HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-23, Page 5%6 I __ . I - . . � I 61 . . " THE OLINTON NEWS -RE CORD ­ -_ . AUGUST23,1900 ­.________ __ - ­__________" - � _ .. . ... 1. � ----�-�------,.,�.,.''.",�"''-. 1_____-..._T-. I , _� , ­­ I—— �1. __ - . -;,: ,i--,�2��-"---;,�'����—��4,11-��.:;�:--%;;i� , __ - ,- ,� ___ 1__7:7= �_­__ ­­­ ­ -11-11. I ­ - ­ , '"' ", " I'' ���.. �! ;,.�;:;;;;��-:;7_ ,_;!L�_ . ­ . _11.- ­ 0.1 _111-01-10 lei"", - . . ­ . . __ __-­­­­___�� _V. i�L,_;��iL_­ , ______ —_ — � � . .,W*M,q,,Xe,qL?.19,%�,Mlfo,e,qt>,0,1>0,1%> _­ - West wawauoslk c4unell. - Tito Apple Situation, Brussels, MARBIAVES. I solVever,gult Certa wl;OWQ14wwl;;iwQlwlq.�01%VO,41�101%'�VO . - , � . — � ___ . UILLSON-WELLINGTON.-On Aug. * I ... #0 a I ; � Scarcely had wo gono.tQ press last ,Last week there was handed to tile For 1, n�� � 8th, at the residence of the bride's I I MoKINNON & 0% 0, s v ''� .. .11 11 � . A Council mot According to adjourn- Wook'says tile IV ' , withour Oat quite & curiosity in the shape of a . parents, Mr. and Mrs. MarU Well-, 0 0 1 isuror were atonlent of all dct'y being out open ex. You mot,v fAAIF Sood"y SArmparlita fop .- I Went The Reeve and Tro, fit abvin(P4,'a'1' crop of otato, which upon 1 "V11 I I owpoworod to borrow tho auto of $000 apples jaE agland, when Another report ington, Lakesido Farm, Vamlachle, 331-4,V11i - - � I � WINE a. The estimates 0804 to vilow twD small potatoes that Flympton Townabip, Limbton Co. 0 4094ses Aw4dag from or promoted 6-V ; !!�_!�! �t,tt.tt��t!tts"!":�:�tm,!e�"1!�,-!!t!�!lt.tttto-�-!,�!!�,r.:t.!�,!,2.�,P!t,!:tttft!�,. �� .11 for tQwnehiP purpose came to hand materially modifying the ad grown on the illitorlorp a small atom - LivilluBton, Wind- jmpqrp kfood viffi perfect confidence that. . ­ I � I � were struck at $2275. The rates for first, This was in the form Of A 0010 fbodiq them through 9, seam in the by the Ray. J , r" I . I . sor, assisted, by the Rev. T. W'. It 091 do po sloo4 Never 10c an.y soh� i - . , I � townshl rl 2 Willson Uie% and county to U ben JameBj Toronto, from Woodall large potato. In the gsvdan of David Coocus, of Lambeth, ond :Rev. W4 sillatr. In 1(bod's $,irsapar THE BUSY OASH STORIzz" - CLASS 12owilsoutbo$. Theclerk w30 11 n' & Co, of Liverpool, and the cable atat. nai5to is another p6oullar voseta,ble X . its 00 h4ve � . . I . � . I �0 � - - I atructed to sondenglaeor on to examine ed that the English crop had been. bad- growth after thosit.41141346 of pumpRim. 11. Graham, of Sparta, the Rey' W' the best Melfting money C4A b0,V# A 0 ' - us doing -a very satisfactory Qu;�IUUVO I I 11 . Young, drain. The following checks ly damaged by winds. Xoreavor, as It was not planted, by them, but like E. Xillson, of 006to, Colchester core$, - complefet-V And permanent Midsummer fluds . .. .- I were issued '.-;-,P Walsh, gravel And the American, Agriculturist says, the Topsy of ancient lord , just itgrowcd Worth, formerly of Londo.sboro, to � - t�', — # every business day of the wf-el�- Just Why People visit this � . I 0 . . I I OF -" Miss Julla, Wellington. whon others f4if to do 4ny pd. 0 I - 0 1 � gravelling, $37i J. Gaunt, rep. bridge i drop in any case 'Will be IWOII The stalk to over 15 feet long Alod la gat OWEN. .X�Q,LLY. -in Rat Portage, on -17h4ve f4en - uzzle our com�etitors� but our lo . . . , : - 0, store in sueh crowds may p . eon. 11 500. , Jas, A,II%u, gravel ,$8120 . Tonle HM6 sarsa , I . � . W. Ryan, hauling tile from , Godetich =0 way before the American wlu- and several Inches wide, with branches # I .. . ter fruit is ready for export. Besides, of leaves At regular intervals, There Aug. 7th, at the residence of the , mrgta as 4 ionic Am, Onenit bagder of 0 castomers. know they come here becirtuse they can get more v . $2,00 -, A. And W. Sproule, table $21-00, a bride's brother, by Rey, J, W. B11 the ,system qvRh excettent rosolls. It ro, 0 and 'better goods for their ,money than they Can elsewhere.- # ' ) 0 in E4 1glaull will have Amorio, U fire 3 pampkIns, or whatever thoy I igan . Page,. Xr. Robert Owen, of Cypress I I 0 O'KEEFIE'S g $1 4111,I)P(Iltels (and particularly Canadian) be would be called, on the yine. River, Dj%il,., to Miss Frank S., .7fores i444110-vI dr1T0"",4­V ih f f e f ef- Buying and selling fo Jag, Bryan, printing 215�00i W.Xell � I I EXTRAOT . I -gravel $16.16 -, Mrs. C lampball, gravel Callao of the better quality, no matter the real- " Ir d e . r caab makes the difire"nee. We are P Mrs. W; D. Brothers died at r s tl,9 .. $2,8o, -J, Uillor, bridge con. 1.4, And J, a. Wils daughter of Mr, And Mrs, Jag. 49, qulgls� ihe ngme$ 4n(f bPIH#$ f0f 0 III selling many lines of goods at deep cut prices and oftring I . how plentiful their own fruit way be. denoo of her motherl Mrs - Xelly, of Brugaels� steep.,` John Z Pailorson, "Uh-v, ". . OF IMAI.T .1 grading E and N boundary $50 00 - V. Speaking of the American 'crop, tho son last week. gar busbandodled In =L1O1vI`-�-CRUX1KSH4X1C- At the 4 P% ; mmer specialties, in all lines at exceedingly c isneizer, gravelp $0,64" W C�mpbolly A , Baptist parsonage," Minnie St . . I Sul � lose figures.. 0 gravel 44.08 -, M. Champion, gravel wgrioulturla& says it is Yet to be seen California, about a year And A bait Ilvlogcol . ft . asily 0 other the, season's yield will really . - � ; You can e see that the values quoted beloware real] .Talcen at bedtime ealit'Ves $7.44 ; D. McDonald, brilige N B $25.00i be as big as in 1890. The Agricultur- and since then Mrs, Brothers has I Wingbam, Aug. loth, by Faistorv. I . . 0 ." I.. ID exceptional. . . . . y $ W, McQuillan Insp. I day to Godorioh here, she leaves three children, two Freed, Mr, JamesUlliotb, jun., of � I I healthful, refreshing sleep. let says members of the t3bIPPOr$' boys and a girl. . . I � . . to young drain KOO; R. Modd, ln§P, 8 Association are disposed to regard the Robt, MoCatolloon who left hero in Turobarry, to Miss Margery Cralok, :.. .1 � I 11 I I I ===== 0 days to God6rioh to Young drain 8 1 crop as large as that of four Years Ago- the early spring for Slanitabs, bets. at. shank of Winghaw. Laco Captains, 21 yards long, worth 25c, for ISO $1,A for 08o Talken before weals it is an . t UNRIGHT-F.UASER-Ou. Aug. lot at Xlllaraoy-�Iaaltoba, ; Loco Curtains, 34 yards long, 54 Inches wide, worth ; , . O.Taylor Insp. I day to Youft dralli But they are first of all buyero. And their rivedhome. He says prospects are no the residence of the bride's father, . -zr-- . 