t1dinags U . . . It stood on the north side of New� �vdtild permit, .and ,the new, dilifiee suieli begins from the colonies being Hospital in Dublin. 'The picture rep..
p 11 . . I L � Tht. offic,ar rode up beside my mother I 1.
4 ards .into the cups. Drink, my yels.,, �tThica I pub 4OW4 ton'thow- AlevenLy-two years wIthout missing a gate street. Tho edifice, wa.4 (A an about to �be erected will ba one of the. very. weak, or ha � ving no queens. -The . I ,.resents the Queen driving iWli,or pony
�.. lords, to the health of the king. Drink ,sand' . 1 14. Win He and - Ills, ancestors had . . .. I . . J.. 1 . I and exclaimed;. .1 . . 1. . � I .1
. . marks hgainst, yo, g me,a service- . . . oraarahmt . Inest in the.-;vorld. . latt , "! -in, what are you ,. . . . I
� . . . I . . . yJ style, Similar to it Vrium- . at. Is usually the. principal cause, . chair acroos a grasity !awn, where the , .
to the gl.,ey of Babylon, Drink to the � . played the organ in the same church I ut to'John Howard, more, than to I. ' .My good waint .1 Princess Henry of'Blitten. .. � .
. larger book, in which I may make re- I � I K icibbi children of � .
. . . . I phal eintrance, to a capital, crowned . 13 . .. O i ag, and this ,we can easily pre� 'doing here? Get,to the rbar qnick, . I .
I . .
. .
defenorlem of the oility. DrIlak to a card ot, Y* our deficits and neglects,', Do for 200 years. . I . RAY Other, the amelioration of the vent -everybolony supplied I ,. . bexg dre playLng with their' seven Pat.,
. I I I wtth , butt laments and towers :and . 1. . by keeping. - a minute.' . 11 I . I I .
I glorious future. Startle not at the nub jump ' until, I The biggest gun on eartli has Pst It onditions of English prison lift W!ij as a battle, will begin in . . .
1 o4t of the, ph�,ales . adorned with statues, having a Wide 0vt e - . . I I It a queen, or if queens are not - .1 I I dogs. '' . . . 1.
; splashed -*vine on the table as thong . h. have examined th I a I, . I . been finished ab, -the Watervleit . is ohi4fly ,due. Howard was boro ill . "my mother, thorouglily Iriglitened, - . I -' � 0 . : , . I
. ar You stancon I atoli in the center* for cafriagjas. ' This ) . . - 4 . . I. ., . atland, we can gkvo these queenloss . I. . .. I
' ,
it -eire blood. 'Parnnot pala At the one side, witU ,all your kihdnei�es, Arsenal, the United ,States Govern- eidific.0 was' destkoyed by the groat 1820, -the son, of a�.I!Aptist divine. Ile . . I � took to her. b08% and, ran straight � . DOE 8 IT PAXI TO BE POLITH?
I I . � . . � . colonies, a frame of brood from soirto . . . . I
. . 11 . I . *
. clash of the. cupo, as though It were ment, gun Nvorka. its length to 49ft. I I tiler colony, which will keep the into a line of vatrenolled troops. One . .
. and chArities, and cionciliations lbd - of 1666, which burned three tilheirited a.considexable fortune. Ile .0, in . I � . . ter door to the off lea building �
the clang of arms. 2in,, and it weighs about IN tons. It fire � I . Tlie oil I . I
On with the beliaviour. On.tlko.other side I pat ibquare, miles'of'Wo'Odan houses, some Spent his Youth in studying medicine in good shape until they rear 6. queen of the (if f icers h,Alled bar hind told bar, . ' - I
. - . mirth I A thow- and lords reel on this � I haisa, calibre .of 16in,o and can'throw a 'raveling. . . . . . . . Ito . tracks for the 'near�bi -was a inassive Affair that .'swung eith- , . , �
One weight, "iV.tho deeds of thar . � . 1. � I make I . . . . . 1. .
