HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 3* I - �,__=777_7. ��_­"_-_-- � 7V,___ — ­ .- ­__ --._____.1_-_- � I I I . I au the highest virtue. The Revolution and the docks strewn with tholrolkelo- firilah, thoir rival ompmiyos steamer, 1W*1*1*_1 -**%%(1r*,*,4 " . 11 RED HAND OF ANAR0111 it wo.,3 that first (Ilocovered the grilu- tons, GIANTS OF THE OUBANI tha 00"Utp,abland. ; 0 1 . . ...." it I be I trgo oteam0lip compaulea go le --T-� <11 dour of cowardice, that firat saw in Oneof the greatest Chinese disoov. 0, 0 On the farm. 44� " BE, OF GOOD CHEEk "..'" I WHAT THEY COST TO OUILD AND on inore,taing the length of every now *, - � 106 I TO IT IS TRACEABPE MANY MOST I the severed head at a girl the symbol eries was a Wind Of Iron ore "villoh at. . . . . CRUEL XURDERS, of freedom and patriotism, The coun- tracts iron -the magnet. Then they . DIAINTAIN. isteamex they �ulld, one wonders what 4*1k". � 4&,W4,40k- _AWJV4"%0 . . - -1 ­ .- - -_ .---- . . ­ . . -_ try which still Insists that the ROV`Q- found that a liar at magnetic lrousot — , the ultim,ite re,mit will bo. At Pres- KNOW T=1 WBE Ills. 10,-v. Dr. Talmage Discourses on Tit. Alikirchut 1,1 'Vat* 11oliefool, and VOW- lution must be taken on bloo as a to- tree alwayj points to the a . r , orth.that Tile xecord i or A01140 Air tile Ares 110111kil" Acut our lArgo liners are nothing less it Itais come to, be ve y popular in . N11- . arilly-Vtvr Wood, Ile JIM Alk 1110rdl- * for Abe 100cil- Gy all uwt$ so 1144 Ilko ­ a Its In birth of the world can hardly be sur" la the mo,riner's compass, without I' ...... than buGe floatina cities, boasting of Canada of late to g y t t we are I ulk4o 4 raving for 4111blielly. . 4401toolks, . . a population of 2,00Q fsouls, oupAbI6 of the midst of . a . "growing time." It. our . prised if her citizens and her pupils wItatill travel at sea would be almost 6k. I Leave, Tatir-ing. The assassination of King Humbert have learned the use of d . To build a modern ocean greyhound. $toe'rilig thelwitilves through wind readers will parilon. us forborrowing ik I . of Italy makes of timely interest an ynatialte and impossible. They were the first peo- the 4toot and =13hSt Nw- and ot*xm aemas tile 8,500 allies of the phrase, Ave will rotor to -another � ---.-- _______ I . . the knife. Assassins there were, Of ple to dig canals, and so find a cheaper OqUIP It with . . from. the bar- article in Blaokwood's Magazine on course, before the black year," 1789, way of carrying goods than even our orful engines, Afurnish its saloons in an ocean that separate the two great way in which wo are justo at presOut . . A dek,39,1tch from Washing ays: on with priceless Pearls, I - - gtoa a , The Real Anarchist, extracts from but they were no better than spor- railway. In building they discovered 111),to�da tot style, and thewsuply the Oflutluents, expexlenola I , ; a growing time AndiA 1 -1'4,y. Dr. Talmage preached from the' h0ur of earth to the harbour of heav- thousands and one neceasaries to com.- � ray in which Iva � � which are here appended, adic imbeciles, and neither yontonnor the greatest of all inVO11ttQn8-thO I dioat,,a a practical Ni I ' ful I .luing, text just before; lea ving f or I all. I . . "Tho anarchist is a ruff Ian of feeble With the "Y"OtIght a I pleto the Ship, would exhaust a bank-, -, r may Improve some of the opportunities . I . I Bellingham struck rob. I This DANG,P tS, OF ELECTRICITY. I Eur -),pe: "And when we JiAd taken our D U,t yoll. are not yet equipped. You brain and weak inclination, who is of a misguided movement behind In arithmetic the Chinese were first Lug account of avrax 41,000,000. — which It, Presents, The growini. time I I . . to the figure wb1ah the. now Hamburg- I.,,v 'XIOTO 11, n of iLr,t,i . leovo,one of another, we took 8111O." must have what seamen call ,the run- puratted by a spirit of restless disoon- at is a brief to invent the decimal sustem--the Way � 11 K 'I& 8 Iteei-PlItly 11a,14% , bY we refer to is this, the seaso -Aots xxt, 0. . , uIng rigging. This comprises tile Ship's 'tent. ,8orry for himself, be believes, them. No; the anarchl is bean American liner Deutschland will llroriwwr ITO)Or, Of Zarleb. tivity in the vegetable croatiaA - the� I I I . century old, and already it is tilue of counting by tenspwhioh lit , . . I Paul was an old sallar-not from oc- braces, halliards, clow -lines, and such by an easy traa�ltlon, that lie is sorry c o dO4tb, adopted by 6,11 nations exoepf the cost her builders when she stands Some very interesting experiments tscaaou when we no afforded so many . . cuwtlon, but from frequency of tra- like. Without those the yards cannot for his fellows; antl it in this sham that he I . ready to, maka her m4don trip. have just been made In Zurich, ivitli chancea of observing and studying the . . and be -no more known. English. I vel. I think he could b,xve taken a be braced. the salls lifted, nor tbe sympathy, rooted in selfishness. which � H FUJIURE. . From very early times Europe was Indeed, her- owners -have IiA so the object of ascertaining the precise- plant life which ourrounds us. . vessel aciross, the Mediterranean its canvass in Ray wise alaaagedi We have generally wine for him the credit of . TH anarchy? astonished by the wonderful things many unexpected Incidental expenses. conditions under which electricity la There is no doubb that a ,more rare - well asavato Of the ship-oaptains. The mayer for the �rXwalng rigging. Un- amiability, So .the discontent which And what is the future of which came from the ChinoBe-the thRA it is pirobAblal lye should be well dangarowi; to humirtia Itte, The gen. tUl QbWVauOo, OP the habits Of OUV i I Sailors never soffed at him for be- less you understand this tacking. YOU he fondly construes Into a general Blank for tile anarobs, hopeful for us. silk, tea, spices, the great ideas and oral Impression has bean that currents oro." during the growing season . . ' 'he ftn� The international association, wbi6h inventions. within the limits it we added another Ing it "land-labbeir." If Paul's ad- are not a spiritual Seaman. By pull- love of the human race, drives t I The search for sea refutes to Cap ;U209,000. At the time of writing this of less than, 500 volts could not be twould be very amply fraught, with pro. I . ' . vica had been tq c ld iug on these ropes, you hoist the flails archIst to attempt, reform, and for now devises. murder in secret, and Puts that splendid -trade led the Porta- - . I oaths have fit, but, laying that question aside, we ' I , of faith and turn theta . eye n morabors, od Hope, article there is an army of divers dig. fatal, yet -it few casea of d a . nev,ar have go-ri shore tit Welita. , ry whither. IvInk reform means death. Indeed, so to death its disobadie t guese to round the Cape of Go I Iv011 recorded through currents which will COrAe A lIbtl6 closer to w1l t WO a a 0 1 f brutality, The and so discover the whole continent ging away at the b24 of a rivei as I - as low as 120 'volts. Altarnat� have in mind and press the question I , ,Iba,me,u .whp_,, now go to se,j with