0 Ladies' V Ast Black Hose, worth Be, for 5c 0 � $$.00 -, P. O'Connor Insp. I (lay re � Lad les' Fast; Black Cashmere Rose, worth 25c, for 15o I . , . excellent tonic. I Young drain $2.00 ; Clerk 6ne trip to sympathies arellaturally bearleb, Still as bad as rerorted, He will return by the Rev, S. Young,. Mr. Rtoh- Xa,ultob� crop reports from all parts 0 Ladles' Summer Oorsets, worth 50o, for 35c # . even the Agriculturist looks for a lib- 1101tt spring in time to put in big crop, � . � Goderich to Young 4r Gee, eral yield, Speaking or the prloe� of �e breaking this , ard Enright, merchant of Morris, of the Wovince and North-West terri- a Ladles' Moves, assorted colors, worth 20c, for 10c ; . . Ward'burying dead ' ; D. B. ((factory" atook, the Agriculturist says: having done tb will hal rb ' Manitoba, to Miss Annie G. Fraa, tories. The finest and best wheat in I Scotch Gingharns, now patterns, worth 12ho, for Be 0 . 250. PER OTTLE. * '$I" " "' East Horou fall fair Yla tug, 0 $Ile(' d obee P 00. or,� second daughter of Mr. Wm. the province Is ground Hamlets, The % 0anadian Gingham bright colors, worth Be, for Uo Murray burying dolt C p Oo journ. manufacturer in Illinois Bays sels ou Thursday and Friday, Oob. 4th Fraser, Howiok. I wheat on the Gilbert Plains and Dauph Four Black and DuZ Linen Spools for 10a . 0 � Fowler, gravel 04,20. oun'l "A Irg ' —XX— . I ,� Goo, TV20'r's W"ill probably be paid 20o per And 5�b. . � JTJXQCK-;'_BHADLRY - At Dalu� . b, in Line is very poor, about J crop of last . Sowing Needles, assorted sizes, regular 5c, for 2o 0 , . . � ed to Meet Monday Oct. Sth at 10 100 lbs. delivered ; in Pripoetown coun- . 11 . I . . . Milim, on the 7th Angst, Mr. George yoqli average, The wheat an the . Good Pins, . full count, per paper la . . � - . O'clock I I ... �y 25o,- in Xeco4in 20 to ;00. . W. Jungok to Miss Allie U, Brad- main . 10 Good Valencia Raisins, 3 pounds for 25c . e . . SYDNF.Y, JAOKSON ', ' 4- � '. ­ . . I .rh6 Clarkesville (Mo.) Older Co. Will winguam.. , � line near Regina,, and Medicine (9 Blue Ribbon Tea at 25c, 40c and 50c . . . . , ley, daughter ofDr, Thomas Brad- Rat Is a fair crop for the season. The 0 , pay 20c per 100 lba.for older opples up; ley,of . Borvio. Moose mountain country is A total fail- 0 Corn Starch, per package 5o 'Phone 2 Prescription Pharmacy. . East WaWanosll Council, to Nov. 1, then 250. A TOPOka (KAU0 In till$ vicinity flax is 6, MAMMA ,poor ;Southern Maui. a . W abruc I � . , HOOVER-FRASER-Atthe residence lure, Swan River :k a great sna last week in fine White and Colored. Piques ; - ,.� I I . manufacturer will pay 10o per bush, for crop. Farmers ate now teaming it to , of the bride's sister, Mrs. Wilmer, tobs, half crop - some fine fields can be t and w:are now selling fig English P! use, in wide and narrow cordso g ' I Councilmotoritho oth inst. purou, goodstook. It, the East itis.tba. early the mill in town, and the mill is at I I 1, - _W�.%,ft�,Wlft,,W,4WIW� ,y found near Wnwiot4, which will run worth 25c, for 12,io and. White and Mored Piques, in spots and floral I � oe"Ibw I to determine, but probability of prices The dir ' Charles , thirty bushels per acre, Near to Ham- . � . I � ant to Adjournment, Ccrumun cations work again, for the season, a"' I Kindardine, on the Oth. Augst. b � � designs, worth 12ic,'for so. . # I from Wra. Land, Cc, Clorki received) around 10 to 15o per 100 lbs. in older lix Co. . have bar. . the Rey. Dr, Murray, , Dr. I I . .toting that the amount required from si,otions of Now York, Michigan, Ohio, tors of Winghain Fl, at $20 .Hoover to Miss Ustbarine L. Fras. Iota is the $bell River country. This is -11- --- -1_-1_--- . I 1� 0 10 olql .1 I , ­ ­ ­� - I . I � 0 . the township for county purposes was . gained for the sale of their tow at, both of Cleveland, Ohio,. a fine healthy country, good soil, lots of I .1 , ; I I o Watch - . i.78 Resolved, that a furblier ate. Apples and poars are worth About A too, and for the good At $1.30, per. -.0- ON" . . . water and timber. It is a great*.randhing . 1 $1, 45f 35o per 100 lbs. at the mills in Burling- bushel. If the seed turns out well the . . I I place and lots of game and fishin it MCKINNON &.001 - . BLYTH ;, . sum of $2, 968,2T, in all $4,425; be rais- ton county, N. J. Connecticut manu. Go. should do well this Year At those DX AT111141 . is a now country, lays south of took I ,cai..,o.,Qk�,(D $ * � - ed this year ter ci , ?untyJ township and faoturerB will pay about 20o per 100 lbs, rides, I I - . - � . . -- � moll . litaino between the �Shell and the . . . . special school purposes, and that a rate In northern New England cider P Tho;. Irwin, who has 'had' charge of MASON -In Blyth on August 'loth I at, about Ove MIL68 wide _ . . I I I _. . � I . . � . . ' � Talk. . . . . . of 31 mills per. dollar be straek to raise apples usually bring about 10o per bush, Winghaw comotery for A number of John Masoni aged 60 years and y Assiniboia Riv 1. . . . � . . . ' . I I this amount. By-law No. 10, 1000, con- - in seasons of plenty. � I years, resigned recently, and the Coun- mouth. . I . . I and fifty miles long, is a bluffy country . . . . firming the eame, was duly read. and F tie ts reported since thoissue of the oilhavesppolutedWm. Guest to'the- WKIVT�In Hullett, on 'August loth, anduaild in .winter, At One time it . � To the busy roan . an accurate passed. The treasurer reported a cash, Agriculturist above quoted indicate the. position. . I �_ .. Ellen Watt, aged 48 years, was supposed to have been covered . . . . at with large timbor but fires. have des- . I �, -�-Ilot fl, lux"- balance on hand at date of $53434, possibility that the American apple Mr. and Mrs. Art. Carr have return, GRB4' troyed the timber and the soil is easy to . watch is a necessity � . . NFIELD-In -Fallarton Aug. 8, H A,R D 'W' A R�E � .. � ry tie Eiorne seem to tllink. To ApplicatiotL of J. -D, MoNAb, 0, Eq for not turn out nearly as well -as ad will probably remain for the the residence of John Butter, Mrs. I 11 . � � .. � . . �. utilize every momen� of pricious the oMoo of township, engineer, reoelv- 0:,0tP!,i;1a11ted �vbeu the. shippers'. conven- and 11 P Ow. . � . I . . . .. I at. Mr. 0. has - travelled through Annie Greenfield, aged 72 years, ­ . I I time, to mee.t trains, keep al)-, ad, and in the menutime laid over for ticin was held In Cleveland , the yield wint . decided where to mouths. : . Several hail storms passed over here ' � 1. . I ... . I . . I . . I . . the west, but has not I . this week, doinging severe -damage arid. . -.1--l>&!