I . �.- .
. . 12,000 In all, together with property -and t &-ttling ln'lledfold� of their Own
I , shell weighing over a. - ton a distance., . . 13dore -she could find cover lar, way. I � I . . . . .
their chairs, and quarrel and curoe, law shall nor flesh living be jUstif bad.' . valued at 010,060,000, It was- rebuilt shire in 1758, he began to.�6ngage, his . At tha close at tha honey harvest '"'Ods- � a man, wh6 -entered was in a . : I
I I . I
I The besotteid king sinks hack on his Dow of twenty-onomiles. . . 1. . . . . . . Urao and money in philanthropic pil- . I Lho artillery, crashod- with a deafeni. ,Ili . .
a goes ,the, rweight, uV 90 yO%T . . In 1672. . � 4.� . . after much -swarmingi many colonies . burry d be- � - ' '
,, . .t ; In t1W Gorman Army the stop is AN HISTORIO'DOCX. - . barpriseA. Ills schoolsan&model cot- no, from .tng roar.' The shook of the Pxplos- .,* but, fie conslileraLely: Woke � . I 1.
. chair, and stares vacantly on the Works, Weighed in the balance, . . .11 . -try soon made will be found with6ut quee . . i and hind him jc-sj�g that he did not let it , I -
wall. But that vacant look takes on .4ild found wantingill , recokned at 31 1-2in., and the numbe, 41, tages for the peasan the fact that on vir- 'Oil of many guns simultaneous y . I
lat,ensity. It is ,in affrighted look, . I of steipis in a minute at 112; in the ThAr'nalao ls� togion'! might well him. conspicuous, and in. 1718 he Was � ly a per cent of the roar of . ma�ketry completely un- swing in the face otanytiao ,who �
. 8411, I tuxuat go on Motor end look Austrian at 29' 1-21n., and the num- be said of the celebrated criminals elected Sheriff. 04 visifingthe varl- gin queens become fertilized and got . indght, be following., I � . I
;s hN gaz-, the lards gaze; Every ' * at otas jails of his shire, he' was struck ba . nerved bar, and she fell prone to the I
'Y ab the last great Llorti,tiny, 'NV43 are ber ab lt5 to 1804 � In the Italian at' 2j ,Who have, heaml their fate in th tolerable conditions un- ek to their. )lives properly, and burn � ,XllewoluailNvhow�isfolioNvingseein. I I . .
eye 1.4 turned to, the wall. Darkness passing on, Imilleho of the' most historic dock. ,Among political of. with tho .in d out to be good queens. � . ground -it the� edge of � the wdods. I ng no ULthation . to the . . I .
I . . 1_2inq hind thio riltimb-or at 1A In t10 dor which prisonars lived. He foun I � . minutes later I 'Was, eAd to be payL �� .
� falls upun. the room. The blaze of asboanding tonsid,erations. In aMGM- , deirs sentenced tit the ,Old Bailey his life work at on - We should thoroughly inspect each ThAr.0, -4 foAv I , so the man held it open for her - . .
the gold plate goes oat� Preach at, 29 1-2in., and tbe qmber at - to" oe, and setting put hose ushored into 'the world. My. moth- door .. . . .
. Outl of the ent, the ground may -break through . . � to enter. .
115; and in th,g E nglish at 30jn., and. the Porhaps the regliolilos are the most the latter . part of the same year colony at this period, and find t . �
black sleeve of the darkness a finger ' One of the '91 pris- visited all the larger jails in the king- that -have no.queons, and supply them ex did - tha. bast she could under the The . thought that occurred to the . . .
. and Ieb yam fall into tile.grave. ir-ho lit(mber at, 116 ,Stop$ a Minute. . ' ' memorable. . - . . . I . .
of fi,61'Y terror trembles through the pulses of lij6 the oners arraigno6, in 1600 twelve were dom. .. In 1774 he pres,ented a report done .care- eAroumo ta noes., Toward night . a a justl its she got in thei,doorway - .
