HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 5ffl-
b ,
1,�,'. ,,,
I AwGUST 30P 1900 ______ __ �... PMCO'
__ .- _ -1-101010-01"! ___ . _ �
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____ _:_
,�. � 1-1---.1
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, , __ , ,,, " ....'.. 1-1-I.- - -1.1-1-1- -1- -
- ___ -
____ __ _ __ � 11.1
West Riding, of Huron
, .... ...
____ � _---_____.,___ ______ _77_
- �".-"l . .1 ....... llll,.l.",., ".l,-'"'
F rill$ fox, tbo North-West
I-. I ..., ....
_1 ...". 1. -11. 1.111.1 1. _ -1.11 -11 ''
I , , wiliguala.
. 11 , A
. ..?
Complaints come from Haultoba this
W. A.Duffiold of London, youngest
�Pp. Norman Wnrkma
- , 1. I
% . . �
year no thoy did last, that the fruit sent
to 210-North-Wost from Untarlo Is bad.
the late Win. Duffield, (brother
oxror! Joe. Duffiold of Wingliam) died
with Mr. John Poli; for
to work at I& saw -111111,
V .. � WINE
ly pa0kod, Tho Winnipeg Triburio
Points Out that 91)0 "farlOo, from W08'
torn 01111140 to U4111103 is U04 great 48
on Monday morning after ton days 111-
ness from typhoid toyer, aged 20 �earet.
Deceased succeeded his f%ther 48 .prool,
Mr. Calvin Wileon, w
the sick list tot, tile paqt
we are pleased to hear,
. , . . I
" * � CLASS
compared with, the distances Vlorlda,
California and Washington'
dent of the Gee Company. Ilia mother
Atr—Francis 0oletnau .
resent visiting friends
, I 11 .
I . I % '
have to transport their fruit, Nore-
end one brother survive him, 119 was
' We are carry
serlotia illness of Mrs.
. I 1. �j OF
11.1 1. . I
over, it says the facilities for traospor.,
tation tire excellent, As the Canadian
The Untarto Goverumet has entered
euit,to recover succession duties from
man, but hope she may
storpt:l to bar usual bealt
.. / . I " f -
not a or.
A Conyontlo I i.1- ongervativo As-
'I"t,oi, for t 01 .t ti in of 11uron
Paolflo Railway is ready 8114 able to $up-
ply t1io most modern refrigerator
the estato Of the 1%te Will. Duffield,
9 Iss Sarah 01tiff uf 8
will 0 at
for the service, if such are demanded
brothorof Jas. Duffield of Winglia ru,
According to his widow, the executrix
tresent visiting friends .
by tile Ontario shippers, and it thinks
and theoxeoutors,Jas. 0. and W. A.
FRIDAY, AUGUST $1, 190 0
there Is no good reason why the outarlQ
fruit should not arrive In Winnipeg in
Duffield, the estate is only worth #75,
000, And so not taxable for succession
1 . Itrussels.
I -
now and at that,time be was' shown A
Almost as good condition as when pick-
duties, being under the $100,000. But
- .
. . I
I .
I commoncing at 2 p., in. shmrr. to lie . minate, 4,
Candidate to roprescutth.) 1'. ding for the forth-
od; yet it says that the fact re-
mains that oarload Aft 31' Oar-
the Attorn�y'Qeueral will contend %ti
trial that it is worth considerable more,
John Wright met with a
dent at the Salt Block,
Taken At bedtime enstires
coming Volainion lRections.
load of .apples, Plums, Peaches and
or was jueo before the testator,% deAth.
salt from the pan the rak ,
pears arrive in Winnipeg unfit for 6ou,.
While at work on the now school
jork throw h
healthful, refreshing sleop,
I Each 1`01111AWDIvIslon Iti requested to, send
sumptiou, And atbesb in P, most unpro,,
house at Larig4i
. do, Win, Nicholson of
into the bin behind, His
duly a plate too, ut all We (toot the
rt - ' 0 c
the lonserva 0 cause -Or J414 ]"vit'
sentable condition for tile warket, The
town met with quite a oevere accident,
both bruised and btralued
Taken before meals it ig an ,
eLa b present. -4 t t , � o a., rand I' ,Ally
for tile Cause of cc � ov at I
Tribune gives interviews with & 11um-
her of fralt dealex -s, All of whom agree in
He was working on a oos,f[614, which
gave way, and he fell to the ground,
nasty out on t lie forehead �� I
Injury was to big right ka
excellent tonic, .
By order 0 the executive
aying that the Ontario fruit men are
failing on the narrow side of a brlok.
will", was broken. � . .
I secretary Prosilleat
in picking that their fruit is
almost unsaleable when it reaches Maul.
Mr. NioholsQu was brought home and
was confined al days,
to bed fo
Upwards, of a dozon peo .
have gone past their 8
I . God Sa"m The Queen. .
Loba. It oompares a orate of California
Luokily no bones were broken, but as
some of them a goo - !$to
pluina with a orate of Ontario plume,
it was he has suffered much pain
list includes Jo n Mo. Aug
e=!__-, I � I I
_XX —
The California fruit arrived in Winni-
The following despatch from Mont-
Denbow 88, Robt. c Aug
. �
peg After a journey Of twelve days,
clean, fresh, spotless firm. The
. real, dated August 13tb, no dotlbt refers
Hall 85, Mrs. Mo can 85, t . �
Mrs. Howe Mrs, , dwar
Ontario fruit was soft, mushy, scabby,
. to the death of a former youn
fl Wing'
a . .
lum, Mrs, koCallum, Mrs.
baralte ;-Adelaird Briabols, a memart
I .
Phone 2 .Prescription Pharniaoy..
I . .
. . . � . .
Notice is hereby given that 6' Court will be
hold pursuant to the Voter's List Act by hisi
deottyed in spots,� and altogether in -a
most unprosentable shape � , although it
only lef& the place of produo .
. U011 In
Ontario three days before. According
of the Royal Bloc. .Co., received a shook
while working on a pole this morning
. iurled to
near the City JECAll, and was I
the pavement below, His injuries were
Hogg And Mrs. Welsh. - .
Dr. Graham of Clinton .
last week in connection w .1
tion to hio block, I
��, - I 1. � 11 I b
. .
. I
Houor the Judge V the County Court of the
County of Huron at Ifolmosville on Saturda
day September y
to the fruit dealers, the difference was
due entirely to different methods of
so bad that he died.in a few minutes.
. . ,
I #� . .
