HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 4.
4 . . I
. 111� , �' I I I � ' ' I _111�
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. I
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Before and Sime Liberal Rintle HAPPENINGS Rt-owx A, $jvm#xQ* ures.s - all pooket-books providing the *-r--
� I - . .
-.- . OF A WEF, . GODERICH * * QoRnNspovoweNr % . I .. purchaser wants dependable qualitieo
Total QxPenditure 17a 1890, the I ast year of Conservative rule. I K
$41,702,,980, ; total oxp9adituro In 1890, the just year of Liberal . . I . � . - I __ , w I . I . for we have no other here --even the
rule for,whiob complete ftures ave,to hand, $51,542,005; eati. _____ "A ------ I---- � ----- . -------N ,
I mated expenditure for theourrout nscai year, $50,312,527. A.4v#~ ......... I � . ft'AA W .. - Irlw1w I T T - - - T �V_ . . I . _00-0- � lower-priced goods must have quality,
. -11 __ ___ ____ I The Mat-tne band did not occupy the Mr. Pedder's mercantile venturo in I Professor aull Mrs. Gaudrey of To'.� Gbods . 1 "I.
. , � I I aresponding a few weeks at Mrs
seats reserved for them In the square. 00derlCh does not seem to have been onto. . I
Rplayed on the balcony of the very satlefactorf. Re was,.extromcly Gandrey's old howe 1114% Vrangue." . . I � For those, who would take, advantage #
U-sh E ketiange and had quite it cou- pleasant and ob iging bob hi's Stay was Mr. Brydges is spending quite a auto
courts of 'jur citizens turn out to hear% Short. of money on t'he Dancey property . n
pur. I of-chcosi g -their new dress while �
! - l them after thp, bicycle races were over. I M -se Teresa Stewarb of St. Marys -has chased by him some time �ago. He is � I
I He Spent L"berally. I
� .
I . . . . . I I . . On Noi)daT's great bicycle race of bf-en the nest of her uncle and ount, now putting up an Iron rence,. and w - Ill �A, -.0 . St ocks a- e full we stibmit the follow. .
! ' . of the season, Molvor won. The race Mr. avid Ars, Burrows, for some time, beautify the law, o and surroundings.. I . I
. . I
� The new lights of Liberalism -were not looking fo r was six .tillies around the track ! Mi, a Donagli Is visiting tbe millinery Mrs. 0. H. U berts. and bet, daughter, Autunin ing - - . I
at theexhibition ground, then seven openings at Detroit And Toronto pre* Miss Eborts, of the Garner House, . . I . . . � .
' economy when members of the cabinet were beingsought ,nit pargt I
, es 0 1 cry to opening out in her new Ohatbam, are at the - Hotel Bedford. .
, ut on the Huron Road and six I. . � .
O" from the ranks of the Liberal Provincial Governments. times around the track again. Me- 6tol.0 on Kingston street. . Mrs. E berts is faithful to the. old town, 40+*+*******+***+*+**++#*#**+**+*+***# ... +++#+#++*+*++###*#+*+#+##+ +***"+"+* .
Ivor performed tbe.20 miles in 55 min- Mr. Jol n R. Robinson wastiot much visiting. It almost yearly since her . I 0 . . , . ,. I . . �
, �
. .
. We have shown in previous ,articles what adepts -the UtOS,154 seconds- COwAft was Ilist to drawn to the city of Buffalo by its Stir school dayo. Her parents, Mr. and � , . I ' .
. leave the fair grounds, and before'lle and beauty N, lie is ba�k again to the Mrs. CI , , owned the pro erty, now + ...... ; I Homespuns, Whip Oords, oto.
'- Laurier Cabinet have proved themselves in increasing the 0 Grey . �
0 made tile seven mile race, his tire was old town, .. � part of t991 estate of Ron. Names Oar. I I . . .
> country'sexperiditure and adding to the public debt. punctured, which throw him com _%. �7 1i 54 Inch Homespun In shades of grey, green and
� . . ly out. . The next race ,will be bepl'd"'i'ri , 9- Howell Of the Orm Of McKenzie row. " I
0. And Rowell Is on a bit cNath of Wingliam, . � A
siness trip to Miss Susie N . k brown mixtures, a good serviceable material 0
, . X ;� .
� Iii .Von. Wm. S. Fielding they found a Finance Min, Stratford, There was a big turn out. Montreal, who spent last week with her sister, . , . (11 . I . fol, either skirts or suits. ..., . I I ...... ...... 60 . .
n this respect ; , ,a gentleman whose Miss Shepherd, daughterof Captain Ora. Hau.illo, returned tQher hoolo on S "InLI
I ister with a record j The organ factory hands can All at- arld 50 inch Homespun in all the new colorings of lighb
, I , 3 1.
0 Albert Shepherd, who has been Ill so Saturday. I , M . . .
. ,
1, views on financl, )le liked 4 . tend the Toronto exhibition this week I . . I . , K .
)P ,, al affairs livere that the peol long, v7as out; for it drive last iveek . I I . ..., and dark ray, navy brown, etc., in pialds.and
with Mrs. Garvow, the factory being closed; we learn, t; We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. ,�% ,6111,d Acts, a good assortment,
�. Government wbiell. spent money freely, therefore be was . take stock. . . Frank J. Hensel. of the crew of the ' - - ' - to choose front at .................. T5c85c He 1
i Mrs. Travers aLitl children returned r ---- - -' - . . . . I
> � Bliss Piltta Roberts is very Ill. � Yacht Varuna, which lay all day &t. G a nit e 'i , , , - �
� going.to spend money freely ; a veritable "Harold Skim- We wonder If the new Seats in, the o tbe.r home In Saginaw on Wcllncs- anchor in the middle of (be harbor. . ,� . Homespun Suitln% 54 inches wide, no two, alike, "
� pole," who bad the courage to spend everything in sigbtl . park are- to be painted or olled,'to pre- . Mr, -Heusel was here With his yacht . . .- �� . made in extrit envy weight and a. good range
1, . ay. I I . �.. I .. . I
'I borrow all -he could and t ugt the future to provide th indestroying the tnaple , about four years, ago,ta d be then was . .. of patterns at ............. o'....4 .... I—* ...... 1125;
r I e vent the rain fro . Mr. J. W, Smith, East street, ,Is a , o . . � � .
