HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 5ffl- I b , ,- 1,�,'. ,,, , �-��, . I AwGUST 30P 1900 ______ __ �... PMCO' __ .- _ -1-101010-01"! ___ . ­­­ _­ � !,..,.''.""-.�,.''"'.. ­­­ . ..... - ... . . .... ­­­. ­____ _:_ ,�. � 1-1---.1 . --_.__1...- .... ��_ _. - � 0%. , ­ , ­_­_ , ,,, " ....'.. 1-1-I.- - -1.1-1-1- -1- - _�__ - ___ - ____ __ _ __ � 11.1 - West Riding, of Huron , ­.... ... ____ � _---_____.,___ ______ _77_ - �".-"l . .1 ....... llll,.l.",., ".l,-'"' F rill$ fox, tbo North-West I i I-. ­ I ..., .... ­Z__:�_ _1 ...". 1. -11. 1.111.1 1. _­­ -1.11 -11 '' ­ 1111111sgreen —�----.-�.11--------�-�—,---,---, I , , wiliguala. . 11 , A . ..? I Complaints come from Haultoba this W. A.Duffiold of London, youngest �Pp. Norman Wnrkma - , 1. I % . . � DOMINION 91.1WITION year no thoy did last, that the fruit sent to 210-North-Wost from Untarlo Is bad. the late Win. Duffield, (brother oxror! Joe. Duffiold of Wingliam) died with Mr. John Poli; for to work at I& saw -111111, . . V .. � WINE I I -_ L 18MA I - OMER YA ME ly pa0kod, Tho Winnipeg Triburio Points Out that 91)0 "farlOo, from W08' torn 01111140 to U4111103 is U04 great 48 on Monday morning after ton days 111- ness from typhoid toyer, aged 20 �earet. Deceased succeeded his f%ther 48 .prool, Mr. Calvin Wileon, w the sick list tot, tile paqt we are pleased to hear, � . , . . I " * � CLASS I compared with, the distances Vlorlda, California and Washington' , dent of the Gee Company. Ilia mother Atr—Francis 0oletnau . resent visiting friends 90111tood. , I 11 . I . I % ' . CONVENTION growen have to transport their fruit, Nore- end one brother survive him, 119 was unmarried. ' We are carry serlotia illness of Mrs. . I 1. �j OF 11.1 1. . I __ over, it says the facilities for traospor., tation tire excellent, As the Canadian The Untarto Goverumet has entered euit,to recover succession duties from A man, but hope she may storpt:l to bar usual bealt .. / . I " f - not a or. A Conyontlo I i.1- ongervativo As- s,V 'I"t,oi, for t 01 .t ti in of 11uron Paolflo Railway is ready 8114 able to $up- ply t1io most modern refrigerator the estato Of the 1%te Will. Duffield, 9 Iss Sarah 01tiff uf 8 . will 0 at cars for the service, if such are demanded brothorof Jas. Duffield of Winglia ru, According to his widow, the executrix tresent visiting friends . ine. O'KEEFE'S SMITH'S M14L by tile Ontario shippers, and it thinks and theoxeoutors,Jas. 0. and W. A. �_ EXTRACT . FRIDAY, AUGUST $1, 190 0 there Is no good reason why the outarlQ , fruit should not arrive In Winnipeg in Duffield, the estate is only worth #75, 000, And so not taxable for succession . 1 . Itrussels. I - 'OF MALT' now and at that,time be was' shown A Almost as good condition as when pick- duties, being under the $100,000. But - . . . I CANNED CHICKENt. . . I . I . I commoncing at 2 p., in. shmrr. to lie . minate, 4, , Candidate to roprescutth.) 1'. ding for the forth- od; yet it says that the fact re- mains that oarload Aft 31' Oar- the Attorn�y'Qeueral will contend %ti trial that it is worth considerable more, i John Wright met with a dent at the Salt Block, Taken At bedtime enstires coming Volainion lRections. load of .apples, Plums, Peaches and or was jueo before the testator,% deAth. salt from the pan the rak , I � - pears arrive in Winnipeg unfit for 6ou,. While at work on the now school jork throw h healthful, refreshing sleop, I Each 1`01111AWDIvIslon Iti requested to, send sumptiou, And atbesb in P, most unpro,, house at Larig4i . do, Win, Nicholson of ,thesuddou into the bin behind, His . duly a plate too, ut all We (toot the rt - ' 0 c the lonserva 0 cause -Or J414 ]"vit' sentable condition for tile warket, The town met with quite a oevere accident, both bruised and btralued Taken before meals it ig an , to eLa b present. -4 t t , � o a., rand I' ,Ally for tile Cause of cc � ov at I Tribune gives interviews with & 11um- her of fralt dealex -s, All of whom agree in He was working on a oos,f[614, which gave way, and he fell to the ground, nasty out on t lie forehead �� I Injury was to big right ka excellent tonic, . By order 0 the executive aying that the Ontario fruit men are :o.oareless failing on the narrow side of a brlok. will", was broken. � . . � 25C PER BOTTLE. 'TAMES MITCHELL. JOS, 1INCIf I secretary Prosilleat in picking that their fruit is almost unsaleable when it reaches Maul. Mr. NioholsQu was brought home and was confined al days, to bed fo Upwards, of a dozon peo . have gone past their 8 1, I . God Sa"m The Queen. . Loba. It oompares a orate of California Luokily no bones were broken, but as some of them a goo - !$to . pluina with a orate of Ontario plume, it was he has suffered much pain list includes Jo n Mo. Aug e=!__-, I � I I � _XX — The California fruit arrived in Winni- The following despatch from Mont- Denbow 88, Robt. c Aug . � COURT OF REVISION peg After a journey Of twelve days, clean, fresh, spotless firm. The . real, dated August 13tb, no dotlbt refers Hall 85, Mrs. Mo can 85, t . � Mrs. Howe Mrs, , dwar I SYDNEY JACKSON . and Ontario fruit was soft, mushy, scabby, . to the death of a former youn fl Wing' a . . , lum, Mrs, koCallum, Mrs. .. baralte ;-Adelaird Briabols, a memart I . Phone 2 .Prescription Pharniaoy.. I . . TOWXSIXIP� OV GODERICH. . . . � . . I Notice is hereby given that 6' Court will be hold pursuant to the Voter's List Act by hisi deottyed in spots,� and altogether in -a most unprosentable shape � , although it only lef& the place of produo . . U011 In Ontario three days before. According of the Royal Bloc. .Co., received a shook while working on a pole this morning . iurled to near the City JECAll, and was I the pavement below, His injuries were Hogg And Mrs. Welsh. - . Dr. Graham of Clinton . last week in connection w .1 tion to hio block, I i ��, - I 1. � 11 I b . . #-%w-w-%Wqh�,*.,�l%,Iqm�.