HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-16, Page 5A,UGVST 16, 1900
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.1 _ -1_-_--___ - - . .1 � W ... �
I -- ----- �11_ _ .__ -I-- _ __ " I- I - . 1-11— __ - -
- . _-, __ — �. ,
46 -0 V 4N P4441i VIV A XWU V ANN J411CU110 . Brussels. . May voiluell. I � . . — m ]� _ 1''... -11 11 . . .17.1-
I — — — . , � [ wl;y**14�IQ"40w,;4"1,F>014c�VO,4c�l,m
A Nerve force is tile very life of man A dastardly not was committed on t. Q. Dawes has. purchased from Council met on Aug. Oth, all present, " Put Afone �
Rut] ever orgart, of the ham an body the farm of Mr. Charl0s WAnisloy On Ewan & lans% the first rubbor4lre , 4 The following votes were struck for tile ,y, 0%
Is 4epenic lit upon it - Just as soon. its tile Ulth con. of Ashfield on Tuesday buggy that has, come to this district. current year —County rate 11-100 n ftvlt V
, to luvoutlop is likely W make 4 illsi general school rate 1.0-10 mills. .1 7 n,v Purse. � a V.010 ;
WINE the blood gets thlix and watery anti night, when his bin4or, that bad boon This Is I -MaKINNON &
I 01.0 -o .
I fails to Supply nourishment to the left In the field after t4o days work, was change in the walturaoturo of light wwaship rate 2 millet Zurich police vil- NOW.V $0#011W fMM br,aM_ft.q, JkC* : � . 0
nerves there comes a train of nervous almost destroyed. 'Clio canvass Bud buggies, and will p . ago rate I mill. And thosmounts fol. of , er# 13 Jr-j"V 9V U .
. rove much eap. ler !for owl: ,V, or . . ---- �� 0
ilepsy, Insanity and death. Dr, In pl000st and some parts of the binder 'or - 1___ __ . , .
. . '"thoif ikecr teeling" ove !t1_d1!!L0tfte:!:� _!3 ! _qP � _;�_ 11, !ttt0_ttt"_ft!!�"_ ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 4 ! I ....
CLASS - disor4ers,nervous prostration,paralysig Other portions Of tbO machine were out the riders., ag as required by the several Pub- puts ,noney in 449, parse. 1,as$11u,f,f an r I — _ ;
_ Gap. Edwards bas got a now aid !a School Boards of the townshl
Miase's Nerve Food rebnild4 and re. carried away. This I$ not the first press. put In his will and �, '7
vitalizes the nerve cells wasted by time � expects to run S. S. No, 2 $405, S. S. No, 10 $sS , . Usiles. - 'Mme from Impure, sta,goh, (A
. , that Ur. Wamoloy has suffered at -day , broodlh� " ; SPECIAL CLOTHING SALE
OF ase I to - The now pross runs by steam S, No. 14 6825, U. S. S. No. 18$15o,s
e ,, over ork and wort y. It is I the hands of the same parties, go last power and. is a powerful machine, S. - 3 $275) S. S.No. 6, $290, S. ply ooxe$ th"00914 the .-weins, 4) 0
� I I WpadftA MOA01S. the btW . " .
1- 1, 1 .14 L ito ,to a couple of stacks Of ThAVA .�. I I S I V 17 0111tut TT 0 . pUrg , 0
b on oubt the world's greatest re- I fall they set f No W. 'N.'r, .Y. "
. - . . 11 W, -4-.% . y your fam. " ".,W.p ellvq 0 46]VV 00 bltau I - 0. �Av. V, ;041, Lp�,, U,, amf oves # Afer wgop and I 0
. I lly bysiclan, All drugglaw ,recent. bay, and about eight Eons were burned areOu . ' VIM. --"01:ZQW"%0P.. (e
I ly fit for older or jelly and the I S. S 0-$11' - No. 8 $320, S. .
. . � up. These oots of vandalism Are car. 8. O�4 2 C -4, X . 0
lo!'DO.S. 8
O"KEEFE'S ine and sell it, . . I . older mill will find plenty to do. .3, S. NO, 12, $345, U. 8, plmoes ,V f410 V-43 MWOF90 I 0. I .
� . . taWly disgraceful, with PIMPtes and b4achh We have done a Jarge, trade In Clothing this season slid we intend to e
. -------_0"qP�--_ At the Official And Troate , No. 10 $304. eads hot after 0
. I sold meeting of B , russels Math . odist church, 840.8! � Ili, U, separate No, 1 $W1 f4hing ,go0s at reduced prices, The stock Is all
EXTKAOT ,,:)myth KoLeall of Luoknow .e Board I a ,4. - k10 11, U. S. 11 I clearout the remainder of our stock I
I � SarsfPatot& 4 short 11MO, I 0 now and the latest Styles, bu 0, .
I Col. Otter reports to the .Militia De, Isaac Groff, some time ago, 400 export field on gy. evening the paotor,o I Debent�are K.'I, S. S, No. 10 $290.48, WAs entirety mppd,l 4nd My shin ,Wgf � t in some lines we DaYe not a full rang
, . Mond
I t ient that tile Canadian Regiment cattle, Out of this lot he shipped $00 salary was fixed at $760 for this year, Debt, No, 4, U. b, 8 0 sizes, but it we h .s of
' I . - No. 16 $142,50, smooth ancr �
Par ill
s, _c10Ap.,** a, &van 6 Your size in, one line we have in another anil 411, ;
. I operating against Dewett, ' head by special train, 1xin$ 16 . , No. In compliance with a notice . . .1, a b equally good.
contai an increase of W. . H. Kerr was Debt _V j;�,,,A , I 0 This $410 will last two weeks apd we expect the follovving
^ � I . . 00- ating the St.,L CAsihitm, Nt. I .. n N PJA prices will make a clean sweep In that time ;_
oars on Monday week. Mr. Groff pro. elected representative to the Fall Dis. of the Canada Company reque 0 , I V
Taken at bedtime ensures : Gotieral Chall6e reports. the arrival nouuoed them the best string of' grass triob meeting, M I
of the troops at Hosimn, which is balf Owing to the resigns. council to have the east and west k V an a blue and black Serge Suits, regular $4,50, for $3.50
healblif a], refreshing sleep. . way from Tientsin to. Pekin. on(ble that ever ran over the soutIlern tion of W. Wilton as sexton of tile branches of 11. S. D, cleaned out, the I Alan's Tweed Suits. in checks and tnixturesi regular $5, for $.3.00, 0
. . extension, an . L VoAlkyi . 0 �m
I I ____ - 4 also is good a lot as was church and caretaker of the cemetery, council instructed F. W.. FArnoomba to I — I OD Men's fine Tweed Suits, In a variety of patterns and colors, worth ,
___ - P . $7.00 and $8, sale plies $5.05
. . I . . I year, . . JA 'A - . - I 0 Men's fine black Worsted 8ults,lined �
- _P _ 7�_ owned by any dealer in Ontario this Robert Dark waeongagod to perform makean examinatiod and assessment II1111 .
I ,
I -
Taken before meals it is an I the duties at the same salary, his duties o( the work grid rapprt to the council, ;:: I I I L I V with flnelba.11an,new, French . i . .
. excellent tonic,. I W. G. Yule of the Bank of Hamilton to commence at Once, R. Loatherdale The following wounts were passed and . I facings, regular prices $10, $11.50 and $12, all go at $8.05 1 .
I . left lost Tuisday for an extended visit wag appo - 0 BOYS'Sults, in.fine tweed, sizes from 28 to 33, .