I wood of which they tire made. I so delighted It our town, .. . I . I
. I . . . . . Quite t bons fide cyclist now. Mr. J. Miller, that he woo determined to revisit it I . ings in 5 and 0 yard I :
funds. . . . I number"more have been ordered so Hotel BeMord, should try it also. I . Cloth 's I . I 71ijl� Cord and Serge Suitt
I IV have ,that thlsyear. The other, yachtsme'n are . . . . (ngthe, no two alike, h!t it splendid 11
that our visitors will - ran Of , . � .. �
. ,ys
S, to
The administration of the fintrices of the Province of - much cointort, and our townspeople as Mr. Fred. Prldhara has returned from his brother, Jule Reuse), who was with . � I . . . colorings Including castors;browns,gre lues, � . � . I
. . � his'tiip to "The Ducks'! but whet'her him on t . . . .. . 8 'b I
Nova Scotia -was not Stich as would have sent a prudent well, . I bell- first voyagejohn Plasko, . . peturna � etc., priceo. rangitig,rlev Sul I
. �
. he brought the expe.,ted docks, home Joseph Pratt, W. G. Norval, Jesse Hall 40 inch all wool serge (note the widbh) in 411 the lilt- - . from ..................... : .... ........ 5.00 to 8.50 �
). Miss Kerr, trained nurse of Clinton , . I . . ,�
1� bank ,directorate to that Provincial Government to seek , we did not learn. : . � and At. Bennett. .. They, left our harbor eat Shades of grey, a splendid'thaterial for either 60C Ladies' Cloth and Habit Cloth Sultings, 50 to 54in . .
is professionally employed here this . , . I
n an 11 . . . 1. . week. I . .. I Mrs. Fred. Pridliam, and Mis!s Carrier. on Tuesday morning. The Varun.0 suits or dresses, at . ...... � ........... .... I .,... I.' ches wide, warranted all wool, in some of the . .
t a new i ager . . e holidaying In quebec. . hails front Detroit. . . r - !to cloths in light newest fall colorings, made in tried -
t * . Quite-anuniber of our citizens and Oil Ar Mrs. Captain Babb and son, Master '38 and. 40 inch sorges and g all e 5.00 to 7.00
Imes-Tbompson Conservative Govern- visitors go out in the ,tag Huron, at- When Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rothwell arry, of the Ocean House are on a grey, new brown, nayv, , 50c & 600 ium weight, prices per suit from ... .
I 1
1PI When the Ho H 46 �
10' ment took office in 1878 the year's expenditure on the most every -day.. I v'isited Qeebee recently they were er Hairy has . - . `tc Plaid Dress ' .. . . I
� . . 1. . Mr.Woodsof St. Helens was the Shown all the altarailvet andgold. visit to Detroit, Mast . slate (blue grek), etc.,.at, . .. A �
0. been on invalid for ,some time � With � 40 to 44 inch serges,-whip cords, anite cloths,repps, 1 . I Goods at 10o . .
various servicea-of the Province of Nova Scotia was $688,- uest last week or his old friend, Mr. "'rvice given that church- by royalty. . 11 ' I
I � I It is kept in vaults. � I pneumoniw and we trust that the trip etc in shades of navy an,% black, will make, . 600 yards of plaid dress goods, 20 inches wide, in 12 '
t 003, There was also a deficit of $315,624, and $68,7-82 ginions, St. David street. ' . - * on the lake will restore him to his ve " es, od value at 1; 60 dif.'event patterns,sultable for children's'dresses, , .
. Dr� F. McGillivrd,y of Hamilton was . � y stylish suits or dress go 00 0 - regular.'value 12je, for ...... ................
� r yard .............. '.. . ....... a -
I �
of unpaid. bills and unsa isfied c at .the Captain Louise Raley left on Wed- . . . .
9 �s The Misses Fraser now, occupy the wonted health. r 10
t laim's,or $384,406 of debt one of the delegates bore to the I. O. pe ....... ........ �.. %I
. I . I I one house on East street oilce . F. this week. His - brother, Mr. - . . /I . . f . . I .
t . . need.%y,. 22nd Aug-,, for hex 8, A, corps . . . . I 'I
0, and deficit to be faded. . � property.of the late Miss RUXICLman. James McGillivray of Kingston, was I I I . � I I . I .
The ConseivAtive§ paid off $71,759 of this burden and . Mr. Lynn Gordon of Kantloops was en litwe � ron . the.Government tug, Dolls at Windsor. . . I I I I . 0 . 01 . I
I '
. . his ro er.iu-, 0. �, I . I .
the gutist last week of � . our bar bor a, few years ago, - Miss Haley'lef t on Monday, on her .. . . . 11
6. At the same time -reduced .the annual expenditure from I law, r,C rles�_ 6wton. 6i 8 re- . . . . - . annual holiday trip to .Detroit and - . 1. -1 Staples.. at Money�-Saving. Prices , . I
turned rot ri sby where e S. - glob Elwood is still in town with her other cities. . I � . . I . . . . I . . . � . . . . . I . ,. .
one to two hundred thousand dollars a When.they I motheri Mrs. John Elwood. Tbigy Are I . . . .. . . . . . . . I . . . � . . � . .- ,� . . .
. ' Year. . with his in t er, rs. . Gor oil, the guests of Mrs. Dudley Holmes. . - The house belonging to Mr., Carey of . . . I � � I I . � � I I 1. . � . . . . .. �
left office in 1882 the yearly Apenditure was $569,119,. his sister, Mrs,(Rev,)Salton. el s . . Toronto, lately occupied by Inland . � .1 me" . . . .. - _. I
t - � . . . . . well and will spend a couple f ee a Dr. John and Mrs. D icksoll - of Por'- aevenue Officer Brigorter, 'Whaving, It's well worth precious ti ,. expensive space ana good money,for the, privile& of em-.
: � It will thus be seen that they were.getting the af-: a.m.ong us. . . I . . k of 8 . . .. . . . . . . . �
� . !and were the guests last wee everal improvements added to it. I phasizing facts., ..Facts like there f6r instance that you can buymany of the I ,
I I I . No cows or horses to be roamlug o'er Barrister and Mrs. Prol,dfoo��. Dr. - I � . . � . . . . � fo lowing, goods
. �
' .
fairs of the provinc6 ilito fairly good shape when, in 1882,. t is waxin - g John Dickson had .never re-visi.t.,.-I Police Magistrate* ' Seager's new , .1 . � � I . . � I � I . .. .1 .. . i
. be town limits. Goderich " building on Elgin Ave, is being pushed atilesp than wholesale pri6es. 'Read the following lisi 'very carefully and notethe sa ' . . .
I the unpopularity of the Municipal Incorporation,. Act in desperate. Bicycle ridit)g on the. side. home since Ole. marrm,ge unb'l rzow.. along� � I . .. . . . - . I . . . . ving : I .
. . .. I � . 11 .. walk,..too, apparently,. -it, He has been sufferiog -,%,ojn ali P11dlq'-. . . . . . . ., . .� . . .. , I � . . . I *1 . . I . 1. � I
, . . . . . . 1. . I . .
