HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-06-04, Page 6l'ARDPrIUA44 01; My! A western ploiu ur says that he can- not under:land uhf a w0011 1 will wean a )fee a -Leu wast Nothing difficultto understand; anyone can ate through .1. —New York Herald. A Corrector in the Nursery. 'ranine (aged 4).—"bier-a, a lady at school kissed ale to day." llnmma-Did she? 1 trope you kissed her, back," Frankie (indignantly)—hissed tier back! No, 1 didn't --1 kissed her check. EXPENSIVE BUSINESS Judd—We've been trying our best now fOr six months to be economical. ntdd—flow did you succeed? Judd—lied t0 gine It up—it cost Us 500 10001, Lots Like Him. "Re was 011 the road to success once Why didn't lie continue?" "He was too lazy -sat down to wait for an automobile to come along and piek him] alb"—Chicago Post. Counting the Cost. ,Markley -Peppery told me' that 1'd never get hack that .i 1 luailedATuRE you.Graph ter—H0 did, eh? N Markley—Yes, Graphtc--Well, if it wasn't a expert. sive 1'd make bin: oft a liar all right. Absurdity's Height. Mapleton -1n 111e absence of the nurse, cann't. young Wille take care of the haby while we are out? firs, J7implcton—I 811001(1 say mit. Why, 1 would as soon think of leaving the baby with you.—Hnrper'0 11.10.1•. Love and Hate. Some days ago a pretty little'girl some five years of age, roamed Rosa, was tensed a good deal by a gentleman visit- ing the family, who finally wound up by saying: "Rosa, I don't love you." "Ali, but you have got to," retorted the child. "How so?" asked her tormentor. "Why," said Rosa, "you most love them that trate you, and I'm sure I hats you.' RIVER TRAFFIC IN MEXICO. How Products of the interior Are Brought to the Coast. It woukl be a difficult matter to te0m11te the number of people wile aro direcU( de- pendent upon the mercantile eupollee of this port, but it is certain that the number can sl can be written with.. � f tKur4s Aoco than 6,000 of these bogs are in connis:cc 01 115 Tam,s1 Tam,11a 11000 010e . they vary in 10115111 1 arm 90 to 00 fest and carry tae wild and a1:108(ed products of the interior to Tampico, where they discharge tach car- goes and reload with merchandise tmi ower eup;il1es. Rita two groat waterwayw, the Tamed and and Pahoue, the native navigators find their business profitable, despite 00 fact 1e511 It requires about thirty day's to snake a round trip ea distant points of the river. Every conceivable form or tropical plant and fruit may be Wad ,n their cargoes, as well as native made earthenware and other manu- factured articles. A long polo le the only compass required by the oaptalo of ons of those barques, but he wields the bamboo which pilots him safely over the shoal filled waters of awateway Many of the Plantations along doe rivers keep several of those hosts in ooaunllssdon all the time, carry- ing their mailer products to the market and bring back supplies for the hacienda. In We early hours of the morning green bananas are ,railed up along the wharves like cordwood, baskets of cocoanuts, pineapples, wild and ouitivated lemons and oranges and innumerable other products of the tropia can be seen in enormous quantities. And It is surprising how quickly the supply of the day is exhausted. A string of freight are on the tract opposite the market are waiting for a portion of most every cargo, and by noon these to little loft but the email fruits and vegetables to moderato quantities. —Tampico corn:spondence Mexican Herald. Brooklyn Girls. Sue—Do they net as if they were en• gaged? rue—Well, Mabel does,—Brooklyn Life, Profit With the Brush. "Do you think it possible for a man who is clever with the brush to make a living these days?" asked the discour- aged artist. "Yes," responded) the cruel cynic, "if he is a bootblack"—Philadelphia Record. As to Stock. Miss Gaysett--I believe they come of good old New England stock. lir, Ticker—Yes? Covunol or pre• feared ?-1-Ptnek. A Misleading Word. Site had called to see him 011 a matter of business, "He is engaged." said the office boy. "What of it?" she retorted. "1 don't want to marry him," -Chicago Post. POOR YOUNGSTER, Jones—I have three children who are the very image of myself. Bones—I pity the youngest, Jones—Why? Bones—Because he is the one who will bare to resemble you the longest. Next Step More Difficult. "Is it possible to marry on $20 a wee.:?" asks a New York paper. It is easier at any rate to marry on that amount than to live on it afterward.— Omaha Bee. False Pretenses. Mamma— Well, Edith, how did you like the kindergarten? Edith—I didn't like it a bit. Tho teacher put me on a chair and told me to sit there for the present. And I sat and siftawl she never gave me the pre- sent. -Chicago News. A Real Grievance. Bobby looked askance at the piece of mice given him at supper, "What is is it; son?" asked his father. <' ''mn't fair," said Bobby, "for grand- ma to cut my slice, 'cause everything looks bigger through her slyectacles."