0 Watoh
the loth of all.80 010101111
mail determ no the Several coal.,
p 1,
paoking, The California fruit was psok-
ed in crates, having four trays,
_......... ''l-, - —
.� ' I
� 31ARRIAGE41i �
.. - - I
. 8 f errors and onil�;slons In the Voters
it and
$. I
List of the Municipality of QdderioliTownship
for If OO." All�porsons having business at'tho
each layer was separated from the
b b clean cardboard, The Ontario
a Oy6 Y
� . - I .
residence of the bride'
. ' '
coui b aeo required toattend at the said time
. and place, .
fruit was packed into the box like pots,
. Mrs. W. Chapman, Sr. received 4 tele-
grain informing her of the death of her
Aug, 15th, Mr. John , I
Clork of the saia Municipality,
toes into a bin, qu Ito regard less Of the
brother, Robert Ferris, near Brant-
of Ann Harbor,. 31 .
� ,
� I
$ .
I)ated the 10th day of August, U'Ut), .
bruises And brookingo sustained, and.
the result was that the skins were cov
ford, where he resided, She left to at-
Christina X, o ly do �
John MgEvy.ing ort .-,
To the busy man an accurate
ored with a sweaty, greasy slime, and
the whole mass. wits unfit for human
tend: the f une ral, which. took place in
?aoand4gua - . ' �
of the bride's mother,
' �
. . I � �
watch is a necessjty�rtot a luxu--
ry as some seem to think. To
food. The Tribune says a crate of 0
tario peaches displayed was 'in evkl'
0 Sunday night as � number of our
young people were driving home from
. I
by the Rev. Mr. JColl I
, McPherson For
utilize every moment of precious
time, to meet trains, kec� ap.
Certificate of the Ontario School of Art,Toron to
In livater and Oil colors, will take a limited
worse condition, wid that the apples
which arrive in barrels from Ontario are
the lake in a cab they bad the misfor-
tune, owing to the darkness, to collide
gus o
I '.11
Miss Mary, dau er . .
Bell, 10th-Kineardine, .
pointments, in fact to be a ways
on time one 'must have 0, go9d
number of Pupils for instruction In Wator and
Oil Color Pah,tings. also Crayon Work taught.
not in much better. condition; A fruit
with D, MoEwqn1s. buggy, throwl ng it
into the ditch and smashing it badly
watch. Drop in and let u ta,,,
. watches to you, we are practical
For f urther information apply at the residence
,of Mr. J. B. Hoover., Clinton. Torms,moderate.
. I
- dealer said ::-"We get Apples'. from
Aunapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, wbiolt
The cab also, had an axle. bent, Fo,t�.
nately no one was hurt, but some of tile
.,�]gmcndville, on Aug .
. .
N. Shaw B. A., Mr. . I
watch repairers and you can have
puts the Ontario fruit to shame, being
ladies got -a bad scare. -
. of Tu.kersmIth, to . �
- .
the benefit of our20yeare' exper-
ience without chargti. If you
clean, clear, round and spotless,.slm
�, Ply
because of the great care taken in grow*
Bruce Ellis, formerly of ,this place, has.
Cloakey, ,�
'. I
, Oloakey, of Morris to
1. 1. �,
* .1
D Successor to ]Dr. Bruce, Clinton.
have a watch which needs clean-
-1 ing, has any part broken or lost,
.n . eking and shipping them. �
I 91 P1 . . . .
been appointed ouperktatendent, of the
Freight department of the Pan Ameri-
� � . .1
� � I
or one which has been ruined by I I
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. ,
L. D. S.-Graduato of Royal College of Dental
, . . I
can Exposition to be held fit Buffalo
. . . . ,, ,
22nd Aug., by. the. Re I I .
I sky assisted b R
incompetent. 'workmen, bring it
. to us and we will tell you just
Surgeons of Ontario, � . .
D. D,- S.—First- class lionorgadrate of Dental
. Luelinow.
I . 9-- I � .
I .
. I year, * . I . .
Mr. and Mrs. John �MoAllister and 87
. .
I. Inle, - eldest an .
what it wants and what it will
cost you,
Departmentof Toronto niversity..S C1,11
aftertioa paid to preservation of chIlrrono
loth. I .
On a recent morning somtg�fien4 ant .
u ,
rated the band standi near Treleaven's
of their descendants picnicked at Bay-
field..There vu;ere only three of the fam-
Elizabeth Ritz of it � .
Ddward fohnaon of'R . .
. . I .
I 1 M�ill be at the River Hotel, B.) Yflold, every
Photograph gallery, with coal oil, -and
lly who could not be piesolit. '
- I .
. . . . . I I .
. I
Watches examin.4 I - I
Te flatedandsettocorrect;
Monday from 10 w, in, to 0 P. in. .. ... ..
. .
then set fire to it. Fortunately.. the .
fire was discovered by Mr. Frank.Joh
� n-
Gee. Ingra;n has left for Aylmor,
where he purp oses spending a few weeks
I ,
I 11:
. . , ,
— :
.. �, - I - .
. . I . . . .
I I . '.
ti me FREB,of'oharge. - .
. I
. ston before it had gained much bead-
way, as in all probability a odribus con,
with his two daUghtoio!-,l. law. Ho.Will I
then go. to Hamliton to visit his sister',
. I
- I
STEWART--4n Stanley, on An I gust 26 1 , .
. 1.
I . I . ,
The underaigned wishes to announce to the
people of , Clinton and surrounding bountry thht
flagration we 7 Ild have: resulted.
. '.Clio seecad annual barv'est. home of
0. No. 1044
Mrs, Stull, who has resided in the same
house on Park street for over 50 years.
the wife.of Mr. Fenwiak Stewart, of
' a o6n. I . .
MoNABB-In gorrisi on August 19, to
I .
he has located in Clinton and Is prepared to do
all kinds of - Upholstering, Mattress Making
L. L. will be held on. the
'afternoon of Labor Day, k6nday, Sop t.,
will then visit his daughter, Mrs.
Wilton at Niagara Falls, after which he
. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNabb� a son.
I . . �.
. and CarTot Sewiff and Laying, All orders en-
trusted o mew , receive prompt attention- '
3rdp'fu J, H. Gardner's Grove lot ,91.
Con.L. 12, Ashfield, - ', . ).
will return to,' R I ensall, preparatory
BAIER7--Tn Logan, on the 19th August,
� Mrs. Goo. Baler of a 8611.
. Jeweler and Optician
. . I .
I . . . . I
. . IlAr. M. WALICEtt, a .
dobr north of theE levator,Victorl St�
. . .
-�CounolllokT., McDonald of,Klnloosj
to starting back to British 0olumbia.
