HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 2[. , s ­ � " e----,, I - 5v;, 4" A ___________ ___ __ ____ _ ___ ___..__._ . ., _ . - _ '. .. _ ., _ -, __________ __ .- _-, - , _ � - ----­--_—__ ­ -, , , . HE CLINTON RMAE09111): The year diallng June So wa$ t ­ __­___ ____ "----- ....."Al , , T Itl 11011,41cil over$ Thursday at 7"onlight J I banner Year for all wootorri ragroahT,'s I TRAGEDY JEA ­_ The Nowil-Rocord —, . IHOW PALACE WAS TAKEN0,91918 ROM I WIN 4000irding to President Hill, of the " , R QUEBg MARKETS OF THE WORLD Power Printing House It your liver Is out of order, catift I - . � Northern Pacific. . � . Bifiousuess, 810k Hel%4406, Heart- I *--W L XAN ANv woM-A-N SHOT DEAD ON "" . %.�_ ALBERT $TRRF,T, - CLINTON. hurn, or Constipation, take 4 dose of Charles Geiger, a painter, was run THE STREET. prices o, cattlot cheem oraim 40. Chinese Asked for an Armistice andRewoy Items About Ourselves and over and killed by 4 train at Look. . W." I In the Leading Markets. Timma or Supscitippow-0,00, per year In P I Our Neighbors—Somethiqg of part, N.Y., Thriarsday. The stop Of William . . � .4 PrAmwed *14 firugH40 811$4 Killed . -1 ___-1 . a4viiaeo; 01.40 may be charged If not so Paid. � a car struck the ladder on NvItleh GO. W101 flabY fit Her Arous, Nopa,pordiscout4nued until all arrearages HOOd 8 P11149 ' Then Attacked Legations. Interest From Every Quu- gpr wasat wiark. I . Toronto, Aug, -80-At tb* westorn . are paid, unless at the option of thopublishor. On retiring, and tomorrow your di- I . A despatch from 3f0fit$ hello, qUe., Cattle yard4.to-d - . The date to. which every qub-ic0ptiou ts paid gestive organs will be regulated and . ter of the Globe, GABAT BRITAIN. ' s4ys:-A Wall named , Startle Lacroix of . ay there woo a total to done' od on the label. . � -you will be bright, active and, ready I A 4espatob to tlie London Morning at that point, I I I The Prince and Princess of Wales this afternoon $hot and killed his wi 47 1044111, Including W cabtle, 700 AIIIIIIIIII . QANADA. fe hogs, and 250 sheep and lambs. . Al)V=VTs1KQ RATP,8;, -TVII,1161erlt advertise lor any lind ol work, This hit, Post from Pekin, via Cliefoo, says " The Indian troops broke -down and I*vo left London for Homburg neav and an elderly man named Hypolite Vie market, mentg, 10 cont -i per noppariolline for first 1 been the experience of others; It that the Ts na-11-Yamen on Au rushed the gate and I entered with ThO Hull'Ottawa relief fund has Fralali;fortmora_tbe.br . was dull, And Vrlw re- , urs, 11001)18 PUX8 are , U .gast I I . , li�jna to, return Thomas. 1114i][104 unchanged. The majority of Insertion and 4 cept4pov line for cacli sljb�T- will be yo . . cavalry. and guns. I then sent other befen, cloised. . $opt. lat. Lacroix and his wife have n ived the offerings were left. over. , quelitinseltion. small advertisementa 'lot sold by all medicine dealbro. 20 otti. - 1 I$ requested. ;I conference w Ith the . aty to the Killarney, Man., 4 -ad a deotruatkve . o,t I to oxcood, one Invii,such ai "Lost," "istrayed," ___ , I __ __ I . cavalry and �he Punjab Infa, T -he cowt at Graud'Rapldsi, Mich., t0gether for some little time, thelat- Same choice late of export'e4ttle . . Ministers, with The view tQ bringing T ro our left hallstorm. Thuxsday. I 114tolen." etc,, Imerted ow,efor5oceiitr, and '- ­ ' *' i ,. 4 . emple of Heaven to seen Is beingasked to dissolvo the pa, or. ter residing in Hull, This morning aber were offered, but, there was ver littlif . . abotut peace,, the re4Vest was refu amllton had IN lively electric , , rtm. I y each tiabsequentInNertion 15 OtInI8. I - INSURANCE . Ised. flank and camping ground, and with 11 ship of tho, Buckley & Douglas Lum- quite here by train, ana� in the Itf. trading, Priceif remalned steady -at I Advortivernonts without �,pcvlflv directions 'Vill :%;:,-_ ,::-.---�::-_ _---7-7n-7 - -.74:m�_��._�==.'�-­==:= iia there was nobody on either side the other corps pushed on towards the . stOrW Thursday morning- ' I ber Company, of Xanioster, The inter. tornoon LaCroix procured a revolver V4,60 to f 0.12 1.2 per qwt, . . . be Inserted until forbid and charged accord who was au.tho-riz44 to. treat. That Legations, � Twenty-two delegates from Kansas eob Involved amount to 44,900,000, And went to the hquse where his wife In butehero, cattle tbe an I wa . ingly. . � , Copy for charigo of i4veruspinents on paires 11THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE i a oana pp y is I . I OMPANY night there was the longest fusillade "At 8 o'clock we got on th I are at Regina, N. W. T. Including .heavy lumber Interests in had gone on 'her arAval, lie either eQU41 W. the deman . Choic-0 floleetions . atarday all . The steamer Mayflower was burned. . � I'd Mail 6 Inust, be III the offlee ell R 4 of the olege. the Gring lastlag twelve opposite the water gate, an -i were sIg- Canada. . � I -ialtj :jjkj dragged her Out 04 the house or t for pages 1�aud 8 on Ajoijilay to ensure chango Farm and isolated Town Property . at Penetang yesterday., - . � . he Were quoted ;.it $4.85 to 84.50 per owt, .1 only Insured. . hours. On August 13 the Tsun-li-Ya- nalled from the wall held by the Le- . GEN) RRAL. w1oniiiii ran Out, when he shot her dead Inferior grades were practilvally tin. for follolvrog Isstic. e I men begged to be excused from hold- gationers. . CameToula warehouse at Brookville I . . . , OFFICIOUS , ham been destroyed by fire. . France is negoblating for a million On the 'street. fibe was'lialding her saleable, CONTRACTRxrus.-Tho folloiving thblo SUOMI J. 11. MeLeau, 11resident, KII)P,.,I) 1'. 0 ; '11109. Ing a conference, saying the members "I, with, 4portion of the staff and tons of coal f rom our rates for Hpecified periods and tipave: FrAZOV. VIC(i-I)ITA(1011t, 11rUcell0ld P () "I' J1, Harvest -era are wanted at Hartney, ., Norfolk, Eng, small child in her arnaN at the tinify, In shape and lambs the offerings AI)VORTISINU RATFS. Ilays. Flovy Trei's., .8caforth P ' U, ., M% ' U: were too busy, Later the board wrote severiby, Indiana, rushed across the al- Doloraine a I ad Carberry, Man. - Ex-Prvolier Cr*i says Italy should , Nit the, child was not'Injured. were moderate, and the demand slow. ­ . sinforth 11.0. that they had forbidden further firing moat. dry moat and entered through in search for now fields in bbe Orient, 110 then shot Thomas Choice e rt sheep were qaotea at I Yr. 01%lo. 3 140. IM0 Broadfoot, liwilector of Lo.