— Harper's Weekly. Fifty Years Hence. "We have no drinker's 311. 511000 days." "No?" ;Now my grandfather, was good for six orange phosphates." — Louisville Courier -Journal. Linguistic Consistency. '1 suppose I really ought to wear glasses, 37y eyesight is ve1,r' poor '• "Your ear ]nearing is all right, though, isn't it?" -Chicago Tribune, A Flat -Dwellers' View. Seo .tow the busy little bees The shining hours improve; I'm sure they live in rented hives— They're always on the move. and the Orient.' THE HORRID THING. Clarence—I told the minister he mustn't kiss you. Cordeifa—And' what did he say? Clarence—Ho thanked me, and said under the circumstances he would only charge m. half the usual Yee. AND A WOMAN'S WORK LYDIA E. PINKHAM Nature and a woman's work con• bined have produced the grandest remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. In the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roots and herbs of the field to euro disease and mitigate suffering. The Indians on our Western Plains to -day can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and cure diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of the Held Lydia E. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- culiar ills, more potent and efiica• cious than any combination of drugs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. J. M. Tweedale 12 Napanee Street Toronto, Canada, writes to Mrs, Pinkhtun: "I was agreU sufferer from female troubles, had those dreadful bearing down pains, and during my monthly periods I sidere4 so I had to go to bed. I doctored for a long time but the doc- tor's o -tor's treatment failed to help me. My husband saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound advertised and got a bottle for me. I commented its nee and soon felt better. I kept on taking it until I was welt and e,n entirely differ- ent woman. I alsofound that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made childbirth mach easier for me. I would recommend your Vegetable Compound to every woman who is agitated with female troubles." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound did for Mra.Tweedale, it will do for other suffering women. Diaillusionlzing, The beautiful maiden lifted her head for a moment from hie stalwart breast. "Edgar," she whispered, "tell me, do 1 not hear the passionate throbbing of your heart?" The sensitive youth turned color and bit his lip, 'No; beloved, not exactly,' he falter. ed. "The truth is since that smash-up in Aeroplane, I have been forced to car- ry temporarily one of those 98 -cent watches." -,Tune Young's Magasine. • For stuffed pearas take those that are not toe ripe, and ant each one length ways. Take out the cores and fill wilt cavity with apricot ntssnwlado or jam. Place on a dial] with a nwuind of whip- ped cream in the centre, end decorate with candied apricots. BEFORE USING woo AFTERUSING1 I1GtilNl M1 IRsu Mr, Arthur Tennison, 08 London Street, Toronto, says: " For six or seven years 1 war troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia. Tye much acidity of the stomach, the doctors mid, originated the troubles. I tried scores of remedies without avail. Eventually I used Pavcutax and this brought immediate rollef sad eure," All druggists or stores sec. Pre. pared only by Dr. T, A. Slocum, Ltd. Toronto, PROUNOGNCED SI -KEEN EMPIRE BUILDERS. And not where navies churn the team, Nor called to fields of tierce eaprtse, In many a country cottage -home The empire-builder Wee and dies: Or through the roaring street he goes A lean and weary city slave, The conqueror of a thousand fees Who walks, unheeded, to his grave. Leaders unknown of hopes forlorn Go past us in the daily mart, With many a shadowy crown of thorn And many a kingly brekao hart: Though .liingland'. banner overhead Ever the secret algae) new, We only coo tis ernes is rad As children eoe the sky is Clue, For all are empire -builders here Where hearts are true to heaven and home, And, year by slow -revolving year, Fulfill the duties as they come; r0o simple seems the Last}, and yet Many for tide are crucified; Av, wad their brother -men forget The simple wounds in pebm and side. --,Alfred Noyes, in The Golden Hynde THE STRAWBERRY CROP Dealers Predict a Bountiful Supply at a Price Within the Reach of All— How to Eat Strawberries and Enjoy Them. A glut in the strawberry market is the prediction of fruit dealers in nearly all sections of the country. Reports from the growers of berries indicate that the coming crop will be better than for may seasons, and show that a larg. er acreage has been devoted to the fruit. It is predicted that lovers of this suc- culent fruitojn many northern cities will be able to eat all the good berries they want, It is a fact that many persons cannot eat strawberries