�_ . . I � pointments, in fact to be always further] conEideration, A number of may, in fact, not do me up to the. I'liber- ' . . PENNY -In Exeter on the I Ith Aug . I �;� 1��, . . . on time one must have a good accounts, in all 45, principally for gra.v� . ited on by the Agricultur-, locate. evialon to - JolmB. Penny, aged 81 years ,9-� destroying All crops and everything 11 . I I . . watch. Drop in and let us, talk al yield',' cour . - At the Judge's Court of R� I of bushels of . � ou, we avepractioal al. and gravelling, building 4nd repair, ist. A big American dealer is quoted be held al an early date in Wirigham, months and,25, clays. %head (if - W Thousands . . . � I : 16 Nvatches to y, Ing clulverts and for use ot grader,. etc.., ' . FROTJT-In Usborne, on the 11th Aug, wheat lay on the ground. Besides, it lleadqu � � . . I . . ,11� -1 ,%vatch i epairers and you can have I as Authority for .4 statement given "in his Honor Judge Masson will LAYO to I being a. late crop, some farmers are left arters for all kinds of - . . I .. f the benefit of our 20 years' ail thepublic highways, amounting to a Rochester dispatch to the Now York Consider the question of 118 n&moo, to Charles Prout, Aged 23 y9ars. . .. . I � .1 . . � . . d exper- . says be added (it removed. I . GRAHAX-In Seaforth on Ai withoutg� grain. and 'almost homeless. I .. . .L .. . � � I . . I . . .. . . I , .. e,nc,e.w,,1t1'0ub charge. If you $527.89, received and paid. The Reeve Post under date of Aug.. 10, which . ag.' 911, -ator.ms have been . ' ' . . . ... "". w 1h. which needs Clean- and TreAsurer.were authorized to rie- that long,contInued,.drouhgt , then who formerly . Mrs. , Rebecca Graham, aged 59 hbor� . Ht'trftare I . ilinges, . . Tinwaro. � 11 .. $ I � was Dating this weak hail , Mr. . S. R. Fralick, . -quite numerous through this neig .' - Ing, has any part broken or lost, gotiate with the Bank of Hamilton at causing great damage t6.tbe apple crop, lived in the vicinity of Wingbam, has years, 9 months arid* 6 dayb, � . . . I . I I . . - . . .. �, I . , . �' L . � . I . . � or one which has been ruined by W � inaham for a loan of money not to ex- of Wastern Now York. ' The ground . me is now living on near SMIT5-In MoKillopl, on Aug, I 9th, .hood and losses ara heavy. " all through . . Nails , . -.Glass . . -LoelKs I � . I . . I I '', , bring ie oold.tlle faxta I 1. Harvest is in full sting ' . . . I .1 � I . Incompetent workmen dead a4OO to meet Current expenditure. Was cov,ered withwindfalls and the dam- Brussels, And intends going to the Marion Smith, . wife of the late rovinoo. ' - , I White Lead & Oils ,'Screen Door and Windows . ... . .- . 11 ' ' . , . . . tousand we will tellYOUJust .Warrants for the. collection of..school , . to the crop was placed at 20 to 25 West. He has purchased an improved , John Muldrew, aged 72. years, 8 . . . . : ts and what it will - I tll;? 0. cleave recently returned froin. - Ickless Oil Stoves I I . . what it wan . $ r7tp a.. � Iso r t h I 0 Year ivere received from age ispect of ('enormous farm n I Wra. . months and 2 days. - � . � Daisy 0hurI)S - Blue Flame ffi . . � . cost,you, . � -. � 3,'6, 7 ( per cent;, with,a'prc . prove. X A. . MORROW -411 BOAfortb, on .4. . I , I � I ' . I . . I . I . . . I I I - . . . I . . , Injury;, if'oonditions did not 1111 Rands "" Virden' on Lug 18tb , Calgary. S . Nos Turilberry) 16, purchased r. VgItfolbrm I 61it . All, Kinds Wire'Fencing . ' . I . . . I . I . . I E, Morgan and. 11, Cummings sp . � ­ . .1 . I . .1 1. I then ad, 411t is ( ispatch "ttie r - 0 ts . I , , lli� $ arid S. S. NO. IL T" counci . jilite Certain?' adds theA . MW tt of town bas* return William Morrow, aged 53 years, 8 lastWedneads Celebrated Sherwin. -Williams Mi�N ed Pain � . . � . d , .. journed till Monday, 24th Sept., no xt, Ested will not be. nearly ed home after a month's Visit With - 'mouths and 13 days. I � y evening atitli residence . . .. . � . . . . . . .. . . I . . Watelies examine , 4(th6 crop hary . . , . of Mr. Brown. � . . . 1. . � . . in tile , , I L � , , T egulated and a o t to correct � as large as expebted a, month Ago." friends ill Olinton. - . I . MoBAIN­�4t Ridgeway, oil Aug. 13th. oturned home To- I � � , � . I � . . . I . . . I The Philip Bros. r . . � e . . time FREE of charge. � �, 1. . � � . , � � � � Similar conditions were then,pr6vailing I . , 1. . . . . Gertradellsabel, youngest *child ,of do - ntly from Mexico to prepare their Agents for the American Field Fence, th . best fence. I * . . . te .4nd inapt I 1. 0 . Rev.. and Mrs, J. . . � . 1. . world. ,It -6of hog proof, pig and, ' - . . .. . . in the Western apple FAM , a .1 __ I H. MoBain, 'and. I I . is horse.pi )bull pr �of I . . . I COURT. OF REVISION , 6�o caus6d like results. - I I I . ... . . . � . I P granddaughterof Col R. % MC- , threshing out -At. . . - excite-. . I . . . . . . . I -draw it 011t,df .:. I., ,� I... ..�, ' . ' . . � . e c . I . . . . I . .. �� .. I . ' ' I . . . lAuelknow. . . tnight, -- formerly. of Godorieh� A big XIII4rneY fire, Great � . - dog tight, extrem 6fd.or heat 4oes not , - , . A, J. OR/0, I .. I — . I . ., upin thoGeorgian Bay. district I&st � ­ . . — . I I . I . . I . aged 1 year and 10 Months. , . .. ment. Two elevators burned: to the . I shape, pt I ... . . U NSHIP�-07 GODERICH. - weelc *.Apples were reported .dropping * of ground and joverai'licases and two food - �it sttt s 'he e it's at.. C. ill and see it.:.. ., I . .. TOW . ohn. orallam of the Uh. con . . .y.. W . , r . I . . . .1 . . .. . I --- . . . . . .. . I ­ . . I.. � . I I . and'theie were fears of serious Mi.'J killed I .;sUkRERVILLE-In Mitchell, on the - . . I . . ' , . . . . �, I . '. I �.. . . .. . — ' badlyl I I � ' Clothe' Wri gei.S'at $2.8-5- .while the3 � 1 $ . . . . hat a Court, will be loss from this 'cause unless rain soon Kililos had a two year old colt - stables, ,Four eleviktors will be con . � jeweler and Optician $ Xotice is, hereby given V . 1, and lith Aug.,* Isabells, Moorlies:di be I Few RoyalAinerioall I 0 n - I - I � I held pursuant to the Voter's List Aet by his-, 7'.bot wind some weeks by falling into A thirty foot, wel . l6vedwifoof David Summerville,* ,structed next season; .This -will give A 11 . .. . . I . . I � ) I.. � . . .1 � I . � . I . .1 . .. � Honor the Judge, of the County Court of tile came. - A dri s . leaves. While. trying to. got the Wmal -out Xr I Killainey seven. good elevators, , , . last. - .. ... .. .. � . . ,� . . . . . I . I I .1 .%,.%�.