, DOM 90 regularly druall' Among the vowled treasures of to the House of Commons, .and, as a at once; if this has been . - nil tender- woma, I
. air a,rb,,l comes to the wall,, circling ming ill bile marelf any moment may Shah perhapo the Peacock Throne executed, while seven paid fur their result, two reform bills were pass"A.. fUllYt . We Will OxPerleatie little trou- parLsotnuns foun.6 us, a � appeniod,to taake her doubtful as to I
� about as though It would write, and !cry flalbl On a hair -bung bridge *o I . i part . In the excoatton of 0 arles L Ile than went to BArope, and, vL,;It- I ' nd ly carriiiii U9 to their home, where ,she wished to go in. or o t. .. .
,h .ble with robbingi If.it colony isfou . . whether U .
I .
then, with sharp Lip of flame, on- :walk' , over bobtomless . ought, to be accorded preWer 1place. . I I � Ing France, Holland and Garmanyo being robbed, it shoul(I be checked im. WO were both nursed '.with Affection ,still hold the door opon, - ..
I oblams' The frame is eV11rely of silver, . and 'by lifelong imprisonment.' . . 9 . � The Man
,ravtes on: the plastering the doola of When we go bo bed at night we know I . agic episode In. the history of ex.."tratned their prisons. and* made a, madiately, and perhaps the easies e d t . . The woman said. "I �wondar it I have
above It, �the gleftim Of silver molt A. 'tr I d6tailad report oon his return.' As a � .
I the king, "Weighad in the blittance, nub that ,we a4all so t1le, d,ay dolwn. the Old 13,tiley ,�vas the invasion of it and quickest metlYod is to throw' a VETERANOF MANY 13ATTLE'S'. the paper that ho.told me to bring .
. I . I . . .0 . into molten gold. It is encrusted result of his energetic efforts du - � I . . I
I , anid found wanting Ill : . When we go foTtN from our. home's wo from, end to end and from to. tQ bot- the Court by the J�ti ' I fever durtng Ing thei next 10 years much was done larg6 blanket over the entire hive, "My father," conti�Vod Mrb Silt- .to his office," and began to search ' '
� The, Ning of heavy fista againstthe .know nob t4at We a4all return again, tow with diamonds, The .0 Mug on, the sessions of May, 1750, The fever' to Tender the'eanditions of the. pris, ,thus completely *Covering it up, Do not , through the little bag that she carried �
. ILvan, "remained with his I
palace, gativs is followed by the orush-m Dangers lurk aboub your' path, and tile .84R� x6pofts - Obtained 'such 4 hold in the neigh- onerS MOTO bearable, ando although tie the blanket Lightly around the bive regiment in list hand. �
. is edged tvilon be died in 1790 ratiell remained two Years Oil the continent, and,' then '
Ing in of the doors. A thousand are ready to b-ceak upon 'you witch. but throw loosely over it so the bees I . The Man said -well, never mind .
f Tom witli nine roftirnedto garrLoon dutyin Ireland.
mouie . ,Lhysts, and tile pillow on boring prison that it forced a way to be done, he alona Must be, oredited Ion.
g1loaming daggers strike through a amouslu, In a. nb the door of which hereclines, his Imperial bead is into tile Coixrt causing the death of .for having s*t the reform on foot. will have necessary ventilat . what, the Man said. No atill beld the
* i I I . . I My mother bore him twelve� children.
fibou%nd quive-ring hearts. And now eternity may swing open, and iTivisib f Angled with pearls, Some travellers, the Juit'ge of the Common Pleas, Sir . 0 . . I �_ A stitgul-Li thing it- 1.14 tbat my ta- door open, In order to prevent itsweep. .
Death'Lq the King, and his throne a ushers conduct, yo . u in for revard ot Burtan amongst the have ti t. T om A Abney, Baron Clark, the . Ing the woitnall into the street. .
