HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-30, Page 1. I I, ""L I I" " - . � I - -r-;, 1�4, . . I . I t- 11 �.. , I . . 1, o" M -I , I . � I Aw- I . . , C) -LI -6- -ION . � .. ­ I I - 11 ' ' 11 � 11.11 .1 1.10 , Eco..1. , ,00, . NE S - - .. R,D "I ­.... �W IR . . . .. . . _11. ... 11.1,11,�, . � . . __;;� . I . IV. � . - ;=t;:=;=,,_ -��:�;,;7 ­ _­ I ==;;=� ,� ��l wok -,------- _ __ . . :: % ____ - =.-,-..-".�--,.,.-�..-��-�=--.��,�-- ____ . I . . .2 - I—' I I . " � : CLINTON, ONTARIOo TRUIRSDAYj AUCIUST 30,1900 wh9le.Namber 113 � 1. 21st Your . '. --,-----,-,---..-,��,:",11..�.I.I��''I ­­_,__. . ..�.-__--t=V-------;------li���-.--=�--===��-r!:�-�-=*= I !!. '=---- ----.7-.7 .1 4.1 i. I., - ­ ­­ ­ =,� ... .. ........ =!: ---!= ___ I ,ss9 . . "---' address until the end of 1900 for 25 centso What's your Post, Off�ice Addre ,, . . The News iiis Record. will be sent to any - . -1___.__ I � -_ - - 1___--...___ � ­.. IV—. ­ ­ � I :I ­,,., ''I.:; �� ��__­­------- I - I __ - - ------------- V_ I.. '. , , - . . Offid It's Not So . - I , 1.11:.. I ­ I' � I . � � . DAYFIRLD. . � 11$A � Y I F11 I ELD. L._!`______ . VARNA, . . I LOND113.51130RO, pe��ee , .. 41111040cal& ' . . -_ 11* I ,eaqqeeql�ooa4eqQ�E� I I I Harry Allen is enjoying himself for r,eeeaqb � . . The'baseball team will play In wing- The report was current on Tuesday Mr.'G. W, Holman, 0. R. of Court - Mr. P. Ii. Murray is fond of a good . . � . . . hain on Friday. I that Mr.John Howson of Indian Head, Dayflold I.'O. F,, Spent Tuiesd4y find Death has again visited our village a few dinys taking a series Of SnAP 5111041 I I a George Olildley has taken a position son of Mr. ,Tames Howson of town,bad W c4nesday of this week in 00derich and carrieck Ott two of our respected horse, but then who, Is not, and as We hope he will get real good with , is 1, I � I is assed in big checks," but we are all citizens in the persons ot Paul Cleave quickly as be disposesof one he secures, the camera and at firillhing so that -he � with W. Coats & Son. p attending the High Court. 13aeeting of 1 of whom another. Lately be sold a good driyor may get lots to do. ... / i;,� 0 The final bicycle race for the trophy yery glad to known thit he is very that Order, , .. . and George W, Woods, both d ceme- to Davis & Davis of Clinton and.to r I o. , Tom 11111 bod a � I 1 4 Holidays - I is expected to take place this evening. much alive. The report is supposed to D Ang the. fierce thunder storm were laid at rest In the Bayfiel -lace u ear,old wave photo of th% hotel tiioUen wWW tile " -1 . � . . mixing of 11, tery on Saturday af ternooll last in the P township council wag there, and a I i I : .. A number of our citizens are attenil. have originated from a which passed over here last Sunday presence ot a large number of relatives from Henry Chesney of Tuckeramith. View of the men worUlug on the'briago � 1. I ' a in a press despatch. . . . Ing the Toronto Fair and more will go name . . . overilugMv. Obarles ,Donaldson, .Who She is bred from Oliver Wilkes' stock, . . .1 � 1. , . - and friends. is a (lark ba� and a beauty. Mr, Mur- was also taken. .1 � Nichol Robson Chosen D. D. S. 0. President � lives In Stanley tovVneblip, had two paill Cleave,. who departed this It � next week. . . I , The abutments for the new bridge . :1 t , � Over'. -We're Mr. William Robb treated -THE At the Grand Lodge meeting of the valuable horses killed by lightning. life August 2.4b, was a native -of ray will be asking a big price for her; are,up and the men are going to put . . . I I . N.uws-Rnoo-aD to pears grown in his Sons of Zpgland recently held atWilld- Mr. John W41ddon has started his While returning from Bayfield after .' . . . T 'k ) . I . I . own orchard yesterday. They were sor, on the r,etirement of our 'worthy evaporator and , 'the prospects are *there England, being borli, in Cornwa,11 in midnight on Friday last a pleasure An arch at the small exeek, just oppos . . 1, , , n I I . I April, 1819, and had therefore passed , rious ite J. Wagnei's. � I . . . I I , , - rip . good, mayor Jackson, who hold the position will be a busy season as the small I his 81it year. in 1848 he crossed the party was caugbt in the fu i Rev� Mr. Copeland and Mrs.Copeland ' I - - I'll prices prevailing will prevent laigo I , The Misses Pugh of Rattenbury fovr twelve. yearso Mr. Nichol Robson er the I ' .6-tiantic alone in quest of a home for rain storm and took refuge und tire vial ting the former's mother, in Tor- . : .-�_ __ oir To School street. have rented the. Ratteribury was appointed District Deputy Su- , shipments. himself and young wife and family- hotel'shed. During their stay, Which onto this. week. I . I--, og Huron Dis- Mr. John McMillan, M. R, was in, ,�_,_ . residence , and took Possession last preme Grand President . . ��,_o - I . . I . � LaudingAt New Orleans he worked his lasted for some time, they sang a , I Service In the Methodisb church will - 1 I / . week, I . trict. Mr. Robson is a charter member the village one day Ong the number of soDge, which aroused half m , last week when it 4 ". fan . ' day a;. in, by.. - " be conducted next Sun � " � " way gradually northward ill - . . RM A man's coki was found on the Base of Sheffleld Lodge and has filled with was announced by one of the uninitiat, . " I I . � I � ' Mississippi and finally after three years I the villagers, -who were pleased with Mr. William Lyon and in the evening . . ( ) - . I Line about the 16tb inst. The looser credit and honor the important exec". ed that the council bad been realled to, elody and would like to have had I . , . . . . in the states he came across the border the in by Mr. Jenkins of Blyth, (1) -y person are their school can have it by calling at Mr. D. Tip- tive offices in tile lodge'a.ud has also gether to look fifter the votdrs' list, and settled in Ontario, selecting its hial it continue even longer than it did. Miss blacl,atigblin, who was erWg- . . ( ) The haglest days in the history of ever - . lady's. I I been a member of the Grand Lodpe on Mr. William Osmond threshed big home a farm near Bayfleld. Here be We are glad to learn that, Mi. Joe. e . 