J. T.. Wren, formerly principal -of the
QUISN--At Rincaidibe, ,,on. the 21st,
-ftIlqmk.,.%eloblo%"%�,%W,%-,%Wll%� ,q,�
.Second, .
� .
Clinton, May 28th� � . . I . ..
. . � . list east of.
who lives ort the boundary, j I
.Public sehool here and more recently
'A. Quinn of- a
. Aug., the vrife of W.. I .
I .
. . . .
- - I mni!�_
.. . . I . . . . =
- I. . .
I . I
I .
I . .
Lticknow,bas been ,laid uP fb�-.s6me
tim �ast wit), An 'Attack Of - i4flolmma-
. tory r eumatism, and on Saturday � last
I .
of the Keewatin public soh I .
ool,has moved
to Winnilieg, where he has 6pened an
inahrance offi I . I
be with every prosp6ot of
BOA. .. . .. I . .1
� . 1. . .
- DOIJGAL-Af Rogervills, on.. the - 19th
Aug.. the wife of Henry Dougal of a
. .
.. . .11
' ' ... .. ..., . .
,�. :
. . . ,.
I . I . I
. . , I I . 7' .
. I —
or foinaleteacber. ti.
Male. . holding: 2fid elms,; cc
tificate, wanted for S. S. No. 5, Hallett, duties
about twenty five or. thirty o!Aur - ditiz.-
. , I
axis went to his place, and in; a short
doing a fine'busine . I
. Sol , . -he fire
. In.the Observerts report of t
. . . . I
son. . . I .
WILLIS-In SeAforth, on Aug. 19th, the
:, .. I I I
. . � � . .
tocommence January 2ad, 1901, - AgPlicatiOns
accompanied by tosumonials. will" Q receive
.to f -
tlm6 gath6redlu ,he bar - no� the pro
at, ittod, to dtatiou loss mustainetl
I bin m; the
, .
, . , wife of Mr. W. - G. Willis of a daugh-
I .
. . I..
i " ' : ,
COMF-OkT* . .
b.j� the undersigned up to Septeinbot 144,
. I
.1. I . .
duct of, ,eighteren. acre a of oati-. and
. .
nine acres of ,Pons. It was -a very
by H,'J. D.- Cook who had, his law � Ilb,
rary badly. damagedi Also that thii hot,
,. . I . ..
' � ter' .
. AMENT-In Seaforth, on August 20th).
. . I . .!., 11 .
. .
�.. .
: SAXTJBL McCOOL, Secretary,
. . I I . Londesboro P. 0 %
-July.fto � 4*.� I
. . I and one. that is great I ly
generous Act
.. �
in iihich the Canadian Foresters in iet
I . .
the wife of Mr. W.m', Ambnt,. of a
. ..'.
�. The weather is too hot these
.: ... . . . I
1. ... . . ; I .
app edated. by Mr. AlbDonald. . . .
be: 'alinual fall show of Kinloss.
. I
was considerably injured. . . . .
I . . .
. . . I
. . gon. I I . . .
MALONE-In1foXillop,on Aug.- 146b,
I I . I I 1. . . I I __= -
. days for the housewife to be
. I . . hangingf,dvet the sto a k
Ve 00
Braubb, 'Agricultural Society. will be
- I
.* .
. __ , � , . .. :
I . . . . .
� . . .
.... . .
- '
.1 . . I a dough..
Are. Elizabeth Malone ,of
I I -
. .
. ing,any morethan is necessary-
b.ldiu, two village on. Tu*lsy and
," I . I
Ztir�eh.. :' � -
ior. .� .1 .
� I � . ..
. . I
By th6 use of Canned Goods, if
. '.. . . . . , .
. .,
, Wednesday. Oct. 2nd and 3rd. � :� '' .
. .. .
I .. . . . ". . . � . . .
. . .. L .
. I.. 1. . I I
a koQd, reliablehr4nd. an appe- .
tising meal. can' be pre ared a�
. .
I . I -1
The undersigned offers. for rate the following
6toofarmsinGod chtownshlp:-�1,i.:
Mr. M. J. JI.ennyt who -hag.'. spent 7
. '. .
Years, mining in- Colorado, was in.the
I . .
. . .1
Word. waireceived, says -the newsy
Herald, -Aug. 21st by relatives.that
� i .—.— I .
I . . �. . L . . I ,
I., _. . , , -
..' DEATHS. - -
little e se of - comlort .and
. . . ply, Try our'
just as=
So on the ltitlh concession, 060(sting of
- 0 1 He farm lirwell watered afidfonced
village on MondaY. It was twenty-one
- years- ago since 21r. Kenny was in Luck-
'I Weber.of Pigeon, Mich., son of
ob ld
. . . .. - — I
. .
. I
. . . . .
. . � I I .
. I 11 1, I
and has all the modern improvements. Land
ne rly all cleared. Large farm houfo, barn and
now and at that,time be was' shown A
. Cooper Weber died* of tybhol fever
Sundaylevening at 8 - b1cloolic and was
WOOD -In, Stanley. on August 23rdt
I .
23rd, George W. Woods, aged' 44
- .
. . I
st: d ,
bles I .
11 -Dot *30, on, the 9th concession; coliql8ting
hardwood bush.
A piece of Oro that bad boon found on a .
farm in Kinlois; and vvfiioh from the
. ..
b,riod at 10 o'clock same evening. He
. I I . . . I 1. . I
years . . I
of So acres, about 12 aoibs-,00d
Frame house and barn ancL good orchard.
AII-Lot $1, on concession 9, also consists of
knowledge he.. has sin I ce acquired - 'In.
I .
had- been ill for'abo6t ton daVs. John
was a native of Zurich, And left here
CLEAVE=In Bayfis]14 on' August �4tb I
. Paul Cleavoi aged 81 years.
. .
. . � . .
and will be easily conyine';.
80 at rest nearly all under gross - .
Aolineavil a
These lots,are 2� miles 4rom Is lid
be J
convinced, was
mining, be.;s od,
,copper ore.
specimen of J 1.
I about a year ago; and settled at Pigeon;
He leaves a wife one child, to.
� . .
WHITELY -In Lprid , eaboro on August
you , I
I � ed. We. are iiarii. of It.' .
41fromClinton. They will sold,ag.one or it,
separate farms to suit purchasbr. - Terms
�. � qft . , ..
mourn their loss, Hia -wife Was also
27th W. H.. Whitely, -aged 52�Ye4ro
I �
and mmwathai- . .
I I ,
. I
. I .
reasonable.' For iufther particulars apply to
� . 1.