-ft-'%�1,4h�'"' . I � 0 Houor the Judge V the County Court of the County of Huron at Ifolmosville on Saturda day September y 1900, to the fruit dealers, the difference was due entirely to different methods of so bad that he died.in a few minutes. . . , . I #� . . . 0 Watoh the loth of all.80 010101111 mail determ no the Several coal., p 1, paoking, The California fruit was psok- ed in crates, having four trays, _......... ''l-, - — I .� ' I � 31ARRIAGE41i � .. - - I I � h,ttooho6r . 8 f errors and onil�;slons In the Voters Vlan it and Hensall. I . I I $. I List of the Municipality of QdderioliTownship for If OO." All�porsons having business at'tho each layer was separated from the b b clean cardboard, The Ontario a Oy6 Y � . - I . MoNAUGHTON- MoEWI . residence of the bride' . . ' ' coui b aeo required toattend at the said time . and place, . fruit was packed into the box like pots, , . Mrs. W. Chapman, Sr. received 4 tele- grain informing her of the death of her Aug, 15th, Mr. John , I . Talk NIXONSTURDY Clork of the saia Municipality, toes into a bin, qu Ito regard less Of the brother, Robert Ferris, near Brant- of Ann Harbor,. 31 . � , � I $ . I)ated the 10th day of August, U'Ut), . I bruises And brookingo sustained, and. the result was that the skins were cov ford, where he resided, She left to at- Christina X, o ly do � John MgEvy.ing ort .-, al�t . To the busy man an accurate $ ored with a sweaty, greasy slime, and the whole mass. wits unfit for human tend: the f une ral, which. took place in ?aoand4gua - . ' � MoPHERSON-aE L- I of the bride's mother, ' � . . I � � MUSIC AND ART watch is a necessjty�rtot a luxu-- ry as some seem to think. To MISS ELLA CLINE food. The Tribune says a crate of 0 tario peaches displayed was 'in evkl' ell. 0 Sunday night as � number of our young people were driving home from . I by the Rev. Mr. JColl I , McPherson For . utilize every moment of precious time, to meet trains, kec� ap. I I Certificate of the Ontario School of Art,Toron to In livater and Oil colors, will take a limited worse condition, wid that the apples which arrive in barrels from Ontario are the lake in a cab they bad the misfor- tune, owing to the darkness, to collide . gus o I '.11 Miss Mary, dau er . . its Bell, 10th-Kineardine, . pointments, in fact to be a ways on time one 'must have 0, go9d number of Pupils for instruction In Wator and Oil Color Pah,tings. also Crayon Work taught. not in much better. condition; A fruit with D, MoEwqn1s. buggy, throwl ng it into the ditch and smashing it badly ' GRANT-CLOAKEY-At I watch. Drop in and let u ta,,, . watches to you, we are practical For f urther information apply at the residence ,of Mr. J. B. Hoover., Clinton. Torms,moderate. . I — - dealer said ::-"We get Apples'. from Aunapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, wbiolt The cab also, had an axle. bent, Fo,t�. nately no one was hurt, but some of tile .,�]gmcndville, on Aug . . . N. Shaw B. A., Mr. . I ' watch repairers and you can have puts the Ontario fruit to shame, being . ladies got -a bad scare. - I I . of Tu.kersmIth, to . � 'danghtdr - . the benefit of our20yeare' exper- ience without chargti. If you . . DENTISTRY, I . clean, clear, round and spotless,.slm �, Ply because of the great care taken in grow* Bruce Ellis, formerly of ,this place, has. Cloakey, ,� '. I , Oloakey, of Morris to 1. 1. �, * .1 It. G. EARNESTROLME, S . . D Successor to ]Dr. Bruce, Clinton. have a watch which needs clean- -1 ing, has any part broken or lost, .n . eking and shipping them. � I 91 P1 . . . . been appointed ouperktatendent, of the I Freight department of the Pan Ameri- JOANSON--RITZ-ln M . � � � . .1 � � I . or one which has been ruined by I I Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. , L. D. S.-Graduato of Royal College of Dental , . . I - can Exposition to be held fit Buffalo . . . . ,, , 22nd Aug., by. the. Re I I . I I sky assisted b R incompetent. 'workmen, bring it . to us and we will tell you just $ Surgeons of Ontario, � . . D. D,- S.—First- class lionorgadrate of Dental . Luelinow. I . 9-- I � . .. I . . I year, * . I . . next Mr. and Mrs. John �MoAllister and 87 . . min I. Inle, - eldest an . what it wants and what it will cost you, $ , Departmentof Toronto niversity..S C1,11 aftertioa paid to preservation of chIlrrono loth. I . On a recent morning somtg�fien4 ant . u , rated the band standi near Treleaven's of their descendants picnicked at Bay- field..There vu;ere only three of the fam- Elizabeth Ritz of it � . Ddward fohnaon of'R . . . . . I . $ I I 1 M�ill be at the River Hotel, B.) Yflold, every . Photograph gallery, with coal oil, -and lly who could not be piesolit. ' - I . . . . . . I I . _____ . I Watches examin.4 I - I Te flatedandsettocorrect; g, Monday from 10 w, in, to 0 P. in. .. ... .. . . �__ then set fire to it. Fortunately.. the . fire was discovered by Mr. Frank.Joh � n- Gee. Ingra;n has left for Aylmor, I where he purp oses spending a few weeks . I , I 11: . . , , — : .. �, - I - . . . I . . . . I I . '. . UPHOLSTERING ti me FREB,of'oharge. - . . I I . ston before it had gained much bead- way, as in all probability a odribus con, - with his two daUghtoio!-,l. law. Ho.Will I " then go. to Hamliton to visit his sister', . I - I STEWART--4n Stanley, on An I gust 26 1 , . . . 1. A J,. GRIGG . I . I . I . , The underaigned wishes to announce to the people of , Clinton and surrounding bountry thht flagration we 7 Ild have: resulted. . '.Clio seecad annual barv'est. home of 0. No. 1044 Mrs, Stull, who has resided in the same house on Park street for over 50 years. 