HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 8R, �-—�— . 11- --11- - . .- . . - --- - 0 . I . . .. -11 I I I . . 1� I .. I . — .. ... ! ! �- � ; - , .�m , t� 7 � � � , .: q; � , ; � � -1 --� � -,� -�, — �! T ; ­ I - . , --- - - ' '----�- � ' 1.- - - -­ ' . M-- . I - --- ----------111' ­­ -7 ,� ,� �� ­�=�; r -,�­�--- , r I- ­ -- � - ­­ ­ ­ - ­­ - I 11 � - - - — I : ; : : ! ! : I .. . I - - - 4I OQuIPment St 11 n . 4 ­­ -�:: �': !!��—­-- -- - , � " —.. , . In the for co 4 t � -, f011Ow citligous and take an active make Ito way up atream. again. ------- Wr;;1--1 : ON Ployald time to thle demands, of their J*x broughib down*& cargo It Mast INARORY's PROULARTI TRIP AROUND 'THE EARTH , THE SUNDAY SGROOL, " no "" part In general management. Oth. — I The lines are single throughout the homes Of entertaining friends, THE TELEGRAPH IN offINAl TRAIMAL'S GOLDEN CITY 74. 'i TION OF THE DOCUMENT - ..." came More comprehensive directions ".." I I � ­­,' M Make themselves useful In libra- PROMISED PYTHE TRANS.51BLRIAN length of the railway, and there Is ito to guide the 4 . """ . I FOUND IN ROME. rW, where they either perform the, RAILROAD. rolling stock wbitever beyond the two INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEP. 2. ISCIPIO* In their general ITS WIDE RAMIFICATIONS IN THE -- label lot authorablp or collect the ma� . km� small trains plying baokwardis xnd *� Policy- 14 the cities which r000lv*4 . CELESTIAL EMPIRE. . VIVID DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY I a . Varlolits Reallilla (or Atook-saxon 11cople- tel for luatruotivo lectures to b them with candor and hospitality they 1, ro ". , VirAll Ationaliltelil ITitrillng to Ito la time ,a F11111sy Now x1go Proves 14) Ito a Gla"Utio forwards over a Stretch of 700 Miles- 'Orly oppo;41110" overeolue by 04001lig A OF JOHANNIESBURO. � , . PRACTICAL NOTES. , were to accept whatever of dignity Few 11041410 ON-raglook. IN 1110, 1,1111114. � I . Flailed $11411es-Whal (he AllarclilsZ4 delivered At soma future time. others Fraud Froing Every, 11011.14. of VIONVA I do, nptl, tborefore, see how Russia Verse L The Lord appointed other Or Comfort was offered; 'illito . . I sImply devote themSelves to study; The newly opened Siberian routo as could potitolbly land troops in Vladlva- 44 Nall) so it A $4 . ­ � I Pr9poselil 40 Abo. "sit 1101049-1101ir Chluvio 31etisagc* Are 1114C 111mv Altarst Oil A y r — * 11 I seventy also, Revised Version; 11 "v- things as are set before YOa­a Phrase setist. merod City r4owt istat tAreas irrosperity . . - Rome a tow , , -V - When the others, again, attend the lectures at ab present etstablishiad, partly by r � 11 * Abbi police of ,all *took by Cilia line at a faster rate than 011tY others," referring not kQ any pre- that might in ' 8111114 ArlIlvity Are AbestA. . , 0 r" W, yearsi 41�0 ra the university, which will he free to and Parbly by river, in a gigantic 1,200 a weak. Thob woTkiq out at about � oludo all the necessities 'a View Of the gWc4t Interest DOW 1� 1164 ­- Mad the boadquArtera of all. � fraud, and uaoloas for the trailapor. Ulm 4 month. * �, v1011181Y appointed seventy, but to the and luxuries Of life. To return they taken In-nows from Chica and to the Mr. Frodarlok Hamilton, the Glaboto I 1. ) 000 Of the central groups of anarch- Acadowles for' the development of bation of troops. � . twelve.. That the selection of twelve were to heal tile slok and to. announce , L'AO they seized xnally documents, And this, be It borne In mind, Is only Method" of its disse,mination, from special Correspondent In South Africa 1� I palute", Sculptors and musicians, are Ab the and of April loot I w , RPOstlas was symbolical is evident ThO kingdom Of God, Is come nigh un. Various pointo. there, enquiry I as In during the sonmaor. During, the win- from several passages, notably,, from to you. This was A pr . been made in regard to the system of dwrlboa Johannesburg, ,a � . 80410 of which were of so much !in- lb 'necessary to -tar time, which laists for "van months - Ile$ witill the Royal Canadian Regiment, J partance, that they neve have .been to be par4cularly encouraged. Peking when I found . loolaulation. of _ 4 ,otter till. . . i . r t let. return at onee, to L mis ipy should Sit on the Neoislah's kingdom,, and a mIrAo- telegraph COMMunicati A be I made public. . One paper contained'a Tbea tries and Concert rooms mus I , 0114011- It wAs MY Out, of tba�yean the country in Ice ' .Ia on in the der'd of Jane, 4. so followio. . � . prcelamat;nn which Was to tax free seats to all, -and the perform- original Intoutloa to go home twelve thrones, judging the twelve 111101116 sign of the truth, ag the pro� Celestial Empire. In answer toques - f be publish- I . by ,bound. The, Ice opens on, May I$, and - � "The Iloyal Canadian Regimeab , qra will be rewarded by the commune, steamer, in (the usual way, but I was oloasS Again on o0bobor 15. 4 tribes of Israel. Seventy, sometimes 01=01011. But it was More than this. tlOn1J­ William Barclay Parsons, who came nab Into Johannesburg. Quite I �, ad to thaly,orl.4 on tile day of goner- I iorced Marriages or marriages of over -persuaded by the Russian 91 BOVOUtY-two bad grown among 4he It Was Seeking, Ill John Won was in China in 1898 and 1890, gave the the Majority of the officers, and # r. i . 41 Uprising, r ficial It Russia wishes' to concentrate phrase, the good a . Ioylo� R ount of the existing con. haps aw in eviiry ton of thiq man mado : � I Jew, to be almost as sacred a number � f " the bodies and , f011Owill acc � 0, ,IV � convenience Must cease., M I troops in the ]Par Uaat it will be neces- I % Strange to say, al bough that pro , an must W110 WM 4b tl*Lt ,time in control of a ditions in that . I . ' .t - make a natural choice of a mate. the whole at the East - Trans-Biberian sary to send them via the Suez Canal, 8 twelve. Moses, had chosen seventy souls of visa;" it was, an announce- , respect: blie ; DIAMation WAS written in Italian, it . . * . jourioloy ago isawl tb(o city of gold; I I W40n, the oauslas of vice and crime are route. By this official, 4. very pla!uslble go before. . . . elders to assist 'him in the govern. moat Of the twofold mission of the ,, "The telegraph system in China Ia And Chin to what they saw,. . ., A Purported to have been drawn by the removed them will disappear Willem, And Persuasive Person, I was assured . � I . I Mont of the. now -born nation, and, so- Gospel, which gives promise of thelife purely a governmental affair, It is. ,,Unquestionably a city; the troot-em , Anu�ieaia committee. Moreo - . i - . ,ver, it Is selveo. poisitively that by taking the Trans- . oording to tradition, when, the nation that now is, And of that which is to oalled� the Chinese Imperial Tole. bowered prettiness of Hellbron, Z � il . . said that other documents taken at had Its second birth, the elders . whom COMB, It was a challenge t the out, graphs, and is under the li�iauagement � i Aa bad dwellings, u"e4lthy shops, Siboriala Line I could reach London ;13100,000 MADE IN THE KITCHEN. a I nestling charnas of Bloomfoutelli. are � , . I. I I � � . 