%,_ql._%,.qb,_%,.qW�A%-'W . Con - of Huron at HolmosvillO on * Saturday, ago had actually 000iolled the dated by . aged 62 years, 3 months and 5 days. � A..f I I � .. . � . .1 , . . I . � � .. $ . [y was. nearly suffo 'Our fall show was a grand stiocesoi, I ew, � H , �'. .. . I .. . I . . n' The rain -in Fullarton, on the Oth Aug. . . I I I . . . . I od .8 . -Mixed Paints At a big. � �seduut- .. . 1 1, I . the lti& day of.Soptember, 19DO, atl-BU o'clock a which have since fallen, in James Saud we FELTZ I .. _ I � d hades Ready . � . I I ---— , P. M. to hear and determine the several coln- I , and was unconscious for some ti, 11,111 . � - __!_ ! . _ ., ,, , . . . . I . . " . .. 11 - , Z;7 . atatio have, how,evary)reao . . Uri. AuguslTeltz, aged 51, y4 �� 6 Clear 6,iat.' '�': , � - �. - - 1 : I-, . . , .� .I � . . ... . rs at redi I . . ­ . * ll' "' iced �ri6mi. . .. . rorsan(l omissions in the Voters' southern 0;, after Ib��mg dr&71 up out of the well, ., . . . .. , ��tiliae'tnotfstobfe"ktinlox;iillity. of Godorloh TownsbIP ed (46orgia,b BAY district .also, and' the . . ,. . Lawn, TvIoNve . , - � . Mrs. PINDEW-In � Mitchell, 6h .the loth . I . � I . . I � � � . . . . I . . na having business at the ` , t - . M. 4 "a Mich., aj6 . Aug., Xr , Jolm� Plailer, aged 28 - , regular price $35, for $27.00 . - 1, . � . I ), All perso I Mrs. t of Niroit Arid 0 . I I_, . . I ... . I . I I I . T - I., . I I . HOT. . :'.. "O' season of growth,in winter aPP as is ye . I of. Wilmot, . � '- - . . . . . .. � 'or regtired toattehil wt the said,timb :, lave., not yet, be - fi - H'V'. Danieli - . � . .1 . . . . .. -1 ., .. . . . . . 20_��tl.-.h. . . I . I . to come, Prices] .an x* * ' ,gat Mrs 4 Alex. MacKenzie's and .: , 7,08r[J. - ,. - - - - - - - - - . .1. � I , � . I . I . I . ­ . - * and I P .. . � .. E �; . � . .1 p p # b I I Ada �_ =-. I .11 I I I 1 $ . $ 1 $ . I . .. N7XONSTURDY - * ., t 75c - visitil — . j. ozerna en I . . 11, I WEATHER I , * I . . . ty ed for winter fruit tip .north, bu . �. Henderson.,$ Of this village. I � . I . I . . .. L . . . . . . . I . I . I . I . ­ . .. .- . . 1. I � . . . . I ... .. I . . . . Clerl� of the haia xunfoipali - - I J. J . � , . . . � . . .1 .1 . . . .., 11� . 1: . . ..... . . -_ � . -1 WawAuosh. AgrJoul . . .... . . . . . . . � I I. 0 � 0 P , , ... . . .. I : r � . ­., . I . COMFORT . .- - , . .. 11 . . I � D ." BRO'S '' , * I I . L hol8th daYof August, MO- ' The fAll lRxhibitio ' Ashfield and , t - , � � i And $1 per bai'rel is being paid for fall Mr of the . . Dated t . I . � . Apples, the Collingwood.Bulletln even. I tural Society Lwill be � BIRTAS. . . . . 1. .. I . th S al - :HARLAN . ________� . .— �uotingat$l'dqd$1-25, - aon, Opt 11th-arld � 12th. I . � . I I . I . .. � . : . . . . . � , . I . . I . . ob these THREE FARMS FOR SALE I There is also to hand a TQTnited States.. bald -at Dung= FRITZLEy- In sesforth on Aug. Ilth, , , _.. , .� . '. . I . �: . -, % . . I . ..- .. . .. . � .. � I I . � . I � .. . I I . The weather -is too b . I 6ngdfix report, sent from Lyons, deaV Mr. Al. Miller of Clinton. is...visiting the wifo:of Joseph Fritzley,:oi a � I ... . . � . . .. . . � . � I I I . . - all � . . . � * days for the housewife to be � ' iN�GODERIcH-TowNsinp.-... I .11 - fri6nds.iii.1-acknow. ` * I daughter. � , . ' I. ... � Would Itah . d OurA tintlf � , the Child . I . . - .. I — ... . . . � i6g vith - tho � apple �6rop in France. . a.' t � CORNELL- I -A , ,Wonderful HEADQUARTERS -FOR �:�- �. 01� STOVESOP MARDWARE - ' . . - .-. . 11 I . hanging over. tile stove cook- . . , . epott, datediTune 25, says:- . The Annual meeting Of the W n Bluenloi*Aug., 14, Mrs, SONFLIT16d. With Agony ... ... . . I . I .� , ing,any more than isnecessary. Thd undersigned offers for sale tho �olid�Ndng, T�((!s hre appie crop of. Fraaoe promise U., *as hold At the home of Mrs. Ham.- Thos. Cornell, a daughter,, ... � Cure 111dotedby Dr. Chase% OlnftGnt- � � I I . . I . I . I . . . . . . .! � . . . . I � three farm$ In Goderich townshiP­ .T A different .. . . I .. � � - I I 1-1 I . . . . I . . By the use of Canned Goods, if . is bleton; -The reports of the , HORNE, Y -In Colborne,. on Aug. 9bh,. . . . 0 � I � . I . . . .. 1�­Lot 30 on the lot]' concession, consisting of J.- t, ..markablo plenteous. It I I U . I The ease tecorded here is One of the . : . . . .� . � . I . I . . . . . I � m . . ! -1, good, reliable brand. an-appe- So dorps. file farm is well watered and-feuced 11 I I - ,. � I .. 1, ,�, , nce will departmentswOrg, givOny W4 0 . .the w1feOfLovi 11orney,m son. worst ever brought to the attention oz . . . % � I . . 11. . �'L � . I tising weal can be preparod,at andhas all'the modern ImPyOvOments- 'Land., even believed that the abunds . whole were encouraging. - Atter *all the WILSON -4a Seaforth, on Aug. 13th, .Toronto's best- -pblysielans" and when Utl YALU 't K'YUUII. IVIURLT . . . � . -of comfort'an . d nearly -all cleared. Large fe,rmhouse.barn and .. ,sly .low. Pears, . . , ail hope of recovery, . I . I � . . ­.� U, - , . little e ense I 1 � I Wake -piicas, Mind' . T ,�s. .regular business was transacted the . , the wife of Mr. Sofili:-G. Vilson) of dootors gave up . When in need of. 3F.uroiture buy from us and you will be sure to get good.' . . I 11 J 0 4 $9 � 806—ed. 4001bs WILL. a 00 I �r '. . I I I just as cheaply. Trk our . ii -Lot go, on the pth copcossion,00nalstind prunea and Pe ' f of Ited as' follows* .* a . Dr. that are our- . . election loers resti daughter. � ,Chase 0 Ointment Was AU43080014L 414 . I . . . h . tiful, but the apple Ciop, ivill be largely , � 0 , . Johnston, VibG i ' oducing a perfact. curq. L Value for your money. We. have the reputation- of,making Goods d I . . . of 80 aeres,'about 12 acres good hardwood bus . I s. -Mrs. W. 11. I $MITa-In MoXillop,�on,Augj 12tb, the Pr - .. re and SLOP Work is not allowe to eater . . � house and barn and good orohard.. thers. The yield of -Pre Lyamag.seott, Ise WrIgUt avenue,. passed by. none.. TRASRYFprnit.0 . . I I . I � . I I. - L � .111, I I . . Frame. 0 0 nes:Bor- . wife of Samuel Smith, jr., of a son. Mr. � . ., I . . I ­... . .. L . I . I . ­­ . . " I In_ -:-Lot 31, on concessionAt also consists 04 iii xce's of all 01 ey now sell at: retail. -Mrs.� Mary S mervslle anaAg . I � . rero-ows, . a - , . ., .� I I .. . . .. . large ; th I . agect ourwa I . I I . . . . . s, nearly all under grass. - cherries.iBL . G.Ord0n, JEPHSO on Aug', Iltbl Toronto, 9ta,te6-'-­-'.'MY boy, L Torni . .1 I I I ­ . I I L � L '. L L _ � CANNED CHICKEN, '.' � . so at " miles trom Holmesville and 0 At I and, 2 cents per pound. ry, Recording Soo. -MM Dr. N ­4u Norval tan, was for nearly three- years attlict- JUBILEE VG CHAIR - . . I I L I I 1, � ... . .. ... 