I I . " to he Miss Crabbe, who, Jolne:1- her Ste or - . . . � . .
some of the cou . . .. . .. .. : as had its day . It . I . ;- . �.. � . .. .. . . I . . .. . .� .
nties I ed- to their defeat. � I .. What will the harvest be ? � , . . bit but ,will be able to at4eff . . . . I . . . .
. . . . . . � I � . . � . . . I
i . I duties on his return. to Po bland, here Mrs, 1"red.Crabb, returned. to her . . �
o , Mr. Fielding was a guiding spirit in ,the incoming � I Mr.. and Mrs. Albert May and their Oregon.. - . . . . � . scho6l at Saginaw this week� , . White 0otton at 8kk, ' I - . . I 8c Cafiton Flannel'at 5c - :.' . , � � I . I
0 - I � . . . . , dau liter, Miss�Bertle, and son, Master . I . .. . I - . . I . � . . � . . w . , I � .1 . .
administration from the first . Wiffie, were the gue�ts lately of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Strachatirptolvo- Mi . I
. I , but itwas.nottor a year or se Coutts, who spent her: vacxtiou 96 inch wide cotton,- full bleached, firt6- even round Half bleached dantoft' flannel, full 28 inches wide.
ed from tbeir' pleasant visit to. Sault with hot, brother, Mr. QordoaCoutts, ' thread, very fj So of starch, regular price' would .
I two-when.his nominal leader, Mr..Pipes, weaTied of.the. 0 . Hillock n:ear the stand. They will, hmond, Virginia, has retdrned . .1. .,.: 8 I o ..regular V'aluo_�80., for ................... � ...... I . - .50 , -
* ' return to -their home in Montana. this Ste.Marib and surround;ng country on at Ric . be 10c, our price only ......... I .... ..". 6 , ..... . . . I . I '' .
: . I . . . ' * ' . . . . .. �, , . �. . . . I . .� I I
whole thing and. surprised his. colleagues by goingbome week. .�. . . . Monday.' . �, I 1. . to her school at Danlop.. � .: . . .. . . . . .. . . . . � . � . � .
. �. . I . I � � ; . . . I . . . . . . . 1. 1. I % . . � . . . . . . I �
I to Cumberland and leavind bis resignation behind him- Mr.and Mrs. Alex McGaw have -re- Mrs, Lay (des Mag ie Cameron) left Miss McCaughan has .gone,to her '80 he 6. 50, 1 . . . 9 .. I . . I I.
0 . . . I 1216 Towelih atmo - - , . . -
# I . .. . turyied 'to their home at Keewatin. on Wednesda ' to,re-ioin her, hLstwnd, School at DAshwood. - -Her sisters Flan I tte for - . . L . I .. . . . �, � . . .
. I I I ., I
. I . .
actual- P'remiersbips y no . 28 And 24 inch fine crash and buck tow ng, plain . . . . I
0 that he foo'k the , . . . I . ... 'dis. McGaw and family came some Banker Lay, in the �2'uk 'territoey. - Misses Effie. and Raby.accomparlied 30 inch wide flannelette, in assorted light and (fark . . , ,
. . . . . . I -
: weeks ago,' and Mr. ,f' We Wish her a sate journey and* r2l hen. .. I , Sit I
The year Mr. Fielding did not have full contiol. there McGaw. came or � . . .. . I. . . . . . . . .. colors, warranted fast in stripes only, sold to- arid fancy. borders, regular value. 12je, for, 10C ,
# � . them. . I � 1. . . happ*.nees. . . . 1. . . '. . Wewere sorry to learn on Monday � day elsewhere at 8c, our price. ' 60 �� � .. . . . I. .. . I I . . I �....... . . ... . .
' � . I . . . u orse . . I ............ !.... I . . .1. � I . . . . � . I I �_-. .
was actually a slight decrease in expenditure., - -Then- he . Miss Maud. Ante* has taken het The -Maitland House accommodated that Mrs. McIntiosh. was na: ch w I . I 1. . . . � . . �1. ; .. -
I I . . . . 1. . . � I .. . 11 I I �. . . I . � . . .. . I ,..
'of n e an , v ' 25 of the L 0. F. delegatesi . ' ' r. James McKa. Due of. the organ . � 1. . I .. .. . . I . � . . . I . I
took charge � the fi anc s d go "erriment of Nova school atBurford for the,ensuirig *ear." I . M yp I i . I . . . 12Y 8h�iting'dt 100 - . I . . . . . , . .
. I
. I I . . . .:. . . k2tory directors, is spending this *8hirting Flannelette 10o I . . , 11 . � � I . 1 . I I.; �.:
Scotia and the carnival started. . .. . ,�. .111. . . . Miss Emma Amoy has also Spent her -On 3rd September, Labor Day,Xc- . I . I . . I. .; I 11 � . . I ' . . . . . L . . . I . I .
I . .. 1.� .. . . . . �. . vacation, with her Mr. and , Ivor and Cowan,, bicycle ridera,lconte�b week in town, He had the cold storage . EX uality shirting'flitrinelette, in dark 4 -pieces only of light and dark blue'shir6ing, 27 �nid 1,0e � . I
Mm. Amoy, East S ba, r,� o the.champlon.r. � .. 'a � I , wide, worth. to-day.12je, out pric .... I . . .
By 1896, when. new Liberalism called. him "high -or xa,r,entld 'at Strat,^ood f r , I pr'.�e . businessla Toronto for, some years, . .. . t to Q Ih,erxs V�Y,n a guaranteed fast, ruAdb to sell .'at 12j'c, �.' , . . .28inches . . . . . ,e .. I
. . turned to her school In Brant. . ,. of OntaP10. , , I : .. . Mr. Dam McKay, traveller; f I ,ga . I . our price , .. I . . ........ 1,013 - . . . . . . 11 ... � . 1. . . . .. . I
: up" he had increased: the annual expenditure to. $853,803 , I ory,.is' m4own thisweek. . . I . , 1. � �- I.. ,. 1. .......,...,.I., ........... I I ... � ..... . 0 . . . I I . . . 1% I 1. 1. , I " . .
. I . .. I , , , Mrs*. Fisher, Cambria Road,returned . TlioSons of .ScoAlAnd wIlLhOd do ,fact ' . 1. . . - .. .. .1 . '. .... . I. 11 . I .� .:- ' -' � 400 7able .Linen at 26c. .: .'. , �l' �* - I .:. . - I - : . *, .
� n . . .. I
- �' ' , i bt ' out, of the fourteph, from-& very pleasant -visit to Ptncoma .. I . .1 . � 11
* and exceeded b4 revenue-eig years . .. I Monday next, Labor Dity, wcoti"er�., on, , coal, oil is brought to one's door .I I I , . I I I . I . 11, .. .1 . I
. 35o . ... 1. . . ... I I .1 I. I. .
