HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 6; ,
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1 7,30�
AUGUST .10, 1900
_ 1- _. �
� .. -����-1--l..--,-.-��-.-...-.-.�l--.,.�.. �____ --,--.--.--�.-,--"",��,-,--�.,��.-.41--�4�,�- ''*""'-..-��------.-�------��-. ;: .�
. 4 I.,
� Frult Kor 010 North-West I . , mriagultm.
. . N , X A West Riding of fluron. Complainto come from 141aultoba, this —_
- , I year) AD U104 did last, that tbofruj� �out W. A-Puriold of London, youngoot
- the late Ww. Puffield (brother
- . If
I �. DOMINION ELECTION to m ()uturlo Is bad. 0 mor! Jas. Duffield of Wingliam) died
. . .. � WINE _ . ly �nokod. 'rho Winnipeg 'TrIbuno -
. on Afonday morning after ton days Ill
I I I intB out that tbo diotanoo. from Wes. I 11088 from typhoid toveri aged,29 years.
. torn Ontario to Manitoba 19 not groat as D000460d, succeeded his fother as Proal.
.'I * 't I .1 CLASS I I I I ,compared ivith the distances 1,11orida, d0ut of the 040 Company. Ilia mother
. . I I I .11 k CONVENTION California and Washington' growers, and one brother Purvive him. lie wna
- . � have to transport their frilit, More- ularnarriod. ,
. .
.1. OF ___ . over,. it saya tile facilities for tranapor,,
. �. . . The outarlo Govornmet has entered
tation are excellent, as the Canadian, suit to recover sococosioa � duties from
.. / I 11 ... .f . A Convention of the 14beral-Connervativo Aw Pacific Rallway is ready at .
. 'e
. soclatton for t!@Alc A illaing oX Huron ld able to $up' the estate of the late Wm, Duflield,
; ,% 11 b he d dt ply &Ile most modern refrigerator oars brother of Jgs. Duffield of WingliAm.
I for tile service, it Buoh we demanded According td , his widow, the executrix
. O'KEEFIR'S SMITH'S HILL I by tile Ontario shippers, 'and it, think$ and the executors, JAP. (). and W. A -
� lood ro;kaon why tb
0 . 0 (lutgrio Duffield, the estate is only worth 070,
EXTRACT. I fhiir%1,,8!.U-�,)J not arrive In Winnipeg in f)0(), audso not taxable for Buccosslon.
... "OF MALT . I FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 19001 al od condition as when Pi0k- duties, being under the $100,000. But
. . mmoneing at 'Z P. in. Pharr, to nominate a I od�o;tet"s 9" says that .tile fact re- th 4ttorney-Goneral will contend at
ndIdato to represent tbo It d1sil; for tile forth. a 5 it oarload aft)r Oat- trilv361 that It is worth considerable more,
OC40 ( m th,
Taken ,s , coming Dominica Bloctionti, md", of apIP111051
� at bedtime enstirc I � . plums, P.0461100 and or was, just before the, tooiatorlis death.
healthful, refreshing al . eep. - I pears arrive in WInnipog mafi� for 6on,, While at work on the now school
� �,'ach Pollittir Division In requested to send 3 gumption, and Atbe0t in a most uupre,
,tlay A, pointed delegates, but all frion(Is of tile sent4ble0oaditio'latorthevaai-ket. The house at Lftngside� Win, Nicholson of
be, rconsorrative cause are cordially In"It* Tribune gives interviews with a num town Met with (lulto a severe accident.
Taken before weals It io an LI to be a Grand ually He was working on a, $oat old, which
ea to present. Let there -
for the CAU80 of Good Government, I
ber Of fruit dealers, all of whom agree in gave way, and he fell to the groundf
eitcellent tonic. 13Y order oZ the executive maying that the Ontario fruit won are falling on the narrow side of a brlok.
JAXIes UIT so careless in packing that their fruit is Ur, Nicholson was brought home and
250. PER BOTTLE. I � . CI%U,1111-111ary 'TOS' 131',"r(�",cla,ut almost unsaleable when it reaches Xanl- was confined to bed for several days,
. God Swro The Queen, toba. It compares tk orate Of -California Luckily no bones were br9kout but as
" - — ___ Plumawlth-A crAtoor0utario plains. it waa lie has suffered much pA
o �__ ,in �
—XX— _X_�_ I - . . I The California fruit arrived in Winni- The following despatch from Kent-
. peg after a journey Of twelve days, real dated August 130, no doobt refers
SYDNEY JAOKSON COURT OF REVISION - clean, fresh, spotless and firm. The to tG death 01 a formal, young Wing-
. � . — I .. Ontario fruit was soft, mushy, scabby, liamito ;-Adelaird BrIobols, A lineman,
Phone 2 Prescription Pharniac decayed in spots, and altogether in 4 of the Royal Bloo. Cc,, received a shook
.Y' TOWNSHIP, OF GODERICH, . most unprosentable ahape, although it while Working on a pole this morning .
, I . I . . . only left the Place of produ . ation In near the Ci I ty Hall, and was hurled to
Notice is hereby given that A Court -will be Ontario three days before. Accord!
'%"W'ftw'W4%w'qb�'%K'W'"v'%'.'Ql�'�I hoWpurguant to the Voter's List Act by his 09 the pavement below, His injuries wore
0 Houor the Judge V tile County Court R the to the fruit dealers, the difference was so bad that he died in a few minutes,
guul� of Huron at 11olmosvilic on Saturd
I . th I "', I due entirely to -different methods of . I
. 0 , day of September 1900, at L30 dcl.k
oWatok .p. in. to hear atiA determine the several com. packing, The California fruit was pack . . � ... I , I
p1nints of errors and emissions In the Voters' ad in orates, having four it trays, Bud . I .1
List oftbe MuniolpmIlty of GoderichTownship, each layer was separated from the . 11busall. . 1. 1. 1.
All persons having bu" s at-tho - .
