HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-23, Page 60
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TRICK OF A ST. BERNARD. ___ .X;:;;;: � - 11111-_... __ bar, sud give It to Valerie's xon f A $9410THINq QUIT13 14law— fates nquWto being two tin palliii, 000 I �,
. thousand times no I nor boy was a d0cliand a*rrow.one larger sindrook RVIINTS nAV COng ANWOO, but *0 blob 4404AVO of 9111011ft *0 —
I , I laws.70 remalm, in.
box 111164ell 1-I1441S'r7Almo%( 1:11121.113. In, true Nealle, be had uo.blo blood In his . I I 1. 1431t. Tbo naTrow, deep pall should .
tell1relter. � St voluo, a noble soul Shona tn hia little , � have a tight -fitting cover.
. ,
Among some interesting dog stories .1 Through _. orm and Sunshine I face. Rob him for Valorle's son—the . Lemon Teo—Gra. , to tho rind at A
—_ -_ _. , , I . -=" ���
told recently Is one concerning are- I boy who in bis youth had learned to I large lemon Into a 2 -cit. bowl. Be I
. —Continued, proud, beautiful vlowan suffered a deoelve, and to tyrannizal A thousand Ouref 41 not to lot any of the whito I I
rAarjcablyeagaotous8t.'$erua.rd,,whtoh . CHAPTERXLL - . S I A- L A, � D-.. � A- � .1. E - L L A 1�
lived at a house ,where the writer of, 0, Very sudden at the tast," said the very martyrdom of Suspense. L4'vory times no I � . . I - fitXaY In, by gratlag too olow. A4d xi 4DW it sevor varies. I" Land Pao4sts, W U, ", 0 oulif SIN �4
- the stor,v once boardeil. I nurse. "I am afraid it has alarmed ring Pit the bell, every knack at the I 11 I will keep Lanoewood and risk lt,tl CEYLO14 OREP.14 TEA the Jule . 0 of 6 lemons, I qt. of water. . I ,:. � � I 1:� I :''I ''I gl� 'I , III
16 �t of a- 41_ I -, I , _ I ... I I
. The dog used .to come Into MY sit-
you, madam."
door, every unusual souudit every
a e a - to neroelf; I wit& Keep 1t;
-M or I%$. JOPA10#40011y Moro 44011clous.
X1110 very much sweater than leluou. �
. ting -room, and give me his company at
. et knelt half-oroilehing-
Lady St. in
Strange footstep startled bar, and at
for Arthur's. Sake' .
___ __ ___ - - ___
� . � . �
4de. Freeze, as follows�- pl%oo Mixq
� 11 dinner, sitting on the floor basIlle Ply
ly on the ground-, It Wes not so much
last .Lord St. Just began to fear that
The Child clasped his little arms
tuxe En the deep pall. put on cover,
11 chair with his head on alaVel with
the death of Gerald Dorman that bad
8110 must be III, And to wonder what
round his mother's neck.
avId Put title pall into t4o larger one.
L the plates. His Master, however, fear,
prostrated bar ao, the story It, bad
. .
was the matter With her. It was A
terrible trial bar
"Mamma," be said, "you look so
sad, been
About micuousco *
I *__
Pill in the apace with' layers. of pound.-
. In- that he wit* being overfed, gave
told. I
sore and at ii.erves.
so serious; have I Baugh-
o(I lee, alternating a layer of lee And
15trict injurctions that this practice
11 Shall I got anything for you, Ma-
She did not dare to again go to Oar-
ty V
� :
X -10,01d salt. Continue to pack in this
should no longer 14 permitted.
darall' inquired the woman, kindly.
aid's lodgings, lost bor.doing so Should
"No, my darling," slie replied,; and
. "400#0111 , 9011"001111110111101111 00
-----I oven covering the top, Spread
. .or, the first day of the prohibition,
Lady St. Just tbaliked her, butsaid
excite wonder and common t .
the boy bid ,his face on. her neok, for
over entire pall, old carpet. Set in
the dog lay And sulked in the kitollon,
11 Xo;�' then, riatug, she iookod long, On
The day of poor Gerald a funeral
be saw the beautiful dark eyes were
fl, is very mudli, eaoWw, to cook vege�
cellar I hour. In removing caver, be
but on the second day, when the land-
the dead face of the man who bad lov-
,a e, and every one who had known
01 .
filled with tears. I
tables rigbt than wrong-thel trouble
careful not to lot any salt fall into
, lslies,'he stole
lady bro-liglit In the d
ad her so well, . .
his connection with. the family
The child.ran away to his play, and
Is, Moot cooks ignore the fine points
helpail. To'assare thls,,brnsh away
t .
in noiselessly close behind her; and
"Ila was a faithful irieull'to our
thought that Lord St. Just, acted
Lady St. Just went to her 4ally
- never to coal[
Of the process. Ovact is
tho ice and, malt which may'be on top,
while for the moment she bout over
family," she said slowly. 11 He was my
kindly and courteously in f9.1lowing.
It WAS a fitting of*attentioa.
She never looked or listened to her
a wilteid thfing, it it i in Anyf man-
. is �
With a 1,mg knife clean AWAY tIkS
the table, he slipped quickly beneath
father"s secretary, and my husband
. I
ne'r possible to. revive 'it. Whether
frozen fliza an the sides. Beat all
it and waited. . .
shall see that all proper re-vaot is paid
Who kindly nobleman *,blmself had tak-
own obildr9n with out thinking of lit-
things come from the home garden
With a. long-bandled'spDon for some
I . No sooner had she ,retired than he
to him now.,, .
on care. that the, oaraiikony should be
tle Oswald, whom she remembered no
or the market, they Arc the better tot
Minutes 'and freeze again, if not
emerged from his biding -place, sat
For, with the quickness of Iter keen
one befitting a friond'ot the Neslies.
�a child. She had loved him after a
,standing in fre6h, cold Water until
seirVod when frozen, pour off the brine,
i I : 4 .: 17 , I,
4. I 1: 11 44� I. tl-- id's
Gerald's brother did not attend; the
fashion, because he was !ter balf_bro� �
L __,_ A 4
rATIL 1,911 With . A 1 4- .4- A 4&.11
I . down In LA s asua pos on, an W - - -.-- 0 t�,B-Ce, S -P Saw a �� I I 4114cly are 6XI15pty PL . Vy &&to ,,- . . an � - * .
. _. ad in my face with a look which seem, death must be made known to bet, hus-_ engagement . that he had in Rouen that, and because she bad tried so hard I P � DANGEROUS TO GET ANGRY. CARBLESS, COMPLIMENTS, �
� , sues always cook tough, And strtngyl ready1o, oar". it you wish to serve I I I .
. . . � ad to say; " Haven't I done bar V' band. The annatty. that bad boon his would not allow ..him. So poor Gerald tQ educate him, She. wondered wb%t . . . — . � I :
- I - . . to say nothing of lacking *ne-ballf.the eq platter, d4p towel Into; hot water J, So you told Kra. Cunningham I
. . was laid to restj and Lord St. Just he had gpwn 14to-what he w * I r4b.%YJM lglv� Fooquently 3teilitteil lik that She looked .As young as her
- ,
� ,. . In due course the good woman came would revert to the estate. It would I . � . . aslike propeir flavor, and wrap around the pail containing , Iticalilk or .11orlial, Inittry, daughter. I suppose that caught the I
. to change ,the plates, and.As soon as be ,better to make no mystery of his , ordered 4 marble monument that wits now -above. all, if 'be had any remem- Ano-ther'tIlEng worb, knowing in the lee and the cream will Slip Out !it ,k study of anger from experiences old ladyl . . I . .