1; . that time indicated that the first up- adulterated food ,and drink, over. I, 27 days, . ­" Ezra Oulmmoned to be his ecignselors set to every part of Man,$ nature$ of a Government officer, styled the here replaced by crowded bulk qf � : ! i . r1slua, was to be Attempted in the " t" the saving of timia was an lon- 11he varevir or A o utiog or coptis... were seventy or seventy-two in num- the secular as well. tie the director general of tolograpbo. The 4traoture, 1. S Work I Spiritual, -by r4MpaUt industrialism. i ' United States. Here Is 4 tr nala- I at*., fox reasons explained in bar; as a consequ, . system now rentifies I I t� . I . . a the f9regoing article, will have dis- Portent Consideration, I yielded to his Xtr is one of life's many perversities nee the Sanhedrin the mortal as well as the Immortal. Pretty much all Set amid the gr�at swelling bills of � ;I- . Clem Of the documefit;- appeared, the time will* have arrived Advice, The journey home, accomiliah- that thts man who eats adintior is numbered seventy; and when the He. Cities which rejected the disciples, and over the ,Empire,. reaching noarly all the summit Of tho Randi that mighty ' i, PART L , . o4 Only withi the. greatest discomfort, often a much poorer Man than he who brow Scrip 'rued into, -in their persons rejected th gold-oharged mass at rook In every commune where the peopll for man to really enjoy ,life. , tures Were, tu a Messiah the Principal cities, in the intarior as beaved a � .; Signed" 4 I .� .such as traveling in freight trains Books, ik And that, while R man of high Greek it Was by seventy elders. Fol- himself, Were also to receive a two� wall as on the coa,4t, The telegraph DhOusaud feet above the plain of the. . I , � have been victorious revolution com� no barges, occupied 51 intellect may have abAxd struggle to lowing the traditions and the,soutt- told treatment -a sign at rejection on lines extend even to parts of the era- Vaal on the south and the lower ; witteest will assemble. . Those will THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE,' A d4yo� earn a few hundred pounds a year, . . levels . I � 0 . . and oosb over 01,500 f4qr myself and my Monts of his countrymen, Jesus now the part. of Christ, and a r Pbra . Whore foreigners are practical. of Wotorla on the north, this. now, � t. . .1 . I I Oxecute the oxders issued by the re- . wife, a skilled cook may revel in the income selects seventy disciples to proclaim statement Of the lies In my txavals there -Is, I . rnesg of the ly unknown. I aggressive ciby does not nest - it . i, . volut"ary army, which will CHINESE POLICEMEN. .NEARLY FOUR MILES AN HOUR. of 4 Cabinet Minister, him, This commission is not noticed Messiah, Even the vary dust of your had a telegra 1. not(r me nearly . � I . Ph ine, ,spreads aver vale and rise lwltb,%n I strengthen itself by, Arming all the O". The distance from Via Ivostook to to must pot be assumed, howeveT, by the evangelists. 'Its special ob- ' I even sent, a telegram . I I d :Giby, which oleavotb Ora us, we do Wipe all the time, Inaffable air.of defiant, boldness. . - . . I . . workingman and make use of its pow- Queer 011ftelills of tile Celestial Cities altild Irkutsk, the Tram"ailral section of that these incomes are within the ject was to prepare the way for our Off against you. &a Acts I& 01. The from Chlang-Sha, the capital of the IWD BRICK 'X= I . . ; Or AS the conqueror of a now world, . Tileir Duties. . I RE, TOO, . I . . . . . � the Siberian route, is 2,648 miles. In- reach of any bub Men of "eullia(kry Lord's tour through Fares. This action, Was both testimony and wArn. PTQfvin" of Hunan, in wbi6fl up to - "Ited briek, high -built, it Is Vary now, I ..: . In costume a -Chinese policeman Is genina," the Napal,eoas of th�ol . . , . . . � . The Present system will be the more eluding stoppages the average rate of . ir pro- was the occasion in , and was in harmony wibh oriental that time, the PTesOnce of foreigners and very crowded, Very Populous ot I � -roadily. and easily vanquished ifthose someMing between a circus Clown and speed was 8.8 miles an hour. I fession, who axe as great Artists in Matthew-, described by 9 - . � . . I . � . . a fol player. His breeches are And . when ' " Jesus went manners and customs. The kingdom had been ,positively forbidden, aspect,, too, it'is, And in oux,half-Wear .1 . . In authority; be -they 'kings', kaisers I . this is the route by which Russia has .tb-eLr way as& Millais or a Leighton. About all the cities and villages,'* 'of God is - odme 'digh unto you & . . a ways baggy and very well wadded- . L . . . - Al, "Telegraph lines in ChIna.are well in South Atrloo� wahave grown aeons. . , . Or Presidents, be at once destroyed. . boasted that .she would be able to Theae are the men who "put brains I]% teaching in their synagogues, and. though your rejection of Christ . hda const-ructed, on wooden .� . In the meant' . . . .130 clumsy- you wonder how be gets. . . Poles, .with tomed to the great loneliness of the . . . . 'me massacres of the one- POur troops into China at -express their Sauces," And Compose a now dish preaching been. great. Verme 11 is a good verse glass insulators, similar to those used land, to CAB tDit 1 ess pop I n . I around in tbera-partioulaily when. the Gospal of the kinidom, so tu of ulat a mlets of the people should be organ- speed I wit -h as much loving care and skill as and bealling eveorY sickness and- every tar We teacher to dwell upon, There is ftl this comn'try. . � I as is often the ease, he wears a. coat, I In some parts of the 11 - - Mad. � . I . which gives to smallish villages. the , , , . I put, it this state of affairs is ansat- Mr. Swinburne puts into One of his disease among the people, interior, when, the lines were first Otatus of cities and makes communi- . , ; I . I also bilialk slid Clumsy, coming, well I . Two and asain'"'In wblloh kingdoms occasional, . All free communes will.enter Into below the. knees. . Da�rk blue I , a the isfactory from Russia's point of view sonnets. - . I two- In Pairs; Before his face. 1Y go. -on bheir travells. ,A,17a injury in, established, .they were bitterly �ppos- Lies of ten thou . I . . . . � , . . stand wbito rava, � can- . . : 432 alliance, offensive land defensive, prevailing color, sob off And.a the alternative. line now being bull; One of the greatest of these "kings They hastened along the rural read, flitted an a -national ambassador in ad by the Inhabitants as a foreign in� Cars of influence I the whole of. the � � . . I ocented . , . � � � n . I for the continuation (if the struggle. . to Daliali, the commercial Port of Port Of the kitchen" has just died, but not and through the oiti to prepare the f6lb as an Lnjury by the ha.tibu he novation, and th . .1 I . I I with bands and facings of lighter blue, -- Ia* a Poles were out down aub-poubillegut. . I . Insurrections must *be excited in the red green, maroon and brown, Arthur, will certainly not improve Q'It'il be hod coined him art into ;9100i, people for his coming, Every city represents; an libnour offered toblIM A few hea I , but matters. . 