. .
. .
. I - in as . MR. h 4 , r and several mofribars of LONGEST U111DOB SPAN. GOOD AND BAD FITTING COLLARS, ther unit mother Were both born on The woman found the paper she was
. 1waP of co-rPie,4- An unseen balance or retribution-, A orqwn of glory is led t.6 value of the Peacock Throne at Lord Mayo The longeab span in the world will be Every hersoman knows welt the val- t1lie e.4.t!tte, of Lcird Dudley, were ma�- .
had been set up in the fest:al hkIl. Wing burnished for .your brow, or . I I tha bar and of the Jury. o the Tied there, andl' in the providence of after. and looked Recess the street, as
I P.51,000001 . that of the great bridge which is to lie of a perfect fitting collar t if Uncertain whother she had the �
God swung it. 130sbtzzarla oppor. bolts ore being forged for yourprison, A trado journal estimates tto Ameri- Thew plagUeS were directly oonso- ps.s the 9t, Lawrence at horse's neck and shoulders, and ave�Vy Glod, both died there, my -mother tit .
I tunittes On one side of the balaw-ti, Angola of liglilt, are making ready to ban "Output" 'f bo6yelea for tbopast quent to, the, lax "nita-gy laws, Tilt. be erected act bla,ve a central horaernall ,11go Itnows the annoyance the ago Of 101 ind my father tit the right address, . I .
a.rbd hIS Ains on thi� othor. Down shloot Over Your deliverance, or fiends 0 tie was known of the art of artificial Quebec, This is to I ,The mansaidt, "Pardon me, Madam,
. year at about eight hundred and fifty , span of 1,00 feeb. Tife PhlOollix Iron Irritation, and torture to the horse, to age of 100, yeays. My father served . buh I am in a hurry.11 I I I I
went big Ain, up Nvent hitf opportuni- of darkness reaching up their skate. *ntilatiom. The prisons Were filthy �
. I . thousand wheals. More than one and Steel Company, of Phoenixville, Any nothing .p.bitut spoiling an other- 70 �oarg In, the English army, 40 as Tbe womalleald: "Sirl"
.. � . ties. Weighed, and floand winting. ton.bianda to pall you down intorubu hundred thousand were exporte4sana throughout. .. There were Po baths .
. t psi., has received the contract, The wise good disposition, or making a a volitntleer and,80 In that regular e-s-
Thr�r.e ha -9 been a great deal Of consuinmate, Suddenly this Judg- about sov,� hundred thousand Were for the prisoners; often insufficiOn I tablislimont, and 11103t , Title man said: "I cannot, remain here � . . . .
cheviting in thi.,q country by fal,it ment, svill be here, The angel, with 6 yet space for them to. sleep, , Jail favor bridge is to cost 04,500,000. balky IlOrSO of the naturally true put- all the time and hold this door any longer.,$ . ..
weights and Measures. Government Ono footr Oil the Elan, and Tea rved foo home consumption. was pr,ovaltin't up to a comparatively The, longmb bridge spams now In let by a collar that Is tOO long, too as it laomber of the Twonty-third The woman said: "Sir, -you are the I A
. 1-116 other on the bloyelle Is now no novelty- It looks existence are the two main spans of WIL, and !lot adapted to the form pagillar.g. . Ile fought under. Corn- I
appointed counalissionors to stamp Vho land, will swear by him, that liveth as if bho people who have supposed and, recent period. The historian HOW. the Vorth Bvidgo, which a -to 1,110,foot S present at the our- Moab insulting man I ever met.0
the Weights and Measures, Much of for ever that Time $hall be no longor I declared that Wheeling was merely a ard, ' who Made, a study Of 11;nglLcih of the shovider. The harness horso wallLq and Wa . The man said thing,% softly to him-
. - in the clear. The Brooklyn Bridge,. does his wo'rk "from the shoulder," rendor of Yorktown. He Was in all . I
bho. wrong . hin W,aa rightod. L Ilarkl I hear ithe jarring of thB temporary fad would have, to own prisons at the time tho great Dr. I Self, the womall. entered, and the
. - bliemselves beaten, and, aim their wbloh once held bho record, measures of the panitlaular ohm.
