HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 9/I
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I __ __ - I., T__ _____ Al TGRTST .10, 1900 -
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AlivuAiny,lTowrionitlin TO1,011to, tit IV GODERW . ----__-,_.,__,4_i,_ ��
Nveek. �,H TOWNS 1". — ,.,_,______,__ __: " -4 ." 11 - ,--.I 0!9�7__ — I � -
. A1111a. � . I I _' - __7- I-------"- - I. - . ---1-1- - � 4 _ I - i. -
Mr. Williall) jaekf3oll 13 In ,Nlolltrthal Sonfortil. . - - ;7! �-_
School this week. Mr. Willi= Ourne has not yet Joem. Mrs. Ramsay 'aild Mrs. Donna Of M'. —_ servant wanted HODUPIN
. . . tell tile WitiCreant who raided his house ton wave FmJ?Stq of Airs, Ja5. 183PO Maggie And Mary Alt -Doti — S BROS-' RIC, DRY GOODS ,STORB
All'is Be,98k' DAY18.1t; VisIthir, friende.ill solue dayl) ago but jet quite satiolled 31varollieson oil sum my hist. BPOK't Wedneaday ItIst witil DUF,1'1'nI I (11oddome-All, Ivailtva. Apply to YV�N"A"WWVYVYVY�,�'%ANAAAOVIIIAYVWW.A*ANYVOYYOA6-.,",W I
0 8eaforth. f
that, tile 4eed was committerl by Soule, Mr. And Airs. Mal,j3hit,11 of g9caforth friends. ,
Aliss'p"va Cooper is 'Visiting fvj(..U(ls lit ()no who linciv the holue pretty Well, Spent Sunday with frionds here. Mrs. Brown of Mitchell is At resomb Clinton, Auslifit 21. AllZO. 13. J. AN'DREW9. . _
les Seaforth. He has a good pized suspicion but Miss Jennie MoDertuld returned to tile guest of her liephewl Mr. Thomas . I -1 -ie I
- _
Supp, . Miss LlIlleAlclCeowl, I� visiting friends that of course, not being evidence, lie Cleveland on Monday after spe ndinga Brown. , _—MM! !! _" � . � . - - I VON"
� in (loderich. I., n,.t acting Upon it. Mr. Ourrie's couple of weeks lit lier home here. Misses Tillie arid Helen Vjtzgerald _- _- _"�__ . , , I , I I I ��,l
aKon and ,Visa his va�or and Clinton former to attell for Toronto, tile (i . ,*f; -
I a in watch,was t. Mr. And Mrs. (fovett of lett on Tuesday last ry Open- .44 ,
miss Jolinic, Jones visited friend to complete lite flefence tile thief car- called On friends here on Saturday in a arid tile latter to I ' L I .
& Seaforth, last week., 4 the rXIIIIII)e . Queral Servant Wanted I ..
vied off a knife And a baiminel?. last,, visit her parents, — I
, Mrs. Deal, of Lonou Is the guest of evidently,expectecl it He 11 9.116s'Ross,owens * :
I tirsult. A pair of MI'- Wesley Nott of Tuckeparnith visitin ound,who bafi been Wanted noral servant to ,svl)olll good . rr I
Mrs, II.F. Andredws. 9 (it the bolne of her sister, wacom wilt a pala. Api)ly after OLD kJopt. to. MMI 1911 �
Mail Orders receive new shoes And ribbons also were taken q 4-1 ound-AY with friends here. Irl I . * J "I _
Mi8s Hisla Dowser is home on a via it And perbaps other articles, tile Jos I Mrs, McLean, returned home on Fri. I "
Prompt Attention a of . .9r. John Robb recently sold 02 (lay last. MRS G D. MOTAGGAUT I
. . 404RIP under the parental roof. which will only be known when the steers for the neat sum of $3,600 and Ars. Beattie of Brussels wits tile Clinton. Aug. 28th, . I
. . . Miss Mae UcCreath of Goderich Is th faluily come to look for them. ThIn Is Mr. Win. - Dale so ___._____, , . I
WlOst of Miss Lizzle Twitchell '(I 31 Steers at 4 00 guest of Seafortlifrieuds part of last __.__ _1-_?Tn_ �_ �_ , I
. * tile second watch Air. Cords bas loot per cwt. Both lots were ve . I
M " in a couple of years. br,y Week, _T___ I . � _,_��,�_.41�_.It _. __ ...-
Mr. N. Allin of Ooderich spent Thurs. : Superior cattle and were Purchased X rs. Richenson spent, - _,:_� I . ... I - I - 11 I 11 __ I
� Mrs, Robert -Whitely of Lincoln Park, Mr. Ileale of Mitchell. 'Saturday Mgt .— 0 . —_ _ . --- ,111 Z%'�.. �- . .
. . day and Friday last in the Hub. Chicago, Who has been on it visit for Uri and Mrs, Thos, AleMichitel span at the lake side, . ��, , I'll . I,"- -_
Complete stock of Pubmi Miss Nona Miller left on Friday for it, several weeks to her daut,rliter, Airs, f5tindaywith friends in Exete t Miss Reaway of Brussels is atpresent . I 1;_� , I . I I �
IleSchool Text Books, visit with friends In Harristou. r. v! Give Us . .
I al will be held on the Mrs, L Brownleei who has been on I
Drawing And Copy Willinut Olafk of the Otfi. call., and A lawn, see! siting bar friend, M -o, McLennan,
I Books,Scribblers,slates . Mr. F. G. Burgess, th: Photographer Other relatives and friends, leaves this lawn of Mr. George DAIS on the even. a visit to friends in London, returned I . 6'Tf You got it at 'The Pal -ace, it's good.
.. School Blanka, Lead is taking his holiday this ,week. week to return to Chicago of ,%,bleh In Of Friday. Septewbei, the 7th, Teo, J last week. I----- - - - - - I
� Pencils, Pen Holders, Mrs. S. Pike hits returned home from two of her sons and one 4augh. will be served at 0 p. 4). Afterwards a . A Fair Deal I �
. ter bava bee4i 8 good pr I
Pen$, Irikel, Foolecap it visit with friends 1w Londesboro. I citizens. he ram . will be given, The _ _-2--l- ____ _ —_ I .1 W1VVVyV0VV~
. � and other Papers, Lack � . Aliases MAurotta and Lottie will , be accompanied by Air, Seaforth2vass Band will ,also be In . ` . �
Boxes, Compasses, Ral. have gone to Toronto to tllW'eat'ey VlavkO's Pretty daughter, MISS ,Minnie, attendance. A good time is expected, . The late big advance in the
. a oxhibli;- . Ic! ast lvav�nnosl .
era, Crayons, etc, . ioll, I . who goes to, take advantage of the Collie and enjoy A pleasant evening, , __ � 1. . � I cost of paper Is it. serious M"ER.