0 � , . I 'red to I tile nation. . *nd . so in 44 were Out.Off, licl "in bills roomy, leiisurely land towns I . distxiote-round and about the revolt- �vser yellow. That is the saored or . Phrase for is offs . I ad . . tie . -Even U everything bad 00 , and had enjoyed for at least thirty and p)ace. An inclusive and open antagonism to this form of are Spacious and eaOli house spread$ .. I , Communes. The revolutionarY royal hue, Permitted, to nobody below gone Wall this line could not have been years the income of a Minister of the bo-tij the eelaitars of I%t* � 'Gtxvexn . . . . . . . I . . . popla ton - and bhis.CaSel, tbkmgh the King.of G6d's Mont work W,as.tboreby - itself mt-vise over its comflorta,bly I . I , . . . war can Only came to an end when the, the rank of A Vicero � y. . . , etompleted in leas than four years. The Crown. I I I . I . . the sparsely Pettled communities. kingdom, Jesus Of Nazarebbi, never . on- - - SOON MADE UNPOPULAR. large premises, seldom taking trouble � . . , I . I I . ,. 1. I Coat has been putirsued. to his last bid- In the treat . BoxOr broubie has postponed its com, Charles Ranhol wll�� born a cook, WOuld'oome. Willed to come; par. te'red the cities w1goll bad rejected his "Th . I I . y ports-itbatia to say, , . I I . . . a curious; part of the Chin'ese to go higheir than two atbroya. Bat . . . . I I Lug place and desi�royed. I those open 'to foreign influences and plet-ion, indefinitely, ',, I juab as Byron was born a ;poCt ; and he Poseolt to come, . : 1. . � 411501PIest,it, was ,true that th� kingi- telegraph system is the fact that even here the city ediiioBs thoot , - high to- . � . . . � ' . . . . � I . - . I . In order to solve the eotmomile. quest.. commerce-bbe police force is Ii ,mile, starting ,point of. this line in held his arb in just as high reverence. dam had come nigh -unto thera became in t ' . . I I large . , . 9. The. harvest truly is great, but .he interior, where: there -are no wal* beaven. and eagerly fill all their . . . -1 . ' his ambassadors bad' offered . I (ion mote qu!6kly and, completely, till made up of Sikhs from Norbliarrx India. Russian territory is at - Kaidalova, Even as a boy, when he was learning 'tho laboirexis a;e few. -Accord � them fOiceigneX4, all the teiegraph blanks kallot-Ment of ground spa�ca; once again . . ' lands and movables Shall be declared The reason, perhaps,. !a that the Chin- near Chita, in the Trans-Bailral Pro- b�e mystery of w,whing dishes, -he . .Ing to �heir services. ' � Are'prin . . � . . . . . Matthew Jesus spoke th6se Wol ­ I Ited in English. Tb60hinase, we 10,61C topon. the bunatin. hive, So com., . . � � the property of their respective com- age. themselves are so essentially un, vlu0e-. From here the rallway sweeps would say, "Whist, is make important 17.* E'veu the dsvils- ThO evil spirits lang,u,�ge being idlograph . . I � I . 11 Muftes. '. . I � when 1he saw the multitudes, and was io,.having a Mon, uppn, our continent, Cap",own . . I � � I . warlike; they have a proverb to the doutbelitatward to Harbin, a new. Rus- thad. our * too(! f Nothing, Then can movod with.compass,on for them, be_ Wore expelled'by adjurations Ia tile ohaxaotar for each word, it is impos grey nd'stald a,ad old; Jobainnea- . I . I . . . . . . - is � a I 1, Until the harmonious re-estabilsh. effeob that ,,no good man is ever Saul. Sian town in the center of Manchuria. there be any higher art than its proper . . name -of .Jesus. sible . to Lransinit If by the oindirtary barg is -new and ott ateri g red bripk, J I . Mont of thingis the following princl- . F rom Harbin the main I I ine runs due preparation? Persons cause they fainted, Anil ivexe scattered '18. 1 �ehaid. I see it, while y * " . � . n . I ; :1 dior." As men in bhe pay of the Chinese . I . who eat three d . . I : I abiroa ad sheep bavil no shepherd., on On AX0 Moirse signals. it. Is,- therefore, .08. %,,ad Should by all Signs busible with, I 11 % . . Plea to be Made �abllii a,L ouce &hall (i4roveramelab w.nather natives or not, st"Clit Via Mukden. to Port Arthur and times. a day often: consider the art of ' this mission, Wng,in spirit WiCh cessa.ry to telograpi either in afor, 4everlah aet-lylity. . . � ; I � - . . I . Fray ye, therefore,' the Lord of the I I . . . It I � I .1 have the force of,I&W.-�. - they'llave taken an active part in the Dalnti, and a branch, line will. run fo cooklag ,as a matter,ot little. impor.- 1, YOU. . our Lord expresses -his . I . . I . . . ArveSt, that he .would sent forth, . joy in eign language or by using Arabic .".-And I the t4ll smokestacks tow -or . � , I Every pending debt Aiali be extin- present troubles in Ch' divoistook. .. . less of his disciples as apledge . . . � Via tance; but. isn't a miatake1n cookin bho Once . I . I I . Ina. ,. .. . I I g "thfirUst tOT",j" laborers Into his bar- of bha . numerals. By the latter 1, Method a over the 'whole city. - .They �ara , the . . . . gldlsthed6 . . . . . . . . . . . .. I . � .. . . I - : that.affeets the health move vital . . . .tpower by which the domillici Chinese dictioinaiy iii. taken- and a dominanb feature. . . � . .1 . . ; . I . ,The police. rank officially. an geudar. . WORKUTM ALL BOXERS, . vest. ' The disciples were to pray of Satan. will be finally over . P . . . . . I . k � , . � iii . , . . I . .; . : . Articles, for persional use in pawn warie6 In'Pokin bho'llead of them in Manchuria, Lbough sparsely populet- Chao one in architecture that May a,d-as a Means w1lareby their own thrown. nomber Cl.vou to each woid Lit all I N FOR]ESTO ARE -NEW. - . . , .. . . I . . 11 . . Offend the eye Ill . . I.. � .. . Compare Isa. 14, 9�15, and Rev. 12. 7-12. I . � I . . . I . . . . . I � . I wnexi free always a Manchu. Policeman must be ted, is the wildest and Most lawless of . I Likely to'6e used, in a telegraph 4e- 11 . � I I shall W returned to the o RV'E ; I I of expens,ii. ­ 1 11 . I I I pleabler than lblaek-berrion In the all t And thus It was that. 4veu'as,A boy spirits. might . be prepared for the Als lightaing. Compare chap. 18.24.' . . I Now, very: ne(*,'Once bare so the , - I . . . . . .� . . � . . -he provinces in China,'and its peo- ..wol -. Sao t promise, of Jer, 15. -19. 86'rPe-utis, ate. All evil Sud d spatch. The telegiam, la.wAtten. out palin of oxW,s hand, U* hills of -the . I : I I.. I Rents sball� "OIL bBi paid'i, since all, Chinese Capital. The Sacred or imperial ple axe i . of twelve, the humblest worker in.the I . .. Aa as' -* . � ' . . � . . � . . *1 . , I . .or tilie Most brigands 4nd,rpb- 1 3'.4, Heim the more detailed iti- tritlOtive agencies, wliother�pbyaloal IA Chinese and telegraphed. in ' direction are covered I � I .� . e I . ' sava . ge type. Aind, as a I . I . � t ' hA ' apiritua � or 6 "'win" Rand In every . . . . . � I . . :. � � I � I man have the right to protect their wall d a by, keeps between. 