HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-08-16, Page 20 1W____ _­ , - - , ___ . _.______.____ _____-.1-.___ - .1- - 1----1-1_-._._1-_.1. 1- _ ­ "..''. - .1 -1-111 - I - I. .11 I ---1-1.1.11-11..". 11.1. ­ I ­ .1 I'll . 1. .­ ­_­ I. � .11 i'' — - _ , � .. * CLINTON N � 9 . W1049401111 �--�-�--.-,-��-.--.",-,-,.---------,--"-. : ; �! .­ . ______ _77=11_1 1!1.:_1" .- - ....­­_ -_ _1:1=1711 : . I Tug to publit-hed ovorywhl�rslay at Constipation, PEITSANG MARKETS OF THE WORLD I , The News -Record Headache, Billousnessil. BARLE AT I ,%" 0 1. . . Power Printing House Prices 900attle, Choose, Grain, 40., . , , I ALIMAT STREET, - CLINTON. Heartburn, IA,tbo Leading Xarkets# - . .—W t Owmelvea and- A Plan to - 1. - ' I I ��. . I , r ­" Rol Itemi;Abou � $boot British Officers and Take Lord Ind1gostion, Dizziness$ .5tubborn Fight in Which the China" _70y . WRX8 OF SuitactRIPTION1:41.00 per year ,Ill �6,1 Our Ne*hbors—RomsMug of . � I advance; $1.60 may be charged If not so paid Indicate that your liver . I Toronto, Ang. U.—Wheat—Un 0, Interest From Every Quar- Roberts ,. a - Prisoner. . I., I . Nopapordiscoutbined until all arrearagea Is out of order. Tho ese Showed Skill and Bravery.. the influence of strong cables Cbloag ­___ - I - I - .. � I . I d. unless at the option of thopublisher, boot Ingaiclive to rouse 0opetived about lo higher to-ilay, and ter d the Globe, A despatch from Pretoria sa a"o,", � .ys.— usual method of Punishment is flog. Till data to which every �ubscripticA Is paid . the livoir and cure all, ' * . . maintained a 0004 tone ,up to the . O.—P AL Plot to seize General Roberts and to ging. � is denoted on the label, tUP30 III$, 1; found $it A despatch from London oays,—De- oviemy mea.r Tien Tala and asUirmlish olose� Holders of Uttattobas marked . CANADA. ahOOt'a8 Malay as possible of the Bri- I-3vory ulibt shots are board rt�und , )C40- ADvJ,RTISIN% RATES.—Transiont atIvertleo- 0 ad J2 uea prices up lo, but buyers bad not reach- Brantford used 35,488,175 gallous'Of tish Officers here has been discovered the town. The firing As dono'by the wents, 10 cents per noupariol line for sirst odPs Pills tails of thebattle at Peitsaug on Sun- toll w . T a Chl a fought we , 11 I , � Insertion, and 3 cents per line for caoll subso. NO day botweau tho 1;QrOPaau allies and and the Japtimes'e, suffered It loss Of them thIs afternoon. Ontario sold ra- water during July. and ton men charged with complicity sentries, who frequently discoverBoor 1, . , .. quentintiertion. Small advertisements not b1W Chinese troops credit the Chinese twelve men. The Chinese then retired ther firmer. Quotation$ are as follow$: Tba Canadian Patriotic Fund now, have been arrested. Other suspects are emissaries trying to anter or leave 26 cents. WId by oil medicine dealers. . . to exceed one inch,sucli gs "Lost," "Strayed," ad bravery, They were upon Poitsang. Scouts reported that Ontario, red and wbtie, old, outaltle, , , . ­­ --1 I with skill a . amounts to 4317,086. being closely watched, and It is ex- the town. ­ _ I.. - ­ I - - .. ' I . . "Stolvil,"oto.,insorted once fQr 50cents and ­ I eut.rf,mobad on both olden of the Pelbo three large gums and, many smaller 700; and now, 68 to 69o; spring, out- They are boring for natural gas peoted that they wilt shortly bet"tak, The sh a army are � each oubsogtio,jitit)fiorttoul5.cotits. INSURAN06 ,pplies lvere�for th AdvorWomente without specific (IlTectione will __ behind works oQuotruoted after the oamnou wore in place in the ,Chinese side, 70o; Manitoba No. I ba:rd,gJ.t,j In Owen Sound district. an Into eustody, abundant, with the exception of for- � , � . . be Inserted until I forbid and charged accord . ' vu,wt mod,em European methods. The entrenchments at- Poltsang, A SPY Ole asked; same Toronto and west, 'London, Ont., during July had 67 The Oyatem of granting passes to age. Few of the local farmer -3 bring ' ' . Ingly. � leatba. 'burghers who take the oath of,neu- anythLag to mar�et. It is expected CopytProbvingeof advertisomonta oupagest THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE Chinese Were driven across the river, who had gone out in advance of the .870 asked; same, upper lake portil, 840 macrigge-, 04 bIrth3 and 42 i . , INSURANCE COMPANY but In their retreat they destroyed allies brought In the iufO(rm4t!Ou that asked. Buyers bid about 1-2o jefis. Through telegraphic communication trality is proving unsafe, aad there that trains will be available shortly, I avid5mustbalutho oMoo oil Saturday and I I . for pages I and 8 oil Monday to ensure change , Farm and isolated Town Property the bridge. The ,Japanese them th woon City Will be astablished is urgent need of, a strioter Polley. and the merebauts wilt then replenish *- , ,,a Chinese forces consisted oi fully Millfeed—Scarce, and steady. Bran with Da (Or following 1138110. . . . I only Insured. worked their way across the river and 40,00 men, well armed and atrongly #12 to 812.50 ' and aborts, 414 to ,by October 1. . Kaffirs who. have come into the, tl . I ; , . .%air stores. The military authorities ' . CONTRACT RATPQ.-m-Tho following tablo allows OFFICERS, . dislodged the Chinese from their am- antiremolled. . * . . � - city report ivilians S. 13, McLean Kippen P. 0 - ; Thos. . 014.50, west. � Work hits been begum� on the eree that the Boors are treat�! are selling rations, of flour to ol our rates for specified periods avid space: Probident - T. H. , at Montreal, i tit tbreepence .Per pound. The 141g.pt I , Frazer, Vice-Wesident� brueoflold P. 0. trenra%meutst on the further Ada, but, 'THE FINAL RUSH. I Corn—Firm, in'sympathy with Cht- tioll of the crematory . ing the natives brutally whenever - residents are still being fad by the On- . I ADYMWISING RAT98. Hays Seci-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; . G. I Yr. O Me, a Mo. I Me Broafoot, nspector of Losses, Seaforth P.O. pursuit was impossible, Owing to the The Amorloaza and British troops go but demand here at present is the first rh Canada, they reoccupy a place that has been i thorities. Lord Milton has charge of I Column ......... $7oOO $0 00 IS2500 ,050 DIRECTORS: country being under water. marphod up the *eat bank of . the 04 Hamilton � civic labouxe,rs Will get passed by th - a 13 . .W. G. Broadfoot. Seaforth; John Grieve, The ' -tit .4 light. No. I A�merictaa, yellow, 47 1-20 In- .a British troops, - Their I thi ,food sUPPlies for Qivtli It - . i . � i Column ......... 