HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-16, Page 6�-----�"-----------,-'',-"-"-'-"'-""-"-'---7---"--------------'--- --­­-­­­- - _ ----- -- ______ - - . . I --- -_ -_ from lt-lXt 110 Is a batter boy than S"RT#M0 gUlIrli r4l4W_ the -others. The Viper boa boilers . I I . I I - I he was." � ope-fifth larger than those of the to he?" isho asked. ordinary torpailo -botq destroyer of Throug I placed him 11% the beat school I 1wr size. There are -nearly 2,000feet ZThTeHome I h Mom- and Sunshine :Thsm . rell � could find -Dr. LeatqVs, of Hammer- ,Qt additional heating area. _.,4W%,"____ - lwlqr- mom _____ - I . .1 I . . I . I I 10 Smith, He Is theire, -as Henry Dorman. . HER HORSE4-POWE'R I VARIOUS RECIPES. OHAPTRA XLI. "And, tell me, Vivion-clasp my He has wanted for nothing, VIvIen- SItIMA I is nearly 12,000. Wiv,u one wuy of Preparing ri,gga.-AIIY- The houses la Victoria street are all hand more tightly, dear, It I* so cold- you believe that V, 11 11 �� , one reflects ' I One who bus ever been ill has, a realiz. , of Ono class, large, respectable, and if you bad paver been married you "Yes," she replied.. "I. am aura of GBYLON GREEN T9A that by Using turbines 20 per cent. in - in � g ,sense of how wearisome, the oter- airy, Many of them are tot In apart- would never have been happy V it. Bat It was a cruel decieptioni-a 8000 1111tvOt as Japan, only more delicious.. Areased efficiency is obtained from the nal diet of broths and egga may be- mints, and the lodgers are moat at "No," she replied, "nover," . cruel kindneas-a cruel deed. I wo . ulil I I I ___ steam, It will be Sean that ia the mat- , como and )low n6QW3arY it is thAt ev� them professional men -artists whose "Theo I am content," be said. "And, rather have died yesterday than have 11 �ter of available steam power the crythingsbould be prepared in as aP- studios are in other localities, farial. Vivian, you would never have married ,heard this to -day.,, . VIP2.r possesses an immense advantage . petising a Manner aa possible. One clans who, find the ,peutral had you not known that Oswald was "Still you have beau happy. my be- SWIFTEST BOAT AFLOAT. ships, Another factor good way of preparing an egg 13 to .Situation most useful, authors and 041. dead V loved ill -- whicli adds to this advantage is her Separate the white from the yoke, tors, whose ambition is perhaps higher 'Waver" she repliod, "I would never "Yes, but all my happialps . s in over BRITAIN'S NEW `I`ORPEDO BOAT extreme liglitneos, Her tonnage is keeping the latter unbroken, Add a thaa their means of gratifying it, our- have married with that awful secret now," she replied, with a bitter cry- DESTROYER A MARVEL a third less than that of 6ther de - pinch of salt to the whits,lind beat it geons of good pwofessional standing, l" MY soul- But, Geralds that is all "all Over. I catu , never be, happy rorly.,hs.ee , .-P..; � I utroiers of her dimensions. , She has 114lem noo 11our 14 91so Xecont twice the horse -power of these So- to a atif f froth. Put it in a very small It IS a quiet, respectable street, neith- Past, do not speak of it, I have re- again." tot ". 111. S., Viper- oescirl ption or tiolli buking �dlsh and drop the hyoke in the or lively nor dull, but where people pentad; I have prayed tax, pardon "I did It because I foved ,you, and 1111firressingr vellsel. knot boats to d,rive les's body weight. through long days and long nights; I could not endure , to see you suffer. I � T,t Is more thag a possibility that'iti centre. Place the dish in a hot oven take a quiet interest In each other, � Far several yeara past the recorl doing 37 knots the Vipeir did not reach for a few ,moments. Add a bit of and the Occasional disappearance of an have been kind to every child for, the meant only kinduess--4only love, I for aqwitio speed has beau the sub -i the t , p notch of. bar speed capacity. butter and salt a I ud pepper, if that is apparently well-to-do resident filled Sake of that one. Do not speak of it.,, kmew that It you b,31ieved the, boy Jeat It keen competition between the ID alty officers under whose allowed. � I the rest with concern. She saw a gray, terrible look came dead and buried your la�t scruple builders of pleasure or passenger car- Th. Admtrt Lemon Buns. -Have eight pounds of over his face. would be removedv and you would be direction the run was made, naturally Lady St. Just bad never been, in the ,, rying craft and the construotoni of wime notanxiotis to puigh her beyond dough prepared, and rub into it one� street before. She looked anxiously You have been quite happy, dear, happy. I know that while you be' the lighter classof naval vessels. But W, It pound sugar, one quarter pound for the number which Gerald Dorman for the past few Yearsif" he ropeat-i lieved him living you would never the ritival Vessel has been placed far the point at which she became a lard, one-half pound finely out lemon had given, and when the cab stopped, ad, I i . i -know Ono moment's peace, Oh, par" in Ithe lead for the present in the race demonstrated success. Accepting peel, lemon flavoring and egg coloring, she looked even more anxiously a I t the "Yes," Gerald," she answered; "but don me, my beloved Ill � these figures,' however, th� differ - Lighten the Pough up with a little hous with ,why do .van aakfll , for speed supremacy by the success a of 10 miles tin hour -which is .a. It was a large blouse, He held out his white, warn hands. of the torpedo boat destroyer Viper Ono I praetically the difference between the flour and place in a warml place until green balconies and a small garden in "You may hate me when I tell you "See how I have suffered," he said, of the British avy. When she re- Viper and the fastest commissioned light. Weigh off into pieces of Almost -you may almost cUrse my name; but ssAlyl "I was a strong, man once, and ceived her firsnt trial last autumn frQnt-the very ideal of respectability, T 1. A EVENTS nA,Y COnR AND (10, bu& $he b184 o"d%vd at tiusility will always romala In LUD E L LA 0301"Arr.ew %*.MAL. It *"or varies, lit keiad Ps'"sill- 25, 30, ", 50 and Ift ---=-�--.