liamuel Johnson was holding forth in a few feet, under 1,00 anti cot tainly'everybody will concede the battle,s
I speak of another k1nd of nnales. We 21110kinbains' It 'a tb�a getting down of dilsmal predictions at the MOtOr-cy'ale", fqpt between that for the comfort Of the animals Pftign and escaped Unscathed to din door swung buk with groat force. I
. all have bpen-in the habl� of making the balaAces. Vooki thore is some., b . t bi )Nomdoa, -writes that from his own Ob- the towers. .1 . The woman looked scornfully a6the .
. and lie ale, orao 10,, as a In Staffordshire, in tile very house in
mistakes In our wolghing of man and thing like a flash from: the cload. It Siberia has retolibly f ur4hea a new aervat.ton. he was convinced that in Tbe ,new Quebec bridge Is to be of ana val,la to its Owner, It desery man, and said something About,toll- I I
game -bird for tha. eplouras of 'Europe. cee ypo.' That this typo p6rfeet fitting collar, and that notli- %litoll he was boira. Ing .her husband how she had been . I .
things, Tho,T6 L% iudmd, only ,ono 113 W,6 glitter Of Via Nbliling balances. It, is called the Siberian I partridge, and 1773, 1774, and 1775, during -Which was chosen i3vor that of tboi suspension Ing short of perfect adaptation of the ,,When yet a gitl I luarried Uu- . . . �
. pair of balamom ab.,,oluWy perfect, :All the, unforgiven souls of earthi f U d I lod b3 spent days at a time In bridge- Is probably due to local con. I lasultedo . � ]
' is 0 h n tiblo avoutitains south of Pot for the cantilever, is by far collar to the shouldera and nook Will gone Sullivan, a me-nib6r of my fath- The man Mans no reply, but late .
- and thatigAngpe,uhled fro -lathe thrOne Must, got into the soales, ,X�lay May Omsk In southern Siberia, but its Now -gate, I'mo-ro pristomra dicil from dibiOnS, 0 r �
� 'balances struggle to kakA out but God will original home Is said to be V4rieharia. I meta costly type. the alffal`61100 'be satisfactory to either horse or or 14 regiment, and with him I travel- I
of Qod Almig-lity'. Otheir � .dysentery and other disoaseS In Ch.'s tbe at ,a multiplying driver. oil from garrison to garrison, as lie lie wall heard saying to himself, "And . I
I - wipal food conslatil of wild nuts, it in cost, InorealAing . . I
jot out Of Order. The, ch4n,broakG, Pub th,bm in. wt?et thia universe look 'w'h" LPN"! Ono pricon than wave put. to death ( ratio of the Increase in length,, ka. W 1) y0b People cla'-m that it paya to be
give 0.n, exquisite fravoir to its . Lilver,v horseman knows that not Ono was MOV64 from t1MO to tin I
ore the, mtftl Is elipp6d, or tho equi. 0% and "a Cho last great lweighing. flesh.. These birds, which hilva begun the public executions in Great 111`6 nar Ili one hundred in daily' use in wore stationed. At Gibraltar, Matta, V`olibc-lf I -6 I I I
� aqa. in nomo other way �is broken; T110 %V,Otld May havo weighed them to ap"ar uy thicumands In the mark- tahl, A cruel custom," he continues, ()o — �
. " I ' � the jails, which PRODtGAVS SON V11-TO-DATH, 4 perfect fit; Many will 0, but 0, Ocirfu and Dublin, but ray life, was
. tx-mad does not alw4yo Mtan a, and pronoitaced 11tem moral. They eta of tondon, are Allot during thia win. #'obtalas in most of . humdrum of a soldler's, ,Urwhe-Who iA th�,It solemn.looking .