40-00 25 00 1500 600 Winthrop George Dalo, Seaforth-, , John Watt; task of the allies Is One of much rtvar. The Russian , d J96A)4no.0 on track bore; and mrix.d at 40.1-2c. 18 cents au hour hereafter, (in .-- _�_ ____,______ .— , J colt) Din � ........ g& 00 1500. 800 � 6o Harlock ; john Belinewleg, Bradha an; James greater magnitude than at first aP- moved along the east banks. Light a quoted OTIcase of three oqut,i an hour, � Rvans.,geochwood; James . Connialy, ClIntan _ . peas—Somrqo. C(tr lots ar befit month's business in the history of . . I ,I i Colunlvl� ....... 1800 1000 5 40 200 John McLean, Kippon pea.rod. - The Chinese are putting up draught transport boats, With, sup- . . and west, and customs colleotions at Montreal for the Office', � DE WET CROSSES TI418 VAAL . III1011 .......... . 600- - 3 50 2 00 125 , nominally tit 606, north . . . . . I S Pi. much stronger resistance, than was plies and axtilletry, moved slowl . silvery, off or July amounted to 4984,419, an increase lotars at Newt York .1 ZrSpocial position from 25 to so per con,t extra. RobU4nvith, Harlock; Reber McMillan, 5011 Y 11P olo east; same, October d , I over July last year of 0184,000. U. S. Customs off —_ I I I . forth; James Cummings, EgiviondvIllo il J. W looked for, and are fortifying their the river between the. tiolarmosi The at 550, * 1. . . have seized drugs from Canada to the He .is Still Hemmed In by the - I W. J. Ml 0119LL, Holmeoville P. 0. uj_ Last ysar's salmon catch in British . W . 0 Its positions with cleverly conitructod. weather was Ideal and the troops were I ' , value Of 02,00. They were smuggled . British, However, . ye Barley—Quiet, No%s -No. 9, We; 01 . . � . . .Editor and Proprietor. PsrtIcs aekirous to offoct insurance or trA . un an in- - I - . - � saeb other business will be promptly wtended warkis.: The total loss of tho alliai in In, and high fighting sido ; old, No. 2. 406, 40 , I in, it is Bald, by a gang which has A despatch from Pretoria gays.:- . - good condition ,Columbia was 36,744,912po i da, . . I to oil apglication to any of the above oflicers .750.and spixits. - .. crease of over 18,000,000 Pounds oil 1898. b erating for. a long time. Tupesday's, . trains* running between I addresse to their respective post offices. . Sunday's battle was between . Rye -Now rye, 490, outside -,. and old,' Workst atL een op OANK,§ . I .1 I - reachad Saturday, . . . Labourers dt the smelting . A suit %�hlcb wid determine whathar Piet0r!:L and Middelburg wera sniped , - � ___._ ________ __ - 1,000 men, 40, �haf any advantage gain Paitsang was. 51 to 62c, Hamilton have had 'their. wages in- . - . - . __ L ad was dearly bought. Further ad- and the a . Ilitio.took position for battle - . ti oats, West, it is the duty of Chicago to maintain -at by Boors near Broukhorst sprult. ' � THE SULTAN VERY ILL., L I Oats Easy. New Whi creased from .131-2. cents an houx to . . �� vance against the Chinese was delayed during the - night. The attack was � I . I a tog signal service on the crib, is Twa men were Wounded. A .force of I . THE MOLSONS BANK . __ : . 24 1-2c; old, white oats, north and west ' 15.centa. . I . . � � . . . Wing to, inefficient transport. . made Sunday at. daylight, The resiot� 26c; hud east, 27c. . I � being tried here. The Anchor Line is Mounted Infantry -drove the D )era off I . . Incorporated by .He Fainted In His Garden On Mort- 0 � Arrangements are being made for seeking 480,00o for the loss of a st d the farms for teh miles . Act of Parliament, 1855, . day Last. , . STORY Olt' THE BATTLE. ance of the,ChIneee was most stub- Flour-Cantinueo dull. Holders. its I k moving anumber of French-Canadian. eavm� aud burne . . . . . I CAPITA I. I . . I '. ftr expedition moved slowly be- born, Fox seven hours the result of or. I - aivitail. . I . . L . $200ooco A despatch from London, Friday, � V2.85 fom 90 par ti�nt- Patent, in buy" families from ,Michigan to Rdmon- I REST sl:650:060 cause It was found that' the Chinese i4e battle was in doubt. Them � the al- ers, bags, middle freight$, and export- I . A *Tacking crew on the Delaware, . Gen. Da Wet has cir'ossed tile Vaal � READ OFFICE,' . MONTREAL, . saya;-Tho Times' Constantinople car- bad plac,ed many mines. itui torpedoes -fied troops rushed the Chinese positio . It ton, N. W. T. . Ija6kawanna and Western Railroad is river, but he is still hemmed in. . I I respondent says that reports Which it . . eaz bid $2.75. : Speoiah brands ,sell lo,- . A mineral. water spring of great digging a big locomotive out of a bog The Bows ohold a pasitio,0 Lve miles i WM. MOLSON MA01,114BBON, - President . in the Fat River. The Japanese in the and. the Mongolians were driven from cally from 10 to 200 above thsoO flg- depth, and curative power has been , � P. WOLIPIERSTIM TtiQUAS, GonerkLl Manager is equally difficult to . I . I I . corroborate or dvanoe so c f the thsix trenches. , . I near Cresco, Pa,, into which it had easti of Wondaslontein. This is tin ad-. ! Notes dismunted. Collections made, Drafts retate .state, that the Sulean, . whom 'a . ures. - I . . . . discovered at Chatham. A syndicate . . I issued. 'Sterling and American Exchanges . . .- � ____1__-_-_ ;I4. -Flour - Firm, will tie lop it. . . fallen and completely ' sunk out of . vance. station an tbe, Delagoa bay line . bouVht and sold, loterestallowed on depoats. recent events have greatly disco -m- � —.- . . . I Buffalo, Aug. Ve I sighL I . � that Is held by Gem. French. .Every I SAVINGS BANK, I posed, fainted -in his. gaTden Monday, PERSONALL X RESPOri 113LE CAPTIJU OF YANGTS0. wheat -Little doing, ortring, NO- � Magistrate Selfs,.at Hamilton. the . .. . - Interest allowed Oil sums of $1 and lip, bed ever .' . I I . I . . . . NoTthera, spot, 82 5 -se; No. I Northern#, other dai, fined a boy fiv R. B. Dixoi:i, of San F rancisca, who intexulediate station is stron.,dy gar . . and has been confined to his . . P"--% .. .. a cents for. . - . . ".." . . iwant to Nome In June with 200 -head rifioned by the British. - I . FARMERS.