�-.-�1-1-�.�,-�--!-,---�,�,�--,--�.---,- Z 4 ��-&t;x-;X-;X-;71L-:;x-;I:-;-,L-� � - _.W , - v. DR. "AMMOND-HALL'S ' -W , � - 7- - - 4 .; - . " English Teething Syrup -P 1`0`1 I.V, Z. 4 Comforts Crying Children. ,; Z _; :�_ .N I F� , - 6. A i2= 11*1 LARGEST SALE , """ , Zh -_ . Or ANY TCCTHINQ PRIPA0.71ON - - I . - A - . - � ..., ( IN THE WORLD. -%� " �, __ 1; Z Po- mAt4urAovumwno BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPA Y _ _ I - - ;- 81--8(l LONDON. NEW iORK. TORONTO, A:--- F,;� , Z. 1; .. . . A- L!��-&,;.:X-;AL-:--.;�A:---.:x---.i7lL�-��4AI .", I t -A., three ounces and mould UP in the &few sad -looking flowers grew in the 'a YOU 60 I was determined that a good man. See to what my love for there was very general disappoint- u troyers of the British and other � --- - - -�-___ ---'- ­_ - - - ­ - ' I - - "" ­ - ' - ''i '_ --'- - - -_ n cle4n-greased you should be ]happy, no matter what Yon ,has led me, I have stained my navies -is a sufficient- gap to cause a HOW I.IGH IS DIR. KRUGER? THE REASON, ' ban,". Put o flat little garden; the windows all had ment among those who hoped for I tiw and lightly wash over it cost me, no matter what I suf� I -1 by sin,an(W my strength ,has left � general adoption of this style of " " - ikington-Wh" -don't you get. mar- . the top green venetians and ,white curiains. great results froma the adopt!ori of the A y fored, or how I sinned. I would have architecture in the building of torpedo ThO Aulostanisal Fortune 0onk raw Avi I ried, Old follow ? IS it because you can. with egg. Set in a, two.ria place to "Shall I go in with you, my lady V .1 me. I have loved you so that I am turbine principle in engine building . - - - died, over and over again to make you dying for you. Now I know what . � . I Re lre on. I pxove light and whien nice and light asked Joan, as the cab stOPPQu . that she was able to make only 82 boat destroyers, in .Case the Viper . not afford it? put in a thin istrip of lemon peel on "No," said.Lady St. Just. "And no .1appy.11 i it is to waste one's heart -to garner k,noLs. After ft thorough overhaul- Proves a succems in all other respects. Those who are in the habit of think- iaorrbwby, frankly -NO; it in because . each bun, also a little crystal sugar, matter how long I am, remain bore t 11 But, Gerald," she asked, Sme the whole strength of a soul, and lav- Ing during tho winter and the remedy- ' Of course, the' only way to reverse ing of Mr. Kruger as a mere. farmer the girl's father can't afford it. erri . may be surprised to hear th'at he is a . - Cook in a moderate'heat. . ble sickening fear overpowering ish it in vain., Now I say to myself, Ing of certain minor defects the iii- any Ship is millionaire at least once. How many .till I return," . ' . to set hex propellers to Honey Sootch-A tin of condensed In answer to the summons at the I o revolving in a backward direction. On FOR OveR PIPTY YEARS . Iner "what is it -what have .you with contrite tears, that I ought to veotor, the H n. Charles A. Parsonsi tim6s over thiat nice round sum has MRS, WINBLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRUP has bm milk, four ounces of glyeetine, I done ill I I .� haVeL thought of Heaven as I have announced that he wao ready for an- the Viper this caix be done, to all in- a db . two door a seevant-inald appeared, and she - . � ' ,jimothers for their children teething. I&IOoLhas ounces of honey and half a pound of looked wonderingly at Lady St. Just, "Do. not hate me, Vivian. stoop 'thought of you," her trial. This trial toold place re- touts and purposes, instantly, and the accumulated in,his savings it is im- th"s ob d, safter-a the gums, allays pain, cure$ wind . I Ott . 0101 and is the best remedy for diarrheas. 25o.a bottle. � IV aa,=qits througiout,ttle world. Boom sugar make a honey Scotch palatable Viv*ien had dressed herself as pWrily as down lower that I may whisper. Love "My poor Gerald," she said, "that cently under the I direction of officers s four screws to possible to say. ', , for. 14idow's antis us Syrup.' ,and nutritious. Thin children SUP- possible, but she could not bide ,t)"al, --MY love -Oswald is not dead, but is a terrible love.,, To begin with, he has the �­ __ _.. --- living I,, of the British Admiralty. each propeller enables bar to overcome _____ . - . salary as President of soven. thousand plied with these'sweets derive benefit magnificence of 16r figure or thei, I "I know it -it has killed me. 1 They report that the now boat made . more quic&ly . I COU'LDN'T BE BUT ONE. quickly, owing to tlie food elanients grand, noble beauty of her face. Th& She threw up her ixrms with a ter- have never had any hope in it, You 37 knots, or practically a rate of 43 than ca n - ba done in I the case of � a, ja year,,together with a coffee allow- Said One Shopper -Oh, I just saw the �. . drowning in . I ith single screw propoll I era. ance, which is supposed to be his on - of the milk and the fattening Proper- girl stored at the itausual vision, and rible cry. -7a . cry like that of one 'were proud. stately, b8autiful-I ,was iles an hour. . vessel w, tortaining money of three hundred a loveliest, Sweetest, prettiest baby a � ties of the sugar and