'He . the wife.of Mr. Fenwiak Stewart, of ' a o6n. I . . MoNABB-In gorrisi on August 19, to I . $ he has located in Clinton and Is prepared to do all kinds of - Upholstering, Mattress Making L. L. will be held on. the 'afternoon of Labor Day, k6nday, Sop t., will then visit his daughter, Mrs. Wilton at Niagara Falls, after which he . Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNabb� a son. . I . . �. 0 . and CarTot Sewiff and Laying, All orders en- trusted o mew , receive prompt attention- ' . 3rdp'fu J, H. Gardner's Grove lot ,91. Con.L. 12, Ashfield, - ', . ). � will return to,' R I ensall, preparatory BAIER7--Tn Logan, on the 19th August, � Mrs. Goo. Baler of a 8611. . Jeweler and Optician . . I . I . . . . I 0 . . IlAr. M. WALICEtt, a . dobr north of theE levator,Victorl St� . . . -�CounolllokT., McDonald of,Klnloosj to starting back to British 0olumbia. J. T.. Wren, formerly principal -of the QUISN--At Rincaidibe, ,,on. the 21st, � -ftIlqmk.,.%eloblo%"%�,%W,%-,%Wll%� ,q,� .Second, . � . Clinton, May 28th� � . . I . .. . . � . list east of. who lives ort the boundary, j I � .Public sehool here and more recently 'A. Quinn of- a . Aug., the vrife of W.. I . I . I . . . . - - I mni!�_ I .. . . I . . . . = - I. ­ . . ­ I . I TEAOKF-.R WANTEPI I . I . . Lticknow,bas been ,laid uP fb�-.s6me .. tim �ast wit), An 'Attack Of - i4flolmma- . tory r eumatism, and on Saturday � last ., I . of the Keewatin public soh I . ool,has moved to Winnilieg, where he has 6pened an inahrance offi I . I be with every prosp6ot of I BOA. .. . .. I . .1 � . 1. . . - DOIJGAL-Af Rogervills, on.. the - 19th Aug.. the wife of Henry Dougal of a . . .. . .11 ' ' ... .. ..., . . ,�. : HOT I . . . ,. . I . I . I . . , I I . 7' . WEATHIM.* . I — or foinaleteacber. ti. Male. . holding: 2fid elms,; cc tificate, wanted for S. S. No. 5, Hallett, duties about twenty five or. thirty o!Aur - ditiz.- . , I axis went to his place, and in; a short doing a fine'busine . I I . Sol , . -he fire . In.the Observerts report of t . . . . I son. . . I . . WILLIS-In SeAforth, on Aug. 19th, the I :, .. I I I . . � � ­ . . � tocommence January 2ad, 1901, - AgPlicatiOns accompanied by tosumonials. will" Q receive 'a .to f - tlm6 gath6redlu ,he bar - no� the pro I at, ittod, to dtatiou loss mustainetl I bin m; the , . , . , wife of Mr. W. - G. Willis of a daugh- I . . . I.. i " ' : , , COMF-OkT* . . b.j� the undersigned up to Septeinbot 144, . I .1. I . . duct of, ,eighteren. acre a of oati-. and . . nine acres of ,Pons. It was -a very by H,'J. D.- Cook who had, his law � Ilb, rary badly. damagedi Also that thii hot, ,. . I . .. ' � ter' . . AMENT-In Seaforth, on August 20th). . . I . .!., 11 . . . �.. . : SAXTJBL McCOOL, Secretary, . . I I . Londesboro P. 0 % -July.fto � 4*.� I . . I and one. that is great I ly generous Act .. � in iihich the Canadian Foresters in iet I . . the wife of Mr. W.m', Ambnt,. of a . . ..'. �. The weather is too hot these .. .: ... . . . I 1. ... . . ; I . . app edated. by Mr. AlbDonald. . . . I be: 'alinual fall show of Kinloss. . I was considerably injured. . . . . I . . . . . . I . . gon. I I . . . MALONE-In1foXillop,on Aug.- 146b, I I . I I 1. . . I I __= - . ' THREE FARMS FOR.SAL.E . days for the housewife to be . I . . hangingf,dvet the sto a k Ve 00 . Braubb, 'Agricultural Society. will be - I .* . . __ , � , . .. : I . . . . . � . . . .... . . " - ' .1 . . I a dough.. Are. Elizabeth Malone ,of I I - . . . ing,any morethan is necessary- . b.ldiu, two village on. Tu*lsy and ," I . I Ztir�eh.. :' � - ior. .� .1 . � I � . .. . . I By th6 use of Canned Goods, if IN GCDJ,p4ICH TGNVN.9HlP. :' - . '.. . . . . , . . ., , Wednesday. Oct. 2nd and 3rd. � :� '' . . . .. . I .. . . . ". . . � . . . . . .. L . . I.. 1. . I I a koQd, reliablehr4nd. an appe- . tising meal. can' be pre ared a� . . I . I -1 The undersigned offers. for rate the following 6toofarmsinGod chtownshlp:-�1,i.: Mr. M. J. JI.ennyt who -hag.'. spent 7 . '. . Years, mining in- Colorado, was in.the I . . . . .1 Word. waireceived, says -the newsy Herald, -Aug. 21st by relatives.that � i .—.— I . I . . �. . L . . I , I., _. . , , - ..' DEATHS. - - little e se of - comlort .and . . . ply, Try our' just as= So on the ltitlh concession, 060(sting of - 0 1 He farm lirwell watered afidfonced 801..ILZ� village on MondaY. It was twenty-one - years- ago since 21r. Kenny was in Luck- 'I Weber.of Pigeon, Mich., son of n ob ld . . . .. - — I . . . . I . . . . . . . � I I . . I 11 1, I and has all the modern improvements. Land ne rly all cleared. Large farm houfo, barn and � now and at that,time be was' shown A . Cooper Weber died* of tybhol fever Sundaylevening at 8 - b1cloolic and was WOOD -In, Stanley. on August 23rdt I . 23rd, George W. Woods, aged' 44 - . . . I CANNED CHICKENt. . . I . st: d , bles I . 11 -Dot *30, on, the 9th concession; coliql8ting hardwood bush. A piece of Oro that bad boon found on a . farm in Kinlois; and vvfiioh from the . .. b,riod at 10 o'clock same evening. He . I I . . . I 1. . I years . . I BEEF, CORN,.PEASs ETC.' . .. of So acres, about 12 aoibs-,00d Frame house and barn ancL good orchard. AII-Lot $1, on concession 9, also consists of knowledge he.. has sin I ce acquired - 'In. I . 'a had- been ill for'abo6t ton daVs. John ' was a native of Zurich, And left here CLEAVE=In Bayfis]14 on' August �4tb I I . Paul Cleavoi aged 81 years. . . . . � . . I and will be easily conyine';. 80 at rest nearly all under gross - . Aolineavil a These lots,are 2� miles 4rom Is lid be J convinced, was mining, be.;s od, go ,copper ore. specimen of J 1. .. . I about a year ago; and settled at Pigeon; He leaves a wife one child, to. � . . WHITELY -In Lprid , eaboro on August you , I I � ed. We. are iiarii. of It.' . 