'L . I I These lots are 4" in, Lyon ' o.�_Mrs. L. ry,,, -the wife of Mr. 'IT . I - REGUNIf . . ". . sbcomto#able . . -1 L . I . ETC L I 4ifromClintou. Theywill be sold MBLone or ) ' Lu ha, . I I L . -Corresponding Se .. I . :S . Jopbson� . I L This is the very latest thing for a, Lawn aiia one ot the Mo : . I ... � me Grapes promise well ; h'd ed with a bad form of'Eczerafto Of the I I . . . !L . I BEEF9CORN1 PEAS, 0 � I separate farni8 to Rult,. purohnser. Tor , one, or two ,cc IL Treas.;w--Mrs. J. Batton, Supts. Depts� formerly.of Sqafortbj of a son.. . I .Scalp. - which was - very unsightly and I .L ; . . . . 1. . tarticular$hPP1701 ' h I 06.11ties. , . 1 kna I. . ade to' ... I . . I.. . . . I . I reaeonabl% For further t eyluesin I and doe-, , Chairs oyerrb _� that purpose... Aisk to see them. . . � . . . . . � n coox, Ciin ton,. - . . .. ... Flower Missions-Mesdo,111,89 ,Barry [ L .- . ,,, -0�.. , - ' . resistedrall kinds of remedies . . . I . . . . . .. � I . I .. - . * . . - Meegnga_�_Agar and � I .. � . I . . PETZ ­ I .1 . � , . . Ado Parlour -L treatmeni, - ills head was in a 1. - .. . I . and y nvinc- 1. I .1 � Johni , , L . . . . . on will be easily Cc i . � �. : . . "I . .. 1. .. . . I HANDS OR40KED WITH SALT tot's . . . �. ... . .. _ . . August 8th,. � � . ,� I I ffensail�;' , I I Ullo Temperance.":. -Harris, . We Irad to keep him from . � - UNDERTAKING. , , , ad. Wearesureof it.., � . . .� % �* . Joynt, scieril L . .. RHEUMI. . I terrible state. Is head would. . I . .. . I I t6ok of FillieralL Supplies.. ' Gqod - I � . � .. . . L . I I . L . . . . -egg Won�-Bortfia Ander, . . . --- . school, and at times - 11 . mplete, a I I L 1. - . I � 1. %go of Han. and Bryan, Pr ' .- L . I . L. .. .. 1. L L . . � ' -ioters'list for the villi I ett and Ur'� James Molsaacs, .25 Elgin St,, bleed, and the chii'd Would ser6am with I In this departmebt we carry a cQ - L . : ­­ I .� I ­.. I � J. LW. ACHER VANTEDS . The . son, - Utersturo-Geddesp..rkrev �. , .. .. . -land' a half, years We Hearses and .Outfit., .Charges moderate. . . . I . .. . - I . � � . . . 0 HILL .TLE . . . Saff for .1000. a out. The totat number tn's Journal .Ora, Ottawa, Oat..wrjtes:�111'suffer Agony. For two. � . Lin, 'but at last . I . .. . . . 1. &­ to 0 L- , , ' . I strothers, WOME . ed with battled with it in vE ., � . I " . . , ., male or female teacher, holding 2nd class ",,.,r, of voters in Village 16 293. Part I con- a,'Frauchise�and Peth salt 66un, for upwatds�of ten years � . . .. I 1. . _�� ' 5. Hullett, dp GooigeRobertsoi . , ' f ollrid a cure .in Dr. Cliasepa Ointment, W I %L ' .. . I .. . tifteate, Wanted for S. S. NO. . rmy bands'eracking and , BROADFOOT.--BOX . I . I ,gplications oameron and BowerSt the skin or About fivq boxes were used. The .. - , � I .1 � �A talus'208 nameoj part 2 66 names and tion-Meffdapaea I 1. L � , . . I . 1. . .. to commeneeJauuary Pd, 1901i A p , L moo The number eligible J. Smith breaking so as to make then useless, .1 . . . . , .! ,. . L . . .1 L tte,compo,niodbytestilnollials,-NWI1 etbee.iYO * aft ,3 19 n A . . JuV on Ile Work-Mesdamps E. L .original sores,driled UFP leaving the: skin '. .:.. L .. .. . I I . i ,ey, Manager , . I I . . C � I I , : . ., byL tho'nuciersigned. up to September l5th. to serve as jurorsas .97. - . -Bello Douglass, medal Contests- At ter trying all parts of rwnedles in 11L Itis normal doridit on,. 'To...96LY 'it If . I . ­ . � .F. W. clhad]L . I 19timiner: . I I I L SAM= XccobLl �Secretary, . '.' Bob Luker hat, left for 'Manito�% and vain; -I became discourged and thought i pleasure to testify to tlie wonderful Ila answered at Residence of our 11 - , . L . I I . .1 . . . . ­ ion. Tens Lawrence and .. ' Night ana Sunday, Ca I � . . � I .1 . . I I ­ - I . I � .� and put. Bertba-Andere . . . . . is a season of hedth ­ ". .1 I . . . . Dist__6Mias . Bit ;ufferings would never end . Last merits of Vt. Chasp'm Ointment 1.15 )put. Chidley Xing.9t,, opposite Foundry,. - , I . . . . Londesboro P. 0,, I a' tha, MY � , . L Funeral Director, J,W. . I ". : . I � . . L Chase's . . . I I..., . I . L . .. . I I . . _1 . - . . . . . . . . . . . I.. . � . . � 11117,30. 1* . . I -where he has taken up an , L L .. .B. ,14olutosb) Orga, , spring I iised Dr Ointment., ting it vol,3� mildly. I I I I -,; I � .. � � � . I I ­-� poses remaining. , - - . SO.A.L' ' - I . 1. . [:Ltl,y , Dr'..011a ,� .1 � .. . . .1 . I L. . ;. . I . L . . � when yoit take . - ­� I ­ " . � art Ander . . *: � find in a; short rime. was 0010el _ sals Ointment, 4t Ill d4alaro, . . . . - . * . . . . _ , . I . .1. . . .L . Zurich had -59 suits in Division do L L . . . . . red." Dr.. Chase's . Ointment is - of or Edmanson, Ba:toa & Cit�,� Toronto., - . . I . I . I . . . I I . . .1. ­.. '. * . MUS10,AND APT . . L The itaolint collected -was' . , � ­-� �.�� . oil - . � . '. L I .. . . . . L' 7 ' . I . . . . I . � . L I L . lot year, I 1. I 1. L . � . . . ungaralleled merit as & cure for All I . . ,� . ­ . I .. . . ... : Ark * � ,� oft I I . - . __ L . $1,765.40. 1 . - .. . . I y Spots. . L . - . . —_ �_ , - L vrn - Lond . I L . .MISS'MAY.. HALLETT Miss Gram of Weston, who had been I can;t . 4W.0,1110aut . . . Ing skin disease, all druggists, I : . . . � . e . .air I 1. . , — L I ' I.. . ' Our Native' . w of th6 Toronto Conservatory of Music . . . _____.,___.'*- � . . I . � W 8t, I , F I . P . . � p , I rello, 3 - left - , .. . I . - . . ' . I L I . I . . .of Dr. Fisher. 141 nor graduate in tpaeh visitingL friends on the, Parr Line, . The liargoinflux of tourist tra;vel from I f . . . " I L � I . . P911 heory. Is ropared to on Wedne lay f6i mount -Forest, *. . - LL its - The late Xing Humbert.. has a t a, , . . .1 . � � I t .1 5thi 1900.. �... : .1 I 1 -1 .. ... I ers normal o6urse, and 1� 8( L United States that. made eal handsome patrimony, which is eatimat- . � . September 6th. 0 . , .. 11 �� . pilplis in plano ang theory Inc udin bar- of - Clinton visited Miag the id � . . I � � . . . I L take, counterpoint, canon, fuguo,� etc. flimplis - Miss O'Neil that, beau ed at from 0800,000 to ,Z1,2M,000. . . � .1. . . .. . I I I . � Iftabs - . Moll) I 11servatory rhiaminations, . Ellis, last week and the two ladies went way UP Into Trunk. — . I ,.L 1. .L I . L I . I . . . . I . . . . � . I ,.. .. . I . . . . . m m. m , tNTR1 S CLOSE SV11TV4XJ3RR-5th. L . .. - I 0 . . Lred for Cc region reached by the Grand S'GH'O,O.L '' � ' B, I I � . . 11 Pr",',id....