The prow of courage will n t cut the narrow is his brain that he can con- has 1jasse( its zenith 0 0 . in. (the delivery of the glaut b1l,b t�lla were . . . � d the (lying of Africa. I Its have in like which calls forth, this article, viz.: "DO klialm, and -be sail of faith spread find celve no other remedy for a trifling activity Of the PO 0 The English search for the North- stuak on a ba k. Fourteen power- I - . . . . charts, and modern com� wave, .nor i I! 0, an tug ou'rreats of 10) vo . nuvt:�� ,' have doubled .n Yo I I j,bouqp, flap 'its wing, unless you have strong 114 than murder; he'would wipe out zeal of the. agita.tors east Passage to China led to their ful tug, tried to move her, but after nt,i,nnar. baon regarded Its absolutely .0 Know the Weeds ?'I Candidly, Nye . . I . Pass, warned by buoy and ligh and his its risk and halved its ingenuity. it and our great Russian tra, de, and the , ..ss, yet experience shows t1artt must. admit that, notwithstanding all know nothing of.the perils of ancient prayer for a balliard, ! a spot of dust with blood, tnight declared themselves boat� 'harml' ., I . . nuigation. Horace said that the . One m6re arrangement, and you will own war cry is I Kill, kill, kill V In will still hold its middlemelaass meet- search for the Northwest Passage led �R (Or this conolusion is not alivays correct. that has been said and written and � . . 11 . nd discuss t . he works, of Her- to the exploring of Canada, the,fur on. . . � With the I obimt of arriving at de- Ilona to OeOUTO greater attention to ,_ inan who, first Ventured on the sell be -ready for the sea. You must have Other words, lils,diseased intelligence Inga a trade and the whiling trade. In the . q eStIO , tho4 weed nui0lamee t .. . . , I must have bad a heart bound - with � 6 coirapasa-,,vilibb its the Bible,, Look forlids him to. understand the Iiiak -bert Spencer, but it is not likely to search f9r. the Indjea and China the The Dontsdbland will not only 13.(� finite truth, on the vexed a ns , here is atill a -very � � - � Oak and triple brass. Pdople than at it every hay, and always sail IlY it, which binds cause and affeet. He ree- renew its forward policy. All that gOV­ whole planet was. opened u . p to .the the 0060lest ,passenger ship afloat, Professor Weber, a distinguished large numblar of farmers who continue I I . .. � ventured only front headland to as its needle points toward the Star ognizes his poverty, and believes that ornments can do' is to ace that the .Use-ol I TaRs. .: � .�. but she will alsD be by far the fastest. Swlzs scientist, made several export- to stumble over the same weed foes . . I ' � on,atter season, but who never headland, and from Island -to island; of Bethlehem. Through log .and dark- a change of system. will ameliorate anarchist, when lie -is caught, has the . 0, — ' By the a14 of ILer two qluadruplo Ox, monta� (in himself. Hei lirst Ink. -do . a seas , I and not until long after spread their ness, and storm, it works faithfully. it; bui he can imagine no. metlikod briefest trial and . the severest sen- - . . THE DRINK HABIL pansloin engines of 85,000 horso-power test wIth 30 volts, and found that think of finding out, what they are, . . � . sail for a voyage aoiross the sea. B . . I Of changing a system which appears terice that can be devised, For,'aftet , __ . � she will be able) to maimtaiu an aver- when he grasped the wtres with inols- their hubitos of life biow to: get rid of I � I a- .Search the Scriptures. � irksome save the death of an innocent blood, he best love$, Publicity. . It lo; - Sold to Ile , go0re,l?4,lkg ,illjolig age spead aerow the, Atlantic of teried hands, his aims, . wrists and them, or, in fact, anything about thom, I . I . , . . fore starting, �he weather was watoh- 11 BOX THE COMPASS." . . . . . . otically paralyzed, It When a weed in nob very prevalent . . . ' . man. That is to say, he does not Un- . . . F-811101181ile W011011- 23 knots or 28 miles an hour, This hands were pra . . ad, and the vessel baving been hauled Be sure to k . . 0 1 . . ' . . with them, they simply take no notice ' I . ; 1. -4 . UP on the shore, the mariners placed eQP you oolou;s UPI You derstand'the rules of society's game; I . L A pencil dasB designed to contain' giant .of the ocean will have, a length was Impossible for him to move a 1� " . . know the Ships of England , Russ"' he is. like a,man who would be taken I � � . .brandy is 'In the possession of a car- over all of 6$6 1-5 ft., a width of 67ft., hand, an arm,, or even a finger, and of It, When it becomes thick enough. I I I . I their shoulders against the stern of . .1 . I . i taln Eastern. sooisity lady addicted to and a depth of 44ft r6 the pain in these .parts of � France and Spain by the ensigns they for a gentleman, and yet cheats at WORLD'S MONEY SYSTEX . . . Hor stoke ' his body to. be in the wai they start to wonder - , , , I hab it I and about the time it has . I the ship and heaved it off -they, at carry. Sometimes It is M lion-, some- cards. So'he rushes into the Street,* - . . . . diink. The article, she has four or will (be, kept busy in supplying coal to was so aeute that he could not on- W ia,p . . ' - . . the last moment leaping into it. times an eagle, sometimes a star, � . — . . . . gob to be really bad they have decovi., . - � I . I armed with. dynamite or dagger,' and ' mare. exactly alikei will hold R neat her 112 furnaces. . . I dure it for more than ten minutes, He I � I . . � I ' � I . ,Vessels ware then chiefly ships of . Sometimes a bro,wln. lLet it aver be . finds h6rolsoli-in a 1upirle, brutality. IT . WAS FIRST . DEVET,OPED BY n of brandy, so that.whea my lady � st of also expe�rlenoad. considerable oll ft_ erod - tha t It is one of their worst I . . . . . I bUrden-the transit of. passengers known who you are, 'and for what I ,FINANCIERS OF CHINA. � lio � 1. - . Bat ,the Deutschland oalt boa . I f �uelmies. . . . . I . I .. � Hanoe at.follows tb at. he is Of a San- — , goes to ball.,or theatre she may re- several innovations not found on any eulty in freeing, his hands from the ' Wily is this? Simply bee-A.use 'so . I , being the exception; fur the world was - I . . . . I . 1. ort, you are bound. iLet "Christian" -91ulne disposition, 'He is of.those who 1141111. Nolt-A INCA Tliere Five . CpIltarle% Ago fresh ' h.orseif unsuspected][y. By I . re ls-a wires- His .noit test Was. With 50 1 , not thim * m1g.ratory as in our day,, boo .written ofn the'very front, with a ' of the other large liners. The ,. I . many farmers have nub yet learned to . i.. : I I . hope always that the ,wickedness, of _,riw rume4 y Mag-dispa Ila, AN I (-Ivcn I)IaQing'wbat pmtends to -be the Pon- fully-efittipped grill -r" on -the up- Volts, itrid the pain in this inat7ance � I . � . � . I when the first desireof a min in one figure �af a, erioss,. a crown, and a . . . take sufficient pains to acquaint theint. . . . I . .Place seemis to be to geftnto.anoth- . to�day will be. overlooked by (be mer- (11T1 Itillion _111411.