4 to succeed Miss Kirk as second . . . �) days, here is a great difference in the ways schools are now con I .11 (A ducted as compared with,10 or even 10 years ago. We bilve bet- Mr. .A.A. Schrenk has, invested in a several occasions .and is favorably oats Wednesday of last week and the . . I , I � i ; sand better opportunities to -day for . was Joined subsequently by his wife Jacobs is slowly recovering from his teacher in tile public sohool, quit after I . . . . I ; . � , . ter teachers, better system . . Texas Jack ware which he considers to .known in the district As an efficient yield was so prolific that It .took five � here he ]jag resided . severe attack of inflammation of the I I . j, P, getting education than ever before. . . . � . be about the best driver -he ever. I . .. I . to handle the oats d family and exception of about bowels And hope to see him in his us. two days servioe. Her sudden 4 a par , . . . � . ( , sundries we sell . such as Scribblers, L6ad Pencils, Pens,' . . - . . officer. . . . men .. ever since with the bure Would have left. the trustees ia ,m I . 'I'll Even the ,ons, etc. Twenty-five cents will now buy what used to owned. I I The Wor,k ot a Deaconess, dozen kids to hold the bags. Itwas-a - ;pent in prospecting in Mani- ual health in a short time. I awkward box but Miss. Kirk, who Jn. , � . . 4 Inks, Cra:y le take great pleasure in talking about While jumping off' Frank Evans' � . ter years e 'ought considerable I X. J. Keys and wife returned to . , cost a dollar or more, NN . , Miss ,loan Scott of the Deaconess' great,threshing judging by theriumber toba where be also b . � . � tend's Attending the Normal, has .coa- ' - . i . combining as it , dray the Other day Master George Big- l . ' ed. I � � our assortment of School Supplies for this term, , . . I . Home, Toronto, spoke .at the Batten- of people engag . , property. . His aged partner, whose their'.home III Nashville, Tennessee, sented to take charge tintil another . . . . . does all that is newest and best for the �cholar's use- . . . . gart got under the hind wheel - Which ear of smal was Isabella Rowse, And on Tuesday, last after spend.. . 9? . I ' . burystreet church Sunday morning Time and again, we h � T maiden iiame teacher can be secured. . . . . I . . . passed over his leg. t in the evening boys getting tickles, dimes and quar- four children still sn'rvive him,, his ing - their vacation 'with friends I w earn- . . .. . I . and at Ontario stree . . . D. Floody and P. Collingion a . . I I I . . . ( Book Covers SUPPIled.PREE. � � . I . , ters from men to See them perform the '.. . . . . I -_ . . .1 I . . . .Mrs. ,T, Mitchell' has rented the a of the Home and . . children being t -Paul who resides in round Varna, ' Ing dollars'and cents in Blyth. . I I . .1 . . . dwelling on Rattenbury street until explaining the aim feat of high diving off the top of the * . . . . I . I I the work of the deaconesses, who de, .. I '- Manitoba, . Samuel on the Sauble Line, Mr. 33ennotb, of Debroib, . Tdicb,, � re- I Miss Allen of the Petrolia d(Strilit is . I I 4._ � . W. Cooper ,&. C069 . latbly occupied by Mr.. W. Downs and. bridge. This is dangerous.sport and Stanley township, Mrs. Riebard Bailey turned honie On Tuesday after Spend. visiting Ekt her home here. . . . . . . . � ' " vote ibeir time to visiting the poor And * ' , . . ' - . . . �. . I 1. .hits taken possession. . I I . should.be stopped.. Somebody having - Mrs. Howson is visiting a . t ,.her son- ' . . . . . � . kall quaw sick andprocuring assistance froin the and Mvs. George Erwi'a of Baylield. Ing 6, few days with his friend, Ur.'B, . I . . � . � ,==��_(gLINTON.. .The,buyerareporb only six , . ,01 6uth6rity .1 shmild pub a end to it at ' - A. Higgins. ''His little boy, who ac, in-lawls, -Ar.. B. Scott." . . . .. I market- churches for them .* A training Bch. . I . . 0 Deceased was a bard -working, intelli - I I . . . ities of wheat its having beei . re girls. mity e once.. . .. . .1. . . . * . ' �. . � . . 1. .. I . � . . _____ t - . I. I o provided , whe b 't Clinto was in the .vll� gent and upright citizen and was one of companied him over, intends* remain. Mr. Jag. Ross and family,. Also Mr. . --- ______ - I edup-odatb, The price still contin- 'San . . . Gunn 0 u I - . . __ - . I I . teeeeeleteeeete ____ , . . - � � � .. . � . taught house work 4nd fresh air.t6ps Dr. . . , thesturdy pioneers to whom the young- ''ing here for a fe%v weeks longer. . . and Mrs. BeIrb Brine of Kirktonj Pic. . � ... . i I . . . . , , I . 1. I ___ -0-111 . neslow,with the outlook not any too , . .. . er generation owes so muclo.forthesplen- We had the swil ng face of J. Harn- nicked atBayfield4stweek. '' � , _. ___ - .-- I . . iven .children Whose lives are lage. on Wednesday of last week in. � . 