. . . . . . . . . the grounds of *M. G. Cameron ab.�'1110 Lou don for 19 cents,, per gallon. while 50,& t6wels-f . . . . i.. . . .. ,� , I
. . . . Ing and PorVflur6n.' Miss Cepha; he�r . .., e . here it is 25 cents. What is the rea . � .o ' r- I . I � nds'6f about 6 yards of baif bleached table lixten . . ._..... . .. . . . I
The do'bt. of Nova Scotia � in 1882;'.tb,e last year -of I youngest daughter, returri6d with her Mapies.11 Come. yin.C'ow"e a'. .., . I 5 e .
I I � . . . 1. 5 dozeri buck towels 'size 4022 inches, very heavy 3 . .
Conservative rule, was only $98,71$. Whe -in 1896�9r. # 104. � . nt . *.'Keith. science master,' EsGex -0. son ? ' � . . ,. . I . , . " linen, always S;ld at*69c per pair, our price ..... , 5c, 60 inches wid% ranging in price from 30 to 4o
all from A'very ploasa visit it Port Hur. i . : . . as' - '
. . . . . 'I., and'Master Walter Crissweller re. butter is 20 cents er lb.' and sugar ... I I . . . I I I . I . yard, tb cleat at, .......... I......."...., ............. .. 250 �. :
. �
. . . ' I ,. . . .
Fielding. departed' for Ottavra tO.-introduco his :financial . ' turned' last week to Rsiex after a Icents. Prettyltighpforour-town.. *" . I .
# Miss Armstrong And her sister, Miss .. . , **"**"+#�"+"#***4;* *++"**" *+"#*"++"**"#"++*"# .: ,
.. . . . . I ... . I . ... � I I � *"#+#"#"#+"# � . .
0 methods. in a i�ider field,. he bad itin the *_ ovince in debt Berth& of Bayfield, spehb a verypleas�. pleasant visit with Mr. W.'ard X48. Mr. Oliv6r.of.Galt . I , , 1. . � � . . I . . .
. .pr .. . came up on Sat.; . . �. . I I . - . . .. . .. .1� . . . 1. . I . � I I
I .
I . .
.. . .
. .
# .. ; . I.. . .1 I I � . . 1. . antweek, this, mouth the, guests - of Dickson. .. � - I I . . urday evening's train to join his wife - , . :, .. . I ': -io ' . . . . I � .
+ to .the amount of $3'443 760'. � . . � . - I � I . I T I MON My ILT VIC . , ,� . 1, . � ,. '. . � I . � .
# I . 1, , .0. . . .: I . �. .1, . . 'Major Beek, SaItford,, -and Mr. and Mr. , Ct6saweller, Principal of - the and children here for a, few days. . . . � . . IM UIOU WAJNW DA - � . .1 . . I . . . I . I ... . � . I I � � . .
. .
# ' ' Mrs, John IC6rrughan, town I., . -Essex 0. I.,aild-his son,- Mc.,ter Ha,rry ` Th . eincoming evening .tra . in on Sat- . 9 I . I .. � .. . . /I . .1 11 . � . . . . . I . � . . �.
. . I . . . . . I .. . . . .
It was der his administration ',that'the ingenious . . - left on Monday for Essex,, tl�elv home: . I ' I . .1 I . . . . I I I 11 . . I �
: un . Mrs. Allen. Spatling is Still at. her . th urday had an almost. endless' train of '. . 1. . . . . I . . I � . � . : I , . . , . � I ,
lr� residence here,. - � . - � � . er a very easa fi6i litcars; numbering 30 or so, and I . . . .. . � ..
'd nee of A ' W. Dickson.. � 9 . . . . 1. , , ,
* scheme Was devised, of, "Patronizing" the,people with. thei . aft , I ut'vacat'lon at 0 , , , ,
# I .. � ' . . . . . res: e r., �.. the passenger car seemed quite full of .. . . ... . . 4) . I I.,
# e an . , ption which %h6-' I Mrs. gothwell spent &.few days last -ows' Bag was unfurled . . ,,, I . . . . .. -W- " -
own money,'an effectiv hie. .s' of cor'ru week ab Dungannon; . , .. . The Oddfell .to visitors. . . . . � . . I I I I 1AP012j . .... I ... I . � - I
+* law does xiot:reae'h. Money 'borrowed on the'. credit- . the brbqze on Monday. in bobor o't,e ' Mies Florence Fish of Rochester is I . Ali . . . I
I . (a .. I . . I
We Were shown last" week i301118 - Indep6ri'dent Foresters who arl I " ' r the guest of, bet wint, Uri. James AFAF . �� 1 . I.. . .
. . .
of the Provindo. was placed to' the, .credit 'of each � very artistic. views that were taken ' la OL . . 919/ C. -111V . . I (S
. . . I 6 . to*.nthisweek.. . .. . . I I � . .
. . . . . � . Plpers'Mill'v. romantic scene . r, I Mitchell: . � ,,, I .. 1. _. . � . . I . I . . . . . . I . . 1. .. . . .1 � .
county to be Spent on roads and brid'es. by commission.,. - F by Across North street at the vqt,a;!e a . . . . � I .
* .4 . . I 9 .. . � our amateur artist, -Mr,, Will Pass' banner with the word "Welcome" was , Miss, Katiffman. of .Detroit is, the - � . I . I I . . .. I .. � . .. .1 . � 1. '. . . .
. .
* In Nova Scotia the maintenance of the.highways is. more, One scene is -. called - Alpine tretched, the 1. .0. F. roo-ols be;ng. guest. of Miss Flo. McIntosh.. ' .'. I . .11 I : . . 1. . I C-LINT01V , . . . .1 7 . . - �
. � ; ,
. . .
* Olimbing, and indeed the view looks � � I . : .. � �
I .
# municiptilities,. who assess the �people . quite ' Alpine the blook..On: th ' We were very sorry to learn of .the . . - - ., -,. . . . I . . . . . � . . I . I. � I I . - .
* in the hands of the I . in appearance. The . In . . . . I I e eastern side. I. ,. illness of . Mrs. J. - McIntosh. . Her - I � I . . . s I � . .. .. I
.1 . . . - . I
*Iabor.tax and-als6receivean-a nualgrant.from tourists will - Scott explore the Malt- The Kensington furniture faet6r'es daughtor,Misg Tenia McIntosh, trained I ;1 . I . I . .. .. -1- .- .-_w- -,-.- -_ _.. __ �____ , , .