L I L inted Inspector of the Buildin ordered to be pald --J. Badour, lake M short pants, regular
. Garden - Party to DUN th where he will be tb L a guest Of : Committee on the now 9 gravel, $4.80; H. Bender, gravel 0, R. I St. 40seph. Boyprtce, $4.50 and $5. for $3,08 ;
. I . __ . parsonage and a I 0 6� u to, in tiveed, Serge, and fine worsteds, sizes from 22 to' 2% , 1
250. PER BOTTLE. ' Mrs, Chas. McLean. committee was named to see about S., 60 cents il W. Gram, cutting thistles Several of t at $1, a . I . ; - .
I A Natural History Phenomenon- .the purchase of a furnao . he farmers in this vici- 13 24, $1,50, $1.75, s2 na Aryo I
, A Go rdon Party'Will be hold undor tile L a for the par. 0, R., 1.60, Ell Henhoofer, cutting nhY have threshed their fall wheat And �
ftusl)1008 Of tile teachers of the Baptist Mr, John McRae of Ashlield has a sonage, . . . .
170:KX� .. thistles C. R., $1.25 ; D, Blackwell, b and report &-very good yield, g deal for Men's Pants at a low rate on the dol- ql ,
Sunday School on tile Grounds of coos 20 years old, The goose is look�, t We bavejust closed a bi ; � -
. , . 9 There came nearly being a scorch out ditch under Consit Award, $16.20 , Vi. Tlenenry Howald. engineer for hie o lar. As our stock is larger than we want,we let them go at the following
I . . .ing none the worse in her declining the other forenoon at. the horoe of the W. F arnoombo, expenses re Canada Co. prices :- . � �
SYDNEY MOKSOIN . N , /. - Prout, OlInton years. . uncle, Mr, John Erowald, met with a v I 0
. 1. . . I .. . �, editor of the Post. A spark aet fire to Award, $22-45; Fred Hess, or., fees rO rather's severe and painful. accident on Men's heavy Tweed )?auto, worth. 1 20, for 700 � � *) I
. . on the evening of I Mr. Dan. McKenzie, who has boon at the roof of the .woodshed and wag mak. Canada Co, Avyard $2 75 -,'Ph, Sohada, Saturday last. by getting his foot badly 0 Men's fine Tweed Pants, worth $1. 1 1
PrescriptionPharmacy. . I X for 98c �
Phone 2 1 . Larigolde ,at the. home of his late Ing lively headway when the craeklin oul. L. R., $2,50 �'�. &esb, oul..Godhon a 0
� I mangled in the gearing of the traction Men's extra heavy "Tweed Pants, all pure Wool', will give great I I
I I I _LL mother and friends for the last three noise was heard by Mrs. Kerr who callel Line, $1.26 ; J. Badour, rep. culverts L. engine. �. . I ; - - wear, worth $2.50, for $r.95 . 0 F
Thur8day, Augu8t 16M weeks, left for the West on Saturday her son, Leslie, from the stable and,with R., $3 - (3 . 0
-%,ft�,%,,W,%,,%,-AW,W1%~%Ab, . . last - ' , H. Kagel, grading S, B,, $24 50; Mr. E. D6dman, wifo'aud'-Ohild of 0 Our Clothing Department is on the second floor but for the conv,%nience ; . .
0 . ' ' ' the aid of 11 p4ild of water,the threaten- do grading N. B.4 $7; A Nlohol,gravel- Tbamosvillo, were the guests of his 13 of customers who would like to a a them we will have samples on t a first
. A program of Vocaland Instr Yir. W. J. Little one day lately cap- ad danger was over without very serious ling coir. 4, $15 S. Vincent, ou - con. uncle, Mr, R. O'Brien, the foreparb of 0. floor during, our great sale. , .
. U, turad a couple of the finest trout we damage being done, A few minutes 10) $3 ; � Rober, I 48 a � I � . I . . I I
I have seen this season. They m asured more, with the breeze blowing, would 'con. 7, $12 , J- Howald, out. con.. 16 I - I . .
' Wa toh *. I mental Music will, be furnished, 0 t Bengougb, gravelling t t we k. . 0 .
. 14 and.14i inches respeotfullf and one I 94ster Bert. Fulohor of Forest spent . - - -rq . . _ . rp"""Pow"W"I W . .
I I A Brass Band will be in . have possibly meant the destruction of $1 ,* X. Geiger, rep, out, con, 14 25 A few days at Mr, D. Wilso 0 1_,"-_-1___ .
I � weighed I 1b I 14 ozor and theother -1 lb the house, I . � , n's last .
. I . I 3 ozo. They were beauties, Our citizens generally will regret the Ph, Sippoll cul. 6joshon Line, s 3.25 1 F. , ; MCKINNON & 00i - BLY 11- 0 . .
attendance. , cents, J. XoBridoi cul. Blind Line, 42 ; weeki , 0
I .
I � . . The masons have ,starWd the brick .
. . . . The Bruce County W. 0. T, U. Con- removal of W. F. Vanstone and family W. Hess; tinting, $3.75 i White &,ions, work of Mr. J. Suraras' house. � .
$ Talk . . � volition will be held in LuoknoVy on the to Willgham. On the death of Mr. printing, 935 ; J. 11 Wismer, ropairing Mr. and Mrs,.'.V. Horton of Lumley . 40 I .
22nd and 23rd of August. Fall par- Backer, Mr. ---
� 4elmission 50; Refreshment,q I Vansiono was offered a grader, 02.80 ; Fred H register. sp:V6 Sunday in these parts. .1 I . — , ,
. . . � tioulars will be given later. . good position as buyer for the Davies Ing B., M. and Deaths, r. . . .
. E . "'a' " '
Xtra . $15,40, J. Hey, r. J Spense,'who; I& the pas OW
I A correspondent suggests that when , t f
To the busy man an accurate . I I . I Packing, Co. of Toronto* and . has so- Oul. con. 9, $4. The cotin adjourn- weeks 'has boon visiting his father,
watch is a necessity -not a luxu- . . ___.� clergymen take an outing during the I � As . a good deal of his ship, ad to meet again at the as I of 'the .
0 I . ,6T ping is done oil the - L. H. & B. he has Reeve. 1, .to Edmonton. . .
utilize eyery mometilt of precious THREEFARIVIS FOR SALE .also be on title& to a holiday, decided to move to Wingliam. owing to I , . , .1 . I I . . . . .
ry its soms seem to think. T - I ____ . - . warm weather, the a , ongregation should cepted-It. A brother and sisters here, has returned HAR -W A R-E
time, to meet trains, keep ap- . . I . I _D
pointments, in fact to be always I IN GODERICIIT�OWN SHIP. — -wf� � I . better train arrangements and will move, I I . 1!!�i_!! — I . ., . I � . I �
on time one inusti have a good. . I I . I . . . . . . . . . aul. in a few days. Mr. V%nstoile has prac- I St. Augustine. . - I I . , ' . . . � . I . . I
The undersignod'offers for sale the following I . I . Wingli, . tioally spent all his life fiero.* Hewasg — ' - . ' . � . .
watch. Dropinaudlet us talk ,three forms I n God .. I — . 1, (Intended for Inst issue.) , ; . . . — -%,<-,— I �
arloh township.— . . ,,::�'L
I �
watches to you. we are practical I 1 -Lob 30 on the loth concession, consisting of job ll� D, Campbell, son of Peter r�embor of the Council for six years'and M r, F red. Champion lost. his dwell- Ae Walked a --Z>W��,-- I .
watch repairers and you can have 80 acres. The farm is well watered and fenced ' . . .the present year in his third on the- ' 1 . .. . � I I 1
I . andhasall the modern Improvoments, Land Campbell, of town was in Higbg'ate last School bog Ing house by fire a week ago last Sab- ' . . I I . . . .
the benefit of our 20 years' exper� . rd. He his been church batb. The fire sbarted from tile stove- - . 0 r 4eadquarter,s .
lance without charge. If you nearlyallcleared, Large fArni house, barn and weekandbas been app,ointed Prinol- warden of St. John's church. ' . I
stables, . I . . . pipe but the for all kinds of, .
haves watch which needs clean- 11-rLdt 80i on the Oth concession, consisting pal of the High'gatePublic School. Mr. - . � I .. ' y saved most of. tile con- � . . 1
$ Ing, has any part broken or lost, - 'of $0 acres, about 12 acres ood hardwood bush. Campbell has been teaching at Bel- . I . � . tents. , : � . The 'Flo 1, . . � . .11 .
