HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-16, Page 8q - - � ­. - I .1 � . I I . - 8 . ___ � _____._____1 I ____ __ _.. . - ­ THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD . ATT(AWS"T 16,* 11900 � I �. . -1 __ . � ,-�-�----"'--'�".;�'.-,'.-�:�---��,-'--.-,---� _;s____';;r1;;Z.;_ ­ ­­ ­-­­ ­ ______,____._____;_� _ ;11 I IN -1 N ____ ., - __ � O,Z"t�"___;!:­-'�:-!- ��'-­"!_ 00 IN N_ - - _­­_;L� 4:�'.,_� , ­­'........" � ­ -,---,-- . ' -7-_ � ­_ _-�, �. ­.­ -_1 I—— ­ ..."11-1. ­�- ___ -, _­; 1� _­" __-, --��-.-�---�,,....,-.----�----7.'�:--�--.�""----�-=---77�:.--!,-�---, 1�.__.­��___,_:___­��_�: _­�:­__.___­_____�� V.- Mr. IL R'. Hodgema la In Toronto this GODERICH TOWNSHIP. DU . � _. , ____­__ 10 0411 11avo IOU week. ]KIPPen. 11111INgreen. .. __ . - - , BIG DRY GOODS STORE - � � q0%____ AT Riddell haa moved his fatally Mr. Robert Wellwood. who was a wleti, for IRst Ja5uc,) Last,week was perhaps, the hottest Harvest threshitir has [)eon the %,*,00#,WAO%A~V4rO,OW'-"�---'. � --- I I - I - - I ­ 1_~AAAAAA^V~ I t`atk to London. . auv�$ at Mr. James Richardson's for Thr6h,101VIls now the order of the - I - . . 24168 Mandl Duncan is visiting rela. " ivtlek, left on Haturday last to return day, . on record in these parts. The farmers. Order of the day in this vicinity during I . . � Worth for Nothing$. tives In seaforth. to his holne ill Brooklyn, N. Y, 110 Miss Droaney of iChilough is visiting are aboub through barvesti,ut The the P' ,tat week in order to make rooiji I �, I . I .1 � . enjoyed It!*, vialt, very much )& rain of last Sunday evening a night for the oat crop. . . 11 , "<4i I .. lie said, at mr-T. E. Ditruln The intense bomb of the past week :0 I , C-1 I * Mr. Warner of Toledo, Ohio is visiting and was much taken with Huron Xr.'Geo. Durain is home from Elora was welcome and refreshing. b 40 Ourolfertoyouistilis.. Wellave under the parental roof. county, than which lie will see nothing for the summer vacation. Mr. Sidney Welsmillor, son of 1). As beft somewhat bard oil both . Mrs, W, Moore Is visiting her inothero bottor from a farmer's standpoint on Mr. Tom Cluff and Miss Mary Wolswillor-Usq.,htte of Kippen but man and boaab around here. Several . ,$ 1:�4 . . anumber of life -like p.rtr,altsof now of Toronto, was vallm on friends .working men -have had to quit work * �, I I ( . * , several colebritles Ili the South At. Mrs. Mann of NelVilop. .- tile. "other side," Mr. Wellwoodholds Dreancy spent a (lay with Mr. And in this nelghorhood fast week, while Mr. Ftaripis Coleman btid the I ... ricarlwar. Theyare incolorsit Miss Dingsley of Win,gham it; visiting 4111 Important position with the Brook. Airs. S. Nicholson last, week. Master 81dney is a bright student and misfortune tO lose a valtiablo I mare . -1 , 1111 I _ , nd at Mr. N. Robson's this week. olty corporation and is in re Air. and Mrs. Way-tind family of th . by the, beati, . ',,,, .1 V � ly 0 1 , .e looks well, taken in the uniform, of their re� Ofll� salary In proportion. lie iesipa Boo are visiting at T I sTectiverank. Therolsagreatdis. Atlas LIbbl6 Wheatley visited friends of OM Little'u. A farmers' picnic Is on the tapI6 Mr. John Bennotb of Flue Grove, . . I strong supporter of MeXinley and Mr. R. Miller Silromerbill I AII�L t action between the ordinary black in Varna during the past week. expects its a matter of course that be Sunday near Dungannon. spent for next Thursday, A large 4ther. Toronto, Mrs. Vanhorne and Mrs, ­ 1, . . Andwbiteportraltsatid such pie. bliss Linda Sturdy of Goderich Is the tug, a flue spread and a good tfoxie Is George Hudson of Herisgil were the __ I _"_ .. - ., ;111 be elected by a larger majority Tile remains of the late John ThomP- expected. Dryadale�ou_bbe_Lake is guests of Mrs, Thomas Coleman dur.' �. I tures as theseare. 'We thinit you guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. Pike. ' tban before. As for Free Trade, Mr. son were laid to rest in Dungannon ttle place selected, Your corresp InChawast week. � t. - . - - - _.. : " - ­ - I . ­ - ­_ .- will appreciatethem,and when you , ond- . � - .1 - . _ I �� I :ZV , th of Dundalk is the Wellwood says tbat it does not seem at cemetery a week ago Tuesday. a rs. . -1 - C , I I see them would like to possess one Miss Ten& R% . e. band family have received 4. bid, -Sbeffor of Ifeni3all visited at I """'P�e- I )", guest o0er sister, Mrs. S. Xemp, all likely that 3t will ever be given Mr, Thompson was a, member of Lot all lovers of sport remember the *hOrne of Mr Chat -lea Troyer one . or more. Most people wanb to JV that the Crawford Cup still rental a . 41f You get it at 'The Palace' it's good. � know more of these chiefs and Mr� G. T. Pike bas returned to Torou. Canada by the United States. I , tile ouncil for West Wawaxiosh and ftylast week. ' I leaderb who to after spending A week at the Wav- bliss Minnie Green of Dayfleld and - was highly respected by all who bad, with the Shamrocks of Rippen, ulo'lt- On Thursday evening last while Mr. WV%Nvy VAAAAAsr,YYVAAAOVWYWA�V~VVVVWQVYVVVVWyyV .