. required toattend at the'9608 above by clean cardboard,. The Ontario - Mrs,W..ChL
I $. . .1,1019"PtIll.-I.-.0. ,id time fruit was packed into the box like pots- apman, 8r, received a tole-
. grata informing her of the death of her
I I 1 $ Clork o Jq0. L Ity, toes into a bin, quite regardless of the brother, Robert Ferris, near Brant-
$ Talk . I `ON . 8 ,T,ui ,',,'D,, ela mu i i I, � I P. i bruls6s - and breakinge suott a
Dated the 18th day of August, . Lkinedy find ford, where he resid d, She left to at�
.1 . . i the result was that the skins were oor tend the funeral, which took place in �
' I
To the busy man an accurate � .., MUSIO AND I ARr . , ______ - . ___. oradL With a sweaty, greasy slims, and L Onondagua, 1
$ watch is a necessity -not a luxu- . — the whole mass was unfit for human On Sunday night its anumbdr of our
hnk, To L I food. The Tribune says a crate of On� young, peo . ple were driving home from
e every moment of precious L MISS ELLA CLINE - tario poaches displayed was in even the lake iu a cab they had the misfor- �,
thrie, to meet trainS,L l',eep &P- - C e.of the Ontario School of Art,Toronto worse condition, a -ad that the. apples ti�uo, owing to the
� intv"'It'er and Oil Colors, will take. a limited darkness, to collide
pointments, in fact. to be always number of pupils for instruction in Water and which akrive in barrels from Otitario are with D. MoEweials buggy, throwing it I
on time one must balie a good 1911re not in-muoh better condition. A fruit into the ditch and smashing it badly,
c plor Pah.tings, also Crayon Work taugrit.
I watch. Drop in and let urs talk urther information apply at the residence dealer said :-'(We got Apptes from
watches to you, we are practical .of Mr. ,T. B. Hoover, Clinton. Teims modera . te. Annapolis Valley in Noia Sootia, whioll . The cab also had an axle. bent, Fortu-
watch repairers and you can have . I =;-_� pu nately no Ono was hurt, but some of the
I .
. ts the Ontario fruit to shame, being ladles got a bad scare, .
the benelit of our 20 years' exper-.-. . � DENTISI*RY. � clean, clear, round and spotless. simply 'a PI . Ace, has
lence wi'tbout charge. It you � . I � I because of the great smre takert'in growa Bruce Ellis, formerly of thi
have a watch which needs clean- G. I)ARNEST HOLmBb - Clint6l. ing, plokipg and shipping them.. � been. appointed superintendent of the ,
ing, has tiny part broken or lost, D'S4 successor to pr, Bruce, I . .
I �c I . Is *� . Freight department of the. Pan Amen,
or one which. has been ruined by i, claiist in Crown, and BrIdgoNVork. . . 7 , . ,.can Exposition to be bold at wfta:
I L. D. -Graduate of Royal College of Dental B lo .
incompetent workmen, bring it oons of Ontario, - - - . Lucicnoly. . , nextyear, I � .
. us and - we will tell, you just Fl t. ass he or raal.ntc of Dental . � . . Mr-and.Xrs. Johrt.,XoAllister and 37 1
� D S N 0 ivorsit7b S I .
what it wants and what it will a 0 as 0 11 ton of c 1�001� On a recent morning some flowd out- of their descendants picnicked at Bay-.
I �.cu I.
cost you, . . �r� t , . urated, the Wild, stand, near Treleaven's field. There yvere only thieo of the fam,
D De aT me el t
- Sur�
to - ' t nt of.Tor 11
p �lcu V Id t pr
a a �
tt r iii
I teeth t 0 Ivor no e �.ly
. . I Ill b R . fto�d, every photogra�h gallery, with coal oii,.and
. . am a V . , fly wfio could,not be pieaent. .
y ea t �6
ro 10 , ,
$Watches examined ' I Mrnaa in . t 6 . then set re. to it ' Fortu"tely the Goo, Ingmtri has left for Aylinery -
regulated tind a a t Fo correct -_ I � 'fire was discovered: by Mr. Frank John- where he purposesspending a tow weeks
time FREE of charge. . ��. . . . ' ' ston before it had gaified nauch head- witlihis two daughters.1*law. Howill
. I �
. , . UPHOLSTERING wayt as in all probability, a serious con- then -go to Hamb.ton to visit his' sister, I
. . - � ; flagration. wo.ylldhave resulted-. . If ra. Stull, Who has resided in the same
dersigned wishes to anuottitco to the' . The ioccad annual harvest home Of house on Park street for over 50 ye4ro.
peopid of Clinton and surrounding country that .
. A. J, 010 G heThha"sno"cated In Clinton and is prepared to do L-0. L. Xo. 1044 :will be held On the -He'will then 'visit his .daughter, Mrs. 3
. - allkinds of Upholstering, Mattress making afternoon of Labor Day, Uoudayi Sap t. 'Walton at Niagara Falls, after which he
$1 and carpet Sawing and Laying. 411ordergen, 3 d* in''J., H. Gardner's Grove, lo 9, . '
, t sted to me will receive Prompt attention. : - r ;1. 12, Ashfield. : . It . will return to. Ronsall, preparatory I
Jeweler and Opticla 1. I � w. M. WALICER. .00 � to starting back 6 Briti6h. Columbi�. . '
I . I _. � :.cond door north of the 1010111ator"Victorla, St. Councillor T'. XoDonalcl of Kinloss,
,%W,%"Wb.�l%-,%�"%wA,Mb�lqk�'� Clinton, May,98th; � I , . . .., . - r who liyas on the bound * * ' . J, T, Wxenj formerly principal of the I
. . . I . - . - --- -_ - - ary,just east of public school here and wore recently'
pwmv� .. , - - .1 I .1 .1 ,� , . *1 - - - I --- ---"-- 'LucknoW7 has �beon laid up for -some of the Xoewatirl public a hool, ad .
. I., time past with an!attack of 1.04111-10k- to Winnipeg, whore'lie 0 as hag moyan
. a
inatism) andbil 'Saturday last insuiance office with every -pro poet of '
HOT . � . .. . - . , tory Thou h planed I
� . . I . . a
� . Z . class cbr- . . ItIz . ,
I . . , male or famaletenober. holdinst 2nd . about tweniy flvQ,or thirty of, our. ol - doWgu, fine business. .
. . . � tifteate, wanted for S. S. No, 6, Hullett,- duties. ens.Went to his place, and -in-, a short , In thb Observer's- report 'of the fire '
WEATHER - ,- tocommence January 2nd, 1001. A Cft 10118 time gal,bared into the.barns ti . te
� . � ait it ,
. � : , � accompanle.d by festim o rocolvqd Pro- it omitted to mention the lo a Xuatabied
, I . *by the ,undersigned lip n I.m.1 8.t.w I IV e r � I 5 t h. . . duct , of eighteen � notes of Oats lly,H. J, p.. Cook wh6*hA s
. I � . ?o pow . and
, . . � I . .. . . .1 . I . d his law 'llb-i
COMFORT I � . ' MTJIiL MoC1OQL,.'SeorQtary, . nine,acros of peas. . it Was a -very. rary badly damaged.,also that the hall ,
. . SA
�. . Jujy'so , 4* -, I Londeaboito P, 0, generous act and one that is greatly, in,whioll, the Canadian Forooters m, est
. . .
. The weather is too' hot these - - . � , - , . . . . :. appreciated by Mr. McDonald * was:oonsiderably injured. -, � . .. . . I
days for the housewife to be - . . . . __ The annual fall. sho,ii. of Kiialoot. .. .1 . . I . I 11
. .
yangingf over the stove cook- I F Branch Xgricultural Society Will be ' ' I _.�. � . .