. . � I
1W ___.. the dog heard her step he Blank once death.. Tl�ora Would be no need '.'at'! to tell his name and )Ila age. brancootLancewood. Alougingoame t,ho difference Lit makes to.have the form Wooly. , However, far ices, it in . about 2,000 oases, collected fromi -but it IQst me.the datigh- . . I
� . B. Yea .
I.. more under the table; but in.an in� present" to Mention Oswald. He was sorry for the hapless score. to her to see him, to know if he b$11ev- watex boiling briskly Whon, the green is just as good, form to serve In little reliable ,observers, has beau made by ter. �, � I I .
. . . . . . stunt, ate she bud time to open the Once more Lady St.Juat bentdownitaxy, ; 1 ..I,- t ! r .1 : ad himself to be Henry Dorman, to stuff goes into it. . Still , anot'her IS lomonade_glaoses, � . � G. Stanley Hall. The a" . . - I
� if he hild and touched the dead nianla face with I "It must be,'* he said to his wife, know if he had any lingering memory . as were 11 I
. door, bp came out again,.as ' I . . .� I � . . Me xmpo�tanae of iskimming. No MAI- Plateapplo Prappe-This is especially many and various, often being "tri- Of Suff 0 . �
I Suddenly taken another thouglit, and bar lips. . I ring relieved in as. many days.
I I 1-l"because I find life.-oo pleasant rind of his former lif a. - � ( ter how, carefully thbugs have been nice fox fates of all kinds. Select, Via , and tile Physical sensations so- Corns cause la.tbe dggregate as much
. throw himself down on the, rug before " Good bye, Garald,11. she said, " You so 'fair that I dread death, because This idea Crew upon bar until it be- prepared, in :4oLling tililey will tbrow if possible, one ripe Florida Queen companying it differ greatly with the suf f Bring- its tiny single disease, It Is - . �
6 life ends with it, I was, so grieved for came A perfect fever, She said to her- I . .
. . the fire, to all appearance fast asleep. have served me well, yen, bavo� loved - I ,,,if waste, and effete paXticies, whioll pineapple. 'Slvred with foriq or grate individual. the magic'solvent power of Putnam's
I $'Ali, Keeper I YOU there, you ras� . your poor friend Whom we'Juld under. self that -it'sho oobe ,saw'bim 'she .
� I . me well"too wel.1 for your happiness . . rise as froXA1, aind, tt%iless, removed in .In deep bowl; sugar, and let stand till, -plashiAg . was very gonaral, 0- Corn (E xtractor, that makes it Speed- .
. ground to-day.1P, � . should be at rest -that it she could time a#ber cake upumv the edge$ of syrup forms. Add the juice of I largo though pallor was a eharmeteriati(s. in no substitute, hotvovei, highly recom- - . .
., I cla?" exclail4ed his mistress in indfg- And for -mine." '. ' . , lly Successful in removing corns. Take
nant surprise, as she caught sight of 6000 again She looked. at tbe Strang6 The day of poor Gera -Id's funeral was speak to him, know something of him, 1.he. stew pae or onor4lot, what is cook- lemon, more sugar it notlessary and I I 'Corn
. . h', in. . ; . � . yet familiar f ane -strange in the mar- I one of the saddest in Vivion's life; he she would not be .haunted as she was, eeds . � � 27 per cent of 1be oases. The beart mended. Putnam's , Painless .
. � . . . . I ing within it. The skimming u. cit. of water, t6gether with juice and bouts we're violent, Bxtractor is the best.. Sure, safe, and .
� I several cases at , . I
. . I
. The dog opened his eyes, half -raised We. beauty that was' fast spreading had. been so trua a friend, and he be- How could She see Itim-by going to 1.0 be done wRblut the first tau m1lir plueappis, freeze same as leram ice. death from rupture of this organ be- � . I .
. I . . . . paijuless . .. .; .
,.. . . h�s body, stretched himself out lazily over it. He whO had loved her so well longed to the.sunny past a$ much as .the sollool.where he was T She rcitnem- ' . I . - . �
. b . . I . . I I . . . - ales a,fter putting, things aver the Let stand, well covered: with lamps Of Ing rep,)rted, and there were som $,,Falls like Lualfer, never to rise I .
. . At fall length, gave a great yawn, as had stiffered for her, had sinned for .he WAS. a.5soolated with her sin. . -bered the name -Dr. Lesterla,.-Illim- fire. Doi not put, on lids unless there fee And old carpat, till hard. Serve ' . a, - -$-Falls like Lucifer, never to I
I '
'. ;f awake -ed from a good sleep, and har, lay still -be oould.lovo and suffer 'On the evening of the -day after werplulth. Sha looked in a'direct6ry Is e.xtr I . . -p- . . I . times peculiar sensations in mouth and agliln." - .111.1 . .
, . . I �. . I eime need og baste. This a withl fancy ca,kes. I * .), Henry V Act Illi,
. I. . . . tl4roat, sometimes dizziness or fifift. hope again - I
. then, with a wag at his tail, went no more. - I . which she had heard the terrible sto y* and found the name -".Grove House phe which , . I . � Scene 2. . . -
.. . . . at , . . . I . s eveal to Irish potatoes, Peach lee Cream -The . secret . of ness, frequently tears, and geller. .. I . I I
-ell to lick her hand: A t1ash of t 4 Shut .herself into'her own Acadenlyill She might go- there some ,to . -_
.. . forward and tr' . . . ears' blinded, her eyes. she ,ha . I I . - F 1ho4yever, very much better. sucloess . with lee cream is frequent - I I , I �
�, it was a capital piece of aothig,alad flow good he )lad been to.her, this oil- room. that sbe.migIlt tbinlE what was day whan-Ldrd St. Just ,was occupied, steamed than. boiled I . ally coplous, salivation, which &Ight I. How's .Thu T. - * .� . .
. � . � . I . - . beating.. !Select 12 very ripe peaches. produce frothing at the Inouth. I . . � .
I . . I . the air of perfect guilelessnass. was happy. Anan 1: � . � . . I . . best for her to do. There was but one She need not take Joan, with her, . ConlitioDver.-Trim carefully a,114 Pare and stone � j,oruah in-eake bowl, -do 'were an . imal wo-ofrer One, 11undred Dollars Roward fox .
. .
I . 11 � . . . �'He, Is dead, Joan 11 she said t . o,ber thing to. be � Apne-that phe knew. neither need she- take the carriage; s6alt ak laabt an, houx. Take, out at ' - � I Common soun �ILkq, any case of catarrh that � caun I at be. cuyed by . . .
� � 0 � swe�eten with powdered sugar. - To 1 1 cries in � children. 'and T oaths and �Hslils Catarrh Cilre. .
. I . .P. j. cHiANMY & CO., Props, Tolod% 0. .
. . i — . . maid as she roe-enterad theeal) he is Lancewood ought to be restated to She could go; in a cab* and return In tbe. coid water, plunge(. up And down qt. of ilch'cream Add 2 eggs', ' We, the undersigned, have. 'known F. J. .
I . dea&11 : . . . ? the youti * Sir Q ' . . . ,.!, . . �Vell I threats in adults, wbilB' in many cases � . . . ..