. . . I . . .-. I . . . . I �
F h nd barn an good orobard. more for -a number of years, at which . .. . Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon and children of - I I 11 I . ' . .-
or one which has been ruined by f . 111ARRIAGES. : , Uicknow . are visiting her, sister, Mrs. . In Agony With Paine In the linok-8188P Hardware - � RingeS � . . 1. 11
on concession 9, also c I .
,onsists of I ,
:- . .place be has given entire satisfaction., . I � I . I . ' nware
. . _ . .
indompetent workman, bring it at res, nearly all under grass. . . � Win. Campbell, at present . . . I I . . Ti . I
to us and we will tell you Just These lots are 2J miles froin-HolmosvIlle and We can recommend him t6 the people - STUAR'f-MoK.ENZIE-.A-'t.Kineardine, . Imposelb.19-Medfolne of no Avail Un, . , Nails, . I I
� bat it wants and what it �0111 Alf J Clinton. Theywillbosoldasoneorin � Miss .. . . Glass . '
young man- able , Sara Craig is improving and . . Locks I
� iirrzw. Terms . on the 8th'inst., -by, the Rev. J.L. e.'out agailu . . til He got..Dr. 0 . -White .Lead & OilS Soreen -Windows '
w . . . rep I farms .to suit purpbar,er. of Highgate as an upright , a b ' I hase's ICldqoy-LIver Pills. - I
cost you. , . Ireasonabe. Fokttirtheilp�rtieulat,aAl3pl3�to and. a good teacher. Higligate is a pro$-- � Murray, Mr. F. A. Stuart, B. A., of . .Mrs, J., Gibbons of'the Ath co : I . I I Doorl and I
- � uces- �
1 $ I . . Air. Ixatrick 'J. MoLitighlom, Beau, . Blue Flani6. Nickless Oil Stoves I
. . - PETOR COOK, Clinton. . perouv village. in Kent county,. near - Joucab, to Emma, daughter of Mrs. sion passed awity on Tuesday of last .' . . � ' � Daisy Churbs' . ,
Watches examined . I �. . August 8th. : . . � Ridgetown, and has a foui-roomed -pub- - Donald MaiKenzlo of Kilicardine. . week. - The;. funeral took place .on bqrnols,. Quo.,. states:-' I was tro'abled , . I � .
� . I . '
0 . . � . All Kinds Wire F.eiQcihg , . . � :
:regulated and s e t to correct I I Ila school. I . . .. I KENNEDY7--� MoDOWELL-At' Bow- Thursday to the R. C. comete;v. Much - with Kidney nigease and Dyspepsia fo,r I .: . , . ' ' � . � I . �. . I �
. I .
. time FREE of chargQi : On Wednesday morning week .J. E. manvillo� Ont., on Aug. let, by the thy �is felt fdr the 15ereaved 20 yearsead havo been oo'bad that I . . Celebrated Sherwin Williams Mbi ed Pa'ints . .. I
� 6 In POI I . . . �
. . . �. . I ..SERVANT WANTED. Swartz shippedbis race borsoi .Harold I - Rev. J. Kennedy of London, -Miss fay ) . . . . . could not sleep. eit. nights on account of I . ,... 1. . I . I ... . I
- _ . — . . . , H.-toSolamonao,N. Y. He has also AddiaLouise, daughterof the late 21�y hompson's memorial paino'lri tke back,, but would walk t1e. Agents.ibr the 'American Field Fence, bhe best fence in the . I .
.1/1 . . Good domestic wanted Lit thoMasouRo ) - � I . . I , . 1.
. Good,vya use, pnrohased-WaltorK, from:.A. Procter Rev. C. McDow.elli f sermonwas preached at Donnybrook floor all night. 0.0 suffered tirrIble .
.gee palcl. � Apply to . formerly 0 last Sabbath evening by..Rev. Mt% Ran- . I - . world. 1 .
A, J, GRIPIG I �. 1. I I . MRS, R. GRAHAM, of Toronto and sh d this It rod alotig i. . Waigham,.. to-Georg6 E. Kennedy nedy of Auburn,. . .. I .., . . I.. . . I � I .. . .. . I ... . . It is horse proof, bull pr:)of, hog proof, pig and . . .
. I . _. . I agony, r .1 *
. . � � .� -( tremo cold or heat does not ,draw it out c f
. , . . . Clinton, August 14. . . . . with Harold H, iffle Swart O or of Dr. X, P. Xon- I I . . . I . 44 1 tried 6,11 )10rtm 'of knoldialnes Isla r .
. . - , , Z. will not , of Ottawa,. broth . I .. . . . . . 10g tight, ex , I . .
, � � , ... , � � * - . leave'until Saturday of this week and : nedy, Wipgham.. ., ' , : � � . ... ., I . . .. . , �. .. sh , . . ... �
. I , . . I . . ___� I . �. .. . I ... : " . � . . got no. relieL until I began uslas - lbre. ,.apepitStliyswh.ere'it'sPL16..,.-C'Llland'se6.it,.'.* � �: . ...
. Jeweler and Optician� . ': � . . . �urposes attending some -of the best ,, I I � . I . . . . .. . � . Drysdale, . . I � .. .. . 1. � - .. .1 . . �
'. . I I � . .. 1. ..''. . .. .Chase's Kidney-LiVer 1411a, Their made . . I . .. . .. . . I .. .�.. . I I . . I
$ A%�,�.%,..% . �,��* I%Vl%b,, I .:. . . . I -races mUndle Sam's. country with. his '� : . . . .. .. � e. . :. . I I �
,%.�1%w1q1b1 $ 1 _ . HOUSE AND LAND FORULE . J I . I . .. I . ' � ,of tile, and the old troubl,g .A. few Royal Ameki *an C .Wrfigeis-qt'$2. .whileth .. - - I
. I . . . . . I I .. . -'� �- � . : . � � (Intonded for la4 issue. I a new.4nan I 0 . lotles .i 851 y *. o I I
., . 7 '. . I . . . hbrses, , . ; , . I I . I MIMS. -, - .. . �; 1. , , 1. . � - . I . , .1 e � I...
. - -Thounder-W..�ed offers.for sale hie brick Word bag bee)i received in'this city . I., — . ,� I I - Again deat seem to be drivenout of my syatem."-: .: last., ,. '... . . ,� .. � . ,,, 1. . .. I 1. . 11 _. .... � .
an 14 . . . h. visited Our neighh(Jr- I "' ' I I ;�. . 1. 1. _ 1. . ..
I . *hood and carried awa�7 �s its *ictitn. 1)k. - chase's Kidney -Liver Fills haVdi . . . . . � I .