-Tho R-PtOrY.. : . . on it wheelin tripf - . . Railway, andknowAg 4�The Highlands � . ABOUSE40 AT LAST, I - . I I . . I I . L . I . . .0 . I . � I . . .. I . . � I ,� . I . . . . . I - I . - . L : %====F__ _T=r!M�_ A. Smith O� the Molsons - Bsnli� �Was .of Ontario" has brought a constant . I � I 11 I . � . .. 1. . The most -complete exhibits from Farm, Forest and Factory. - New and . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tablet . . I under the weather for the pastlew days. of letters to th . To the terrible ravages of con, BUMP- I Lnds, Balloon, I . 1. I . stroam 0 general offices I a�'00 Chariot racets by imported Grey Holl .. , I .1 I . Coot the blood, 'keep the Vital MISS* ELLA CLINE - ' Bit. and Mrs, ColemAn,wbo have been at Montreal, since tile � tourist season tion in Ontario the Go�ernment is pot- 0.�P'EN L at6d Gymnasts, ,,- '' . , I . . o school of Art,Voronto y1aItIngia1&tivoS.In Bay City, aidil"L ) itioned to estalish hospitals for Cori- L . rA � Boor strong. 1 1 . .1 1, . organs fortified againstaulliftler Cortilleato of the Ontari . closed,. all of which speak 14 words, Of sumptives.: As a.. peirmative to con-, as each evenin �, ,� . I in Water and Oil Colors, NVIII tal�o a limited bay oturnedbotno. . . . I f the Wagnificent country that . 9 . . . diseases. � . number of PUP'JIS for JnSttUation in Water and Isono taughtb.y the late fire . .1 L - .gumption there Is no treatment, to be. I .. - I . � � I., I L .. � I At a 0 r pr ,lia",) . is be UgUS' . L � � on possegolseq, and which. C "n 4, Lthe compared to Dr, Chase's , syrup, of -S a:2 20 i . Oil Color Pal"tings; also, Cra ught. The lei � to travelling . . J:2� TWIXI.091 For further info atift - y at tile r 81 0110 . are impox . Obsery r. Ono � 11 I 11, . . . . I ' ' 1 $1.00 a box-Onouth fOgo d, , , . $.- orl'Ac I tant, says the a Coming so well known Linseedand. Turpentine Which Promp- ' . -1 . . . . . . XILLMIS, I. I Mr,.T.,13 Inloovor'Cuilton Of them is the 066esfilty for two or three brou, to ofthe Grind tty, and effectually cures evey dough L L L L . I . __ Of L. I . . L I . ' publia, t gh * ther offor . I . SedretarY. , � . The Zons'o -0. =ON CO-, . . �_, I 11 _. .. . additional tanks, a Pipe or hose for the Trunk in advortioing these northeruland.cold. Itbas.',by- far the largesbL . LL . . -..*% T,:�__,' I . . . � 1. . � . . I . .� I . L . . . 11 ­ . I . L. M of. PARI Street, I I I. I PaNTISTRY, L . distriotsbymeangot LA generous dis' sale of any remedy -for th?oab and I � - . . %9 . . _� I . . ., . .. I I ., Xontrelal, OAS, . portable tanks, to the ground Ones $0. 5 Ceuta . .. . . 1� I 10� .1 L I � ____� that no time may be lost -or water wast. 'tribution of literaturaf aliA the display 'lung troubles. 2 a .bottle. . I . ,L , , I . . - - . I . ,A . UNEST ROLMES .1 be made for Farally, size 60 cc ts. All dealers. I . I I � .. I . - L . P, *I !11 L . . .. I t, G..V ton L ad" another that Provision . of .large photographic repr9duatiods n . I . , . . . D's Isuccesgor to Dr, Bruce, Clin - I I. I. . I This week you will be . . 's i ill. I ­ 1 7__1 1 In Crown and Bridge Work. 6 sure and lasting supply t ntry. in a -realistic and _1_0� - - - . I . en" I . . I pecialist duato of Royal college of Dental y be fought for at least 10' showing tua Con o took Heavy'r4i n falls Continue !ft the fa r the ' I A ) I I MU111- .. � 11 L. D.s,-Gra, .... I that a fire ma, . true way., Ono, Chicago lady wh *mine-alfecLed districts of India, w l9oklT1g:fqr sboes fb . . w6re. After. ToodVa ph"Piadite, Surgeons of Ontario. of Dental or 12 hours, Wooden verandas should the trip through the Muskoka Lakes Ith . D. D, s, rilost- oings honor raduatu. ssec, and plate 91488 a consequent alleviation of distress. - Our fee returhedif wafail. My oue sending 13ketch arid.degeripti= Of .. . "a &eat x0g1kh Jumay. . . 11 Department of Toronto niVer8it q1 be replaced by metal and Lake of Bays; and down. the Magna- , . children. We can give - ' . 10 Sold And recommended by &I at ter.tion paid to preserVatioll Of chil ran h. should beinsured. beparately. In brick tawan rivogy.thenoe through the Thirty _.__..+.W�__ . , . . . relltio� WjU promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentei ' I � ( . � I druggists in dansda. On Z tell, teeth. Itivor Hotel, Dayfleld, every buildings a. dead, fire wall without a rhousand Islands of the Georgian BAY, For. over Fifty Years I the Boys and Givls S fit, asIbl'yinitty" of salne. 4011ow to Obtain V, patilitp sent upon req I uoit Patents . . able medicine d1900VON , % . ing terms of the delights 1qA9,WlX8toV'8 SOOMING Synint has boad . - . ed jor wo at our expense. . l Will be at the . . I I aqwes quarantced to cure 161 Monday froin 10 a. M' to 0 P- m'L brea.k should be constructed between speaks ih glow o . I laoured through us advards I, ,acts of abuse . L' — 11 should go , one of Natural I. a used by.millions of mothers for their children in that line. I . . hargw, i I a 13 ot, exur, Nvo,aknegs all off each building And this WA And beauties Of this " "' while teething. If disturbed at -night and . '.. � pateit taken out throu , h us receive special i;6tics, wltl�out 0 en I'Worry. Keeasive U08 Of TO' , �'__­__ , -.-----' ' L than the roof. Anobh- & child fforin . .. 91 . cozijUlted I - so )r Stimulants. matied on reeelpt � .. a few foot higher surogrounds.., InalottoraddreS112-10 broken of your rest by 0, sic illf, ated and *Idoly circulated jou=4 . " a 4 , a $1, 013t,t& 0MWJttPUW4L ould also a4d , general passe, got and crying with pain of C ,uttive't, " end al Inspect our stock be- rrag P,&TENIV RECORD, an il Usti . . e e (o ILU address. UPHOLSTERING or bandrold feet of hose w Mr. W. 1L. Davis, 11 Once And q0t P, Dottlo of "Mrs, Inelow"98'..th. - . . .. 0 � I 1 tot C I lets free to . Additional protection, The construe, . ,ebb) she says. ilWe followed the dir� . by Manufacturers and Investors. Go calnvaftyj WW ndsor, Pont� . � � ,,,,,, ng Syrup' for ChildrenToothing. itwillra T1 .. ,116 nndorgigoed' W181104 to annolluto to the tionof frame,buildinga within' certain Ag . a gave us during - tho, Move the poor little suircrer immediately. Do. I . fore 'purchasing 011V- . Baud for sample copy FREE. Addross, . .. . lombe, E. 11 , y that I . I actions vo L ondupbntt others, thorobnomiatake about I . I . . . . . Sold in Clinton byr S. Jackson, ]1 8- C le of Clinton anil surrounding 0110tv limits should be prohibited.. . trip., 6ur tickets were given honor,. . . 10TdO Ji EVANS & 00-Y rod to do - - - . U. It cures Alarrhoon royniates the Stomabb. . Where and be convinced V gglats, - I as located In Clin toll and Is vrePa . � tion was Itells the I Hovey and watts W CO-, dvu 11011114. __ I wurtoouB atten an4. bowels, cures Win colic, so I .