-vs,in . DIRECTORS,. Labo-r candidates will fig0e who had call. I XPO . . I Column ......... $70 00 $1000 $215 00 1,18 60 IV. G. 11roadfoot. seat(q,th, ,R)IIII (i,14�vo. on the Legations, and that they would the. water gate without loss. We found . � o Begian capitalists intend to build ed at the ho)aso a few in:! . autes before,. .18-75 to 1.4.25 per owt. I j column ......... 40 00 2300 15 00 600, Winthrop; Ucorgo Dalf.�, Solaorlb-10111 Wilt,, court-martial anyone who disobeyed, all well lit bhojAgations. Macdonald the municipal elee � . , John 13011nowlem, 111m(11111 m1i ; JIIIII(N I 19 vard on Thomas walked a few hfundred feet The hog inarkeb wan steady, the bulk 3 00, 2 50 llarlook. �. sun. at Antwerp this lar ast ship. . j Column ........ 25 00 15 QO I , Evans. BrechAvood; Jainci Cutw!elw, Clinton but that evening there was the sharp- immediately sliowed me arowAd, the po. Henry Piper, proatrated by a . i Column ........ 1800 1000 5 50 200 John McLean, lZippen . . stroke at London last Friday, is dead. the cOiLtInent. ';� after being shot, and then feR dead. Of the arrtvals being held over. . Illicit ............ 600 360 - 2 00 125 � AGENTS: � I . est general -firing. Many shells fell sitlons witli; . the view of further no- 'The troubles of Italy'a now king The laruydisror' took refuge in a house =1190 of quota- ! 8�r$peolal position froni 25 to 60 per cout extra. Robtlovilth.11arloolq1tober BIL-51111an. So� in the Legation, Fifteen hundred Am- t -ion. There has been 24 business failures . Following in bhis� , fortli.jaiiiesCuitiziiiijgs,li'gixloiidvjllo; J. NV . this week in Canada, against 26 a year have commenced with a difference ellose by and reffib,sed to lgive himself bional-, I. I . I � W, J. MITC11EL'L, . x0o, Holmosvjllo 11. 0. orients attacked the Imperial palace "In ths meantime our fielil artillery with lit I . . . . . ago. , . � ,is Ministers. _ U -P. Later in'tbe evening, hoj�ever Cab.tiff. I It Editor and Propriotor, I'Articsdesirotistooffactiiigtlrtitit-o or tr;�ns on Aug. 15, and captured the four had been.broughb tip to bombard the (A, yotatif is tinder arrest at Lelpale he was seotred, , I Shippers, per ewb, . .0450 $5121.2 1 . sact other busineR8 NylII bo, proumth, a lemb'd Mr. Arthur Dawdney, of . flarvey . � . - , !- to oriapplicatiop to'any of the alj6vo ofileers courts. The American flag is flying central go te of the Tartar city; but a t wnish . IV, was struck by lightning and . who admits having conspired to kill . � ­ . '.. Butcher, clibice ,do., . 400 460 . � � . addressed to their respective post OMNI;. -.� on the Imperial granary, The Imper- sbrtie -by this Americans and Russians' o I . I I ___4.1� � Butcher, tied!., to good. 825 890 - 1 8,4 N KS. __ - - . - - n - -­ -­ ­ ­ ­­ . � ­ killed. I . � . . Xing Albert, of Saxony. '. . � Butahiir, interior, . . 280, 315 . �; , -,---..- . I . 7' lal Bank has been looted. of the garriaon along''the The foreign population of Shanghai . . I ��_.;_,__ ---I-- .:�= .:;z . wall antict-, I '' ]FIGHTING IN-ASHANTI. Stockers, per owt. . 200 275 � - " GEN. GA, EPORT. pated the bombardment, and thogate Nathaniel Parsons, of Jarvis, Ont.0 I in May, Ia said, td 2fave been 6,774, ot I . . Sheep and Lambs. i THE MOLSONSIANK �' � . . . SELEE IS R � . was ,fatally.14jure . d by a threshing � Fly! — 11 . . i �_. I A despatch from London says --�-Gon.- fell -Into Out hands. k ... macbIne. . which 562 were Americana, , ng column Sueceeds In Reaehl�g ,Sheep, per cwt, . . 375 425 . Incorporated by The Big Fire lit April Vpeale4l a Pealaull Gaselee, the commander of the Brl- "TWO field guns we're'then brought The Cape Colony Assembly . has Xtimassi. . . Spring lamba, each. , . Soo 875 . � . . Act of Parliament. 1855, . I . 4 ro * I � Ulrich Ruppreellit, a German, com- Bucka per owt. . . 250 $00 . il . . . . ror Ait Ifte Loii (-I-. 4. ,do- tiah forces at Pekin, has telogra0hed into the Legation, and the rest more mitted, Suicide an his , wife -s grave granted leave of absence to aec" . A despateill from Bakwal, says� . I . 0 . Milkers and Calves. CAPITAL . . 1 '82,000,000 Lumber is higher in price In Ottawa _001. B r � IMPST . .91,650,0110 to the War Office as follows -,­ . aent; back.to the Memple of'Heaven. Nal,w1oh, - . I Rhoden fai bilis session. lgs is in poor ThB oolumn, .under'.Lleut. u _ � , . � I . health'. I " . , . aows� each. . , . . 2500. r)o 00 , ' iinAD oFruci,v ' . IvIONTUBUL. to -day than it has been at any time "At a conference, August 12 it Ab about five in the afternoon the Am- 0. T. R, plotureq have, beerl'award- - . I roughs, OOwLstlnff. of.740 men, which Calves, eaoU.' . . . 200 Boo . . . . since the lumbering industry began in . I The illness of the Empress Frederick started for Numass! , Whf. MOLSON MAGPI19PSON, . Providont cis began was agreed that thd allies should .on- orleans, under Gen., Chaffee, entered ed a gold medal at the Paris R,x- - I On the 4th, re- Evoge. � . . F. WOLVERSTIEN Tixo,uAs,. General Managor the Ottawa Valley, Frio the Legation, and Own we moved on is- proving very serious ao�ordlng to tllrued IDDre yesterday, having rein- . I . �. . centrate ,within five miles, of Pekin, . . Position_ - . . Choice 40ga, per ewb. 600 . o25 NoteAdhicounted. Colleotlon%made.-Draft� their upward movement last fall, and I . a despatch from Frankfort. - � Issned., Sterling And A1116ricall Ext,baliget; continued . to rise until March last, August 14, and the aissault. should be- towards the central gate of thle Ter- The Canadian. Horticultural Society, . forced the Rumassi. garrison and re- Light, hogs, per cwt., 5 12 1-2 5 37 1�2 ' bouVidand sold, Iiiterot;tallowoclondopo,,,it,q- . �ira August 15. .The, attack, however, tar city f or- the night. : . . in session -At. Montreal', will meet next The Anglo-Ameriban Society of -Lon- victualled it fox two months. , , Sown. I 300. Boo � . SAVINGS BANK.. ' . . . don af7a "overt -brow. the Sultan and Three old stockades created by the St -9-- ". ' '. : . : 200, 225 - . I . . . . when. the .fig=es remained, almo�t commenced ioarly in Ahe morning'Of "By nightfall we had' four hundred year at- London, I . . � , I Interestallowed on sums of $1. and up, . stationary until tlaBgroat fire which A.ugus 14, and our. troops had to make men Ia the I Legation." - . Abraham Creamer, carpenter, was . enemy near Kumassi were attacked . . . ' . FARMERS. . . -svept * -tawa and 11all.1a April t . I . stop the massacres In Armenia.