'I . I bright, ' . I . I . . . tire g I . consultati . o . n with Dr. Palliator over . * a Mrs. Wilken of Clinton u4l- . . . . � .. . . . . . .. I � � . . . � . t :.In crowded tenements. - Miss . . .did cowitrythat has been left by them well in our midst again last week. The: Mr. an . I. . I . . . . . . ��* . Nrt of the granolitlild,k walk on ,the s0qu . . of the illness of Mrs, McDonald, wife of. . -children. - ed , . � I 6. ,�, I I . � � . I . .. Scott asked - f6r aid in, the shape � . . � as a hqritjige. to their Alr­ reason was, that when he return . n friends in the village last week. . . � . I . . . .. � . west side of, Albert 0breet Js now dri our. respected townsman, Mr. James I . I I � . . . d I . Why -. I . ' : use and the balance to Jackson's. corner fetlit,. clothing, etc. 'If, for instance, McDonald, w . ho,. wearesorry to.say, Cleave was an adherent of the Rngll-vh� ed to Kirkton he found. the trustee a � Mr, -Jag., Campbell, township clerk, . . �. I . . . .. B I . � I . a warket,said church.: but the burial service.of the were making exten ive repairs on the . . � . . LITTL I � . applas ,.Are a drug upon tli .. .is getting ,a sidewalk in front of his , . ,. I , . . �.� I I . may be ready for the promduaders on is aftlicted with some serious. stomach I s . I .. . ; . . � . , . � . a -seatink it The re- property, which improves the. appear- � . want to eonst yourself In .� Miss'Scott,send a bag -or barrel of them . - . I . Methodist church was read over his school and al o rL . . . I . I., . Do you � � BAX-EA KS.. I - � Saturday night. .' - . ere' th trouble. - � I grave b�Rev. Mr. Tolland, mi later of pairs were no X ance'ofhigi beautiful residence. � cooking meat when the tem- � I . . . � � totheDeaconess' Home wh . .6y . I n b comVIeted in time to' 'There .. . .. .. - . . . In renewing his stibse.ription for a I . . . The campers and. sum mer .visitors I . ey. tdId is thatsame� neatness about Mr, Camp- � . � . In every home libtle breaks . - , . � Ow and .start a th " . , perature� has been ranging from I year ..hence. Mr. H. FitzshAons of will be thankfully received and distri . that church here, Hisagedwid , chodlbn . 95 to 100 degrees in , the, 'shade . . . . are g . -Ing a�*ay; to ,their_ respective I . ' .. . . . . . . ving daily. � � . dy persons.' Miss ett . . family have.the sympathy of the cPm7 John he could play himself for a week 'bell's Place that characterizes his wo* 11 .... �� � . � I are occui buted: among nee . I .1 .. � . � � . I . . . . I . � ay b Table Silverware. - . Winler, Manitoba, says .-"We can- Scobt's talk,cast light upon - a subject homes . Very rapic-117. and soon' the munity. . ' � I . longer and of course�he struck for,VAr- astaunicipal clerk. I . . . . . . ­ . . I . . I � . . gay bele Rings,Brooches,Pins , not do without your newsy ,and really ., . less bathing suits will be - - a warm -' The following are among t1ve barns I . . a " � . . I .. . � . . May be Watches or Clocks. I . . . � .., not too well.understoodand will be the many arm n some nail ., . George Wildridge - 'Woods, the' na, for he is always sure of � . I ; . � . splendid paper." - : , - - I I . . ., -in the hulig up till next siiason.�o I , . . I . . . . . . . I � . ­.. . I meatis Of increasing the interest I . . e . . . I I . built by Mr. W.ni, Rilay. and I*s men , . . When . I . Whatever it is we're Anxious 'Morgan, one oU Contractor . . . in the woodshed and:the fall and win- other. subject of this sketch, . Was welcom' here. I � 1. I .. . . I . � � , . . . ", � . �, - I it shall come -our way. I. Androw .. Deaconess'Home; . . I I . I be I rg in Stanley township, Ontario, the Mrs.. Wit. Purdy and son, Norman, .this season 1, -Geo. MeSpaddeii, McKil. . _ , . ' . . .. . . . . 'draham's:' . I . terfifeside will &W with tb6 many, - left on Tuesday for Toronto. -Th . R. Bowden, Colborneo 42 . . . ''. you can get something in, the . We Repair such things in a; men, fell off & bicycle on . . . : � 13th of August,.1856i and died in Bay OY lopi : 5640 ; . . . . I . . I I . I I . . , , . banned Goods line a great deal . . . istisfactory ma-aner. � Sunday and.so severely injured big counly Board Afeet;. - . . . tales of adventure 'and � of narrow del , 'from his. birth-pla ' ' I K Q P . . . . I . I I - . do not. far - 9q0' will take'in the Fair and also visit x5O , Tbo@�, McE royi' Me ill p, fflx7il - - ' . . I � � I . more appetizing I I I . Our charges are moderate.. . shoiAlder and.hip, -that he will be laid . � A, meeting of' the County Board of. ,escapes �Ybile, bathing on the Shores of ' . ,. I . . . . . . 11 . . I I I I . I . . ervices prompt, . . I . .1 . . bld*� il the- Public -.oldLakefHorbli, * .. . . .1 . .: August 23ta, 1900, aged 44 years and 10 friends in, Hamilton and - other- places Peter Hawthorne, Hulletb, . 50x60; . I I . ours ' I .1 . . .. . - � . . . I 10OX80 ; - . ,. - - . . . W4ethe 'larg 'am ,t for'some time. tiamiters, Was' h in. .1 . . . I .. I r e or Ali I' I off work ­ . , . * days. , . Deceased' was the -.son of the ,When away. '. , I I Robert Beatty, MCKI lop, . � . - * I . . ' I . . I . . . I . . , , I � . � - School, Seaforth,on Sr�tqrdayfa.&ug, 25' * � W b notice Posters -up . aullOulicirig, . Woods,Nvh.d - for.so many yeiirs 'W. F, *Keys and family dro � vs. to - )a p .- . � . . I., . � I . . While returning to town on . late Dr. � .. . George Aarr� , McKillo '.'44x5O ;. - John '­ . . � I receives all,the - attention . . . Tht�rsday i the the ciosing-of thes,amwer season by a . . I . . .. . . .. ; . . it ro4ujre�. � , , � ­ Regardingth; :e tensions before . .1 . .1 . � . . 1. I I I . , � .. ! . night last A lie Courtfcei. collided with � .x . . . I . I . ', Robb,, 'Grey, county.`,, .: Wednes- Brigham, Hullett, 3640; . 94V.var.