I 11 .1 dwellintou Miamstreeb..1 lb"I to.the'effoottliat negotiations, in* con- , LGWERY��In Godbrich township,, bu` I I � . .
. .
I . .
. . .
� and wo located; The:-land"loole- - A f�w'. odd shades Ready -Mixed Pilifits At a big diffconat. ' ' I . �
. I . .. will.b.. .0o'lld in . :- Aug, - 6tb the wife of Mr. J. H one of our most pro It, rie lus sale SU4 owe their popxl�
HOT I nectionmith thajormation 'of the 13 . - I � mising and highly at net
t, gntpg fact the,, . I . I
. . I par�els to suit the purchaser. . . . rit- . .. . . respectedgung men , they --- be 01-w . '' � ' ' I ' I I
. . . . .. JOB, RAT -America '.F - ... Lowery, 61 fi.son. . . . . e Ili tile person; of solutely relied upon to cure all ails .Lawn Mo*er§ at redixed prices to, clear out�'- .. - I . . I I �. I
. ,. . - TmiBUR�',` ish n .urniture. Co. are com . . . - I .
. Clinton, August6th. , � I I ellnell. The deceased was -,. 0 ': . . �. .
WEATHER . I . � . . . I .1. . -plated.- This company has a capital of DOWZER-Z-In Detroit,ofi -Wednesday' butintheearlymanhood;bein only.19. ments of the 104neyo, fiver, and st6ft I.only. Fireproof Safe, regular price $35, f6r $27.6" 1 .. . ...
I .1 . I . . I . $3,000,000 -and intends Aaking over Aug. .8th, of W.. .L. nowzer,'of a son, years and 2 months ol& 111111.9 during sell. They are purely vegetable � � � . . . I I. . .. I I
. . - . � . . . . . CA,RTER-In Clinton,, on ' compooltion, prompt - and eftective . . . , ''.. � . � . . � . . . . . I . . ,.
� twenty-three Canadian faetoriesi 'altuat. . Sundsy�Oven` that time- was never known to be sick. . ; I .. I 11 I I . . . . . I .
.ad principally -in Waterloo, Well! � l6g, the 12th ippt',., 1h . action, v.nd cure permanently. One " �.. . . . I I . . . . . I . � . . .
I . I . . . . . . . . I
ngton, 0 wife Of His death caused a shock .even to the a (lose, 25 cents a. b0ox it. all ealor*4. . . . ; .
GOMFORT - ' ' . .. %:: . .*�', #OUSE AND. LOI. WANTED I r d pj�l .... I � 1, I .
� ,� - - : � � ��, . . .. . � ,i . . ... 'Bruce counties' Dii - ana � Ato, . ... ., 11 . . . I ' 1, ' . . ' I
I Perth; I Huron . and id S' Carter, Of a daughter.,. � near tielkithdrs as he hiid been ill nl� VarnapsotiV Bates. � o, Toro . . ,.
. I
The weather is too hot illese I Wanteiliobuy a-bouse with four or five These factories are the.money-makers' . FALCONER -In Chioago,on.Augdat let,, four days, His -trouble was pneum . . I . . I � . I � . . . . .
0 1 . 0 i. . I . I I ... . . -B .111 I
on . . . I
rooms, in good locality. Give location and low- . . HARLAND ' -ROS
da must not exceed 860. Send in- . English account- the wife of John A. Falootier, . f�r- 'Before he.'died he 'selected the tekb — I . . y � , . . � .
y ys for the houEjewifd tQ be est cash price of ithe trade, . . .
. . . .. . . .1 . . . ..
enging over the -stove cook. formation in care of I ., I . ..�, ants have alroody'leff; for - Canada . merly. Miss Joan Wilson Of Brussels,. (John 10 I 10) 6om which he wished ..'' . I. . � I . . I . � . .� I I . . � � .. . . . . . I . .
I ing,ony more than is necetsary, Clint -August Oth. . THEnNEWS-RECORD. to visit tile factories and verify, the of a�.gon. 11 �. . big.. sernion preached. . j�is reinains . .
By the use of Canned Godds, -if �on, . I . I .. . .� R NSOM-In LowerWingbam, on Au.- were taken to the.-Luthemn cem I . EADQUARTERS fOR . , 44- - STOVES AND' HARDWARE ' .
� .
a good, reliablebriand, an appe- N __ - I . i statements made in the prospectus, .4 gust 3rd,Ahe wife of .Wm. Re,noom Zurich, �oi interment' followed by a GARDEN ,. - " " 1. . 1, I . . . . I . I
: . . I I . George Shavi loft hero on'Moladay . .. ) . ' . . . . I . . I n . I . . . I � I .
tising meal can be prepared at ' morning week for Dauphin, Manitoba. a delughter. � I . .. I largepro.cessfon. Much sympathy ii, , I , � I : . — . . 1. . ! - . .
little expense of comforb and TEACHER - WANTED. EtLIOTT-In Winjilaw,on.Au felt for the bereaved home from 'which - - � .
. 1. . . � He .took with him' several first4lass . sust 4tb, - . . ' I * . . '
I I I . . . I . .
. .
. . I � . . horses. � Among the number were Kit- . . have boon taken. . . -EY ... I �� .. I
just as cheaply.. - Trybur . the -wife of Wm. Elliott, a daughter. durffigthe past six yedri�'six corpses . PARTY CET -VALUE FOW YOUR MON , .
Maio or female teacher, holdinp! 2fid class car- ER -In - East Wawanosb on Au- . I. .. � . .. 11 1: 1. . I I .. . I � � . . . .. . !� . . . . , . . .
I � . tifleato, wauted for S. S. No. 6. Hullett, duties ty Wilkes, with a record of 2,241 And PARK wife of � gr - Ale . .�.. � ..-. I . . I. .--_oN-TAlr,_ - : . . . When in, need of Furniture buy from as and. you will be sure to got good '- .
. . to commence January2od, 1901. Applications* who finished, sqoond .to Black Joe in guest 6th, the . # ,X. .1 . . I.. . . �. � . . . value for your money, We have. the'reputation of making Goods that are our- �' '' . .
CANNED CHICKEN, � � ,accompanied by testimonials. lidll be rocei vea I Parker, of a dau 11tor I � . . . . I ,
bytho undersigned nip to S ptembor 16th, London a few.Weeks ago in the 2.18 .. passedbyrione. TRASHY Furniture* and SLOP Work is not- allowed, to eater ' . ,�. . '
.. . ..6 . I . ,Ashfield T I . RECTORYGROUNDS ' � . . I . . I
. lasilalso Darkey, -not four year, old McCTJTCHEON-In crris on Aug, 6, 1 ownship. '' . , . . - . I .
I . 0 , . I . I . 1, .. -_ I . . I . . I . I our warerooms, . I � � . . I I 1. . . I . . � .
BEEF, CORN, PEAS, ETC. . SAXTJEL XoCo0L, Secretary, ' w to Mr.'and Mrs. Robt.AcCutolle .1. ' ' ' I . I - I . �
. I . I � hich he purchased from John GentlQ'. . . 0.11) 181 It Corigram, we.notice, has erect-� � ; . - I juBILEE RECLINING I . I . : -1 �. � �... .1 I. . � 1. . . .
I . I July 39 4* �, - Londesbbro P. 0. . . I a . . BAYFIELD. . � . CHAIR , . . . . � .. �. � . . . -
I .
. ,� � I 1. I � I . . � . . �. .. .. Darkey won ih the,2. 50 'class in Whig -1 a daughter. �. ad a wind -mill which adds much tothe . . . , - I . j I I . . . � I I .