* a statute . U .. I I . � . . . _ . �� . 111. �.,� . . . . .. I.. I 1. . 1, 1. . .. � . -_ � . . ,
# . land for picturesgue.spoLs. � � � of Goderich and 1oriddri hbld sk,holiday - . .. - � . . . . . . . . . I i I �
+ provincial funds ,out of annual revenue.- in addition to. � I . I . ,nurse from the operating'roorn at St. I . , Kiopen 1. L' I 's. . . I I .
I . . ,-.,ni"I bore on Saturday. Ttotraffi -Joseph's Hospital, London- was tent I I . . I - .1 I - I I �W%010101104 - .
. I I I I - We are pleased 0 congratulate Mr. c8 .. - � .. . . I � . q .. -
this Mr. Fielding borrowed money on, capital account to : and Mrs. C ,harles Newton on the. birth from London, consisting of flve'ears.of for.to nurse er mot er. Mrs. Me. Writ. Johnston. of St. 'LouW,Mo,1 I I I I ' I �
. . .
. . I of an heir, 'on the fourteenth, anni- excursionis6, came In at O.S9 a, In. intos. is improving very. favorably, who has been visiting his Sister, Mrs! . I -,.A-
. 11 Those alp the fair grounds after lunch- I . .
be expenaed solely under the � direction of the local me . . . with ood medical care and nursing. �1�urncd �y - ., I To'' Ou - � � .. T
. 14, Iversary of . their. wqdding, 18t. . . Jas, , Miller of Kippen, has n 1. r - , * -, --c .
. . I I , . . .
August . I . . I eon were.less numerous. than. these at . 090 * . I . . . I
o e' 6 , ... . � .: : - , n Cornell has;' returned from a homer., Mr. Johnston ritakps tin- annual . on , , , ,-- ,
: ber, if he were n. of, the "',faitbful." -In counties which . Harborparkand atthejake. ,-Qultia. . . I , ,
. .
. .
I .
# elected Conservatives. this - 1�special road 'money" wg' put -Mles _. p spec6irigtripto Saulb Ste. Marllz. visit to these pr.As and ii a welcome . I . Great �,� . . .
OiAda.Relwig of Auburn. is the fitimber had a sall. on 'the. tug Huron its visitom. He is ,-n3ristinan from t�ie .
s guest her sister,.tAts, I Capt, _�'BaXterL.had o much irobiled with the go. .
' . . . �L. Jones, 'kin ,ite a busy '6y I . I I �
%gem, ,I - . � . ' . and I qL .1 ains the pl?overblal . .. . I . 11 . . .. . I . I I .
I in the hands of. the Uberal paity mant . .ahead-ativeriesi of that. city that he Nor' th and ret � . .
- ,� I I I . . � I .. . .. I Mrs. - Wesson Dickinsoti of Detrbib, day hiriag. his boatsr�' The Meseenge.- intends returnin9t to Open. tip all alty and bus' ,ness tact pecul.ar to tile Are, � . . .. .Cl. . . .. .
* hits been spending P, very pleasant time wid Peggy Sam had'9pite 6 day of it, . 6 0 . . .
As_much as'44:4,000 has, Won. expended in one-year - - establi'shmentforhis sons. . � . . peop,e of Bel7ast. He promises a treat . I . . �.. . . . . . . .1. . . �
* . . . I - . . -with bet, cousihs, the. Misses -Campbell, At 2.0 p, tn. we heard' tb6 inspiryog - . 'in the St. Louis World' Exposition to . I � r . I . ealro
out: of this borrowed road money,for "supervision" alone Reryoung ,sister-'in4aw Miss -Lucy otriins of the M . � Mr. and Mrs., Arthur Jones, reside in S . , ..".1119.
. ) a a --,!no Band on'their. ones take place in due time,, -an(L extended - . . - ' . I I
I Field Dickinson, who has spent'* her way to tho-fair grounds wbeie' they London. Mrs. 1 isa daughter of , � .� . . .
� 1. I .
# although the municipaliti�s . all. have their, .own regular vacation. bore will return. to . played until .the gatnes ended at 0 p.m. Mr. Cornell.. � . I I L an hospitable invitat'on to Kippeii .
. . . . �. e his ruests.- . . .. . . - I e . . . . I
' Detroit . I L I friends to b * Invited .1.
ci - The influbrice of with Mrs.. Dickinson. i ,. . ' They played very well and the grand- Mrs. Lewis 011ott is havin 'byterian tills. , , - . - . I . I . .
offi *als who could haveldone the work. , , . . dOWS L aff shutters Rev. Waa, Gauld, Preq . . 1. 1.
. . I .. I ' Mrs.T.B.Powers has returned to st%nd was tolerably well patronized pon her 'win door at . I . I I . . . . . .
.EU4 ill sionary represpniaLivo to Fonxiosr, I.. . �_ . -ov- I . .
such patronage in the hands of .the party can .readily be. - - her bome at Buffaloo After a pleasant while. did -Sol possibly oub of raympa- L er Retty little residence. . China, has'rofuu�act!, w'iQi tant'ly, to . L I . . . . I . 1. 71i � . .
. I I � . .. . . . . I
understood and had much to' do with. Liberal success in - twoweeks' visit spent ab'the residence thy for the tond6ners, hid. his- light, . Mrs. Carlisle of Detroit, who spent; his father-in-law'F'L j"()j)j 111'118, ptepa-.- . . I . I .
. � . . I - I . . I I 1. of her sister, Mrs. John Platt;' . , ' under a cloud bo thiib they wight -not last annimet at.Lakevie*, is at the atory to his retti .i to Ch"na, we ch . I
election campAgns. - -. L - L L 1. .. . . L ..be blinded with the beauty of the scene. . . . BOOTS; AND SHOES- I ...
. . . . I L I Mies Ella, Platt of Detroit is visiting - of tbe same fashionable place on Elgin Ave. wi'd-be in Sept., Tile rev. j,ent'em1*i I . . L. ..
. The policy of ,borr i on ey on capital account for her relatives at London. . . I 9r. Hinton, the head and li&rb : this season. I and Mrs. Gauld havt, bee.) 80 V91.7 L* id I . L . I . I
lowing in . ' . . � . .
. . . I I . Kensington factovy.chiefs, was -n4ofa- Mr. George Watson has ' in leeLures and privateiv I . . . . � .. I I
. Mrs, W. J. Gunther and two children - the contract . givhj:,r ia'c. . . . . ,. . -j9------., i ..
ordinary expenditure, on trifling repair. work, and I)UttiDg tigable in getting up the.. games, nevor for painting and kalso mation egarding the ctstot�is ,%:,d . I . .r . 1. . I
. . . . . . returned to their home at Listowel resting until the tug of war mining the post * 11 . . . � . .
was finish- , office from flag pole t . Ways, o, iese anevi.b and I q I
the expenditure in the hands' of political supporters gives early -last week, after a very pleasant . o cellar, . . .t . cal.'ar or- 'there is �0 doubting quality -in, our store. Our Stock is
I . . ed. The baseball match was the Pest . le MS. . . . I . I . . .. � I
Some 'explanation *of why Nova 8cotia has debt wh4re shp visit as the guests of .Mr, and Mrs, J. on record here establi,bed by the Mrs. (Sheriff) Reynolds . and her I . .