honey, the glycer.; Lady St. Just asked if she could See -9 cry go shrill in its agony Only a Poor dependent. I never There is no doub,t that the Viper is Therefore, .the Viper can come to a � . . . . espair that the dying man wa4 dxeamed of any return; but just as a khe fastest of bar kind In existence, mind, Mr. Kruger has for many years I i-ne, acting as a stimulating vehicle for Mr. Dorman. and d year. Being of a frugal turn of minute ago. � . . I. �stop, as quickly as an ordinary' vesi Said the Other Shopper-Whatl Do I the whole, � . I "I don't know. They. say Ira is tilarnied at it. flower gives -its perfume.to the sun, with the pois . a . ible exception of her eel, in spite of bar greater forward ' ' you mean to tell me that at � upid nurse 1. I A Squash Pie -One and one-half cup- dying," replied the girl. "It cannot be true," she gasped gives.its all, gives it freely, asking no' � past lived on his coffee maney,,while has da:red to bring out my little, d4rl-. I . . , sister ship the Cobraj which has been speod, and she. can run backward at out of his presldefttl�� -salary and Ing in such a day as this? � fuls sifted squash, one cupful boiling Lady St. Just recalled at the 'words, rather than spoke; "it is too cruel, it return, so I was willing* to live and builit on about the same lines and is a ra,to estimated by Mr. Parsons at ., . . alf cupful of Sugar, one- Poor Gerald, to lie dying therel cannot be truer, � to die for you. I wanted no return. I perquisites'k: be is believed to have --- . milk, ano-h "Shall I fetch ray mistress at the I.Ilt is true. I swear it befor ' . of nearly the same size as the Viper. l6knots per.hour, or rather less than succeeded in saving about thirty thou- How's This? � . half teaspoonful salt, one saltspoonful . �. . . a Hea. laid .my honor, my truth. my honesty. . The latte . x is the first vessel of any half -speed. In her trial she was able and a year.* .. . . I . Von "' he said faintly, and then , . I We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fol cinnamon and one egg, beaten slightly. nurse T' asked the girl. , ' . far. my very manhood, tinder your feet. I to come'up to �xpectations in the mitt- an I . practical importance to be built on the Ha� case, of Catarrh I hat cannot be cured by , This is enough for .one pie, and.if the I "The nurse," replied Vivian; and. in some minutes there, was -silence be- would have sinned even -more deeply to turbine princi�le. , The Turbinia ter of reverse -d speed. Bat it Was Over and above this Mr.* Kruger has I's C tarrh Care. I � . I I ad with tween them�an awful.silence, mare make , ' * I I . many indirect sources of income It F. J, CHMNEY 8& CO., Props.. Toledo,* 0. ' mixture is too thick' add a a few minutes the maid return you happy, I loved you better found that when running- backward We, the unders'Kned, have known F. J. . . � which was the vory1irst, was intended has been shtown that he has a very Cheney for the last 15 yeara and believe hint little more 2nilk. It the squash is her, a kindl), clever-lookiug woman, tewrible than the quietness of death� thaii myself." , . � . . .0 , .. w site was unateexable. This, however-, arfectly honorable in all busiriogs transaiq:6 who courtesied profoundly, . 'The face raised to him than ivas in "But, Gerald," she said, by Mr. Pawns to be merely a practi. . large interest in the Netherlands Rail- fou-, and financially able to carry out any obIl. watery use less milk and two eggs. A I lw gently. cal demoristration of. the soundness is a,diffictilty which har builder ex-, way, while he is s ly concern- . "You are'the lady, I think.17 Isbe that short space of time quite chang- ' ,by have you.told me your secratf I pation in ideby their flrm. I I I squash pie sh:ould be. firm enough to . � ' I and practical utility of his plans. pects to remedy within a ivery shait NVEST&TRU�x Wholesale Druggists.'Toledo. cut without any breaking down -or said, "'whom. Mr. I)orman wishes; to ad; the rich coloring, the happy lights I was so happy in niY ignorance. Why . . I time. . I . . ad in. the consumption of dynamite, as 0. WALDING kINNAN & MARVir;, WholoWe . , ,,-a V I I I . . . the pi�aud, serene calmness were have You not kept your secret to the . .. THE VIPER ,- I � . - . . well as several other flourishing mono- Drugliiis, Toledo, 0. - oozing out of the filling when divided, I I I I . I � I . I --lb- - . . I . Hal 'a Catarrh Cure le taken Internally. act�. this quality should be bbtained more , "Yes," answered Vivian; "I will go gone, never to return. It was a ter. end ?I, I does not differ materially in external - _L polies. Mr. Kruger ownsfarms indit- Ing directly upon the blood and mucouR our. . I . ' FACING. A SHARK. � foreat par . tS r Of f,ice a of the systern. Price, 75c. per bottle * I � . to him at oilce, if you'please. is be rible face, aven.ghaStly in its pallor. Tile sad -dying eyes seemed to fill appearance -from others of her kind i . I . , the Transvaal. Some Sold by all drupir sts. TestimontelAl free. .: froun the texture of the squash tha�n I . . G&L -- . . . Hairs Family Pills are the. beeL . I . . *1 better V . "It cannot be true, aid,". she is. wifli ,a sudden light. I now in it'%. Her freeboard is low, A Pe�,O-Dlver*s Ex L iiiii-rietace 11viih a are produtitive, 6thers are not. Por . I from too great use of egg as a thick- Illy I . ., . . I . eriing agent. A squash pie rich. with . "No." replied the nurse;.111 am sorry peated; "it is too cruel, it cannot be "Because I could not die witlf it un. and her lines are the lines of a fast . ' instance in the Rustenburg District I 7 - 1, . . . . . I . .11onsie.r. , .