. Superior eclucational. facilities possess- . I Tt is ex acted that Rev, Al matter to country publish-
, Mrr*. Blackstone of Goderich wits the ed by that city over the Oth con. -_ ____� , r. Shaw . era who tire At their wits WITH SEPTE
. Mrs, of BenmTlev, a former Pastor of the . . D
gue8t.of Mrs, Thos. J�earus . this I I 11 has enjo7ed her visit very end how to meet it, Some � i
Paftidio Cover Designs on . week. . � Colborne Towwqhlp, . - rell, will conduct vice I � I .,
, 11 11 t -I
in -b, ,tyl-ongold friends and associa. . - service I . i
Scribblers and Blotters Miss Aiken of Whigham is the guest Of tions., — there morning and evening on Sunday . are reducing the size of . . . .. I
. I . Al Tile farmers ,%I's getting their next, their paper- and otheva� This store swings, into line
I . I'S. Val, 139mond of Lite Oravel Mr. William Leonard of the lith 911oundready, for busyfall wheatand .again Increasing theprice for fall busines *. Montbg
it tile Mrs, Turner of Teeswqter was the 8
Agents oad. . conceqslon bad the misfortune to lose a quite a number I . guest of list, niece, Mrs. 0. R. Irwin, I of subscription, while a few
I valuable have it sowed. ' ,%90 When YO11 were thinking of muslins and Other Warm .
. -ParZ.62"8 Dye fror" Mrs. Jacob Taylor has returned, home cow on Friday night last. We are sorry to say that Mr. Wil. far a few dftYs last week, wIll.neithet- reduce nor in- .
. R cl . I
. I
front Toronto After a pleltsitut visit in The atilinal, broke through the floor- liam. Allia Is laid up at present with Mrq and Mr . Jas. Young have re, rease, but sluipI6 yequest I iWeather Stuffs, -WG'Were looking ahead planning and preparing I
. . 0 tile city. .. in sore eyes Which he got burnt with Jim, 'turned Vain the Prairle province. ra
n tkof1be straw sbed and broke its ryin Tup for fall business, TO trouble I
. I The I D. hir-0 I M 11 0 , Mr. Leonard had refused a big . wat in advance, � IN or OXPense withinreason jo too
. 1. iss.12,thel McE wan of AtlSA Craig I$ SLIM to uesday previous. while working at the stonework of his W. Brooksof Bloevale spent Sun. , I R11WORD is in tile , . . I
I 01424 the Ofica.pest, Aho a the Rest. the guest of her cousin, Miss Anile ,r the cow tile IV new house, I Mr, Allen is suffer. day on the 10th, latter class and we trust great for I's to gO tO tbatwe May have the best�`hnd new i .
� I ay I Andrews. Mr, William Crooke threshed Mon- ing severely and hits 'to call on I Nev, Mr. and' Mrs, IligleY of Blen. out, sub9cribers will appre- the. markets aTords to lay before our custom eat
......... ;_; �_ — Mrs. Robert Welsh and mother, day. This is the fifteenth consecutive Medical aid every .day and they arb lie! * in, formerly rector of Trinity clate the stand 'we have era, Our fall
. I season be, has patronized Mr. William Afraid tie will lose big eyesight. We c elgrave, called upon x few crf taken and respond accord� stock is getting neal,er completeness. every day. It . . .
Mrs. Rathwellare visiting friends in I Cloleand the six previous years he bud . Ingly. We claim, not in . IS going , -,- _
I Vew Advertisements. Brue .. hqpe to soon see him till righ t fr $ r ev Parishioners latelv. to be the babi we 6'Ver had, Better Variety in all departin' ts .
I afield. 1?i t again, - ,g -
. I . �,father, Mr.. Obarles Cole, do the Mil. and Mrs Clarence Walters spent a r i a ,hle Mii. - any boagtful spirle, to.pub- , en
Dress Goods for' o' Rev. Mr. Parke and Alibe Sherley have till shing, at,& record of twenty-one Sabbath with Mr, and Mrs. Fr a 0 ,a Xs many frienas were lish it ,greater amount of to'choose froiii, newest novelties
Autunlit-Noly onibo's ...... 4 .. .. ,. bear . , better qualities an
. . . I re*ben success in their new field d decidedly .
Moro Truth Than PootryMoXin been visiting in Bayfield and Stan- years. Mugfoid. . ederich am and to of
noll & Co.., 5 .. . _ ir county correspondence. bettor value than .
Everybody Knows -S. 0, Rach1voll ............ 6 ley this week. Miss Minnie Proctor is tile guest of A . than tiny other local paper . , or than, you are 11kel3r I 0 get
. . . Miss F rancie Oakes for a few days, garden party will be held on Airs. 0 1 V. I I � in Huron. We Intend to , over before I
Liber4l-Coiisorvativ.60onvelition-J.MitchelI MISb Virw Hdywood,, who has been JORePhFisher's lawn On September Oth' . I any here near here. We Wil' ,
Our $1 Xo!oslitn Pants-Jaekson Bros, ...... �s visiting her bt Strait, Messers J. Thorne and J. D. Burns, by -the Bethel League. The program =; — I . do better still and trust I 11fl,Ve more to say ab.out it e-f-ery
. spent 8 undRy in GoLierich, -' � . . W / -
. -other Lou In 1) . - .==== . . � wee 'k from this on, and store news will.be as interesting as wo
Great Nonvestern. FAir-J. Mitchell .......... has returned home. . . . will bb piven in Bethel *Church. . I that our, patrons will an. . .
8 . I , ( , Ad. I - St. Augustine. , . . courage and help usmIong know how to mg,%� e it. , You are welcome to come and look ' .
. Clive Vs a FAir.Deal-The News-Recor(L.. 8 Mrs. Robt, Downs, jr., leaves next 11 ===!.__ ! . mission, 0 and 15c. , A good time is ex� . I y remitting promptly. .
Servant Wanted -Mrs. G. D� KoTagg4rt .... 8 weekforToroabb, where Mr. Downs I I pected. Everybody is heartily invit. Mr. and Mrs. L. Medd were visiting b the new goods Over any time. I I ,
000 P�Ira Rose-Hodgens, Bros ...... . . ...... 8 has secured. a situation. ad. Come one, come all. at Mr Examine the label oil your . TheY711 not be'even a birit of ..
� � . STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. Gear Million . George Beadle's on sundity gaper, Which will tell. you . buying �iriless I I I .
-.----�---..---.,.�----,-.-..-�-�-�,--r:� I Miss Mann, who has been visiting her �. . . - I . Million an and Miss idaitie Mrs. Beatty of Detroit is visiting At OW your subscription Yoxi Wish. I . I I
. About o o o ' . I . I Sister, Mr. Win, Moore has returned . Mr. W im.-Ratbwell delivered to Mr. the Miss Olive Relyar were Mr. Charles Miller% at pre,qQUt, . stands, and forward tie the � 4,1 .� . I � .
I . . to ber home in McKillop. . . Uests of Mr, and Mrs. Richard . ' 114 � .