*, 011k. -r r 0 All '411111 - 9" oil Po4ut to her lips, in halt -studious ideck, where first-olass passon e'rs . WWI 80� Route that he could not endure selves with the weed plants. . I . .. I I . . . dove; and from the mast -head let float .. I . .. � . per .9 . . . -th- 'seconds. . � . . I . -ioa. . . � . 11 cy of the morrow, and, in truth noth, -11141 14P I'i"9110- fashion, shi always carries a - note may obtain the succulent chop'. or it for more ,in .two , . . . Now, it is ce-rtalinly vastly easier I .. I �� . . . . or PI .. . I the Streamer$ of Emmanuel.. Tihen the - hojieless to t . . e U15 t her I N her Was it �pps . sible for him -o I . 1� . .. . In the spring . Ing niall,appeal he brain, -He "-.the Chinese Braperor-"I'luYs book, b ing so anxio tha diary I steak', at any. hour, of the day. There eit 1. , 1; - . I suinm?.r, arfol autumn, pirat-s Vessels cl temptation � -will pass � � .1 I loicas - things shall be 'accurate . , she may sip the - 1, . .. to acquaint oneself with. the twenty . - .. I . . ' � wblch-detecl�s in ,in unreasoned crime su.011'0a 41111:111UY Of &c . Is a so a very spa,eious playground for froo liki hands from tb6y�lres, and for � . . . I . I the Mediterranean Sam wits white with - r " d as they aay,:'11herc . . . a d fingers or thirty.weed plants which are apt . . . . 11 I . � . . the wings Of S' � YOU txnbA- 0a - goes a clire for poverty. . . . illat , his treasure is endless;' while cofit�nia of the fountain .Pencil by obil ;o's *(be re. Son that hit; li-trids an . � hips, but at th.� firs,t the port, 0 . I . . . . aren, containing all kinds of I y ­ to do more or loss harm, and to stamp . . . a Christian - bound 'for f . ­ away costs him , In. . bonumbod. by pixralksls as to . � . . . � � . . 1 . .: tile..,money he pays , . . pressing the knob. at the botto varled enough to gladden the heart w0rO 60 them out an'thley- aWeir, than to be . � . . .. . I . . . � .wintry blast they hiwl, themselves ti) .heaven. we 'will nob-Aisturb her, fur A V . ICTIX OF WORDS. .. � .. nothlng�at'all,. - .. .. . I .. Until lately no ohio'wias R -ware lhat* of t . he most whilusical child that .. ever be practically lifeless. A sitiallar re- . anod after Choy L . . % I I - the nearest b,trb,).r; alth,yugh now. the. slie has too .many gurrs aboard." Run " But ,says his apologist, at Ray rate, . . . . greatest atin sult was obtained when lie made tests forced into an acquaint . I . . I .. ' %vorld's Commerce p1r0ripars in J:ii . ' . There is the, idea of paper money brAndy-drinking was her' . crossed the ocean. Most intere 9' . . � I . I. . I � . I,!!, ry up your hag an this pullOy: "I am not I he, anarellist. is a man of courage' at ' - I . . . . . - . n have become established, and then �. . � I . . . . ag'well as In- Juno, and in mid -winter w ... � any rate, he r . i�sks. his skin. for "fin, -' and'];iank notes as. Marco polo found dra*baak.�. � . . . � a all, however, is the gyainasitafii. with dxy bonds, but not u til,tho in. hive all the fun.ot'going to work to I .. .. I 1� . -of Ch,rlst, for it I idea, . � a a Ing I . r Ime . .. . I . . ashamed of the gospel his is, thei ft at ti that .. -f the currents .had keached I . �.. . fill over the %vLle natt storm. . *tho it at w re th n 500 pexh'ps a . fs�bse I fl er .as a spirit T, any liner tensity . 0 . .efradicat�a thdmi ' . 1, . . y (180P, iajhe power,of God and the wisdom of Nothing could be further from . ork . in . . China I ino, I . . xy, Aound .rRthor fak-fatolled. . . . I ... . . I ­ .. . I I I there float . . . I . . . . .. .. 'brave, t . re lute :yours ago, . . 1. . I .. flask m,, has been able to boast 6f'possesslng, 90 volts- . . . .. I . I rXhio' is. the season of the year .t - . �� t nth; he is not. his ir so , . G., . I. .. I . I .1 a properly oo ninasinul . . .1. I . .. . . , I ack,�or'laljburing under great, Stress aposele of slaughter; he. Is the victim. . I . . .. I �'. . � . . . . b ,. " It any a . these pieces of I I ' . . I . - CLUSIO, see what is growing on . I PALACES Or, Lt . GH r, lod onto , adIvation." When driven .r . f � . . papej,,v Yet the 44ughter of a well-known . nstiucted gy . THE 'CON N v ,looks boub and . _ . . . Washington official, having developed w,bare young and old may seek rofessor Weber has arri . b . - , .. . . I I � .� I . . trampling the billows .under .fool, ,A weather-noW changing from. I star- :not of Ideas, but 'of words. Impall6d to Us wrote, " are spoiled, the Owner eat.- . . .... i. . ved the farm, and in the neigh orboud. The ...., I - . . .m , .. . . - � , , . . . . a liking for wbiAky, tariip4 an arti fl,a ,,,ad relaxation'trom the routine. is lbat_ 11there is , danger ILI grasp- - . . . I aml aliDweAng tile sparks.of terrible b ineffectual' act by it phrase, . he ried theW to the mint gnol-by. paying . I I . . . , - . I I . man who keeps his eyes op ' an will of . I . I I � . . ` . I ou,ra traok, to. larboard, and then from his .. . nly he,be I , 3 per cent on the value, he gets new fie,ifil member !tit(> account, in 't4e Of. life aboard. ship., 1 it ii supplied .I f two7*alternato ,.ten moot with same Surprises. Do. not . . I ,. . furnne*s oci tile wilti %v,ind;';)-p(- tha larboard to Atarboard - look above fleentgno'risk excessive' I 1. I . . . I .9 . . . I . .. . . , . . . . . � . I I . , if a . I .. . most ingenious fashion. ThL finger .. L14 horizontal bars, parallel. bars, a. eurrentg..wll.h. the It in -11 - -while. in 'a "think . . I .. 11 . Oilistian assanger, tippeted and th.4 �' top ., galbintai . -Rild your gaven a alianoo,:to ,work off a few pieces in exchangq." . . . I . wi . . . . . carelessly and� complacently, as . . . ­ ' p, ., I . I . . . 1, . ' I � , I . � It th6 sturnp, by ,WL,�Ing tra'p3ze, Indian clubA, dumb- dry oo,iiditlon wlisnavijr the differ4hea we.oftoik hear, farmers declare, that . - I .. . shawled, sits and ­r tho shelter at tha h,eixrb' shall beat� -like a ',Nvaj.; �tlgs I.efoto Ilia juclgm. 11-:8 quick, I The early Ruiporor 'of ChIna muAt was hollow, and graspa .. � ..; . . . .L 11, I . i. ,� , . � I . � . I . . I .1. � . . I . . , . . means of a gold ,and joweled,.�ring.,, 'ItY a t . �. t . . I., . T-nio-kestack, looking ff Upon thg drum as the Streamers float on tile reStless .P�ind. - Omits one ate,,) 'ia tbQ.! h I wd business man, I I - ball?i, and all'the other paraphernalia. boeLw�Seu the intens� of- the. two. Iftheir .�a ,'a no bad weeda. in our .par . 0 , ave Leen a alike , , � - , - . : I .� I I � . . I I . . . .. . 11 . I . his a artfully contrived throughout� .The necessary for a co4plete gyinnasitim� conductors ex&,.ed.9'l00- volts." At ofthe country.,' This lodlish;Bgotism.is : . . . . . I . 1, . P400rkhDrer"Tit -deep, on which Is 'wind.- Tlie.sign of the cross will inake *argument.-, lie seas the crowded court; Wiifi ],is flimsy bank notes and 1. I �, I . I., . I . . .. nis � . . . � I I � .. . 1. . � .. . . ' .. .. written in Scrolls ' y' . ; . �* . .I... . I . . t ir fli 4�ness '1jin eir was.frequoptly filled with a , . I - . . I . � I * to -in, - fire, , m$1 '. . 