(.1' � . " ' . . . . . . � . . . � . I ,c ed a successful medical Prae , on . � 0 % � . . - . I .,. . .. . I . . Here 9 .. * - . . I . Board, it was decided,to grant them as leg � driftet' I I I . . I . 1. . an G T R . . ser of social bopsAil...Mr. Marks' . .1 'to. - his Kraeling, Blytb, 48x66 ; Mr* Johnston,. . . 1. i I � . . . . . . . .'% e- are Leaders . . - other. Wheelman at ,the . . ' . . f* te. The following is a list of , .1, . . ,. h � who . tice in and around. Bayfield. and who day. last on a , visit . . . I I .... I I I - I . , , . I and had hereto o . I . . pavi ion. The photogrELP era. I one for',hig.med; a 8 . I . . I . I. . . . . . � A few Palate Ticklers': -Can- ; � . . bridge on the Bayfield Road I respective . , 'etime and,who was.'nofea not Ai Ic 1 sister, Mi . J. Barber. . This is' quite. a .Plybb, 36x60i � I I ba o U.- fln e. *. , . �,� .. I candidates allotted to the . bave'beer� here for som ,. I � . terbarn" . . I . . � ned Chicken, Duck, Pigs Fe6b, I I I � : . his head cut, and hands injured. � � . . . . � ­ � . Skill but as & sterling, uprigilt citizdn. 'long driye but Frank's.team soon cov- Rev. Mr. Haniilton of 'Win. . I . . - .. - . I - . . . . i ' I � � . 1. godel.sphools . . by id The father W . Bred the grout . . . . I . . . I . Ile dy Lunch Bbef, Turkey, ' . . . I . . .. . '. . the wayare aplend musicians,will ith a father's pride had I d.. ' , . occupied the �ulpit,6f Knox church on 1, . W� - During the past week Cantel6n.Brbg, 450DARICH - � . OLINWO's. , I . . � . . ... . . Mack eval, Lob , ,q . . . . I ' � U -I the, music on these occasions. at his son G6or e should Sund � I I � . . . To a gue,SO 'Bo ' s . � n uce� .,P - C f rnisl. . . intended th i .9 dy'las.t. *,. . I . 'ter, - .. . . ,mw . . I .. - , ",bus Shrinipsi Sar I . . have all! I 5000 pounds of butter and . � . ke . I .. . On Thmrsday of lasb .week, while � . � . dines, et I . ... . �,- � A - Wat6,h � - ppec . Beckoff,Nqllib . , - .&I' nhead,.A. . . T.he school board - deserve credit for follow: his fAilier's profession And with Gerbig Wiley was with her fat -her bn I Miss Mabel W.rigbboho ha . � � . . p. . Jeweler, EXpd 6000, doz. of.eggs in addition to a large is Ww. J.. Campbell, Goo. - . . I I . . . , r. boon the, . . I . . . . I I .. Brydges I b i b,te for the last� . I . ,. I . I � "' - - .. I . I the. maby. im�rovements: eing made that -end iii vie* doiektilued,to give vaggon on. the :Babylon, guest of Miss Lon Ouime I . . . . .. . - Even durina the '. . . . � I . . . U Optician. I . quantity of plums. � I D an, Mina' .. - � . _ I � . I . . the peddling,v . ,. . . � . Repairer d . . �Canipbell, Mabel b I - him a good educatiob_ � Accordingly he tine, We.was faken� suddenly very I returned to ber lipme 'In. . I . . . . I I � . . . . . dog da ::. : 0 � . atthe school. The fence -is .eingre I li. � two weeks, . . . . I . . I . I � I � � . va their,store Is.& busy hive. . I . . .1 - . . s . . I --- - --- - . . I ­ � I . . � Dovvnl:]�', H. .: . , Chidley, Agnes� - , . I �... . .. ­ I .1 I . .. . . 1 . . ' I . .1 !red, the walls tinted and many . was sent, After: finishing his ,common ,on being taken to ber'sist6r's,' Mrs. 1ondon on Thursday. � I . i . �. . 1. . . . . . � � I : , . � . . . ... ial will be given Vy the S. - Hackett, Walter ,' .000�81!,El . ., . . I . . . . I . . A lawn goo' I . . . For � : I . I I I . I . . . . -other, repiiis effdctedl� the best of All . gelI661. education, to .the Godericb ' & . is th guest of. - . .. . ... . . � I . . . I : A. on' Mi. R. W.61 We I' n oPpOgit'a Hiilliday, Donald Oourtice, .1bie. "' I . � . Amos Xeys, apd'a doctor.called. it !as Kay of Detroit . e .. . I . �. I . I I ... I a . aw . ie taking down And relinilding . ol_ Ore he ,spent some . . ' . I I . . . - ,It ---� bein ri scho wh '' foundshe wassufferl g from n I . . . . a Miss Fly& Adams. . - . I I � . I Sandwiches there is nothing i - - the barracks on Friday, -ovening; 'Ice He . 1. Ellis, Mattie . .g it . . gramma � was In I . � . nicer than Devilled Ham. '. . .. . � , milton,,,. T. J of the furnace which was. so 'bot6hed . Ing With th6 elements that . 1. ndicitis. ' She has been , 'Mrs. Thes Crisp spent a few clays ta, . . . . � . . . ' ' time wreatl - . attacklof appe .. . I . .... , . I . I cream and cake Will be served and the' Matheson, W *in. T., Goveillock,Jprille und . . * ' I . . . . .. . I in the putting in thitt it was f6 I and is slowly' Ilarlock this week. . . . I . . . , band will play its choicest selections. - McDonald, Fraser' , Hooper, Alirld I . . were to .result. in his fitting for ,% phyal- under the doctor's. ca I re . . I � I . . I I . . . . . � I . . . . 1. necessary to. rebuild it and make.,it. cian. B?#t,Georg6 thought d.mercan- ring. .. � . 1. ,Miss Minnie. Atkinson Is the guest i - . . . - � . The acting chief Constable. has *rd- McLean# Amelia Howe,lanie , . been done I - . . . . I * . � . . I., .."'. I I . . . I I I Culling -stock. �. , . . largerand the wa,$,.thiis has tile occupat on was more.. -in. his line . Albeit Robertson. is..prepari.ng, to, of Miss Addie'Orisp. ': I . .. . . � . Your. . I .. I I NuAve-RIrboRb,to Intl- ' Aniy� McHwa�, HIM . � n our bricklayer', . :I . . I . . . � . . .". I � I . . :- I - quested. Tan . I � . . Pierce, .A. . refle reat credit o. . I an� so entered the store 'of -Br ss 'Lou Ouimette spent Sunday . I , . . I . .. . . I . . . . � I I .1-1. . I I . ;. . . - . . I . . I . . . 11 � mate to bi I cycle riders that whebling Swith, Alex. , '. . I O'Neil, W.Innis � � e�ts.g . I . . , . I Owl' 11�1 build a silo: in. the near future.. ' , . .. . � . I . � , I 1. . . . I . . . 