#*. THE STRBEVV MARKET.. . . Money advanced to farniorA on th , . s over O� � I . .9. foroe4 march of 15 miles from Tang- - ere apparentil pome words ar t Porb Sir A., H. Hardinge, British Consul- and destroyed. The enemy fought. Two. hundred bushels o fa. I . n Ith one or more - en air .o%vli: and. which reduced manp vast lumber I . . . F . ..y . I 0 Icill by .a fall while at work a General at Zanzibar, hA n � � . 4 � 11 -Wheat, � otes Wj I) dorborm. No mort- . missing., . -sday. � . I .s bee ' ap. despexately. and waited -to meet th-. read and wbtt6, w - on the I Me req ired as security. e. abow'In great beat. . . . HaPa on Thui . I . ere sold . yards to ash4ea. The need. than. b , I . pointed British Minister at Teh'ran "We were on the extreme lef t, and "During this evelaing ht flik Temple Prenoll-Acadlams in- convention a� . 0 0, bayonet charge. , � street to -day at 70 to 71c� per bushel; I . . . . . I . . H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton The Japanese Governmenti has final- . On. the ,night of 0 Par. . - . . 1, . came so great, more Particularly for * ---_� -,--.--. ­­ ­ I I ­ . . attacked tba south-east gate of .the Of Heaven we were engaged, and, af- Arichat, C. B., sent a loyal message Aug. 7, Lieut. -Col. one load of barley soId. for. 41 1-2 i � the lower , grades that the surplus Chinese city'. There _' . ly agreed to alle ' fore�gjaers- to hold Burroughs linade ala, attack, on the bu-bel; two hundred .bushels of oats . � C. D. MOTAGGART � .' - � stock Of the wb,le'Ott,-,'va Valley w � a . s � . wits practically no ter inf Rating heavy losses, we:ocoupied to, the Queen Oai Friday. , I .. w I I ­ .. I . Od the stock in railways within the. Elilpirs. Ashanti war oamp,.OU6 mile jr I. ' ' . i . opp6sition,, as we were not expoeted the south gate of the Chinese city.,, -Lt.-Ool. Stone, who has res,Lgm I ' om Ku- were sold, the. old brniging 32c and � l . . I . . required -to fill this demand. The ' �, _ . - . - - .j � . ,,,:::- . Over 5,000 firemen from all pa On � the new 280 Per bushel, .Another .'. . I . I I ... ' - -'---' - __' ­__-__­­­­_­---- --7- ---. - "Vecto Iship of artillery for Can do, . . , rts of massL the lemy were surprised, and I I BANKER. - , . � lumberman thou obtained -batter Price 7 7 In, ,r � a . I . I : � � . s ' .� . . I We world participated In the contests lax'90� 'Lumbers were killed with the large hay . I � . I . � - YUNG LWS OATH.' I LIEUL' CORDUA SHOT. - salls for England, to-morroV. . . I . I market. prevailed to -day � .. . . . for their cull stock. than ever before. I.. . . . . . . I , ` � Ia the international exhibition of are bayonet a.ad sword. No fLrIn I . � I ( . I __ I � . . . � - — . , . . . . The; seventh annual meeting. of the � I . I I . .g.,took twenty loads being. sold at, from @12 - � . I . . . . I . Deal cull, deal boa,rds, eto., :rose $1.5101 . . . . � . . .� I . . . . . apparatus at Pario yesterdiy. Place. 'The camp. and stookadea we,re to,813-50 w:ton. . I . I .. � I I . Swore'To Murder All. The Forelgriers I National 0ouinell of ))r9men of Cainada . .. . .. . . . I I . . . . . . . I . . A General Banking gusineRr . TiAnqact6d', par,- thoWsand all rouhili and have re- , With Aid of Boxer4. '. .. Lord -Roberts Confirtnel Death Pen I I Wce-Admiral Fournier reports to the destroyqd� * - . . . . . I . I .. has cloIsed at Vic Loria, B.. C, : .. I � , . . Wheit, wht., stralghf;4 SO 70 - So -it I-?, . . � . 4 malted at -a steady figure since, tIOn. ., ­ . . . I alty and He Wag Exteuted. 1. q . . . . . .. Admiralty that -the loss of the torl The. 848MY defeated by Majox I Bed. . . I 070 .0711- ' . . Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. '� . . - . A despatch f�am, Hong kang, says; I . . . .A'.BolLon district farm'or has sold -1 . . . . *do I Wheat,. red. .. . I- A � ­ ' I .1 � . . Tea years - ago da�a culls . Avent bog- . � A despatch fr'om Prelorin, says . - . Web destroyer Frames, Off 'Cape, St: . does On July 30 movedsouth, and were Wheat,.gooffe- . - 000 069 � . . � . . , . d. -A rGininent x-�sformer has 'obtain- . 1:� 11 monthis',old oalf to X S� Kelly' 0 . , . Interest Allowed on Deposits, ' ging �t $3.50 and $4 par tho,wan I I . p . . . . Lieut., Carduta, wh,�k was found guilty- yell , f Vincelabi in collision wItIj the hfittle�. sUrpriwI.-by levies Wheat, spring. . . �.. 000 - - 07� :, . . � � nners a. let ter . . . . M� t$jarings, ;Ohio,. for §1,000. - � f rom. rnimalm, who oats,. old, .. .. .. i. 0 &, � , . I - W-diiy, they sell at $10,50 in Ottawa. bd f rom the yamem ru . Ia. C0111plicity .In, the plot to iiiiirder I I I � and children. Oa to,. sPrj . . . I . , � 032 . - -, .. . I I . I ship Brennus, Was due to the detective captured their woman . I , . . - . the .from Ganea�al Yung -Lu, commander- . . .. . Tblirty leehati-ilie Paiiigrants froin'the . . I �, ug 000 0 28 CLT�i6l,T, In.the upper grades, howove:r, ei,Northern armies to Bir,itish.,officters and abduet; LoTd Ho7­ ' � . working of ler blelm IL I The 14 tar are n6vv-, under the prot.e'o- Barley- - , I - - - 00.0. ': 0 41 1�2 - AL13ERT STREPT . .. . I I ot advanced R11100 I:Ist in -chief of, th .- � � . . - I � Noirthiweatern..St,itt�a, Pagsed.tbrough , I I . . , prices have .n I . . . 1. I lo� . , , . . . . . . �. - , : - ton. . , .* 1200 .1350 . be,Tts, was sent-olne, d to .death, Lard * Wiun.jVog , In . _____ Hay. old, Pei . .______1...1.t1 ___=_.,__! ... 1. . . . .1 . . -General. Tutig:-Fu�Sidn, coni an i . . 9at ,rday f91r.,Edmonton. . . .4.-__ - ,� , tion of a British officer.:. 'Rho Don. -H . .1 . I , . I . I _. . I m dug . . .. . 11, � I � . . aYs now,- per ton. . .* 1200 *1350 , LEGAL , wint-iir. . .. . Robvrts oonevurring in th6 fln-ding.'. . .Jewe 18 (d kera loivle�, 3,0. � . ­ . �. . I . 'it ,.S � � � . .1 . , B, � 00 strong, are fGeding Stra: W,. par � ton. , �. .,, 000- .1000 .". , � �_::_­ ------.--- - _ , . , -, . � _ :&101�,ugh *. the're is ;,, inal*L d�. the Kmn-Su troolIs aytng:-. . . . ., Keirriara, yoaiol 0141, . -wag I . .-P." AGAIN SCORES, , tb � I ,. . . � Conpmi SHOT. ., . .. I I sed hogs, . . -, '" 7.7' ' . . ,. . "It i's not,convenient, to.aoeompllib ­ � .. . .. . otiew.l. ,by a L. E. & D. R.. R.Arain . � � ._-1 . .. em0elvois � 04 the-, Ashanti farms. Draw I . . crease, In the. jumbar ahlpmont5 to . -1 I '' , , . I I . . � . . . .. - .. ' 5 ' 8.00 - . . 