without discomfort. The full enjoyment of this delicious berry is denied to thousands whose stomachs do not take kindly to the peculiar acid and the numberless little seeds which it con- tains, For these persons the soggy white flour dough of "short -cake" makes a bad matter even worse. Almost any person whose stomach lea not gone out of business entirely can eat strawberries and Shredded Wheat Biscuit withper- fect safety and fullest enjoyment. The best way to prepare them is to heat the Biscuit in an oven until the shreds are crisp, then crush a cavity in the top of the Biscuit and fill this with the bor• ries in their own juices; then pour milk or cream over it, and eweeten to suit the taste. The combination makes a most ntholesome and delicious dish— more easily digested and much more nu- tritious than the ordinary short -cake. You ran make the same wholesome combination with raspberries or any kind of fresh fruit. A dish that is a great favorite with noon -day lunchere is made by partly filling a small bowl with red raspberries, then covering with a layer of Shredded Wheat crumbs (made by crushing two crisp Biscuits in the handl, then adding a little cream and sugar. Such a lunch is wholesome and easily digested. The Shredded Wheat itself contains more real nutriment than meat or eggs, and costs much less, while the fruit adds to its healthfulness and palatability. A more (deal summer diet could not bo imagined. Settling. I cannot find my shaving mug 1 71,017i. FP,,i. somehow Mt'e disappeared; I I don't know where my razors are, So I must grow a beard, My pipes are packed sway somewhere, And rhea is my regret, There L Isocomtbrt in Ito house, For we're not e"ttled yet, Somewhere about the house there are Clean eblrte for me, but then, It now appease'twill be a week Mrs I see them agate. And, oh, It grieves me much to think Tkat Nellie should forget Juet where she packed my suit, away -- For we're not settled yet. Boma day perhaps I'll get my owns -- My emoting jacket brown; My alippete, my tobacco jar, Aad I may sit me down In perfect mace once more to rest, With not a thought to fret; But it will be a month or more Before were settled yet. Miserable All The Tillie? Dullheadaches—back aches—low spirited—hate the sight of food—don't sleep well—all tired out in the morning—no heart for work? GIN PILLS will melte you well Your kidneys are affected --either through over- work, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that are making you feel so wretched. Gin Pills care tick kidneys—make you well and Strong—give you all your old time energy and vitality. Cheer up—and take Gin Pills. sod. a box -8 for Esso. Sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them. BOLE DitVO CO. • WINNIPCG, MAN. Pb Setting Off Explosives. There nee two ways in which nn explosive may be "set off' by burn- ing and by detonation. The turning process is progressive from one par- ticle to another—tis of fire in a grate, only infinitely more rapid. This pro- cess is oda tied to gunpowder, requir- ing ns it goes a very short time for the burning up of the explosive body. The other form of explosion—the de- tonative—being at once throughout the mass, is unfitted for use in guns (which would be smashed to pieces), but is adapted to shattering, or break- ing, purposes, such as blasting rocks in nlirrng operations and bursting charges in shells, torpedoes and sub- marine mines. Substances of the lat- ter sort aro termed high explosives Sonne examples may be given of the safety with which the most dangerous explosives may ordinarily be handled. For instance, a considerable quantity of guncotton (such ae pure cotton treated with nitric acid) may be set fire, and will burn quietly. But if a sufficient mass be set fire the heat and pressure on the surface of the burning body will cause the whole to be exploded. A torpedo filled with wet compressed guncotton will not explode of e shell from r should penetrate it and burst in the mass of guncotton. ldv'en alirogr; 0. erin will burn like oil in small quarl- tities, and a stick of nitroglycerin may be set on fire without danger of harm, —From "Nature and Science" in March St. Nicholas. Black Remark- able for Watchrichness and pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. 