9 ., . . . I . . . . Although the Deutschland ts� the., the same. time he po,hlia b,dt that, Often very'"Pe, Iva- . - � . . . ,of a In , d . on pationt,.a.,not this crown will .make helia blind to the gallowia, Ile'hnagines per cent � Profit on be 1, I . ' . . . . � . I � � . . I - I . ''. ,. , d .. ,... - * . , � . i :I I I . . . , . .. � - � I . . .1 'tr . §,itimulafit, . and while the lady pro- e I . "Thy way, 0 God, is in the sea, and you,gllad - I. '. I I .. . . I But. Chard was ,eltegreat idea of wri , . .. . � fastest ship � �a t ba'saki to'ba' while currents of suelf comparativ ly � - I . . I I . . .. . . I hfins6lf for�.a Moment the.oantre,of. . . she nno I . . . . .. . �: , :* .. : . 1. . .. . � - . . . I .. I - . I . I . . � I � . . . I ... , . CIDER MAKING HINTS. I I % I I . I I e � . . .. . .1 1. ". : S.In6a�y, teiad,�d to nibble her artificial nail ng soi�no lo%v 'LiiiansLty� are daugerutus, other. . . � .. . . � . . � thy Path An .the great wate 8111 ,. . . . . . I attraction; he seems to hear the echo ten promises C9 pay s6tvilig w I I 1, the largest�.the Ocaaale' be! . . . � I. I I . . . ,` Are you ready ,for such �.a voyagel, . . I . . . . she could by fne,aiiis' of a self-acting � I . ' 6urren - ver a he flemb'season with its pronlig- , - - . , I . . - . It is ln'tbi�a days of early iiavl- I have coine to So I e yo . u off. Th I is g' �and the world snapped it up. . I . ­ I .1 . . . 18ft longer. . We. have hear(I'a great , is of Y high Intonsity'ar . T pre * ., - I I . . . . . . , , lbri. - of,.his hollow ' . voice, .an he pto.clitims . ; . I ubIi, the. tipof which rested just nu- . ixt,. and she I under different. conditions .absolute- tag apple crop will undoubtedly see ix ' . ; . . I I �� . .. ' . . igatim that I see a group; of ma"l, Wc- OILS Opportunity' is about -to set� sail. '.the *foolish. sentences which. he has X . atoo.Polo was anItalian, and his t . ,t refreshment deal about this latter bb I.. I I I greab deal of cider and vinegar made. . . .1 . . I o � . .. . . . . I . 1. . I .1.. . . - up ,,your minola. The gang- learned 1j, rote. Ana his stupendous book was eagerlyroad I y . r . �, . I I Y a I . I I . . . I I men, and children on .the beach 'at Make by the bankers , dox the .nall, take Who may truly be saLl. to ba.u4ithing less 'I ha mle�s. .. In explanation it is � . ., . . Chinese idea Ch. inbineut demanded, than an ocean. city.. She can carty I said that these stroug.iiurrants affect The prevailing idoeL ths,t cider can be ' . I . . � . I . 1. Tyre. Paul. is ab,>Ut: to. laave -tile planks Rr*O lif . ting, . The . vanity blind,s him.to the last agnse- Of Italy who.adapted the I I I I . . I . . . . . .� . . � .., . . bell rinia ' .. I . . . fan. ---- - _ - * - okly the vitiface of the .0 . , plea, - may . I . � . I - All aboard for ReavenI This world is quence, the early mornink'and the . OY � rotalses , Thevv,rite,r once saw a congreg,itian to whom he Ii.iA preach of paper mon and Written. p � . I 1,575.passeagars, while. hot crew num.- so qui: . . . .� body. inude tr in any kind of ap . . . � ,. � ­ . I I . I I � .. resalb.1n. a great:deal'ot poor Older �- . . �. I I � . I . I . . that it is inipovsSible fbir .them,to press I ­ , '' , , . , �� .. ,. . TIle,chaffinch is the ghostly counsel, the chill wt . .. . -low and con- I . bl a - za. - . . .�. . . . ed, a rad th!y * &re come doiNwl 10 5,'8 not. your rest. 's bills'of. exchange bo.an artfully contrived to hold, spirits.. ber' 40. The D6utsphlatid carries' . . ilk -froi�o . to pay Ueth as notes, I ... r, . j . , . I frame was hol bly be* into th in e pilysio�. and consequen y poor vineg r. . -him off. I t is. a n ..to tho'goillotinet the ail)_ I � an.d. chooks. They f.. . olony.in .Its outer . I 1 1,007 passengers, and ,will proba, a * terlor ah -1 produe . . peoially is blids' true in see tions 'where' ' � , ' � . I . :., ' . . . solemn Pli 9 10. silliest blrd�,in All the earth for'. trying the prison .. . , . . Lained a tube .of a. body sufficient to 1 , logictil changes'Lllexe. . I . I . . . . ,� . . pa,r,(. . There are so many tra- -4 that t, . low, lique Made ,Ind the fateful basket, I Ldnd6a, the. bankers from Lombardy, . t . .. � . , . . I . manned by � a crew of over 600. . . , . . . . . . . I I ap. a make its neat on tbiO,roeking bil . .. I d. 1. of raw whisky. , I I I . ll�r notable diso6vel� Was made pyealature. dropping is.more common . - I I - . I - I . . I . I Lbard street, con aln & goo ,g ass . . .. I � wuh for a man's feet. ' � The Solid. I be.�., vvbb gave.the haftne to Lorn It is estimated that oy6r 10,000 ton,9 Anot . . I I . ttempt - *111 Utz. - , . � I ... . I I I ave eoiu� he'roe i These ,horrors do not appal him,, . tiou . . . '- . . . I . . I .BUD 1 ouplluse� you III . - I -fair wielder "of this produo,. n by, Professo.r Weber. He � knew - tba t than usual, An .a � .. . .. . __�,-_ gx-.,und mtty break through,, d ad . t lip- . . cause hi!j sOlf-satisfaction earrieshim the home of -the art. of banking. The The . of steel were used, in the oonstructio . I . � net I thl -a jo u - I .. , . I . . . . � to, give me.ot parting salutation, and I I . I I � . a used ii at' balf or. Aj,P.artl, and ,.wits- aot'. * many.- a. workman -had. boan killt,d doubtedly be made to .1,ze or I- , . 1. : . � - . . . sea"how many dark mysteries it ' Ae Chinese Idea has�,spread) and,ha be- . � . I ly of the Oce'anic, and with, cargo. and while handling. a e0nductox . In w . i red . I .t .. t . . , . I I . � I have so -me t1liiigs'to say -in- -that .no farther than the, speech which I sugowted. of drinkin So cunning . hich ally , matu frait _by. making I. .Ln o� � , I . . I hiden in its -bosomil A few' 6outsels, .. . I I 'fondly - 1) . elieves will . impress the. jury.'l Como the . very root idea of eivilizdd I g. . . passpilgers lt;is doubtful if Shia w,igh,, I . I I . I the best m'Ans - . -_ I direction. My -�j-eart is bound -up in - - I I I �vas the thinga.prepared that it Was � . I cider. This may be . . . � a hastY good-bye, .,L last ]look I I . . . F $ the 'system of credit on. . . much IA6ss than- 25,000 Con's. . Ha.r' the OurreAt was 115 volts, whi a on.-. .. . . , and the I or, indeedi if, there were 'no vanity in wtualierce . I 1. . � .. I I . . gindat . of. disposing of ib,'but. good dideT *ran- . ' . . the welfare Of tWis church. .'; While . I .1 . I only ;fleeessary to, press t be handle, . . -a had constantly handled a . . I . . . . . . I . VOpals frattle, and the salls are hoisted. 'the world there wou.1d. be fio anarch ,..Which all our .wealth is founded; - - . . - ! nitt6ty-alx% fires consume over.506 tons , ' .not be expicteoi .from suolf, fruit. It I . _1 i ,� us in body, , . . . .. - the lips, and the . I ng . . . . I . .place the rim edge t9 , : similar. .*conductor -without meeti ' . � � and the planks am hauled In -and there .are feel,[nga of Sy, atlay and ,I - sts, since. vanity is the essence of that 'SECRET INTACT FOTJA CE NTURXES . of coal.:a day. Hoc rudder weighs . ­ . will be. thin and.wateiry'and vinegar - - I I ., .. " mp, . . . I xh . . � w inarn6dift,telY follow- I . I . a, and the'two - - with any. -injury, and lie determined . I . . .1 . . . ­ � Paul is gune. "'MIlen we had' taken .