11 . ,.m. n. -e lie spentsome has the rorn,teady to fill ibw.ibb. . ith Mrs, R. Roborton of Auburn - . . . I ' Desset t is easily ma , , � � .*. I . � I � -'on tt . ontrary to by-law, Smillie, Agnes. E; .,,,Ste*arf, Mary . Mr. Joe Brown, .and, a so on Mr W Clinton, whet . I . I . . . . . . - de if you� 1. . - . . c ding the Cava TV ,. - 0 1 . stantane,pus Tapioca.or� . . is Sidewalks is � . , whiddoin, who. is superinten : On that flem failing and going: ., on Monday. :,Ivliss- Julia Hon*ey,. Stratfordr wh � I , use In . . � I . I I . . years. . next 'bliss Mary Ann . . , I . Hasty. Jellycore, in 0 different - Before puttin% ii1eT'Y1f9lI 'took- . If there are ank,guilty of the pradice a' TAylor, August : ..- Scotto Ethel, '� . .,t 0 . $ . . � 1� � . . k. . School re -opens on Tuesday h - . . � � . of Bouts And h6 .wa,nt,to wor . 1. . at of business be returned to Bayfield Postpr,�'one of. the Part Line a most .has been visiting Miis Adrms. bere,'re- I I . I . I , hint may b& as effective as a jin�, Turner, Florence. Th6mpso.n.Win-n ' 0 - I I . � . . . Ilavors, at The Cash . . . . clean out'all spring and sum- I . , � . 4.th September-, when ,�arents are, where in a few years be married And d to her home on Friday last. I I . . I . . - " I ghtniAn, W. H. .. , StanburyfFlosaW . . � their 6hildron at I popularyou.tig ladies, leaves for Car., turtle illiam, :Riley. has b' . . I . I ... wor Mr. McGuire, the new landlo of the �W. I . . . urged to start, . once., oil . een:.. visit- I . . t Allies and wil make prices rd . I .which be - iSl v 6. W . I I li . . . . - I . I I settled down on.the farm .. - Manitoba, where she. has s6cur . . : - I . . fordo . . I , - I � 0 suit t e purses! Call an&get . Hotel Clarendon- !a having: the'liouse. NyiAl;wodd. M; 11 . $t&k, R,oberb 10. uapakyof the Dog" di' n . t"' ' h men, her da� I 'Geo . I � .. . weeks, . - : . I . . I augh,Isabel.11.' - The annual, garde . "I . . ed; An arde t lover of spor so e ed a � position as head''milliner in . a Ing. . . . . I I . . I . .1 . I . , 1. 4), .: : . '' . I . . .. ­ I . completely overhauled. He.is als I a William I a, . E. L�. . - W . ­ . eduesday feltathoii:16 in the cridkeb'fiiild 'and . .. � . . n: . . . .. I .1 .1 . . Grocery' �. ; th . � I . , this week, - - . Brad I - . I e benefit for two ighter, Mrs �40_�,L I I ' Wright, EthWell Jish obureh.Goshen Line,00W .large dry goods.,store. ,Mine , Foster' of Aubur ' � . I . . . . I . . I - . - � . ... . ,. . - said: to have addeda, "bootlek" to. the, . idea suede§s, , a a Mrs, toung and daughte spen:t .a, . . . . ­ I . . . * ::,. . I . I The tables : t a gains tound in him an enthusiastic . Ir . r . . . . . �. . . . . . .. . . � .. . - was 'a deci h 1, I . . , I � I . I . I Ge r 6 Baird,Secretary, Clint . on. , � . - I . . will be much missed as she w S. popu� fe days in Wingliam, last week, - I � I - I.. . . equipment of his refieshment counter . O� 9 .. .. . wore loaded and ,re-16aded Witli good supporter. , Deceasedi by'llis gVIaI lar young, lady and a, valued member w . . � . . . . 1. I I . . . ' . .. OGLECOOPBR & 00. I _. 1. . . . . ID . . to the satisfaction of thirsty Glint6a Detests fWaShfim, , . . I I . . - . . .. . .. ; -aboiA the And upright natures' .soon became of the Methodist church eboie.' Her- �, Mrs, 11 Govior.ofAuburn-�pent'Frl-; .. . . . . . . I � . . . I 6m, .J.. .I. (719iff '� much Ila _ . .. . . .. . . 1. , . . . . . . things.. The .program waf . ­ � - . evidenced place in tb . at body will be bar . a . I . .. - . , . I Corner store-Searles'block. Phone 23. ... ___ , . , ... ,atr. . . I . � - -The league.baseball matoli,plaved in and 'good. The,..Zuridl) d6serVemy popular as Wits at fill day with Mrs. W. L. Oulineftee ' . I I � . ­ . . I � . . right length , I I . . Cash for Butter and Eggs, � . 1. . I I . I .1 I I Governor. French of the House, of the P -m. last . between band held forth and' gave a. number of by the fact that no municipal -office a she is a beautiful singer. She will' Mrs. R. Bedford an(i jainiij .left on I . I . I I I I. park on Friday 11 I a . . I .. . I ' � , � I _. . . I 1. . . . . . . . Refugewas down town on Weaday ihe Clinton and W.illibaw.teanis WAS . fine selections, showing that thebang was consideved�be�ond him and con" be accompanied As faras Toron'to by Tuesday mornili,k for Manitoba where .. . . . 1. � . � % . I � I I . � � . ' ' T11E TWO � APS. * ", ' (6 � -��-, " .. 0. . . � "� ,.. �with a new outfit. The bay driver,, keenlydontested, The visitors had the . - g. The -qu . artette 'e find him-fillingthe muni- I to. make their home.. . ' o . o . l � I I - is,steadily improvin sqquently w . � I her father and will take in the milli- . they ii liend . I .. . � . . I . . . I � . . . . .1 I . p . - I 'on in I . I rk' and uimette and Chailie. Oili- . . . I I . . which did. service for - the knatibuiti best of.it'up.to the eighthinni gqwhen. same village wn§ greeted' cipal, offices -.of councilor, cle tery openings on her way tolithe West. . bliss Lou 0 . � I . I from the . ' . I I... a � I . . ' .1.1 I . � . 11 until its best days were over, hits been ght on to. Doyle's curves. - The solo by Miss reeve H I , ette Were in Clinton on Tuesday. - , . . . , I our boys can with applause. . I o' al 0 � . . . � . I , having. -been for sevei al years or brother, George secured her th � ' I . . . I I . . I . I .. sold and a fine -appearing horse, bought and ran oub� six runs. and in, the ninth Holtzman was appreciated. The speak- councillor. when he was Promoted to position. We wish her ev . ery success After a long illness Mr. W. H. Whit- . . � . 