- I .1 ­ . � Important- Position Wrested Prom 811-2, winter, No. 2 red, old, 79o; new, not being properly' clothed when bath- I I . � . -NES. � .. . advanced to farmorAoll their Own since. , I � . Britain's Message to Chinese Govern" hits, old, 78e; new Uc.'Corll Ing I, the . at cattle, reports that 10,000 men are DEWET AGAIN ESCA1 - . nXe0,3n%ev1th o io or more ondoibors, , No mdrL- , The ..Daily Chrottiole's Constanti- mentRes0eeting Envoys' Safety. . I the Chinose. ' - . 77o;* No. I w I � . bay. . . . .. . "With -out mone t work, A despatch from London, tsays:-w-Gen. . . I . I . gage require'd as securlty.. . I riople, wrtespondent professes to h I avo . A despatch . from Loudon�: sa . ys:- A despatch frota'Lon.don,- Friday, ­4U]Kwattl8d; No,..4yell0w, 433-4 to 44c; Military orders issued from Ottawa . .: . I y and withou . I amma . .. - . . . . . . Nix 2� amnotmoo. that Mij.-Gen. O'Grady- many of t Ing- of star- oral Do Web, ,the Boer o nder, who . . H. C. BRE'VVER, Manager, Clinton t� I � u ant No� 3 yellow, 43 1-�P to 43 3-4o; Them literally dy . . - - ­ ­ __ - ­ - _____ - - be beat reason to believe, although Parliamentary Secretary Brodilvi,k says:�Gem. �Qhaffee's anna noem. I v�ation, . � . . according to the coireSpOudents was . .. I . � � ,,431-4 to 431-2o; No. S.corit, 43 , Holy has assumadibe command of the . I � . Admiral Allmot Pasha,. who has jusv: said in the House of" Commons on' .of the gapture, of Ykingtoun.. Is the earn I caftain to be captured by'the British- - I . � C. D. MCTAGGART , . , returned from the United States, . be, to 43 3-4c. oat-3--rFLrin, No. 2 White, Canadian militia. - .The foreign commerce of the United. . I ' Stutes-for the I . . ,Tuesday that bar Majesty's GoveLrn-. most Important news that has n I Ot sup- .new, 25i-� to 2534o; NO. 8 white, 24 A G.T.R. freight train jumped a . I .year ending June 30, Wh-6 hitd thrown an unbreakable bor- � strenuously denies it, that an agree- ment .bad infoirmad the.0bineae:Gov_. received from C4Lna. It is a . . I * don around :h1m, hags succeeded in � BANJUR. . I I . . . . � .. 4 been 1-2 to 24 3-4c; No. 4 23 3-4 to 24o, Rye switch on Ann street, Montreal -and 1900, Is the greatest.in the e0runtry's . . . . . . Inent was �effectted by which the in- . eirumant that -the members will be plemented by.anytbing that ha . I -ri . history. Theimports of merehad'diae, oiossimg the Vaal -river, and, according I . � . I . I . . � . dem,niiy due tb�'Unitevl'States.. f1rom held personally responsible if the I e6eived here, . . -No. 2, 54 to. 54 3-4o. Barley-" al crashed through the wall. of `Geo. . . - � . . . � � . I .. I . a to ,o no - re I f . I . . ce. malting.,46 to 499, on track JaeoWs house. No one Was hurt. were ,0849,714,070, and tb .. total , 3x. .port, a large part .o ,his' , , . . .1 I I . . . . . � Tarkey willba. added tol the price of 3; members Of the'foreign Legations or Several Governments have received tO OhOl ., . 1. .. I I . force have made good b4oir escape and . . A General Banking Buslitesf. Transacted. wa,robip, should one. be or � dared to be .- other Xcireigmer& at Peiin should suf- despatches, in reference to the I-elt- here. . . I . � It is said that Mamitob!% 'will not Par I Is 81,394,196,3.70. . .; . . 1. I I I � I . . � . . . . � reached: Bdff8l's hock. '. � � , . . ...7 1 . . . . . I . I C igher cables, sevoul million bushels . GENERAL. I � . . . I Notes Discounted, Drafts . . . built in. Amorldtt- � I . ferinjary. Her Majesty's Govern- sang engagi3ment,'but they do not add . hicago, ' Aug. 14.-H ad rain in have more than . .. com- Havotna, ban two cases of yell I ow Probably his defence of - ,tho . hlll� . ' .I.ssued, .. . . *. , . . _ I . I I good export eugagatntenta. a of wheat for export this year, I . . I . � .1 - of conaiequen�o to the xe- . a firm tone to d .with twenty-five, million last faver. . . . I . . I - . I . -Methuen covered the. . I . ) I . . . meat did not think any us,efu gnt.rpose, anything ' . . ' against, General interest Allowed on Deposlt�3. . , h- - the* North-West gave I pare .. . . . retreat of this part .09 ,his, command.- , . I. TH8 . GARRISON SMALL. would be serv6d by further communi- Parts already received. T are. is . I . . . . I. . Heavy� rains and floods I Jamaica I. I . . � . . . � - . . . . . . � . . . . I ! , . � . . . . I . 4 at the belief � a small wheat market to -day. Corn year. 11 I . I . I . m I . I ---."—., :_ _" 1 4 , . . I . I � . . . . � . I . I — . cations � I . some surprise . . re,pOrted . pad by continued hot weather, In three days over 3,000 head . of haver caused damage to thefianana. . . .. . I I ; � . - ALIJURT STnEET . - . CLIv;TOX. Col. Hoare I Had a% Small FOre8. 9,t Answering another question, Mr. ,to be held in Tion-Tain that the road to was hel . . . I I field ... :, '. .1 . . I -THE.BOERS. .' .' - I .. I . SHOT BY _________ - ____= . . . . I . . I . Poldn is now dpon. The gr'oulad for and olboad 7-80 'higher, .. . westexil, cattle have been .shipped east . Is'- .. ,4 .. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . Elands Biver. Brcdrick said her Majeityl.s Govern- . . ; , Close -Wheat by one wfiimii�eil 1which, . A steamer with ,a 'plague . case I - . ,�- . I � I ; � . 5 LEGAL, L , I . . . .1 . . som. Load . 6n, Thurs.dtlYj meat had no..6onfirmation � ,of the this beli,of is.'mot-stated.... I I 1 . I I MinneaVolis, Aug. ' 14- be . I .firm in has aboard hits b .qua.ran- The . En�llshman Who B I leiv Up . I ­ - I , . ­.._._._._._. . A. despa toh f I L . � . ' : " , -Aug. - iv,�A Sept .OP. , eon placed under __ ­ ..�_ _______ -- ­­ -..-- -.--- � .� . I . . I I -0 � L . ., 75:1-2 , Decom r, sent 9,000'fiead tbiff�660401n to. MOlit- ' . . ' . I . I . 1. , sanguine oar- sta I . I . ... . . .� . 1 IVI � - .,., . - I I saya.,-m-iUtbough some I . . . tement .attributed to: Li -Hang- . ' L . � I., thie.at Gibraltar.. - ..,. 4gdalene . Br.idge.. SCUTT . I I .. . . 76 7-8c; No. I hard, 78; go. I Northern, real for shipment. . - . I I .. . : lf. I . I pandents lately deeldred that. it Chang to the effect that the foreign- . - MERMANTS DISAPPROVE. . . . �. The first cargo of American coal !m. I . . re's . l . , .. 