Ing,atty Inore than is necessary., THREE FARMS FOR SAL . held Ili- this "village On 'Tulasdaj and I . . . . . . . .
y the use of anned Goods, if . : - IN GOD�RRICH TOWNSHIP;. . . ., Wednesday Oct. 2nd and 3rd. . . � . Zurich, . . �
a good, reliable brand. an. 4pp . e . . , . .. . I — . ' . . Mr. , � I . � . � - . I .1. . -7-- � . I I ... .
I .;' ,ibr�f.r.�la'the f H. 1. It6nny, who has spent -7.
tising eal. can be prepared at The i��dersigned 6 b1lowing .Word . ' '
In Goderich township -_� . � was received, says the ow Y.
three farms . . Years mining in Colorado, Was in the Harald, 'Aug, 21st by relativesu tbla3t,
. little x ense of comfort, and . I-Lot3O bnthdIOthconce��ion;c6nsistinkOf -village on Monday. 16 was twenty-one ' .
just as c eaply, Try oui. V � 80 acres, He farm Is well *atbred and fenced I John Weber of. - Mieh;,, son * of .
. � I . , and has all the modern improvements; Land years, ago since Ur. Kenny wars in Luoka - Pigeon'
. . I . I . . I cleared. Large farm housei, barn and now .and at thattira& he Was shown a Casper Weber died ,of typhold fever I
. . .nlo"brlley.."l I , . - -SutlidayeveliiingabS o'clocli and was .
CANNED CHICKENo . I . II -Lot 80, on the 9th concession, consisting a -piece of ore that had been found on a . .
buried- at 10 o'clock. same evening He '.
I.. of 80 aor6s, about 12 acfes ,00d hardwood bush. farm in Kinlosal. and whioh from -the bad been ill for about ton daVs. * Olin (
BEEF, COHN, PEAS, ETC. . . Frame houge and barn ana good orchaTa. -knowledge he had since acquired in It
t . , Ill -,Lot 31, on concession 9, also -consists of . a go was i native of 2urich, and' left here
. . . 80 atres, nearly, all under grass. . m1iiing, he is convinced,'. was od
. . oni Holmesville and, specimen of copper ore. . about a year ago; and Isettled'at Pigeon. I
and you will be easily con I These lots are 21 infles fr t ,
VIUC' 4ifromClinton, Thoywlllbosoldasoneor�n I I . . L I . . Ho-16aves a wife and one child to
ed. Wemresureofiti� , separate farms to suit purchaser.' Terms , . � � � ,a I �_ . mourritheirloss. :His w1fe-was also
. I . . I resionable, For Jurtherparticulars applyto 1. . . I I . .� . brought up in this vicinity,.having been I
. I . - PET4RCO0X,Clliiton.* :, London's.Xihibition, �,
gust litt" . . �, . . . . �
J. W., HILL' An : " ' � . . .� . I __ � I � - �adopted and raised b .Mrs. G, Xerner.
. * . . y
. ""� I I ' ' ' , - John' Clarke � of.-, the Babylon Line,
. The extensive preparati .
- . . I . . . I ions - Which
. . ... � I I have been made in the way of enlarge-� �,Stanley, dispdbed of his 100 Aoref9rmito I
. I ., .HOUSE AND LAND FOR $ALL ment,of buildin ' . ueral. improve- William Lamont for the sum of $3600. ,
- . -1 I � � — � I I , gs and, go
A I ia i The unders nod o1fors for sale Iris brick ment to the grounds this yea� will add G`aO-_C!ausirs,*a.f4rmei near Hills�* I
... SUbMR TOMC dwelling on 10111larn stredt.. it is,cornmodious greatly to the comfort and .convenience green, brought three c6m, stalks'to
. tablet f m Maka - Sick - I and well located. The land will., be..sold In pf the many exhibi tots and v;sitois,' town the other day Which measured 12 C
"' I an cps welt . . I I .. - feet Uncibei in length., Tbe-corti was L..
10C WCA 6 d ke I . .. parcels to.sult the purdhaser. . I We are informed by the f9 .
. � . . . . "Os, ItATTESBURY, * .
folks. from being �Ici I .1 .el Clinton. August 6th. *. - �.,.. .. I I -11r.. J. A.. N.elles, that the entries, which .drilled in for fodder'and whs.put in od. ,
� � I . . I . I I . . .. . I 0l0B6Ontb05t:iofSeptembor, the fair the6thofsune... I.... 11 1. . . I I .
. I . � I �, 11 I . I . ,__ .. ___... .- opening on the Oth and continuing -till Mr. John- Torrance has diapo*ffed of
I ... � : � the 15th, are" coming in raoidlyi, and� his driving horse for a good figure, Mt. �
I . I 1- I , HOUSE AND LOVWANTED space ivill be&P a premium. Therewill TOrrahba hAgbeen., buying and selling I
061 . . ,� . i nted b a house witil. four or' f vO be many now .and attractive. exhibit, drivers all spring and suixim � at, and he .,
. i I . . I � _I,t Give location and low- a. bag been making it pay. - . �
. . 6d I y ii. y; . ,
a to
I . I r bms'lln g o' 0 province will be represented. I . I
. . I ' t c al pr 0 �_, tn t 41 "Very Wm.Schenok, of Auburn, ont'l-Was
, a ie in xceod 8500i Eend I
I � . . �
� � IV Irl,
I I forint"tion 112 are of present indications all-. depart4l
I � � . . .
. . I 1. . THr41 XLrWS.-PICCOILD, ments will be well filled. . . . I the gdes,t ohn Prahg, Bronson Line
Nd", .. 1. 1. �.. . - wee c�' X �
. .1--__ .;�.. TheSpeoial Attractions and Fireworks. .last... Mi, Schenck says he ex..
I . . � will be on a scalenever before attempt- pacts to become a citizen of this neighs . (
.. i � 4. . LAND FOR SALM, . ad.. , . I . 11 7 - _. "borhood'W about three months.
Verbs .: . I I .
� . I . I . �. . No ohe should miss seeing the grand Fred Kibler told his fine residence to., -
TABLETS .. - I 'Th . ou . rideroigned offers . for valo ft . ,at desim olo . repieseniation of "Ail Armoured Train's Samuel Razinle [.or $1250. This is one
.. I . sixteen (10) acres of land south of the London Attack*O I , of the best houses in town. I ,
Snou or %O 4ays fol 1111.01t. Bold by Road Bridge. It s a beautiful - o for building n 4 Boer,.Stronghold,11 .typica � � ,. -Holtzmaii of Elkto � n, Mich., after .1
W t . Ben
drucal of ft and will be sold. .n one; ploce or in lots. .my -of Baden-Powellts memorable stand at,
I T's OL"21"Petler6st' ' reason for selling. is that it is too.far from -town. Mafeking, .11 .... ., . . art absence of nearly ton. years arrived
, I
V.*&..,,,r.*,".,.".Or,$.,i.,=',..�.-.,, 0 risk. � to handle myself and it doesift pay to hire help . .bave how6-oASaturday even'n I
I THE ALONZO 0. 13LIss cc I I . A. . .The beat features obtainable I I 1, g, .