(Pate�tt AtiaMAY00 I . . . ­ - allitindR of Upholstering, Xaftre,,is Making . and the moot ( . - __ - andCarpotSowin UndLaying.'. orders on- S THE BEST SAUCE " shown to us along the Grand Trunk in Gum 9, reduces In 11 am m ation, 0 'IV, 11�kt1`n`1,3'1'0`wd . that our . goods and N . w- trusted to Mo Wilf tontion. if __ I e6i greatly inde onerf - Iti ,r to the whole astom, 11 rfi. WA&HINCIrOMP D- 0- a IA., I i I . � I . I receive PrOlfte . OV aspect, We f sootai Syrilp" for c ildron teething Is Plea- . . � I - Evans GUIldingt I I � ­ - — I W. TA, WALKER- Yetsomegeoplo are liever bungry. , aety ri loor you, so kindly salit tomio taste slid IA the prescription of one .prices are right, I .. . I .. �, - See t forced a to you for the � 10616siag Canada's of the oldest and best female Physicians an I � ! -_ I - . I 11 Ill - I Notic.e. .. I gud door north of the U l0VAt9r-VlCt0rla St' Whatever t ey eat has 0 he " is, a -live I ����� . I I I F - I ,linton, May 28thi 3poned to I huraes In the United States. Price twenty . . I r, --- . . . I I down." There is, of COMM 130nIG' 1 larf ul stronghold Of beautiful Soon" con,sanbottle. sold by all druggists through. I . I N � . I � thingwrong with t' , By won( - _k for "Mrs, . 11 Netted is hereby given that Pe Council of the � base eoplo� d jn;s 01— I I I . � 11 , - - cription, I Cannot Yet' out the world." Be Aura an 11, L Lions-me's ­ . . ...... ­.. -- ­- --,-- . inton intends to %parifia, a shopb that beggar des a 1A*rNStOW'8 SOOTHING S"ITP, � L I . . . I . . - d elks and 3ity, P&SA the Chicago OfRO I FRUIT ' - "a oper. TO N PROPERTY FOR SALE ta"Ing llood's Sars� Ite and here ill the 4 . TIMIE TABL91k conitruct the following, concrete 81 ew W timetbey aregivan anappet' lailway ,,..---- I . .1 .- to amess the final eosts thereof upon the Ig — a nour. Grand Trunk I I I I th%n they enjoy eating and too ofthe Meg benclittod thereby and not exemPt Y law I 8 them. , If 7 1 and again 11110VO is well I from allsossmont. I Vb6 Aubnriber Were for 00,10 & vOvy desirabld oil find your a etite a thrill : . S. C. Rath . — ish rod � � . . I .. 9 Trains will atvivov,tO-IlddGD%TtfrOlftCliht011.I between proport on Isaac stroat consISM119 of four lots U, before MO the hRZO'COVO S(Atton as follows .,- . i \ Oki the Nvest side of Orange Street ed, east of ,upoft 311ph there is A comfortable frarno house faill 1g. just try it bottle of 1100 'a. It, of beautiful . � . WANTED, . Mary and loseph Etteets, the eAtimat _ � """Ing' and blue wators Ughtens V.&UNA 11 the propa.ged work is $220, of which sun�$70 is with kitchon and woodshed rtttaohcd, TherO ruestomach tonic and every dose hrou 3scFVALO AND 00011101t DIVISION- I . provided out of the general funds'bf the 19 a good stable and a first-class woll Of Water -does. good. Wr'1u0'a1kF8k'#1. I heat the plagh Of 006rof iligbest cash paid . . to bo �chard, consisting of graPOR Hood's CA tug . Goin � "gZast n3toress TO A. ni. M ti 11 I "Tito beat f1l,rully cathartic i's summer attire stepping for Eggs. . .. - .� . " -1. . 2:65 P. M. � . cipallty. on(?rA0pMp1'0S0gg' Theo' one, The property will . I I and gee gir% 10 I landing . I - 1 -have inade ,.%VrangG- is 11 Mixed . 1). In. - . . . - , an ,Is a good , J cash Pills, - into birolitandes, calling fron I _ a �JgN�eatmixed, I � a. tn. on the South Aide of Wellington Street be- besold at a reasonable figuro for Z;avh 61 I I Ifta- . . � . .- ! ! � i ! al big 1) n4 qrom AMIS twoon Orange and North Htreotg JOHN JUNOR * ading in the 910AW1114 'i I feel a tit . mentq W;th� sever , , , 12-55 in . sun 41 IR 0 be ?rovfdod out Of the pi Minton may9th 0 b " .houses to han ., ,, , I � 5, the estimated rorw;ed work ig $ 79,50. of which and balance on time. All 'T to the Owner On . liev. 0, It. Emerson of0ahliltori ' to 1hi face, sh 10:27 t. In. . . cost of the ?� general tile proulisos 11S. the Ba'p! Swift rush of strong ait uponmy dle Fruit I the Xxin clp%lity. " 'ved an d accepted A, CAII t *4DOMIXtUnOlqAXX)BUXT(',rul)tVX8lOt4- ' nI the heights of some IL ro� fu as 0 c 11 I 1111waWMA""M vecel rest, . I and I amolRdbing of Bays., In Ever-Uhadu 8 I the market (;oi,,,,g south vxPross 7:41 A. in. � ' tist Church at Mount 1`0 . I � � ­ 19W_ .and am in I 0nthoSouthRldo6fT1Ur0n Street from the .__ 'Ila promontory On the Lake it 0 1 . I 11 Mixed 4,25 P. wesiter corner of the COMMOM141 110,01 to -. e"-__ �____ 16'r swidgifigliom a, wid"fmOd ohaill I I . (,o,n oTth Nxproso o: - root, the 041mated coAt, of the proposed FOR SALE GRUSE V for ..gN 10115 ft -dm . �, I North Vt FARM I � 1. Xbxd . 0,05 p. tn. W6rk Is '6789.90, Of Nvilieft ftm $78.05 is to b r Goj)blnlclr TowNslllp f rom the deck of the WOU611611 * I VvAtOh - .� . . . � . . vided out of the general funds of the ""M _.— , the stirring of the lily padS, fi?gt On Ono I . TISOX, V. R, 110pprms kY i. e A, 0. PAT' 'Pality. ,� Tile Dale farm. t)ne of the best 100 -acro faxias ShOWASfa1% side arid then on the OthOV of the wlna� MO I �wn T10kotAgelit, rh ly I ata I I � OHERRIESo PLUMS � , On the South Aldoof M Stmotbetwoeu In Goderieh townslft.- HufOu COUntV- It con- I I Ing MagnetAWAD *, or sudden I'M81! - D1012so N, . Victoria street and tho caster ylimit of lot 113 . . District Passenger Agent, Toronto, propoged gista of lot 17 and pa0 18, tn 8th con-, 0.1 miles of the 0 I Street. the estimated cM 01 the' front oo�lorleh and 7 from Clintoll, The farm 0. transported to the broa . - I-- �1_ �_ Is Alf;a,of which gum W.60 Is to be vovld. ; � 1WJ11911111 . _ , contAluggoodbuildin ,and good fences'js Well I angold ETON od out oi tue general funds of the MuniorpalitY, watored and 'well UdSer-draftied. There, Ig A Ond L Belvidere at Parry Soatd And the Bunt __ ­ _. 1. � -1 � __ ­ � OUR, 'TOOTH APPLgSf i ____ A AldO Of Albdvt �o Ohiro is drOPPIT11 into Georg,, O" � � . . Will r . street between t 0 On th a wel lartle bearing ovehAttl and garden of alball I illy arow a glol and t a wators I . tattenbury Stteota, the estimated fruits Termh to 14111t purallaser. Apply on too liervaus to Moop, faid Of Art and t1lo sky I'lie highest Prie,08 JAW K $372,66, of which d OL114T ON XARREIT REPORTS , . 11uron slid 1!0 - 111ismorad , Goderich 1:1.0. [an B *a islands #,to dyed by it, and Yn'no . ' wo Q t posed work Is dre'sq cost of thIl Vt I pre Weaker Ovid ftakQlk-Or- 0119'66's HGfvs woodo I Fmm$39.37�fil obe.providedOilt0fthogenoftl WITIUAlt GIOULD slip (cottaotod avoty Wadwsao,v xfterndo6) be paid. -ft, � . funda of tho Alunfelpality. Clinton inne Oth. lm* tood Rostored Health and V19our. the glory the white Balls Ora yacht Wheat ............... O..., - 0 03 to 0 9 No talting, 60,11COS or depend- - AGENT C- P A Cdort of R,ivision will be hold on Thuroaay i � _! � . - , arid then dIOMPPOar- I . CLINTON T.!