0 .9, ._14" -.11 � thing( May`6 have weighed themselves, and ter and forwarded to L�'ngland byway Is t�at of tho old d. The Bishop of London told a quaint large majority ofkthem 'are top Wide nimply tile
pound ; and you pay for ow of the Daltid fe A. I I prisoners doman nd not adapted to the wifei, vwrh,�d only by the oxcitomont Individual? Vcnn,Thab�l Graves, Be
and got &-Aothor. But the balances given a "If-gratulatory decision; but .____ - Ing of tho now comers, garnish, foot. story the otb�r day At a meeting at for thA nook, a of thWwar for tile crown of Portagal. wAt0% patent Wiedicino ads, A blovor �
. . now God Weighs the,m In Unralatakilble MORN SUITABLI41 Ing or, an it in oi,lled� in gomo London the Speaker'A House, Wostfuluater, iA Shokilders. WtirY horse Should have i
of God never lose their adjugtm6nt. 0 the personifle e little U."t'dond girt was being examin. his own collar to be able to dol his We Wk%IIt theta, bat Dmlot Marla and 6111D Li Ito IA, boo, Jab can describe it
With them a pautid is a pound, and balancofi, On thM side of tills soales I object t 'ation of jails, ,,chummage,, ,pay Or gtrip,1 ar tho qaeAtlon of the Prodigal work with coMfort, and every collar Don Minguel patolinA up their differ. disease so, that the 'healtillost man . . �
. ` * I I I �
right !a right, and Wtftg ig Wrong, Oirlo Placed CW $OUT4I Of the Unpardona tima Ili the guisd of man, sal(I Ton- We fatal wards, Fatal bica" man ed Upon
and a aml Is a mlul and ofkpolty Is ed-blilair wlealth all gone, their crown& spot, &rTivaIg"M1Wt either contribute all Son, be .said, The, teacher bad got itit ShOUld. be fitted to 06 IlOrSO that is ellcit%0, I bol!Am und we saw no fight- alive will think he has got It, . �
# . ' - �
6tomity, clxcia haa 4 bu,qhFL'AAUr0;, 411 g4olle, their tMos all gone, Nothing Whyl asked Whiffett, thetr ready money toward a earOuAity, tar as the ropiantanA4 of tilt prodigal expoatt(I to wear it. It thei collar Is � III -9. You wish to Marry 03116 of my dailgh- I
I meag. TMMM bilb 014 Vaked 8041a of th6 ui�- So inappropriate, It Should bo a we. Of and big eatifig of MIN a Ino-buska, too long it should be cut off Ilk the . "VortY Yeal'S ago my huAbAtid Wag tora I The youngest will get A15,000, �
a peak weilftm 6'"d a galloll or give, up their soanty clothing, W � �
I Man. I are whoft sh�s Inquired, "Whitt, ol'm could top'. but if too wide and not adapted ordered to 0ituada to biclo suppress Cho se,coad ,00,000. and tho oldest �
tim Whet6vor a mArchant .Mean. forgive.n. Oil tu other 0146 of the Why f the better part of whioll th6Y be have done V The child ToWled, "Ilo to the nhoulaora 'of the horse, don't the robol][Vu, and while ill garri!3otl RaS,600. You dohlb happen to hart .
� urpA. it bUqllol of wheat, or gait, or MA10,3 are placed wastod Sabbatb)4 Yb(tt know the old proverb says, �g6wvally robbed by the Jailer, to be could have 1AWn#,d his little girl's I
. . torn, Cold w6lgha it 4mmeldia tely 4f ter misimproV,ed PrIlilegM, disr6prded " f1iini(, will tt%,Il.11 pawned, Being thus anab,16 to PUY* boota. " . think that You Must got ft, Pad to fill at Halifax he died," one at -ill oldert I !
1. I .
� 1\ .
_______ " � ... 11�1