. . . . 9 .sw-ald. Hall Gerald liv- the same way.- . - . . I Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
. . . I . I . I . I in scalding water; tilien drop into- beaten, granulated sugar,making very ' '
'PaIA AND HEADACiE. ad a:few Minutes longer, she ,would Would The bf)y-lrdc nize .her t go, I .. . I . . the throat was paralyzed and there qrfectly honorable in all busine,34 tritnsaet� . .
. DYSPL And Joan never know that Lady ,9t, . '09 briskly boiling - Water, And. keep it alweet.. Place on fire, let I. come to I � . I able to carry out any obil. -
. . ' . . � was inability to spaiak above a Whis- lone,end floandiallf � . . .
_� � . . Just had seen Gerald Dorman (110. She have Been Compelled to promise that; she was sure of that ; Gerald:wnever 'hard far twenty'. -min tion modelllk the r Arin. .
� boiling at"- boiling. point. * Nmove and strain. per, or without crying or trembling, 11 Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. - - - -
.. ' Irbrons,11i � . 10EBT & T=x
Ali Elderly Ladt Tellt; or tier (11trO bellevell that bar lady had reaaQ the but he had died whille'the words were ap9ka falsely, and he had -assured- her Ta ' .'the 0. WALDING INNAN & )EARviN, Wholesale .. - 1. ...
I the.1 lNe of Dr. ITHIM11W I'likic A'11119 � � . ke out ottailifloWai, On'. the When coal ,add I teaspQon,of vanilla. Butting with the head, bitting and. D I ,to, Toledo. 0. . I . I
house too 1 to. She did not feel sur- on her Ii a. Ha.h he that Oswald reirk mbered .nothing of heads into citarters or oighths, or- . In "' rAen InterBally. aclt� I . . .
- i
' *
. . Afier it 14cara of tit tier. l'oluedle4 Ht"I . I .4 . I . .p .%a lold list in t � ' .a I . � I Freeze as 10MOU ice- When nearli ,scratching' ire noticeable' in olill. . OR Cit ... h 0-- 11 t-1 .L .
I . . Ing directly upon the blood and mucoils oar.. -
r ' She would go, and, if rungs tfAe pieces ne�tly 01 A-va"Y frozen, stir in the mashed peaches And a 11 ugqr. - . f Floe o of the system. Price, Ift per bottle. . .
Falfi,d. . prised that Lady St. Just wept during a ' On so OfAhei.r last interview'how.lt his former life. . . � IS A . . . � .
I . ' the whola,.Of the Way. home, apt �ili could be aranged--how the bay might her. name Were asked for, she could h,o,t 'de-ep dish, thea pour over Ahem freeze again. 0 caa1pulilly beat well . . ... . i 14 1 . .
� Dyspepsia causes more genuine dis� . . I W . . . Sold by all droM
..; � . ' � ' . � . ,a I � . . . 9, gto, Testimonials free. . - - I
. affllqt- suo hop'eless despair, such weariness be produced thiougli the family,solici- Bay Mrs. Smith, Mks, Anytlll�g. On left; melted buttar, ,made . . . . � ___ I , ., . ..Wro.Falinfly Illsarethilliest, ,.
. .
. I
. I . . .
, ,
.1 bress tIllan most diseages, that It .- - . I . I a a cupful of, r . � . I , with a ,.Ia,rge , sp000. 'Let stand. till —�' . � �. . . . " .-I-- . .
am one .of heart,, Joan thought, it very natural tar, Who Would gndeistand- that he 'thing was quiis certain-shel must see t'him. Work -a ocaint spoonful of all! t� �. . I I � . I . ; . ; 11 otivinced against: his, will .
mankind. In tils country it .. . . ' I hard. - I - . . , A.mAn c *
. . - She should regret, and regret deeply had ,been .stolen -years ..betbre. Slit- .ihe:boy.' : . I. � . I . . - ' ' I 1. . I - I - ,. . . I .
, I . . . . I . ad* flour I into a'heap6ng .spoonful, of ,� xt-Add We - a : I 'will hald the same opinion still." -
� Orain-go Shsrb . . that.eattupilea against I* Will is I
1 . muse or another,its victims are num too, An bid devoted friend like oer 4 saw'that it -was. possible, without in- , "'Vivion," Bald Lord' St. Just, anx., the 6 I dus� .at oRyon- � . . j%xiw- , 0: BRIGHT8
. bered by the hundreds of thousailds, . I al I . . ' . .. I est bu.tte.ro'add a . . oranges Arid I large , lemon � also 1 'He I .
I .
. I and thopo afflicted always'feel. tired, Dorman. . .1 . . . . . criminailng hersolf.to yield upLanco- lously, "either you are not -W611 or lie,,.a good, sprinkle ot black pepper, . _ # I . , �i I . . 1. n . opinion - Butler . , � .
� I . I I I . . . .. . � L� I , , � . I � . I . foai�plooa 04, the essaiace of'orange to _- .. 'at his ow sin" �, I . . I .
. I
. . " , . .. i - - I . - .
. 'D
worn oub And miserable, and A..% aub� . His lord4hip Will I be vexed to see wood to .him. � . . . � I .you are plotting som,6 .terrible con- r the cauli- .
. . . pilraley-w1iieh -is it V' .: : . . I A,n d - half a cup at . wa te .1 . ... . i . . Ifullibras."'. Part III, . Mitler also
I wo- - 'But, after hot years. a 11 qt. of . ,water. Swoatbi� and.add . I � .. .
ject, to fits of melandholyor ill tem- -YQa'go.p�ut out,"said. the faithfu ; possession, 8 . � f WiWei* was bolliBd tn. ,Stir, amooth'and . .. .1 - , ; .1 . . .1 1. T I f I tau enoo. - - , ...
. L I . I .. . 4-2 pt. of- rich cream. Mix' all to- .., �: was� a, .man a a , ig .. . , , . .
. per ,without apparent cause. -It Ji;- Man.* "Did, lie kuow, libeia you were when le iaa: ,given .every -energy Of The- o near the truth ' ' ., . . �. . . � . , I SEASE " . . . I .
. I . , I dip by spoonfrals. raver the cauliflower - .. ,., . � I I I I .1 . ,� _ ,. , . .
. I , i getbbiq a,nd frloeze. am we�. roam. Serve . � — , . .;.
. _ ' , ' I I . I 0 '' . . .. � :� . .
, .
obvious that thia human, body, in or- going, my i�dy � iiat, nio�4 am sure) - list heart tEnd soul,. all� her talents, that, Lady St, 'Just trembled.. .� ,1 � , ppki the disii into.'a 'hot . oven for . . . . ..,., . ls'the"deadfioBt And Most* . . . " ' I . .
, . 1. - . , , I !A"TREAM HOTEL DIRECTORY.,
. ' �o -Y'ou' o . . ,. . I AinfW tiiialady to which , -� . . I . .
, I , ,
. ,� der to perform itz functions, must, be ha d. he known, )ie Would have accom- . her patience,. time'aud fortune tO the " Why aY 0at,'t Adrt(tti.r' About I W'' miaiates,, Ibe,': take out, in, lemonade cape. - ' � L - - ,� :, . . ., P . I . . .