2267 A Useful Lamp Stand. One of the features of a flat neigh- bor's cosy dining -room is her lamp stand —the small, hope -made table on which she keeps her lamps when not in active use and in which she hides her cane of oil, her lamp cloths, wicks and trimming scissors. The stand consists of a good•sized packing box laid on its side and provided with short feet; the opening is toward the room, and a stout shelf is nailed across the inside, on which lie the wicks, scissors and polishing cloths; en the floor of the box stand the two cane of oil. The top of the box le neatly cov- ered with linoleum in a small mosaic pattern, and the sides with a long val- ance of chintz, which valance is draped across the front in a curtain depending from a small brass rod .and opening in the middle. e a. Minard's Liniment Lumbermen's Friend. Those Resourceful Wives. "I am told that your husband plays billiards every night at the clubs—plays for money, too," said the anxious moth- er to her newly -married daughter. "That's all right, mother," cheerfully responded the young wife. "He gives me all his winnings---" "What? Do "And lie always playa with Mr. Next- door." "What difference can that make?" "Mrs. Nextdoor makes her husband give her his winnings, too, and she gives the money to me, and I hand her what my husband won from here, and so we both have about twice as much money as we could get out of them otherwise." A Sun Motor. A sun motor was one of the objects shown at the r'^ent exhibition in Ma- drid. It is useful for pumping water, working threshing machines, creating electricity, etc., and, of course, after the machine has been bought there is no further expense, On a cloudy day, how- ever, it would be impossible for much work to be done. •_• A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women: I wild send tree with fail instructions, my home trsatmm8t whW5 posdtvely cures Leuccer ooa, Uloeratlon, Dtwalacementa Falling of the womb, pain- fuI or Irregular periods, Inorins and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, Nervousness, Melancholy, Pins fa the Read, Back or Bowels, Kidney and atadder troubles, Where caused by weakness worker to our sex. You Orn oomtdnue ta0atine(11 ed ]mare at a cat o' only 13 dents a week. Mr Ixak, "Woman's Own Medical Adviwr,' 5100 8.111 tree on request, Write today, Address, Tire. M. Bummers Box H. 8, Windsor, Om, e • His Beet Foot. A young man in sore affliction came to me last evening for advice, "Sail right in." I said, thinking to put that courage which glide admire into his heart. "Go right for het." I Mapped him heartily on the back, "Brace right up to 'her, my boy. Put your beet foot forward." "Um—er—yea," he stammered; ''I tried that. I went up there last night and sailed right in, but, you see, her father anticipated me" "What do you mean?" I asked, "Why, he put his best foot forward, and the place is still lame where it hit me."—Brooklyn Life. • • Frequently Collide. "Do yon aver meet Dr. Rybold1" "Often, He and 1—er—are thrown together a good deal, We travel on the STOTS,,BROKF 1. Gat RiNFc ,.1 GUGlNi PILES Mr, C, V, Mutart is a Customs Broker and Inseraac' Agent at St. Catharines, Ont, He writes the Zam-Bak Co. as follows t " I have been a sufferer for years with itching piles. I have spent many dollars on advertised remedies ter Piles but got no relief. A friend of mine Advised me to try Zara. link, I had but little faith in any remedy to cure me, but tried one box and I got relief at once, I have used four hones and am completely cured. I cannot thank you enough for such a wonderful curative salve. I have recommended Zam• Bak ta my friends and they loo were cured." ma gold by allcardrag•o i is and we. or the Zam-, BIM Co.,Toronto a Balrac and The Thief. A story, said to be new, of Balsas is related by a .French contemporary. A burglar gained admission to Baleac's house and wan soon at work, by the light of the moon, at the lock of the eecretaire in the novelist's chamber, Ba1- zac was aeleep at the time, but the movements of the intruder aroused him. The burglar, who was working most in- dustrioualy, paused. A strident laugh ar- rested his operations, and he beheld by the moonlight the novelist sitting up in bed, his aides aching with laughter. "What is it that makes you merry?" demanded the burglar. "I laugh," replied the author of "Pere Goriot," "tri think that you should come in the night without a lantern to search my secretaire for money when 1 ern never find any there in broad day. light." I was cured of Bronehitis and Asthma by 3fINA.RD'S LINIMENT, MRS. A. LIVINGCTONIG. Lot 5, P. E. I. I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIM^T, Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. I was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT, JOSHUA A, WYNACHT. Bridgewater. Switzerland's Bees. According to the most recent returns, there are in Switzerland about a quar- ter of a milieu beehives, or one to evcry 12 inhaMtante. The yield of a scientific- ally-oonatructed frame hive often reaches 100 pounds of honey per 0008011. The yield from a 'skep," or old-fashioned straw hive, is much smaller. The honey harvest may be taken at some four pounds per head of the resident popul- ation, Count the cups and count the cost Much is saved by using "Saluda" Tea. Sold only in sealed lead packets, never by peddlers or in bulk. 4. - Suggested by the Waiter. "Waiter, I wish you'd let me have a knife that's sharp enough to cut