� 13 IS, INTE NT16NS. . . I eggs is too much like a custard. Whe'ri to say Mr. Dorman will never be any true I' * - . . . I .. told.- I have lingered an in the agony steam yacht., Her 'short, wide fan- Manifold are the Etdventures to -be many of the best tobaccQ�Zrowing . I . � watery squashes are , used and eggs . better in this I world, madam. I dozot "It is as true as Heaven " he declar- of death and could not die. You can- nels suggest a tremendouS draught has the farms are his, and the les . sees pay him Papa thinks, ght,. said, shyly, that it, . ' . I . I .. '. I . . ' . . met tinder water by one who . very handsome rents. I is about time you.were declaring your are high a little powdered cracker may think ha has many hours to live; blut �ed- . Dot a" what I see., beloved. Here acxoss the fire grates. She has a courage to screw himself into. a. div- * Intentions. . I � be added. he told me this morning that he cood "But wily ,did you act, so ? It was by my side stands the. grim king, turtle back protective deck forward, ing-dxesa and* d . flis gold mining farms have illso . .1 I . . . cruel, pitiless. Why did you deceive sward in hand. ' . ' escend. Says H.Phelps brought him In -a goodly a . . Tell the old gentleman, ho.replied, I --- . � . not die uniil.'he had .Seen you.1l . - It would not fall until where the wash ,of I the waves will Whitmarch, speaking of big . . mOUnt;.A . I I � CUCUMBERS I . N NOVEL WAYS. . Again' the' words'struck her with al me 1'.. . . .. . . experi- few he has sold to.,the hdted Uitlander that I love you too much to marry you. I . I had told'you-m-u ti justice I 1. . . . . . . . I I . . 14 .I , was done. came when she strikes a 40-mllb gait.. enoes as a pwl-dLveir -, . ... 1. . . . . . . ,. . I I � the force of a blow. . � What did, they � ,"Because I wanted youjo be happy. I could live in sin -I dared not -die* in 'Hex leng%4 is 210 toot, . her beam 20 - Within ten :feet of .. me, half -hidden capitalists, others he retains; or hopes . I I ,W4 r C ..1036 11 . The cucumber is a sailly-analigned . T '. � . � 1, 11 .. I saw that. you loved some one very It.- . . I . . . . � � . � . I , to rewn. I. I .. . I . 1� - .. . . . 1. . I . .. . � � --.-.---, -_ , vegetable, but whan. in good condition "I I . 'feet and her drought between five and by a massi� of cobweb corallines, was ri 'vely racently a . farm be -, I . I , it is cooling and refr . eshi,ng, and when "Will you follow Lae, madam?,�l ask- . dearly', and I saw that you would be, -',Still,.f cannot see why you should st6x ieet-the latter an evidence of ,the the bulk of an imme I Comparati . .. I . . � .. use shark.. It ap- ba& held'for som I ,a years was floated ' . OALVERT'S ' . . cooked it is as harp3less as a potato, ad the. nurse, who, like the servant," wretched all your life away from that have told me," shomoaned, 111 was so extreine lightness of her working peared to be'about twen -five feet . . . 11 ,. 'one.., I I . I I . ' I . - . Ity . into a gold,amining company'.and a]. Capbolit, Disinfectants. Soaps, cint. . For irwtance: was struck, by the wonderful grage and . I . happy, Gerald." . . I ment, Tooth Powders, ietc., have been . . I ,. macbinjary. Her displacement isonly long and'although I knew its size was magnificent beaaty at the visilitor. '�Wot ,half so wretobad as I Am - "'Listen, beloved," he sald again. 325 ito . . I . � . though his nwniii does not appear in awarded 100 snedals and diplomas for superior 1,� w " she returned.. "It was cruel of --justice � . US. . . . . . . excellonoe. Their regular use prevent infoeti. I Fried cucumbers are a new and sat- . i ' . . greatly exaggerated by the face�glass, the list'of shitreboldirs he received al- one diseases. Ask your denler to vbtats a 11 . . � st dish., Pike an I d She -followed the nurse up.tbe stairs ,'al) I must be done; the. boy must . . I � . 1. I 11 . . . . . . ,. In interior arrangement, the.Viper the eight, was'norto ti(he -less. alarmin Slice very thin. Season with salt,and intoa larga, well lighted, me _jUr_ - YOU,. Gerald.'? - I : . . . . . .9- Most the W hole of Ahe purchase price NUIPPlY. Idsts mailed free on application. . ' . I . go back to LamesWood.11. 1. . is very differeat fro tlje� The creature had evidently not Per- in cash'. It is said, th.*at m F. C. CALVERT A CO.p - ' . er and dip in beaten egg, the ' "I did not mean it to be so," be m ordinary any of the I . " Popp n nished room. A bedstead with crimson "Never," she cried hastily-" neverl . . . . I said, faiatly.."I saw that you were All our sin and is ffering shall not vessel of her class. Her. boilers are, ceived me.-. Save for a slight tremb7, 'Transviiiif President's safest invest- MANCHESTER., .. - ENGLAND. I . . in bread crumbs. Heat 2 tablespoons hangings �occtipied tile ,iiiiddle; on' it Ling of the side f ina,.. it lay motionless*. ' ' ­_ . .- . . . I . ,. . . unhappy, and that you would never have been in, vain." .0 .. much *larger, her engines and, shaft- . wants have been made in Hollan I . _�._' lay Gerald.' L . I L , . d and _' I . of dripping *in a Skillet, drop in the I marry while this secret lay between IL . . � Ing muclismaller and the whole Work_ My first thought. was. to give the Germany. ;Be, is likew . to Wolin I , - Cleaning I ' . . cucumbers and fry brown on both, She saw the white face wan, . . . . . . . "Buf I Guy it must be.&ne, Vivian. . Signal to ascend. ' As 'fish, however, be � Iso reported I . . . . # . . ing mechanism of the boatL seem$ . a beavy,holder of German Consols For the very bestseo4 your work to the I L . sides. 