� � have accomplished Mr. W. Bayley spent Sunday at the the pleasure of Orval Elmes of Hay was o- � many III erly. I his acquaintance, .The withstandin%all rivalry. .a his way to I -1111ant deeds and towboat home of Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Elliott, funeral was largely, .atterided, there Mr. G, E. rowalee, anothe Rippen the garden party Lit Varritt his horse dz 0 they look to accomplish more, On Miss Jean Ross of Brussels was the Ali-- A. Sharp of E4 thel has, also spent a being over one hunAted, rigs in the bor, has the wheel I p became unmanageable itnd ran away the reverse side is a brief but bon. 8 I , a readiness and �nest of laer sister, Miss Rossi this we�i at the same hospitable home. cortege. The bereaved family.have stl I d but foptunately no damage was done. � oat biographical sketch of each. We week. .Mr. William Proctor, who came over the sympathy of the oesten mile4lu 20 minutes so uainfufflu ingChances � have sold over a bundled of them Mrs. M14daugh and children of Hast from Detroit a couple of months ago in this their sad loss. Community let the cyclist's put In an appearance. Miss VineXyle of Kippen and Mrs, .1 � . I y . . The following students of Clinton, John Workman were tile guests of . at ten cents each and you can still Jordan, Mlcb�, are the guests of Mrs. expecting to have considerable fun Dr. McRae is very low with typhoid collegiate from this section were Mrs. Xits. Workman of Parr Line dur- buy them at this price, but we . Ralser. . this stimmer fishing at .favorite spots fever at present. . - ' think we have a proferable propos- M successful at the late July exaloin, in at week. . For this Week's Shoppers, I . , Iss Ilagl,!e McLaughlin of Winthrop on the Maitland, has been debarred Miss Frank McLean entertained a atiow-Mapter A. Uoig and the Misses uarterly services of the Rippen al for you it) making hi Oman c nit were. held in, the Methodist . presen the offer of are Vial ng her cousin, XissMabel, ftom that pleasure by sciatica or some wheeling party of Ygung ladles from Maybelle W t and Steinle ,� the pa, � ting you with �onr choice on Stewart. such complaint However, he is at'" the Nile one evening last week, Aches . on. . chut ell here o*n Sabbath last, Rev. Mr., Nearly the last week of summer sellbav-. condition of you making a fifty Mrs. -McMillan of CrawCord, Nebraska, joying himself and occasionally takes a Quite a number from here attended Rev. Sawera of Bruc ng preaching a very appropriate . ,C), cent cash purchase front any of our run up to Goderich or goes Into O)in- the funeral of Mr. , efleld and LO I � is visiting her, brother, Mr, Duncan 9. Gibbons � (nee Sarall, Acheson of Kippen paid a flying -visit a mo, . For it we will malKle prices and values so de artments, We tbink the public . ton where he has many warm friends.. Redmond 0 1 n U wifl appreciate this liberality on Stephenson. I i daughter of Mr. B, Red, last Monday to Corbett. and Grand Mrs, Sas. Reid, Mayfield Road, visit. - I our part. Our motive is to stlin Miss Rosa McConbell, Miss Cudmore Mrs. Proctor and family are stftylng mond, near Dungannon) at St. AlIgLle� Bend Presb churebbs in the .ad at the home of Mr. J as. Turner on a U. . I 11 ,�berlan ttractive, that dry goods buyets will b ' late trade these quiet days, and Miss Barge went to Seaforth on 3ust now with relatives in the county tine last Thursday morning. Mrs. interests of t e'Augmentation Grant. Thursday'last, ' , - . civic holiday. town. Gibbonshad been in poor health for They .found the congregations mak. bliss Emma Reid, Varna and .Illss Sure to " ' . Agents Joarkee8 Dye Wor7m. Mr. Roberb'Cole has been engaged some tixueP11sb and her demise had log steady process. A beautiful *Minnie Webster, Bayfleld koad, - visit. come here. There has not been I � Mrs. Duck of Morpeth is the guest of with Mr. Hartloy OAritelon for the silm- been, dallv expected, Mrs. Gib- manse is In course of erection, near dd frtends in the neighborhood recall a . � . . . . her daughter, Mrs. (Rev�)E- B, Smith trier. � ' ' ' bons was favorably known in the church ab Grand Bend. A plea- I tly- ny mids-Liminer dull The W. Do Fair go for a, few weeks. , I Quite a number have done barvestw Phis vicinity arid much' sytnPathY I sant and hospitable time was spent at . ___z;w- . .ness aroulid this store * . . . I Mr. Albert Seeley Was in Toronto on Ing which Is off early this'year. is felt for the bereaved husbaind and, thebouse of Rev. Oarriere and his MCK111op To'synship. yet, and we do not int . nd Often the Chea Thursday last purchasing supplies Mr. Goo. Middleton is improving. family. . estimable partner also a few hours . I . e ,that there shall . ped, . Alwaystho'Be84- for his bicycle shop, and.wo,all hope.he w I il I I soon be The committee appointed by the with the literati at the beach before Threshing machines ,are heard in I . Master Dadle Stoddart of Egmond- = It congregation of St, Paul's chni7ch to n urneward. In' - pass- everydirection. Wheableturnitigoilb be... Values like these keep it away, Robt. infaill; atri"* t h am,ed. St., Jos'e'ong very well . . . .. . Rhaki Note Paper (same color , Ville visited at his aunt's, Mrs. Ann )er of our neighbors took in I Nurchaue a house foe a rectory have g 'a , I I as the uniform of the South s. . ecided In buying Mr. Platto's house.' It the but oats will be below the � a - - . I I the garden party in Varna last Thur throu otica� a �a� I I . African, soldiers) 10o per. - � Walker's, on Tuesday.* . * day evening and repoxt a pleasan - t It I$ very mice and comfortable brick they n I S French gentlemen average. ' . In , aV. t 0 , M has I houscaand conveniently situated to and shine, . . I quire -Envelopes I . iis Lillian Webster of Goderich time. con seph may yet arise Mr. W. H. Gray and daughter and Skirts at 6s, - : to mateh,' ' . I been visiting her cousin, Mrs. 0. M. the church. The price paid was . two sons spent last Sunday at the, resi- . C 0 - . I 1. Bezzo, for the past weelt. Mr. John Danby was visiting friendg � We have, suffered witi) the that- dence of Mr. Irvine. Mr. Gray's home . . - __ I , influllott last Sanday. � $W5.00. - . mortieter at from 90' to 05' for the past is in Hibbert, ! - , ___ ..