. . �
. I T.-AvIdIA a VWbIls;#1�"
br6ught up in tbi s'Violnity, having been '
HANINTAII-In Mitchell -on the 18th
I I . . . ...VXJABU %jvvl�t VILLIC011, .. __ - ".. � I. . . . adopted and raised by Mrs, G. Mernen, - . I . .
111111-1- _.. . . is. W.. I HILL .&ugust8tt- � - . . � . . I ... . I I ohn . Clarke of the Babylon Line, .Aug., Riobard, Sidney, - infant son
- . ====== . . . I I . . . � . � I � The extensive preparations' which IT of If rs, R. S. Haiinab, a,ged 12 days, .
. . ======�== . . -1 � . .1 . have been made in theWay Of enlarge- . Stanley, disposed of big 100 acre form,to HOLMES-In...Hullett, on Aug, 20th,
� . .. HOUSE AND LAND EUR. SALE. 1 ment o,f buildings,and goueral improve- �W ' illiarn Lamont for the sum of $8600, � � James B almost Aged 56 years.'
. � ___ I .. .1 — , . ment to the grounds this year will add Gee. Wau5lre, a farmer � near' Hills% BUS,131L�InKinoardin6i tp., on Aug.
. a n ra n tra e his brick .
. : 'SUMMIR, TONIC in , ,.)., greatlyto the comfortand convenience green, .brought three' corn stalks. t �
allin on ism street.. I mmodlout I 17tb, Thomas Bpelielp. aged 55 years,
1, . tablet foon. Mattes Sick and ..located The land Will be sold Ila, of the many' exhibitors And v;sitors. - . town th6 other. day which measured 102 STEARS-At Kincaidine, n July 17th
folks well and ''keeps Won . I . parcels to'suit t o'.pareliaser. I e Secretary 'feet 3 inches- in length'. The corn, was. I William. ,Norman Stoanj. agpd 31
. �. . I . JOS, ATT BURYi ' drilled.inforfoddiorAndwasputin an
� . folks'from beiiiiir sick, - - : I... ". clin - . Aug�sb oth.. ". . . .� .. .. -1 Mr.' J, A."Nelles, that the entriesi which the 6th of June. . - g . * , Years.. - Morris,, . on, Aug. . 16bb,.
.. ��
I . . I ... ��� � . I . . . . __1 olosa.06656.ofSoptember,, the fair Mr.Joh . n'Torrancelbas dis'po . I . 5 . ed , of BUTT.OX-1n, I I . .
... . . . .. . e!T!! __ — opening, On, the -6th And continuing till I M�ry Ann Buttoi][, aged 76 years.
. I .
. . . 0 . r . . . . ! . the lgt� I hia driving horse for a good figure. Mr. . HEWITT-Im Wal . ton, on August, 16tb,
I I . . . I HOUSE.AND LOI WANTED . .1. ,, Are coming in rapidly, and �
. . , I , . � . space will be At a piernitim. There will Torrance has been buying and selling . � . Hannah Hewitt, aged 79 ye ' Are, 2
. 0 1 1 1 . I . — I a .' drivers all spring and summer' and be.. . `6 days. - .
. . . U 1. * I � I �'. Wantecltob,ay a house with four or fvO be manyriew and attra6tive' exhibits.' . I ? month' and
ingoodloc-13y. GivolocationandlOW- . . 6 will be, represented. has been making it pay. . i . � 8
.. I � . I � h prico-muq not oxcecd,QW. g9nd in- Every pri3vinc . K7,,NNEDY-In-3gmondville, on'Aug,
, , roo�"' From present -.indications all � depart, ,of Auburnp Onb6, was 17tb,- Odle, youngest daughter of
0111 ,a I . .Win. Schenck,
formation. In care or . . . . I
. I . I . - I .1 1. .� . THE NEWS -RECORD. , ments'will. be. well filled. - I the gaesb of John Prang, Bronson Line Mr. It. P. Kennedy, aged 21 years,
.Native. . . I I . Clinton,.A�ugupt ath, I . . � . The Special Attractions And Fireworks lost week. Mr. . Schenck sayi he.,ox, . 8 monthe and 19 diya, .
I �
. . will be on a scale never beforia attempt, P to to become A oltizen of this neighs. CO)
' � 00 'Llgol,-lit Fullarton� on 4ugust
.. s . . I . . : . I .l . _. - borbood in about three months. ' . . � . I ,
I . .. cc'. , I , 18th, Rebecca Chisfiolin, rellot of the
MeAs I . '. LAND.FOR SALM . No one should miss seeing the grand Fred Kibler sold his fine residence ,to late John. C inmon, fbimerly of Ma -
1 — . , . , I 0
1 TAPL . The 1 1 . 'T it? Samuel Rathle for $1260. This is one . . . .
I andersigned offers for-sftle ttatilestraolo representation of I(AnArmoured rat a � I. Killopi I . , . . .1
I . . sixtoon (16) acres of land south of the London Attack on a Boer Stronghold,". typical of the best bongos iu town. . VALE -In Exeter Xort n Aug. 19th,,
1 JR-na-ush for Or darol folft-Oft So RoOABrldgo. Iteabeautiful eforbuilding of Baden-Powell's memorable stand at Bon Holtzman of Elkton, Mich., after . John Vale, aged IV
( In lots. My I , years and 7
druggioU bT Ox Taile 0a reci and will be. sold; n one piece or i I an absence of nearly ten years arrived
� Cgcga.Aro,,11.gt.9'1& aran"14 * . reason for sollinpr Is that It Is too far from town Mafeking. .1 . months. ' .
. . . . .i.r.., 10=2 ez I to hatidlemysolf and -it doosn't ndyto hire hot The best features obtainable bsve.� home on Saturday evening, .
- T11EALONZO 0. BLISS, C0s, .. . .. . � I) . a . . . I SNE.LL-In Exeter on the 92nd Aug. i
.2ag fit. Paul $trod, Montrealo Canit Tuno2Oth A` -I COU.CH1 Clinton been secured, . the aim of the manage. . - . I � I . . .Alonzo J. Snell,, aged 40 years and
. I . I
. I I
I . I I . I . . . . I in ' ent being td got only what was new , � 1. ' ' 14 months. . . �
� I .
I I - . . . I �. I . . — and novel, arid that object, has been ao. A Good Story About - C,6neral . . . . I aw
I � I onsoomm . I complisbed. , , Everythind Aherefore . I Grant. . I . : �
__ - - -_
I . . TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE that theWestern Fair of . I Contractor Granb of Toronto am
. . I , goes to, show Orkys he
. � 1. . . . One day I will have finished the -water -w s dain
. � . I _.— . 1900 will be one to be long remembored, . during his prosideboy, he . .