1 . : . haggard, ,with a, gray shade on. it ; you and the man you loved. YOU You must do justice; you must restore - usually want a thing as s6ou as they and preach Re' . . "BRITISH AMERICAN OVEINC 00.10 L . she saw two large, vVistfulil almost know Vivian,. that I would have died ,, . Moore simple than that of the ordinary, I utes.' I I . Ma Look for nent in your town,, or sued direct.- , . . 11 . * the inheritance to the boy. �team vessel. . .. . . see it taken away', I .promptly re-- Personally Mr. Kruget is not a' Utreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebm . . Stewed Cuourabers-In 1 tablespoon I - for you. When I saw you so miser, A'sharp �pasm of pain passed over 4ected the idea; and last my 1�are 9014- . . of butter, fry a Sliced onion, until despairing eyes, glazed and. ,terrible, ' ' ' I . . I . I tht,t fastened on her face w . ith, a bun able,'I asked ruy�self. what I could do his livid face. Lady 'St.. -Just laid I In ordinary engines of "the recipro- . erous individual despite I . his great . . quite brown. To this add 6 - cucumbers, - . . . . hands Should attract the animal's � I Books Bassiries, Oro . I gry look; she saw tbte�.white hands, so to make you, happy; and I knew 401111 his head down on the pillow, she daiting type such as are used generally wealth. At the time of the dreadful. Cathollo Prayer agaz, mopuis, pared, quartered lengthwise . and all . . . . greed, I bid them under my chest- . RA!falous Pictures. Statuary, and Church Ornamental - thin and treAubling, stretched out to what you had ,,said that you could smoothed back his hai In steamships the steam passes from . 1. I I . dyclatilite 6XPLOsi011-in Jobanuesburga Zducationed Works. Mail orders matte prompt att^ I I . . t he deeds removed. When brown, I . . r from his brow; weight, , , . � . . Mon. 9. 4 J. BABUIR & 00., 1110fitrORL I . great her, b,nd she.knelt down by his never be happy while tba-boy lived." his face grew more calm again.. - the boilers through cylindera at high A. swee. .tL few years ago I;W-Uitlunder firms sub- - . take Gut ,carAfully and rub a table- . . , p of its tail., a,ud the grea total not , L . , I . I He lay quite still for some moments, , "Vivien," he., whispered, - faintl). and: low pyessure and thence is -ap- � scribed a magnificent far 011 � I dL ' I bedside unableAQ resist her tears. I . . spoon of flour into the butter. Add'1-2 ,, .11 - fish and I were face to face. Not dar-, short of eighty thousand pounds . to . ,Vivian," he I and thou, he 'continued- 11 which drive the L I . alleviate the distress. of the families I pt of soup stock, season, with Salt and whispered ---an , oneq,, long ago, when I was going .plied to the shafts . 1. . I � her life Lady St. Just had . d in all "May Hea pardow-me, . . . . SL of . L49 to move, I stood like -an. image, I I I pepper. Return the cucumbers, cover I never board Von Vivian, away. from ion, you kissed me and vessel by mean pistons. In ap- - my heaTt be4ti4g wildly and my eyes whose bread -winners ras Ban _11L., � . I . but I loved'you so well that I could . All .the . anything so terrible as' that voice- tiv� n�emory of that in&mont has 'ever Plying the power the motion is ehang- I victims . were either poor I closely and stew gently for 20 minutes. ,, n . riveted on its cavernous mouth. He Boers, natives, or Chinaman; literally . Ini.trumetits. Drurrut, .Vniforms, utc. . , , * L � L . L . . . Creamed cucumbers. on toast are a have you 'come at'. laxt-ai last.,,, almost.have destroyed him to render left me. Beloved;klsa Me agaln, far ed froni the vertical movement of the I . A one Englishman Uffered. Mr. Everylo can hi � . I � was Inspecting me curiously, as'if I n' S and the.dying eyes seemed to dr�nk in you happy. Anatheridea came to we I am dying f,r,you." ' - . piston bead Ao the revolviag move% . . . wn . ave a Band � novelty that an epicure will appreciate. I . . I . � I I I 1- were some now kind of fish- Kruger w�s asked for a subs.cription Loweat prices ever quoted. Fine catalogue No Mae .. every feature of 'her beautiful' kace --4to make .you believe he was dead. . meat of the shafts. - . . I . . , and promised i.xienty-fivis -p' I tratione maded free.. Write us for anything in. � . . She laid bar fresh- warm IIP31 On bli, . . � ounds. His I Pare and out lengthwise into quarters � It wds,' for. that � I w By this method of a Then I became aware, by the alm(;6t. name was put down.on the spbscrip- , Muslo or Musical Instruments. . ' "At last - aL last I and I have waited . . cut, to America. already growing cold and chill.', She pplying the pow- . .. � . 6 good -,sized cucumbers. So4k.in. cold '' . � 1. I could not see any other way. I was saw a strange change come I over his er the platon changes 1ts Airection imperceptible. motion of the flexible Lion list for that sum, but, despite can- Wha!ey ROy06 & Goal Toronto. Out, and . . . ' . . I Such long hours --,dark, dreary, hours; I . tall . , that it was . gradually approa - tl�e part - I of the - __ - - . -_ - . . water 1-2 hour, drain, cover with.salted , very kind to the boy; he loved me very ch tinual dunning'an . . . winellpea. Must I and death -see, death stands here by I face, and she rose hastily. and called. with every revolution of the machin- 1. . - ecretary,' the subsi as. never '------ . . . . . . Lag ine. Nearer and nearer c 8 . boiling water and simmer 20 minutes I his hand muoli�he loves'me now I took him the miras, I . . cry, it drives, a4d this continual ,ame the- forthoointijig. - .. . I MILLS, MILLS & HALES, . Meanwhile prepare several slices a ; my side, but he w(*ild not lay, . away from my brothe * I . . - . I leviathan, . the shovel -shaped nose . .. - Barristerr, etc. .1 thin buttered toast and ax � Upou"me until you -had been­-7you, my r -he .traveled "I am afraid Air., Dorman is worse,,, change of direptiod witV ovary strokp pointing directly to my face -glass, ths, I ------- *_ LAWRamoved to Waslay BuIldl, -range on a queen, ray darling, my only lovell, with me, and than, I deceived my bro- she said' . 