41fromClinton. They will sold,ag.one or it, separate farms to suit purchasbr. - Terms .. - �. � qft . , .. I .and mourn their loss, Hia -wife Was also 27th W. H.. Whitely, -aged 52�Ye4ro I � and mmwathai- . . I I , . I . I . reasonable.' For iufther particulars apply to � . 1. . . � I . I T.-AvIdIA a VWbIls;#1�" br6ught up in tbi s'Violnity, having been ' . HANINTAII-In Mitchell -on the 18th . I I . . . ...VXJABU %jvvl�t VILLIC011, .. __ - ".. � I. . . . adopted and raised by Mrs, G. Mernen, - . I . . 111111-1- _.. . . is. W.. I HILL .&ugust8tt- � - . . � . . I ... . I I ohn . Clarke of the Babylon Line, .Aug., Riobard, Sidney, - infant son - . ====== . . . I I . . . � . � I � The extensive preparations' which IT of If rs, R. S. Haiinab, a,ged 12 days, . . . ======�== . ­ . -1 � . .1 . have been made in theWay Of enlarge- . Stanley, disposed of big 100 acre form,to HOLMES-In...Hullett, on Aug, 20th, - � . .. HOUSE AND LAND EUR. SALE. 1 ment o,f buildings,and goueral improve- �W ' illiarn Lamont for the sum of $8600, � � James B almost Aged 56 years.' . � ___ I .. .1 — , . ment to the grounds this year will add Gee. Wau5lre, a farmer � near' Hills% BUS,131L�InKinoardin6i tp., on Aug. . a n ra n tra e his brick . . : 'SUMMIR, TONIC in , ,.)., greatlyto the comfortand convenience green, .brought three' corn stalks. t � allin on ism street.. I mmodlout I 17tb, Thomas Bpelielp. aged 55 years, 1, . tablet foon. Mattes Sick and ..located The land Will be sold Ila, of the many' exhibitors And v;sitors. - . town th6 other. day which measured 102 STEARS-At Kincaidine, n July 17th folks well and ''keeps Won . I . parcels to'suit t o'.pareliaser. I e Secretary 'feet 3 inches- in length'. The corn, was. I William. ,Norman Stoanj. agpd 31 . �. . I . JOS, ATT BURYi ' drilled.inforfoddiorAndwasputin an � . folks'from beiiiiir sick, - - : I... ". clin - . Aug�sb oth.. ". . . .� .. .. -1 Mr.' J, A."Nelles, that the entriesi which the 6th of June. . - g . * , Years.. - Morris,, . on, Aug. . 16bb,. .. �� I . . I ... ��� � . I . . . . __1 olosa.06656.ofSoptember,, the fair Mr.Joh . n'Torrancelbas dis'po . I . 5 . ed , of BUTT.OX-1n, I I . . ... . . . .. . ­ e!T!! __ — opening, On, the -6th And continuing till I M�ry Ann Buttoi][, aged 76 years. . I . . . . . 0 . r . . . . ! . the lgt� I hia driving horse for a good figure. Mr. . HEWITT-Im Wal . ton, on August, 16tb, I I . . . I HOUSE.AND LOI WANTED . .1. ,, Are coming in rapidly, and � . . , I , . � . space will be At a piernitim. There will Torrance has been buying and selling . � . Hannah Hewitt, aged 79 ye ' Are, 2 . 0 1 1 1 . I . — I a .' drivers all spring and summer' and be.. . `6 days. - . . . . U 1. * I � I �'. Wantecltob,ay a house with four or fvO be manyriew and attra6tive' exhibits.' . I ? month' and ingoodloc-13y. GivolocationandlOW- . . 6 will be, represented. has been making it pay. . i . � 8 .. I � . I � h prico-muq not oxcecd,QW. g9nd in- Every pri3vinc . K7,,NNEDY-In-3gmondville, on'Aug, , , roo�"' From present -.indications all � depart, ,of Auburnp Onb6, was 17tb,- Odle, youngest daughter of 0111 ,a I . .Win. Schenck, formation. In care or . . . . I . I . I . - I .1 1. .� . THE NEWS -RECORD. , ments'will. be. well filled. - I the gaesb of John Prang, Bronson Line Mr. It. P. Kennedy, aged 21 years, . .Native. . . I I . Clinton,.A�ugupt ath, I . . � . The Special Attractions And Fireworks lost week. Mr. . Schenck sayi he.,ox, . 8 monthe and 19 diya, . I � . . will be on a scale never beforia attempt, P to to become A oltizen of this neighs. CO) ' � 00 'Llgol,-lit Fullarton� on 4ugust .. s . . I . . : . I .l . _. - borbood in about three months. ' . . � . I , I . .. cc'. , I , 18th, Rebecca Chisfiolin, rellot of the L MeAs I . '. LAND.FOR SALM . No one should miss seeing the grand Fred Kibler sold his fine residence ,to late John. C inmon, fbimerly of Ma - 1 — . , . , I 0 1 TAPL . The 1 1 . 'T it? Samuel Rathle for $1260. This is one . . . . I andersigned offers for-sftle ttatilestraolo representation of I(AnArmoured rat a � I. Killopi I . , . . .1 I . . sixtoon (16) acres of land south of the London Attack on a Boer Stronghold,". typical of the best bongos iu town. . VALE -In Exeter Xort n Aug. 19th,, 1 JR-na-ush for Or darol folft-Oft So RoOABrldgo. Iteabeautiful eforbuilding of Baden-Powell's memorable stand at Bon Holtzman of Elkton, Mich., after . John Vale, aged IV ( In lots. My I , years and 7 druggioU bT Ox Taile 0a reci and will be. sold; n one piece or i I an absence of nearly ten years arrived � Cgcga.Aro,,11.gt.9'1& aran"14 * . reason for sollinpr Is that It Is too far from town Mafeking. .1 . months. ' . . . . . .i.r.., 10=2 ez I to hatidlemysolf and -it doosn't ndyto hire hot The best features obtainable bsve.� home on Saturday evening, . - T11EALONZO 0. BLISS, C0s, .. . .. . � I) . a . . . I SNE.LL-In Exeter on the 92nd Aug. i .2ag fit. Paul $trod, Montrealo Canit Tuno2Oth A` -I COU.CH1 Clinton been secured, . the aim of the manage. . - . I � I . . .Alonzo J. Snell,, aged 40 years and . I . I . I I I . I I . I . . . . I in ' ent being td got only what was new , � 1. ' ' 14 months. . . � � I . I I - . . . I �. I . . — and novel, arid that object, has been ao. A Good Story About - C,6neral . . . . I aw . I � I onsoomm . I complisbed. , , Everythind Aherefore . I Grant. . I . : � I __ - - -_ I . . TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE that theWestern Fair of . I Contractor Granb of Toronto am . . I , goes to, show Orkys he . � 1. . . . One day I will have finished the -water -w s dain . � . I _.— . 