. I ., Cc
222 SL � Paul Stroll, Montreal. Call ada, . � . TAne20th . ' . dOUC 'H, Clinton been seburedt the aim of the, managa- F _.. . . .
. . .
. . I � . I.. I - I went being to' got only. what was now , . . .
I . . . . . � � .1 . . .. I I . . . . .. � ,and novel, and that object has been ae- *i GoOd..-Story About Ceneral _
- . compliabod.. .Everything therefore ' " ' Griint. , � .�
. I � , __ . . .
.1 . I =—"�` TOWN PROPER TYFO R- SALE -goes to show that the Western Fair' of '. * ' -.I '. .. , , �
.. I ' . - L ' - — .1060 will be one to be long remembered, One day during hia presidency he T
.. Tb6su6crlber o9ors for Palo a very, desirable
I proport on 18pac street cc and there is no doubt that the attow came into the room whore his Cabinet 11
I Ipsisting of four. lots .
� I ( 1.
FRUIT I . upon wKich there Is a cont ortable frame, house dance Will prove .greater than on any was assembling, quietly laughing to '
. * - . . with kitchen and woodshed attached, There previous occasion. . . .. I . I , himself; 111 have just I read," -said her, it
Is a good stable and a first-W(tRA Well Of water . . . . . . ; . I lions
on re sea, a orchard, consisting of grapes I ___�_�_, of4he beat anecdotes Ihave over -c
. .. an le,isagoo one. Thaproporty II . I -1 met. it, was that John Adams, after f
WANTED. ' '. bag] at roasona . a 21 rar or eauh or f sh Fail r -airs, . he had been President, was one da,
and balance on ti I o the .owner on — , ,
1 have taade arrange-. the promises . . if J I , - taking A party out to dinner, . at. his (
I � I �ton ply ot - western, tondop, Sept. 6-15, home In Quincy, when one of his guests
ments w;,th severid big 6INIM I I I 11111 Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. , noticed P, portrait over the door, slid
houses to handle Fruit � ' , , ---.-. Sepb. ft -18. . I and said, "You have A fine porgralb .of ' I
and am in the market I FARM FOR ISALE Brantford, Sept, 15-20i I Washington there,Mr. Adams,' ayes" C.
, I . . I Listowel, $apt, 18-19. I was the reply, "and that old wooden I
for I . GOI)rl�RICH TOWNSHIP If Goderichy Sept. 18-19, ' head made his fortune by keeping his C
. . — .
I . . . I The Galofarm, one of the best 100-ner, farms Atwood. Sept. 20--21. � mouth shut," and Grant laughed again I
In Godorich township, Huron county. it con- Teowa6r, 6-ept. 26-26, with uncommon enjoyment. Theapocry- I
CHERRiESy PLUMS . alsts oflotil and part 18, in 8th con.,flimiles Stratford,Sept. 26-26. phal story gained a permanent interest in
from Godarich and 7 from Clinton. The farm
APPLES,ETC. ' . contains good buildin and call fances,19 wall Aliteholl, Sept. 26-27. � Grunts mouth, for though Ne showed no , t
watered and well u2'ar-drillned. - There is a Guelph, Sept. 26-27. I . cOnAciousness that it could have any I
* 'ea Will 11.1,11,o bearing orehard and 'garden of small Milverton, Sept. 27-28. application to himself, he evidently I
. The highest f .. Terms to suit piltoliaser. Apply on,
promises or address Godarldh P.0, Palmerston, Sept, 27-211. , thought that keeping the mbuth . shut I
be paid, - � . . WIL LIAM GOULD Wingham, Sept, 27-28. . � � Was not enough in itself to Insure for- _f,
. . Clinton Juno acb. Im* St. Marys, Oct. 9-8. I tune, and at any rate was not displea, .%
I _. '. I I., I 11 Rirkton,Oot. 4-4, . *
I I . ad 0finding such a ground of sympathy
Your Butter and eggs' Brussels, 0ot.4-5. . I with the Father of his country. -Grant's I
are wanted as usual. W*'.� JACKSON - . I .Bayfield, Oct, 4-6, 1. I . . telling the story seemed to 1noi under F
. I I . . . I Fordwlok'� 006. 6, I olrouinitances, Infinitely wore amusing r,
. . AG19NT,0, P- R, ' Blyth, Oct. 0-10. I than the original. -From "The Chicks- t
0. OLSON Dungan - non, Oct. 11-12, maugs Crisis" by Ron. X. D. Cox, in S
"......*-.4� , - , � � tn!�_ . ... CLINTON I � . . I 41 I I - ell I - — ,the 8optemberscribnarla. V
__ - __ .
. I
I I I 11 1. � 11 11 I - -----�'- I . I
� vp;�,y R . Travellers to tiny part of thi . 11
- I __ __ . world should consulb the Urinary , Road Tbe Toronto Wo1*14. I im
TIME TASLE* -. . above In reference to tickets, . � � --- -
. .1 fares . 0 etc, � . . . During the past few years The Tor
Tralfis Will Arrive at and depart from Olinton. . — I . I
Station as follows . Trdub I els, - onto World bas been building up a rd:
]RUPPAtO AND OoDralon nIVISION, W4 JACKSON'. markablo reputation as a koliablo
I 1006y and Sladdor Alliffiente that W01d , authority on finanoo, dommorceand the T
60111,g East mco 7-38 a. re, AG P. NT 0 - IN It 9' its report It
" 'Togs 2165 V. in. � Yield Only tar 0.fm Chates lKidab,V41 Or mining industry, Also for i 14
G .4, '. Mixed P, M , . . - of the live stock market, In these do.. N(
oliigWestMfxod N-5 A. rd: I I I it I Plils. .... . . I
, 11 . 12,55 P, in. � pattmentg The World omnl A
41 .1 -Expr"111 - ' Mr, ,Wm, dilasp ea;tpontor, Sault l4te. y fictu per- tt
Lo%TDOM, lifunog AND nituot DIVIO--27 p- m- (',nnadian Pacific Ry I _ ,e)266 to ban
. rotor;. VCL " Marto, ftt,, ffitxtog:�11 Unsolicited, I song expori dio the ques. A
Golu 7:41 a. in. . write to -tell you of the good qUalitl6l, tions With, which they haye to deal.
r South Pxpregs .