1� SCOTT I . A de,s,p,at,r,li'tro'ni.l.oii(ion, ways -A -aorth of Bakwal.' -'They Are*-ac43Qm­ Buttei, ia, IN rolls. . 018 019 : � - I. . . � I I . ­ I I � foreign markets from this.point, an ,, � -to the Central, News 1rom *juXed.. . , .. .- . . . . � pa aled by I -escort of the West:Af, ggs, n-sw Id Ii. � . I . I � . . my secret orders," and proce'eding, . ,; at Blentheiia', .Oxit., aria . fatally in. Rescues'. 1.00. British -Prisoners and U ILI* - -� - � . o 13 014 . . I BARRIST1911, 901,1(11TOR. I I. . The foreign' devils ',counting their despat�h . I I . �.. ... . . . . . . .. Captures 26 Boers. .' ' . an i . . . . . .1 . - is � . . . .. . . I 11 1. .. 1. ,obvious Mason for. .this. can(lifton I I � . . Protorta.says t!hat- Moll L. .Oor . I . I rican, Frojitier -form - - � . - � Chickens, 'Pei, pair. :. 0.50� -080. ., . I I .1 I I � 410a lv�as - III. Money to Loan, etc' ... I ' I a lyL, Williana Wood, of the'barge ftrkeys, pot . 0,11 .. Q11 m . . . . . I found in the fact that, a� Itoot of nupiarior strength, in warships and � �. . jo ' '' fied �.by a - . A 4eapatnh frjIom London mays--erlip, . . , . , , . . � . . . ., I . brt ' .. . I . The Punishment' Which is' being deal(, Ducks, each. , . . - . . I . . . . hc� Tlitirsda.y. . .. .. - , - masso, was' news from �Soutb Af ric. .00 . � . : 080 040' 4... ... OFIelor, -Elliott Block -� , .��, CLISTON tho� U nglish I*yar� make their Puy- guns, have dared to ex .0, their 0 . 1. � . .. . - . . � . �. fatally- crus . -a nsists df If gradual, PdtIItOe,%n6w, per bu. 035. � � I I I . .. . , * . but . -their . � I . ' , . ., . I out to the eneniy,,.tboug,' . 040 . . — - - Ifi Beef hi.nilquarters. .. 700 goo ' - .. � .. power torob, and insult!us , SBNTEI�bt APPROVED IN L(YN LtON. &Wghi, Ural at. -Point, -S.t. .'Oharraq., , accorurits of recannais.sance . , .. I I . 611ases ba&re the season cp�ms, much , . I . . P .. .. . . - i " ' . .. I . . . " " Credit ."" will not soon be f otten by them Bee ' to, - .. . . ,� . I . . � h6 great populations. are� small and 6ntLrely do� A despatfelfi fro 0 - 9ue. . . . . . � . gimvOla to ral B,i4en-E'Vivell and . Qr1g � �f I . V . BRYDONE . of the 'Jumbar consumed' Ln"t I I I , m.Lqnd i1;&;iy..s:-T)i,s '.. . � Gene . xequarters. - . 4 00 � 5 Ijo . - I I . � . . . I .. . I . .. .1 TWO Tore flying columns Mart ,tb* '' -rease. . '-7 50 - . . . - - . BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. , f r had bean .*61<j . praVioni r to Lhal pendent on the Chinese productions. . pres,sgernorall" -the etocuti,on ­ Neepkawa, Man,, farmers expect 20 C,leinexal'Paget � proyenfing Gener- - . . . Is Beef, oa .. . . I . . . . . y approrvNs . , io . . , 550 ­ . - .1 I e . .1 . I . ., � _. -lox a destination unknown. ' - ' - . . I . .. ... luir�.s . to ChIpa now possesses canton and rif Le's of CorAtia. The !)a . � � Lynshel.s. to, the avre. Receipts at the fi I Di% Wat gvjOg, e,i � week . . . . Mutton. . . . . . . 5 0(i 700 . . Notary Public, &-c., ,' '- ' time and as the lumbar .rec . :. �- I I Ily Chroinlol,� alonb I .1 .. .. stand,'joining the. � Recerit.-flighting.prov -per lb, . 012 . 0121-2. - . . I . . . . . on that'the re- Lamb,: spring, . . . . �. . I I . . - . . t, - -, be 641 A . ry .bsfore shipinent, there and plenty Of r Nv;4-tralned * troops. I deplo.r�,;( I ha im I . lie death elevators ,there will 'reach 400,600' -()Llje1r Bo,sr gein.erals. ' Do . Wet Dr ' ' I . . OFFIcre-Beavcr Bloc];, . iTANTON. .. y , . . . . . . . . I pos 1 t.ion of .1 ,, bushels. . . I .. .. . . . * re- bel.forces havo not -quitted the -vicl� --- % I DAIRY MARKETS. � . � . I . I . � . . , I . .. . ___ . -­- I , .. 11 fore-ritt bae�' ,any very don't fear the foreigners. In �the case penalty, wl0ch it com . . Parted t6 4ave cromed the Megalles. *11 be beces. 'B'Uei-Thare is+ a' bott . have,' A e're: . . . . . . . qlders is. .40 Un.- ' ' . . . . . . . - _ _=__ - . � . . a I nity. of. Xumaaial., and it. wl u . � . . . - _.'_ ___ 'I irge sjjijitt�,uts, this maltm�,r arly of San�Muu - I ref used Italy. wl tji the like Gemaral Rubertis that It 8118pe'etS Tho'ch rge. of murder preferred b6rg . without using . . . . . . . . ell move-. I . .: - lie I . I � . waggops, � stary to infliot, on tliom two'or three meat,.and values are steady. Dea ' . ' . � !� .I 1. against three rpsiddit s . lers 00,VVE-YANCING' I � .. � I the . - ---- .Z= - - ,��_ � It 111(w. big Inills around .0Ltawa, how. result that.:,no'tbing waatake ' L of Perkiri' : =_�.::-.. ��. �- ---- ­.­�, I I . I . � 11. His W �vms flLotated by. 'Orders f rom Hng-� . I I . . s �hridle. pd,41i. , -The Boonk in.the; V,* . . I I . i ­�,_--- . I . � . I. ­ I . Mills, Qtjel,. -has 'been dismissed: at . . . Ty- more &feata before the country mouth were. selling to retail *as,fol . ' ... . .� - .. . I I I . I . . 1. .1 . I . . . , . I . I . ai s to-4�,Ly - . jOHN RIDOUT � . .. ever, are running night anddliyl and evident that, the foxeign davits are 1a,nd , � " . : . I ; . .. I I � he.id'dist�rict are'active, Thi�y are of. the lows-Dair i tubs, 17 to 18c for choice' * . I . . .. . I . I . � . . . .. ecent'l . I .. � . ... I � � I . . I . .. Ashanti capital can be consid. . . . . � a. inue.h. lar44r Output of the ruaiiu- cowards. I.andI?rinoe.Tuan,r . y . -, � ----O-'— . - .. ... Ifull. . . rwili�,S hi Northern Natal, and have ,d . y . I . I 1.� CONVEYANCER, COAIMjSSjCiN�FIZ,.R,j,C.. .1 .. . I . .. _. . � . . . . . . I , � . . er .. .eclear-of rebels. Aft�jr this part 14 to 15c for second quality; ' a* . . .. . fueLdxed. article' is looked for this obtained the help of millions of. Boxers I . . Jamea,� Patton,. Jr. .charged 'with. mounted a the Transvaal sid . ,� mall . . . . . � . . . . . gun on I � . I . Fire Insurance, Realkstatc, 1. . . . . 7' 000 SINCE -JANUARY at :the p' I . c of -theeountky has been cleared it is dairy, lb. prints, 18 to..19c; dreamery-, --'- I Alone : 0 . I . ) peirsonating, olls at Hain . .. . . y to 1,011(l. . season. - IC is, no* estln�ated t.jjai;� th possessing magic boldness. .I swear to . F .. ' . 11toln, Of the, Buffalo river near Dan rillauser, probable that the rebel 'forces wi tubs a . .. I . . . . . OFFIL'If . , . , . 1. o I iii,put of* the large mills .near Ottar ..murde'r - all foreigners,. with the . assist- , :1 .. ,.-Ili I . I . � brought back from Buffalo, was dis- mrltich comitands the railway. . 