HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-06-04, Page 4JAS. McMURCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Bela Notes a speolelty. Advances made to terrners on their own notes. No Additional security required. INTEREST OR DEPOSITS at Current Rates Ws offer every a000mmmodation con - *latent with safe and oonservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS Tu leen on Reel E.ntate et lowest rates etlnternat. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persona wishing to sell will do well to plan their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly ettended to. 'INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire end Life Assurenee compenles, end reepeot• fully solioit your account. OFFJCE HOURS: 10 a.m. to 3 e.at, Businass Bards. FBUUDFOOP, HAYS & BLAiR. Barristers, Solleltors, Notaries Public, Eta, OtSeee-Thune formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderich, W. Proudtoot, K.C. ; IT, C. Hays, G. F. Blair. G. 10 LONG, L.D.S„ D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 0 min, to 6 p.m. W..1, MILNE, M,D.C,M. Physician and Surgeon, nf.D,C,M., Unl• tereity of Trinity College; M.D., Queen'e Unlveretty; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and utettther of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor. Quer for the County of Huron. Office, one door north ot Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. ROBERT 11. UARNISS BLUEVALP0 — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co, Terms reasonable. Sales 'arranged for at' THE STANDARD office, Blyth. F". B. iSCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Salee arranged for at the office of THE STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale stables O 90 00 99 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 09 00 0 Firet•olase Horses and Iilgs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. • [TNG AND QUEEN STREETS, RLYTN. ¢, ntral: tratiord `►int. 14 the leading buainese training school In Western Oatario. We give a thorough praottoal training on commercial subject,) Isaac Pitman's Shorthand; Touch '1'y'pe- writineand Inoornntercial and railroad operating. Bich dem truant is In the hands ot experienced instructora. We assist studeute to positions, Our grad u• stem always succeed tor our courses are the beet, Get our free catalogue end learn more about us, You may enter now. ELLIOTT b McLACHLAN, Principals. o<4 tl.>re4.t/ PAGE l/0'1R— 81.1''1'}i STANDARD—int 4, ignO, �ttlji glint gi tubttrl, At Kinoerdioe on Friday evening 194 V;ngham defeated the 110111e teem in the Lakeside League by a score of 7-G, J, L. KERR, PUBLISHER, 'PHIIRSDAY, Jt;NE 4, 1908 i)/ I11i People We Know Mise Allie Etnigh is visiting in Brussels. 11r. and Mrs, J, L. Kerr spent Sunday in Brussels, Barrister A. 1I. Montieth, of Brits. -.- Brussels defeated Listowel in Brns- selson Friday night in football by a sco re of 3-0, -.- Brussels Football team met their first defeat in Listowel on Monday evening when the home team won by a score of 1-0. The gond wits ,adored out a penalty, -.- The stranding of the Lakeside League so far is :- Club Won Lost to piny Blyth 2 (1 14 \Vingltxm 1 0 10 Licknow 0 1 15 KIM:Ardhle 0 1 10 Goderich 0 1 15 Candidates for the Legislature. CONSTITUENCY, sets, was in town Tuesday of this Addington Algoma Brant, North Brant, South Brockville Bruce, Centre Bruce, North $'nue, South.....,, week, Mr, 0, liorhler, of Zurich, spent Sunday at the home of Miss Maggie Daer, Mrs, 'I`itos, Archer, of Hallett, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, 1Vin. Rath. Air. 11, A, Stewart and Mr, Fred McPherson were Sunday visitors in Brussels, Mr, and, Aft's, Prldhnm, of Oode• rich, are Visiting at Mr, 8, 