1900 will be one to be long remembored, . during his prosideboy, he . . Th6 subscriber offers for Fzaio a very desirable at London within three Weeks. . . I proport� on Isaac street consisting of four lots and there igno doubt that the atten- came into the room where his Cabinet I . FRUIT I on,vv Ich, there Is a comfortable frame house darioe will prove greater than an any vvnB assembling, quietly laughing to George Fox, a collector at Hamilton , , . , . .. . I p is missing. mysteriously. r, ox a ac- � I 4,thkitohonand woodshed attached. There Previous occasion.. . himself; "I have just read,11 said he, Is a good stable and a first-class well of water . . . "One of the best anecdotes I have ever counts are all right and his friends ondpromiges. Thoorchard,condstingof grapes . . . __-_ ­— - fear foill play or an accident, . 1. d I one. The property will . met. It was that John Adams, after . � WANTED � buesoin�aplteag'riesaaeogzioai)bilo figure for cash oricash . IF it -f i F airs, he had boon Prooidenti, was one day I � and balance on time. AgAtothn owneron I I . , taklagaparbyout to dinner, it his . I have briade arrange- the promises . I JOHN JUNOR CLINTON NARXET R t!P , 1. . rl !ton Nay Oth Western, Londop, Sept. 6-45. home in Quincy, when one* of Me guests (Corrected every Wednoualky at ,2)RTS I I ments *t1i several big . ­ --- - �� . I _____ . � ... � Walkert6n, Sept, 17-18 , � noticed h Portrait over. the door and 'Wheat; ........ .......... 0 03 to 0 61 I . � houses to handle Fruit - _____ E xoter Sept , 17-18. 1 and said, $'You have a fine portrait of Goose Wheat.'. ".#, ....... 0 03 to 0 C1 * Brantford, Sept, 15-20 Washington there, Mr. Adams. I "Yos" � and am in the market I ,FARM FOR SALE' Listowely Sept, 18-19. ' Wits. the reply, 'land that -old wooden Barley. i..... 1. ­.. - I 1. 0 38 to 0 40 . . I I for . � ,� . . � .I OODERICH TOIVNSHIP 9. Godorlob, Sept. 18-10. ' , head made his. fortune by keeping his Oats ............ ........... 0 2S to 028 . . . I . — Atwood. Sept, 20-21. mouth shut," and Grant la.ughed again . The Gale farm. one of the best 100 -acro f arms . I � , I Peas ..... ... .., .......... 0 57to 0 00 In Goderich township. Huron county. It con- Teawat6r, Sept, 25-26, with uncominon eDjoyment. Tbeipoory� Rye. I . CHERRIES, PLUMS sistg of lot 17 and,parc 18, In 8th con 01 miles 83tratford,gepti. 26-26, phal story gained a permanent interest in .... I I .... ... d ... from Godericli and 7 from Clinton. The farm . I?otaioe; per bushel ....... 0 40 to 0 40 contains good buildings and good fonces,ig well Alitcholl, Sept, 26-27. Grants mouth, for though big showed no I APPLES, E-ro. . watered and Well under -drained. There Is a Guelph, &pt. 96-27. consciousness that it could have any Butter loose in crock .... 0 15 to 0 10 ., I and ,-gard ll - 28. ton to himself, he . evidently .Butter in tub ............. . 0 75 to 0 16 ,eS Wiii Mbearing. orchard Milvertoli, Sept, 27 applioati . The highest pric Terms to suit purchaser. Apply on promises or address Goderich RO. Palmeraton, Sept, 27-28, thought that keeping the mouth shut Eggs per doz .......... �.... 0 10 to 0 11 be paid. WIL LIAM GOt;LD Witighem, Sept, 27-28. was not enough in itself to insure for- Hay .......... . .......... 5 50 to 5 50 . . Clinton June Gth. . Im* I I St, Marys, Oct. 2-3. tune, and at Any rate was not displea` Wool .......... I .......... 0 15 to 0 16 . � Kirlcton,Oob. 4-5. . ed at finding such a ground of sympathy Youk ButteV and eggs * Brussels, Oct, 4-5. ' with the Father of his country. Grant's Live Hogs per owt, ......... 6 10 to 6 25 Boyfield, Oct. 4-5. telling the story seemed to me, under Pork per owt. ............ 5 00 to 000 are wanted as usual. W. JACKSOK - . Fordwick, Oct 6. alroumstances, infinitely more amusing Plour per cwt ...... ... O., 1 75 to 2 00 . A iin- ou ^ n im Blyth, Oct, 9-10, . than tileoriginal,-From 14The Chicks. 13 n per ton ............ 12 00 to 12'00 Of OLSO 0 .� Dungannon, ot, I . . . . me,uga; Wais" by Hon. ,I. D. Cox, I" Shorts pet ton ........... 16 00 to 17 00 . ____­__ - ._­-_-__­ . MINTON " , - , - 0��� the I So to b . or Soribner's. . . Wool per lb ............. 15 to 10 . .1 I . - � . . I - 13eaches, basket .......... 0 W to 0 CD ,W -Am I . Wravellors to any parb of thi Itipe, Tomatoes, per lb....' 0 05 to 0 05 - - I world should consult the Urinary Read Wife Toronto World. . . . TIME TABLEO . above in reference to tickotof . --- , . . . ' . fares, etc. 11 . . . During the past few years The Tor- CONTRACTING4 I Trains will atftrivo at and do�art from Clinton . . Troubles onto W6rld has been building up a to- - Station as follows ;-- , . m1arkablo reputation as a reliable As the improgsilon is abroad that I win be Mc . UDIVALO AND GODETITCH DIvisiox. W AJACKSION Thos. Mackenzie's foreman this car, I Wlah to 13 Kidney and Madder Ailmentil thRt Would - authority on finance, commercigond the gar that stich; is not tho, case as f have entered , mining industry. Also for its reports In o business on my own account, and having Going East nqr, ess 7M A. in. AGENT 0 - P. R Yield Only to Deg Chftsa.'d K cl sa - ,, .1 2:615 p. in. I . Idney-Liver 11 a it ea V4 40 Mixed 4:25 p. in .1 I 1 of the live stock market, In theme do- secured the Goryloeq of several r t r. Gio . . V . a to take Contracts. 1�g West mixed . I a. m'. - ..---- 1 Pills, I partments The World em Oys 1% staff iffllln'p�r I a charco to , Exqrosq 1120.51 ' -r, Sault 'Stig - �It. g "bo,11111(lind material 14 " , p. in. � Mr, ,Win. Gileff, darponte - of men specially qualified Vy actual per ntepopl cc 'fe'ro 10:27 P, in. Idarle, orit., 4tates.-t4 unsolicited I sonal experience to. handle the ques- li'd 101 011d' L091)1514i 11MILON AXI) 10WOn WT1610N. Ocanadian Pacific Ry. D. COXN111IT11J, Going South 11,xprosa 747 a. in. I . Write to tell you of the good qualities tions with which their baye to deal, Cornet, Huron and Kirk Streets. 