- _... ___________­..____ _! Miss Green and Miss Williams of Lon- . . . I . ' , . Miss Tons, Gordon- of Sbeppardton Mrs. (Rev.) Goldberg erformed the week until Saturday when a providen- Miss Alice Dundas has been visiting . I . I .. . - don 'and Miss Brickendon of Clinton was.bbe guest of Mrs. William Cook �uties of organist in St. Paul's church tial do*n pour. agreeably visited this. .friends ab Winghain for, &fortnight. Skirtsat 8sce - .- i About 0 0 0 - spent Saturday in Goderich. . .1 .. � I I . I � ... . . I last weak. 7 . . in the absence of Miss D. Johnston on section, soaking the land and purify- The late intensely hot. weather has Skirts such as' these hm,e not been sold here before. Somebody . Mr."Peter McNeil has been called from Mr. Fred. Thordps6n arid wife of Sunday last. -. . . . the air. oth animal and voice. been very trying, on those who have lost M I - Mr.- R. H. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher. of 0a . . I 0oM*-,00C-,0EXx-,0Ek3 . . Aberdeen, South Dakota, owing to 0hathanx were callers at . I ,rIow b"agle life has been invigorated. With to work in the hxrvest field. � I oney, or they, couldn% be sold at anywhere near these . � � I I � WHERE THEY ARE People. - the serious illness of his father. 911lott's the other, day.. visited at Mr..C. C.. Brown's on. Sun, this visit came, almost simultaneously, Mr R. A. Bell. has been on tlie prices. . We cleared out the.complete range of samples, or we . , . . . . . � . Miss Mabel Stewart has rOturned with The farmers along the Ist and 2od day lost, - the presence of our golf -constituted rounas selling pumps for a Goderich . . I 0D WHAT 0 . I . bar "'a, Miss Maggie TV16Lauglin, concessions: are nearly all through Hughftmarthas purchased &new candidate and M. P,, the irresistible film. I. . � wouldn't be .able to do it. I There's no .' . .. I THEY ARE DDJNG . . . Ao spend IhIaryacation,at' 'Wint top. cutting their spring crop and the huin traction threshing'Oachine and is now John. Ile -did not claim that the rain Mr. J. Davldson,'who had the mis. ' tb,ug like -a crash'skirt, . . � of the thresher floats on the surnmer busily enTaged 11 making the dust fly �' for comfort in 'hot weather,' . cl-.0c'neeCK3000 We Know Mr. McGill, who has been the . w . ; �. came from Ottawa only that 'he did., fortune to have the wheel of a loaded . and'thdre will be lotb .'Of* days for ' - .. . I I . breezps. I in Ashfie d. . � 10 seems there is something in the wagon run'bver one of his feet soma , Wearing one before hall co m'e8. . .. . . .. . guest of his sister,'Mra, F.W. Wtttts� ' . , - I I � I . 11 I . is at present visiting friends in Luck- Mr. James Wallis, Bayflold Road, ..Rev. Mr. Goldberg purchased a horse. October repor t that 'elections will weeks ago,.is still quIt6larae. . I., . I I .. . . . I . I L . � Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones spent civic holir now. . .. 1. . . I I lake shore, has greatly improved the an 'A buggy. last week. � I probably take place'fok his Afforts Along with assisting itithe store and- . Laales crash. shirtspiPlabi nnd braid. trimmedt newest styleg; . day at Carlow. , . . . appearauce, of his house by the erection Mcsr*rs. Toni. McLean and Alex, . seem to be -to squAre himself on the Postoffice Miss Mamie MeRwan has . everyone was made oras%-.xxp:o. Regular$1.25; choiop._ 08C - - , , Miss Eliza -Mountelistle; who bad � . I Pentland worelin-Lucknowon Sunday, n ,charge of inconsistency with his also been giving lessons in 'music to a - , � . I . I I .. �. I .. . . � I 'I been spending a week with Mrs; of'a new. verandah and the addition. OJ Mr. and Airs, Smlth_�noe Miss H. f .. Righ class crash, denim and duck skirts, the most POPU10 - , - . . Miss Maude Wilson is Visiting re a- - . , ope . . tives in Guelph. . . � -a cost of paint. I . ew admirers fox part,y sake who pre- number o poplh, . . . I . I . . . . . Brewer at Bayfield, returned yes- Mr. B -Orb Burke of MicbI ba:s return- I-er) of Pontiac, Mich,, are , Visiting for him toa Tory ' Since he will* riot 151aster Thomas Irvine had, the mis- styles shown this season', most of them . . I . Mlsg Smith of Brantford is the guest 'torday. . � I . ,� . ,olativea.here. . I . . - I bandeomely.trimmed, I . I . . . . . . ad. He.was over on a visib to bib . p in t them to select differently our fortune to b his arm badly spiained - . All made of the best mater I ,�argn ihas become modern,, ge . . IMP, every one a, sample. G%rmente -, - . 1 of Mies Mathieson. 1. Miss Barge is' enjoying ,,I month's -sister's, Mrs, John McCrure. . , . Misq Mary McDougall, we are sorry ' zed and nob, by falling off his wheel. ' that sell in thd regular wa . . . . . I . y at �2, $2.50 and $3.59.,: Choice_ Miss Millie Stephenson vigited Gods- vacation � at home after several I , Miss Mav Bhear of Woodstock, who to state, is not improving. in health as nearly so ancient. He is a Free Tra- � . � I . . . - _I .. . 1. 88c . .. I. . . . . � I Wcago and ,has been* visiting her grand,niotber, ra�l man friends, wool der le , . . . . . . rich friends last -week. rnonths residence in CA . 3idly as hat, .y . d 1. . ­ - � � * . I . . - ________� . Detroit. . . . i � Mr§,. R. Jennings, has returned to the wisktobeiir. . .. . I . .. � yeb out on protection princip a. . . . .. � . . . I I Miss Stobie of Seaforth is . Visiting , at . He advocates' tb6 Governmepb -deal Port6r's 11111. . .... I White Waiests 'for 659" . . . . . - Mr. James McMath's. . Mrs. MaishMorrishretut,iiedThiii,sday qR7, -biA bar .sisters' intend staying- Miss. F. McLean and Miss L Whyard with 8o binder twine for Manitoba, � to - I . __ . - I I . . I � I ' . 