1. .It 29.. , nd boxes, 20 .to �le; Jbs.. - 21: to * . . . * ­11URON STRERT, : � CLIVTON I I . I ­ I . . . 1. I I Boer Losses lf,%Ve Been Heavy the ch ' . ,. . I cease hostilities. . ., . . . . . .1 1. .. I .. —.----. .__ . wA should reach about 500,000,000fe6t,. auce of the Boxems, who rare is. upplied . , - . miged yesterd4y, - '.. � I 1. The folloming de,sipatch has. -been � re- . ' 11 Cheeso-Dealer . a here quoting no' ________ __.__._ - _.,_____ . 1 . . . .. . . . I . . . I . . . . . Pasi ie' . A telegram from Colon�l Will000ke w at . . CA' I . � .In additioin' to that of the n � arms , . . . . W Months. .. I . Prof. 'Robertson, . of the. Depart-� �oeived at tb�e WaT Office from Lord I Ile. , . � I . � . . . ME61 , L � . . . � . , timProus with. ." I . . . . . . . 11 I � . I .. I . . � . .- . ...­ ­ - �_- � sinall mill.i, in the Pontiac and Galtin, General Tung-riu-Sian, in his" rio' I . A 6(�Patch fr d ent of Agrioulture, is:.at. Grimsby . . received. at*the ODloinial Office, states I I I . - I - - — _�. � -�_ � -77��.�.��_ ­' �­:­. � . . . . .. p y� om� Ail dolbarg, paya -.. M, I . I Rcberta from Pretorla� "Baden -Pow- .that. Lieut. -Col. . Bu I rroughol, � ool- THEO CHE ESE MARKETS. :- . I _ . 7,7_-T_____. . . ­ � - I , cau'disixict-4,. which -wih unload their . which was also , obtainedi says he � is -Froin some offloial - papors which in e6nneetion with the. cold . . .. . . R. IV. GUINN . I : - I � : i. . I I . I . . . . . . � 11 I .. storage eft xo,siaued one hundred British pris,� unin 66114jsl�ed 4 150 native soldiers.' . Brockville.. On I I . I. -1 .. I . . I . . I � . �_ of, the same opinion, and.- plaow. tho. have been found -it appears I . � I . . . t.,. Aug. 28 -At the.. I i . . , D . . .. 1. 13woks here. . . . . �. .. , . . I I that t6 export. of fruit. . . Oners at Warni Baths August 22, and , III i tb' � Cheese Board to -day 2,402 b . I . R. C. P. and L, R_C. 8, F,(Iliibiirgl . . . I (greiii - ared 'losses be. . bl* 1, I Descxi,bink is ni ht attack on e . I . oxeS were . � . - . . 1� : waal rs suf f . . rs. H. I,, 'erman ar-I , . .9 ­ ' ' . . .. KanwSu troplia at:Giweral Yung�Lu,a Trans We . Mawkins, of Hamilton boarded, of which 1,320 jv6re. eol __ ., There is no doubt t I �. . .. . . P ciiptured 25 J36ei*'Aad a G he - our- , Night calls at frontdoor of residenceon . . I . . . .. I .- I tw9prL.January 2 and Juns 20 'to the is suing .to hava 0. A. .SpraguB Of (Ble of floor. , . ' . I . .. stockades and the x6bet ,camp, t of . . . Ratten fire of. April last. has been very bone- disposal . . . . IV I . I . : . bory strecL, olmosite Presbyterian church. . . . . . . an ad, balance white. Business was no , ., , I .. . . . . I t . . :'- - 0 . . ' IV eg, removed 9s executor. Buller's casualties 'August. 21 were -th, . - camp the fly- . v,m*y bri.sk; 10 1-2e, bsing the ba.9t of� ,. . . I fieial account says:�"Before .the. ' - I ficial. %to the lumbermen. In many, , . . total 'oflover 7,000. - Of � t be.sd - the .innip . Of : .". . . I . I Wt . iya. . Perhaps. . with . the ,exception I deaths numbered 1,000. . ..: sbaad's Lsiate,*valued at $11,000, . . I . . emy.eould quit a rebel � . . I her bu: . . fer. L OppIdE-ONTARld S1;HnE,r, CLimro".. ,. . WILL REATTEST THEM.,'. . . .. seve,-A men,ldiled, and Oq . At this price McGregor 'bought -� - _­__ - __ ____­ ------ � . I I . , pt; Ellershaw -umn was On them, - and they - . . . � I . . ' . — . I . . M� . I �. I .. . .. . .1 1. .1 . 1, .. - . i ­ I . Rev. H. P. Whiddon, late astor and 21 inten,wounded, . 'and five I missing. ,ing col .� I. * . . � .. . I . 3 . 90 colourid aAd . . 90 wit, ."...,1111r, I . I r , 6, . I R. WM. G RA:1jAX - ' of Mr. ­J.. R-Biloth and. the Hall, Lu .. . 1! .-#.- . - . . P . I I �kuied 4 1 numbar,_all f te; .Derby- � � , � I D � � _ . ,.I . ­ ,. I , . bex Colupany, who were barted out, 'Mil,it .11 . I I . . . I 1. . CRANGE -OF FROINT. , . I of Galt:' Baptist Church, and noiw .a - "Kitch,mer,' August 22, had eighl . . I a7rge.. . ...With the .. I .1 � I I (SucOicssolt To Dit. TURNBULL.) , I . . la, Department's instructions.to . ..,. I . . . . � - . I bayonet anA the sword. The rebel ,hire, 340 coloared and - 250. white,- . . . all the lunib�rjnan of the* Ottalva Val- . . ; . . professor -of Brandon College, was I . . I . I .. . I I . I '. I ... I I . . coi. 6iter, � : -. , I . I 1� i . . . � ­ . . . . casualties. . . . . . . forces were severely punished.". - I WeNster, 185. I .1 .L . t . Liceatiate of the It6yal CQjAogoof*ph.X_ l . . �. I I I I . . . .. . . 1. � I . . sk-lans, Londonjo)g. 1. ley.. havo.profited to a considerable .. A, . ' given a farewell a I i. I , ,.114 . . ... .. ' , - , . . ' I despatch -frord Ottawa, says: -The Suecess.6f. The. Allies Has BroLight . . " p . rid.presentation. tit, - ',While reo(N.dinoltring in. the Koni, , . . .. . . - I � .. . Kingston, Aug, 28.-_Speoial-At the . I . . I . � I i ' � . - . . extent .by -the f iro. . A.14 in :conse. �., . . . . . Galt vesterda�; . . . .. I.. . I .. .... . ' I I I I OFFICH ANDRESIDwion.-Porrin's Block, lately poGd of service. of We first cbntin- . Mandarins.to Time. , . . . I valk,y, Ruadlp foliind -140�000. rou"s of' SIFTON .-SENT 'UP I I Cheese B ard, 399* boxes of white and . . . . � * . ' I . .. I . 1. . occupied by Dr. 'Turnbull, CLOpro,v, . quenee have realized I I � N. Do Sbiuve, Ruwian , Cimsul'. at ammuniti 11 .1 . , FOR TRIAL, 0 . S )etter Inices for ion buried. ..,. I . 445 0 I . gent wfil terminate in October, andin A despatch from Lond , .. . .. . I — . I I b4as. of. oiiloure& -choose ,were ,. - . , ,. ''I . If. I � I des . .an says '�A Montreal, and A. Paikrt, Hungprian . "The columns 'pursuing Do Wet. . . � . 1. � boarded. Tho'buyers %�e' . . _. . their lumber, , and much. .stock haq reply . L' . .1 � forillid CATIankitlesent lot like , 1,1witiloll I . It. $11AW I . . . � . I I . . , to Col. Otte'rls* request for, I& I . patch from Hong Kona to.the Con- A � re Messrs. beat sold that was ctinsidored prae� grioultural Cornmissionor, are visit- mad, woroerful'mare-hes', bolonel ,. L 4,1%Nt.. D . , . . � stiructio he wili doubtless be. advised, tral News says the news of the su - � I I � .111,18rder Scott, Murphy, Alexander, Thompson, . . I . I" . W, . . . a exPer' t I I . - , I . � Ing the Brandon, blan., I imen al Mackinnon : coveired 224 nLifes in 14 � . I I OFFICI�: 1.0ally Unsalable. G ood � pi lo�s � f or tO.