15,000. And bers,of a mos kitchen 61-hia, father's restaurant, lie stxu o 9 n. I� - ... . bars, and them,;at. the ree ivitig and,. now with dark greentroes, donse for- . .. I I. ,b . . . . 11. - � health by seeking glial tar. . 20,06q of. bhem.,This w4lied Alty is two e determined to be a great dbef. Before ­ � I - ,,)O. Rejoice not. Not all Chtlatlanist jet - . . . � � ... I �': ! ­ . . r Pult), many thousands of Colisacks are I These in ,ranslated back into Chinese.. Eng- � - � 013=121ittees on quarters,,whicit wll� piles square, with, two great gates Ia employ . . . he had.reachad his teens he went struotions enjoin, ,greater have the power -of working . it yi�u'look closely, , , ­ ." � . � t. : . . I � ad,t,j�.Proteot the , , . to haste, and imply greater . . . Wonders, llsh'was chosen* as the -uther Rum eats which, whe I . I axe � . . . . . . . . mall . � I . ... hOld permanent sitting,$ in.the vurl- . each WalL,face, halt a Mile from t,b Portion Paris and � wais*,ougaged as a profea- present � but, all'bave their nameA written 11 mul Saa�li t-Drgrow in rigid. Lines, utterly. . I . . . I , ' . I 1. i , � ous distriats, W , ' . I ... . ,a of the line already constructed, 1 ' danger than�in..Cbe.oaae Of the.previ- heaven. Rejoice notx In gifts peculiaT to of"oommunication becaitse that is the . . . I . I . ill issue billets to those col and A: *mile from.eabh abho atonal laMi Flouret's .Pastry shops.in . I . . foreign to normal 'troa-life. The for- . I I . . � . �. I r. Now, deoirbig,' when blie.line was Ayus mission of the twelve taposties. VOU'reelvosi but in your share of - * this commercial langloage -o.g *the OVIBliti as '6 to Are 'not ton years Old; while, I 1. . . . . . i ... . . � I I . � I . . I . .. who have no boj�%e,j or whose acoommo. Broad . sbreets stretch stralgittfrOok begun .toPUdh fOrwaid the woik . the Roulaydro d Ia Madelei,110, and, him COMMOV11. blessedness, as - � � � . . . I : I - dations axe * . , . . I as ' a Hance the special'injunotion, . � believers in French has been that of 1461 ' . . . I inadequate, which will, one to another, tl%Ua cutting theSPace rap!Aly.a� possible, ao,000 060 - intelligance'and .skill Soon beeamethe .. Salute Christ, and.the, I.. - .oil) � ae 0 , . . .. yo X farina of .t -ha fast-;,graiwin bl4e *gam I . . I .. . lies were . , . no.man by tba*ay.' Avold. the leng- stind Inheritors rofore children of God Latin WAS the cammota lailip . =9 . . I I I . I . I . . ­� � . secure them coin � I of the . n . - I .. I fbitabld homes. At- inside Into a big nille-blook.. Police sought, fo ... I admiration and: despair of. his follow- , 1. "data of. has. AS . . . . �90 Of tir" have been planted to satisfy the . . � . I I - . � . I .1 . tar ille riob, have W6 . .1 Cations are scatter � ad all Along t1h I I -r.. These Were OnlY. to be workers.. '#Yo4 will.,bocome . a� ireab thy andaeremoniouls. Salutations tbqn, valt. .1 .. .11. . . . � . - .1 " Learned web in the *ml ddle. ages.' . * , . I .. .. . I .1 1. n .awopt a , . � 1. .. I � �. Mines, demands for poles and the . , . �i . ­ . . way a, I 1 8' :found - Among the lowest classes , . ats in the East. Co' I -----.*.—. . . �Iju Order to �becuiue a telograPh magic oityla,clamorlo ­ nh` . . . . � . . I ' . . .�, . * , . ,. . , . � . . . of � 111'6W, 00monon � .. � � . . . . . this will be:lau ea line squares, especially around their Sb4ngt.0 pe . ­ cook " M. F I ' I . . in . - r wiood� ! is . .. . . I.; . Loy ma4er- . I . 1. ng, Bople 'I * � ,. . uv-,Feb-ltsaid� to him betore� 1. . . NAGED INDIAN. . . . I I . . . I ,� . I . . . ­ ' � . sch, s y pare 2 Ki�ngs 4. 29. Our Lor I . M . . operator a Chimantan must learn not- fol itself nowi,oreatod, for the bans- . � ' fa i . tbe boy, hiid been d week in his am)- I olls f rst . � . . - . ­ . . . . i I . UA til olVokry, one Ban be Provided Outer 6419615, ..which, as WOO the age Wan: thio.,M4nahlirians. I . . . . � ��, � . . . . I . I :. I .: . . . , ' � . . - . Warning WAS singilarly ploturesque A I . " , I . ,only telegraphy, but English. In f it of the gtild-Ant, ex, With its ­. I I . - . I with employment tile comMunt, guar- paSsway inside the Lwall. - - . �. . . I I I � PlOylincinil), .. .., I I I u I , . . at I traea . . � I . I The Ru�!,%n Government, consider- . . and. pathetic: I send yqu forth as . �111111111111111 . S11111,10ft of (Ile 4111ppio Wittlo liali $h�nghod,'. Tian-Tsin,- Canton, and in juathe 'tid order, il type of this . - . . ; I . After I '",chief baker to I . i , . . . Mia. . . I .. . . .. . aut8es to every one tile necessaries TEE HEAU), bP* THE POLICE.- * d peried ' . keat-hed 114) TeOrA of Age.' ' I I I . I . 11 . . . 1. I . ' I I 1. 1. . I Ing that any labor was better than K,:i '. � la.mbs amon I otheir large. alities,schools have been ciby. Go into the:otreets, and. side by .. I . : . �. . . . . . ' I . . . of life. . , .. � has charge of all the city gates. '.They I . � Mori bf the Boulevard da.Templa, � g Wolves, Human lang- ' At tlla�Chemong,Resarvatlon, Peter- established Whore both. En'glish . . . q: . 7 - -16- -- The ' 1. . �. . . I I . none, imported the. required number of I Page, could not More, startlingly 7 de- .baro, . � I . andlaide are, spick.anil spanimany-sticirilbill � . . .., � .1 organizAtion of * good ,,boo,, Axe nine in numbe-since Llhii Side next . .. I young llaiihofer,whosa'fame. was now l . county, recently,, there' passed, . . . I � I . � . . I - � a � ­ ; 1. coolies from Shangbung. The coolies ` scribe the, contrast between' guileless over ' ' I ; It As ,t busi a'- . . A. . and kindergartens .is ' thei,palace lt,ap an extir gate in,tate a , howeve .. . .known throughout Paris, wits lakeni. . to the great telegiraphy tire, Caught. In .a1L .the st.ractlittres, sue , jorm. lip no a I I . . . . . A matte;r that . . xe . ro B-bxerA to a Man, and one . I Majdwity,jnt he pe�r-.. towns I visited... I found I . . I . � . � I . . . ' , . nesses and conscienceless hatred, be� .son . , operators *abr � ta -of �tbe typical American city, . � . may, no.t be delayed. - No, more can exaob middle Of the 'two-mile. wall. . inbo the kitchen of the Prince of I. . Of George Taylor y I I .aal I , .1 . ; �­ . . I I I valioemau in this, '. the - frax and..all-are.ar,ipod 'witill, long knivoct . . . cween h0plessness .and arganized Inoi . . P an Ojibway. who spoke Engtish;and-tbey'-usitally and galvanized iron huts whose whole . . . , I I . untirexisal instruction of grown per- . tar C4. 44d.many 'wit'll guns. . . ,1 Alsa,ce, of which he, was quickly Mide- . . ion,. one .Who,. 'living to the' : - . I .. I . ' . I i '­ I ... . J . . I . � . . ha I ' ..� I ,pheif. . I . . hostility, for. !'as lambell is � the: only traor�dl . � ex did so 'pretty., faLr y, too., In inahy aspect Shouts -at you that. you after. . . . . I I . .., . sons, which .becomes possible 'under belong Cal w . t is known as, the � Eight The actual trouble And men I I � . nary ,age of one hundred and i ' * . . -way. in which ; .