9 Miss Tebbu . t is holidaying ,,it her home lasbfrorn Detroit and with Mr. M6r. some time longer. I I . � are visiting inHarriston, , . . I insure the Ontario market'at Ile. and Mr. W. F.. Blair of Lucknow is the I � * I I That ij,ere ' �. � . . I . .. . . . I I ' Mr. . -_ - . . . .$ J.', � $1,25$ , , � in G,)derloh townshIp rish, will take up her residence in .and Mrs, F. T. Beacom returned . I ­ .1 . , , . � . . . t 7 . upward for Hobbs& 0o.next season as guest of bis,friend, Mr. W.A. Elliott. �, I I 1 . $1.509 $1.75 � . . . - . Mr. and Mrs. S. Gidley of Blyth Clinton again. ' . . . .to Chatham' on .Tuesday after a . Port'Albert'. . � in the 'past, thereby showing gratitude Mr. Arch. -McDougall conducted . .1 �, We migrht get More f I or thein I . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . fortniglit'svisibat the former's parental - I . . � . , . were in town last'week. � Mr.andMrs. (Dr.)Honey, who h�v, . . � . . . to the principal supporter of 'the services in Bethany on Sabbath,' . 11, . . . - 1 , but it would be tak. . I � . . I . - . . . I !siting their father; Mr. Win. the latter of whom but recently return� . Will Smale at on Sunday. per . . 1. , ing 1. . . - Mr. Robert Johnston ot Boston, Mass., . been home, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beacom,, I f , , machine. Owing to thd uns6ttled state of the � : A 11 4 chances of keeping some,, 0 th . � - . . . Robbvhave returned to their home. steamer Pittsburg for the Soo., . Win. Cudmore,known as the "Ray weather there was but 4 small eongre- . , I f . Gm over. Sjjty�l . .. � . . . is a guest at Mr. R. J. -Cluff's. 'Joseph, Mich. , - . . . ad from a month' . a v . !sib. with her son In ,Miss Sara .,Lawrence, London, is at Ing, eft last week in connection gati6h, . . .. . .. .. . five ' cents Apiece ought . to. cleav ev . ery one I of � . I I in Sb . . Cha�ham : . � . . . . K, 1, I - . .. . . - .. .1 I . . . � Mrs. Bruner and children of S6�forth Miss W. Stoat is the guest of Mrs. Miss M�ry ' � . present the guest of Miss Tena with. his business, for Liverpool and I ­ . ,� rl", theul Out.04- Saturday and. that's ... I are the guests of Mrs. Bunch. . gnidei� f Colborne was Hawkixla..� � . .. . I . Glasgow. - He reports hay fro ' thl - , .1 I i . 7, .. . just what we be. , . � I � � M is: . � . . . � . �� . . ' I . I . 1. I . . . R. Bansfordfor a few days. 0 . . �� I Wan I . . . Mr. William Robinson of Port Huron the guest of her sistO, Mrs. John, Tab-. Miss'Lizzle Corni-11, Godorich,:is.th, section its bringfiag'blie- highest- price. i . . �. to do, . ­ . . I . . �. , For Goderich township news'read... � ,.. . i . � �, .. .. .. " . 1. . . ... I .. .. . . . I - , . 11; is visiting old friends, in fore proceeding - to Biarvie, to ,take butt, last week, ' : . . I . great of "her cousin, Miss Oracle DO. , Jas.MeLean left with two cars of fine THE Nnws­REdoni), I � . . , ' . � . . . . � Clinton, charge of her school there.' * .* . . � .. , . 15 White La . I 11 . . .. I I I . . I I Miss Ada Jones was visiting in Sea- .M , . I � Miss Cora Brandon. of Belgrave *as L,n�t, this w0ok,� I . . I . stocic that will do him And Ontario , � . . �.�. . .1 - I wn and Muslin. Shirt Waists, tucked fronts, and backs; Some � .� . ... ' . I �, ' r. and Mrs. RenryCottle came down the guesb'qf Miso WinnJ6. Thompson ...16 nSchoextbaisis'.mov"11j; . in . to. his c,e _. . . . I I .. I 1, � -with insertion, some with yokes of puffing, All siz . I . forth for a few days last week. I . from' Sault Ste. Marie on Friday lastweek - .. I . . . . . .1 . . i . I ditinthe Liverpool market.. The I . ­ I I . , I . . . .., . .. all es.,qoft or hara ff I... , .. . I I � . - I . I - average w. .was fifteen.. hundred. I .. I . .. . I I - WO have left.,of lines that s9ld from ,$Ito, $1,75, choic � � . Miss Edna, Copp' spent last weak in . . and will visit the 06ttle families in Miss-B�e' ' ., . . t ... . . � .1 . OEALTHS. � - 11 '' I Saturday.' � ,. � - 11 � � . I r of Woodstock a . new residence this week, - - .pounds. - eight . . . . � I ,� of 10 `6' 65 . is bil guest - Mr.and Mrs, Henry. I - . . I . 1, . I . � , _ ............ I ... ; ................... I . t . . � Leigh, 0onc6rd, - . . . . . . ��......­L��� , Brucefield visiting frierrasthere. . ' town and with the Balls of the Base, of bar friend, Mrs, R. H. Elliotti. . . I . � . . . ­ C . . . . . . , - Jeerott, who purchased 'the ' . . . �_ I I I �� . Rev. Mr. Parke was under'canvass at Line. . . I ., Miss 011ie Nesbitt is visiting friend -"Jew Hampshire, ' are visiting,: -his : Isaac be Doig RATHWELL-In Godetich township, . ., I . . . � ,� I I . . . . . . . . . . � . � I a mother at present. ­ I." . . station park farm from t � i . . . . � . -- 0 . . I .1 . . . . . . the White City part of last week. .. Mr.. and. Mrs. .Thos. Etattray of Monb4. near Rol mesville . . . . . . ' is putting up a magnificent on August 15th, Ruble Edna-, '. '. . . � Webb - � g thic brick house and making very.. � - - .. . I _ � 0. . A. Tebbutt is ru . sticating. at Bay 7he-heavy rain in this neighborhood estate, . . Miss Dott Wright of Seaforth is . taid were guests,of'Mrs. Ben . . .. on Saturday and' Su.fi,,&y I daughter'of.Mr. Edward Rathwell. Parasol.s.: aga, � . �� I . a ee r . . . I 1. very much, . , . I �.. . . great improvements a is d 12. yea's, 10 months and -15 . . . .9 . visiting Miss Roxie Powell this weak. this past weekand, left on Tuesday field and, Nile.' . . . . .generally. ,a - age . . I . . I .. . . I.. in, . . , . I . I I . . for Stratford to finish their holidays Out teacber in S. S. No. 4, desires a ' Mrs.