-Teatteat. Jhe men for further ceas of the allies has sprea . . 1. .. . I A despatch Bissell and Crawford.. Mr. Alexander . I I E . I I � . . .. . d. rapidly f4rm,and district, . I .1 days.11 �, . . . . '. .1 I . from London, Ont., says; I ONTARIO STO ET, opposite EtiglI81% ,j,ur,l, all kinds of work are prevailing, and short, term in the field should they be in, South Chinit, and has aused a won- . � I . . -Gerald Sifton and Walter Herbert bought 210 boxes.of choese at 10 5.8o I . .. . . . the prospect for winter tr4de Is required, 0 A'yaclit, wi . .1 .. . . I CLINTON. I a oific- I clriilem ib is not I d,rf�i cha ', in the attit' . th 0 Party. Of five fr,)m A. da3patch to the; Standard from . . . � I Ia I 119 . � . were , this. - at ternoon commit te,R 'far a lb, The bidding started � at 'Joe _. .. - . bright. '� I considered any of the mea -much as I Mandar .. . I St. Simon, Qae,,: was capsized in the Px�Moria, . says-IlGene.ral Baden- t,iil - , . I � 0 many salesmen refused jo 1-20. , ;. I . . . . I . I ­,­',­:,,..�� .. Lns$ who are ilow very ,ener- tit the September assizes on: th . . . . I . R. C. W. THOMPSON � . . . . . , I lower Sf. Lawrenon Yesterday and Powell heAded off .Geawrai Da wet, '' ' . : DR] QISSED HOGS ANI) PROVISIONS.' . . ------ 40, their friends would like to see therain I gotib Ia protecti g foreigners.' rha,rge of murdering ,Tos. Sifton D . . - I In 1, . � . The . . . I . PRYSICIAN AND SURGEO,N. - , ,, I FRANum v ORTRESSES. Canada again -w -will asklor their dis' I I 0 1 1 .1 . .three, of the .party .drowned, ,Capt, preiventing hisjumotjoo�,,vlth thle main Probee4itigs were Of x purely formal, '.. Market firm oil all provisions, dres. .. . .1 I . I ' ii . I . aband- nature,' and no statement was. made aed hogs iinchang�d. Lard very firm... trance has'on (lie Gerfaan . . 0- I THE MANITOBA HARVEST, -. OFFICE AND RPSIDr,-;CP- . V charge, although they wpuld be, . . Foster, P. and 0. Marin. . '.. , body of the memLy. : Do. Wet . 'olson I .1 I frontier bit, - j' t a possibil- I � I . , . , Dr -4, G. E vans, of Kingston, claims cfteA h6 tmnspo,rt and tobili- to the nor a ' t offered by,the defence, . . � Next to X 's.11ank I. ed to it. , T5iefret is us . �_. ,. , I . . . . rgumen At farmers' waggons choice will bring i biree first-class fortressaa-Belfort, i6y that the regiment will be ordered � Illicit lie oxide of .bVL9, his commando disparsing, some I I . I . ,,Will Yield. .111101 llighei* Than 1, . . The 1 801 pages of. testimony were $7.50 to $8, adbording to quality. for MT, CLINTON. 'Verdun and Briancom . . sodium as ,in absorbent of poisonous brokking - south. Lord. Kiteheiler has . . I . I I . RATTENBUIiY STRL I . . I ,.on ., I discovered the, use of bi � . I � , . . .. llying Expec0d. . � . . . . . _.T ,r, Lille, Dunkirk, Arras -and - I . . .. gases and which the French Academk retutpe4 to Preto I .. .1 11 I - - . - - - _.__!t=_, I— __:t ­ - ­' - _­­­ I froatle 'he Belgian 'home, before October. I ' produced" and verified ue butchers, use. . . . I OENrlSrRy, . . Lieub. Eaclestone, in charge of. the A despatah from Winnipog, Say$,- . I I .1 r1a. ',' . , .1 the stenographer. Counsel for the do. PRODUCU, . . � . � I . . . Donax; on the Italian, Lyon Gmnoble Canadia . I -it: is now maki g a furare, over. . I . �. 1 $ itoba harvest is now well ad. , n 1. . - . . . . n postal corps in South At The Xt . . I fence waive,d the ,reading of the evi'- - Quotationafor Provisions areaafolm � It. AGNEW . �_-�� and �Beaancon, and on the Atlantic - rlea, . I I . I -1 0 . . . . . . . � , . . I writing to ',Dr. Ooulter, Deputy post- 1 Vanced, and roports,_from. all mources. The Ogilvie MillIng Company now .UNS donee, and Squire Sin th coninjitted . 1) .. coast', Rooliefoxt, Lorlent and )3rest. . . - ' Id InUo i?St, .te L DE WtT,BURIES HiS.G ,- . y lowst-­Dry salted shoulders, 7 to '7 . . , DENTIST. . . I . . master-Gefteral, states that 8eigt. R. I state that wheat will yle 'Ii Lraii ganitoba�s wheat ,yield at , . I . . 6 both priso"ners. for trial. The assizes 1�20, Ia,' I . I . . 'CROWN AND BirMGH �VOJRX . ; . . . . . , expected. ClAtin '0,000,000 bushels. The full 6rop, with �.... -.;-... . . . g clear bacon, car lots, 8 1 -go; . . I � . . . .. .Johnston, of Winnipeg, a member of highisr than...was g 2 . . . . open September4f.'The evidence tak". ton lots, 81-2o; ease lots, 8340 to qo-� . . I . I * .. V 'W 'V' V the postal staff, has been invalided to will ba ovo Ia aboixt ton days the Roro4ge under cultivation this ,Qets Mak In Orange River - Colony en at the preliminary investigation * . OFFIOL-Adjoining Poster's Photo, Gallery, W . I . . short cuti 'pork, $18.56', heavy Mass, � , I A ,dL AL A Nebley aftera.severe attack of enteric, throughout Southern 'Manitoba. on seitson,-should have been 40,000,000r,. . With 300, Men, . Isnearly 260,000 words, and makes a 610.50. . . I I I CLlsTO,V,. 6.4T. I I . I I 1 7 . . . .. . � GRAN4 . fever. Murray, of the London, . divi- the Braorson, branch cutting Is re-! A 2ocheoter. woman, claiming to be A despatch from London, says:- very bulky volume. . � I I . . � ' ' - - � ' - - - ' - - - — - — — — 4 - � - - 1'. 0 006has been detailed foi: . � Smoked meats -Hams, heavy, 11 1.20; __ _� . b�ie I � 111. Why let anadian-Moalated Rifles, and has i ported as completed.. It 14 oaffinat- f,he MothOr Of Young Marshall, .drown. .The Wax Office has xecolved from A oable.froin the War Office to -day VEr-ERINARV ' ., X I . medium, 18c; light, 13.1-20, breakfast _____ . , m 11 I all OUr rondered,auch good service that he has ed that. 75 par cent. of. the whea t has ed off tht steamer North King, mails Lord Roberts the following:- stitees that Cadets R.'J. McLaren and bacon, 12. to 12 1-2o', picnic battle, � � . I I . . . 1 . r . been recommended for promoblon to I now been cut in Mdnit,oba, while .about a demand for his wages and cloth. l0e; roll bacon, I 10 1.2a ; smoked beaks, . 0. LACKALL & BALL n e i�g � . this rank of nergeant-4major. India has . , "Paget reports from Hammanakraal F. Pj Myles, who entered the Royal �1 B VETERINARY SURGEONS. GOV. S , selib a PO 50 per cent. of the orop his bean har, 'irtg'ht 10rigston on TlIuw(jay,. It wits that Baden-Powell engaged Orobler'a Ifilltary College in 1899, have been giv- l3c. All meatis out of plokle la 1688 1 , bors and �stal contingent of four dusky . , natives to South Africa to look after I vested in. 