. . � Ades Howleiri . I . Kensington team and r- they were daughter Miss Clara, ha � ve r V" Thomas Beownloo hda been secur " from th best manufa cturers and our prices are unequalled . I
had none ; debt n"itich of which is now a �6ostly ..tradition . ed .�L;r the coming year bv*.:io F%y I atlywhere, You (',wnot.jaJge of thegreat values we are - ' I
.1 . . . Miss Irma Gibson hits returned to pitched against nine picked men from from their long visit to Chicago. I it�hool trustee� h-1; an advan6ed salary. . .
with rothing to show for it butthe interesibliarges. - . ListoW61 after a, pleasant visit, with the London factories it, is no wonlcr . Mrs, J. R. Shannon has been called Mr. Brownlee has the gi-1 of te-tchl & � offering unless you -ome and see for yourself We were I
. � � . ' I . '
- .
. I . I . 1. . .. . I . her .mother, Urs.J. Ades Fowler,, they lost the day yeb the Kensinj ton away by the serious illness, of her and commands the respect of paP' 9. r s l last &F� �turday. In the afternoon we, I .. .�
I I . Perhaps, itis only a curious coincidence, .but the .Mr'. And Mrs. William Smith, who team here felt quite proud of thOr mother, Mrs. Ross.. . and the public for his geriLema i . v . - . .
. . have spent seven or eight weeks at powers and of establisaing the gre tt , Mr. W. T...Seo . tt bf the dustoms de. bearing and conrteousrle�s. Paree .,; could not wait on the crowds without some delay Come
expenditure has gone -down slightly year bk year in the old English "Bean Feast," Atf, r th6 for mooe Vaan - elucational tra a- I . I
. The Frontenao, have returned to I partment, Hamilton, has been V'.91ting look ,ear y in for Up_A , . .
, since Mr� , Fielding lot .go the. finances Of Stratford.' � I baseball match.the other gavopq vreto Ing. In Mr. Brownlee we have ,*-,6 r�.- I the morning ar d r 7oid the great rush Wo
smaller field . . I ab the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sarnei I .
. I . Mrs. A. E. Calli held as follows:-Hop,step and.iumr - -C,raigie. . ;, quiElte, combinatiou. . . I ., date footwear at the old reliable chea ' cash store. . �
Nova Scotia; just as the expenditure has gone up year a returned last week L McKay O.Griffith; Running jrmp- . . P �
to her home in the American Saulb 8: McKay: 0. GAffith; 10 Iva-. A mos Mr. George Parsons of St. Louis via. There is quite I crop' of ip,)%e,i--,f . . I I I 3 . . . . I
by year in the larger field since he took bold . Of the Arlan- atter a very pleasant; visib to her for men.. under 40-W.. Blaekiord - U) ited the old town lately and while here candidates, for this'conniltueticy in ad-' Our motto for Friday afid Satilrday .- � ' . .
ces of Canada. - . . relatives in Auburn. While in town yard race for men over 40-T. b ' was The guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs, vance of , he conveation to lie he'd by ' . .
.1 . . . . she .was the guest, of Mrs, George tlg'�' Black. , I I the Liberals but John proven' -j, p. ps. I Every customer satis.fied with genuine bargaing.
, �
Bisset. . I � . Frank BIliotbt Any moo's race -:-J. . . . �
Thr. Liberal policy brought the Province of Nova Elliott, 0. Griffith ; Boys'131100 rACt- Master Adolph Dorenwend and pe,-',ivo airin:;s of wocld-be M. P's. I o �
Miss Maud Harrison has returned to Uare Swartz, Tom Wright -, r') ym, I his little Sister. Miss Irene, 'Were the But he will be ;he candTate o'l
Scotia to the Verge, of baAkruptcy0when the unforeseen de- her home at Walkert i after a pleas. race for girls under V, -Ida Thowam, guests during Vacation of their cousins, the Same until tlio fa-'tb'.-I accapb 1.'s I WM. TAYLOR & SONN I
' Or, I . . . I
veiopment of the coal - mines of " Cape Breton put an in� anb visit with her friends,,here, Mrs, May Cornell I 0 yard ra�e- -,'er g'grl3 the Misses Barker. I � ftogerly end r;ght'al heir, Tiomas I
creased royalty in the provincial treasury. Thesam � e ki 1, Buchanan Jr. and the Misses Buch- under, 16 -Ida Thomao ,- 0 ya! I race Mr. and MI& Pratt of London are h;S LOn.) l.k:here wits a t!me,. w*,,' i five Cash and One Price. � . � *V-gs taken as Cash - * - '
nd anart. I . . .. for boys under 12-73ait McUreatb. guests of Mr, and Mrs, Y. R. Brydges. or si-- hundred at his pat-Ly's bac'z; he . + . 11,g . . .
e:)uld dic�ate tothe oloo-'O.8 geua.,a*:y I 1. I
of a Policy is at work now at Ottawa,-.,4pond to.day� with . Mr, McCracken had a most pleasing John Worsell ; E9 yard race for boys Miss Maggie Smith of Chicago, who bob thatj timG, has gone And* EO INSURANCE OFFICE AT THE STORE. .
. . . '
� .
no thought of the morrow.,. . . . � 1. . ,novelty on Tuesday alternoon. e under 16 -Evans Allan, Tom Meljr,an ; spent her vacation with her uncle and has fogy;sm. The CooseVvatfVepa-:,r A� A A q 4 � . �
. I I . . . . .. . . I lids some.flne lookin S ce 10yardslean man'srate-W, Black, aunb, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Smithi h.%vo many times been in -,:.'ed to bvex I— _____ __ I --------------------- � - - kokoliollollop~A-00-011-011-1100 � - I
1. I treog in front of his residence and so e ford, C. Griffibb. All tn fill the Bean returned to her. school on Saturday some one else O! Gji,� eno'co to ge,' lid - I � . . . I . - , ., I
. . . I one who had patience picked a quant- Feast was a decided saceem, . a. in, of this wuli'ly M. P. (Jobb) bal. -_ � I
I I . . . . I I ity of geranium and oth6r bright Mr, Warnocklefigs are ripe andthe . 1. . I
I Mrs, Chrystal, Miss Ofitystal and they, have hiq'aer as,i �A�io-ra ell, I I
' blossoms and decorated one of the squashesgrowibg rapidly, , ondon on helpin Glllits git Fe. o: what, they don't
e spruce trees . . t was Pretty As -well. as A Detroit despatch of Saturday, Saturday ancl were the guests of Mrs. want Itlemsplveg.Trus�%ig the honeny
. .1
I Thib Cos- t P r Capieta, novel. I Lornealleamp tip. from �L St- Right In EyeruhugU's �
. . . . 18th Aug. said :-"John G. Hawley, Lewis Bifiott, .. . of old t'.mo Rc.`brme!sto leptil.ate'.1. o I
I . . - . I Mr. Tye mail clerk, has a monster Attorney of the Police Department, a Mine host of the Britich ExehLnge, di � utablerneansourcouAsbavoex- It's Ju