-Thos.Haivitinsand-di . a usber� - 1 .1 . . . I days. . I . . . 1. . . hs e arasol speci r- yon- . I k pi tbey0la a. -- . t P. - a.-,ahanc( - foity. or fifty nts on a me. Missmay McQueethof Godeiich was . with- friefidethtre. .' I 1. . _.. .� full att6tidance at school opening on Goderieh spent last woe itighterof . Riles Whiteman, with her guest, Miss CARTER � In - East , Wawanosix - 11 I.) anoiher p , al fo' . , . Smith, of Lambton,. gave a musical. . � 3 to - save . 1, . .1%londay next as ibis important that all Augustl5th, JohnCartei,.age On 11 I -be the ,guest of Mrs. ­(Dr.) . Fowler. on - ,consisting 61 the Rodawayj andfamily.a so . . . . d 75a ' I . I � , . A Bprikrt _ � . Mrs. Arthur Bennett t I.. . 1 � . I I a -accomp n . . dium-priced parasol.' . W6 o � Sunday. . . . lc� 8h6uI& enter ch as I I . . . . ' Miss Hattie Pickett returned home on - end6n,: and Taylor families, work . together to g I at, Robert Bennett, Chicitgo; are, visiting recital,with violin I a iment,to, a years. , , . - .. . . ; . . t6getherwith Misses Williams. and. along *ell. . - - - . � . � Mr; and Mrs. John Bennett at prompt. � -few invited friends that was' artistic HILL -In - Credlton,' on the 12th �. , , . I . . . w uld �rathpr''$Abrifibe. - ­. ' , . . I.. I . ver 90 -paras . . I . 0 family in as . in every sense and.creditAble 'to itist'., .Alberta. Alviml, gaker,. . .. lol buyers are jd�ing MO Friday from a vish for some time in . Death entered the botn' of Mr. Ed- Mr. -J. Ben., Hawkins and . I than carry o I . � Chatham. . I Giden of .L6ndon, intend picnicking ',�vard Rath . . I w - b B y,field.on Thutsday,.- , � well of -the Bayfield Lln& an . leave -nexb week for Port Ruvort on a the proficiency of these young ladies. beloved wife of Isaac Hill, jr., 'and , e . - .The On Saturday.' There are Mrs. Oliver Johnson returned sat�- 11 a Wedneeddy aftci�noofi ana bare hence . . : '. . . . . . .. Y .se *ill be ready Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith of Corinne short visit ' � .. I I I 1. .. I . I . .daughter oi Mr. Win.' Baker of . . . .. . . . . . . . I urday from her.visit to her brother , his daughter Ruble who wss only in . . . . , . . 7�. . .. . I . , no'- azre.-A, so the earlir . 1-1 . . � . � Mich., are .the guests of Mr. and . . . . - . . . 11. .. . .­ I . . Centralia, aged 38 years. . , , 1. I . many, , . � , er YOU -come the - bet- 1~11 - � in Winnipeg. . . I M�s. Bert Potts her thirteenth, year. The deceased . . . . I � . � . . � HOOPER-In Dashwood, on the 13th �� .. . . e � . . � 1. . . I I . I I this weak and will had been unwell since April' last and , I Rensall. . . -Bandon-Hullett. : . . - - .. .. olce, .. � .1 I . I 1. � . .. .. I - . . . . . Mr. Harry Holden left Wednesday . round, out their month's vacation by was thought - to - be* , recoverin' .1 I .1 . . " - . .. - .- 11 . . . I � �. . ... .1... I . .1 . .. inst,, Susannah, rolict of the late . . � � . . . . . I I I � morning for Kincardine to take up visiting- friends in McKillop and else- 'nicely, but' the, intens 9. . A destructive fire broke cut in Wj, -:114r. John Britton lost a valuable . John Hooper of Exeter, aged 73 .,, 15. Only, Parasols, glorift tops that will I . . a beat of . . not cut or turn green, hoilo * ib . I . his new position. . . . I . last week caused a relapse and death 0. Datis'general stor horse last week., It is sup years. - steel rods, fancy wood) bern and black handles, the balance w ri. ri 'where. . - I I I . a at 2.30 o'clock. I .posed,to have REID.-In Stanley, on the 11th Just., � $1.25 lines to clear at' I . . � 01 . , I Miss Maggie Ryan has been the'guesb pe last Satuedsy been caused by the intense heat. ' . ... 80c ' ' . ercy Smith left town on, Monday to at last was a release after much suffer- . . morning, destroying . I . � I Lorne Hilbaroqon of Air J.W.Reid, . .., .... a ........ i ................... ....... I ­ .. : . .. . of her sister, birs, D. Cook,. Jr.; for vigb_ his parents. in., Forest before Ing. The-ftineral Will take place -on-,' - buildings ocell led- by McArthur & do . Mr.. Andrew Tyerman his purchased ' � . . I - i - I _� . . %, . 1. 11. some time past. � . I . I aged 2 years knd.10 months. � . � ' . . I ­ I . .. I .. .. 1. . . . . .1 . . 3,; J. 9 St6nema 't a aixlall'eva�orater axIdlintends. d I ' , Fan . . � . I .1. leaving for Carberry, Man., where be- Friday afternoon to the Bayfield corxl-� bankev ,n, jeweller . , rying , .. � . . . � .CY Mn,dlrerchlefs' , , . W . I S I I . . I .. . . . I . I .1 . ClffldrenoS Ve ts .3 ,. *Mrs. Mitchell of Detroit is Vial Ing has secured a good.�positlon. Percy etery. The sorro*ingb6usebold.ba*e .W.* 10, Davis, general' store." C. IV.'. 4 169 extexisively. ' ., . . . I �. . 1. . I .. . . I . I . 1. S C r.. . ." � . I 11 , . . , . 1. . . I her daughliters, Mrs.' Ben, Cole and � will be missed: by. his ,man y* young the sympathy of the community. Smith; milliner; A. McPherson, jerib's PEA Wednesday at the Age'of 71 . I I . . . I " . ­ . I I The balance of 6' 6 - , . . W. H. ' ' .1 1 � I I .1 ' . 