Th6 subscriber offers for Fzaio a very desirable at London within three Weeks.
. . I proport� on Isaac street consisting of four lots and there igno doubt that the atten- came into the room where his Cabinet I .
FRUIT I on,vv Ich, there Is a comfortable frame house darioe will prove greater than an any vvnB assembling, quietly laughing to George Fox, a collector at Hamilton
, , . ,
. .. . I p is missing. mysteriously. r, ox a ac-
� I 4,thkitohonand woodshed attached. There Previous occasion.. . himself; "I have just read,11 said he,
Is a good stable and a first-class well of water . . . "One of the best anecdotes I have ever counts are all right and his friends
ondpromiges. Thoorchard,condstingof grapes . . . __-_ — - fear foill play or an accident, . 1.
d I one. The property will . met. It was that John Adams, after .
� WANTED � buesoin�aplteag'riesaaeogzioai)bilo figure for cash oricash . IF it -f i F airs, he had boon Prooidenti, was one day I �
and balance on time. AgAtothn owneron I I
. , taklagaparbyout to dinner, it his
. I have briade arrange- the promises . I JOHN JUNOR CLINTON NARXET R
1. . rl !ton Nay Oth Western, Londop, Sept. 6-45. home in Quincy, when one* of Me guests (Corrected every Wednoualky at ,2)RTS
ments *t1i several big . --- - �� . I _____ . � ... � Walkert6n, Sept, 17-18 , � noticed h Portrait over. the door and 'Wheat; ........ .......... 0 03 to 0 61
I . � houses to handle Fruit - _____ E xoter Sept , 17-18. 1 and said, $'You have a fine portrait of Goose Wheat.'. ".#, ....... 0 03 to 0 C1
* Brantford, Sept, 15-20 Washington there, Mr. Adams. I "Yos"
� and am in the market I ,FARM FOR SALE' Listowely Sept, 18-19. ' Wits. the reply, 'land that -old wooden Barley. i..... 1. .. - I 1. 0 38 to 0 40
I for . � ,� . . � .I OODERICH TOIVNSHIP 9. Godorlob, Sept. 18-10. ' , head made his. fortune by keeping his Oats ............ ........... 0 2S to 028
. . . I . — Atwood. Sept, 20-21. mouth shut," and Grant la.ughed again .
The Gale farm. one of the best 100 -acro f arms . I � , I Peas ..... ... .., .......... 0 57to 0 00
In Goderich township. Huron county. It con- Teawat6r, Sept, 25-26, with uncominon eDjoyment. Tbeipoory� Rye. I
. CHERRIES, PLUMS sistg of lot 17 and,parc 18, In 8th con 01 miles 83tratford,gepti. 26-26, phal story gained a permanent interest in .... I I .... ... d ...
from Godericli and 7 from Clinton. The farm . I?otaioe; per bushel ....... 0 40 to 0 40
contains good buildings and good fonces,ig well Alitcholl, Sept, 26-27. Grants mouth, for though big showed no I
APPLES, E-ro. . watered and Well under -drained. There Is a Guelph, &pt. 96-27. consciousness that it could have any Butter loose in crock .... 0 15 to 0 10
., I and ,-gard ll - 28. ton to himself, he . evidently .Butter in tub ............. . 0 75 to 0 16
,eS Wiii Mbearing. orchard Milvertoli, Sept, 27 applioati
. The highest pric Terms to suit purchaser. Apply on
promises or address Goderich RO. Palmeraton, Sept, 27-28, thought that keeping the mouth shut Eggs per doz .......... �.... 0 10 to 0 11
be paid. WIL LIAM GOt;LD Witighem, Sept, 27-28. was not enough in itself to insure for- Hay .......... . .......... 5 50 to 5 50
. . Clinton June Gth. . Im* I I St, Marys, Oct. 2-3. tune, and at Any rate was not displea` Wool .......... I .......... 0 15 to 0 16
. � Kirlcton,Oob. 4-5. . ed at finding such a ground of sympathy
Youk ButteV and eggs * Brussels, Oct, 4-5. ' with the Father of his country. Grant's Live Hogs per owt, ......... 6 10 to 6 25
Boyfield, Oct. 4-5. telling the story seemed to me, under Pork per owt. ............ 5 00 to 000
are wanted as usual. W. JACKSOK - . Fordwick, Oct 6. alroumstances, infinitely more amusing Plour per cwt ...... ... O., 1 75 to 2 00
. A iin- ou ^ n im Blyth, Oct, 9-10, . than tileoriginal,-From 14The Chicks. 13 n per ton ............ 12 00 to 12'00
Of OLSO 0 .� Dungannon, ot, I . . . . me,uga; Wais" by Hon. ,I. D. Cox, I" Shorts pet ton ........... 16 00 to 17 00
. ______ - ._-_-__ . MINTON " , - , - 0��� the I So to b . or Soribner's. . . Wool per lb ............. 15 to 10
.1 I . - � . . I - 13eaches, basket .......... 0 W to 0 CD
,W -Am I . Wravellors to any parb of thi Itipe, Tomatoes, per lb....' 0 05 to 0 05
- - I world should consult the Urinary Read Wife Toronto World. . . .
TIME TABLEO . above in reference to tickotof . --- , . .
. ' . fares, etc. 11 . . . During the past few years The Tor- CONTRACTING4 I
Trains will atftrivo at and do�art from Clinton . . Troubles onto W6rld has been building up a to- -
Station as follows ;-- , . m1arkablo reputation as a reliable As the improgsilon is abroad that I win be Mc
. UDIVALO AND GODETITCH DIvisiox. W AJACKSION Thos. Mackenzie's foreman this car, I Wlah to
13 Kidney and Madder Ailmentil thRt Would - authority on finance, commercigond the gar that stich; is not tho, case as f have entered
mining industry. Also for its reports In o business on my own account, and having
Going East nqr, ess 7M A. in. AGENT 0 - P. R Yield Only to Deg Chftsa.'d K cl sa -
,, .1 2:615 p. in. I . Idney-Liver 11 a it ea
V4 40 Mixed 4:25 p. in .1 I 1 of the live stock market, In theme do- secured the Goryloeq of several r t r.
Gio . . V . a to take Contracts.