Coln 11 mixed 4:25 p, tn. ot X)r, Chose's lCidney-Livor Pillat in This is why pe6pla Intetested in these
otth I"Givreng 10:15 a4m, E �
,.� N 1. mixed 0:50 p� in. tX-OURS,ONS , , I'' ourfrig urinan� troubles. I do net 'Write �ubjects are regular readers of The t
A,O,PATTISON, r,1tA19P'G9N8 I foryour especial proilt, buttortht World. I
I I I good lot thoso afflicted A0 I have beell, . .
/jk#oqt- ToWn Ickob Agent, -will be run oii- 1� I 11"e used eight boxes, A,Ad do not I
.10, DICKSON, t I . ..
District i7a��onqor Agont,Toronto. AUG. 91, Returning Until OCT. 20 atid' tkow feet the old trouble tn the least.
I to 9. . relief one hour after takintil A CURE FOR, IMEWMATISH
.6. - SEPT I NOV. 10, 1000 11 X felt .
tbe first pill. it in a, groat source of -
I -arlpt'lluIrAltro To- eonifert to inq to kno,W t1lat there Is ft Mr. S, Mann, StIftsville, Carleton
rALI, TPIMM 0150 N9 SE PT1491310IR aTit Winn eg� medicine to help MY weak Ridneyd, 111wag ffiletedWithith -
I I 0"' no . . a en
,� I . 11 I .1 11 . � 1$30 Otit,,wrltes,
�. I I 1. . . R 0,'tlar Those wirdlifig further 00t1dulmrif fnd,Y matiarn, had nevera pains In the knees,
. . . � 11 .1 I I - 14"AtevAn. . cid(lress mo as abovo.61 hip jointq and acroso the back. Rhoo-
$ 1 111figearth 28 $36 1 1 ]Dr. Clunse'll Uldney-Liver Pillio &ro
$ 1
$ 1
$ $
L $
I � 1 $ , Macloodw1bort $ sDoclfid for 0,11 Walley, bladder, and MA,
A moosmin Prince A tistri rernedles did not help, me and
Hamlet nod Deell urlilary deraidgemento, and liver I Ile, an using Dr, 0haso's 101110-tiv-
STRATPORD, ON A I swan lt�6 Edmonton 1 40. troubldN, and 11a,va, an enormous Salo er ,4 'i've ffl"040 CoMpletely
. 1jilla
No 1089 thaft 019116 krgd bliAttlem colleges n.11 ovep thin continent. Ono pill a dospe cured uie1!b1TCllc1r'e la not the least tmee
hitre appliod to up Within the )Rat All Weeks Pronk all 801"ta In Ontario, 011(ttling, rJaultsto. 26 ctrits & boxv at all 4(1,alerih or I!,& of theumatism, left rtnd I Ain no longer
forourgrAduateAto t4kopoAltidnaftotoftelfora MU10, 1%, winagorandParit. intarison, nates and CO., Toronto, Subject; to billfousnpigg'. headnelle and
tn their gollool& many, ag five bunineoq firlda l"or further partloulaw apply, to the ftoarogt nr. ch"e's Ointment 'is a, positt
have aripliedto TIA4111p buo Ay 0 V6
the at'se? Iforoffle0holp. , V. R. agelit, 01 to . stomach alckneos which formm,ly at.
Thin druenly be too forYou A, It NoTAfAtT, and abArolute, eur* tot P1108, It 10 thl tacked inefrequently.11 One pill a dose, '
Catwog-dor f roe; , Aq.41tafitr 00110ral Iyumeukep Ailent Only preparation wlifelt la ItUttAlkWd
W, :1 RLMOTT, P1.1110,11)&I I Ir',ig gtrettRmt, TOlt0XO, ovvrr tottu at 01140f, 25 cents a box,
I I , .
I � ____4� � ��_ �_ 1-1
Mr. Norman Workman has engagc
With Alt. John Dolg for the fall inoutt.
to workat bin saw,mill.
Air. Calvin; Wileon, who llag been o
the siek list for tile paot few days, bat
IN e are pletwed I o hear, recovered .
Mr. Frat)03 Volertlau of Henual is a
�sent, visiting friends tn tho nelgl
Or%ocd. We are oorryto hear ot,th
seriousillne9sof, Mrs, Francis Cok
m4n,buthopeahe ma soon be ro
stored to her usual hearth.
Miss Barall Oluil of Soaforth is a
Iresent vWiting friends on the Par:
, Urlissel's.
. ,
John Wright met with a serious aocl,
dent at the Salt -Block. While rakinj
mlb from the pant- th
the sudden jerk throw him backward
Into the bin behind. IfIs hands were
both bruised and btraltiod and he got a
ansty out on the forehead. The �Yorst
njully W48 to his right knee, the oap� of
Nbich was broken. I
Vpwards of,% dozen people in Brussels
lftvo gone past their 80th birthday,
lowd of them a good distance by, Xho
!at ilooludes John MoNaughton 90, John
)onbow $8, Robt, MoNaughton. 87i Mrs.
lall $5, urs. MoLean 86, Jae. Oliver 84,
4rs. Howe, Airs, Edwards, JX10, Mocal-
unit, Afro. McCallum, Xro. 11olmes, Mrs.
Togg and Mrs. Wel8h. I
Dr. Graham of Clinton was ba town
Rot week in connection with the add! -
!ori to his block., ,
. � .
. ------,---Mw*
residence of the bridelp parents, on
. Aug. 15th, Mr. John XoNaughton,
of, Ann Harbor, Mich*, to Miss
Christine, M., only daughter of Air,
John McEiving, Port Elgin.
IOPHERSON-BELL-Atthe residence
of the bridels'nu other, on Aug. 15th,
� by the Rev, Mr. i0ollins, .-Mr. An-
gus XoPhersonof Fort William, .to
Miss Mary, daughter of Mrs, Loch
Bell, 10th Kineardine.
IRANT--OLOAKEY-At. the 144000,
9! mondville, on Aug. 15tb, by Rev.
Shaw, B, A., Mr. Allen P. Grant
of Tuokersmitb, to Miss Martha M,
Makey, danghter of Mr. James
Oloakey, of Morris township.
OANSON--RITZ-1a Mitchell, on the
22nd Aug., by the Rev. H. C. Land,,
skyi assisted by Rev. G. Thun
I Minnie, elciest daughter. of Mrs,,
Elizabeth, Ritz of Mitchell, to John
E dward 16hilson of Port Dover.
� . . . � .
I . .
. _____ , .
. . .
. � . I
. 1131IRT11S. � .
. � . . I _. , . .
. . . .