76c; No. � NOrtherni 74 14o.. , . The �Ottawa Board of .Trustees has I A despatch from Cape Town,' days.� L . . . BARIUSTER, SOLICITOR. , . � wa�s. impidissible'foi Gen., D& Wet. to ewe bad, loft, Pekin ,far Tion-Tsin un- . 1. � I . — . . , . I . , I - -Amateure Athle� ported :into Russia , L has arrived ' Mir ' ' .correspondent I . . . . L L L . . I I . L � I . I . . . -Wheat-SPot, 78 kented apart of:, the - . at The Lorenzo ques I . . . � rough , GenoTal k an Fear Effect o . Toledo,. Aug.. 14� I I I . .. , , Money toLoall, ate. �� . break th - Itch i. or's der escort., - . ' - - . I . � . n Chinese of,.Landing * ' . 'L : io rooms for manual training for Rsv&l..for the Warsaw Railway. - of tho Cape Argus telegraphs. Llia.t, the - . . , . L . I . . . . 34o; September, 79 0-4c; Oetober, 79 t � � . . � I 4 . I . . I I . .. British� Troops at Sha#ghai. , .. . I . I I -Cooper c OPPIOP-Elliott Block � - '-. - -.0takrox �-don,', that wily . Beer general . is . * It will be A- young Fronchmen'c6mmitted.sui- .EmgjIshmam 'L Who Was con*i t- , . . I . : "' .0 . I . . � or 81 14c. -Corn-No. 2, Some Of the, schools,. whio . . . . a, . 'O I . I - . I I a in flittimg., J1a had already beguh ' . . � . . . - - I atch from Washington 7-84.Deoevub ,, . I I . . . " a, s � I . I. . , � .. , ga , . A dessp . , . Olds, with absinth Jm Pari the �other ad 10 Maerhadodrop of blowinK'up the " I I I 0 says: , . . I I I I L . . . . . . . I . daish, 40c; Beptomber, 39 3-40; oats- opened, in —September. . . . .L . . BRYDONE . I . . . . . . . al. river on Monday, "BE OF GOOD CHEER*" -The-State . . . L I � . - I I . I . " L I day. Two.. m6dical' � stuAtinti, L who Magda!' dg . a on the-Dologoarailm. . . . to QrOSS -the, VA . . .1 � .. ., . Depwtinont has received , _ . I ri . . , . I . .. L . 11 I . xc�. 2. cash, 2 , Soptaa,kbe , 24 13-4c. A. ehequo 'was ree, lved at � Ottawa). t . a" b' I I W . ' . . . ­ . ..: . . . I I L . , . . Pot r L .� I atched I the tiffe ' L . . I LICITOR, with the- British In,'his rear,. L Nothing .� ., I . . I .... a cableK-ram :from . Cqnsal-General far �S50, for the,, relief. of the fire suf- .w cts of 4b ead � ' . . BARRISTE R, So . . . . . . o,.2, eash,. . 51c. Clov6i seed- 16'' d ly way,, and oondem,fted too death by court . , , . . . . .L .. . . ean as, yet be -'added to General 'Minister Cbriger Informed Of the Gaodnow at Sh,aughati, � anxioun 'Ing Rye -N . L. I * ' ' ointly . refased*to L . .. L. � . L L . . - - that a considerable ,.British a . ch- 1898 Prim . 6 L .1 . I 't I . I . I I I � . A01)2'xts' despatch that I .." . P 10 0; 189j,- prime, $5.40; Oo- farove, dolleated in the' field,near Lgreen drug, will j, .wri a a book martial, was.duly shot�i. ,us Notary Public, &o. L I I I � . I a . t Generals Me� I Advance of the Allies., det Bloemfontein, by the.NorthumberlandL of theIT obsiarvations. � I disclose. his accloinplices unless the * . , . I I . 2; No. 21, $4.65' oll-lUm- I .... . . . . . Orricnw-Bcaver Block; . . . OL"'TON thaea�avvd W I. -meat of troops had,been'landed for tober, $5.17, I- .1 . . Fusiliers. - . -, . I . .. . I . B<)era' . �. . iiabenew may -be able .to A dwpa�clklroun Washington, sayf . L ' L . . I . I a . I . I . �-.O- � I � wq4ld agree to p9a,re his jife, a . I . —7- --k . a � - . � oheolg his flight. .1. . . . I � . -A message Ifas been, serit to Minister the, protection'of the foreign settle- c1anged. . . .." . ' . I � . I . .. . condiblon:which was refused. . . . � . . I OONVEYANOI , . . . . I . . . . I I . ment at. Shanghai. No protest. was Milwaukee,'Aug.' 14.--Whoat-Firm; Montreal is to li.avoi a. new palatial . - I . - , . . . .. 1. - ­: I . . . ­ ­ . � . L. . 'Gen6ral, Delarey's success, at Elands Conger by the State Departinent in, r do bby the'L American Coasul-Geh- -1 . � . . arth- botel' an -Dominion Square. It wilt ABOUT.XI�G HUMBERT. . . . . .. . ___ ---.. L I .. - . . . ,- -.- — % , ' L' I i 2 1 � . . I 1. ­ ­ : rjvcr between teeirust and Rustenburg �eply to the despatch reicalved grain r,;I, tit qhe says the merchants lat $0, 1L Northern, 76 'I- c; No. 2 N. necessitate the - removal of St. 'George's . . .. . 7 . .. I . . . . .1 . . I. . � . . . . - OHN RIDOUT . . � I . . I I . . Shanghai disapprove of the detivin of ern, 74 14 t6 75 1.�2c. Rye -Steady; No,'q I .. . , I i . 03. . . I . . . i . . . ' that ` h8.can him late omTriesdaY. I . I ' Chantoterisift-4 iX.the AssaAsinated .111ow - . MONGOLIAN LAB . - . . .. is a 6uf0ciant,'indication if It advises him -of I ly'. ehuxch and. deanery sehoot'hou a, the ' 111.4! , � . . 1. I .. I . . . . . I CONVErYANVER, COMMISSIONER, ETC . I L. - 1 51 1-2 to 53 1-2c.1 Bittley-SteDU , 's . 11�11pblved loy 11114 llelbl&. , * I '. . � . : I— . I . .1 . . I., , -bother General the approach of the. relief column, and Admiral Seymour, fearing it will,in I I . . � . L ,��� . . . .. ' ' " par- . . . - I . I . 1 . . . � I . L � , 1. . . get morth he may ye.t . . .L . the -anti-foreign. 'Chinose. . odisf. clvurel� and ' I . visor ... r, L . I eite L . , 39 to 480. .Dominion Meth, . . t r- I �; � . I ­ . lei Real Estate - for a' . -time.. Notbing'.1s, exboxts him, to be of good obeer.* The t tea No. 2, 49 � to 600; sample .L I . - . ' - King Humbert Is described, as in re- The Tien T.,kili 4. oolic- Nat as 11111 r4in warke � re I Mon.) Lend. .1 . . I .. Ro,134is. I olue . I is rued )at the State Depart- , g . 14. 1 Our receipts at sonage,,and the Y.M.C.A.. :'. .� - ' . . . is I' . L - I . .. I . . * ' . . t . . imown here of thet strength � of 1. the despatch- Was seat direct to Minister mant that .the jUnIted. States Govern- '.T . oroato, Ang. L 14.- . . . . Brookville . ratepayers hav;e deelar- pid; gi:fted with s,p!A�mdid enthusi'dim . I . lis Soul.heri0trqther. , . . I I I I . I . � . L OFFICE -HURON STRFET, . CLINtON Ia ' . . a Conger ab koki . n, and . .a I dtip . Heats of -ant -will enter no protest at land- the weatexn cattle yards to -day were of at times, and frank dnd open in, his Laboi in -China variefi'lit its off- : I � E nda -river garrison. bat it Wit * ' * is-. ad, by a Vote OZ L413'tt) 67, in favor I . i I- � . � - . , . ' . . . . I � . . � ... . Ing - troops, its it concedes the right'of forty carl.oaAS of live stock, Oompr . . . treatment. of his subjects, says .: — . . it ,to Corasul-Gaperal Gdodnow, .itt .. . . pwobasing a'gas and electric light - . . L . r .a . Clancy, a6ewding to.. place, and, ouri- .." . . . . I probably. -small.. . . . . ... . J I . . . .. . ., . , . . any power to protect its citizept. Ing 600 oattle,Laoolioga, 500 itinibs and writex In the .Now York ournal. He anal � ta vary - .. MEDICAL . I .. . . .0. . 