11, Gidley's, Ilr. Geo. Buchanan, of Brussels, wits visiting with relatives and friends in town, Mr. 1'. D. Dcckwell, District Pits• :tenger Agent for the C. P. R. was in town on Friday last. Air, ,John McQunrrie, of Minnedosn. Man„ is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McQuarrie. Rey. W. Penhall, of Monkton, a. former Methodist minister here, was in town Tuesday while on his way to Conference at Exeter. elf URCH 0101)18. The Epworth League pally Day services on Sunday next will be conducted by Rev. Wut, Ashton, B. D. y: 4 Next Sunday the pastor of St, Andrew's church will 'take "Christ's teaching in regard to His death" for his morning subject, while in the evening his topic will be "Israel's last night In Egypt." :k R ltev, Mr. Hartley exchanged pulpits on Sunday evening with Rev. 01r, Lang•Ford, of Brussels. m 8 0 Sacrament of Lord's 'Supper at morning service in St. Andrew's church, Preparatory service to- morrow (Friday) at 230 p. 01„ con. ducted by Revs, Leckie and Barn- ard. *** IRev, J. R. Mann B. A, has ac- cepted the enll to Knox church,, Auburn and Smith's Hill, and will be inducted at Auburn, on or about the 25th instant. The nlinisters,� taking part in the Induction service will he Rev. Anderson, of Goderich, (Moderator) and Revs. Smith, of Ilan• sail, Leek in, of Londes born, and Sm:ll, of Blyth. A atm wherry festival will he held in the evening of the ei nle day, * The first draft for the Goderich district is :-Gederich, North street, Benjamin Clement ; Vietoria, Ren. ben ,Mitlyard ; Clinton, Wesley, %Vm, J. Juiliffe ; Ontario, W. E. Kerr ; Seeforth, David Rogers ; Holnles- ville, 'Phos, J. Snowden ; Blyth, Wm Mills ; Dungannon, Wm, A. Smith ; Nile, 1V. Conway ; Beniniller, J. 13. Freeman ; Auburn, Albert E. Jones; Walton, H. D. 'Tyler ; Lnndesbnro, Il. E. Currie ; Bityfleld, W. L. Hiles; Varna, A, II. Brown. THE following as the standing in the last Ontario Legislature :- Conservatives 72, I'.iberals 24, In- dependents 2. This gives the Whitney government a majority 01 48. Keep this in Your mind's eye and compare after June 8t1. LIBERALS. CONSERVATIVE, Joint McKay Geo L'Vetter 11 W McEwen W S Buell \V J Paul bete).... 1V 1t Smyth ,., ,.., John 11 fisher W S Brewster, K 0 A E Donovan,,,,,,,,,,,,, J ,T Hunter,.., ,,,, Huh Clark 0 Al Bowman, . II M Jermyn ........ .... R E'1'ruax Dr R Clapp Carleton It P Sparks (R 11 McElroy Dufferin 11...1 Woodst 11 Marde Dundee , Tilos NeDonahl 0 RcKeownHon J P Whitney,..,, ..,. Durham, East ................ ...', J J Preston (ace) Durham, West Thomas Baker 1 H Devitt .... ............ Elgin, East, C W \Vonnecott (3 A Brower Elgin, West F W Sutherlxud Finlay G rllnediarmid Hon. Dr. Iteaumn Essex, North 1 11cNee A Gignnc Essex, South ,Tohn A Auld,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dr Anderson.,.,,,., , Fort William.,.....,Dr. Hamilton Dr Smellie Frontenac H W Reynolds 18 Gallagher Glengarry A W'lel)ongald ,.,. ) R McDonald.,,, t 1 G L Fergnsou,,. ItL Joynt.,..., ,.,.. P McCullough I 13 Lucie Hon A0 MacKay.,,,,,,., (4 AT Boyd Neil Mc0annel . Dr Jamieson Jacob Kohler Dr ,Jaynes .,, ' RB Warren A W Nixon,.,,,,.,,: W H Me.Clemont J J Scott, K. C A Studhotme W H Wsrdrope ,,,,...... ,, Bon J 8 Hendrie A Riddell 3 W Pearce Daniel Poucher ......, .... A Richardson Henry Pringle J W Johnson Wtn Proud foot ........ .... . Andrew Porter Jacob Kellerman,.,. ,,,,,, HEliber.................. John '1' Carrie .............. AIIMnsgrovs ,..,,, R L Gosnell..........., „ P 11 Bowyer Fred Stone Geo 4V Suhmtn.... A E Aons........ ... .... 11aroid \Itwhfn AE ,1 BA Penso..,. 