�tupidist. of crimes ; called] the Word china means to us porce- a ilarating flo . fifty"th;ree.ton . 1. ll'per- , I . . . . propel- ' '' , atfection that vVill not , be suiid I red. � . . . , which is . _ �d. This article, I- was Informed .. . �. - the current has prov� made, from It, wllj� contain a sma, , jorusaleo, a , , political. None Ituta vain I fool,' -would; lain or translucent pottery, and a lots ,weigh, thi . rty . tons :each. They. ,to find out why . I . ' .. . - I . . . 1 , nt,a of .acetic , acida - AM . m0i - - . . � . Cur le I va one, of a . n6ther, we fook ,,If I forget,thee', 0 � P�- . . .. 1. , 1 In the oase� of Wovl;:416 W .96 . . . . . . . I � ' � f may ' ' . . . i 11 .. 1� t the owner nearly: oloo. � - " , , ad go, tau .n. . * ' .. .... . .1 I I � Edlip"'. - . ­ I I . attempt single-handed what he gran- olineiis 1,roin.the Obineso, Empire have Oos I . ,hav&.eae,b three blades of manganese. � states require 4to 41-2 We 0 1 I � �. Tha Church is th-� dry dock wh I er and in. tombs' it merely. paper . . ,, 0 ason, he claims, is because an-- . � .1 .r � cent f - ' . I . . I my right, �Uaz I I "I egen- I been to of the ancient - . to bronze, costing abolit,P.1,50 per blade. aa re . tic acid vinagar made from poor . ,4 foirgot her, cunning.,, - .. . as..fhe r Cigarettes' that I . . . � . . Icame .. . I I I .., I . . . i i ace I . I . I .a 1A little ;more. than a yleirago . diloquently describes ..! � � � com. and, s��Pel tube Often embrace a ' uipl' 0 , ,t' their training, are I . . - 11 souti ava to b.% fittid out for heaven. ' � I .. I. I - ginears, wing 9 . I . I hene,'not knowing -what - would befall oration of man;" none but ava,in fool'. Egyptians, Chinese Porcelain was ' different cider inust, be tested befoiO being. Sold. � , ' - . ­ I . of somethiiii,g strong, SQ. a t-Aeas t . �No fewer than twenty constantly on . their guard against . . . . , . . ,_a,_rJ,--lh =king a vessel for this 'Voyllge, , 13 ­ .. .. � .1 ,would.choose for 'this dttompt the. ri-'Iiaoft In EATOPei lot. 466, ypa , . . mea -is are served each day oii tl�o Ocem ' . I � .. I . 1. AS t1tO ainount of acetic acid -Ili vine- . . Oin flre,f. nae -d is Sound -Umber . � . . ' sayaon6 who is up-to-�'date, and knows - dun . . ... me. y a long series of Church.trou . , . ger front electricity, and, further- , . . . . The bits that I have no,heart,io. dq* diculous Ititathod Of inconsequent ass. I German. 'pofter succeeded. 4u* finding � I . 1. aniq: During one, voyage this is what . I � . r will depend primarily. ,on.the per- . . . � ' . scribe, - . . I � . . � a, a little Of the V4 of th -ho 1. - more, while . performing such.wbrk ate I . . . . . . Zught - to be of ,solid asSiu4t!on;uon8 but a vain fool. -would out the process'�,Qf makfiftg7lt. Thli � , I centage, of' Isugar which the . eider . � : . � fl6ax-tiulb,ora I I . . I � . . I garies. * use w : thepasaeagar§ a . ad crew. of this flo6 t- - . ga �.. � .. this Church had gaae into. th6 dust. . I I . .. eal to be modesti ' . ,, � isolated from -'the ground through'the, . , , I ,. . � 1, .. I . I . I . . - , . ,� stuff. V,.Pr .the want of it, vess.!,s . , . . 1. 1. . . . I overlook a Il.'the consequences, of hig 'Chinese. pottery is scattered .all over Pr'4, � ., I � . ing'oity oonsal�ed_ the figures beiag, * * � .. . contains, it can oiasily be seen that . . I . I I � . .. � � . ' . � . - . . I � � : . ,� . � . 11. . .. . ,wLes of their ahols. Th a' work mon, , ' . I t.h-,,tt I-,i1c.,J Albin 0,rmn.thAr j.b-, vi ri, PEoj,,Lz lww nL, 6. deed sair6 the chance of an 111-7deserv6d the world, and, everywhere,valued - but 1. . �. . .. ... . . . . . taken from ths uh;af steward's-brolet . � . . . ' to have th,o beat cidoi,and cider vine- ,.. .% i .1 I I . . I . � L .. . I . 9 . ; . I on the'other hand,,4oluetimea work. in I . I I � _ 11 . I . � . 1. 1. . . . . . , I . ' booms Into the .eye of any tompe�it, : . I . .1 . . speech in a hostila,obarthouse. And,. 4owbors.:vVas the ,Aistribution. more %- . .1 .. I . . . .. . bdok; 31,000 lbs. of fresh. meaf,. beef � . g.Rr, -well-rdeveloped, apples contain.. . I . . . . I. .. . . �. . . .. 1. I � � % . I . I � . . � had- gone . to oth'er bhur.cheo - . I . ... .. . . . their bate'fa'at and sometimes in damp I . . . I ` ulhoil caught in a Storm hay b -,en Sonic . I I in all the histoKy Of anarchy you will ourlotis than in Western canada� Bar- : A FUNERA1 -AT SEA. : - itrattonj and lainlo 2,000 head of obiak- , ing,onough suga;r to Make at least 6. I : . ,,3, c . . . , ". . � ell back to t1fe world; ,some 1 - .1 . . . . . . . � .. . . I I leat ex,shoes,Aho result being ,that I .. . . cruiiihod, like a wafer. The fruth-% of 610 -WO I , , . ot find orie'practitioner , o.did Act, ly.in the, -century a -Chinese junk was - . � ­ ,. I I �j-1,000 I ad ol gaine, 25. .11 I . per cont, aloobol,mulst, be used.. They I I I . n wh n . -_ ems. And duck: no . . . . It thli � damp ' * . -ad a ' ' - , . either throu . ness or. . . God'a Nvlord are what I waan by -floor- It - , scrended to beaven, glaol to got unite in himself the three qualitie of east aW4 o � -the - Pacific Coast of lkswreiiAlvz C, . 9 d : b be! 6f the.v6ry sour variety, . . . 'a 11 . I I . orem.ony lit Willett 41, Oirl'.4 ton� Gf'P.OtatOdS 150 b1rreIS,Of float, , ' shoul no . . . I were no . I . thimugh their Own bodies 'a oonnec-1 I � t Imbeirs. Away with your, lightfr into ,a place -who,ka there vanity, hope and cowardice, - America just south of Vancouver Is- � AVIN11 lVa-41111PROM41. � 1. . I I I � . . � . . . , . . I., . � 6,000 Ibis- Of ham.and .bacon, 10,000 Itoir is establishled between thOut and nor of the.. very sweet. iRussets, I materials. It fights, a . � I . I I . - I . ; I . 1. . I I . Nothing bkxt oaks hewn Churc 1,11,8Y foUgbt,, , lid ,,The anarchist, m oreover, .Is. com- land, and its cargo of willow -pattern A: funeral at ,sea, is regax4ed Usual- eggs,. and � 0,400 lbs. of ' ' ' . I I I I Smith'o Cider,.Snow and those of that I '. . I I bled, and. died. , .. .. � . . . .. L, - . ' . . 11 I sugar. , - Chia earth which necessarily leads to. class - . tire - the best. Ho � wever by, . . � .. . . . � I I in the foreat of divine truth, . are . . I ­ monly hftlf��odueatedl Rotten before he Plate$ fell into the hands of the Hud- IY�66 rather undesirable,, but Miss Sol. 1011790 - is - the, veasel. that it takes . t4dir death. . .. � I 0 ' � . I . I - . I : .. � I . I I staunch enough for OILS trillt. I . I If ,there isanyt-bing in all the,world is ripe, he has extractedfrom. cheap son' Bay � Conapany's officers. Still in Mary Kingsley so strongly desired . who m:akes a daily inapeo� . . I . I . I judicialasly mixing is,weieb and, sour, All , , . . I Yv.z =ust havre Low( for a holm, to 'diistTessful to a 'minister, it is to get I � I . . . thet officer I Professor Weber'a experiments higir-c � lass gr . oduct,xesulti. . I � . . . I .1 � �. . 