1. I Shanghai. Goodn6w was - directed. to 4 h- I t � r $100i000. The votei showed . 7 -Unlike Europe. seams . . . 11 - . . . I I . I ­ w are they are deartied, to be in tlan- shes ,', a vloz6m muko_* - and a * fe.vi Pla-P fo . . . . hits been O&wn. as the most martial Lrivexisely With,the temperatares of '-'L L ______ . . . . .L I : LORD ROBERTLS' REPORT. ilia gar. 1. .. . . I op 1. I I . � a large majority in favor of ma, ag-i . . . , . , spare no 1pal or expense to got the I .. . . I L n .. . . . L ' I .. . . I . . . � . L ., . . . I . . figure am(mg European sovereigns, ,the climate, days a wwiter in London , R W. GUNN .. . . . I . 1. . . L I I . . . ._ L . inewAge W Miniater,CQnger, L' I � . : 1. _1� . - . . : . L I cal.v I ea. - '.. �. -, '­ L ' . .. . .1 ing'the Plant 'by five commissioners, . I . . D - L I I � . I . .1 L . ,� . . . . Wa.Wa4 rAther a eaVYL - sto Potwar CLO" jiL with: the passib�ls - excebt, an .L Of the TelograPh. �. At :Tien-Wn and . the ' . - , - R. C. P. and L. It. C. S,, Edinburgh. . garrisfilith . Captured - and severe - fte G,6vernmen6 officials here .re� . . The . h ran 0 ex Th6 Cat L _ giV " I . - I I . . . . I .. or t I an .. .1 .L I . . . - L . . 1. . t .. I . ' . L Emperor. H . a n Poxts it takets much longer to . - L' , , .. . L - 9.. MAY GO VIA RUSSIA., Part cattle, buo . t.he rather better - Germ . 6 .has kept' hi 110(rthe�r Night caPs at froutdoor ofresidenecon Itatten , ' Fighting at � Eland s RivOl'. - . ' . gar;d bhosituation as vary dangerous . L -L . - , 11 . . . . the �tight - of: way. through Hamilton, . ,an . . . . � I .. . . ' I ' . I ­ _ , I .. . bury street, oppo . site Presbyterian church. �� I A � des . Pate .h from , London, - says.- .to MinisterVoliger and other foreign- . . � .., - � — L . . ' . markets In the Old Country probaba body lithe -and ,active by abstemious ,load and unload. oaxottas than at ths, ... - I I . . I . ... . I I I . . . . . . � will'build an elaetiJp railway.to Galt, , I L . I I . r era in Pe - German Troops to Use the Siberian lvb a feet, as. we. had. a. bxisk. living, andLIS a daVotee of theL vege-. PC),rtis Of the Yang-tse.' and the hus.i I I . OPPICE-ONTARIG STREET, CLINTON. ' ,' Lord Atobarts. *reports to the w,j � L kin, and grave doubt is ex . . RaIlWay, L . . I . . ad ome of . 'and later to' Guelph,, With'. cOnneO7 .. I L. . . �. .. ., �' - - bandxy of t .. he a I Abo , -_ __4 I. *.* __ , .___,___.__ . _.... L ., � . . .1 . ' ity into. touch � . . - I Offlc�*e as followo:--7 . . . pressed whother , the international , : . . . I domand-for all the good cattle atfrom tion's it wiu�briug the 6 tarian syste)m . I 94 we'less Oaks in � . I . . I _ . . . I . . n reach Pekin in time to rescue I * - 4 to 5 W - he - L . . vinces than it does .. R.WM. GRAHAM . . He owns palaces in, all - sections - of ,the noTtAorn pro ' , I . D L .. . . . . "Harriamithaurrandered on August fcwee 64 I I A Aespatch from'Hambuirg, says: , 4 3 o per pound; IigItt'6hiPPeM ith loo,000 persons through an ur . � . . . � I . . . L . .. . I (Sumnsoott To Dit. TutiN.FluT,r.) - . I seems to the Ministers, ..-I , .. . I . . The, Hamlomriger -Correspondent an- are worth from 4 1-4 to* 4.5-�80. -per I L ... Italy, and the expanses of't6 maiam lower down.. 'In faoti the, northern -r . ­­ . . . L CiThe aelg4bourlug-countrY ., . . I . . . � . . . ly service. L � . I . I . . . . ... . . ' iair � 0- .L . '. . ' . . . . 1; . - . ces rim as a . a ehrale te�iance of these .takes up tw' thirds "G. seem inclined to hibernute and � - Licentiate of the Royal' College �i 1�11Y- . be qujob.. . L . I - , . noun . under ht Pound. ,, There W. I It a- , . The Al ania Central Railway, Which . , L, ' .' . . . I : ­ �. . , I . 1. . . ' . I. . . . I 9 ' . .i . . - allowun a o .03,800 uIlOW. tha�'r�gor., Of the Winter to on. . .. ' stdiano, I L London,Hng. . , ., ' , I . t . .. . ' . I in titchat cattle was h vLc uIred the charter of his civil 0 . I '000, . . : L .. I " L sonal negotiations between the Czar and privir. . I 4 .. .1 . - The BOOTS attacked the garrison a L di .1 The *trada b as q I . I OFFICE AND RICSIDEviCE-401+11a's Block, lately Elandva river on the morning .ol BOBS MAKES A SPEECH9 ,and Rat ror William bave resulted d With all his faults. K . Ing Humbert has man' L118M -instead '-of apar them, to . I ' .. . . I . I I . I. pe A U, As wa. bad more than the demin Leg of the olvl'Hudso� Bay and Sault . L I . . . . ., occupied by Dr, Turnbull, CLINTOI�-. - , . .. . . . . t� - . . I . I I . . I I., I . . L . I .1 . . It . I I es �� L . b most geideroua. Ho not only paid 110tivit.t., -Still, aftei wativitin, . I I . . L I .. I :. Augualb .4. ,Infqrma ion mas. sent to . . I . . . t .1 � .. I . in an arrangement ,far the. convoy -7 re&lred, good stuff aoId­at-steadY Ste Mitris Railway Company, will SX4 can. I . . . .g -gangs � . . , I .. - . I I I ho' I . I - . . *L t I . . ­ . L. .. . bitt Go I Inman atl . I . off the I - . � His Greatest Pleasure. the Welfare - . L 1. . . DR. SHAW , I Carrington, w Wets On .his Way ; O - : . I - . L ance, of' German troops �o Chima by prioes, aft drag)ge,d, and onstrive- . emormous. debts of- his father, Of 00111ow Working -in many places, it . . . .1 I . I ofthe Soldiers. � - : - .. of it did not sell. .1 � . . tend its Present, line, under o . refu I sing all offers of, assistance from May safely, be assetteA thati '.the " . . . OFFICE I" ' *L . ' Eland's Tiv;Br.'. Hamilton'. Who * . .. . I I . way Of the Russian and Slbeirlan.rail- much tion, from., its terminus at Mi,santlivis . L aVer-� I .. . . : L - . L Ian . ' ;ookevis, feeders, export and light the Statei but Ito has Lbe it' a moot agezesC and genuineness. (gothe ' . L reAche I d Rittistenburg Yesterday,. i . ' III not be, used St . ' , Bay. g5o a . . .op.. at h. 1rom Ptetoiia, says', .' y4, but'the rout' ' I ti- to, Moose Faetory, on Itudsor I I ir L . ojt.