1. . I I I I . of the engine pauses the vibratioi) - INSTRUCTIVE Richmond SL W., T,r..a' I � . heated platter. In another saucepan 1. ' I I . � I She raised her h' ther as much asi you, for I made him The nurse looked at him. .which is always present in this moth, glealqing under pq.rt now plainly via- . I 11 . . blend together I tablespoon of flour, ge,stdro. ea , d with a ,warjung believe the.boy was dead.'. . "He is dying, madam," she told her, ad of driving .machinery. . . . . � - . . I I See t4e Mar. POULTRY, B.UTTEn, goll APPLEto , , . I I ible. I Ife is riding along leisurely on s a rawdbsoasignte , , I tablespoon of butter, 1-2 teaspoon s lood .c�ould bear it no Ill . "Yest I know," he said, "you- are an-, "How.could you? Howi could you? He opened his eyes, wbich were fill- Inthe turbine engine the steam is bi la. . This Dawson Emission Go., UnIfted, , leye � . of salt and a dash of cayenne. Mix other man's wite, bat none the less my she Bobbed. All bar strength, all her ad with 9. strange, deep shadow, and applied directly to the shafts which longar. With a yell, I threw, up my A larg I a dog is � trotting Still. more ftr.weet.marketaftn-"Ot,,;tw"te, 1 ' .1 over the fire, adding 1-2 cup, of rich darling, none the less my love, none ,coara � ge, had given way at last, and arms. 'Instantly there was a swirl of . � - _. . milk and -1-2 cupi Of water in which fixed them on Vivian's face. She kaw, It drives, There are no cylinders and - . I Wourely ahead of him, I I I I : I I a . the less my idol, though yout'have never she was weeping like a child. his lips move, aa,d bent over him. no pistons. The only gear used is water, a cloud of mud, and my. enemy ' I I - . � .1 �, . � . had vanished. I . I The. man rings his bell. . ; I - I I I I I - . I Ing. Stir until I "It was easy to deceive my brother. . "The boy must go baelir to Lanr-'� carried by the shaft itself and by the I When he hears that, I . the sauce is, tKick and smooth, then loved me Ill . . I . . 6 solilo- - - - I e . . . . - . . . He is a bookworm, a, Scholar; a good b, cheat which incloses it. . . - - quizes - --.--- � . . I put ,, man; but he takes no Interest In the i,prcmi,, Mo.,, I . I This gear Ponsists simPly of bun- . i , simmer five minutes longer and "MY poor Gerald," she said ' gently, wood." he said, with labored breat , he ivill turn oat. you were such afalthful friend to ��. - But the dog . ROOFING and Ilbest Ustalyl - . in 1 tablespoon of vine ar and 1 table . . I. . METAMORPHOSIS.. I I swerves not. a,bair's . ROOFING SLATZ in . I 19 - I T"I . __)s0 good and so true." - world or whmt, goea on in, it. Noth. She made no answer, dreds of sm all stool blades projecti I . RedorGreen. SLA a 49P I spoon of butter. Drain the boiled . I . . . I ng I breadth, and the man runs into him Public and 11h8oho011iToroaro) R 6 ' t . I " Ing ever surprises hint; he in never "Promis-9 me," he repeated, and be, from the shaft Ws'ido 14o chest, and Mrs. Wigglea-Before Mr. Wiggles . Peel Tar, etc, ag sit, t . . , ROOFIN TI (' aw city But Yes, and I am, dying because I love , and takes a hard fall in 0, aron ,don* b our fit cucumbers, arrange on the toagt and . I have Sorry. never glad. Years ago, when foire her answer came Gerald Dor. f lx8d at 611011 an . It uWried We 4e used - to sqy I was , This al;O , . I 41,11 . , iMa ' ( al cat to r - I YOU SO. tried my best; I have - ' angle that. t .a . . . I I I wathat t4ings do not always v I � Is a uralsbe r oom 16 too , him, 6. said, Its he L. duplF. I . . � ed any iiart . at . no . pour the white aa.u9s over 411. 1 took the boy to ., I I I f L 0 1 . Stuffed Cucumbers. -Halve 6. green tried t'o Jive, without you, to f Ill my man was dead. steam as It enters the allost exerts . I .1 turn out as we expect in this world, I - 9 ONII Adis aid I or4l cucumbers and take' out � life with other careA. I could not so You'r son, Gerald?' and, when .1 bade , - To Be Continued, as power against them and tarna the Mrs. Waggles-A.nd you were goose � I . _ . . . . . ". . I .. the seed . . . � I him ask no questions, he asked none, .. . . I enough to believe him, Iouppose?, , . .. . I THE NIMMO afid HARRISON 8' L lie here." - shafti . %rallar. blades are, fixed to As If by Magio. ,. Make a tilling Of -1-9 cup of bread, Ile is unlike every one else. It was 0. . 1. I � . . crumbs, 2 tablespoons of b PUY poor Gerald!" she Said, witif the 'inner walls of*the chest in it Sta- Mrs. Wiggles, sobbing-Y-yeal And This Is always the case when Nervi- BUSINESS d . oiled ham weepi . ng eyes. ., I , easy to deceive him. A- told him that FEMININE INVENTIVE GENTUS. tionary position. These are Inter- only y-yeatorday he re-f-forred to 11ne-is applied to any kind Of pain; . an I chopped very fine I tablespoon of " . . his charge was ended, that the boy Miss VanWilla-The Scientific News posed botween the rows Of I m -me us an old h -b -hon. it is sure to, disappear as it by magic. COLLEGE minced pareley, I Of chopped onion and Rich Gerald," he corrected. "I have was dead, and that he bould return says ice-cream freezers were invent- REVOLVING B . . . Stronger, more penetrating, and 1. 0. 0. F. Buildingi Toronto. salt and pepper to taste. Fill the cu- lived for you, my beautiful, proud, � . I LADM . _____.__­____________ _....­ !