� — — _=.-_ _- _! ! �k: � I Mrs, V. MoLaughlill, .05 Pavlfawaht noisalogsly, the 93rd day of August, 19W, 08 0'0100k P -M-1 I 11 _t, Toronto., states,-" My doolighter I platura the 00090 Wheat ....... W ..... * 0 03 tG'0 04 ,ing on luck when you b*y Your Butt attlia Council Cbamber, fOV the PU 030 0 streo ItTheroaronOwOrdN to or and Eggs ! ROOM. was pala, weak, languid, and Verr,uerv. ... ............ 0,38, to 6.&O . . - 02 . Wonderful fairy.like rogiod that "bratoh. 13'Irley.'. ;!.y . — I bearing cOMP %int'l avanat the propos, I "a 111"90. _ Magntita- here, are wated as usual. I , I me -At or necuracy of the frontAl MaMrouiont Canadian Pacifl_ RY6 Oils, Her aplp6dta was poor iarsolf es fr6ru Muskoka Wharf to 016 rg. : ... .......... 028 660M . 11ravellers to MY PArb Of thO and Any other comlMlint whl.Ti Meng Inter- Able. she could nearegly drag * consulb the V a by law wan river, and is circled by the Goo world should eAt4d mm wro to malto And wh '311 i I about the house, An& her 21"VI&S Were ikn,tsy with its wooded Islands, And 1.1.11,11-1. 0 57 to 0 M . . above in refobtellce tO ti0k6ts, . I cop 19 b t " Id Co,lrt. - HARVEST coynpletely Unstrung. Sho could tot our Zoe Brush, for goo ti hV the P0.1 [at, IBM Rye. I I - I ... I'll ........... o 40 to (I 40 of 2oo 00 OLS ON Ltp . d at blintoll tills 7tb day Of AIM I 0 enter$ this region W111pass out our Atate .- I - faves, etc, WILLIA EXOURSIONS oltep jot mot -6 than halt k%fl hour at 06 he Wb 0 40 too 40 fee it 106 . I imowwwom rd COATS i � t1rile without stavang uo arid arylinfif out -of it wonderfully tilont, but he knows to rotatoeq per bushel ....... .11 ! ! z !!O! ! I_ __­_� . , . � I I -.6-Town 0441. -will be von on- In expittinont, rtaiaty, whore the next SUMMU Duttor loose in crock __ 0 15 to old � " - !. 1, .-,. I I . - I - � N __ � � Ing, Until OCT. go and ,, Ag #iio waa arowIng woolter and 16,30 PA�L TrUtU OPE 8 sl@1'T"'v'1)1�1t AT" WoJAMOON AUG, 28, Return will Ond hun.11 Butter in tub ....... ­.. , 0 '5 to 0 10 I Pwian Pink 11 . NOV, 10, 1000 weaker I booft-MO diarmOd, kud Obtain. lavo, lid idea 61 , _. ''I � UP. 0 u ,, td & bot Oct Dr, 011AWN 1-Urve, Pood. Thouse-ndsinCOM&WRO666ty W111612, U "a per (10% . ............ 0 10, to 0, It VZ,7#, Z AGUNir o. 0. R HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE —TWTVAIT V&UM TO— � An oxquisite extrAeb I I 'Ji�,:'!�111 . thO WO66101 Of bitutirct .1 tuid 16 trip Ray ........ � : .. .......... 5 w to 3 50 1 .1 . Er, to tot fl'410 1119 WOU T,tA_V1nA 1$80 , Slid used this treo,tniOnt for soveral .. ,� . - 71 - ! r'��!! �!!!� -_ !L,�!�" . - I �:;_ -__.Z_-__ , , , , , tirloo modiours "Opus, and from tho Arst WO noticed 9160 I I � On' fle, ,W) 161,10, It, 01 IV In", rit, %ter o,pDetlte bo. -on tll(� magnificent, island- obtod ""ft - n Ainder I 110A O & their own. country tontsan r I mW3111 _5�r�,_ 14 A " W dIX looAted. The land will 0 riold in d6cldod ImPrOVem6' I lAkes Wool ................... 0 16 to 0 16, L e. -I. -I q 111% William I foot, I that deserveF4 pill the P And Wo , T. Antler q66r11V1t111`n1W stgoa the b6&uUfu1 L*6 Live Hogs per P,Wb ........ a 10 to 0 W , . valgil ottrne botter, 11116 goAned tit weight, tho , of Muskoka, a, .�, pardola to Ault tho PUT011061 I Mack J$35 &gnota- it gets 7,50 por oz. ONTAU16- LAND 'Vy%^#R SAM Jos. UATTVISnUlty, nl"inosevAtll $28 "' and she spout on tho At .1.11 5 00 to 0 00 STUATPORD, ' I �-d eolour Tetutued to 1wr to'co, of Bays, lot & day . Drs for side ttat 40,81ratl i I Prine, Albort 6 I %lowullu . a Door 41 well. X wan rivot$ VOIA14 toltoll Plour per owt ...... ...... I 15 to 2 00 No, lenq th%A eight. larga businva eolloqrl Thoundo,rAlgh0d Oft, � Londoit Clinton. Augustedi, I failnot nay too much ill favour Of this the arbmtlo . 0 qixteen ile') mim of laild Anuth of thl Muli 1(1' )$40 "raduely bee me stro"#r 0"'d to-.%djttiilgo� Ifaaliftatiftl OfOrbitildinft 1�"_� !!!�-!�m=o"�"��! M! 4 SMUT 1111t� L Mouton 10morit, 311100 it 110,49rov. torlse wbibb Naturb's bomtlos kwakttx in Dilan per ton,.. ......, 19 00 to 12 00 VV foroupgriidUateAtO C,xkot)O,qlttOtIEIAgte"t("l'ora and will bo Aold� n one %066611 Ift 100. MY 01700 , * ____ ill their arhoola. AA AUL11Y W; 11V0 bklsiftsl 1AM3 , vouderfal trt . I 13. Combe lle�vo applied to an wlthlu the '"t 11lx w" (4 " , , I I I I � I I. .1 11 e �c I" rey ac or'eay�'C`g li S hy impa I 0 a lot T ' - ' 0 as a 0a R by a n" eel ' ' t r ' h ' ' a " Do b Parao a a r 'n an ma 8 " �h op dt 18 attack on I a A � o ar, to ra I 11 lin 8 sa a 0 t � ' WO ,, � iris over a a at rtli P 'a � A c "a 0 t n rob 4 r Aet? d t.f gis I � ti an all se .VI,es . Spec I V� bo , In m y U I 'I td 'it" t� r wo � P I a tI a k . Send for r le "Isto and ProSrams. ,_ . LT ,.Cot. � . X. O�RTSaonu a. A. X � , rrost4ont, ff n, NU MLSIAM 11 lielps tho tea . Saves veftAr a $a, oldeverywhere. . " 81. Llm'ltodl i IMPORIAL 11. I . I - . , . , E , I I House AND L01 WANTED ; 010"On'tDing, Saulbsto, iftil such & bleAsinig tO My d-ftught6r," t hel soul of m4n. , 811orts pet, torl_'.'... ". " 16 00 t In to Ila in one fty 1.,emon for Aellitig 1A Olaf, it iq too hir froal ti)wn, Vf6111411 I)Ointq In Out, id - fnt,611106 11011)- L1 it doesil't pky to b11,611010 — . I)t,. Chilseig Xorv6 Pood Is to bloo 4 , ­-4-WA.R4*A * *WWOWA� Wool por 11) ............ 15 to 10 bNve IN � lita to haudloibyaOlf AA Maria, Out.., wit)(1gop and ua'.4. ThistlTnufols? tile be2tschool torvoa, W4101164 to 11"y ft houre, V91th four Or Ave 1"'rfurthel, partleulamfLIpply too tile Ifteareat bullddr ItIld AUV6 VU8,11"t of "Ost Un- Cliarles Newkirk of CoritAll, 1190d 17 Venetic ' basket- 1. , - ,:.. 0 to to 0 00 Vataloguo frool A. covolt, Clinton V60tifr11ft90adlOM%litY# UiV61oP,A"ouftUdlOVV- 0, ly. It. 496M4 01 tO . . usual ftl�rlt. In ill form, 60d, & b6t ears, Wfts dpowlied while batlillig ill #1 physiodan6' supplieli. W, J. t4bTAOTT, 11fludiAl AXA62kh I 0At evil prido ­ blunt 110t,olebed #50. e6ailin. A. IT. NOTMAN, ,,,,It ILt OJI dtalers; of gailasmsono vat#* *n Ig ()ttep Utinek at Port Hurwoll, ii�o Totriatoeg, Per lh I I I I 0 05 to 0 06 . forinattb)l Ilk MO of AIqlJo6at f4enoral 11A3S,)J1 oil A, U E I � � . THI", Nk"Wimmeoin), I lifaR, 13trect xwst, T010N I 'Caq TK#At#. . �, � � � 0114toll, Auguab 601. I I . I . . I s I . A I '"Ww"ibiww" I 11 111- 1_... " ___,___ I.. - . ­­ I., ­­ I ... ­­­ - ___ � ­ I - . �. -1.1.1 - 1. . � I - I — _.____,_._ _.___ . . , I . A