2 for '25C . : ' .7c, lines . . Mrs Cook. . . fviends. Mr. William Ctiaig of the Ba,yfield furnishings.. The Oddfellows' Block .years Mr. Gavin Hamilton passed , . . I .1 . . . . I � I . . . . . I . . aring at * ' � . Mr. Willie Vance and -Miis .tl�q, Mrs. Alex Lucas 6f Toronto sp ag. away from thisi earth. Deceased was . I . Seed Wheat. . , � . . . - ant Line lost-. a valuable three-year old and G. MeRwen's Block were dim, . . . I 1 ----7'- . . cle . � this'pric � e, � . . Vance, Mitchell, were the guests of last w.e�i:atthe Rectoryoriber way. to . mare on Sunday ni ht last. The led t6 the extent of 6lie-zo, covered by one of the most highly. res0eqted resid `NVehaveallmited Amount of Turkey Ard Neat patterns;, 6trong M.11terial the Misseb Heywood.* . Indiana to visit her sister, Mrs. Dr. ani * al ot caught in Narbarous wire .insurance. - Total loss about $10,009, . ants of ' the -'township. ,The fubee I I � . . ) ghildrah's cotton vests, ribbed, with, . ' . I . . . in - al Winter Wheat imported direct from tho State . or without sleeves . ce I : lie S , ones tbat- -7s, re Rev. J. F. Parke 6ccupied .the Arigli- Thonapson. Slit) was accompanied fen wticli almo8b severed a leg from Insurance-MeArtbur & Co. $600. J, CJ was one of the largest.that evei. went of Kansak (the greatest fall'whetO State Ili t ome new- . . just dome, � gukt 5 6 7 - Small 6. . '. - -'%3b_.4�__.,,... body, ery. ! .-r , c. Choico......­.,. can pulpit in Seaforth last Sunday, by Mrs. Ge6.,Powell of Blyth anoth- its' Dr., Blackall -WAS Stoneman $1,C' .0, Public Library $400,* ,to Burn's, comet * Union). ThI.3 may be had for seed AV 01-00 per , in this week The I . . . . . I - I 11 Vi itillit bushel,'WhIch Is Actual cost free of dutY. . .ra . . I � . . � . . 1. . 1. . . I I 11 . . . both a.m. and eyening.. . er sister, - 1. . I . . at oncesent for but before be co Id W. 0. Davis $2,500, A., .McPherson Mrs. Pipe and Miss Ethel are a . 11 . .T. & N., FA . 111, , , . � y are . ext . . . . ' I . arrive the animal had bled to death. $11160Q. � . I.. friends near B . rusWs. . I . .1 . Clinton, August 14th, - . , good value. ,!,.. 1. .. .� q . � Mack ' Miss May Stoddart of Seaforth � was Mra� R.* Ji Dunamore and two children ' - . . . I I I I I . . . .. .. . I... . . .11 I. 1� I . .. . 1. I � . I . I 1. I I I .. I .. . . ' . Ribb.on. Velvet � I - the guest of Misses Lizzle .and Alice, of St. Thomas .an& Mrs. D. 0. Bone , I � � �! . a Fancy lawn handkerolikfo, embroia'..- - - ,. All widths of!Blaek Albbon VeIyet, with . Twitchell.over Sunday. . �. . . - . . I . . . . I . - "_,-,__,_WM_�__ . . . . . I -1 . ered with hemstitch border, I ' � 1. . I of Tecumseh, Micb.� arrived on Fri. 1. ­ . 1. I . . ... I . I . ., I . . . _ . . I ,. " . I I . . � ... � . I.. .. . a good satin back, are now in stock. (Joad quaii. . I . day last and will be the guests of , , I � . . . 106kinR handkerchief that will wear . (ido that keep their appentanoe. Price 5,C -, - Mrs. A. Twitchall and Miss Mabel have . I ,good .value at 2 for. I . I 11 ! ImAftwp- a. Me.. to 40c.�6r ard'. * . returned from' Stratford. after a their father, Mr. W. J.., Paisley, for a '411141111111111111? Ill 1111111111,11111 . , . . --*Uwmloilltl?lltlttlltlff 111111111111111 111111111 LIP I I . I . I I pleasant visit in that city. I couple of weeks. , I.;. ,, @� . . . . . . I i . . . . . . I I ., . I .. I I �., . . .. . .... ..... �. . I � . 7 _. q y . . I . . . : . � . . - . . -_ I UP- ,, . . . . . . . 7- 4 or Jackson is attendin .the meet� EN.- - . . . . . I . . . I I . .. � dav = 11 I . . . . . 1. �e . . . I � ... I .. I I . � . 'a I . . . � .. =2 .�'�, I �� . I . I . 1. . .. 1. . a- i� I it of t a ran. od a of theSons of sZ_ . . I ., I . . I . -0 . ID lar i�.orse, ts., . . I I . Mr. I. Rattenbury returned Fri . . 0 . � I � . 0 � I . . . . after an absence of five week I % -_0 I . . 01 : . I ' ind- I . 0 I I .. . .. � I 0 . I . . 1.0, , ... . I � . I I . . . . . Detroit and other cities. . n Ian no a ropees in * �_ . . . , . . 0 � I _-W 11 . . I . . Mrs. A. E. Davis and children of Lon B is rom ntly do- I 0 ­ . I . 0 . . ---a � .. Or. is Or I - 0 ­­ - . For SeVentyafive O,ents : '' -.: - E = I 1; I identi ad it t a rder'. rs. .- . 0 ..." 1, � . I . I - don have arrived for an extended via-; � . , . ... I , w it at Mr. Richard. Reynolds', Jackson accompanied him to ind- I I . a I -40 i, .1 , I I . . I .0 . I 1� "I . I I ' . IV- SoP,- . I = . . . . .��w . %11 , -We haye too many kinds of dollar c ' Miss Alice Pickett, who has been It I Q� : S : - � I Ill 1i orsets - Mr. arid Mrs, F. W. Front& of Napa. a'- 0 0 � IN " -4.. -- � ,,.� -, I . . ing in Chatham for some time, re- : Our Fa -m- - o u . I I in stock. Too wruy makes -to. sell at the same . = - .AtTlr;,,Z,�' . nee am guests of the latter's moth- =-- I I � V 1 . j", . - . . � . . ;) U, 11;��. - I . I I turned to Clinton on Friday las . : ., I. I . � . ., �11 I bl:­� . Y��,�,,, L* ,4 I or, Mrs. William Taylor.'Mr. Taylor �- ---.A I . - I �V,4 . ,;- ,,- price. Weare going I . ..a , 11 i I J to clear the Stock of some - , . = , . I . . Mr. and Mrs. Hardy W.Alellardy of is Classical Master - of the Napanee I . . : I . . I � --.0 : . I I � . � � � a , Toronto are spending, a,few weeks . 0- . 0 . . I I .W� � , �( " ,� of them and to do it quickly we will sell th � . High School but has been. spending = � . � .." t 1�11�11V 0 . the guests of tfid former's nts� I.- , - 0 . . I. � 1-0 . .. ` lines 4e hav6 decidcd togo, out.., of pare his vacation in study at theupl� = 000099006,000006 . . . ­ .P for'seventr- Mrs. Bert Potts and two children and varsity of Chicago, - . . . , I 1:1 , 1, '1'� . . I . � .1 .. . I .. - .V . 'I 41 , . 6� I . . .. 11 ­ five. cents a P*ari. Ready Saturday. ' I Mrs. George Potts leave on Saturda Miss Eleanore Williams of London, = - . . � I . I . � �. .0 . � I I . I � I. I . I � � .. .... � � � . . . . .. � . . M, � . I . . . I .1 I I I am- . . � ' . . .. 