1� . �. t I philosophy all that is m4schievous. the remotest trading posts. of the fur such a' burial that bar lj�rdy wits tak� tion of the ship two hours . of rapid. - . . . . . I guide fin I turn th- oraft.' Xo:t,her itto a . : . a land out . . .. I . I .have attracted widespread attention ' ' . . . . I Pulpit where things are Stereo. Reeking w;th mairder, he will quote traders a feyv fine specimens romahl. enL from .tit . t6 sea. �The visit all hor various de- - I � .&nother element of success is . a � . .1 I . . I , . walking to . among sciantlats,., and, ,tho. belief a I L Pii le, .aor Ambition, nor Av,triw�, wilt typed land fixed, and where he MUSt L Her',;ert Spencer, ft,; the devil quoted The.Chinese tiftughtits the txss . of fee, ceremony is described by �an' cyawit- .. 'Ths wages bill .of her . I .. , L , 'general that our clean -older: � mill.� : * Of Q curse, wbo- , . . I � I � 1. .1 . . . I ,­ partm."to , L among them, is' .. I . . � , do for a rudder. L-iye, no' imly !I stand , on ,the look -out for long' Scripture, to his ,purpose. . and ,'gunpowder. This last the early Iless ',is follows' , I . . date ' eider linakers ha�o improved . . . vast army. of employes amounts to 42,- ' ' 9 . I I . tlk(� li.­�rt, but - flap�bln- in th,, ey,, ebt-ablished rrejudices, and ligve car&. ,, Chinese . The funeral of Mari Kingsley WAS . I k vLad a of electricity* is more like- maeltinery,and keep their ,buildings' L' . L o"', . _. . ' 'Such Is the typi� to ,which the Arab traders used fo'call L . I I . 000 a month. Her daily coal bill ly be increased by practical tests. of ' a p,erfeot,ly clean, .batLin - : , . - I I � . - c If Salt " . and presse . . . and tingling in 03 hand J,-i.v,,.m!t.. inittees waiting on hini to 011 him 6w most of 'political' murderers conform an6w,# and " Chinese life, ulli, rt costs. . I . I . and quite in accord with.her quo whent it j a ea, is a bout X 350. - ] L th , kind than in. any other way. L ' I sie I I ) work, whiah immy look upon ha must comb his. hair and. I fold his S�a . . L 1, L Eo' many of the applO-gro lug sectl .1 . , , ell ,wai the foolish, amiable Vhil- brought ft.to,Europe, With the smost audL impressive. Permission. having 2-)00 to overhaul the floating city be- I I . 1. I . I .., . 1. I . . . . w ions, I . I I I ari ,-.� humely It bril,if-i . . 1. .. there are diahil .mills and , preSses, ;:'' 0 ` i .1. I I I ..rjova, rjut,lik6 pecket-bandkerchief. Rather let. me be laut, who thought .that 'an infernal amazing results. Now this ancient been obtained to, bdry bei at sea, the- fox starting for a freshil-voyage. . I . . . . . .. ' I . . - L L e . � . I- . re s6ldom in the beat condition. ' . . . . . b.1. i1r. which .fu.1m.aa.I rattl?, y.t doorried to Lille mines of Sib machine thrown into the Chamber of Chinese Invention is being used t " A REDIINISCENCE OF CAWNPORE. These a . I � I L . pu at o nulltaTy and naval 'authorities com- .11 As. fa.r as the, writer is able to as- . . . . . . . -1 . .. , I All apple pomace sho ' uld I be removed as ' . I ... I 1. I . &P koi ItIng, but lova, likaa river, th� t erla than, dwell in .. such a De ties, might, call Caution to him- spread the blessings of bur civilization blued to pay.a fitting tribute to the titin cucli yeasels,.ai' the Oceania .. I . . . , , I . I . . eVIS. �rtj ,place. Sh' 11 I . I . . ceir I It . . . . The A11,raiwte.&g.or.11av1o% to 1(111 0110's quicklY ati possible and.nob allowed to I . irui.,J n,3 tho at-alm of niill--,vh a nub 1he mun , who f;elf and his fortunes. In this he 6uo- among our Chinese benefactors. The inoTtal remains of her who bad In . I : . . L . . . Nvo-ke in Lh,w hirae.,.s of fa'diory ba,wis 1kroclaim; liberty to the cliptives him- � . I . . . earn for their owneri'abbut P-15,000 q 011,11 Wife. It"d thildroll. I the mill. The. crushing ,,' ceeded, ond if tbere 'were room for Chinese have been wearing silk for 4,_ three short ,months endeared herself to 0,600 a month, varyingi of course. . ' - . . . .decay near L . . L. . I I' I ir)t � by on self W frev? Xither give me an p . wOL I I A2 .. A L this distance and in this envircon- rollers and the presses shouild be clean- ' . -],:-,v-, that wil p.v.* ,yniolsm, in the adventure, n ght 506 Years. Cotton - came very. early to the Dutch and English communi-' . Roca . rdtag . to Cho Season. . _ ment,wrRes a London correspondent, ed, frequently and..fum, . igatied, I if pc . oa- . I I I , art with than -it , bbOL . ;�� . the other side, but visits the man who rmpty-eburoll to ot, I ,!j%ile at the Irony which ch.),36 'thi from Cbifia� in the heavy textile which ty at Sitnotils Town by her thought- . .. L. t liner is the North .it s6ems that the nations of the earth sible, by - . I . . . fell among thieve.,; nertr Jericho, not church full of lorecision'ism 1. have 1,1,,e find the method. At any rate, flic we call nankeen, after the Chinese. ful care and devotion. The fuiieral. The third targes . . . ll� Vd L use of burnl4g sulphur . . I I . I . 'r merely saying " Poor fellow! you are no great fondness for- fossIN. I S�O deputies experienced a new terr)r, . procession, which emerged from the German Lloyd Steamer Kaiser W! i I- 'I pe InitteQ alt these awful things if the Pomace cannot be.,Utilized for . � L . Ire in one . living lior8e. � L AME BIRDS. I I I dsr Grosse, which has just had in China. It, may not be so, but it stock bood, it should be hauled away . dreadfully hurt," but, like*the good' mr-ira to admi SOME FIX10, a helm � I even though the machine was wreath . I . . main barracks at 2 o'clock oil Whit swit a tiarrow aseave from the'fire 1,o, 'like it consultation and spread upon the land as fertilizer . . . - I IS given full military lion- ,ks very much .. . ' I L ' Sarnailtan, pour.s Ili, oil and wine, and 11 -an in fifty tia:-g.aths,ria or Milst0' ad in flowers. Such, too, was the mis To Chino, we owe several game birds Monday,L W. in Now York Harbor.' This immense ov th Ru . , I pays Ilia board at the tavern. � dclu,i exhamad by geologists. Give Ina .ef,Itble Henry, who comes neareat'to -the golden pheasant, the silver, the o,r.q, The heavy teak,. brass mounted . or a dying man, wt . ssia,as-the where Ib will be of the most benefit. All - . . . � ' , boat has a length over alt. of 640, it, - family physiclan,.1apan as the surr tanks and utensils used about the , . . Thtne raiist also be a prow. arrang� cae man with a great 'hearit .rather our ideal of Shiftless, irresponsilile reeveg, the Lady Amhapat and- the coffin, bore. a plate with the insurip- . .. I . . . goon who I 'ble, A ' ' I . She(holds the recordlor crossing the 11 ell to cut and override the billow. That than a tboruzand men Made Out 01 half -knowledge. .Such, too, was the iing-hook pheasant -the Cochin China tlDn: . � could save, and the rest of mill, where fumigation is Imposai . . is r . . plas . t,�r (.1 Paris. I I . . poor Casiarlo, who wits elevated by his fowl. and other poultry and several . UAIRY H. KINGSLEY. . Atlantic, having no idwer than three . un It lut of blithoring, bungling coun- should be scrubbed wibh lye frora wood i I . . . . � I.. I � . times owrpliosed the record formerly try doctors, letting Willi die while we ashes or a. sbtoag solution of crude I -1 , CIIIHATIAN PERSEWBRANCH'. .I thInk all will be well, Do not be compatriots into a hero of the Stin- kinds of ducks. - . I . Aged 35, . . . held by the Lueaula.. On a recall t . oltscuss-Lbe atiquet of it all. . Potash, . 