. I j -_ -_ I SOUCH-lilMorris, on Aug. 7, toMr, ap This is thef very latest thing for. a Lawn and one, of the most comfortable ' �
and you will be a I -.---- ham races last week .in three heats And . I pearance of his place. I . I I . . —UK— I . .
oily convinc- . . i . . . �, . 11 reached it . x . Zlo . . . . .. . . . . . I
ed. Wearesureofit. . � I . I so went in the 2.35. It is � said that a%ldMrs.-W..J Souchason. I Rev. Mr. Oat Chairs'oyer luade fOr that purpose. - Ask to see them, . . . � I
. . a] I an p I . . .. I . . .. . I. . I . I .
. . I COPP-InRossland; British .Columbia, church last Sunday evening. . , . S . . � . .. . . I
I � � barkey. made the thiee. heats in,"Wing. ' Thursda Augu * t 16th .' .. . ' " .. .
" _. . EXECUTORS - SALE . r. Shaw on.Aug.,2ad, the wife of Mr. John League will be hold. in Zion -.6exb . . . yi . � UNDERTAKING. - - I
� . . . I ham -Ili. better than 2.25, andM . I . ' . . . I . . , - . I
. . J.�. WI. -HILL - �. . 1. . . .. I thinks he can go a mile in 2.17, J. E. Copp, formerly of Seaforth, of it son. Sunda evening.., � I I . .. . . . I I ''. . . . 1. . . .. . In this -department wa carry a complete stock of Funeral Supplies i - Good
. . .
- . Of.Valuable'. Farrii J�ands in the Swartz al,eo sold to 'Mr. Shaw on Satur. MURPHY -In Hibbert, on Aug, lot, the Mr. Romas ,Webster of the 12th, A good program of musici songs, etc;. , He.arses.and Outfl.t.,: -Charges moderate.. - �. � . . .
. '.
� . . ..Townnhip of nulldtt, in the clay evening Dr.. Jim, the. horse wh � .wife of Francis Murphy, of a son# concession has,his barn c6inplatecl. '. � 011fiton Band in attendance. I . ., . .. .. � 1 . . . . .. � 1. . . . '.. .1 .. . I.. .
. I I . i ... . . . . I , . . .. -a Thuroday'An the 2.35 0 - HANNAH -In Mitchall,on the. 6th Wot',,, I . Quarterly ' meeting, was held. in. - . Tea served from 0 to 0. . �, . ._ . .
I , I
.. . Co.ti#� of Huron. . � . 'Werit. hero o I ) ;, R. S. Hannah, of a son. Blake's church on'Sunday week when . - . Joe Cream, etc.. - I , . BROADFOOT 13. OX " I
� . I - 1. . I . I .11. . .. 1 winningfirst.money in a race of five Mrs � .. I . . . I . . . I . ' * .. I . I .1 .. . I . . 0 . .
. . p . : heats. The best time given him 11 . . -A: 000D TIM,9� FOR ALL..; : , . � I . I �
I Not -weather) ,�' . lat I LEASM-In. Logan, on the. 8th i0sf- I . There was a gardeu:,.part� gi � , . I . . .
' there was a large attendance. I :, . . _& 00 ,
. ... The'exeoutors of the estate of the late Mich. I . . � 1. . . ; . Mrs. August Le of a son. � -, - van . I ' . I I I " I ' ' I ' -�F. W. 40hidleys 1111anager
. ael Fisher will ofrer for gale by public auction. dak.Wag 2.29�. - . - . . under the ausplees''of the , Zion - Ep- 10r, Night and:f3unda Calls answered at Resid6lide of our . . .
. at the Royal Hotel., In thb Town of Seafor I I PARKER -In East anooll, on Aug, worthLeigue'on Tuesday evehingat- � . - I . Funeral Director, 1. . . I
Health , , 21st da On Thursday: afternoon of last - Week .. , Vao� ADMISSION -200 & . . ng, St., Op
g of August, 1000, at . . . 6. I , posits Foundry.
, n'; 6'asfto the tl 6tb, the wife of Mr. Alex: Parker, John paiguson,s, � It , . . . _#W. Chidley KI
is basy to attal " ck in t o afternoon, b thl'rono while Mrs. D. B. Andorson� Edgar.Hen- - I � I was, a success and . . 1. � I . ,� .1 1. . I � - . 1 . . .. . . . . I I I
: Of a daughter. . . the receipt ad .to seventeen' I . . I . I . - I I � - I . I
o'clo ag Thomas Brown . a amount . . I
. retain If yon� : � . auctioneer, the following Ian s and prouilms, ddroon, and 4 child wore oomingto town . I
I I No. 8,1n the Sth concession of the Town- with's, horse and buggy they .happened MEAVER-In Usborne, on July 29th, dollars. . . .. �. � . . . . . . . i I I 11
� . . - . . .. . . . I .
. . The . I I �Threshing machine,19'ar card on � I . I . .11, . . � I . . . .
I use I. ,hlaofHullett, in the CountyofHuron, con.. with ,quite 4 severe accident, the wife of Louis Beaver of a son, ' I e,b �� . I I .
--- . �. ����, 'I. Li Ir of 10 I . . . . �
I ----- -- . beinj'ililven by Edgar I I y and . � . .
- - - D acres, more or less, There are 86 . horse, wbich'was . . � . ever b . I . . . I . I ..
� m 1 -7— _:""-- . . � . V
. . nor a cleared . d ' . � . � . . . 1. I e pr . . . al
X:L_ . . I � . .. - 61 don
There ar6 14 acres of seco � W st :n , F "r, L i '
430TY growt,bush, The buildings are as. follows. Henderson, .took, fright at something .. .. . . ot CH, OL 0 4'a' * . . I . I
o frame, with attachments, In fair con- slid landed the occupants of the buggy DEATHS. � TAKE I HUED . WILL SURELY , r . . � . I .. . . . I . �
. .
0 and barn 72 x 46 frame. with stabling in in'tbeditch, Mrs.Anderson was drag" I— . I . ,� . I SP.VED". L , I . . � I. . . �. . I . .. 1 . . � I
NATIVE-HERM i6 i,d are In fair'r6patr. The farm is well JOHXSTO'NE ... 4n Varna, on 4.ug, oth, * ___ . . . . September 6th to 15th, 19006' .
� � - 'a.. 0 g usider- ' I . .
WMI0140t4lo - I et.f,cd d watered by one well. Therels,als ad quite a distance and was, co Thomas 1ohnstoney aged. 91 years Be sure to heed the f irst symgt�ms. . . . . � . .1 ''I I . . . . I.. 1,
. it good orehard, . . I ably injured and Edgar .has s broken and 4 months, . I of indigestion, . nervousness an Im. ENTRIES CLOS'13,1519PTEMB1331 fth� . . . . I � . I I
. - - � . . . .
� � --------- . I "_ThRMS:— . wrist. The buggy wag not very bailly LEVY -in Mitchell, on the 8th inst,, ire blood, and thus avoid chronic , dis- � , August . . . . � . I 1,
. � . .
. 44te ..� I I I broken. . . . Pt . I The most complete exhibits from Farm, Forest and Factory. Now And . �
Prev . : Zen Per cent. to be paid at time of sale and . . . I I I Mrs. Archibald Levyf aged 44 yearso pepsia, nervous prostration and all -the startling special features, Chariot racet, by. imported Grey Rounds, Balloon .