this steak." "Sorry, sir, but we don't keep oar knives sharp. Maybe you could use the steak as a strop, air, and sharpen your own knife up a bit" --Cleveland Plain Dealer. Keep Minard'a Liniment in the house. Boiled Down. "Tired of hearing my 'sugary words,' are you, Puleatilla Corkinsl" howled the Indignant Orlando. "Perhaps you will be kind enough to tell me, Mies Corking, what a sugary word is! What is it made of 7" It is made, Mr. Spoonamore," ans- wered the fair Puleatilla, "of verb= sap " Without another word of any descrip- tion Orlando Spoonamore grabbed his hat and groped his way out into the darksome night. The blow had crushed him. His Lucky Day. Deputy County Clerk J. Robert Settle says Sunday is his lucky day. His little daughter was born on a Sunday and last Sunday a hen hat- ched sixteen chicks from sixteen eggs for him.—Democrat-Leader, ISSUE NO. Yi l�jsly AGENTS WANTED, 'r ALESMEN WANTED 000 ".AtPi'0- UTO - LY Spray." Best hand sprayer made. Oum•• pressed air; automalle. Liberal terms Cov- ers Bros, Galt. Ont. Co'or of Eggs an Asset. One of the most potent factors, per- haps, that should be oonsules•ed when se— lecting a breed for producing eggs for market, is the demdtud of the market at ,,amts the eggs are to he disposed of. Siam: markets, notably New York and cities immediately adjacent, prefer white -shelled eggs; and the best trade in these markets will accept lone other, Boston prefers brown eggs, and pays a swhsta.ntial premium for them; 0nd, 'taking the country over, the preference• is for brown ebbs by a huge matjm4ty, However, in Arany mnrkehs no prefer. micro at nil is expressed; in fact, those pet mentioned are prnct!callly the only marketed in which the. color of the egg receives attention to the extent of in- fluencing prices. Where there is a pre- ference, and whichever the preference is,, ono should keep a variety of fowls that, lay eggs of the preferred rotor From 'Profitable Chicken Raising," by l!os- coe Ti. Sande, in The Outing Magazioo• for April. ,:Mg1RVr tans TRAM MARC Rta1.T1RCD SKIN SOAP Contains the famous healing principles of Mira Ointment, combined with the purest vegetable oils. It is really e medicinal soap and n toilet soap in one. Invaluable for all skin troubles. Ideal for the bath on account of its elegant perfume. ase a cake—at druggists or sent on receipt of price. The Chemists' Co. of Canada, Limited, Iiamtlton. 25 Connubial Thrift. "Thero'e nothing like marrying an eco- nomical ]husband," said the woman with. the gingham apron. "You know my- Darthy Ann married a young fellow last• Wednesday that's been colnin' to see Ther once a week for the last two years.' "Yes; I heard of it," said the woman, with the rolled up sleeves. "Well- we live away out on the south, side, you know, and his home is away out on the north silo. They went to, housekeepin' the same day." "Didn't they take a weddin' trip?" "Course they did. That's what I was - Rohl' to tell you. They took their wed. din' trip on the way home. Got on one of them through cars, you know, and. rode the whole twenty miles, AD it mat for both of 'em was 10 cents. And there they was, right at home. I telt you, that's atartin' rlghtl" POI BIS Free to Housekeepers w. yutev.rr b by on tootlMle.ate. gait •rl{r my {q. 8,o0,04, oti.re:7 . Te erelrs ye }.sacra a ee8m mu, stamps orro,pawl Ta1MW 88 Maio W,. but 4e 0.08.,.t.mpe.r 980.0 sal e. THE OXFORD SUPPLY CO. Dpt. G., Woodstock, Ont. No Scoop on Me. "Millie" said the young moa, as he slipped the tmgagement ring on her fin- ger, "have you told your mother about thief" "Oh, you innocent!" exclaimed Miss. Millie. "Why, Olareame, mamma knew it six months before yon did." •ea Ask for Minard'a and take no other. ♦.4 His Title. The shade became so intolerable that. Satan had to rebuke him. "You swell round here as if you own- ed the place!" quoth the father of rim,, severely. 'Certainly;' replied the shade, "Why not? My wife gave it to me before we had been married six months." "Your wife?" "Yes, sir; my wife; and if you don't drink it was here to give, shell happeq along herself, one of- these days, and you two can argue it out between your. selve9 "—Puck, minard's Liniment used by Physicians. Sermons in Ships. "I think it's a shame that wine adaould be used at • launchings. We temperance women are 'going to try to stop it" After all, instead of kicking about it,. -why not use the custom to .point a moo, al`" "Why, simply by drawing alttemtlon to the foot that after her first taste of wine She ship immediately talose to was ter and a tdoka to it ever after"—Bouton Transcript The Eddy Crimp is a New Wrinkle in the way of Crimping the Zinc in Washboards. It makes the Washing Process very much easier, and it insures Few Destroyed Linens when the Washing is over. Like Eddy's Matches—it has been proven the best ever. To be had only in EDDY'S Till: WASHBOARDS