1�g West mixed . I a. m'. - ..---- 1 Pills, I partments The World em Oys 1% staff iffllln'p�r I a charco to
, Exqrosq 1120.51 ' -r, Sault 'Stig - �It. g "bo,11111(lind material
14 " , p. in. � Mr, ,Win. Gileff, darponte - of men specially qualified Vy actual per ntepopl cc
10:27 P, in. Idarle, orit., 4tates.-t4 unsolicited I sonal experience to. handle the ques- li'd 101 011d'
L091)1514i 11MILON AXI) 10WOn WT1610N. Ocanadian Pacific Ry. D. COXN111IT11J,
Going South 11,xprosa 747 a. in. I . Write to tell you of the good qualities tions with which their baye to deal, Cornet, Huron and Kirk Streets.
0 .4 mixed 4.25 1). in. s In This is why people hArested in those Clinton, April 2nd.
Goin HARVEST ' , of Dr. Chase's Itid1ftey-Liver, Pill
,.g North Exprolo 10:16 a4m, . subjects ate regular readers of The ,, , ,� I I i , I,, �. _��_
� U mixed ,.'M 1), m'L EX—CURSIONS curing urinary troubles, IdaliotWrite . . . . . . . .. 1. . I
. I - for your eapecial pro-fito but for the World- I . . .
A, 0, PATTISON, P. R nonar"Ns I . good of those, afflicted " I have been. - - I I
T;wn Ticket Agent, sea obt boxes, and do not % I
ont. , -will be tun on- � , . I
� )Passenger Agent, Toront" AUO, 98, Returning Until OCT, 20 and* I "I'll, trouble in the least. .
WAirlot V. a. DICICSON, - 1, 101111" U the 0 . It, UMATISNI � I .
. I , SEPT. 11 11 I. NOV -ritfolelit relief one hour after taking A OUREFOR, ItT I It'i easy to
11 I 110,1900 the firdt pill, Tt is a groat source 0 - - haul a big
, —UTURDT VARM We— comfort to i -de to know that there In k Mr. S. Mann, stittqVille, Carleton load 'up OL
PALL TBRU OPENS SE, PTEM=4,lt dTti Whinf6log, Itoginc ' 6 m* tnedletnos to helP my weak kidneys, out writes- I I was afflicted with theu- big 11 If
. . . I ... I . �11 I � . T)olora no aVV 1$30 Tliose wishing further ID"tlaulatm MAY
.- - on ,address me as above." t a VA oil
- ... . I 1. . Antlof "'06' � $815 rna�1'8m, had severe palpff in the knees, OU tait
—Ar �6 ... 11 . I . . HAtovan f Torli ' I)r, chafle'a Xidney-tivor Pills t6to hip Jointo And acrosa the baek. Uhea-
.. . . I . waseatth � "S
. . 1. . . ("lq matism remedies did not holp lite and 11 heels VI
11 I 1, � 1 $28 aRtle'I'a fspecific for mll klancy, bladder, 'and Idnev
w000min Iit'�d ,oI , I)r, Chagela Ki . .Vv -
RAW tit "�bort urinatty derangomenta, find liver. I beg'an usin ,
0. swan V. Edniontoll 1$4:0 troubles, and ba,va an ellUthou" sale er 1111101 whiel have since com�letely NIOA AxIs Grasse
No Im.1 than eight large businons colldgm 6,11 over this continent, one pill a dWs curod me, There Is not the loast trace asta,box mal"rnthovdim
have applied to va within the last iiii weeks F rom. all 801110 In Ontario, onml)ing, salultste, 26 Centel it box, at all doalera, or Ed- of t1leumatistil left and I &in tie longer betit SnMO 6*0 put On 411 4116-
isold av ' X%44 by
for ourgraituatop to takopoq1tionaftateAction Warle. at., Windpor and Xwt , Bates -and Co., Toronto, Sti),ject; to hilliotignp8s, headache And 'IAr 11"I"t'*6 a., L h h N a it,
In'tholt Rehooln, An man3� me Ilve bushlosp firms For f arther P�wtfoulara apply t� the neareat "an"'Or' Impan L
have ar,plied to no In one do$-, for office help, 0, 1). it. Agent, 6,1 to Dr. chateld ohittylent Is a Dositivo stomach sickness which formerly at -
Thin n nn rely Clio beat whodl for yoll and absolute curt for piles. It 16 the I
A. It. NOTMANIT, I only ppol)aro,tion Whlel% 18 41104011tiled taeked Ine.frequently," One pill a dose,
Catalogue f voo; .A qAlatant General 114=.euR46p A11611t 25 cents a box, ...........
W, J, =1011T, I I I 10ig 19*0t East, TOROY. 0, to our& ivory, totat of 1410",
I . I �
TfJ................. ................ . . . . . X,
,IE LONDESBOR0 PION10 ------ �� �� -;;
W �..,7;;.;=:75p:qxllqr,".A$:=.:.:I.:�: ... ... �.,gsas 0 1
The picnic held in X*W# Orove, Din- c beirman but 41s duties were bonor&Ey . !
, � k, CON., i
deoboro, yesterday under the auspicea #v the sudience was very Orderly. The . I L
of L. 0. L, No. SM wax one of tbejowit P T09VAIII wits an excellent one alad en. , . . .
successful Ovents Of tb`6 seawn- Not- core$ werB riumelOue. Mr. Miller of - I ?-'1�7�!'!!I-!_�!�,�L'"�!�
witlietanding that this 19 a bury me4son Kineardine gave. several patriotic #e -
In a farming community, with finishing lections ,and in tbb 14aple I*Af, :the I . . .
up the drawing In, throahing and 1 $'
mak. audience joined, clos)ug with hearty I - 0
jug ready for vowing the fall wheatx cheers. The young gentlemen who et. believeall you 0 .
' there must bave been upwards of 1000
people in the Orove. COMPOSO the Myth Quartette distin- hits raodeta ad- I
The weather was 411 that co;ild be guished themselves, while the Sweet meuts are either 0 ,
Singer.of Wawanosb, Miss Patterson, ,t bargaitis allb not 0 '
desired so that enjoyment reigned delighted allwith her selections. . She .
supreme, Several speakers who bad Is,the favorite soloist in this district ,Ore has been woxi 0
Promised to attend failed to appear so and her services are always in request. )da exactly aB they 01 ,
tbavpalt of the program bad to be The inimitable Matt Floody of ,Blyth ;hat -could not be ;
abandoned, but Mr. H. Miller of Xina w.%Ij Bit good as usual. Xatt Always . .
c4rdine sang a. couple of patriotic boo to keep 4 number of funny songs . Below we quote 0
songs very effectively. 'Mr. Miller is 1% An re$ervefor I ng to close qa$
. I
encores which are always - i , h
very, loyal, subject if we way judge by insisted upon. The program was as ��. I � �. .