�. ..A despa c wa e wi. . . . L I tell . . .. ' . . . bulls ... . - 'or JO those.6i all . ONTARIO STREET�, 6PPOSItO English Win I �, . , . , and inlloh cows remain Prao . I I I I charitable niattaich'as well labor are superl I . . . ad hearing heavy firing' InAbe diree- ManY. Boers are comilig in from.. the by dity.largo body of troops, as Lthe gedLim I I . L . .L 1. . . . - . . . L . I . .. I . . y na. .1 . . � . . . E land's river. . Tio-vI4 the bush veldt and Surrendaring .1heir cally unchafa prree. I ' niles. - GREA1$ BRITAIN. .! . . . xcep . I CLINTON. . I . . � Von of . L I -sea 'route N more expeditious.. L . . oalvw mold better to -day, with- a L . . . .� CHARITY FOR.THS POOR,—. . . tiOn, 'with, Parhaps, thw�o tion ;of , , ' I I . R � . C. W. TROMPSON I . . � . I . firing seems more disbant which looks arms at various stations along the - ' . , I L . - . I I I I . isteadi enquiry for a few choice veals. . Four eases aud.two deaths from the - .His cha�rlty in . many instances has ollir:ow.n, From this -it does not fol. I I . . L D L as it the Rland's river g'arrison .. had iillway between 11sre and Middle, , . L . * Hogs are steady and, unchanged. bubonic plague are reported.froM Lon. been foo L r the dir ' act welfare of his, Jow that: the: Chinaman, like'the.tGa-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. L ' � . . . . 400 MILES IN A COFFIN., For prime hogs, sealing from 160 to . I . .. I I. poorest.subSeets. A few. momtba ago d0n."docirier," does.not. know how tv� ' �L I . L I . . . . - I been relieved -and .was roNring towards burg. .. * I . � L . 200 lbs. the top �rioe is 61-4c; thick don. . . . ,. wheil he choqses,' . L � I I � OrPrOH ANn RpsinExon- I L . Zeeruab", . . .. . .. I Lord Roberts opened the Soldiers'. . L I L MMSI L L fat) hogs, 53-8c; lIgAt hogs, 51 -to per . . -�Birmingoaru �uakers are opposed.to he gave #30,0.00 to organize in ambul- Play '�cia` canny! I I . I . . . Next to Molson's Bank Lord Roberts I -in another report, dat. Institute on Mdndi�; In his- address, Means Adopted by L .on ary to pound. * . . conferring the freedom of ilia city on anee sexvica. for the maltiria-.strickin I had .the expeirionce of being abroad I . . NTON.' L * I I I . he said tht . a first function of this kind I Escape From Chinese, . . Foftorwing is the ran ' of quota� . f I . villages. of . his kingdom, a sum . that- Odle of the las� of the China mer- .1 ad at Pretoria,. says:-.--� Kitchener, is . . .1 I qe . .1 Lord Roberts, � , , . ' 1. . I . I ­____ � L . I . with-, the fares south of the Vaal he'presided 'over 'was in India some A despateb from Eking -Kong, says: 610w:- . I . E nglish colliers think the exception. .he could III a1fardto give, -in view of 'Ohants, steamship to Idave Ton I . . I L gktI . DENrISTRY . I 1. I I . . 'ea- arrived here from the I _. I . catitm. Ifies th i3i the enormous expense of maintaining be�foro the Pe,_ho, L wa . . L I L . river. Za was joined Yesterday by a years ago. The Qommander-in-ohief -Xissionari at conditions Prevailing justi a I . I a closed by lee ... . . . . . I Hunan. gave reports of Shippers, per owt. .Q 425 S 500 . in asking fq,r an increased wage. his. establishn uts. Than, too, he eon- to Water tra . .1 I L . � 46rong detacMuent of . Barbait's said his gxeatest Pleasure was in'the PrOvinc,Q Of . Butcher. choice . do. . 400 450 . . 3�B _ � We, and the coolies am* . I . . D.R,AGNEW . kimant.". L Welfa � re of the soldiers. - He thanked terrible ,suffering and privations an_ Butober,modi.,toffood.. 324 350 Ban Tillai" of the L Dockers' Union, verted the provinotion, and sale of Played, happened. .to be . in race! . Pt of . . . " . � . * L . DENTIST. 'L L � . . ItUss Brook, Miss Hunt, find the other dured blvere. In escaping one ofthein, Butcher, inf L erior. . . 2 80 815 has been chosen candidate foi the next qttlnine Into a Government Monopoly, manthly wages' : It Was neither � I - - . .1 . . . CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK. ' -. . . ­. __ ­ - _­­. . - I ,. organizexa of the institute. I . waft carrl�d 4W miles ina coffin, the Stoo . kera, pe� cWt. '.' . $00. 350 election by the trades u'nions of the and thus ralftoved it from the axtro� tileir obJeot,nor their desire to abut - . . . � I . L I . .. ­ - . - I . division. -00 LqUiakly'L So . . __ . I nese, Dub of the I t1balate methods of dragg . . I L ­ * . I . I Chi vemerAtIoA for the I Sheep and LaAq*. , '. Swa'nfta parliamentary ists to with- down.for the winter t . Orvicc-Adjoining Foster's .Photo . Gallery, I L . � . � � . . Cwb, L , . , . . 11 . . I .. I I . . . dead, nob insisting on a close scrutiny. Sheep, per 325 875 The'Earl of Clarendon has been ap- it, reach of the people. . they resolved to take full. ti a. and . - . , CLINTON, OiT, . I iTHIN. . . I END OP THE '"'AR. ' .L . . . . .. � I Spring Iainte, each. . 200 400 I . . . . I a in I � .. I . . -L - .. I .eeding Such acts an these have endeared, more I __ I I . . - Lots of .. . �._ . . . . '. . L. :1 . . � 1* � ' , ' )luck,%, per owt,. . . 950 300 pointed Lord Chamberlain, sued L .. sometbi'ag. n ge�ftlng' the cargo, land r � 'afV�a L , . Lord,, Hapetoun, recently appoilited King Humbeirt to a vary great Rum. aboa.rd', both from the. wharf and at I I . . VErERINARY , I 1. . I p e o p I e OMelal Statement In the British AMMUNITION I FOR ,CHINA. - Milkers . ' ' I n bew of his subjeots.. His goner . osity Tong-ku and outside.. the Taku bar � - .. . .. . have thin � Commons. I .. � . -4 I Cows, each. . . . 2500 4560 Governor�General Of the Australia I LACKALL & BALL � I . . Calves, eaCh. . . 200 1000 I - commonwealth,. his kindly boa ring toward his subjects, frout lighters. It chanced that this , , B . . hair. Per. A despatch from London sitys.-In ManUfaetUPerS L Ordered to Supply . .Hog�. The Birmingham and district ifeens. and his personal honesty have been cargo mainly consisted of peanuts for I .. I VETERINARY SURGE014,9.. GOV- � , haps .the House of Commons ,on Tit sday, . All 'they can., L Canton packed in, matted, bags o,f . ERNMPNT VETE RINARY INSPECTORS their a I I Choice hogs, Par owb. 000 625 ad saloons have abolished the "long withoilt quqation. � .. . . I � L .. . L . . _ F I . I Under-Seeretary of War Wyndham A despatch from London says i -&n Lighb hogs, -per OWL - 500 525 pull,' cuatoin, and in future will give King Humbert has never been the roughest make Aoh bag Was OFFICE, ISAAO STnErT - REsitinNcs, ALur�RT parents- . vast War would be over, order for tbirky millidu rounds (if Heavy hoga,.,pex owti. 512 1-2 5 97 1-9 exact 4vioasure to cubtomers, owing to I . mpradar's clerk who .. I STnr,nT, . drINTOR. - . i , had thin , said the Trans I S01�4. L . . . . L .. 