. . . . . . . I . . . . . .. . () I . � . _....W - ,� ., � � , I p BUS Am. lao, I
'.. � . .. . restor .. I � ... : , . . : in - I � . . � a
c . . ation' of the ,home of the -Wes- . she -asked. . 11 1.1 .: . . sprinkle. tb4ckly with gra6ed bases, � ,: ankindis subject, Dodd.'s . . The, f1 BaInturp-WI FrPs. P L'
, properly nourished, a d this clinnot. pau'ad you." I �. : . . .0 . GOOD TO KNOW. - i � - -1 Kidney -Pills -will *cura.any . - . 14R.60kaw, . �
. - - . , ,
. be done when the food is improperly . . "I did not tell him,,Joan," she to- Ilos-after years of labor. and thought .. " My'.darling, you dw not know. how. and serve at once, wlklade�* who like . . . . . . . I .. .
I .. . 1. .1 . . . I .. . case of Bright's rhsiasq;: I -AVENUE 1,0U9E_MrO1ll-0oIIea8 Avaull I -
� . . I . . . I ti Pamily Hot,el rates 41'. . .
I I 6 ' * * I ve s w alIno t everything can. , When binding up cuts and woundS , They have never failed th � vorday .,.-.-..--
� digested.' Thas �vlrosuifer g oin i n_ .plied. '.''Xb -letter ,that a 0 Ld me and with the .consoictusuess , that' you have changed. Hitherto yo. I � I . I I . � — __ . .
. r 1. .a am . L . . 11 ba Loa t ith, . s I - I . . . , . .
I I . ' . t st use -linen, not, cotton, as the f ibres . : one single case. They are . . . , �, . ,
, been All smiles.. and sunshine, nolw� . . . .. . . %
. . cligestion should -exercise eare. as to was - add ressed by' the� doctor, r Sap-, Laucelwood was. now.,tho finest estate . vary , this,by ptUting. a- lining a as . . ithat.. 1. . . .., . I .
' I
I . . ... � .. . yo are always thinkine . so deeply. I .1 .. to,, oA cotton .ire fla,t.And apt to irrita to I '. - ; � the only rented . ever, . . � � .: . . 1. . . ;
I diet, and only easily digested foods pose. Lord. ,.$L. Just was not in the in the eounty-it Be mod to her � im- a in the dish.' In, that'case it ls-;.bet I �. . . I . . ' I -UNCTILTOV9 AbOUT THANKS. �. .
� . . � . . - ..a . . - 1. ' . � I � . I .. has cured it,' and.thp I .:P . :
. . . I I � . . place , . 'Y are. I . .. . I . I I I..
should be taken. But more than .this room when I re possible' to yield it. To give it,� to a navdr find you reading, writing, pla - - e ebeese- before.. setting *In a sore i while those of. linen am the only, remedy that can, . . .
A& 11,.11' . ... - I 'Y to add "zh .. I I . I . I . .
. - - poTfectly rounded. - I I . . I L Westorn pa�ir.prints 'the. follow -
I I . . .
. . I . . . ' � eave the.vegetmble � . I A .
* She was so , � . a - Once- Ing with the -children, whenever I L&e ovc-mg and tat 1. "' , - inutations of. 1. I I . . ' I . I
. is required - the blood needs atten- ' )ruud that �he Strolling playeVs ohild,'to 46 it . I . . � � I , , adid �'t ' ' ' ' ' � There are .. I � . . . .
. disliked dome In you tire sitting, or. standing -A little, a . Voidd'tl Kidney -Pill Ill iog singulaX card. �f thank$. . � - -
. more laid ' it � Aug r a. ., a o the ,water . .. � 3"v 0, . ..
tion in,order that the otomaoli may squa-vooating, ever �o sligfitly to dils , waste, made desolate its . 'tbero "t the allopae, brow -us sftghtm . I . � ' .. - .. Mr. and. Mrs.' Heays hereby', wish to - .
I I , . 1. . .. . . . . . I I I foir'bastin � i " - box and naine-but irnita-] . . � ..
. be strengthened and the secretion al woman. A fiilhio ward ,was detestable .revenues squandered on a horde of quite Still thinking -Always thinking I � . I g meat iiinprovealts lavor, . -e dangeroui. The . I . . . .
I . ,, I �.. - I I y- I I � Nwier wash in ometlet-pan; wipe it, - tions Ali I . ': I :exj7ress theltAbanks to the , frietalls .
. the gastric juices properly carried on..* to h .' When she* roadbed. home Lord "needy foreigners, its' be intently. - Do y . . . . I
, . , . glories tarnished pu Jrnow that some- sec4lna ivity-pou r9r t-enty-tive. I . - . original and only genuine � I I . " -
or . ' . I Clean 'With Pieces ,Of pap3r," then'rab Disease is and neighboirs who so. kindly, asslst� _, . .,,�,
. There is no other medicine offered the St. Just isui absent, and, she was -7she could not-entertain'tbe thought'. times I enter'a room and leave it, Dif ivies t1iold out up,# and lay closely , pare far Brighi's , I
I . . . I � In .. . . . . . I ad, at the bmr4in I g of tl4olr house last . '. :, �
public that will not so promptly and' tha*rikful there Would be time to com- -Honor and lione gbf without your , having .once Beau or in a very deep covered diah, made with a 0102LO, . . I I .
§ty, justlaq andri . I � . . dry cloth. � If :the pan . I . .
off ootively as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. pose. herself before ..his retara� When pleaded in vain --she could.not 34old heard met .I often speak to .you, ask very hot.. ])at the* cauliflower thick- Is treated in this Way the ain"ele . ts Vil . I I DUS I . . . . . . I ;giy.nday ev6nh1g. . � : I . I i� -
* � . I 1. I ' ` . __ . I . �
.... 1. .
is is even in the' ease of he (lid appeal,- 6be. waA looking pale and up the place and, wilful dofl� You on look at me ly wit.h.- batter I . . i " . I ' ' Fort OYHR FIFTY TSARS ,
. Proof of th' . I I ; so, in questions, and y * ' . . , irn to, which you hive l* loss apt to stick or burn. I . I . .
. I I ..
. � I . . I I � I
. Mrs. F. X. Dod ut,ho. did.-.fiot notice it. � . . ance of right, Irnowing full Wall the with.sualt vagua,.Aiev�my eyes. What Is worke,d tho,jti�ce:of a lemon, And black Apple Sauce. IS Much, IlulproVed by . � KIDNEY I . 1. ING SYRUP has b*14
dridge, St. SauVour, ill, b ( . I . . . , . I . . . � - thers for their children ttlething. It 800th" .
. . I. . I '' ex ent -of her: crimo,' banishing'the'ie- it tha ,occuplas ail_ �Our thoughts?" d* . CGV , -th;a .Addition of a tablespoonit al. of but- - � . Goit i 110 '
Que. In conversation with a report- " AdrIa,,,T-sho:said, " can you t . . # . re4 peppers. � at ivtt once, let. . . . 11 I I . I .., i. � tho sh Id. AlDft4Ll, the gums, alloys vain, mires wh%4 . .
spare . I . . . � nd I . . & -
I m .. egibrance of the dying face and the She tiied'to smile,, to answe,r him sta ' 'tin., V,i . a . cei two minutes ter, and requires loss sugar. . �. I - -, hms. 256,s bottle.
the world. Bs an .
� "
said: I have something . I � . I I . nd a %y4rni� . , . . . . , - . . - LS flo ani I .
ar, Mrs. Doddridge -"For quite .me a few ni�uu tes I . . .. . � . I � L I P 12 L '. . �
. 1. � . . I � . burn * ' . . 91d, b
. - . �. lightly, � -but she.. 'could not. Her, lips For a or scald Make a paste . *dney pills are li-4.111VII, IV4 Siyrui�* : I I
a number of years I have been a ter- ,t ), I pleading byes, she resolved to continue 1hen servo. in individual platters, pats . � � . . . Padd's RI . I . � � - ;
. a say to you.'- I I I , I . .. I . . . . ,. . � I � � . �. . . I .