�!' quicker in action than any other I stat I ely love -lived, sinned, suffered. I licime. He asked no question, he made ad by a woman. and slant in the opposite direction !it remedy in the world, pain cannot Gives a moat thorough course of Indirldnill . cumbers with this, tie two halves fo- no eorament-he returned, and I re- Mr. Promenod-I don't believe it, Instruction in all Musiness and eivii service ' also die for you,. You will remember . order to turn the full force of the 118,1111 , Slay where it is, used.. 4t is just tb8 Subjeots, IhGrthand, Typewriting, Ina. gather, place i d pan- with I that, and not think hardly of me. I main&d. Vivion, I meant to bring the .Ujop VA� Willa -Humph I Perhaps steam directly upon the latter. The ing to have in' the house to meet a Expert experienced teachers, equipinentan 1 cup of water and bake for 40 minutes, ' . sudden attack of illness. . , advantagta unsurpassed, open entire Year, Serve hot with drawn bu " know," he Said faintly, ,,that the love boy up as my own, and never to tell you think wap;tisu ipcqLpable of invent- steam, passing ,through the chest, . Olroulars Fros, I tter. of you constituted my life; but I did you; but I.fouud that I could not Ing, anyt)jing I . . . strikes the face of the hundreds of . - - . On sainewhat the same : o not think I should miss you an g live., I worked hard to keep him and Mr. PromaAnd-N-a. Womop little blades and turns the shaft. M ions "' THOUGHT SHE, DID, green satisages, For these, Pare and reatly, . . dogbt- 0 . d myself, I spent all my annuity on less invented ice-cream isalop4s, I Mistress -Bridget, do you kno�v what The Canada Permanent split large cucumbers and'scrape out so terribly. Vivian, may I hol your . i'he ae4on is the Same us that 'of of Dodd's Kidney Pills arc my -husband will say when he finds you ' hand in taine just once I I am a dying him. I brought him ba6kl to England __ :Wafer in dpiying a turbine water . , th'e seeds. Fill the halves with saus- man, dear, dying for yon." when I ,found that I could not live ONE OF THE DIREOTORS. w4e I legion. The box is imitated, have broken him finest meerschaum and Western Canada I . I 0 al. The doy!pe 4ee.i4s simplicity the outside coaling and shape of the. . . , age meat and place, meat Side up, in She took the worn white hand in, her and he is here; but, Vivian, listen," Impossible,' exclaimed the caller to ftself, afthough it 1pa takoll P Y01111`4 Pills are imitated and. the na Dodd's pipe f . I . , a rather deep pant well buttered. Pour She caused bar passionate ,weeping the proud mother. T can't believe that of exporimeotal work on . t4e part of gidney, ,Pills !s imitated. I nL . -4w- .at over them 2 tablespoons of water and own, and hold it in her warm clasp. Maid crossing herself -I do, mom I Mortgage Corpor Ion,, I JA to and looked at him. . . � � ... nutations are I -- . - "Vivian," he Said, "I a , thirsting your son, who has only been in tlie Mr. tlarsonis to 4#ng a4out its s4o- dangerpHs. T,4e original I'm s�afo. Podd's � THE RE BE.LLrOX LINAD bake 'slowly, adding mere water if za. bear "Listen, beloved." he said. "He employ of that great corporation for cessfal application to Stea' 'liave ii� "' , Oanada Permanent BUIlding, quired. Something - tell me, have you . in propul- Kidney Ilij!$ UNTIC been happy mince you marriedt Do has changed So completely; he Is not six months in already a director. I I . . FOPutatiOu, ffnits_�' I the North-west has been suppress. TORONTO ST., TORONTO. . Cucumber Salad -Slice thin 3 fresh not imagine that there in any foolish the boy he was--ounning, false, Un- Well, I can. James 19 a splendid Stan. tOrN haVe none or they wouldn't imitats. 2 and otLr citizens can now devotgk BRANOR OFFICts- . In disciplined; our trairling.has done him penman, and here Is the news in his he only limit of speed IS the corns. � -_ . cucumbers and one onion, Lay them i jealously in my beart-but I wa T SO they trade on the rep�fation of Dodd's reasonable attention to their Winnipago Man., Wonoonvar, 0,0., JILA6111n, N.D. 1 -2 hour. Drain sox" good. He is .not parfecti..-far, recting 10,000 cimulars. applied. The Ttwbinla's sdrews worn Is only one DODD'S. Dodd'x is the edy is Patnim's Painless Capital Paid Up, $6j000,000 -Id salted water for 1 nt to last letter. He has just finished di- amount of steam power that can be , Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived: Ther,s The only sure, safe, and Painless rein. know. .11 want to know it you have Corn Ex- I and pour over them 1-2 a . - - tractor. It never falls; never makes into which h" been st 'UP of vinegar been happy."' . - M� ran at 2500 revolutions per minute original. Dodd's in the name to be cars. sore spots worse than the original Reservie Fund, - 1j5009000 . irred 1-2 teas. which is 10 times the rate attaii1W ful About- ,discomfort. ,%a that you get "Put. "POOn Of sugar and 4 dash of Pepper, An His eyes were fixed on her face with or . I � -2 todOUP Ol! rich, cream, almost fierce craving for her anaW % . . -Lastly add I oh despartlite earnestriess-with such in vessels of the ordinary typal . � nam's," iind take none other., president- Money to Loan. gstir quickly and serve at onca4 or. i EST THE KIDNEYS Another advantage of the turbine George Gooderham. - . If one "Tell mell" he said, ,,have you been pyotem is that it utilizes practically ECONOMICAL PLEASURING. I j1=President and Deposits Received . offteoutlyo . has a quantity Of cucumbers And if thoy wre 4ifiensed use the LT %dF - 0 - D - AT -10 .1 A i S . go, al a UP far winter Use by happy� Tell me all.