5 Pairs Cokoetsi strong qualities jean,. steel or feather- - bone filling, I .. . � � -0 25 for a foitnight's visit in CloyelanZ . . daughter of .Mr. T. Williams-. Super- �- - . I I ' 4�0 I 1. I , * . . --a , Ohio. . I I .. Intendant of the western division of =: I A0k . -0 . I and baby ribbon trimmed in drab Only.' All Are standard dolabele. 1W11W I . 4� ' . = . good , choice of.job ..._...0 ........ ....................... 4.., 1 tic * � Miss Sara Cluff, wbo wasa, guest at the C. P R, in Ontario, is the guest ' ' . 8 I .0- . . -0 . . : - � � . . !-W. . . I �� . . . I I . I . 1. .� Mr. J. R. Cluff's for several weeks, of Mr, ;�d Mrs, Parke ab S h01F Depa, r t m, * __"Oxn:��_ . I . the Rec- "- ���� w;; .. en - returned home to Toronto last .Fri- tory, this week, Miss Williams is a , 1. . � - -_ . I . .. a- . I � . . I . I . . . I . . =Z ' ' I I I ` ' day. do- . . . I . � . .1 cousin of Mr. Parke. a- . . . I . . � 1. . . I � 1; -low . ob- I . � . . . -8 �. . Miss Maude McNaughton was called to Mr. John- Davis arrived Tuesday nighb = I � � 1".. - I . ...00 1. .. _ . . .--� . fo. M . I . ' Chatham Saturday owin -to the from North Bay, where he holds a I q�ods r ,,,,�i n . . . -0 . illness of her sister, Mrs. I A Sohn- ood situation, and, will spend a BE - . Doing business for pash*7-domig business. under departinental principles- - ....a )d I - � , downright go( vaues - 0 these that are b 'n In stone. . fortnight's. holiday with his parents, - , � doing, business without any expense -explains the snocess of our Shoe. . . ?--a tD g . a- =2 mole business to our men!s furnishing department aVery ay. Miss Durrant of South Bend, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs, S. Davis. fie is some- �- -.0 I I I dw- . Department. Vre see the best of goods at lower i ­� arrived last week arid will be the whab of a chip, Of the old block �_ . prices than other people -.' Buyers are finding out. that wb sell -good goods and don't . N� . -0 . I guest of Mrs. John Derry for a few though we don't know if he can tell . can afford to sell them at, and shrewd buyers are beginning to see w1jen , M ch,%r,&c too mUch.for them,. Why bother getting ovetalls or weeks. . = _-W . as good a story as the inimitable"Sill. U� . --a . � = they, can save. money. Our stock is the bes't money can buy and oin pur�- . 0 working pants made up when YOU can buy them ready made' Miss Annie Buchanan has returned The following party leave this Week for 'a- , . I --a I I ." I . to her home in Goderich after a pleas. Bayfield, where they will spend a = chases for the coming fali will comprise one of the best selections ever --W for prices like these :- . . . I . ant visit to her friends the Misses : couple of weeks.'eampinic :-Mrs, R. ' . - seen before. I . . . . . . I I � . . . I . I �� . � . . . � . . . . -W I I . I I . . Heywood. � . I S. Dunamore, St. Thomas; Mrs. D. = I . I . . I - . . I . . . . . � - . I I � -= Heavy blue derry overalls, will not * . heavy grey domj overalls, . � . � . I . .0 Mrs. Richard Young of the Nile has 01 Bone Tecumseh, Mich, ; Mi sea �� � out, two pockets,bib, pocket double - V. I ,� ! Q.Q�-ol;�b,O . . I . A�b,QAq�,QIQWQA:A.,Q,l�QAQWO .0 I IwIl a Stiong and Fe locablo gar. . 'riyeted buttons and pockets bibI been visiting at Mr. R, J. Muff's and Bella ana Winnie and Masters Stew. � . . . . the boot Yoe can bay... 4. o ........ 1310 art and Clarence Paisley, M1, and . . Mani! ............... also with Mr. John Cluff of Goderich �'t . � . ... ­ I 1. 1. 75C ' � . . . township. � � . Mrs. Paisley will accompany tl m � �. � . I . . 11 � I I I I Heavy black derry ovoral.g., two Moleskin ovetalls, soft make; tailor I Over and spend the dayand will visit Ack I . . 11 . . I . pockets, bib, strongi eown, an made, panting pattern,s da ' I Miss Glazier, who visited the Andrews them at intervals.- . ! Our 85c Plow. Shft.. - � I 1. .� . extra good garmett ... �.. 1. � ..... 90C oobrings .. 4 ......... 64-4 ... r.'r I - I 5 families for a couple of weeks re- ' - . . . . . . I. . I . I . 1. Th I . turned to her home in Cape Cro6ker' The following party picnicked at the are not equalled. You can got Plow Shoes at the same money but examine the quality. We � . on Saturday. lake shore on civic holiday. During � � have sold hundreds of pairs and they are still going out in big quantities. - For a cheap knocka. . . ese two lines of pants are specially good value. . I the day part of them paid a visit to . I . . . . I Rev. Mr. and hire Shaw and their two Oontine's city of St. Josq�ph:-Ur, I bout Shoe nothing equals them. I . . All Wool Pan 1;9, nest patterns, dark. . A daughters and Miss E mma Jordan and Mrs., R., J. Cluff, Miss, Cluff, . . � . ,! I .1 wool pants, neat dark stripes, . . colora� well made from strong t I Ing and beat of sowing, were guests of Hr. and Mrs, - C. M. . I tweed, 8 pockets ..... goo ri nu . Misses Bya and Mollie Oluff, Mr, and � .1 I � � I I ... I ....... 1.50 � ever air carefully made ........ 1.90 Bozzo last Tuesday. , Mrs. James Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs, I Ida, 0 1 0.4".400-8.0 .40,o-.,--�-.1-100.0,1.40.*4v."O..O..O�.,.,N%+..ve.- e..#....�..#..�.....,...4...'-.,-.-..,.,...--.---...-...-.O..-...-...,..,,..,..-....-....:� Miss May Holmes left for Stoney John Johnston of Ratteribury streeb . I St . . 