TEWART4n Stanley, on August 26,
1 the wife of Mr, Fenwiek Stewart, of.
ason. . . . �- . .
. I
leXABB-InMorilt, on August 19, to
. Mr. and, Mrs, Peter McNabb, a son.
;AIER� In.Logan-i on the 19th August,
Mrs. Goo. Beier of a son. .
tDINN-At Xincardl�e; ,on - the 21st
� Aug., the wife. of.W. Ai Quinn of a
son. . . I . . . � . �
IOUGAL-At RogerVill'o, pfi the 1.9th
. Aug.. the wife of Houry pougal of a
. son. 1, .. . I I I .
VILLIS-In Seafdrtb, on Aug. I 9th, the
:, wife of Mr. W,.G.,.Willis o(- � dauglx-
. ter. * . . � . .1 . . I
XRNTIn-Seaf6rih ori August 20tb,
" thowifeofMr, i�m, Amoht, ef a
I son.� .:. .. . . '
[ALONE -14 McKillop, on* Aug; 14th,
. . Mrs. Elizabeth Malone --of a - dAugh.
. ter. . �- ' . . I I % .
. . 1. I ..
. . ... . �
. ., . .
. . . . . �._._ . .
. .
. . . � . �
. . � . . 'AisAlfus. ,
. . .4-- . .
. .
. I
. .. � -
rOOD-In -Stanley on August 23rd, �
. 93rd, George W, Woods, 'dged 4A.
. . .
years,. . . I
. . � .
. , . .
LMVE-In Bayfield on' August 24tb,
Paul dioave, aged 81 years.
7HITELY-In torideaboro On August
27th, W, H. Whitely, aged.52 years
. �
I. rind 10 months. - , !' I
WRX&H-In Mit.ohell, on � the 18th
. Aug., Rlehard Sidnsy,'infanb� son
. of Mrs, R' .9. Hannah, aged 12 days,
:OLME S-- In Hullett, ,on Aug; 20bb, 1
James Bolmes, aged 56, years. ,
USUEL-.4ii Kin6ardine tp., on Aug.
17tb, Thomas Bushel, aged 65 years,
MARSL-At Kincardine, 6n July 17th; *
William .'Normart Ste4ra, aged .34
years. ' . .. .I . I I . ....
tTTTON-In Morris,' on Aug�' 16bb,
1. 'Mary Aun. Button, agiad 7.5 years, �
3WITT-1n Walton, on August. .16th
. �Hannah Hewitt, aged 79 years, i
-months and 6 days. I I
"S.NNEDY-In Egnaoildville, on Aug,
. .17tbt Odia, youngest diWghter - of
I Mr. H. P. Kennedy, Aged 2l. years,
8 mbuthe and'10 days. �
bUMON"In Fullarton., on August
. 18th , Rebecca ChisbolmIrellot of the
late 'Tobn Coinmon, formerly of Me.
. .
Killop. I . , I
'ALE -In Exeter Nor6hi.on Aug. 19th
John Vale, aged 57 years and �
Wonths. I
NELL"In Exeter on the 22nd Aug.,
. Alonso J, Snell, aged 40 years and
14 months. I 1. I
I ,� .. I ...
. . - 00 .
. I
Contractor Grant of Toronto'says I he
Ill bave flnished the water -works data
; London within three weeks.. � � I
George Fox, a eollectorat Uamilton,
missing *mysteriously. F ox's aq-
)unts ate, , ail right and his friends
iar foul. play or an accidenb, . .
. �
. 0"Nowa
(06troated every Wodnobdiy ateri
� .
rheab .............. - - 0 03 to 0 04
oose Wheat. ....#i. ... ... .0 03 to 6 el
arley ............. i ...... 0 38 to 0 40
ata. i .......... .......... 0 28 to 0 28
eas...-p- .... 0 57 to 0 00
ye ...................... - 0 40 to r- 40
otatoes per bushel ....... 0 40 to 0 40
utter loosein crock .... 0 15to Q 16
utter In tab ........ __ i 0 '15 to 0 16
ggs; pordoz .............. 0 10 to 0 11
, ay".--# .�.'_ , I � 5 00 to 5 50,
root ............ _.... i*1 I 0 15 to 0 16
Ive Hogs per owt,, ....... 6 10 to 6 25
ark per cwt ....... �...,. 5 00 to 0 00
[our per cwt ...... ... ... I 15 to 2 00
p .. 12 00 to 12 00
lorts pet ton ........... 16 00 to 17 00
tool per lb ......... _. # 15 to le
eaches, basket ........... 0 50 to 0 Co
1pe Tomittoesr, per lb .... 0 05 to a 051
I.. I . . I .. . I 11, � . 600-04
-kA the impremlon Is abrodd that I will be Mt.
ioa. Mackenzie's foreman, thletear. I W113h to
r that Auoh is not tho case as have entered
;o business on my own account, and having
"tired the ROM1008 Of Several firat-CIRS9 Car-
fitern I alin 116W prepared to take contracts,
,fovo placing ou,�Wor,k ,,1,1yg'ino%char0o to
ider for It, lAn Ind Ilding material
' : Cornet 71uron and Xlrk Streets,
,linton, April find.
To'' 6��_""N!!�� -1.
�_ ..;1QAp%-14C'-1r1(�r. 44 wt,
X &st, 7*eachero"
I f r4o experfence of M0,011s fws (remots.
It '91ratcif thAt Jyooes $41,54P.vilta 0 the,
t Perfevif rgmeffy fop 4ff froubtes of Itto
1. Uwd, ,ytomach, tifivos, ko,wets, tiver and
) hedheys, and Mud it imp4rts $Jpen,qj11,
. W001- AU(t T0441y. Evevy iesilmoni4t'is
I the "lee of expetknoe 10 you.
� VY8P9PSW-"RQW$ $4e,vaP4rA4 &
?. a arand modlclno. it 1145 0redj71C Ojt
dv$peps(4* My blood ,was ,so poor that
In Me hoffost qvc4itlep I fe(I cotd, 7,/14
Oteitt In0diclIng ini'(0110" M.V blood an(I
made me feot 'Warm." Rps. J*nev
. XXW4, 222 PinnIcle $J,,.6etJe,v1ff0, 011�.
I 0.1;;"r ". � 0 , . �. .
i , A14 1 1 I
- —
I � 1� � It I 11
_46iw .
AsIttlelil Township.
I The ,second .. annual harvest home
hold under the, auspices of Xaple
Grove L. 0. -L. No. 1044 will be held
in . Mr. J. H. 'Gardner's Grove, lot 9
QOU- 12, On Labor Day, Sept. 3rd. A
splendid,, program is being prepared and
the committee will spare no pains to
Make it the MOSt enjoyable event of
the season, Speaking to oommenoo at
2. 80 p. in., supper at 4. 30 p, in. Tlok.
eta, adnits*25c., children 10c.