'the Territories. . . refused. � rear guard all day yesterday. Grobler an commissions Ia the West Yorkshire the ERNINIENT VETERINARY INSPR(MORS friend . W. -0. I I . n prices quoted for smoked meats. OVIFICH, VSAAO SrRICUT, R13681DENCR, AixruT 6 the India work. The A.ustrallan postal � , AIA. J. B, Oke, of Potarboro', will was d4von back east of Piennar's and Lelcesterabire' regiment, r1- Lard-Tieroes, 81-4, to 81-2c-, tabs, I t3TRICP'r, CLINTON. I ,� think yOU men quIb setting letters to g go to England for the Dominion Gov. river. Baden-Fowell . occupied the spootively, and are to report for duty .S 1_g to g3_40,, pa;ls, . . . I Into the fighting line, with the result . COUNT TOLSTOVS OPINION, . 8 3-4 to 00, . ___ _­­_______._,__= 1111,111st be 11 � It . .. ornintent, to investigate the.. cona, railway station of,that name. During at the War Office as soon as possible. �� that they haa to be replaced with six- , — . . I .. I Eggs --Offering free, and, market A1.10TIONEER - - . . .. platnts. reg�rlding. the . condition in the fight Baden-Powell's advance , I . I . t.w e n ty other postal staff from Mistralia. Thil, MORE TROOPS NEMSAARY. without much change. Some real . . � .—. ­ ­ -,-----. lateldre That 1`4111144de'l?, .Xelllser SoiAlble whirh fm o4hipped in cold storage forres.and that of the enemy galloped A deapat4h from Col --- . , It I .- Canadiiiii postal corps stands as � the' . Mor'.1"Oral. agile, j%ays .- choice eggs are bringing l3o, but. the THOs- BROwN ' I . AYJ-' P'.0d" "thr, contingent from the oolong.. ' reachm the British niarket. I Into ec oe Rhodesians losing Scmi.ofilet N LICENSED AU ' der than you are- P ir good work is warmly. co'Zp A short time ugo attention was lailkirlin telegramis to the usual run Is from 12 to 12 1-2c. a. . OTIONEER. I � Imeaded. . . . publicly called to an opidemic of bui. The Dopmrtmont of Trade and Colonel Sprekloy �#nd four man killed Cologne Gazebte ,strenuously dispute 2 hot Weather fliggs s6jI fit 9 to loo. - Sales conducted In all parts of t1io Counties of Yet it's In1possible to - . Commorto has just issued another 'and seven wounded. Many of the the contention of the party opposed to , Dealers here are buying choice egg . a � Huron and Perth. Orders left at TIM N Ma - cide, which appeared to, be raging im, par I t . of its I report for June,covering Boom were killed air wou,aded, .1 . . I(Ecoup olliee Clinton. oraddressed to sLa took .young with the WILL POUR IN TROOPS. varlous parts of England. In fbis They the Government and the army that at lie delivered. forth P.O. %vill receive prompt attention.. sat. . I the unrevisod returns of imports and were at Cyferkull this Morning- there to no need to send further reln- Potatoes -An easy I market, and 'Ifactionguaranteedor tiocharges, Yourpav color, of 70 years in -"-" cowiection Count LeoTolstoi, Russia,it anage solicited. . I . . 0 0 the past year, toriff Pluniar and Illakinan ...... ... the hair. .It's iad to Capture of Pekin Makes: No Diffier- high-minded humanitarian, has ut- XP r ts f or . W"O OlOsOly forcemeat,% to Chin-%. The correspon- lower prices looked for. At farmers* I . ___ _. ­ ­ -_ - MISOELLANS � oU . a - - .- I ­ once to Russia, .. . teired a notable warning for the bene- changes in other countries, etc, pursulmg them_ . deab says '-"We have not to dea I with waggons dealers here are buying at , I I - ­ __ __1 - ---I-' ­=-," -1 --- - � ­ ­ — ­ ­ see young persons A despatch Xro� Odessa says: -The fit of those who are tempted to m_ The iltallway Committee of the Brit. t1ti seems co-rtain. thqt Do Watt the local. revolutionary elem6nfiq in 80 to SU, and sell out of store at � I ' I CEO. TROWHILL look reniattirely . old capture of Pekin 'will not make the mit, tl%L,j form of stupid InIquity.co islu Columbia LegWatur,a has thrown flading it hoMem to make his N.vay Pekin, hub must impose our terms on about 40 to 45o per bush. � . . . � in this way, Sad be- slightest difference In the regular do. "To take one's life," says Count Tol� out the applioation of.the IrakaL Ben_ 641stward, has reormised the Magalles- the whole EjnpIjfa,vr . Beans-Cho'ce, hand-picked boans . stol, "is nelt.hor sensible nor moral. I 11ORSICS)WHIL AND nott Railway Winpany for a char- bexg. with ,It few wountdod, with the . Shanghai are rettissembIlIng about are worth from $1.70, to $1.7s. . K.01tril, cause It's 911 unneces spatob 01 Russian troops to the far ter to build an oppogition road to intention of xetarning to the Orangp Plawng, after this advance of the . saty;, for gf aLy hair East, The rallitary authorities con. Honey­�41rra. Dealers are paying d Wood%vork Ironed and jjI%t.cIa,;:j material and r I Life In reality Is, indestructible. As work guaranteed. IfavaIliIIIII01110494nd imi, to life's abbreviation InAlits world, Cho WIdto 1?ass Railway from Dyea Alvex Colony, Ito is in a very dif- allies hAd thrust them aside. Possibly to 7e, Outside, Deitlors quote from 8 I clifilew rebuilt aint ropalveit. . . MAy alWays be re. t.inue to charter extra t what ,guarantee have I that Itsapirit- to Bonnott. I forent condition. from that when he th6re is atill a conalderable Chinese to go per lb, for 5, 10, or Go -lb � JOBBING T�_Pgcj&,Ty, stored — every available quarter. Vifteen trans- uo.1 itesurrectiolain the here -aft . . tins. AT,BMUT ftnram, NonTit, , a are now in berth bore, destined or will Lieutenant Gordon 1). Johnson, loft HoLhIeliew with six otr eight guns aTMy In We field between Pekin and Cfrmb honey sell's hero at $1.50 to$1.75 Cum,otq. to its ly I 'Poo;�, be two, Pleasant and'dongenial, Royal Engineer, son of Xdyor John- and 2,000 man, 1119 guns have most- TienjAin. If so, a (porblon Of the per dozen qeotlans. .., A Cr the East. The suburban camps 'ad and his personal f 'ilgento with the reinforce. - � � . _-I., 1:7�­ ­=_�� n a t - I III and city barracks are filled with "Momt bestial is the idea that life son- Of Belleville, has been Ordered by ly been burt 01- mlxed oolabi Baled hay -Very Wtle being brought OHNT. EMME Las bean vejucb&,tf6d to us only and cable from the Adjatant-Gimieral of lowing cannot W more than 801 mente now hurrying from the coast here, No. I Llmoilly Will bring. 