I I .. I . d tar; : . fty cents a box At'.All : .' . . . � �
rible sufferer from dyspepsia, accom- I The droseng bell ,has rung, but I the sin of her life time. trembled,,her face grew pale,,. of 00MMO)a baking -,soda ,and wa A . . .. . I �
. I , � &ng with it giated cheese And toast- . . . . .. . ___ . .1
. . . � . I . . I . '
. . . .
at al- -am q,Wta at your orders,"',he replied. "If. he had bad a diff " You are not well," he gaid. "You ,brow . .. apply'at onoo and cover with a liniln 4ruggists... I . . . .1 . I I
partied by the sick headaches th . erent mother," n bread,. . . , . . I 96TBS,PAOK.A NVEIDDING.: - , .. '
. 1.
. I . . , . I ..
. most invariably come with this tro . r1s' score- shote cited over And over Again, "'I -have.worked hard fol me this year, 'way_7Darx I . cle'tii- When the skini Is broken, ap-: I . . - .. " �, . . , I ...
U-� "You remember, my f uthe . . . p 0 I . .. , , . I I , Third . a large . head . . . . I I . All tho. girls were in white mall; - " . � .
ble. I suf farad from tereible - pain t I . Id d6 it; but Lance . wood .shall not Vivian. I Owe a 'great part, of ' . y - the -White of an egg with it f Boor I .. .�...-----.4"-.-.-"6-,,.-�.—.,-, I .1 . . . I . 111. .
. . a ary T Yo4 hav a . me. speak of won - , ,. 107 tire'llity*SeVen minutes; take. outi leave ,111 1. . .�., . - . .. And tne�msn*in whLto duck. I . . . I
. I . . . . . . -11 " 1. . . . .
. I
I In the stomach, bloating and belch him very often," she began in I &� low be the prey of a strolling player, '.no success to you -but nbw� you 'must Nyhole, ,,, 0 ,akd thitr;. this. gives'4 stant relief 'and XI.SqUOTATIONS. . WasrVt t*-r6.'any� "or about the " �;,.'
I - . . , . I , . ' , ,,, let. co 1, thcrij set on ice. N 11 1.11, . . . . � ' . I .. :. . . �
1. 0 ' I '.. a 1. . .. . 11 matter by what name.she is known, .rest. We will leave London as soon I I I . . keeps tb6 ail frP14 the flesl;� ., ... . I I . .. . . ;! �. . . . I � . - , . .. . . . I I .
� . I ing wind, All f od seemed to dls� ,voice. 1. . . . ; .. .. 1. . I . . I . .. . a, Fiemoh dre6slpg� using; lemon juice ' . I � . � - - wedding at all?, , . . �.., i . I
I I 11 . . I . . . . ` .. � '
1 4" or .: as possible." - .' - . Pldster. Pails, . oruimomts call be Common 1111miso.4 That Very Ttlsv, Aleo,,!e . It.,. . . ,.
agree with me, and as a result of the Certa,niy,10. -s;nd Lord St; .Just, in and h associates.", . . I I * instead of :vLfnegalr, and fla,voping. .it , ' I . e d tdd bat .
� I � ' . . . .
. I ved'up - She. clasped her . � cleaned by cove4ng them with a thick . . - Vile livroprr�y. �. � � . , � I . I
trouble, I vras very miuch run. down, his kindly, geulal. manner. "Your ., At the samia time.sho resbl an, arms rollull his neek libetally wila 'cayellino� Set your . � ,. . . . .� ' .. . : . I .. I * ,
. . � ,. . . I .
' �
. .. . I . . I I . . .1 I aAd kissed his,face. , I C ' ,r , " 'layer of ataro4_ . After applying it , "Charity ooverettl a n . 6 , f . . - . .. . I WPC i637 , . . . � . I .
I . 'in do , .' I
- -
and at ti4nes I was unable to .do father left ill,n-au .annuity, did 110 doing what she.dould for the boy; he , . - . . I head,oX dauliflow-ar, A6 wnwird I � . � .1:attitudo . .. .1 . I .. . . . .
even light hpusewo I rk. I am sajr6 I * t I'll I . . . . . I . � .. ..bit, f rom th ' 'dry thoroughly,.then. brus4, .and the , _'�' 11T!!1� - � I � .. � I .. .. . r !_1!-1�f_,1____1___"M - - . -1 . .
to. � . ,should "have the best Of education, the - " YOU are, so lrind to me, Adrian.'? in., ,bowl, scoupt w deep. a . I . I. . fta�, -"CliarR�s4all.,.o4ver the.. nalil- .. . . .
. � � . . � she Said. " I do not'deserve your great, middle. of it, 'and pour* tba dresaing dust will c:&Me:6f9 With thestarch. I 1. I I . . - .
tried a scare of different medielveii "Yes., 1, It . . titutle of sina,!, 1. Peter, IV., 8, Rov, " O.ALV T' . . . I �
119 ad a letter Lo-day.talling. beat Of aSOIStAnde.: She trutsted,toher. I � 1, � � ,,, I EA Is. I I .1 . I" -
. * me that be was dying and would 11 . ke .. d inventiveness- for keeping 1:10VO-" . ... � . . . I . in ifie ho, . I . I.. "q�Dva poyereth a - r sinfootants, soaps, aftit.., I .
but without success,. and As-, I am Own Ton . I .Is. Let stand for ten intnu- Mix stove-blaeking. with soapy wit- 4-uhifude�_o Carbolle � 01 :
� . . Y . � I . I I . . . . , . - 7qq.,4 . . . . . � � f .
sixty yea.rs of age, I bad I e6mo, to. be to see m - 'a low, hur,- his existence ameoret. It the worst And Lord St. Just laughed.,at the- t - Th�s willbrave4t the dust from is* 10 . .? . 1 . .: = Tooth Powoora,' em, 'have boom I . 1. I
a," She spoke int . . erv$bi;,, To make,it high-. ter . .1 . ... . .. . .a�tl diplowas tot, ouperiol �
. . I words, 11 . I I M bei4res . . .. � I I d 100 medals ' � I
liove that it Was haVeless to expect tied voice, wl It her face turned from came, she could say that he was a boy' , I . .. .. I I e4, nd will Also produca'a, finer "Make asmranda doubly 810elence, Tboir regular use pr6vout Intoolit, I
. . .t I . . To Be, -Continued.. . .y, QTnamentaI,.uscl.a ol , n gI&Ss bowl, flYihgi il I � . I . . . I . . suxe,"- ova dlaesties,- Ask your -dealer to obtain a .
� ' '
- � .
a OU're. A friend whoo had used Dr. him. Pl' want. He wa3 dying when in. whom Gerald Dorman had been, . . . lined wl�b lattlace, And lay. atound the polis4. , . . . . . 1 1. I .. . "Make. assurance d9ulils Sari." "Also-. supply., Lists mailed frea on avolleadou.* , I . I
I . I . . .
. . �
I Williams' Pink Pills with go9d re- I reached the bOuBB--*1ia is dead now." d, and ,whom.for Gdr-� 11 � I— 0 . . I . white head Bmall,(brigh.t red tomatoes, Never let yegefaflAos stand in the. beth," Act V. Beene 1; , ,� . .. A, C.' CALVERT & 00,., : . ...