. . John MoMAnn of Seaforth a very title Jewd on Sabbath, * . Mr. Charles Robb killed a rattle. amount. We -will'thank . 1 gg-�v - . . .
. four-year-old filly, you accordingly. , . � . � I
Miss Lillie Webster, who has been the . .. �' I' I I
W—HERE-- People - - , which tipped the . � We . , , 1�
. � . snake one day last week oil his own -�13_Ati Jaunty
THEY ARE I guest of Mrs. 0. M.Bezzo, has return. settles at 1080 pounds. and for which Ile , . . P lace near Donnybrook, � would also like very much . y ! �11 , '
. . if our sut)scrxbei,s would put I ,> .. . .
� �
AND WHAT � I ad to her home in Godericb, . recelveda handsorne figure. Mr. Win. . MI, Will. Sillib 'Was visiting fit his . I ,
0 1 . DRIVEN OUT OF THE HOTEL, bror,h ,
. Mrs. James Dunford And children Stigdill also sold a fine gelding to the .1 Sunder, Alex. Sillib, Of Ashfield on .... _ ! �, .
. I . . � in wokd for the Peo- ... ,�
. . .- I my last. .. I . .. 1;i> ..
same buyer for a good figure. I � . A F . 1. I ...
THEY ARE DOING W have returned home after a pleasant Friday's Globe bad the .- . . � . . pie sTaPider whenever pass!, .�, _;i>!,-,"� all Jdekets I
. �, . .
I __ W, , . . . . ...
. P1119 Two men who gave their names as W . . - I V `,,�i - - .
C000OCKMOM.0 WeKao visit with friends in Brussels. Mrs. Win. Townsend w stop' ' � following: . ble. Please comply mud . 6 -,
. I Miss Olu . ff, . whobas been "the with lilei, daug , liter, Mrs. Thos. SandLr- A4 Sexton an . . I . . you will greatly oblige I al S; 2 , We make � ..
. , .. I . d .. Se . 1. . Irl, , i�1.1:11 �, .- �;�, 4 * . � ..
Mr. D. K, Prior was in 1 IP,9t Of Sol], at.presen I . John H. Pedder oi 171 r, �. � (it I X.I .11
lIxeter on Sun- Teown, t_ . ed Wheat. . I � � �Ifi I , '� Our first sh6w1nLr of new fall � I
� . her finerid, Miss Blanche Ale . Goderich were unceremortiously bund. . 1�1 , '" . :'�i� '!."7 � a . �
. , .
day. . . . . C .
I . . — .... � ' !, 0� A -i�",,'-�,'I't� mantles thi W
I led ont of' a d6wli-town hotel last . Th I J., -,V':, ", t ,
has rbtarned to her homelo DeL olt Miss Eva Stephenson was the .guest i c eek and' , early buyers wi I ' .
Dr. Bldexall was in Wingharn an. bns- I . .1 - tit Miss Stella RftthwelI oil 8 We have a linitted- arn e_ I , , %/ '. '� . . . I
. " r and. wife,'who I uIldaY night. Th�lr accupation. is 01111b of Turkey Red . 111".. .'I . ..,� ' "!",4' have some ' - 'garments' to - .
. -Intporte 'root fi . � . �11 � , ,
. , V 'i V,
. . . . that of Winter Wheat d d. -0*111 tit Stat . . 1. . ,::;, ,�
11 .
Image on Monday. Mr. Warfie have 6een -last. . . . 1; .. Very handsome �
. , ' ' . ,�' :1 .i .:, . c '.
a I , .
- BoXce, who was throw They union). This inay be had at $tat .
. Miss Tillie Akain is the r hoine in Tole the hotel in the regular w ad at 8i 0'0- the News ,w " � -The stoolc we show re
visiting' under the P rental roof, We are glad to i6p6rt that Mr. Robt. . Picture framers and they registered at of Kansas (tile PoateSt fall Nvhe . gele t from,
guest.of Mrs. have returned to thei , my. bushel, which Is actual cog Record - a,presents � .
do. . .. . 11 train 11' load of' went to sleep duritTg the afternoorl'and . . for So . . . .. . . . ,the best yles Of the le n . . .
(Major) Beek, SaItford. ' ' . - . .. I grain a short tilue ago and was badly when they woke Lip Said t free of duty. . . . and most'p6pUlar at I adino, Ca dian and
I The Misses Roberts of Seatorth are the Mfg, Oarp6nter. of- Buffmlo, New York, abakeri up, is able to be around again. $ . they had -lost ' ClInt6h, August fAth,. - Si & N. FAIR, --�;�--- - @ : c . Gorman mal, era. - Every 9i1xinent i 51 ' ' * '
guests -of Mrs. Chas. Witte, is visiting bar sister, Mrs, Albert We are soo; t . 80 cAsli. .They accused 0110,Pf the bell. . I I . .� . . I . . . .. 1. . ___�_�. . 8 ,as near. prOfection as in I I
0 report the serious � . � . . . .1 . . . . I I style, fit and finisL, as skilled designs and' workmen can, gof.ju � . .
. A,b . .
. Miss �da Cottle has returned from list,' Nott of the 2nd concession of Stan. illnes� of. Mr.yAllil Davison's illfk ,boys Of having stolen it. - The matter .
visit to friends in Woodstock. ' . ley.. , ' I . � child. - , � . I. .. It, Was reported to tbepolice and Detect. .. I . . . and we suov� nothino, but stylbs that a . .
. I - .. . . !Ve'Black investigated.ithe case.After . b, . re new.,,c�nd up-to-date. - .
� Mrs. Angus Cole, who has beew . visit The trustees of,No. 3 schoolhouse diligent search he found the nioney - in X , 0 * e: The popular coat for fall wear.is extre ely short, 20 -to 22 � .
MissAunieJacRson of Seafortli was the - have been replenishing it w
guest of Miss Bell Worthington. Ing sister Mrs, Thos, Jolinton, of pain ith a coat . In
to. 'r home near ]Flint, I b- Air. Win. Dixon had .the con- Ono Of Sexton's boots, Sexton and . n6hes lon with be -avers - . I
Mrs. H. Wiltse lie . � I Pedder I . I . ..g . and ke ' .
h., week. . I tract. _ . . � I. were given their marching .. 1. I lyvv este'rn E h*' . . I . . I . rs . . al most in favor*
her .
returns r ,
- is visiting Seafor6b. , Mic . . Th'G'eat Nor . bi I ' . . eY,s the mater! I
friends for a few days this Week. . . . . Mr. and Mr are orders by the,hotel proprieter, he . . I I . . , . I , . 01 .. . ... I . . . I
- left f0r,80iltliamptdn last I I
The Misses*Baer, who hava been visit a. Thos. Dowsonj.who . T y . . . . . . . .
, Miss.NeIlie Stable of Seaforbh *as'the . ) so well and favorably 'known in Clin- I I evening,, . . . . I I -WILL BE HELD IN I I I I �. . . I . Prices Ivill rallge - froln - $2.50: to:. $15 00. . . .1 I -
guest of Miss Mae Carling on Friday. " - 'in their uncle, Mr. ,Frank . . 1. ". 11 . I I . . . . . . . I I � . � I 0 . . . .