1, I . I . I . . , Theri- are three,mountain surges that weirrIall aboat me. I know that my day school. I The Chinese tdught us.ihei use of Died �t Simon's Town . vo, ' yage the Kaiser Willielin. Steamed . . it looks ,its It, the only boV3 -for the If the utensils axe so old that taint I . ' sojil6.timeq dash against a soul Ili a Rodeoinar livoth, and if any fatality ' . - ANOTHER TY . PE. fish glues and fish golatines. Prom Whila uura�g Boar prisone.ra of war friom Sandy Hook Lightshi I p, to Ober- .. . go . the gu;m of a sumach tree they made I - livonton. and children in Pokin is that Or smell cannot. be remo I I minute -the world, the flesh and the should be -fall me. I think I should ' . June 31 100. bourg, a distance of about 3,190 thel,'M,�.n wIII sho3t them down when Woess, ib pays to abandon them and � I � well-built prow straight to Him, I v "Nor are. these the only exceptions the beautiful Chinese lacquers for or- . I . . I ,� devil; anti that is a, ha o bc.,vn mast to a clearly defined typo, There is an- namental woodwork, They invented It wits covered with it Union Jack miles, tit 5 days 20 hrs. 55 min. To the worst o0m.0.4 to tbf� worst. This gab now ones Where satisfactory . . � - that can I.ound over them. For lack ,unworthy, and would W osorry it) find conveyed to the jetty on a gUrk aeoOmplish.this fOat -the giant gray- th,,,ght' recalis a gha3ily experience conditions concerning surroundings I . of this, many have put back and never. think tba( anyone in thts house had Other sort of anarchist, who ,works the color vermilion, made of one part carriage, chment of an aver- T h -id at ,. . n' , ot I for a revolution, but ' hounrl mast have maintained an evening reception here cannot be obtai"di It Is beat to haul stitirted again. It is the ).roadside been as inefficient a Christia as my- stealthily, n quicksilver to two parts sulphar, Of gunners. The pallbearers, who held age spoe,4, day and night, of 22.95 . ntly' I was disewising the situa.- the Apples to the older mill, have thelft I rect- I wive that so often sweeps the deck self. Bat God has helped agreat for tile gratification of his own Sadic prealo.us stones, jade is a Chinese pro- the corners of the flag, were Col. Price A knots, oir twianty�slx land miles an tiron lit China , with a white-liqlrod, worked up 46 ones and take the cider . . a not fills the hatches, but that which many through, and I hope he, will b,.,IJI temper. Not many years ago there duct. The.Chineso cypress, is 'one Of i Capt. Ligh,towlars, Dr, G. Carre and - .. . . * d, soldierly lookii , . . . . was a mysterious, stranger, one Stern. our garden troos; th . hour . . se1 r'l (I-vl�iag, 0 ag man, home the same day. Thii.1yrovents the . . s(rikes in front is harmless. f Preceding the lbsorpblon of objectionable odors and - Meet in., throug,li. It is a long itecount o berg, who .supported the Anatolia of 6 Chinese hemp Dr. Gr,,%wood Hall. Both the 0mitard Compoa�nyls Lucatila itn,d. I -s-iid I didn't see, netT,14sary and a troul.les courageously and you stir- shortcomings, but if he is going to France for the mere lust of slaughter one at the fibers used for ropes and coffin f d Campania are sister ships ofoVor hum. -tri ,is the act, woul-i ba under .redue" to a minimum the evil effects mount theta. ,Stand on the prow,and rall, any of it oat, I, think lie will, rub cordage. Of precious. Chabot they Vourth West Yorkshire rogimant, an . . I a poorly-kel)b older mill. 1. � � , workmen gave us the camphor wood 'and the which playe(I the Solemn strains of I The former's ro� g,j,jue, c [rculuqianoea, how It. eoul't . be 0 . I as you wipe off the spray of the split it all (mt. I and suffering. Wherever 9,000 tons register. 10 I I were in revolt there were tidings of sandal wood, anti of sp'cas the Oassla the "Dead March,, on route, and lit the, card for crossing. thfY hprring-pond is p,yj�ilble tot the men in the legatl n After the juice haa boon extriloted . . surge, cry out with the apostle, "None Meanwhile, take care of the inter. 5.4ays. Illiva, 93intri., an average speed) to shoot their wives anki dau�ghters. from the Apples. the cider should be ­ this man of mystery. It was not his and tho,tinnamon. rear Alamexopresentativos of the pub- of tw - of thvse things move me," Lot all your OlAs of this Clutch, In your last ' anty-two knots an hour. An 11ho livin was .silent for a moment, his kepb tit a temperature of about IlS dog. . I . fears stay aft. The right in . ust con- hours there will W. no w h he bomb, but it, The chrysanthatu'um, the Sapanese 110 bo,dies and hospital and nursing In- azi . ,work that will. intecesting fact about the CamPaula, face rtgid an([ white, his ayes, g ng If possible, wheird wanted for use as . quar. Know that Moses,. In - an ark of Yield you gueb high Satisfaction as was his brain that devised the crime% national flower, came first to us atitutions, followed. by It large eon- is that she earrieii the heaviest anch- int., (4pico bafore him. cider. Even then fermentation will . . I hialrushes, -can ran down a ,war. that which you do for God. Lot lit; money that bought the materials, from China. indeed, lye have AlW+8 eourde of the general public, Cho bank ors in the world. They each weigh ,,I h -til to shoot mine in Lho radian Boon begin. After a. few days the steamer. For a while he was the beat known called China the Vlowery Land b6cat4io holiday excursions having brought older can be racked off into barrels , Abaco not be more strokes of the ham- man in France, yet few eyes had ever of her matelil . ass grarden plants. Prom large numbors from Cape Town and� 8 1-2 tons. Both these vessels 0 . oat mutLny," lie, Said, quietly, I Have a good, strong anchor. "WhIch metr or clicks of tha trowel on that nearly R,750,000 to build. I wantiod to Phricilt but 'than and which have boon well Oleaned. Vor- � I;ehald him, and few men knew Ilia no,- thence came.O.Ur tiger 111Y, the camd-, district. Pathetic, In Its grandeur !on hope we have as an anchor." BY this TabeTaftele than Supplications to God. tionality, Ho is a Pole, said this one; Lin, and azalea, the gardenia, and prob- and . . -It Another large steamer which has thelve, but Only gro,tnal .Ind walked mentat or at least the tendency to, . strong cable and ,windlass, hold on to A field Opens for us such as is seldom Ile is a Russi an said that ; and we may al)ly the jastialne. solemnity was the ploture, as 01. racently beem launched I% the Union .I wa Y. Lat-Ir, a frion:1 wh,y know turn to vinegar will be chocked. . yadr anchar. 