I . . I . . . I I . . . I . . . . � I I .
, .
. I WANCH1118TEW - .. ENOLAND, I .
. . suits, urged me to try this vleffl-oine, " My darling wife," said-toril St., Aid's sake, she.'whs befriending. She T1113 ART Or, BED -MAKING. ono for'-da6b plirson, ,seaded and,peel- wateIr in Which, t4ey were boiled. "Benedict the married man" should � ., .1 � . I .
. I I I .
and my husband brought home a Just, you should not , have gone could always take refuge in that equi- Before making e ad, but not slteed� � .. . .� Drafa the Aorqant they are . done, and be -"Bene . dWk the ntarried 'nian.0 . . - - -_
. . I . I .
. I . ' .
couple of boxes. ' Before they woro� through such a Beene." vacation, although . she detested false it that the rooms have been aired. On I .. . . 0yeing.l. Cleahingl* I .
�. I . I .. . . .. Beia�s,Wuthi the beans. to two wa� dress . . I . '.,Much Ado About Noth1mg,". - . .
finished, I felt much better, and we ,She did not appear to havi heard .Words. I . � I I a clear, sunshiny day open the � will- ters, then soalt before stringing. in Order to free a roon4 from lan- "Falleth as the gentle dow."-"Drojl� . Pot tbovery bastsendvoor wort to tho " I .
4 ' .. . . .. ., .. . 11 BRIT1811 AMEUICAN DYEING . I ,.
then got another half dozen - boxes$ him., '�Aftor a brief silence she con-� "It a nnot i;o.wrong,11.sba said to dcws before .brea�kfaot and strip the Brejak them -f inch -length$,'. And boil pleasant ' -Odoxs boil r4ixed epic a in Peth as the gentle vain." "Merchant
. . I . Ill . a I . . . L6okforA96lAI07D%nk0VL1, orsart441rol; .
and these have completely restored tinned: . � I I.. I . . � herself, with an Air of 4100POiatl0fi, bed, hanging the clothing over obairs until tender' in, well�snited, water. vInag . t' ' of Vanlce-� Act IV., Scene 1. , . � Uotltreal,T40rontof OttaWas;Que 26
� . � . . . . . . %r Wanty Minutes or longer, If . . I � � I I -1
my health, and I not only feal better .".It was A' g I rout surprise to me. I " the sin Would xatber lie in Allowing. near the windows, . , ' Dr h put them onoughl are u . destroy a] I 1, . "The tongue is an unyuly member.10 . sk ortit I
than I have dohe for ye ' I . . I . 'Y I. .sad t4eY Will . t,B' . gathollo Prayer look" 8""' .
urs, but qc- did not even know that he hiid to- Latieewood to.be the piZey of the.spoil- Allow the rooms to air tar it couple back In the eftew 'Pan- with a light unpleasant spoilitA, pyon sqoU as tried - tit the tongue can no Man. tatne; 41files, Allapolaras
. . I . � I I ' . ... Rolfid
tually feel youngei. I very. chearf oily turned to 14]ngland.11 . ers." . of hours and shake the bed ,clothing sensolnia 'It is an unruly evil,", James itt,,, 13. 9, vff Matures, StAnary, add Church OroamsmW I
I . . . _g of red and black pepper, and Vish, onions, etc., and the room. wili 2ox onalWorks.. Mail orders receive promoll itftl* �,
. . � I � it" D. a a. SADLIZA & GO., Mbw*4 1 .
reoummend Dr. Williams' Vink Pills - il It will be a great trouble to you . The next morning, as, she left, her 'fl,ee-ot dust. If .the day is ralia do gjailbleapponful of the- beat Salad oil have a delightful. And invigorating .Perhaps the oomnitliest of all.mis- � --- � .
. I . Y I _
. to similar sufferers. . also,'Vivien�. He was a ialthful friend, dressing -room, she saw her little At- 'not open, the beds while the vaom is to, every quart of.be.ans uncooked Sat . . I quotations.in the 34#glish language is
If you.r deafor does not :keep J -h I sAa I f;eliavo.11 . . thur waiting for bet at the.400r. alrin �' low, fire for five mln�tes, fragrance. I . . ... . .1 Malt, .
I g. They will gather moistufe if Lbein qveT is . . . I 0 . � the phrase, "to the maitor born," for ss Q �
,� , pills, they will be sent postpaid' at " Too �altfiful," slia "id to herself, 11 MAMMA," he said, springing up to you - do. . On. a damp day hang the stirring most og Met time. Turnout I I 1. I. I the trae form, "to the manner born." Brass "and, .
. � . ' . I � . I "
. 56 cents a box, ' or six boxes for with a deop"drawo, bitter sigb. But .her, "I told Frank I should have the : bedding to Air in the rooms with tha into a hot diall. upon, very Crisp toast, ' . SURMER SMILES. . . Probably even the ispeaker who Inotrunionts. Drams, Ualforms,ett. . '.
. $2.60, by addressing the Dr. Williams for his readiness to sacrifice himself first kiss -and I have had. IV, � windows closed, make up the beds And and serve with either quartered lemon — . I . . .. quotes this Shakespareau Phrase Or. I ' . .
- .
� Medicine CO., Brookville. Oat. ' � for her,. but for his wonderful Jove She took the child in her arms and .tit the rooms again After the beds or pepper vLneg I ar. Instead Of the Didn't you hear about It? No* Why ectly will find some quotatidns inethe Every Town ean have a Band I I
oter quoted. Mne ostakosud No tow
. . . all tat bfto,h mqxy bit used.. Try half the tVng happened right down in following list which have hitherto i114I.W.111I.P.ried2freo, write as
. --- Is I . . and fidelity, she would not be in her looked at him long and steadil�. They bavo'bean made up, . ' f , for &pythlng in
I .. . present I terrible position. I were grave thoughts that passed The most important part of bedmak. a dozen slides orlop Without burning y0hr own ileighbourbood. I )cnow; - caused bini to Atunible. The mis- musla or MUSIOut Instrumentm,
NO TINE FOR FRIENDSHIP. . . but my *ffe's away for the sum- I I 000n#,60 . 6311114 .
"It Is getting late, Vivien," said through her mind then. This sin, of, Ing is to get the shoots properly ad-� theliv, tlien pat.the drained betins.in quotattona con�e first In this list"then whalay Royce & 00. V al"L, Oad
_ pas
. — , . Lord St. Just, Suddenly. " You are hers, . . this usurpation of another's Justed, , Wrinklea In a sheet are an M0 II)AC1011 gravy;,, and stir well over met. I . .. - .. i I . I . tlio ewroot rendering, . . ' I . . ...--
Ticit 0141-1711141310011 ell Quality. Is Maid Ify De 'r a�lks, talksg .kA litt, . . MILLS, MILLS & NAL1116
,# . forgetting our dinner party, darling. �4116, might extend to the Innocent abomination. � The bottom sheet the fire Ituttl it is absorbed, So re tinderthum-my wile t a knowledge 10 adange%�Ogs EstrIsLer", ate.
0011, of Wife. . . W Removed r nalldlogs,
' n struck child in her arms. He was one day -to should be tucked 'In securely at the top on, a 'hot dish With the, b,leoft laid on talks all the *;Ie- 1,fonP6cJkXmPOS- . thlng."-"A little learning, is ad an- LAW IF, alohmoulodNevew'".11TI.t1r,
F riondship is said to be out of date� You must go antl� dress." The � � . .