0 r .
ajud cures all suiltmer com. ba once on the Ili -at day of April, A, D.j 1901 . � ___. �. 11 months and 6 days. � . evils produced by bad blood. Hdod's OPENS � 20 Ascensions, Doubler Paoachute Drop by. man and lady celebrated Gymnasts, - I
Jloa,in,ts refitlates lones , when deed will be granted and possession giv. . . . . .1, I . . . I , .
t c�. on Mitchell, on the Oth !not : Sarsa grills, � is your safeguard. - 1b ' .. . . � I � AeriglAitletsandAcrobatsi Thearmore
the purchaser to have the privilego of. -SMITH-4n . . . - ' d train's attitjck oil the Boer strong- . . . �
, laps Xd . 'i quick 7 sets the stomach. right, I . ,holds� and many. beautiful set devices. Special trains over all.lines each evening I ,.
the or �,
healthy6 . . a doing fall ploughing In fail of 1900. I � � A Muffle Among Teaeliers� - Agues Smith, aged 87 yearol F, I . .
. � .. _. . .
.. . F or. further particulars and condition$ of sale months and 4 days . � . on - ben" and quiets the -nerves# '�, 1. .� _.,-={ffiV*.- . after the fireworks. Send'for Prize Vists and Programs. 6 : . .
11016*2,� to jor exon&a! a . . . . , 0 11,98 . . , . . ,
pgrsgj, rV .,ppl,T, to, the executors. John Nattross and -Toh'n The Board of the Se�tbrth Colle to an(J. vitalizes the .. ,: � ., . � . ;
9'... r . " Proudfoot & N " ge t nric � . . 1. . I � ... . 1. . � .' LT. -COL. WK. X. GARTSHORE . . I . . . . . .
. ur
Zo 0 L ... I Emeler, �a`roodbridgo, P. 0.,'Mosqrs. 10HOLSON-In Mitchell,. on-Aug.66b, 0 a 4 'a up .
THE AL NZO 0. 1108 CO & Hays rlst;ors, etc., Godorich, orto % . Institubehas made a change of tasoh- Jelin Nichol - �'l 0 1 d n keel the health tone. - - . . . . � J. A. NELLEIS I
�J . , . . # . son,. aged 75 years. I Liver 1110 are . . I
. �
bags& Paul tree4 oatreml, 0 . ; . I A cured by Hood's This week ,You will be : I I � Prosident. Secre'ta, ry. . .
. . " . . I a . era; The now staft' is an follows -.- CTJRTIS--71n Fullarton) on Aug, 3rd, Pills, 25c. . . I I . . . I � I . . . . . I .. I
----- . . I � . DUNCAN, GRANT, SICE AN & MILLTil,n, . Principal, A, Mowat� B. A.,p SOO a! til- .01haries.Cortis, agedUyearoauA2 . , I ----*— . � . . � . . 00000%
i.61_,;f!%0 - - � . . 1 25 Xing Stroob'West, Toronto. . lot in E ngl l lob and I . � � looking for oboes for the .
— = - . = � . Solicitors for Vendors. History. jet m . months, I . I - . . �. . .. . I . I . � . I . I 1. I
. I I . July 21 80* . � ,11. S. Ro.bortsons 13. Avt Special TEVIS-1n.Gre , on Aug, 81 James . The 25th annual meeting of the Sit . children: We can give I I I
�. . . Mathematics, .' . Travis, aged 5 years, preme Grand Lodge of the of � � . .
Before. Airm woon 110splicaluo, I .1 I S, G,'Stonei B, A., Specialist in Clog- SENKINS-In Turnberry, on Aug. Sth, England opens at Windsor. to-ilay. - . '8931 Ail M311111111 I I -4 4"11 .
ii $Ons I .
2V Gre4t ZA91W& JUMall. . MU$10 AND ART - . I _ _� __ the Boys and Girls flts �
,2 Sold and recommended by 61 ___ sics. I Catherine It. Kerr, wife of Robt. �
gisto in Canads. 0 � � __ . . ' " Oar fee.returned if we faU. Any one sending oketell ana description of I .
d rell. . G. F. Ro rs, B-,. A., Specialist in Jenkins, aged 60 years and 4 days. I For Over Fifty Yeat�s I . .
abrIlTmedicine disdove3ly .60 .. go . in that fine.. .
� � " .. ackages guaronmed to cure all MISS MAY HALLF-TT Science, DTJLMAGE-w-InVordwiob, on Aug. 3rd, Mno.WINSLOW'S SOOTIllso SYRUP has beeA . . any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent.
forms of Sexua Weakness an effects of abuse I Mrs, 13. Kirkman, Specialist Ili Jonathan Dulmago, formerly of 11oad b3r millions of mo&rs for their children lnspoqt our stock be. .abilityofsame. 41HOW-tO0btaiU'arat46nV1 sent upon request. FaUnts �
or excess, Ifental Worry, bicessive use of To, allow of the orontO Conservato of Musle Modern Languages, - . Morris) aged 80 years , ' , I while tootbing, If disturbed at night, and . 3eourea through us advertised for sale at our exponse. . I 1-1
. an receipt Pu 11 of Dr, Flshor� onor graduate In teach broltaft of your rest by -a sick child aufferl% I . .. � I 1.
I Of the fiew m6inbers of the staff we VEWIS-In Craditon, on August 7th) And crying with pain of Cuttin thw�.send a fore purchasing . else.
f P 'e,bne ka e I. at . willigom, are no al course and theory, 18 ropared to ,kTde . Pateat taken out through us receive special notiee, without charge$ in
.fZ, 115, take pupils In plano altid theory Inc div, bar-
. to - address. � once and wet a bottle of "Mrs. Inslo sooth- � I .
4 re. Pa I f , . might say that Mr. A, Xowatt, B. �,,, Hannah -Lewls, daughter of Mr. lig 8 ,� I
a 0 0 0 W door, Out. mony, counterpoint, canon, fugue, etc, tipils yrup for Children Teething. 16 will re- I tl *1dely circulated journal; consulted
. . pro ar d or onservatorkExaminationao has for the past seven years boon prin, Wm. Lewislaged 27 yearo,10 months Rove the poor little where and be convinced . Tn9 PATENT R1MV09b, an illusti,%to( an
cipal of the Menford High School) which � I "librer immediately. I)a I I .
lornbo$ A co- he Rectory. and 20 days. and upon Itgoth cc 01bolli by Xanufa6turara and Investors. � I �
Sold In Clinton by S. Jackson, H. 11. C os! h 0ra,th0rei8nOn11F4tal . . I �
Hovey And Watts & CO,, druggists. Fit. It cures larrhook re thaf our g6ods
un6r his regime bag risen to be one of GRAHAH�Tn Segforth, oil Aug, 011, Lplates the Stomach � and 13aild for sample copy FREE. Addrdsas . .�
. ........ . 11 -_1_.____1_ and bowels, cures in Coup, softens tile . I .
- . I . � . the most important high. schools in the , Mrs. Rebecca Graham, aged 69 Gums, roduce3luflamniation, anYlvem tone and prices are right. , I . .
# . — MISS ELLA CLINE province, the Invariable success at the , years, 9 months and 6 days. energy to the whole antem. 11 rs. Winsl I VICTOR J. EVANS &' 00.g ,
Soot in I , ow's . . . � . . . . . I I
SIrup"fore Ildren toothingis plea- , (Pateot Aitortteya,) I 11 I
I Departmental examinatiotib having an* BRISTOW-In Egroondville, on Aug. sent to t! a t I I . .
Notice.- Certificate of the Ontario SchdolofArt.Toronto nually drawn large numbers of non-resi- 5tb, Robert Henry Bristowp aged 66 Oto and ig tile proserlifflon of one I -~Ela� . . I Evans Oulldlngp - .. 10
� Of the oldeab and best female physicians and . I
I In Water and Oil Colors, will take a limited derip senior pupils to hit; school. ' nurses In the United States. Price twenty-five wu— . . I WASHINCTONo 0. 0.