44 . Crack last Tuesday for a, short visit and. their guest; Miss Johnston of The. Creolv-, .Price $2.00 , , I . , . S Is . r . . e8t $2 worth ever i An V beforeentering upon her duties as Wiudsor#MrE;. Whitehead and tht : I � Day after day we are told that our famous 'Treol&' Shoe is the b' 1! - Extra S ecial in Sox . teacher Ili Peterborough. Misses Little. I T T I I � I - . * p I . T, , � I . . T � Mrs, Win. Stawatb and family and The following partgIcnickea ab Bay. placed on t1le market alid, we believe it. Ordinary dealers under expense could not sell re . T I her sitter, Mi M i Warner,who , field on civic ho I Xy :-Missas Mel. , I 1.11 I . I I I -, . . . . . * T I I Mair mother, re- ville, Jessie Gardiner, Winnie, Ruby � - . *_ . . . T have been ivitallistinj , so close, � � I #YK A genuiffie trade -winner from our Furnishing department -- ' I 40. . �i X turned to To6rito this week, . and Bella Paisley,, and Lal. Paisley I I I I 3K A trade -keeper too. A trade-willner because of jh�() extra, -�' Miss Stella I;ab*t'ie, who bad beerIvialt. and Frank Melville. Another party V �� 11 I I . . . . I 9 .. . , � X* low P . .1 � . rice. A. traAe-keoper because of the extra good ' I * I -00 I � I . ' , Mpuy Shipley, Sibiland' 0�_ I . - 'k qu Ity. I turned home to London on Saturdqr, Carrie andr . , 1 � - .friends for some time, ra- , --blisses Mabel Hilf. . Ing Clinton colislated of . The Famous S ater:. Shoe -a 4., I � . 2-i accompanied by Atlas Minnie Cook. Hattie Courtce, and Messrs. Will, I * ' I =3 Z'. . . . . I d part; of athw - 4 =3 #_# Wool working sox, aoft finish, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiltse an PIumsteel, Clifton Gifford and 011ie P * Our now Shoe called the "Rational" -price $8.50 is the best selling line ever brought __" f - 1.20 pairs Men's all � I the family are qA0ndIhg tho'weok Courbice. Yet another hap%, R L_ 0 out by the Slater people. It is quite correct and up-to-dato in every particular and is -M X seamless, grey only, will live excellent wear, never sold .... ering was that of I . EA X for less than 15c, lots o' stores go,, no b igo leav6a the latter And Stephenson fstmilles, 0 , with frionas at 01ton. Atlas Wilt. . the Aloore, howan . a Shoo,which will hav a it big r n. People who appreciate '4. good' article should see -- 0- r traile-wi,xining price otter for 20o. art of the week V e 11 . 4. . to resume her schooftlutles at Wal. I . go-- A t1lis f4mous line; Can also be had in Tan color. 4 re I ! t . I X ton. ___ . I 2 pairs for 25C 1 1 �,# WOST TUCKER 6 , . . 53 I ,S1111TH . .. . I I Miss Maria Johnston of Windsor, who . __ 1; . . � has been the guest; of her uncia, Mr. I � I Special for.Sa urday N.. xt*i * .4 ,'.--.*o..�..-..-...-...�.,..-,.-...-...-..-...-,.,..-..o....-..,....-..,..-.,.-...,....-...-.v , 4"141- . I Sohn Johnston of gattoributy street 1) Minses Hattie and Ado, Walker of V . N "81-1-10.4-404101 1.6..4...*.,..,"",..l.,-*....,.O....*.4"0.1�l..#...#.*.*."41� tUrday next 80 pairs of Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes I i3 for a couple of weeks, left Saturday = = I ablin, who, have been visiting the r We will ofter on Sa 11 ,�11 ., for et visit to Mn Johnst6n'y brother past; week friends In Clinton, were the .1 sold in the regular Way f6r $1,50 and extta good value at this figure, as loug as _". ,W. . Handsome Plaids 30c tin: guests of old friends here the other 11E AO, ­.__ 4 , _ in Seaforth before retu .Ing home, � I _ . -1 %I . �_!�_.N4 . __ they last the price will bo OAe-.. This is, a line of goods that we can recommend ia '­­ , We ar6 geaffig now Dress Goods in every day . _., I Miss Sohnstonla youn got sister, Ida, . 111�w " * , . ., ' , d'11-185 Jennie Graub and Miss Sarah I , 0, now, handsome fall stuffs that are ell wort I � I I ,- �, s"bAek., came ut,�onda:y and &18o Went on E6 Nott will return homer next Monday. in, every way. I I , , W it Seafort Miss Grant hag asked of the trust. �3 I ii X� � �!,� ��-: ',- - yoUy seeing, and yov, are Imarfily welcome to miss Comlapatom offlefiderson f S. S. No. 4. for a, day's grace as F. * All . � D_ ,Xortb ees 0 Repairs M Boots or Shoes promptl attended to. ;=.. il ;�,,�,-N,,�,., Carolina, Is the guaA of her Cons I , 7 I I . q ', ;�'e, Come ,111(l see fliem anytimo. Among this I I I I I .1 d L I .,P Ish , h il F_ All t in, she could riot be back to resume her A'*,�'," I. Site I . I 4� ��_ councillor lleaco" . :11 . weeles arrivals aro the prettiest lot of medium- s a daugh. duties on that day, therefore school ,SAt�,,OACS-04,S,84$J>M-Ioib,f)l&i9Al&8A%�OS C 'i"t, i. P. ter of Mr, Robt. Beacom, wl I uOt re-OP011 until Tuesday, . I . �_: _,�- who over it In ia I , � priced, plaids we lvive evor shown. Full 30 in. . scove of exta(tgoWasq resident of r. J08001 Holmes - has 6- flue . �,�,, . I I Hullett �ub WAS Induced by unserup. 01-01) of oats n6at, thia, rda(l tbab , . �41 I Avide.now combinations of most desirable, colorko,�., � . U10'aa Jana agents to ffilptride to attfacts the attention Of all pitas. . I . . North Carolina, A, Change Which 9 r 4 � suitable for waists or child's dress. Soo pe; ?d was � ml erR bl. We think ib worthV of men. . I I ?i� ob .1 - not, for the better, In n; the great Md- tion in this woek'snews as we hAve no . a doml- - orlty of cases for the Worao. M184 ,sean mythifit that will Witt -them. JA,CKSON. B 0 1. . . 'WL * 1101teom 1A M110,11 DICIASNI With Our t6wilnefid ros, have hAt, 14 A jh,A� ROS A � . ANIN 0610h, It wAg -only 57, rb C , qe& Atlas Beador t, 110ro for two or Ll. . 15 Ma9sqy-Hattle .frofft . G, Lavis aud . .1 � . - ves to a small A.. DieparTmemontal STOrMao ,t���CLF"TON N I , . . . : 11 .. .....­ 0 M ) E�q . - . I la , _. I ". . 131-10 � �, .... "I I # Ot INTOK