Baer and ton, are now settled in their new bdine . . . . � . . . ; ''... . - . . . . I . . . . . I . .. - I .1 . . .1 0. - I I .
I . � . � - I I , I I . I . I . . . .. ... . . .
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ra*nsf6rd eat A I . 0: tger friends, have reti(irried.-to their which is one of the neatest and easiest - ' . * .. I. � .. I I "--% Mi C . . � � . . . . . . .
I , a ast . home in Woodstock. - , DAYtteld Ll . . I . . I
few days in Bayfield during th'a - - .. - - domiciles on the Babylon Line. The ' '. 1. . . �
. I I
. Mr. Joy"has returnedto his post ill contractor was Mr.. John .Graham of ' I . I � . I : � . I . I. . �
. . . � I - . I .
- p _—, ne.�� . I OrOM-M MI More G i.f e -
week. . , . . , .. . .
. . . � . L .. . . . . . ... I I . .
I I -
Molson's Bank, having gotten oVer - the Huron Road, Goderich township, , The heavy electric Stavin of last'Sun. ... . � . li I ".. .—ON . I. . 11 . . I . . 1. . � . I . . .. 1. . . .1
Miss Lillie Falk of Hamburg is, the the indisposition. which'forced him ill-aMo build- a barn for Mr. .day evening p . . .. : - .: - , .. . .. . . . : . . .
� o her causing," the Misses to take a holiday, - ' �� � . � vb w assed Over us .Without . 11 I ' . . ., . 1. I .. . - . J ... . .. There Li .0 I I .. .. .
=. . . . : L� I . .. 7D.Ow,o this I L . I I . . o more sensible, Stylish or com- - .
I I . . I . _ - I . fall. The, numerous doing serious damage .though we. be. T U�esday - and . S ' � ' ' I I . . . . I � . . I . : -
. .
Mr. 0. 0. -it - ance has been spending the Rev., Mr. Ho�darson 'of Auburn aid friendslof Mr. tind Mrs.-Dowson will lieve both buildings andaullhals were . � .. I -,n ': � - I . 1. . foktable over garMont for a,lady -'than . a Go!,J - ,
water, . I : -
- -
. . - -the . manse,. and prosperity in their new home,." . . Mr. and Mrse John' Parke - of ,the . . . . C,qpe and when you getonel fdrafi,ve * dollar ' : . .
wish.them many .years of happiness struck at,some distance from it . . Wednesda QJL
past week in London,'returing'home - his,niece, Miss'Sharp ofTees S , . epteMbe , -a d 19 ' ' '
. .. .18 i �A,
-1 .. : , Who has been A guest at . I y . . . . .� .. . 11 I � : .
. I . I . . .
� . . . I . � .. .. . . '� . ' . �
, . � . . � 1��w . i .. I . bill they are - expen�ive. ' .
Mr. John, Reid, 'Who for Goshen Line, Stanl6yiSun a ad at : ....... �� . . .
on Wednesday.. . . � � I I
A.Uburn, for a couple of week, , the past - . , Id.y . . I I G� ���. , - . I . . . . .� . -
Rev. A. Stewart afad famijy. returned in Olinton,Qn Tuesdayi - Wave twenty-one consecutive years - has been John Cluff's. � -Mr. I . I I . . . ____9 . I 11 I bbt I WO expect this :
from their summer's outing at Bay- treasureli of this to wriship, now thinks Mr. -John. Th . I I . , . . I I � : . I . I . .. Week another ,lot O
. field on Tuesday. . I . Mrs. William Beacom, Misses OMPSOM has been upder '. ' I � . . . I . ., I .. . ,.f buit'.pppular line, at this .' .-
. - I. I
. I I . . ,QOO . I -.�' ,'' ... ..,.. � ..I .. . . . . . ..., . . I I I
pending ' 'O � . . �. . � . , . . . . . � . . � . . �
, Beacom, And CIAM Beicom. of-Hend. . gregates $2, .
I I .1 . NeWe seriously of res ning atthe end of the the weather, for a while. . Priie List Ag rice ; ,
Mr. Robt. McLean of Goderich was at argon. Worth Carolina, are a present term. ift is seldom that this Alonoton,y. would preyall on our nly t' o d' � � . Now Golf Capes, with � . . . . .. . I . . . .
the junction Monday afternoon on- it week or ten days. with friends in Position is,haId*for so lepgthy a period Lime Were it liot'for'the hum of the. , - I W, ay sibut the' . . . fringe and booa� handso I I . .
� . . 1. will both be'' 'no dark plaids out to I lit , .
. .
his to Sault Ste. Marje..,. , .. �. : Toronto. - � .. � by the same man and in no case .has threahingliiachj�es. , . ,, . I . . P , . � Y* humm e'rs ' and bang. properly,. well may froin po an get n I. I . I
. . . greater Mr. R6bert Johnston of 336ston, who. . . . I I No'wa . . , . I . d. lnaterial,�y6tx " . .
Mrs, Graham, wh .satibfaction been given,- -The I . Ste - ti . � . . be . tter yal re. r Special price., . 0 . .
. I . .. .
of Mrs. obasbeen the guest A -party consisting 6f Mr. and Mrs.- Relds . Ine, .'. us anyWh4j, -OU . c-5.00 .. . ,
Are among the leading famili I . � . . . I . . ... I..... . . . . . .
. I I
Hodgens tot, six Weeks, .Albert Nott, Mrs. Ca, ' as been the guestof his cousin, - Mr. . ' I 0 . I , . . . �
, I . .
leaves for Toronto' to -day... I r enter qf But- Of'Stanley .and no.,resident is more 4JOIS'n Cluff, spent a. few days . visiting , Everything begins at. 1., I 01 Old ok on. T'lie'sday , . , * I v.. ' .�.. . .
, . rs. James Me; highly: respected than family , I . - . I * "
71 - . our. ivortliy 'the of Mr.Robert Cluff,C . . . . . . 1. I I � ...-
-a he' r ClachertY arid Mr. and Mrs. Thomas . . . I . . . .. . y . `V . . - . .. -
Miss Lillici Webster has returned t treasurer- . . . . linton. . . ,ou are in. ited to come an . . Fall ; M11.0 . I .. .00
. I home in Goderich after a4hree Weeks' . . Kearns Picnicked- in Bayfield ,on ' I . I !� - .. . I . Xhe leading . county I . . . .d. see.. ,.... .. . , 1. nery. .. I . 1. . . ..
� visit with friends in town. * a . 1. . . Air. Wijllarn Clark of the Obh con . ; Of. .. � . . Brow'n's � . . I fair Of We;tern . . . . . . . .
' The best Speed I . . ; , .