11 It any man gin, we granted to a Church. BY a mighty cheerfully leave It to the wiseacres � moved Slowly toward the sea, the a lit At6amejr Saxon. Sha and hint 14,1d yoIl the story. He was -a ma- V OWLS AS' SOIL IMPROVERS. hive iim advocate witli the Father." baptism of the Holy Gh,oglt may Nye be The goldfish and the silverfish are Itters were f;)� the occasion rosplond- OOMPally of eastern 114urope to sottIq their heir Sister ship the Briton, both ovol' j,r in t1le sirmy, .tnil during.that Rw - Aore,s and acres of land by lack of . . Do not use the anchor wrongfully. Do ready to enter it. And now, nifty thn from Chtna sold. in the - streets of ant in their bright tunics and white he larg- jai U-1wntom,. affair h� anrl hi.,A faal'_ I not always fitay ',it the Same latitude blessing Of God Dome down Upon your claim, But he wa.5 indefatigable In his Chinese o'ties by peddicis. Frain helmets, and a d6titeliment of the It. 10,000 tons burthan will be t � ily, wtp,ra fi,iptitrei 1. Ile shot his wife available plant food are not produe. I desire of blood. I Kill there you lest ships trading between, this 004h- Ing large crops, Whati, a help 200, . andlonaltude. You will never ride up bodies anduporn Your souls, your fath., brutefill he Is reputed to have said, Ch,na we li,jvo tile lglpol- lent3rni, At. L. I., whiolil 000natitutod the firitig � . ' . Iier %outh Africa. Mention may and two, d!tugbte.,a as th,,y were boltig or morio head of poultry would prove the barbour of Eternal Rest It You Ora and mothers, puitr coMpRiolions, ounshades and fanflo and. Amarloitng party, with Sub-Li6ut. 'kie, R. X., try and , ado of Amarlea's four larg. dragg(ql away by 1,11-na black btutw; . when he thought his creatures were alsof bo w toward getting profitable yields krom fill the way drag, your anchor, your C-bildren, your brothers And * use the Chinese paper napkin. As to In charge, awalted the cortege on the - Ili .1 W!on impri.'4to-tiod. ,Ind t,,r- this run -out land, Somo will kee,po any , � .I , Jim I not giving him value for his mouey. newspapers, the oldest lin the world torpedo boat, wbato the military eat steamers, They ate the St. Louis itf[A llut you Must bave salts. Vessels are ,sisters, alld your friends! May yoll Ile was working, at Antwerp, he wag . and St, Paul, 11,020 tons oatill; the ture.d bq eaaxp3l, to livil a nightmare kind of coNiA ab little at noprofit for I . � not. fit for the sea until they have, the be b1cased in ycur busifteag and jr, . . ' is the Peking Gazette. britided over the coffin, to the naval . I i a in an inspiration at Lille, and then be have I Paris, 10,690; and the Now York, 10,- life. ,the sake of getting manure for their flying Jib, tbts lorosall, the top -gallant, YVII; PlfAs1tteA, in YO1lr JOY and vanashed. Tried for murder, he wag Some of the -glftfl Of China authorities. do boal 674, W,a fill recitil tbe, Cawnptore 't"Y' laboll or will buy hfgh�prlmd lbrbiliz- the f.ky-sall, the gaff -sail, and other ymir aorrows, in the houfi6 and by tile twice condemned, and, at Iftat, are. not boon popular --Aha black dea,th, ft)f Without delay the torpo t Xt is Interesting to note, however, and People are retailing it now,just af� ers, bub do not give much dttofition �, . critivagg. Fafth Is our canvass. HoiAt the wayl And if, fluxing our separa- met came that lie wan in it Russian Instance, Five hundred and fifty was steered **tit toward Capo Point, mAny Rigantle vemolfl; are now If th.Nre Were n:pt enough pro,;ent hor. to th,Nban that pays 6, h&n&abmO pro. It, and tile winds of heaven will drive tioli, aft arrow from the unneen world . . ago the bubonic plague broke beyond which, Abortly after 4o'clook, that any ror -bOW 01014',� , nd I pr"Aon. Thereafter fin enemy, espled y6ars . . wouli .11, thm wivog it . any . Should strike any off us, may it only III hold, the offl- being built. The CUn4rd COMP fitif and 4t Cho same time OuIVIlos . �ya allead. Saris made out of 0 at Genova, and none can flay who. Out 10 China and killed 13,000,000 Peo' thatuneral r'ervloo Was building one which they declare. daldv,11*11t,effi,� Of 11.11191i4ll Off!03rg all(I Of' grat-18 one bf the best of plant -foods. - 1W, - ,44, clergyman Wing the rector 0. rO other oanvasa than 711-tith will be alit 11,16(in On to the raptures that God has that he lig dead or burled alive. I ple. Spreading through Asia, it car. elating n : to totters by the first north -easter, preparaol for thaae who love himl I ,,It A ried off 24,000,000 more Victims. In of Sinnonla Town, thie 116V. Philip T. will bo muh fasteir th4ft Chair two ficials, had their briumts out off it (I It Cho ,lowu or growing ato6k dan . a France that made anarchy fa%om greyhounds tb,e Lucania and w6ro, throw" intO 41 pit to (110 Of their hive Cho rut of & field, after hay. I .. . not thn ward f4rewoll; it is too pos -aly and swept Legg. The last rites boing 40001no Uld Of GUILMIHOII. I o4jr,ong fafth never lost a battle, It uftr ,sible, 1por onarelly ,a the logiti. 15 years It struck It pliallod, the coffin. was lowired to the Campaula. The White Star Line Woun&' I tnet they will be found better fat thO will orgAll foes, ))last rooks, quench ftd, too farmal a word for me to M, , have already laid the keel of 0, new , Au;l ,Ili this, like lho.se later ll*r. fields thdn tow& Tl*y will gbt -a . � aCA ,child of the Revolution, which away just half the population, depths, � . )ightnilIgs, thresh niountaing. It lait Qeak, But, 00-flAideribg that I have now appears to us in a true light as NO ES,(1APX PROM IT. --44w— : boat In Wagril, Itarland -and Wolff% � ror.4 1-1 chill -A, Ili On wim � Air religion. quanbity, of food da gramm, Ifistlots, . I I . I I .1 I I , * . shield to the warrior, a crank to the Yom hand tightly claGped In both of I the Mother of eVII. If the lesson Of The: whole of 2 uropo waa swept from WHERE SHN, IS W1413. AhIpbuildlug yard, which will surpass yet Ilu'ldha Mid A1411111111Vd, like grasshop"ra,f6tt., atia their droppings must ponderous whool, a level, to Pry mlne, I uttvr a kind, an affectionate, tW,trder hall not boon taught to tile end to end and 25000,000 people, per- Wily do, you oone,dor woman Moro Cho Oceanid In size. The North Get- 01114, e 0ne t"' thN Woli, I IIS divido-A- will not be left in small I)II&A to'Aw , . , � .Uly pyramids"I drillu.W11086 b6ac give Imbecile eitizenn of the Terror, we 1,1hod. Ver �eara tliflm were hundro(la Intelligent than man t mat Lloyd Alm iateind to 60113truot t�f ly�,te,i ,anti good -will toward ill'I'll, ov the "grass pignts, bat will bil .t - ,a and a thiae;rful good-loyel I �,ktrely tile re�tl living, (110.1 Of bufnall. WAIL.Am strongtli to th6 stely'of thO, heaVoflly "Anid when we had t4ken C,itr leave aright never have heard of Elie Aligass, of thips floating about the Moditer. Because, fille has 60nae enough not a atemnor to surp.mg not -alily In Ity ncow and then .6hut.a III,; light broadcasted ejo as to do the 00st 9 � . 901(116ry, and sail& to waft ships lad- oze of anothqW, wo took ishipj,,s I illation which appears to its Votaries ralwan, With All their gooLm6n dead, to show all that she disbelieves, apooid, blAt In its luxurious Internal from the soul of Ilig human images, for next y,otiea Of6p. , , I . I . . I L I . I . . . � I ­­._­­­­. I-— � 1. 1-..-1-.1.11..1- ". L.. I I—— I � I .11 ­ I . ­... 1. ­.­­.._..,_.­ -.1-1- _­.....- - _....­... I I ­ . . I �- . � -1 - -1. -1 ..." 11 ­ _ ____11- - ­_­ ­ ._­ . � ".. 11----- I ­­­­­., ­ � ­ - � ­­­ ".. 1. ­ . , .­­-­-,.­­., ­ . �