0 .4 mixed 4.25 1). in. s In This is why people hArested in those Clinton, April 2nd. Goin HARVEST ' , of Dr. Chase's Itid1ftey-Liver, Pill ,.g North Exprolo 10:16 a4m, . subjects ate regular readers of The ,, , ,� I I i , I,, �. _��_ � U mixed ,.'M 1), m'L EX—CURSIONS curing urinary troubles, IdaliotWrite . . . . . . . .. 1. . I . I - for your eapecial pro-fito but for the World- I . . . A, 0, PATTISON, P. R nonar"Ns I . good of those, afflicted " I have been. - - I I T;wn Ticket Agent, sea obt boxes, and do not % I ont. , -will be tun on- � , . I � )Passenger Agent, Toront" AUO, 98, Returning Until OCT, 20 and* I "I'll, trouble in the least. . WAirlot V. a. DICICSON, - 1, 101111" U the 0 . It, UMATISNI � I . . . I , SEPT. 11 11 I. NOV -ritfolelit relief one hour after taking A OUREFOR, ItT I It'i easy to 11 I 110,1900 the firdt pill, Tt is a groat source 0 - - haul a big , —UTURDT VARM We— comfort to i -de to know that there In k Mr. S. Mann, stittqVille, Carleton load 'up OL PALL TBRU OPENS SE, PTEM=4,lt dTti Whinf6log, Itoginc ' 6 m* tnedletnos to helP my weak kidneys, out writes- I I was afflicted with theu- big 11 If . . . I ... I . �11 I � . T)olora no aVV 1$30 Tliose wishing further ID"tlaulatm MAY .- - on ,address me as above." t a VA oil " - ... . I 1. . Antlof "'06' � $815 rna�1'8m, had severe palpff in the knees, OU tait —Ar �6 ... 11 . I . . HAtovan f Torli ' I)r, chafle'a Xidney-tivor Pills t6to hip Jointo And acrosa the baek. Uhea- .. . . I . waseatth � "S . . 1. . . ("lq matism remedies did not holp lite and 11 heels VI 11 I 1, � 1 $28 aRtle'I'a fspecific for mll klancy, bladder, 'and Idnev w000min Iit'�d ,oI , I)r, Chagela Ki . .Vv - RAW tit "�bort urinatty derangomenta, find liver. I beg'an usin , 0. swan V. Edniontoll 1$4:0 troubles, and ba,va an ellUthou" sale er 1111101 whiel have since com�letely NIOA AxIs Grasse No Im.1 than eight large businons colldgm 6,11 over this continent, one pill a dWs curod me, There Is not the loast trace asta,box mal"rnthovdim have applied to va within the last iiii weeks F rom. all 801110 In Ontario, onml)ing, salultste, 26 Centel it box, at all doalera, or Ed- of t1leumatistil left and I &in tie longer betit SnMO 6*0 put On 411 4116- isold av ' X%44 by for ourgraituatop to takopoq1tionaftateAction Warle. at., Windpor and Xwt , Bates -and Co., Toronto, Sti),ject; to hilliotignp8s, headache And 'IAr 11"I"t'*6 a., L h h N a it, In'tholt Rehooln, An man3� me Ilve bushlosp firms For f arther P�wtfoulara apply t� the neareat "an"'Or' Impan L have ar,plied to no In one do$-, for office help, 0, 1). it. Agent, 6,1 to Dr. chateld ohittylent Is a Dositivo stomach sickness which formerly at - Thin n nn rely Clio beat whodl for yoll and absolute curt for piles. It 16 the I A. It. NOTMANIT, I only ppol)aro,tion Whlel% 18 41104011tiled taeked Ine.frequently," One pill a dose, Catalogue f voo; .A qAlatant General 114=.euR46p A11611t 25 cents a box, ........... W, J, =1011T, I I I 10ig 19*0t East, TOROY. 0, to our& ivory, totat of 1410", I . I � t .1 I I TfJ................. ................ . . . . . X, ,IE LONDESBOR0 PION10 ------ ­ �� �� -;­; SUPPLZMANT TO Tax CLINTON NZWO.SX0041), August $0, . W �..,7;;.;=:75p:qxllqr,".A$:=.:.:I.:�: ... ... �.,gsas 0 1 . The picnic held in X*W# Orove, Din- c beirman but 41s duties were bonor&Ey . ! , � k, CON., i deoboro, yesterday under the auspicea #v the sudience was very Orderly. The . I L � . of L. 0. L, No. SM wax one of tbejowit P T09VAIII wits an excellent one alad en. , . . . successful Ovents Of tb`6 seawn- Not- core$ werB riumelOue. Mr. Miller of - I ?-'1�7�!'!!I­-!_�!�,�L'"�!� witlietanding that this 19 a bury me4son Kineardine gave. several patriotic #e - In a farming community, with finishing lections ,and in tbb 14aple I*Af, :the I . . . up the drawing In, throahing and 1 $' mak. audience joined, clos)ug with hearty I - 0 jug ready for vowing the fall wheatx cheers. The young gentlemen who et. believeall you 0 . ' there must bave been upwards of 1000 people in the Orove. COMPOSO the Myth Quartette distin- hits raodeta ad- I The weather was 411 that co;ild be guished themselves, while the Sweet meuts are either 0 , Singer.of Wawanosb, Miss Patterson, ,t bargaitis allb not 0 ' desired so that enjoyment reigned delighted allwith her selections. . She . supreme, Several speakers who bad Is,the favorite soloist in this district ,Ore has been woxi 0 Promised to attend failed to appear so and her services are always in request. )da exactly aB they 01 , tbavpalt of the program bad to be The inimitable Matt Floody of ,Blyth ;hat -could not be ; abandoned, but Mr. H. Miller of Xina w.%Ij Bit good as usual. Xatt Always . . c4rdine sang a. couple of patriotic boo to keep 4 number of funny songs . Below we quote 0 songs very effectively. 'Mr. Miller is 1% An re$ervefor I ng to close qa$ . I encores which are always - i , h very, loyal, subject if we way judge by insisted upon. The program was as ��. I � �. . .his speech and song, TbOpeople,werts follows;- . 1� ; . . much'pleased with his, selections. Ohavimau!s Address . a for 48a . , There was no recess with the dancing Solo, Mrs. Sanderson I 0. ; " platform which was thronged until . .1 a - , . Xr, Rich Solot Miss Patterson 0 . . I dusk., ard Bayley of Bullett Solo, Mr. Miller p for 25a 0 . was the violinist and was assisted by Comic, Matt, Floody . . . I others, . . 75c, for COO 0 1 Selection, Blyth Quartette The wives, daughtep and, sweet- , , . - tb 35c, for 250 - Banjo Selection, Mr. Bredner , . ,500 . ; hearts of. the members ot No. 8W bad Solo, Mrs. Sanderson I . '70c, for 50o 0 provided a bouititeous supply of goca ' . . c, to clear tit, 25o . , Comic, Matt, Floocly . ) . 