. .1
dauglit6r, Minnie, . ing program op ' *11ding the past "Week at. the - - I . I
. , W dnesday. . . . Godericb, accompanied by his son and Sale Itcgister. ' � Ontario held in the healthiesband -thp.county. - .. Fered in Our Milliners1ave b ' e
. Mrs. William Robb has returned home Dr. Ball and Mr. John t6vet , i t Sunday at Mr. - ' I , __.� . . . ' een � s.p I . .
b returned apeh Thnisdai pretties� town in Canada. - , �- . . : - whO168ale.� openings, tak . � . . .�
. .
after a visit of a fortnight or so with from their trip to Manitoba and the Rufus)Keas' . I . I ,, Se�t, 13th, 'at! p.. in -At 16 has the linest fruit display, . I 0 . ntario. TuicabAX-LThe Great Farmers' Trot ing notes. alid - getting thoroughl
. . .. lot.17,�con,3, Htillett, ffirmstociand . ., ,. . posted on' the y - -
friends on Manitoulin Isliind, - I I Territories last weak. They report ' Mi. R. , heid, teach6 was at the in . Pace :Prizes $30,$20 $15 and $10. or , correct styles for" 1A ���
Misses Mabel and Allie . a . 11- . AESS Do I
Goldthorpe of Ahe crops. not so bad as has been re. homestead on Saturd, %, ut returned implejn�ents, witboub reserye.'-Thos, No Other county fairb. WEDRES " ' --�2 '.and 2.16 T,oi. Isaac wi-IlboibL. e ,71,e And Mi
as � so 'good a . ,RA'r ..2o race C u . .
� . .
. I
. 1. � Pa a and 2; 20 Trot. . I ' I � ' '
I y Glazier, � Propi ; Thee. Brown, Auctioll- � track, a6k and ready: Sday no 'a .
. SaItford were guestajof their aunt 0 - ported though not . up to, the Western to Whichelsea in time for the opening vi I . I � or such wella . b b for work
Mrs. Chas. Milne, on Suriday. � standard. . � . . . . . bf-his gehool on Monday, . I . .ee.. .1 � .1 . . . . . . . rrange I., .�. I .� � Rrizes$175.06 'and.as. in the on Xt
. I I . . '1110 IOUs grounds an' 4 and cOm' - 2,80,
. I . The Monday, 'Sept.- 17th -:-On I - di d buildings. - .. 0 .1 past YOU,*ill find here the very latest :e I - . .
. Miss O'Neil returned Ftiday Iasi after 'Uri Thos 'Cut Line . - . . .. .reatio � .
.. lackson, ir., returned Mat -harvest is now. aboub over but Gndarich MUsicPachday 6i -the famous God , i Prizes, $150.00 in Stylish Millinery.; , . I . . Ds � . . .
on in Bp,ttlo � -week from his business trip -thk6ug I h the catchy nat,urd of the .weather made '_ W__' evich ' 2,45 P413 . . . . . . 1. I
spendine . vs I a' Marine. Band. � . :1 , 1, 6 and *Troi, . I � . .1 . . . . I .
,,her vacad ' "*Jn' , I We R tow nahip, ' mile _� ,4 2. . �
. Manitoba and the Territorief;.- H it bang out longer,than it Would have a sal e . � .. ". 3 .. . . � .. . ''. . . . I. . . . I � .... 1. I . . . � 11 I :.�, I I � . .
. . , I . :
. . .. . '.
Creek, cago, St. Plaul. and Toion. , a NO I cis riDg a' r 'as �exce . PA I
. . . I . otherwise; 8 'tock andi'l. Oman , without , me Entri . . . . . . . zes $100.0 * I . . I I
to. 1. . . . brought back - a fat book 'of Orders .We fearsome of the pats .pt for speadinig') close S . I I ? RatS Rea � . .. . . ...
Mr. and Mrs. E. M-- McLean and . whic will , kee� the firm's. employ. wave drawn in.w"Iten. a tri ,e,v ._jam'. PI MIJt te , Prop. . I . . I . a . dy to Wear . .
I I. fle damp.. . i. Br, a , uctio H 2 , on , Thos. I . 1. I 1. . ... P6, 15th. Drop a card'for a prize list; . . . I . .. � _1,4� -
their. as for many weeks. - . . . . . . . wn A ne , . . . - . I 11 . . . .. . I
little son, who have :been summer. . . — I 1 . I I I I . . . I . , ... we ar6 sh6wi ' ' ' * ' -*" -
. � I : , . , . . . James Mi ng all'the'popularshapes . I
nie*Paisa . . I I � I � . . 11 i.n ready.to wear'felt . .
ing, in Bayfield have. ret tried to Mrs; R. J.'Dunsmoie and Win I tchell,.$e 'retary liats in,greys, The newest -shapes and go'o'd � '. -
..I . . . IX . . . . I . � . . �, -M . I I .1 or
town, . . . . ley of Bb, Thomas and Mrs. D. 0. Te I . I � I I . . I .. I . --- - - . . I . castor and -black.
� I . I . � . I . ,
'OtIluseb, Mich.i daughters of Sir. 1. I . I I
� . . I ' .. " . I � ===-- felt at . , �_ I
. .. . , I �. � .. . I . . . $1.025 I. . . . I I
, . . . I 0 I .
Mr. and Mrs. Westoby and Miss. Lillie W: !411111111111111111?1iliffillTYI , , I .50* $1.74 1 .
Webster of Goderich were uests at J. Paislen and who have - been vi4it. Z= - . I . . I I I I I . . - .1111fit.111111!1111!llf.,Eom4bwpi� . , . .. . .. I � , 11 I . $1 $00 1 .
I . . . ... .. �
. 11 I I .. . � . w��,i��m��,,Ivivi 11:1 1, , . . I . .
Mr. James Steven6l.of this A I ' ing,under the parental roof for 6 few* = I I . . . . � . o . . . . .1 ,71'e=11111 . I I I 1010111:111i� . ., . 1. , �. . . .
. ass Vine Weeks$.returned to.theit re . . I .11 1111111111111111-1111111M, . I loft*41�- . .
, . 1. " . ..
� - ' . � 1111011f ep ", * ` ' .. . I
last week. i spedtive = . . ' � . . . . 11111111111 ' .1 I .
. . I... ... . ' I ... I -- e I ,oq-oflour��eras 1 '''.. ....!; .
Master Tanton Woodman, , , - who., had 'Among thpie wh = . . . ` ' ;;iii - a 2 I I
. hpMes this week. � I . shi- . - I ' I I. ' .�E: Th
0 attended the f 1. 9 - . . �. . . 1. ... oil I I
been with tile Newcombes' for some uner- 'a" I ' * — ** . I . .� rts -
ZZ X I . I _ :,
. . 'We ha.yo. j ' I . .. I , V. . - . . . I
I � �, . "--a t
. . � T ust Abo t asdoze'n'crash Skirts to sell. , T . . . .1 I
months, left on Monday for his home Statiley, which,took place .On Sjt� ` . . . ---w To ' .
in.Boston.- .. � I I .a- . . I . -0 T clear them ,' u X v I .