� . . Banner Carps.. They do � licib carry me . ace.tbese 16 was ba 1856, when Ran . heavenly Virtue cab "go ton ye cases the telegrapheloi.is, the only. ntan all Are in, a "IE-isavage. land,'' ax�d - I . , - � , . � .- � or no- n haVe. Proied'will probably no . haer , . . axis. - was' probably' the de. I . I * * 11 . . . . . . � .l. . 1,111a . now System, be postponed'. ver . , ,,,an, forth,, r * this '. Lora's .person In ballads., . Bar I In his town who has Any knowled.g I I ... . . . . . .. ­ . . I . . . .n. I , ,World. Our . oi A a mining-pamp . . . . � . ., glected. in tile. chul�ches, where, 'in' Arms, nob,evep so ,mucU- as the baton be fu' then. poit of age, went t6't*he Unit . ..-. . . . . . � lly known; Russia, -naturally, has ,jt,a(a,q;- that - ad n on -a little of.English, and when foreigners ar- . I . . 4 a civilized officer, but � , )WLs fame became wor . kWg,dom is not of'this' world, else islandlu Backhti,ru . I "Thesolidity'lot dozens-. of, public - . � I i . future. of Course, no priestling has I keep s*dr4al no desire to givo, the *f�ots to; -the. on L- . - . . � . Lake, a year be- upol C6'act as in-; buildings, the towering missiveness,of - . . . o. . any busiiness, 11 p6ople.-will assemble to 'Voare,; guns ind cublasses iii - racks wide, and his began to.feel the ' 14- would his servants, fight, and While fare the . rive he is. called . . . . . . : . � . . side'warld, - Bab -since the. - . power I.here have be. .. �P-viince of Upper Canada ' �.. I . . . .. work be- * it.. A * . bogus and Sham terproter between, them and the locai. dozens' of 'great office..build I �.. . . uistem to the.,pospal of truth and of at tho-otatiolo, and,make a rush of an hutoorat. - is A WO . . , inga, - lose . �. I . - . . , I . for gun those. coolies ha pe . . noor,19 Chr-letlanitles wits folirmed, 1. this ven:o,rable centen- officials. Throughout my.experienee the! *aff6ot by an of tb�e inaltitu I do - - ' - ' I I . . , them -r the signal gun, .. . . . . . - I ,,that, have iiiought.t6 riAn 6pent.uearlY the wholo of -his., . r rel . . .... i �. _ .� -knowledge. 1. . when .they has -'. risen- in mutiny'pgainat the:�Ru.ssiln I this beardless boy.s.aid, "that you have I 1. . a . . 1. . _ . . . . ,. � ,16_�� Till$ li tired, by an of fieer.*hosa sjllcolal ,Of,fI,,;a1s . spread themselves , by fighting* 'm the empire all my telegraphic mea- .of. mean and dingy .structures, ordi- � I. . . . several I .engine ,notentirely ruined the nationa . l and days Amid, naiurals ..I' . . . . � � I I . 1. . 1. I I . I dig.es- . itudes, .trap- . I .. I , - I Every Printing press; Will, be put'in . lussian iars Pei,see.-iiti6n,.th,e,"j4ii�lili6iLy Ofje . .stages were sent and received without nary.Soutfi* African. architecture At.. - . - . . . opetratilon, in order tba& 1 . . I I . a 1 33 0 1 ,811s,,, ping Ahmaek� -the b . .. . I . .., I I oharge.� it, is, isitl4ar, upon.orderis, or if ' Lion with your 6arele a citing - and . I I saver. or. "in his I . . . . � . . . . . I . . . . I taproving.. nd CMIAO.Yes� engaged on the hzie - . . , . h4 -I,v one Possible method for' � I I., . This . t '' � .. I . in his o*u judigfulit is taeoessary. bave boo . basty.eatilig., �. Ontist. teaoh y a its birch, " , I, , a, Mistake. is the more noti- its wors .. JA.nd were I those shanties . I books, tiewspapara and pamphlets lo a . n. killed, und many have been i I Oil some. i ' . I . Canoe exulting, gi d�d' over the . . . . . ly Tbe plonalby for f irilag it At thS wrong * . I dissemination. A, lamb cannot bbange 'I a worthy'fiorn the fact that l'used -a all 6xpun'ked, wore, the- wholo'business I � . . . . be Produced 'by the million and distrl� � . mut ed, ifi'd horrible �f alshlon. t character. - Jesus is the Lamb of all oipbef . � tile city a "Mass, of the : I . . .Ila( thing.11 And he proceeded' to revola- -. ikes and rivers: onticing from .th +, * I I I .. time is , a . , I code. The building and extend- quarter of . 1. � buted, aspen sevexe-m-it may *1a degradation . . . . . . tionize American cooking in New York, 1 . . ant depths SugoOt � . I . . I I . ialty .in" lands still de- . I I CANNOT MOVE, TROOPS, � .. � I I I the., bags, and . I . . . And banishment, or simple strangula- . - Washington, and Now.Orlod I God, -and we, in, so far as we are his XitAkentoza, the maskinonge. ..On Ing of telegraph llnes'wVe.still going #q"reA. balkiness dear to the heart . . : . 1. �� �, I . ' . . �Russia has solne 45,ODO troops at and -na. . . I . . I I . I ly a . . I . .. . I I �- PAvied of liberty, if 'Bach there be. .* . . . ­ . I followers andi so far. as may ba,' )tie . . I � wben I was in China, -, of the, English-spea . : . I All law books,. criminal . and police bion. � . I . . I betweleri'Via. Jn 18.60, he returned to i . Once, during, these' long yoars did be 0 . I . . king.busiliess Muni I I % .1 I I Pon paradeb and reviews till . . . divoistook and the -b.�ikal , ere, I I "The ol cables, ' which run to were, the. ill-pavp(tatreets ooredwith . . I I - ' I . U . a police. he reigned for bw� , ' . Paris, wh duplicates., have the character of.. fol ke his Peaceful pursuits 'and fl �, , . I I .. I registers, records of mortgages. mer- I Lake. - I TbIl is ,a 'large not -on, yearts As em1por . . rest I I . .1 * I . . . . bar, bub,lt � . I . . , - asphalt, Still - the spores bf � , otintile books men are always armed; especially if . . . laillbs. Wolves cannot change 'their loa:vel 'I Lbi several Chinese.borts, are all- under choicest . .; . . . 1. returning . . . I . I I . uiaddo�umanta of ovary . . 'L in np:,w�Ly represents a force which of French 000ka � before . I - . . . a odours of the� forest,",and ' I . . .11 ; . : . - . .. ft�iroign devils, ave' to Witness th again to'. ' � nature. . &In is always.. .' . . foreign controL. On the Government mines with, their appurfenaid'es, upon. . .. 1. description are to 'be bur4ed-as soon . , a. re- could be placed in, the -field kor off America and entering the . , a ravelling lltbe� plaa�alllt water -courses" and -- I . I. I � . � �. . - .1 1. 1. . L J . ' , . ' ".. as found. . ., . .. view or the parade. .The Weapons ars� - .. on- service Qf the fa its Del � .� . n Wolf'. . seeking Whom .it. may -'devour, tha t Lit * . . land telegraPhs -., .1 . � .I . I . I and reared from . bhe ground would I i , . .. .� ... I .. . I style operations, the majority of the . M`Q mouloo at a . . . riespolpse to a demand which I �, .. . � . . curious looking, bub, wicked in the ex. I Lniti4i salary of . ;02,0oll a . even now; among the:� courtesi , . ..THE CHARGES ARSIVERY HIGH. rob bho city Of beauty a" 'renlixid ­ . � I TUB Military and po,lid6 are abolish- I . . � men being required for,g�rriaon- par. I , I , year. . Even as and 0 patriot could resist-.. This. Was in . . . .. I , � . - * . . I . � . . I I Creme - the three-h6l speara th .. Dalmonico bad to take the rolotof '' b_ elegances:of in ti bho beholder dt every titifi. that he io. . . I � . ad. Those who are refraotbry.o,r be- . . . � .1.0y poses. 