The, convention held il,i Zion on
Thursday lasC Was a grand success. Mr.
Harris of Lucknow preached ah excel-
lent sermon it, the,ovening to a large
congregation,- . . .
I --@� . .
Ir 401"__
The vitality of the body is soon ex-
hausted. Sleeplessness is one of the
symptoms of starved nerves, It is a �
warning of the approach of nervous
prostration or � paralysis. Don't be
tempted to use narcotics or opiates.
Dr. - Obabe's Nerve Food will gradu4j.
ly build up and reconstriuct'the wasted
nerve cells and positively cure all nerv� I
ous diseases, it is natt,re'Fr greatest re.
storittive, recommen � ded by your drug. i
gist. -
I .
. .
. _�
I .
I I .
� 16cendiaryfirbs are still occurring
in the vicinity Brockville, and tl)e
number is on the increase, it spite of
the arrest of a supposed firebug. .
. .
. . — . , ,
�. A, RE, OORD. IN BLOOD, I. .
� — . .
I The record of Hood',,i Sarsaparilla, is
� literally written Ill . the blood. of Mill.
ions of people to whom it has given
good health, . it'is all the time curing.
diseases of the. stomach, nerves,
kidneys and blood, and ikis doing good
every dayto thousands who are takin
it for Poor auvetite, tired feeling an 'I
general debility, It is the best medl-
cine money call buy, ... � .
. .
. .
� .
� . ,
. � . . I �
Thd residence.,and outbu . ildings of
ex -Reeve Barker,.of Camden, Fronte�
nac Count . y, were 'destroyed by� fire..
The buildings were iniuted, I I .
. I
. �
. . . I
. � --�- . . - . , :.14
. .1 I. For 0,yer Fifty Years � , . ... '.
MRS-WINSLOW'S. SOOTHINU: SYrt�6r he . i beed
usodbyraillionsofindthers fortheir children*
while teething. If disturbed at 'night and
. broken lif- )-on" rest by &, sick child sufrorIn
and orying with pain -of Cuttin
once and qet a bottle of ,,M Qocth send a
, , ra. inalow's sooth:
Ing Syrup' for Children Teething. it will jo
lievo the poor little sufferer Immediately. Do.
Itend upon it others, there Is no mistake about
. it cures Tbarrhaa
and bowels, cures %rrtolulates the Stomach
In Colie, softens 'the
Gurns,roducesInflammatlon;an * ves tone and
enorff to the whole aUtem. IF.. Winslow's
, I
$06t 119 SYT.W',for. 0 ldron. teething Is plea.
1unt to the taste.and Is the prose lPtion of one
of the � oldcat and,best getralo plysidiazis and
nurses In the United States. Price twenty-five
con:s an bottle, Sold by all druggists thr
out the world." Be sure and ask for 110A're:
. 'A iNsl�0w,s.800T1XXXG SYRTIP. . �
I . � �
I � .
. I .
. I. . .I.. . .
� JEL A. Baker's house, barn and black-
smith -shop near Moscow, Ont., were
destroyea by fire . ol� Sunday. Loss"
$1,cco. � . . .. I
. . . .
I .
____ - I .1 I
'= __ . . . . -, �_�
. 11
* � , ,
. .
111'. Ch '
Or Me .
.. I . I
. . . I
. .1 � .
� a
. .... curisfile's
. : I .1 . '.
I., . ,
Without the Oangery TS110 oko Expense of
. . .
an, opemtlon-Tho Only , Guaranteed -
. � .
r .
I .'Cure. I � .. ...
I � .
. .
. From nearly� jalrorY. toWn Ud village
. in Canada, eome lettero frorh-pargons,
who have been rescued from the mis-
eirles, of piles by' using Dri Chasa's
Ointment, 11 . . I .
mr, F. Stokes, 116 Dunlop street. Bar-
, rie, Ont., writes:—" 1: was . troubled
. with blind, itching piles for ,Years, and
could get nothing to stop the constant
itching, 1 Was - alwa,Yg in Pain unitil
a, friend of mine told rho Of the Won-,
dertul cureto Dr. Chase'a Ointment, had,
.niade among hjo ao4luaintancea. ,
I 11 I onlY used one box and am entire. ,
,ly cured, In gratitude for this marvel-
lous. cure an4 for the benefit of others
ouRering as I did, I send You this re-
y " ' . .
. NVhen opera,tiond and ovary' either
means li&�o failed to cure 7.ou,,you.can
. begin the use of Dr. Cha,40'8 Ointment
,with.perfeet. confidence that It will
cure You It haS never falled to cure -
piles ari� will not fail youi 60 canto. a
box, at ail dealere, or Zdmanx.ou, Bates . I
and Co., Toronto. . . . � I
� � - . .
.. ________._
. I
r, [Ry,Booy
Ev, p .
. .
KNOWS . ..
. .
� �
. I .
� I
., .
. .That it takw good str6ng
shoo. leather to stand the
. wear and tear that ,the
average boy gives it.
. I We earily tWo litleg in
. Youths' and Boys'. Shoes
. that our customers. tell us
� wear well,
Give us a call when ill
. need of Dop, Shoes and
be,comiiteed that we will
. give you the Worth of your
money at the. I I
� .
. _�. S. 0" Rathwell
I .
lAighost c . ash paid,
for Eggs,
Plfl",, &,- VO4b PhOBVIAdditfit
'gold %01111ton Nv Fl-Jaekoon, It. It. (Iombil, E.
oyoV and Walls & Vo., di'11,9910t,,). �
. I K im". ''-..,.... 1 amm"M
. , .001k, - __ -, , � , , , " ",
, 'r , " �,� rw� ,
0 McsKINNON " & 0"' 0 '
a V 10.1
0 1sX,4-VrVX-,X - . 1 $
fo-0 o co O., 0 1.14 -I--*-"- -.---. I., 4
; -1. '"11, �!" 4"!�-"! ,I I I I #
0 _ ��_- ____ ��
0 1
0 There is on old saying �'You caWt . believe ail you ,00
19 hear wid ofily half what you oee.11 ,gills Ilita modern (I. 6)
1 I 0 vertising pretty hard. Many adverdsolneuts are Oita 0
40 0 , her
. 0 wilfully or ignorantly dee-eptive, land most bargaill,E; arb not 0 ,
V , �
0 71lat they se'em. The Success of this store has been won 0
v Ina great ineasure byadvertising otir goods exactly As they 0
� arc and never offiring anytbing fbr sati) that coul(I not be 43
� backed ai) by the rapntOon of tins firm. Delow we quote 0
" a few prioes wb
6 . ich oliould be interesting to close oash ;