1. I � . . . .. I Clothing at I * . I . . . . from Mr, D. B, Kennedy to take, its' th made fouf more or a total of thir- era i e a of Varna and hold for in tile . . ely suedumbed to the inevitable on � I ­.. I . . . . � I � ey wore Revs. Andr w . the reeveship in 1893 which he . far Weet. . , . - . I ,. . . . . . . . I � I . � . � � . . . place " . . I . test to a dozen for *in�gba,m.. The at- Yelland of P d 'advice three years, during. which years he of, Miss Ian, Johnston is' 60'. the gick Monday last. fie was a comparatively . � . . � . , . . . I . � .' ayfleld � and goo � . . . . , . . . . I Conservative Coarvallow . . . . all as' has been the . � all. ,There were'. two &fayso �mpresented Bayfleld in preset � t. . . . young Mail, being only in his fifty- - . . I . . tendance was sm. , . I I a o . 1. I the list at . . 11 . I -is - . . . . I I . 1. . . . q � . I . . the club not having, . the"bill and we regret. eounty counciL Retiring from tbe� Joe. Cook is unable to work on ae 0 'as a:uative .of ,th . . . . Wholesale' Prices . , - I - . ... A. Liberal -Conservative . conventioli case throughout, . encouragement by other nameson - I 1 7 third year. e W t wont - Of his . tinia I . . . . . I I . . , . . .. . . I � . . � .. I . � . I will be held at Smith's Hill on Friday, been given much . . . that such Able talent, was missing but reeveship for a few yearshe was again count of a sore shoulder. Aldump off county And spen idly nature, be . . . I � . . I . Mention, would have been , made of the. the citizens. The, ,Olinton. team ,now we hope to have the pleasure of bear- pressed into service it 1898 when he his wheel is the cause. � here tind, being of a kir iende, . ' * . . I In order to, reduce our stock of Boys Clothlng� fact by TaE Ngws-RuCoRb .last week. stands one, game ahead withatother Ing. Misses Mo0at and 'Pallister - again, was elected to the.counell,a member of 1. : .1 I I . had many warm personal. fr ' I I I . .. . � I ' I . . ... � . . ' . . . We Will sell at, the following. out pikeb. IfYOU but the information was witheld Until match to play in Winghaw, and if' it' The proceeds arnounted to over $50i .. which body he was,at the ,time of.his . ___.___� . I . . Mrs, Whitely surViveso together. with' . I . .. I . i � .. I . goi3s in favor of the latter, all three _C,_ . - early and lamented death, On, the . � Ot d better our edition was run off. This has lisp, . , Rev..9. Tennings and Mrs. Jon . . .AIPBUPIN. � . fear Ot a family, viz ,,,-Leonard,. Vzzi[e ' ' want a. Suit for your boy& You cann ,o . . I ordy. The bereaved ones � I a . . 0 0 Monday to f Court Bayfield No.1143 , d.P . . . I .. . become the teams Will be equal. and 0111 fiav t ' nitigs left on . . r Parkhill organization 0 . . . . . I . I . , , Zella an . � . than bu from this stock, �� .- I � . � palled before, indeed, it has I . ta I ' pest sympathy Of `6110� . I . . . y . I I . - . ay off, but if our team wins it keg � .. . . . �. I I . : customary thing. The idason is. quite PI I � where they will. spend a day or two 1. 0,- F. he became a charter member a. returned ha�s * . the deel uneral; - * . . . � . I I . � I the Championship, The 'um�ive on with their par I o . n . . The Rev. W. H. Grant,, w ity; 'The f I . . . . . � � . � I I I ts and bring theirlittIe - and was one of its leading members. miscionary frot, China, - ill conduct Whole ' commun I . I . . . . .. 2,Piece Suits for Boys', from 5 to - 10 years old, were $2.50, now $1.75 obvious. . . . L - --- . I them. Inez I . I . I .. . I . . $4 'day last: was Mr. W. P, Spalding daughter, Inez, back with I which wq,sver I Fri . occupying the most, responsible posi- divine service (D. V) ift Knox church y largely attended, took . .16 Is 3,00 Is 2.25 1 . f V . I Taylor's . . I I . I Cithron Holmes acts rho Nomination. � with Mr. . Thos. McCuaig as scorer. has been visiting her grandparents f or tions of Court Deputy and Ohie next Sa,bbath at balf�past ten in the place on Tuesday afternoon to I I � 4. � 66 . I I to , ,. I � . 4.25 � 49 3150 . . The editor of our esteemed . Contain. The PI 0 0 as follows: the past week.' I . L I. . . . salon, Mr, Wood , cial inter- cart to the ,officia.ting .. . I � 96 is I of 4.00 11 3.25 . . Ay rs and Scores wer Ranger in succe . a was. forenoon. Owing to the ape I . etery in. Hullet. I I . I do 5.0o so 4.00 porary down the street captured the . WINGHAX, CLINTON ted friends on ; a mem- eat taken in China at t clergymartbeing Rev'. 1. W. Andrews . I 3 -piece Suit 7 years old . I " . I . � The Misses Parke vial . a. Conservative in politics 'and he present time I I 96 to . 8 is I I . 6,00 ,5.00 Liberal convention at Dungannon last Alderson as 2 1 Harland 2b 2 the Goshen one day this week. bet of the Episcopalian church.. Al- a large attendance ise'xpected. . of VaTria, formerly of Londesbwro. . I .� . . We have Mcll� Summer Pants at I � . . . 900 . . week. ,Grahame Oameroji, theo0quent Skeats rf 1 Agnew Ib The storm of Sunday night did cot-. though apparently possiessed of a rug" Don't forget the lawn social to +0 I I . . . . . . � son of the old war horse, was also after Lockrid Hoover If I a he on Thurs. . . SUMMERHICL. " '. I ge o 2 I siderable damage to the telOgr ph POWs .ged constitution Some months ago held on the manse grounds ' -_ � � . . � . .,_�A, . J. HOLLOWAY. tile Prize but, we understand, the cau- Pearson 2b ' 2 Ross p 1, on the Bayflold Road - - I wita found to be a victim. of heart ,Jay afternoon of this Week, An excel. Air. and Mrs. McPherson of Alpena, . I � ... . . I I . cus pulled him off. As Mr. Holmes I-11-11 Ob , 0 1 McRae a a Mrs., Ed. Howe and fadilly of Harrill- disease which. gradually grow WOr-90 lent program of speechesi music and Mich., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . . I I � . . . wanted the -nomination and has secur- Moor, If _ .9 Johnson as I ton ni Mrs. (Dr.) Andtew ROUtledge with the. exception of a few intervals recititicils has been prepared, The . � . I . ed it, we congratulate him. � I I I I , aldl N. Bingham this week- , am - Cole If 0 of 6min, N. W. T,j lave at Mrs, Blyth quart�tte has promised to be . Innis Wallace of C nton is . . Hats Our � Sped* H iltim of 0 - Mool; . H' . afty 2 . I of apparent good health which seemed . bliss Mi . .. I � . . � . .. 