'It,willbeabsolut6ly nacre . Sir . I ci civiliz.a On, as 1812, on -the invasion of this -country -Each wora is charged.for, inciuding . , ,, . ­ . I . I . � I .. . -is b tagilgantic factory of ' - , . I have In a rascally. manner sit carry in Particular make jagged , . -11"y jedt to this lly its ' , before the , world by the faroes of the AMerleau Aepub- h b .. .. . � . . are to be for .Russia to,tbrow a "huge army into . . � kitchen autocrat. "You- are ran .the address and signature, on ascals in Ny k u , , .. I . I and ghastly -wounds. Besides the 20,000 . . the propriato had -taken a . Chrisitia I . the world's. standard'of value. ,-*- ., " gotten out of t1ills,world in the quick- . MAnoburia to hol I r," Ranhofer said to him.. . � D., .velieft lie. Thea, the i t ' ace6rding to distance, the. expense of . I . . within the wait Pekin I d it, and Vladivost'ook . . . ­ I . . . oal o-atmo e0hood, . ' '. . ,est possible way, .- ' . . . I . . . maintains a "Furnish the. roant and.proyisions, to to . hide its pagan I realities. and re-echoled thro hout, t�e land,' the construction of the Line, ote. It . A BAR FOR EVERY HdXDRED1 . I . I . I I I is naturally t** place Whore troops * 11 . � I 1119 . I . .1 I . .9 � I .. . � '-- . 1. � � . force of 14,M with wb1ch:to regulate . me the number of guests and what Carry neither Purse,'nor ,scrip, nor 'and George. Taylor, a sta I ve isprobable that in the earliAir day, of � "Not -a good city. In every othar I : � - I � I . must, be con.contratelil. But concen- . lwart bra � . � " PART, 1J. - affairs In Wits outer city. They. are Choy -want'. I do ill reot.11 .. shotas. Do not provida. yourself With. of twecity-t ' - inese Ce ,%nth- Africa which I have �. I I , r I tration by means of the TranaZiberian .a - wo years, at once 9b.oul. Cht .legiraphy scone Englishmen tolvIl'of . . . * . I The society consists entirely of In. und's command of thle Same general : ' Ranhoter wais now . recognised ,a money as if Yora'weiro a traveler of dexed Us Muskat, And, like, �ha Ifever-1 wid Americans wore employed As Oper- seen bhe 'churches rises high in a choice I . � . . -. Ila Iway is impossible. This can' be . . . . . . . - . . I � � . depaiudent columunes.. . I officor and govIerbeld by the same 1 . king of the world's.obelfai and Ila ,�,&, , Wealth; nor -with a bag for food as to-bl ir 'as I know, All ,. . . . . . . �� I r ' dmply proved by..a .brief recital of. the consulted . b � if ,you . . . - . rgotten Teouniseh, -joined the atol but Aowo so fa, . position in, the center of Cite people's . . . . I A � The whole is h6id together; not un-* regulations, though ,there are va ia� stages of t all the world's 'epiouries, Were a -it ordinary wayfarer, BrIM - - Is most English � .1 . I � I he joixr . y ----nee of the the. oparatota are Chinaman, the owellinga, Alas, in th-i . . lauship, Of the, 8 blone arising from tho diffe . 1107 I wa ' s Gomdel.led . chiefs, I . � , , . * . .. .. 11 der the guard tafte or ' .reneas of to take along that line'. , ' . .11a founded a School for and do not take 'an extra Pair of sandals rights of hisso, - and the pro cli furnishing a* a gh to. City of South A01oa- u imu t search . � . I I . I . . government, but�by.a net.of feolera� situation. Mon and office � I vereigni - native S . n u , � YO . I . rs alike f ar. . . counted among h. I ... I I � . . . I want, f r Poking to V ivostock . . .1 is pupils such 1giants as it You were a traveler Of an 'sort. tection *demand. It is likely that diligently to find a ch-uprobti., Instead it - . ( tions whiob,are the result- Oi free n1ah bheir own uniforMis, but are arm. . .00, I lad I. I . y� , . . . of his native, lan�d. Theloy-' supply the- I ' � I . I I I � . I olf,the kitchlon, as alon tte, Hederer, 5. 6, 7. Since the diolples were -not alty of. this brave red Man to th� in the highor ranks of I . � . . via Shanghai and N �L . a t the servic& possesses an amazing mulbitudo of . I . contracts of associations. �, ad by the state, and receive a.-montIlly agasaki. At ter Laporri4que, and Worldling. His din. to travel as ambassadors of earthly . British' throne, . however,. Was .not there are some, electrical exports who. bars- 00tein, sallo-o'ns, bars, canteens, ' . . I . 11 ' waiting a day for a train X left Vladi. . � � . . I . I . ; I . . � : . I Affalta cooacerning* all alikoo will be rice allowance In additlicill. to ,their ners were a its sovereigns or as Marcharits paying : something. which departed with the , . . . I I 'The chief gotd.a fait sAlary,"but voAbpck on May 18 .for khabarovsk . I I axe American or English,'i'but even tool , .ry . I . . I .0 � . W heaven, bal eplour6s, � I . .. . ronb one at eve turn. The decided by the. a&%octiatians interested pay. .. distant 478 miles..Khabarovsk, where andfurnishad the talk ofthic World's their way, but, Amid, the easy broth, hot blood of youth. 'This was cle-arly these may - have now bead die guide -book asserts that this, towin.has � . , , * ' � I . I after free dMILSSIori. � .; I I � . ' thd Mon aild.auticirdlinate officers are 4,ODO troops are stationed, it being the clubs, * * . I . .,rly r6labOw Of the Orient.. tailean' domonsttated last' autumn, . on'. the with. All the operators use! the old- a arinking-pla6e: for every hundred . I.. . .. ... . � . � . The, people wi assemble from time meagerly paid, Notwithstanding, they Some of his dinners have passe on the hospitality * inhabitants, and I Could quita believe. : �. .. . � I . , , ' .L . It . make and save money onough, . to re- headquarters of the Governor General I � d Into . .Of their follow outbiroak Of the prasent'South Afri- fashioned recording instrument, with. it, , I . . I . . to time without distinction 64 Box, ,lot . . . hit it Jews, instruetion ' - . I 1�orhu all allied Circumstance was , � . . 11 I I � I ­ tire afteruto erAte torma 'of service. of. Etiatel Siberia, -was re4chod the . . was RianhOfer wllopre�. . . a became necessary ,can war. Visited one day by his pas. noitation'on paper,� although ,some: of 1, Pa . . I . I .. . !lInflaellate" in bile ah�q*L of . with which the doors � . . I . t0l make laws tly.tla .their. own hands . A next, day; after a ea6paratively good I pared the fanlow "Swan Dinner,ps at as to holy 'to treat their hosts, and tQr, in .the course elf a convor. have beoome skilled., ',ugh the sedulous care, . ­­. . . � with, bat, as the cases may.ocour, to . cold cash I sation, Lbent may n I and windows of llearly every eatab� . .... I .. . . 1, decide in mattars.of I . atiftilds the prisonarld, friend in China journey, at the rate -of Ia jililes an which the aeventy-four guests War, . the first itaid is to treat the house- eaTried on amidst difficuities-for he to read the aignals,by sound. I . I . 1 4, I public Interest, I I anted by Clio, IsPectaole of anumi- holder with the lishment, are protected by iron -,grill- . . even wore than. anywhere 6 hour. . encha elaborata. courtesy could 1$heing,11le director goneral'of tela- . late in the ' . . . . ,speak but little English-, and his � e. � to appoint those 1itted to carry Out , bar Of gaily decorated: Swans SWIM,. which oriental society demands, Peado . rko I I . their decial ' world. In fact, but for tile "Presents" At Khabarovsk a day's wait was Visitor. less Ojiblw4y-he Suddenly ax- graphs at Shanglial, is a man . with, WO - . .