11 . . things but so great was the demand 4olo,.Ulss Patterson I � ) . , I . I I . I I that at the close of day Londeshoro 8qlection, Blyth Quartatte . . ,, for 123ic 9) was almost "eaten out" for ' the first S4100 Mr. Miller �, . . . for 12.4c 1 0 ­. . I . for Ze time in its, history. The crowd was Solo, Miss Patterson �., for 50 , gret*ter, than the most sanguine pro- Selectloux Blyth Quartette . . . . ��.!".,t�, � ­ �'­ I - . ; . motors of the picnic had hoped for. I Solo, Mra Sume!s I �, . I I ., Solo, Mr. M . . ____ ; A series of races were run off during . iller the afternoon vy,hich created ninch in" '. Banjo, Selection, Mr, Bredner. . I I BLYTH. 0 I . � I . e Q'�a.Q)A�aW Q At. 19 ARt�,8-141t�.. terest. The race for men who have . J8016, Mr. W&t6on . � � I 130 - I passedthe half century mark was a Solo, Miss Patterson - . . � � tie, at least Judge Lashaw said so, but . , — . Solo, Matt. Floody . � . . . ' . It its surmised that he ,6�Anted to gee it - Selection, Blyth Quartette ' . I � . run over again. The contgatants were The. members of No. 863 deserve I . - I * . * , the Prominent Hallett -farmers, Rober� I much credit for the 'energetic. manner . . . . I Ferris and Nelson Bingham,. The re-. in which they set about making picnic . . .A RE maing races were as follows .- and concert the success which reward- . � . . . 1. V ,. e. . �: . I . . I � Men's race -Crawford, Jas. Thomp- ed them. They -have done so well � , I � . . . . . � ' . . , eon, . . this year that the event,will become I." . . .. . I �. I I Thre e -legged race -Crisp andThorn' 0- ,an annual affair. Among�.,thosp who . ;. . I I I I . I � . I . son, Cr.awford and Davis.. spent time and money. making the. . . I I � I . I . � Orangemen's race-Orisp, Lowery. gathering 'what it was, let us. only i� . " L . I I � V . I � 1� � . . � Boyel race -R. Gibbs, W. Searlett. mention two, Matt. Mains and George . I I 1! I � . . � � ' The concert, in the evening d.risw a' Snell. They Are the closest frierift -, ., . . I I Tinwaro - - . . . I . . . I � . � crowded house. Mr,,.,)Jatt mains W40 - and great cronies, . L . . I . . . . . . I . I Looks . . I I I . . . . I . . . . . . . . .. � � . I i . . � � . . L - I.. . . .. . . I .: ... .. . ­ . and Windows I . . . i � I . . . . : . . . . . . . . . � I . . . I . . I I I . . . . . . . .. . . . . Vickless Oil Stoves I . . �, . . . . . . .. I . I . . . I he record of Hood's S . I . - _W __' i3C111j_ ' � . T arso.parilla is I All Xin(N .-Ire F—e . . I .. . . .� * � . . �. . literally written in the blood of, mill. I � Celebrated Sherwin Williams Mi:s ed Paints - . . I . . � .. . . I . . . . . I I . � I .­- . . ions of.people to whom it has given I . . . .. I I . . . I .. � .. . I ".. . good health. It is all the - time curing. Agents for the American Field Fence, bhe best fence. inAhe ' " .' diseases ..of the stomach, nerves, . . . � . . .. . . - kidneys and blood, and itie doing OR world. It is horse proof, bull pr, Old). hOg p'rool, 'pig .titild - ' . . . I e day to thousar trig I : 0 , . . . I � appetite; tired feeling' at I g tight, extreme cold br heat does not draw it oui C � ­ . I .1 * very ", nd 0__ - I It 'or po r I . . . , do - . g�oneral d'bi ,ty. Ibis the boot medi. . shape it sta lere it's put. C Ill and See it. . .. � . I Clue motney "n buy. . . 1 ) .ys w � I . . I I .. . . . . .. . . 11 . I � .. . � � . . . . � . �: . . I � I . . . . I I �. ' . , . � . . . I . I I . . � - 1. 'A few RoyalAmerican Clothes Wringei s -at $2.�85) , whi16 th ' , .1 �. . � 1. , . . I ey , . .. . I . . I . I . . The resid I ene6", and. outbuildings' . of . last, . . � � . � � ., . . I . .. . . �, ..., . . '. I.. . . I . : � : , . . ex -Reeve Barker, of Camden, Pronte. A fe 'odd hades Ready -Mixed Paints. xt. a big disootint.. ' - 1. I nacCounty, were destrdyed by fire. . w a - * . . . I . I I .., 1. � ­� � . The buildings were, insured,. . , . . ,Lawn MoWerS it r�dube.d -Prices to clear Ott. I 6 . . . . .. ... . . .. . , . . I � . . � . I . . . . � . . . I . I . � i .. ,. . I . . . 1. 0.111y - Fireproof S4fe, regular price $35, f6i, $27.00. . - . � , I �., I � � I . . ' ... . .. . - I .. - . . . � I . 6 . I � For Over Fifty Years : . I . . . ' . : I I . . . . . I . . . ��� MRSAVINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRiJP his bQO�' - . . I . . I I . � I I - 'i I .. . . . . . I . - , . . . . . : used by.millions of mo ers for their childreii . . I . while teething. if ditturbed at 'night .HARLAND .:-BROS *1 .. and . . I . - I .1. I ,..� I . broken Of'YOur rest by ia sick. child . . I � . I . . � . . . suffering . �., . . . . . . . � . � . . . - . � . � I . , anderying -with pain of Cuttin4Todth send at. . . I . � . I I . I . . . I � once and get a bottle of "'Mrs. in8low's soott- I I ,. � . : � i thg'Syrup'- for Children Teething. It will ro. FOR . - kF ,' STOVES AND HARDWARE. � :Iievethe poor littiosufforer immediately. Do. '., . . .. I .. � . . .. . .. . I .. � . . . : . . .. . . pendupon it, mothers, thorets nbinistake . . . . . I . I . . . I . ; about I 11 t., . It cures Diarrhoea regulates the Sttanaoh - . . . . .. I , . I I __ . . . . . . I . . . . 1�.Ni ,� . and bowels, - cures Wind Co)io, . softens the I I . I . . . . . I I � . . ��3 Gains, rpdades Inflammation, an ves tone and . , i . . I . � .. I � � . . . I . � . 1.� . . . . . ener grr� GET VALUE 'FOR YOUR MONEY .. J tg to the whole Ttom. " rs. Winslow,$ � .* . I I Sodt n . I . . . . . . I .. I I ,% Syr.p!' for e ildron tepthing Is plea- - I I sant to -t e taste and. is the prq�gorlption of one I When in need of Furniture buy froin, us and you will be sure W get good ' � . I I ; 'I of the oldest and best female physicians and valueforybdriboney. We have the reputation of making- Goods that. are sur.