1810 I .
sun flower measing 23 inches in dia- nrominent member of the Michigan has returned 'from a visit to hi. 6. Xin Huron, E1,Y'aitadotner parts, I I I
or a care. meter arid one stalk three yards high. bar, and well known authority on L' ballot box stLTing, *pencil ri�g:ng I I
. The revised appropriation of the United. st%tpa congress aft . . mother Mrs. Tilt, of Bhur, of Cle man .wwla'.ions oi the in,IcTne, If the ingredients come JUGUM I .
ful digestion of the tills, etc,, $bow the total appropriation of lasb session Mrs, Stark of Rochester* is visiting criminal law and extradition, died last ... Goerge Tilt of Blair has beerl . . ,,,,.;' ap,)--ovrd I
(ICOO) to be,$710,10.C' .10. The United States. officials calculate the popa. r, ',Mr. McDermott, and is night, He Was born in Detroit in U145. holidaying ab the British E ati�hor-.red at. head qaa�*.e_ � ,4. from our store, Nothing I
the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor, In 18:S his parents moved to Goderiel', OZ and rowardei, iti em'-,�a-:it agette.le , I
lation to be 71,670,CCI This would make the appropriations equal to $9.14 OnL, where he remained on the farm with his brother, Mr. Thos. T11b, harbor co,iL7acLors, etz.. A3 you itre OUR TOOTH I .
per head. . I . I I . Miss LiWo Meyers, who had for until the fall of 1860, when he was sent miss Kate . Watson returned on no doubbawaze, v73 are go'n,V to ba'a but the beat can. come out ' .
� . . some time been the guesb of the Misses to Upper Oatiads College at Toronto, Saturday 18th lost. from her trip to nrr capd'ea'eanca In h'm wi; will b% -e of our store becouse noth. I 1
16 includes expenditure on account of the. Philippin� war, a penjiOn Wilson At the Parsons. e, has returned where he was head boy. and first, ex. Detroit, thence to Toronto where 9:ie a.uan 6.1at will com,xieaet. 1,;M -el. 6 4 . . .
list of 145 million dollars I the expenditure on account of building up the to her home at St. William. hibitioner In the Ith form In IE62. He took boat, for Hamilton, and traln'w the honez,t e!ectora ot bc,thp.arG--g w_ -o Ing but the beat is allow- � . .
navy, etc., etc. � . Mr. Neville Lindsay, son of DV- W. returned to Detroit, In March U113 and Ragarsyll1e, where she Was the uest relase to endor -1 Vie preseat. reg'mo � I No taking -chances or depend. I
Last session the -appropriations by the PwAlatnont' of Canada were B. Lindsay of Strathroy, hag returned took up the study of' lawi He has re. for some UTo of her sister, Mrs.. Sohn with fts Ofl101-Ae3V g hotdes. ed to come Ill. .
S a , � We will have it 03 *dace With the I .
to his howe after an exceedingly aided here since. He leave widow Straiton. I ndl This ils'the 'eason when �. ing 6n lack whon, you buy
over $00,U.0,09. With at estimated population of 5.40,003, the apprO. pleasaut-visit, with Rev, and Kra, Jas. to mourn her Ions. Air. Rawl% Was captain 'Babb feels thab he has been mo6w ol our p4vvy and o!d.revered s I I . hero, . I
per Wilson, , . , the Ocean Houso for a, . . � I . . .1 1. I I
priations all a per head basis equal $11.12 or $2 per head Moro In Cariada, . hero laetsummer,with his mot or at estatillshed in eatef, w,th & parq by a pat by bob for. good things to eat are par. � I
than in the United states, . � . . . Mrs. Haery Reid And son have not *her then residence Lighthouse stteet, reater ittimberof yearsthan any of the the country. I � .
I . .
� .
I , . yeb gone to Niagara Falls N. Y. where The Todman came in last week light Met keepers in town, and nothing. is I ticularly in demand and \ Our moo Brush for Mae I
. +*"+*"##"+#++# *"**" Mr. Reid has been employed for some and is anchored above M000r's ole%. do%, by the ,ouricl 20C �
"*#+44##*+##**##+ c il to beautify the 6UNGANN0 I N. . ' too $6 100 �
bar or. The at ' Our also
- . _�_"_"_ months. He may return to the bicycle tor. " deWalk, he says, should we have made ample pre- 64,
.. factory hero. The XatAhdin on Ssturday lay at be kept In better order, for as ib is now, I - I
. I Port Albert, Oodarleh, . Lieut. Chisholm and his brother -in- D metibla wharf, on the breakwater one plank i's often thicker than At the convention of Wesb Huron parations, All the holi- �
Mr. and Mrs. David.gell,Dtingantion, � 1. law,Ur. Toin babes, now belong to the else# discharging part of a large load. anoh orion's foot strikes Liberals held here on Fridayafternoon, day staples and delicacies Persian Pink I
_ awkwardly against it, Re thinks the 1�
in the Village With lier par, Mrs. W. Logan, 39tiffalo, Arrived by crew of the Govern ment, survey boat. of lumber for Dymenb from Thessalon. harbor needs & comen6 sidewalk better 6leab a candidats an exquisite extraot , :
. Sund&yed . thd evening train of Saturday pund The other part will be taken by the last to. 0 a the following names are to be found here, care. 100. :
ento. .Leslie Cornell, Goilerjoh, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Wag Minerva Palley has been the than South St. and so think We. Theft for the Common fully selected and at right' that deserveA all the prAl
- Master I guest of Mies Mallough,Dmigannot,for Katandin to Wallacoburg. ho would like the "resent ratting to woto presonted.-It. Holmes, M. r., .. �
week with big uncle ana Mrs, Alex, Kirkbrid7e, M. G. Cameronj D. McGillicuddy, W. it gets 760 per oz.