825 860 ovezed wiLh,great intellect, It has passed to the do - __ - - � a' , ths noreaso in beer ut . . h , in three weeks. . I I . small arms, ammunition is b ing-fill- Staga, , .. ' - " 1200 L .'2 50 . I d Y. t timaes he has stuck' a tally into the saok, and'ft .. AUCTIONEW? L I 11r, ,. r- . . - . . . . . L . . , . .1 h . .. . - ad at the Woolwich arsenal for ship- . - I L The Sbiah of Persia has bought a Wen. too stanchly obedient to the eon- was then booked ou by'a row of . . L 21)s &e L - . L . . . . L. .. . MAI eir ment t6 Chfma,, It is stated,that the - .. . I clock from Messrs. Benson of Ludgate, stj�utiou, and at othor times too neg- booties into Cho ship?a hold. Not only . I . . I I THE RAIDERS ROUTED.'. .. '. I T HOS. BROWN childre 1; I .1. . I I .. . 11 . . ammunition, makers throughout the CARRIER PIGEONS IN ENGLAND, London, which -will show him at 9, leetful of its requirements. was it possible.to make all this a vary I LICENSED AUCTIONEER, . . country have also been . ordered to fur- . . . � glAno'e the time in Teheran and in , THE KING AND THE POPE. slaw PICOOesss but thei Very lingering . hair. But this does Boor Commando ;`W�hjch- Derailed a nish all they can. I � . . Englishmen in all quarters of ther � I . , . � Sales conducted in all parts of the Counties of . I t,061ve other places, such as London d be turned into a practical pur- Huron And Perth. Orders left at Tag NEWS not make it necessary Train Badly. Cut Up. . . .. I 10 .1 � Island are training carrier pigeons for Bombay and Washington. . l Victor Emmanuel Wrested Rome cot', I I . - ItEcoRn office, ClIntoii. or Addressed to Sea , SMATION DANGEROVS4 the purpose of systematic transints- . I train the Papacy, and tho.aon,, Hum- pwo_ The book, if judiciously Insert., - . . forth P. 0. will receive prom for them to have. thin "A . . Mira. 0. Ernest Oswand. o 4 oauwd. a: constant stream of pe c?t attention. Bat- despatch from Xroonstado says:� I. I i sfaction guarantoader no o iatgaA. Your pat- Oommandanb Theron who commanded . — I . on of messages. At the Crystal Fat. I . f Edgbatt" bort, has been unrelenting in his at- a- - r onage soUcited. I! hair. . § . al ton, England, has at the front two titudo toward the Holy Father, and nuts to fall out, and these were In. — 1. - i the Boor flying pairol. that derailed .-,panish MiniStOP Cables to His GOV_ ace' a pigeon, post has been establish. brothers, eight first cousins, forty. . AMIN, . I One . . ad, and It Is said to be working per- vice versa. The VaLlosin has waged stautly stored In handkerohiefs and MISOELLANEOUS . � and burned last Week, near Honig- ernment. thTee, ateand -cousins and an uncle, Xtalian taken as "Porks" by thei hungry work* ----t. thing I espa, .-Tho featly, Numerous clubs have sprung ea. unnecessary war upon the . I . =� you I , ying United' A d tah from btadrid, says, up, which carry on regular commun. making fifty-four fighting ralativ State. Humbert flatly refused to re- Ine'13, It may be imagined haw etla.� , ! 0 EO.,TROWHILL - . I . �St,atea Consul Stowe and flying the Foreign Office hm reeelvad from Senor Her mister,is a nurse In Marltzburg ux hours. werti consu - Leation with continental pointe; by . store to Leo XAIL his . ecclesiastical fly twanty-fO .. med. I � . . 11ORSh8�1WER AND I may . I Stars and Stripes, has suffordd a loss Do Ciciagan, Spani�V Minister at Pekin, means of' these "postmen of the air." Hospital. rights, so that the Pope would reign In this pleasant pastime. ' . I GENERAL BLACKSMITH, rely I r of three killed and ton severely a despatch Of uncertain date, destirlb- Xt to thought that England's trained Out of fifty samples of milk exam. with supreme temporal power in When, however,. It is a question Of . ! Woodwork Ironed and first-class material and ,tuati&n as very distressing . Ined by the medical officer in the par. I pleeowork, either directly or ludireat*,, .1 work guaranteed. Farmimplementsand imi,. ,upon— I Wounded, in a rear guard 4oblon near Ing the sI pigeons Will be Immensely valuable to Rome� . I I . I . chineg rebuilt and repaired. . , : Kroonatad. with the mounted infantry. and dangeradfi, and, .confirming the a ish of St. Pancras, Laildont only � six. to p, 0 . i - The Bribiah sustained no losses. previous reports as to the attitude of the ocumtry 'a the event of W r' It tacit wore found to be of normal eon- I'lit differences betweeo tl apaey ly'.Lhrough the labor ,contractor or, . . joBn wa, 179pr.,CIALTY. . . . - - Or . . � . . 4. . Cho, Chinese Government.. in recalled that one of Lord, Roths. dition. the other samples being dirti,, and -the Itallan, Government have 94agmaistd1r, .WhO Plays so large a . ALI)MRTSTREET. NOItTIT, CLINTON, I . - . . child's Pigeons brought to England mle'robea, .pus and tuber. been asoaroa of great grievance to part In the Industrial OTgtinl2atlon of . I . .-- ­­ ­ . ­. � .. I ­ . . - . � .- I . makes the hair healthy I I I � - I t1va first news of the battle of Water. containing . I relativas; of the royal family. Prin- the Celestial ,empire, the hours are . I and vigorous; makes i25,000 MORE TOOPS loo; and that large use was made of cute bacilli. . . miraculously shortened and theships . . I CHUCHOWFU MASSAORL such blxdm during th cess ClPtItIlde, Cho king's sister, even I JOINN To EMMERTON. I At grow thick isind . .--.-* I � 6 stage Of Paris- 'A man fell from the cliff at Torquay� refused to cross the threshold of the seldom, exhaust the givem time in port THE 1,10ADING BARBER .11 - and for four days and five, - to before they are ready to go to a � . lonit. It cures dgn- BlIsslia to Pont Men Into China In Two 114: 9. Lady Missionaries Among nights lay Ouirimal. when she went to Rome I ea or . AlsoAgontfor . . dru-N also. Pnorm6us Numbers. I the Slain. With Uhs head split, his back broken u.1% river, as theI case may be. SURANC14 COhIPANY . . . 