�- - " " . . : tursesin the �United States. Price twenty-five* passedbynone. TRASHY Furniture and SLOP Work is not'alloWed to -inter . . . I ; cen:s an bottle. Sold by all druggists through- . . .1 . I . . .. . I . . .. . ,� out.theworld.1' Besure-and ask for !'Mrs. our warerooms. . . I I I . �­ * - . I . .. I .� . I 'A 1*101�017`8. SOOTHWG SYRITIP. . . ..: I . : . .- I . I 11 I I � . JUBILEE REOLININO CHA!(Ft' I . . . . . . I . � I .. ..I . . . .1 I . This is the very latest thing for a Lawn and, . on . e 'of the mosticomfortablo' - . . I . . H. A. baker�s house. bdrn and black- ,01itars eyer made for. that purpose. Askt.o.seethem. I I. � I I I . .. I -1 . : . smithshop near Moscow, Ont, . were I � . .. . . . . . . I . , � . . . . . . I I I .. destroyed by. fire on Sundz'Loss 11 I I . UNDERTAKING . ... � . I I.. $4go. . . ... . . . . , ' . IN � ' � I � . . .. � � I . . I . : In'this department Wd carry a complete stock of Funeral Supplies. .. Good .. . . , I __ — I �� . Hearses and Outfit. � 0 1 barges m6derate.. . . . . I .. . I . I I . . .1 — � . I I I . .. . I . I . I . . . . I I . . � . . I . . 1. . .� I . I � . . � . .� . . � � . . . � � . .. � . , , � . . . . . I I I . I Cha,Se , I . OADFOOT, BOX A 0011 ... .11. 'r I Dr.� . . � I . . I I I . .. I . I.., I - .. � . . I . I., . '01 - . ... I . J6,w., Chidley, iflanag,er . .. � . 1, 1% . . . : Night and Sunday. calls Answered at Residence -of our � . I I . :.. . 11 I . F uneral Direct6ro 4.W.. Chidley King St., opposite Foundry.. .- . � . . . . I I . . . , . . -cure . :_ . � I . �:, 316 Pfles*.. ______ ­ . . . .. . . I . I � . . . . .� a� I Without the oatiger, pain or'Expense Of - . . . . .. . . . ;- , J I . ... I . . .r , . '. - ' I., . ` . an, operatIdn-The 011111t.,GuRrarltGed . Western' ! F411a * Lon on '. . . � . .. I . . I I . .. . It . .. . . .. � 1 curol.... .. I 1. . ., I . � .... . I.. I ... . I 1_� . I . . � 11 I I . I � . .1 ,. .. . . . . From nearly ovory t&wlt and village, . : .. 0 A . in Canada .. Come letters . . from personS September 6th to 16th, 1900. � � . - I . . . 4 I I . . .. I � . . . . � who have been rescued from the mism . . . . . . � . .. � . .1 v � cries of Piles bY using Dr. Chase's ENTRIVS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 5th. . . . � .1 . . � I . . . I . I . . I I Ointment. . . Tile most complete exhibits from Farm, Forest and Factory. New. And . . ,.- Mr. F. Stokes, 116 Dunlop street Bar-' I . I n writes:-" I wad Gabled startling special features, Charlot raceb by imported Grey Hounds, Balloon . � � . r'e' 0 1 t ' Double Parachute Drop by man and lady, celebrated Gymnasts, I with b i,Wd, Itching piles for years, arid. Ascensions, .. I . could set nothing tO StOP the constant Aerial Artists and Acrobats. The armored train's attack an the Boer strong- I . . . itching. I was always in pain unitil bolds, and many beautiful set devices. Special trains 'Over all lines each, evening .. . J a friand of mine told me of the won. after the fireworks. . -Send for Prize Lists ,in([ Programs. I I . . . I . . . . derful cures I)r. chase's Ointment bad . ' . . . . . . � . made among his acquaintances. I LT..COL.-WX. X. GARTSHORE J. A. WELLES I � . � . ,,1 onlY usedone box 1Wd am entire- . . I I . I . I : . PresTdolit. . I . Secre'tary.. ly curpd. in gratitude for this marvel- . . . . - I . I I . . . lous cure and for the betiefit of others - - - __ . . ouffpring as I did, I send you .this- reo I � . . . . . � I . . " . ... I . . . cord of my. case." .. . � I . When operatione'. and every olther %241F I.. 11 ) means litive falle4 to cure you, you can � . 1,691 I I& . . I begin, the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment . I .. . , , , 'with.perfect, confidence that It will . Oar fee feturnea if we fail. 4ny one sending sketch and deseription: of cure you. it has never failed to cure I . . . piles and will not fall You; 60 cents a Wry invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patbilt- ' . . I box at all deaLler% or Edmanson, 33atoog ability of Same. 41How to Obtain a Patent?' sent upon request. Patents I I I a2 Cc,, Toront;O� . . I leoured through us adverti6ed for sale at our expense. ' . . . . . , . .-.,-.A . . . onsom . Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without chargw, in . 1� � ----.--------.,- r . . Tim PATENT RnCORD, an illustrated and *idely circulated jourhal, Conoulted. . - -'. � . I I � . I by Manufacturers and -Investors. . � . . . Send for sample copy FREE. Address$ . . . I ., . . I . I I . .E I . .VICTOR J. EVANS &'Cosy . � � . (Patent Attoroeys�) . I . I � . . I . I . ­ Evans BUIldingv . -, WASHINGTONy be 0. . . . I a I I � . .. . . . .1 I I I I - � � - . - . , - . . . � I . I . r � � � I I I - � ,KNOWS _\1' . � . I ' . � . I \ I I I � That it takes goo4 strotig \ I . shoe leather to stand the I I \_________,_7- I I . J Wear and tear that the average boy gives it. We carry two lines in Youths' and BoyW Shoes , that our evotomers tell us wear well, I I . Give us a c -all when io need of Boys' Shoes and be -convinced that we will give you the- worth of your money at the I . VARNA BOOT AND, SHOE HOUSE So C.' Rathwell 'Highest cash paid for E go, . rM - � 04fo�& 4#!r. 'Wocall rhosphadlaof 1. I E;Ola fit Clinton by 14, :a0knoll, I 11. Colabe, X Rom, audWWs & Uo., S. I 11� I , Newspaper Advertising . Is THE . �... � . I swi.LIFEsss OF A m . . . BUSINESS I . The shrewd merchant knows it ud acts ac. cordingly. To bring I traae ' your way theso � . I growing times use the I CLINTOR NEWS -RECORD SU04RIDERS READ OUR ADS# . . . . . - ­ _