1V F Nicklc J 11 Metcalfe, Labor RJ McCormick 11'lontgmnery It I Towrrs,,. ITon W J Hanna Robert A Galbraith .,,,... Dr. It F Preston,.,..,.., ••••Col, Matheson (ace) W F Wilson , John It Dnrgaysl M S Madole ,,,, ,,,,,. T 0 Cnrscallen,... Wm 'MitchellDr, Jeesop ,, J'1 McEvoy Hon. Adam Beck John Carruthers R R Gamey . John Gillson........ G W Neely Duncan C Rosa,,,,,,,,,,,, 00 Hodgins T C Elliott Grenville Grey, Centre Grey, North Grey, South Haldimand,.. , Balton , Hamilton, East .. Hamilton, West ..,, Hastings, North,.,, Bearings, East Hastings, West, ,,,, Huron, Centre Huron, South Huron. North Kent, East Kent, West Kenora Kingston Lampton, East Lamhron. West Lanarlt, North Lanark, South Leeds Lennox Lincoln London ............. Manitoulin..... Middleeea, ast Alidllesex, North... Middlesex, West Renck .... Muskoka ........... Niplasiuu . Norfolk, Soutlt Norfolk, North .... Northmuherl n,1, E Northumberland, AV, Ontario, Nor•rh Ontario, South Ottawa, East Ottawa, Med. Oxford, North Oxford, Son'h. Parry Sound ...,.,• Peel Perth, North Perth, South Poterboro', East.,... Peterburo', West... Port Arthur Prescott t Prince Edward Rainy River or Fort Frances.,.. Renfrew, North Renfrew, South Russell Sault Ste, Marie Shoop, Centre 8101000, East Siineoe, Wiest Simone, South, Stormont Sturgeon Falls.:,,, Sudbury , 'Peniskaming Toronto, E (A) ... , Toronto, L (B) 'l'oronta, 5 (A) Toronto, S (B) Toronto, W (A)...., Valuable Samples Free Toronto, W (13) ' Toronto, N (A) "I have need your Coltafoote Expec- torant and end it satisfactory in .cases of croup, colds or coughs. I have used it ever "ince I got a trial bottle, and have recommended it to everyone fa need of it. You may use my name and address for teetimonuls if you wish. Hoping it will benefit others as it hal done my children, I remain, MRS, AGNES COMBER." 1069 Frances St., London, Ont. Coltafoote Er, ectorant is the great- est cough and throat eure in the world. It is the prescription of a renowned specialist, In order that every family may prove its unparalleled merits -we will send a sample bottle free to every- one who seeds us their name and ad• dress ase mentions this paper. Can be had at all druggists at 21e. Send your name today to Dr, T. A. Slocum, Ltd,, Toronto. Rani for Fres Sample Today. Toronto, N (B) Victoria, East .... Victoria, West Waterloo, North..., Waterloo, South IVelland .....• Wellington, East Wellington, South 1Veilington, West • Wentworth, North Wentworth, South York, East.,.., ., Yort, North York, 'Vest J P McDougall..., P Marshall To11n Loughlin Capt, C S Kilhnnster Col, T R AiItineon L F Glenns,,, Sam Clarks, W ,T 1<veter Jame:: Carnegie .,. ,,,,,,, D J McDougall. George S'fay ..,.. Dr Andrew McKay, , 'Phos R. Mayberry ,.,,..... John A Johnson,..,,,,,,,, 3 M Godfrey •. F Wellington Hay.,,,.,,, Valentine Srnek Patrick McNulty.......... Geo A Gillespie 8 English CJ, Lahtosne IT 09 Kennedy Nnrmni, lucid Dr, B 0 Connolly Dsmnse Racine Chas N Smith Richard Graham T B Tndhope J A Akitt iN .1 1fcCart.... A Limoges , V Price Angus A McKelvie 1 W Bruce W I' Brysns T H Kennedy G E G;hhard.,,. G Alilaa................• 3 Hunter .,..• .,.. .... J 01 Brigs ,TB )io'................... T P Gardner.,........ 4V ,T Hovey J L;ndala D C Hossaol• Phomas Stewart,........, 0 Roto , W Wagner.,., Gen lA' Sutherland... , Alex McKinnon..., ......,, A W Tyson James McEwing R A Thompson Daniel Reed..., J W Cnrrr, 11 C W R Johnson G (V Vernal James A Ross A A Mahaffy (ace) Ii Morel A C Pratt HP Innes, ITC,,.. Samuel Nesbit ... ...• ,,,, F I) Boggs W H 13nyln...,.. Chas Calder N A Champagne , R 1: Bntier Don Sothecland John Galna,.,. J Gardiner S Charters Jas Tnrrenco Hon N Montieth ,... Tits Thompson . . • •. • , T I: Bradburn........ Mayor Carrick,........ Georg Mooring....., , Geo 11 Phanant ( 11 A Nnrmsn......... ... t W P Niles .,, W A Preston ........ ... . Alex Morris '11V McGarry W 'Pit levetne.,,, W H Hearst A 13 Thomson Inc I F Hnrt... ,.. Ixs 8 Duff Alex Ferguson (ace) 3 0 Milligan..,,...., A 0 Anhin.• Hon F Cochrane ,... (( A Ti Bodey 1 RShillingren ( Hon Dr, Pyne 1 W G Grihhls (T R \\'ititesides........ i E A Tinley Hen J ,T Foy 3 L D !vegan ............. ( Gen H Gooderhain ) L Trailer.. ,..... . Tion T Crawford,..,, P'Phompson....... (A W Wright-, FA Front { W T) McPher:son....,,,, W H McNaught (John Shaw (J Simpson 1 11 flnrnegie (ncc) q ,1 Fox,... IV A Goodwin i. D .... ....... ,ar,knor Dr. IT Alantin G Pat tineon ............ . E Ti Fraser 3,TCreig ' Joseph P Downey ) H Peters-. „....„ ,Tas'Pncher J Brunt.... 0 00111)133,... . 'I' C Regan . .............. . A 1feCowitn ............ .. '0 H Lennox Dr Godfrey hat About a New Muslin Dress ? it)0u want a colored Moslin 100 hrvc some new and pretty designs In pink, blue, green, grey or Mack and 119))),) at pr vas from 10c up to 50c '(Ve have a very large atenir of White Muslins, in small and large dots, ernes. bar stripes and fancy patterns, They are low enough In price to suit evesy puree and the raegoIs exeeptivaabylarge. Bargains in Ladies' Readymto.Wear Hats Now Is the time to secure a bargain in a lfeadydo-ween' Hat as prices in these, tram now on, will be slaughtered. J. A. ANDERSON BI.IiYTH Empire Poultry Duster EXTERMINATES Lice on Poultry, Tlerne, Cattle and IIogs, Ticks on Sheep, and Fleas nn Dias, Large package 25c, For sale at Dr. W. J, Milne's White City Drug Store McMILLAN & Co. WANTED Any quantity of Eggs and Butter at the highest cash prices. Standard Butter 11 }res for sale. itia1ILLAN & CQ, THE GREAT CARRIAGE HORSE LORD RUSTAM Will stand for the improvement of stook this season nearly altogether at his own stable, WI lot 30, 000. 5, last Wawanoslt Wednesday will eo west from his own stable to Westfield and return by Orh line. Will stand at Bill's Hotel, Bel - grave; on Thursday evening. Friday evening will be at Mason's Hotel, Blyth, from 5 to 8 o'clock. He will stand for service at home Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, J. A. McGill. Owner, oorevesoosooso $J Good Advertising Brings Dollars, ittO Io4 Few men would think of (Q 10 trying to repair their own t, watches -they go to n watch- Sy�- maker, (J IL,r) r� Few would thinkoigeiting 1 _i I0� up in court tedofendanaction 1 > � hrouy,ht against tient-they 0 hire a lawyer iBut malty teen conceive the ides of 'nine Tato a highly I spec;ab ed hnsinesslike ed - e' yerrising without triinitl(3, a t and if their advertising faits r O says n\ s that udvartisiug doesn't j i l pay, ',1/474 Adcrrlisiug will pity in)41 almost tiny business if pia- I - pony handled. �Q FURNITURE AND CARPETS 'l'bese goods mast he cleared out, regardlnas of enat Parlor Table, solid oak, worth ria 00 for 82.00. Cobler Sent Rockers, solid oast, u orrh ,.53,00 for J2 (I(1, Iron Bode, white enamel, wort 54.00 for 53.00 500 yards Scotch Linoleum, 2 yard., and 4 yards wide, at 40c, 45, and 50o a square yard. 43 Carpel Squares, In sizes to tit your rooms, prices from 54.50 523.00 each, J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH aint Proteetion You realize the necessity of protecting your house with good paint, hut you do not real'z, the in -malty of protecting yourself against pour paint. 1t all looks alike 1n the can, but one kind alleles oil', the other stays on ; one kind soots looks shabby, the ether keeps new. The ]thud that holds on strongest, locks new longest, Is the Sherwin-Williams' Paint Varnishes, Stains, Carriage Paints, White Lead, Linseed Oil., Roof and Bridge Paint, Barn Recl. It Is the result of a (matter of a century's paint-makhlg expender cc ; the product of the largest factory In the world. We sell it, McPHERS Hardware and Tinware Sa • BLYTH