� . I . '. and to listen to Chair necessary in a dirty hotel int wing gracefully in a iniablive lake in be to tbis- louse. This is the:ordl- clainoed..--"They tell - e, sir, there Ise whom I became well aoqualntod� His "Bub it was a dwertiol Johannesburg - . reports. 10,18 I bhe foreal-lat allowed to squeeze out of � � esLed by the contra of the m nary salutation, , that we 'visited. Smalce came froni,a . I The oixternal appearance of this. nativ,0ls and foreigners alike, there , b little paddle steam- Cable. This dinner While in their an awful war gol .14 'Baing.fold . name iti pronounced as if it were spell- , . . , ' OWL, a "King's vailsom,01 bta to 1� . I . I or WAS ready to take us up tile River and was . reach the center from which that such, alas, was only too true, at ad "Sliting." ,He Is a vary bright, in, few of the lifi-giving mines, kutmost. .1 . I I . . . I . - of them were cold andallent. Man flit- .1 . � commune is materially 'different might, be difficulty in getting Mon for ontILUSLUStleally described bley might spread. the good tidings ter �t monocut's pause4 a look of keen tallig t 011 A' . I fr6W that of our towns and villages. the service.., though ha Amur to Illagovesoliewk. When we by ($no of . an in man, of decided ability; . I . .� . . . or bh4n dirt mAtilty Is chap. finally atdrbcd A I ve had to tow several the guests as "an exquisite Poem fri)m Choy w�xe to be brusqiie and abrupt anxiety came ovaK his bronzed. - and indeed, and is the Possessor of tionsid- .ted.about the. streets in sopae numbers,' . th the cities the narrow istraoth and Us 1. I Havipire, . Gha . aP all over the Celea� cargo boatsi and . got to Blagoves- the first course.to the I . . I I . bub �hey gave tho-hollowest xppeaT,� 11 . , - . asL" 4 on the -highway, they Must be courts. wri , . . the tenement bouges Will be gradually . I � I I inkled fVle,. and in a voice tramu. exable wealth, lie is Wman who is .. I I � � . . ohonsk oil May 27, blittle average ,9pe . of humble, to the thoTouglif tires, � I . I � wd Itauh0for, too, prepared the dinner alls and tActful and grateful, %nw I I 1. destroyed. In their Stand will be . . ,* � � ' I I as the JOus with emotion, he Inquired: -"DO able to retain his official position un. I . WILLIAM WENT 13A I being 3.5 miles an hour. Irbere we which Sir Morbon PatO gave, ill 1805, orientai at hi.1i beist is ca ' ble . I I or allum- . . . CX AGAIN had to wait a night, owing t to Ia hand d prominent man of Now Lug to an almost inimitable degree. I are going to be beatainfl, On re. ber of years he has boon the head of , "Whon, the railway Opens its cars to . . I �� I convenient buildings, , surrounded bi , I o the non- . re Pa of be- 'you think, Sir., the Queen's soldiers dew all adionliniaLrations. F for they were obviously idling. . . . I gardens. . Them Will be inhabited by A good stoxy in told'of A York. The dinner , so an Eastern idiom civilian traffic what a rushing. torrent � . . ; - . man call- arrival Of Cho Aterlli-Wheel steamer Coati 24,000. The .Thel. u of p.�,Ioe(Is celving assurances of &�nagative tbe, telegraph system, and Ile bits also .. I . . ' 11 .. , groups. large or small, as the case 'ad William, who is engaged. as. A which was to take us to Stretinsk. F -al -111, Was sicadibliteir;ad in the rarest WIllifli means a Peaceable man; such ch . d1ireetorr general of railways 0111 sweep up these hills to this city , . . . I � .. may be, Me members of which will windo . . . � lLracfer, he breathut a sigh of groat boon the of gold, with what . � w-cleanier at a certain big Tba and ecabliest exotics, th;B menu was a parson as wo Would deticribe as .1 relief, and .aat quietly baek in his since 1895, when the place was creat- I . � river now became. much shallow, redoubled energy I 11 � keep house together in ord* P Its streets will I I I . or .to in hotel in London. One morning Wil. er, and .After eight daysit steaming at oilillied Onembroldered Satin in letters. Ohristian g(' , surge. Prosperity In . "ease, their comfort as much as pos. liam, instead of doing his go to, and mucht of the wine coot ;C5 NRCIclolan, Your peace chair. 'To the last he. retained all ed. Ile does not speak English, but ahead for.Johanneitsbu . rg-that Ia,- it . . . sible. . work, was' the 'rate of th'ree miles an hour, We a bobtlet. abal I rast u'pan it. No mere form shall 1IL4 faculties, and was quite active. every other' man in his office does. will pol more gold mines, more ball . reading CIA paper, and. as bail luck got to i-letrovok, Whore the ShIlka runs But, Ranhaer, although he wals pet- your blessing, be, but your advent to it, remarkable fact, In Addition Lo big His adminialtrative offices occupy .in � I , , In the country a. concentration will Would have it, the manager looked in Into the Aiinur, on June 6, . Led andalmost worshipped by many that home shall be a real, benediction groat ago, was that h6 had never entire building, in. which English IA buildings, a bigger sea Of high-priced, . .. . i have taken place. . � I What's thial he Said. , of the greatest Of the earth, always to that household. if . � � William' was 1,401 MILES IN T11 RED] WE E XS, recalled with aspeci .not, it shall aliffere crowded dwellings, a larger crowd of I Sevar.tr villages Will unite to form dumb, Paok up your things and go, , The Shilka nab being deep enough given to Charles al Pride the dinner � 11 from the tooth-aebor, and the common language, most of the men toiling beyond the wont of easy- � , Writ to ion again, Your prayer of Possessed, intaot, all the. jeeth sup. man boo, native Chinaman, having I ! an iigricultural commune with, muni- s . Dickens In 1860 by going Soubb Africa."t . � aid the manager. I for -even our shallow�draughb steamer, tWO hundred Journalists. "After the peace shall be blessed to you. thougb L)ILN(I by nature's hand. Very numor. Wen educated in the United States. . . . I o1pal organization, So William went to the office,. drew we had to obiange boats again, this dinner," the great chat used proudly ineffectual ,to them. In Chi) same olas are his deseanilants, for he lived Besides holding his Government posk ' ------- *— � . k � � 'This concentration will be =410 thei'money which was Owing to him, time into a paissenglBr barge; to relate, "Im asked to.see, me, And his house remain, eating and'drinking I . I . I � easier by the bringing together of . -B to see W grandsons become r4nd. tiona, Shong is the head of the 0hina" . . � Which 011ie word 'Perfect.) 9 I .. and then won't upstairs and put on his Was t*Wed Up stream by a Miniature opened the convarloa - With which he such things as they give. A command fathers. 