48.1ji , iRTON . . . troops arriving for embarkation. the army, 14ndon, to join hisi regi- "It is stated that Stayu with . t will be required to again clear the -to 09, outside. I THE LEADING BARBgn . color " & i r Troops from a Jiu,rnber of the central alone fdr worl,Oy and metal enjoy. ment at Chatham, England, on small bodyguard has crossed PIS- road. . . Also Agent for by us. ., , and northern Governments are . ar. mezt� and pleasure. 'Life Is I join Kra. I,----*— Baled Straw-Var lots are quoted at riving here an account of .for our self-parferition and in order September lat. . . naarlis river On his way W, I . STANDARD LIFX INSURANG114 COXPANY Ing— . the congeq- that w0a may be oAnabled. to serve man- 'UNITED STATES.- gor at Machadodorp." STEP NEARER ST, HELENA. 45 to $5.50, on track, I Head Office for Canada, Atoritteal, . I A , , , - m affic on the Siber. � . Propaqed improvements to Lincoln 14. 11 I 1"" . Hops---Selt at about 12 to 180 for I fisuranco In forces - * - sild.oil0000 11 , 11 I I hux rallway�, kind collectively, I Canada, 1001s. If ventmonta lit Canada, - - - 13,60:0W �� � "All worko everytbl.ng we under. Park, Chicago, will cait over $1,000,- Paul KrUger's Pr6olamatit)n CoUntep I � . HAtabliAlied1826. The old reliable and favortle. For over halt A cen- I ------ 00— I . I � . I PUTTING OFF DUNS, . . � . j oppler.- smith's block. opposl W 1108b Offle tuty thisl has been the take, appears disagreeable, sometimes 0001- The gentleman who , lodged to That of Roberts. * � 1 � ; � BOERS ARE MILIZIrfG. mountain high, ObstaeW abash us, All Chicago is being decorated for Ulle, � . A despatoll from Lond6n, says!- - I . . stallidard hair prepAra. dangas InsplVa fear, disappointruents the Grand Army of the Republic con- above appears Very attentive to you, presid,ent Kruger, according to a WILL REMAIN IN PEKI,N. I .1 � flon. It is an elegont Botha, with 8, � dkeourage u% misfortunes bring djs� ventlov. Bella. Ah, y6s; 1 am even engaged despatoll frOn.% Lorenzo Afarques to """ . I'll . EXPERIVENO 000 Burghers, Is at I 11 I I . dressin ,, gops ItIl. Ma6hadodorp. pair. Nevert.10m, suicide Ia foolish Over $20,000,000 in gold was shipped to him. Put yet I am tortur,ed with the 1) IxPrewo has !issued a pro- Foreign Minl9ters Not to I em the * ally I . oubt, Would thdtJ know whether , U . . . . . ing of 10' h'a1r; makes I and immoral, became only a, coward to HurolIe from the 'United States d Olamad,011 counter to the latest pro. Capital. I . . . I., A . .. A despatch from Twyfalaar, says;- lays, down Ills wrApons In battle and last week. he lovom mo fOr myself alOtIel. 611MA4011 issued by Lard 11oberts, A 41espatoai krom Txwdon, say,q:-Tt I . I I I — ' — thi hair row; sind Through searet, Intelligence agents the jjeelg, rItliIing porhqpA into ,greater Students and professors of the Uni- Ella. But why In'the world should The Tratisipaal, Preigilent, illiyAl.- . , CIOAMS t e 8CtiIj.p British autboritlea learn that Gen. por.jl. varisity of Chip -ago, Cot4ur,jha. shirt he marry you othorwiftot I I , "%� 44 semi -officially st4tA,d that the Vint. . Louis[ Botha, the eonAjftande,r� . . "It will holo ym nothing to JAY le,rd will remAin in Plekin, The Chin- , . TitAtic MA11144 from dandruff., in chief I'An, long as we live 'We can perfect wabt for Mon. molle, ,Well, to tell the truth, 118 down your arms or to 164V6 the cam. mo Ambassador is eonstan(ly visit- . Dr8larift � 'of the Roe r for 0oPV0kldl4T8 &a. I 11111-00111bottle, Altdrugglifts, .11 cest; Gen- L"Oas Meyer, oar own (*Ives and serve one anoth. Over 1,000 horsj�a were abipped from owes my mother aii moaths' rent, mandom, Utery atep , homeward Ing tli�-e Voiroign Offim and vainly A&6 � 14 I hive bou p6hir, Ayer's Ih,[ q by por. New Orl(,anx yesterday for the Brit- ''. 0 1 1 ,,In is sondhig A With find doalption may � It I ths 0601manddr of th6 Orange Free or, aild we Only nexva other. In"M a istop neiitrar St. 46jena,lo ,,po. 11,ft kylotmf�OrWtt our 00111161M free V letbor im Vigor for over 201&tA and I paii - deavouring to induce the Government inv46fition 90rabliblYrotitable. co"Imunle.A., - and G0,11, 80halkburger, fe6thig O"XCAIVO-3 In this world and ish army In &mth Afr1ea. " . beartl recOlifthien IttatI145priblio i State for"$, MOST MAGNIVICEINT TOMB. __... tions strietir conddont oil. TISTAdbook oil ratentif Ia I I Vice-POMWO.At of the Transvaal Ite. 11, the world to come.,, ' to %ceopt tWTutn9-('%,afl9',8 inodiation. ,� No t frff. ( ext a one 0 securing patenti. : IlAtI16 t hair tonfe lit 6y1swince"'. The Liberty Congrom of the Am- Tho moah magulfl the A 1OX11 I I . I .'I, I I 1. I I . I I I 'm oil� Ad sr f Ir Patonts tAkon t rough 31mitt t Cb. reeetic Mrs. 0. L. ALDjutilog, , 'Public, with tight 'thousand Boc,rA, I 1-11 - . 0 . I Ito d,00lareis th4,t all the pr&-fore.14M.- i #W I OtiCe$L Wit 0 t clifirgo, in t 6 I Aprog4olm, FAtok, Toot, . orlean f4ague of Aut-1-Impariallsts at Avorld Is deemed to be the Palace- W11116—Say, did y6% prolwe to my ntaleamem have Wen nv�urdered except I I � I � I _,... I 1 haV6 assembled at Machadodarp, gen- N141,14MI01), SOUH X-RAY,q. Xudianapolls yv4ferday, - i4ndorsed Temple of garnak, oetu.Ming aftar'ba stsb6k last nightf I � .­­ . too MOW#* I I It 16" do tot 6tufft fill tho b4fleats I GrallY Un4ratood to bo. the beadquar. Oh, ,eduld We but IiAlk In Pekin, Bryan. . of nine aerea, or twice Mat Of St. )?0at,.herAtOnb_Eh­.A.h1 Why,NVII. LI-Itung-chia,ng. ­� . ..... ___ i . ft ftwtod 116ft % Viltor, wtits Ah#Lftdg4ithiklyltiti4trAtodw6iNTcYr. TAtIrostplN to W&O It. A drais, � ter$ Of Pf-egident Kruger, on the pre� Through that dumb Old CIII,141,0 Judge Taft, chief of tho T11litod ret4Srld at Rome, This temple Space Is 110 f I 00tahl, TONT183311 r "b"'! I cIahiticIft Of MITAC16-4tilld 12 4 0, ATER, . . 661"Martnonthitst. 801a5taltilovadopleim, 1,6"11, muk, tox!1111)4�lago.'X 1);Xy railroado With the wall, 8ta,te3 Philippina 0munligsion, Toports; a pOsblis dream of gigantle tolumM, Ia ille Thia, L4 a hard World'I I can't please . 381offiffliff ­­-­­­­- I I 1. I I _____�"t 010 . Willie—Ica"M tv6rywy . .1. I lot, Now York � 1W 11117, I 1wh 1160 ,artillery, Ine.juding jhg And lot a little light leak In, a "altisfaetory condition of things an 6ejaUfal courts *Ad wondrous aftelaaes how ham. b6ba guylag the life out of anSrIWY- That $01 yes" "d no- I . ELCM00tow"Iftl1*1101110'ev I. ... � . 6 hmvy pkd6d foxin6rLy llit pr6torls, WOWd Our ApItItA rift or filill I 06 WhO1101 0 00blusistil, i � I :, - , , : : W. . - I Wr tA"6" itits, I I I . I . 1 4