. .. Urday, afternoon.. last$ were the foi- =: . . . I ., . . I I .. .. I .. . . = - out entirely - A . , . I
l Miss Emma Smith left on Tuesday for low'in 1. I . .. . ... I . . . I . . ---= 1. � . We have marked- the ' at, "
I 0� . . . . . .1 . . . I . . . . 11�" n in a jg � . � .
members of Court Clinton A` . . S .*f;.# ridiculously I �
I . _" s' "
I -atof the late George Woods -of =: . i I I � , -
:A�L::K�S-0-N_,,.-.: , �.:�B '
� . IRO. -H I
I ..
a visit with Whitbv friends.-. Misses 1, 0- W I . �. . . I I .. . . . . : . I . ., . .�. J�E R I . _-W S ''. O* price, less tha . -half -theil- value, *. I . .. :
- :-J, W.. ChIdIby, W � , - - . . I., . 11 . ... S, 11
Haunah and SarAbTSmIth have ,gone 11 ( coats, ..=- . . .. � I ' I ' :. ; . . . . � . . _-M * -1 , . . I . � .. 1. 1 . 1, . 4& . .
. , , I , �.
� I ' I := y Crash akirh�, new.Btyidai Plain or.braia trrmnaga. The balance of I . .
. 1- frelyarj'A, Taylor. Mr. H I Mr.- . . . . - " - I � I . k. . .1 I � . i .
to Toronto for a few days.- i :, � Go- , . . . . . 1. . . .... in . Ir . ... .
66 - Esther, Geo. Irwin of the Bayfield 0ourb in 0- I * t I 1, ee. .To clear. ohoiqe ................. 4 . . .. � � . .
Miss bell& Stout and- Mi - � l . . I . _." .4 $1, $1.15 and $i.25 lin
. � � 8e .
I I . I I
. � �� ..
Brethour, who' W � assisted ReV.� Mr, Jennings 4ndakry �ffi� � 1. ., . . @ , - . Dep4rt e , --- * A crash okirt is comf6rtable, is servi . I
� .
ere -the guests oir performing the burial seryieb of the. ERE . . .. , . . --- . :4 X
I. . . I I . 1. I I . -M � ntal' St � 2 I
Miss Helen Bowers* for a fortnight, , Order. . I . do- . .. � . . � . . . �. ore. .0 . I � i? - . ceable, and You Ill get �
ap- .. I . . . . . . I I . I . I .� . 1. := � *' 11
� returned to KJJ�kton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.. A. Cousens,* who have 0�= (D't�,e)'it�-,M"t-O,*z�-(D,qtN,e,qr,�.'a.-Rc�,.e � � . I . . 1 -4, sixWeeks wear out of one yet thiS Season. � . � .
"Ir.b.8,qt.s"qt�,e I I . . , . . � . V � � I i
Mr. William Walker attended the been ,spend n part of their Vaca- 40- . . I . . . . a . , . .. .
I . I -.M ## . 4#44. **+*.#. .�
annual meeting of the High Court ' tion at Mr. 0 . � (te .. ,..,.,..-..-.o..-..,,..-.O..,,........C, #."..X".4.. ..#.-* . ...4.
�_ . . 0 * ---w .,..#
llia,m Robb's, retur � , . 2 . . I . ... ........ % ., .
n an- . . .." "" ":1 I
of thelndependentOrder of Foresteris this week to Brantford. MI— . . ' I I . . . . . ot,�81'!,'oelft�a-ft�a _-� � I . . 1. . 11 . .. . 1 :
where Mr. 6� . : I I I . -a - . . .....
in session in Goderieh this week.,, - 1 Cousensis a member of the tea hing � 010thing . .1. I I 0 � - ' ' .* . "O I I ,Z---�;i , � . � I
. . c a.- � . � . I -..M J
.1. � I . �kR_�,-i"
Miss . . ,. . . . � . . I ..
. . . . . I ''.0 .1 "I I I .
McIntyre of 8titnlev was in iown . staff of the Collegiate Institute. =: . oe I I . --a I . __; . S I . .
a few days of lastiiee Vnring their stay here they made a 4*�`- �. . . I I I . � 1._; .; . . �w . eo , . IIJAD y � . .
k. She'haa . . . � � . . _�11 . . � LE I
for . _2
been aske wheeling tour to vat De ar I , ; Sh ---a I . '.1 _ I N PUR HASER. . A �
d to adeepti asituatibn here � .1oms oints in ' I P tinent. 1, . 0 . AM%,% . I : . . . . . I
, I '0- ` .. . 1. . ... 11 ... I I*. . _." . �1/ - ' . I I
I and may with her mother take ,,,Nleld, the 41- . . . .. I. . . 1. I .. Devartmen' . I . .. := . Next I
her res�dence in Clinton this f4il, UP cIVY Or Mi Joseph) Effid I . . . � � t . 11 11, . . _.M � week school Will re-opbn. Do �- . I
. a Grand . I . I � I .
1. . .
. . I': �: I -0 r
Mr. *Williara Smith, son Oi Mr Band, - . . . ., ' . �1� - I . 4 11" .. (i I 'If �, . boy . your .
Zi , The Lion Brand of I I "I e. now stockings ?. 0 ,
. - James All. and &vs.' . Z= I ,.. I � I ,, .1 7, . . Shoe", , I . I � ,/ . . .. :. � 8 and girls requi .
, , I - ,-W -
Smith, accom I his . wife, W- R. Newcombe left on . , ., I 0 - i The 611 . . � If S
panted b � ., r I -11, 0 $1gle r � . . -0 .1 - take Advantage 'osiei
y — . , .. Boys' Clothing. - ., .,r�,� -1 � 0 1 1 .. I �. , If-
�. , r, � . . _." I .
daughter and Wedriebilay of last week for London . � . � . I_ - I - ��;.;q Pric . '. I � . . of. our. special h . ij, I sale. - .
mOtIler-!'L-Iaw,. ate 2::: I .... . I .. .,� . :7. �. . .. . � . . . "M . . es - I . I
guests at Mr. Swith's. They return . and after they had visited the big Zft-_ . I . . I . I � . 0 - I . . ., �. . .. -'M f. i_'o � Ther I a Saving of fiV6 . to ten edrits a p , .
to their home hi Indiana, this week. I . . I . I W � air I.
millinery openings they went on to = . This make of C The no , _-i" _ �! .1 i on thein . and on. some of themeven In .� . . . . .
Petrolim. Mrs- Newcombe's old home, Z= SUCCeS ng has been. .n wonderful W "Rationall': ... ...0 .,� � I
Mr. Lin Gordon of Kamloops 11, C., I lothi . ; � ' ' � � .0 �, � _ / . .. I . ore, . �
who has been , a where she will remain a week or so. O" . a sind the reason is ' 3 shape in the ab ve make R118 1 -6 I . . I I . .. . .� . .
. ending a few �. not . _-W .
. -.0 .
I his county, ' These'o - r the B . . .