1. I I Merchants Stequiahip Company, 4 � Noll ONE. � . . ptiedes; of land formerly separated, the Sunday 6101bes. Coming dow 1 to say ate Think of a tion told the whole which prohibits two unworthy cours. . ­ I I . I universal in" of and Improvement in . good.by. � 11 . ,notboat. There was ito room for.story, =it, whb know bat- - private corporation, whose vessels, go Rare, Said an angry pawnbroker to .. . I � . I I 1 013,881 HARD LUCK. all along the coast and up the river st, I . . Instruments and the happened to,run aorms the manager, left- behind, ,stranded for A week a,! time telling Me thiat my dinner was With what Is provided Ifor them, At the outbreak of the recent IlML111- Yon!pay me and take out your watehf . i agricultural � to the oth ter how to dlue, th)Wu any man of his as of conduct, They are to be content A VAIN 8, An impecunious oustOnlex, why. don - I 0 (W servants, he half We Passengers, and they waro �, . betterment of roadways and other who did not recognize him in ]its 1*St more. . Perf,Bcbl Why, I have been, seeking Whowevar that take up the[ Mrs, SM111), Yes, my daught,or . 1 6,1111t confe'smi the depositor . . Means 6f Communication. . dropped tjo . perfectlion all my life, and am told that r abode, Lucy married 4 blacksmith, andthey Lies he put all theme steamers under . . . Do Wou want ajob? asked the 2.0 miles an fiour, and Sb Ito about a muLton.obbp in a d are gettin foreign flags. He Is about I I FAvate Property must be abolish* bave'reached 1b by R man who could a good bodina ill ye. ' I coat. - Therato of program now I 'They are not to Seek for the best of ha va in ars Sadly, . 11 Wr I 9 I ad. All ipiroperty belongs to tile com. I -rotinak was, way this W�rldla goods, but toe the best Along nicely. Maxy married abutall. old, and Is a mandarin of the 'extra Well, you are the worst, I ever saw. manakar, � . not, gained until June 10. It had taken that makes the readerle mouth wAttor.10 i � ­­..*� .1 . . -J of Communes. Yes, air, said William. us three weeks to steapt 1,401 miles I L'Br's message, On the othoi Aand, int. Jennie married a farm taborer, � . mul or to union . Opportunity to Proclaim their Mas. ar and is very comfortably provided flwt Class,- or highest rank, whinh on- I guoss I am, Was the candid admix. 11 . tkies him to the exalted distinction sion. I haven't a single redeeming Every onei no matter Whether able Can you clean windows? We want, an by freight train to OT,Dl','ST SOVUR14tGN IN n, UnOPP% Choy axe not to think that they Are and they are happily situated, . or waaring the carved red button.11 quality. . I I . I to work or not, can draw on tbasa Yes, air. glasovapa, on the shbras of the Lake The Xing of Denmark, who has just Indebted to these people who entertain Mrs. Jones, And yo�iir dought-or . --.*,— 46 , . organizations for Aucib` articles of first. . You look a handy soxt at Chisp, 'I Balkal, We oroosed the Baikal next 64pbrated hl� OightY-800oftol birthday, them. For, in the spirit of the 0 .� 6 . Uetiessity as he desires. only gave the last man 22shillings, day by an too oubting ferry. . We 6 Che'oldest soveraigo in Europe, un. Jewish makim, "Thou shalt not mu lot Gladyst . I . . � I I The total Sam of requiromanta, but, I'll give You 25. left, in freight traina again for less the Grand Duke of Luxemburg be Zia the Oxon that treadeth out 2- Mrs. Smith, AlAst she married it A.MILWAILY COUNTRV. ' HER THOUGHTS. ' , I measured by elporlenes, is the stand- the German Prince. I send bar Ss per. What are you moditating upon so , Thank you, air, said William; And in Irkutsk, whence, there wag a through taken Into acoolunt, .Xing Christla4 Born,` thay had an abundant right to week and some discarded drosses, and in japen every able-bodied man is mor"sly, deart asked Urn. Tenspot of , , Ora of production. .. half an houx he was back in the same train With sleeping Cars for Moscow- Is Tath6r more th n a . year older than eat of the good of the land, which by taktog In washing aho inanag" to a, aol4for, And oven tho children know AS all of b6tUseXes who are able . The total distance from Irkutsk to Her ,Majesty Quoa tho use of urms. Military drill 1 her daughter. . old roollk-OleAnlng the Window this on Victoria, who wal was so unboundeldly blessed as to bear suppoft the family, a 4, . __, A4 Work have a Share, In the labor of time, and not reading No paper, VLAdivosto6k is 2,648 miles, and it titok 81 . parb of this regular education In the I was womleving"Pamma, It 141rank .�.r . . , ��oidtlotloft, as useless or Injurlou, On, the 24th of MAY. The Duko Lboirr t6a6hings. Go nol from house ­--*�— will look much like 'his papa, when he I q era- I , 6 - in favorable Circumstances a 'month of Luxemburg was born on July 24, to ItOuse Carries the further Meaning 016110016 throu;hout the empire, School- ploymbata arto don6 away with, and and a day to cover it. 181%. The qUeell, however, has beeti Chat While they must vUstott from HIS ItEJOINDI&IA. I boys drogs in & military diliform out reaches the age his pa,pa is now. It : aa the MachanIall and chemical alds HEI HAS THE' XRI�r. 1b will therefore be se6n What utter nearly your greatest enemy Ut Whisky, said on bho pattern Of Cadet uniforms In I thought he Would. I Would,break the . . to labox are bro"W4 to a high state MinlAtav-YOWII find It takes t11116 sixty-three years on the place to place, their feet aped w1th the the parson.to An lueorrigible, Member Europe &ad Ariftrift. Their Instrao. engagement Instantly. I I . of *rfeetions a day's work is brouAt and patlemeo to learri the Chinese, lan- folly 16 would be to endeavor to take throna, wb<weals the Xtngof Doinmark th-60ght, Of the Importance Of their of.bid flock. � ftOOPA from Russia, proper to VIA& did not wseand the throne till 1863, mission. They tievexthe - tar$ UA regular Army Officers, Voter- -1-1-10 --- I I -­­ ­­ . 1. ­.­ ­ 11-1- , ­ -, -, ­ " '' I � .1 I 1 1 'I , to 4, fe,w Ilours, The greater portion guago of diplooluoy# let Alone, ordi.. voAtook by such a routo,,, It Is true tho Year in which IM4 West daughter sufficient IteAs Must take jallt, ,%aid the whyw&rd on#, you alis,of t4e, war With China, and some of MIDSUMM1111t 801ENON. . . . al the day may be ponod it% real AarycOnversat,1611- Woll time at each stepping PlacO h4V6 Always told u .. 11 , young -Diplomat-It's my op Chat It X&01veis 1088 time to travel married the Prince of Wales. The to thoroughly proparo for the aoml,ng mies. a to IOVO Our 0216- bhom of the SatAunag rebellion of 18V, pa, what Ia. nation and roattlw atioyment, , that thdr whole Alphabet of diplo- down abroam. than up, but it shbula be king of the Belgians was 05 years, old of the Mastair in their towns, This has ICA 6tf6at on the youthful Well, George, my White dacksults � I 804W MU411; consecrate, their uneld* macy ispolls Just one wordt, crafty. Yes, Anllwe6d thi 9004 mitin, but inlAd,,eyer V*t6tio to har6 worship, Afid ' I I remembered that Sitter 4 Sit"Itil6t on April 9. 8. 0, 10, 11.,Aft#r thei diriotions for 46t, to AwSillow thw& - tftbls 06 Ill, 14" . I . Mike 144b tool, And My 10,11lidry hills . � . I . . . � . I . k � � . . I I Mike V" kxkt4 I : .. . . .. ­ I—- I—, ­' 1� I L I .1 . 'I ­­ " . � , ,. . - , . - , , 11 ­ . I .. I ­­ � - . .11 1. I .