$' the whole power of the steam. As 00MMILte - and Interest Allowed - . City Cousin -I see the farm -house j, HerbortoMason. - slicing and I � World's Greatest Kid . next to this one Is clo3dd. Why Is tnd vjos.prWd#3jt._ placing in ' "Yam," she replied, "I have been _ A.9y Owns the steam travels- away from the . glass jars, imppy.js boilers Debentures t9sued t�ouring over them hat seasoned vine. it constantly expands, of KIDNEY that I W. H. Beatty. In Sterlip I g sold Car. isaittarDirea,tar- gar. Seal tightly. I A sudden, almost beautiful light DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER" PILLS* course, and t4eref ore exerts less pres- Rural RelaLive-Mrs, Hayfork,who wititer, 8. 11.604 roacy. I I came over his ta.ce. She saw how the q.4are �noh. But by in- p, t4, lives there, has gone to the sea -side It's a simple matter to test the kidneys. You need not sure 'a the A . ­ I I -------- 0-- words delighted him, and she contina- creasing the size of a sbaftlo collar � for the summer, Sbe' Says it's cheap. . I M;hat an a 6d- . consult a didetor. By asking yourself three questiOng, YOU and of the blades whio4 4t � oarr I Is* I LS I or It n stayin, on the farm and feed. The All -Canada Show I 'stic Pipe You have, said * , ,. .a 1. . . . . rtl "I have been so happy tbat the world can determine whether or not your kidneys are deranged. the Same number of ravolutioin� por �, � - , talty Miss Hicks to Barber. Artistic? to. has been like ' ­­ __ relations. AUQ ttirned Barber, Not 0, bit of it, Paradise to 0A. I Wye First---�`UHave you baelcache or weak, lame back I" minute may be obtained froM steaiq PgITTR4 ' TIf � ATT;O. ­ �, . .. _. 27th t9 OEPT- Oth. YOU my husband dearly, Gerald, " is noble I . , X auli A Oelf-rqado man, 4ald the MINITRIAL 66TEL 011gojrOfly, loop can't Make it draw. Sorcond-I'Do you have difficulty in urinating, or too be- of a lower pressure. . ­�" I I . . and generous, he Is devotell to tuo, 40A sire Ao prinate "' - Vrom the Viper's boilers the steam Proud Individual. The " Galmorah" Froe dus A-,Pl,u, . Tolm-SO Abe's to marry the son Of spends his dife In making we happy, quant 44 . . passes to two high-pressure turbine Weq, you,are till right except as to , --­­:­_-:_-�!1_!m_". the wealthy Mr. IMillyuns, How on Zhan I have two beatitiful ehildr6n. Thirill-,"A'Are there 4ap.084-s like brickdust in the urine rivito", which drive the two outer Yout bead, commented tbt) other part McGill-Collece Arenas . I �_V"1�-Aq_"_9E_FlLm1jT Hotel rittet pm earth did she manage to land jhim,, I Oh, Gerald, how I wish you had come siter It bas stoO4 for twonty-fouir 1;i.Qqrs 1 $) � .. ptropeleing shafts. From there it Is of the conversation. . . Dor day, The EXPOS-ition and . worndeir� JUR-Sheig MUSIC,,, YOU to our house instaad of lying all alone 14 Its clarly stages Uidney disieose is, rpadily po conducted to two low pressure and Howla that? � When a man cuts green cuotlinbors! Codntrfs know, and SO it's 130, trouble at allfor harel I would have nursed you and 0 , pod by q two reversing turbine motors driv- The paxt you talk with is out of he has to tuke the consequences. her to catch an 110 tow boxei of Dr. Chaso s Xidney-,Liver Pills$ 4 ppeparatipt) i oreatost Industrial Fair ,Ir. tared for you as though I werel your Ing the, inholt a4aft.s. These propol- proportion to the part you think with�. Drugs too. - - own sister.0 which has made Dr. Chase famons throughout the world fbi lem do not project bqo�h the Stein, � .- ,- �,...� � 11.1l't i I . I I the Lolteat Noveltloorl Many dirao* Mroud PArent-If you Gall in the "Nevar wind about me,,' he Solids his wonderful efire of diseniles of the kidneys. of the voonoi. They, loavoi t6 fin�ina . . 9! !! frol" Europe. - "tall =a MOX(3 about your hal � _ I 6vening You Probably will bear my fAintlY, I. If youhave kidney disekse you ean take Dr. Chaao'o Xid, room at a alight downward angle, � daughter singing. Artlosa Priend- pinefils,eg whi6h carries them furth6r below the I :. . Thds of our owo -1 Oh, I shan't mind that, you ought tilt is go gteat,,, Sh6 ney-Liver Pills with perfect confidence that what has provod .. I I I Country ThorougIlly Exploited -%401- ropilled, "that Surface than would be possible it . I -,-- to baAT the follow doWn our way prac- it is perfect, I Ain beloved 44d happy, au absoluto cure in so many thonaands of cases will not it J0.010 Brilliant and Roalistic Battle sped * �K' , t1cing on the carnat, It IS simply I Gerald ; the days are all bright. What I ral they extendo-d directly astorn, and I I I I I I tkici .3 , I 11 612", 11 I I 1 '7014 So long As the cells of the kidneya are not com I THE 4WQ* OF MArilkiNat PIOUAY -gives them a grip of the water which CAM AND AL80 Ir"i litftlltr A, I I I a,Wful. - - - I Mara 43A n t SAYI0 wr"W awa ) a in the last Stages of Brighes Disease, Dr. the light araught of the vemol. would I &_ a V_ � _& /--_O�W/ I Tim4blyAniv4%16#4)Aitadli%hArtillorV. I T1It'V AM DO, i . "You tall we that for theAepant f6w Chao 4 91 nay- Liver Pjjj$L Will giVe the . 0 1 al . . M now V1 or ,nd otherwW prev6nt. The forward 0 . Al I YoArs you who havo sufffjr6d 60 much lew, ,1 Some 40 fftt aheid of tha I I I � .1� I gntr1so ala" ALisuat 4th, . JIlI-Tb4V# MISS Riown. Slit expeets. hAV6 b0n Derf6otly bappyll' kib strength and absojtj4jjr,cy4rp kidney diwaso. One PIT I% doso, att" By thus soparattrig this wrews al Ae" OftAoo a&uj. �45 1 axotIoww"s ON ALL LlNlt* 60 -*Ava, to be miarvl#A, iAlild, 25 twito a box� sa all 'des,jeps,' �p NpgAXsoxj 14#us & C0.1 oa�h 66t hap its, own Water to Wotk y . k`4�_" Par pitim IlAto, entry fortnt, etc., address Jack. Of course. alwisr a wablabl "Yes," -qhei ropil4as "offtetly�ss Toronw, ()At. Inandis undisturbed bythe *dtionot . ,4XJr4WS*4k,r.fiAZ#. Ar.l. Maj, I . . � �1 . I I proit"i" A(4"W, roo;u" � � . . I 1, \