. .
___ number of l3upils for instruction In Water and -years and 7 months. co,s an bottle. Sold by all druggists thr?kh. � . ... . 11 . .
. n Work taught. * . 0� -
go, also Cra 0 a science � I
1% ,
0 0 `1114111r, ', ot tile residence r. G. rq , Rogers, B. A., tb I r
9 , MVLDREW-�-In MoXillop, on Aug. 0113, out thoworld.11 Besure and ask for " to,
Notteols hereby qivan that tho.Counell of the r�olr�oul,trllcl I - mation app y mmlor, bashad a most successful exper. Marion Smith, wife of the late John 'V� INOLOW'S BOOT911fa SYRUP. .
Corporation of the rown of Clinton Intends to ofMr.J.B.HooVor,Cl1nton. Teri -as moderate. � �
congtrnet the following concrete sidowalks and �.. I —_ 10,00 for t a past six years in Orillia � . S. Q'Rathwell ' '
to amc.qs the flnal costs thereof upon the Muldrew, aged 72 yettro, 8 months a—mmmoommmomm- , - .---- . .. I . . I
, Colleglat6 Institute, and at his, gradua- and 2 days. �. .. � I- . . .
tfoq benefltted thetoby and not exomptlyy0towr .. � . ff?UIT , ---
fro"aageRsment. I . P.-NvsrRi,*, tion in 1802 be won Clio Prince of Wales SKEi LTOXs-4n Moyris on Sunday, Aug, Highest cash paid . VAIMIXA.w I . . � TIME TABLE. .
On the West Fildo of Orange Street between 11 Gold Modal for general Drofioloncy and 6tbj Suphenig. Zrshall, wife of 1,
ATary and JuRaph Streets, the eAtimated coqt of the Silver Modal in Science. Eureka Alarnoss oil in thdbest for -Eggs. � - - . �
a jDR. G. VARNPST HOLMES I Thomas �keltou, aged 28 years, 7 Trains will arrive at ah4 dopar from.Clinton
the propogod work Is 822 , of Which 8um $70 18 Successor to Dr, Bruce, Clinton, I reservAtive of now leather � 11 . .. I - . t
to be provided out of the general f undo of the Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. . I . months and 15 dayo. Ind tha beit reflolfatOt — WANTED . Station so follows,—
' . I . .
. I
L. D. S.-Oraduate of RoyalCollege of Dontal I . HAMILTOX-In Hullett on Aug 8tb a it oils, Non Ofoll
Munielpallty. leather en"', bl4ok . 13t1rb1ALO,JXD GODErnell DIVISIOV. .
SU eons of Ontario. ens an proteotso U46 . I I , Goin .
On the South side of Wellington Stroob bo- Winnipeg Is threatened with an epi- , Gavin Hamillony ageh 7i YeM M . r r4st txpross
ween Orange and North Streets . - , 7:88 a. m.
t the estimated D. I)- 9.1-pirAt- clam honorgaduato of Nntal demic of typhoid fever, There iire at o I have made arrange- Is . . 2:65 p. m.
cost of the PrOPCgbd Work Is OW.50, of , I 5 months, in Everuboau 8
which rtmentofTorolito niverolty.special presentabout sixtv cases in the citV. 11 Mixed
rovidedoub of thegonomi D-1tv"r1tion paid to preservation of dhildroWo I � � I .. , I . I I ment-5 W'th several big. Going West Mixed P. 111. I
sum &57 is to be - I. 1. � 'Now- - I Eureh, . 4;11116. In.
fufids of the Alun?, [palitys . tooth. . . I , . .1 .1 Hxqeas
On the Sonth Aldo of Ituran Street, from the Will be at tho, River Uptel. Ilayflold, ovary I 1. , I I , I 12:155 1). m. �
we. terV corner of the Commordial Hotel to Monday from 10 9. M* to 6 V. Wo . I . . I nelfas ' ts # 1. houses - to handle Fruit " " 10:27 p. m. 11
NO1r1th trtof the cAtImated costof the proposed Names's Oil , MGM I . LONDODr. 11tFaOk A',?]) XlftlrCr� J)IVISION. \
wo k Ui 870M, of which gum 878.W Is . � � r. I The Ashfield council ineato onPri'day, a *;it # bank . It d bi - I and am in the market, Goi,19 South Vxpres,q 7:47 it. m.
to be pro. ---_--�— . � . . . 1. Mixed
vidled out of the general funds of the Munfel. Nervous and - the 24th lbot.0 to fix the rates for E4 androurcarri V,01dtht . 'fo r 4:25 V. in.
p HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE current year. . , PIG It . It t Ut ;�� " .1. I I � Golp 4. 10:16 a4m.
ality. - hotg ag North Express
on the South, t4do �oi Malt Street between — . 31 . 4 n , ul I Mixed 6,55 V, In.
Victoria Street and the earitorly limit of lot Im F all Wheat yields from25 to 35 bushels _-, P nt"d , "' I It OUR TOOTH A, 0. 11ATTISON, V, n, HQr)Gl11;S
RIghstre tiieet4titil(LtedcoAtoftlit3proposod a oh on par aerst - ______ _____ _� I � OHERRIES, PLUMS
work In It a "d ,�
,bn &fent- Town Ticket 1gent.
of whieli own W.60 is to be rovid- h.. _ Threshers complain that, there is con -
ad out 0 the 96ilotal funds of the Munter, oft I , ydw'ollga' on e �d Debilitated. . I
0�0 r
* 1911 I I A - 0. DIUMSON,
`D1101161_as"0,_ _.-
I RB' 1
$ 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 .
Is 0
CC288clo =�
r,,Fd I I I
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: r
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to"" ' ' . the org=
b.gthy �
t. - ' � ., . ts.4
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0.o � i"I �
TH�IE Z I Jos Co. .
,b.. I., ..J� ."..a. 0.
f(l?nd I
for., 0�6...af
� pality. . L" I 1. . . . 1. I . BRUSM APPUSoETO. . Matrlo� 1100nger Agent. Toronto.
on th o West sid(t of Albert Street between Almost a Victim of Nepvoulk prostration OidOrAbIO 911111t in SOW Of the fields Of � _� . . .
Ituroft and ItAttenbury Streofq, the datifflat4d od off 6 hi� i Ra to' I . . I !=t�n�__.% *
The un"or"� toto
terms his '
8 'y I 1. d OPA
g t 0-t he On.. 8 �.O 1, , of
ooMligr 0 oc'.,tc�lll", 'Nor or sale 5
" sin 0 ,.L
sin 1, I - f 8 'O'. wheat that they have threshed. =��_
cost Of till) pr oqdd work IS 6i72.60 of whith 9 1, t9sall a W 0 S. WILSOX. -WAS 1168tOrod t6 Health and Strength Two old and respected citizens aro on CILIN T 011 XARXNT R21XIMTS � . � I .
Rum.$30.37J f go? I 0 on, :Uto 8tu. by be. chate's Nefva,rood. . . I The highest prices will. I
funds of the Municipality. � ................ .... ,��. � . I . . I
o be provided out of t 10 gonolliti � . I the sick list, . Motroatod 6vay wednoods,v Aftorhoon) e No taking ehances or depend- W o J A CK010 0 K
tl�Court of Revision will behold on Thuraday __!!��� Mrs, D. W. Cronsberry, 168 nichmond John Sattoderifp Who haff been in bod Wheat._. o. f... I 1. 4. 6.111 � 0 05 to 0 05 � intv on lackwhen you buy . be paid, �
l 2,3rd day of August, 10% at 8 0'elock I street west, Tbronto, Olit., stoLtem- fastforovor three Monflint In not Im. . I 0 i AGENT 0. P- R -
be Council Cbamber� for the pit (O 0 EIR I NG I My daughter, who sews in a whi call his disease � . .1 .