We corta'nly have not much time to by her droamy,'abstracted expression, be lord of Lanoewood-would Heaven So that it cannot be jerked down by top, alonj with tot corn. 6read and sible, BAB, Must Aisten part of the gerous tbj%11 * Pope, "Zosay on .
� _
� . Wsh him as sharing in her Sin I sliced cucumbers in vinegar. t4me, otherwise, S46 Wouldn't be go PORTRY0 BUTTERit 9096s APPL18
he hastened to add: -" IA there any- An . the restlessness of the Sileapar * . . I ,Oritiplan PeFeby to
spare nowadays, even to reflect on . " . Just to her- . d way -Boll the beaus after popular ,4rith My 'WIfia. . .�.11 Xjaquotttrs are altdolharritop,U031, ioemn%Orow�idaiAto 114
thing that you wish me to do. in this " I Wish i said J�ady St. The top sheet should be tucked in, ge"'Ou given qakee that ippe was. a 34an of The Dawsoli dimilisloo Co., U4114do
what the. rush and hurry and bustle . .
I . self, 11 that I understood more of these tightly At the bottom so that it ottn� Stringing, untif tend -or, drain and put. XeGarigle�'Tis 80d tbim 400ds" ligs intelligence at�a d14 put write non- , 0�r.qw._umrI*&abqWjW .
matter 0 . . . #I., 11mrotsi
of modern III a are costing us, Now and ; deep diah with alternate layer$ a pair a' soospl4ders for every Pair . . I - . . .
, Gerald thiligs-. HOW could be suffer for it, not easily be drawn out of place, 112 0. . Sonse. -�,---- ______ .
again, however, there is borne in upon 'Yes," she replied, " Poor I .
us the sad realization of the losses we Dorman had but one relative, a broth. when he would he Innocent of the facts It should be laid with the wide hem. ol slided onion and very thin bacon. a' pants, Sahwartz-Vallo so hat 1, . - .1 � a I * I L 11
sustain as we tear and scramble or, and he is ht Rouen. I want you, even Ill . at the top and the rough side of the Ilake Militil the onlan, is wall done, MeGariglo. lJow Many pie of pants Don't you kn9w better than to taO- I F_
through what we now dall life. And Adrian, to see that Gerald has afit-� She *looked At the boy,s fair, sweet hem turned uppermost, so that when Serve -Liat with corn bread and strong do yez own. Sollwartz-Vlan. . kle a man for 4 dh4e w4en 40 is talk- 0 4 1
, I face, And her heart warmod to him. it is folded back over the coverlet the pepper sauce, � Ile looked at the picture nd laugh-
ight side will bo, exposed. , A Ing to ladies I said t4a citizen on t4 ------- .---- - _7
is not one of these the. power of ea. ting funeral." \ ; ri . , he said. But 1. .6 .-
tablishing close friendshipal It is u I 'I will Attend to it myself." said with a groat love. 0 Beets.-Wiing, off tops and, tap -toot ad loudly. That's good street corner, tAftb)tng in bls pooket, I NA, OV, - _. . .
Bad refleotiou, but the More, we. think the generous nobleman. 11 I wilt go �2y 11 I .would do Aothing that should . instead a$ outthug, oar the beets will what does It mean I she asked. Meant aiid finding nothing less than liquar. LADIES "A*v
. salt as Chief Moarnor, that will please hurt him,,, .phs thought, " my boauti- OUTSPE n, DS A. HOWE. Act bleed too mix -ON in cooking. Boil Why It doesn't mean anything, he re, ter, which he reluctantly fianded out. . I
. of at the truer we shall find it to bet ;If . - ful boy." Ostriches are tot . the only i I iwift-rian- until veTy touder, and be sure the wti- plied. Itts just apolitical cartoolil. 0 V 0 . .
that we no longer have, tima to knit you, Vivian J . Mobby you undorstailid my business S lot
Slowly and sadly She raised her pale . Then she remembered how proud she ning animals that can Outstrip the ter is not too salt, dropf in cold, wa- A man and his wife shbuld be part- better'n I do, an' mebby Yea don't, " .
together those bonds of true friend- . had been of him. as one who would aimed of , a, Vorae. There is it. land ter, pool and list oilt, fee u.ntif, wafit- note I -Ake a business Tirm. Yes, An-' haughtily veplied Taffold Knutt, poe- DRESS NG 10 . .
ship and affection which bound our t"O to his and. kissed him. me," she Inherit. the home she loved. Could she Crab Ili On I bit that can rival the oatrich, ed. Thol way be served, harif a dozen swored the meek -eyed silent partner, keting* the Coln and moving an with
predecessors together and Made life "You Are Always good to I MAlle BY
Said-"' always kind.,' take it from this fair faced, noble and go much faster tha,n a horsal ways, sliced w4f�h vinegar as. asilod, And I 9-nd my wRo Is firm enough, his greasy old but at a 1pronounced. . . 11 I �_ '.
sweet to them. We are always in EL . . I � . . L I .. I I t Did yora have any worda with your Angle on tho aide of his head. VAD .
harry, rusMlag hero'an& there; � . ve 01 My peerless Vivian, who would be ._.;�_ __ . or made very h,olL arad dressed with . I PACR R 40
aieet and know many people iti crowds Anything else I it is hard on you, , melted buitter And lemon juice. Do mistress which caused You to leave Yho Power of flectriolty, It UNRIVA CD 1`6 k . 1.
and yet never ,ba\V time to under,s darling. I know that you are grlov6d, not. mistake moilted, buttor for drawn your last pl, a T Niver D, wor-rd. I HE UATRA WTAN PUMU . . * 0
about this; it is 0, loss to you. No D r. , 0 h a seft._ a's Ointment butter, Anything with flour in it Shure any 01 al000ked her in the buth Jay this aglillarly Nervilino is made to 0
stand them, to give them or gain from penetrate to the most vemoto nerve- ton "Ell's 3111111t$ Of UR to I 011"
thtam sympathy; we can searftly new frionds, ean'ovar take the place � I . spoils a bevA, Mitt 110 buttOr With room and tak me things and slipped every bone, tattoold and ligament Ili $041 DRESSINO IACA #AOIA119 tillitkilis kskill
spare an hour that ta unconnected I of the old. It Is bard an you I but it . say a tea- out as 'quilet as yoz plasa. made to feel its benofle6ut powers. I I at tUAN91t AN$ A 14X it I'Mid 1 1 .
Nerviline is a wonderful re Inwou'lliff! UlIaLl
every little "Olt water, "' x1fillial 0 1
' Is . 0 re, Wehill,' I
I you -can try.to be yourself to-nl;ht, thO World's Greatest u spodiatull to the tw-blespoobful , of but- Language, quoted Willie Wishing-
, with some Ooriti of entertainment or � ter. Beat in the lamoin juice thor* ton, was given for the concealment pleasant to oven the youngest in its . —
. r guests as you usually yet so powerfully far reaching
some business matter to those we call Wld, amusc On I oughly, Adding a, dash of white papper of thought. Indeed, rejoined Miss work that the mast agoftizing in
our clos4st friends. . I do, I shall be glad; nevertheless, It , . for - Itohing Skins Eczema, atia oayoAnot meo $I llttls Sugar, ug- CfayonnelanguiltIly. Vermitmotocan- nal Vain yields as it hk Magid. ter- The All -Canada Show I
Letter writing has; been reduced to You - would TtahOr not OOMO dow" to le. less *6 boats are very sweet. By gratul&te yoU, on being so perfect a . . I AUG., 27th to $EPT. etht,
Ittil least common denominator, as dinner, I will make aR excuses for Salt Rheum and PH so , . . #.__"4 . . 11900 .