.his speech and song, TbOpeople,werts follows;- . 1� ; .
much'pleased with his, selections. Ohavimau!s Address . a for 48a . ,
There was no recess with the dancing Solo, Mrs. Sanderson I 0. ; "
platform which was thronged until . .1 a - , .
Xr, Rich Solot Miss Patterson 0 . .
dusk., ard Bayley of Bullett Solo, Mr. Miller p for 25a 0
was the violinist and was assisted by Comic, Matt, Floody . . . I
others, . . 75c, for COO 0 1
Selection, Blyth Quartette
The wives, daughtep and, sweet- , , . - tb 35c, for 250
- Banjo Selection, Mr. Bredner , . ,500 . ;
hearts of. the members ot No. 8W bad Solo, Mrs. Sanderson I . '70c, for 50o 0
provided a bouititeous supply of goca ' . . c, to clear tit, 25o .
, Comic, Matt, Floocly . ) . 11 .
things but so great was the demand 4olo,.Ulss Patterson I � ) . , I . I I . I
that at the close of day Londeshoro 8qlection, Blyth Quartatte . . ,, for 123ic
was almost "eaten out" for ' the first S4100 Mr. Miller �, . . . for 12.4c 1 0 . . I
. for Ze
time in its, history. The crowd was Solo, Miss Patterson �., for 50
gret*ter, than the most sanguine pro- Selectloux Blyth Quartette . . . . ��.!".,t�, � �' I - . ; .
motors of the picnic had hoped for. I Solo, Mra Sume!s I �, . I I
., Solo, Mr. M . . ____ ;
A series of races were run off during . iller
the afternoon vy,hich created ninch in" '. Banjo, Selection, Mr, Bredner. . I I BLYTH. 0 I
. � I . e Q'�a.Q)A�aW Q At. 19 ARt�,8-141t�..
terest. The race for men who have . J8016, Mr. W&t6on . � � I 130 - I
passedthe half century mark was a Solo, Miss Patterson - . . � �
tie, at least Judge Lashaw said so, but . , — .
Solo, Matt. Floody . �
. . . '
It its surmised that he ,6�Anted to gee it - Selection, Blyth Quartette ' . I �
run over again. The contgatants were The. members of No. 863 deserve I . - I * . * ,
the Prominent Hallett -farmers, Rober� I much credit for the 'energetic. manner . . . . I
Ferris and Nelson Bingham,. The re-. in which they set about making picnic . . .A RE
maing races were as follows .- and concert the success which reward- . � . . . 1. V ,. e.
�: . I . . I �
Men's race -Crawford, Jas. Thomp- ed them. They -have done so well � , I � . . . . . �
. ,
eon, . . this year that the event,will become I." . . .. . I �.
Thre e -legged race -Crisp andThorn' 0- ,an annual affair. Among�.,thosp who . ;. . I I I I . I � . I .
son, Cr.awford and Davis.. spent time and money. making the. . . I I � I . I . �
Orangemen's race-Orisp, Lowery. gathering 'what it was, let us. only i� . " L . I I
� V . I �
1� � . . �
Boyel race -R. Gibbs, W. Searlett. mention two, Matt. Mains and George . I
I 1! I �
. . � �
The concert, in the evening d.risw a' Snell. They Are the closest frierift -, ., . . I I Tinwaro - - . .
. I . . .
I � .
crowded house. Mr,,.,)Jatt mains W40 - and great cronies, . L . . I . .
. . . . I . I Looks . . I
I I . . . .
. . . . . .
. . .. � � . I i
. . �
� . . L - I.. . . .. . . I .: ... .. . . and Windows I . . . i
� I . . . . : . . . . . . . . . � I .
. . I . . I I I . . . . . . . .. . . . . Vickless Oil Stoves I . . �,
. . . . . . .. I
I . .
he record of Hood's S . I . - _W __' i3C111j_ ' � .
T arso.parilla is I All Xin(N .-Ire F—e . . I .. . . .�
� . . �.
literally written in the blood of, mill. I � Celebrated Sherwin Williams Mi:s ed Paints - . . I . . � ..
I . . . . . I I . � I .- . .
ions of.people to whom it has given I . . . .. I I . . . I .. � .. . I "..
good health. It is all the - time curing. Agents for the American Field Fence, bhe best fence. inAhe ' " .'
diseases ..of the stomach, nerves, . . . � . . .. . . -
kidneys and blood, and itie doing OR world. It is horse proof, bull pr, Old). hOg p'rool, 'pig .titild - ' . . . I
e day to thousar trig I : 0 , . . . I �
appetite; tired feeling' at I g tight, extreme cold br heat does not draw it oui C � . I .1
* very ", nd 0__ - I
It 'or po r I . . . , do - .
g�oneral d'bi ,ty. Ibis the boot medi. . shape it sta lere it's put. C Ill and See it. . .. � . I
Clue motney "n buy. . . 1 ) .ys w � I . . I I ..
. . . . .. . . 11 . I � .. .
� � . . . . � . �: . . I � I . . . . I I �.
. , .
� .
. . I . I I . . � - 1. 'A few RoyalAmerican Clothes Wringei s -at $2.�85) , whi16 th ' ,
.1 �. . � 1. , . . I ey , . ..
. I . . I . I .
. The resid I ene6", and. outbuildings' . of . last, . . � � . � � ., . . I . .. . . �, ..., . . '. I.. . . I . : �
: , .
ex -Reeve Barker, of Camden, Pronte. A fe 'odd hades Ready -Mixed Paints. xt. a big disootint.. ' - 1. I
nacCounty, were destrdyed by fire. . w a - * . . . I . I I .., 1. � �
� .
The buildings were, insured,. . , . . ,Lawn MoWerS it r�dube.d -Prices to clear Ott. I 6 . . . . .. ... . . .. . , . . I � .
. � . I . . . . �
. . . I . I . � i
.. ,. . I . . . 1. 0.111y - Fireproof S4fe, regular price $35, f6i, $27.00. . - . � , I �., I � �
I . . ' ... . .. . - I .. - . . . � I . 6
. I � For Over Fifty Years : . I . . . ' . : I I . . . . . I . . . ���
MRSAVINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRiJP his bQO�' - . . I . . I I . � I I - 'i
I .. . . .
. . I .