')fti ' UPHOLST here. . .
at t % to ,ptoving. Dootots G0000.wheat ............. 0 05 to 0 65 1 I
hearing comp aints aq 7 - — . goods mallufdotory, got completely Barley ......... �,o ... t, k.. 0 8 !
aimb the propoM A45063 �$ to o 40 Your 13qtter and Eggs 0N
montoracouracyofthafronth moaquretuent Malignailt cancer In the stomach. .
and any otber. coml�M�t _AIMO� b The nudetAignea wiGhes to announce to the run down by the steady eoutinoment Honty.�jollnstono, who has boon in Oats ....... I I ... .. ...It". 0 28 to 0 28 1 ^,4 dd "(3n.0 r I
. . - .- 211.PVIVILY�tl�r_l eaclatif Clinton and nurroundhire ionnfry that and clone attention reantroa ,nf %M. - - � "A' wq"+ I
BNGX'Wt MOWN& iiWday of Auguoto wo,
Town berk,
.. . -11..... 11, I_ "., . I 1- .1 . I 6�� !
----------- —
.,.,,� FARM FOR $ALF.
>_ ,
I — .
I Tflo Galofarm, ono 6f tile beqt 100-aerhfarlyis
Ili Godeliell township, Tropoll ivountv, It 001%.
111Z of W 17 and Part, IS, in 9tll toly.. Q nillog
fro I Ooderieli and 7 m 011otop, Tile farin
toptaffin 9664 build111101111 and goo(I feneogja Well
watevoil and Well undor,drained. ThOrd 19 &
11111 6, boatlng Orchard ftnd RUUD Of Amftll
frn't, Tornis to (4111t PuWN'WAr- APPIP 011 1
prein ineq Or addPew Goderleb. P.0,
I Nvir,14110t GotU, J
clinto'holuno 0, IM*
* . I
all Kinua or UP1101stering, xft&ttrc8S AlaKmg
and CarVet Sowipf and Laying. All ordera on-
trusted 0 We Wil recolve prompt attention.
and She WM So weak ayid dobilitated,
that she I --------'
nad to give Up Work entirely,
WOrAO than 11812 - -
Mrs. White ofstratford Is VINU1, her
Semud door north the RlovAtor,Vfetorla St-
and waa alm,ont 0, vlotiftl of nervous
parents at resent, Mr. and Utz blift.
mal king,
Clinton, May 28thi .
11 Hearing of Dr. chane's wervo vood,
iton of,
ow�_ I I I 11W, — 11.
she beran to U040 it� 'And Was bencAttod
from tile very f1rat. It proved ttft 0%.
A .11MGM 11)VA
celletit relnedy fit reiltoring boo to
health and strength. After having
WaS that of Dr. Chase's When ho
. discovered a combined treAftb6tif; for
0 15 to 0 10
Used four boxes Rho. is now 'lit woric
4k9aln, healthy and happy, and ,,Attrl_
disorders of the kldnes% and livy and
go provided a eure fo 0 1 ate
r 0 mpi 0
The gubmit-lbot offorn f or oftla a vorx dib sl table
proport, 'on 10466 artot consisting offoar lots
I 1. b ' a I
,�'DeLse,611X`Jrveodovory to the U06 of Dr,
,'I 1100d",
diaeases of these organs. hiel 'd
W � were
upon W91611 therd, 18 0, e6iftif6flablo fralue houm
With kltphm and WOOdAlled attached, There
ta a Rood UAW and a firAt-thlu woll of watAr
1 A 0, lood ulider and nerve restopjt.
"'! .
.tIv, lti�
, X)X� Ch 'Sell; xdtfib rood Is Of Ill'
fortnedY incuntble. Dr. A. 0haw)'s
Ridney -Liver 11111a 0,VO the WorldIR
oil '11110 Orchard
evoillines, P c6nalAtingof Rtny)m
all A 11
YXI09, JA a garAt One. 11,110 Drapopt, wi
tstifflablo value, It ulakon tho blood
red, tile t6rves Strong, 0,11d the WhO14&
9teatest cure for kldno3�, liver, and
stomach troubles, andlias ous
benol ata reasonabloliguto for eash 0
hndbalanO on tiftle, AI)DIV to 014) 01VAU'let,4081111
x1ts. JOHN 1UN011,
myot6in IlPalthy 11,11d vIROM11N. 600 6, box
d1l d0alorg, or X(JU)"Non, nat"
sale 111 all Parts Of 0 11
a tile
United States, One pill 0, done. 23
the pr6lilloes
Clinton Alavoth
CO., Toronto, -
I conts e, be*, � .
Peas_ . - - # .. .............
0 57 to 0 00
Itye, I ......... I.........r.
0 40 to 0 40
Potatoes pot' bushel .......
0 40 to 0 40
Butter loo8o In orook ,,,.
0 15 to 0 10
Butter in tub ............ .
0 15 to 0 10
HIgge perdoz. q "....V#.. 4.
0 10 to 0 11
Hay.1.1...,., ..0,V .....
5 60 to 5 50
Wool ................ 0 ...,
0 15 to 0 10
Live Hogs pet, awt ........
0 10 to 0 25
Pork per cwb .... 14'...".
5 00 to a 00
Flour per owt ...... . , . ".
1 75 to 2 00
11raft per ton ............ 12 00 -to 12 00
Shorts per ton .......... 16 00 to 17 00
wool-perlb .............
Iry to ld
Polaellea, basket ..........
0 W to 060,
Ripe Tomatoeq, pet, lb ....
0 03, to 0 05 I
I ,
. our 300 Brush for 2156
a I
Oar also $I Aor,
iiiO 1 44 100
� - � I
I 04 OLSO, N
11 �- . I I 1. 1. - 1110-1 -
. Dnisian Pink I
'11!! '! I , �
141ALL TERM 011FIAVS StpTLAt. m Am
ot ,
an exquisite extrut
I 11 11111: ... ! 1
'�'2 C111,111223v- Z ! - -,
that deserven all the. praise
e %7-48P 1
W=, 1
149w ;
I it 90,to 760 per oz.
_ ,
'. . . I
H., 8Xon,lbe
have applind ta, Ila Within tile lAAt slit wooka
for our to (4ke
graduaton ponitionq aq te't("horg
In their R0,11001p. An mally ap nve buAlueall,1101118
. I
linvo applied to liq In 0112%.v for offiee 11401D.
TI& 3 GufolY tile be3t so 1001 for You.
ftygidall6l Supplies,
. .
. cat,aloguo Ube; W, X 111JOTT, Prindpit I
Travellers to allY Parb of the
I world Should consulb the
above in reference to tickets,
fares, etc.
AG It NT 0 v P, R ...,
"!-W !!!!i � ! i lft"111�_ I* - - � .1
. . �_ 11
Ai ,0 1;1 A 0110ril fOD M10 thAt dmim ale "I
) ", "I Mutt rOuth Of UIO LO11floft .
Ito r ( f; Flabeautifal c,forbuilditig I
I ,
11 , I , . I 11 Lone plcCo 1Dr lit lot# My . I
. I
P 11 I In that it iA mo tt%v froyll, tOwn � I
t it nd it doesn't vay to hire help
Tinto 20tik A. cot,"011, Clinton