1, Rev, Mr. ffowson's Toxes, . . DInsley. lb . .10 _ 'Daymerib 8b 0 Roubledge's. � I I tocheor himo but th� fell aesbroyer �present. Refreshments served from spending.'& few days With her.sister, , . I I We make a specialty of Hats andh&v6 them all makes, . I Rey, W. G. Hows6n of the Ratten� Doyle p . .. Doherty cf 2 � T3113 WHITE CITY, . claimed its victim asabove stated. The five to eight. Adrnissionf adults 15c, Mrr,. Woodyard, I . . I . sizes and styles, All cheap but no inferior goods. He 33ir INNINGS I Inning to funeral took place last, Saturday, Aug'. n 10c, All are cordiMlyinvited , . . I bury street church will resume his pill- , RtT I I The White Olty is now begi ch ildre . ' " Mr. A; Christopher of Walton is I * . 0 0 2 -0 4-18 . . ust 25thiand the remains were followed Mr. Blake ofGoderich has been the . . . . - Our Summer Shirts are strictIv , . � . . pit work next Sunday. His morning Clinton 1 1 .0 1. I 0 0_12 disappear. ' - in' Bayflold ;uest of Mr. Prank M unro. . holidaying At Mr. Bingliam's. I -1 � I I . text will be : I 'Foreeb thoughts from the Wingbam 5 8 -7-- Galbraith's camp now no longer to their last resting place ber of rela� I Rev, J. Kennedy is &Way for a week ) a Mr, John Johnston and family of . U,P=to-date. - . . Muskoka wilds." Evening subject : exists and no doubt the damp Weather cemetery by it large 11nm Blyth Sundayed under the parental . I . lonwhich everybod� asks.' ' HOLMESVILLE. People tivesandfriendS. Rev.E.C.1ermings V, . . .. � - J * h "That questi was the chief cause of Go many siting I . � I I . ­.. 4=::i__A 0 c Morrig Fine musical randeflngs bythe choiti I tents, The White City at the graye conducted the English Rev, Mr. Anderson, late of South roof- go And daughter were the, . I jag M. Wilson of Vullarton spent it lifting their Mis. Sonninj I . � I . . I MI Ore popular 'each year church burial service, after which , Africa, preached here last Sunday ev. � . 9_9_ipag� � --- - and everyone welcome. The ,monthly. week'with hot? friend, Miss Beatrice is becoming in . guests of Mrs. Campbell a,%feW days . I I I . . ___ fellowship meeting will be bold MU 10 I and the, pavilion Was a . .great attrac. CourtDeputy Geo. Erwin and Rev, E. ening, �. last week. - ­ � . . . . � I .. I . I . o'clock a.m. . I Greene. I . . 0. Jennings, assisted by visiting broth- 'Mr. and mrs.Bakev and Phnaren of I �Mr,,r aughter of I . I Mrs, Lindsay of Goderich was the tiOn- - members of Elmira were the gnests of Rev. J. Ott ,7W I were visitors at AIM I , ... Hope O'Neil Won't Leave Clinton. guest of Mrs, E. Achesono on Monday evening., Of last ren from Clinton and ,�Ohnslon and d - . . I Mrs. Thompson, and Mrs- Bayfield COutti performed the last Kennedy last week, Campbell's on Sunday, I �,, .. �1 . I Mr. William O'Neil, who has -been -9 Ing to the established f SO % ,�,�,,,,�,�,,�,,,,, Mr. A. R. Fowler of Burford Was ii) . week . 'W I I =�', I I our village bu Mjsal)ora� Erratt left last; week to vis. The . ,. .­`@.1_�---__ _,- ==== Philadel- and a few outside ftionds. The harpOrs usages of the fridopendent Order Of it her brother, Welsh, in Nin sorry to hear of his lKnew, 1. ..,\ ggg , ,. , 'Jig fall apple% .Neil entertained some of the camper rites Record' manyfriendso Atr-RaP 111or-t �� , .. ��,��� jyj .... .. , 1 7- 1_11_'�'f" for several years clerking in. 37� W, will be ' . . Irwin's grocery, and is very, popular Mr. Harry Holdsworth of 8 rorstotq, Thus -was laid to rest at tile miss'G. Armstrong of Dotn�brol Me hoft-. . I I I . I . I . I fohme phia, ia holidaying under the parental. furnished the music and a, Very P104 - Mr. H. M-evittle, is spending � I . with the patrons of that eAtAblI nt, � ant evening wag spent. � ,early age of forty-four years one whose visited Auburn last Sunday. � , . . � Photographs has severed his connection therewith. root- God- . Many of the cottagers Intended leav, genial good nature, integrity, and up' Air, Frank Turner of Godorich was dAys.at Mr. Watkins, of the Base L�fte. � I � . . 1_==�:___ I Mr. Irwin has taken his Son into the Mrs, (Dr. Holmes and son of of this week, All were rightness of character visiting In our burg lasbTuesdayp Air, Robert Harina of Wint1wop is on , . I business, Mr. O'Neil Is a good citizen erich And Mrs. Gordon of Toronto Ing the early part � I Miss tattle Whitney Of Toronto is it visit to his daughter, Mrs. J, Bullard. . . I . And It is to bo hoped there may be visited Mrs. Holmes one day last Week, sorry to leave but hope to meet again universal reoPcct Of the WbO1O COM -Misses M, Sheropara And Ella MCI . + . wife of Muncey next year under move favorable circum- muniby among whom he will be Badly visiting at her mother's atpiesent. . , J � allen Sundayed at, Mr. 3, HatT4Y's- I some other opening for him so Wit lie Rev. Mason and as we believe Ali,. JowOtb In' missed on account of big many good � Mr. Oliver Baer has returned home oilveen oif W4tfOkd