. I Choosing red and yellow beets of equal master Of Fulglish. I 31AXING Him lusEIVUL-
time presses on us (so heavily, and we YOU*" I and you 1b is extromialy (16%btful if thete Ovet it.,chIng Doi all gone. I h'a'vd advised sire and 841apo, 6110ing them in halt Mr. Oum , to teachor.-No, %don't ,Ajok-I would do anything: for' .
have no piliaWts that we OAR share "I will come," she said I " i114 lonothtwtso, Ai)d- arranging them W p you) !:QRQNTO
will see that 0,11 due rospe �#E IS pail, to w,,,, A remedy that was eladiorsedeby of -hers to a," It, believing It we want you to touch my Ron any gram- darling. _. I
� with out Ao-oAllod friends that enable such an overw-hei'ming Mass of vi. cure thp-m am It has mo," altornato arownil the dish, you may mar. Not R, bit of it. Teachor-nut EXPO s D a 4
uil to study each oftrla character .my fathorli old' friend and soord. denco aS is Dr. ChAA05 Ointment, The You muqt, not think tlint br, clinao's Jess-Wolild. you f . The `�
ig, fary Vill . T611141.kablo tloothing, Ilealing qualities Ointment is for piles only, but we Mon. make It very deporrative, AnoMtr -I)ot-this is unuatial, g1r, May Iln_ ZiLek-Indeed 1. would. s1tio nd
' .
VrIt6ndship, In fact., bari become, a more Ing," and klasing her Of Df� Ma,"In Ointment "IT6 a MY9- tion this Aliment an t1W most 4iffloult way, 13 to make A rioll., mto gravy by glu,jre yout rbasoust Mr. Gump -I In- :683 -All right. 0o And moke love to Country # a # It
term with the general rUn of peoplb. ', 1, will, my darli Ii they to, cure of all Robing akin digeases, stewing. halt it pound of round otoak tend that ho shall be a writer of popu- I _
pale face more warmly than usual, te" to liliyale"ars' and' thoug Chit Allbright girl and then let me
. - are %low to recognize merit !it any dia- and tho diaim-q& which hair never been to rags in aii(at a water, taking jar Songit, I . ( I I out her out. areatkat Industrial UP
. l - — . Lord St. :not hastened awab covory, they join hwirtily with peoplO almolutoly conquered by %ny other out Me meat, then t I . � I - I 1! N -,,I . I i I I , 110i I � I I . I - 4 � - - mr,
I NBW lmw lNuldix. 0 , , , of other callings lu,midoraing antl re(- troatment. __._ All thal 1.1066i "Oviltios. � msknt��k .1
� . commending Dr. 0husle's Ointment 49 Among the ailments tar which Dr. 114uor With 0, t1blespoftful Mob of I
. I I Po;pa, whs,t Is a brokerf CHAPTUIR XLIr. the must successful treatment ev", Chtiso!a Ointment Is being used by butter And emam, alid pour it over . Tho VAtvoillloua ftesoutt4m of our ibwig
. . A. IMMAs MY 60", Whose chief effort 0 1 shall,bavo to live with the know. devlood for lWhing 4kin diaeamg, searoug of tbounands of peovie with, uni. the Sliced boots, after which they # I . I Counit-y Thotouglily Exploited.
Lin life ig to ribCi6 his- ouAtomArs to, Itilge thr6ugh all the -future," Lady Rev. $. A. Baldwin, Baptist Minister, ver4al 6umeas,rday be me-utionedge, mwaU bo, baked for ton minutes ift ft . I .., .1 A &$ .� ,4,�40iftvf., 440 r~"A44 e44� . , .
it I may Arkonar 011t,t Wrlte(4: B0216ma, &,Ilb rhounit tatter, baby very, blot ovo 1, M W Brilliant And AsA11,010,80title spettatio,
I that finatiolal 60nditioll expressed by St. Zust thought to horaolf ; ,", Dust With; White vep� �
I the #Igni&ant term of 11 broks.10 Vo I- just as well begin my task a6vir." ' "For 001! LWAMY Year's I waa a great remmi, ramll, barberla Itch, chilhaln6s por just as t" g6 to f4blo, mid ofther 0 AN010000"W" I I I - I - Two 6*44 60 MAONKIN41 - I
I 'I 'I
.11, 11
I �'51=4"` J"I'al
"Am -wo -
I 14 �
. ; I - I . I "I 9.
1 546,
. . 1. I ,
Ing itolling 6yclids, ulecra, polsontll flesh, . I . . I *,"�V, "i
thim reason,, 11arrsly he is called a Ytt She bad aomb torrlbl6- causes for Auffer" from it'ching An't Wotiudi burtm, seald,vi, to -res, blind, Robing, WTV6 Wit1h, 41114tttrOd Itinion Or sq,0630 A I . � I I "lee Z. I � I AND A6,40 THII fts:LhUill
. plies. 1 used mily retnedieit and tin. Z * . I ,. I Wootilliv A#Wv*l 6#0atisidlato A"IfttivV. .
brok6r. 061RX16ty, 01116 WAS, .Would ttnythlug derwent throe vog painful Aurgleal bleAding and probruding pilm, and a Innon ovew 1W Wish, � 11' .,Iia �� *. � 0-�04- �� ,
I ...
. . I - ,..4 compromising to heir be, found JA Ger. cp,6rAt,ion,q, all wit 'on it(r,hiag ekin dirctim Of 6very deadrt* ' ' "J I . 11 I I I —,
- - . t obtaining ,iny I A44 A4&0t1& 0*� 4 AntrIsis *16ae August 4th.
Mtaffj them ardr, as heavy aA lead, al&s papers. SII6 tt;cd to r6assure her� lIcriftatient, Ildnef It. When about' to tion. 4 1011M WrTTIOUT A VIt'L.'.VZ1'ut, � I I , " 40111 I 0 - 0 1, 0 XX4U"6I0N* ON ALU II -1046 OF "A"W4
� Ir I ,,.tysix, told foF usel Dr. OhaaOa Ointment I& tot mlo tt I � . � . ��_
I .
fou, tqII mis you knew how to S61f tbg,t ho 161$4, hof� too Well to give up th 4ftPra. arili,blo, on& OSA onjoy &#M , I tit,
. V140 � Dr. OWMIA Oint"fit And did A* find. <ill dealos at 86nb po.atphfil an rotelpt if W Is PY06 1 For oditit *4titl thity iorM4 , *Adrso
bak6 'b seuit t Y191m, an' so t do, ,but ho 6araless in 44'r matt6to af ny froxtift liAlloatilow, &v&n thouh 1�64 Z,-...-,. IV 4714vo - Lr.L&VIA 1rJ.Ar9L___._._______
I'm a Ittle $by on thot misin' wir 1,60, f"Oting Ing rallif Ab bnc#. I umd tbrm G", of prICA, w6tA., by L-'dmtnmxv s&t6# & MA 1. � . 16W&A&WNWWWWA& - I—. . _'1AMV4W$"
. )A6, ,U , ., , , " hw. Yet for tbo AWXt two 4410, W sia Jun - 49kt4W 00�, T-Otol"_ _1111 I__ ___ _-Z _--11. 1.
, . i.).!;,._ I., . ... .. -- ------1-----1 .. .... - . _1,. #JVAA i.,%W -