'thin the deathbed of her husband. . ------ NOw— . STANDARD LIPP, IN, A despatch from Lotidon, Wadnee- and otherwise injured, while wi . Ilead offloo for Canada, Montreal. I It always restores day, says. -Tho, Daily Graphl6ls gehas A despatch from London, Wednes- Woman pin from left to right, men earshot of cottagers, who mistook hIs And for atinilar reasons many mon- . I Insurance fit force, - - � - , $116000mo . ' day, attya-Among the miseellaneoug archs of Europe have refused to re- SIMPLE MOUSE THAP. Invaltmentsin Canada, - 13XI(M color to ray - hair, topol coxreApondemt claims to have the from right to left. Women button groans gild orled fofAba .moaning of tu;Tm visl(A paid to them by, XIng A, common pun . all the dark, r1eh col r best military authority for' stating news from Shanghai is a confirmation from right to left, man from loft to the wind. . ch bowl may be Established 1825, The old,rollable and favortle. 11 Oppog-Smitweblook. opposite Rio 0310 of early ,,,e. There is Mat Russia proposes, In addition to of the reported massitoro of mission- right, Woman stir ,front left to UNITBI) STATES. I Humbert and Queen Marguerite, quickly made into a trap for eaptur. I ,� . ariea at Chuohowfu � including two right,' their ted, for InStamta, man NOT &CREATIVE XING. Ing. mice. Tako a Piece of thin shingle n � 0 n6f no longer need of tho troops already despatched from Atnorie-an ladies. � from right to left. Women seldom Philip Sohnorimaii, Who at Utica, X, It cannot, he said that Humbert has . � . Odessa to the far East , 7-, while driving, broke his nook is about an Imob wide and two inobas EXP11RIEN09 , , to embark I - I . I . � __ I - ___ your looking old be. 125,000 more at that port before the I 0 know the Aifference between aright recovering, 60 the dootors say, been it oreative or a masterful rul- long. WrOm 0110 end tO the other, I . . I . � __ . , fore your time. and of the year. Arthur Boan, eon of & well4nown and loft shoot and it a housemaid Thomas Sheirldan, of Iron Xoma. er. Whilo Italy has enjoyed freedom taper to center, That ist out from . I I I I I - . . glaekbura tra,di-Aman, was returning brings uo.a man's boots she will, to,lm, Xioh., fell 1,800 (cot dowii a Lr6mi waxe, the country, has not grown both tidges to a point, so that the stick I $9.00abottle, All drugglas. them so fibaft in,,#, mine thare. 110 was out in In strength durin ' Itumbort's reign. � I .. - home, at night, when he was 4o nine times Out of ten, place 9 wIll be Ono imahl wide at one end and I I . i 4 L I "Ma,ronved orrestorbiN6616f ,00sted . . �� tO the hair t ivileVe Aybr's Hair BOER PRMNERS. by , man wbo, acettood him of having that the points will dirtirgo, two. Ito has been a, kind and just monarch, poimte.d at the, other. NOW bait the Vigor It" no vial, I as &I* ."w dofiorted his wife and four children. . . Now York polloft offle6re are A. . to his Aubj6ets, bat has not Won the point and ast tbo atick up odgetwis6i KS given ma o6loplet, "ttifictlovil 0 . I ev6ty *gy.s, - Bat0h of .293 Ills ArriVed In Ut, Boamig Protestations that ho was 60 author of groat Works of development, the bowl reating on the wida tamdo and - � 1. � Mrs. A. X S,raviltz, & . Ceylon. NOT ALL THE FAMILY. vigb6d tb4t tho Plot to kill Ring Although amost soldierly figure on the baited and coming under the . 6. a bachelor belmg diabollevoil, W ac. Ilumbo,rt Was hatched In aft A I . � \ AftYpildid (fighakefolla ddosetI0611111hy Ahg. is, IM, xhimmondipeff,X,V, naroblat I , � quickif a9dertAin Our Ottinian free Lw ethor ith I \ A vlmpal�ch from Colombo, coylon, athmp4altd his assailant and oonfront. Why didn't Daubow stAy at ths likadquaXterd at West Ito'boken. horseback and educated In military,af- bowl, Vle slightest touch at tho W. , Invont oil is Drab Ablyratontab 6. 6ovinklUnka- "NO 01,10 0411WAA0 h a 8 ttict y ,onadent al. HitudbOok On eatentS M6 fairs, Xing Hambo,rt hats never will drop tho trap. . 1, ., tious ,Z o4ya -.-Jfwo hundred and thirty-three 6a the wo1w4n, her mother, and chil- &rm house whera he 61potbd to A detective * a ot nd killed Fred I I Sent f6o, oldest 11 May for tecuring patents. �_� , I I � ( , . I i I . I I I I i � � � � : ; � I , i ; I �, , , , * I - I � ' " 10 y LA _ "' 11 I I 1, I I I 11 � I illn 'h 4 Z, PEXR;FNi P8 R , , T It M4FJ , I Ta"ID1 MAA I raloWs , Cap Dralaw� I I JM16"Ta i capVNIIINTS & I - 1, A 9 oulth Munn & Cb, reom ,fine Vint aenA yatt it book bn no. prisoners of war from south Aff,163 dr6n. To 'him dismny all recognized spend his vadation f ., whild thot brought the Italian army to astate I -p, . � patentil takon t "' 0 ir and 8041# free, upon *6 01wifa flakt, without 0 146, In tho, , , .41tolit. of eteellento. The humiliation of do- Man 8A.0 118196. - It you 46 not obtAin 611 the bonstito . 'arrIved here on Wedilesday. Their and olalmoA him, and subso4nantly the tie tsouian,t attord it. latter Was struggling to 686ape, He. - ru expofted front tht tift of the $C100fic" fimerkA I Doctor kbout if, . ultimato -kiu viAitea his home and u 91%t he got his board for Painting hood been &Trested for kidnapping. (eat at Cho hoLudd of Monalckla Abys- I)o yotk ftq�sn to InsIlaftailt JhAt I I glZ dwtfolstl othle . destination is Dlyataletwiw r9od his Alitkbdi�i,mblylljo,dftt,o,d*boktto 1,01itest6r. .$,().A"It, r4turn,thagrixttedt difficulty boing p6jrtraits of tho family, find thou t �OtAnypt-iontioniquinal. Wt`1110339 One; huna"4 and twenty-thrm -of D6posits of gold dust And bullion -in "ItI&A army wall VOCIV grea . and it o*Wt toll this truthl MIAMI . I 14iMll X"O. lfttriomeosd In Dmvin id that the Xlugld sufferings at 13, A6 shfiano. It is 1m1m61b1*, to I 44, firt otirfil'oviths,$1. Soldbrativiewsookl6m _ _ CIA , I _,g thd taimily we" only two People. Is tta I luI AN&GO"0618rammiyo Now York them are Do6m 22 Irish.AmorleAnsj Oj their Inifit4ke, whieb they jbirenLmal. g* they W nIbA dogs. I i th't s6attle domy offleg duting July .11 and 88 Germ" and ItOl.1aft4ers, ly admitt6d. �69049011 IA Value, $6,260,060, th6 that time were very ktian. , #AY WbAt X Man 6An 40 111AW 146 01", , - 119 , oNett, 0 r St. wahlanov. 6, tu . . , �: I . . . . . . I . I . .. . . . I