is , . I wilL not have to leave Clinton. I Mission were callers at Rey. J.Greene'a stitilces Mr. Oliver Al . � Remember you get, it nice, large Photo . last week. � tends building it number of now cot- qualities of mind and heart, The from Berlin and will attend the auniial spending A, few diLys at the residenCO for framing with every dozen of our MiWord Married, I Miss Tillie McCartney left. on Tues- tageg. gympathy.of All goes Oub to, his young meeting of the High Court of the In. of Mr. Butt. � for Souriar love she On Wednesday evening a party widow and the three little orphan girls dependent Owler of Foresters being W. Buttg returns on ThursdwY � . I Millyard, who was ordain- day ver froria Goderich and spent a Wh,d are left to mourn tl)o irreparable holds a lucrative . Boy. .1. E Maultoba, wl Mr. . II ­ . ed last conferencei wat; married on I onths. drove o held in Goderich this week. to Omaha, wbere be - . intends to remain for Several - m Icag of a kind husband - and loving e of Londesboro was . I . . $4.00 . Wednesday of last week to Miss Olaf& Mrs, Lawrence of Lucknow IS visit- , pleasant evening. . Miss L. Oulmett U thie position' I � ., 1 6 . .33. Bigharn of 'Union, the ceremony Mrs. n. Achosoni . � On Monday evening it ,largo and father, Besides the SOrrOW'Stricken the guest, of Urs, It, Roberto" 'Air, W, And Miss Eltipic, Jordan w(WO, I 1 .4� 6 t Ing ry party of young people � from Wife and family, his aged mothers it week. I . . )3eaeom on Sund(W- . . . beingperfotmed In 'Union Methodlab Mr.0, L, Fisher leaves on Friday mer I of Mrs. 0 (L'a 1110 church by Rev. Mr. Millyard, former for Manitoba, I I " . Olinten drove over to tile White City brother Aria a sister remain to mourn Mrs. Bailey of California waa the guests - . nolioeaville ig� i . - . Most of tile farmers ate through With - for the final dance of the season. Mrs, . his eat -11Y demise- . I eat of Mrs. Goo. Marshall for a few miss At. Proctor of � Photographs . I pastor of RaLtenbury street, church, . jag, Fall, accompanied them, 'AltOng The fishing. season ended on gatur- gu visitingher sisters, Miss Oakes and . . . this town. The groom's many friends their harvest, e most of the fishermen are days. Mrs. Lowery* I is OiTor is for ,% 01)Ort time only, J in olinton will be casting, 614 shoes and Miss Carrie 'irang returned on Mon- those present We Ilotleed :-Allsses day Rua th 0 other occupation. __ - � _____ . Mr. Bandon of lauleti is rusticatirig . Thi . showering riet" according to tradition. day to her home Oil Louisville, -Wiseman, Glbblr`901 McMurray' L' hOvV engaged at SOW at Mr. , , i We do all kinds of life-size work as tpWin, Ijell, Stell, Coueb, Doherty,% The w4soW hits Only been faidY site- DAYFIELD. J. ff. Loweryle. can proeuro- first-class \ A SW029101 Siud#44 Kentuokoy, - Kay, I&dams, No Irwin, Kelly, MC- cessfal. I Mr. nenry Watkins 0&lled on friends I oheaply as you \ The Senate of TorontO 'UnlVerAitY At (166-P,RIC W T-O_WN__A_H1P Pherson, Vallander * Captains MeTag- A skid belonging to Itugh Moteoa Mra, p. Kep And ,gre, 11. p, Xer of ' on tile Base Line 011 Sunday, - I workanyplaeo. All work guaranteed , � a special meeting last Thursday evem- friend, gal't Ana combo ath Ilessrs, X, Fair, has delfted out to sea. If this reaches Clinton, together witli .Via. jas.Uagle- Major Soo Beck visited out, Village - I . ingatinounceil the result of theJunfol? Allen Maggie Walker and bet' I air, $.lack, bile eye of the flnilel, he need not doubb Son and Mrs, Whitehead Of the Game last week, . __ '_� and up-to-datc. . otsheia in On. Allpa 111,dith Oakley, roturned. to Toron. .To F�okrestek, it, 13oll, P. Ir d AK ' . matriculatioli exattillatl town of whom mention, WAS Ma 0 11181) Mr, B'- Butt has arrived home after r* . lb Of hbout got%, A, Forrester, At- B61111101a, J- as to 0WHOVShIP, wife, daugliter 4 d , litwebeen via! , ends in, Wilt- � . tario, and the honors and scholarships to on Friday last; aftel'N Via, . Crooks, W, Iloss, The eottagers and, Mr. Chadwicks � 11 week Ving Mrs. James pleAsant visit 'among fri I . in e ' 44ee"aem � , . . ,_ ) I I I I( @0 W - I' 10%��o �,.._ , 5J " - I I �� I 0ill (and see our at tile annual matriculation exit 11141 three weeks with tII6 fOrmot's slat rt 0%wperg it, the City joined the party' sell left for here for tlielt, homeAn Pollock. tord. I b ste, Marjo 19 holi. , . � ,and Broaches tions. Th6no,1140 of Miss A.Cllidleyof %%. To W, Islillotti, n we Mrs. Rod Miss Neil havb lifted theit Atz Cottle of, Hall, 10 I Moo Butions Olinton figureg prominently in this, list Five tilreshing machirlea *ero at and a. very pleag&lIt time was spent, Guelphaftorspending the 811 I r it) mr, W. Alair, . . I . . Of , It Was one of tile most enjoyible evelits �&-Oyfleld. tent to returnto, theiphome in Seaforth. dftyltig with 're attended i headings :-OOM* work on MondW Within A Tading , of tile SeA0011. Mrs. Thompson alld family left Bay- , Mrs. L-Millaw bag returneil to her Quite a number frO111,11C hIt4 pleted Matriculation, General Proffel- four wiles. At this rate the ,al,nlovG r6l of tile late Air, NV, It. W BURCIBSSP STUDIOP under tile followillg MIG5 VAIliGt0r` and MISS ItAthW011 field On MOUdA7 for their bolne I'a home in Seaforth .after 811611ding the tile fate desboti), . . mt,#% I rucy, Latin, H 89118h, French, History, ought fo very Soon 1MV0 their grain all wera Ill 01111tolloll 1"LlIdAy. Mitellells, I aullifilor Ill Dayflold, ely On Tuesday Ab LO11 ,....- I . i F I V1110,10-1-1 10170 mathems,ties, phygics, ) ready for markob. I I . � I � F )'�, * , C1111 . . I ; ,_ . __________,._.__