=-- . first place, 11,1rd to find, In the . 0 the bi he most COMfort. 10 OVQ! � . I
weeks visiting frienTs in t On Monday Mr- Newcombe. went go- we buy the 11 for t 0
was the guest of Al down to -Toronto where be ,.goods 1jR large quantities direct , o . -M
I was Join- ' from the ' 1, . .0 g %.�
r. H. E. Hodgens . able shoo. on the market. The \. - I , - very lleavY' ribbed I . . I �
an Saturday last. Ira expects to ad by his brother, 1, W,�- and togeth- = . manufacturers at:very close prices. In the 0 doz "I -.0 black Cotton bega. rnadd .
. I I := boy's wc,ar, 4 t%nd 0� 8M4111Y for I
If) enterprising firm I I -0 - 't .
start Westward this. week, I er theymade the tour of the tulllinm pext place we cht, ' ' ens af buyers during the - .1 rib, .fast 4itteL.,
Miss Alice Stout, wh I 'rY houses- '1hi make and frim the 900ds Oul'SelVes v' I .1. -0 I r, or hosiery sale ... I ........... A pit. -I Chat'l, SfL%,J,j .
c in a manner totally different fkom , � m -.0 I 9 ng4
a wats the uo9b of- is preparing to Tub in A large stock of 0 PASt month pronounce the . . I'm Extra ... ... ......., .4 ..............
Mrs. Obidl and other frieng's to,- a the newest an I I . ma rdinary Ready- . ; , a perfect line,,' I . : quality blaek, e0ttOly 11M, for boy,t. llnr4 twi�qle.ti, 19C .
n . Varn, double knee, h , � . . . .
week, left %onday for her home I' nost up-to-date in � �des thus saving the mid and we are safe in sayin envy role. a SIZZhInt. th$o lvw sian I
Kjrkton and oil Satul millinery this fall ."Nothing is t6o I ' d1elban's profit, : We are Of Shoe eq . g.that no vaake ' hard wear. Sizea 7 to 9. I egular .n. 4%J j'4�,., F,�t I 3 na vit'i of I
Gregory in - I . ith a small . I . . . . . 1,'slenq Nt,
Muskok day goes to good for our customers" is their mot I pontentw" I galls them. 'We have them in all sizes a � I& I
a where 'she has , t�o, , .. . . . . . ,nd .
Ition as -teacher, ' I '. � verj I I
accepted A good Post � margain Of Profit, trusting. to'a � I I I
. 7 1411ge turn over to keep us right.. ; widths� black or tan in colok. . .. � I . � These ' , �
Mr- 'Tae- Poster 4as returned t . The following I . Then alrain 0 , I I . . . for B 0 v,,, . s17 or Wrl ;Q§. I . . I
and acce 0 town Ott's grove, 134fleld, on -and of Clothing is totally- - . . I , 4XIM.
tea A, posit! party Picnicked In Jow. Otir Method o -f selling this, bi I . Children'g nitict, .Colton Ilk," I
Sr. on with Jackson last —.5l.r. and Friday different -from the or f I ------- - I . I C.Nt Ire. -I.,* v � . .
,: .
I I . . .
Pros, nce James last left Cl ' Mrs. R. Graham and 130ys I plain or ribbed,,taot -black, ajj:,,s.J' � .� � , W" I klk�ftx% IV,�,. � . I
a has seen Sam inton family, Mrs, Blackall and f . . dinary method of selling goods. . . . . � �. . " �A; iK�.AIQA, ,�Z�I�mntl'_�4 J,ve- ooiNd .
ewhat of the world, amily, If . to 7, regular 10 arid 121_A g . le , -b " .a qW0 '4;�,"J �%"01. r.,v I .
bis jauntings including a trip to Mr. and Mrs. .Noble Lovett of the You wish you can buy the full Suit complete, or if . 0 . school Shoe ' I * � For Ilosiory Sr.Je.__,, ,,1,q;_ ,Q,e, X, . I .
Base Line, . yo 0 S ...... . �
I ngland. I I . . . . " K�4,��-v �;A",-.
0 1� If the exper . . ..........
IT , oks as I . Mr, and Mrs, Thas. u do .not Want the Vest buy only the coat and pants, 0 It 'a a Well known fact Pine (Inality plain nine - I � . .. 10C .
ioneahad done Ira good, Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. John Rath. I 4 Vkit. "AWvd (1144va t-%.�-� t %M
we or if vo e thAt it is a hard -mat to" 11090, fashioned, WPM flabb I d I
Mr. and Mrs, Co 11 and Miss Ids Rathwen of the . u want only the coat leave out the 1) to spliced heel and too, zzti. 4'enmjcloga ,.;ve, I
, nsigny of Lo an were Babylon Line, Stanley. ants and � qpt a shoe that',wiii stan(I'the average romping boy. a 6pital ol,�Z,: , , Y., .Ust L'.."A4" It .
Wuegte of the, On the same . ing for girls, oi,,-eg 7 to ,qj, rc,�,tjlar. 1 -.4 �.v gwi. DIMED
r da liter, AOs. John day a large number from the 2n Vest- If fact YOU Call buy any part of th; suit -yo 0 Ile is so fall of lite and sport tha i ,VQPA80��*Zl,wv.W�. ,
ays, for a f IT the past d . Want, U the gives a shoo twic' 20ogoods. For A,ugugt Salo.."... We , V_' to $`�- L"`_ , "� $Z�e�'igt 10:Hosiery
0 � 'Z'��
i '. , ,,� .... � ,
week. On Sunday in comp thered in ants Oril the wear that ordinary people give and the bes I
ow aye of concession of Stanley. ga In. mediam sizes the Coat and R :
any with Itbegtove for their annn . y cost ; . ril - � , 2' Pairs for ,050
Mr. and Airs, Hays and Mr. and Mrs, Aniong then, were repre a, outing., I . ID t shoe, i I hell for yoiirst�lf,
A - A. Shrqnk sentatives I . . I to0. �t f0w k�xtro pah I .
thek drove to Gods. of the Graham, McGregor, McCowan, 441$2,60 r o in the market is none too good, In the'Standard we '. Th6soare Such goijillt, , 'S nover go a ,
. . a ,3hW flwt Inawy pe( MISS,
rich to visit their aon, Mr, Chas. FLAW, McHwau and Baird families, I . --.N%> . 0 ho.Ye got Something that is giving the greatost of sat. b; 1�4 )1)10 are btlying . .
Consigny. ti __ I for next settsonli 11t,t)k1 k� 4
. - - Among others in Grove that day, 9= . ' S. I ,
. . I
Xr- H, ti - Hod Were noticed. -Mr. and Mrs. John .. isfaetion and hundreds of buyers wi I tell you thitt no Ladi6i vory 'Alno b�qj,!k �,,�O"Zj I .
ing the imillinery _, .