Spent, lapt IL ' some days, The Xolfage came in light altul run down, arid At, iron fence added, prices, We can give you .
aimb, Mr. And Mrs. Do ong, Barrister Daneety returned last week to of the School of cleared light, for% JohnstowN Harbor, so that people would lie drawn to thp Prondfoot, It, Currie, Alex, Stewart, . .
mra,11len Hawkins avull two child- from & bubmeas telp to Pennsylv&nl . Miss Andrews, la in, W, Coutp. A, Saunders, royal service and save you I
Ivan word vialting in Porb Huron the U. S. 6 Pedagogy, hag taken the position In the Waterloo Street is being opened no beach, with the ease, and beauty of J, O- Mart n It r w . I .
. Zurich school oocupiea the pa9b two to ihoex'.-eme north end at tbobank ibe sidewalk. When R. McLean. Was RndAlex, YOU 9- All wit d a in I
past ten days. We hope somo of Secretary Sturdy's yeitrs by Miss Birdto Graham. of the Maitland. & sewer also is be. fit the council years ago, minutes favor' of R. Holmes, who was unanim. - moneyq When buying I I
It Is with much re ret the sudden 11611thbore MaY have found whip arid Ing laid, Whe"pro erly graded at. were framed promising to asolat , Otlslr chosou to eavry the banner in the . - H, - B., CoMbe I
a 0 on 81111day cut ton of his captlagoo Which Were OnTuesdaya. m. the tug Seaman evibo and North wit be very fitablon. Captain Babb in his efforta to have & com ng cotitoob, Addresses were de- ,%; F I
6 ched this vl)fl r rults ,%. .
ata oritthodeath of Andrew Me. lost on - Thursday evening while he with the Arbutus In tow tame in atifoly �
Aft6r Morifty's he(wy rain With her able arid the rosidenne of Barrister roper bathing house. The city livered by Messrs. nolluess CAmbrOnt I
Gaftow,and othore. - I
Illan, Ith occurred at McGro Of's left big Carriage to ask tor a alck friend E form it sido. Physicians, Supplies, !
- the. Dimpey on the east; anil McDormottla athers then promised to ;1
It , 0 81111dfty la9b from ln,,PY on tile Way to bis home. The horse' raft of 1,00,MO feeb of lurtiber tot call and see what we have . I . I 1.1 L .1.1 1. � I !
ecelve to a boll that morning, ran as for as Otber Wllsoji,t, go that, Harbor saw -mill, caette on the west will have a flue walk over tile sands, and plant trees e"#_�_�6""!�" lm-,!It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t--,--,---. M �
showing, about, but as nothing IIAS YTob been to ofeer as wd aro, going to
MrS.W. Rby"As 18 to bo congratulat. I I .
e a ]raised Itt thO V11111ge and M the Whip arid cushion were lost before Miss Let& Backer, who Was aceoln., done by thb 0611110100APtAlft abbjust The wife, Ofel-Ald. Xenrldkof - 006 a .
few eara ago went wost. lie hereacilea that, t4.' The carriago ed upon hot, present'llarldsome brielltre. �anledonhorvlslb to her parentsby closed Ilia Part Of the bathing house Hamiltondledin Huglan(I two dXV9 handle fruits to your satis. d& k, Itton soot owpow A_
16 Is wholly up to gate out� �
6 to - winteO In the section return- Wits broker) too, Tir. sturdr In sidenco, � uentlY 00derich has -XIOnO, b,Leforel the dept%lture of hot, husband fitetion, and onrs also, Ve it, tio6onittillytoolfirdouthtt2u?oo�ii 4wk
-Pont list/ bus 11 conisel ',
Mn last; Mofth, - Her fofmv Once has . its Moffattj left with thA latter for t
Ing &W towls puttin &fence and arranging oildo and in their home in Detroit, _ta 11 Babb also kindly give lemons .
Cap and h6raelf on theit' f0tuttl 41111, ork-AMIA11169. 806, Offe011al. 1A4 to "k
�sb Dobbie 906 tho liornina. gateg on the a been taket'by Mr. Burko. In tile art of Swimming to kolIny 7.01111 . we buy direct from the . oUr dMilts for Cok's CW0 9*0 C*W
o one VMfl000ldeof hia pro- 9 tMol" IM61160 0MOMIStIl 0, 116and I �
tion again so Wd tan rely on having petty, one dollar without -costs Is wbab tho Mr, ]Robert Reld', furniture dertlor ti, . I
I ladies and spent a reat deal of Ilia Wd..*.ftl� !!nit��� , , ;rowers,,congequently only mi%tionn Am ftik"n0l"�6108. V01" 1, It i
On honest election again. Just like , Mrs, (Elp.) Ralph Hoop * tole riders bad to pay last week 131'sutfOrd, hits been spending the ast, titne at his bathing §oum,s ana aii for I I I,-*- X0,0,10deftft"Ottotlors r 1.
or, 11OW of 03 week at life parentsi Mr. and A added. I jr1l,niallMonfe0i 1; ,j) I 111I no i
tho6laatl L'14110f,g stolen, ete. for riding on thO aiftwalks, vS, nothing, one profit bas to be � it f CA !
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Toronto, is visiting at her old home, 31will Reid, 1,11gin avenue. . . To- CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY . I 91 U0M
lohft Schoollhals is busy hauling Mrs, HOO er has her pretty little 'Twita skid Mmost OvOrY OWner Of & I acian'41, 106,14and MIA4 . I
brIek for his teSid6110, child with V Mr. catkirl)OIT of London was among tug " 1A Q 0 i
16r. bicytio took,tbe aldowalk. ( Tab. " 0 �
Sd waltor is 0,11 In 16,V6 W101 Mate. mlg� Boverler of betroft to the goeilt The telegraph And exPrelq office is tile excurs ollists frolb* that; city on When we have good blood we itro Take fAlatiVe HV0111,0- QUIllit)(5 "_4 1
king. . I n Saturday. ties, Cttm%bell Alldeugglilt'r refund tile, mOny- I No, I And No. 2 gold In (Lit Wi bg WeaU & Col .
ow where It should be 0 A uAro , was the healthy h ,
a the , Strong, y1gotous and full � of 10A: ze, D. W. Grove a, R�4 VAW' 111110voy. - __ It Arid , jMWIll :
'RohArbl3oftneft, chleapo, *110 vras Of Mrs, (Capta 0 McKay. fit thp old Balik of COMWercoj Amin. guest of tier mother, is, Coxt Vie. life atlil As, Mod's Sarsaparlll& If it ulls to care. 4L . M 1'es, I V I 1 1,6, - I J009910M . I
kolft6 rashotbffWO TetufllOd 10�n Mrs' 6r&h&`xR6 0'%nitr011 IN At th4 Ing tho FAir. toria St. I makes good blidodt . 61gliAtUtO in on each bot. I . �
I i
fo .1 mapleg, I
ja8b week# . � . _. . . I -
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