- , . . . . . :
used by.millions of mo ers for their childreii . . I .
while teething. if ditturbed at 'night .HARLAND .:-BROS *1 ..
and . . I . - I .1. I ,..� I
. broken Of'YOur rest by ia sick. child . . I � . I . . � . . .
suffering . �., . . . . . . . � . � . . . - . � . � I . ,
anderying -with pain of Cuttin4Todth send at. . . I . � . I I . I . . . I �
once and get a bottle of "'Mrs. in8low's soott- I I ,. � . : � i
thg'Syrup'- for Children Teething. It will ro. FOR . - kF ,' STOVES AND HARDWARE. �
:Iievethe poor littiosufforer immediately. Do. '., . . .. I .. � . . .. . .. . I .. � . . . : . . .. . .
pendupon it, mothers, thorets nbinistake . . . . . I . I . . . I . ;
about I 11
t., . It cures Diarrhoea regulates the Sttanaoh - . . . . .. I , . I I __ . . . . . . I . . . . 1�.Ni
,� .
and bowels, - cures Wind Co)io, . softens the I I . I . . . . . I I
� . . ��3
Gains, rpdades Inflammation, an ves tone and . , i . . I . � .. I � � . . . I . � . 1.� . .
. . .
tg to the whole Ttom. " rs. Winslow,$ � .* .
Sodt n . I . . . . . . I .. I I
,% Syr.p!' for e ildron tepthing Is plea- - I I
sant to -t e taste and. is the prq�gorlption of one I When in need of Furniture buy froin, us and you will be sure W get good ' � . I I ;
of the oldest and best female physicians and valueforybdriboney. We have the reputation of making- Goods that. are sur.�- - " " . .
: tursesin the �United States. Price twenty-five* passedbynone. TRASHY Furniture and SLOP Work is not'alloWed to -inter . . . I ;
cen:s an bottle. Sold by all druggists through- . . .1 . I . . .. . I . . .. . ,�
out.theworld.1' Besure-and ask for !'Mrs. our warerooms. . . I I I . � * - . I . .. I .�
. I
'A 1*101�017`8. SOOTHWG SYRITIP. . . ..: I . : . .- I
. I 11 I I � . JUBILEE REOLININO CHA!(Ft' I . . . . .
I . � I .. ..I . . . .1 I . This is the very latest thing for a Lawn and, . on . e 'of the mosticomfortablo' - . . I . .
H. A. baker�s house. bdrn and black- ,01itars eyer made for. that purpose. Askt.o.seethem. I I. � I I I . .. I -1 . :
smithshop near Moscow, Ont, . were I � . .. . . . . . . I . , �
. . . . . . I I I ..
destroyed by. fire on Sundz'Loss 11 I I . UNDERTAKING . ... � . I I..
$4go. . . ... . . . . , ' . IN � ' � I �
. . .. � � I . . I . : In'this department Wd carry a complete stock of Funeral Supplies. .. Good .. .
. , I
__ — I �� . Hearses and Outfit. � 0 1 barges m6derate.. . . . . I .. . I . I I . . .1
— � . I I I . .. . I . I .
I . . . . I I . . � . . I . . 1. . .� I . I � . . � . .� . . � � . . .
� � . .. � .
, ,
� .
. .
. . I
I I . I
Cha,Se , I . OADFOOT, BOX A 0011 ... .11. 'r
Dr.� . . � I . . I I I . ..
I . I.., I - ..
. . I . I., . '01 - . ... I . J6,w., Chidley, iflanag,er . .. � . 1, 1%
. .
. : Night and Sunday. calls Answered at Residence -of our � . I I . :.. . 11
I . F uneral Direct6ro 4.W.. Chidley King St., opposite Foundry.. .- . � . . . . I I .
. . ,
. -cure . :_ . � I .
�:, 316 Pfles*.. ______ . . . ..
. . I
� . . . . .� a�
I Without the oatiger, pain or'Expense Of - . . . . .. . . . ;- , J
I . ... I . . .r , . '. - ' I., . `
an, operatIdn-The 011111t.,GuRrarltGed . Western' ! F411a * Lon on '. . . � .
.. I . . I I . .. . It . .. . . .. � 1
curol.... .. I 1. . ., I . � .... . I.. I ... . I 1_�
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I I . I � . .1 ,. .. . . . .
From nearly ovory t&wlt and village, . : .. 0 A
in Canada .. Come letters . . from personS September 6th to 16th, 1900. � � . - I . . . 4
I . .
.. I � .
. . . �
who have been rescued from the mism . . . . . . � . .. � . .1 v �
cries of Piles bY using Dr. Chase's ENTRIVS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 5th. . . . � .1 . . �
I . . . I . I . . I
Ointment. . . Tile most complete exhibits from Farm, Forest and Factory. New. And . . ,.-
Mr. F. Stokes, 116 Dunlop street Bar-' I . I
n writes:-" I wad Gabled startling special features, Charlot raceb by imported Grey Hounds, Balloon . � �
. r'e' 0 1 t ' Double Parachute Drop by man and lady, celebrated Gymnasts, I
with b i,Wd, Itching piles for years, arid. Ascensions, .. I .
could set nothing tO StOP the constant Aerial Artists and Acrobats. The armored train's attack an the Boer strong- I . . .
itching. I was always in pain unitil bolds, and many beautiful set devices. Special trains 'Over all lines each, evening .. . J
a friand of mine told me of the won. after the fireworks. . -Send for Prize Lists ,in([ Programs. I I . . . I . . . .
derful cures I)r. chase's Ointment bad . ' . . . . . . � .
made among his acquaintances. I LT..COL.-WX. X. GARTSHORE J. A. WELLES I � . �
. ,,1 onlY usedone box 1Wd am entire- . . I I . I . I : . PresTdolit. . I . Secre'tary..
ly curpd. in gratitude for this marvel- . . . . - I . I I . . .
lous cure and for the betiefit of others - - - __ .
ouffpring as I did, I send you .this- reo I � . . . . . � I . . " . ... I . . .
cord of my. case." .. . � I
. When operatione'. and every olther %241F I.. 11 )
means litive falle4 to cure you, you can � . 1,691 I I& . . I
begin, the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment . I .. . , ,
'with.perfect, confidence that It will . Oar fee feturnea if we fail. 4ny one sending sketch and deseription: of
cure you. it has never failed to cure I . . .
piles and will not fall You; 60 cents a Wry invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patbilt- ' . . I
box at all deaLler% or Edmanson, 33atoog ability of Same. 41How to Obtain a Patent?' sent upon request. Patents I I I
a2 Cc,, Toront;O� . . I leoured through us adverti6ed for sale at our expense. ' . . . . . ,
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. Send for sample copy FREE. Address$ . . .
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