Week Attendi gong is in Toronto this � I
a Stewart, Goderich township and W, = I shoo on the muket will eqna-1 them. The prices aro � Ilarrilodorf �J,Ve, Rt5ll f% t0-0. Gorman Mile,
Our $1 . ;1 , 'Two k1urkhtfoa mI llhj,)� 1,)t, 4i 1
. , a fair milliers ties Logauftnd F. Weekes of J�e pare . . ah4MeJ, extv% bolvy he"J, bright ill I
0 ie ate 1, an , Ri -600.Moleskin 0 $1, $1-25 and $1,60 according to -size, and we gu 4 -.0 I good Valoo at finish.
Sound An las Line, Stanley. � 1, VON VeJ I" .olhlot 4110 other - I .
8aRcSO etetboroughlare its . 0. . I arall -10 ,-XI", All 0�,s",Vktft1%8PrkJ for 4�ugaataalo �Z I)air for 15c
. I I .. !nn!!� - — ___ = . a __.001;;::::a, , P 0 tee that they are 20 per i0011t.. 00heAper th Ea Ladies black eotjo.ft 11kna, FJ I
t a Lit to &$slab in 0 .an ally 81100 fivotbletatc,i%PAOO'dotatN�ttintlt,)%\, �4%11003114%kliesl AnO blao'k Cotton Hose, . I
calcula ,a . the selectio I 430DEP,IC" TOWNSHIp. . . . I . . . o on the market.. . � 1t briRbi finigh, sealmlass 16n, splieed heel
to captivate the tro a V . — . . . . --- a larl."oentguttlity , andtoo. J� 'Ve *
oft a Mace. This line is made from striped moles' 4 For "oDiery 0itio.: 3 pall ,
Mr, Win. Robson of Dickinso A meeting of the trustees together kin goods 0 In . 11161, 150 stocking
Kansas, brat n county, with Pr sent ratepayers 'and others \, Esart patterns of the finest worsted goods, cuto made ; S. = .- - 11 or . 1108tery sit a -I I ...... *.,...,.,: 1010
bOPOfMr. Nichol Rob. who WT11 become ratepay 0 Peexal 'Prices on --ft .. . I -
son, isover vis�fting old friendsand theyear, 1001, Will be bel . Ora for and trimmed by ourselves. , 4 FOR XUAN . -I""-----.. I
Ac U h 11008 in linton after an school house of , a In the 6�. 'WO giVe you a cut total.' 0 .
. SenCe ro S. S. No 4. on the . IV different from the eheap machine goods., We 0 Shoe Poli I . .'&� I
. � aiira. is �town of twenty-eight evening of TueldiLy Sep make Sh E3
a . the fit ils� been 0, golden year This meetin Is called to have the Bi iminl'ngg. J lackson Bros., Sp3cia 4 me") OVOIT daYi are finding oilt that 11 �_% .
. rsOfKttnsaswhb .have tAth at 3 p. in, r" ,them better and give You better tj a More .1
. opinion, of allyou *be matter of re price 10 the, game. We can & the. tallest r The* li MIAMI! 256s special 20 It is Profitable to do their buyillo, her, . .
11 But ro, Tail'. V n Packard Dress* ' a I t 1s:
s As they never had be. 111$rthe.presontachool or rebuil hig an or we Ing 0 �
fore, . . also Othor Important matters. I V can fit the smallest man " ' 1 50 " 100 dOwnright good'v,%Itles like t ' .
I, ��
he to
rid M a
pleas d t
I the P
I f 1%bO
I th t
I I.,
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1 -� I ) '�" " 41
"" �
-� I
. t - _-, 1�i
511 J �/ I-
I ift .
11189LOu Pinch a,criyed. last Week from Mr, J. .E. Tom, Public School Ifni. . in the coutitty, � . I I i , Gilt Edge $c 250L 'J( 200 ese illatAN bring. I I .
F""'Alldh"Andiss Vbry' Welcome SPectoratWest Rutoll, ace ' . oil" 600 OvOrtills with , ton fronts, f �. I .. 4 . to this d
visitOVAU1011grelittlyes and friends. byN, W. Trewartha.of H Ompauled V bind In dolor, are fulit v, little 11 t black or .1. I oPartment .
olmesvill 4 I Grey woollen SOX, Seamless toot . I'll
It paid his visit to H, 8, No. 4 and repdr a ilept 0r value tha 0 , I
- her t- fi� YOU tie U what -We , -soft U011,11 stiaponae
Site is ACCOMPAIIIIA bY lifeee, fialoll. MI Wool, will give bxc�llellt
Miss Bailey, and Intends remaining ed catisfa(, a in most 0aces, We 0 Shoo Repar". S_, :22 atr6lig buckles And fastenora'anall 0
. .tortly, 0 "i" fille blikatio web
two Or three Weeks, At (1. L. Fisher of HolmeaVille was a . trade in 0 are doing a 00mendous 0 � ' wear t`ha1%P'#16 150 R,pair, out .
. fas F inell has caller t1b 8, f3, NO 4 Oil Wed e
eon home for JJv0.yaAvj3 ad V � MIS And SmOcks and there must be some v We ean give prompt despatch oii all kind of. -=a x0peelal Price,, 0 k " 2 Pgkit'll for 2ac lou back, 0111ra good %luo .. .. . 25e, ,,, .
and , last, . be Ay S� reason for it, I 9
W11111111 16ee Many changes even in that I repairs on Boots md ShoW, Our rices aro modelt. ig Idell'a fine woollen 0021 Aosailong,find , very 1100y ongpondors 0 w1do An;
short time. M,'- 3, PL Tom was the Ruent of Alt'. It p A soft finfoli'm very comfort4l I strolig 0140tio web leeifbar gttapff,
, M"t, U � �. f ate. -IT. & t. 40 Cook Sir— 2. 0
Adr. and Alta, Al"eti; Orittondt(Itho * I, S on 1hurausy,
Toron to F air Whab Might have prov(
thin wee hub Are ex. Accident, 114pooned to mt.,
pedtod back tO -day and tho J&ttep ,)h
fArt, of the week will start. on tile W lja16n1d,esisr10l1ji811Oh Sunday,
t r �l frolut Clit
ong Jurn"r to their Mont' allit b0irle the intense dar ROSS Cause
11 They have had apleasantivisit, of tw'
moutheormorabub haturallye 0 to go too near 6110;Ide of ti
. nough overturning the buggy an
Mr. May maybe somewhitf Anxioug , allout, VOttunatelyalleg,
. to 966 back to Ilia big, ranch agaly" out inlary, .
Jackson, Brothep,Q I **
0 XQ
� - - - - -_ __ __ —,
' '
%1 A.M*mwlliliifiilu.jliliiiiiiiiiiiiiI ill Ill Ill. lit M 111ni lit Itr
, . Q-11 6110 Wears well " We, I vidl'M W,O,r,k,,d, 1.1 sitolil't j%nd Bar.
__ , I . . _ Ing.braw. I .... wtov age _-;i- At ..
1. 11 I 11, I—— i -- -
. . �
, —;
., li .
11 I I
. 14 :
I .
. I . &I, "I'll, ... 1) I I'. 01, INIXOR ,