0 buyers: . \
.0 I . - . I
� . $
0 en's fancy, stripeilaundeved obirt.9, worth $1, for 48c 0
a en'S white laulidered aldi-ts, worth .15e, for Boo
Men's fancy negligee shix ta, worth 70c, for t9o, 0
0 Ladles' fine casumere liose, worth 25c, for 15c a
A Men's Ilea vy wool Books, it great snap, at 2 pair for 25c #
91 Fille Scotch gingbams, wortli 12,1 c, for Be
31 Lftdie,,' carsets, line smt;nn, steel filled, worth, 75 Jc, f (it, Mo - ;
0 Union carpets, yard wide, kood patterns, worth Me, for 23c
3 fle,tvy linoleum, new patterns, woRb. 75c, for 50a I
0 Shirtwaists, fancy qtriyes and checks, I I ;
worth 75c, for 00o 0 *
0 Odd lines of shirt jv�,j lst�-,, worth 1'.'o, Wound 75c, to clear, at 250 � .
Pound prints, 0 yards to the poutid, 200 per Ili ' 10
, *
0 4rey cotton, vard,wlde� now wor,611 5.0, for, i3ic I . 0
Best sta�nda4 shirting, indigo. blue, worth 45c, for 121a . 0
; Cottonades, in stripes and checks, wottp i5c, for 1216 ID
(31 Heavy cottonailes, the best made, worth 30c, for 23c * .
0 White cotton, yard wide, soft, finish, worth So, for 50 01
0 C ,Iil,li,ilollo"ll,l.*-,q"!-,*O*O—���!t!!—!Y!! __!_� . ... ;
. - U!V!0 ti't"!tt"_ 40
I 0.
:d. A R:�,D W.'A �R I
�. . .
. . .
I . . �.. _.�,��6�61<-,_ .
.. . I ---,1->W<;---- .
�. .. . . I I .. �
fleadquartel,s for all kinds of . I I I .,
. . , . . ., . . . . � I
. I . . . . .
- . I � . I
I . . . . . I
L . . I
. . . Hardware : . Hinges I . I . . . . . �
I . . . Tinwaro �
. I . I
. I . ' . � 1�
. Nails . . Glass , Looks � . � . 11
� White Lead & Oils Screen Dow and. Windows . I . �
. I �
. I . .
Daisy 0hurus I B10 Flame N161cless oil Stoveg � . .
I I . . .
All.Kind.0 Wire Febein-0 . . .1 . � . . . . I I ; ;
. ..!
I ,
� . � . n
. � I . Celebrated. S.berwin Wirlianis Mix ed Paints' . , . . . � I .:
II I . . . . . I . I
Agents fibr'the Ame'rican Field FenC6 bhe best: fence in ilie . . . . 1.
. . . - .
I . � .
. 11
. . I world. - It is. horse proof, bull �r Dof hog proo-0, pig and. . I . ,�
I I ) '
� . dog tight, exttern'e cold or heat does not draw it out cu'� . . .
. � . �
, �
1. .
. I i shape, it.stays "ere, it's put, 0 t1l and see it., . . . I .
� . � . .
I .I. � I . . . � . � � . .
. .
A few Royal Amerioan Clothes'' Wringel S at. 2.85 while, fhey . L
, . . I I I... I .. . . . 8 V � . . .
; .. . .last, .... : 7 . *� I. I .. .. . . I .1 . .. � .. I .� . %. . . L 7 � . . .. .
. . � .
I .
Afew -b'dd.shades Ready -Mixed Painto .%t il� big disciount. . . . . .
. I .
. I . �
.Law.n.14owers at. rices to clear, Out.,,' - .* '. : - . - . - . .. :
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n� Pirep*roof 8,,if�, rekular'price -$35, for, $27.00, . � .
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GET -VALUE. FOR. YOURAWNEY . d - I 11 ..' '.. " 1 :
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:, When, In need of Furniture buy fr'om us and yow will be sure to got good . ... I .11
value for your money, We have the reputation of ii3aking Goods that are our- , . . I I . . I 1,
passed by nonei TRASHY Furniture and SLOP W6rk- is not allowed to. oatei I _ I .;.
our warerooms. ": . . . I- .% .1 . . - .. .1 . .1
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JU.SILEE RECLINING dCHAIR . . d : . � . 1.
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. 'This is the very latest thing for a Ls�wu and one. ,of th6 mop.� c6mfoA.Able ' . . . . �
.Chairs eyer made fpi that purpose. Ask'to see.them. , , ,, d � , � . � I . ,.
I . . . . I . ,
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. I I U.NDERTAKINGP � . . 1. .
I . In this department we carry a complete stock of Funeral Supplies. - Good ' . , , I
gearses'and Outfit. Charges moderate. I . 4 � �
� I . I I . d
1. . � . . I . .
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. BROADFOOTs, -BOX &.-'000 . � I
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d . . a. "W. uhicil 0�pl�s 111anager d 1.�
: Night -and Sunda� calls answered at, ReMdence of . our . I . 14 .,
Funeral. Director, J.W. Chidley King'St., opposi . . .. . � I
: . . .1 . . . . . I . te )Foundry . I . i�
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- W,sfern Ta'o', �Lo'd. . I
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I . � September 6th. to 16th, 1,900. d . I � . � . . . . . . , ... , �
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1110TRInS CLOSE SEPTEMBER B.th. . I . I I d I . . I 11 I
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� The most coinplete exhibits from Farm; Forest and Factory. New ,trid . "I
itart�ling special features, Chariot raceb by imported Grey Hounds, Balloon . I .. ...
Ascensions,' -Double Parachute Drop by man and lady, celebrated Gyninast.", . I
Aerial -Artistg and, Acrobats. The Armorea train's attack.on the Boer strong- - � .
toldsi find many beautiful Pet devices. Special train's over all lines each evening I . ..
a ,fter -the firewol-ks. . Send for Prize Listi and Programs. . d
I � I
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. . .
LT. -COL. WX. X. GARTSHORB J. .&. NELLES . I . . . I . I .
.. .1 . . I .1 .1 I .. Preslaent. . � . Seore'tary. , . .
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--- �
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. Ourfee returilea if w� f ail. ' An3r one sending skotelt ana deseription of
any mverition Will promptly, receive our Opinion free. concerning the pafent.
abffity of same. 41E(ow to Obttdn a Patent?' isent upofi request. Patents
aeoured through us advertised for sale at our expetise. . . . I
Patent taken out through us receiv,e spedal notkii, -without 6hargw, in I
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by Manufaebirere and Investorig. , I
Send for isample 400py. FREE. Addregs, I �. .
. VICTOR J. EVANS & 400.v
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Evans Building, � ' . I I WASHINCTORI, 0. ca,
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0000modo , I I � .. I � I Ill 111141 A
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